- 3 years ago
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This is the edited, and I hope better, version of Ch. 2 in my April saga. I hope you will read my first story to get to know the plot and characters. I hope you like this, but as always am looking for any thoughts or suggestions of fellow writers. Let me know what you think and check out other chapters in the story as well. Thanks for reading!
April tried to keep her eyes open as heavy waves of sleep washed over her tired and aching body. She knew it was important to stay awake, aware of her surroundings….but where the hell was she? She looked around and saw only darkness and confusion, jumbled shapes that didn’t make sense to her drowsy and confused mind.
Nothing hurt but her head really, all she felt was a dull ache in her left arm and shoulder. Damn it, she’d almost gotten away from whoever was in that car…But she must not have escaped. No, she vaguely remembered being driven away. After all, if she had gotten free, Haley would be here, making sense of this blurry world she now found herself trapped in.
For some reason she couldn’t understand, April’s mouth wasn’t forming words. She kept attempting to speak, only to hear a kind of moan come out, a foreign sounding voice croaking out of her own throat. Drugs, that must be it. They must have used drugs. But what did they want?
April found that trying to piece together her abduction was nearly impossible. She thought something must be wrong with her memory, it was playing tricks on her just like her eyes. It was taking strings of events, tying and knotting them together, until she wasn’t sure what happened. Dreams and reality, past and present, they were all undistinguishable to her.
As her mind slowly began to clear, it gave way to more and more pain in her head. She felt as if she had a hangover or a bad cold. Through the pain, April again tried to piece her shattered memories together, though she had precious little to work with.
There was at least one face she’d seen before, which now swam around in the turbulence of her pounding head. Yes, she had seen him at the market a couple of times as she picked up groceries. He’d asked her advice on which fruits to pick out, what wine went with what dinner, simple friendly conversation. He never even tried to hit on her. He was always so friendly…But then it wasn’t unusual for April to start talking with a complete stranger. It happened all the time.
But yes, she was almost positive he was in the car…why? Had they been looking for her? April had moved around a lot, even to some places Haley hadn’t yet heard about. April wasn’t the type to make enemies, she kind of floated through her life without much anger or fighting. Often, she was the type to remain unnoticed, although once someone got an idea of who she was, they usually cherished the time they were able to spend with her. She’d had lovers of course, male and female both. April fell in love with the person, not the gender, a concept that Haley had never been too comfortable with. April could not think of a single reason why someone would want to harm her, let alone who that someone might be.
As April finally succeeded in fully awakening, she felt disoriented and a little nauceous. She was lying in a narrow bed, with one white pillow and an old brown comforter covering it. It was so dark, but that was probably good because of her continuing headache. There was only one tiny window directly across from her, it looked like just a tiny strip, much too small to crawl out. She tried to peer out the grime encrusted glass from where she was lying, but couldn’t see much through the layers of dirt. However, a little sunlight somehow managed to sneak in and she was able to make out her surroundings by the light of the dusty sunbeam. The room was tiny, with only one door. Other then the bed, April didn’t see much of anything, although the dust on the concrete floor looked like it had been recently disturbed.
Looking down at herself, April realized she was still dressed in her pale blue sundress, with not so much as a rip in the ankle length skirt. She could feel her panties and bra still in place, and silently thanked God as she felt the light lace fabric move against her hot skin. Actually, April noticed with some surprise, she was pretty much unharmed.
Inside the little shoebox of a room, the air was stale, and April’s skin and long curls were sticky with sweat. She smelled nothing but old air. This room must not have been used very much.
Flashes of fear and pain raced through April’s panicked thoughts now and then, more so as she became fully aware of the predicament she had woken up in. She knew for sure there had been a forgettable looking grey van, which was nothing out of the ordinary really. Southern California was always full of tourists in the summertime months.
She had been walking along one of the small streets, looking at all the souvenier shops, skimpy bikini selling boutiques, and other commercial touristy garbage in all it’s glory, in one of those tiny crowded streets. She had been so near the ocean, near home too, and the air had smelled fresh and salty. The van was moving slow, most likely lost. Then that man, the one from the market, had rolled down the passenger window. He smiled and waved her over, saying he needed directions. Again, perfectly normal. April got stopped ten times a day in her travels with poor lost tourists and confused newcomers asking for some help.
Then it happened, lightning fast. April remembered seeing the side door slide open, remembered hands reaching out to grab her, that white hot pain in her left arm and shoulder when she jerked her body away from the impending attack…there wasn’t even time to scream. It was all coming back to her.
Inside the van with it’s heavily tinted windows her face had been covered and her nose plugged by a couple of hands. She’d opened her mouth to protest, only to feel a cold and nasty tasting liquid poured into her mouth. She had to swallow after what seemed like an eternity of holding that foulness in her mouth and trying not to breathe, she was about to pass out, her lungs had demanded air. Down the liquid had gone, scorching her throat as it went. Then, finally, the hand was removed from her nose and she was shoved down on the seat, into her assailant’s lap. She had gulped in breath after breath of precious fresh air before she tried to speak.
‘Quiet,’ someone hissed, pushing a blunt object into her back. ‘Behave and no one will do anything too unpleasant. But if you want to be difficult…’ The male voice chuckled, obviously enjoying April’s fear. That’s all it took for her. She shut up as they began to drive fast on what must have been a freeway. After awhile she became dizzy, even while she was lying down on the seat. She couldn’t remember whether she’d tried to scream as the realization hit her that she was losing consciousness…
Now she was here. April’s heart began to pound as a feeling of dread overwhelmed her.
April tried to fight the panic attack that was setting in. God, she wished she could be more like Haley. She’d seen that woman stressed, afraid, even cornered. She was always stoic, catlike, her green eyes seemed to glow like lightening bolts ready to shoot out at any moment. April let out a sad sigh, thinking of Haley’s soft honey colored hair framing her sweet face. Haley was never unnerved by any situation, at least not on the outside. Such strength and power, not like April. April trembled there in that hot nasty little hole of a room, weak and frightened. Haley might call it delicate. April allowed herself a small smile, thinking about how Haley refused to see any of her faults. Still, April wished she had her lover’s ability to appear unaffected by anyone or anything.
She had already paced the length of the room countless times, feeling along the walls for any way out. There wasn’t one. She had screamed. She started out with ‘Hello?’ Again and again she’d shouted, till her voice
was hoarse and tears ran down her dusty cheeks.
‘Hello?’ Nothing.
‘HELLO!’ Nothing out there, not even the slightest of sounds.
On and on, until finally, ‘HELLO? SOMEBODY FUCKING ANSWER ME!’
Nothing at all but the dust floating silently through her one beam of sunlight in that awful window.
This place was April’s hell, a place without people or birds or breeze or real sunshine. Isolated, alone, anyone who knew her would know she’d most likely go insane in a matter of hours. Speaking of which, how long had she been sitting on that little bed, hidden away from the world? She supposed there was really no way to tell, all she knew is that the sun must not have gone down yet. .
April’s worst fear was that Haley would think she’d just decided to leave. After all, she’d done it before, woken up in one place and decided it was time to move on, and she’d told Haley all about it. April just hoped Haley knew that would never happen. The one thing that she was certain of was that her twenty four years of drifting from one place to another were finally over, she’d finally found the place she truly belonged. Maybe if her things had been left undisturbed, Haley would find her most recent poems and prose, all written to her.
April remembered the pure pleasures of living with Haley. If she’d been at home this morning she would wake up to the sound of the waves breaking on the beach nearby, and smell the air, so sweet and salty and warm. Haley would always be up first, frantically late for work. At first April left her alone, but soon enough they had made up their own little morning routine.
‘No, stay home today’, April would demand only half kidding, with a fake pout and wide eyes. ‘I’ll make sure it’s worth one silly day of work.’
‘Oh, April baby, what do I do with you?’ Haley would always come over to the bed where April was lounging, naked still from their fun the night before. She would reach up for Haley as she bent down, wrapping her arms around Haley’s neck and bringing her down to the bed ‘I have to work….no, April, please…’. She would then planted kisses gently on Haley’s neck and shoulders, working her way down to Haley’s beautiful full breasts. God, April thought Haley must be perfect. She’d been with women before, but never one she physically desired as much as Haley. As she imagined their morning games, she could almost feel Haley’s skin beneath her fingers.
‘Just stay a little longer, an hour maybe.’ April would whisper this seductively in Haley’s ear as she arched her body up to rub against Haley’s, the feel of bare skin meeting bare skin driving both women wild. Haley always gave in, without a single exception. Making love in the morning was April’s favorite thing to do, even more enjoyable then sex with Haley at night. At night they fucked, often both women would get wild, dirty, hot and wet with sweat and grunts and panting, all the things that go along with great sex. But in the morning they always went slow, always gentle, as they made love and both of them came time and again. Their passion was so intense that both of them could climax several times in a row in quick succession, and Haley was never too late to work.
April knew how much Haley loved the feel of her mouth, she could bring Haley’s beautiful pussy amazing orgasms by licking and sucking, gently stroking her clit with just the tip of her tongue. Haley did the same for her, only with the addition of a finger (sometimes two) inside of her tight shaved cunt. Haley knew that special place inside, just the right way to hook her fingers, making April buck her body, gasping and moaning, and within thirty seconds her cum would soak Haley’s fingers and mouth. Never before had April felt such passion, such an overwhelming need to be with someone. So much for being a lonesome poet, all on her own.
Even now, in this terrible situation, she almost forgot about everything imagining Haley’s firm but gentle touch, and could clearly picture her wide smile that never came often enough. Haley’s face was hard and full of angles during the day, a typical no nonsense down to business well practiced lawyer’s face. But when they kissed, when they touched, all that poise and professionalism went away, and Haley became a gorgeous woman, full of passion, desire, and love. April almost smiled thinking of Haley’s beautiful sculpted features, and the magnificent green of her big round eyes.
So lost in thought, she almost missed the sound of the key turning in the lock. The room filled with a little more light, to reveal the silhouette of a tall man taking of most of the doorway.
‘Hello, April,’ the voice was deep yet cold.
Before her eyes adjusted, she knew him.
‘Oh, my God! You?’ April’s heart plummeted in her chest. She now longed for the panic she felt before. This fear was much greater, deeper and more real.
‘So what is it that you want, Michael?’
As the light adjusted, a slow grin spread across his mustached face.
To Be Continued…
April awoke to the sound of a winter wind blowing outside her window. She shivered a little at the sound, then sat up and took a couple deep breaths. To her relief, she didn’t cough and her lungs felt more or less clear. After checking her temperature to confirm that her fever was gone, April jumped out of bed and stretched.“It’s over,” she said aloud to the empty room, “That fucking disease is really over.”April had been bedridden for most of the last month. It had begun with a nasty flu and...
AnalRob stood at the door, fidgeting and waiting for April to answer his knock. He could hear her approach, so he straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right?Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All...
April by Margaret Jeanette Martin was sitting at his desk at the realty company he and his wife co- owned. He was day dreaming about Maria, the dark haired new agent that he had hired six months before. He was thinking about last week when he had her up at his cottage and the magnificent sex they had enjoyed. Mondays were always slow and he was planning what day the two of them would be able to get together for more fun and frolicking. His wife, Susan entered the office with...
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This short story is an entry for the 2015 Literotica April Fools’ Day story contest. All characters involved in sexual situations in this story are eighteen years of age or older. * * * * She took one last sip of coffee, grabbed her lunch bag and picked up the thick stack of papers she’d worked all night on. But as she hurried to leave, she noticed the calendar on the kitchen wall still said March. She shifted her lunch to her other hand, the same one securing the papers under her arm, and...
Chapter One Her first conscious thought was, I'm awake. She hadn't opened her eyes just yet, but was aware of sounds and that she was cold. The second conscious thought was that she had a Blacksmith using the inside of her head as an anvil and was hitting a particularly hard piece of metal with a four-pound lump hammer. She groaned and cursed red wine. She always got a hangover after drinking red wine and reminded herself of the often-made promise to stick to the voddy. April then realised...
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Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...
Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always...
The school year was winding down and one day I had planned to spend the night watching TV when my Friend Brad phoned. You see the whole year he had been persuing her and all the while she would shoot him down. Then out of the blue she agrees. "That great Brad, but why call me?" I asked. "My Folks are away on their second honeymoon and I was tasked with watching April tonight." I could already tell where Brad was heading. "No!" I said very sternly. "Come on dude, it'll only be for a few hours."...
It was a Friday night and I been home all day. Normally I'm alone on Friday nights unless a friend calls and wants to hang out. I mostly like to stay home on Fridays because that's when I would have the house to myself. My mom goes out of town every Friday so I'm used to being alone most of the time. But tonight was different, something unexpected happened. So later when my mom left the house, I went to take a shower and most likely flop on the couch and watch some TV. I was sitting there...
Straight SexIntroduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...
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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. ‘It’s just rehearsal.’ “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know.’...
April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. "It's just rehearsal." “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know."...
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“Jacobs, you’re gonna be with the bitches today.” That was Sergeant Fox, my supervisor, a man so fat that his girth threatened to shear off the armrests on either side of the spindly office chair that was currently groaning underneath his immense bulk. “We had two call out,” he continued, “so Troyer’s on her own over there. Get over to Women’s Holding and help her out.” At this news I visibly brightened. Working an entire shift with Amy Troyer wasn’t such a terrible prospect. Out of the...
After days of travelling, you reach the gate the King specified. It's three times as tall as you are and carved into a mountainside. As you inspect the door you realize it has a locking mechanism- once you go in you're not going to be able to get out until you find that relic. You sigh, sip from your canteen, and push the doors open. Immediately the musky smell of the cave rushes out, almost as if the cave is taking a deep breath. You unsheathe your sword and cautiously step in, casting a spell...
FantasyHi, “J” is my nick name. My intro – have an office and also look after my family business. I come from a family of fortune and riches, born a silver spoon also been enjoying my life with foreign trips and stuff. I keep travelling to Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad often for business and also vacation trips. I look good as people say! Though not so tall but stand with 170 cms, I ‘m a sports person so, I keep jogging thrice a week and keep myself fit. I speak, English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil....
I live with my mother in law, my late wife and I moved in to take care of her parents. Her father passed away years ago, then my wife passed 4 months ago, cancer. So now I'm here taking care of her, shes a 88yo cute little thing, nice body, tits and fun personality. She always wore nice clothes, looked great so I knew I needed to snoop around to see what I could find to satisfy my lingerie obsession, which isn't easy, they are in her bedroom and shes in there all the time. I have to wait till...
It all began when I moved in with my boyfriend. I was the only girl in a house full of boys. It was unbearable, you know the leaving the seat up on the toilet whenever they go and even worse there so tall that when they go to the toilet the pee has to come from such a height it splashes everywhere and they don’t clean it up. There was Greg, who was a forty something prick, then there was, Geoff who is in his early twenties, the same as my boyfriend Lachie. Greg was becoming too much of an ass...
EroticSearching A Short Story By Maryanne Peters It barely rang twice. She was waiting for his call. He was always happy to hear her voice, whatever the circumstances. She asked: "Honey where are you?" "I'm still in the Quarter," he said. "I haven't found him yet, but I have some news. It's been very ... unsettling." "Oh," she said. She sounded very worried, so he felt that he needed to reassure her. "I have no reason to believe that he is not safe," he said. It is...
Research & Development Kelly rushed over to Dave who was now on his second coffee. "Sorry, Dave." She said, "Professor Higgins wanted a chat." "Oh," Dave replied. "Hope the thesis is going well. Coffee?" "Yes, please," Kelly said "I need a moment to calm down." Kelly was just 24 years old, the same as David and doing her Masters in Sociology. She was 5'2" tall, 115 lbs. heavy and fresh faced without any makeup. She was a natural beauty with sparkling blue eyes. Her long...
Research Library When I retired at sixty-two I decided to research the area when I lived and to write a comprehensive book unlike any written before me. It combined several of my previous hobbies of reading, writing, investigation, genealogy, and history. I went to every library in my area and then I was sent to a unique and little known library in the state capital. Before I could even get inside the building I had to submit an application as to who I was, what I was attempting to...
********** It has been said that life is what happens when you plan to do other things. I was looking to be a simple man with simple goals, but life conspired otherwise. And the outcome has been great. As twenty-year-olds, my wife and I were normal sex maniacs. Fucking like rabbits every chance and every place we could find. Four years into our marriage we had our first child and the days of plenty came to a grinding halt. Long hours of sex on a sheet of plastic covered in oil gave way...
Isla jolted awake as the train announcer started speaking. It announced the next stop as Zaragoza, first in Spanish, then in English. Rubbing her eyes, she started to gather up her phrasebook, map, knit hat, and other belongings that had made their way out of her bag on the 1.5-hour ride from Madrid. Looking out the window she was shocked to see a layer of snow covering the buildings as they pulled into the station. This January was the coldest on record, but snow was fairly uncommon in this...
First TimeSEARCHING FOR MY AUNT (A Lesbian Tale)Her name was Anita and she had worked at the Veteran’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. I was 15 years old when she died of brain cancer at 40. I never met her. I remember going to the funeral with my mother who was a year older than Anita. Anita was my aunt. She never married and in those days you were called an « old maid » or a « spinster ». Mother never mentioned her. I don’t know why but I wanted to find out about Anita. When I finished university, I was 22 and...
First of all i want to ask for forgiveness for my englishMy story is not been real yet but i really want to live it...In searching for cock to suck i would be very happy to meet a couple with a bi husband...after some talking and arranging the meet from here i will meet with him in a local coffee where we will talk many things to come closer but also some more details of how we both like the sex games between us...the result will be that i will visit his home while his wife be out for...
“Thank you, but I think any mystery that existed is lost now,” Katie said in a groggy voice, her eyes barely open. She was responding to Tyler pulling the tail of his ‘former’ shirt down to cover her naked and exposed derriere when he had gotten out of bed to use the bathroom. His stirring had brought her to a semi-awake state, but the feel of him repositioning her garment made her consciously smile at his attempt to protect her modesty. Based upon what other women had told her about guys...
It was a mid summer night, very humid and sticky. Vivek was busy giving finishing touches to his thesis paper. The topic of his paper was “Life styles of unknown tribes”. He had studied lifestyles of so many tribes in India who were till date not known to the world. Anuradha was supposed to be his assistant in the project. Both of them knew that they were madly in love with each other. Anuradha accepted the job of assisting him just to have his company for longer time. “So Anuradha? Prof has...
RESEARCH By GENEVA Marty, a professor, and Dean, a graduate student friend, are working in some archives when Dean uncovers and steals a magic book. Through it he is accidentally changed into a woman. Marty helps the new woman begin making the best of her new reality. Dr. Martin Wright squinted as he stepped out of the doors of the gloomy archives building into the bright sun. It had been a productive day and he had almost filled his notebook with data from the files. Now he...
The western frontier in the 1870’s was not a welcoming place unless you enjoyed cactus, dust storms and long rides between stage coach stations. I was a sometimes journalist and sometimes dime novelist and I had come to the Arizona territory as a correspondent for the San Francisco Examiner to cover the search for the legendary Geronimo and his band of Chiracahua Apaches. I also hoped to get some ideas for the dime novels which I wrote when time permitted. I was also taken by the fact that...
WarningThis is a tale of my search for professional help with my breastfeeding and domination obsessions with Escorts and Dominatrices in the U.K. Its pretty full on. Don’t read it if you are offended by prostitution or adult nursing or water sports or anything else. Some of it has appeared before on Literotica, but this is a revised and expanded text. I am the original author.IntroductionSome twenty or so years ago, I was depressed. I have never had a lot of good physical health, and I felt...