L'?ducation De Dominique free porn video

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Aujourd'hui, c'est un grand jour pour moi car je vais rencontrer ma ma?tresse et entrer en fonction comme secr?taire-esclave. J'en suis fier mais laiss? moi vous contez comment tout cela est arriv?. Je m'appelle Dominique, j'ai 22 ans et je suis le cadet d'une famille de 4 enfants. Je n'ai que des s?urs et nous avons ?t? ?lev?s par notre m?re, notre p?re ?tant d?c?d? 1 an apr?s ma naissance. Nous n'avons jamais manqu? de rien car notre famille est ais?e. Mes s?urs se pr?nomment, Anne, Lise et Beth. J'ai toujours ?t? depuis ma plus tendre enfance ?t? hyper prot?g? par ma m?re et mes s?urs. Quand j'?tais petit, elles jouaient ? la poup?e avec moi, me pouponnait comme une fille et en grandissant, ne voulant pas que je devienne un homme macho, viril, elles ont toutes particip?s ? mon ?ducation et ? mon apparence. C'est simple, je suis glabre, sans poils et j'ai des cheveux mi-longs. Ma silhouette est plus proche d'un mannequin que d'un d?m?nageur. Je ne suis pas devenu homosexuel car je vais bient?t me marier mais il est vrai que je suis encore puceau. D'ailleurs comment pourrait-il en ?tre autrement puisque je porte une ceinture de chastet? depuis mes 15 ans. En effet, je fus surpris par ma s?ur a?n?e en train de me masturber devant une revue ?rotique. Je m'en souviendrai toute ma vie, elle me sortit de ma chambre et m'emmena dans le salon ou tout le monde appris la nouvelle. Durant une semaine, je ne suis pas all? ? l'?cole car ne voulant pas que cela se reproduise, en attendant la ceinture de chastet? command?e sur internet, je passais mes journ?es, avec les mains menott?es dans le dos, sous la surveillance implacable de mes s?urs. J'avais droit entre une et deux fois par mois ? ce que ma m?re, me masturbe afin de veiller ? ma sant?. Cela se passait ainsi, je devais mettre un plastique sur mon lit, me bander les yeux, m'?tendre sur le lit et elle venait alors me passer des menottes qu'elles fixaient ? la t?te de lit. Elle enfilait des gants de latex et l?, commen?ait la s?ance plus ou moins longue, cela d?pendait car m?me si cela ressemblait ? une corv?e, ? une traite, elle souhaitait que je prenne du plaisir aussi car elle esp?rait qu'un jour, je lui donnerais une descendance. Ensuite, j'avais droit ? aller prendre une douche sans ma ceinture pendant que maman rangeait mais d?s ma sortie de la salle de bain, elle m'?tait replac?e. La cl? ?tait d?tenue par ma m?re et mes s?urs, elle la portait en collier. Toute mon ?ducation fut donc ax?e sur le respect des femmes et ? ma soumission vis-?-vis d'elles. J'?tais dans une ?cole catholique priv?e o? les cours ?taient dispens?s par des s?urs. Il y avait tr?s peu de gar?ons dans celle-ci et j'?tais m?me le seul homme de ma classe. Un jour, ? la sortie des cours (j'avais 13 ans), je me disputais avec une fille de ma classe (une peste), je l'injuriai, ma m?re assista ? la sc?ne et fut interloqu?e par la violence de mes propos. Choqu?e par les ?v?nements, elle me fit monter promptement dans la voiture, pris une feuille de journal, la froissa, me l'enfourna dans la bouche, retira son foulard, fit un n?ud au milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner s?v?rement. Elle prit les menottes qui se trouvaient dans la bo?te ? gants et me les passa. Pendant le trajet du retour, elle me sermonna et me pr?vint que c'?tait la derni?re fois qu'une telle chose pouvait se produire. D?s demain, je devais faire des excuses publiques ? la fille que j'ai invectiv? et que, comme punition, durant les 15 prochains jours, je serais b?illonn? en dehors des cours en permanence. Arriv? ? la maison, le conseil de famille fut r?uni afin d'?tre mis au courant de la situation, je n'eus ?videmment pas droit ? la parole. Elles d?cid?rent de commander des baillons boules afin de m'inculquer le silence. Les ba?llons-boules auraient des couleurs diff?rentes pour signifier des choses diff?rentes. Le rouge c'est la punition, le noir c'est la remise ? l'ordre et le blanc, pour que j'apprenne le silence. Pour les trajets et sorties, une double feuille de journal emplissant ma bouche suffirait car cela restait discret, ?conomique mais efficace et donc, depuis ce jour, chacune d'elle a toujours eu un journal ainsi que du tape transparent dans son sac. Elles en us?rent et en abus?rent ? maintes reprises car, il est vrai, que je parle normalement beaucoup. A mes 16 ans, en pleine adolescence, je voulus me rebeller et je m'enfuis donc de la maison. Ce n'est que 72 heures plus tard, que la police me d?couvrit dans une maison abandonn?e et me reconduisit ? la maison. Aussit?t que la police fut repartie, ma m?re et mes s?urs heureuses de me retrouver sain et sauf, d?cid?rent qu'? situation extraordinaire, il fallait des mesures extraordinaires. Dor?navant, hors enceinte de l'?cole, je serais entrav? en permanence, de mani?re ? m'?viter toute nouvelle m?saventure. Il fut command? tout le mat?riel n?cessaire afin de me pr?server de toutes nouvelles tentations. D?s ce jour, je dus porter d?s que j'?tais hors de l'?cole des fers aux chevilles avec une longueur de cha?ne entre chevilles d'environ 25 ? 30 cm, des menottes aux poignets avec une cha?ne reli? ? une ceinture qui enserre ma taille. J'?tais ?galement tr?s souvent b?illonn? et surtout hors de la maison. Je ne pouvais plus sortir sans ?tre accompagn? de quelqu'un. Contrairement, ? ce que j'avais craint, tout cela me plaisait car j'?tais pris en charge tout le temps et n'avait plus ? me soucier de rien. Le nouveau changement survint ? la fin de mes ?tudes secondaires. Cela se produisit lorsqu'un jour, accompagnant ma m?re et ma s?ur a?n?e Anne, dans des magasins de v?tements. Elles virent une cape qui, ? leurs yeux, offrait quelques avantages lors de nos sorties. Elles demand?rent pour que je puisse l'essayer et toutes enchant?es de leur trouvaille, d?cid?rent de l'acheter. Pendant que ma m?re, allait r?gler les achats, ma s?ur me rejoignit et dans l'intimit? de la cabine me passa les menottes avec les mains dans le dos, prit une double feuille de journal qu'elle m'enfourna promptement dans la bouche, m'enfila la cape et sortit de la cabine. Tout penaud, je la suivis et quand les vendeuses me dirent au revoir, je ne pus leur r?pondre que par un hochement de la t?te. Elles continu?rent ? faire leurs emplettes et je ne pus que les suivirent silencieusement, elles se f?licit?rent de ma discr?tion et se promirent de refaire cela prochainement. Tous les magazines masculins disparurent et furent remplac?s par des f?minins. Quelques jours plus tard alors que nous faisions les courses dans un supermarch?, je m'?clipsai pour aller feuilleter des revues masculines et c'est ma s?ur Beth qui me retrouva, elle ne dit rien, prit un journal et je dus me r?soudre ? la suivre vers les caisses. Dans la voiture, apr?s m'avoir b?illonn? avec le journal et du tape, elle utilisa son foulard pour me placer un bandeau sur les yeux. Elle informa, ? ma m?re intrigu?e, qu'elle m'avait surpris en train de lire des revues non autoris?es et que, de ce fait, elle trouvait normal ce traitement. Ma m?re ne put qu'approuver et, donc, j'allais rester aveugl? jusqu'au lendemain matin. Durant les vacances de cet ?t? l?, les journ?es ?taient rythm?es par l'apprentissage des diff?rentes t?ches m?nag?res de la maison et, l'essayage de nouvelles tenues qui ?taient de plus en plus f?minines que masculines. Par ailleurs, j'avais remarqu? que toute forme de toison disparaissait de mon corps et que mon corps ?voluait aussi sans parler du cot? ?motionnel qui s'insinuait de plus en plus dans mes attitudes. Un jour, voulant aborder le sujet avec ma m?re, celle-ci m'annon?a que justement le sujet allait ?tre ?voqu? lors du repas familial. A la fin du souper, ma m?re m'annon?a qu'? la rentr?e prochaine, j'allais int?grer une ?cole priv?e afin de suivre des ?tudes de secr?tariat. Cette ?cole avait juste une particularit?, c'?tait une ?cole r?serv?e aux femmes. Je voulus r?agir mais elle ne m'en laissa pas l'opportunit? et continua, depuis 2 mois, nous te faisons suivre un traitement hormonal afin que tes attributs f?minins se d?veloppent en lieu et place des masculins. Je commen?ais ? mieux comprendre certaines choses. Elle ajouta que je garderais mes attributs masculins uniquement au niveau du sexe. Mon pr?nom les aidaient beaucoup dans toutes les formalit?s administratives car il se pr?tait bien au deux sexes. Durant le mois, qu'il reste avant la rentr?e, nous allons finir de te pr?parer afin que tu sois pr?te ? entrer dans mes nouvelles ?tudes. Elle termina en me demandant si j'avais des questions. Je demandai en premier, si j'allais avoir un kot durant la dur?e de mes ?tudes. Unanimement, elles me r?pondirent que non et que je ferais tous les jours le trajet avec une de mes s?urs car elles passent toutes ? proximit? de l'?tablissement. Si maintenant, que mes ?tudes secondaires ?taient termin?es les r?gles allaient s'assouplir pour moi. A nouveau, elles m'annonc?rent que non et qu'au contraire, elles allaient encore ?voluer. Elles me dirent aussi que c'?tait pour mon bien, que je n'avais qu'? me soucier de mes ?tudes et que le reste, elles s'en occupaient. Je compris, ? ce moment l?, que mon avenir ?tait entre leurs mains et naturellement, je ne pus m'emp?cher d'esquisser un sourire. Cela ne leurs ?chappa pas et, se r?jouirent de leurs choix. Ma m?re m'indiqua que chacune d'elles allait m'apprendre tout ce qu'il faut pour devenir une femme. Anne et elle, allaient s'occuper de ma garde-robe. Lise du maquillage, coiffure et des soins. Beth du maintien, vocabulaire et attitudes. D?s le lendemain, Lise me pris en charge pour une premi?re explication et mise en pratique des soins que je devais suivre tous les jours. Beth prit le relais l'apr?s-midi afin de m'inculquer le ba ba des mani?res ? savoir. En fin de journ?e, j'?tais fatigu? et voulant me d?tendre, j'allumai la t?l?vision et me vautrai dans le fauteuil. Beth entendit l'?mission et apparut comme une furie dans le salon en me disant que je n'avais donc rien appris aujourd'hui. Elle d?fit mes menottes des poignets pour me les rattacher dans le dos, prit un ba?llon boule rouge et me b?illonna tr?s s?v?rement mais non contente, elle revint quelques minutes plus tard avec un bandeau en cuir tr?s ?pais qui m'aveugla de mani?re tr?s efficace. Pour terminer, elle me pla?a des bouchons anti-bruits afin, comme elle dit, que je puisse m?diter efficacement sur la le?on du jour. Je restai ainsi jusqu'au souper ou ma m?re instaura le fait que chaque jour, je devais faire un compte rendu ?crit de mes le?ons dans un petit cahier. Elle me dit que je pouvais faire court mais pr?cis et que je devais lui pr?senter chaque jour ? la fin du repas afin qu'elle puisse suivre mon ?volution. Je voulus objecter mais elle me fit comprendre que ce n'?tait nullement discutable. Le lendemain, je partis avec elle pour aller choisir quelques v?tements et sous-v?tements. Notre premier arr?t concernait les sous-v?tements, elle choisit diff?rentes culottes gainantes, des bas et des porte-jarretelles de diff?rentes mais le tout ?tait toujours bien assortit. Elle interrogea la vendeuse sur les corsets car elle dit regarder ma fille, elle n'a pas les hanches d'une fille, on dirait un gar?on. Un comble pensai-je mais je n'aurais jamais os? la contredire. La vendeuse lui conseilla alors les corsets dits ??victorien?? car c'est eux qui offrent le plus de maintien et de soutien mais qu'en plus avec leurs syst?mes de la?age, on pouvait faire ?voluer la taille au gr?s des progr?s de la femme. La vendeuse prit ma taille, elle dit alors, actuellement elle fait un 36 mais je pense que vous pourriez lui faire retrouver, avec un peu de discipline, une taille 32 dans un avenir proche. Satisfaite des explications, ma m?re m'en acheta un noir imm?diatement et en commanda plusieurs autres de diff?rentes couleurs. Nous pass?mes ensuite aux v?tements, elle choisit une boutique qui ?tait sp?cialis?e dans les tailleurs et tenues assez sobres. Directement, elle donna le ton ? la vendeuse en lui disant, qu'elle en avait assez que je ne porte que des jeans et des baskets, il ?tait temps que je passe ? autre chose. Elle choisit diff?rentes jupes et tailleurs que je dus aller essayer. Il fallait effectuer quelques retouches mais dans l'ensemble cela allait bien. Vint les diff?rents chemisiers de coton et de satin en harmonie avec les tailleurs choisit. Et finalement, ce fut le magasin de chaussures qui cl?turait la matin?e. Voulant me plaindre, ma m?re me fit remarquer que je n'?tais qu'une ingrate et que les ingrates seront justement sanctionn?es. Je n'osai plus rien ajouter et je la laissai choisir les escarpins, bottillons et bottes. Ce n'est qu'en fin d'apr?s-midi que nous regagn?mes la maison. Je montai les v?tements dans ma chambre et en voulant les ranger, je constatai que tous mes v?tements masculins avaient disparus. J'allais appeler quand ma s?ur Anne entra dans la chambre pour pouvoir voir mes emplettes. Je la questionnai sur la disparition de mes v?tements. Elle me r?pondit que d'un, je n'en avais plus besoin et que par ailleurs, je posais beaucoup trop de questions. Sur ce fait, elle prit un ba?llon boule noir et me le pla?a en prenant soin de bien serrer la lani?re, le ??clic?? du cadenas m'?ta toute illusion de lib?ration. Les jours qui suivirent, je re?us d'autres v?tements f?minins que mes s?urs avaient command?s via des commandes internet cela allait jusqu'? tabliers. Les jours qui suivirent les le?ons s'intensifi?rent et les r?primandes aussi, si bien qu'en dehors de leurs le?ons, j'?tais tr?s souvent entrav?s, priv? de la vue, de la parole et m?me r?guli?rement de l'ou?e. Chaque soir, apr?s le repas, ma m?re consultait mon journal et demandait ? mes s?urs de commenter un peu sur mon suivi. Le jour de la rentr?e tant attendu et redout? arriva. J'?tais inquiet mais aussi impatient de pouvoir entrer en cours afin de pouvoir m'?chapper du cocon oppressant que repr?sentait ma sph?re familiale. Pour le premier jour de cours, ce f?t ma m?re qui me conduisit ? l'?cole, je re?us encore et toujours ses recommandations. Elle m'accompagna jusqu'au bureau de la direction ou nous f?mes accueillies par la Directrice de l'Etablissement. Apr?s m'avoir fait part des r?gles tr?s strictes en mati?re de discipline, de comportement, je fus conduite dans ma classe par une secr?taire. Les classes ?taient compos?es de 10 ?l?ves au maximum et je dus m'installer seule sur une table comme les autres ?l?ves de la classe. Durant, les moments de pause de la journ?e, timide et g?n?, je restai ? l'?cart des autres. Quelques groupes se form?rent mais je n'osai me m?l? ? l'un deux. Ce fut ma s?ur Anne qui vint me chercher ? la sortie et qui, inhabituellement, pour le trajet de retour, m'entrava s?v?rement et me b?illonna comme si, elle voulait me faire comprendre que j'?tais bien toujours sous leurs contr?les. Ma m?re lors du souper me fit remarquer que la rentr?e des classes ne me dispensait nullement de mon compte rendu hebdomadaire. Elle me dit que je devais aussi le compl?t? par la liste des ?l?ves de ma classe mais aussi des filles que je fr?quente. Vu le ton ainsi que les questions que me pos?rent mes s?urs, je ne pus que m'y r?soudre. Le lendemain, lors de la journ?e, une fille sortit d'un groupe et s'approcha de moi. C'est ainsi que je fis la connaissance de Marie et bien vite nous avons commenc? ? sympathiser. Marie est une belle fille de mon ?ge, qui d?gage naturellement de l'autorit? mais qui plus est, ? beaucoup de charme. Bref, pour la premi?re fois de ma vie, ? sa pr?sence, j'eus un d?but d'?rection mais ma ceinture de chastet? me rappela cruellement ? l'ordre. Au bout de quelques jours, nous devenions ins?parables comme attir? par un aimant. Elle posait beaucoup de questions sur moi, ma famille mais je restais ?vasif car je souhaitais pr?server notre intimit? toute relative. Je ne fis d'ailleurs nullement mention de Marie dans mes comptes rendu journaliers. Je m'arrangeais, le soir, de m'?clipser afin qu'elle ne rencontre pas une de mes s?urs. Cependant, l'intuition f?minine surement, mes s?urs se doutaient de quelque chose car leurs questions ?taient de plus en plus pr?cises mais je tenais bon. Au bout d'un mois de ce petit jeu, ? la sortie de l'?cole en allant rejoindre ma s?ur Anne ? sa voiture, Marie me rattrape car j'avais oubli? mon foulard en classe. C'est spontan?ment alors qu'elle s'est dirig?e vers ma s?ur afin de se pr?senter. Anne bien que surprise par les ?v?nements, n'en ?tait pas moins satisfaite de d?couvrir la v?rit?. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et subtilement, Anne, question par question, finit par apprendre tout ce que j'avais dissimul?. En se quittant, elles se firent la bise et dans la voiture, Anne me pla?a mes entraves et me b?illonna avec un ba?llon boule rouge qu'elle dissimula avec mon foulard. Elle me dit juste qu'elle n'aimait pas les cachotteries que je leurs avaient faites mais que nous en discuterions plus tard en famille. Elle ajouta juste qu'elle trouvait tr?s sympathique Marie mais d?s notre retour, j'avais int?r?t ? compl?ter convenablement mon cahier car, de son contenu, d?pendait les sanctions qui me serait appliqu?e. Je commen?ais ? craindre les r?actions du conseil de famille car je ne voulais pas perdre Marie. Vint la fin du souper et ma m?re, s'?tonna de la grandeur inhabituelle de mon rapport. Elle le lut ? voix haute. Lise et Beth ?cout?rent attentivement tout en me montrant leurs m?contentements. Ma m?re souhaita, en premier lieu, d'avoir des pr?cisions sur Marie et sa famille. Ne pouvant r?pondre correctement aux questions, elles se mirent d'accord pour inviter Marie ? venir un week-end prochain afin de faire connaissance. Lise prit la parole et demanda quelles sanctions allaient-elles prendre au vu des manquements dont j'avais fait preuve. Je fus priv? durant les 15 prochains jours de sortie, de t?l?vision et que j'allais, chaque soir, devoir effectu? une corv?e pour l'une ou l'autre. Egalement, elles convinrent que mes entraves devaient ?tre renforc?es. Elles d?nich?rent via internet, un syst?me de sangle qui se fixe juste avant le genou qui entrave la marche. Un judicieux syst?me les relient ? mon porte-jarretelles l'emp?che de glisser durant la marche. Le syst?me est invisible car la jupe le dissimule mais est tr?s efficace comme entrave. Dor?navant, lors de toute sortie, je devais en ?tre pourvu. Plus les jours passaient, plus je me rapprochais de Marie et la r?ciproque ?tait de mise. Mais ce rapprochement me montra aussi une nouvelle facette de Marie, la jalousie. En effet, elle supportait assez mal que d'autres condisciples aient des conversations trop longues et, un jour, je la surpris m?me ? me faire une remarque car je faisais trop de sourire ? une autre fille. Mes s?urs la jouaient finement et sans que je ne rende compte r?ellement, chacune d'elles avaient fait connaissance avec Marie et c'est donc naturellement, qu'un jour, Lise convint avec Marie qu'elle vienne nous rendre visite le dimanche du premier cong? qui arrivait. Lise en fit part aux autres lors du souper et, comme il restait une petite dizaine de jours, elles se mirent d'accord pour transformer ma chambre, ou subsistait quelques objets masculins de mon enfance ainsi que des photos ou posters, en une d'?tudiante. En une semaine tout fut r?gl? et ? ce moment l?, je pris conscience que plus rien ne subsistait du Dominique masculin. Ce vendredi ?tait aussi le jour du bulletin. Il ?tait assez bon mais une remarque de la titulaire venait g?cher l'ensemble. Il ?tait not? que je parlais trop et, que cela perturbait le bon d?roulement de cours.

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I'm driving down the highway towards some little town in the middle of nowhere. I'm listening to the radio, when a familiar song comes on. Oh the memories that came flooding in my head. The sweet memories of Chuck licking and fucking my pussy, while on the blanket under the stars, next to the lake. I had to pull over to the side of the road, I could feel my pussy getting wet from the thoughts.I started to rub myself all over. My nipples were hard and poking through my undershirt, and my...

3 years ago
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Como dejar de Fumar

Como dejar de fumar Ana Raquel [email protected] La siguiente es una historia de ficci?n, producto de muchas de mis fantas?as, aunque debo aclarar que tambi?n muchas de las situaciones que describo son reales y las he vivido (con mucho placer) personalmente. Queda al lector decidir cuales son fantas?as y cuales son experiencias (aunque debe tener cuidado, quiz? te equivoques). Aclaraci?n: he intentado utilizar un castellano neutro para evitar utilizar t?rminos locales y por lo tanto, no c...

4 years ago
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The New Neighbor

My son and I finally found a new place to live after almost a month of searching. The new place was the first floor of a two story house. I met the new landlord at the new place on Saturday to sign the lease and pay the rent. As we were finishing up and he was telling me how lucky he had gotten yesterday. He wasn’t going to work on the upstairs yesterday, but circumstances ended up with him needing to go over there anyway. As he was working there, he got a call about renting the place that I...

Straight Sex
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The Archeologist Ch 01

The Archeologist: The Angel from the Street My name is Dr. James Carson. I am a 27 year old archeologist worth over a little more than 5 billion dollars. I have been called a genius by some, partly because I graduated high school at ten and by the age of seventeen held a doctorate in anthropology/ archeology from UCLA. But mainly because of my prowess with women. I can have any woman with only a few choice words. This is my story. * * * * * Dr. James Carson stood in front of the floor to...

2 years ago
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A Birthday present for a virgin

Peter sat on the bed and pulled off his black socks one at a time. He wasn’t in any rush. He was in his boxers now but nothing else and he was leaving them on till the very last moment. Peter was a virgin. I say was, because at the time of writing, he has had his nuts well and truly busted. Aisha and Gemma had almost no experience with guys at all. Gemma had sucked a cock once. Aisha had sucked a couple of guys off a few years back and had had a single messy experience, on a different occasion....

3 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 7 The First Battle

Once again, his strength and agility amazed her. Jesse stood up on the wagon seat, crawled up the side of the stacked bales and held on with one hand while he jerked two hay bales down onto the bed of the wagon. Snow flew from the bales when they landed. He pulled himself over and grabbed one bale and dropped it in the wagon. Then she saw what he had done. He had begun to create a series of steps up the side of the hay in order to get to the top with the least amount of effort. It amazed her...

2 years ago
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sis AND I

Where to start!? I guess the beginning is always the best place, but where does this tale truly begin? When we were young? When I left for Bootcamp? The day I got back? Who knows really!?I was always close with my younger sister, she was the reason why I chose the military over college. I decided to join the Marines because of my family situation. Everyone always says they do it for the fact that they want to protect their country, they want to take care of those that can't take care of...

4 years ago
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Masturbation about brother Teaser Prologue

It was the day our parents went away to a wedding both my brother and I refused to attend. That day neither I or he had any plans, so we end up chilling together. To be more honnest, he was chilling I simply got in his way. He was watching The Grudge (the only good thing that was on at the time), and I was sitting closely drawing. It was a cold day and we both shared a blanket our legs entangled, after a long fight over space. I wanted to be near, I loved the way he smelled, and how his...

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Icewind Dale Chase

The caravan rumbled down the rough dirt trail across the final set of hills, trundling down past pine trees still dusted with snow. In the larger world much further south it was full summer, but this far north, close to the Icewind glaciers and with the Spine of the World blocking the warm air currents from the south, it was a bleak, cold summer. The caravan had been on the road for a long time, traveling from the Silver Marches, and the merchants, guards and hangers-on were all tired...

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Sharing a Hotel Room

Start:As I become more experienced with life, the more I learn that every now and then one simple event can trigger a series of life changes. (I'll explain that in a second.) My husband Rick and I have enjoyed a beautiful life together. We've been married for just over ten years. Life has been great, a little stressful at times, but Rick knows how to release me from the worries of day to day life. More importantly, he knows how to make me feel wanted.Rick is warm and caring, and a massive...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Party With Three Coeds

Being a newly divorced guy in a huge house with a pool and a hot tub has its rewards. I did not intend for the casa to become a party haven, but that is exactly what happened a while back.Jack was a work buddy and he too was divorced. He suggested we throw a naked hot tub party and invite some girls from a nearby college. I told him he was nuts if he thought any college coeds would want to come and party naked with a couple of middle-aged guys, but he only laughed and said, "Leave it up to...

Group Sex
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HotLegsAndFeet Alyssia Kent Verona Sky Foot Fetish Doctor On Duty

Brunette sex-goddess Alyssia Kent has gone in to see her favorite kinky chiropractic Doctor, Veronica Sky. These lesbian babes typically meet monthly so that the Russian doctor can work the kinks out of the Romanian megababe and today’s appointment begins with Dr. Sky licking at Miss Kent’s luscious toes and feet before moving upwards into the wet area between the brown-eyed babe’s legs to diagnose the needs of her divine pussy. The doctor orders a treatment with a double dong...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai

Baat us din ki hai jab mai 12th class me padhta tha mere chacha ki shadi ki baat chal rahi thi. Hum log sunday ko chacha ke liye ladki ko dekhne unke ghar gaye sab log baithe the aur ladki ka badi besabri se wait kar rahe the tabhi ladki chai lekar aai. Chacha ne jaise hi ladki ko dekha to unke muh se dhere se kya maal hai nikal gaya. Mai unke bagal me baitha tha to maine sun liya par isme chacha ki koi galti nahi thi ladki thi hi bohot sundar. Badi badi chuchiya moti c gaand patli kamar jo...

1 year ago
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Amateur Night

It was one of those nights where my girlfriend and me went for happy hour in the afternoon. We got pretty buzzed by 8 pm. We were on the way back home and took a detour to avoid traffic. In the path of the detour was a strip joint. My girl egged me on about visiting the strip joint and thought it would adventurous for both of us. I always complained about me and her being kinky and doing wild things. She wanted to prove she isn’t prude with me. She was feeling tipsy and it helped in her opening...

Cheating Wifes
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The CureChapter 54

“Do we know who dared to probe Ganvil?” the Hegemon asked in freezing tones of his Security Command group. “No, Most Radiant of the Heavens. Though we suspect the Republic of Zelnot as they are closest to the Ganvil system,” Senior Commander Hirk of the Lightning Blue Depths replied for the group. “That that group of five worlds would dare spy upon the Supreme Power in the Galaxy?” Senior Controller Kli of the Jade Green Path sneered. “Do not be preposterous!” “They are apparently under...

2 years ago
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Bring Me to LifeChapter 15

Juggling a multitude of women is harder than people tell you. It wasn't the physical part. I'd kept changing, but I wasn't going to visit a doctor and create documented proof of the differences though. My chest was broader; my abs packed sixes; my arms and thighs were bigger. The scariest part was the height! I had grown at least three inches taller. I could accept the rest since I was eating much better and getting a lot of 'exercise', but the height thing ... not even close to fucking...

2 years ago
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A Shy Friend

John laughed loudly when Paula told him. “No really,” she insisted, ‘I saw him looking directly down my top.”“Tom has always had a thing for you,” John replied finally, “but he is so shy I’m surprised he allowed himself to be caught trying to sneak a peek.”Paula grinned, “Well he certainly tried to get an eyeful but I’m not sure he saw all that much, I didn’t realize he had a crush on me.”John nodded, “He always has I think. It's your amazing figure and that asian mocha skin.”“Next time I’ll...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Spit and Image 2

"Hey, cutie. Why is your hair up in a bun again? It looks so pretty when it's down." Lori was in Paul's driveway, picking him up for school, just as she did every school day morning at 7:05. "That's exactly why it's up," Paul countered. "I swear it's even lighter this morning than it was yesterday. It was always more red than blonde. Now, it's blonde with just a little red. I just hope no one notices." "Well, what difference would it make if someone did? I mean, people dye their hair...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 17

Corec’s shield spell flared out as one of the red-eyes got a horseman’s pick past his sword. Corec stepped back and angled himself to the side to present a smaller target. The pick, which looked like an elongated version of Boktar’s warhammer, was slow and unwieldy, but it was designed to fight men in heavy armor. If the red-eye got in a lucky shot, the pick could get caught in a gap between Corec’s armor, effectively immobilizing him. Worse, if the man managed to hit him hard enough, it...

4 years ago
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FMA Fullmetal Alchemist ENF ENM

There are plenty of attractive people throughout the country of Amestris. There's the automail mechanic Winry Rockbell, the housewife Izumi Curtis, and the deadly sniper Riza Hawkeye to name a few. There are of course a number of attractive men as well. The flame alchemist Colonel Mustang, the crown prince Ling Yao, perhaps even the Fullmetal Alchemist himself. Any one of them could end up naked and humiliated.

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Micro Wave Man Ch 01

Jun 14, 2009 MWM Chapter One ‘Meet Mark Surrender’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

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aing the Bride

a*****ing the Brideby Black DemonBride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the blacks a month ago,...

2 years ago
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Cool Spring Nights Part 2 Loose1 gain2

---------------------- ---------------------- You should read part 1 first. ---------------------- ---------------------- Cool Spring Nights (Part 2: Loose1 gain2) It was somewhere near 4am when the police arrived. I remember them helping me get up and dressed but then somewhere along the line everything became a blur of sirens, questions, flashing lights and paramedics. I vaguely remember a trip to the hospital in the back of an ambulance where I cried the whole time because my...

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Watchman8217s Desire Fulfilled 8211 Part II

Her Husband came from out of station…… One day Chetan Gupta approached me saying that he is going for out of country for 3 months and I should take care of the house ……. I agreed to it and next day he went to the airport saying good bye to his wife and his baby…… and My planning to seduce her started here … Next day she came to me and handed over the house key saying that she is going to the market and i suppose to clean the house and she gone …… My mind worked here .. I made a duplicate key...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 865

These are compliments of J & B Murphy’s 15 other Laws... 1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 2. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 3. He who laughs last thinks slowest. 4. A day without sunshine is like, well, night. 5. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 6. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t. 7. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Lakefront

The year was 1978. I owned a 1976 Pontiac Trans Am. It was gorgeous. Maroon with a gold eagle on the hood. 400 hp and a white leather interior and a sunroof. It was a chick magnet. One nice summer day in Wisconsin I took it to the car wash and had it cleaned inside and out. But the car washes only did so much. So I decided to go down to a park I used to frequent right on Lake Michigan and give it a good wax job and detail. I picked a spot in the shade and proceeded to start the wax job. Now I'm...

3 years ago
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Home for spring break

------- “Guess who’s home!” I yelled as I entered the front door. It’s been almost 3 years since I’ve been back. It was my college spring break and I decided to come home to visit the family. To my surprise, as I entered the front door, a stack of luggage appeared to be ready to go. “Hey Honey! What are you doing here?” My mother yelled from the other room. “Well, thought I’d come home from a week!” I yelled as I started walking to the other room where my parents were. “Im sorry...

3 years ago
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Famly Reunion ndash Chapter 2

Saturday, September 13Terri and her two best friends, Cynthia and Darlene, were in Terri's bedroom. Cynthia had mentioned the "stud" math professor, what a hunk he was and how she would like to take his class just to see him for fifty minutes, two or three times a week, and how he was definitely an older man she would like to take to bed.Cynthia claimed to have a lot of experience sexually. Terri said that she'd only had sex with three boys. Darlene didn't say anything when Cynthia and Terri...

4 years ago
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First Impressions

She could feel the awkwardness creeping between them. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Something wrong?" He asked. The wind blew her hair as the car drove on. "Everything's fine." she smiled at him. They'd met only moments before but they had spoken for weeks. They knew each other well enough. She tried to start a conversation but what else was there to talk about then the weather. “It’s a beautiful day.” This was starting to make her head spin. “Sure is,” he replied and that’s...

Straight Sex
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Das Lost Paradise in Vietnam III

Vorwort und Hinweise:Gemäß geltender Gesetzte weise ich darauf hin, dass dies eine erfundene Geschichte ist. Jegliche Personen sind frei erfunden und bei ihren Handlungen volljährig. Zufällige Namensgleichheiten mit toten oder lebenden Personen sind rein zufällig und nicht gewollt. Die vorliegenden Geschichten sollte minderjährigen Personen nicht zugänglich gemacht werden.Ferner distanziert sich der Autor von den hier praktizierten Handlungen, da diese in manchen Ländern verboten sind. Alle...

3 years ago
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An almost blind flight daring date

Wonder why she wanted to fly with me?We met by a sexy story I read of her ... We started to write. Later I proposed her an escape from wet Summer in Holland to a sunny week in Marseille, France.We knew each other only from here. And our mutual messages, mostly neutral of tone. I saw three photos of some sexy parts of her hot looks. She´s much younger. Probably as pretty, as she looks lovery, sexy and smart.To my surprise she settled quite quickly. Was amazed at her eager agreement. Her story...

4 years ago
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Playing With Fire CAW 7

I was paged over the intercom to go meet Craig, my handler outside The Boss's office, Lawrence is the director and boss of the The Agency he gives everyone there orders and missions. I arrived and Craig was already there pacing back and forth nervously. He looked up at me, put his hands on my shoulders and told me I would be fine, then opened the door ushering me inside. I walked in and the door behind me closed as I stood in front of his desk, my hands clasped in front of me nervously....

2 years ago
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Razas Second Time Breaking Into the Barn

Raza was getting very skilled at guessing the length of a man’s penis just by watching how he walked, how he acted in public. And foreign to Raza was the concept of rejection– her pick-up strategy consisted of sliding her hand down a stranger’s pants and stroking his cock until he took her somewhere “private” (e.g. behind a gas station) and banged her, and so far it had worked every time. Even if someone caught her mid-fuck, they had either turned a blind eye or had dropped their pants and...

3 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 8

At the apartment, I hurried to the shower - I smelled like food and pussy. I loved the smell of both, but not mixed together while I sleep. When I passed my doorway, in the light from the hall, I saw Kate lying on my bed with the sheet thrown back off her tanned, naked body. I washed my hair twice and used the creamy liquid soap on my body. My cock was hard and still eager to romp, even after the blowjob by Alison. I almost gave it a workout. Kate was curled up facing the door when I turned...

4 years ago
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A Mother and Her Son 2

Sue jumped as if an electric shock had hit her. She quickly pulled the hand from her top. She was trembling as she sat in her seat waiting for the few people in the theater to leave. Finally, she stood on shaking legs and moved to the isle.As they left the theater, Tommy had to walk behind his mother in hopes that no one could see his erection.Sue took a deep breath and sighed as she walked up the aisle in front of Tommy. She wondered why he lagged behind her. She glanced back and realized the...

3 years ago
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Discovered and Taught a Lesson Part 2

Weekend, Part II It was an extremely uncomfortable evening to say the least. When she awoke me she had me get ready since we had a long day ahead of us. She had another date with him that evening and may introduce me. We went shopping at the local mall for her. She spent hours looking for a whole new outfit and would always ask my thoughts. She chose a very sexy spaghetti strap black dress. She bought some accessories, like stockings and a strapless corset at...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Molly Little Xxlayna Marie Some Lucky Girl

Molly Little really wants to get fucked, and her intention is to find a Halloween costume that’ll make her irresistible. Nothing seems to be working. She takes her time putting on costume number six in the bathroom. Peeling off her clothes until she’s down to her bra and thong, Molly smooths her hands up her belly to cup her breasts and looks at herself in the mirror without enjoying what she sees. Once her costume is on, Molly is even more unhappy with her appearance. Leaving the...

2 years ago
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Such a slut

Stop calling me that. - What, bitch or slut? - Both!. And I Turned around to start walking.He grabbed my ass.-That's some ass that deserves a big pipe.- Leave me alone, I have to go home.- I have seen you back in the club dancing like asking to get fucked, now where's the rush, girl? - My boyfriend waits for me home. - He grabbed my hand and placed it on his his jeans.I could feel his hard massive dick even through his jeans it felt like it was not ending. I have not touch a dick this big ever....

3 years ago
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A Smexy Pokemon Adventure

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first story, I apologise in advance if I mess up... I plan on working on this everyday. Maybe like 1 chapter a day or so, at MOST 1 chapter a week. That's it... ENJOY!!!!) You've been awake all night. You just can't seem to get some sleep, even though you need it. You turned 18 just a few weeks ago and are about to embark on a brand new journey. You decide to finish up Half Silver Alchemist: Sisterhood to pass the time. You're about to finish the 43rd episode, when...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Saya Song Cum On My Tattoo

Studious Saya Song came home from class where she learned about an ancient slutty tradition called Cum On My Tattoo, with which her pals Owen Gray and Will Havoc were familiar. She explained there’s lots of penises involved. Makes sense, that’s where you get the jizz! Plus has a couple holes and tricks that are good for making them orgasm, AND tattoos. Talk about doing your homework! Saya took the pair of curious cocks at both ends, and this full service slut was eager to have her...

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After Valentines Day Treat

I had found a new girlfriend called Nancy, and now we had gone out on many dates.  I have grown to really enjoy her company and being with her, and we have many of the same likes and dislikes.  I like her so much that I don’t mind her wanting to spank me and having me wear this cock and ball harness.  The harness tends to keep me in an erect state and is somewhat embarrassing at times, but since I have grown to really love Nancy, I put up with it.  Also, now Nancy and I have exchanged house...

3 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 002

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 – Still Settling In. The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental...

4 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 20 The River Before the Event

Sunday mid-afternoon, January 19, 2003 I was out waiting in the garage for a good five minutes when the young ladies graced me with their presence, and I could tell something was up by how they were acting. I was at the passenger door of my Camry, when Lyndy walked up to me. She thanked me for getting her car warmed up, and reached and kissed me on the cheek. I told her it was not a problem and that she could thank me like that anytime she liked. She smiled back at that comment, but looked...

2 years ago
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My 42year old neighbor 2

When I arrived at home with a huge big hard cock, the first thing I did was going to the toilet and help myself to a nice orgasm to relief the pressure. This while I was already thinking about an opportunity to meet with my hot neighbor Diny again and what I would love to do to her.The opportunity came faster than expected. It was the next Thursday I arrived home from college at around 1500 hrs. to discover there was nobody home and had forgotten my keys that morning. Thus I was forced to stay...

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That mirrored vanity

I look in the mirror that is slightly misted by the hot steam rising from the shower. The candle light is just perfectly lighting up your skin. Your nakedness is dancing with color from the small flame. In the mirror I see the desire in your eyes, your boobs hanging free, the nipples hard with want. My hand runs around your tummy and you let yourself be pulled into me, feeling my hardness pushing at your bum. You moan and close your eyes, biting you lip in anticipation of what is to come next....

4 years ago
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Wife Swapping Is Fun 8211 Part 2

Thank you everyone for a great response to my first sex story “Wife swapping is fun”. My mailbox was jammed with so many mails, was surprised to hear many of you were interested in swapping, especially ladies. Now going back to the sex story I just turned around to see Punith and Shruti missing… we were worried where the hell these guys go, went looking around in the room and seems to be missing. Then we got ready and went out looking for them, I had a wild guess they will be in swimming pool...

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