Helen… Ch. 04 free porn video

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Helen had to be quick at finding excuses. It was something she had always been good at and her explanation for the theft of her bag and why she had taken to her bed early that evening matched the questions that Jack wanted to know. The theft was a quick snatch on her way to university that left her feeling depressed, and going home to bed was her way of forgetting all about it. Atleast it got his sympathy. Making love was not on his immediate agenda and he encouraged her to dress and accept his invitation to an `all night` bar in town.

As the soft jazz music played in the background, Jack plied her with a shared bottle of her favourite wine, merlot. Like always, he would lecture her about how she should move into his apartment and offer her everything she needed. She listened, but always made up her own mind at the end of the day. She was becoming fond of Harry, and she needed to see more of him.

‘I tried to pick you up from university this afternoon,’ Jack said. ‘Obviously you were not there. So I went inside and found your lecturer…’

‘Professor Lord?’ She interrupted him, concerned.

‘Yes. I had a long chat with him. Not about his weird ideas about you, so please don’t get concerned about that. Instead, I found a very interesting man. He intrigued me. We began to chat about something I loved when I was a boy. Falconry. Did you know he was a hawker?’

Helen knew nothing about falconry. It was something she had heard about and associated it with a cruel sport like fox hunting, and something that boys would get involved in. He continued:

‘The professor has a friend in Yorkshire who owns lots of birds. Trained raptors of the highest quality in the whole of the country.’ He described it as if he was talking about fine wines. ‘I have never seen anything like that since I was young and in my youth. The idea of visiting and taking up his generous invitation was something I needed to embrace. So, I have arranged that you and I will go this weekend and enjoy ourselves. Will you come?’

‘With Lord? You actually made arrangements?’ she asked. Jack smiled in confirmation. ‘You must be out of your mind.’ The thought was interesting and unbelievable at the same time. She thought about it and the fun element it had with it. She accepted eventually without any reservations of what would and could happen.

Her phone rang and she answered it. Jack watched and listened. ‘Hello? I’m sorry I’m busy at the moment.’ She disconnected the call.

‘You have a new phone? Who was it?’

‘Oh yes. I had this one spare. It was just a friend from uni.’

‘Why didn’t you use it to call me? I would have been at your side if you had told me all about the theft.’

‘Jack. It’s ok let me deal with it. Weekend sounds good.’

Helen made her excuses to go to the bathroom. She called Harry, who seemed desperate to contact her. He was checking up on her to see if Jack was still around. ‘Of course he is. What is the matter? Why so urgent?’

‘I’m in hospital,’ he said. ‘They beat me up. I had just set foot into the back alley and two of the bastards jumped me. They know where you live. You have to move out.’

‘Why should I move out? I have no business with them?’

‘It’s not that simple. They think you are with me in everything and they have made you a target. We both have to hide for a while until Kenny can sort things out. They busted my nose and loosened a few teeth. I’ll be fine. Just don’t go back to your place. I’ll call you later.’ He disconnected. Helen could not believe what she had gotten into by being involved with Harry. She sat and thought for a while on the toilet basin after using it. Maybe the weekend would be a good idea afterall. It would get her away from the escalating problems for a short while atleast, and allow her to plan some way forward and out of trouble.

For the next two days leading up to the weekend, Helen moved in with Jack. It was safer that way she thought. He would drop her off at university and pick her up in the evenings before dealing with his own daily routines. She began to realise how good Jack was, not only in sex, but in his generosity too. He treated her to almost a brand new wardrobe of clothes, the ones he liked to see her wearing mainly. She did not mind that as it made her feel appreciated and loved. Jack was a natural lover and he knew how to romance a girl off her feet. The only problem in Helen’s mind was, he had other lovers, which she had never met or desired to meet. She had to share him and now with the fondness for Harry, she too was playing the game, only it was more deceitful in her case.

Keeping Harry at a distance was not easy. He began to call her every opportunity and inconvenient moment. She had text him in a nice way many times explaining her need to get away from him, if only for a short while, yet Harry seemed to ignore her messages. She began to realise how much one can fall in love with someone so unstable in his or her lifestyle. She was missing him, of that there was no doubt.

After making love with Jack, she thought about Harry and compared them both. If she had to make a choice regarding the sex, then Harry would win. Jack’s gentleness was fine, until Harry came along and shown her something else. The longevity of his style allowed her to enjoy more prolonged orgasms and when it came to spilling his precious seed, Harry knew how to deliver. Still, both men occupied a place in her heart. Love and sex was surely different.

Jack held her head gently as she sucked him. Her hands gripped his thighs as she tasted his sweet salty precum, hearing his moans and gasps getting louder the more she worked her lips and tongue on his hardness. She loved giving head. It was her way of being dominant in sex, controlling every aspect. She withdrew him from her mouth and clenched his cock just under the head with her fingertips. This made Jack slow down, preventing his climax from happening a while longer. She wanted him to come when she was ready, no matter how much he pleaded with her.

They both saw the funny side to the act. She loved to tease and he in turn submitted to her control. ‘You make me so hard.’ He told her. The more he said such things, the more she enjoyed it. It was even better than feeling and tasting his release. So, she made him wait until she herself was satisfied, using her finger to pleasure herself first before bringing him finally to his orgasmic release.

It seemed that size did not really matter to Helen, as long as it hit the right spot at the right time. What did matter to her was the end result. During intercourse it did not matter either, but when it came to externally induced male orgasms she wanted to see and taste the results of her efforts. The more a man would come in both quantity and quality, the more she felt rewarded.

Weekend soon came and Jack packed the boot of his car with everything they would need for a long weekend in the country. The weather was the best that they could hope for in a typical British summer, blue cloudless skies and warm sunshine cooled by a light breeze. Helen took the opportunity to open the car window and take on the sunshine and breeze as they headed north on the motorway to their destination. The car had satnav, which would prove valuable in finding the hideaway location of the manor house and falconry, hidden on the Yorkshire Dales.

The journey took them all morning and into the early afternoon. Finally they arrived. They drove along a winding narrow drive that eventually led them to the quaint little seventeenth century manor. It had been renovated and modernised, freshly painted white exterior walls and the customary black painted doors and window frames. The whole area was surrounded by trees, which provided a deep forest setting. Helen could smell the scent of wild lavender as she stepped out of the car. It was one of her favourite fragrances.

Professor Lord greeted them with handshakes and hugs. He was happy to see
them, especially Helen, face to face again. During the past few lectures he had distanced himself and treated her as one of the students, not wanting to invade each others space. ‘Thank you both for coming. I was hoping you would. This place is amazing, and you must meet Jayne.’

Lord took them indoors and into the vestibule with its low ceiling. There were paintings hung on the walls of all the different types and species of hawks, which impressed Helen. She had no idea that there were so many. Then Lord took them into the kitchen to meet Jayne. She was in her middle age, blonde hair in the same style as Helen’s, short and shoulder length. She was preparing dinner and was pleased to meet Lord’s guests for the weekend. ‘This is my friend Jayne. You might say we are very good friends. We have known each other for, what? Four years now?’ Jayne confirmed with a nod and a smile. Jack found her quite attractive and Helen could see his reaction, all too obvious.

‘Dinner will be ready in a few hours,’ Jayne announced. ‘You must be parched. David will show you to the lounge and I’ll make coffee.’ At that Lord, took them into the lounge that was modern in its decorative style. The low ceiling made everything look cosy, yet also cramped. The wooden beams slung below the ceiling became a problem for Jack, almost hitting his head. Helen found it funny. ‘I hope you two will settle in. I know the place is cramped, but then Jayne has lots of furniture around. She collects antiques too as well as these old manor houses.’

‘Is it a well known place?’ Jack asked.

‘No, it does have history though. It belonged to a farmer’s family for quite a while, then abandoned. Jayne’s ex restored it and it is one of many she now owns scattered all over the country.’

Helen made herself comfortable beside Jack on the settee. Lord would give her sly looks, admiring the way she was dressed, as usual, leaving very little to the imagination. She knew exactly what Lord was thinking. She was also slightly surprised to know that he had a female friend, and she wondered how much he enjoyed his fetish with her, if at all they indulged.

Jack and Lord seemed to get on well in their conversation. Helen admired the numerous antiques and paintings on the walls as the men bonded. Jayne entered carrying a tray of fresh coffee. She laid it on the low table and busied herself back in the kitchen. Jack could not keep his eyes off her while she was there. She wore a short skirt, which gave plenty for him to look at and fill his imagination with lurid fantasy. His liking for mature woman became obvious, as most of his other ‘lovers’ were supposed to be. ‘What a very charming friend you have.’ Jack said.

‘Yes, like a companion. I’m very fortunate to have met her.’ Lord replied.

‘Is she divorced?’ Jack asked.

‘No, her late husband passed away. Like Marie. Heart failure.’ Lord looked at Helen. ‘I explained everything to Helen some time ago. And may I say, Helen too is a very charming young lady.’ Helen felt flattered, and wondered if she too had a penchant for older men. She did find them attractive and that mature experienced edge appealed to her needs. Lord had intrigued her for his confessed fetish. Such a charming man, a professor, into the things he was obviously fond of no matter how dire they were. That promise he had made was still standing, but not while Jack was around. It was not going to happen yet.

‘I can’t wait to see your hawks.’ Jack commented. ‘When will we see them?’

‘Tomorrow. We’ll take you to the common at the back of the manor. Jayne will join us. She is the hawker around here, I just go along with it. Quite getting into it. It’s interesting, as you will agree Jack. Paris? You come from the city of romance I believe?’

‘Yes. I was born just outside of the city. My parents moved into Paris when I was fifteen. As a child there was falconry near our home. I would go there at weekends and join in with the other local hawkers. A fascinating sport…’

‘Its cruel.’ Helen interrupted.

‘Not at all,’ Lord said. ‘Its quite a natural sport. They are predator birds. They hunt in the wild and with such grace. You have to admire them. Marvellous birds. Infact, I wouldn’t call it a blood sport.’

‘I agree.’ Jack said. ‘It is a natural sport.’

‘I think men are like predators.’ Helen said with a grin. ‘Jack is a predator. He’s always hunting me down.’ She made the comment which was a hint aimed at Lord. ‘I think you like the thrill of the chase, don’t you?’ She looked directly at Lord. He thought for a while and then smiled.

‘Don’t we all my dear?’

They sat down to dinner in the spacious dining room. White wine was served with grouse specially brought fresh from Scotland. Helen assumed that Jayne was some kind of heiress or just affluent. She asked what Jayne’s husband did in life before he died. Jayne was all too delighted to divulge.

‘He was an estate agent. A very successful one. Our only son Carl now runs the business. It’s through Carl that I met David.’ She placed her hand on Lords hand in affection. This signified to Helen that they had an intimate relationship. Lord was certainly full of surprises. ‘David and I have been friends since.’

‘Close? Close friends?’ Helen asked.

‘Yes, we are. When we get to see each other that is. You seem surprised Helen.’

‘Not really. I could never imagine my professor being involved in a relationship.’

‘And why is that?’ Lord asked.

‘Well… it’s a bit like, your father being involved with a lover, apart from your Mum that is.’

‘It’s the way young people think.’ Jayne replied. ‘I think Carl still believes that David and I are strange, being as close as we are. Its not impossible for older people to have sex.’ Jayne looked directly at Helen. There was a certain glare in her eyes. It was the same look that men often gave her when they fancied her. Jayne kept the stare fixed and Helen returned it. ‘Sex, is the operative word I think.’

Jack laughed at the comments. ‘Of course, sex is everything.’ Helen looked at Jack. She did not expect him to say that. Somehow it defeated her thoughts about him. Sex was not everything. Sex had its place alongside love and romance. ‘It is true my love. Sex is what makes the world go around…and around…’

‘Shut up!’ Helen retorted. She was annoyed with him for making sex the subject of ridicule. She personally believed that sex was a very emotional and private act and one that was to be regarded as seriously respected. Jack apologised and the subject of the discussions changed to other things, like the weather and their weekend plans. However, Jayne still held that certain stare on Helen. She did not respond, finding it strangely unusual. Did Jayne fancy her? Was she and Lord a unusual couple? The ones that indulged in what Helen affectionately termed as freaky sex?

The guest bedroom was small but comfortable. There were real linen sheets and pillowcases, something that Helen could not afford. She cuddled up naked and felt the sheets around her body, smelling their freshness. Jack was busy pampering himself, applying skin cream, which he did very regularly these days to hide his progressive wrinkles. ‘I’m getting old.’ He said, peering hard at himself through the wardrobe mirror. ‘One day I’ll be full of them, everywhere!’

Helen giggled as she watched him. ‘I don’t mind wrinkles,’ she said. ‘Can make them go away on a certain part of your body, so why should I be concerned?’ Jack knew exactly which part of his body those wrinkles were. The flaccid cock, his relapsed member, waiting to be aroused.

He jumped into bed beside her. They both lay staring up at the low ceiling, each of them wondering who was going to make the first move to make love. But Helen had a question she wanted to ask first. A serious question to relieve her anxieties over what was said at dinner. ‘Why did you ridicule sex like you did? You upset me. Infact, I have never hard you say thi
ngs like that before, as if sex was just something you did.’

‘Look, I’m sorry. It was a joke,’ Jack explained. ‘I was having fun with David and Jayne. I had forgotten how sensitive you were.’ Helen accepted his excuse and let it pass unchallenged. ‘You know one thing I noticed also?’

‘What was that?’ Helen asked.

‘Jayne. She likes you. I saw that look she was giving you.’

‘Freaky yes. It made me feel very uncomfortable.’

‘Yes, I know that, but she is such an attractive woman. You could learn a lot of things from her.’

‘Like what exactly?’

‘Sex. You two could experiment and enjoy each others company.’ Helen turned herself away from him. ‘No listen. We have talked about this before. The fantasy you have about making love to other women. There is a chance that you could try it.’

‘It was only a fantasy, nothing else,’ Helen replied, although the fantasy did appeal to her somewhat. She often played with her imagination, feeling another woman and being touched by her. This often became the phantoms of masturbation, which made her come so intensely. She threw back the sheets and quickly straddled Jack, pinning him down beneath her, feeling his hardness touching her thigh. ‘And you think the idea is a good one?’ There was no need to ask. His cock said it all.

They made love for what seemed a long time. Jack was holding back his orgasm as she straddled him, pounding down onto him, letting herself ride the long intense orgasm she was enjoying. Her mind however was not on Jack. The thoughts of Harry came into her mind as if she was fucking him, and then the imaginary vision of Jayne, fingering her to a wild extended climax. Soon Jack released, sending his seed over his belly and chest as he withdrew. The proverbial coitus interuptus. Neither of them cared how much noise they had made, as it was their business, and neither of them really cared if anyone else heard them.

The following morning Helen and Jack rose from their contented sleep. It was another warm sunny day and that smell of wild lavender filled their senses from the open window. They had breakfast with Lord, serving them a simple bowl of cereal, explaining that they had planned dining out for lunch in the nearby village. Jayne had already left the manor and took herself the common to fly her falcons.

They made their way to the common as soon as their breakfast was consumed. Jack was excited, almost childishly as if he was about to open a birthday gift. Getting involved with falcons and hawks was his most recent ambition. Helen on the other hand was passive about the whole thing. There was a narrow path, which led to the common, which was part of the feature garden, carefully taken care of by some employed or hired gardener. She was impressed by the variety of bushes and roses that lined the path, picking a few here and there that took her fancy. Being in the country was a rare occasion for her and the being there was her main enjoyment so far.

The path opened up to the common, an undulating area of space surrounded by woodland. There, Jayne was in the company of an older man, the falconer himself, whose bird was in flight, diving as it hunted out its prey. As it flew with grace and Jack was impressed. ‘So amazing. Just look at that. Isn’t it wonderful?’ Helen on the other hand was not so impressed. The falcon had obviously found its prey, some small defenceless animal, a vole or mouse perhaps. To Helen it did not matter, the whole act being hostile in her opinion. Jack tried to explain that it was just nature and these things happened in a natural environment.

Jayne had a falcon perched on her arm. She wore a heavy elbow length glove, the bird leashed safely to stop it from flying away. She asked Helen to come closer and allow the bird to greet her. She was hesitant, knowing how vicious such birds could be, an evolved raptor from way back when. ‘This is Timmy,’ Jayne explained. ‘He is almost fifteen years old and almost at the end of his life. So old now he is totally tame. Do you want to let him perch on your arm? I think he likes you.’ The bird cocked its head and with one eye it seemed to be staring at her as it ruffled its feathered wings. Jack handed her one of the gloves.

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"Do you think I'm someone you might like one of those from?" I asked as I unbuttoned my blouse and opened it. "Do you mean like now?" "I mean like now, Jay," as I pulled open my blouse and reached around to loosen my bra which I then pulled up. "If you do, Jay, I think it might help if you take it out, even better, take your pants and briefs right off." "I can't quite believe all this is happening, Mom, you're sure about all this?" he asked as he began opening his...

4 years ago
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Possession Is NinetenthsChapter 8

Summer steps through the doors, spotting Michael’s crouched form from behind. She smiles to herself and flicks her hair blonde back, off her shoulder. “Now that is a position that I like to see a man in,” she says, startling the man, “on his knees.” Michael quickly stands and spins around to face her. “I didn’t expect to see you today,” he admits, a little red in the face. “I told you that I would be here,” she quickly says. “I am a woman of my word.” “I see that.” He tries not to let her...

1 year ago
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A Very Special Club of Jerk Offs

We met at a different house every time the club met. We might meet only once a month with all the members, but some members would meet in smaller groups more often if they cared too. We were young and old, male and female, beautiful and average, gay and straight, and we all loved masturbating. It had all began slowly, of course. I was the instigator. I loved jerking off. Much more than fucking, which I had experienced several times. But I had always returned to jacking it for my real pleasure....

3 years ago
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That Romantic Midnight Date

Hi! I am back with another instance in my life. Myself Vyon, aged 24 years living in Mumbai. I recently came across a girl named Kriya. We became friends through Instagram and we still try figuring out who was the one who sent the request first. Kriya is a sweet girl with a wheatish complexion and a sharp body structure of 34-29-34. The best part about Kriya and myself is that we were complete strangers with no mutual friends. We began with a boring way of starting a friendship and slowly...

1 year ago
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Phoebe Chris

They had always been in love with each other, ever since Phoebe was in seventh grade and he was in tenth. Of course, they would never say anything about it at that time, it was unacceptable for a tenth grader to date a girl in junior high school. But they both knew, and felt an odd kinship as they sometimes conversed in the hallways, because they were very much alike-shy and rather quiet, but well-liked and never friendless, foreigners. She was American, and he half-Polish, so they stood out in...

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My brother learns from me

I am a girl of age 21 with a nice boobs and maintained body. My bra size will not vary often. I have a small family living in bangalore. My father is working in a company. My mother is also doing the same. So, most of the time, i and my brother use to be at home alone. He is in his 18. Nice fitted gym body. I think his cock may be at 9inch. He is my best companion. One day when we were alone, my brother was watching tv. I always have sex feelings often. So i went bathroom to take bath. I use to...

1 year ago
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Corina Chapter 7

I find out a few things and make more plans!!!Enjoy!!!I didn't sleep well at all and woke up a lot the rest of the night. I woke up the next morning and then I heard Corina say oh my god softly in the bedroom. I acted like I was sleeping and she came out and then I heard her feet slapping the floor as she walked quickly away. I heard whispering in the other bedroom and knew Corina was talking to Tom about the night before. Then I heard someone walk into the living room again and then Tom was...

2 years ago
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Exit 68

The summer of 1998. OK Computer dominated the airwaves. The internet was dominated by AOL and the endless waves of promotional discs they would send out. Tim Allen was America's dad and a little group of Friends were making their debut.For me high school had just ended and I was trying to figure out who I was and where I was going. I felt trapped in my small town in eastern North Carolina. I enrolled in classes at a community college in the neighboring town and got a job as night manager for a...

2 years ago
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The Future

THE FUTURE By C PART I CHAPTER 1        It is spring, flowers are in full bloom, and the city is bathed in brilliant color. The year is 2240. Anne is bursting with excitement. Her mother has just picked her up from school after what had seemed by far to be the longest day of her life. The time had dragged by as though it was almost standing still, but school is finally over and she is actually on her way to the "ritual". The "ritual" is an event that all girls, throughout the entire world,...

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Amys Fantasy

Initially, Amy was hesitant when Alex had asked her if she wanted to take the bus instead of a plane. She knew that what should have been a couple-hour journey would now take more than a whole day, but when she saw the price difference she would have to say yes. She ended up being surprised with how much she liked the bus ride. Free wifi, air conditioning (which was nice for the dead-of-summer trip across state lines) and room for her ample legs to stretch and feel at home. It wasn’t easy...

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The Angel By My Side

It was a cold and blustery Saturday in November as I stood on the rolling grasses of the hill. The cold breeze stirred my hair as I looked down at my feet. A single rose, deep red, was clenched in my hand. I brought the flower to my lips and kissed it before setting it on the marble marker in the ground. It read: Lillian MacDonald, beloved wife and mother.The deep scars in the grass over her grave were still healing. In a few days, I'd be placing my father by her side. I'd just come from the...

2 years ago
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How Preetam Became Preeti 2

Our neighbors had transferred to a different place. The next year, I got my graduation seat in the same place. I thought I must meet them. I called them on one Sunday. They were very happy to see me, especially my aunt. They told me some news. My uncle was going to Saudi Arabia for a year and their only son was going to work somewhere else. My uncle said if I didn't mind, I could stay with my aunt, as she would feel better and safe. I said I would keep visiting her. She was happy. I sent...

3 years ago
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The ImamChapter 2

QUERESH 17th of Sha’baan 1417 (December 28, 1996) Queresh agreed with himself that consuming alcohol on a regular basis did not constitute a moral failure. He had been introduced to alcohol several years ago, as some of his closest associates in the garment industry drank at every conceivable opportunity. He liked drinking. He admitted that one or two drinks after work with his American friends did not break any moral code. He would casually sit at the bar and order a light beer. The beer...

1 year ago
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BangBus Sawyer Cassidy Left in the Rain

Sawyer Cassidy was walking through the streets of Miami when a white van stopped next to her. The guys were offering her a ride, they were offering money but she kept resisting. But somehow they looked like fun. Sawyer was on vacation from California and vacations are for fucking and fun. Money to show her panties, money to show her tits. She knew where this was leading to. In no time she was on the bus. In no time she was naked. To not waste too much time she asked to see Peter Green’s dick....

3 years ago
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Best Cum In Car

So I had dropped my ex girlfriend home. She is a 10/10 and a complete whore.I had to push seppositories into her pink ass hole, as she'd let a guy fuck her ass and his big cock had split it. She'd come home from nights out and make me eat her pussy. When she'd go out, she'd wear short dresses with no panties on, so guys had easy access. She opened her legs one morning, when I'd got to hers, and her pussy smelt of sex. She'd been fucked bare and creampied. I buried my face in her pussy and told...

3 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 26 Late summer 1984 Val and Joe

"This is a terrible connection," Val said. "Where are you?" "At the office," Joe said. "Shall I try again?" "Maybe I should call you back." "It's cheaper from here isn't it?" "Let me call you back, anyway." "Okay, good," Joe said, and hung up. She'd been dressing for dinner when he called, and she stood now in bra and panties in the master bedroom looking in the mirror at her bulging belly. Seven months along ... wow! I look like shit. Frowning with distaste at her...

4 years ago
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Charlies Sissies

Once upon a time, there were three very different little boys... who grew up to be three very different Glammed-up, twerkalicious, super slutty Booty Boiz. They have three things in common: They're brilliant, beautiful... and they work for me. My name is Charlie. The sissies were hired, trained, and given new identities. Their old identities are lost to the bukake of time. They are... **STACI SUXXX** Staci is the fearless leader of the sissies. He has big ol' booty butt for days, as well as a...

1 year ago
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ShoeLove Chapter 2 Ines I chuckloveinsta

It was a rainy winter day. New Year's Eve was long gone, but winter persisted in the rural area where our school was located.The school itself was actually quite nicely located, next to a river and a mountain with a small castle overlooking the panorama. A few weeks had passed since my last visit to the girls' changing room. At the moment I didn't even have the urge to know exactly what it was I couldn't pin down. Sabine hadn't really noticed it back then either. Sure - that the shoe was in the...

2 years ago
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A Lovers Touch Chp 1

Chp 1   They both sat on the couch, fingers intertwined, her eyes were locked only on the T.V. straight ahead, whilst her thoughts were only of him.  Somewhere deep inside her bones sat an uneasy feeling, it wasn't unpleasant, but almost like an urge that he gave her when he looked at her like that. It never made any sense to her how such a gorgeous creature could look at her in such a way. Who was she as to be so lucky? The structure of Eric was simply breathtaking, he wasn't the perfect model...

Love Stories
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grannies pt 1

One day as I was walking down the street I thought what a great day .Nice warm and the sun was so bright .As I turned the street I saw an older lady with a walker she was holding 2 grocery store bags .As I was getting closer to her I saw her drop a bag . Soon I herd her say oh no then I saw that she had broken the eggs I went up to her and I picked up the bag and said hi I am Bill may I help you with your bags .She replied oh hi Bill thank you so much .I said how far do you have to go she...

1 year ago
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Can you Find a Real Hookup Partner using a Dating Site Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Dating sites have become the new to go places to look for partners. These partners could be for a long-term romantic relationship or for something on a short term. You don’t have to frequent places such as bars or clubs to try and find that person. All you need to do is get online, create that profile and get started to find a real hookup partner. Dating sites are quite popular and around 40% of Americans turn to this for finding dates online. This means forty million users are logging on to...

2 years ago
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Have FaithChapter 7

“Mom called last night,” announced Linny. “We told her you were taking good care of us.” “She didn’t want to talk to me?” asked a surprised Faith. “Oh, she did. We told her you were sleeping. And she said she would be gone another week; something about complications.” This was not good news at all for Faith. She felt her heart sink at the knowledge that her ordeal was to be extended. She would just have to work harder at finding a way to escape. But so far, there hadn’t really been a...

1 year ago
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My Assignment 8211 Part 4

Hello guys this is your writer Twinkle Asher back with the forth part of her story. First of all I would like to apologize to all my readers to leave my story on a cliff hanger, but it was due to some personal reasons which made me do it. I hope all my readers can forgive me for my mistake and get over it. All you readers who are reading my story for the first time can click on the above links to read them. Coming back, I have prepared a survey for my readers to give their views on what should...

2 years ago
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First Ttime

First time by Sylvia Wechsel Tiffany was the name of a transvestite, who was a good friend of mine. We met at the bachelor?s party of a friend. My friends, trying to do a prank with me, incited me to go talking with that bombshell blonde at the balcony. I had some alcohol in the head, so I went. She, like a perfect lady, told me who and what she was before I got into some compromising position. We decided, then, to play a prank ourselves and faked a "dating". At first my friends...

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A Thrilling Fuck In A Theater

Hi all, This is Abhi from Chennai. I work with an MNC here and the story which I am going to narrate is a real Indian sex story which I had with my Ex-Girlfriend in 2012. A short description of my Ex. She was 21 yrs then fair looking slim girl with sizes 33-32-34.I was 22 then. We were then in college final year and our hormones were also racing day by day. We didn’t have a place to spend privately then. So we thought we could go for a movie in the noon rather than roaming in the hot sun. So we...

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The Lighthouse

A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal.  * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!!  The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...

Straight Sex
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 25

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

1 year ago
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Release A Sexual Awakening

A slight rustling aroused Aylar from her peaceful slumber. Her orgasm was so intense that she had drifted off for a moment, basking in its afterglow. Still highly aroused, her body trembled. She blinked open her eyes in anticipation of the sight of her beautiful lover. To her shock, instead of Javier’s frame, a dark, hulking figure hovered in front of her. She impulsively slammed her legs shut, but he was already in between her knees, and her legs thumped against his hips.Ken was startled by...

3 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 33

Monday morning brought a special kind of excitement because of Sandra, and especially Megan, going back to work. There was general agreement that the extra precautions for Sandra were probably unnecessary, and they certainly would be dropped as soon as a restraining order was obtained. In fact, it was likely they would be back in their own house before the week was out. Megan was another matter entirely. She seemed to be the only one who was not convinced that strong measures were necessary....

2 years ago
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The Cyber Lit Bar

First story so please be nice. Oh and don’t forget to vote. ***** Welcome to the Cyber Lit Bar. A little hole in the wall kind of place. The food is lousy and the beer is water down. The only good thing in this god forsaken place is the music. It’s not the greatest but hey it’s my kind of place. It’s the only place to be on a Friday night. We have people from all over the world. We have the Texas bombshells. Irish lassies that would drink you under the table. Yup here we keep the ladies hot...

1 year ago
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Lady Bee standin life model

This was about 2007. I'm 47 years old, working in admin at a college. It's 3 years before I become Lady Bee (but I've started the journey) and early on in my relationship with 'The Beekeeper'. I'll say now my haircut is terrible. It's short with a fringe, I look like Rodney from 'Only Fools & Horses'! I don't know what I am thinking. I wear glasses, as I have done for years, but these are in my 'Buddy Holly' frame days (people always complain about the glasses but I'm blind as a bat without...

3 years ago
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Its An Old Story

It's an Old Story By ABC de F Chapter One She came into the office like a lynx in heat, all long legs and tight little tail, moving with the sure-footed grace of a wary but confident cat on the hunt. I could almost smell the fact that she was high in the breeding cycle, but her eyes told me so, just in case I missed it. Not that a dame like her was looking to reproduce. But she sure looked ready for the motions. "Are you Mr. Tarlow?" She had that deep, sultry Bacall kind of...

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Nurse the SCREENS

I haven't written anything for a long time, I am now qualified as a nurse, and I work at a local hospital, looking after the c***dren. One particular lad, Jack, was on the c***dren's ward even though he was 18, his parents had taken that option, not wanting him to be with adults and their ailments. He was suffering from a back injury, he'd fallen off a skateboard or bike, and was very bruised and had difficultywalking for a time. He was six foot, and very VERY good looking, but painfully shy....

2 years ago
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Sexual Symbiotics

“I hope that repair guy gets here in the next few days,” Aaron says, pulling off his one of his socks. “I don’t,” his brother Rusty says with a grimace. “Mom is home way too much.” “Or we are,” Aaron says, pulling off his last sock to toss into the laundry basket. “Oh shit, mom forgot this basket,” he says, bumping into the wall when he loses his balance. “Hey, careful. We don’t need you falling and breaking that,” his brother Rusty says, pointing toward his erection. “Yeah, no kidding,”...

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