Homosexuell indian porn

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune homme...je ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne devrait...plus tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

4 years ago
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Stories of Slaves

Dies ist eine Ansammlung von Geschichten über Subs und Doms, über Sklaven und ihre Meister, ob hetereo oder homosexuell. Jeder kann seine eigene Geschichte verfassen, solange diese Unterwerfung, Domination, Sklaven oder jede andere Art von BDSM enthält.

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To The Max Pumpen und Saline Teil2

To The MaxCopyright by OctiliPersonen: (genauer in der Vorgeschichte)Ich selbst: 43, geschieden, sportliche Figur, Bi, freiberuflicher ProgrammiererMischa: 42, geschieden, androgyner Typ, Doktor der Medizin und Chemie, freiberuflich tätig.Jean-Paul: 35, homosexuell, Modedesigner und SchneiderHeike: 36, nicht gebunden, bi, Angestellte von J-PMischa hatte seine Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der hormonellen Geschlechtsangleichung in den letzten Monaten immer wieder verfeinert. Er war mittlerweile in...

4 years ago
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Katrin ein M dchen setzt sich durch

Hier ist meine erste Geschichte. Orte, Handlung und Personen sind frei erfunden und ist reines Kopfkino, Anregungen und ernst gemeinte Kritiken sind erw?nscht. Ich mag kein DENGLISCH und habe, auch zum besseren Verst?ndnis, die einzelnen Dialoge der Jugendlichen in meiner Muttersprache Deutsch geschrieben. Es werden sexuelle Handlungen beschrieben, daher ist die Geschichte f?r Kinder und Jugendliche nicht geeignet! Diese Geschichte darf von jedem Interessierten unter Angabe von H...

4 years ago
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MelinaMelina lie? sich im weichen Leder der R?ckbank des Mercedes zur?cksinken. Sie hatte schlechte Laune und war ungl?cklich. Au?er ihr war nur noch der Chauffeur im Auto. Es ging Richtung Schottland, zum l?ndlichen Anwesen ihres Onkels. Sie trug einen fast knielangen rosafarbenen Rock, eine wei?e Bluse und Sandaletten, ebenfalls in rosa.Melina ist 1,76 m gro?, hat blonde, bis unter die Schultern reichende Haare und eine tolle Figur. Mit ihren Ma?en 88 – 58 – 90 ist sie ein echter Blickfang und ihre K...

2 years ago
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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

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Un destin boulevers

Un destin boulevers?. R?cit d'Evan. Que m'est-il arriv?? Des mois apr?s le d?but de cette histoire sordide, je n'ai toujours pas compris. J'ai beau essayer d'expliquer que c'est une erreur, que quelqu'un m'a fait une blague de mauvais go?t, personne ne me croit. J'en suis arriv? ? douter de moi-m?me. Mes meilleurs amis, le coach de mon club de foot, et m?me ma famille m'ont trait? comme si j'?tais un monstre. Emilie, ma copine, que j'aimais par-dessus tout, m'a aussi laiss? tomber! C'est un c...

2 years ago
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Auf der Preisgala

Ich war wieder mal auf einer dieser langatmigen Preisgalas unterwegs. Nach zwanzig Jahren als Musikmanager hatte ich diese ewig gleichen Rituale der Selbstbeweihräucherung ziemlich über und musste mich ziemlich überwinden, um dort aufzutauchen. Aber sehen und gesehen werden gehört schließlich zum Geschäft und wenigstens gibt es auf solchen Veranstaltungen immer genügend zu essen und zu trinken. Nachdem ich mit ein paar Kollegen den neuesten Szeneklatsch ausgetauscht und einige Freibierchen...

4 years ago
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Wars das

Titel: War's das? (Original-)Dateiname: war's-das.txt Geschrieben am: 2001-10-22 (da war ich wohl nicht so gut drauf *grins*) Autor(in): 'Lisa (17)' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 4 5 Face au Miroir

Chapitre 4: Face au miroir ********* Vendredi 6 f?vrier Hugo s'habilla, alla chercher son eau comme chaque matin, se lava, comme d'habitude, puis se pr?senta ? 10h comme pr?vu. Julia ?tait seule. Elle avait l'air tr?s excit?e de le voir. Il devait lui dire. - Aur?lia! Aur?lia! - Coucou, Julia! - Ohhhh, comme tu es bronz?e! Je suis trop contente de te voir! Alors raconte la Guadeloupe! C'?tait bien! - Oui, c'?tait super! Mais je dois te di...

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Hugo Chapitre 5 5 Trois femmes et une corde

Chapitre 5: Trois femmes et une corde Derni?re semaine Le lendemain, Hugo se r?veilla avec une douleur sourde ? l'anus et aux pieds. Il se souvint imm?diatement de ce qu'il avait fait, de tout ce que ceci signifiait. Il eut une envie de pleurer, mais qui fut tr?s vite compens?e par le souvenir du plaisir qu'il avait ressenti, si bien qu'il d?cida qu'il n'y avait rien de honteux ou de mal ? ce qu'il avait fait. Il sentait comme un monde s'?crouler en lui pour rena?tre ? nouveau. ...

2 years ago
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Der Geist von Halloween

Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz http://diggerman.deviantart.com/art/Date-Night-Drag-Queen-Girlfriend- 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...

3 years ago
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Mias Verwirrung

Mia war auf dem Nachhauseweg, als eine dunkle Limousine neben ihr hielt. "Mia Sanderson?", fragte ein Mann, der aus der Beifahrert?r gesprungen war. "Ja", sagte Mia. "Darf ich Sie bitten, kurz mit uns mitzukommen. Es gibt da wahrscheinlich ein Missverst?ndnis Ihre Person betreffend. Aber das wird sich bestimmt ganz schnell aufkl?ren." Der Mann zeigte ihr einen Ausweis, und ?ffnete die Hintert?r. Er deutete mit der Hand in Richtung R?cksitz und l?chelte freundlich. "Wie gesagt, es handelt sich h?chst w...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Trois moments de la vie de Camille

Cette histoire est inspir?e d'une histoire vraie. C'?tait un 28 avril. C'?tait un samedi apr?s-midi. Deux personnes arriv?rent sous une pluie battante ? l'?cole Delacroix, prot?g?es sous un parapluie rouge et blanc. La femme ?tait jeune, ? peine 30 ans. A c?t? d'elle, une petite fille de 5, 6 ou 7 ans, peut-?tre, dont la natte brune rebondissait ? chaque petit saut qu'elle faisait pour ?viter les flaques et dont le cir? vert pomme contrastait avec le gris des murs. Brune aussi ?tait la m?re, avec des yeux bleus ...

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Eiffel eacute pisode 1

Eiffel – Chapitre 1Cette histoire qui a changé ma vie se déroule à un moment où j’enchaîne des missions d’audit pour un grand éditeur de logiciel dans le coin du champ de Mars. Provincial et pas forcément très liant avec les employés de l’éditeur du fait de mon travail, j’ai pris l’habitude le midi de déjeuner en flânant vers la tour Eiffel et le Trocadéro.J’y observe avec amusement le jeu du chat et de la souris entre les policiers et les nombreux vendeurs à la sauvette africains qui tentent...

2 years ago
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Amis d enfance

Amis d'enfance. Quand j'y pense, c'est ?tonnant que Christian et moi soyons si proches. Nous n'avons rien en commun. Christian est tr?s sportif, il est grand, viril et muscl?. Il est le type m?me du beau mec qui fait craquer les filles. Je ne sais pas combien de copines il a connu... Je les ai pratiquement toutes rencontr?es, mais j'ai renonc? ? les compter. De mon c?t?, j'?tais plut?t petit et malingre. Je cachais mon visage encore enfantin derri?re de grosses lunettes qui faisaient de moi une caricatu...

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Le Journal de Thomas

Le Journal de Thomas. Cette histoire est racont?e principalement ? partir de l'extrait de deux journaux. Celui de Thomas, et de Nicolas. Journal de Thomas - 31 Ao?t Aujourd'hui, je suis arriv? en ville pour le rendez-vous avez l'agence. Ils avaient trouv? pour moi une location parfaite. Ni trop loin de la boulangerie, ni loin du bus qui m'am?nera au lyc?e pour les cours. Mais je devrais pr?ciser qu'il s'agissait d'une colocation. Et quelle colocation! Il s'agit d'une grosse et vieille maison, je...

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FBMO Club For Black Men Only

(subbi42© gefunden bei literotica.com und leicht abgewandelt)So hatte ich mir mein Leben nicht vorgestellt, als ich von zu Hause in die Großstadt in eine eigene Wohnung wegzog und endlich frei sein wollte. Schnell waren meine Ersparnisse aufgebraucht und vielfach vergeblich hatte ich mich um einen Job bemüht. Jetzt stand mir das „Wasser bis zum Hals" und meine Lage war mehr als verzweifelt. Ein Job musste her, egal was auch immer. In dieser Stimmung sah ich in der U-Bahn als ich einstieg ein...

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Les f minisatrices pisode 4 Doria

R?sum? de l'?pisode 3: Michelle Le secret de Michelle avait ?t? d?couvert par ses parents. Son p?re r?agit avec une grande violence, et sa m?re, apr?s avoir d'abord ?t? horrifi?e par la f?minisation de son fils, d?cida de totalement soutenir son enfant, et de divorcer de son mari brutal. Nicole et Michelle se rapproch?rent durant ces ?preuves et les deux gar?ons f?minis?s devinrent tr?s amis. Nicole rencontra ?galement pour la premi?re fois Sylvie, la gyn?cologue qui fournissait son traitement hormonal. Apr?s une ?trange consult...

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Mein neues Leben

Tag 0 (Samstag) Mein Name ist Frank Heinrichs und ich bin reich. Ich bin nicht reich geboren, sondern habe mir alles hart erarbeitet. Erst als Investmentbanker bei Goldman & Sachs und anschlie?end selbstst?ndig. Au?erdem hatte ich Gl?ck, das muss ich ganz klar sagen. Aber ich habe auch K?pfchen und den Mut meine Pl?ne umzusetzen. Nun bin ich 38 Jahre alt und habe 150 Mio. Euro auf der Bank. Ich gehe nicht mehr arbeiten, sondern genie?e das Leben. Frauen sind meine gro?e Leidenschaft. Das Ge...

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Schwarzer Samt Deutsch German

?Das traust du dich nicht Schwarzer Samt?Das traust du dich nicht!?Sie hatte Recht. Sie h?tte Recht gehabt. Aber ihr Tonfall war einfach ein wenig zu schnittig und herausfordernd gewesen. Und wie sie da stand in der Umkleide des Tenniscenters, und halb in dem engen Top steckte, die H?nde in den ?rmeln feststeckten, da ?berkam mich etwas. Seltsames. Sie hatte mich durch den Squash-Court gejagt und nach Strich und Faden abgezogen. Wir hatten geduscht, und wie sie so war, zu hastig und impu...

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La mont e du d sir

Ce premier chapitre, présentant les acteurs et les circonstances des fâcheux événements qui s'ensuivront est peu chargé en véritables descriptions sexuelles, de fait l'auteur semble avoir voulu mettre en évidence la montée du désir entre deux personnes amies qui ne de prime abord ne se convoitaient ni l'un ni lautre. * C'était la dernière semaine que Chris passait avec Lisa e Dave en tant qu'invité. Il avait déjà passé deux semaines de bon temps avec eux. Dave était un grand ami...

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Jeu La pire journ e de ma vie

Cette histoire est un jeu, merci d'activer le bouton "start game" sinon vous risquez de lire une histoire décousue. Il s'agit ici de non consentement, il y aura donc du viols, du chantage, de l'humiliation,... Si ce n'est pas votre tasse de thé, passez votre chemin. Et pour changer un peu, la victime sera un homme, il y aura donc des accouplements homosexuels, de la femdom,... Si ce n'est pas votre tasse blablabla. Le jeu est en cours de développement et n'est donc pas fini. La suite arrivera...

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St Bruno

Par une belle journée d'automne, je décide d'aller me promener au parc du Mont St-Bruno. Après avoir payé, je me stationne et commence ma marche. Je croise des chevreuils, vraiment pas peureux et quelques personnes. J'arrive près du petit lac, je m'assieds pour savourer ce silence qui fait du bien, je me ferme les yeux et me penche par en arrière pour profiter du soleil. Au bout d'un certain temps, j'ouvre les yeux et vois un homme assis près de moi, je ne l'avais pas entendu arrivé, il me...

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Fous de la chirurgie

Fous de la chirurgie par BlowMuP (c)2002 "Alors? Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?" demanda Marie-?ve en sortant du bureau du chirurgien. "Je les adore, j'ai tr?s h?te de les essayer," r?ponda Martin "Les essayer? Tu n'es qu'un pervers, Martin Fraser, indomptable petit cochon," le r?primanda-t-elle avec un sourire en coin. Martin Fraser et Marie-?ve Rivest s'?taient tout les deux trouv?s une passion commune pour la chirurgie. Leurs salaires respectifs leur permettant, le couple se mit ? jou...

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Sylvie 1

Happy new year! Bonne et heureuse Ann?e 2008! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes premiers r?cits. J'ai ?t? tr?s amus? par vos remarque concernant "Ma fille Manon", parce qu'en ?crivant cette histoire, je me suis pos? exactement les m?mes questions que vous: quels sont les sentiments de Manon? Je vais donc tr?s ce...

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Moi une demoiselle d honneur

I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes autres histoires. Je serais toujours tr?s content de recevoir vos critiques afin de continuer ? progresser dans mon ?criture. Merci en particulier ? JP. J'essaie de tenir compte de tes remarques constructives. C'est difficile de trouver un ?quilibre entre le rythme de l'histoi...

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L ducation de Dominique

Aujourd'hui, c'est un grand jour pour moi car je vais rencontrer ma ma?tresse et entrer en fonction comme secr?taire-esclave. J'en suis fier mais laiss? moi vous contez comment tout cela est arriv?. Je m'appelle Dominique, j'ai 22 ans et je suis le cadet d'une famille de 4 enfants. Je n'ai que des s?urs et nous avons ?t? ?lev?s par notre m?re, notre p?re ?tant d?c?d? 1 an apr?s ma naissance. Nous n'avons jamais manqu? de rien car notre famille est ais?e. Mes s?urs se pr?nomment, Anne, Lise et Beth. J'ai toujour...

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Un secret de famille

Un secret de famille. Je m'appelle Michel, j'ai trente-deux ans. Je suis employ? dans un grand magasin. Aline, ma femme, travaille ? mi-temps au m?me endroit que moi, et nous ?levons nos deux enfants. La banalit? affligeante de ma vie m'a sans doute pouss? ? me passionner pour les secrets de famille de mes amis, au point de parfois ?tre tr?s indiscret. J'avais l'impression qu'ils avaient une vie ?tonnante en comparaison de la mienne. La seule "originalit?" de ma famille ?tait le fait que mon p?re soit beauco...

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De haut en bas Part 1

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La transfo...

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D terminisme naturel 1

D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la m...

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H tel Coccinelle chapitre 2

H?tel Coccinelle : Chapitre 2 : premi?re journ?e de service Cette journ?e de formation avait ?t? ?reintante et forte en ?motion. J'essayais de trouver le sommeil dans mon lit mais les souvenirs se bousculaient dans ma t?te. Vincent, lui n'avait pas demand? son reste et s'?tait abandonn? dans les bras de Morph?e. Le speech de J.M avec tous les serveurs dans l'uniforme du club chacun n'osant pas croiser le regard sur l'autre de peur d'esquisser un sourire malencontreux avait ?t? un grand moment. Je me disais q...

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Hugo Chapitre 3 5 Malaise

Partie 3 : Malaise L'a?roport arriva tr?s vite. Il faisait tr?s chaud. Et il pleuvait. Ils se pr?cipit?rent dans le hall sous des rideaux de pluie, puis vers le bus qui les conduisait ? leur h?tel de Basse-Terre. Au bout de 10 minutes, Hugo d?testait d?j? cet endroit, il se sentait suer de partout, ? moins que ce ne soit l'humidit?. Au bout d'une heure, il tomba litt?ralement amoureux du paysage fantastique de l'ile. C'?tait la basse saison. Les h?tels ?taient en partie vides, et le leur n'?chappait pas ? la r?gle. Ils ?ta...

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D terminisme naturel 5

Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...

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La th rapie

La th?rapie Depuis toujours, Marc, 14 ans, n'avait connu que sa m?re Elise ?g?e de 39 ans. Elle l'?levait seule depuis la mort de son mari mais ne manquait pas d'argent. Elle avait toujours dit qu'elle n'aurait plus de compagnon, tellement affect?e par la perte du p?re de Marc, et basait tous les espoirs de r?ussite en son fils. H?las depuis plusieurs mois, celui-ci semblait renferm? et parlait de moins en moins. Lui qui, petit, ?tait si enjou?, sa gait? avait disparu petit ? petit avec la pubert? et il s'enfer...

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Eric Erica en francais

Eric Erica (en francais)Eric, 18 ans depuis trois semaines, bon c?ur mais incurable r?veur et incorrigible romantique, ne faisait rien de sa vie. Rien de rien, incapable de se fixer ou de fixer son attention, archi largu? au lyc?e, non pas stupide mais jamais pr?sent, toujours r?fugi? dans son monde imaginaire. Eric ?tait diff?rent. Cette diff?rence, son p?re, ancien officier reconvertit dans l’industrie et sa m?re, une catholique bigote, tous deux issus d’une stricte bourgeoisie conservatrice, ne l’admettaient pas e...

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Parler?! Raconter vite?! Dire ce qui m’est arrive parce que tout ? l’heure je sens qu’ils vont venir et que ce sera mon tour. La fin du chemin d’une pute.La rencontre C’?tait il y a ... Je ne sais m?me plus pr?cis?ment. J’ai perdu le lien, le sens m?me du temps qui est pass?. Dix ans?? Je dois avoir environ 36 ou 37 ans maintenant. Peut ?tre? J’?tais un jeune ing?nieur, un jeune cadre, r?cemment sorti d’?cole. J’ai trouv? un travail imm?diatement, tr?s correctement pay?, ? Lyon, dans le centre ville. Une grande entreprise intern...

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Copyright 2001, swl, all right reserved including the normal copyright protection of Anya, grandmother, and the SRU Wizard that the creators have of these characters except: 1 Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story. 2 As some of these characters are real people, permission is given to them to use any of us in their own story weather or not this is a continuation. There is still the restriction of veto power by the real person. 3. Permission is given to the reader...

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School Nurse Confidential Ch 2

My heart was thumping and my palms were sweaty as I presented Mr. Brundowski with my appointment slip. He eyed me suspiciously, but wrote me a pass to go to the nurse’s office anyway. It wasn’t that I was getting out of Geometry class that had me so excited; it was that I was going to see Nurse Cady again. I must have jerked off to thoughts of her at least a hundred times in the past five days. I forced myself to stop yesterday so I could save up a nice load for her in case there was a repeat...

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It Had to Happen

What a lady, what a night! No better way to describe the amazing experience from last night. I’ve pined for her for so many years and now that she’s living at home, my desire & lust have spiked on an exponential scale. The short skirts, the skimpy dresses, the occasional cleavage, the accidental rubs against her boobs, the illusion of some very fine tits, and my favorite, the seemingly intentional up-skirt panty sighting. It’s fair to say that she’s been on my mind almost 24×7 and I’d jump at...

3 years ago
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The Island

På ön vaknar du, du ligger på en strand det är varmt och du hör havets vågor slå mot land, ett vanligtvis härligt ljud, men nu är du mest förvånad över var du är och varför. Du tänker för dig själv högt "hur kom jag hit?".

2 years ago
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FilthyFamily Lexi Luna Harmony Wonder 3Some With Step Sister And Step Mom

Harmony Wonder loves messing around with her step brother, Ricky Spanish. Doing everything from spying on him while he showers to bothering him as he tries to do his homework. This particular day, She snuck under the table at breakfast and decided to suck his cock. Once he noticed, he went along with it, trying not to make it obvious to their step mom, Lexi Luna, who happen to be behind them. Eventually, the step mom got closer to him and started hitting on him, not knowing what was going on...

3 years ago
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The Case of the Forged Will a Michelle Hammer P I Case

Michelle's the name, Michelle Hammer, I'm a private investigator. I get the goods on cheating spouses, thieving employees and track down deadbeats. It's not glamorous, but it pays the bills. I was a cop for ten years and damn good one. Then one night my partner and I responded to a fight call at a dance club in the warehouse district. By the time we got there, it was a real brawl. Most of the fighting stopped once we showed up inside, but two males was still goin' at it. My partner Rico...

4 years ago
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Caught Wanking 4 Home Alone Again

They were both cock-hungry but were planets away from being on the same page. That was good for me as she would then come over more often than not and complain about him, before ending with us fucking each other’s brains out. Then one day there was a huge argument next. Doors were slammed with a lot of yelling, then sudden silence. Then there was a pounded on my door. It was Gina, with her kids. “I sorry but I’ve had enough of the faggot shit, I will be going away to mom’s for a month to...

3 years ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 4

In the next room, looking through a peep hole, Tyrone, Quanesha’s Black Daddy chuckled to himself. He couldn’t believe how these naive white sluts bought into that racism bullshit. He also continued to be surprised that even very young teenage white girls were addicted to interracial porn. Quanesha was an expert at getting the sluts to first be ashamed of their whiteness and wanting to make amends and then dangling the carrot of fucking a big Black cock that they all fantasized about. Of...

3 years ago
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Goldy Locks and the three Behrs Part 2

Unbeknownst to the sleeping thief, the owners of the cabin were on their way home. Two burly men and one sultry brunette occupied the humble abode. All of them beautiful and tall. Each of them different in their own rites.  Max, the self proclaimed leader of the pack, led the group back from the emergency call in town. You see, all three lovelies had an equal partnership in the local construction company, but it was Max’s strong leadership skills that made the company successful. Rugged, but...

4 years ago
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Bengali Housewife

Hello everyone this is a story about a bengali housewife that I am going to narrate to you. I am sure u have read many stories related to them. And to be honest it is not a fault of the writers it is just that these women have a sex appeal that can melt even diamond. Before I start let me introduce myself. My name is Nitin im from Bangalore, im 29 year old man. Sex is not an obsession for me. But the whole idea of having sex and interacting intimately with another female makes me high. A female...

3 years ago
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masquerade party

DISCLAIMERS NOTE: INSPIRED BY THE SCENE FROM EYES WIDE SHUT IF YOU’VE SEEN IT YOU’LL KNOW WHAT I MEAN IF NOT I RECOMMEND IT (ABOUT 1 HOUR 40 MINS IN) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Carry was driving along when suddenly her car spluttered to a stop. “No, no, no!” she shouted banging the steering wheel. “you stupid piece of crap!” it was absolutely horrific weather outside but thankfully there was a big house just...

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LenaChapter 3

A whole day in town by myself. Lena’s graduation in in a couple of days. I had appropriate clothes for attending that function. No, I didn’t need a suit. This is a high school graduation in the Deep South. I had a short-sleeved business shirt that I intended on wearing without a tie. The light blue shirt and slacks would put me in the upper quintile of the audience. Had I worn a tie, I’d be a one percenter. Ah, well... Today, Lena’s in school, her last day before graduation. We have plans...

2 years ago
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Daddy Watches Me Part 5 Blowing Daddy in My Bed

I lied awake in my bed, surrounded by the darkness of the room, knowing that the love I had for daddy was more of a sexual one. Of course, I loved daddy in my heart, but our relationship was more of lust. I gave him something he wanted. Daddy gave me something I wanted. We were in a win-win situation. Everything had happened so quickly between me and daddy. Was it wrong? I did not think so. I was eighteen and very sexual. If daddy had not caught me on the couch that day with my legs spread, my...

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I was really young and was just a junior in high school. I had never had sex before and although I had been masturbating to my dad's porn magazines, I had never had the chance to get laid.I was straight but was always attracted to one magazine he had that feature bi couples. I was curious to know what it would be like to have a guys cock in my mouth and what I never realized at the time was that something was about to happen that would change my life.After football practice, I went home and...

4 years ago
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Demon s love

Al came into his apartment there waiting for him was his girlfriend Liz. She sat on the couch with her legs folded at the knee, sitting on her calves. She seemed to make herself small out of habit, she would be very cagey but Al accepted this would take time for them to get better acquainted before he knew the full story. "I got the movie!" He held up a DVD and she smiled a bit, Al felt like Liz was trying to be quiet but he could never find the words to tell her to let it out. So he just went...

3 years ago
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A very pleasant warm shower

Saturday morning; home alone again.I woke up and stretched my body onto the bed.As I was wondering about taking a warm shower or masturbate myself, my beloved hubby called me from his hotel out of town.Victor asked if everything was fine and I said yes of course; the only problem was I should touch myself, since he was far away, enjoying another boring business trip…Hubby laughed on the phone, begging me to think about him as I touched myself. Before hanging up, I told him that I needed to hit...

3 years ago
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Black StigmataChapter 6

Professor Nelson watched as debris and bodies were hauled away from the ruins of the prison. Rain was pouring from the early morning sky, yet the flames from the chaotic scene burned unhindered. They curled up around concrete and steel, reaching desperately for the sky in their insatiable hunger for air. The entire landscape had been essentially leveled, all grass and vegetation replaced with charred soil or blood-splattered rubble. It was around dawn, yet the black clouds held back the...

4 years ago
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Cumming in older womens Hands Edgeing for hours

Antonia opened the communal front door, greeting me in a summer’s mini-dress … which perhaps might look odd in this cold to passers-by. I followed her shashay up the stairs, entranced by her wiggling glutes. In the bedsit, Antonia kicked off with pleasant if rather random chat … amongst which there was a request for £90 and an instruction to then fully undress. Further babble … and I was then guided to lie prone on the bed, as I spotted Antonia discreetly set an alarm.As I made myself comfy on...

2 years ago
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Lorton Hears a Whooo

Were it quieter, one could have heard the soft pitter-patter of the rain off the metal roof. But it wasn't. There was scheduled to be 16 hours of this loud din, the hard vibrations, the shaking, the sudden lurching, and the bumping. CLACKITY CLACK CLACKITY CLACK! WHOOOOONK WHOOOONK! I was laying on my bed. I was happy. I wasn't sleeping, but boy was I happy. I was on the top bunk. I normally wouldn't sleep on the top bunk, but the light of my life, she had the tendency to fall out of bed...

4 years ago
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My Daughter Alison and her best friend Sarah s Treat

I walked past the room and had to do a double take. The door was slightly ajar and as the bed was opposite the door I noticed the duvet had been kicked off and Sarah was lying on her stomach with her legs spread. Her red nightdress had risen above her waist and her bare pussy was on clear show. I know I should have closed the door quietly and gone downstairs, but I stood mesmerised by the beautiful sight before me. Sarah was one of my daughter’s best friends and had been coming over to our...

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Laundry Day 3 Final Chapter

This is a total fantasy about a panty boy and his love of the garments that are part of his life. The final chapter of the Laundry Day story finds our friend Larry cross dressing and having sex with the young woman he met in the Laundromat. Hope you enjoy.My cock surged in my panties with the sight of the vintage lingerie in the package Ashley had left at my door. Yes, I have cross dressed through the years. And there were women in my life that I tried to encourage to accept my desire to dress....

3 years ago
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Es war ein kühler Sommertag im Juli, unsere Mutter war gerade verreist und so organisierten Annie und ich den lieben langen Tag alleine in unserer kleinen Berliner 3 Zimmerwohnung. Eine Woche war schon um, genug Zeit um die anfängliche Organisation durch alltägliches Chaos zu ersetzen... mein Name ist Jessica, ich bin 24 Jahre alt. Ich bin um 168 cm groß, habe lange blonde Haare und ein sommersprossiges Gesicht und eine helle Haut und habe eine weibliche runde Figur und weiche C-Brüste. Meine...

1 year ago
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A stranger in the dark

The living room was drenched in darkness, only the panting of her breath broke the silence. The blackout had been affecting the city for 6 hours, and showed no signs of relenting, the candles were almost melted to thier base and come midnight, there would be no light at all. Deciding that there was no point in fingering her pussy for the third time time that night, Carrie decides to take a stroll. Carrie was an attractive girl, 5 foot 7 inches tall, with striking blonde hair and startling blue...

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Family matters

Amy lies in her bed. It's a hot summer night and she can't sleep. She keeps tossing and turning. After an hour of this she decides to get a glass of water and gets out of bed. She walks towards the bathroom when she suddenly hears a strange noise coming from her parents bedchamber. She decides to inspect this noise and walks over the the bedroom door. The door is ajar and she can hear the noise clearer now. She peeks through the slit.

2 years ago
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The Girl Stories Mission 6

The night was calm, and Lilly got a good rest. In the morning, she was woken by one of the man, who decided to relive his morning wood in her pussy. "Ready for use" thought Lilly as the man unceremoniously shoved his dick inside her dry hole. By the time the camp was waking up, another man was raping her. She heard a commotion near one truck, as one of the men woke the three who passed out drunk beside the mattress, where Maryanne laid. --- "Idiots!" --- the man said in Spanish --- "Get...

4 years ago
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I Assfucked My Mindhacked Sister

"Brad!" a voice shouted from behind. Zack slapped Brad's shoulder good-naturedly. "So glad to see you out and about!" "Just wanted to get some fresh air, and to check your place out." "Make yourself at home, all food is on me." "Thanks, man." Just then, a shock of dark brown head appeared from the kitchen. Abigail. Even fully clothed, his sister’s body made an incredible impact on Brad. His cock throbbed at the sight of her halter top, clinging tightly against her massive...

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Hank is sitting in his favorite recliner, and Hank Junior and Jeff areservicing him good. Hank is 29, and he's raising his boys by himselfbecause his slut wife ran off. Hank Junior is twelve, and Jeff is ten, andthey love their daddy. They love their daddy so much that they like tokiss every part of his body. They like to touch every part of his body,because Hank is a steelworker and has big, big muscles to show for it.They particularly like to kiss and touch daddy's penis, because when...

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The Roofer by Theo

I decided to have some work done on the roof of my house, and was checking the yellow pages for local roofers.  Getting tired of making calls, I decided to take a drive into town to pick up some groceries.  As luck would have it, I saw a group of guys roofing one of my neighbor's houses.  Not seeing any signs on any of the trucks, I decided to stop and see if there was a number I could call to get an estimate.  One of the guys came over to me and handed me a card with the name "Fico's Roofers"...

4 years ago
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Earth s CoreChapter 6 Molten Core Causing Trouble

Indeed, the elder who measured Zax with a cold aura was the same one everyone talked about, Talhera's Mor and the creator of Kingdom Earth's best bodily refinement technique, Scarlet Armor. Zax glanced over at the elder. He had a stern look on his handsome face and sharp eyes. 'From how it seems, both of your Tals are present and one is even a participant... ' Zax gathered for what reason the elder has to be, or give the impression that he is, hostile toward him, but he was not a...

3 years ago
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
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First time at my birthday party with two male friends

I was the night of my birthday and I asked my mom if I could have two friends over for the night. She agreed and I called both Adam and Bradley over to see if they were free. To my excitement they were. Now i never thought about them in any way other than a friend but as the night grew we all began to explore each others fears, likes, dislikes, and eventually our bodies. As the night went on we all had the idea to stay up all night and watch old wrestling pay per views and play video games....

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Asshole Ko Pyaar Se Choda 8211 Part III

She was smelling great that day may be because of her peach body lotion gradually we held our hand and she put her legs on me and we started kissing Ruhi was sucking my lips so passionately my tongue was rubbing her tongue and saliva’s getting exchanged and her saliva tasted sweet because she was chewing Fruit chewing gum friends do try this better than a mouth freshener and we were kissing and hugging each other gently. I placed my hand inside her t-shirt from behind and started rubbing her...

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The Wedding Ch 17

Mike and Doris Rasmussen were getting ready to leave the wedding reception. Doris walked up to her husband, a veteran detective on the town’s police department, looking puzzled. ‘Have you seen Kelly?’ she asked. Kelly was her younger sister, who was married to a lawyer. The younger woman had ridden to the wedding with them because her husband was out of town on business. ‘Ah…no, why?’ Mike replied. ‘I can’t believe it,’ his wife continued. ‘I saw her a little while ago and, judging from the...

3 years ago
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***************************** This story was inspired by the Natalie Mars Video "My Robot wife" on Feminized.com ***************************** INITIATE BOOT UP SEQUENCE.......FEMBOT 69... Wait what's happening....I'm....I'm...!!!! REINITIATE BOOT UP SQUENCE.....FEMBOT 69. Yes I remember now, I'm a pleasure bot...programmed to give pleasure.....but wait that's not me.....I'm.....what am I? YOU ARE FEMBOT 69....FANTASY SHEMALE....PROGRAMMED TO PLEASURE YOUR SUPERIORS. But...

4 years ago
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“Are you wet?”I flushed. I was always embarrassed by the copious amount of fluid produced whenever I was aroused. “Feel.”His hand moved up under my skirt, finding the damp crotch of my panties, but that wasn’t enough. He shoved those roughly aside, seeking my inner heat, and I thrilled at the sharp intake of his breath in my ear when he discovered just how wet I really was.“Christ,” he murmured. “That’s a hot, wet little waterslide, isn’t it?”“Mmm-hmm,” I agreed, working his zipper one...

2 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 6 Kentucky

When I exited the locker room, I saw Tom standing back behind a crowd of parents and well-wishers. I was shocked when they all stopped talking and clapped. We had come very close to winning the game, but time ran out. I was still flying high after the thrill of scoring three touchdowns in ten minutes of play. I would replay the last play in my head for a very long time. I knew Bill was crushed he hadn't made it into the end zone, but we were lucky to even be in the game let alone have a...

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The Hitchhiker rsquo s Guide to Theater Sex

Not by us but too good not to share: Enjoy xxThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to Theater SexCopyright © 2003 The Thinking HorndogPursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. Reproduction for profit is forbidden. Any distribution must include this note and the author's email address. Don’t be caught attempting to make a buck off me!Warnings and disclaimers:This is adult entertainment! Be warned! If you’re not into graphic...

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When I enter I am momentarily overwhelmed by the hot air and seductive music that seems to never end. It's now after hours so he's alone in the studio, getting ready to tattoo my back. Over the months when I couldn't decide on the final design for my back tattoo we've become quite close, always sharing ideas and teasing each other. Now he's smiling crookedly at me and saying: “I was afraid you changed your mind.” “Never,” I reply with a wink. When I take off my coat he grunts with...

3 years ago
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Teacher Ki Problem Solve Ki

Hello friends i m nirmal frm jalandhar mai student hu aur sab log mujhe pyaar se jaggi bulate hai mai bohut h handsome aur good looking ladka hu mere lund ka size 8.5inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai meri umar 19 saal hai aur mai school main parh tai hu yeh meri first storu hai es site par…. Agar koi galti hue ho toh maaf kijie ga toh ab mai apko jyada borr nah krte hue apni story par le jata hu Yeh us samay ki baat hai jab mai 12stnd main tha tab hamare class main 1 science teacher hoti thi usko...

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LittleAsians Honey Gold Orgasmic Asian Sensation

Sometimes a hot girl can communicate all her sexual passion with a single look. Asian sex queen Honey Gold is one of those special ladies, and today she makes her hard dick desires clear as day. She bends over in a see through skirt as her pussy gets soaking wet. Then, she spreads her legs and pleasures herself sensually. When our stud shows up, she opens her throat for him to fuck her beautiful face. Then, she goes for an enthusiastic dick ride that makes her orgasm multiple times. This Asian...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary series S12 E20 Eva Straskova 30 from Notting Hill London

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a large, grey, concrete and glass building. Seven storeys high, each as boring and square as the last. If it wasn’t for the row of green trees planted in the wide pavement out front there wouldn’t be any colour here at all. We move toward the building and note that the ground floor windows are mirrored glass – briefly casting a reflection of our camera crew – as we approach a pair of glass double-doors. Stencilled on the glass, a very...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 105

Regan gave Andy a kiss on the cheek before darting into one of the many shops that surrounded the Renaissance Hotel. The rain had lessened so she had shucked her yellow slicker - giving it to Andy to carry with him. Andy watched Regan's butt as she hustled down the wet sidewalk - and noticed the taxi driver was doing the same. Regan turned and waved to Andy (or maybe the cab driver) just before she entered the store to purchase an umbrella. The poor weather meant there was no one camped out...

1 year ago
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Loving the Wounded pt 2 of Typical Teenybopper

I had no clue what Chris’s issue was. The most frustrating feeling to me is when the one you love most freezes her heart to you, melts enough so you can just taste her essence, then freezes again abruptly and attempts to smash her solid self. Chris had just been released from the hospital. When I asked her sister about Chris’s experience with her psychiatrist, her sister giggled at me. “Shrink? Hee hee! Her head is shrunk! Hee hee hee!” It’s fifteen-year-olds like this that ruin the general...

3 years ago
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Dance With a Deacon

My job on that cattle drive had been simple. I was the hired gun. Oh it wasn't as obvious as the times I had been hired on to kill specific people. Nonetheless it was my position. The scout was an Indian and damned good at his job. My job was to ride along with him and make sure nobody killed him. I was also expected to hunt down rustlers. It would be nice if i returned the cattle in addition to the bodies of the rustlers. I am not sure how many other drives had a man like me on the payroll...

4 years ago
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My Friend May

May was the cousin of a friend of mine who lived in Edinburgh and usually came to my home town for the odd weekend and summer holidays.She was a truly beautiful girl of sixteen, still at school, fairly tall for her age and had a lovely figure with budding little breasts, longish fair hair and an absolutely devastating smile.I'd seen her a few times but never really paid any attention to her till I was at the local swing park one day when she walked in. The one thing that stood out about May was...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 18

Dear Dirty Diary, A snore from my husband interrupted my sleep and when soft dreamy music and squeals of delight floated into my ears, my eyes popped open. I concentrated, trying to locate its source. Doug was sound asleep, as he should be at 1:18 in the morning. I most carefully slid out of bed, so as not to disturb him and tiptoed downstairs toward the sounds. I paused at Louise’s bedroom door but the music came from further down the hall. Carefully avoiding every creaky floorboard, I...

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That Day At The Fair

That day was a day of firsts. I had not been on a roller coaster in so many years that it was like a first. Hell, spending the day at the fair going on rides was a first. It was two years since my ugly second divorce, and I had settled into a routine. When I go to the state fair, it’s usually to see the sights, mingle with the people and enter the lame contests that no one ever wins anyway. I guess I have always told myself I’m too old for the rides. I received a phone call a few months back...

5 years ago
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Blackmailing my Sister

One of Mother's golden rules, never to be broken on pain of being grounded for life, was allowing boyfriends/girlfriends upstairs in our bedrooms. I had come home late due to being in detention yet again when I heard noises coming form my older sister's bedroom. Well it could be one of her stuck up girlie friends but then again it could be Danny her current boyfriend. In either event it was too good an opportunity to miss. I sat on the top step quietly and just waited. Our mother was due in...

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The Widow Wore BlackChapter 10

(Taken Off the Playing Field) When Honey hiked up from the rocky beach in her soaked clothing, she could smell the odor of fish everywhere. In fact, the gulls were circling over her head and she looked around for the rotting bodies of the remains of some catch. Then she realized the stench was coming from her own body and clothing and hair. The few moments in the water had not washed away the scent of the fish that seemed to hover about her like some shroud of disagreeable distain that...

4 years ago
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The Fantasy

There was a light knock on my apartment door.? I was nervous, I knew it was Greg, over the past 7 months he had come to my home many times.? I had lost count of the times we had slept together, yet I still got butterflies whenever he was near.? Tonight was my night to do something different with him.? It was New Years eve, a night I used to dread as the anniversary of a break-up, but tonight it would be wonderful, and exciting. ? Greg was the love of my life and?in a perpetual state of...

4 years ago
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Sandra the Ponygirl wanting to be Sired

Sandra was horse crazy, we both were and working on the farm at weekends, gave us the opportunity to ride, with the occasional weekend away, to ride on the island at the farmers sisters horse riding school.We were alone a lot of the time mucking-out the stables and brushing the horses down, and the farmer once took us along to watch out Mares be Sired.We were both old enough to know what was going on and as I have mentioned in several stories before, we became sexually active with the old man,...

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Long Fucked the King

Waking up to loud banging on your front door was not how you planned on starting the day. As a matter of fact, your throbbing headache demanded retribution on the poor soul who decided they desperately needed your attention. Storming down the stairs of your moderately sized cottage(hey, being the kings bastard came with a few perks), and up to your front door, you threw the door open with a furious look on your face. Until you saw the bitch standing in front of you. She was of the furry race...

4 years ago
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Pimped My Wife

Now that I have gotten my wife to fuck other guys, and that she has been servicing a few of my friends on a regular basis for the last two months, an event that happened with my best friend Tony stands out.Tony and I grew up together since the beginning of high school. Tony is as black as black can get. He is also a very smart guy in the communications industry. Tony at one point lost his job due to downsizing.One night soon after he lost his job, he was over at our place, and he and I were...

3 years ago
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A Femboy in the Wall

DISCLAIMER: I am rewriting this story because I have now learned to use "link chapters". The other story was a mess, and now I'll be able to organize everything and keep writing. Update: now you can name the protagonist! In this story, you will take on the role of a young boy who was sent to be a black brother in the Wall because of a wrong decision of a Lord. To your unhappiness (or not), you always looked like a girl, not only on the delicate face but also on the body, where feminine curves...

2 years ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 12

"I truly believe I love you Abigail." "I love you too, Phileas. Now, please tell me why my husband has you here as his guest?" I was silent for a moment, thinking furiously. Then I began to tell her a blatantly concocted tale designed the turn her against Sir Baring and grant me leeway to her daughter Nicole. Knowing that the best of lies are as truthful as possible, I began thusly: "Dearest Abigail, your husband is a very wealthy man. I myself am not poor, but he has it within his...

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MomsOnMoms Alexis Fawx Serene Siren An Evening To Themselves

It’s Mother’s Day and Alexis Fawx is sitting on a bed, dressed in sexy lingerie and holding a fresh bouquet of flowers. She’s impatiently waiting for her wife, Serene Siren, to come out of the bathroom already, so that they can celebrate their special night! Despite her protests, Serene insists that it’ll be worth the wait, although Alexis will be the judge of that. When Serene steps out of the bathroom, wearing sexy lingerie that makes her look like a gift ready to be...

2 years ago
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Making New Friends

Making New Friends The sliding door to the motel unit eases open. "Anyone here?" a woman's voice calls out. In the adjoining bedroom, I make no sound. "Just putting some milk in the fridge for you," she continues, and I hear her footsteps as she walks through the unit, opens the fridge and puts something inside. Just as the fridge door closes, a gust of wind blows through the room and the door to the bedroom blows open and smacks into the wall. 'I'd better close that...

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