Equilibrium At Gamma Apodis free porn video

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Preface: ‘Battle Stations! All hands man your battle stations!’

The time is the twenty-eighth Century. It’s another mundane Signal Intelligence gathering mission for the Confederation deep space survey ship CSS Blackthorn. At the Pavo/Ava turn around an urgent message was intercepted by the protagonists, Major McClintock and his navigator, a summons for assistance from the Sophistry’s ‘Time Minister,’ Mistress Karina. To respond to her urgent call the crew would have them violate their mission parameters, entering into a region of interstellar space known as the Apus Quadrant.

Seeking to save the embattled members of the ‘Nth Degree,’ a crippled time ship set upon by eight vessels of the antagonists Morritite Federation, added by confederates within, Mistress Karina’s loyal forces are waging a Temporal ‘Civil War’ within their realm of space time. Will the overmatched crew of the Blackthorn be able to render assistance to the Sophistry’s lone Time Minister?

Once their mission had been completed could Major McClintock and his crew assist Mistress Karina in the closure of a so-called ‘hole in space time’ that will exist within their space once the Sophistry’s time ship departs that region of space – and if so at what price?

Antoine P. Holliday

Ch. 1

October 19, 2777— 0645 hours according to our ship’s chronometer: ‘Oh, Man!’ I exclaimed as I thrust my feet towards the deck. I had awakened from the most incredible dream—or was it? How could I begin to recount its details before I forgot them? It seemed so real yet so surreal. Should I perform my morning prayers or chant some diamoku first? Well, I’ll just have to wing it: ‘Computer: Start transcription!’

‘Begin your narrative, Major McClintock,’ said a mechanical voice.

(Ahem!) – I’m Major Stewart McClintock, commanding officer of this Argyle-class of deep space survey ship christened the CSS Blackthorn (S-1010), a modern, more nimble version of the venerable and now decommissioned Sinclair-class of Expansion War-era battle cruiser/deep space survey craft.’

That vessel had a long and very colorful service career, but now her class has been supplanted by this newer version that was heavily armed with a potent set of high energy 40 mm pulse cannons mounted forward and Amidships. We could fight if we had to, but within the ranks of the Deep Space Surveillance Corps discretion was considered to be the better part of valor. This class of deep space survey ship was capable of attaining anti-matter powered interstellar (IS) drive escape velocities in the high twenties with ease.


Our thirty day Signal Intelligence (SigInt) gathering mission was nearing its end. We have just completed the Pavo/Ara turn around and are now drifting towards the start point of our meandering mission in the vicinity of the star system of Circinus at level one impulse power. To say that this crew was mentally fatigued and bored out of their skulls at this point would be an understatement.

Currently we are two parsecs inside of the boundaries of the Ara and Pavo Quadrants bordering Soo-Erthra Space. It’s one of the most uneventful areas of our monitoring mission. In over two hundred twenty-eight years of SigInt missions not a single incident had been documented occurring within this region of space that faced the parsecs distant Terran southern hemisphere polar region.

Yet, we still performed our mind numbing duties as if we could be attacked at any moment – or worse yet, get sucked into a raging conflict without a clue as to how to extricate ourselves. This situation had occurred in Terra’s past with alarming frequency in these regions of interstellar space.


The Blackthorn was manned by a five person crew—an indication of the ‘priority’ these missions rated within the Confederation Armed Forces (CAF), our missions were barely noticed and our efforts at SigInt gathering ignored accept by the leadership of the Intelligence Corps.

The members onboard with five years or less of space/military experience under their helmets were our Space Machinist’s Mate Petty Officer Second Class Allan Jamison of the CAF’s Naval Wing—with two years onboard.

My navigator, Warrant Officer First Class Dan McIntyre of the CAF’s Army Air Corps and our Stellar Cartographer – our resident navigator with five years onboard.

Our lone civilian, the voluptuous Ms. Claire O’Hara of CAF Logistics Command, known affectionately as ‘Harelip’ by the crew because it’s what she sported (surgically repaired of course), this was her second year onboard.

Our fourth crewmember was Mark Anderson, a Space Hospital Corpsman First Class of the CAF’s Naval Wing affectionately called ‘Needles.’ He has over eleven years of CAF space experience. This was his second year onboard.

As for me, the ‘commanding officer,’ I’m always called by my first name: Major. I have the most tenure in the Confederation Armed Forces over all of them combined at fourteen years. This was my first deep space SigInt mission as a commanding officer.


It seems as if this crew had been chewing at each other’s butts since our entry into this region on October 8, 2777. Incidents of ‘unwanted physical contact’ have been leveled by Ms. O’Hara against my space snipe and navigator, the second such time such allegations have been directed against both men since entering the ‘turn around.’

If I didn’t get a handle on this issue it had all the earmarks of pending sexual harassment charges being filed upon our return to Puyallup colony. It seemed as if my ‘perceived inaction’ to Ms. O’Hara’s plight may have emboldened the alleged perpetrators to carry on. So, I have made it a point to address the entire crew during this leg so this behavior would cease.

I could have placed both men on report. This action would not only mean a ‘black mark’ on their performance evaluations, but upon mine as their ‘rookie’ commanding officer. There was a saying that heavy was the head that wore the crown. I had yet to form the persona of most of my former commanders who would roar self-righteously that while on a mission ‘their word was law!’

Somehow, those sterling words refused to fall from my lips in light of my paucity of command expertise—just would not sound as ‘inspiring.’ I never brought this subject up with the navigator, who was also my first officer. With him being one of the accused it would serve no real purpose. If anything had to be done in regards to framing an admonishment it would have to be done by me, but at a time of my choosing.


September 30, 2777: We had just finished running an unannounced casualty drill: Hull breach on the third deck, frame eighty-nine. The personnel involved were Needles Anderson, Petty Officer Jamison, and Harelip. Mr. McIntyre was the monitor. During our drills the four of them seemed to mesh well. They performed the required remedies for this casualty drill like the pros they were.

It was afterwards that their personalities got into the way. Once again the loud, complaining voice of Ms. O’Hara could be heard throughout the vessel. It seems as if she had once again been ‘touched inappropriately’ and wanted to make sure that I heard her strident complaint.

‘Enough of this childishness! All crewmembers muster on the flight deck,’ I ordered over the comm system. The sound of shuffling boots could be heard treading the deck as all three personnel found an area within its confines to plant their butts.

‘Shipmates! This situation that currently has us by the balls has got to end! Now Harelip—ugh! Excuse me, Ms. Claire O’Hara has brought to my attention that she is being sexually harassed by the males of this crew. We all know how the CAF frowns on such behaviors—especially among mixed crewmembers on its combat vessels! Just what is the problem? Why can’t you men leave this woman alone?’ I asked.

‘Major! It was just hor
seplay!’ said Jamison sheepishly, ‘I meant no harm, Major! I mean, we’d just nailed another drill and I felt like giving her a gentle slap on her . . . butt,’ said the space snipe.

But O’Hara took acceptation to his description of events: ‘Oh, bullshit. You cupped your hand against my crotch, from behind, mister!’ she shrieked.

The fact that her voice went up three octaves nearly caused my glasses fall from my face. Then the other male involved spoke up: ‘Sir! I may have gotten a bit overzealous in my actions, but I assure you that the touch I gave her wasn’t meant to disturb her,’ said Warrant Officer McIntyre.

Again, O’Hara ardently protested his assertion: ‘You groped my breasts! I think that was a ‘bit excessive’ if you ask me,’ she said, staring at both men as if she wanted to castrate them with a dull knife.

I just looked at the deck. I shook my head from side to side in contemplation, then I formed a response to what I heard. All Petty Officer Anderson did was gaze at us, his eyes filled with bemused indifference.

‘We are only a five person crew! This type of behavior was what one would expect to occur on a ship with a much larger complement, not one this size. Let me cut to the chase. Here’s what I want to see happen: You two will apologize to Ms. O’Hara for your ‘inappropriate touching’ of her . . . person. Then, I’ll follow up on that. Go ahead – do this now,’ I ordered.

It was Petty Officer Jamison that led off: ‘Ms. Orwell. I profoundly apologize for causing you such distress. I didn’t mean to have this situation rise to this level. I will be on my best behavior for the remainder of this mission. I promise.’

Then, Warrant Officer McIntyre added his Mea Culpa: ‘Look, Claire—Ms. O’Hara. Um-m-m, I am sorry as well. Look. Your mounds err—you are so beautiful and my emotions got out of hand. For that I am so sorry. I hope that you will accept my apology as well.’

Then all hands just looked about at each other. The tension in the air was so thick you could chew it. After an extended period of silence it was my turn to add the capper to this informal gathering: ‘Let it be known that as of 1208 hours I am declaring this matter resolved!’

‘However, if it should happen again I will document it and place the guilty parties on report! That will mean that this crew will be disbanded upon our return to Puyallup and I will lose my command! If that should happen I don’t think any of you would want to face me after the fact. Savvy?’ I said—with authority.

‘Yes Sir!’ they voiced quietly.

‘Outstanding! Keep your hands to yourselves. That goes for you too, Ms. O’Hara. Let’s not nail these males to the cross here, understood?’ I asked.

‘Fully Major,’ she said.

‘Okay fine! Knock off ship’s work. Lunch for the crew,’ I said.

With that said I turned to take my seat on the flight deck to become embraced by the solitude of the Blackthorn’s cockpit.


October 6, 2777: The ship’s chronometer read 0234 hours. Six days had passed without further incident. Everyone seemed to be on their best behavior. Shipboard routines were once again being performed in a professional manner. Mac and I were having a conversation on the bridge and that situation with his groping of Claire O’Hara had become the main topic: ‘Mac. I am very surprised that you were engaging in this happy horseshit. Why are you pulling on Harelip’s chain?’ I asked.

‘Are you blind, Major? She’s so gorgeous! I just can’t help wanting to touch her—to hold her. You know what I mean?’ asked Mac in a juvenile manner.

‘Yes, I do, but you and I are officers in the CAF, McIntyre! You of all the members of this crew should realize that such actions place your career in jeopardy – mine as well!’ I scolded him.

‘Yes, you’re right Major. But, Sir, since we entered this sector of space every time I see her walking about I just want to hold her, to kiss her and —oomph! You know?’ asked the navigator, ‘Which is funny, Sir, because at Puyallup we never interacted. But, here in this enclosed environment I’ve developed this sudden, uncontrollable urge to touch her Major,’ said Mac.

That last bit of self-serving crap had raised my hackles, but it was the best I could expect to hear from Mr. McIntyre. I felt the ‘urge’ to walk about the ship: ‘You have the bridge, number one,’ I said.

‘I have the bridge, aye Sir,’ said the navigator.

Ch. 2

I had made my way to the second deck medical section. Sitting at his post was Needles Anderson was going over his medical stores inventory. I stood by his hatch watching him professionally perform his mundane task. If the rest of the crew was bored doing their exacting routines this man should be in a coma. He really had no other function onboard but the medical treatment of our crew members and as part of our damage control team.

‘Needles. A word with you,’ I said. The petty officer immediately launched to his feet.

‘Yes Major!’ he said.

‘At ease, Needles—I need to know things. I am asking this of you this because next to me you have the most experience in space. What the matter with these crewmembers?’ I asked.

Giving my interrogative sober thought he offered an answer: ‘They’re acting like they want to get laid, Sir. The level of adult maturity on this command has deteriorated as of late,’ said Petty Officer Anderson.

‘Go ahead, continue with you observations, Needles,’ I said.

‘Well, if I may be frank, Sir, one of the reasons I accepted orders to this posting was that the crew was small. Being on a vessel with a larger compliment was a pain in the ass, Major. I do better when things are slow, Sir. That fact was the most enjoyable aspect of my duties onboard the Blackthorn,’ said Petty Officer Anderson.

‘That was indeed something I’ve taken note of. Yes, I’ve been watching you perform, Needles. Just as no doubt you’ve taken note of mine. So, be honest. I want a direct answer: Do I suck as a commanding officer?’

‘Sir. To be brutally honest: You are doing the best you can with a suddenly dysfunctional crew. Last week was the first step in the many you will have to take if you intend to corral their respect, Major,’ said Needles.

I just sat and looked upon his features. He did not flinch: ‘So I take that to mean that I do suck,’ I said.

‘Major. You don’t ‘suck,’ Sir. I’ve served under some officers who have—you aren’t even close. If anything you’re trying to ‘befriend’ everyone. That’s not necessarily the best course of action to take either, Sir,’ said Needles with a straight face.

‘All right then. I’ll leave you to your duties. Thank you for your candor, Petty Officer Anderson,’ I said.

With that I rose to leave his space, the corpsman rose from his seat and assumed the position of attention as I departed the sick bay.


The next destination I ventured to: The SigInt station located on the cavernous third deck, amidships—the center of that space. This super secured vault like space covered an area on the port side from frames fifty to sixty-four. It was crammed with a sophisticated sensor array console and data processing equipment.

It’s where all the sensor inputs from our outside and inside our hull were catalogued and stored. In comparison to the older versions this suite was very much state of the art. This was Claire O’Hara’s world. It kept her virtually isolated from intimate contact with her shipmates.

She was also one of the triggers for the ship’s defensive capability: Our pulse rifle’s tracking radar and synthetic optical sights. With the push of a button she could initiate the system’s automated fire control system.

This function could also be performed from the bridge. Our navigator could command their function if Claire became swamped with other mission priorities during an encounter. After all: Our primary mission was signal intelligence gathering.


Normally, the weapons operator would be conversing with other crew members on the mess deck which also occupied this deck at the amidships section of this deck. Tonight no one was there. Advancing towards the super secured hatch I touched it, the massive door slowly opened.

Advancing to its threshold I caught sight of the sensuous form of Ms. Claire O’Hara draped across her console. As much as I hated to acknowledge it Mac was right: She was gorgeous! From the outer hatch entrance I addressed the soundly sleeping female civilian.

‘Ms. O’Hara! You really should make your reports to the bridge on time,’ I said in a loud voice.

She immediately sprang to her feet: ‘Sir! I’m sorry! I must have dosed off.’

Actually she had done nothing wrong. Our mission was for all intents and purposes over. The computers were now handling the sensor gathering role – comparing what we had vacuumed up on the outbound leg with the return leg’s intercepts. This was just an excuse for me to violate her space because I was the only other person onboard who could enter it thanks to our genetically encoded hatch locks.

‘As you were, O’Hara. I came to discuss matters with you in regards to your interactions with the crew post ass chewing by yours truly. How are things with you now?’ I asked her.

‘Major, I have had no further incidents with those men. I had a chance to think on things. They are ‘men,’ Sir. I doubt if this level of tension would be an issue on a larger command with more females onboard,’ said Ms. O’Hara.

I took time to really look at her with a critical eye. I have found that women, even in this highly enlightened era we now live, still fall back on those old tricks to keep males off balance. I called it ‘gender blackmail,’ a practice that fell out of practice in the mid twenty-second and faded from use through the twenty-fifth. Now, like most societal trends it appeared to be making a comeback.

‘Okay. Now, I have a question for you: Why are you so tense around Allan and Mac but not Needles? I find that—peculiar. Does he disturb you? Do I ‘disturb’ you?’ I asked her.

‘No Sir! Petty Officer Anderson and you are ‘mature men,’ Sir! You both treat me with great respect. Those other two can’t seem to keep their hands to themselves. Oh, I know how they are feeling, Major. I feel the same way—but not on duty, Sir! We are supposed to be shipmates, not dates on a lark,’ said Ms. O’Hara. We talked for an hour. When I rose Miss O’Hara reached out to shake my hand, and then impulsively hugged me!

‘Oh, thank you, Major. I really appreciate your allowing me to vent my feelings to you. I promise that I will man my post more effectively in the future, Sir,’ she said in the most sincere tones.

I stepped back from her standing form. I gave her a harsh glassy-eyed stare: ‘You realize that you just committed what you stated Jamison and Mr. McIntyre had done to you: ‘Unsolicited touching and show of affection?’ I asked.

‘Oh shit! Major! I meant no harm, Sir. I wasn’t—’

‘I believe the word you are looking for is ‘thinking.’ Just bear that in mind if another such incident occurs. This ‘sexual harassment’ crap can be a double edge sword, O’Hara – it can cut both ways. Carry on,’ I said.


The last stop on my ship’s tour was the second deck aft Engineering console station located at frame 110 on the starboard side. At his post monitoring our ion powered impulse (IP) drive engine’s performance parameters sat Space Machinist’s Mate Second Class Allan Jamison.

While we had been on station it has been our prime mover of choice. It used less fuel to operate and could be immediately shut down if the antimatter powered interstellar (IS) drive were brought on line.

Our speed now was sub light plus one. Compared to our idle IS drive it seemed as if we weren’t moving at all. However, ‘speed’ in interstellar space was relative. The distances are so vast that there was nothing in the areas we traversed to gauge our rate of travel against. As I walked towards his station space snipe Jamison rose to his feet. He came to rigid attention while I was frantically gesturing for him to relax.

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"Are you ready yet?" "No, hang on." "Okay." I looked into the mirror and adjusted my mask. Halloween was not one of my favorite holidays, especially since the candy-distributors began to scowl at us and say that we were too old to be trick-or-treating. Of course, our classmates had been telling us that since we were freshmen. The scowling parents were at least nice enough not to steal our pillowcases and punch me in the stomach. But Gemma always looked forward to the 31st and spent a...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 4

Enduring Legacy Video Services was fully licensed and Layla found a small old house near the Maryland state line to rent for the studio. It was only a mile from the campus. Every available moment was spent preparing the three rooms that would be used as sets. Eric was very handy with carpentry projects, hanging drapes and re-modeling the bathrooms. Cliff came to help several times. He converted the living room into an office and meeting room. She purchased two new Canon camcorders like the...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 5

Julia, Susanna and the guys arrived at Walter's Steakhouse that is in the 800 block of Union Street, just a few doors up and across from Union City Grille. They immediately saw the police activity underway across the street and assumed it was an accident or a medical emergency. After several minutes of banter on how big they wanted their steaks to be, Julia and Susanna decided on the smaller six-ounce filet mignons while Cliff went for the 14-ounce prime rib and Charles ordered the 22-ounce...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 6

Julia shook Layla awake the next morning. It was very unusual for Layla to oversleep so there must be something wrong she thought. "Layla, Eric is here and downstairs. He said you promised him breakfast. Are you alright?" "Yeah, just totally exhausted. I didn't sleep well. Have him come up while I jump in the shower." As she was opening the shower door, Eric walked into the bathroom. They hugged and kissed. "Honey, I'm sorry I wasn't up when you came. I didn't sleep at all most of...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 7

The morning went fast with Amy wanting to play games the cousins showed her the previous afternoon. Angelo and Eric made the rounds of the self-service laundries to empty the coin collectors and re-charge the change machines. They checked the customer complaint boxes to see if any of the machines weren't working correctly before returning home for lunch. Layla and her mom had fixed meatball sandwiches with homemade sauce for lunch. As soon as Amy went down for her nap, Eric decided to go...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 8

Christmas Eve came quickly and the Russo family was ready. All the cousins were beside themselves with excitement. They couldn't keep their hands off each other, as play was the only thing on their minds. The family tradition was to attend mass and then return home to find that Santa had delivered all the presents. Eric had never been to a Catholic mass but he thoroughly enjoyed the service and the friendliness of all the people. He followed Layla's instructions and did what she did as the...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 9

Christmas morning in Wyoming was beautiful. The snow had stopped sometime during the night and at least 16 inches were on the ground. It was very light and dry powder ... the kind skiers love. Julia and Cliff were up early to prepare the milk mixture for Nick. The air was very cold and the slight wind blowing made it even colder for their walk to the barn. Nick was waiting for them as they entered his warm stall. He walked directly to Cliff, who was carrying the bottle, and bumped his hand...

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Three Sisters of Delta GammaChapter 10

Easter weekend started for them Friday afternoon, as soon as Eric's shift ended at 2:00 pm. He was off the next three days and school was on holiday recess until Tuesday. On the way up to visit Layla's parents, they stopped by Eric's townhouse to pick up clothes. Michelle was there and so was Gabby, her partner. Over the last four months, they had all been together several times for dinner, movies and a musical concert. Layla had become great friends with them and they were planning to...

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The RescuedChapter 45 SM03Gamma Day 6 Midafternoon

Steve Miller was alone, and grumpy. He'd awakened alone again this morning, as he probably would for the rest of his life. One guy and ten women, locked in a small set of rooms by the aliens that had 'rescued' them, with nothing much to do except fuck. It would be the ultimate damn wet dream, except for a minor flaw. All the women were lesbians. (He wasn't quite pissed off enough to use the d-word, even in his head.) He'd awakened that first morning, to find himself in strange clothing,...

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The RescuedChapter 56 SM03Gamma Day 8 Late AfternoonEvening

Steve returned from his meeting in a good mood, even if he was very horny from watching his brother use his slave. When he got back to his own home, his first act was to take Suri and Suki into his room, and to use Suki quite savagely indeed. By the time he spent himself in her ass, the vibrator in her cunt, combined with the stimulation as he fucked her ass and fondled her tits, had driven her into orbit. She passed out from the pleasure, and Steve took advantage of the moment of privacy to...

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The RescuedChapter 63 SM03Gamma Day 9

Steve woke to the pleasurable sensation of a warm mouth on his cock. He looked down at the top of Suki's head as she gently sucked his hardening cock. She was particularly skilled this morning, and he soon filled her mouth with his sperm. She sat back, swallowing, and allowed Suri to move in to clean him. Steve stopped Suri before she could get him hard again, saying that he needed to piss. Her eyes widened, and she stiffened, before he waved her back so he could get out of bed. When he...

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The RescuedChapter 64 AS01Gamma Day 9 continued

If things had gotten quiet when Steve first arrived, the response when he returned with Andrew on a leash plumbed new depths of silence. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Steve explained things to the assembled crowd. "As you can see, Andrew has some unusual needs that Johnny wasn't able to fulfill. So I've decided to take on that responsibility. I've also decided that I can give Johnny what he needs, which is somewhat easier to achieve as his needs are not nearly so intense. "Johnny...

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The RescuedChapter 65 AS01Gamma Day 9 continued

When Steve entered the room where Annette and Joelle were waiting, he found them on their knees beside the bed, still naked, with their hair still damp from their shower. They looked up as he entered, then bowed their heads again, waiting to be instructed. Steve considered the best way to make his point, given the limited number of orgasms he was likely to be capable of, and then spoke in a commanding voice. "Stand, both of you," he said. "Put your hands behind your head, and spread your...

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The RescuedChapter 66 AS01Gamma Day 9 continued

Steve blinked, but somehow he wasn't at all surprised. "So, tell me, Ronald," he said to the young woman lying face down in front of him, "do twins run in your family?" Ronald lifted her head from the pillow, wide-eyed at either the matter-of-fact tone in Steve's voice, or at the utter banality of the question, or both. "What do you mean?" she asked (or he asked; it was getting confusing.) "With very few exceptions, from very early in the retrieval, everyone 'recovered' had more...

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The RescuedChapter 67 SM03Gamma Day 10

Steve woke to the exquisite sensations of a blow-job, one of the best he'd ever experienced. He glanced down and barely had time to recognize the top of Johnny's head before he shot his load into Johnny's mouth. Despite the minor fuzziness caused by being awakened, his brain suddenly connected a few dots. Andrew had said that Johnny had awakened him with an unsolicited blow-job, and now he'd done it to Steve as well. Steve was suddenly convinced that the Pi version of Johnny had been...

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The RescuedChapter 68 AS01Gamma Day 10 continued

Steve arrived at Andrew's former residence, and found things in a quiet uproar. Several different groups were circled around holographic displays of a new residence structure, pointing out different features and discussing who would live where. Leah was in the thick of the biggest group, and was rapidly scribbling notes on a pad of paper. One of the women in the scrum looked up and saw Steve, and touched Leah's arm. Leah looked up, and broke into a big smile when she saw Steve. She handed...

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The RescuedChapter 69 AS01Gamma Day 10 continued

When Lauren walked into the room, something about her struck Steve oddly. She was walking tall, confident, and almost arrogant, but her eyes didn't match the rest of her body language. Steve remained on the couch he'd been siting on while he waited, but Lauren made no move to sit, or to comment on his lack of an invitation to do so. Steve stared at Lauren, testing her, and she grew steadily more nervous. He finally stood, and walked up to her. "I'm told you're trying to turn your...

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She cheated. I found out. I put up with it for several months, hoping she would come clean. She never did, so one night I confronted her. “So, what are you going to do now?” Karen O’Dell asked after I had said good night to my kids. “Please tell me something about it that at least sounds like the truth.” I asked. “Mick, it started out as just a little harmless fun kissing and naughty touching. I guess I let it grow into something a little more. I don’t love him; I just use him for...

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Majhya bahini chi gammat

Apun Marathi apali gosht pan marathit, sagalyat pehele, me Anish.. He majhi khari gosht ahe , majhya bahini sobat kelya gelelya sex chi. Me anish nadkarni, pune city madhye rahayala ahe. Majhi height 5 ft 10 inch. Disayala avg ahe, B.E Mech educated.. Built ekdam sexy. Majhi bahin Rani, amhi premane Rano mhanato tila. S.Y la ahe. Disayala gori gori pan fulasarakhi chan, height 5 ft 6 inch. Lamb kale kale dat kes tichya hips paryant latakat asatat. Mashya sarakhe tiche dole, ani gulabi oth khup...

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Day at the office

You arrive at the office early in the morning and nobody else is around and won't be for another hour or so. You sit down at your desk and access your computer that you had on over the weekend and look at what porn movies you were downloading actually finished. You find a nice one with Layla Jade, the hot English porn star. You settle down with your pants down around your ankles and a napkin at your side. The movie is one from the Hand job Hunnies series. Layla Jade is in between some guys legs...

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Low in the ColdChapter 11

Tuesday morning. Agatha walks out of the elevator, as almost every day, and heads to her high-status office in the company. People from around the office look at her, but not in the usual manner she's used to. Most of the time, men and women alike stare at her, admiring her high-end clothing, her beautiful looks, her elegant, shaped body beneath all that luxury. But today, it isn't lust or envy in everyone's eyes. Suspicion and doubts, perhaps. She ignores all the feeble people on her...

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Submissive Sissy Jennys First Cock

Submissive sissy Jennifer's first cockThere is a shy knock on your door. You open it, wondering who it can be. A stranger hands you the end of a dog chain, you can see that it leads to a red strap round his neck."I'm Jennifer, Sir" he whispers, softly & huskily. It becomes clear now - you remember the conversation on the web a few days ago. Not saying a word, you pull the stranger into your room with the lead, shutting & locking the door behind him. You slip the end of the dog chain...

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Breaking Babysitter Rules 8 End of my Weekend

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening. My vision blurry but I could make out the people who came in. They were Kianna and Tonet; Janice stood by the door.I sat up, Emily was still lying next to me. I pull up my blanket, trying to hide my tired cock."We have to go, we still got finals tomorrow." Kianna said. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, then she looked into my eyes and smiled. She gave me a kiss on the lips. A little of our saliva stretched out as we parted lips."It was fun....

1 year ago
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Real Pleasure Of Rebellion 8211 Part 2

Ghar me ate he sushma sidha apne bistar pe chali gai.Usne apne kapde utare aur puri nangi ho kar let gai. Fir usne bag se wo rumal nikala jis se usne abhi thodi der phle us rickshe wale ka paseena pocha tha.Wo rumal ko apne chehre pe rkh k sunghne lgi.Usne us rumal se apne boobs ko pkda aur kalpna krne lgi ki wo rickshe wala sushma k boobs ko masal rha hai.Sushma ne fir us rumal se apni clitoris ko rgda .Sushma ab puri trah pagal ho chuki thi ab wo har hal me us rickshewale se chudna chahti...

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FamilyStrokes Sofie Reyez Reyna DeLaCruz Loose Lips Sink Ships

Filthy Rich sets up the famous boats board game to play with his stepdaughters Reyna Delacruz and Sofie Reyez, but as he teaches them how to play he keeps cheating to make Sofie win, so Reyna gets mad and goes upstairs. While Reyna takes a selfie she discovers that Sofie is sucking on stepdaddy’s cock, and decides to confront her about it. When Sofie tells stepdad that Reyna knows what they’ve been doing, he worries that she’ll tell their mom, but turns out Reyna just wants in on the action and...

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Neighbor Girl Needs Help 2

As we climb into the shower, the hot water running over us, I stare at Jemma's magnificent body, taking her all in for the first time. Small frame, at least C size breasts with gorgeous reddish-brown areolas, slight curves at the waist and a beautiful round ass that fit the shape of a C.I finally regain my senses and pull her to me, our lips connecting for a long, slow, sensual kiss, our tongues dancing around each other as my hands slide down, cupping her ass, grabbing all that I can get my...

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A Stylite in New York

The traveler made his way up the darkened stairwell, careful not to disturb the layers of dust and cobwebs that had built up over the years. The building had been abandoned for years, probably even decades in fact. He had never so much as set foot inside this building before, and yet, it was as if he somehow knew his way. And so he carried on, curious to know about the strange figure who sat motionless atop the skyscraper each morning. After what seemed like an eternity in the dark, with only...

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In Kind retry

Introduction: A college guy gets his spring break reward for saving a life. Brad was rather unsure of whether he should cancel his plans for the night, or even how to go about doing that. He was invited as a special guest to one of the spring break parties being thrown by MTV. However, the way the redhead was sucking on his cock as if his cum was the nectar of the gods, he didnt know if hed be able to get away, or if hed even want to. He tried to recall the details of his day that led to this...

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My Second ChanceChapter 42 Book 1 The New Normal

At lunch, I don’t even get to sit, and Dahlia is asking, “What is this we are hearing about an army coming in with you this morning.” Kim cuts in, “Ya, and why are the Barton guys following us around?” “The ‘army,’ as you put it, was the Army, Navy and RCMP letting the school know that our wellbeing is a matter of national security. The Barton guys are our bodyguards. From now on, when we are at school or cycling as a group, they will be following us. I will always have a couple of them...

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Annie and Julie

Annie watched the spread-tied girl's narrow hips thrash as the young victim tried futilely to kick her legs free. Her open-legged struggle caused her pussy to "dance" above the bed delightfully. Annie reached out and grabbed a thatch of the girl's pubic hair, pulling her upward by it until the girl tore her hips away. Meanwhile Julie pinned the girl's shoulders down and buried her face in the girl's left breast, sucking voraciously as if she could force milk from it. Her free hand plucked the...

4 years ago
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The Making of Nibs Chapter 1 and 2

Chapter 1 - Nibs' Beginning Sat in a living room of Damien Cameron home in Suraban, was Richard C, Damien and K Dog. Richard placed his mug of coffee down asking, "Do you think I should put Nicholas Calton forward for selection to the Academy?" Damien stood to walk to the window saying as he went, "Yeah, from the work he did for us on that operation was excellent, and if that's a sample of the work Nicholas has the ability to do then yes. The only issue is how will he react to the...

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A New Open Mind

It was one of those days. You know, tons of little things that add up to make for a long, stressful day. I was so glad it was Thursday and we had finally wrapped up our main project. Friday was going to be my first day off in way too long. I woke up on the couch, where, apparently I had passed out when I made it home from work. My plan for meeting some friends and grabbing dinner, was no longer going to work. I tried texting a few buddies, but had no luck on getting anyone to venture...

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Unexpected Erotic Experience With My Old Friend

Hi guys, about me…this is Vishwa from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu working for a reputed MNC(software). I did my UG also in Coimbatore tat also from a very reputed college. There was a girl in our college, of another department, Ishwarya. She was literally a sex bomb right from our college days. About her figure, she was so lean tat u can hold her hips wit one hand but wit voluptuous boobs and ass. It was 32-26-32. She was lean, not so fair wit a wheatish color and straightened hair. She enjoyed all...

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Julia 2

Sent? que casi me daba un ataque. Imposible negar cualquier cosa, mis senos estaban expuestos y el beb? estaba amamantando. -Cu?ntame todo, desde el principio. Lo hice. Le dije toda la verdad, y ella me escuch? en silencio hasta el final. -La verdad es que ya lo sab?amos casi todo, obviamente que tienes senos y eso, esto fue solo la confirmaci?n. Mira, podemos seguir m?s o menos como hasta ahora, yo ya no tengo leche y lo m?s sano para el beb? es la leche materna, as? que tienes que seguir amamant?ndolo. ...

3 years ago
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Another session with my Busty Black Amazon Mistres

If you read my previous story you know that I have been seeing a beautiful tall black mistress with incredibly large breasts...She looks like a mixture of Jeanneta Joy, and Candy Coated..she is 5'10, weighs about 180 pounds, with long dark curly hair, striking dark eyes, full lips, 38eee breats, 30 inch waist, 42 inch hips...she is voluptuous and stunning..just writing about her looks makes me horny...the following is a dialogue with some minor descriptions from our last session...i think...

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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12Nikkie SilkPreviously in Cockatoo: Jamie and Nin had made it back to Koh Samuiafter their journey to Bangkok to warn Kritsada. Jamie, Alex and Shanehad sailed to the West Coast for a short vacation where Jamie and Shanehad made love. The trio had sailed back and were in Cockatoo where theywere attacked. Pao had stepped between Jamie and the attacker and beenstabbed.There was pandemonium inside Cockatoo in the moments after Pao had beenstabbed. As I cradled her in my arms I felt...

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MrPOV Emma Rosie My BFs Old Man

Ever since the first time your son introduced you to his new girlfriend, Emma Rosie, things have been a little… weird. Has Emma been giving you “the eye”…or is it just your imagination? Like when you take them out to dinner. Or when Emma walks by you in the hall (always dressed like a slut) on her way home. Or when they’re gaming and your son is super into the video game and Emma has her eyes on…you? It’s been happening for a while, and now that...

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Fat Teen Girl Gang Member Fights Blonde Biker Chicks

As a former teacher, I witnesses some vicious girl fights. However, none is more brutal than when a fat high school girl gang member caught two blonde biker chicks selling drugs at her school. It was a hot, muggy night in August. The first football game was going on. However, off in a distant field, two blond biker chicks were completing a drug deal with a couple high school girls. The woman were strippers. Each one wore tight jeans. They were probably late twenties max. The problem this...

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More Girlfriend

So after my girlfriend had experienced my licking her pussy and ass, she was horny for more. The problem was that her over protective mom was always hovering around us. I had to struggle to get a quick feel of her boobs or my hand down her pants, and she was always grinding against me when we hugged and talking dirty. It had been a couple of weeks since that great encounter in her room. We had decided to go for a walk in the woods again near our houses. Another nice day, and it wasn't long...

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My Brother And I Have Similar Taste For Pussy

Folks, I knew my elder brother was addicted to porn (just like me), but a few months ago, I discovered that he had been sexually stimulating his fantasies over the internet with a 21-year-old girl. This is how I found out that there was the closest thing to physical intimacy… It’s heavenly if you are in a relationship and can fuck your babe, but my 20-year-old body couldn’t lure in a sexy girl with a tight curvy figure. Hence, I resorted to watching porn and reading sex stories. Usually, my...

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