L'?ducation De Dominique free porn video

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Aujourd'hui, c'est un grand jour pour moi car je vais rencontrer ma ma?tresse et entrer en fonction comme secr?taire-esclave. J'en suis fier mais laiss? moi vous contez comment tout cela est arriv?. Je m'appelle Dominique, j'ai 22 ans et je suis le cadet d'une famille de 4 enfants. Je n'ai que des s?urs et nous avons ?t? ?lev?s par notre m?re, notre p?re ?tant d?c?d? 1 an apr?s ma naissance. Nous n'avons jamais manqu? de rien car notre famille est ais?e. Mes s?urs se pr?nomment, Anne, Lise et Beth. J'ai toujours ?t? depuis ma plus tendre enfance ?t? hyper prot?g? par ma m?re et mes s?urs. Quand j'?tais petit, elles jouaient ? la poup?e avec moi, me pouponnait comme une fille et en grandissant, ne voulant pas que je devienne un homme macho, viril, elles ont toutes particip?s ? mon ?ducation et ? mon apparence. C'est simple, je suis glabre, sans poils et j'ai des cheveux mi-longs. Ma silhouette est plus proche d'un mannequin que d'un d?m?nageur. Je ne suis pas devenu homosexuel car je vais bient?t me marier mais il est vrai que je suis encore puceau. D'ailleurs comment pourrait-il en ?tre autrement puisque je porte une ceinture de chastet? depuis mes 15 ans. En effet, je fus surpris par ma s?ur a?n?e en train de me masturber devant une revue ?rotique. Je m'en souviendrai toute ma vie, elle me sortit de ma chambre et m'emmena dans le salon ou tout le monde appris la nouvelle. Durant une semaine, je ne suis pas all? ? l'?cole car ne voulant pas que cela se reproduise, en attendant la ceinture de chastet? command?e sur internet, je passais mes journ?es, avec les mains menott?es dans le dos, sous la surveillance implacable de mes s?urs. J'avais droit entre une et deux fois par mois ? ce que ma m?re, me masturbe afin de veiller ? ma sant?. Cela se passait ainsi, je devais mettre un plastique sur mon lit, me bander les yeux, m'?tendre sur le lit et elle venait alors me passer des menottes qu'elles fixaient ? la t?te de lit. Elle enfilait des gants de latex et l?, commen?ait la s?ance plus ou moins longue, cela d?pendait car m?me si cela ressemblait ? une corv?e, ? une traite, elle souhaitait que je prenne du plaisir aussi car elle esp?rait qu'un jour, je lui donnerais une descendance. Ensuite, j'avais droit ? aller prendre une douche sans ma ceinture pendant que maman rangeait mais d?s ma sortie de la salle de bain, elle m'?tait replac?e. La cl? ?tait d?tenue par ma m?re et mes s?urs, elle la portait en collier. Toute mon ?ducation fut donc ax?e sur le respect des femmes et ? ma soumission vis-?-vis d'elles. J'?tais dans une ?cole catholique priv?e o? les cours ?taient dispens?s par des s?urs. Il y avait tr?s peu de gar?ons dans celle-ci et j'?tais m?me le seul homme de ma classe. Un jour, ? la sortie des cours (j'avais 13 ans), je me disputais avec une fille de ma classe (une peste), je l'injuriai, ma m?re assista ? la sc?ne et fut interloqu?e par la violence de mes propos. Choqu?e par les ?v?nements, elle me fit monter promptement dans la voiture, pris une feuille de journal, la froissa, me l'enfourna dans la bouche, retira son foulard, fit un n?ud au milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner s?v?rement. Elle prit les menottes qui se trouvaient dans la bo?te ? gants et me les passa. Pendant le trajet du retour, elle me sermonna et me pr?vint que c'?tait la derni?re fois qu'une telle chose pouvait se produire. D?s demain, je devais faire des excuses publiques ? la fille que j'ai invectiv? et que, comme punition, durant les 15 prochains jours, je serais b?illonn? en dehors des cours en permanence. Arriv? ? la maison, le conseil de famille fut r?uni afin d'?tre mis au courant de la situation, je n'eus ?videmment pas droit ? la parole. Elles d?cid?rent de commander des baillons boules afin de m'inculquer le silence. Les ba?llons-boules auraient des couleurs diff?rentes pour signifier des choses diff?rentes. Le rouge c'est la punition, le noir c'est la remise ? l'ordre et le blanc, pour que j'apprenne le silence. Pour les trajets et sorties, une double feuille de journal emplissant ma bouche suffirait car cela restait discret, ?conomique mais efficace et donc, depuis ce jour, chacune d'elle a toujours eu un journal ainsi que du tape transparent dans son sac. Elles en us?rent et en abus?rent ? maintes reprises car, il est vrai, que je parle normalement beaucoup. A mes 16 ans, en pleine adolescence, je voulus me rebeller et je m'enfuis donc de la maison. Ce n'est que 72 heures plus tard, que la police me d?couvrit dans une maison abandonn?e et me reconduisit ? la maison. Aussit?t que la police fut repartie, ma m?re et mes s?urs heureuses de me retrouver sain et sauf, d?cid?rent qu'? situation extraordinaire, il fallait des mesures extraordinaires. Dor?navant, hors enceinte de l'?cole, je serais entrav? en permanence, de mani?re ? m'?viter toute nouvelle m?saventure. Il fut command? tout le mat?riel n?cessaire afin de me pr?server de toutes nouvelles tentations. D?s ce jour, je dus porter d?s que j'?tais hors de l'?cole des fers aux chevilles avec une longueur de cha?ne entre chevilles d'environ 25 ? 30 cm, des menottes aux poignets avec une cha?ne reli? ? une ceinture qui enserre ma taille. J'?tais ?galement tr?s souvent b?illonn? et surtout hors de la maison. Je ne pouvais plus sortir sans ?tre accompagn? de quelqu'un. Contrairement, ? ce que j'avais craint, tout cela me plaisait car j'?tais pris en charge tout le temps et n'avait plus ? me soucier de rien. Le nouveau changement survint ? la fin de mes ?tudes secondaires. Cela se produisit lorsqu'un jour, accompagnant ma m?re et ma s?ur a?n?e Anne, dans des magasins de v?tements. Elles virent une cape qui, ? leurs yeux, offrait quelques avantages lors de nos sorties. Elles demand?rent pour que je puisse l'essayer et toutes enchant?es de leur trouvaille, d?cid?rent de l'acheter. Pendant que ma m?re, allait r?gler les achats, ma s?ur me rejoignit et dans l'intimit? de la cabine me passa les menottes avec les mains dans le dos, prit une double feuille de journal qu'elle m'enfourna promptement dans la bouche, m'enfila la cape et sortit de la cabine. Tout penaud, je la suivis et quand les vendeuses me dirent au revoir, je ne pus leur r?pondre que par un hochement de la t?te. Elles continu?rent ? faire leurs emplettes et je ne pus que les suivirent silencieusement, elles se f?licit?rent de ma discr?tion et se promirent de refaire cela prochainement. Tous les magazines masculins disparurent et furent remplac?s par des f?minins. Quelques jours plus tard alors que nous faisions les courses dans un supermarch?, je m'?clipsai pour aller feuilleter des revues masculines et c'est ma s?ur Beth qui me retrouva, elle ne dit rien, prit un journal et je dus me r?soudre ? la suivre vers les caisses. Dans la voiture, apr?s m'avoir b?illonn? avec le journal et du tape, elle utilisa son foulard pour me placer un bandeau sur les yeux. Elle informa, ? ma m?re intrigu?e, qu'elle m'avait surpris en train de lire des revues non autoris?es et que, de ce fait, elle trouvait normal ce traitement. Ma m?re ne put qu'approuver et, donc, j'allais rester aveugl? jusqu'au lendemain matin. Durant les vacances de cet ?t? l?, les journ?es ?taient rythm?es par l'apprentissage des diff?rentes t?ches m?nag?res de la maison et, l'essayage de nouvelles tenues qui ?taient de plus en plus f?minines que masculines. Par ailleurs, j'avais remarqu? que toute forme de toison disparaissait de mon corps et que mon corps ?voluait aussi sans parler du cot? ?motionnel qui s'insinuait de plus en plus dans mes attitudes. Un jour, voulant aborder le sujet avec ma m?re, celle-ci m'annon?a que justement le sujet allait ?tre ?voqu? lors du repas familial. A la fin du souper, ma m?re m'annon?a qu'? la rentr?e prochaine, j'allais int?grer une ?cole priv?e afin de suivre des ?tudes de secr?tariat. Cette ?cole avait juste une particularit?, c'?tait une ?cole r?serv?e aux femmes. Je voulus r?agir mais elle ne m'en laissa pas l'opportunit? et continua, depuis 2 mois, nous te faisons suivre un traitement hormonal afin que tes attributs f?minins se d?veloppent en lieu et place des masculins. Je commen?ais ? mieux comprendre certaines choses. Elle ajouta que je garderais mes attributs masculins uniquement au niveau du sexe. Mon pr?nom les aidaient beaucoup dans toutes les formalit?s administratives car il se pr?tait bien au deux sexes. Durant le mois, qu'il reste avant la rentr?e, nous allons finir de te pr?parer afin que tu sois pr?te ? entrer dans mes nouvelles ?tudes. Elle termina en me demandant si j'avais des questions. Je demandai en premier, si j'allais avoir un kot durant la dur?e de mes ?tudes. Unanimement, elles me r?pondirent que non et que je ferais tous les jours le trajet avec une de mes s?urs car elles passent toutes ? proximit? de l'?tablissement. Si maintenant, que mes ?tudes secondaires ?taient termin?es les r?gles allaient s'assouplir pour moi. A nouveau, elles m'annonc?rent que non et qu'au contraire, elles allaient encore ?voluer. Elles me dirent aussi que c'?tait pour mon bien, que je n'avais qu'? me soucier de mes ?tudes et que le reste, elles s'en occupaient. Je compris, ? ce moment l?, que mon avenir ?tait entre leurs mains et naturellement, je ne pus m'emp?cher d'esquisser un sourire. Cela ne leurs ?chappa pas et, se r?jouirent de leurs choix. Ma m?re m'indiqua que chacune d'elles allait m'apprendre tout ce qu'il faut pour devenir une femme. Anne et elle, allaient s'occuper de ma garde-robe. Lise du maquillage, coiffure et des soins. Beth du maintien, vocabulaire et attitudes. D?s le lendemain, Lise me pris en charge pour une premi?re explication et mise en pratique des soins que je devais suivre tous les jours. Beth prit le relais l'apr?s-midi afin de m'inculquer le ba ba des mani?res ? savoir. En fin de journ?e, j'?tais fatigu? et voulant me d?tendre, j'allumai la t?l?vision et me vautrai dans le fauteuil. Beth entendit l'?mission et apparut comme une furie dans le salon en me disant que je n'avais donc rien appris aujourd'hui. Elle d?fit mes menottes des poignets pour me les rattacher dans le dos, prit un ba?llon boule rouge et me b?illonna tr?s s?v?rement mais non contente, elle revint quelques minutes plus tard avec un bandeau en cuir tr?s ?pais qui m'aveugla de mani?re tr?s efficace. Pour terminer, elle me pla?a des bouchons anti-bruits afin, comme elle dit, que je puisse m?diter efficacement sur la le?on du jour. Je restai ainsi jusqu'au souper ou ma m?re instaura le fait que chaque jour, je devais faire un compte rendu ?crit de mes le?ons dans un petit cahier. Elle me dit que je pouvais faire court mais pr?cis et que je devais lui pr?senter chaque jour ? la fin du repas afin qu'elle puisse suivre mon ?volution. Je voulus objecter mais elle me fit comprendre que ce n'?tait nullement discutable. Le lendemain, je partis avec elle pour aller choisir quelques v?tements et sous-v?tements. Notre premier arr?t concernait les sous-v?tements, elle choisit diff?rentes culottes gainantes, des bas et des porte-jarretelles de diff?rentes mais le tout ?tait toujours bien assortit. Elle interrogea la vendeuse sur les corsets car elle dit regarder ma fille, elle n'a pas les hanches d'une fille, on dirait un gar?on. Un comble pensai-je mais je n'aurais jamais os? la contredire. La vendeuse lui conseilla alors les corsets dits ??victorien?? car c'est eux qui offrent le plus de maintien et de soutien mais qu'en plus avec leurs syst?mes de la?age, on pouvait faire ?voluer la taille au gr?s des progr?s de la femme. La vendeuse prit ma taille, elle dit alors, actuellement elle fait un 36 mais je pense que vous pourriez lui faire retrouver, avec un peu de discipline, une taille 32 dans un avenir proche. Satisfaite des explications, ma m?re m'en acheta un noir imm?diatement et en commanda plusieurs autres de diff?rentes couleurs. Nous pass?mes ensuite aux v?tements, elle choisit une boutique qui ?tait sp?cialis?e dans les tailleurs et tenues assez sobres. Directement, elle donna le ton ? la vendeuse en lui disant, qu'elle en avait assez que je ne porte que des jeans et des baskets, il ?tait temps que je passe ? autre chose. Elle choisit diff?rentes jupes et tailleurs que je dus aller essayer. Il fallait effectuer quelques retouches mais dans l'ensemble cela allait bien. Vint les diff?rents chemisiers de coton et de satin en harmonie avec les tailleurs choisit. Et finalement, ce fut le magasin de chaussures qui cl?turait la matin?e. Voulant me plaindre, ma m?re me fit remarquer que je n'?tais qu'une ingrate et que les ingrates seront justement sanctionn?es. Je n'osai plus rien ajouter et je la laissai choisir les escarpins, bottillons et bottes. Ce n'est qu'en fin d'apr?s-midi que nous regagn?mes la maison. Je montai les v?tements dans ma chambre et en voulant les ranger, je constatai que tous mes v?tements masculins avaient disparus. J'allais appeler quand ma s?ur Anne entra dans la chambre pour pouvoir voir mes emplettes. Je la questionnai sur la disparition de mes v?tements. Elle me r?pondit que d'un, je n'en avais plus besoin et que par ailleurs, je posais beaucoup trop de questions. Sur ce fait, elle prit un ba?llon boule noir et me le pla?a en prenant soin de bien serrer la lani?re, le ??clic?? du cadenas m'?ta toute illusion de lib?ration. Les jours qui suivirent, je re?us d'autres v?tements f?minins que mes s?urs avaient command?s via des commandes internet cela allait jusqu'? tabliers. Les jours qui suivirent les le?ons s'intensifi?rent et les r?primandes aussi, si bien qu'en dehors de leurs le?ons, j'?tais tr?s souvent entrav?s, priv? de la vue, de la parole et m?me r?guli?rement de l'ou?e. Chaque soir, apr?s le repas, ma m?re consultait mon journal et demandait ? mes s?urs de commenter un peu sur mon suivi. Le jour de la rentr?e tant attendu et redout? arriva. J'?tais inquiet mais aussi impatient de pouvoir entrer en cours afin de pouvoir m'?chapper du cocon oppressant que repr?sentait ma sph?re familiale. Pour le premier jour de cours, ce f?t ma m?re qui me conduisit ? l'?cole, je re?us encore et toujours ses recommandations. Elle m'accompagna jusqu'au bureau de la direction ou nous f?mes accueillies par la Directrice de l'Etablissement. Apr?s m'avoir fait part des r?gles tr?s strictes en mati?re de discipline, de comportement, je fus conduite dans ma classe par une secr?taire. Les classes ?taient compos?es de 10 ?l?ves au maximum et je dus m'installer seule sur une table comme les autres ?l?ves de la classe. Durant, les moments de pause de la journ?e, timide et g?n?, je restai ? l'?cart des autres. Quelques groupes se form?rent mais je n'osai me m?l? ? l'un deux. Ce fut ma s?ur Anne qui vint me chercher ? la sortie et qui, inhabituellement, pour le trajet de retour, m'entrava s?v?rement et me b?illonna comme si, elle voulait me faire comprendre que j'?tais bien toujours sous leurs contr?les. Ma m?re lors du souper me fit remarquer que la rentr?e des classes ne me dispensait nullement de mon compte rendu hebdomadaire. Elle me dit que je devais aussi le compl?t? par la liste des ?l?ves de ma classe mais aussi des filles que je fr?quente. Vu le ton ainsi que les questions que me pos?rent mes s?urs, je ne pus que m'y r?soudre. Le lendemain, lors de la journ?e, une fille sortit d'un groupe et s'approcha de moi. C'est ainsi que je fis la connaissance de Marie et bien vite nous avons commenc? ? sympathiser. Marie est une belle fille de mon ?ge, qui d?gage naturellement de l'autorit? mais qui plus est, ? beaucoup de charme. Bref, pour la premi?re fois de ma vie, ? sa pr?sence, j'eus un d?but d'?rection mais ma ceinture de chastet? me rappela cruellement ? l'ordre. Au bout de quelques jours, nous devenions ins?parables comme attir? par un aimant. Elle posait beaucoup de questions sur moi, ma famille mais je restais ?vasif car je souhaitais pr?server notre intimit? toute relative. Je ne fis d'ailleurs nullement mention de Marie dans mes comptes rendu journaliers. Je m'arrangeais, le soir, de m'?clipser afin qu'elle ne rencontre pas une de mes s?urs. Cependant, l'intuition f?minine surement, mes s?urs se doutaient de quelque chose car leurs questions ?taient de plus en plus pr?cises mais je tenais bon. Au bout d'un mois de ce petit jeu, ? la sortie de l'?cole en allant rejoindre ma s?ur Anne ? sa voiture, Marie me rattrape car j'avais oubli? mon foulard en classe. C'est spontan?ment alors qu'elle s'est dirig?e vers ma s?ur afin de se pr?senter. Anne bien que surprise par les ?v?nements, n'en ?tait pas moins satisfaite de d?couvrir la v?rit?. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et subtilement, Anne, question par question, finit par apprendre tout ce que j'avais dissimul?. En se quittant, elles se firent la bise et dans la voiture, Anne me pla?a mes entraves et me b?illonna avec un ba?llon boule rouge qu'elle dissimula avec mon foulard. Elle me dit juste qu'elle n'aimait pas les cachotteries que je leurs avaient faites mais que nous en discuterions plus tard en famille. Elle ajouta juste qu'elle trouvait tr?s sympathique Marie mais d?s notre retour, j'avais int?r?t ? compl?ter convenablement mon cahier car, de son contenu, d?pendait les sanctions qui me serait appliqu?e. Je commen?ais ? craindre les r?actions du conseil de famille car je ne voulais pas perdre Marie. Vint la fin du souper et ma m?re, s'?tonna de la grandeur inhabituelle de mon rapport. Elle le lut ? voix haute. Lise et Beth ?cout?rent attentivement tout en me montrant leurs m?contentements. Ma m?re souhaita, en premier lieu, d'avoir des pr?cisions sur Marie et sa famille. Ne pouvant r?pondre correctement aux questions, elles se mirent d'accord pour inviter Marie ? venir un week-end prochain afin de faire connaissance. Lise prit la parole et demanda quelles sanctions allaient-elles prendre au vu des manquements dont j'avais fait preuve. Je fus priv? durant les 15 prochains jours de sortie, de t?l?vision et que j'allais, chaque soir, devoir effectu? une corv?e pour l'une ou l'autre. Egalement, elles convinrent que mes entraves devaient ?tre renforc?es. Elles d?nich?rent via internet, un syst?me de sangle qui se fixe juste avant le genou qui entrave la marche. Un judicieux syst?me les relient ? mon porte-jarretelles l'emp?che de glisser durant la marche. Le syst?me est invisible car la jupe le dissimule mais est tr?s efficace comme entrave. Dor?navant, lors de toute sortie, je devais en ?tre pourvu. Plus les jours passaient, plus je me rapprochais de Marie et la r?ciproque ?tait de mise. Mais ce rapprochement me montra aussi une nouvelle facette de Marie, la jalousie. En effet, elle supportait assez mal que d'autres condisciples aient des conversations trop longues et, un jour, je la surpris m?me ? me faire une remarque car je faisais trop de sourire ? une autre fille. Mes s?urs la jouaient finement et sans que je ne rende compte r?ellement, chacune d'elles avaient fait connaissance avec Marie et c'est donc naturellement, qu'un jour, Lise convint avec Marie qu'elle vienne nous rendre visite le dimanche du premier cong? qui arrivait. Lise en fit part aux autres lors du souper et, comme il restait une petite dizaine de jours, elles se mirent d'accord pour transformer ma chambre, ou subsistait quelques objets masculins de mon enfance ainsi que des photos ou posters, en une d'?tudiante. En une semaine tout fut r?gl? et ? ce moment l?, je pris conscience que plus rien ne subsistait du Dominique masculin. Ce vendredi ?tait aussi le jour du bulletin. Il ?tait assez bon mais une remarque de la titulaire venait g?cher l'ensemble. Il ?tait not? que je parlais trop et, que cela perturbait le bon d?roulement de cours.

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I WAS STILL holding my gun, cautiously scanning the riverbank Nothing. I holstered it and grabbed a fistful of Pooky’s mane to swing onto his back. “I’m tired now, Pooky,” I whispered. “Let’s go home.” He turned and plodded back to the paddock where I removed the lead rope. He pushed his head into my armpit and nodded up and down, covering my left boob with his snot. “Nice one, buddy. Don’t think I won’t remember that!” I laughed and headed to my apartment and bed. Pa agreed that we had...

4 years ago
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Grace and OwenChapter 6

The Stop: Since we had our bags with us, we didn’t need to wait for them to be unloaded. The Savannah train shed, while large, was not as large as the one in Philadelphia. While walking toward the exit, we heard a man remark to his friend that the waiting room ahead of us was an octagon 80 feet in diameter. From this, it was fairly easy to estimate that the train shed was about twice that wide and maybe five times that long. When we passed the clock in the waiting room, it indicated that it...

3 years ago
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Sucking Cock

Hi! It’s been a while! How are you and is life being kind to you? I have something I need to share. Remember I was complaining that no one seemed to be interested? Well, guess what!? Today at the nudie beach a guy was wanking himself and was watching me looking at him. As he didn't say or do anything to give me an invitation, when he stopped I started talking to a guy next to me. After a few minutes, I had to have a pee, so went over to the little toilet block. I walked in and the guy who had...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Yellow

I had always believed my life would suck until one day three weeks ago. I had grown up being a nerd, dork, doof, whatever you want to call people like me. I went through high school without a date, let alone getting laid. Which meant I spent a great amount of time in my room with various porn subscriptions. So on this day I just so happened to be walking home from the library, when I saw Mrs. Gracey, my neighbor. She was walking a few feet ahead of me, wearing a tight yellow cardigan and skinny...

First Time
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The Slave Princess Part 3

  A dragonfly’s wing Rolling amongst brittle leaves, A plaything of the wind, That uncouth and awkward child.   –          The Canticle of Menkeret.       “Menkeret is a kindly god. He is lord of all mysteries, certainly, and the source of all magic, but he is a benevolent deity foremost of all. Invoke him in your hour of need. He is the door of all subtleties and through subtlety we might best understand him. His emanations are manifold, my daughter and his manifestations truly...

1 year ago
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Future Wife Cuckold Part 3

Sarah told me a few weeks after our initial oldman gangbangs that she had been asked by Mal to go away for the week to the coast as he did not have any close family and that this may… Sarah told me a few weeks after our initial oldman gangbangs that she had been asked by Mal to go away for the week to the coast as he did not have any close family and that this may be his last chance to get away.I couldn't get the time off work so it was arranged for Sarah and Mal to go away for the week,...

3 years ago
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February Stars A Play

Before you read on, dear reader, please be warned that this is most likely nothing like what you are used to reading on this site. This is by no means an erotic tale, nor is it akin to my other work in progress, ‘Seeking Twilight’. But my friends, please do read on, at least through the Prologue, and as you read, imagine yourself sitting in a theatre, a member of an audience, watching as the story before you unfold. Imagine seeing what you read. Cast of Characters (In Order of Appearance) ...

1 year ago
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Teen Plays Peek a Boo With Her Bra

The Unit and its characters are owned by Twentieth Century Fox. This is a parody based on characters in the Unit and I do not own The Unit or any of its characters. This is a F/f hard spanking given by her Aunt Kim to her niece Lissy, who is eighteen years-old. She was caught with her shirt off in her bra in Kim’s house without permission. Do not read if you are under 18 years old. Scenario; Lissy becomes interested in the son of an Officer. Kim returned home to find a skateboard in the...

2 years ago
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KennedyChapter 2 Kennedys Renaissance

Kennedy tried to contain her excitement, but when you are eight, nearly nine, excitement is huge and the container is small. Mr. Glastonbury was wearing a friar's robe, something that had raised a few eyebrows when they stopped for gas. Kennedy had thought about getting out of the car herself and seeing what people thought of her Robin Hood costume, but decided that there was too much chance that they would laugh. Now, though, they were in the mountains and it was a nice day; the air was...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 13

[Janice writes from Estonia] It was mid afternoon when Anton returned with a pretty woman about his age and three young children. He came up to Charlie and me. He said, "This is my wife, Marta, and my children." Charlie said, "Hello, Marta, it's good to meet you. This is one of my mothers, Janice." "Hello, Missus Janice. Your communities practice plural marriage?" I said, "It's good to meet you and your family. Some are in plural marriages. Most marriages, like Charlie's, are...

2 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 30 Moms Dods Helena1

I wish I have cameras not only in my Sex Studio but also in my mind as a naughty one is a joy foreverI long to record my long sexy sessions with my most favourite moms, while their dear doddies watch usI love to make love to several of my female friends, to initiate their dear doddies under their eyesI will mention and describe below my all-time first favourite fantasy with a mom and dear daughters!I introduce Helena who has two beautiful blonde dear daughters, whom I watched grow up to tasty...

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Child MagusChapter 18

I hadn't discussed getting back to my apartment with anyone, so I planned on walking. At the corner of South Nedderman and Cooper, I was waiting for the crosswalk light when I heard someone honk and call my name. I looked and found Jordan waving at me from the parking lot just south of Davis Hall. She was in a body hugging pale yellow dress that dipped low enough in front to show her blue and white bra. The hem of the skirt stopped halfway down her thighs and she wore knee-high leather...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Kenzie Reeves A Doctor Must Thoroughly Take Care Of His Patients Every Needs

Kenzie Reeves has a bit of a problem. Her pussy just seems to always be dry. She gets turned on and everything like normal but her pussy just remains dry. She goes in for a checkup and Dr. Pistol is such a good doctor. He makes her pussy so wet and finds a way to swab her pussy so she will never have to worry about being dry again. His cock has his precum and soon that pussy is soaking wet! He will be sure to get a good sample. This is the proper way to get a swab until his senior doctor comes...

1 year ago
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He never had a chance Part 1 2 and 3

He never had a chance ( made into the perfect 'little Lady') Part 1 Businesswoman, fashionista and respected member of the local high society, mrs. Zabor had been out of town for a few days, leaving her teenage son alone at the house as he wasn't the sort of kid that would throw wild parties in her absence. This time she had returned a day earlier than expected and when she entered the house and there was a noise coming from her bedroom, she rushed up there to find her beloved son...

1 year ago
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How are things across the pond? Well, I think everywhere’s pretty much the same right now, with perverts staying home to masturbate instead of getting out there and banging the local fatties of Tinder. It makes me wonder how many of the movies at XXBrits were filmed during the pandemic, and how many were up before. It’s a new site, though, registered only months before everyone started worrying about what to wipe their asses with.XXBrits.com is a new free tube entirely dedicated to British...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Sarah Chapter 2

It’s been a week since Sarah’s birthday. Nothing further was said about that kiss she gave me. I know it won’t be long before something happens. I was up at my normal 4AM, coffee was done and I had just poured my cup when Jane came into the kitchen. She had a look that something was really bothering her. “Ok, what’s on your mind honey,” I said, as I grabbed another cup for her. “You know what it is Dad, Sarah. She came to me last night and we talked about that “kiss”. Her and I discussed the...

3 years ago
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 23 Tributes Large and Small

Jake and Catherine were awoken by Rebecka thirty minutes before the Pride was due back. They showered and dressed quickly. Catherine insisted he wear his dress uniform. While she wore one of her standard ships uniforms. When he asked why. She said, “For the tribute you need to shine brighter than I do. I’ll change into a regular dress before we leave the ship. Go check on the ship and reassure yourself everything has been done. I’ll make sure everything is ready for your family. Then double...

2 years ago
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I am so easy to screw

The last I heard of it, she had ran aground and sank, somewhere in the Aegean Sea, so ended my association with the Birka Princess. My last journey on our 24 hour ‘Booze Cruise’ to Åland started in great style, by me being ‘Hit-on’ by a strange little man who obviously had heard that Swedish girls liked to let their hair down, along with a few other things, as the wine flowed and inhibitions relaxed. At the after end of the ship you can drink as you watch Stockholm dissapear into the distance,...

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part 31

Well the week flew by and we dropped of our daughter at her friends for the weekend. Toni spent the afternoon getting ready for the evening dressed to the 10’s around 10 pm Lynn showed up with a bottle of rum and we sat down all relaxed and had a drink. the conversation was easy and time flew by then the woman started to talk sexual and the hints where flying around when suddenly Toni turn to me and said it’s your turn to dance for us and went to the stereo and selected the music I was to...

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Carpet of Roses

She looked down and smiled. Roses. She loved roses. But who would leave them at the door for her? She hadn’t heard from Billy since they broke up. Well she considered them broken up. She hadn’t heard from him from that stupid fight they had two weeks ago that had them both saying things she knew, or at least she thought she knew, they didn’t mean. They had both asked each other at the same time if the other one wanted to break up. No one really said a yes or no as a response. Just silence...

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Karen Helping Her Son Back To Bed

Enjoy! As always in the early mornings, Karen Thompson was already up, sitting by the table in the kitchen, drinking coffee whilst reading the headlines in the newspaper, not having time for anything else as she was never late for work - being an secretary for one of the bigger companies in the city - and wasn't planning on arriving late this Monday either. She was already dressed, of course, and due to her work she was now wearing a white blouse and a gray, short skirt. Beneath all...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 32 The Waking

When Franz returned to himself, he seemed still to be in a dream. He thought himself in a sepulchre, into which a ray of sunlight in pity scarcely penetrated. He stretched forth his hand, and touched stone; he rose to his seat, and found himself lying on his bournous in a bed of dry heather, very soft and odoriferous. The vision had fled; and as if the statues had been but shadows from the tomb, they had vanished at his waking. He advanced several paces towards the point whence the light...

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Whats in a name

I shoved my Nano drive into the port on the side of the computer and activated the prompts when they came up on the screen. I could have done it vocally, but since what I was doing was illegal it seemed safer to use the touch screen instead. The drive I had just installed was a rod of nano circuitry about the size of a triple A battery. And could contain up to sixty four zetta bites of information, this was way too much storage in my opinion. I could download a virtual version of the...

3 years ago
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Fucking And Being Fucked 8211 Threesome Sex At Delhi Airport

Hey guys, thought I would share yet another story with all of you about an  encounter that I had two years ago. Just to remind you, I am 6’1″, I have a thick dick, around 7″ in length, and I am slightly fitter than average. I was flying from Delhi to Bombay to meet up with a few college friends from the T3 at Indira Gandhi International, when my flight got cancelled. I found out that my next flight wouldn’t take off for another three hours. So, I had a lot of time to kill at the airport. I...

Gay Male
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Gotta Catch Em All

PLAY IN STORY MODE OR THIS WON'T WORK RIGHT You are Red, an 18 year old boy from Pallet Town. You are about to head off on you're own trainer adventure. You start by heading to the Professor's Labratoy. "Hello Red! First of all, I would like to tell you the basics of this world. Mainly, now that you're a trainer, you can "catch" girls using these collars *he hands you 5 collars with various colored wires sticking out*. Once caught, the girls must follow all of you're physical commands and...

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Sabrina the tricky witch

Sabrina's friend Jason had just gotten beaten up by the local toughs. Jason wasn't beaten up too badly but ever the drama queen you'd have thought he was dying, Jason was always picked on in high school but they were in they're 20's now. "Jason, who did it to you?" She asked. Jason was gorgeous with blue eyes and black hair, a very effeminate queer with a slight build, " Danny Jones, Marty Jensen, and Jacky McCorrie" he said. "What happened?" She asked. But Jason wouldn't say. "I'll take care...

4 years ago
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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 4 Futa Seduces Her Mom Big Sis

Chapter Four: Futa Seduces Her Mom & Big Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Asuka Takamaki The front door whisked opened and closed softly, the knob turned to keep it from latching. My eldest daughter, Ruri, entered like a thief in the night. She was a shadow, back from her date and an hour after curfew. She took two steps when I flicked on the light. Ruri jumped, squeaking in shock. Her brown hair danced around her face. She looked the most...

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A Late Summer Beach Weekend

It was late on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of September. I was busying myself around the small town home I rented preparing for house guests. My college girlfriend, Mandy, and whoever was her flavor-of-the-month boyfriend would be here shortly. They were on their way from Dallas, where Mandy moved for a job after graduation. They were spending the night and then were accompanying my boyfriend Nick and I to the beach for the weekend. My uncle owns a camp right on the beach on Dauphin...

2 years ago
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Lolas Punishment Essay 4 Gingham GIrl

Lola's Punishment Essay #4 One of an occasional essays that I write when bidden by E. I had been complaining about my look and was asked to write a thousand words about the details of my look. She asked me if I felt uncomfortable with my look, or embarrassed, and to write 1000 words about it. I don't know if this is a prelude to changing my look (hope so) or if E is looking to "rub my nose in it" a bit. With her it is hard to tell sometimes. Maybe that's the attraction for me,...

4 years ago
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Introduction: The title was inspired by a post in the thread announcing the contest. It was a derogatory term used by The Unripe Plum in one of his serial, gratuitous attacks on another forum member. As with all fiction, the usual disclaimers apply: any resemblance to real events, persons, places or forum members is entirely coincidental. Except, of course, where its entirely intentional. The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel,...

2 years ago
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Incest Is Freedom Part2

Hi friends I am Mr.x from deep down in south Tamilnadu….I am back with another new story…enjoythe train moves on. We stayed in the toilet for sometime. I asked my sister Priya whether she like what I did. She said “yes”. I asked her to show me her pussy. She moved her panties down and I bent down to get clear vision. It seems like used before. It was very wet and greasy. I pushed a finger inside and start the finger fuck.Surprisingly three fingers went inside comfortably and I asked her “Have...

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Unleashing A Secret Passion For Cock

My name is Russell and I am a student. I live in lodgings that are relatively close to college. I was glad of the room to be honest, as I always leave things to the last minute and applying for a room close to college was one of those last minute things you do.I could have ended up with anybody, but I ended up with Brigitte and Steve. I couldn’t have picked a better couple to share company with in the evenings and during the weekends. Staying with them was like being at home, they were really...

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Horny Voyeur SchoolgirlsChapter 2

Now that the performance in the front seat had ended--or gone into intermission--Clyde renewed his assault on Linda with more determination than ever. His passion had been inspired by watching Mike get a blow job, and his envy had been aroused by his friend's good fortune in selecting a girl who blew without protest. Now Clyde was damned well determined to get something for himself. Linda was having more trouble fighting him off, too--not because he was trying harder, but because she had...

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The Path of Least Resistance Part Two

This is the second part of a two-part story. While the first part was intended to be read as a single, stand-alone piece of fiction, this continuation is not intended to be read in isolation. If you're interested please read the first part, which is also on FictionMania, also posted under the name "Alamo Preacher" before reading this. Note that the previous parts ends in the middle of a conversation. Be warned, as well as the usual provisos of reading anything on this site, be aware...

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RedemptionChapter 6 Heather with an H

Friday morning THREE DEAD IN GEORGETOWN SHOOTING Washington, DC, Friday, October 26 By Deidre Holland, The Washington Post Gunshots at a Georgetown row house on Thursday evening left three men dead, according to police sources. One of the dead was identified as Josh Letterman, 18, son of the homeowners and killed by one of the two intruders. The intruders, who had entered the house by force, were fatally shot by police detectives Larry Anderson and Suzanne Fredericks. The detectives were...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Intimate Confessions! For the past four days of magnificent pleasure I had discovered so far at home with this beautiful young woman called Julia, little did I realize that their was still so much more to come from this adventure. That fifth morning, I awoke just after nine and arose and headed to the shower. As the water got warmer, I undressed out of the boxers I wore to bed and slipped inside the cubicle, the entrance into the area was unsealed. As I began to wash my naked body...

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Nurse In Bus

By: Prat_prat Hi all, All this time long I was visiting ISS and had a good time at night/day used this site as my tool for masturbation at its best, Now I felt like sharing my experience which happened with me 4 years back, first of all to tell about myself. I am a 24 year old guy, 5.8 ft tall, wheatish in colour, average body from Mumbai, Now to tell about the goddess of love who showed me the heaven in the bus, her name is Ratnamma, 28 years old, 5.5 ft tall, wheatish in colour, average a...

2 years ago
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The Cheater Part 4

The party was quite an affair with a DJ and dancing. One corner of the basement was kept rather dark, and it didn't take long to figure out why. The birthday boy was giving another guy a blow job, and a couple of people were standing around watching. Cheryl started to turn away, but when the guy began moaning and muttering directions, she turned back and watched as he sucked and licked the other man to an orgasm, swallowing his jizz. As the first man left, another guy walked up and pulled down...

1 year ago
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I let my room mate fuck me

I am not gay first of all I just love inserting something in my ass whenever possible. i do this all the time even when I am in class. i remember when I was 18 years I store my vibrator and inserted it in my ass. i went to class only to cum when I was flirting with this girl. she laughed at me saying she made me cum without even touching me. i knew off course she was not the one the vibrator in my ass was. on this day my roommate comes in the room frustrated. Her girl did not allow him to fuck...

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Forbidden LoveChapter 14

I got up early the next morning and ordered breakfast for us. When it arrived I quietly opened the door, tipped the bellhop, and pulled the table into the room. I had everything set up when I saw my mother stirring in the bed. I brought over a hot cup of coffee and sat on the bed, reaching the cup toward her sleepy face. When she smelled the coffee a smile came to her face and her sleep weary eyes brightened. “Mmmmm, thank you,” she said as she struggled to sit up in bed. She took the coffee...

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Sexcom Big Tits GIFS

Of all the porn sites out there, few have managed to intrigue fans as much as Sex.com. Why is that? Well, I think there are several reasons for it, and one of them is that they just have so many fucking uploads in every goddamn category! And besides that, the name is so easy to remember that anyone can just type in the word „sex“ in the google search engine or Sex.com in the URL bar and they will find this website! I mean, it’s crazy! But today, we are going to look at one specific category and...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Runaway TrainChapter 105

“I didn’t want you to think I was a total bitch,” she said when we were back in the hallway. “I don’t,” I replied. “And I’d never admit it if I did. I’ve determined that you could kill me on video and not spend a minute in jail.” She stopped in the hallway – which caused me to stop, too. She was glaring at me with her arms crossed across her front. “I was talking about the way I had to handle some of the tenants,” she clarified. “I can’t let people stop paying rent and I can’t let people...

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Only3XLost Dulce Katy Photoshoot of Dulce Katy ends in hardcore banging

Dulce Katy just arrived in Tenerife and is looking for directions. She meets with our photo guy who absolutely is ready to give her those directions. Dulce Katy was easily talked into doing some glamour shots for him. She looks stunning – and whoever wears such a dress… is ready for some adventure! She proved that statement right. After just a couple of pictures, she changed into something more kinky. She has no issues showing her naked body in front of an audience for...

4 years ago
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LucianChapter 9

Why do we still think airports are places of glamour? Why not call them the meat-packing factories they are, pushing long sausages of passengers’ flesh through portals and detector gates? Tourists, businessmen, and all kinds of other travelers milled around the halls and corridors of Washington’s Dulles International Airport, spreading sweat and heat and noise and agitation. But the tall and slender silver-haired creature at the center of this swirling circus didn’t seem to notice. Aloof...

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Its Good To Be King

[ Tolerate this first chapter, since nothing sexual happens in it. Added stories will be more entertaining. Thank you.] Chapter 1 The last day of my dull life. Hi, I'm Shawn. I'm 29, fit, 'bout 170 pounds, a 6'1 hellbilly from Williamsport, Tennessee, but by no means I'm like the rednecks stereotyped on TV. Though I was held back one year in high-school I graduated with a 3.2 GPA, and I've completed over 5 years of Political Science, American History, Human Biology/Anatomy, and...

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I Am A Man

I had just got my drivers license and a car. I drover that thing all day long. Anything my parents needed I would get in my car and go get. I would drive from one end of town to the other just to drive. I thought I was a big shot. I was a man, the man. One day while driving I saw a neighbor of mine. It was Janet, she had lived next door to me for as long as I could remember. I pulled over and asked Janet if she wanted a ride and she jumped into the car. We drove around together for awhile. It...

3 years ago
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My Friends Hot Moms Home Sick

I was home sick and my best friend told his mother. She came over to help me get better and boy did she make me feel good. "What's wrong Jack?" "It's my best friend Ed, Mom. He's home in bed sick. His folks are on vacation and won't be back for another week." "How sad. He seems like such a nice young man. Would it help if I went over and helped him?" "I don't think it would hurt anything. You don't mind do you?" "Of course not. I'm willing to do anything for your...

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