Fantasia free porn video

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Fantasia By Jane Astin Sebastian looked towards the dark castle shaped like a hand. More like a claw he thought. "Fly me to that window," he instructed his trusty luck dragon. "Sebastian are you sure?" responded the white dragon he was riding. "It could be dangerous and I can't fly inside." "Drop me off at the window sill and don't worry I'll be fine," responded Sebastian. "I have Orrid remember and as long as I have Orrid I can wish for anything I like and that will happen. So if I get into trouble I'll wish myself out of it." "Okay Sebastian." Sebastian dismounted the dragon at the edge of the window. Entering a large chamber he saw a women sitting in a throne on one side of the lantern lit room. The woman was very beautiful thought Sebastian dressed in long flowing and shiny gold dress, with long brunette hair and blue eyes. Sebastian also noticed her long red painted nails. "Welcome Sebastian," said the woman. "Make yourself at home." "Who are you and how do you know my name?" asked Sebastian as he approached her. "I am the Mistress of claw castle and you may address me as Mistress or my Queen." 'Yeah right,' thought Sebastian. "Surrender now," he said "and return Fantasia to normal. For months the land has been disappearing with little left. I want you to put it all back." "You have won brave hero," praised the Queen. "And I will do as you ask. I am your prisoner now Sebastian." Sebastian relaxed a little. Looking outside the window he could see the land returning back to normal ever so slowly. It would take months but the whole of Fantasia would return back to normal. Now all he had to do was find the Child- Like-Empress and he would have succeeded in his mission. "What's to become of me Sebastian," asked the Queen. "Well that's for the Child-Like-Empress to decide, when I find her." "Is she missing? Maybe I can help," offered the Queen. "I want to atone for what I have done. I don't know why I did what I did and I know I was bad. Please forgive me." Sebastian looked at her. Maybe she wasn't so bad and she was sorry. Ever since he had been in Fantasia every character he met turned out to be okay and good. Some were misguided and caused harm without realising until Sebastian made them see the errors in their ways. Maybe she was like them he thought. "Okay I accept your help to find her," he told her gently. "As long as you promise not to do that bad stuff again." "Okay I promise," she answered. "You should rest though. You must be tired. Although I don't have beds here or food. You see I don't need to eat or sleep." "That's okay," replied Sebastian. "I have my own supply. As for bed just watch me your majesty and I will have five- star accommodation in a jiffy." Sebastian thought long and hard. He knew he wasn't supposed to use his wishes like this but he had won and now it was time to celebrate. "I wish for a large four poster bed to appear in that corner there." All of a sudden a large four-poster bed just as Sebastian had imagined appeared in the corner of the room. "I also wish for a mini bar with chocolates and chips and cookies and sodas. I also wish for a large bath with perfect hot water and soap. I also wish for a change in clothes." All these things appeared as Sebastian wished for them. "Impressive," said the Queen. "How did you do that?" "Well you see this amulet, it lets me wish for anything I want. Well almost I tried wishing for the nothing to go away and for the Child-Like-Empress to return but it didn't work." "Wow," said the Queen. "Would you like me to bathe you Sebastian?" Sebastian thought long and hard. It had been a long time since anyone had bathed him. He thought his mother had bathed him before she died but couldn't remember. He was finding he couldn't remember a lot of early memories now. "I assure you I have bathed little boys before," soothed the Queen. "Come on show me that you trust me." Sebastian agreed and stripped before entering the bath. The Queen walked over to him and Sebastian could see she was wearing high-heeled shoes under he dress. She crouched over him as he lay there. "How old are you?" she asked. "Eleven." "That's a good age. I wish I was eleven." "I wish I was older." All of a sudden in the bath was a middle age man. "Oh no! I wish I was eleven again." Sebastian returned to his normal age. The Queen laughed. "Do you have a girl friend?" "No I don't have a girl friend. The girls seem to go for guys more good looking than me." "You are a handsome boy Sebastian. You could wish yourself prettier though if you want." "No I'm not supposed to use Orrid for things like that." "But you have won and deserve a reward. And besides no one will know. Don't you wish you were as pretty as the Child- Like-Empress?" "Okay," replied Sebastian. "I wish I was as pretty as the Child-Like-Empress." All of a sudden Sebastian began to shrink. His male parts disappeared and his hair became blonde and grew longer. In the bathtub was a very pretty six year old girl. "What happened? I better turn myself back." "Don't do that," said the Queen. "You could become her until we find the real one. What do you think will happen to Fantasia without a ruler? The Evil-Lord-Drake will take over for sure." Sebastian thought long and hard. His voice was still his as he said, "Okay you are right." The Queen finished washing him off and Sebastian wished for many other things at the Queen's suggestions. When done she helped him out of the bath and he walked in his wished for slippers to the bed where he lay down and quickly fell asleep. The Queen sat by him stroking his long blonde hair. He looked so much like the enemy she despised. Ironic she thought that I am stroking her hair. She walked back to her throne and called for her slave Triface. "Yes Mistress." "Triface is your machine working?" "Yes Mistress," replied Triface a short man with three rotating faces. "He has lost a lot of memories today because of all the wishing you had him do. Soon his head will be empty. I calculate a few more hundred and the beacon will be full, indicating his head is empty and all memories gone from his head into my beacon." "Excellent," she answered as she walked over to the bed. "Soon you will forget why you came here. You will forget the Child-Like-Empress and even forget who you are. Then I will bring order to the realm of dreams and wishes." She watched him all night, as she did not sleep herself. The bringer of nightmares sleeping she laughed. When Sebastian woke up she suggested he wish himself a nice big breakfast, which he did. "Soon you must face your people Sebastian, as the Child- Like-Empress. But to do so you must sound and act like her. Also you need an entire wardrobe like she has. Let me help you design your wardrobe as you wish for them." Sebastian wished to sound like the Child-Like-Empress and his voice took a soft girls tone. The Queen had him wish about fifty dresses all of various colours and matching shoes with all of them. "You need underwear and tights and make up as well." Sebastian paused to think. "Why am I wishing for all this?" "Well silly you don't have any so you need them," answered the Queen. "Okay," he replied and began wishing as he was told. 'He is forgetting.' thought the Queen. She then suggested he take a bath before getting dressed and had him wish a bath with warm water like yesterday. Whilst he entered she went and found Ttriface. Triface was monitoring his beacon as she approached. "Mistress he has two memories left. His mother and his father. Two more wishes and his head is empty. You might find that it will be hard to make him wish the next two wishes." The Queen laughed and picked up a small shiny ball bearing from the beacon. The ball bearing contained a memory. She looked inside and saw Sebastian as a small child being bathed by a woman that could only be his mother. She put the ball bearing back. "What happens when his memories are all in here and he makes another wish?" "Well I can set the machine to reverse. We replace the beacon with empty ball bearings and each time he makes a wish an empty memory will enter his head. As soon as that happens you can fill the memory with whatever you like. Do you want me to dispose of these memories?" "No keep them. I wish to study them later." "As you wish." The Queen walked back to the bathing child. "How are you child?" she asked. "Fine," replied Sebastian in a female voice. "Excellent. Don't you want to wish for something like some nice bubble bath?" "No I am fine," he replied. "What am I doing in here by the way and where's mummy and daddy?" "You really don't remember?" "No." "Well your mummy died many years ago." "Oh. I didn't know. I want to bring her back. I wish my mummy didn't die." Sebastian looked at the Queen blankly again. One left thought the Queen. "Sebastian do you remember your father?" "Yes sort of. He's at home waiting for me." "Is he now? Well you can go back to him now if you want. Or would you prefer to stay here for a few days with me and we can go exploring Fantasia together. We can meet lots of nice new people and have a party. Would you like that?" "Yes," replied Sebastian thoughtfully. "But my daddy would miss me." "Well he doesn't have to. You can wish that everyone who knows who you are apart from me the Queen of Claw castle will forget you ever existed. That way they won't even miss you. When you are ready to go home you can wish that they all remember you again. They won't even know you were gone." Brilliant thought the Queen to herself. "Well I don't know," said Sebastian. "I would like to stay here a while but I don't know." "Well it's up to you dear. Whatever you do I will help you." "I suppose I can for a while. Okay. I wish that everyone that knows me apart from the Queen of Claw castle will forget that I ever existed." The Queen looked at Sebastian who was staring blankly at her. "Who am I?" he asked. "And who are you?" "You are my daughter. Your name is Desire. Don't you remember?" "No I don't seem to remember anything," said the female child. "This water is getting cold, I wish it was warmer." "You remember me Desire. I am your mummy and you always call me Mistress." "Yes Mistress I remember now," said the girl. "This bath is warmer now." "Good girl. Now let's finish getting you washed and dressed. I think you should wish for some perfumed shampoo for little girls, some scented soap, bubble bath and a nice big pink fluffy towel. Wish for them separately though." "Yes Mistress," answered Desire before proceeding to make her wishes. "Good. You are a little girl. You always remember being a little girl. You must always obey me and remember the hours of obedience training I put you through. Day and night I made you do what I command and punished disobedience. Do you remember that Desire?" "Yes Mistress I remember now." "Excellent. You also remember that you are not allowed to speak unless spoken to." "Yes Mistress." "Now let's get you out of the bath and dry you off." The Queen helped the girl out of the tub and dried her off with the pink towel. When she was dry the Queen led her to her makeup chamber. This was a small mirrored room with a vanity table and two chairs. The Queen told Desire to look at herself in the mirror. "You wish your face looked more like mine don't you." "Yes Mistress." "Well then wish that you looked like my daughter." Desire made the wish and before the Queen's eyes the child's face now resembled the Queen's. Her hair had also changed from blonde to brunette. "You remember spending all your day trying to imitate me. I want you to have wider hips and a smaller body also have thinner legs and smaller feet. Also you should have breasts that stick out. Wish for this now." The child made the wishes as directed and was told how from an early age she was forced to wear tight corsets. When done the child looked unnaturally doll like in body with small protruding nipples. Desire was told to sit in one of the chairs whilst the Queen began brushing her hair. "Wish your hair fell to your ankles and was perfectly straight all the way down." Desire did as she was told and then suddenly remembered her mummy constantly brushing her hair. "Show me your hands." Desire gave her hands to her mother. "Your nails are short. Look at mine. Nice and long and painted red. You would like nails like mine don't you." "Yes Mistress. I wish my nails were as long and as perfect as yours." Suddenly Desire's nails grew to three inches in length. The Queen proceeded to paint her toenails and nails the same dark red as her own. She waited for them to dry before applying another coat and reminded her daughter of the hours they spend perfecting her nails. The Queen then proceeded to add a third coat before adding a not small amount of make up to her face. "Now you will dress. Red is your favourite colour and black your second." The Queen made the child wish for dozens of pairs of panties describing each as she went along filling in the gaps of her memory as she did so. Selecting an ultra thin see through red pair of panties she put them round the child's ankles and pulled them up. She then made the child wish for several corsets and dressed her in a black corset with a waist size of 12 inches. It was tight but made the child look even smaller. Her breasts spilled out of the corset. Desire was told to wish for several dozen pairs of stockings, all black and thin and the Queen rolled a pair up her legs before attaching them to the corset. Next she made the child wish for hundreds of dresses of differing colours and sizes, all to fit her small body and frame but also restrict movement as much as possible. Desires memory was filled of being dressed in such dresses obeying her mother. The Queen picked out a red ball dress, which was tight at the top and strapless and flared out at the bottom to her ankles. "Finally to complete your outfit you must have shoes. You shoes must all have seven-inch heels. Your feet are slightly over seven inches long so you will be on tiptoe but you like that. I want you to wish that you are unable to walk unless you are wearing seven inch heels." "I wish that I am unable to walk unless I am wearing seven inch heels." "Good girl. Now as my little girl you must have a thousand pairs of shoes and boots and no less. Now each pair must be spikes with being pencil thin also and falling to one tenth of a millimetre in diameter. Wish as I describe each pair." Desire wished away and when done she had a thousand pairs of shoes all with wicked heels and all spikes. She also found her memory was now perfect and remembered everything. She smiled evilly as her mother placed her small feet and legs into a pair of seven inch knee high spiked black boots and laced them tightly reducing the circulation to her feet. She stood and found she could walk perfectly and followed her Queen back to her main chamber. She sat down in a smaller throne next to the queens. The Queen rang a bell and this furry animal appeared. "Nimbly this is my daughter Desire," said the Queen. "Desire tell Nimbly who you are and what you believe." "I am Desire the daughter of the Mistress of Claw castle and her slave girl. I must obey my Mistress always. I hate all life and wish to see darkness rule every body. I have no desires except to become my Mistress' puppet." "Good girl. Nimbly your past services were noted but you are no longer required. Desire wish that Nimbly is suddenly struck down by a bolt of lightning." "I wish Nimbly was struck down by a bolt of lightning." Suddenly a blue charge came out of nowhere and struck Nimbly square in the chest. Nimbly fell on the floor and didn't move. "Good girl. You enjoyed that. You love causing pain to people when I tell you to do so. You are evil. Do you remember the evil lessons we used to have?" "Yes Mistress." "I don't think you do. Lets see now. I want you to reconstruct Fantasia exactly as I tell you." The Queen went on to describe a cold dark world full of suffering. There was no day only night. Every day someone was sacrificed to the Queen with Desire carrying out the sacrifice with a long dagger. Desire could remember many such sacrifices and enjoyed each one. The Queen's dark palace was the centre of the world and was full of lightly clad young girls trained to be the queens' guards. "You're memory is complete now Desire." "Yes Mistress." "I want you to sacrifice someone for me now." "Yes Mistress." "I want you to wish Mr Frank Hudson, Sebastian's old dad was here." Desire did as she was told and appeared what was Sebastian's dad. He looked stunned to be there. He looked around a saw a very attractive woman in her late twenties dressed in a red ball dress. Beside her was a little girl aged no more than six and was dressed identically to the older woman. Her little feet were perched on amazingly high-heeled boots. "I bet you're wondering what you're doing here," said the Queen. Frank nodded still too stunned to speak. "Well you are here as my guest. Welcome. Desire don't you wish this man loved me more than life itself and would do anything for me." "I wish he did," responded Desire. Frank suddenly felt different about the woman. He knew he loved her and would do anything for her. "Would you give up your soul so that I may return to earth with my daughter to take over the world." "Oh yes my love," responded Frank. "Lay on the table and think of my love." Frank did so and was happy that he was about to die. "Desire I am giving you back the memory of this man." Desire saw the man and recognised him. Somehow he was her father. She heard her Mistress command her to kill him. She was about to raise the dagger and found she couldn't. A tear welled up in her eyes. She heard the command again this time in anger. Frank looked up at her and recognition came back to him. "Sebastian?" he asked in shock. Desire couldn't find the words. "I wish you were back home never to be harmed by the Queen ever again." Frank disappeared. Desire looked up at her Mistress and fell to the floor in pain. She could remember this happening to her before but couldn't remember it actually happening. Now she knew that it was real. She soon succumbed to unconsciousness. She woke some time later in her Mistress' bed naked. Her Mistress was stroking her long hair. Her Mistress smiled. "I have been too soft on you I realize now. It's my fault for not raising you properly. Well young lady you're lucky I can put it right starting now." Desire looked at her Mistress and smiled a false smile. Part of her wanted to leave. Part of her was twisted and wanted to stay. The Queen continued. "You will spend the rest of you're real life being made perfect. You will sit in my chambers surrounded by your make up girls who will make sure you look perfect at all times. You will be made up like a doll and then brought to me in your spiky 12 inch heels with a three inch platform for me to inspect. I will then send you back to be redone. You will not sleep or eat." "Triface has invented me a lovely machine. His last machine before you kill him. These long dangly diamond earrings are his invention. They match mine here, except mine are the control panel. You see the earring stop all thoughts you might have from reaching your brain. Instead they come to me. I can then alter them and send them back. You will no longer have any thoughts of your own. All thoughts are now controlled by me. That makes you happy Desire." "Yes Mistress." The Queen laughed. She knew that the child was very scared and wanted away. After several hundred years of no thoughts of her own, the child would then be hers. She ordered the fifty or so girls to dress Desire in a very short black dress. They painted her toes then rolled up a pair of black stockings. The Queen forbade any panties. The dress barely covered her crotch. The girls brought forward the shoes she had made. A pair of black boots that had a three inch platform and a wicked twelve inch heel. Desire winced as she stood on tiptoe. She was then made to sit down as the girls fussed over her hair, which fell past the floor. She held out her hands and the girls set to work on the paint. Her nails were painted a deep black. When finished Desire winced and minced the long walk to the Mistress' throne. The Queen looked at the small child with her small black dress extremely high heels and black painted nails. "When you are ready we will return to earth. Whilst I cannot harm your father, there is still your mother." TO BE CONTINUED?

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The Fantasy Fuck Store

We would all love to think that there are mature ladies out there who just love fucking. But, in truth they are very few older ladies who still want sex. So we have fantasies. I have several. Here is one in story format. Hope you enjoy. First, let me own up. I am a mature man, yet ever since I was young and saw a gorgeous mature buxom lady wearing a girdle and fucking a guy on top, I have maintained a fetish to for plump mature women with big floppy tits wearing open crotch girdles and no...

1 year ago
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My Horny Step Brother I Love To Please

I turned off the water. "I wonder why Max hasn't asked me to have sex again," I said, getting out of the shower.I grabbed a towel and dried off for a moment.I peeked at myself in the mirror. "I know Max loves me and would surely love to stick it to me again. We made love several times that night, all while our parents just slept on the couch in the living room. Maybe he is just shy," I theorized, prior to wrapping the towel around myself. "I hope he doesn't think we can't be around each other...

3 years ago
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A Dirty Wish Part 1

Janice slammed out of the corporate office more pissed off than she could ever remember being. She stalked down the warm evening sidewalk, every strike of her heels telling those around her to stay clear. Four blocks later she was still mad as hell as she shoved open the heavy door to the bar and headed for the table that her co-workers always occupied on Friday nights.Three of the regular group were already there with a pitcher of beer and the remains of the first of several pizzas they always...

Oral Sex
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07 Home 2Chapter 12

Flashback – Ben – At the hospital Tatiana was busy on the phone with the wedding planner (you know how it is when women get to talking on the phone) and I decided if I was going to be Jack and Masha's best man I needed to see if I could stand. I flipped my feet over the side of the bed, planted them both firmly on the floor, pressed down and ... Oh my God!!! Flashback – Mira, Ira, Safia and Naomi – in Israel After our declaration of multiple threats using the word ass, the 'ass'...

4 years ago
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Apple started it, of course.   First there was the iMac, then the world went crazy for the iPod and before you knew it loads of companies out there were prefixing their products with the ubiquitous “i”.   It seemed only natural that I added to the movement when I christened what happened with Nancy , iSex.Nancy Perry was an admin assistant at the company I worked for.   She was in many ways unremarkable, but for some reason her face struck a chord with me and I always looked at her with...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My New Position

Chapter one I sat at my dressing table applying my makeup. I was wearing an ankle length pink nightgown and my six inch pink bedroom slides. My freshly shaved legs encased in sheer pink nylons attached to a pink garter belt. A gaff holds my sex close to my body. My favorite blonde wig adorned my head. I have been a closet transvestite since I was fourteen. I dressed in my mother's panties and spent hours alone prancing around the empty house when my mother was out. The desire to...

1 year ago
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The night she will never be able to forget

Atia was a twenty-three year old African-American woman, 5'3" tall and weighed 103 pounds. She had short, black, curly hair, milk chocolate brown unblemished skin. Her measurements were 32-22-32 with firm C cup tits. She was a beautiful woman. She had been married to Tom, a wonderful black man that she had known from junior high school, for two years. Life was good for them. Tom had a good job as a software engineer and they lived in a nice small home in a pleasant suburb. Things...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Cherie Deville Isabella Nice My Lover8217s Daughter

Blonde MILF bombshell Cherie is in the middle of an existential crisis, as she’s seduced by younger, brunette hottie Isabella, the daughter of her lover Dana! Isabella makes her move, grabbing Cherie and kissing her hard on the mouth. Cherie tries to resistant the building lust, but gives in to her wonton desires. Cherie pushes Isabella back onto the bed and goes down on her, eating her pussy until she cums. Isabella eagerly returns the favor, eating Cherie out until the blonde babe cums,...

2 years ago
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Summers End A Loss Of Innocence Part 2

A few minutes later, Steven got up and kicked his shorts off. He walked down the beach and into the water. He was standing at the water’s edge looking out at me. His body was the same body I had seen years ago just filled out and more muscular. It was my moment to pretend I was Halle Berry. I was going to slowly walk out of the water with a sexy bikini, dive knife and gorgeous figure. Except I was nude, wet and still washing cum off my stomach, but it was going to be perfect. It would be a...

2 years ago
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A Wet Road Trip with Mom

Mom came back to the car from the motel office with the room key in her hand. “Last room,” she said “we sure are lucky; the next town is over 50 miles away.” Mom parked the car and I grabbed the two suitcases from the back. The room was OK. Not the Four Seasons but we never had that expectation in the middle of New Mexico. I tossed the suitcases on the bed and started to unzip and open them up. Suddenly it hit me. There was only one bed in the room and it was just a queen or so it looked. “Ah,...

3 years ago
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If youre husband wont satisfy you

I woke up with a jolt, taking a minute to work out where I was. Mark was beside me, snoring, as normal. I looked over at his clock, 7 O’clock. But what woke me, then as I turned on to my back, the warm trickle from my pussy, dripping down as far as my ass, I lowered my hand, my nightdress was pulled up around my waist, touching my bare pussy, it felt warm and puffy. I must have been dreaming, and the dream must have been hot. Leaning over I nudged Mark, he just snored and let out a loud grunt....

3 years ago
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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Chapter 6

Joel wanted to respect his wife’s privacy. He wanted to trust her. He had been comfortable in believing for years now that she was trustworthy, that was couldn’t be capable of cheating. “She’s a grown woman with children, she loves her kids, she loves me,” he told himself. For the most part, Leila portrayed that interpretation. She had enough wits about her to be attentive and maintenance the impression that she was still very much devoted to the status quo. But there were changes that really...

Wife Lovers
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Aggybook 2Chapter 14

"Still no honours, Aggy?" asked the Second Space Lord with a broad smile which took any sting out of the question, shaking McCock's proffered hand. McCock looked somewhat sternly at him before replying, "'Sniffy' is now in the Grey Line Shipping Company." Turning to greet the PS, "Hello, Sally." and returned her salute. "Good morning, Commodore." And Sally returned the slight frown with a perfectly bland expression. McCock led the visitors to his quarters They settled into the...

3 years ago
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sisters friend showed me how nice she was

Back in the 80s I had a visit from my sister and her friend (who I did not then know). My sister lives a good few miles away and we rarely get together due to the distance. As she was driving over to mine she had asked if her friend could come to help drive and stop her being bored on the journey. I readily agreed as it had been some time since we had last seen each other. My sister and her friend were only staying over the one night which was handy as we only had space really for 1 extra...

3 years ago
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Amys Little Black Dress

Amy’s craving for sex had exploded over the past five years. She had never known the heights of sexual gratification that her lover had shown her time and time again during that period. Each new experience only fueled her desire to push more boundaries, and she wanted him to teach her everything. The fact that she could ask anything of him, and he of her, in their mutual quest to fulfill their sexual bucket lists, was something she had only dreamed of. No act was off limits with the man she...

1 year ago
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Old Speedway BoogieChapter 3

By early summer, the county sheriff’s office had completed its slow but quite thorough investigation of the death at the speedway. No one blamed me, or even Emily very much for what happened, but there was a distinct undertone that no one in county government wanted this sort of thing to ever occur again. Emily and I were prepared for this and we presented to the small county commission our proposal. Emily and Leanne both wanted a larger house and even bigger bedroom for the three of us to...

2 years ago
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The Depths of the Dry TortugasChapter 7

There was a red sky at morning dead ahead and I hoped the crew was not superstitious enough to be convinced we were sailing into rough weather. Our ship was more than seaworthy for even the roughest storm but such stress on our sails would be certain to slow us down in the aftermath. I hastened down below decks and mounted the still sleepy Donna Emmanuel with some degree of enthusiasm as if my squirted spunk would chase away the dangerous currents that might be lying in wait for us just over...

2 years ago
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The Academy Ch 01

‘JASON! IS THAT YOU?!’ yelled a familiar voice while I was in the mall. I turned around to see an old friend of mine from high school. It was Kay, a girl in my class. She hadn’t changed much except for becoming even hotter. I was still the taller of course. Standing at 6’3, about 200 lbs. (I wrestled in high school) and skin almost as dark as Kay’s hair. Still I managed to keep a nice figure with the weight on. I guess I was a lucky one. Kay was shorter… a lot shorter. She was about 5’3, 5’4,...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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Exhibitionist 38DD Wife Lana Continues Teasing Voy

So several men got to see Lana on this day. She continued teasing cock by bending over and showing everyone her tight puckered asshole. At one point a black guy walks over and starts chatting with her. The entire time that she was talking she was bent over with her ass in the air like it was no big deal. She arched her ass and bent down at her husbands request over the phone as she listens to him telling her to read a magazine while staying bent over! She actually did it as she just kept her...

1 year ago
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Sex Sword and Sorcery Prologue The Demons Manor

Without sight, she started to scan the area with her hearing. Somewhere there was the sounds of logs popping from a fire, but she wasn’t close enough to feel it’s warmth. She couldn’t hear birds or night time bugs, so she had to be inside. This was confirmed when from behind her she hear sharp steps on stone, coming closer and louder until they stopped. She heard metal ringing, keys most likely, and soon a heavy door opened and the steps moved into Gwenive's room. “You are awake.” A woman’s...

4 years ago
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Its So Hot Wheres My Phan

I've always been a straight arrow, in every way. No drugs, no booze, no smoking, and since my divorce... no sex either. I was bored, desperately bored. I tried internet dating sites, no luck. Not even a single date. For a while, I roamed the streets late at night, hooked up with a couple of hookers, I even feel in love with one for a time, but it was a big joke to her and she ended up ripping me off. And the sex was next to non existence after the first year. I'm no adonis, by any means,...

1 year ago
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OliviaChapter 7

Olivia couldn't tell if she was still dreaming or if she was partially awake, but she thought someone was sawing in and out of her pussy. It felt big, she could feel pressure on her insides that could only come from a big cock. She could feel tenderness, a slight pain coming from her crotch from whatever it was she was feeling. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't, she was just too tired. It felt raw inside from all the fucking she had done the previous night, hell the previous four days...

1 year ago
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More than just Friends

I opened my eyes to find myself covered up warm in a bed that wasn’t mine. I roll over and see him, and suddenly the memories of what had happened the previous night started rolling back. Just thinking about it made my whole body quiver with excitement. It all started when I came over to his house after his girlfriend left because they had had an argument. We were all alone sitting on the couch watching a movie. I had always thought he was attractive, but since he had a girlfriend, we were just...

4 years ago
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Mmmmm I can feel it now as Rocky still has my throat full of his gigantic huge cock as he caries me over to the bed his giant form toweres over the bed as he dropes down to his knees and slides his huge cock out of my mouth and lays me on my back on the bed he lays the gigantic long shaft overtop of my body sliding the shaft up over my stomach through my cleavage up till the head is resting on my lips ,im trembling with both fear and anticipation my tiny virgin pussy is spasming waiting for it...

3 years ago
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Schtig nach Ihnen

Hallo ich bin Claudia, bin 45 Jahre alt und wohne in Berlin. Vom Beruf her bin ich Krankenschwester. Auf Grund des Schichtarbeit habe ich leider kaum Zeit für ein privates Leben. Es ist schwer Leute kennenzulernen, da ich entweder unter Tags schlafen muss oder am Abend, wenn meine Mitmenschen Feierabend haben, arbeiten muss. Aus diesem Grund ist auch meine Ehe zu Bruch gegangen. Ich war 25 Jahre lang verheiratet. Mein Ex heißt Stefan und wir haben einen gemeinsamen Sohn namens Sebastian. Er ist...

2 years ago
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How Traditions Start part 12

An original story by starrynight. To all my readers. I hope you enjoy the story in these difficult times. As always, comments on the story, including what you would like to see next are greatly appreciated. If you have additional ideas for stories that you think I would be interested in writing, or would just like my opinion or help with, don't hesitate to PM me. Wishing you all brighter, happier, and sexier times. Enjoy: Zach was breathing heavily, his chest heaving as he inhaled and...

3 years ago
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EyesChapter 5 Grandma and the Camp

I was visiting with my next door neighbor June Davidson and her daughter, Sunshine who I had just discovered was blind, eating lunch, when the back porch door slammed and a lady came bustling through the kitchen door. She was about the same size as June and Sunshine and even looked like them but a little older with graying hair done in highlights to lessen the gray effect. She may have been older but she was very nice looking and still well put together. She was dressed in a knee length skirt...

2 years ago
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TwinsChapter 33

The Hill was crowded that evening with couples coming from the homecoming dance. Alex managed to find a spot in between all the cars there. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and moved closer to their respective dates. Alex and Beth started to make out almost immediately. In the back seat, Allie took the lead and kissed Bill. He was as inexperienced as they came about making out. Of course making out isn’t brain surgery and Bill got the hang of it soon enough. Up front Alex was rounding 1st...

2 years ago
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What is love

Now is a good time to describe myself because it may take some time to back out of the driveway and I hate the 5-point turn it takes to drive forward out of my driveway. I am around 5-foot 8-inches tall and weigh about 135 pounds. I’m pretty thin but I’m strong enough to defend myself. I have good curves in my body yet I don’t know if that’s what girls look for in a guy? I have a nice tan skin color that gets darker when I spend time out in the sun. My hair is a blond and brown because it...

4 years ago
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First Experience with Older Man

I remember my first time. I met a man about 20 years older than I was at a book store. As I got in my car he asked me for a lift and I said okay because I knew the neighborhood. As we drove back he reached his hand in my pants and started squeezing my balls. I told him to stop, and then he just started rubbing the head of my cock. I told him to knock it off. Once we got to his place he asked me in for a drink, I told him as long as he can control himself I can have a few beers.We went up the...

1 year ago
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Janin treated The Way she Needs it

This is a requested story, Janin Wanted to know what I would do if we ever meet.I had been going to the broken down shabby old restaurant for a couple of days in a row now, it was perfect for what I wanted to do, never any people between four and five except for me and the brown haired waitress that always tried to get may attention when I was there.I had indulged in some causal flirting so far, stringing her along to give me a free beer with my early...

2 years ago
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Wet Dream

Wet Dream @2020 by Brenda Goodwin (This story deals with fem-dom, sissification, diaper wetting. If that offends you please read something else.) "You're still playing that World of Warcraft game I see. Well, I am going to bed." "That's OK hun, I got a new 'white-noise' machine so the noises won't keep you up. Just put in the earbuds on the side table and I will turn it on for you." "I don't know why you can't just play on the computer downstairs in the den?" "George, you...

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The Outing of Claire LaPointe

Last year, I wrote a story entitled Foul Language, wherein a bitter, angry Geoff Matheson had been through an ugly, unjustified divorce from his wife of 30 years. The most dispiriting part of the whole episode was the vile treatment he received at the hands of his wife’s divorce lawyer, one Claire LaPointe. Geoff survived the divorce, and moved to the West Coast to start a new life. He was not a happy man, and only the single good fortune of having a large corporation purchase an obscure...

4 years ago
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Debbie let out a hissing sound as my full length filled her arse she tried to speak but the vibrating egg was still working its magic & she doubled up into a tight ball as yet another orgasm was teased from her young body Whether she was aware it was me in her arse & not the butt plug i could not tell or for that matter really care , all my attention was now focused on my cock in its tight embrace , I kept as still as was possible letting Debbies twitching writhing body do all the work ,...

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OhhhMommy I Groaned

"Do you think they've been doing it?""Doing what?" her mother asked."Cathy and Bobby. Do you think they're ...well, you know...having sex?" she asked blushing."PATTY!""What? Look at them mom...she's all over him.""They're far too young.""Gina thinks they're doing it. Her sister was in their class this year.""He's still a virgin," the mother insisted as she watched her son Bobby and his girlfriend Cathy kissing through the kitchen window. "When did you see Gina anyway?""She got home from school...

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