Hubby Birthday Bash. free porn video

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Aku nak citerkan kat korang pasal pengalaman aku kena rogol dgn kawan kawan suami aku. aku nie baru kawin, tapi takda anak masa tu,ntah camana masa hari ulangtahun perkawinan aku yg pertama kami diraikan dlm satu majlis sederhana oleh kawan pejabat suami aku. kawan suami aku pulak ada yg bujang dan ada yg dah kawin.

Aku nie pulak dikategori dlm wanita yg ada rupa dan bodylah, walau tak secantik ratu dunia tapi kalau lelaki tengok mesti menoleh 2 kali, bukan perasan tapi kenyataan kerana aku selalu mendapat pujian dr kawan-kawan suami aku sebab itu aku tahu malah ada yg berani ajak bergurau cara lucah dgn aku, tambah lagi kami laki bini open minded dan taklah terlalu kolot sgt, setakat nak ucap konek dan nonok tu biasalah terpacul dr mulut aku, tapi aku ni setakat berani cakap je, kalau ada yg cuba-cuba nak peluk aku atau ambil kesempatan aku melawan juga.

Bagi aku, nonok aku tu hanya utk lelaki bernama malam tu aku pakai baju seksi sikitlah…dengan tali halus dan leher lebar menampakkan pangkal tetek aku yg gebu dan padat ni, skirt pendek sampai pangkal peha…warna hitam lagi..lepas tu aku biarkan rambut aku yg paras bahu ni mengerbang..dgn make up yg simple nampaklah keayuan semulajadi aku walaupun dah bersuami tapi disebabkan kami jarang dpt bersama kerana suami selalu keluar negara kerana tugasnya jadi kira bontot dan tetek aku nie taklah jatuh sgt sebab tak selalu ditenyeh laki tapi aku tetap bahagia dengannya.

Jadi sampai saja kami ke rumah kawan yg organise majlis tu, aku bersalam dgn kawan2 suami tapi aku heran sikit sebab tiada wanita lain selain aku, bila aku tanya mereka kata isetri masing-masing tak free, kena jaga anak demamlah, ada yg kata gf takdalah, so aku tak kisahlah memandangkan majlis ni aku hadiri bersama suami, so acara makan dan potong kek pun bermula, aku tak sangka mereka hidangkan minuman keras…

Utk pengetahuan suami aku ni muallaf, india masuk islam dan most of his friend indialah…tapi aku tak kisah…cinta punya fasal. so malam tu laki aku pun mabuk jugalah termasuk juga aku..kononnya tak mahu minum tapi setelah dipaksa kawan2 suami dan demi menjaga hati mereka dan suami [nanti dikata aku tak sporting pula] so aku pun minumlah benda tu…aku ingat cognac ke…ntah apalah aku tak tahu..yg aku tahu banyak botol minuman keras kat atas meja tu…kawan laki aku tu adalah dlm 7-8 org…lebih kurang pukul 11 malam aku rasa aku dah mula mabuk sebab rasa pening semacam dan aku rasa nak gelak aje…aku minum tak banyak,,,rasanya 2 gelas je kott tapi disebabkan tak biasa minum jadi cepatlah aku ni mabuk, manakala laki aku pula aku tengok dah terlentok kat kerusi sambil tengok cerita apa ntah .

So salah sorang kawan laki aku tu..nathan kalau tak silap aku, tanya aku nak baring ke? aku kata takpa, biar aku duduk sebelah laki aku pun duduk..ntah macamana aku hampir terjatuh betul- betul depan nathan, secara spontan nathan menarik tgn aku langsung tertarik tali baju aku yg halus tu..dahlah putus tali baju tu sebelah, so terlondehlah sikit dan menampakkan terus tetek aku yg sebelah tu…agaknya si nathan tu stim tengok tetek aku, maklumlah aku rasa malam tu semua org mabuk, so aku kata takapalah sambil menarik baju tu utk cover tetek aku yg terdedah tapi si nathan insist nak tolok aku…

Aku rasa dia sengaja ambil kesempatan utk memeluk aku, so aku tepis tgnnya sayangnya dia makin berahi pula bila aku melawan, dimasa yg sama kawan2nya yg lain tergelak melihat kelakuannya dan menggalakkan nathan supaya memeluk aku sekali lagi, aku minta pertolongan dr suami tapi dia dah terlalu mabuk, malah dah tertidur pun dikerusi tu [aku tahu dia minum dr awal majlis tadi lebih kurang kol 7mlm , dia minum tak henti-henti, agaknya dia lepas gian kott sebab sejak kawin dia tak minum lagi arak] bila tiada jawapan dr suami aku bergegas lari dan cuba masuk ke bilik tapi kawan2nya yg lain mengepung aku keliling.

Aku menjerit tapi siapalah nak dengar sebab suara radio membatasi jeritan aku…dlm hati aku dpt rasa sesuatu yg buruk pasti berlaku…lalu aku merayu kepada mereka supaya jgn mengapakan aku dan mengingatkan mereka bahawa suami ku adalah kawan mereka tapi dek kerana terlalu mabuk mereka tidak mengendahkan rayuan aku…nathan terus memeluk aku dr belakang manakala 2-3 org kawannya yg lain menangkap kaki dan memegang tgn aku…lalu mereka beringkan aku kat lantai yg berkapet tebal tu…sakit juga kepala aku terhentak kat lantai…mereka terus memegang tgn aku kiri dan kanan serta kedua kaki aku…mereka kangkangkan kaki aku…

Nathan pula terus bertindak ganas dan menyentap pakaian aku..hingga koyak rabak, aku menjerit tapi seorg dr mereka terus menekup mulut aku dgn tuala…aku jadi makin sesak nafas…dan aku dpt rasakan seluar dlm aku dibuka org…aku rasa ada tangan2 kasar mula meraba dan meramas tubuh badan aku, tetek aku menjadi sasaran mereka…aku meronta tapi tidak berdaya sebab 4 org dr mereka memegang aku, kemudian aku dengar mereka bersorak menmanggil nathan..nathan..nathan…sku lihat nathan mula terseyum sambil memandang tubuh aku yg terlantar berbogel tanpa seurat bbenangpun. dlm hati aku tahu apa yg mereka akan buat….

Aku masih cuba meronta dan menjerit sayangnya mulut aku tersumbat kain dan anggota badan aku dipegang kejab oleh mereka, seketika kemudian aku rasa nonok aku panas dan basah…aku cuba bgn dan aku dpt lihat nathan sedang menjilat nonok aku dng rakus, manakala kawannya yg 2 lagi sedang membuka pakaan mereka masing-masing…menampakkan btg konek mereka yg semuanya sedang tegang dan kerasss…aku makin takutt..aku menangis tapi tangisan aku sedikitpun tidak mereka hiraukan malah mereka terus mengusap konek masing-masing supaya ketegangannya berterusan, kemudian aku dpt rasakan nathan telah memasukkan btg koneknya ke dlm nonok aku…

Aku rasa asakit sgt keran dia merodok dgn rakus sekali…tersentak aku dibuatnya kerana koneknya agak besar dan panjang berbanding dgn suami aku…nathan tak henti2 memuji nonok aku ketat dan sedap serta sbgnya, kawan2nya yg lain tak sabar nak menjolok sama…ada yg terus menghisap dan menggentel tetek aku…tubuh badan aku digomol mereka bergilir- gilir…dlm masa yg sama nathan terus menerus menusukkan btg koneknya kedlm nonok aku selaju dan sekuat hatinya…berdecap-decap jugaklah bunyi air nonok aku tu, walaupun aku tahu aku dirogol mereka tapi kerana mabuk aku juga rasa steam dan sedap dilakukan begitu, lama- kelamaan rontaan aku makin lemah…

Malah aku membiarkan mereka melakukan apa saja ketubuh badan aku..dlm 20 minit kemudian nathan menjerit kessedapan..dia melepaskan air maninya dlm nonok aku sambil menghentakkan kuat koneknya kat nonok aku tu…dlm hati aku…sedaaappp juga keling nie punya konekk….kemudian tiba-tiba seorg dr kawannya terus menarik nathan dan dgn cepat menjolokkan koneknya pula kedlm nonok aku yg sedang basah dng air mani nathan…dia terus menghayunkan konekknya berkali-kali dan tak sampai 10 minit dia pun terpancutkan air maninya dlm nonok aku…

Kemudian seorg demi seorang merodok nonok aku dgn konek mereka yg tegang dan keras itu, aku jadi lemah dan tak bermaya…selepas lelaki ke3 melepaskan air maninya kedlm nonok aku, lelaki ke4 tidak merodok terus, tapi dia lapkan sisa air mani tu dan menjilat semula nonok aku…dan spt yg lain dia juga melepaskan airmaninya kedlm nonok aku tu , seterusnya lelaki ke5,ke6, ke7 dan ke8 melakukan perkara yg sama…malah masa lelaki ke 6 merogol aku, aku bukan setakat steam aje, malah aku minta dia berbaring dan aku diatas…aku tunggang lelaki tu selaju yg boleh hingga aku climax berkali-kali…

Lelaki yg lain [yg dah sudah merogol aku] menjerit gembira sebab aku beri respon tanpa diduga…malah sambil aku menunggang lelaki tadi, aku hisap konek salah seorg lelaki yg masih menunggu giliran utk menjunamkan konekknya kesara nonok aku…aku makin ghairah dna bertindak liar…meraka makin suka dan gamat…terus ada yg menjilat bontot aku dna memasukkan jari kedlm lubang jubur aku…aku rasa makin sedap dan climax ntah berapa kali…adegan seterusnya berlangsung hingga kesemua lelaki merasa puas dgn layanan aku dan tak disangka nathan sekali lagi merangkul dan merodokkan koneknya yg tegang semula…aku main dgn nathan hampir 1 jam berikutnya…

Seingat aku dr pukul 11 mlm sampai 2 pagi rasanya nonok aku dikerjakan oleh 8 org lelaki india/china dan melayu…aku betul-betul teruk dikerjakan mereka, tapi nasib baik jubur aku tak dirodok dgnkonek mereka…kalau tidak lagi teruk aku kena…mereka setakat jolok dgn jari jemari saja. selepas aku dirogol bergilir-gilir, mereka pun keletihan termasuk aku sendiri dan kami terlelap disitu juga dgn keadaan berbogel hingga kepagi kira-kira jam 10 pagi baru aku tersedar itupun setelah dikejut suami..aku menangis dlm pelukan suami dan ceritakan kat dia apa yg dah berlaku, sayangnya suami aku buat dono aje seolah- olah dia merestui kawan2nya merogol aku…

Seketika kemudian seorg demi seorg bgn dan bergegas mengenakan pakaian masing-masing, aku tengok nathan sudah siapkan minuman pagi, lepas minum pagi baru aku tahu bahawa suami aku berpakat dgn nathan dan suami aku kata kejadian itu adalah hadiah bagi hari ulangtahun perkawinan kami yg pertama kerana aku dulu pernah menceritakan pd suami tentang imiginasi nakal aku..iaitu kena rogol oleh lebih dr 5 lelaki dlm satu masa…

Rupanya imiginasi aku itu dipenuhi oleh suami aku sendiri dan kawan2nya yg bersetuju utk mengambil bahagian bila dia ceritakan pd nathan,…patutlah dia mabuk sakan malam tu…dan sekali lagi hari tu aku dikerjakan oleh 9 lelaki termasuk suami aku sendiri, kali ini aku yg merelakan diri aku di tenyeh oleh lelaki2 itu…bermacam aksi aku diperlakukan, dan acara mainan tu berlangsung hampir 4 jam berikutnya kerana masing-masing melanyak nonok aku sepuasnya dan selama yg mereka mampu bertahan…dan nathan is the best amongs them…

Hari tu aku tak kemana-mana selain kena fuck dgn lelaki tu bergilir-gilir, sementara menanti lelaki ke 9 menghabiskan permainan, lelaki pertama kembali tegang semula dan mahu menyetubuhi aku sekali lagi…pendek kata hari tu seharian tubuh badan dan nonok aku bermandi air mani lelaki…dan suami aku org yg paling gembira melihat impian aku jadi kenyataan..dan aku jugaturut gembira kerana dpt merasa konek lain selain dr suami aku…keesokannya aku demam…hampir seminggu baru aku kembali pulih…mana tidaknya 9 lelaki lanyak nonok aku berkali- kali, rasanya setiap sorang tu fuck aku 3 kali…

Bayangkan betapa penatnya aku dan sampai bengkak juga nonok aku kena kerjakan dek mereka…mau tak demam seminggu…nasib baik tak memudaratkan dan tak mengandung..kalau tidak, aku tak tahu anak sapa yg aku kandungkan tu…sebulan dr kejadian tu aku teruskan hubungan dgn nathan…setiap kali suami aku keluar negara, kehendak seks aku dipenuhi oleh nathan tanpa berselindung dr suami aku…dan perkara tu berlarutan hingga nathan berkahwin. sekarang masing-masing dah ada keluarga sendiri, aku ada 2 anak, tapi aku tak tahu anak sapa sebenarnya..sebab selain nathan dan suami ada juga 2-3 dr lelaki tu yg dtg fuck aku dgn rela aku sendiri….

Untill now aku masih berhubung dgn salah seorg dr mereka tapi bukan nathan…suami aku seolah merestui perbuatan aku itu..malah kekadang dia jadi penonton dikala aku di kongkek jantan lain….aku tak tahu sampai bila perkara ini berlanjutan…

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Company Bash

The sunlight started to peek through blinds. I opened my eyes slowly trying to figure out where I was and who was next to me. I moved my head slowly to the left and to the right, in part because I didn’t want to wake up the other two lying next to me and in part because we had drunk way too much last night. Let me start from the beginning. My company had decided to throw a huge summer bash at a local lake, complete with rented cabins. It brought people in from all the departments and a few from...

Group Sex
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 2 End of Vacation Bash

With everyone eating breakfast at the same time for once, Amy prepared the table in the dining room rather that the smaller kitchen table. As she saw the girls enter she said to Hannah, "So, you're on two legs today, I take it that means you'll be eating at the table with the rest rather than that dog bowl on the floor." "I probably won't need my dog bowl again until next summer." Hannah said smiling as she took her place at the table. The boys came into the dining room next, and on...

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Hubby becomes a cuckold

My first lover from my husband's perspective was his college roommate. I actually met hubby for the first time when he came home early from class and discovered his roommate doing me bent over the sofa while we watched Lost. It was an awkward moment for sure. I was being jack-hammered, with no where to go if I wanted to. So I just smiled at him and went with it. I will add every time I think of John Locke now I get wet now...weird.I guess it wasn't an entirely unusual occurrence for hubby and...

3 years ago
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Hubby made me a nympho

Dear iss readers, i am nandini, a bengali housewife back here again. First let me thank the readers who have sent remarks in mail and also posted some comments in respond to my last posting named “hubby made me a nympho”. I am very happy that most of them have enjoyed my posting. But i don’t know why some one thought it is not real. Whether you believe or not it is my true life fact. I have stated how my hubby forced me to do with a milkman in that posting. For those who have not gone through...

2 years ago
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Hubby made me Fuck black man Part 3

In my first story " Hubby made me fuck black man" I told a story,how my hubby set me up to fuck black man In my 2nd story "Hubby made me fuck black man part 2" I told the story how i met and fuck Jamal Since i met Jamal sex life was great Jamal have small condo and leaves by himself,so we met a lot. Every time he was horny he would call me When i was horny, I would call him and we get together and fuck for couple hours.Life was great I must say i did miss Bob my first black cock.I was wondering...

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Hubby Ke Friends Kiya Brutal Gangbang Part 4

Waha unn logo ne 2 bed jodke wahi let gaye aur bole abhi so jaa tuze ham raat bhar chodenge. Sabb mere agal pagal let gaye. Mai pahli baar 3-3 mard ke sath so rahi thi, Mai bahut thak gayi thi. Mujhe 10-15 min mai hi nind aa gayi. Karib raat ko 9 baje meri neend khuli. Wo log abhi bhi so rahe the. Mai uthi aur washroom jakar fresh hue. Mujhe abhi bhi thakan ho rahi thi. Mai towel lapet kar bahar aai, mere pass kapde nahi the pahan ne ke liye. Bahar aake maine mera mobile dekha, uski battery...

3 years ago
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Chatting with Bashful

Chat Night Guest: Bashful Monday July 12, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Editor's Note- The Chat Room was down before the chat. Mindy got the system up and running just minutes before Bashful's chat would start. No wonder we call her Magical Mindy! (Mindy) There is a virtual domain software package on this server that was also on Fictionmania that drove it crazy. I need to remove it and go to something else, it forgot it's settings. (CarrieGore) Just another fun episode in...

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Hubbies Birthday

Hubbies BirthdayHubbie has put some memoirs on here about how he used to play with his sister. I also come from an family playing background having first forced my Dad when I was f**fteen and have been playing with John, since I was about 17. My Mum never got involved as she was a bit of a prude and apparently boring in bed, hence my Father f***ing me. I wasn’t a virgin but his cock was big so the first few times he had to make me very wet to get it in me.John was and still is a nice 8 inches...

4 years ago
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Hubbys best friend Covid19 return

Hey u guys :)So... like the rest of the world, me 2 has been lacking in sex lol.It was my hubby's birthday this week (June 2020) an we decided to organise a bbq for him.With covid19 restrictions in place, only a small bbq with some friends was organised.Obviously I was inviting my hubby's best friend from my first story lol.The party started at about 5pm and carried on into the early hours of the morning.Everything was going as planned, and we were all when on our way. (Tipsy)I headed to the...

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Hubby brings me a dog as a gift

My loving husband left me home alone for making a business trip that would take at least three weeks away from town.Victor had never gone for a period so long. Some weeks before, he surprised me by bringing a sweet nice Great Dane as a gift for me. I named the big guy Leopold, after a former king from Belgium…One of my neighbors, Susan, was a dog trainer and then she trained my sweet Leopold. After a full week, she brought him back, saying now he was very well trained for my needs during...

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Hubby made me Fuck black man Part 2

In my first post "Hubby made me fuck black man" I wrote that my hubby hes gone soft and he set me date with Bob to fuck me I must say i have enjoyed every second of that fuck Well it has bin almost 3 months since my amazing evening with Bob I'm going to be honest i did miss Bob and his Big cock a lot Ever time i think of him i get horny and my pussy gets wet Well you can ask why i do not call him Thing is i do not have number It was my husband who arranged our date at my house and he has a...

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Hubbys Late Night at Work

I spent the weekend visiting my fam.ily out of town. By the time I got back into town it was late Monday night. Hubby had to work late, I knew he’d be tired so I wanted to surprise him there. He’s such a hard worker always pulling long hours to go above and beyond to take care of our little fam.ily. I pulled into the parking lot of his job, quickly freshened up to make sure I looked my best. I had on a short pink dress that he loves with no panties and my favorite pair of pumps. I pushed my...

4 years ago
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Hubby drives me crazy in a night out

Friday night I felt horny and my beloved hubby noticed it.Victor then proposed to go out for dance and drinks. I accepted the offer and made my way upstairs to get ready.Soon Victor joined me into the warm shower. It was not long till my man pinned me against the wall of the shower. We kissed aggressively with passion while he rubbed my pussy up and down. Once our lips parted his hands moved onto my ass and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hard cock slid into my wet...

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Hubby watches wifes ecstasy

Hubby couldn't stand it, hearing her gasp and moan gently had aroused and relaxed him, he snuck out like a naughty school boy and crept back to his chair. Troy was rocking slowly back and forth and his black hands were gripping his wife's Snow White hips. He looked and winked nodding his approval toward the wife, as hubby saw her pink shiny flesh wrapped around his thick brown shaft, she looked like she was impailled on the thing, but sounding like it was no torture for her. The sight and sound...

2 years ago
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Hubby Prefers Black Musk

Being a school counselor can have its rewards in different ways sometimes. This is one of those times that a counseling session in high school was remembered ...Yes, I was the part-time high school counselor when Todd was called in for counseling. I worked 2 days a week as a high school counselor at Todd's school and 3 days a week I worked at an inner city college as a Special Education teacher working with k**s that were failing and falling behind.Todd, a husky, black tenth grader, who lived...

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Hubby Ripped Me Apart

I walked in to our room shaking with anger. I had a fight with my mother in law and as usual my husband Raj had taken her side. I sat on bed and fumed.Raj walked in and closed the door behind me.”I don;t want to talk to you Raj, you are gutless….” I said and tried to walk away from him.Raj angry too held my wrist and pulled me towards him. Since the movement was sudden I was surprised at his strength. He pushed me against the wall and said” when I am talking don;t you dare yto walk away like...

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Happy Birthday Angie II

************************************************************************This story is the continuation of the story titled ?Happy Birthday Angie?, although this can be read even if you haven’t read the first story yet. Feedback is much appreciated, especially if it is positive and constructive.************************************************************************Happy Birthday Angie IIElite was the best new restaurant in the area and Angela felt a surge of self-satisfaction as she stepped...

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Happy Birthday Angie

Synopsis: Angela's birthday party goes horribly wrong despite her meticulous, yet poor planning. No one turns up for the party except Nikki and Tamara who weren't originally on the guest list. The two beautiful and mischievous sisters take control of Angela and soon the birthday girl finds herself stripped down to her birthday suit. The sisters invite their friends over and the party kicks off. Having fun at Angela's expense becomes the name of the game as the girls tease, humiliate and finally...

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Andreas Birthday

Andrea’s Birthday An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Stars Andearl Andrea gasped as she came. “Fuck me with your big Black cock.” she moaned, as her body shuddered. She rammed the big black dildo she had been fucking herself to orgasm with deep into her asshole while she fingered her...

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Usually on a Friday night my man invites two or three of his friends over for beers and cards, and then there's the sex after they get bored. I get a good pounding from the guys and that wraps things up. I love sucking dick too, and his buddies can get a blow job from me anytime. I feel great after I make a man cum in my throat. I guess I'm submissive in general, but making men cum is my goal, and my man, being very dominant, makes sure that I pleasure his friends correctly as well as him,...

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Hubby Ke Friends Kiya Brutal Gangbang1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, Mera naam rutuja hai, mai pune ki rahne wali hu. Meri age 28 saal hai, rang gora. Ye meri sachi kahani hai. Ye baat karib 3 mahine pahle ki hai, mere pati it company mai kaam karte hai, unka naam sameer hai, aur unko company ke kaam ke liye onsite jana pada. Mai ghar mai akeli boar hone lagi. Ek din raat ko hum dono phone par baat kar rahe the, fir maine aise hi kaha mujhe shopping karni hai. To wo bole chali jao central mai, pass mai hi hai. Maine kaha mai...

2 years ago
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Hubby gives me a business trip surprise

My husband and I have been into the swinger’s life style for a little over three years now, and since we began we have has several threesomes. However, with each new experience over the past few years I have also learned that my husband is a very kinky man. He enjoys chatting and watching individuals have sex both online and in person, and he also enjoys sitting in his recliner watching and taking pictures, and videos of me being pleased by other man and women before he final joins in to...

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Hubby Massage By Wife Along With Masseur

Hi ISS readers!!! Though i have been reading stories on this site for close to a decade, this is the first time trying to post my own experience. Bear with me and request to provide me with feedback to improve so that i can keep sharing my experiences in an interesting manner!!.. Little brief about me, For the purpose of reference – call me Sathish !!!.. I am 32 yrs old and work in an IT MNC domiciled in Chennai. I Love Sex and hardly i remember a day where i have spent with watching something...

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Hubby Ko Sagi Behan Se Sex Karne Kaha

Hi, mera naam pallavi hain aur mere age hain 28 married hu main.mera husband sagar unki age 30 hain. hum mumbai me rehate hain hamare shadi ko 3 saal hue hain hamari shadi shuda life bahoot achhe se chal rahe hain. sagar sex me bahoot achha hain . sagar ki sabse achhi baat hain usaka lund. sagar ka lund sach me 9 inch bada aur mota hain pehali raat me usane muje aisa choda tha ki mera khun nikal aaya tha chut me se. sagar ka stamina bhi achha hain 40/50 min tak paani nahi nikalta usaka. sex me...

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A sexy woman plans a birthday party for her boyfriend

“Miranda, please don’t spend any money on me. I don’t need a gift.” Tom argued with me. “But Tom, I want to make your birthday extra special. This is the first time you’ve had a birthday since we started dating.” “Miranda, I’m serious. Don’t waste any money on me. My dream birthday is just having over three or four friends, watching the Heat play basketball, playing poker, and drinking beer.” “That’s it?” I...

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Lauras Birthday

Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...

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L007 Lizzys Story Lizzys Birthday

The next couple of weeks, while still crappy at work, fly by. Every night is bliss, and when the weekends come I’m in paradise as I am my Daddy’s little girl full-time. We don’t go out much. We will occasionally stop for a drink at the bar we had met at on the way home from work. But I am usually too anxious to get home and into my diaper to want to stay long.You know I’m in torment on these occasions but tells me that I will always need some outside adult interaction to keep me balanced in my...

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It Started With My Birthday

It Started With My Birthday I was having a ball. Well, surrounded by three beautiful girls on my birthday, all a little high on some killer cocktails, at a club in San Francisco, which male wouldn't be on a high. My girlfriend Kelly had two of her college friends visiting and inevitably I was invited to hang out and be their chaperone - especially today, on my birthday. It worked well as her friends were staying in downtown, not too from where we had our apartment. Kelly and I had...

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Wendys Birthday

Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...

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Megan and Mallorys Birthday Spankings

"Look what I brought home!" Megan Pierce ran to the doorway as soon as she heard her father's voice. He stood in the doorway holding a large white box in his arms, which he struggled to keep upright. "Dad, let me help you with that!" Megan said, as she rushed to help hold the other end of the box. The two of them carried the box into the kitchen and rested it upon the counter. "Let me see, let me see!" Megan said excitedly. Bill Pierce gave his daughter a knowing smile, and...

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Jonathans Birthday Celebration

I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said: “I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.” Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see...

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Mia Chapter 9 Happy Birthday Jesse

Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia he...

First Time
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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 1 Lolas Hot Birthday Surprise

Chapter One: Lola's Hot Birthday Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Lola Albertson “Today's guests are the six futa-sisters who organized the campaign that got their mother, Becky Woodward, elected president of the United States last year,” Adelia Tash said as she sat in the central chair of her streaming studio. My sisters and I, plus my wife, were seated in two couches flanking her. I was to the left, Jen at the end, with Rebecca next to me and Christina beyond...

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