From Noble To Female Sex Slave In Space Part 1 free porn video

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Davon was scared and confused. One minute he'd been on his way from a trade mission on behalf of his family the next his small ship was attacked by pirates. His ship mounted only a single spinal mounted laser. The pirate ship fired two missiles one in front one behind his. The captain had been willing to fight, but Davon hadn't been willing to let them. He was sure his family would pay the ransom for him and the crew. He stood on the small bridge waiting for the boarding party. He was expecting an overweight greasy male leader; after all he knew what most pirates in the 22nd century were like. Many were just failed military spacers. He was shocked when the leader of the boarding party was a woman, a short haired very sexy very leggy blond woman. He gave her a courtly bow. "I'm Davon De Shin second son of Baron De Shin of the Shan Pal station," he said in clear and concise imperial. He was a rather short man standing just 5"5" even the pirate captain was taller than he was. He was dressed in Ice spider silk pale blue tunic and pants with a full vest embossed with a five pointed star. His hair was dark brown he was rather slender and completely unthreatening in appearance but he stood confidently. Killian stared at the noble standing before her he was young looking very young looking his blue eyes were quite striking. He was good looking but not very masculine at all. She assessed him and the crew of the ship she'd just taken as a prize. If his family was willing to pay his ransom he was worth a fortune, if not well she'd come up with something. She already had an idea in mind the computer processors that served as her brain firing at speeds faster than a human brain could have. She was lonely and he seemed just the sort that she'd like to keep. "I'm Killian Qatar Captain of Bloody Talon," she said smirking her ship was famous throughout most of the sector. The previous captain and her creator had been a very cunning woman who'd gotten unlucky but she'd been able to teach Killian most of what she needed to know. Davon couldn't help but stare at her. "I assume my person and my crew will be ransomed safely. I have in fact enough funds on me to pay the ransom for the crew. They have served my family well and I do not want them to suffer," he said trying not to shake with nerves or fear. He had heard the name of the vessel and knew its reputation, however its captain did have a reputation for being fair and not killing people out of hand. "So captain I will come aboard your ship as a hostage, your ship does not have the cargo space for an entire passenger craft not even one the size of Dart. You could put a prize crew aboard her, but she isn't worth much I propose you let her go with her crew and I come aboard as your hostage. You can add the cost of dart to my ransom." The captain of the Dart seemed like he wanted to say something Davon was a good young man trying to live up to what he'd been taught was a noble's duty he'd be a far better heir to his father than his older brother, but he didn't say anything about the danger the youngster was in. Killian stared at him his offer was unexpected. She'd met a lot of nobles most would have been throwing the crew of the ship under the bus in an attempt to save themselves. He was right though Dart was an older ship not worth a lot it had little cargo space no weapons to speak of and despite its name was not particularly fast. "All right you have a deal," she said looking him over. "But just you not any of your belongings, those will come with me as part of the payment for letting your crew go," she said grinning at him. "Don't worry you have my word you'll be kept in good condition until we ransom you. In fact I'll give the captain here a holo cube with our demands," she said still smiling. Davon nodded. "That's understandable here's the money for the crew." He said handing her a secure case inside of it were bonds worth twenty thousand credits more than enough for the small crew of the ship but not the ship itself. He was quite scared who wouldn't be being kidnapped by pirates, but he fully expected to be ransomed. Several of the pirate crew lead him to the ship some of them grinning at each other. "You know if you're not ransomed back you will become a slave," one of the female guards said to him as he was escorted onto the much larger pirate vessel. "Yes I'm aware but as long as your captain is reasonable with her demands I'm sure my family will pay it," he said and he was being honest he was just a second son not the heir so he wasn't as critical, but he was still sure the ransom would be paid. He was lead from through the air lock down the passage ways into a small area of cells, clearly a holding place for people like him. The cells were clearly cells with doors that couldn't be opened without a palm scan, but they were not uncomfortable looking despite the glass window that saw the entire room. Each room even had a small shower. His guards opened a door for him and he walked into the cell. He sat down on the bed looking at the two crew members. "Do you have an electronic reader or something? I could use some form of entertainment," he said giving them his best smile. The female guard's lip twitched into a smile. "We will see what we can do," she said as both of them walked away. Killian smiled at the captain as she took out a blank holo cube. "I am Captain Killian Qatar I have in my custody your son Davon I want 2,000,000 in credits for his return. I have included in this holo the coordinates for the meeting if you or a representative is not there in one standard month I will have him declared legally a slave by the trade guild as per interstellar law," she said all this in a calm even tone there was no need to yell. She gave the cube to the captain who was red faced. "That young man deserves better than that the chances of them being able to cough up that much money on short notice is slim," he said staring at her. Killian just smiled and shrugged. "He is rather honorable for a noble isn't he, but just the same that's the price since it also includes part of the tag of letting this ship go. You and I both know that what I asked for is fairly reasonable, and if I don't get it I give you my word he'll be kept in decent shape and I won't just sell him off." The captain just stared at her as she and her remaining guards walked back towards her ship. Once she was onboard she went straight to the holding area. "The ship and message are away they have one month to cough up the money and come to the rendezvous." She said eyeing him over. She really hoped they didn't cough up the money he'd make a very pretty slave girl. She could feel her cock starting to harden, even though she was an android she was partly a bio android with biological needs. "I hope you'll be comfortable I'll have an electronic viewer and reader sent down here so you don't go stir crazy with boredom," she said before walking away. Davon stared at the captain noticing again how good she looked in the sleek black spacer suit. It clung to every curve of her body. Despite his situation he couldn't help some of the thoughts that ran through his mind as he stood up. "Thank you for that," he said seriously about the offer for a reader and a viewer for entertainment purposes really he wouldn't have minded her for entertainment purposes. He shook his head to try to clear the thoughts. "Well I'm sure your quite busy captain; just don't forget about me down here," he said trying to bring some humor to the situation. Killian smiled as she heard his joke, and just shook her head. She could understand why he'd been sent on a diplomatic, and trade mission, he was very charming. Even more than before she was hoping the ransom wouldn't be paid ever since her creator the previous captain of the ship had died she'd been lonely. She walked away determined not to talk to him too much or get her hopes up. But she would see in a month's time. One month later Davon stood his hands in manacles between two of the crew Jais and Trixie were their names. Both were human with gene mods. Jais was male with some cat DNA he had retractable claws and his muscles were stronger than a human's normally would be, Trixie had a long serpentine tongue and fangs that produced a very strong neurotoxin. He'd learned that by talking to the two guards of the crew those two were the ones he had seen the most the captain had come by but rarely, but each visit had been friendly. He'd learned more of her history that she was a mechanical and biological android that had surprised him as was the fact that she was over sixty years old. He couldn't get over that, he looked at her standing a little off this time she was dressed in red bio mesh armor that clung to her it left little up to the imagination. Next to her stood an Andorin a short squat being with blue skin and large eyes, he was the guild representative to make sure the transaction went smoothly and everything was kept at least somewhat legal. He was also there in case the ransom was not paid. If it was not paid he'd be the one to mark him and transfer ownership of him as a slave to Killian's control. The planet they were on was habitable but barley it was in unclaimed territory and had just a few scant settlements they were well away from those in a patch of rocky ground as they saw the single landing craft from Dart come in. Killian stood waiting for either the money or the news that Davon would be hers. Even Trixie and Jais actually seemed to like him. In Jais' words the kid was the first real noble he'd ever seen, and Trixie said he was the single most naively honorable person she'd ever met, and if more nobles were like him they'd probably not be ruling anything. Her eyebrows rose as a single man walked forward it was Dart's captain and he didn't look happy. Nor did she see any cases with him just a holo cube held in his hand. She glanced at Davon to see what he thought. Davon wasn't stupid he knew what the word would be as soon as he saw captain Ryhs with nothing more than a holo cube he knew that his family had declined to pay the ransom. He was shattered he was barley looking at the cube his eyes wide with horror he'd never be free again. Laws in free space were clear on the matter pirates were allowed a certain degree of freedom as long as they followed the rules, those in territories claimed by the Terran Empire or some of the other entities were a different matter but he'd been taken in unclaimed space, and a ransom demand had been made but not met, which sealed his fate. Never had he dreamed that his family wouldn't pay. Rhys didn't even speak just activated the cube, instead of his father it was of his brother. There was a strong family resemblance his brother had the same dark brown hair but was a little taller "Father's had a brain stroke and is unavailable to make this decision at the same time two of the gas refinery stations need critical repairs we don't have the resources to pay your ransom and bring them back online. I'm sorry brother, but your ransom cannot be paid at this time. If matters change I will contact the trade guild to see about purchasing you back from captain Qatar." As soon as the last word said the image of his brother the cube turned silent. "I'm sorry Sir you, you shouldn't be a slave, your mother if she were still alive would be walloping your brother good," he said trying to console Davon, but Davon was just still entirely speechless he just nodded. "You can leave now sir you wouldn't be able to do anything about what's about to happen," he said his voice shaking with nerves. Killian had to keep herself from smiling wide and dancing with joy. She looked at Davon, who seemed crushed, and she would have been as well, but then she really didn't understand family much at all. She figured she'd have time to get Davon used to her she was sure he would hate her for a while but given time she could change that. She did have one thing to say though. "Sell him back? Why would I sell him back to people who don't value him? Yes I intend to keep him as a slave but after he's worked off enough of his debt I'll make him crew at that point he can do whatever the hell he wants," she said being honest she hoped that after being her slave for a while he'd stay with her voluntarily. "I won't sell him." She said to captain Rhys who just nodded at her clutching at his side wishing he could just shoot her, but he walked away. Killian watched him walk away then turned to the guild representative. "So the paperwork is all in order can you barcode him and get the collar out?" Davon just stared at her. "Barcode me?" he said gulping he knew what the process was many nobles in the empire used slaves not his family, at least not recently because first his mother and then himself argued against it. But he'd seen them with the barcodes that marked them as being able to be sold. The Andorin nodded and got out a palm scanner. "Palm here," he said and he did so not just his palm but his DNA was read as well. Once that was done he took out a device with thousands of needles in it a very specialized tattoo gun. "On knees," he commanded Jais and Trixie were right behind him, he knew if he didn't do as asked he would be forced. He gulped staring at the pirate captain, now his mistress. He got onto his knees without being forced even though he was shaking with fear. The bar coder was pressed against the back of his neck. He screamed in pain as the needles dug in injecting deep into his flesh. The bar code was more permanent than any other kind of tattoo even if he tried to burn it off the bar code would come back. In a matter of moments it was done and he was marked as property. He looked up at Killian just staring at her. She held out a silver collar. "I know you're marked but a clever fellow like you could still get away this will make sure you can't get more than a few hundred yards from me." She said and he just nodded. She bent down and snapped it around his neck. He heard a whirring sound as it clicked closed. "Only I can remove it, now then follow," she said as she led the way back to the ship. All the way to the ship Killian watched him smiling she couldn't wait to inject him with the special Nano pack she had. At last after a month of waiting he was hers. Davon was lead to the ship this time he was lead to the crew quarters. "Wait I don't understand," he said seeing the more sumptuous rooms everything was still palm scanned but it was clearly living areas rather than holding cells. "You're being taken to my room," he heard in a silken purr of a voice. He turned around and saw Killian stalking towards him her eyes were almost shining, and he was stunned her intention was obvious and despite his situation he felt himself getting hard. He stared at her mouthwatering. "Your room?" he said his eyes going straight to her breasts. She chuckled at him running a hand through his hair. "You're my slave; more specifically I intend to use you as a pleasure slave, among other things," she said moving her hand down to his crotch her other hand pressing the plate to open her door. Once inside she shoved him hard he stumbled and fell onto the bed. "Now then one more thing to do before we really get started," she said opening a drawer and pulling out small vial. "This contains some Nano tech I'm going to inject you with. This specific Nano tech is gene altering Nano's," she said and before he could argue she was on him with it injecting it into his arm. He felt flushed as the Nano's entered his body. "What kind of gene alterations?" he said staring wide eyed at her. Never in his dreams had he thought of himself as becoming a pleasure slave, while sex with Killian had its appeal being nothing more than a living sex object didn't appeal to him much at all. He was a noble trained as a diplomat. His whole body felt warm as the Nano's went to work. He couldn't help but let out a groan as his body started to sweat. He knew there were all kinds of gene altering Nano tech some simple some not, and some could kill the person if something went wrong. He just stared at his new mistress the Nano's were busy inside his body but he couldn't do a thing about them. "I like you, but I only like women. So if you're going to be my sex slave you have to be female, this is just a sex change Nano packet. I have others for later if I decide to get creative with you. Please don't hate me," she said staring at him his hair was already starting to get longer. "Ever since captain Hayellis died three years ago I haven't met anyone that I really wanted to sleep with, the crew are good in their own way but I'm the captain, and sleeping with someone who was crew before I became captain wouldn't really be right, but then there you were, and even as a guy you look cute not very masculine. So I said if the ransom wasn't paid I'd do this," she said staring at him moving closer. He just stared at her eyes wide. "I'm I'm becoming female," he said shuddering as he felt changes start to wrack his body the first were the most internal changes he could feel his stomach shifting position a womb forming. The nannies were converting his sperm into eggs he'd be a very fertile woman all he felt was an uncomfortable feeling in his abdomen he clutched his stomach and groaned. He could feel his balls start to slide into him as his cock started to shrink the feeling was incredibly erotic and hot he moaned in lust and pain. "But why didn't you visit more often than when you had an entire month," he said staring at her. "Because if I was around you more I'd have wanted to inject you sooner, and if your family had paid I'd never see you again so it wouldn't be so bad." She said with a shrug. She cradled him and gently stroked him with her hands. She watched as his hair became longer and fuller those dark brown locks spilling around his face. He felt the hair tickling his neck he could feel his Adam's apple changing even as his cock shrank more and more inside of him forming his clit as his vagina started to open. His clit would remain even more sensitive than his cock was all the nerve endings of the entire cock concentrated into just that little nub, he groaned in pleasure and pain as he felt his body hair start to fall out. His legs becoming smoothed and toned more woman like rather than muscled like a man's. His face softened his eyebrows becoming more arched his lips becoming more full. Killian watched his face changed. It didn't take much he hadn't been a very masculine looking man. She kissed him full on the lips, and pulled him soon to be her closer. Her lips tasted divine and Killian wanted more. She reached into his pants and felt that virgin slit and started teasing it. Davon could not ever remember being this turned on with anyone he bucked his hips despite or maybe because of his body's changes. His mind was confused and he couldn't really make sense of anything he felt his pants ripping as his hips expanded, his ass taking on a nice bubble shape but making his pants too tight the button popping off of them. He found his arms around Killian shuddering as she probed his, no her pussy. Killian broke the kiss. "Hmm I think my new pet likes this" She said as she slowly inserted two fingers thrusting gently into the warm slit. She loved his girlish moan that came from her perfect lips and face. The curly dark brown hair framing that cute sexy but innocent looking face almost perfectly. His waist didn't need to shrink in much at all to give him a perfect hour glass figure. Killian moved one hand under his shirt fingering his nipples her other hand still teasing her new plaything's clit. Davon moaned and leaned into both hands her nipples already more sensitive. She wanted to feel more of Killian's fingers inside of her. It didn't matter that she was now an owned piece of property or that she was becoming a woman all she could feel was that burning heat and need inside her especially with the sensations from her slowly growing breasts. Killian felt the breast and nipple in her hand growing and saw how flushed her new slave was. "Hmm someone likes their breasts played with," she said moving her hand from her slaves pants to her other breast she teased and pulled on both nipples. "Hmm maybe we should make you a cow mod and milk you hmm?" she said teasing her new slave. "Mmmhmm get on your hands and knees," she said as his breasts kept growing his stomach flattening out. Davon couldn't really think of himself as a man not when her new female body felt so good and not with breasts continuing to grow. She was disappointed at first when Killian's hand moved from her pussy but she moaned loudly as her sensitive nipples and breasts were played with. When Killian moved her hands away she had to take a deep breath to even hear what was said. She blushed her pale skin showing it clearly as she got on her hands and knees. She let out a low moo feeling embarrassed. Killian smirked slowly stripping out of the skin tight red armor. She moved behind her toy on the bed her cock was rock hard. She teased his ass with it through his pants. "That's right I've got a cock that's bigger than yours ever was," she said slapping his ass. "That was a pathetic moo," she said bending over him she ripped his shirt off of him her inhuman strength making it easy. She then undid his pants. "I think I will give you the cow mod make your breasts nice and full," she said as she kept tugging on them teasing them. "I also think I'm going to be keeping you naked for a while, a long while," she said rubbing her cock against her slaves ass. Davon felt her breasts growing Killian, her owner continued to play with them. She moaned and panted leaning into the touches. Her eyes were wide at the idea of a cock. "But, but I, I was a guy," she said gulping unsure of what to do or think. Her body was on fire with need and she was squirming with lust, but at the same time the thought of a cock inside her was almost too much. She knew if she accepted that then she really would be a woman she whimpered and started shuddering in fear and lust. Killian gently stroked her new lovers back, rolling her over and playing with her nipples, softly stroking her. "Shhh it will be okay you'll love it I promise," she said gently licking one of the sensitive nipples. She kept teasing and playing with Davon's breasts loving the taste and feel of them, her lover was so soft and sensitive. "I'll be gentle the first time," she said moving up and kissing her lover full on the lips. Davon had never felt anything quite like what she was now experiencing she moaned into the kiss leaning upward her body so needy, she could feel the heat from her new pussy. Shyly she nodded giving in to her owner. "Yes, yes mistress," she said her words coming out with a pant of surrender. She spread her legs biting her lip looking up at her Mistress. Killian stroked her new lover and toy, smiling down at the girl. "Hmm that's a good pleasure pet," she said as she aimed her cock at Davon's new pussy. "Hmm we're going to have to rename you aren't we," she said as she slid her thick hard shaft into the warm wet slit. She moaned as she slammed her cock into her new lover she started slowly pushing in only the tip but it felt so good that she started to slide it in faster, and faster. Davon was panting and moaning the sensation of being filled with the cock was just too much for her female body. She couldn't believe how good it felt. She looked up at Killian and couldn't get over just how amazing her mistress looked either "more, more," she said panting shoving her hips forward wanting to feel even fuller trying to get the cock in her more pushing up with her pelvis to meet each thrust. "It, it feels so good," she said panting her voice heavy with lust her whole body thrumming with pleasure. Killian didn't need more of an invitation she griped her new slave's hips and started to thrust into her harder and faster. "Hmm someone likes that don't you" She said moving her hands to her lover's breasts and pinched her nipples even as she thrust the entire length of her cock into her lover's pussy. "Hmm your cunt feels so good my little slut; this is your purpose in life now," she said groaning feeling herself getting closer to Cumming, but not letting herself not yet. "Now cum for me cum," she said slamming the entire 10 inch length of her cock into Davon's waiting pussy and holding it there. Davon whimpered and writhed as Killian fucked her she could feel her body peeking the lust rising to a crescendo within her body. She moaned even as she was called a slut. She should have been upset by that but it made her feel hotter. She screamed as the entire length was shoved into her it stretched her pussy to the point where it hurt but felt so dam good. As Killian tugged on her nipples she cried out in pleasure her back arching as she orgasmed spilling juices all over Killian's thick hard shaft. As soon as her lover came Killian was pulling out of her pussy her cock rock hard precum leaking from it. Open your mouth" She said gripping Davon's head. She shoved her cock into the warm wet mouth and came, and came hard. She pulled out just enough to get quite a bit of it on her slaves face. "hmm now you look perfect," she said stroking the girl's hair. Davon was surprised when the cock entered his mouth she almost gagged and choked on all the cum. IT tasted salty but not bad in fact the warm gooey mess actually tasted good, and she found herself wanting more she found herself making a mewling noise as it was pulled out from her mouth. She found herself licking the cock after the mess was put on her face looking up at her owner with lust and need. "Oh dear did I forget to mention that my cum is addictive," she said grinning and kissing her pet on the lips. "You really are mine now, I just want you to stay with me," she said rubbing the new girl down. "That's enough for now though just relax you need some sleep," she said nuzzling the girl. Davon felt weak after the transformation and fucking. She found herself drifting off she should have been horrified by everything and part of her was, but part of her was also content at least for the moment. She drifted off to sleep wondering what would happen next.

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A Perfect Male Slave To A Group Of Females In Bangalore

Hi readers, Thanks a lot for your feedback for my previous stories. As always, expecting your support for this and my upcoming stories as well. This is not a story but a real incident which happened in the middle of March, 2017. It has femdom and gruesome torture and hardly has sex. If you have interested in it, please proceed further. For those of you who don’t know me, am Divakar, a software professional and a masseur and male escort from Bangalore, offering different types of services to...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 5 Slaves

I cursed the former owners of the ship; nothing was labeled or arranged in any way that made sense to me. Where were the controls for the viewers? Where did they put the weapon console? This would not been easy if I had time to figure things out. The Comm. system came on and a rough voice said.” I repeat, land your craft or we will destroy you.” I didn’t know who turned on the Communications or if the channels were open, but I had no time to spend time or concentration on talking. My mind...

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Family EnslavedChapter 2 SlaveMommy

"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again," my mother smiled at me. "Yeah," I smiled back. "I was gone too long, Mom. I'm sorry about that." We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions...

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Creating a female Slave

The Society is a underground club of like minded men who enjoy forcing women into becoming obedient slaves for their owners pleasure. She who I have ***********ed looked in her late thirties to early forties. She wore a wedding ring, so was married. Was five foot sixish in height and had a half decent body, curves in the right places and obviously was trying to become fitter by walking. Her hair was straight, brown and short of her shoulders and almost manly styled. She also was attractive,...

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My Wife wants to be a Sex Slave

******************************************************************************** Thanks to kyron120867 my story is set in his world, but none of his characters are involved. Story written by Ghostwolf63 Chapter one ********************************************************************************* Hello, my name Will Johnson, I was asked to write this story along with my wife. She will write about her experience and I will be writing my experience. So let's get started. First some info...

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African Slave Queen enslaved media babe

The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 11 My day with the kitchen slaves

Three days later I thought I was up to working as a household slave provided they realised I could not do heavy work and would not be subjected to further punishment. Consequently at 5 a.m. the following morning a eunuch came and took me to meet Georgina in the main kitchen. She was a large, stern looking woman possibly of Turkish origin. She looked at me with some disdain but she'd obviously been told I was no longer a slave and now had access to the king so she tried to hide it. As usual I...

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Lois Lane Sex Slave

Lois Lane: Sex Slave By EchotangoCaught snooping around a warehouse Lois suffers a terrible fate?Chapter One: Capture?And it was confirmed today that Superman will remain away from Earth on a top secret mission for the next three months, the white house said?? Lois Lane listened to the radio and smiled, Superman had left town over a week ago and the twenty-six year old brunette had broken the story three days before and now the radio was finally catching up. She felt like chuckling with glee...

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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 4 Lesbian Slave

The story is connected, so please read from part 1. Few comments in the comment section will be appreciable. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Hey guys, just wondering, can a lesbian slave story make your dick erect? And dear girls, I hope you get horny and wet. Previous part recap: One night, Divya calls me by phone, and she tells me that she is alone in her home. My lesbian love for her arouses as soon as I meet her after many days. She requests me to have...

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Creating a female slave Part 2

She then used the bucket to have a pee and the sound echoed as her urine stream hit the metal sides and bottom. I smiled and started editing her first session so I could stream it to the other Society members. I finished the editing and started streaming it to the Society members. Feeling exhausted I checked the time. It had been twelve hours since the kidnapping so pointless trying to find any media coverage of a missing person yet and as for my slav, she would already be time disoriented as...

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From A Bodybuilder To A Female Group Slave

Hello guys, Pratik here from hyderabad. I am a student in hyderabad studying my MBA and this is a real incident which happened a week back. I am a bodybuilder who loves working out and this all started from the gym. It was 10 in the morning and I was very late to my gym most of the crowd was ladies mostly housewives so I didn’t pay attention and started my workout. I was working out on my chest that day and suddenly a aunty called me for help  I  completed my set and went to help her out in...

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My Sister The Sex Slave

My Sister The Sex Slave My sister Kimberly is sixteen years old, very pretty with nice big tits, and she has really been a stuck up bitch to me. Being her little fifteen-year-old brother makes me the scum of the Earth in her eyes. I am not even good enough to speak too. When Kimberly got a nineteen-year-old boyfriend she got even worse. She became the envy of her girlfriends because she was dating one of the football players. (American football that is.) That put her in an even...

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My sex slave

For the past month I had enjoyed a lot of success at my new job. Within a two week period I had landed two new clients, the new multi-million dollar contacts they signed gained me a promotion. The big executives in the company were singing high praises about me. The following week I had to report to a new floor and work with a new set of team members. I was teamed up with this African American female named Tracy she was in her late 20’s and had the body of a goddess. She stood around 5’7 145,...

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A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War II

A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War IINote by Jennifer Suzuki:  She was a petite, elegantly dressed Japanese woman in her later twenties.  We had met over lunch.  Me and my white boyfriend; she and her white boyfriend.  She looked elegant, but her dress was conservative and plain, without any urban panache and yet radiant with modesty and intelligence.  Her boyfriend was much taller than she was, overbearing, muscular, with crew cut dark brown...

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My New Life As A Sex Slave To Black Masters

"The Arrival" Chapter One Cast of Characters Diana A 34 yr old married white woman, 5' 6” tall dark brown hair' green eyes and weighs130# lbs ' 36” 24” 35” and after several children still looked her best, actually younger than she actually is. She, even at this age is still very naive over sexed and insecure as to her looks. Her main asset is her incredible sex drive and a most sensitive clitoris, that with little thought of sex becomes wet and aroused instantly, she is a girl...

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slaver or collecter Anna becomes a slave

A few weeks go by, we are all packed and headed for the airport. Omar's private jet taxis over to us, the door opens and the ladder comes down,we go inside. Anna is wondering who we know who has their own jet. Hours and hours later we are landing in Dubai. The limo picks us up then a hour later we are at Omar’s palace. Omar comes out and escorts us into his living room, there sits Sasha and Jane in their burkas. Omar introduces everyone, then says Anna it is so nice to meet you, I...

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Anniversary Trip ch2 Sex Slave Stripper

Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...

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Helen Space SlaveChapter 3 Arrival

When the porterbot had put her cage back among the others, the hold was again left in darkness. A grumpy voice in the next cage said, "It's alright for some people. Some people get taken off to a nice meal and hotel-room conditions." Helen tried to ignore the comments as the owner of the grumpy voice became more abusive of what he called "shameless whores who use their cunts to get what they want". Obviously it was no good telling Mr. Grumpy that it wasn't her idea and that only two...

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Complete Submission How Annabelle became a sex slave

Complete Submission: How Annabelle became a sex slave This story is completely fictional. It is a fantasy, not a reality. Chapter 1: First Meeting        My name is annabelle, although my Master calls me ‘slave’ or ‘slut’ most of the time. This is the story of how i came to serve my Master, and how He has trained me to be the nympho-sex slave that i am now. Master says that when referring to myself i am only allowed to use lowercase letters, or call myself by my given titles like slave, slut...

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Online Sex Slave Turning a Real Sex Slave (Based on my true story of my life) I started my life as a Cam sex slave at very young age, when I was curious of chatting on yahoo. I created an account teenslaveboy17 and started chatting with girls, and guys. The girls never gives importance so, I started chatting with the guys. Mainly I used to get old guys. The basic question asked in chat is “what is your asl?”, or “what you like?”. During my initial days I never understood those questions, but...

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Helen Space SlaveChapter 2 The Journey

As dawn broke, a couple of the guards came over and pushed Helen roughly on her back. She was much too despondent to offer any resistance, or even to notice the pain very much as they took turns to pump their come into her badly torn 'private place' again. One of the guards said, "Loading in five minutes," and the second of her morning rapists stopped playing with Helen's bruised nipples. She was put back in her cage with a good deal of unnecessary handling, especially of her aching...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 28 Preparing for the Party

When Nina arrived at the gym after work, Gretchen met her in the workout area, and immediately took her into the back. As she stripped in the locker room, Gretchen watched her closely. Once Nina was naked, Gretchen took her in her arms, and kissed her deeply. As the kiss ended, she said, "There are a couple of things we need to talk about before we go to the party tonight. If you aren't comfortable with things, then we won't go." "Whatever you decide, Miss." "Don't be too hasty to...

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My beautiful bisexual slaves and I

        This story is intended as entertainment for adults onlyHaving become fabulously wealthy from my vast real estate, and other assorted ventures,  I decided to fulfill my deepest sexual fantasies, and to enjoy the fruits of my years of labor.  My assets totaled about thirty five billion, and I constructed a very large and special estate in Mexico, with surroundings quite conducive to peace and solitude, and to the pursuit of my vocation as a male dominant to willing women, and researcher...

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Best sex slave ever 3

Marcie laid there once again spreadeagled to the large bed by her wrists and ankles. It had been quite a day with Hilda. Hans’ sister did indeed make a out of her. Yet, the blonde haired Marcie couldn’t say she didn’t enjoy it. She’d always wondered what it would be like to go down on another woman and she sure found out. By her count she sucked off six pussies, counting Hilda three times. And she’d been butt fucked three times as well. But the grandest was that wonderful cunt fucking her...

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Best sex slave ever 4

Marcie actually had become used to being a sex-slave. Although she technically belonged to Hans, she was used by Hilda, his second cousin, as well. The very well endowed blonde had become equally adept at sucking Her pussy as well as His cock She knew the drill. Every morning before he took his shower, the tall handsome man-of-the-house would enter the bedroom, with her still bound hand and foot to the large poster bed, and mount her so that his stiff manhood pointed directly at her soft lips....

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Female Slave Market Auction Part 2

So dakota & the 3 of us returned to our room, on entering our room I had diana & alice strip immediately & take up the Nadu position, I then asked dakota if she wanted to stay or leave, she asked if she could stay for a while. I told her yes that was not a problem, but told her she would need to strip & join my slaves on the floor in the Nadu position.She has never had any formal training in being a slave or a submissive, so I told her my 2 slaves would teach her the Gorean...

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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 12 Sex Slaversquos Naughty Plan

Aurora Pritchard “I wonder where Krystal is off to in such a hurry,” I said to my fellow sex slaves—Rebecca, Petra, Tracy and I were sitting at a table in our high school’s cafeteria—as Krystal, our Master’s little sister, and her girlfriend, the Korean Ji-Yun, rushed out of the cafeteria. “Maybe they’re going to go fuck,” Petra said. She was one of my best friends. I was so happy that she’d accepted her new role as Justin’s sex slave. Now only our other friend, Paris, needed to surrender...

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Model Sex SlaveChapter 8

The three days, with her master and Lee while the mistress was away, flew by. Don wanted sex at least five times a day. Sometimes with her, sometimes with Lee but most times with both of them He taught her numerous positions and how to satisfy a man in any one of them. Like the mistress, he enjoyed watching them have sex but he would nearly always butt in and they would end up satisfying him. He also worked with Diana on her exercise program, which he'd set up for her. This was in addition...

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Introduction: Erika spends the rent money her mom left her and becomes a sex slave =================================== ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER ONE =================================== KEYWORDS: M/f, teen female, sex slave, rough, blowjob, BJ, anal, humiliation, humil Comments? E-mail: [email protected] Erika was a bombshell. She was the type of girl that when walking down the street turned heads. And, she knew it. She had an amazing body, full pouty lips, great set of tits for her age,...

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GSP Chapter 613 Serving as a Sex Slave

G.S.P. Chapter 6 Serving as a Sex Slave "Have you forgotten who I am!" the person on the computer screen shouted. The assembled G.S.P members around the table found it best to remain silent and try to leave the talking to their superiors. "Of course not Congressman Winthers," agent Anderson replied. "Then how come that you have not located my missing daughter Carol?" Winthers inquired. "I was just on the way to ask Eagle to give you an update," Anderson responded weakly. Eagle...

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The Short Sexual History of Coora a Slave

Olga’s note: Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight novels, wrote a short story retold from the viewpoint of a minor character, someone who walks into the scene of one of her novels and is almost immediately killed. In my stories, at least the ones so far, the first-person viewpoints of characters in my Aghara-Penthay shave all been women on special missions, or women captured to order, which means they’ve been missing out on the experience of a more regular slave – someone unlucky caught...

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Complete Sex Slave To My Master Pt 4 Master8217s Birthday Party

Hello readers, I live in Pune and am back in the continuation of my previous story ‘Complete Slave To My Master’. To give a brief background of the story, I and my girlfriend used to live in a live-in relationship. After a regular and boring sex life, we thought to spice it up by trying new sort of relationship (Master-Slave). The first 3 stories contain details on how I seduced Vibha to agree for this relationship and how we continued and enjoyed this new world of domination. This small...

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My New Life As A Sex Slave to black Masters Chapter Three

My Erotic Breakfast. Chapter Three Diana The next morning I woke in Becka's bed, and was quite refreshed from a most wonderful and well needed sleep, I could still smell and feel the comfortable warmth of her, and our previous nights sex! Sitting on the bed still naked, was trying to wake up and get my thoughts together. There was a steaming hot cup of Cappuccino on the night stand, and a love note that said Diana take a long shower and be ready for a wonderful breakfast, as we have...

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Barnes Noble Girl Part I

Let me know what you think and if you want me to continue. I'm also open to suggestions to what the next stories would be about. Thank you. Barnes & Noble GirlThe harsh sound of alarm clock was the first thing she heard before she woke up. It was 8 am and she had thirty minutes to be at work and open up the store at 9 am. She had finally become a manager and though it didn’t pay much more than when she was a regular employee it did come with much more responsibilities. She quickly washed...

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ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER ONE =================================== KEYWORDS: M/f, teen female, sex slave, rough, blowjob, BJ, anal, humiliation, humil Comments? E-mail: [email protected] Erika was a bombshell. She was the type of girl that when walking down the street turned heads. And, she knew it. She had an amazing body, full pouty lips, great set of tits for her age, nice slender hips and a belly-dancer stomach (which had a nice dangling belly-button ring). ...

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My Medieval Submission and the Sex Slave

I was trying to build up the nerve to blow off Glade, my lover, but you ruined it for me! Okay, that’s only half true. I was bolstering my resolve to distance myself from my very beneficial friend and I ruined it for myself by blabbering on and on to my friends here about him. I’d take any flimsy or poor excuse to gush over him; all under the guise of hating it. The truth of the matter is that he’s been the only thing on my mind since I tried my first anal plug last week. Yes, that was him that...

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Best sex slave ever 7

“It’s really great having you back,” he said leisurely as his breathing slowly returned to normal. “Thank you Sir, it’s really great to be back,” Marcie replied gleefully as the buxom blonde looked up at her handsome master from her knees while she licked the remains of his manly juices from her lips. “Mistress Samantha raved about your performance last week,” the Germanic gentleman said with glowing eyes as he reached down and lovingly caressed the side of her face. “I’m really glad that I...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 3 The Slavers Career

Here I will lay out how I, William Steelforth, progressed from the unqualified slavery enthusiast I was in high school to the qualified slavery advocate I had become as managing partner of the agency which bore my name. After high school, the next opportunity to have an animated exchange about my ideas with a teacher came in a discussion with Professor Petersen, my philosophy teacher, in my sophomore year of college. Unlike my high school civics teacher, he was actually a proponent of...

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sorority and franternit have a bdsm and slave party

Sorority and fraternity bondage and sex partyI was very excited when my girlfriend Karen invited me to a special sex party arranged by her sorority and my fraternity. I got even more excited when she explained what happened at the party.There would be at least 10 to 15 girls and an equal number of boys. The idea was that you would converse with one person of the opposite sex or if you wish dance with that person or simply sit and have a chat. From time to time the organizer Amanda would grab a...

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The Devils Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 9 Starla The Sexretary

Note: When Mary offered to give her sister Shannon and her fiancee George a sex slave, Shannon chose George's secretary Starla who had been trying to seduce George for months. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, September 23rd, 2013 – Starla Botwright – Redmund, WA "Starla, come into my office," George ordered when I picked up the phone. "Right away, Master," I answered, my cunt moistening beneath my miniskirt. I stood up from my desk, my large tits jiggling in my low-cut...

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Jilnar Jardaly the Hot SexSlave

[The raunchy and highly anticipated sequel to Jilnar's last erotic escapade: “Jilnar Jardaly and the Pirates!]The tires screeched loudly as the plain white van sped around the corner. It was a bumpy, windy, unsealed road which caused its precious cargo to jostle and bounce about against the walls. Twelve beautiful and exotic young women, of every race and color, six sitting on a hard bench on either side of the van. A beautiful bevy of exotic young women to suit all tastes, white, black, Asian...

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My sex slave sister Emily Continued

Note : This story is completely fictional! Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emily's house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o'clock. After dinner Emily said she was going to take a shower and for me to pick out a movie for us to watch when she finished. So while she was in the shower I went into her bedroom and put on a hardcore porn movie that I had brought with me then called my friends and told them to...

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Justice Against the Nobles

Night falls on the Isle of Lions, some twenty miles off the shores of lake Cashmere in the Republic of Tylina. Like most Thursday nights, the entire population of the island, minus a small set of security and maintenance crews, is partying on the island's Grand Manor. It is the opportunity for the women stationed here to unwind after almost a week's worth of actual work, which would normally be a rarity for the noble-born women. The Isle of Lions is special. It is the home base and training...

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