Wood Nymph
- 1 year ago
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Sarah lay in her small lumpy bed crying so hard the whole bed shook. Her dowdy looking mother was caressing her head as she, too cried silently. "Sarah, Honey, I'm so sorry but we just have to be really good to Daddy Stan. We need him to help us live. You know I didn't go to college and since your Daddy died I can't make enough waiting tables to take care of us. You know you have to do whatever Daddy Stan tells you to do when he tells you to do it. You know you can't just tell him in a minute. Now let me see where he hit you and maybe I can make it better. Here, take these pain pills now honey."
Sarah's Mother Julianne looked at the slowly darkening spots on her 16-year-old daughters face and chest. She seethed in anger. She thought it's bad enough he hits me but to hit my little girl ... Damn that man. If I could just get a little ahead I would take Sarah and leave. Oh why did Harry have to drive so carelessly coming home from his last job? She knew it was partly her fault. She had been so insistent he arrive in time to take her to that damn party. She still remembered her anger the night he died. She had dressed in her best dress and was stomping around the house screaming about how inconsiderate he was to just blow off the party for his damn job when the policeman knocked on the door.
"Mrs. Howell," he had asked. When she had said she was he continued, "Mrs. Howell I'm afraid your husband Harry has had an automobile accident. Ma'am, I'm afraid he is dead."
She screamed out her hurt and collapsed on the couch crying. Of course friends and family gathered around and somehow she managed to get through the funeral but then the real terror hit. She had been so insistent about them always having the best. They lived in a large 4-bedroom house in the best development. They drove new luxury vehicles and went to the best restaurants. She had no idea how expensive those things really were. After all, Harry was supposed to provide them and he did at her insistence.
She was already behind on the house payments when she finally received the insurance settlements. The settlement on the vehicle just barely paid it off, and then finally she received the life insurance settlement on Harry. Things were better for three years but by the end of the third year it became obvious, even to her, that she couldn't continue to live the life she had been. For some reason, none of the men she had dated had asked her to marry. It never entered her mind that it might be because she was so shallow. She always demanded the best on her dates and if they didn't provide it she let them know how dissatisfied she was with their efforts. Few of her relationships lasted more than a month or so. The last year she had not even had a date.
Or, sure, she finally bit the bullet and tried to find work but the jobs she would consider she was not hired for. They all told her she was not hired because she did not have the proper qualifications. That was a bunch of bunk in her opinion. She knew a lot of people that didn't have a college degree and they made good money.
Finally, the bank foreclosed and she lost her beautiful house. She and Sarah were forced to live in a squalid apartment in the hated low-income developments. Like many low-income people she and Sarah moved frequently. Finally Julianne lost her pride and took a job as a waitress in a small café. It was in a blue-collar neighborhood with a lot of factories, warehouses and squalid apartments. She rapidly learned that if she dressed like a slut the men would leave her some better tips. She did not receive the tips she could have earned had she been working in an upscale restaurant; you know, like the ones she had demanded Harry and her earlier dates take her to. She did do better than average for where she did work however.
She had been working there three weeks when Stan entered her life. He was a handsome devil and flirted with her unmercifully. There was something about him she did not like but he was interested so she led him on. He asked her out and she went. She put up with more from him than she would have from another man because she was desperate.
After they had been dating a month Stan brought her home one night and just followed her into her apartment. She turned to ask him what he was doing and he grabbed her and began kissing her while undoing her dress. She protested but then stopped when he told her to shut up and quit being such a damn tease. He was a little rough but she had already learned not to cross him when he was in that kind of a mood.
He led her to her bedroom and they fucked for the first time. They never made love, Stan didn't care if she got off or enjoyed the sex or not. It was all about him and he made sure she knew that. The next night when she arrived home Stan was there. He had his shirt off and was sitting on her couch drinking a beer while he watched football on ESPN. Sarah was sitting at the kitchen table trying to complete her homework.
"What are you doing here Stan," Julianne asked.
Stan had looked up at her and said, "What the hell do you think I'm doing here? I live here now. I'm hungry. How long until dinner?" Unfortunately for her and Sarah, Julianne didn't make a scene or kick Stan out. She accepted his presence and began making dinner for them. Now, almost three years later she was thoroughly cowed and Stan was ruler of the roost. She was sure he had another woman somewhere but at least he did help with the bills.
With a sigh, Julianne bent down and gave Sarah a kiss. "Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry I failed you. I" Both women jumped when Stan slammed Sarah's bedroom door open and it cracked against the wall. He stomped into the room and yelled, "Dammit Julie what the hell are you doing in here with that mouthy little slut. I'm hungry and you haven't even started supper. Now get your ass into the kitchen and get me something to eat." Stan grabbed Julianne's arm and roughly pulled her off the bed, pushing her out the door toward the kitchen.
Stan turned to look down at the still weeping Sarah and snarled, "You little slut. It's about time you learned who is boss around here. From now on I expect you to make supper so it'll be ready for me when I get home from work. I'm tired of you just coming home from school and sticking your nose in a damn book. If you were worth anything you could get a job and help out around here. Since you're not working you can just take care of things here. Now get off your damn bed and get into the kitchen to help your momma."
From that day on if Stan was the least bit upset with Sarah or Julianne he let them know it with blows of varying severity. Finally, he went too far and seriously injured Julianne. When she was discharged from the hospital she and the lady assigned to help her picked up Sarah at home. As far as they knew Stan was still in jail but they didn't care enough to find out. They gathered their meager belongings from the apartment and moved them into a shelter for battered women.
Julianne never fully recovered from her injuries and she died just before Sarah's 17th birthday. Sarah was placed with a foster family when her mother died. The only family that could be found to take her lived in the country on a small farm. She was assigned chores to do after school and forced to work very hard. She worked alongside the families sons and they expected her to do the same type and amount of work as the boys did.
At least she had a comfortable bed to sleep in and got enough to eat. Unfortunately for Sarah and the couple's children the husband believed in strict discipline. His idea of discipline was more like Stan's than it should have been. Almost any infraction of the rules resulted in blows being delivered to the culprit. Before she learned how to do the work Sarah received more than her share of attention. She was constantly bruised and hurting. She was learning that men were animals and were allowed to hurt women who displeased them.
The oldest son, Jared, was lazy so he, too, received much attention from his father. Many times he and Sarah would commiserate with each other over the beatings they would receive from his father. They would hug each other and try to make the pain less. On one of those times after Sarah had been spanked severely they went down to the barn to get away from her foster father. They held each other and Jared kissed away the pain.
Sarah began to feel something she had not felt before. Her little nipples hardened and she felt a tingling down there. She was strangely wet. When Jared placed his hand in her crotch and pressed against it she felt nicer tingles. He gently laid her back on the bales of hay and unfastened the buttons on her blouse. He lifted her bra over her little tits and began sucking and licking her nipples.
Sarah was moaning and writhing from the wondrous feelings he was eliciting. She raised her hips and helped him when he loosened and began removing her jeans. Jared removed her pants and threw them onto the floor. He knelt between her splayed legs and looked down at her. He licked his lips and quickly undid his jeans, pushing them down to his knees.
Jared's manhood jutted out from his crotch. Sarah stared at it with a little amount of fear. She knew what Jared was going to do and she wanted it. She was also afraid of having that thing stuck into her. Jared rose over her, placing his arms on each side of her, nudging his cock toward her little cunt. He jabbed once, twice and it skidded up over her mound.
Jared looked down at Sarah and said, "Dammit Sarah grab it and stick it in. We don't have all day. Daddy's going to wonder where we've ran off to."
Sarah licked her lips and tentatively held his cock and guided him to her wet pussy. Jared had no skills as a lover. He just thrust, then thrust again, forcing his cock through her hymen and slamming it deeply into her young body. Sarah screamed and contracted with pain from her deflowering. Jared stopped thrusting for a moment and grinned down at Sarah. "See how good I can make ya feel baby?" He didn't even wait for her to become accustomed to his invasion. Jared altered his stance slightly and began to rapidly thrust and withdraw, slamming into her as hard as he could until he felt the tingle that he was waiting for.
He thrust even faster as his orgasm rose within him. Sarah just lay there and took it. She was just beginning to enjoy his pounding when he gave out a loud "UNNNNNH", slammed deeply into her once again and held himself tightly to her straining crotch.
Sarah could feel his cock throbbing as he pumped his sperm into her unprotected, no longer virgin pussy. When Jared was finished he pulled from her, grabbed her panties and wiped his cock clean. He stood, refastened his jeans and looked down at Sarah. "Well, come on, we gotta finish the chores and get back to the house fast or Dad's going to be coming after us. Hurry up."
Without even a backward glance Jared walked out of the barn and returned to doing the chores. Sarah lay there with tears streaming down her face. Finally she rose, found her clothes and got dressed. Jared had been so rough with her she had trouble walking without pain.
From that day on whenever Jared wanted sex, he expected Sarah to deliver. She got a reputation around school because he bragged to his friends about tapping her little cunt. At least he did protect her from most of the other boys because she was his private pussy. He told her as long as she put out for him and his friends he would keep the others away from her. The only good thing was she was over 18 by then so could go to the county health department and get birth control pills.
When they graduated from high school both Jared and Sarah left home for good.
Sarah had taken to heart her mother's admonition she get all the education she could. Since her father had left a small trust fund to pay for her college she was able to go to the local junior college. She and Jared moved away from the farm and into a small efficiency apartment together near the college they were going to attend.
Even with her little trust fund and the help his parents gave Jared they were having trouble living. Jared insisted Sarah get a job to help with expenses. She finally found a job waiting tables in a local student hang out. Sarah hid some of her tips from Jared but he insisted she turn over all her paycheck to him for living in "his" home. It didn't matter to him that Sarah's trust fund paid the rent; he still considered it his home. Sarah knew she couldn't make it alone so she did that. This arrangement went on until the summer between their second and third year of college.
Jared kept spending more and more and they were getting deeper into debt. Sarah's trust fund would be depleted before her next semester of college was completed even if she had been able to go to a nearby four-year institution. Sarah had enrolled in some summer courses and when they were completed she would be tapped out and looking for more permanent employment. Jared had complained to her about the lack of money and the debt numerous times. One time he made her cry when he said, "Your damn worthless father sure didn't give a shit about you did he. What made him think you could get by with that little amount he left you?"
Finally, after yet another argument about money Jared told Sarah, "You lazy little bitch. I don't know why I put up with you. You weren't worth much on the farm and you're not worth much here. You need to make more money if you're going to keep on living with me." He pushed her away from him violently. She fell off the couch onto the floor. He didn't say anything else, just glared at her and walked into their bedroom.
Things were tense around the little apartment the rest of the week. On Friday Jared didn't come back home after class like he usually did. Finally about ten in the evening Jared and two of his friends came into the apartment. Sarah could smell the beer on their breath and shuddered with fear. Jared was not the most passive man when he had been drinking. He wasn't as cruel as Stan had been but he did get really rough with her. She was scared she was in for an uncomfortable night.
Jared sat on one end of their couch, one of his friends on the other. Jared looked up at Sarah and ordered, "Go get us a beer."
His stare at Sarah was more demanding, more frightening than any he had yet levied on her. Trembling she rose from the chair she had been studying in and rushed into the kitchen. There were only five beers left from the case she had bought Jared Tuesday. She was terrified they would want more than that but she had no money to buy more. She had this week's paycheck but she hadn't cashed it yet and she knew she had to give it all to Jared for his other expenses.
She brought the beer into the seating area and handed one to each boy. Jared looked at his beer and then turned to Sarah. "Dammit Sarah," he said. You didn't even open the damn thing. What's the matter with you?" He handed the beer back to her and she took it in trembling hands. She bit her lip as she twisted the cap off and handed the bottle back to Jared. She turned to take the cap to the trash and saw the two other boys holding their bottles out to be opened also.
When Sarah returned to the seating area after she threw the tops out Jared called out to her. "C'mere Honey." He held his arm out and when she got near to him he grabbed her and pulled her down onto his lap. Sarah almost fell onto him and sat stiffly wondering what he was up to now.
She didn't have much time to wonder. He reached up and began unbuttoning her top. Sarah grabbed his hands and tried to stop him. He grabbed her hands and held them behind her as he once again began unbuttoning her blouse.
When he had her top completely off and her tits exposed he turned to his friends. "Well, what do you think? You want to try some of this?" By now Sarah was crying and trying to break free. Jared was getting angry and was beginning to hurt her as he held her tightly."
The boy across the room looked at her small breasts and skinny frame. He licked his lips and said, "Yeah, I guess I could use some of that but $30.00 sure seems high for her. You sure you won't take $20.00?"
Jared looked at his friend and sighed, "OK, we need the money so I guess she'll do it for $25.00 but it's only one time for that."
Both boys reached into their pockets and pulled out cash that they handed to Jared. He pushed Sarah from his lap and said, "Get your ass into the bedroom and get ready for the guys."
"NOOO. Jared I'm not a whore. I can't do this," Sarah said.
Jared stood and stared down into her eyes, then pushed her once more toward the bedroom. He was none too gentle about his directing either. "Listen you lazy little bitch. I told you two weeks ago you needed to bring me more money. You haven't done it so I found a way you could make more and still not have to work for it. Now get your ass into bed and earn your money. If you were a little better maybe we could even make enough to get a better place to live."
Sarah was crying as she slowly walked into her bedroom. She didn't love Jared and knew he didn't love her but she still could not believe he would make her do something like this. She was standing beside her dresser crying when Bill came into the bedroom. He looked at her and stood staring at her bare breasts. "Hurry up. Louise and I have a date in a few minutes and I don't want to be late," he said.
Sarah looked up at him. She had all of this she could take. Without thinking she grabbed her purse and ran out of the room away from him. She stooped and grabbed her shirt from the floor as she went through the living room. She heard Jared yelling and cursing as she ran down the stairs of the old apartment building.
Sarah jumped into the old truck they had been using and drove off. Jared hit the side of it as she went past him and onto the street. She didn't know where she would go but she knew she had to get out of there. She was thankful now she hadn't had time to endorse and give Jared her paycheck. She had a little over $200.00 in her purse counting the un-cashed check.
Sarah drove to a city park and spent the night in the cab of the truck. She knew she had to get away now so the next morning she went to the college and withdrew, getting a small refund of her summer's tuition, then went to her work and quit. They paid her for the few days she had already worked and she added that money to her small stash. She filled the truck with fuel and began driving. She had no idea where she would go but she was getting away.
Sarah drove all day eating little and spending way more than she was comfortable with on fuel. The old truck was almost inoperable. Jared had said something was wrong with the transmission. It would not go over 50 miles an hour and shifted gears very slowly and roughly. Once more Sarah spent the night in the cab of the truck, this time beside the road.
Late the next morning as she drove, Sarah began to recognize the country. She was near a small town Jared, she and some of their friends had gone to last summer for a float trip. She thought she remembered where they had camped and decided to stop there and see if she could find work.
After driving around another hour or so she found the trail into a farmer's field and down to the gravel bar she remembered. By now the truck would only go about 30 miles an hour tops and she was almost out of fuel. She knew this would be her last stop in the truck at least. Sarah drove the truck across the gravel bar and as deeply into the brush and woods as she could. Finally she stopped on a small high place completely covered by trees and brush. She felt safe here.
Over the course of the next few days she wandered up and down the stream. She found an old plastic tarp where a pile of hay had been. She brought it back and made a tent over her truck. She began clearing a spot for her fire and brought rocks up to make a fire pit. She found forked sticks to hold a spit over the fire. Thankfully Jared had left his ax and fishing gear in the truck so she could catch a fish to eat from time to time and cut wood to cook with.
After she had been there two days Sarah walked the four miles back to the small town. She spent the day trying to find a job. No one would hire her however. She went into the small grocery store and bought a small bag of food. On the way out she saw the dumpster behind the store and looked into it. There were some partly rotten heads of lettuce and some other produce in it. She took the best of it and a torn open loaf of bread.
By the time she got back to her camp she was so tired she only ate some lettuce and some of the bread then went to sleep in the truck cab. She usually made the trip to the store every third day. Many times she wouldn't even go into the store to buy anything because she was almost out of money. Many times the dumpster would not yield even enough to have one meal. At least she did find some food there and it was free so she kept going back.
As the summer progressed Sarah found more items along the river to improve her small camp. She found a cage that had probably been used for raising rabbits or fowl. She sank it in the stream over a spring to keep her food cool inside. This protected it somewhat from foraging animals. She even kept live fish in it if she caught more than she wanted to eat at once.
When campers or swimmers were around Sarah hid. She was so afraid of people, men especially she would almost get sick if someone came close. It was all she could force herself to do to ask for work when she went into town. That was a useless endeavor anyway. She had asked the same businesses so often now that most of the men would just look at her and shake their head no when they saw her come into the room.
She did have a little more luck on some of the farms and at some of the houses she went to for work. Over the summer she obtained and completed several short jobs of a few hours to a day or two in length. One time in late summer however she once again came across a man who treated her badly. She had never stopped at this farm before and in fact, she had never been this far from her camp before. This place was about 4 miles on the opposite side of town from her camp. When she walked into the farmyard she got worried for some reason.
This farm was slightly run down, the vehicle she could see was old and rusty. She heard cursing coming from the machine shed and walked in to see a man, bare to the waist straining to repair a broken hay mower. He was pale, sweating heavily and had a huge beer belly flopping over his belt. When he saw her he stood and looked at her. "Well what do you want Honey," he said.
Sarah didn't like the way his eyes roamed over her torso as he watched her. Finally she said, "I'm looking for work. I used to work on a farm and I was wondering"
The man smiled and walked up to her. He said, "Well Honey a little bitty thing like you couldn't do a days work on a farm like this one." He reached out and tried to touch her breast as he continued, "Now if you wanted to be real nice to me I might be willing to hire you to take care of my house and things though."
Sarah stepped back and he followed. He stepped closer to her and this time he managed to pinch her breast. She cried out and slapped his hand away, backing up more rapidly. He followed and said, "Hey Honey. What's the matter? I told ya I would hire you if you took care of my house and things. Aint that what ya wanted? I got a nice bed in there and everything."
Sarah shouted "NO. That's NOT what I wanted. I want a job not to be someone's whore." She turned and ran from the farmyard as the man watched her and laughed.
Things kept going badly for Sarah. She was raiding a small garden across the river from her camp but even with that and the food she could find in the dumpster and the fish she could catch she was always hungry. Sarah had tried to get a job at that farm but she could never find anyone at home. The dogs at least were friendly, not like those at many of the places she had stopped. Many times she would see a tractor working the fields but never could get the courage to go to the field and approach the operator. Finally in desperation she returned to the farm where the man had tried to get her to fuck him.
He was in his house when she got there this time. She knocked on the door and trembled when he opened it. He just looked at her for a moment then got a nasty looking smirk on his face. He said, "What you want this time girl?"
Sarah licked her lips and stammered, "I ... Unh, I was wondering about that job you said you had..."
The man laughed and said, "Well now, what makes you think I still have a job for you? Maybe I have someone to take care of me now?"
Sarah was defeated. She slumped and looked up at him. She pleaded with him, "Please. I know I could do a good job. I'll do anything ... Look, try me for a day or two. You don't even have to pay if you think I'm not worth it."
The man grinned and stepped back. He held the door open and said, "Well now girl. That's more like it. Come on in here and we'll see how good ya are."
When Sarah tried to walk past him he grabbed her and pulled her to him. He tried to kiss her. At first she refused then slumped in resignation. She let him kiss her then lead her to the bedroom. He didn't even let her clean up. He just tore off her shirt and pushed it from her shoulders. He began taking off his clothes. When his shirt was off he reached for his pants then stopped. He stared at Sarah standing there. She still had her pants on and he said, "Well aren't ya gonna get them pants off? I don't have all evening."
Sarah looked at him then slowly undid her pants and pushed them to the floor while he undressed. She was getting onto the bed when she felt him push her. She fell onto the bed and the man crawled onto the bed with her. He grabbed her and arranged her on her back. He pushed between her legs and rose over her. She felt his legs slip between hers and spread her.
Sarah almost gagged from the smell of his breath and body when he leaned down to kiss her. She felt his cock head nudge against her cunt lips. He thrust and lodged the tip of his cock into her cunt. She hadn't begun to lubricate yet and it hurt. She whimpered and he smiled down at her. "Feels good don't it Honey. You just wait. I'm going to fuck your ass off now."
The man pulled back slightly then thrust sharply into her again. Sarah whimpered once more, then again as he repeated the stroke. Finally he had forced his cock into her and began thrusting. Sarah just lay there and cried as he took his pleasure on her. Thankfully he didn't last long. She felt him slam deeply into her once more and hold himself as his cock contracted and released pumping his seed into her poor abused cunt.
The repulsive man rose off the bed and walked out of the bedroom nude. As he was going down the hallway he yelled over his shoulder. "I haven't made supper yet. Why don't ya go into the kitchen and we'll see if ya can cook good enuf to keep ya around. Ya need some practice on fuckin but I recon we can improve that."
Sarah slowly dressed and then found her way into the kitchen. There wasn't much there to cook but she did the best she could. If she hadn't filled both plates first before she called the man to supper he would have eaten it all she thought. He completed his first plate then took everything she had left in the bowls and pans. He was watching her plate as if he wanted that before she had finished.
He got up from the table and Sarah watched in fascination and disgust as his small pecker flopped under his pendulous stomach. She felt nauseous when he walked toward her. He reached down and fondled her breast as he said, "Well Honey that was ok. Get the kitchen cleaned up and we'll go to bed."
Sarah washed the dishes then walked into the living room where the man was still sitting nude watching TV. She started to sit down in a chair when he looked up at her and said, "Hey, I thought I said we'd go to bed again when you got the work done. Whatcha sittin down there for?"
The man got up and walked toward the bedroom. Sarah reluctantly followed him. He was no gentler the second time than he had been the first but at least she still had enough of his cum inside her that it didn't hurt as much.
Sarah managed to put up with his insensitivity and roughness for three days but she finally had enough. One day when he was out in the fields she took a few things she needed and what food she could find in the house and left. She returned to her small camp on the river. By now the nights were getting colder and she was very thankful she had also taken two blankets from the farmhouse. She couldn't carry too much more but had taken a good skillet to cook on. She was tired of cooking in small food cans.
A few days later she decided to raid the garden across the river once again. There was a combine working in the field and she had to hide several times to keep from being seen. On the way back to her camp she had hidden in the corn they were cutting. They were almost done and she had very little space to hide in. She was squatting down when all at once she saw the combine coming right at her. She had to move and move fast or she would be run over.
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“When I come to the woods, I am not me.”“And especially when the summer moon is full.”My company moved to new offices, on a complex close to the borders of the city, and I decided it was time to make a change in my life. Since cancer took my wife away, I’d existed rather than lived. I just lacked any purpose. I’d stayed in the same house, our house, and missed her every single second of every single day. And night. Especially the nights. The company moving gave me the push I needed and so I...
OutdoorI know these hills like the back of my hand. I grew up not too far away, and every summer my Dad and I would go up there, into the national forest, by ourselves. I was eleven when we first went up there. He had given me my first hunting bow the Christmas before, and taken me hunting in those woods every summer since then. We'd spend weeks together hunting, without ever seeing another soul. We'd lay out trails and blaze them, far from the tracks that most of the other hunters and hikers used....
According to folklore, every full moon a pair of nymphs with voracious sexual appetites came out to play, looking for an unsuspecting man they can sexually devour. Many men went into the Wakefield Forest on a full moon, but they said they were not accosted by nymphs, so it remained just that; folklore. Wyatt grew up on a farm not too far from the forest. He knew all about the legend and how the townsfolk like to pretend it was true. This was especially true when visitors who visited the town...
Outdoor... then getting more proficient, as you can see, and it was time for... [ ... Team Training in all the muck and poop!] Evening milking went on routine after I did as I had done the evening before wandering into the parlor to find it empty but with cows entering into open stanchions. I started closing stanchions and dropping food into the feeders, washing teats and preparing to put milk machines on udders. I felt cold all naked without anyone else there and it was chilling like for...
If Nutaku doesn’t stop coming expanding their game library soon, then by 2022, half of the world’s nuts will be busted entirely to their content. Today I’m covering Merge Nymphs, which is one of their weirder titles, in terms of what you actually spend your time doing in this game.Now I don’t want to scare you – there are hentai babes in this game and they do in fact suck you off. What I don’t understand is the core gameplay. It confuses me to no end. I mean, most of Nutaku’s other games are...
Best Porn GamesThe Forest Nymph The hunter paced silently through the forest, his bow held at a low ready. The sunlight that pierced the thick canopy was tinted a faint green, and a pale smoky mist collected around the forest floor. The hunter stood a proud 6’4”, and was nude but for his quiver and a small animal skin bag. His powerful lean frame attested to his hunting prowess, his muscles stood like knotted ropes, earned by a lifetime of chasing his meals. He had lost count of his age, his kind did not...
This is dedicated to my Irishgirl, and may not be as erotic as you are used to but it really is just a story for my dear girl. But I hope you like. There was once a wood nymph that lived in the forest of the land of snow-capped mountains and sheep. She would fly through the trees beating her insect wings as fast as she could try to escape a terrible loneliness. She watched the humans coupling, clutching at each other as if trying to become one. She came to enjoy watching the humans ‘fucking’ as...
My friend Andy called me one night about four years ago. He is my age. He told me he had a woman at his place and that he had been fucking her most of the day.He said that she was 55 years old and had asked him if he had a friend or two that could join them because she really loves having multiple guys to fuck because she is never satisfied with one, She told him she was a nymph and could cum forever as long as she had fresh cock. He also told me to warn me she was a pretty good sized...
Hi readers. Thank you for your encouragement through the overwhelming response to my previous story “Losing my virginity to a horny maid”. Please do continue giving me feedback. You could email me your feedback at Single/divorced, beautiful, intelligent women can contact me for discreet fun. However, I do not endorse bestiality or unprotected sex. Okay, let me take you the evening of my date with Niharika. Niharika, was a dusky beauty and my classmate at my graduation college. She was a slim,...
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance is coincidental. It was a beautiful trip so far; my friends and me had been out for over a week. Traveling all the way from Mumbai to Jammu, Delhi and Agra. One of my friend who is an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna suggested we go visit Mathura before we return home. Also it would be shame being so close to Mathura; Agra, we didn’t visit the Lords birthplace. The following day we went to Mathura, we visited Gokul and the Shree Krishna Temple....
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Over the Jyou Sea The island that I had spent my entire life on with fell away. Mother Azuliana’s powerful wings beat as she carried us skyward. I sat on...
Virna Reynolds was lonely and depressed! Her best friend Alicia was vacationing in Europe, and coupled with the fact that her husband of forty years had been gone for less that six months, and you had a woman who wasn't used to being alone for such a long period of time!!! After wandering around her apartment for about a week, she dialed the number Alicia had given to her before she left! After two rings, a sultry feminine voice on the other end of the line answered, "Sensations Unlimited, how...
LesbianI thought that my fourteen-year-old daughter was mature for her age until I saw her in the local grocery store with her two best friends. I was down an aisle and she didn’t see me so I just watched as she flirted with the boy behind the cash resister. They were all the same age and basically the same size too. They were wearing sexy little tops over their skimpy bikini tops. I could only imagine that they had their bikini bottoms on too under their tight little shorts. I watched as they...
It was about nine o’clock in the morning when I met my escort, Marsha, and we headed for Wood Haven. Marsha was in her late forties and obviously wasn’t wearing a bra. I could see her delicious nipples straining at the front of her T-shirt. The school had sent a limousine and we sat in the back, ostensibly so we could talk about what I was going to see that day. She obviously wasn’t interested in school talk since the first thing she did was to unzip my fly and start sucking my cock. As she did...
EroticI was given a suggestion to try and write something I know a bit more about, so I have decided I will share a story that actually happened to me bar a few things and plus a few others. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. For three hours now I have tried to explain the concept to this ditsy blonde but even the simplest explanation confuses her, how she even managed to get into a science degree is beyond me. Well that’s not true I’m sure she must have fucked her way in, with such a bangable...
I could see his car approaching. In an instant my mood did a 180 degree turn. I could feel that little rush that runs up your spine and finishes in a smirky, joyful smile. A thought raced through my mind. I'd fuck Anna this weekend. No, I wouldn't just fuck her, I was going to FUCK her. As he pulled up, the trunk unlatched. I threw my bag in, and slid into the back seat behind Anna. We exchanged greetings and condolences about Jane. Then, as he started to drive, he told me about the...
at my gf house there's 3 computers and my gf and her little sister share the older one mainly for homework and netsurfing. one day when no one was home, i was using that computer to do my online courses when i came across a folder named "personal stuff". i thought it was my gf's so i opened it up and found out that it was full of pictures, video clips and journal entries....of her little sister. curiousity killed the cat so i decided to preview the pics quickly to see what was on them....
To keep myself in shape I’d taken up jogging, but I hated slogging up and down the same roads again and again. As the summer got into full swing running on a hot road turned unbearable. I felt like I was going to pass out from the heat. To get off the road I’d found a trail through the woods to take. It was a lonely patch of woods, but it was quiet, and thankfully cool. Also, running through this woods turned me on. Weird, I know, but I’d arrive home after each run with a raging erection that...
In the Norse world, the deep and vast woods are home to many strange creatures. The most beautiful and wonderful of them all is the Hulder. There are numerous tales of her ability to lure men into peril and death. Even in modern times, she has been sighted on moonlit nights amongst the trees in her white dress, as quickly gone as she appears. I was all alone in the wilderness. My plan had been to go fishing, and I was now on my way to the perfect little lake, deep in the woods where I had...
SupernaturalI used to teach high school and the parade of hot young girls never stopped. Of course 18 is the legal age of consent and they could not be students if you wanted to have sex with any of them. Though I might have fantasized about it I never touched one of my students. One particular student was not that attractive in high school she was not one of the girls that wanted to show off her budding young body. Krystal was peculiar in an emo type of way. I was visiting a hospital in the area...
I have long wanted to meet a sexy young woman from Xhamster for some fun. The girl in the picture is not the one, but... I love the look and sets the tone!! deleted
I have a play pal is not terribly reliable for regular play, but when he does play, he's so willing to please. We play late at night.The first time I tested the waters, I told him to strip on my front porch and come to the door naked. The house next door was empty, front door is hidden by bushes, and the angles of the other houses can't see it.Sure enough he came over and took off every shred of clothing. The last piece off his a little lacey g string, which he seemed to enjoy doing slowly.I...
I never expected to get as lucky – in every sense of the word – as I did with Amy. She was one of the new girls on my college’s all-girls’ Ultimate Frisbee team. 18 and barely out of high school, she already stood out because of her slammin’ bod. The other upperclassmen on the team and I stood watching as the new frosh practiced and tried to show off. I watched Amy’s breasts strain against her sports bra as she ran and jumped. Cassie, my close friend and occasional fuckbuddy, leaned over to me,...
For a very long time, Eve had been a part of the ancient tree standing in the middle of the low-lying ground below an unnamed hill of no consequence. The hill was not much more than a steep rise with a cliff on the other side. It was too dangerous for picnics and everyone in the region considered it a terrible nuisance to climb. The tree was of a familiar variety seen often in these parts but Eve had absolutely no idea which variety it was called. Her grandsire had told her in pompous tones...
Trevir had just received his permit to hunt the woods south of Morrovale. He also inherited Harlen's range, as his successor. Harlen had been a excellent tutor for the youth and he knew the ways of the woods as well as the best and better, by far, than most. He surveyed his main hunting area, peering with his keen eyes over the woods from the small hillock that marked its eastern bound. He was proud of himself, being only twenty and having full rights as a huntsman. Harlen had not died, or...
© 2002 I had bought a small cottage that overlooked the cove, waves pounded the beach, while gulls screamed in pleasure as they dipped and wheeled across the sky. The cottage was reached by driving 2 miles down a deep rutted, rough track; it snuggled into the side of a hill, protected from prying eyes by a small wood of tall oak, beach and sycamore. When I first saw the cottage it seemed to call to me and within a month I had moved in. The nearest village was 5 miles away, the nearest...
My name is Edward L. Humphries. Well, that was my original name, and now I've come full circle and have resumed using it. Today seems like as good a time as any to finally tell my story, if you're willing to listen. I'm 34, average size and build, nothing special to look at. About the only thing that might stand out about me isn't what I look like; it's what I do. I'm a financial manager and investment counselor. Not bragging, but I'm good at it; I've never had a long-term client lose...
One Her meaty body strained to go faster as the pale moonlight softly lit the trail ahead of her. It was just as good as the first time, the surging thrill in her mind caused, she knew, by the morphins flowing so freely after two miles. When she felt this way, it always seemed she could go forever. She could feel her nipples taut, the wet friction of her bare, puffy cunt, the comfortable pressure on her callused feet. She felt the strain in her legs and stomach. Ummmm. She could think clearly...
Roli is a large man. His dirty face framed by dark hair to his shoulders. He wears furs and leathers of his people. A small flint axe hangs from his waist, swinging with each massive step. He carries a bow, his main weapon for this trip. His lone hunting trips are prized and relished. He values the alone time and the hunt. Roli, though large in stature and the strength to match, has a soft and empathetic heart. He is gracious even in his hunts, his mercy evident even then. He has...
The next morning we all got up at the appointed time and Lilly started with her morning greeting only to find my penis was still asleep, wouldn’t wake up. I was surprised too and wondered “What in the world have they done to me”? But maybe it was really no surprise. Even though I was young endurance was sure to become a factor, eventually, and given what had happened to me the evening previous with all their final “adjustments” it was no wonder that my appendage might want a day off. I only...
This story is not so much about sex but more funny erotic i thought of it and laughed its kinda dumb i think and funny much more than about sex so this story is not so much about sex but more funny so here we go on to the story, madam lay see even the name is fuuny lol on with the story madam lay is laying in her bean bag chair naked. lol any way and she is horny very horny and she wants to get laid and with a name like that you would think she would . so anyway she is laying there naked in the...
Adult HumorFreedom of the PressWhen I was twenty years old I decided to use a newspaper to improve my romantic life. To be more precise, I wanted to create a romantic life where none had existed before. I had gone to the City College of New York expecting to meet girls - or even just one girl, perhaps - as well as get a degree to improve my chances for some as yet unspecified career.By the summer of 1975 between my sophomore and junior years I had made no progress towards the first goal. I had become an...
First TimeBefore anyone suggests a part two, I already did that and then I combined them into this one story. Rosewood Circle I was recently watching a Disney movie about a youth retention camp called ‘Holes.’ There was a passage in that movie that made me think. One kid told the kid digging the hole next him that ‘it shouldn’t be labor to help your neighbor.’ Well I had been helping my neighbors for many years now and it was definitely becoming labor for me. Hell I was getting older too....
Beneath the heavens was a most voluptuous of women, her massive body thick and wildly curvy, her gigantic breasts entire mountains undo themselves while her exposed vulva created a most grand of canyons between a pair of luscious thighs; her rich brown skin had become dry and sensitive from an endless heat that had spawned inside her and now raged across her surface to ignite a perpetual inferno as her aura. As the clouds filtered the father's seed a mighty downpour was created, showering...
The trees were the overseers of the forest; their immense height allowed them to view all that happened around them and keep a watchful eye, their great strength symbolizing the protection of their patriarchy, and their age exceeding wisdom of all others. Of all the trees in this particular forest kingdom, however, Papa Sequoia was the tree of all trees and the ruler of everything that could be seen. Deeply loved, idolized, and respected by his brethren, Papa Sequoia was constantly...
"Is it not a beautiful day, my prince?" said Princess Merry dreamily, trailing her hand in the azure waters of Starflower Creek, the blossoms for which it was named nodding in profusion along the banks. "Indeed it is my love," said Prince Karl from his stance on the stern as he expertly sculled their flatboat down a secluded branch of the creek, seeking a location for their picnic. They had met at the royal ball celebrating the signing of a treaty of peace and friendship between their...
Stave Green slowly donned his armor and weapons, wishing he did not have to face another day of this insane guard post. He and his brother Heart Green had the sad duty of guarding the Princess of the Fay. Now some might think this is an easy assignment, but... "I told you I wanted cherries, not grapes!" screeched a harsh girl's voice. The voice had the kind of sound that causes most sane males to take up residence in another land, or maybe another plane of existence for their sanity's sake...
I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to flood the passage way. It only took twenty minutes in the cab but I knew that by the end of the night this was going to be the longest time I had sat down between Molly and her partner James and not spoken a word. It was always awkward in a cab with those two. Molly would have to at any given moment...
Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...
It was summer and the sun had graced us with its presence on a weekend. After a lovely breakfast we decided to go for a walk in the woods. You dressed seductively for the occasion. A tight white t-shirt, showing off your beautiful boobs and your gorgeous body, and a very short jeans skirt, allowing me to enjoy your lovely slender legs. We arrived at the woods. I got out of the car and walked round to your side. I watched as you swung your legs out of the door and slipped on some tan boots....
Straight SexAlle Protagonisten 18+ Bitte an die Chyoa-Regeln halten! An dieser fiktiven Fortsetzungsgeschichte kann jeder der möchte mitschreiben. Zu beachten wäre, dass es in dieser Geschichte um eine verheiratete, nymphoman veranlagte Frau gehen soll, über ihre Abenteuer, Sehnsüchte, oder Träumereien. Die Parts sollten im Tagebuchstil ( aus ihrem Blickwinkel heraus) geschrieben werden. Und vielleicht oben drüber noch eine kleine Anmerkung schreiben, um wen sich ihre Gedanken gerade drehen) - Wer lieber...
NYMPHOBRAINIAC by Jenny North The hard metal floor of the secret base buzzed with an electrical hum as the sparkling entry portal phased into existence. Normally people entered right away, but then normally people were authorized to be there. But this time, the room stood quiet for a long moment before a pair of footsteps tentatively entered through the portal. "Holeee shiiiit!!!" Bud exclaimed, slapping his partner on the back. "Quiet, dummy! They might hear!" "Ahh, you worry...
I took a walk almost every day in the woods that surrounded my house. I lived far out in a cabin I had built when I retired from the army. The only way to get to my cabin was a dirt road that ran off the main road a couple of miles away. There were paths and trails in and out of the woods and I would walk them almost every day. I was on a path when I heard someone cough. I moved off the trail and hid in some bushes near the path. A young woman came into view about a hundred yards down the path....
Woodrow Wilson (Woody) Smith was seated on the sofa between his two baby-doll nightie clad older sisters, Gay Deceiver and Friday. His younger sister, Star, was seated sideways on his lap, snuggled and happy in her sleeping t-shirt - head tucked into his shoulder. His mother, Maureen, was nearby, laid back in a recliner, wearing loose flannel pajamas. Woody’s parents were not history buffs; they were rabid fans of Robert Anson Heinlein. Google the names plus ‘Heinlein,’ you’ll see... It was...
Vanessa sighed as she approached as she approached the airport showers. What should have been a quick round-trip had turned into one of the longest and most stressful flights of her career. She didn?t know exactly what it was, as a flight attendant she?d had plenty of bad trips before, but something about this one had just worn her out. It probably hadn?t helped that she?d been so done-up when she arrived. She?d had a date the evening before, a very promising guy she?d met at a Starbucks who...
Kristie was seventeen. I knew her mom, Kelly, We were all very good church-going friends. I liked Kristie’s mom, but couldn’t really find a way to express my feelings, so I did the next best thing- be there for her teenage daughter. Kristie, sometimes her friends from school, her mother and I often spent hours together playing board games or dominoes, sometimes until the wee hours of the morning. most usually on Sunday evenings after church services. Kristie’s mother always insisted that...
First TimeCindy and Sandy giggled as they ran down the hall toward the locker rooms and the pool. They had seen their names on the sheet that announced they were on the swim team! They were so excited. Both were fourteen-years-old and in the blossom of their sexual maturity, they were filled with hormones and emotions and it all came out physically as they pranced and danced along. When they got to the pool office they saw their two new coaches. Ms. Simpson was the diving coach and both girls sighed...
*** Note : This story is completely fictional! Sophia sat up in the hospital bed wondering how she got there and spotted her father through the window of her room. He was talking to a doctor, at least that’s what it looked like. When he spotted her sitting up he entered the room. “Ah, awake at last,” he said, crossing the room to sit next to her bed. “What happened?” Why am I here? Where’s mum?” said Sophia, trying to understand what had happened. “Okay, calm down. First of all lay back and...