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Searching A Short Story By Maryanne Peters It barely rang twice. She was waiting for his call. He was always happy to hear her voice, whatever the circumstances. She asked: "Honey where are you?" "I'm still in the Quarter," he said. "I haven't found him yet, but I have some news. It's been very ... unsettling." "Oh," she said. She sounded very worried, so he felt that he needed to reassure her. "I have no reason to believe that he is not safe," he said. It is just that I have learned ... I have learned that our son ... our son is gay." He chose the word carefully given where he was sitting. "I don't care about that," she said. "Just do what you need to do and find him. Talk to him." "You didn't suspect it, did you?" The apparent disregard she had for this crushing news disarmed him a little. "No," she said after a pause. "I never would have thought it of Philip. But I really don't care. But it might explain why he ran away. I just want you to find him and tell him that we love him no matter what." They did. He knew that now. They did. No matter what. "I'm getting closer, Honey," he said. "I am with someone at the moment, so I will call you back the same time tomorrow. Okay?" "I love you, Honey," she said, "Please come home soon," she added, just before he hung up. "Thank you for the use of your phone," he said. "Sweetie, it is my pleasure," said Dorian. "I know this is hard for you. It was hard for me when I had to tell my Dad. He went through the same thing you are going through now. I can see it. All the dreams he had for his son suddenly gone. I know the pain, Bob." "At least you confronted your father," Bob said. "It was easier with him. I think that he knew before I said anything. It was confirmation rather than a surprise. From what you tell me, with Philip it would have been much more difficult. Apparently too difficult for a confrontation." "I just never would have known," Bob said, falling back in the wonderfully comfortable chair in Dorian's living room. "He was a natural sportsman you know. Quarterback, tennis champ, and he could beat me at golf. All- American in waiting." Bob stared at the ceiling wistfully. As Dorian had just said: 'All dreams suddenly gone'. "The most important thing that you need to remember, is that it is not a choice," Dorian said. "There was nothing he could do, and there was nothing you could do. You can't change nature. The can't wash the stripes off a zebra. We are what we are." Bob looked around to remind himself where he was. Sitting in the very tidy apartment of an overtly gay man is the seedy area of the city. Totally out of place. This is where his long search had brought him. Four years after his son Philip had disappeared. "I am going to get you something stronger," said Dorian. He rose and as he passed Bob, he put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Bob recoiled slightly. "The second most important thing for you to know, Bob, is that gay men are not attracted to straight men. We can be friends. Just friends." Bob looked up. Yes, here was a friend. "I'm sorry," he said. "I appreciate everything that you have done to help me." "Well, you're going to appreciate the single malt scotch I am going to pour you, even more." Bob smiled as he accepted the glass, and felt the liquor in his throat. "So, you are telling me that you have no idea where he is?" said Bob. "Well, that's what I said," said Dorian. "But I can see that you care for your son deeply. I wish that I could do more. So, here is my dilemma. Your son clearly does not want to see you. Or he does not want to see you disappointed in him. It means the same thing. If I was able to get a message to him asking him whether he would see you, I am worried that he will say no. I don't want that to happen to you. So, I am ... conflicted." "If you do know where he is, you can tell me. I don't need to tell anybody that it came from you." "I don't know the address," said Dorian. "But maybe I could find out. Let's drink a little more scotch together, so I can wrestle with my conscience a bit more." "It really is good whisky," said Bob. They chinked glasses. There was over half a bottle to be drunk that evening. Bob would replace it. Perhaps two bottles for this good man. *** The morning air was crisp. He had to keep the car engine running to prevent the windows from fogging. The house was not at all what was expected. It was not like the apartment block where Dorian lived. This was decidedly upmarket. In fact, it appeared that it might be a single home, which would make it much better than upmarket. He straightened as he saw the door open. It was not Philip. Probably his "boyfriend". The word made him shudder. He could see that the man was tall. Much taller than Philip. With an athletic build and gait. A good-looking man. Older than Philip by a few years he guessed. And very smart. He was wearing a suit - an expensive one it appeared. He crossed the road in front of him and walked right past. Now was the time. If Philip was living here, he might be alone. He turned off the engine and stepped out. He needed to stretch his legs as he had been sitting there for almost an hour. He crossed the street and climbed the steps to the door. Bob observed that the door was original and beautifully maintained. This house was money. He knocked on the door. To his surprise the door was opened by a small child, maybe 7 or 8 years old. She looked was dressed for school, her hair braided in a complex style. "Hello", said Bob. "I was looking for Philip." "I don't know Philip," she said, looking at him suspiciously. "But you can ask Mommy." She turned and called out: "Mommy, there's a man at the door." At the end of the hall a woman appeared. The light was behind her so Bob could not see her face, but she was wearing a smart dress that hugged her curvy figure, and shiny black heels. Her shoulder length blonde hair had soft curls in it. "I am sorry, I seem to be at the wrong house," said Bob. This was a family home. Another child appeared from behind her and took her mother's hand. "No," came the gentle reply. "You're not at the wrong house ... Dad." Bob struggled to make out the face with the light behind her, but the voice was familiar, and yet not quite his. If this was his son, he was in drag. She walked towards Bob, into the light. Bob could see that they were his son's eyes looking at him, now just beginning to become wet with tears. But it was not his son's face. It might have been, once. The nose and chin were his. But this was a truly beautiful young woman. Her face was made up but not in a garish way - just the hint of eyeliner and mascara, and pink lipstick. Her hair was full and silky, and parted on one side with the other side pushed behind her ear. Bob struggled to say anything. But she was the first to speak: "Dad, we need to talk, but I have to get the kids to kindergarten. Will you ride with us?" "Sure," he muttered. Bob was trying to stop himself from collapsing. His mind seemed numb." A late model BMW responded to her key fob, and the two children, the older girl and a young boy, jumped inside the back with enthusiasm. Expensive looking child seats were in place. Bob stepped into the passenger seat and she went round to the driver's side. She got in bottom first and swung her legs around. She wore no pantyhose and her legs were shapely, tanned and smooth of any trace of hair. She was wearing office attire, but the front of her jacket was buttoned over a fairly low cut blouse revealing two shapely breasts. "Seat belts everybody," she said. All three responded to the command, in Bob's case still in confusion. "Who is this man, Mommy," the girl behind asked. "Now don't ask rudely," she said firmly. "You could ask him. But, I am pleased to tell you, that this is my father. So that makes him your other grandpa." Still Bob could not speak. Even when the child looked him in the face and asked him: "What should I call you? Grandpa is Daddy's father. Maybe we should call you Mompa?" "That would be fine Honey, if my daddy is happy to be called that?" She was glancing over at Bob while trying to keep her eyes on the road. Her smile seemed forced. For the children's benefit rather than his. "I am still trying to come to grips with you calling me 'my daddy'," Bob said to the driver. "Here we are," she said. "Say goodbye to Mompa. Maybe you will see him later." She pulled over. She got out of the car and made sure the kids had their lunches and raincoats. They both waved at Bob and he automatically waved back. She took them through the gate and Bob saw her kiss each of them before she came back to the car. She slid back into her seat. Bob noticed for the first time that she was wearing a floral scent - very feminine. She started the car, and immediately used the handsfree telephone as she pulled out of the park. "Good morning, Bonaire Realty." "Hi Janis, me here." "Hi Pip," came the cheerful reply. "A family thing has come up," she said. "I will be in late, today. I will call back soon to give you my ETA." When she heard the click, she turned to Bob and said: "Would you like to stop near here for coffee, or come back to my place?" "Who are you?" Bob said, although he knew the answer. "Phillipa now, although people call me Pippi or Pip, I was your son. I hope I am now your daughter." She was pulling the car over. "I am going to stop here. There is a great coffee shop on the corner. We need to look one another in the eye. I owe you that." "I think that you owe me something," said Bob. There was a park right outside. She gathered together her purse and keys. She had manicured hands with almond shaped nails painted salmon pink. Her gestures were dainty a feminine. He followed her into the coffee bar, now observing her shapely bottom and long legs in black pantyhose. She wore heels which set off the business-like look perfectly. The woman behind the counter waved at her. Bob noted that clearly, she was known here. He did not know her. "What will you have Dad?" "Just plain coffee," he said. "Black, hot and plenty of it." "And I'll have my usual triple latte with almond milk." They found a table with two chairs in the busy establishment. It was not a suitable place for an emotional scene, but that suited them both. "I can accept that you are gay, but this?" It was Bob's first statement. Already he thought himself, that it was unkind. Some nicer words should have been said. But he could not change it now. "I am not gay, Dad," she whispered. "I have never been gay. I am a woman. I just had to make the changes to live as one." "Changes?" "I am a transwoman, Dad. Do you know what that is? A post-operative transwoman." "So' you've had an operation? You have had your privates amputated?" She looked at him with disdain for the use of those words. She said: "I have had my gender surgically confirmed. And that involves ... something of that sort." "Is that the way your boyfriend likes you?" "He's my husband, Dad. We are married. I am legally a woman. He is a man. We have two children. You could be a grandfather if you want to be. You could be Mompa, and Mom could be ... Mom-ma." "That is the reason I have been looking for you," said Bob. "If I am angry with you, that is the reason why I'm angry. You just disappeared. You just left. What effect do you think that has had on your mother?" He was almost hissing, but he had to collect himself as the waitress placed coffee in front of them. "Thanks Jen," said Pip. She took a sachet of coffee and tore it open with her polished nail. She elegantly stirred her cup. She collected herself. "I sneaked away, I admit it," she said. You might think it a coward's way, but I don't think so. I did it because I care about you. I didn't want you to suffer." "What are you talking about?" Bob said. "You are a man's man, Dad. I was the son of a man's man. You wanted me to be more of a man than you. You wanted me to be the quarterback and the first pitcher that you never got to be. You wanted me to play pro-tennis or pro-golf. You said I could have done it. Maybe I could have, but I could never be the man you wanted me to be, because I could never be a man. You don't have to understand it. I am not sure that I do myself. You just have to accept it, just as I know it." "You should have told us," muttered Bob. "Told you what? That I preferred dresses and pigtails? That I wanted to get 'my privates amputated'? Yes, I could have told you and I could have done it there and then. You would have been ashamed, Dad. I know you. You have been unable to live it down. With everything you said about me. Come on. The all-American boy become a pretend girl. It would have killed you Dad. It would have killed me to watch it kill you." Bob could see that there were tears welling up in her big blue eyes, circled in long painted lashes. Pip could see him looking at the tears. "It's what girls do, Dad. It's what we do when we get upset." What was he to do? He had no idea. He was a man. Emotion was not his thing, unless it was anger. He was good at that. Anger is what men do when they get upset. Now was not the time. "Phillip," He said. "Phillip-a," he spat out the last syllable. It was hard. "Pip." It seemed better. Somehow appropriate. I would like to think that you have me wrong." "I would like to think that too, Dad, but I don't. I wasn't going to take the risk." "But the effect on your mother. You should have told her." Pip bit her full painted lip. She was uncertain whether she should say anything in response to that. But I would only take one more mention of her mother. "For the last four years she has been in a state." "She knows, Dad." There. It was said. Pip did not want to say it, but it was said. "She knows what?" "She knows about me. She knows about the kids. We are facebook friends. She send messages to the kids. Christmas greetings. Birthdays. She is part of our life. I want you to be too. Nobody back home needs to know. Philip cannot be found, because that is true. He is gone. He is not coming back. Now there's me. I still love you. You should know that. I think you can be a chauvinist bigot at times, but I do love you." The tears were flowing freely now. Her tears were. Bob was not one to cry, but it seemed to him that the habit of lifetime might end right there. He told himself that he felt betrayed. His wife had been lying to him. He could get angry. That's what he did. Pip was right. He was a man and that's what men do. What could he say? "I guess my search is over," he said. I went looking for a son and I found a daughter." He smile was the bright orb of the sun emerging after a downpour. The End © Maryanne Peters 2019

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"Hey, sorry about yesterday," Frank said contritely as he scooted over next to Jason. Jason looked at him and gave him a wan smile. When Frank had done little but sulk near the back of the bus ever since he got on, hardly acknowledging Jason's presence with more than an angry glance, Jason was sure that this was one friendship he had lost barely after it had started. "We all have bad days," Jason commented mildly. "Stepmom giving you a hard time again?" Frank just rolled his eyes....

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Black Mailed TeacherChapter 3

Liz was almost back to her classroom when she realized she'd left her notebook in the lounge. She cursed herself for, being such a fool, then turned round and headed back for the lounge. Why had she felt so damned guilty? What she and Beth had done wasn't anything a lot of other women had shared. Why did sex always have to be strictly male-female? She didn't have any, answer for that one. She wasn't really ashamed of what she had just done. She'd enjoyed it. Anything she enjoyed...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 16

When I got home my mind had been so focused on what I had seen that I hadn’t realized I had dragged my brother to my room until I sat on my bed. “Kara can I have my hand back? You’re squeezing kind of hard.” Horo said. “Huh? What? What are you doing in my room? Oh yeah sex.” I said and got up then started taking off my clothes. I had just taken off one of my tops when Hiro came back to his senses. He ran to me and put my hands into his. He kissed my hands and said, “We don’t have to do...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 19 Sunday is Not a Day of Rest

I was dreaming, I thought, I must be dreaming. This has to be a dream. I’m in a large, fog-filled room and girls, tall girls, short girls, fat girls, thin girls, cute girls, ugly girls, are circling around me, moving in and out of the fog, getting really close and when I turn to look at them, drift away. When I try to move toward a girl, she smiles, giggles, glides away, and disappears into the mists. Now I’m beginning to feel ghostly hands tugging at my groin; I look down and see that I’m...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 44 Fenice

After the Princess and her entourage had left, Admiral Hargreaves made port and the Imperial Voyager was quickly manoeuvred into the dry dock. They would be there for at least a couple of days, so the Admiral cast around on the Internet for some entertainment. He was suddenly taken with the idea of going to the opera at La Fenice in Venice. It had burned down the best part of forty years earlier, and the Italian Government had just finished rebuilding it. Rigoletto was playing and it occurred...

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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 3

Someone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the head. Concentrated the mind. Put a few things...

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Story attempt 1

Lily woke to find that she was alone in his bed.The room was filled with a soft, mid-morning glow that came from the huge floor to ceiling window that made up the far wall. She lay in the soft bed, thinking about the prior night’s events.Sitting up, she found that she was incredibly sore. She was sore in places she didn’t even know could BE sore.But she also felt strangely satisfied. She’d basically been ****d, so why did she feel so good?Throwing off the fluffy goose down comforter, she...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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Fixing my sisterinlaws computer Part 4

As my wife, her sister, and I came down from the bliss of our impromptu threesome, I felt the need to lighten the mood."So, did you ever get that meat defrosted, Ashley?" I asked, grinning."Well, not exactly. I did get some meat, though..." she said, smiling.Chloe lay next to her sister, and I squeezed my way in between them, and spread my arms around them."So, is this going to be a regular thing?" I asked.Chloe replied, "I certainly hope so!" She obviously wanted more of my penis and her...

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Raipur Me Girlfriend Ko Choda

Hi I am Arun 22 yr old student from Raipur.   Meri ek gf ha naam ha Mamta.   She is doing engg in Raipur & age is 21.  This is my real story happened to me 2 months ago.  Mamta dikh na mai mast maal ha ek dam gori ha uski size 36-26-28 hogi.   Gaad bhi uska ek dam gol gol aur gora ha usually who salwar pehnti ha bt jeans aur top pehti ha toh ek dam sexy maal dikti ha aur maan karta ha ki uske gaad mai apna 6inhi land dal du.  Waisa hum dono ek dusra sa bahut sa bahut pyar karta ha aur us ko koi...

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Sexual Delights with Bruce and Rachel

... I took my panties and wiped off his cock, his body, my face, and boobs, and I used it on Rachel too. This little boy was a cum machine. I had gotten a lot of it on my face and in my mouth, but there was plenty on him, on me, and some on Rachel."" I had an idea about him."" Bruce, eat my panties now. Eat them with the cum all over.........." "He didn't hesitate. It was strange to watch him with my gloppy underwear in his mouth, sucking and chewing, and then with Rachel's too, his face all...

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Boarding School Encounter 09 Henrietta Molested by the Nanites

Chapter Nine: Henrietta Molested by the Nanites By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My heart beat in fear as Peony, one of my new friends, had a metallic tentacle jutting from beneath her gray skirt of her school uniform. It was similar to the purple tentacles undulating from my pussy, except it was made of segmented metal, the end bulbous and smooth. It lunged for me while Merita, the alien possessing me, screamed a warning in my mouth. “Connect,” all the women who had invaded the...

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Losing your Hymen 3 naughty stories

1.) Frida's awakening I was fifteen when my younger brother have me a clock as a present. I thought nothing off it and got on with being who I was in the confines of my room, growing up and experimenting on my devices and my computer.What I did not know, was that the clock my brother supposedly bought me, was in actual fact, a gift from our downstairs neighbour, with a secret wed cam linked to his computer, recording my every waking moment and the things girls do as they grow up. He had stuff...

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NotSoSuper ModelChapter 2

Hannah did call me, about two minutes after I got home. She knew how long it would take me, apparently. I’d had ten minutes to think about things, which is to say I’d had ten minutes for my mind to run rampant as I drove down quiet streets. It was good they were quiet. I really had no business driving at that point in time. You know how sometimes you drive from point A to point B and when you get there you don’t remember anything about the trip? It was like that. “You don’t have to pose for...

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Jake and Gill

Chapter 1 ‘John,’ Gill started the conversation rolling. Everyone at the bank referred to John Jacob Nicholls as John. It was his given first name, although his family always called him by an abbreviation of his middle name, as both his father and grandfather had been Johns. His great grandfather had been a Jacob, so were a number of uncles and strangely enough even a couple of great-aunts shared it as a middle name. There was no way that Gill would have known that, of course. ‘Everyone...

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RAW The Sex Magicians

Part 1 1 AT THE ORGASM RESEARCH FOUNDATION Dr. Roger Prong, who was known by some foundation employees as "a bloody Peeping Tom" and a "horny old voyeur" was in fact very scientific, or so he always insisted as he watched the girls having orgasms.At the laboratory, Josie Welch, already nude but with a single sheet demurely spread over her full and obviously glorious body, looked unhappy as Roger entered."They tell me there won't be any men today," she said as soon as she saw the doctor. "That's...

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Beautiful UnFortunate with my Aunt8230

Dear Friend’s, Hi this is Aman ( Name Change ) delhi based wana share a real & genuine excited experience with all of u .The incident was happen 2 yrs, back when I was 24. That was the fine day of 25th of Oct. The sun shines good & weather of delhi as u know, not so warm & not so cold in these days. But having a bit humidity in the environment…Can say altogether it was a good day My mom use to go to market for shopping along with my chahi for purchasing. It was around 01:00 PM of the day. We...

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Shopping Turned Me To Massager

Hello everyone, this is a real incident happened during Ugadi season. I’m Ram name changed, 5” 9 athletic build working in and IT firm at Bangalore. Your comments are welcome to It was few days for ugadi, mom asked me to bring castor oil for festival. Since in south India on ugadi day all men will apply oil to whole body. I am no different from the tradition. So after my office hours I went to reliance mart to bring necessary ingredients to home along with castor oil. I had taken 500ml bottle...

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Almadelias night out

AlmaDelia. ====== Part I —— Im not sure what woke me the first time but when I heard the doorbell I figured that must have been it. Checking the clock I saw the dial flip to 3:03 am. I immediately figured some emergency must have taken place and threw on a bathrobe over my naked body. Checking out the windows on my way through the house to the front door I didnt see any signs of fire or Armageddon so I began to worry about my wife. A nursing supervisor, she was covering the night shift for a...

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Lounging for FunChapter 8 Mounting My First Stallion

This made me grin as I settled down between the stallion’s fore legs. He nosed down and licked my pussy. I had little difficulty curling up and tucking my feet through the stirrups. I pulled on the sling as I felt the monstrous ganz slipping into me. I just kept pulling up as my knees spread apart. I was so far on that I could not breath. The sling slipped past my head and I was able to pull myself forward and tuck my breasts into the openings where I was supported by my chest and the huge...

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My Tamil Maid Gowri 8211 Part 4

The morning sunlight seeping through the curtains woke me up. I had enjoyed one of the most satisfying nights of sleep in my life. This was probably cos of the fact that I was relieved from weeks of sexual frustration. To my left, on my arm, was Gowri, sleeping peacefully. I could see from her face that she was content. There was a tinge of smile on her face. The flowers in her hair had dried, but she was still blossoming. I removed the blanket gently from upon us to ensure not waking her up. I...

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The Best Friends Ch 01

(Chandra) Chandra and Madison have been best friends since grammar school. Chandra is blonde with a great looking ass, Madison is dark haired and very outgoing. They are the same height and very slim, if you put they’re tits together, you would still have a small pair, small yes but very sensitive in both cases. They are both in their late twenties, not much older than my daughter is. I met them late one night at a small club on the edge of town. They had gotten off work late and were...

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The Dinner

The Dinner By Michael Alexander [email protected] Melanie smacked her pink lips and checked her makeup in the rearview mirrorquickly before getting out of her sedan. Her knee length black skirt swirledaround her thighs with a soft whisper as she stepped out on to the heat bakedsidewalk, and approached the little French café. A green enshroudedveranda was gated off to either side of the entrance but no afternoon dinerssat in the heat. Melanie tossed her hair back over her...

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My Bitch Likes it Rough

This is a true account of my introduction to sadism and masochism.I was 29 married with two c***dren and the most innofensive vanilla wife you could ever ask for. Sex was straight, missionary, no coming in her mouth, and never going anywhere near her asshole. IT WAS BORING!Then I met Anna (name changed). She was 48 unhappily married and had been a friend through my work for about a year. I had an office in the local hospital and she was one of my operatives. We would flirt occasionally but...

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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 5 The Whole Story

"You kids need to hear this story, and I don't want any interruptions." My mother said. We both nodded and listened intently. "I was only fourteen years old back then, but I had matured almost as fast as your sisters." My mother said as she looked at me. I was sunbathing in the back yard... Natalie laid naked on the chair with her back facing up. The sun kissed her fourteen year old body as she napped on the deck chair. Her skin was tanned nicely, only showing lines where her bikini...

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A Release

Her long legs wrapped in dark, thigh high stockings as she walked across the room, the loud click of her strappy black heels ringing off the walls. Her corset felt so nice and tight, and her perfume was deliciously sweet, so sexy, she let out a moan as her hands ran along her sides. Music blared away hazily as she walked around, bending over to run her hands along her stocking covered legs, squeezing her ass tight. Standing up she unbottoned her skirt, the tiny black piece of fabric falling...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 290

The arrival of Makeeda into Laura's life certainly made things more difficult. Since she would not see her for a few days, she would have a chance, at least, to sort out her feelings. But after a few days indeed elapsed, she realized there was no sorting to do. She was so shockingly in love that she could barely breathe. There were a few other complications as well. Joy's father had been transferred to Kansas City, and she was moving immediately. This resulted in hours of tears and...

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Another month passed since Steve got his promotion and we had any time away from the k**s. That previous night alone was another memorable one in which I bought him a nice black pair of thigh highs and a black lacy garter belt that matched his black satin bikini panties. He was so aroused he came in his panties as I rubbed his crotch on the drive home from dinner. The rest of the night was memorable as well because Steve had described different panties and pieces of lingerie that he had...

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The Champions Companion 21

Her overripe breasts the size of a man’s head threatened to come out of her open sided knee length black robe. The robe’s light silky shell hid within it armor padding, poisoned daggers, and throwing darts. The split in the front showed some of the deep cleavage of her rounded lactating udders. Under her robe, she wore thigh high soft leather black boots and a loincloth. The shiny jewelry of her rings, bracelet, hip chain, and necklace flashed in the light. Though her luminous pale skin...

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