InterfaceChapter 7 free porn video

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I got up bright and early on Monday, knowing it would be another day of school but I had to get through it before I could get back to my evil plans. I was keen to get started as soon as possible to get it all over with. Once I had dried my hair and feathers, I put on the day's uniform, selecting a skirt instead of trousers. I was getting more comfortable wearing these girl clothes. the openness of them had been a little startling at first but now I was more used to it they didn't bother me so much. Of course I might feel differently when the weather began to turn colder.

I had a nice breakfast and caught my usual ride in with Dad. Given my early, start we were into school much earlier than normal, so when I got to the class room I was the first there. I sat waiting for the day to get started. The new girl Vicky was one of the first to get in after me. She smiled at me pleasantly but made no move to come and speak to me, perhaps having taken my brush off as my final word on things.

Pretty soon the room began to fill up and eventually my arch nemesis, Tara, showed up. I did my best to ignore her, which wasn't too hard, since she was more interested in harassing Vicky. She said a variety of unsavoury comments and began prodding the poor girl, making fun of her completely covered skin, pulling at her extra long sleeves and trying to get hold of her gloves.

This seemed to upset Vicky more than the verbal abuse. Tara, scenting blood, intensified her attack, but was stopped by the arrival of Mr Roberts. Vicky looked relieved and readjusted her clothing again to make sure her arms and legs were covered. She caught me looking, and self consciously put her hands down and pretended not to notice.

When we got up to leave for our first lesson, Tara tripped poor Vicky and kept hold of her sleeve when she was doing it. There was a ripping noise and the clothing tore as Vicky fell to the floor. Everyone stood stock still amazed at what was revealed. Vicky had no arms! Instead, there were octopus-like tentacles complete with suckers in their place. Her legs flailed around, bending at odd angles now she was knocked down, revealing them to be tentacles, too. It seemed she had no normal limbs at all.

Tara stared at the poor girl on the floor, trying frantically to pull herself back up and laughed uproariously, "Look at that freak!" she giggled. "She's a slimy tentacled beast!"

Many people stood laughing or looking disgusted, while poor Vicky flailed around with tears running down her cheeks. I decided to step in to help her. I pushed my way past those gawking and offered my hand to help her up.

"Oh, the freak is going to get the help of the pervert. What a surprise!" said Tara.

My newly decided Super Villain status making me brave, (Well, I had a lair, so it was surely enough to call myself a super villain). I rounded on Tara, baring my teeth and jumping forward with a growling sound. She let out a high pitched expletive of surprise and fear, and stumbled back, tripping over one of her own friends, nearly falling down herself. Turning bright red with anger, she stormed off.

I turned back to Vicky and offered her my hand again. She tentatively reached out with her tentacles, which had fallen out of her glove revealing she had a hand of sorts, though it seemed to be mostly on one of the tentacles but lacking one finger, the other tentacle performing that function. Her palm and the pads of her digits as well as the underside of her arm were covered in suckers. Apart from that, her tentacles looked very much like normal arms bent into impossible ways. They were flesh coloured, had pores and a fine layer of hair just like a normal girls arms. When she reached for me and her tentacles wrapped around my arm, I did my best not to flinch.

When she touched me though I found her flesh was warm and felt very much like a normal persons touch. The suckers were a bit odd gripping me, but she didn't feel slimy or cold as I had feared. In fact, they sort of tickled. Once she had a good grip, she hauled herself back to her "feet". Now that I looked more closely I could see in the way she moved hints that she lacked a skeletal system in her legs. Her movements were fluid and though she bent her "legs", she tended to curve her legs in a very slightly anatomically impossible manner as she moved. As she got her balance back and readjusted her damaged clothing, slotting her hand and extra tentacle into her glove, she re-established the illusion that she just had normal arms and legs.

"Are you OK? You took quite a tumble," I asked her.

"Yeah, not too bad. Just a little bumped and bruised." She brushed her clothes down. "Thanks for helping me up. My name's Vicky Miller."

"I'm Lexi. Lexi Jones," I said giving her a smile. By silent consent we began walking to our next lesson together, talking.

"Most people don't want to touch my arms. It freaks them out."

"Well, I must admit they did give me pause. Just gut reaction I guess, but they just feel like normal skin more or less."

"They're made up of loads of muscle and nerve tissue, but rather than being adapted for aquatics, they are just normal, more or less a little more elastic than they should be." She flexed her arm a little.

"You don't seem to have any bones, though. How can you act like you do?"

"It took a while to figure that out. Using my hand was the hardest part. Apparently Octopuses in the wild effectively form joints with opposing muscle contractions, anyway, in order to move stuff with their arms. So that was almost automatic, but to get that sort of fine control took time. I still more or less just wrap my hand around a pen to use it, and end up looking like a small kid with a crayon."

"So, can you bend your arm any way you want?" anyway

"Kind of." She brushed a stray hair out of her face, allowing me to see her tentacles moving through the torn sleeve. "I don't really have complete control over them it's more like I tell them to do something and they respond on their own."

"So that you set them a goal, and they move to fit it?"

"More or less. I think I have a bit more direct control than an octopus does because some of my original human wiring is still there, but mostly it's like that."

"Cool, so do you have two tentacles with your legs as well?"

"They're called arms, not tentacles, like on an octopus, and yeah I have 8 arms, two where each normal limb would be."

"Do you have feet then?"

"a little bit like my hands. I have a bud at the end with some toes and the like, though they sort of stick straight out. I don't have an ankle as such."

"It must have been weird to change like that. I just got some little wings as my extra thing."

"Wings? Cool. Can you fly?"

"No they're too little." I turned around to show her the outline under my shirt, "See? They are only small."

"That's annoying. I guess it could have been worse. If they were big and useless, they would be in the way all the time."

"Yeah, there is that."

"When I was changing it was the worst. I absorbed all the bones first so I was basically a torso with floppy limbs that I couldn't really move for a few days, while all the additional muscles and nerves grew. Then it took a load of time to learn how to walk again. I spent a few months scuttling about on the floor."

"You move mostly like a normal person now. I never would have guessed if that meanie Tara hadn't attacked you."

"What is her problem anyway? She seems to be a bit anti-MORFS but she is a survivor herself. Then she seems a bit anti-hybrid, but she has them in her little gang, I don't get it."

"She was never this mean when I was Alex, before I changed into a girl. She would throw the odd snide comment but nothing more than that."

"You used to be a boy?"

"Yeah," I said, a little embarrassed. I wondered if I should have told her, and if it would ruin the rapport we had been building up.

"One of my cousins on my mother's side, the more tolerant half of my family, got that same gender switch thing. She was pretty shocked by it, but got over it eventually. I think she even decided she preferred being a girl."

I shrugged, "It's not been so bad, apart from the extra attention from Tara. I got bullied a fair amount before, but nothing so constant and malicious. It wasn't until the day you arrived that I fought back and got some measure of peace. I had hoped I would do better as a girl, since they always seemed to have lots of friends, especially the pretty ones. It hasn't worked out so far, though."

"Oh I don't know," said Vicky with a smile, "I think you are well on your way to making a friend, Lexi."

I smiled back, thinking Vicky would make a good friend. Not only was she a nice person, but we shared a common enemy. When we arrived at our class we sat together, but weren't able to talk much, as the teacher was quite strict. So we made do with the odd glance and whispered comment. Tara was looking daggers at the two of us, and even got into trouble a few times for not paying attention.

Usually I sat on my own at the back, so it was a new experience to be sitting with someone else. I had less desk space than normal, however other than that, there didn't seem to be any disadvantages. I watched Vicky writing out her notes and saw she did have some trouble with pens. She wrapped her hand around the pen and scrawled like a small child would. Her more flexible arms meant she had more fine control than I would have thought, but she still had some trouble making her handwriting neat. As she wrote, she got this intense look on her face and bit her lip. It made her look quite cute, at least to my eyes. I wasn't sure she would appreciate that thought, so I went back to my work. I didn't want to loose my first friend before I'd even really cemented the friendship.

After the lesson it was time for PE where I was on my own, though I now understood why Vicky couldn't do it. With her strange limbs she would have difficulty with a lot of the sorts of things they made us do in PE. I did wonder if Miss Adams would have made her join in if she found out what her real reason for not coming to PE was. I guess Vicky wasn't strictly lying. Having no human arms and legs was kind of a medical condition.

After what felt like a few hours of running around later PE was over and I was hungry. First, I needed a nice hot shower. Tara decided that confronting me when I was soaking wet and clad only in a towel was the best time to try intimidating me some more. She was a little annoyed that I was more interested in drying my hair.

"You and your little freak lover can take a hike! We don't want your kind round here!" Tara spat. When I didn't respond and turned my back on her to dry my wings she got quite hopping mad. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Oh, were you talking to me?" I asked with feigned innocence.

Tara tried to slap me, but I ducked out the way, causing her to miss me entirely.

"Why is it you are so mean to me and Vicky? What did we ever do to you?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.

She stared at me for a few seconds, saying nothing, then all of a sudden turned and ran off. She seemed to have tears in her eyes, though why, I had no idea. It all seemed rather odd, and having her run away with tears in her eyes further painted me as some sort of nasty bully, so I got quite a few unpleasant looks from Tara's friends. Still, I had done nothing wrong. Besides, super villains don't care what other people think of them. I dressed and headed over to lunch.

When I arrived at the lunch hall Vicky was waiting for me at the door. I noticed she had repaired the damage to her sleeve and now you would be hard pressed to spot that her limbs were not normal. She waved to me and we walked in together to get lunch. After picking out a table that was not too busy, we sat eating our lunch and chatting.

"Tara was acting a bit odd earlier," I said.

"How could you tell?" Vicky said with a wicked glint in her eyes.

"He he. Well, she tried to have a go at me, but when I asked her why she was always so mean to you and me she ran off crying."

"Wow! That is odd. Did you scare her with your teeth or something?"

"I don't think so."

"Your teeth are a bit scary. It's a bit odd to watch you eat with those things. It's like watching an industrial shredder tear something to bits."

I covered my mouth self consciously, "It's not my fault they're like that!"

"I know. I wish I had scary teeth like that."


"Then I could bite Tara and scare her off."

"I'd never bite her. Someone so bitter is bound to taste nasty." At that, Vicky burst into gales of laughter, so much so that several people at near by tables gave us odd looks.

We finished our lunch and headed over to the library. Vicky didn't see why I wanted to go there till I explained it was a sort of Tara free zone. After that she was keen to get there, and even took my hand in hers, and began pulling me along with her. For someone with no legs in the conventional sense she could really move when she wanted to. Once we were safely ensconced in a quiet corner of the reference section, I decided now was the time to introduce my new friend to my robotic friend Kittybot. I had been extra careful of late making sure my robotic feline companion was hidden but in the library I felt safe enough to take her out for a look around.

"This is Kittybot. I built her myself," I placed my artificial cat gently on the table.

"Wow, she's so shiny! What do the lights mean?"

"I'm not sure. She makes them up herself. She has her own neural network and self configuring hardware, so she does what she wants."

"So, is she alive then?"

"Well, depends what you mean. She can react to her environment, and can certainly seem alive. But then it's surprisingly easy to make something seem alive just with a small amount of programming. You can make simple facsimiles of insects with a few lines of code and a light sensor. I tend to invest her with a personality even, if she hasn't got one."

"Cool. Can I pet her?"

"Sure, go ahead. She has sensors on her skin so she can feel it, so just be gentle."

Vicky reached out one of her hands and gently stroked Kittybot. After being a little unsure of this stranger, Kittybot warmed up to her now that she was getting stroked.

"She's amazing, Lexi. You're really smart to make something like that." Vicky grinned at me as she stroked Kittybot behind her ears.

Kittybot made what I thought of as her purring display for a while, sweeping her tail about as she sat on the table in front of Vicky. Eventually she seemed to tire of this and wandered over to me and prodded my hand with one of her paws. I held out my hand and she clambered up to sit on my shoulder.

"How'd she do that?" asked a gobsmacked Vicky.

"Oh. I have some magnetic powers. I can make magnetic fields. So since Kittybot is metal, I can make her stick to me."

"Neat! I can make illusions, but only for a short while."

She got the same intense look of concentration on her face she got when writing, then gestured at the table top. A kitten appeared out of thin air and meowed at me for a bit before exploding into pink sparkles.

"It's not much, but at least I got something else other than crazy arms."

"I think it's a funky gift. You can make things with your mind. My power was a pain when I first changed. It kept turning on at random and I would get covered in spoons."


"Well, that or any other small metal object. Cutlery has been the most common so far." I told her about Tara's mean trick.

"With me, the biggest problem was learning to walk and use my hands again."

"Oh yeah here I am moaning about getting a few forks stuck to my bum, and you had to learn everything from scratch again. I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me."

"Hey no problem. It was tough. My extended family had been fairly anti-Morfs. While not purists as such, they had leanings. My parents were not actively that way but sort of went along with it, as it was what everyone else in the family believed. When I changed, they had a revelation of sorts, that I was still me, and still their daughter, and they still loved me very much. Most of the rest of the family didn't take things so well and we were forced to move to escape the abuse. I spent a few months learning to move around like I did before, as well as learning to hide and fit in. When I was sure I could pass as normal, I started here. To be honest, I've been getting tired of hiding so much, and it's nice to be talking to someone else who has been through the same sorts of things as me. I have to say though, the first few days I was really wondering what sort of place I was joining. I was more than a little afraid of you."

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Incestuous LoveChapter 5

The day had turned cold, a gray blanket of high fog having draped the Big Sur coast with pale light, and Linda's depression had gotten steadily worse. She had slept late, staying in bed as long as possible without arousing suspicion, yet she still had to face her son, so had feigned a headache to hide her uneasiness. She had kept conversation to a minimum, and Rick had been sympathetic, promising to stay out of her hair if that would help. Her ploy had worked, and she was able to get Rick...

1 year ago
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Shopping Fun

It was after New Year season. I was working in a leading education institute in capital. It was really interesting period both in my carrier and personnel life. I had enough freedom to attend many things with my friends and my own. It was post New Year season. There was no rush in roads and shops. Therefore I used to go for shopping after season due to keep away from heavy crowd. One evening, the overcast day my feelings were not good. So I thought to go for shopping to get rid of laziness...

2 years ago
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Die 22jährige Carol, eine junge Wärterin im Gefängnis, bildhübsch, mit dunklen, gut schulterlangen, glatten Haaren und einer zauberhaften Figur ausgestattet mußte an jenem Tag, entgegen allen Vorschriften, einen Serienvergewaltiger alleine zu einem 600 km entfernten Gefängnis für Schwerverbrecher bringen. Er saß zwar mit gespreizten Armen und Beinen, gefesselt, mit Ketten gesichert und an den Fußholmen und Haken am Autodach befestigt sicher im Auto, doch es gab ja auch Bedürfnisse. Genau als...

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Bubblegum Pigtails and Total DominationChapter 5 Breakthroughs

I woke up early on Friday because I never really fell asleep. I woke up at sunrise and tried to call Angie again. I let the phone ring and ring, and the whole time I was looking at the shiny new cord that the maintenance man put in when he fixed the handset, after Becky Finklestein broke it. The call went to voicemail but I didn’t want to leave a message. I just wanted to hear Angie. “Oh my God this is totally Angie you guys. Leave a message or whatever,” the recorded voice said. She was so...

2 years ago
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The Pill Ch 3

The glare of bright lights woke Heather. Strapped down to a board, she cried out in fear. The last thing she remembered was being at a bar and picking up a man when her mind went blank. Maybe there was something in her drink, she had a headache to prove that, but as the bright lights rushed by her vision, Heather became fearful. About a week ago, a man named X had approached her. He gave her a story about being a scientist and was looking for people to help him with an experiment. His pitch...

3 years ago
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The Set Up

       This past weekend was one of those weekends that just deserves a story. So here it is, now relax and enjoy, because I sure did. It started with a typical day of classes for me, then working in the afternoon. I'm taking classes for chemistry and science. It's been a busy year and I haven't had much time for getting out, having fun, or having a girlfriend. So when my buddy Mike suggested we go hiking in the nearby mountains, I accepted the offer. We both had class, so we agreed...

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Turning On The Sirens

Introduction: Sometimes, its the small things that shape ones destiny. In Hayleys case, that thing was a little alarm that went off one rainy college evening just as she was about to get off while making love to her boyfriend Nathan. Shes now compelled to tell what happened that night to her best friend Sarah. Hayley walked through town with her best friend Sarah. They were on route to an outdoor concert in the park situated in the middle of town. It was a beautiful spring day and she had the...

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We Can Work It Out

"Dad!" exclaimed my daughter Brandi as she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a hearty hug. "You look so much different. Your hair is shorter, your gut is gone, you look taller and you feel like a block of granite. Except for that scar on your cheek, I'd have to say that it looks like the Army agreed with you!" "I haven't lost a pound, Sweetie, but I did manage to rearrange it a little. You're absolutely beautiful!" I gushed. "I'll be so proud to walk you down the aisle....

1 year ago
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Kolchak The Nylon Stalker Adonis Afloat

KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice. ) By Way Zim. CASE ONE; ADONIS ADRIFT. Aug 10th, 2005. Cleveland, Ohio. Journal of Karen Foster Klein; I write this entry feeling several ways foolish but somewhat wiser from the experiences of the past 2 weeks. Perhaps it was my own hubris, the way in which a decrepit old man had assumed the role of a young woman; without major crisis. Karen...

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My blond Mom Part 2

My name is Doug. I’m 18 years old and am 6’0, about 150lbs, well built from running track in high school, a fairly good looking guy. My mom divorced when I was very young and raised me all by herself. Even though she had to raise me on her own she still managed to take great care of her body. She’s 38 years old, about 5’10, long blonde hair, legs that go on forever, a thin figure, always perfectly tanned, and huge 38DD breasts (I just had to sneak a peak at her bra). Since I graduated high...

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*True shit so dont be saying "lie" in any form in comments. Not much details about the sex so if ur a horny geek jerkin to words on a screen save ur time and read something else!*When i was a little girl (still am and always will be lol) me n my daddy was real close like best friends. He took me anywhere i wanted and did anything i wanted. Only thing he wanted from me was a smile. Anyways... I was like 12 and i was starting to grow some hair down there and my boobs was growing too. I started...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Jada Stevens Big Booty Goddess Is Back For More BBC In Her Legendary ASS

Booty Queen Jada Stevens returns for a hardcore ass fucking from Dredd! Jada’s been in and out of the biz for a while now, but whenever Jules gives her a call she always comes back for more. She’s wearing a purple see-through unitard as she shows off her amazing ASSets to the camera. Dredd shows up and buries his face deep in that legendary ass of hers before pulling out his BBC for Jada to worship. She wastes no time and starts sucking on that massive dong, stroking it at the same...

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The New Toy

I just love dildos, vibrators and other sex toys; especially big, thick, long ones. Now don't get me wrong; I still have fun with real cocks, but there are times when I crave something larger. I get so aroused when my pussy is stuffed to the max because it sends me into multiple climaxes. Last week, I was thumbing through the Adam and Eve Catalog trying to decide what to get my husband, John, for our anniversary. When I came to the page with toys on it, I saw this large, flesh-colored,...

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FilthyMassage Tia Cyrus Rubbing Down The Sexy

Every time I have Tia booked for a massage I know it is gonna be a good day, Tia just oozes sexuality. She has the greatest fuck me eyes, you can tell she gets real filthy between the sheets. As usual, I start out rubbing her huge tits in oil then proceed to her backside rubbing down her bubble butt. I can not wait until I have her completely relaxed, cause I know what comes next, she is gonna want me to serve her my big dick. I have no issue giving her pussy the internal massage it needs with...

2 years ago
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Lesbian teens 2

Teenage LesbiansBy Doria LyonsChapter 1The bright sun beat down on this hot, stifling August afternoon as the crew began setting up for the next take. Jo could definitely think of better places to be than Santa Fe in the middle of August. It had to be at least 100 degrees if not more and there was absolutely no shade from the burning sun.As Pete Henry placed the megaphone to his lips, everyone tried desperately to make a move from their sitting positions. It was just too damn hot to be...

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Gil Ellie and Me

Ever get involved in something that you know isn't right, but you do it anyway? And continue to do it? That's the way it was with Ellie and me. Ellie was my next door neighbor and we carried on a torrid affair for almost four years and we would probably still be at it if she hadn't moved away. It all started when Ellie and her husband moved in next door to us. At first it seemed like they were a very nice couple and that we would get along together and for a while we did. But then Gil...

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Sophies hotel cheat

The morning light shone in a bright sharp beam through the small gap in the poorly closed curtains over the floor to ceiling window, casting rays across the two twin beds in the centre of the room where Sophie and Sam slept with James on the other. They had booked the premier in after seeing a show together and then too many drinks after but owing to the show’s popularity and the price of a London hotel they opted to share. Sophie was the first to wake up so she quietly sneaked into the toilet...

1 year ago
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part XIII

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

3 years ago
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The Minx Part II

I had been keeping an eye on my neigbours 18 year old daughter, Tiffany, while her mother had to go away for the weekend. Tiff was a young adult with an amazing, shapely form that drove guys wild with her teasing from how she walked, to the little clothes she wore. I had gone in to check on Tiff that night and make sure she’s okay, only to find her masturbating and wanting to watch me jerk off in front of her. I found it hard to resist, as I began before Tiff took over and jerked me off,...

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Mera Affair Anamika Ke Sath 8211 2

Hello friends, main Vicky Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story joh meri pichli story ka hi continuation hai. Jaise aap logon ne meri last story mein padha tha ki maine apne hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath affair shuru kiya. Anamika ke husband Akshat ke paas use physically satisfy karne ke liye bilkul time nahin tha. Tab maine hi Anamika ko sambhala tha. Aaiye ab main aap logon ko batata hoon ki kaise hum dono ne dubara chudai ki mere Abu Dhabi...

3 years ago
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My Story My Secret

I’m just your average American guy in his mid-50s. As average as they come—or so it would seem. On the outside, I look just like any other guy. I act just like most guys. I do things most guys do. I fit in. Actually, I’m pretty damn boring. Growing up, I always had a feminine side as well as a feminine look. In the mid-70s when I became a teenager, I grew my hair long. Shoulder-length blonde hair, coupled with a lanky scrawny body, meant I usually was mistaken for a girl at a distance. I was a...

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Nancy teaches Rick some advanced Threesome skills

Rick read the test message again.Ready to try a 3some?It was from Nancy. It seemed an odd text to receive from someone that was on a date. Rick slowly typed his responseYesHis phone beeped when she responded.Call me now.Rick slowly punched her numbers into his phone... She had specifically told him not to put her on speed dial."Hello," Nancy said in a hushed voice"Hi, It's Rick.""Everything okay there? How is my favorite babysitter doing?" Nancy asked."Yea, everything is fine. Bedtime went very...

4 years ago
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Who Knew Real Estate Was This Fun

Sharla and Sam lived just a few blocks from me. They were good friends, as far as friends go. Then Sam got a job in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I hated to see Sam move, because I had spent many a day sitting on Sam and Sharla’s patio, which had a pool that overlooked the 17th fairway of a local golf course.Sharla messaged me and said that she was going to ask a friend she knew in the real estate business to sell their house, but that the friend was more of an acquaintance than a real friend. Sharla...

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I raised my fists, guarding my face as I circled him. I kept eye contact, I saw the little jerk as he geared up to punch, I saw the jab coming right for my face, I lent sideways dodging the jab and countering with a cross into his side before stepping back out of range. we circled again but I quickly moved forward with a front kick to his stomach which he blocked but he was slow in bringing his hands back up to block his face meaning my jab got him square on the nose, he raised his hands to...

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Fantasy Fulfilled

I have always wanted to be with another woman. For years I've had fantasies about them. Touching them, sucking them. Unfortunately I found myself married without ever fulfilling that fantasy. I've been married to Kevin for 12 years now. We met during college and married right after graduation. He's about 6'2 brown hair and eyes. With a thin build. I suppose people see us as a pretty normal couple. We drink but not too much. Neither of us have ever been smokers. Anyway for the past few...

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She seemed to be a petite young thing, maybe 25 years old. From my first glance I could only see her top which looked like it had a fairly open neckline which got my attention but it was too busy to see much more. I got my coffee and paper and spotted an empty table in the corner of the shop, perfect for viewing the whole place. I hurried over and sat down, quickly adjusting the paper so I could peer over the top without being noticed. The young lady with the book was sitting sideways to me...

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Sneaky Nephew

I know what you're thinking, it's usually sneaky uncle, and it's usually the older person who starts these things, but this time it was the other way around. But first let's start off with a disclaimer; he wasn't really my nephew, just a friend of a friend. I met him when he was 17, his girlfriend worked at the Subway I managed, and he and his friends asked if they could use our parking lot to practice their skateboard moves. What gay man in his right mind wouldn't let a bunch of teenage...

3 years ago
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Totally Unexpected Lucy Continued

.......a some action from Linda. Lucy's guy paused and went to pull out of her ass, Lucy reached back with her clit hand and grabbed his balls to keep him deep inside. She could tell he had started to soften while he questioned his friend about the interruption. "She'll only let me poke her while she jacks me off!" Lucy kept looking at the floor, waiting for his friend to go. "What do you want her to do?" asked Lucy's guy. Before he had chance to answer Lucy said "she was supposed to suck you...

2 years ago
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The Kiss

Bill has been the object of my fantasies for a long, long time. Human sexuality is a peculiar, mysterious thing. Visually, I am turned on by women -- women with big tits. I love lesbian porn BUT when I think of Bill, all of a sudden, I am reading gay porn and watching endless ass fucking. My orgasms are also different. When I cum to lesbian porn, it is one or two hard shots than a few smaller shots. When I cum to gay porn (mostly reading) -- especially when visualizing myself as the "bottom," I...

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Sakura Haruno Slutty Competent Ninja

"Slurp, Slurp, Slurp!" "Eh! Sakura, I do not think we should be doing this here..." "Wan' me 'o s'o'?" "Ah! What? I took his dick out of my mouth but left it between my tits. Rock Lee's dick wasn't the biggest I ever had, but it was still huge, clearing my 12 DD cleavage and well into my mouth. "Spit! I said, 'want me to stop?'" I resumed licking his cock head while looking into his eyes, waiting for his response. "...Erm... no... but what if we are caught?" "Ha! It wouldn't be the first time I...

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