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NYMPHOBRAINIAC by Jenny North The hard metal floor of the secret base buzzed with an electrical hum as the sparkling entry portal phased into existence. Normally people entered right away, but then normally people were authorized to be there. But this time, the room stood quiet for a long moment before a pair of footsteps tentatively entered through the portal. "Holeee shiiiit!!!" Bud exclaimed, slapping his partner on the back. "Quiet, dummy! They might hear!" "Ahh, you worry too much! Look at this place, it's all shut down. There ain't nobody home." "Yeah, maybe," Clay said, casting a careful eye around the place. The room was dark and dusty, but high-tech and maybe as big as a ranch house, which meant that whoever owned it had big bucks. Lots of heroes (and villains) maintained a storage place in a warp-space dimensional pocket, but something this size didn't come cheap. Bud took a step forward and the lights and electronics sprang to life, startling them until they realized it was just an automated response. But as the lights came on they got a better look at the place and it seemed to be some kind of high-tech lab or workspace, with worktables and large storage cylinders all around. "Jackpot," Clay whispered. "Who do ya think it belongs to?" Bud asked, poking at some of the equipment. "No idea." Bud stopped and turned to look at his partner. "Whaddaya mean? I thought you cracked the code for this place?" "I told you--" Clay stopped as he stared as his cow-eyed partner. He'd tried once to explain how hacking the encryption on the portals worked and that he wasn't hacking any one in particular, he was hacking all of them simultaneously, and this just happened to be the one that hit. It was dumb luck that they hit on one that was still using the older encryption codes, but judging by the look of this place, it hadn't been touched in months at least. "They didn't put a sign on the door," he said finally. "Heh, yeah, good point," Bud nodded. "Hey, what are ya gonna do with your share of the loot?" Clay dusted off a control panel and peered at it, trying to make sense of the controls. "I haven't given it much thought. Maybe I'll become a supervillain and call myself 'The King,'" he said facetiously. When Bud looked at him in confusion, Clay rolled his eyes. "Clayton Kingsley?" he explained, pointing at himself. "Right!" Bud laughed. "Hell, with all this stuff, you could call yourself 'The Emperor,'" he said. "Me, I'd want a cool name like Killfire or--" There was an audible beep from the control panel Bud touched, and they froze as the sound of large machinery echoed in the space. "Careful!" Clay snapped. The warning had barely come out of his lips before he noticed the terrified look on Bud's face, staring at something that must have been just behind Clay. Bud went for his gun and Clay ducked down and spun around quickly to see what had startled the man. A couple shots rang out and ricocheted off their target before Clay realized what was going on. "Stop shooting, you idiot!" "But--!" Clay stood up and shot the man an angry glance. "It's not her, moron!" Chagrined, Bud holstered his gun, but as Clay turned back around he had to admit he could understand his partner's confusion. In amongst a series of stasis suspension capsules was a clear tube that contained a woman, apparently unconscious. She was obviously a superhero from her long blonde hair and voluptuous figure, and she was wearing a skimpy techno "battle bikini." It was a patently ridiculous bit of armor and the bubble design did more to accentuate her boobs and butt than it did to provide her any protection. On her head she was wearing a clear visor with an antenna on one side that did nothing to hide her pretty and heavily made-up face. "Is she dead?" Bud asked, edging closer and unable to take his eyes off of her. "Yes, but not the way you mean," Clay said, moving around the tube to get a better look at her from behind. "Of course," he said. "I don't get it." Clay shook his head. "Her name is Glitterati. I read that she was killed in action about a year ago. She used this alien armor to fight crime." Bud scoffed. "It looks like it's barely holdin' her boobs up." Clay smiled knowingly. "Yes, that's what we were apparently meant to think. But that wasn't her armor." "Huh?" Clay activated a control at the bottom of the capsule and Bud jumped as the protective shield of the tube started to lift upwards. Clay leaned forward, carefully inspecting the back of the unresponsive heroine, and Bud circled around to see what he was looking at. At first he almost retched as it looked like the young woman's back, arms, and legs had all been sliced wide open and her insides scooped out like she was some kind of Halloween pumpkin. But as he got over his initial shock, he realized that the inside of her body was covered in softly glowing tubes. "She ain't real!" Bud exclaimed. "She a robot, or somethin'?" "Not at all," Clay said, inspecting the insides with fascination. "She was very real. This is some kind of suit. Biomechanical, from the looks of it. Everyone thought her bikini was the armor, but it was incidental...her whole body was the armor. It's ingenious, really. I'm going to have a lot of fun taking this apart." Bud furrowed his brow. "So how come she's got--oops!" As he reached to point something out, Bud overextended himself and stumbled into Clay, who in turn bumped into the Glitterati suit. His hand smacked into the inside of the suit and it seemed to come alive and gripped his fingers tightly. It had a soft and squishy feel to it but as he tried to pull himself free, the micro-tentacles inside the suit proved to be much stronger than they seemed. "Nnnnggh," he groaned. "Here, help me!" Bud grabbed his arm and both men pulled, but he was stuck fast. At first this seemed to be a minor annoyance, but after a moment, the micro- tentacles started to move and Clay felt his hand being pulled down one of the "sleeves," even as more tentacles started to affix themselves to his wrist, pulling him slowly but inexorably inside. "Quick! Find something to cut this with!" "Like what?" "Like anything! HURRY!" Bud frantically searched around, picking objects off the workbenches and examining them helplessly as he searched for a tool to use. Meanwhile, Clay felt as his fingers were spread apart and fit snugly within the right "glove" of the suit. The tentacles had already grabbed him up to the elbow, and he found himself forced to step up onto the platform behind the suit as it continued to pull him further and further inside. He leaned backwards to postpone the inevitable but he found himself stuck as he suddenly realized that the suit had grabbed him around the waist and thighs. He was about to call out for Bud to hurry up again when he heard the sound of the protective shield being lowered around the tube, obviously intending to trap him within both the suit and the tube. "Bud! HELP!" It was too late. By the time Bud reached him, the tube had closed and Clay could hear the soft pounding as Bud struck at the resilient glass with some piece of metal. "The release switch! Bud, hit the release--oh, my God." The sound of liquid came from above, and even as the suit pulled him in by the neck Clay felt a warm viscous liquid fill the tube, threatening to drown him. He panicked and struggled even harder as he felt the liquid rise up his legs and past his waist and he felt an uncomfortable prickling sensation wherever it touched him as it made its way higher and higher up his body. There was a hissing sound that was accompanied by a burning smell, and as the suit closed itself around his feet and legs, it felt like it was pressed up against him, flesh to flesh. Was it dissolving his clothes? What would it do when it got to his mouth? Both of his arms were now pinned within the inflexible suit, and he couldn't so much as wiggle his fingers as his face was finally pressed into the mask. He squeezed his eyes and mouth shut and held his breath as the liquid ran across his lips and face, stinging his skin wherever the liquid touched. He held his breath for several long seconds, but suddenly the suit constricted across his body, squeezing his waist so tightly that it forced the remaining air from his lungs. The last thing he felt before losing consciousness was the feeling of the thick gooey liquid rushing down his throat, threatening to drown him. "AHHH-HUUUUHHHH!!!" Clay gasped, greedily sucking the precious air into his lungs. He gasped in ragged breaths, too weak to even move. However, he was aware that he was finally free of the suit and was lying on the metal floor in front of the tube, which now stood open. As he struggled to right himself and get his bearings, he looked up at Bud, who was staring at him in shock. "How'd you get the tube open?" Clay croaked. Bud, wide-eyed, said nothing. Clay started to ask another question when he realized his voice had sounded strange, and that the tight compression around his body hadn't let up. If anything, it was tighter than ever. Puzzled, he cocked his head slightly and a lock of long blonde hair fell into his vision. "Oh, shit," he whispered. Slowly, afraid of what he would find, he looked downwards at himself to see his voluptuous female body packed into the tiny metallic "battle bikini." In a panic, Clay scrambled backwards on the floor as though doing so might remove him from the shapely feminine prison he now found himself in. He finally stopped when his butt was pressed up against the stasis tube. The cold, hard metal of the stasis tube. Surprised that he could actually feel things through the suit, Clay's hands dropped down to touch his rounded ass and was shocked as he felt the sensations as though it was his own body. He ran his hands up his narrow waist and over his prodigious breasts, and he explored his body, he looked up to see Bud staring down at him. "Izzat you?" Bud asked in amazement. Clay nodded. Bud, unsure what to do, offered his hand to Clay, who accepted it and clambered to his feet. "Whoaaa--!" he said, stumbling forward into Bud's arms. "I guess I'm still a little weak," Clay said. "Could be your heels?" "Huh?" Clay said, peering down at himself. It was bad enough that his blonde hair spilled down and framed his view of his new tits, hips, and shapely legs in his ridiculous outfit, but sure enough, the metallic boots he was wearing had towering stiletto heels. "Sure, because why not?" he muttered to himself. He then touched his throat. "There must be some kind of voice synthesizer built in," he said, listening to the sound of his voice. It was high and girlish and had an annoying little squeak to it. "I sound like a complete airhead, don't I?" he asked. Bud shrugged. "It kinda goes with the look." "Great." "Hey...can you do stuff?" Clay was about to make a smart remark when he remembered that he was wearing Glitterati's powered armor. He was about to flip down the clear visor when a heads-up display came up independently, reminding him that his entire female body was the suit. He tried to remember what her powers were when he examined the display and discovered that it was written in strange alien hieroglyphics. He couldn't make heads or tails of anything. "Ya doin' anything?" Bud asked, watching as Clay stared off into the distance. "Shut up." After some trial and error, Clay got the hang of navigating the basic menus, but it was all still incomprehensible. "I think this should do something..." he said. The suit responded with a sensation of movement across his body, and Clay blushed as he felt his breasts and butt jiggle in response. "That's weird," he said. "That felt like--" He looked down to discover that he was completely naked. Embarrassed, Clay's first instinct was to cover his nudity, but he reminded himself that he wasn't really a woman and this wasn't his body. However, Bud's lascivious leer was definitely making him feel uncomfortable. Clay cleared his throat and tried to regain control by assessing the situation clinically. "Ahem. Well, I guess this is the civilian camouflage mode," he said. "This apparently integrates the 'bubble armor' into the body so she can wear normal clothes and quickly change into her heroic identity." "And it made your titties and ass bigger, too." "Yes. Well, I suppose the additional mass needed to go somewhere," he responded, thinking that he might sound more authoritative if he didn't sound like a little girl on helium. Bud looked him up and down appreciatively. "I guess if you wanna make some coin there's guys'd pay big bucks for some Glitterati nudie shots." "I'm sure," Clay said dryly, cycling quickly through the menu for the command to restore the armor. As he selected it and he felt the bikini come tingling back into existence, Bud seemed slightly disappointed. "Can ya do anything else?" Bud asked. Clay looked at the menus, but quickly discovered that all of the key functions seemed to be protected by some kind of passcode. Every time he tried to access a menu it prompted him for a seven-digit access code in the alien script, and the roughly sixty symbols that popped up seemed to change with every digit. He calculated that there were literally trillions of possible combinations. "Grr," Clay grumbled in what came off as more of a sexy purr. "I think that's weapons and defense, but I can't get to anything." "So how do you get outta that getup, anyway?" "Oh. Well, I suppose I just..." Clay scanned through the menus. "I just..." That's when he realized that everything was password protected, which would include the command to open the armor. "Oh, God..." For the next hour, Clay ransacked the lab trying out different cutting tools, but the armor proved to be impervious to everything. It was smart enough to turn off the pain receptors for anything it perceived as an "attack," but trying to cut it open quickly proved to be a hopeless cause. And much to Clay's annoyance, Bud got a chuckle when he took a buzzsaw to Clay's new tits and it not only set them to jiggling playfully but the tickle response caused Clay to let out a decidedly girlish giggle. "Shut up, it's not funny!" Clay cried in a growing panic. "Here, look down my back and see if there's a seam or something," he said over his shoulder, brushing his long blonde hair out of the way. After a moment Bud said, "This might be easier if you weren't wearin' that bikini." "Oh. Well, okay," Clay responded, activating the 'civilian camouflage' option. He felt the tingling down his body followed by the cool air across his now naked flesh. "See anything now?" "Oh, yeah," Bud answered. "Really?" Clay said excitedly. All of a sudden he felt Bud's meaty hands grab each of his big round buttocks and he let out a high-pitched yelp of surprise. "Eep! Oops, sorry, you startled me. Can--can you feel anything?" he asked hopefully, blushing as his partner's brawny hands groped and explored his well-padded rump. "Uh huh." Clay bit his plump lip, feeling embarrassed at the decidedly feminine rush of pleasure that raced through his body as Bud's hands caressed his hips and nipped-in waist, trembling as he felt the man's thumbs tickle the small of his back near his spine. "I like your tramp stamp," Bud said. "It's like a fancy star or somethin'." "Well, w-we can worry about that l-later," Clay stammered, trying to get his surging feelings under control. He bit his lip harder and felt a tear run trickle down his face as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the new sensations as a layer of sweat broke out across his body. He took an unsteady breath to calm his nerves and his big soft tits wobbled gently in response, and as the cool air crossed over them he shuddered as his protruding nipples became turgid and erect. A tiny whimper escaped his lips as his face flushed, feeling a rush of embarrassment that Bud might notice how his female body was reacting. He struggled to stay professional. "Y-you just keep following that seam," he said as Bud's muscular hands traced further up his sides. "A-and remember, the slit might be really tight, so don't be afraid to really get in there and push hard. I-it won't hurt me." "Don't worry, baby, I'll give you the ride o' your life," Bud whispered, running his hands up the sides of Clay's shapely torso. "W-wait, wha--?" Clay began, jarring back to his senses as Bud reached around to give his sensitive tits a possessive grope. Clay was so surprised by the move that at first he didn't react when Bud squeezed his big globes and played with his huge distended nipples. An erotic shiver ran through his body, but the sudden realization of his partner's intentions combined with a decidedly feminine feeling of wetness and aching emptiness from his crotch startled him into action. "Stop," he said, intending it to be forceful but coming out more as a petulant whimper. He twisted away from Bud's grasp and turned to face his amorous partner, but Bud immediately stepped close, running his hands down Clay's arms. "Hey, don't be like that, honey," Bud said patronizingly. "I told ya, I'll pound away at your tight little slit as hard as you want." "That's not what I meant, idiot! I told you--!" "Ah, shaddup, ya dumb bitch!" Bud snapped, shocking Clay into silence. "Yeah, you heard me. You think you're so smart, but now lookit ya, stuck lookin' like a horny little slut. Dumb bitches like you are only good for one thing, so why don't you shut those pouty lips and bring 'em over here where they can do some good." Before Clay could react, Bud grabbed him roughly by the arms and yanked him into a kiss, forcibly pressing their lips together. Clay squirmed in displeasure and fought against the embrace when he finally snapped. "Get the HELL off of me!" Clay screamed, shoving Bud back as hard as he could. At most he expected it to just break the kiss and maybe getting the larger man's attention, but both of them were surprised when the move instead tossed Bud across the room like a rag doll into a pile of stasis canisters. Clay looked down at his slender feminine arms in astonishment. "So, I guess the strength enhancement still works," he muttered to himself. From across the room he heard Bud groan but he ignored it to examine himself more closely. For a moment he considered activating the bikini again but he was still shaken by what he had felt earlier, especially the sensations coming from his groin. He looked at his girlish hands with the long painted fingernails and, glancing to make sure that Bud was still incapacitated, nervously peered down at himself and tenderly touched his still-moist vagina. Tentatively, he hooked a finger and gently penetrated himself, and his face flushed as he felt a decidedly feminine shiver of delight. "What the FUCK," he whispered to himself, probing further and trying to ignore the erotic sensations. Bud's oafish protests notwithstanding, his idea of using Clay's new "slit" as a way to enter the armor had some merit, and Clay had assumed that he was still himself underneath this armor, a man wearing a "woman suit." But now probing inside himself where his cock should have been, he was starting to feel queasy. Could the suit have changed him somehow? He wondered who the original Glitterati was and if she--or he!--might have programmed the suit to make "enhancements" to his or her original body within the suit. Thinking about it that way, Clay began to wonder what horrors might have been wrought upon his own body hidden inside, assuming he was ever able to get the suit open to find out. But as he looked down at his big tits and curvy body that Glitterati obviously preferred, he suspected he might not like the answer. Bud groaned again from the other side of the room, and Clay tossed his long hair out of his face in annoyance. "Oh, shut up, you asshole. You're lucky I didn't break your--" Once again from overhead there was the sound of heavy machinery, and Clay smiled at the thought that the sexist fucker might end up with a big set of tits of his own. It would serve him right, he thought. But as he saw a containment tube come down from the ceiling near where Bud had landed he hurried over to investigate, telling himself that it wasn't so much to rescue Bud as it was to avoid losing the chance to examine the inner workings of another set of armor. But as he rounded the pile of canisters and saw what was happening, his face went pale. He rushed to the tube just as it finished closing and pounded away at it but even with his enhanced strength, he didn't make a mark. He then hurriedly searched for a release mechanism, listening helplessly as Bud's muffled howls of agony came from inside. After Clay had hit him, at first Bud had only been vaguely aware of his surroundings since he'd smacked his head on landing and was totally disoriented. All he could concentrate on was the lance of pain in his chest as he struggled to breathe, but everything else was a blur. He was only vaguely aware of something like taffy touch his body and hug him closer and in his dazed state he thought it felt kinda nice. He didn't hear the sound of machinery and was only hazily aware of the feeling of being lifted upwards by the taffy creature. By the time he started to get his bearings, he could hear liquid rushing in from above and realized he was inside one of the tubes and one of the suits had nearly engulfed him. "Shit!" he cried, craning his neck away from the mask that was now right in front of him. In the corner of his eye he thought he saw Clay--or the blonde hottie that Clay now was--pounding on the thick glass of the tube. "Dude, help m--AAAHHHH!!!" he screamed in agony as he felt his legs break, followed quickly by his arms. The pain was incredible and as he writhed in agony the suit took advantage of his distress to press his face firmly into the mask, even as the rising liquid filled his lungs. His one coherent thought was that he was going to die. And as the pain in his chest, arms, and legs suddenly vanished, he felt certain of it. When Bud awoke he was still dazed and felt really weird. He blinked his eyes open and saw that Clay was sitting there with him, back in his "battle bikini." His bimbo's face looked prettily concerned and Bud realized his head was laying in Clay's lap. He thought how angry Clay would be if he realized what a great show he was giving Bud of his big knockers. Hell, from where he was he could practically smell Clay's new pussy. "Bud, can you hear me?" Clay asked. "Yeah," Bud struggled to say. It sounded weird to his ears. "Just take it slow, buddy." The concern on Clay's face was starting to make Bud nervous and he struggled to lift his head. "What happened to me?" Bud asked, puzzled when it came out sounding like some inarticulate vowel sounds. Through bleary eyes he thought he saw a mane of long white hair that fell into his face and framed his vision. "Oh, God, I'm not a chick, am I?" "Bud, I--I can't understand you. Just settle down and take it slow--" Fuck that, Bud thought, now definitely worried. Ignoring his lingering dizziness, he leapt up off the ground onto his feet and the long hair swept into his face, tugging at his scalp. He jerked his head to the side as he struggled to stand, thinking he probably looked like one of those broads in a shampoo commercial tossing her hair flirtatiously. He finally managed to get himself onto his feet but was so off-balance that he immediately fell forward onto his hands. But when he reflexively tried to open his fingers to catch himself, he found that he couldn't feel his fingers. Landing palms-down on all fours he tried to stand upright again, but found it was too difficult...standing on his hind legs. Hyperventilating, he craned his neck up to look at Clay, seeing that from all fours he now came up to his partner's waist. He then looked down and saw only the ground and his paws (paws!) as he peered past the long snout sticking out from his face. Panicky now, he turned his head to the side to get a better look at himself, but the long white hair--fur?--in his face blocked his view. He then spun to the other side and caught sight of a reflective metallic cabinet that showed Clay standing there as the blonde bimbo in her metal bikini. And standing next to her, staring Bud right in the face, was a big show poodle wearing a sparkling tiara and a glittering collar with a little pink cape. "Your name is Tiara," Clay said. When Bud turned and growled at him, he quickly amended, "That's her name! She's Glitterati's sidekick, like a super-dog. I always thought it was stupid, but I guess it's biomechanical armor like hers is." Bud gave an indignant sniff and looked back at his reflection and whimpered. "Yeah, well, that's the name that's on your collar, so you'd better get used to it." Bud barked at him. "Oh, yeah, this is so much fun for me, stuck looking like a balloon-titted stripper," he shot back. Then when Bud started to whine again, he knelt down in front of him. "Look, just relax. You're wearing a suit, remember? Can you see the heads-up display?" Bud nodded. "Okay, just...play around with it. See if you can access any controls." After a minute Bud started to whine and shook his head, causing his elaborate coiffed mane of fur to sway from side to side. "Don't get frustrated! Keep trying." After another minute there was a sound that came from Bud's suit and it absorbed the tiara and cape into the poodle's body, apparently the poodle version of the 'civilian camouflage' option. Clay wasn't sure, but he thought the puff balls of fur on his legs and tail got bigger and the elaborate crown of hair even larger to accommodate the added mass. "Not real helpful," Clay muttered. Bud barked once loudly and nodded down at himself and then up at Clay accusingly. "MY fault?" Clay retorted, intuiting the obvious message. "How is this MY fault? You did this to us! And now it's up to me to try and clean up your mess while you get to sit around and lick your balls all day." He leaned over and lifted Bud's tail with the big puff ball on the end and peeked underneath. "Oops! I guess you can't even do that, BITCH. Maybe I'll call you Muffy." Bud bared his teeth and growled, barking loudly. "Oh, yes, that's very threatening. Look at yourself in the mirror, princess. You look like a sissified reject from a Dr. Seuss book." Bud backed down and turned to look again at his reflection, from the hugely elaborate crown of fur on his head and long ears to his massively fluffy body with its shaved hindquarters and legs to his big puffy pompoms of fur on all four of his feet, his butt, and on the tip of his tail. He turned to look at Clay and whined. Clay sighed. "Yes, I'll figure out how to get these suits off," he said, not having any earthly idea how to go about doing that. But as he looked at Bud, a thought occurred to him. "Bud...how do you feel?" Bud growled and barked once. "No, I mean, are you injured in there?" As he looked at the poodle in front of him, he didn't see how there could possibly be room for an adult man Bud's size to fit in there. It was hard to gauge the size of the dog's torso from the huge puffy fur, but even assuming there was room there for Bud's torso, his neck would be elongated or at least at an awkward angle. And his dog legs were so short that there seemed to be no room at all for the entire length of his arms or much of his former legs past the knees. Bud tilted his head to the side and made an uncertain little noise, which would have been a fairly cute gesture had he actually been a poodle. "There must be some auto-healing capability built into the suits," Clay mused. But now that he thought about what Bud's suit had apparently done to him, Clay was more nervous than ever about what surprises might await him if he ever managed to remove his own suit. Could he now be a woman underneath this shell? He didn't care for that idea at all. And what about Bud? He assumed the suit was designed for a dog to wear, but if so, what would it do with a man inside? He imagined opening it up and seeing a smaller poodle emerge, maybe with Bud's face or head. He shuddered. Meanwhile, Bud turned sideways to look at his reflection and apparently took the same mental measurements himself, suddenly realizing what his human body would have to look like to fit inside the poodle suit and facing the dawning realization that even if Clay managed to get him out, there might not be much left of his appendages inside. Suddenly he remembered how the suit had broken his arms and legs and he tried to remember the last time he felt his human hands or feet. He desperately tried to see if he could feel himself wiggle his fingers and toes within the suit, but nothing happened...the only thing he felt was the shifting of his paws on the floor, each topped with its ridiculous white pompom of fur. Panicking at the thought of his mutilation, Bud bared his teeth and growled at his reflection, the ridiculous image of the angry show poodle only serving to inflame him further. He barked loudly at the image again and again, growing more agitated. Clay regarded him nervously. "Look, Bud, just calm down..." Wild-eyed, Bud turned suddenly and launched himself at Clay, biting ferociously and using his own suit-enhanced strength to send the two of them flying back into a control panel with a thunderous crash. Clay soon realized that his armored skin would protect him from Bud's attack and managed to throw him back, smashing another stasis tube in the process. But if Clay thought that the blow might snap Bud back to his senses, he was sorely mistaken. Charging, Bud effortlessly knocked over some metal tables and plowed into Clay again, destroying more equipment in the process. Clay felt a knot form in his stomach as he saw the demolished equipment and heard the lab's warning sirens starting to blare. "Bud, calm down! We need this equip--AAHH!" Clay threw Bud off of him and rubbed the spot on his arm where he'd just been bitten. The teeth hadn't broken the surface--the armor was too damnably study for that--but the crushing weight of the bite probably broke the bone underneath. The pain faded quickly as the suit's auto- healing function kicked in, but knowing they might still feel impact damage gave Clay an idea. Bud, enraged beyond reason, stood ready to pounce again, and Clay reached for a loose metal table leg that had torn loose during their tussle. Then, just as Bud launched himself forward, Clay took a strong downward swing with the metal rod, clobbering the savage poodle on its head. "BAD DOG!" Clay screamed. Bud collapsed in a heap and for a moment Clay worried that he might have killed him until he saw the poodle taking short panting breaths. But his relief was short-lived, for as he looked up he saw that the lab was now completely engulfed in flames. And the fire was heading towards the fuel canisters. Clay stood there for a brief moment, calculating his options. He knew that the lab's computers might have some insights into the biomechanical alien tech, and with the real Glitterati dead that might very well be his only chance to remove the suit. If he hurried, he might be able to wrench loose one of the computers and haul it through the portal to safety. Then he looked down at Bud, lying amidst the flames. "Shit," he muttered, picking the poodle off the ground and racing for the exit. He chanced to take a last look back just as the fuel canisters exploded, knocking him through the portal. As he clambered to his feet, he saw that he was back in his basement where they'd started. The portal projector clicked off and the blinking cursor on the display showed the command code they'd used to access Glitterati's lab next to the word OFFLINE. Clay threw himself into a chair and grimaced as he looked down at himself and poked apprehensively at his new female body. After a minute he examined the alien symbols on his heads-up display and then looked at his decryption equipment. He was going to need something a lot more powerful, he realized. And an expert who specialized in biotech. To say nothing of needing a whole new wardrobe, he thought bitterly. Money. He was going to need a LOT of money. With his new abilities supervillainy was probably his most lucrative option, and he wondered what the recruitment opportunities there were for a girl and her poodle who were both strong and tough. He sniffed indignantly as he contemplated life as a woman--a villainess--but he'd adapt. He'd need a better name than Glitterati, though. Maybe something that sounded sexy and smart. Then he looked down at Bud quietly sleeping on the floor, a dog dreaming that it was a man. "Now who's the dumb bitch?" he muttered. Maybe once she was on a leash she'd do what she was told. He figured he'd have to add a doggie bowl and some kibble to the list.

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P I And MagicChapter 25

Fithian kept it secret he was back. Yet he went where he willed, within the palace. He was very good with spells himself. No one even knew they had spoken to, or were in the presence of, the old king of Lankur. One of the perks of having Fithian around was he showed my sister and me a couple secret passages, and a couple rooms that were not on any of the palace maps. One was a sort of armory. It contained twenty-five saddles for dragons, and twenty-five of what Mirwanna excitedly told me...

3 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet Ralph, Tyrell and Jerome were in Ralphs garage drinking beer and in general just hanging out. Ive got to piss said Jerome. Jerome go in the house and piss already Ralph replied. Tyrell looked as Jerome went inside and laughed. Whats so funny, asked Ralph? Tyrell started to explain both he and Jerome had been blessed or cursed with very big cocks, 11 and 12 inches respectively. The problem was neither of the mens new girl friends would or could take more the half before they were...

2 years ago
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Factory Lovin Fun

. I very recently started work in a factory on the edge of town, where they make underwear for teenagers mostly. In my department were two girls who were obviously lesbians, I found myself being strangely attracted to them. One was a bit butch called Jenni, but she still looked pretty, and the other was very casual in her appearance, named Emma, slightly more rugged looking, I was to later find out that they were an item.I got to talk to them a lot over the coming weeks, they were ever so...

1 year ago
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Kings App

Derek McCoy stared at his phone in confusion. The app had just installed itself - not even taking any space - last night, and ever since he'd tried to figure out what it did. It'd taken him forever to find out how to switch it into English, and when he did it just made him more confused. 'Congragulations! Welcome to the 'King's App', the first real-world application of a game! Using the King's App, you can tag any man or woman to do your bidding, and then level up to unlock more options and...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Home alone

That summer and fall was by far the best time of my life. Before it turned in to a winter of hell. First all my dreams came true, and then all my worst nightmares did. But, that's for later.I worked a little at the coffee shop, just a few hours a week but at least it was something. And Cait had a job too and she was working a lot more hours than I was so we didn't get to hang out as much as I had hoped we would but I stayed at their place anyway because then at least we spent the evenings and...

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A Viking Saga

The year is 821 AD, and the word Viking is feared throughout northern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. And in the snowbound lands of Norway, in a small seaside port Hakon Magnusson is Jarl. As the lord of the land he has himself many luxuries the common folk would wish for, including two wives and numerous concubines through which he has produced many children. These children are of varying ages, builds, intelligence and general character, but for all of them one fact rings true.... They have...

2 years ago
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Taking The Thompson Women 2 by loyalsock

She tried to regain her footing. "So... What's that?" She asked; pointing to a bag I brought with me."A surprise." I replied."For me?" she asked hopefully.I nodded, and walked up to her bedroom. There was no talk of studying. I sat down on the bed, and handed her the bag. Curious, she opened it, and inside, she found a light blue swimsuit. "This is beautiful!" She gasped."Its for you." I said, smiling."Thank you!" she said, and she gave me a hug and a kiss, she was already u*********sly...

3 years ago
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Oil Massage Leads To Sex With Hot Neighbor Aunty

Hii, ISS readers. I am Rohan 24 years old from Bangalore. Straightaway I’ll get into the story. If you like my story you can mail me at . Any aunties, girls from Bangalore can contact me for massage and sex. Feel free to mail me and ask. And please don’t ask photos and contact number of Usha aunty. The heroine of the story is Usha aunty, 39 years old with 10 years old son. She was so sexy with 36-32-36. We stayed on the 4th floor. My mom would keep sending me to her house to help. Her husband...

1 year ago
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Had my way with a reader

After a long gap, I’m back with a new story. This time it is real. It happened recently. Her name is Keerthana. After reading my previous stories she contacted me through Gmail.… [email protected] Thank you, everyone, once again for your love and support.

2 years ago
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My Friends Stud Dick

He was a large guy , over weight but athletic, thick legs , strong arms, and a very hot cock! He wasalways ready to cum . I had been sucking his dick since I was 13 and he was 18. We had to sneak around to find a place for me to suck him, roof tops, hallways up near the roof, sometimes his house when his parents were out and same thing with my house. When I turned 21 I got a store front apt and would see him every week day as he was coming home from work with his co-workers. He worked for...

2 years ago
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Hearts On Fire 2

with Tim Clark December 26 Samantha stumbled out of her front door and walked to the waiting airport limo. It was 5 am the day after Christmas, and it was dark and cold. Handing her suitcase to the driver, she waited for him to open the passenger door. When he opened it, she peered inside and saw two older couples and a businessman, none of whom she knew. Sitting in the back row, however, was the person she was looking for. She smiled to herself and made her way to the back where Sally sat...

1 year ago
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The Initiation

In my family, we have something called the initiation into adulthood. This is not an initiation like a barmitzvah or something like that, but very different. It goes like this: on the 13th birthday of a child in our family, the parent of the opposite sex will join the child in a log night of sex, in which the parent will not only give the child their first sexual experience, but teach the child everything they know about sex so that someday they might teach their own children. Another thing I...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 2

Though the early Spring morning was still crisp, the young people that exited Savery Hall onto the Quad wore little in the way of warm clothing. As is often the case with the young, fashion won out over practicality. Tee shirts and shorts or skirts seemed the attire of choice. Ending classes spilled students into the crisp air from all angles. Shouts left the earlier peace shattered like thin ice. To the watchers in the shrubs, these young people stood out as brightly haloed human forms,...

2 years ago
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Hair Salon Ready

Hair Salon, Ready ? by: Susi Tony was an older dom guy I had met through the net. He came on pretty strong and invited me to have a drink with him. Well, you know, one thing led to another, and suffice it to say I am now involved in one of the most intense physical relationships you can imagine. Tony is a very assertive masculine 48 year old master who likes very femme submissive guys, which suits me. As a 39 year old femme guy I had had a few casual relationships but nothing...

4 years ago
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Fucking the Forbidden Fruit Part 2

I shot out of bed and looked at the clock. What the heck was I doing going to bed at 11pm on a Friday night? I usually like to get my sleep, but I was really horny and had been thinking about Emma. We had hooked up several times now and I wanted it again.I crawled out of bed and checked myself in the mirror. My large t-shirt was enough to cover my underwear and I assumed it would be coming off anyway. Without a second thought, I left my room and headed straight for Emma's. Hopefully, she was...

4 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 12 The Catfish Fry

Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor,...

1 year ago
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Story of My Unfortunate Life Chapters 78

--------------------------- As Ulrich gingerly placed the unconscious and now snoring Odd on his bed, he glanced at Yumi and Aelita and looked back at his boyfriend. The group, apart from Odd who (for some reason) fainted, were slightly shaken from witnessing Sero and Jeremie making out passionately in Jeremie's dorm room. The thing that surprised Ulrich was Odd's reaction. He thought that Odd's reaction would be more mature since the two have dated since the start of January. Their...

2 years ago
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Crystal PassionChapter 5

"Where is everyone?" I asked when after an exasperating journey on Philadelphia's public transport system I'd finally got back to the hotel and found Crystal sitting in the hotel lobby with only Jenny Alpha and our luggage for company. Crystal pretended to look around the hotel lobby at the scuffed velour chairs and the sticky linoleum floor. "They're not here, that's for sure," she said with a smile. "In fact, they've all left in the camper van for Boston." "They left without...

1 year ago
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Ordeal in Liverpool

ORDEAL IN LIVERPOOL by Long Tall MaryAt forty years old, Kathleen would have made a trophy wife for some deserving guy, but having been divorced for five years, shunned the idea of dating. An elementary school teacher in a suburban Syracuse district, she was extremely devoted to her two daughters, ages nineteen and twenty, both of whom were attending college out of town. With a dead beat ex, a good share of her salary was spent on tuition for the daughters.A natural blond, at 5’8 and 145...

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How Jeff Became The Hottest Girl In The World

*** Sore Thumbs and all characters are the copyrighted property of Owen Gieni and Chris Cosby, I am simply a huge fan! Please support there amazing web-manga. **** "How Jeff Became The Hottest Girl in the World" by Serena Kaden Hi, my name is Jeff. And this is the story of how I became the hottest girl in the world. I was a short curly-haired skinny loser of a man. At twentyfive years old, I had never been with a girl before. Wanted too badly, but I got nervous around the...

3 years ago
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Rubber Necking

The weather was just too hot, there was no way you could stay inside, and a fine day in Dublin was so rare, that you had to take advantage of it. It was part of Irish culture; on the one sunny day you got each year, you had to get out and go for a full burn.I’d decided, as always, to walk up to the Phoenix Park. It was going to be packed as fuck there, but if you put the effort in to walk beyond the main field, there was a lightly wooded part near the back of the park, where the crowds were...

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GF Pegged Me Roommate F Me

I was 20 years old and had been going out with my girlfriend for about 9 months. Everyone thought I was straight, and although I had never really acted on it, I had often had gay thoughts and jerked off over other men. So when my girlfriend told me that she wanted to fuck my ass with a strap on, I was interested. I was at university at the time but was home for the holidays. I only come home during the holidays, so at first both me and my girlfriend were super horny for each other. We'd have...

3 years ago
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House in the Woods Mai

Copyright© 2005 My fishing trip to the small lake on my property had been a success, both in terms of relaxation and of providing for my table. I had a nice string of pan-sized Bream and Crappie that I was looking forward to frying up for dinner. Amy was due to spend the night, and I was anticipating a relaxing evening of sharing her with my pals, Czar and Caesar. As I entered the clearing at the back of the house, both dogs alerted and took off like the ghostly predators they were. Czar...

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Beths Erotic AdventuresChapter 7 Memories

Later that night as Beth lay in bed she thought over the day's events, the memory of the feel of her pussy stretched around the stallion's cock filled her with burning need. Sliding her hands over her naked body she cupped her breasts lifting the engorged nipples to her mouth, allowing her tongue to run over them. She continued to play with her breasts as she lowered one hand down over her stomach, feeling the muscles tense with arousal as she slid her fingers down between her parted...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 71

The Goodrich's came over and the whole crew welcomed them in royal style. They visited for a while, then ate, and visited some more, everybody sharing stories of their families, and of days gone by. They had called it an evening at around 11:00 that night.The "Town Folks" had also retired, as Sharon was feeling a little more tired than William wanted her to be, Misti was also a bit tired, but, had decided that she was more than a little curious about Rick. She had started talking to him, with...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 67

Jenny and I had a good nights sleep. I don't think that I moved a bit. I was the first one up to be showered and dressed. I took the liberty of making breakfast for my expanding family. We headed to KCC in two cars. Lorrie rode with Jenny while Vicky, Ching Lee and Marcy rode with me. We arrived twenty minutes early. The girls headed off to their classes and Jenny to the CT state police barracks. The exterior of the new building looked finished. The contractor was leveling top soil and...

1 year ago
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I want to have sex with a man

       ?You WHAT?" My Mistress looked at me with incredulity. I had been with her for a very long time. Our life together was good. But lately, there had been this growing need. A desire to try something that I had never in my life experienced.        "Please Mistress, understand. I just want to try it once. Just to see what it would be like." A look crossed her face. I knew that look well. A combination of disappointment and determination. But, the expected firestorm never came. The look...

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The Week of Memorial Day

My wife Kelly turned 40 on the 15th of May. We’ve been married 17 years and she even more beautiful today than the day we were married. She’s a very petite and fit woman, standing at only 5′ tall and 115 pounds. After the guests for her surprise 40th birthday party departed she told me that she wanted to go on a real vacation this year and only the two of us. She wanted to go to a beach within a reasonable driving distance from our home in Western Maryland. She didn’t have to convince me at...

2 years ago
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My First Valentine8217s Day With Her

Hey guys!!! This is my first story on ISS. And yeah, this my own experience with my dear love Ankita. Please pardon me for grammatical errors and all that shit. I am good at English but too lazy to type. I m glad I could write this much. Please support me through this. Comments , feedbacks are welcome…just ping me at And yeah…make me a popular author by supporting me… Well, I don’t like to begin the story by saying ‘’I am a guy, about 6.1’’ tall and well built and equipped .’’because that...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 50

I had been feeling a little strange all day and after dinner I was out of energy and out of sorts. At 8:30 I told Jeff I was going to bed because I didn’t feel well. He put his lips to my forehead and said, ‘You’re hot. Get into bed and I’ll get you something cold to drink.’ ‘I just want to get some sleep.’ ‘That’s a sure sign you’re sick.’ I was asleep before I could answer. Later that night I woke up drenched. I noticed the light on in the corner over the easy chair with books piled on...

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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 5 The Only Easy Day is Yesterday

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 5 - The Only Easy Day is Yesterday I could feel the tension on the field as we broke our huddle and lined up. 30 seconds on the clock, 4th down, 50 yards to go. The defence slipped back to zone coverage - it didn't take a genius to know that we had to make a passing play. The Brightman Academy Tigers, or the Brightman Bastards as we "affectionately" called them, lined up to meet us. I could tell by the look on their DB's face that...

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Buro jamidarer babur choda chudi

Jamider pratap narayaner ekhon boyos 55 hoyechhe. Tar rajje kokhono kono abhijog chilo na, ekhono nei. Rani parvati goto hoyechhe tao 2 bochhor holo. Ei bishal jamider barite ekhon jamider pratap narayan ekai thaken. Aboshsho eka thaken bolle bhul hobey, bari vorti onek chakor bakor. Arr tar char meyeke bhalo ghare biye diyechhen.Sokale aynar samne dariye jamider babu nijeke dekhlen. Mathar chul ektu sada hoyese, tini dhuti ta soriye dekhlen barar bal sada holo ki na. Goto koymas jabot tini...

2 years ago
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I Love My Mother 8211 Part 3

Hi again readers.. On the onset, would like to thank the few people who took the trouble of appreciating my post and emailing me. I would like to tell the incident as it happened (may be it is a little slow) . For those who have not read my previous posts, do read them before going forward with this one. Before starting this part, I would like to admit the fact that I am not sure why I am writing these personal stuff here for everybody to read, but to be honest it gave me a thrill when I read...

1 year ago
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A Night In The Basement

A few years after my wife and I were married, I was watching the game in the basement with a couple of buddies, Tim and Barry. We had been drinking and were feeling pretty good when my wife got home from a night out with her girlfriends.  I was in the easy chair and Tim and Barry were sitting at opposite ends of the couch when Sue came down stairs and plopped herself on the couch between the two of them. She was still in her 'night out' clothes, short skirt, low cut top and high heels. She...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Young Master Chapter 1

By Smitty Simon ([email protected]; http://smittysimon.blogspot.com) It was supposed to be the best day of my life...and maybe it was, but definitely not in the way I planned. My 21st birthday...my first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...my first day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not very manly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to play with had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a kid right about to open the...

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What happened in the Storeroom

This is a story i found on a page that's been inactive for a few years. This is such a hot story and it needs to posted again for people to view and enjoy. I am only copy pasting this story. Please read and enjoy. Have any problem tell me and it shall be removed. Thank you.Storeroom with Father-in-lawMy name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle-class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good...

2 years ago
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My Learned FriendChapter 3

The letter arrived next Thursday, inviting me to join Furnival Street Chambers as the newest member. The following Monday I was thrown into a maelstrom. Harry showed me to a large office with some six desks crammed together. "This will be your office, sir, Make yourself at home. I have a couple of briefs for you which are in court tomorrow, after that there are a few which I am sure you can handle." He put two bundles of files, secured with pink ribbon on the desk. He pointed to the top...

4 years ago
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Harrys Journey part 2

Hermione didn�t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwartsexpress, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought heand Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrolthe train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry�sthoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had beenable to keep these thought away for a couple of...

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The flying yearn

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello dear reader I think I wrote more than hundred stories in this site I have one more site in my name that is a blog site of mine. So read my other special stories on there and write your thoughts on that site also If you want the site ID write to my email ID to direct me just click my name there you can see my profile and email ID. Write and enjoy yourself with most lovable Incest dreams. I fumbled with the keys to open the door, my right hand on...

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GirlsWay Adriana Chechik Penny Pax Georgia Jones Lady Boss Orientation

Adriana Chechik tries on her clothes until she finds the perfect outfit for her job interview. She heads to her appointment at the advertising agency and sits across from Penny Pax and Georgia Jones at the boardroom table. She answers their tough questions keeping cool and collected. They offer her the job and invite to their mandatory orientation retreat. When Adriana arrives at the retreat, she sees Georgia and Penny suntanning in the nude by the pool. Georgia is applying oil to Penny’s...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 434

Short one from Red Dog: Blind guy walks into Walmart when the his seeing eye dog, walks to the center aisle, picks the dog up by the tail and starts swinging him around. Manager runs over and asks him what he’s doing, guy says, “we’re just looking around”. Say thanks to Hitemp for this one: So my son and I were at the hardware store earlier. We were getting a bike tire repair kit, and he noticed a bike compass. Commenting on it, he said “It’s working properly.” I said, “that’s because...

1 year ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 11

It's been a few days since we visited the adult store, and surprisingly, we haven't played with any of our toys or slaves. Kristen and I had sex several times, but it almost felt like before any of this had happened to us. Perhaps more frequent, but no real exercise of power or control. Just a married couple getting it on. I realized that we still had two, or actually three Leaks still to deal with: Susan's friends Jen and Sally as well as Stephanie's husband Rob. I was also eager to...

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The HomestandersChapter 30

"I have seen more thrilling winter days," Emily said a little nervously from the back seat of the Stratus. Among them, Vicky, Jason, and the Holsts owned a good number of vehicles. At present, there was a total of six motorcycles, since Vicky still had the Street Hawk and Jason still had the '56. Beyond that, there were two pickup trucks, the Firebird, a minivan and the Stratus. That meant when the four of them wanted to go somewhere in the winter they were pretty well stuck with the last...

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Jenns CoverupChapter 6 The Presentation

The men let Jenny go, and each went to sit on one of the chairs facing each other. That left Jenny with the chair between them, facing the projection screen. "Why don't you fix us a couple of drinks before you sit down, Jenny?" Sam said as he looked over at her. Jenny was humiliated at being exposed and ordered to do menial chores for these men. She turned and her high heeled shoes clicked as she walked the short distance to the bar and refrigerator. Jenny returned with a drink in each...

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Sylvias Hollywood Birthday part 1

⦁ 12 BIRTHDAY⦁ ⦁ "Judy and Denise and a few other friends had some connections with famous" Hollywood". Denise actually grew up in a wing of this Brentwood mansion that had belonged to a famous rich and kinky 1930's movie queen named Desiree Duncan. Have you ever heard of her?"⦁ "This part of what happened at my sixteenth birthday, Tom: ⦁ "Ms. Duncan. Oh yes. She was a huge star in the early 1930's. She lived the life of a star, plenty of booze, sex and d**gs, and her career was ruined by some...

2 years ago
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Wife exposedpart 2

My college friend John visited us last week. See part 1 of story...He always talked to me about how sexy and attractive my wife was and I had sent him a few pictures over the years...nothing too expliicit. He visited and after a boozy dinner at home he got my wife to strip and pose for him. It excited me to see her pose for someone else and he even began taking some pictures with his cell phone. My wife and I had had fantasies about him while having sex, me pretending to be him with a toy as...

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The Widow Next Door

The street I lived on could have been anywhere in America. Lush trees lined it and cars were often parked below them instead of in the driveways. Most of the time, the driveways had been turned into basketball courts or used as parking for bicycles.My family’s house was at the end of the street. It had a neighbor on one side and, on the other, what we used to call a forest but it was in fact no more than twenty trees or so clumped together. It was a safe place to grow up in and we kids were...

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Coup de Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn’t resist a quick glance toward Grace’s computer station when he hit the top. He’d hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he’d missed her in the couple of years she’d worked in the warehouse. She’d proven a godsend to everyone farther down the line too, as the last operator at...

3 years ago
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Mia Allowed Dario

Mia Allowed DarioBy: Londebaaz Chohan This relation flourished so quickly because it started very quickly as well. Mia got a very bad cut and luckily Dario could help as a start. Here is what happened in a “Brief detail”!It was a Saturday afternoon and they had planned a dinner and drinks get together. Dario was to get the grill going with different meats sizzling while Mia was supposed to get the desserts. As Dario walked in his kitchen from the backyard he heard a loud smash of a glass...

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Impregnating Sarah Part 5

Part 5 Laura reached for the pen and clipboard she had abandoned earlier, she scribbled a short note. Did you have any more encounters with Matt? No, he must have taken Dereks warning seriously because the next time I even saw him was when my family was getting ready to drive back to our home. I actually had a call from Derek the day I left. What did he say, asked Laura? He told me again that I was not part of his world and that I needed to find myself. You mean he called to dump you?...

1 year ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 18

2008 “So, her but not them,” said Nathan. “Yes, sir,” said Adam. “Maybe if we talk to her, she’ll be able to convince him to come to the table later on,” said Victoria. “Yes, I guess that’s a possibility,” said Nathan. “Did your sister say when she would be willing to meet with us?” “Next Sunday,” said Adam. “That’s her day off from work.” “Okay, please tell her that’s fine. Ask her if lunch at the Elegance would be okay. And, do say that her husband would be most welcome, more than...

1 year ago
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Hot Night out

I have to share this story. It is about my sexy wife and I and a very hot night out. I wanted to take my wife out for a drink. She is about 5'3", brown hair, and brown eyes, with a very athletic body. She looks rather innocent but when she puts on a nice dress she looks very provocative to say the least.This night I told her to dress nice because I love to show her off. She did so by putting on a sexy bodice with garters and black nylons with black g-string panties accompanied by a sexy pair of...

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wife takes bbc home

This took place about 2 years ago and can't remember all the details but will do the best I can.It was the beginning of summer and Dawn was working a part time job at walmart after her full time job. It was Friday night and I had took the k**s to our summer place for the weekend. Dawn was working til 10 and would ride down when she got off work and 10pm. It was now 10:30 and I hadn't got a text that she was on her way so I sent a text and asked if she had left yet.She text back and said no,...

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Miss Prudence School for Girls

Miss Prudence School for Girls I had been at the Miss Prudence School for Girls since I was eleven years old. There were only thirty-five girls in the whole school ranging in age from eleven to eighteen. There were only five girls in each class and all the same age. We studied everything that the public schools studied plus everything that we would need to know, if we were married to a Governor, Senator, Congressman, or even the President. We learned about art, current affairs, and...

1 year ago
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The Art Club

My wife Julie's friend Jenny was other for an afternoon chat. They were both sat on the sofa, while I carried out some paperwork on the dining table at the other end of our living room.'I've got a problem' said Jenny to my wife. 'My female model for my adult art club has pulled out at the last minute, and I can't find anyone else to take her place at such short notice. The club meets tomorrow night!' Jenny ran an Adult Art Club. They met up once a month. It was a small mixed group, usually...

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