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I’ve been living in New York for some time now, comfortably separated, working a bit too much – as a refuge, I suppose. Dating just seemed weird, and I stopped looking for companionship years ago, just happy to stick to my routines, politely accept the dates that my friends set up, and otherwise enjoy my solitude.

Then, out of the blue, I met HER, in the deep freeze of the coldest winter we’ve had in decades. What a crazy city this is.

As you know from the news, it has been horribly cold, and getting colder. So cold, in fact, that last week Mrs. Laurel Robinson, 45, of Scarsdale, New York, froze to death one night after getting locked out of her home while looking for her cat. Her husband had long ago been banished to a second bedroom because of his snoring, and didn’t realize she was outside until the next morning.

As the anchor on the local news intoned in an appropriately somber and deep voice, this tragic event turned a cold winter into a season of death. That night the temperature dropped to ten degrees overnight, and the next morning Ms. Robinson was found frozen in her backyard.

So you get the picture. A week ago this past Tuesday it was four degrees. As I left my apartment in Manhattan for the 30 minute walk to my office, gusting winds were stirring up the salt and ash that had been liberally spread on sidewalks to fend off slip-and-fall lawyers, much as garlic was once thought to deter vampires. Deter the bloodsuckers! I left at the usual hour, the wind stinging my eyes, my mouth half hidden by a scarf.

The last three or four weeks it has been so cold that I’ve been wearing whatever I want to the office – jeans, old brown shoes, a long wool coat like a western duster, collar turned up, and an Irish fisherman’s sweater that smells like a sheep. If I were a woman my colleagues would cattily hiss behind my back and say ‘She’s given up, poor dear, just LOOK at those shoes, it is so sad (cluck cluck), if she only TRIED a little bit…’ Instead, I imagine I come across as an insouciant Ralph Lauren-like executive of a certain means and age, with an accenting touch of grey at the ears. Though I could be wrong.

And so I trudged down Broadway, my eyes stinging, and as I walked my nose began to run – my sinuses have been hell for weeks. I was sniffing, wiping my eyes, and finally I couldn’t stand it anymore, I cleared my throat and spat.

Garlic may not truly ward off vampires, but other old adages are true. One should not spit into the wind. Yes, even me, for as you know I’m trumpet player – I have awesome lung volume, and could suck the air out of a Macy’s balloon float, or blow down the little piggies’ straw and twig houses, maybe even their brick house too if I huffed and puffed enough. If I were the more vulgar type, I might be dominating my age category in the Spitting Program International Tournament (SPIT) (50 and over, non smoker), riding from one venue in the Ozarks to another until I had no more room for trophy-spittoons on my mantle.

But you see, some folks have to learn the hard way. I was always the kid who, when the sign said ‘no this, that, or the other thing permitted’ would immediately do whatever was prohibited to see what would happen. I needed to know why, always.

Now some people don’t spit at all – they think it is gross. I guess it is a question of your circumstances and upbringing. The Japanese, who are forever spitting everywhere, think that our habit of expelling snot balls into hankies that we carefully fold and put back into our pockets is gross. They have a point.

Other people spit, but not on the crowded sidewalks of New York. If your aim is off by a few degrees you could hit somebody, and they might respond by beating you to death with their bare hands, a trash can, a newspaper box, or by pushing you into a careening taxi driven by a Egyptian emigrant who has never driven in ice and snow before. I myself have no reservations – under duress, I’m a spitter.

You might think I was being particularly dim, or something – I mean, everybody knows that you shouldn’t spit into the wind. I guess I wasn’t thinking, or the whole thing was too distracting – the cold, the grit in the air, my runny eyes. We all know that the reason we don’t spit into the wind is that, well, it comes back at us. But there’s more to this story. Much more.

The reason we don’t spit into the wind in winter when it is four degrees with a wind chill of twenty five below is not only because it comes back at us, but because it freezes so fast you can almost hear it, crackling faintly as physics and chemistry and other science stuff happens and the liquids you expelled at approximately 98.6 degrees return as an irregularly shaped, jagged little three dimensional polygon.

And so it did. It came back at me, right in my face. This is where you can say ‘Eww’,but it more or less bounced off of me, like hail and icy rain will.

I cursed and kept walking down the street, bumping into a few people who were off balance from the unaccustomed, poorly distributed weight of six layers of clothes. As I walked I felt my ears and cheeks start to burn from the cold, and thought about putting on my gloves, but I hate gloves.

I was about halfway to my office in the Financial District when a woman stopped in front of me, blocking my path, and said to me ‘Are you ok?’

I’m often stopped on the streets in New York. Three quarters of the people who stop me need directions, especially down here in the south part of Manhattan – the streets are built on old colonial footpaths, which were built on old Indian trails, which were built to track game along meandering streams long gone. It isn’t like midtown – a neat, ordered grid of numbered streets – it is very confusing.

I’m happy to help folks who stop me and ask for directions, and as far as the people who aren’t asking for directions – they are usually trying to hustle me. This is New York, after all.

I always try to decide as quickly as I can who is going to hustle me and who needs help. I’m in a pointless rush, like every other coffee guzzling, harried New Yorker. But even after having been stopped by people maybe a hundred times, I’ve never had anyone ask me if I was OK, even after too many drinks at my favorite sushi bar when they should have been asking.

I looked at her and wasn’t quite sure what was happening. She looked local, whatever that means – had a certain air, she looked like she was on her way to work – and I didn’t think she was going to hustle me. She had on a nice brown winter wool coat, a lovely pattered scarf, and a pair of pearl earrings that were probably real, judging by the fabric of her coat and scarf. ‘Was I alright’? What did she mean?

‘Excuse me?’ I wasn’t sure what else to say.

‘I asked if you were alright.’ She was looking right at me, and had the loveliest blue eyes set against pale skin. ‘You’re bleeding.’ With that she reached up, took off her brown leather gloves, and touched my face, ever so gently. ‘Right there. I’ll show you.’ She rummaged around for a second in her purse-thing, fished out a compact – that’s what you call them, right, those little round mirror things in cases – popped it open, and pointed it at me.

She was right. The icy kamikaze spitball from hell that I had created apparently had cut my face when the wind ricocheted it back at me. Back at ya’ kid! Blood had been dripping down my cheek for blocks, freezing about halfway down, my face too numb to feel it. I looked like an escapee from a Halloween horror house created by eight year old boys.

I was genuinely startled, and almost felt light headed – I’m not sure why, it wasn’t more than a small gouge in my face. At fifty four I’ve got more than my share of accumulated dings, scars, and healed-over wounds in places both visible and hidden, and I don’t give these types of mishaps a second thought.

I think what caused my momentary wooziness was the surprise of it all. I saw her loo
k at me with concern. ‘I have one of those wipes…’ and the next thing I knew she was handing me an antiseptic wipe.

We were standing in the middle of the street, and I suggested we get out of the pedestrian traffic, so we moved to the fence at the edge of the sidewalk, the fence that borders Trinity Church and the graveyard. I fumbled around – my hands were half cold and numb, my fingers not working too well – and then she started laughing, covering her mouth with her hand.


‘You’re just smearing it around!’ and she outright laughed. ‘Look, if you promise me you don’t have any blood-borne diseases, I’ll do it. Promise?’

She was looking in my eyes again, confident and comfortable, right at me.

‘No blood borne diseases, promise.’

She put her right glove back on – I’m not sure she totally trusted me – and pulled another wipe from the mini-dispenser. With the softest touch she daubed at my face. The alcohol stung for a moment and I probably flinched the tiniest bit.

She paused for a moment, looked at me again – ‘Is it ok?’ and I nodded. She pressed a bit more firmly, and finally, after a few moments of wiping studied my face, for longer than seemed necessary, honestly – and seemed satisfied. ‘Much better, see?’

I looked at myself in her compact, trying to move the tiny circle of mirror to get the right view. Indeed, no more little kid Halloween fright mask.

And that is when it got really weird. As I stood there I could not help myself – I felt my face grow warm and started to cry silently. First a tear welled up in my eye, and then another, and they started rolling down my face, the salt stinging the nick on my cheek all over again, and her blue eyes got big. ‘Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry!’

‘No, no, the opposite. Are you a doctor or a nurse or EMT or something?’

She smiled again. ‘No, that’s silly. I just wiped some blood off your face, I didn’t perform a hip transplant.’ But she still looked puzzled. ‘Why are you crying?’

And I don’t know why, but for once in my life I let down that guard, that protective armor I carry everywhere like a Roman shield. I didn’t want anyone other than her to hear my confession, and said it softly. ‘I’m crying because it has been so long since I was touched with such care and concern. Too long.’

And as I admitted this I felt the tears again, rolling down my chapped face in the cold and dripping off of my chin.

She just looked at me and cocked her head. I looked down for a second, embarrassed at the whole thing: my stupidity by challenging one of the most basic laws of nature, spitting into the wind! Embarrassed for having walked ten blocks or more with a blood-smeared face. And embarrassed for crying, and admitting to a stranger that I craved to be touched.

I felt as if I were naked, exposed, and it was uncomfortable and wanted it to end. ‘Listen, I can’t thank you enough. I’m sure you have to go to work – I do too, despite the way I’m dressed, I actually do have a job.’

Softly, somewhat tentatively, she said ‘You’re welcome. You know, people always say that kind of thing, like a cliché: ‘I can’t thank you enough.’ Actually, you could thank me ‘enough.’ You know how?’ It was now my turn to cock my head. ‘You could buy me lunch one day next week.’

That’s when I noticed, on her ungloved left hand, that she didn’t have a ring. Not one. No wedding ring, no engagement ring, no wedding-engage combo, no trick rings on the non-ring fingers to confuse me and other simple-minded men.

So we had lunch this past Monday. She’s separated, too, no kids – thought that’s complicated – and he’s in Florida – much older. Eventually the age thing became too much. He moved to Florida, Boca Raton, to bask in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico in his waning years. She said ‘Boca Raton – doesn’t that mean ‘the rat’s mouth’? Somehow I doubt that Walter’s coming back from the rat’s mouth. It seems to suit him.’ (Insert mischievous smile.)

She used to play piano and appreciates music, and speaks a little German. She’s a curator for a small fine arts museum, and her specialty is European furniture from the 16ththru 19th centuries. She’s travelled extensively over the years, sometimes to rough places hoping to uncover dusty family heirlooms and the like.

As we exchanged details over lunch she told me that she and Walter had a child, a daughter. Their daughter was killed ten years ago in a car accident at the age of sixteen when a classmate drunkenly crashed a car full of post-prom kids into a tree. The daughter lingered on life support for a week, an agonizing eternity where her mother was forced to question and eventually abandon her faith and hope.

It has been years since that happened, she told the story factually, without much emotion, but it was then I realized what I saw in her, what really touched me – there seemed to be a sadness in her that connected with my own. There was something deep, permanent, irrevocable in her, something hidden by the scars that time accretes on our soul, but beneath which lives the dulled sense memory of searing pain that can never be forgotten.

She came over just this past Tuesday night – the circumstances and logistics seemed to present themselves, a coincidence and an opportunity. It was so cold that we agreed we’d order Chinese food, a so-very-New York thing to do.

Candles flickered on the table in my apartment as the heat from the register struggled to keep us warm, and gently nudged the flames atop the wicks. The Empire State building literally shimmered on the horizon, the air so cold that the light from its tower danced and wavered as it sped through the subfreezing ether.

She wore a dress, a dress like a real woman, and when she turned away from me I could see underneath the fabric the garter stays that held up her stockings, as if they were beckoning me. When we sat on the couch after dinner she asked me to put my arm around her, to warm her, she said.

Afterwards, hours later, we curled in bed and talked, almost all night, the rug burns on my knees a mark of our pleasure, the yin and yang like the sweet and sour soup we shared for dinner. I want to describe for you the spectacular sex, how her moans echoed in my ears and were seared into my memory, burying my aches, how the cold and her passion made the points on her chest swell like her body was reaching out to me, how I erupted in a fit of pent-up need and desire and made rivers run, how her heart was pounding after she came, like a Valentine’s Day cartoon on a sproingy bouncy spring. But there I go again, like a man, getting into the biomechanics of it all.

Sometime around two a.m. I lit the last taper candle in the apartment and put another blanket on the bed, crawling back under the covers. She rested her head against my scarred chest and ran her fingers thru the graying curly hair that covers me to my neck. As she moved her fingers aimlessly over my chest, she whispered so low I could barely hear her – ‘I needed you to touch me as much as you needed me to touch you.’ My search is over.

Of course, my dear reader, none of this is true – I just wish it were. Well, almost none of it is true. The only true part is about Mrs. Robinson, who after a couple of drinks too many wandered out to look for her cat and died in the cold, though she never really felt a thing. Because that is how life really is – or is it?

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Greedy Girls Night part 2

After that very horny night, i awoke when i hear the front door close, i looked through the blinds to see the three guys leave, Lesley & Martin were still sleeping so i left them to it & went in the guest bedroom to see Shirley who was sound asleep so i slid in the still wet bed to hold her, i was amazed to see her body covered in deep purple love bites, i uncovered her completely & her upper thighs & groin was the same, they really had their way with her, i licked at her...

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My friends dad 13

Then the minister told us to start giving our vows. “John I first met you a few years ago. Jeanette introduced us, then of course I had no idea that someday we'd both be standing right here, but we are. We love each other and want nothing more than to spend the rest of our lives together. I know this baby will be our baby together. We'll both love him or her as much as we possibly can. I wanna go down this road with you because I truly do love you. I think I've fallen more and more in love with...

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An Acquired Taste

????? The best thing about Janie is that you can see her every emotion in her face.? She has about as much chance of hiding her feelings, let alone prevaricating, as a toddler.? This makes it easy to punish her with precision.????? As delightfully frustrated and sorrowful as Janie can appear, her enslavement to me was voluntary.? We didn?t do everything conventionally; I didn?t make her sign a contract, for instance.? She thinks the evolution of our relationship was her idea, but once I...

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Fernanda Peituda Safada hottest stories

Following are all real life encounters!You can also be part of it if you meet Fernanda (nickname Peituda Safada) in Brazil!Fernanda gangbangedThey were 15 guys, they leave me out in a Nightclub in São Paulo where I worked as dancer also. We go to a house of one from this guys, there we stayed in big room, in middle was a normal table, I had to go first on table with my short shirt on and dance for them, the guys were sitting around me and pulled out their cocks and wanked them by looking how I...

4 years ago
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With Strength and SteelChapter 5

"Feeling any better?" Marcus asked as I emerged from my room in yet another hotel, wrapped in a fluffy robe and towels. Making a non-committal noise, I joined him for breakfast. Our foray into the Demon Realm had gone well. Camilla and Hunter had taken us at our word, contacting the main Matriarch, Charlotte, and immediately taking action. The Demon rulers themselves were just about what I'd expected - attractive, powerful and aloof, spending most of our dinner asking about the current...

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The Company of Wolves

-Mark Twain, "What is Man?" *** "What‘s wrong with ‘The Wolf Man‘?" The apartment was quiet. The lights were turned down low. Sean sat on the couch, a respectable distance from Nia, sipping his wine slowly so that he wouldn't lose his head. "There's nothing wrong with it,” he said. “I just would have gone with something a little more highbrow." "But it's a classic!" "So is my father's Yugo, but I wouldn't want people seeing that on the first date." Nia slid...

2 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 22

In a dark room no actual light escaping the recess of the place, a man was awaiting the part of his personality that was being returned today. With the knowledge they would gain they should be able to end this idiot that was claiming to be the rightful Emperor. The other man in the room though unhappy had followed the orders of the sect's leader, shaking slightly the man thought to go against the leader was to invite death. They had received word that the agent had retrieved the information...

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Dannys Mom Part 4 of 6

Danny's Mom - Part 4 of 6 In which Danny's Mom sees his breasts for the first time, Danny learns the cause of the changes in his body, has an embarrassing incident at a restaurant, begins to use the name of Danni, gets a new hairstyle, has his first date with Craig, and wears high heels for the first time. December Well, Mom can't ignore the situation any more. I was standing in the bathroom this morning, wearing only my panties while I dried my hair. All of a sudden the door...

2 years ago
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i feel like a robot or zombie though a beli

dear to whomsoever it may concern: I myself being as I am of my person who chooses to remain anonymous for some, or such reason/s, &/or purpose/s for that being of the person of my same self having said so being of which is self-explanatory, or to simply say a no-brainer, & as 'the little brother' of the former, or ex 'prez-of-d.c.' as in former, or ex president of the u.s.a., united states of america, would like to bring it being as it is of some, or of such matters to mind, &...

3 years ago
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University Life First Ch 15

I’ve noticed that not everyone is too happy with the way Nens has turned out to be/is turning out to be, and I can understand why one would feel that way. But let’s not forget, everyone can’t be the strong heroine Annette is in Silver Eyes. Life’s like that, some people are fearless and some aren’t. Especially in the situation that I’ve put Nens in. I wish I could change stuff and write the way everyone wants me to but that just means I’m not being true to myself. I just write whatever pops...

3 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 16

We wandered around underneath the stadium and made our way under the concrete mass through a maze of corridors until we got to the one special door I was looking for. I knocked on the Clubhouse door and the guard opened it. He greeted me with a big smile and a slap on the back. He was sort of deaf and spoke very loud. "Lar, good to see you, guy!" he said in his normal booming voice. "You don't come around much anymore. Coach said you'd be here tonight, though. Come on in, come in!" He...

4 years ago
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A girl experiences the ultimate pleasure

Her hart pounds in her chest. Her breath deepens and she can feel her breasts arch higher with every single breath. Her skin becomes clammy with sweat and she begins to shack in anticipation. She wants it, she wills it to happen, her mind consumed by it. She yearns for her desire to be quenched. She closes her eyes and waited. Fingers settle on the buttons of her shirt and slowly they begin unbuttoning her. Her breathing becomes even deeper and her breasts swell under her shirt with...

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The Watcher part 1

It was 2 days before Easter and the weather forecast was looking good. "We've both got a week with no work" said Karen, my wife. "Let's go away for a few days. My sister's caravan is free, I've already asked her". Her sister Gail had bought a caravan on the East coast, but not in some noisy resort, it was a little inland from the sea. Although I don't usually like caravans, and in the past had made excuses not to go, this time I decided on the easy way out and a quiet life. We arrived at lunch...

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My Fantasy

When I was a teenager, well 12 or 13 years old my best friend ****d me. This is a true story. I was at my friends house visiting while my mom ran her errands. His dad and step mom were at work so we were at his house alone.After I was there for a while, he started to wrestle me. I took him down to the floor and felt his hardon rub against my arm. I got up and jumped away from him being shocked at his obvious arousal. He tried to grab me but I ran from him through the house. He caught me and...

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Rich Redhead goes Black again

Angela who is 29 year old professional from a great background who is really pale white with red hair had her 1st black dick from this 18 year old named Tyrone. As I mentioned in my 1st post she had just met him in her backyard one hot summer day. She got seduced by his thuggish ways and ended up getting fucked raw dog in her bedroom by him. The next day she called one of girlfriends who was a bit swanky about the encounter. Her friend was jealous and told her she should text him and see if...

4 years ago
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SLuT9 pt 13

"Jennifer" Thursday, December 21st. Early afternoon A few minutes later, they pulled into the long driveway that led to Jennifer's house. The house was a large white home with two levels above ground and two more hidden underneath. Dave had once asked how many rooms the large Italian villa style home had. Jennifer's only answer was "Too many. I never counted." Dave stopped the car in front of the front door. The doors opened and his two nieces came running out, followed closely by...

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Taking a Steam the Sequel

Andrew started waking with me in the early mornings, lying in the bed and watching me dress in my bathing suit and denim dress. He smiled as I walked back and forth past him. He liked to tease me, try to get me excited, often rubbing his hard cock against me as I brushed my teeth. Then, he would kiss me lovingly and send me, all aroused, to the gym for my workout. My steam room lover never returned, although I watched hopefully for her day after day. Finally, I resigned myself to the fact that...

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Poker Night Part 2

Poker Night - Part 2Those next two weeks were extremely awkward at home. I didn't hear from any of the guys once, but that didn't matter I was thinking about them all the time. I couldn't stop daydreaming about the blowjob I gave Larry, and stressing about the message Chuck sent me. I was freaking out thinking my wife was gonna find out. I should have deleted the video he sent me right away, but I kept watching it. Over and over and over....Determined to prove I wasn't gay, I took out my sexual...

4 years ago
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Sophie and the SupergirlsChapter 6

Kim and Georgie and the others clustered round, concerned by the girls’ state. The hermies were so empathetic; really they were too nice to be true. Alex and Robin went off to find some food for them. And too nice to survive on their own, Sophie reflected a few minutes later, sipping the smoothie Alex and Robin had made. They had no aggression whatsoever, it seemed. She was sitting on a bed next to Effie, with one hand on her lovely meaty thigh. She had to know. “So,” she looked at Kim,...

4 years ago
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Mr Fixit Chapter 1

My entire career as an engineer was spent at sea. I am retired now but at the time of the events I am writing about,I was in my early forties. I was at home on leave, and my wife was at work. Being a ship's engineer meant that I had the experience of repairing all kind of machinery, which on a ship, meant anything from the main engines to a vacuum cleaner or the galley bread maker. These skills transferred home and I was often asked by friends and neighbours to repair stuff for them.My...

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How I Stole Someonersquos GF At Office And Fucked Her

Hi I am Hunter ( Name Changed ) from Navi Mumbai. This Story Is From The Time When I Have Gone For Interview At Reputed Vehicle Showroom For Back Office executive In 2013. I Met A Girl Name Janvi At Reception, She Was Well Maintained Girl In Perfect Shape Of Body.( Inside my mind shouting that I want to fuck her) Interview Done I Have Got Selected For The Job. Now I was looking for a chance to talk with her, somehow she called me on office phone if I have required something, I have replied that...

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Rockys Kingdom Ch 08

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the eighth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief — you could call him a pimp in other circumstances — of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

1 year ago
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Crazy Family Wedding 8211 Part 4 BDSM Punishment

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I hope this series has been entertaining and you are ready for some BDSM punishment Thank you all for the feedback and reviews! Recap – Selena caught Patrick and me sneaking into the house after we had sex in his car. She sent Patrick back to his room and dragged me outside, and we drove off. I looked at aunt Selena, and she was furious. Her face had almost turned red because of the anger. She didn’t say a single word for almost half the trip, which I...

1 year ago
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MylfBlows Sovereign Syre Sticky Cream Connoisseur

When Sovereign Syre looks at you with those pale eyes, she can absolutely melt your heart. Especially when she has your dick in her mouth! This MILF is a cocksucking connoisseur and watching her work is an absolute thing of magic. The way she seems to delight in every inch of a thick prick makes her a fellatio phenom. Today, she gives our stud the star treatment, slobbering on his schlong while he sits back and relaxes. She even squeezes her beautiful boobs together and lets him titty fuck her....

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Mom

My name is Frank im a twenty year old student living at home with my mom,dad,brothers and sister.The incedent happened three weeks after my eighteenth birthday when I was in my room on my day off work having a good pull on my cock watching Amber Lynn Bachs tits bounce on my laptop screen while everybody was away to work or.As I was pulling my cock I noticed that it was hard as a rock but my spit was drying up and I needed a drink to make more spit. So I decided to go down stairs to get a drink...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 14

Part 14“Candy it is!”We had been driving for around 2 hours, mostly on the highway.“I'm getting hungry. Let's take a break!”“Yeah, I could really use a coffee too!” I said.“Good! Let’s hold at the next gas station!”After 10 minutes of driving, we turned off to the gas station and found a place to park. He quickly jumped out and got my heels for me, and opened the door for me again.“I got you, Candy! You just sit there with your feet turned to me!”I turned around on the seat. The car was pretty...

1 year ago
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Our Little Secret

100% fiction. Everyone is is 18 or older. Enjoy! I guess i'm going to say it all started 5 years ago. In late July of 2007, I was with a girl named “Kathy”. We have been dating for little over a year now. Due to a past of a drug and alcohol problem, I just started getting most of my friends and family back. (I have been sober for at least a year now.) My cousin “Megan” gave me a call and asked “Hey! How would you guys like to come to my house? I am having a little get together!” Mind you at...

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Aaron carefully made his way into the dark, abandoned warehouse. This handsome-looking blonde-haired, blue-eyed young guy was nervous. He had not yet found Jeremy. Granted, he could barely see 10 feet in front of his face, but he had searched nearly every room in the building. There was one door at the end of the hallway that was unchecked. As Aaron approached the door, he looked down at how he was dressed and realized how ridiculous this would look to an outside observer. There was something...

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