Mud MagicChapter 7 Growing Pains
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Author’s Note:
A very special thanks to my lady love and two faithful beta readers – MisterWildCard and John998 – for their invaluable feedback and encouragement. This chapter somehow was quite a slog to put together and I couldn’t have done it without you.
Also, as usual, thanks to my editor bikoukumori for a splendid editing job. What would I do without you, my friend?
“I think a toast is in order,” Thurguz said, grinning. He raised his wine glass into the air. “To a job well done and asses thoroughly kicked!”
“Hear, hear!” Rhys skeptically eyed the dark red liquid in his wine flute then took a small sip. It was incredibly sweet and rich in taste. Better be careful around this stuff, he thought. Images of him and Galdor fucking Chassari to exhaustion reared their head.
Everyone around him – Hilgrun, Elara, Idunn and Thurguz – took a long swig from their drinks. Smiles everywhere. Rhys was incredibly relieved to be back on familiar ground as well. The encounter with Carver’s men, or more precisely the strange spellcaster, had rattled him deeply. And almost killed me.
“Any more questions or shall we wrap this up?” Thurguz asked. “The crossroads is safe for now, Carver’s men have been soundly trounced and we even made a few new allies.”
“I have one. Or two,” Rhys said, raising a hand.
“Out with it.”
“All right. First one. Justicar Tegan said, when we first met her, that ‘an elven gentleman’ had been there. Where was he during all of this?”
“That was our scout, Moril Sa’ruin,” Idunn said. “According to the innkeep, he had left for Orran’s Crossing half an hour before we arrived.”
“And what about Carver’s wizards? Elara had hinted at two casters. One nearly killed me, what about the other? And what exactly were they? I’ve never before seen anything like that. He didn’t bleed.”
“That’s a lot more than two questions,” Hilgrun said, chuckling. She refilled her glass and emptied it in one fell swoop before snuggling up to Elara.
The silver-haired elf had barely touched her wine, her eyes were on Rhys. She clasped Hilgrun’s hand and caressed it.
“The second caster was with the bowmen. I took the liberty of blowing him up alongside his cronies,” Idunn said, a grim smile on her lips. “As for what they were ... I have no idea. I mean, it was obvious they were some kind of undead. The one I fought came out of my fireball badly scorched but fit as a fiddle while the archers were thankfully dead in an instant.”
“Undead. Like the crypt things in ‘The Tales of Orran?’ Zombies and skeletons?”
“Something along those lines, only much more dangerous. Zombies are nothing more than empty shells, animated through magic. These things had a will of their own and spellcasting ability besides. We need to keep an eye out.”
“Since when is Carver using undead to do his bidding?” Elara asked.
Thurguz’ smile had evaporated. “That has to be a very recent development. So he is no longer content just to throw masses of grunts at his problems. This is worrying.”
“Sorry if I spoiled the mood,” Rhys said. He took another sip.
“Don’t worry. We’ll take the bad with the good,” the towering half-orc said. “As for the undead, this will warrant a closer investigation. Maybe Carver is gearing up his operations because he thinks we’re turning into a real problem.”
Elara cleared her throat. “Or maybe he simply raises those he can’t replace easily. We all know how much work magic – and training mages - is.”
“I don’t,” Hilgrun scoffed. “But I get the point. I guess. Instead of hiring new mages, he’s ... unearthing dead ones?”
“I will investigate the matter,” Thurguz said. “You may continue the victory celebration downstairs. Rest tomorrow then resume your training the day after. Maybe I have found an answer to our newly arisen,” here he barked a short laugh, “question by then.”
“Well, druid dearest,” Hilgrun purred, her hand wandering under Elara’s gown, “since you spent the eve of battle with Rhys, will you allow me to enjoy your luscious body for the victory celebration?”
“You will only pout for days if I don’t,” Elara said. “Can’t we bring Rhys?” She leaned over to Hilgrun and whispered something Rhys didn’t get. Hilgrun shot him an appreciative look then shook her head. “He knows what to do if he wants into my bed.”
“Come on. An exception for victory night?”
“No.” Hilgrun rose and scooped up Elara, carrying her on her arms as if the curvy elven druid weighed nothing at all. “You can sing his praises all you want but the moment I bend my rules, everyone will want a pass. We can’t have that.”
“Sorry, Rhys. I really tried,” Elara said, fluttering her eyelashes as Hilgrun carried her past him. She reached out and tousled his hair.
“I’m sure we’ll find another night,” Rhys said, waving after her.
Idunn yawned. “Don’t be too long,” she said to Thurguz, a meaningful smile on her lips.
Thurguz raised an eyebrow. “Are you tempting me?”
Idunn chuckled. “If I wanted to tempt you, I’d be shaking my naked ass at you. I was just asking that you don’t spend all night conferring with our agents all over the continent. We do have to celebrate a small victory after all.” She strode past the table. “Good night, Rhys. Enjoy your holiday tomorrow. We will pick up where we left off at the crossroads and delve into the subject of duration-based magic and body alteration.”
Thurguz chuckled amicably after she had left. “No rest for the wicked, eh lad?”
“If I have learned one thing during this adventure, it’s that I really need more training. And, if you could spare one, maybe another Disjunction Stone. Mine broke.”
“Lucky for you, I happen to have some around here. To deal with unruly students or prisoners.” Thurguz opened several cabinets and dug around in them. “Ah, here.” He produced a clicking pouch and a thick leather glove. “If you want to make them part of your arsenal – at least until you are able to suppress others’ magic – you might want to invest in one of these.” He put the glove on and waved his hand. “Saves you from losing your attunement.” Thurguz pulled three pellets from the bag and held them out to Rhys. “Got anything to put them in?”
“Actually, yes.” He pulled the small bag he had his old stone in from his pocket and opened it. Thurguz dropped the Disjunction Stones into it. “Thank you, Master.”
“You know, it’s good to see how quickly you’ve settled in. Not quite a month has passed since you’ve arrived here and the half-starved farm boy has turned into an apprentice sorcerer I can be really proud of.”
Rhys blushed. “I have hardly done anything, Master. I nearly died, twice, during that time. Once thanks to the Sorcerer’s Burn, once thanks to the undead spell slinger last night. Maybe I should lock myself in my room and only come out once I’ve mastered all of Shilana Elbharyl’s ‘Combat Magick Condensed.’”
Thurguz growled. “Don’t sell yourself shorter than you have to. From what I have seen and heard so far, you have not only selflessly saved the life of one of your fellow students but you’re making friends left and right. I never expected you to learn Disintegrate or Killing Words within the first fortnight. Or twelve.” He allowed himself a grin. “Keep at it and we’ll make a proper battlemage out of you before you know it. And now you too should find someone to celebrate with. You really have earned it.”
“Is that an order, Master?”
“It damn sure is. Let an old man work in peace, will you?”
“Yes, Master.”
Rhys, grinning, trotted from the room, softly closing the door behind him. Thurguz already was busy manipulating the arms above his all-seeing table. Poor Idunn, Rhys thought.
According to the dim magical lighting, it was late at night. Apart from the one in Thurguz’ room, Rhys had yet to find actual windows in the tower. The silvery glitter of starlight bathed the stairwell in a mystical gloom. Rhys rubbed his eyes as he walked down the last few steps before the student’s quarters. He had missed most of the day after the battle, unconscious after his encounter with the undead spellcaster. Then there was the moment when Hilgrun had finally accepted him as her ally and friend. And afterwards they had already packed their stuff, alongside a few spoils from the defeated mercenaries and returned to the tower, where Thurguz had called upon them the moment they had arrived.
He felt odd. A part of him wanted nothing more than to topple into his bed and sleep for the next few days. Yet he was nervous and twitchy, filled with a restless energy he had no idea what to do with. Probably the thrill of narrowly escaping death.
He returned to his room. In his absence, Yukio had lit all the lamps. The small bag containing his share of the spoils still waited unopened next to the door. Rhys picked it up, crossed the room and sat down on the bed. He upended the bag.
A strange feeling of déjà vu crept over him. No matter how far away I get from the village, the more things stay the same. Back home, the belongings of the deceased were distributed to those who could use them, like Old Man Harrol’s tools or his Moonshine. And now he was looking at a pouch full of coins and two wands. The runes etched into the handles read ‘Fireball’ and ‘Sleep.’ They had belonged to the undead spellcaster Rhys had dispatched. Not that he knew how to use them yet.
The coins alone were more money than Rhys had ever seen in one place. And now it was his? He’d probably never be able to spend it all. Shrugging, he stuffed the items back into the bag before tossing it into his wardrobe. He pulled out a fresh set of clothes and exchanged his traveling garb for the comfortable and by now soothingly familiar metallic blue robe. A quick trip to the bathroom later, some cold water to the face and he almost felt normal again.
Now what? He was way too restless to find sleep and being alone didn’t help either. Rhys left his room. Galdor’s room was still locked down tight, with the “Keep Out - Especially Lishaka!” sign on it.
Next was the goblin’s room. Rhys softly knocked. When no answer came, he tried the handle. The door opened and he peeked inside. Lishaka was fast asleep and Rhys couldn’t bring himself to rouse her.
A thin sliver of light shone from the next door. Rhys knocked.
He opened the door and entered. Chassari’s room was much warmer than any other place in the tower and some fragrant incense filled the air with a strange aroma. The purple-scaled serpent-woman lounged naked on a low divan, reading a large book. She looked up when Rhys joined her. Rhys saw colorful artwork, naked bodies intertwined in complicated positions.
“I was wondering when you’d visit me,” she said, a radiant smile on her thin lips. “How did your adventure go?” She placed a bookmark between the pages and closed the volume.
“I made it out alive. Barely. What are you reading there?”
“A courtesan’s manual.” Chassari rose and placed the book onto a shelf. “It never hurtssss to expand your horizon. Can I get you a drink?”
“Only if you have something without alcohol.”
Chassari laughed, a strange, sibilant sound. “Afraid you’ll end up under me again?” She rummaged in another cabinet. There was the clink of glasses. “Sit down. Undresss if you want. I know it’sss very warm in here.”
“Afraid? No, not anymore.” Rhys took a seat on the divan. “Can we talk a bit?”
“Of course.” Chassari returned with two glasses. She handed one to Rhys and joined him on the divan. “What’sss on your mind?”
“I know it’s a bit late, since we’ve already...” Rhys made a complicated gesture with one hand. “But I’d like to know the people I lay down with.” He sniffed at his glass. “Apple juice?”
“Yesss. Like you asked. ‘Something without alcohol.’” She took a sip of her own drink. “What do you want to know?”
“What exactly are you doing here? I haven’t seen you train with either Idunn or Hagazz.”
“I am not really a ssstudent,” Chassari said. “Like Galdor said when we first met. I am an ambassador of the Luminousss City.”
“What did he call you? Besides ‘slut’ I mean. ‘Peerless Enchantress?’”
“I don’t see sssslut as an insult.” Chassari caressed one of her breasts. “I love to be around other people and I enjoy their handsss ... mouthsss, tonguesss and cocksss on and in me. My species has certain talents. People find usss irresistible if we want to.”
“That’s hard to argue,” Rhys said, taking a sip from his glass. He opened the buttons below his neck holding his robe closed. “So, an envoy.”
“Yesss. My mastersss have offered Thurguz sssupport. They sssee Carver as a destabilizing force which needs to be dealt with. Should it be needed, Thurguz can call on an army within a few weeks.”
“I wonder why he hasn’t yet.”
“Who knows? Maybe he does not want to give away the element of sssurprise? Enough of me though.” Chassari placed her hand on his thigh. “Tell me about your adventure.”
“There’s not much to tell. Thurguz’ intelligence was solid. We were there for about a day before Carver’s men attacked. We fought and beat them. I nearly died battling an undead spellcaster who was about to kill Hilgrun.”
“Carver hasss undead now? That’s troublesssome.”
Chassari rose and walked over to her desk where she scribbled something on a waiting note pad. “What kind of undead?”
“I haven’t had the time to delve into the books on monster lore yet. Not even Thurguz seems to know what it was exactly.”
More scribbling. “What did you learn while fighting it?”
“Not much. Let’s see. It was intelligent, able to form plans and act on them. The thing had magical abilities and it didn’t bleed when I stabbed it.”
“It wasn’t incorporeal, was it?”
“Definitely not.” Rhys pulled open the collar of his robe. “I don’t think ghosts could leave these kind of marks.” Most of the damage had been healed by Elara, but long, finger-shaped bruises were still visible. “It ‘died’ when I rammed my dagger into its brain.”
Chassari took a few final notes then joined Rhys again. She looked him up and down, cocking her head to one side. “Something else hasss happened.”
“What makes you think that?”
“You have changed since the lassst time we were together. Back then, you barely dared to look at me even after we had spent such a lovely evening together, now you barely bat an eye at my naked curvesss.”
“I’m probably just getting used to all people trying to get into my pants by now. Lishaka is dying to show me how much she’s learned from you. Before Carver’s men attacked, Elara and I ended up in bed together. It’s strange – seems like getting laid around here is even easier than finding something to eat.”
“You don’t like it?”
“I didn’t say that. Honestly, I feel incredibly flattered. Back home, barely anyone was interested in me. Here, I can’t seem to leave my room without being swamped by naked elves, goblins and serpent-women. It took me almost eighteen years to find the courage and opportunity to spend a night with the one woman I’ve had a crush on since childhood. And I was here barely a night when you, Galdor and I...”
Chassari smiled and placed her hand on his thigh. “Do you regret that night?”
“No, I don’t think so. It’s not like I have pledged my eternal love to Dara or anything. Looking at it sober and awake, it’s all a bit overwhelming. Why is everyone so eager to fall into bed with each other?”
Chassari chuckled. “Think about it thisss way: Everyone here knowsss that the moment they embark on a mission they could die. No matter how hard they have trained, no matter how well they think they have prepared – death isss everywhere.”
Rhys nodded grimly. “I’m fully aware of that by now, believe me. That spellcaster was no joke.”
Her hand caressed up his thigh and slid into his robe. “I can’t speak for everyone. Sssome need the company, sssome try to ease their pain that way. Others think they don’t have the time for a long courtship. And since they think they can die any moment, they don’t wait.”
“The way you explain it, things begin to make a bit more sense. Still feels incredibly awkward when it happens. It’s so different from how I’ve learned it’s supposed to be.” He looked down. Her hand had disappeared under his robe up to the elbow. Scaled fingertips slithered under his loincloth, gently caressing his hardening rod.
“If you want me to sssstop, jussst say it. No one will think ill of you if you sssay ‘no.’ That’sss one of the unssspoken agreements here.”
Rhys closed his eyes. The last mission, his first, had nearly been fatal. And he had no illusions – things would only get harder from here on out. Maybe Chassari’s thoughts had merit. Not that he had ever found the time to learn properly about courtship, marriage and the like, not with him being the runt of the litter back at the village. Or with a father like Padec, who’d rather hit him than waste words. No one would have given their daughter to a weak, useless reed like him when there were more suitable choices around like his brothers. Before Dara, there had only been one clandestine little thing with Jenny Billings, when she had tried pleasuring him with her mouth after one memorable Midsummer’s dance. But before things could become interesting, her brother had shown up and brutally beaten him for putting his hands on his sister.
The stories Gran had told him did form a certain set of morals. Find the person you love, court him or her and find out if you could spend the rest of your life together. Raise children, preferably as many as possible, so the family might survive and thrive. Looking at the whole thing with his new-found knowledge, Rhys realized that this kind of thinking was fine for farmers but he might not have the years it usually took to find that special someone – either he or said someone could die at any moment.
And unlike Faedal, I’m not forcing myself on anyone. He opened his eyes. The serpent-woman had snuggled up to him, her body a gently swaying sensation on his arm and shoulder. By now, Chassari’s hand had fully wrapped around him, threatening to derail any coherent thinking on his part. He laid his fingers on hers, causing her to stop.
Rhys drained his glass and put it on the floor next to the sofa. “I don’t mind your hand on me. At all. But before we go any further ... one last thing I’d like your thoughts on.”
She sat up straight and shot him a curious look. “Let’s hear it.”
“You remember the evening with me and Galdor?”
“How could I ever forget? When I can’t ssssleep, I caresss myself thinking about both your cocks in me. Why?”
Now Rhys really blushed. “Was that so good? I can only remember parts of it. Mainly how I licked you. Everything past that is quite a blur.”
“I have had sssome spectacular orgiesss before but few were ssso primal as that particular one.” She pulled up both her knees and leaned against the divan’s armrest, spreading herself wide open for Rhys to see. Her protective scales retracted, revealing her opening. She was already glistening wet. “I wouldn’t mind your mouth on me again either.”
Rhys reached out and caressed the inside of her thigh, causing Chassari to hiss in pleasure. “Before we do that – do you remember who won the dice game?”
She blinked. “I- no. Who did? You?”
“No. Galdor. And he chose to spend the night with me.”
“Ah. That’sss why he hadn’t asked me out since. Lucky you. How did it go?”
“We didn’t do it yet.” Rhys took a deep breath. “I’m thinking about it though. More than I dare to admit.”
“You like men?”
Rhys laughed bitterly. “I should actually hate them, with all my heart. My father and brothers were bullies of the worst kind. An evil man kidnapped and raped my dear little sister. That same man did unspeakable things to Elara. What joy I have found so far was in the company – or in the arms – of women. But it would be terribly narrow-minded of me to not give Galdor at least a chance.”
“That’sss very wise.”
Rhys grinned sheepishly. “I have no idea what to do though. I don’t mind the taste of seed but that’s all I know about sex with a man.” He shrugged and resumed caressing her legs.
“What luck you came to me then,” Chassari purred. “I could teach you a thing or two.” Her eyes sparkled with mirth.
“You don’t find it awkward talking about Galdor while we’re caressing each other?” Rhys asked, squeezing her thigh.
Chassari laughed. “Not at all. The next time the three of us will meet afterwards, it will be an even better tangle than the last time!” She withdrew her hand from Rhys’ robe and rose. “Come. We need a few things for the lesson.”
Rhys stood up as well and shrugged out of his robe and loincloth. Naked, his throbbing erection leading the way, he followed Chassari to a large wardrobe standing by the foot of her bed. It looked different than any other piece of furniture in the room, made from blackened metal instead of wood. Coiling, serpentine dragons were inlaid in the doors, their golden scales a sharp contrast to the matte metal surrounding them. Rows of elaborate runes went down the outer walls and the top of the wardrobe looked almost like a roof. Chassari muttered a few words and placed her palm onto a large round sigil holding the doors shut. She hissed sharply and a moment later, there was the sound of metal rods moving, rattling chains, weights dropping and gears clicking. She stepped back as the doors swung outwards. The inside was filled with weapons, from such obvious ones as long, curved swords to staves to daggers to claws. Others were so alien, Rhys had no idea what function they even served. Things with blades on chains or belts set with metal stars. Between the weapons, he saw sets of clothing, from richly embroidered robes to worn, tattered rags. Neatly arrayed on the inside of the doors were rows of phials, marked with more of those intricate runes alongside wands and scrolls.
“What is this?” he asked, bewildered. “That doesn’t look like equipment for a magic user.”
“I never said I am a magic user,” Chassari said, grinning. She pulled a wand from a compartment and handed it to Rhys. Next came a few towels and two small phalli made from ivory. “Galdor assumes that I am one, based on some of the abilities my species is known for.” She walked to the bed and gracefully slithered onto the large mattress, patting it invitingly. “I just never saw fit to correct him.”
“So what exactly are you then?” Rhys placed the items next to her and slid onto the mattress himself, ending up eye to eye with the grinning serpent-woman.
“No secrets there. I am an envoy.” She kissed him on the lips, her hand going straight for his rod again. “I can talk. I can spread my legs. And I can kill. Whatever the situation demands. But let’s not talk about such grim things.”
“Ssso. What do you want to do with me?”
It was surprisingly easy. Rhys reached out, his fingertips caressing down from her neck, around one of her nipples. It was a hard nub begging for attention. He flicked it, causing Chassari to inhale sharply and redouble her strokes on him. Further down he caressed, over her flat stomach and hairless crotch, right between the protective scales. He slowly circled the sensitive opening before dipping a daring fingertip into it.
“Tonight? I will touch you. Lick you. Fuck you, if you let me. And maybe you can show me how to properly treat a certain dwarf?”
“That soundsss like a plan I can agree with.” Her hand joined his, pushing his finger deep into her. She effortlessly arched her back until Rhys could lick her breasts, her hand using his finger like a small phallus. Today she smelled like apples, sweet and sour at the same time and he eagerly laved her sensitive nubs with his tongue until she came with a long, drawn-out groan. She slumped against him, panting.
“I am a greedy thing sometimesss,” Chassari hissed, grinning. “But I’ll make it up to you. The lesson startsss ... now.”
She picked up the tin and both ivory phalli, switching her position until her head rested on Rhys’ thigh. He breathed hot little kisses onto her stomach.
“Wait a moment,” she murmured. “There are two things you should be aware when thinking about bedding a man.”
“And they are?”
“Well, the most obvious one is that men have no pussies. But they like to put their rods into hot, tight openings. Which would leave... ?”
“The mouth and ... oh.” Rhys blushed. He then nearly jumped off the bed as her long, dexterous tongue slithered between his butt cheeks.
“Yess ... The butt. I am pretty sssure Galdor would rather lop off his own hands than ambush your cute behind on a firssst date but if you are ssserious about doing this, you should know what to expect.” Chassari picked up the wand with her toes and curled her leg inwards in an impressive feat of contortionism, passing the slender piece of wood to her hand. “As for the mouth ... I can teach you too.”
“How? You are obviously a woman.” Rhys cupped her butt and pulled her close, licking her wet opening.
Chassari whispered something and touched herself with the wand. “Watch,” she said, tapping her pelvis. Rhys stopped indulging her with his tongue. The scales on her mound seemed to ripple and shift, bulging outwards. At first it appeared as if a blister had formed but it soon grew outwards, into a long and slender cock with a dark head. Rhys stared at it, wide-eyed.
“Don’t be alarmed. It’sss a minor feat of shape shifting, a little like what Elara does. And unlike her, I have to use an expensive magic item for it.”
“What ... why do you have such a thing in the first place?”
“A different outfit only goesss so far. For a real disguise, I need something which can hide my snaky traitsss. I’ve learned by accident that I can use thisss to only partially alter myssself. Neat, huh?”
Rhys gently reached out and touched the magically grown phallus. Chassari moaned happily.
“Does it even work?”
“Oh yesss ... your hand on me isss so wonderful.” She closed her lips around his rock-hard lance. A heartbeat later, her incredible tongue coiled around his base, squeezing him deliciously. Her head popped up again and she fixed him with a puzzled look.
“How come you’re circumcised?” Her tongue curled around the tip and squeezed.
Now it was Rhys who sighed in pleasure. “Our old cleric, Ilva, was very firm on it. She said it would reduce the risk of infection, especially in a place like ours. Every boy around my age got done. Is that so unusual?”
Chassari answered with an unintelligible sound, her mouth around him again.
Rhys looked at the phallus she had grown. It was much like his, only without the sac dangling beneath it. In fact, she still had her pussy – or however her species called it. He gingerly closed his hand around her rod and stroked it, copying what Chassari was doing to him. She seemed to like his handiwork, going by the excited noises she made. He wasn’t so sure about putting it between his lips yet, though. He lowered his head and, still stroking Chassari’s cock, licked her opening again. The moans from his crotch intensified, as did the sucking. Her pelvis rolled against his hand, slowly fucking his fingers.
“You enjoy this, huh?” Rhys asked, breathless. Her mouth had him close to the edge already.
“Yesss,” Chassari sighed, her hot breath on him. “Do you want to cum in my mouth? Or shall we continue with the lesson?”
“This is a lesson?” He planted a long kiss onto her opening, his tongue darting deep into her tunnel.
“Oh yesss ... I want you to familiarize yourself with a cock that’sss not your own. Your hand on me isss a good ssstart. Try kissing it.”
Rhys stopped stroking, his hand near her base. Gently, his lips touched the skin of her cock. The liquid dribbling down her glans onto his fingers tasted exactly like the stuff oozing from her opening. Not unpleasant at all, he thought.
“Jussst mind the teeth,” Chassari hissed. “Oh, and don’t be alarmed by what I’m doing.”
Rhys mustered all his courage and licked along the shaft, causing her to groan hungrily. She thrust upwards, nearly wedging her tip into one of his nostrils.
There was the sound of a tin unscrewing and a moment later, something shockingly cool slithering between his butt cheeks. Rhys propped himself on one elbow and looked along his body. Chassari smeared a generous helping of the tin’s contents – some shiny ointment - all over the smaller of the two ivory phalli. Still sucking on him, she slid the cool, hard object between his buttocks. The ointment was extremely slippery and the sensation of the fake cock – even though it was very alien – not unpleasant. Maybe it was his excitement talking. Emboldened, he kissed his way up her shaft, using one hand to keep her wildly gyrating hips under control while two fingers of the other were gently fucking her opening.
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Thorn and Alheri entered Chassari’s chambers, arms piled high with bales and boxes. Lishaka shook her head. “You know, just because I’m more or less back to my old self doesn’t mean I’ll be able to teleport that many items. What is this stuff anyway? Don’t tell me you’ll also bring your playmates along.” The purple-skinned serpent-woman shook her head. “No, Lisha-chan. If I could, I would have brought not only these two, but my sssons as well when first I joined Thurguz. But he was adamant...
My BFF Vanessa & I were thinking about going to a nudist camp. We had a few brochures & settled on one.My stepmother came into my room & saw the brochure. Kim what are you girls doing? A nudist camp? We just want to see what goes on.Would you mind if I went with? I've always wondered too.I looked at Vanessa, she shrugged her shoulders so I said OK. My stepmother Kate is in her early 40'sWhen we arrived at the camp we went to check in. We saw several people wearing nothing to just...
Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...
Author’s Notes: I’m sorry it took so long but, between the pandemic and some personal issues, writing was difficult. That said, big thanks to my usual partners in crime; my lady love for inspiration and criticism, bikoukumori for a tight editing job and you, the readers and Patrons, for your patience and support. Without it, I would have given up long ago. All participants in sexual acts are adults. If you made it this far into my twisted fantasy, you should be well aware of the dark and...
(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...
Our second day at the nudist campVanessa was the first to waken. She woke me up then Kate got up. Vanessa wanted to get something to eat. What's the dress code? I was like what do you mean? The dress code Vanessa said. Do we have to wear clothes? Kate was a little puzzled. Is this the same girl I had to take her bikini bottoms off yesterday? I hardly sleep last night. All I kept thinking about was you. You were such an exhibitionist walking back to the room without any clothes, cum & all on...
He felt nervous, probablyus, perhaps more nervous than he had ever felt before, he knew he was stupid to have ever let it go as far as this, but somehow he just hadn't been able to stop himself. He'd placed the chair in the centre of the lounge as he'd been told and now he sat on the settee looking at it, waiting. Waiting for the text message that he feared would come, yet still somehow in a madly excited anticipation, fuelling that growing fear that was gnawing inside his stomach. He...
We only have a few hours left before we had to leave to catch our flight home. We had to get breakfast.We slept through the rest of the afternoon & night. Who could blame us?I was done showering. Vanessa said it was OK for Kim to go next. There's always plenty of hot water in a hotel.Kim & I had a towel wrapped around us. That's the most we've been covered in 2 days. It almost felt funny. We were sharing the mirror fixing our hair & putting our makeup on. We talked a little about...
Tempe’s Bedroom, North London, Ontario 10:24pm, Friday, November 16, 1979 “I gotta go pee, Mike,” Brick said after she recovered from her a body shaking orgasm I gave her with my tongue and long digits. As my young brunette girlfriend made her way to Tempe and Tina’s Jill & Jill co-joining bathroom, I scanned her now seriously slender body. Lisa said she’d lost seven pounds while in the hospital and she now tipped the scales at a whopping ninety-five pounds. My busty beauty joked that...
Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...
With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...
There was a knock on the door. A female voice called George's name:"George, are you there? It's Lisa."Reluctantly, George let her in into his hotel room."Are you all right?" he enquired of her."Yes, I'm well. I thought you could do with some company," she answered.George moved away from her to the window on the other side of the room. This left her standing in the doorway without an answer. Lisa let herself in and locked the door behind her. She stood respectfully in silence next to George at...
Love StoriesMedway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:47am, Monday, November 26, 1979 “As most of you know by now, our girls’ basketball team won ... no, they dominated ... the double-A Ontario basketball championship in Guelph on Friday and Saturday,” Mr. Williamson said from our gym’s stage. After a brief announcement in our homeroom, the whole school was brought down to the gym for this set of morning announcements and championship celebratory event. “In case you didn’t know this, these girls, along with...
I am really happy that I was born at this point in history. If I was born lets just say 20 years ago... I couldn’t make a living doing what I do. I couldn’t be out to ANYONE. Grindr wouldn’t exist. Yesterday I was sitting on my couch, wearing only a pair of white speedos and working on a super hot speedo photo set (if you are nice to me I will post some pics from that on here tomorrow). As you can imagine - when I’m hard at work, I am sometime ‘HARD’ at work. I’ve had a Grindr account for...
For a blissful moment, Rhys thought he was back in the village, back in Dara’s bed. The soft linen on his naked skin, the smell of apples- “Rise and shine, my boy!” The voice was most definitely not Dara’s. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, blinking furiously. Next to his bed, barely able to look at him over the tall frame and mattress, stood a blonde, beardless dwarf. His hair was neatly parted to one side and he didn’t bother with the student robes, instead wearing a simple shirt, an...
Rhys slowly came to, his consciousness sluggishly struggling towards being awake. The first thing he noticed was the murderous headache he had. Should’ve stopped after the first glass, he thought ruefully. The next were the smells. What had Chassari called it? Peach? The aroma of sweat and other, musky odors came next. His head rested on something warm, as did his hand. He gently moved it, caressing over something smooth, leathery. A woman’s butt? A contented sigh, very close, then a...
Lishaka sat up, groaning. “Did ... did I do it?” Rhys waited until his head stopped spinning before opening his eyes. The Hall of the Speakers was exactly like he had scried it – the remnants of elven beauty, impressive even in ruin. Parts of the domed ceiling had managed to stay in place, throwing irregular shadows. The pillars, shaped like trees, reached into the cloudy morning sky like skeletal fingers and half of a stairwell ended somewhere between the first and second floors. Strong...
Author’s Notes: A heartfelt “thank you” goes out to the people who helped in refining and improving this chapter. My lady love for her undying support and the harshest critique one can hope for, my editor bikoukumori for his unending patience and a host of volunteers who suffered through the early drafts of this tale. In no particular order: Thornfoote, Pyvent, UKWaterRat and of course my Patrons. All participants in sexual activities are adults. “I’m not quite sure if I’ll ever be...
Author’s Notes: A heartfelt “thank you” goes out to the people who helped in refining and improving this chapter. My lady love for her undying support and the harshest critique one can hope for, my editor bikoukumori for his unending patience and a host of volunteers who suffered through the early drafts of this tale. In no particular order: Thornfoote, Pyvent, UKWaterRat and of course my Patrons. All participants in sexual activities are adults. This chapter contains scenes of explicit...
Author’s Note: I’d like to extend my sincerest thanks to all people who helped me finish this chapter. As always, thanks to my lady love for inspiration and the kick up the ass I needed to actually get the sex scene done; bikoukumori for his magnificent editing help and of course my fearless beta readers – so willing to wade through my swamp of bad ideas. Be warned – this chapter contains futanari on male and the usual dark, adult themes some seem to find objectionable on an adult website....
The last black-clad soldiers ducked into the portal and it shrunk, then closed silently behind them. Carver surveyed the devastated courtyard. A large pyre in the center was piled high with corpses. The flames illuminated the collapsed and scorched ruins of the compound’s smaller side buildings. There was a drawn-out, low rumble near the compound’s edge. A few moments later, Marissa joined him. “I’ve patched the wall,” she announced. “It was a rather big hole but nothing a casting of Shape...
Chapter 9: Vampiric Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust....
Hello, I am a thirteen year old boy. This is a FICTITIOUS STORYabout a boy named Nathaniel and he is an only c***d & he is going on a camping trip with his mom.To describe her a bit I would say that she is healthy looking and in good shape. She is 35 years old, 5ft7in, 110lbs, brunette and has blue-green eyes.Mom and I have always been very close. And she wakes me up every morning. She is attractive but I have never focused on her in a sexual way. She had a very nice figure with firm,...
Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...
Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 9:16am, Friday, November 30, 1979 “Are you gonna kill me, if I kinda pass on doing anything ... later on today?” I whispered to Tracy Norton and Elaine Roonee after waiting on them after Mr. Ballows ended our first period music class a little earlier than normal. The Little-man made use of both Roo-Roo and Tracy’s naked bodies, along with naked trumpeter, Darren Partridge in his lecture on changes in sexual connotations and views in music. I was very...
For the next three days life followed its usual routine. Sister Lucia rose early, said her own Divine Offices at the appointed hours, washed, ate her meals, and spent the rest of her time in silent prayer and contemplation. Almost every day she visited Monsignor Flavin whose use of her had not changed. In many ways she was, she supposed, happier here, without any distractions, than she had been in the Convent. On the fourth morning after the Bishop's visit, with Molly firmly hidden in the...
The Punishment of Amy & Larisa .........It was a saturday night, & it was pissing down with rain, i had my mate Jim around for a porn & wanking/ sucking session Jim had an awesome 11" cock that was so fat i could not quit touch my finger & thumb around it when i wanked it.......dispite Jim being a very fit guy he loved to be a sub, & i had him tied up in my attic sex room, Jim was in a recliner black leather chair with his arms tied at the elbows behind the chair back,with a...
My name is not important, my intentions are. Over several years i have gone to shoe & lingerie stores seeking out young shop assistants to flash my pussy at & to see there reactions & to find out if my understanding is correct, more young girls are bisexual & they are comfortable with another woman seducing them.This occassion the store i picked had a manager & young assistant, who appeared to me learning the ropes so she was not going to be alone. I watched from outside...
Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...
Thursday morning we got up about 6:45 & headed out of the tent to get up theboys & have the girls fix us breakfast. However, 1 of the boys was already UP.He said he had been dreaming about Angel & as soon as she walked out of thetent he bent her over & started fucking her. He was still fucking her as wewoke up the rest of the boys. When the boys saw Angel being fucked they allstarted getting horny too. 1 of them dropped his pants & had Angel suck on himwhile 2 more boys bent...
As I previously detailed on my trip to the Keys experience I briefly met a very attractive black man. He gave me his number & promptly planted a very wet & passionate kiss, not to mention placed my hand on what felt like a massive appendage!.After the trip as I was cleaning out my purse I found the napkin with his name & number. His name was Derek. I vaguely remembered him other than he was very tall, had a nice smile & probably a very large cock. I wasn't accustomed to calling...
Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...
The final events that led up to our NEXT Reno trip a few weeks later...After everyone left early that afternoon we finally went to bed to SLEEP forawhile before heading home that night. We had rented the room for the wholenight but we had already decided to go home Sunday night so that Becky couldgo to work on Monday.We all woke up about 7:30 pm. The girls then laid out their clothes to wearfor the ride home, or at least to wear until they were IN our car. They bothlaid out what they had worn...
Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...
We got up about 7:00am on the 2nd day. We went out & had the girls startbreakfast for us as us guys woke up the boys. Angel & Becky cooked pancakes &eggs for us today. It did look kind of cute seeing them naked with pancakebatter on their tits. After breakfast we headed down to the river & our dredge to get startedfor today. The 1st thing the girls did was to rinse the batter off themselves.Then they each took their place beside the sluice box & started clearing...
As usual we got up Saturday morning about 7:00am & went out to see how thegirls were. We had told the boys before going to bed NOT to fuck them thismorning. As soon as we got to them we took the blankets off of them & got agood look at their naked backs & exposed asses. Man were they kind of cute tosee in a way too. Both Angel & Becky were covered with nice red welts & a fewdried cuts on their backs & butts. We untied them from the tables as they wokeup & allowed...
Friday morning we got up a bit after 7:00 & went out to wake the girls & theboys. However it turned out we did not have to wake them ALL up. Angel wasawake with 2 boys double fucking her cunt together. She said they had woke herup about 10 minutes earlier when 1 of the boys just uncovered her & startedfucking her. When the 2nd boy wanted to join in the 1st boy just rolled herover & the other boy shoved his cock in her as well. That was about 5 minutesago & they were hotly...
Tuesday morning we told Angel & Becky to cook us some bacon & eggs forbreakfast. We had 5 pounds of bacon & 3 dozen eggs for them to cook. Since thegirls were naked they were also going to get splattered with lots of HOT bacongrease as they cooked this breakfast. Both girls were squealing almostconstantly as hot grease splattered their cunts & tits while they cooked too.Actually this cooking platform was a bit low, so MOST of the hot splatters hittheir cunt area too. By the time...
Carl & me were preparing to go to our placer mining claims on the AmericanRiver in a couple of days & I was at his house going over what supplies weneeded to get & making other plans too. Angel & Becky had asked us if theycould go with us for this week of mining. These claims were named THE PLEASURES& we were going to add even more pleasure to this trip by taking the girlsalong, so Carl & me were making some ground rules regarding this trip.1) The girls had to ride to...
Wednesday morning we figured we would kind of give the girls a break somewhat &Carl & George cooked breakfast for all of us. Nothing fancy, just pancakes &eggs. While they were cooking breakfast I told the girls to get down on theirhands & knees & go around & give the guys a blowjob while we were waiting forbreakfast & while us guys were eating they could finish the job on whoever hadnot yet been sucked off. I also told them that if they were still hungry...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
This is a story I wrote with my friend margiehank about our night with our cocktail server Amelia. We bring her back to our hotel to share her for the night. I hope you like it and comment, if you do please do us the honor visiting margiehank's site as well. Thank you and have fun, we did!MargiehankWe are sitting in the corner booth of a local bar waiting for our server to take our order for a nightcap after dinner and a movie. We are playing around a little...
I met my now wife almost 9 years ago nowI was working a long way from my homeMaybe about 7-8 months before the job finished, I had been seeing a stunning little Angel, In all honestly I was totally smitten in no time. And had never loved, felt loved, and had such An amazing partner & sex life If was a magical time, then the job finished,It was time to give up my rented apartment It was a very small village lots of contractors aroundAnd I called the landlord, who I had met several...
A night of Gangbanging the girls in our hotel roomAfter the girls got cleaned up from their afternoon of fun at the Adult boutiquethey then got dressed to go to dinner & then to go down to gamble & pickup someguys to bring back later to gangbang them.Becky this time wore her new sheer black blouse. It was sheerer than her otherblouse so her tits were a bit easier to see too. Also she again wore her zipdown skirt with it zipped to just below her cunt.Angel however wore her new VERY sheer...
I don't quite know how it happened but I found myself, on my knees, my panties soaking wet staring directly at my teenage son's large, thick throbbing erection, glistening in the dim light, covered in his girlfriends juices, her musky scent filling my nostrills. His cock looked amazing & I felt my already wet pussy gush with another discharge of fluid as I watched pre cum oozing from the tip of his cock & drip onto the floor in front of me, his penis now just inches from my eagerly...
Angel DID enjoy being hung up & restrained, but not quite like in the modified pictures I posted of her. She did NOT like her weight hanging by her arms & legs.------------------------------------he living room in our home had a large ( 6 inch ) beam across the centerbecause we had a 2 story home & this bore the weight across the living room.In order to hang Angel from it I went out & bought a playground replacementswing. The kind with a leather seat & chains. Also I bought...
BULLS COCKS, COWS & HEIFERS Phil was newly divorced, his wife had given him several c***dren who were away at college. She had taken the house as part of the settlement & $20k a year from the business. Phil had converted an old warehouse into a bachelor pad. The main storage area downstairs he had it insulated and alarmed to store his vintage & classic collections.The wasted area space was enough to install two levels above the vintage & classic collections area.Phil is in his...
The next morning i awoke with Martins hard cock pressing against my thighs , it was just after 9am, we kissed making us both erect , i looked him in the eyes & he knew i wanted him to make love to me, we could hear the girls downstairs i just kissed him deeply & said we had better join the girls as we both smelt coffee, we all embraced & went outside on the decking for our coffee, it was then Shirl told me she had phoned Brad & wanted to meet him that evening but would let him...
My wife is out of town, so I called few of my kitty friends yesterday to go on a night out...have some fun. Totally we were 2 couples & me. So all 5 of us headed off by 11.30 pm to a nice nightclub to drink & dance....We were having a good per the drill, we were to get the women always seems to start that way!! Soon all the drink was making all of us mingle mingle mingle....soon I found Shalu sitting on my lap giving me a lap dance!! Man I almost came!!...
My wife is out of town, so I called few of my kitty friends yesterday to go on a night out...have some fun. Totally we were 2 couples & me. So all 5 of us headed off by 11.30 pm to a nice nightclub to drink & dance....We were having a good per the drill, we were to get the women always seems to start that way!! Soon all the drink was making all of us mingle mingle mingle....soon I found Shalu sitting on my lap giving me a lap dance!! Man I almost came!!...
A night of Gangbanging the girls in our hotel room - The REST of this story...When we got back to our room we saw that the party inside was going in fullsteam. Becky was on 1 bed with 3 guys servicing her, 1 in each hole. The otherwife was on the other bed being DPed by just 2 guys. All the rest of the guyswere standing around them playing with either their tits or their butts. Ithen put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door too. However, we did not getany ice in those ice buckets.I told Angel...
About 9:00 the 2 of the last 4 boys came up & said the last 2 boys were gettingtheir cocks sucked clean finally. So some of us went back over to let the girlsdown out of the trees. In 1 way or the other they had been hanging there forabout 7 hours by then. As we got close I saw that dad & 1 of the sons were nowgetting 3rds in Angel & Becky & the other son had Angel sucking his cock, so wewaited for them to finish. This meant that all together this session the girlshad each been...
I had a dream where Jess was kissing my cock & sucking it. Then I pulled up her underwear in her 5ft nothing frame & she disappeared. I couldn’t have any of it.What I imagined from that was being in a club with her on a night out with friends & seeing her body on the dance floor. I pictured her in long black leather gloves in a longish dress & leather thigh boots up to her ass but you wouldn’t have known from the dress. They were at least knee high. Sure enough we complimented...