Helen Space SlaveChapter 2 The Journey
- 2 years ago
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They drove straight through the mine complex and Helen felt a lot happier seeing more people around her. All the wide-open spaces were beginning to scare her. Almost all of them wore the same overalls as hers and, as Kate had remarked, there were almost no women; in fact she wasn't sure she had seen any. Karl drew up outside a large building and hurried the girls inside. Helen had assumed that he would have a flat somewhere in the building, but they went straight into the first room on the right, which was a room with only large chairs, one of them obviously intended for two people at once, though all of the furniture was old and well-worn. Evidently this furniture would need to be moved for whoever lived here to go to sleep. It seemed a lot of work, but if that was what they did here, she shrugged to herself.
As they went in, a blonde woman of about thirty got up from the two-seater chair and came to greet Karl. Evidently this was the "Paula" whom Kate had mentioned during the bidding. Helen looked at her rival and decided that she was no match for Helen in looks. She was a little shorter than Karl, about five feet four, and had a round open face with big blue eyes and a small turned-up nose, which gave her a little-girl-lost look which she obviously cultivated. However, the whole effect was somewhat marred by the beginnings of wrinkles by her ears and an overall impression of fading, like a photograph which has been left in the sun for too long.
She was wearing the most extraordinary garment which had been inexpertly tailored from what appeared to be an old table-cloth. It was draped round her and was fastened at the waist with a leather belt. Her bare breasts which were quite large, but had started to sag, and most of her thighs were clearly visible as this 'coat' gaped wide at the front. Helen wasn't sure, but she had a distinct impression that Paula did not have a 'private forest', either that or it was very sparse and pale. Paula fairly threw herself at Karl and kissed him wildly with one arm round his neck and the other hand groping the front of his overalls.
"Not now Paula," said Karl in an irritated voice, "go to your room and I'll call you when I want you."
Giving Helen and the other girl, whose name Helen still couldn't remember, a really nasty look, Paula left the room with obvious reluctance. Helen looked at the other girl and saw an attractive young woman, also of about thirty, a little taller than Paula, but in much better physical condition, despite the journey and the auction. Her hair was shoulder length dark chestnut curls surrounding a heart-shaped face with a wide, generous mouth, and her body was slimmer than Paula's. Dressed in overalls, as she was, Helen had to think back to the auction to recall that Jacqui, 'Yes, her name was Jacqui, ' Helen remembered. Jacqui had nice high breasts, not too plump but with the nipples mounted on rather plump areolæ which stood above the surrounding breast. Her 'private forest' had also been luxurious chestnut curls.
"Sit down, both of you," said Karl, "here is where you, Helen now live, and there are rules here. You do not go into any room I haven't said that you can use. That will be automatic because the doors won't open for you until I programme them. You don't go outside to the road at all. You can go in the garden. I didn't intend to get two of you, and Jacqui will have to go; I'm keeping Helen."
At this Jacqui looked furious and, at the same time, frightened.
"Don't worry, I'll sell you to Martha; she was the last one bidding against me for you and I know she'll want a girl to go with that stud she bought. She runs what passes for a night-club round here and she wants a new act for her cabaret."
"But I don't know nothing about dancing, and I shouldn't be here. I'll be going back on the next space ship," objected Jacqui.
"That won't happen," Karl replied, "Didn't Kate tell you that? You are here for the duration."
"Yeah, Kate said I couldn't go back, but I didn't believe her. They'll have to send me back because I've already done twice my sentence. Anyway it doesn't alter the fact that I don't know about dancing."
"That won't matter," said Karl, amused, "She'll teach you anything you don't know about her sort of cabaret!" He laughed and Jacqui turned pale.
"Helen, you will have a real free choice," said Karl, "You can stay here as my housekeeper, or you can go to work in the mine facility if you'd rather. Don't decide now, talk to Paula and Frank first. I couldn't have you here in the house if Frank and you don't get on. By the way, if I am not here Frank is the boss. You do anything he says, or else."
Karl called Paula back and told her to take Jacqui to his sleepingroom and to show Helen round the house. Paula evidently didn't like the idea of Jacqui being in Karl's sleepingroom, so she protested that the attic would be good enough for her. Then she tried again to kiss him and to fondle his prick, obviously not caring about the other two girls watching them.
"Don't get so jealous; I'm selling Jacqui to Martha, but I am going try her before she leaves, whether you like it or not, so put her in my sleepingroom and get her ready for me to play with."
Helen wondered whatever he meant by that, but she was left in the dark about that as Karl sent Paula and Jacqui off and then called Frank in and said, "This is Helen; she may be taking Paula's place, but I haven't said anything about it to Paula, who's upstairs preparing a little treat for me. Now you see to Helen's clothes while I ring Martha."
Frank was a small thin man with greying hair and a kind face. The sort of man who contrived to look smartly dressed, even in frayed old clothes. He smiled briefly sat Helen and said "I'll see what I've got to fit you."
Frank went off and Helen was ignored as Karl rang Martha and arranged to sell Jacqui to her at a small loss to himself. "Since I'm losing money on her, you won't mind if I try her before bringing her over, will you darling?" he asked. From his expression of pure lust, Helen assumed that Martha didn't mind, and Karl finished off the telephone conversation by saying, "Of course I won't damage her." With that he went out of the room.
Left on her own, Helen looked round the room and discovered some odd things about the life-style on Csadia which she hadn't really noticed before. The furniture didn't look as though it was moved, so people must sleep on these huge chairs, and on the two-seated chair. The ThreeVee was in a box and not a whole wall as they were on Earth, then she remembered that it didn't show Martha when Karl rang her. Did they only have sound telephones and no video? Probably not, she thought, it must have been for some other reason that Martha didn't show herself as well as talking; nowhere could be that primitive!
Just then Paula came in to the room and said, "Come on, Helga, or whatever your name is."
"It's Helen, actually," said Helen in as friendly a voice as she could muster.
"Whatever. Come on, Helenactually, then," said Paula, trying to mimic Helen's accent, "Karl says I'm supposed to show you round so here we go. This is the sittingroom. We use it to sit in, when we aren't doing anything else." Turning to leave the room she added, "Come on."
"Wait a moment, you use this room for sitting in? Only sitting in? Doesn't anyone sleep here?" Helen asked.
"No. There is plenty of space here. Forget Earth's overcrowding. We have separate rooms for eating, sleeping, one each for sleeping, sitting, cooking, washing, working, and so on. Opposite door is Karl's study. We don't go in there unless there is a terrible row; Karl even cleans it himself ... sometimes. Down the hall is the kitchen with the eatingroom opposite. Then at the end is Frank's room."
Helen could only stare in amazement. Back on Earth her entire apartment had been one small room, about six feet by eight with a shower and a cooker and a bed and one wall the ThreeVee. Lots of people had to share rooms like that with people who worked different hours so that they could sleep in shifts. All these rooms must mean that Karl was fabulously rich, in spite of the shabby furniture; why didn't he buy some more? Helen thought she had better not ask too many questions at first.
"Off we go upstairs, where the first door on the right is Karl's sleepingroom. We better not go in just now, I think," continued Paula.
Indeed Helen could faintly hear through the door a whirring followed by a cracking noise which she recognised as the sound of a beating; sure enough it was repeated and was followed by a squeal, or a scream, she could not be sure. Then quite clearly she heard someone sobbing "No ... No ... No." as the sound of the belt or whip continued steadily.
Suddenly Helen felt a twinge of fear. That was Karl beating Jacqui, whom he had just bought and then sold again an hour or two later. What would he do to Helen if she stayed here?
Paula then led her into a nice bright room which was large enough for a bed and a chair and a table. Helen looked around but there was no ThreeVee here, which seemed odd. On Earth every room was fitted with one.
"This is my room," said Paula, and then her manner changed from hostility to one of being very sweet and kind. "What did Karl say to you, darling?" she asked
"He said I could stay and be his housekeeper, or work in the mine facility," answered Helen.
"Oh, the rotten sod!" exploded Paula, "He promised me that I could have the next job in the mine office. Being his 'housekeeper' here means nothing but drudgery, sex and beatings. You heard that poor girl getting it just now; then he'll do all kinds of perverted sex to her, and then he's going to get rid of her."
"Yes," said Helen, "I heard him selling her to Martha on the 'phone just now."
"So," continued Paula, "there's your choice, degraded sex slave or a nice little office job. I wish I was getting out of here. Look at this," slipping off her coat, "he did that to me this morning."
Paula's back was covered in a plethora of red thin weals which shocked Helen. For all she had felt a distinct twinge of pleasure run from her nipples to her love bud when she heard the phrase "degraded sex slave" she was really frightened. Her night of fun with Colin had really only amounted to a gentle spanking and six ... no, seven ... strokes on the arse with his belt. This was evidence of a really vicious beating during which the hurt would far exceed any pleasure for the victim and which, Helen was sure, would leave her scarred for life. Paula explained that it had been done with a fine braided whip made of thin wire because there was little made of plastic or leather on Csadia, and added that Karl could be really nasty sometimes.
Helen thought then that she would not take the risk and said, "Thanks, Paula, for filling me in on the reality of the 'choice'. I'll tell Karl I want to go to the mine, but I feel sorry if it leaves you here."
"I'm used to it, and the swine didn't offer it to me, so I'll just have to put up with it," said Paula, and Helen didn't notice the quick look of triumph that crossed her face.
Just then Frank appeared at the door and said, "Come on, Helen. Your clothes are ready."
Helen followed him down the stairs and along the hall to his room, which was much the same as Paula's. On the table was a selection of old clothes, any of which Helen would have put in the garbage on Earth.
"Karl doesn't like his girls in overalls," said Frank, "and when you do have clothes on they have to show everything."
Helen looked at the collection which seemed all to have been altered to show as much as possible. The best item was a tunic which had once been nice, but had had two holes roughly cut in it to let the breasts stick through.
"There isn't much point in this," Helen said to him, "I've decided to go to the mine instead of staying here."
Frank roared with laughter at this idea. "Suicide is quicker, but if you really must I suppose you might last six months in the dormitory."
"Dormitory?" asked Helen, mystified.
"I suppose you think that you would get some office job? They are very hard to get and Paula had to shag lots of people to get the one she had before she came to Karl. She only managed to get it because she was the office boss's popsy. Mostly they are done by educated men."
"But she said she wanted to get away from here?" queried Helen.
"And I suppose she said that this was a hell-hole?" Frank asked.
"Yes. And she showed me her cuts and bruises and marks from this morning's beating to prove it," said Helen defiantly.
"That wasn't a normal part of life here," explained Frank, "That was the first part of her punishment for stealing food and it wasn't done for fun. Food is short here, even if you are as rich as Karl, and she could have been put to death in public for stealing that tin of food; any man would have been. As it is she got a flogging here and she will be out on her ear very soon. If she can't find a rich man to keep her, she will be in the dormitory, or worse, in a week."
"Dormitory?" repeated Helen.
"You have to do all the cleaning and washing for a dormitory of miners," explained Frank, "There are twenty miners to a dormitory when it is full and usually two, or maybe three, women to service it. The women also sleep in the same dormitory, and although they stay alive longer than miners tend to, they become worn out old hags very quickly because the miners share them and are not particularly careful about how they use them."
Helen was horrified that Paula had tried to trick her, but she was more horrified at this insight into the realities of a harsh life on a mining planet which was a prison. It was awful how quickly a woman's status could change, and how little life was valued.
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In the morning she woke from a dream about the party the night before, just at the point where Paula's tongue was giving her the most delightful sensations as it tracked from her opening to her love bud. She realised that she was in Hugo's sleepingroom and remembered the journey and the 'ride', then noticed that she could still feel the tongue between her cunt lips. Looking down she was surprised to see that it was Hugo, very gently licking her cunt and tantalising her love bud. "Ohhhh...
As he got up off the bed Hugo noticed that although his prick had shrivelled out of her some minutes before, Helen was still twitching and mewling in the afterglow of her orgasm. 'Yes, ' he thought, 'she does have the same looks as my wife had when I first married her back on Earth; felt like my new bride as well. It's time I had a live-in again for a few weeks, and with this one I could wallow in nostalgia. If I hint at promotion to Karl, he'll let me borrow her for a while and I can...
Some days later, Karl announced to the two girls after the evening meal that it would soon be his birthday and he would be having a party for some friends, including Jason, his boss, and Hugo, the boss of the whole planet. Frank was told to start planning the food, as they had already discussed, "But nothing too expensive," added Karl, "I'll be spending enough on the drink as it is." They talked the details of this for a few minutes and then Karl said to the girls, "You two can provide...
Next morning after breakfast, as Helen had expected, Karl turned to Frank and said, "Put Helen up." As she had anticipated, last night's failure to please Karl meant a formal punishment and she was soon stripped and hanging from the wall. What surprised all three of Helen, Paula and Frank was that Karl gave the paddle to Paula and said, "Twelve. Rough side," and then left the room to go to work. That meant that Paula could do more or less what she liked to Helen with only Frank to...
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As Frank went up the stairs early next morning, he nearly made a mistake. He assumed that Karl was in his own room, with or without Helen, and that he would have to rouse Paula. He almost went charging in to Paula's room, but some small sound alerted him. Opening a small cupboard door, he looked at the monitors which showed what was happening in the two girls' rooms; only Karl and Frank knew that they were covered 24 hours a day by cameras. In the ThreeVee monitor connected to the camera...
Hugo called for Helen to go to his sleepingroom after the evening meal that night. When she went in he was sitting on the bed and she stood just inside the door, dressed in her overalls, and waited for Hugo to make the first move. He treated her to a lecture about knowing her place, and not interrupting him when he was working, and not being rude to Dina, and all the other monotonous faults he thought she had. Her attention wandered and she stopped listening after a while. People always felt...
Next morning Hugo rose early without disturbing Helen, realising that she had had a hard evening and night of it. He quickly ate and went into his study. Helen woke and was surprised to find his side of the bed empty; she had expected to be used at least night and morning, so this brief respite was welcome. 'He'll probably want me during his siesta, ' she thought. Helen met Dina when she went down for breakfast and was relieved to see a little, dark complexioned, old woman, sixty at...
Dina seemed to be satisfied with Helen's move to the tiny sleepingroom as establishing that Helen couldn't boss Dina about, while Dina could persuade Hugo to do as she wanted. Helen thought this was petty and was torn between two possibilities when making plans. On the one hand she could have Hugo sell Dina and buy someone younger, to whom Helen would be able to relate; on the other hand there was the fear of taking in a rival for his attention, as Karl had done to Paula. For the time...
About a fortnight after Helen arrived at Hugo's house, they were having their evening meal together with Dina and Jon when Hugo said, "Tomorrow Jon and I have to go to the Outpost Mine which is about nine hundred miles away. I'll be gone for at least three days, but Jon may be back sooner. Helen, it might be boring for you, but it can't be helped; you'll just have to make yourself at home here in my absence. Dina, while we are away, I don't want you playing any of your silly bossy...
Hugo came back during that night and went off to bed in his own room without waking Helen, who was sleeping in her own room, dreaming of Hugo's prick filling her so full that her skin was splitting apart down her sides. Hugo was up very early and reviewed his messages, making a mental note that he needed to 'phone Andrew to make sure he was only joking with Helen when he appeared to accept that she was some sort of deputy for Hugo during their call. This thought was banished from his mind...
The aircar landed, but in the dark she couldn't see much of the surroundings. Hugo's house seemed to be quite small and set in a small valley between some low hills. As usual on Csadia, nothing grew, and apart from the breeze, there was no sound. Hugo ushered Helen into the house and she realised that it, too, was very still, as though there was nobody in the building but them. When she remarked on this he replied, "No, we are quite alone here. I only have two staff, Dina who keeps house,...
Waiting quietly in Karl's room after her shower, Helen had undressed and was lying on the bed reflecting on what had happened to her in the last few days. She still didn't think of the six-month gap in her life as real. Every time she thought she was beginning to understand what was happening and believed that she had had every experience there was, it seemed that something new happened, or was done to her, most of which she enjoyed but some of which was very painful. Was Karl going to use...
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Helen was finding it hard to make ends meet, what with college and her day-to-day living expenses. She had had to take a job as a cleaner in a private house. It was a bit “upstairs downstairs,” but what choice did she have? Her employers where only too aware of what a beautiful mansion they owned... the woman was always going on about it; as for her husband, he was hardly ever there. Helen dismissed them in her own mind as “a pair of snobs”. She had been working there for several weeks (twice a...
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Group SexHELENHelen my Eleven year old Daughter she looked older, even talked older, Eleven going on twenty one in her first term at same senior school where I taught maths.It was a couple of weeks before Christmas my wife Carol of Eleven years decided to find someone else and move out just before she slammed the door on the way out she made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with Helen or myself we were no longer part of her life. I admit Helen is intelligent. Nerdy, studious she would rather...
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Lesbian"Come in," Ricky said, answering the gentle tapping on his bedroom door.He knew it was his mother, Helen. The door opened, and Helen came in. She sat on the side of his bed, spilling a little wine from the glass she was holding.Ricky asked what the problem was, and Helen replied, "The usual.""Dad still not home?""No. Your father just rang and said he would be late. Something important came up at work, and he as to sort it out before morning. Then he is going away for a few days."Ricky rubbed...
IncestRachael had worked for the firm for almost ten years, starting in the secretarial pool and working her way up to senior legal secretary. She and Helen had been close ever since Helen's first day at the firm and typically lunched together at least once a week, sharing the ups and downs of office life. Rachael had been Helen's first 'lunch' with the company, in fact - on her first day, Helen had eaten Rachael. So Helen was surprised when her friend dropped the bombshell over lunch that she...
Helen the neighbour part two:Over the coming weeks I saw Helen (with the wife) at various places and we laughed about what happened. Then one day my wife said she’d seen Helen and she had invited us at the weekend for a meal and drinks at her place, so she’d accepted. On the Saturday night we made our way to Helen’s and as expected Helen was a great host, marvelous cook and good fun all evening. I must admit I was surprised that the evening was just the three of us? Not that this bothered me,...
Helen had to be quick at finding excuses. It was something she had always been good at and her explanation for the theft of her bag and why she had taken to her bed early that evening matched the questions that Jack wanted to know. The theft was a quick snatch on her way to university that left her feeling depressed, and going home to bed was her way of forgetting all about it. Atleast it got his sympathy. Making love was not on his immediate agenda and he encouraged her to dress and accept his...
I’d not seen Helen for sometime we passed whilst driving and waved but we’d not spoken for weeks.. The wife had seen Helen out and about and once or twice popped over the street to see her. On this occasion she was in the local pub with her friend Tracy who she regularly, and I mean regularly went on holiday with. This was half the reason we’d not seen Helen as she was always off with Tracey to some sunny destination.It should have been odd, even awkward socializing in the pub with my wife and...
Denise was a cherub - all soft and curvy. Truly voluptuous, not flabby or out of shape. With her figure, the golf shirt and khaki pants were almost attractive. She short hair surrounded an angelic face with cottony light brown curls. She could not have been more than 22, 25 tops and at 5 foot 2, looked like something sweet to eat. At least that is what Helen thought when the 'child' arrived first thing that morning to upgrade the computer software. Helen had just logged in when the little...
Ricky's cock popped out of Helen as she lifted herself off him and flopped into the passenger seat. He looked around the parking lot to see if anyone might have seen them. There was just one couple, and they were packing their car at the other end.Helen hadn't said anything. She was sitting with her eyes closed."Are you okay, mom?" Ricky asked, concerned."It wasn't what I expected."Ricky felt deflated, "You didn't enjoy it?"Helen opened her eyes and put her palm on Ricky's cheek, "Oh Ricky, I...
IncestGreta was not the domineering type she said she was. Infact quite the opposite. Harry thrusted into her with long gentle strokes. Greta felt every push deep into her, stimulating those vital parts that made her climax almost instantly. She was a noisy love maker and her moans and constant screams begging him not to stop just made Harry more excited. ‘Oh fuck, faster, faster, faster’ she begged and so Harry obliged. To Greta it was one of the most amazing fucks she had had for a long time. ...
Here I was, all set to start my retirement with a blank slate when that damn phone call came. Hi all! My name is Cid and I just ‘retired’ from 20 years as a regional manager for an electronics wholesaler. I had enjoyed a fairly successful career and was rewarded financially and otherwise. However the demands of the job cost me my marriage several years ago. Luckily there were no kids so no one else besides us were hurt by it. I was just too wrapped up in my job, trying to meet goals and...
CharactersRandy (12yo) and Helen (49yo)Category & Story codesWoman-Boy storyFb Mb – cons oral anal The Summer heat hung deep on the small town of Rivers-dale and young 12 year old Randy could not wait to finish his summer lawn mowing job at Mrs Henderson's. He had been hired to mow the grass twice a week but sometimes wondered why they had not hired an older boy because he was still quite small and struggled on the up hill parts of the lawn. Randy was a perfect specimen of a boy – lithe and...
It was almost 6am. Helen could not sleep for thinking about David’s will, which she was adamant that Jayne had manipulated when David was alive. And that made her wonder even more about his suicide. David was not the kind of person who would so easily commit suicide unless he feared what she had discovered. Helen would not reveal his secrets to anyone. He was a friend and another sexual play mate. She had fallen in love with the hawks and the only way she would get to see them again was accept...
It was more than twelve months since the young women had moved next door in all that time we hardly spoken, just the odd good morning, how are you, the garden looks good that sort of thing. Not at all an unattractive women Helen I found out her name, looked about 5’4” probably carrying a few more pounds than she should, but she still looked good when she trotted off to work in her too tight pencil skirts and 3” patent shoes with bare brown legs. Her clothes all looked rather threadbare but...
Helen was at her computer chatting over Messenger to Steve. Having made contact with him through a dating site she had arranged to chat with him online, mainly to find out more about his interest in 'dogging', an activity which she knew nothing about. Until his e-mail to her she had never even heard the term used in all her forty-nine years and it intrigued her!Dogging, he told her, was the habit of spying on couples enjoying themselves in cars, mostly in the evenings and with the tacit...
Helen had finally left college, and was now working as a tattoo artist in a local parlour. She was quite artistic, and capable of designing her own images, including the hard-to-master “3D” stuff that was taking the world by storm. Helen had had no difficulty getting employment; she had been chosen out of twenty-seven applicants...she had good reason to feel a little pleased with herself. One afternoon she had been left on her own to “mind the shop” while Phil (the boss) and the other girl who...
Group SexHelen the neighbour part one.The names have been changed and the story is half true?We've lived in a leafy middle class area for over twelve years, alongside friendly and accommodating neighbours. We socialise with the adjacent neighbours and on speaking or nodding terms with others living close by. A few doors down lived an older couple Helen and Robert. Helen was in her early sixties and Robert was at least ten years older. Both were very friendly and always took time to chat if we met in the...
Six months on, Helen was genuinely experienced now. She had done the sex-party scene to death, and (frustrated with her home life) she had moved out and moved in with Sandra, with whom she had (despite the difference in their ages) managed to fall hopelessly in love. The combination of deep, satisfying romantic love, with the complete freedom to shag anyone she liked was just what the doctor ordered as far as Helen was concerned. People were not built to be monogamous, and an arrangement such...
BDSMIt was three weeks since Helen’s awakening - that’s what she called it to her self, rather solemnly. She just thought it was some sort of watershed; but if this were so, why had she not repeated the experience? Well, there was the fact that she had had a long miserable virus infection two days after her “good night”. And after that: well, she had felt a bit “off” - just recovery, she supposed. It was natural to feel a bit depressed after flu. This morning, however, she woke up feeling her old...
LesbianI'm a married lady who likes a little pussy on the side now and then, something my husband knows nothing about and I've had a few subs through the years. I like the subservient cunts, they are easy to manipulate and always take good care of my pussy. A new family moved in down the street from us, Helen, she's a blue eyed blond with great legs and a lousy attitude who thinks the world owes her something but her husband, Doug is real nice. My husband, much to my chagrin, offered to show them...
LesbianHelen Loves Jamaica Before I start I can say this is a true story and that both Helen and myself are swingers. The wife and I decided to go to the sunny island of Jamaica for our 25th Wedding anniversary. When we arrived all the people were so welcoming, we sat at the bar drinking Rum and talking to a few of the Jamaican guys, who were all obsessed by Helen and her body. She wasn’t helping herself wearing only a yellow and black bikini, which looked awesome on her. Her 32 d tits fitted in the...
Helen Loves JamaicaBefore I start I can say this is a true story and that both Helen and myself are swingers.The wife and I decided to go to the sunny island of Jamaica for our 25th Wedding anniversary. When we arrived all the people were so welcoming, we sat at the bar drinking Rum and talking to a few of the Jamaican guys, who were all obsessed by Helen and her body. She wasn’t helping herself wearing only a yellow and black bikini, which looked awesome on her. Her 32 d tits fitted in the bra...