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James: Sweetheart, listen to me. I understand how hard this is for you. But sometimes, you just can't have what you want.

slippery_lil_clitty: there has to be a way, I really can't take this anymore.

James: Sure. There's always a way. But is it worth it? He's your father, honey. You only have one. If you push this and it ruins your relationship, there's no going back.

James: Hey... Come on, don't cry baby. It'll be ok.

slippery_lil_clitty: I have to go.

James: Sweetheart, wait...

I turned my cam off, logged off my computer and threw myself on the bed, wailing into my pillow with huge sobs. It wasn't fair. I'd done my research. Girls my age were taken advantage of every day, all over the world. Unwillingly, by dirty older men that chased THEM. A lot of the time it was their family members. Uncles, brothers, fathers. All chasing after these stupid reluctant girls, doing all the work, seducing them. The internet was full of stories, pictures, videos. Endless amounts of proof that they had something I didn't have.

No one ever chased me. Except maybe James, but even he was all talk until I made it really happen. What was it about me that made me so unwanted? Was I ugly? Fat? Annoying? Stupid?

It had been a few months since dad came home from the hospital. At first I'd been excited. A lot had happened while he was away, I'd had a few experiences that turned me from just another horny girl into a more experienced and sex starved one. I'd felt more mature, more ready to try and make something happen with dad. I thought I knew what I was doing, I thought I'd be able to make it happen. I was convinced that after all this time of touching myself and thinking of him, it finally didn't have to be wishful thinking anymore. I thought I was somekind of expert in seduction.

Ha. Some seductress I turned out to be. The only reaction I ever managed to get out of dad was him walking away from me. And to make things worse, I'd been focusing so much on trying to get with him that I hadn't even tried to get with anyone else the entire time. I felt like I'd go nuts if something didn't happen soon.

James had tried to give me advice, and I'd followed it to the letter. He'd never steered me wrong before, but this time nothing worked. He told me to start slow. I'd walked around in front of dad in my undies, laid down on the floor in front of him to watch tv with my legs bent up and crossed at the ankles, my thighs slightly spread allowing him to see the crevice the cotton of my panties was tucked into. Just knowing he was right behind me on the sofa, that he could see the outline of my pussy through the cotton, it got me so hot I felt myself start to drip, felt my panties getting wetter and sticking to me more tightly and transparently. It made me start to rock my legs left and right, making my pussy rock slightly, causing a tiny amount of friction on itself. But the only effect it'd had on dad was to make him walk away and go work in the garage. I wasn't even sure he'd looked at me at all.

A week after that I'd tried again. I'd had a shower and wrapped a towel around myself, and laid down on the sofa next to where he was sitting, my head on the armrest and my legs towards him, wriggling around to "get comfortable" and putting one bent leg against the back of the sofa and my other leg stretched out on top of his lap. All he had to do was turn his head to see a glimpse of my bare pussy.

He didn't. He just left after a few minutes and started making dinner.

I kept up my routine of walking around in my undies, trying to get his attention, and slowly got more desperate. Now when I took showers, I never closed the door anymore. I'd stand under the running water for an hour, just hoping he'd walk by and see me. I heard a creak by the door once and my heart started pounding, I reached for the soap and started to "wash" myself, slowly rubbing my slippery chest and trailing down to my pussy, sliding the bar of soap around my mound and slipping it between my legs, convinced that dad was just outside, watching through the crack from behind the door. Closing my eyes and continuing to slide the soap along my pussy, spreading my legs and building to an orgasm...

And hearing the garage door slam downstairs. If dad was down there, he sure as hell wasn't up here watching me. I was so disappointed I couldn't even finish myself off.

And so it went for months. Me getting more and more desperate, him failing to notice all my attempts at arousing him, trying to make him think of me as something other than his daughter, trying to make him see me as a woman. And failing miserably.

Maybe he loved big boobs. Or slutty outfits. Or red lipstick. I had to find out what made him tick.

Chapter 10:

I skipped school a few days later, went back home after he'd gone to work, went upstairs, and walked into his bedroom. Men had magazines, right? Maybe those would tell me what he liked. I looked through his drawers, under his mattress, in the boxes in his closet. Nothing. I flopped down on his bed in frustration and hugged his pillow, breathing in my daddy's familiar scent deeply. It smelled manly, strong, comforting somehow. God I wanted him so badly.

My eyes wandered over to his nightstand and landed on his laptop. Hey...

I bolted upright and snatched it into my lap, excitedly flipping it open.

Password protected. Shit.

I tried everything I could think of. His birthday. His mother's name. His hobbies and his car. His favourite movie, favourite band, favourite food. Nothing worked and I was on the verge of crying from the frustration.

Not expecting it to work, but not knowing what else to do, I tried my last idea.


Holy crap... I was in. I was so surprised I laughed out loud. Sweet sweet daddy, using my name as his password. I was elated and eagerly started digging around in his documents and browser history. My spirits were starting to fall again the longer I looked, there was nothing. No porn sites, no search histories that could give me a hint as to what he liked in a woman. I was back to square one, when his email client popped up a notification alerting me he'd received a new email. Just a spam message, but looking through his other emails might be a good idea anyway. It's not like I had anywhere else left to look.

Work emails, and lots of spam. All useless. The only actual personal correspondence seemed to be with some guy named Simon, tucked away into a password protected folder I couldn't crack. There was one new message from Simon, unread and unsecured, still sitting in his inbox. I made sure his email client offered the option of marking an opened email as unread, and then I clicked on the message.

From: Simon *******
To: Paul *******
Subject: Re: Losing it

I feel your pain, man. Nothing to do but grit your teeth and bear it, but that
doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride in your mind ;) stay strong, bro.

>To: Simon *******
>From: Paul *******
>Subject: Losing it
>Man, I don't know what to do. It's like every time I look at her, there's
>that sweet little pussy outlined in her panties, or glimpses of it peeking
>out from under a towel.
>I walk by her room and the door is open, and there she is asleep on top
>of her covers, nothing on under that shirt, legs slightly spread, looking so
>goddamn fuckable. I'm running out of shit to do in the garage, I can't just
>keep leaving every time she gives me wood, she looks so hurt with that
>pouty little "but daddy, I wanted to spend time with you" face.
>I felt a little better last week when I became convinced she was doing it
>on purpose, that she was being slutty to try and show off, because I'd
>caught her in the shower looking like she was posing, wanting me to catch
>her. But I know it's not true, she was just enjoying the damn water, and
>she's still as innocent as ever. If only I could believe she was slutty, I
>wouldn't get this fucking turned on. But she has no clue what she's doing
>to me, and her sweetness and innocence are driving me off the edge.
>I can't take much more of this.

...OH..... MY........... GOD........................

In a daze, I re-marked the message unread, covered my tracks, and put the laptop back. I flopped back on his bed, staring numbly at the ceiling.

My mind was reeling. MY DADDY WANTED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt like screaming and jumping and celebrating. All this time, I thought I'd have to be sluttier to get his attention, try harder, be more obvious. But it was my "innocence" that drove him wild.

My fingers trailed down my abdomen and slipped under the waistline of my school uniform skirt, inched down and absentmindedly began performing their familiar dance on my aching pussy as I lay sprawled across my daddy's bed, picturing him sitting there frustrated, typing the message I'd just read, confessing he wanted me, confessing that all those times he'd left the room were because he'd gotten hard for me. And as I stroked myself to orgasm in his bed, I thought "Soon. Soon I'll be cumming in your bed again, but I won't be alone then, daddy. Because now I know. Now I know just how to break you."

Chapter 11:

By the time I heard his car pull up, I had it all planned out. It was hard to keep a pouty face when I was this excited, but as his key slid into the lock, I composed myself and sat curled up on the sofa, hugging a pillow and looking dejected. I looked up as he entered and gave him a weak smile.

"Hi, daddy..."

"Hey honey. You don't look too happy, what's wrong?"

I gazed down at the pillow in my lap, pouting my lip, and gave a small shrug. "Nothing." A pause, a small sigh, an obviously faked weak smile. "How was your day, daddy?"

"Fine, sweetie..." He put down his briefcase and sat down next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, come on. Something's up. Talk to me, honey."

I hung my head and clutched the pillow tighter. "I..." I paused, waited a few moments, and sighed again. "Never mind. I'm okay. Thanks daddy." Looking up at him again, another weak pitiful smile, a slight quiver in my lip before hanging my head again and sniffling softly.

"Sweetheart, please..." He placed a finger gently under my chin, encouraging me to raise my head and look at him. I sniffled again before allowing him to raise my head towards him, eyes still lowered, blinking a few times before looking up into his concerned gaze.

"Daddy... Am I..." Blink blink. Look shyly down. Sniffle and make my lip quiver. Look back into his eyes with my most heartwrenching look. "Am I... ugly?"

"What?? Honey, no! What made you think that??"

I lowered my eyes again, gave a slight shrug. "Girls. At school."

"Well they're wrong, and probably just jealous! You're... You're beautiful, baby." He sighed and stroked his fingers along the side of my face softly. "You have no idea how beautiful you are."

I tilted my head, resting my cheek on his caressing hand, closing my eyes, managing to make a real tear roll down my cheek. One he clearly interpreted as sadness, but a tear that was really one of joy at feeling this closeness to him, having him caress me like this. His thumb reached out to my cheekbone and ran softly across it, wiping the tear away before he leaned in and placed his soft lips between my eyes and held them there, running his other hand through my hair lovingly for a while before finally breaking the kiss and looking down at me dreamily, watching me gaze lovingly back up at him.

He suddenly frowned a little, shifted in his seat, moved his face away from mine, forced a cheerful grin.

"What do you say you get yourself cleaned up and change out of your uniform, and we order pizza and have a slumber party movie night?"

I was slightly disappointed he'd snapped out of his reverie so quickly, but still hopeful. There had been a moment there. There was a chance. This was working. I just had to take my time and ease him into it. So I smiled, slightly more genuinely this time, and flung my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and whispering into his ear.

"Thank you, daddy. I love you."

"...I... I love you too, sweetheart."

I kissed him softly on the cheek, gave him one more smile before letting go, and went upstairs.

I showered quickly and skipped back to my room, flinging my closet doors open. I selected my cutest most girly pyjama shorts, pink loose fitting ones with cartoon kitties all over them. For my top I chose a fitted t-shirt, soft yellow with a decal of Tweety on the front. I looked myself up and down in the mirror. Hmm. Definitely not cute and innocent enough yet. I had to bring out the big guns. I dug through the back of my closet and found my pink fluffy bunny slippers and re-checked my reflection. Almost done. I grabbed two hairties and divided my hair down the middle, quickly tying it into two low pigtails.

Perfect. Now I was ready for our date.

We had a sofa, a heap of pillows and blankets, pizza, popcorn, and skittles. For the movie I'd selected the Lion King - childish, but I was going for cuteness here, after all. As the movie progressed and the snacks depleted, we snuggled with his arm around me and my head on his shoulder. His hand absently stroked my hair, his chest rose and fell rhythmically under my cheek, my arm was draped across his stomach. I didn't remember ever feeling this comfy. Then the movie ended.

"Ready for bed, sweetheart?"

I shook my head, grabbed on tighter, and put on my most childish voice. "Nu-uh."

He laughed. "Come on, honey. You have school tomorrow."

Yessssssss. He'd just given me the perfect opening to start up my routine again. I let my arm drop away from him, put on my sad face again, and sat up. "Oh... yeah..."

His eyes flashed with the realization that he'd just reminded me of the very thing this movie night was designed to distract me from. I could almost see him thinking "Shit. Smooth move, dickhead." It was hard not to grin as I sulkily threw back the covers and slumped my shoulders, getting up as if to head to bed.

I stood there for a moment, appearing to think, then slid gently into his lap and put my arms around him, burying my face in the side of his neck, breathing his scent in deeply and planting a small kiss on the hot skin of his neck. I whispered "Thank you for the fun evening, daddy" before reluctantly peeling myself off him and walking away with my best sad face, trying to pretend I hadn't noticed his facial expression of tortured shock.

I lay awake that night with my bedroom door wide open, waiting for him to come upstairs and walk by. I wasn't just going to let this night end that easily.

Chapter 12:

Two torturously long hours later, I finally heard his footsteps on the stairs. I quickly double-checked the scene I'd set - my covers all messed up and tangled, pillow clutched tightly to my chest, me curled up into a small ball around my pillow. I closed my eyes and started softly sobbing, making little moaning and keening noises as I twitched and frowned in my fake sleep.

I heard his footsteps stop in front of my door, a soft whispered "Oh..." and him rushing to my bedside. His weight on the edge of my bed, a gentle hand stroking my hair, whispering. "Jasmine, honey... Wake up, sweetheart. It's me, honey. Wake up."

I moaned again and opened my eyes, blinking wildly and looking around confused before letting my eyes focus on his face. "...Daddy?"

"You were having a bad dream, sweetheart."

I bit my lip, looked like I was about to cry, and sat up to cling on to him tightly, shaking slightly. He held me close and stroked my hair, my arm, my back, rocking gently back and forth.

"Shh. It was only a dream, baby. Shhhhh."

After a few moments of this, I pretended to wipe my eyes before letting go and looking up at him.

"I'm sorry, daddy."

"For what?"

I shrugged. "Making you worry. I'm ok." A faltering smile with sad eyes. A quivering lip. "You can go to bed now, daddy. I'll be fine."

"Oh sweetheart. I can't leave you like this. Do you want to talk about it?"

I looked down and shook my head, then bit my lower lip and looked up at him. "Daddy, can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

His eyes flashed for just a split second with some unknown emotion and he fumbled for an answer. "I..."

Biting my lip, looking up at him anxiously, adoringly.

"...Of course you can, honey."

I shot him a beaming smile, sighing with relief. He grinned and stood up, putting an arm behind my back and sliding one under my legs, whisking me up into the air and making us both giggle. Carrying me to his bedroom with my head leaning against his chest, lowering me gently onto his bed and pulling the covers over me, tucking me in before walking around the bed to the other side and sliding under the covers himself, laying down on his back with his arm behind his head.

I turned to my side and scooched closer, draping my arm across his chest and placing my head on his shoulder as I pressed my body up against his. Feeling him stiffen for a moment, then relax, putting his arms around me. I sighed contentedly, my breath caressing his neck, and felt him shiver slightly. He turned to his side, facing me, making it seem like he only did it to be able to hug me properly. I knew he was just trying to keep the sensitive area on the side of his neck away from my breath. He wasn't going to stop me that easily. I simply scooched even closer and buried my face in the soft hair on his chest, feeling him stiffen again.

He eventually relaxed and his thumb began stroking my back in small caresses. I whispered into his chest.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

I tilted my head back and looked up at him, my face just inches from his.

"When you said I was pretty..."

"I called you beautiful, baby."

"Did you... mean it, or were you just saying it because you're my dad? Please daddy, I need to know the truth..."

His breath hitched a little in his throat and his hand stroked up my arm, moving to my face and brushing a lock of hair gently aside, cupping my cheek in his hand and letting his eyes trail slowly across my face, a soft smile on his lips. His thumb reached over to my lips and caressed them, barely touching. I lowered my eyes and pressed my lips against the soft pad of his thumb, kissing it slowly and lovingly, before looking back up at him and seeing the half sad, half dreamy look on his face. Begging him with my eyes to convince me that he thought I was beautiful.

He sighed and leaned down, agonizingly slowly bringing his face to mine, looking deeply into my eyes, lingering there for a moment, giving me a chance to stop him, to back away.

I inhaled a short breath audibly, held it, let my eyes close slightly, mesmerized, nudging my chin upwards, making our lips barely touch for just a moment, my gaze begging him to close the gap between us.

His eyes drifted closed as he finally, oh God finally, pressed his soft warm lips to mine, making me sigh and allow my eyes to close, making me forget anything existed except his lips on mine, pressing gently, caressing, fitting so perfectly together... The pressure decreasing, the contact breaking. No, God no, not now, please.

Chapter 13:

My eyes slowly opened, I looked at him, distraught, seeing my expression mirrored in his face.


"Baby, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to..."

"Daddy... please... don't stop..."

His expression changing from distraught to confused, to hopeful, to tortured.

"Baby, don't... I can't..."

I rose up to his level, placing my forehead against his, using my nose to apply small nudges to his.

"Daddy... please... please... don't you love me...? I love you... so much..."

And in that moment, I knew it was true. This was no longer about lust, about satisfying any shallow urge. I was in love, deeply and intensely in love with my dad. I still wanted him, still wanted what I'd always wanted with him, but the need was much deeper than mere physical urges. I needed to be close to him, as close as humanly possible. Closer. Real tears filled my eyes now as I looked at him, desperate for him to accept me, desperate to belong to him completely.

And his eyes, filling with tears too. "I do, baby. I do love you. More than you know. Which is why I have to protect you. Keep you safe. And to do that..." He stifled a sob. "To do that, I have to let you go now."

I was crying freely now, the tears streaming down my face. "Wh... why..."

"Because, sweetheart. You're... not safe with me. Don't cry, baby. Please. I never meant to make you cry. Oh God please, I'm so sorry, but I have to. If I don't now, I won't be able..."

"Daddy..." a soft wail of desperation in my voice, clinging to him with all my might. "I... don't want... to be safe... not from... y... you... please... Please... Love me..."

His hands shaking as he held me by the shoulders, a sob escaping his lips, suddenly pulling me close and pressing his lips against mine hard, desperately, greedily, my lips responding as eagerly as his, gripping each other tightly as we kissed, his tongue tracing my lips and probing between them, my tongue meeting his, intertwining as we sighed into each other's mouths, my lips closing around his bottom lip and pulling on it softly, darting my tongue back into his mouth and feeling like I was deliciously drowning in his scent, his taste, my sensitive lips on fire with every touch of his. Our hands exploring each other's bodies, wanting to touch every inch of each other, our bodies pressed together and writhing, trying to get closer somehow.

Kissing passionately as his hands pulled my tshirt up, exposing my tummy, feeling his hot skin pressed against mine. Breaking the kiss only long enough to rip the shirt over my head, our bodies immediately pressing together again like the separation had been longer than either of us could bear. His hands on me, running along my shoulders, my sides, my back, my chest. Moaning into my mouth as my hands explored his strong arms, his wide chest. Draping my leg over his side and reaching down to his hip, trying to pull him closer, feeling his groan on my lips as his hips thrust forward, grinding together. Feeling his hardness on me, driving me into a frenzy, slipping my fingers under the waistband of his boxers and tugging. His fingers joining mine, helping me to remove them, freeing his rock hard cock, my fingers finding him, gripping him, pulling him to me.

His hands slid under my waistband, pawed and groped at my ass, roughly pulled my shorts down my legs. The kiss broke again as he leaned down to slide them off entirely, kissing instead along my neck, shoulder, chest, hip, as I gasped and ran my fingers through his hair. Feeling his hot breath travel along my body, every nerve ending alive, feeling him plant soft hot kisses on my thigh, my mound, the top of my pussy, whispering my name between each kiss, me whispering "daddy" in return. Feeling his tongue dart out and bury itself between my closed legs, pressing itself between my closed pussy lips, making my hips buck against him.

He laid down flat, upside down next to me, and started pulling me to my side, lifting my top leg and draping it around his head, allowing himself full access to my dripping sensitive core, groaning hotly as he explored my folds with his lips and tongue, sucking my pussy lips gently into his mouth one by one as I pressed myself into his face, feeling him mumbling "Ohhh... my sweet baby..." into me...

Turning my head to the side and seeing his incredible cock right in front of my eager lips, I gripped it tightly and brought my mouth to it, softly enveloping the head between my slippery hot lips, feeling him moan deeply into my writhing body. Stroking him with my hand as I applied suction with my lips and tongue, jerking him off into my mouth while he ate me, both greedily trying to devour each other, both getting close, and both stopping. And as one, sitting up, gripping each other tightly and kissing deeply, drifting back down to the bed together. Pulling him on top of me, opening myself to him, grinding, feeling his cock sliding along my pussy.

"Make love to me, daddy... I need to feel you inside me... please daddy... take me... make me yours..."

He caressed my face, kissing my forehead, my eyes, my lips, whispering "I love you baby... so goddamn much... I love you..." as his cock found my entrance and slowly pushed into my hot little hole, kissing and whispering "I love you"s into each others mouths, panting and gasping as our bodies finally found each other, finally fit together and became one, my entire tunnel gripping him tightly as though he'd always belonged there, fitting him like a glove as he buried himself inside my tight little body and began thrusting slowly, drawing a rapidly building orgasm from me, my entire body tensing as my pussy gripped him tighter and tighter as his thrusts came faster, his cock swelling inside me.

"I love you, sweetheart. I love you, baby. My sweet sweet girl. I love you so much. I love you."

"Daddy... Finally... Ohhhhh yessss... I'm yours daddy... your little girl... all yours forever... I love you daddy... I love you... fill me, daddy... please..."

And then, delirium, the world seeming to spin wildly around us, nothing else mattered, cumming together, our bodies in perfect harmony, his incredible cock stroking me to an endless spasming orgasm, my hungry pussy rippling and contracting around him to accept him, pull him in deeper, suck him dry, drink everything he could give me deeply into itself, into my body. My sweet daddy finally filling me with the cum I'd been starving for for so long, finally letting my pussy cum all over his hot hard cock.

Finally drifting off to sleep from exhaustion, still fused together and in each other's embrace, truly content for the first time.



- [email protected] xoxo


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Always on GuardChapter 14

Cruit Symington had spent the preceding days trying to figure a way out of his predicament. None came to him. He had committed treason against the Crown. There was no justifying his actions. His failure would cost his family dearly. His brother's life was forfeit. His father and mother might be executed. His younger siblings could be killed. There was no way out for him. "Symington," the jailer boomed. "You have visitors." Visitors? Symington wondered if his parents had come to his...

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Evilena --Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance -- Part 1 -- Breakdown Evilena --  Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance -- Part 1 -- Breakdownby Mistress Evilena's Servant  :  [email protected]  Synopsis :  Evilena's car gets repaired. Complication, confrontation, & consternation follow.   .Enjoy !      Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance    Evilena loved her car.  And as she drove down the Florida Highway 1, headed to her copyright attorney's office , she...

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Come with Me and Escape

‘They’ve called another group meeting, so I probably won’t get home until about nine. You might as well go ahead and eat supper.’ With a silent inward sigh, Barb answered, ‘OK. I’ll have a plate ready for you to microwave. Love you, Don.’ Don responded with a quick, ‘Love you, too. Bye,’ and hung up. Such calls were not really unusual and Barb had to admit that she made about as many as Don did. It just seemed that their life had become so busy that it was really hard to find time together...

4 years ago
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BBW Neighbor teaches a pup some new tricks Part 1

Mrs Anne Davis. I’d known her since I was a k**; she lived four doors down from me. Her husband was a good guy, but built like a brick shithouse, so he soon got the nickname Shrek after he shaved his head one year. He was a lorry driver so would be out to work all over the country, leaving poor Anne home alone quite often. I’d lost my virginity a little while before, but was still a little bit of a state when it came to girls. This confused and delighted them no end – because I was a total...

2 years ago
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Jitil somporko

Kal ratre sute sute eto deri holo, tobuo aj bhor 5 ta tei ghum bhenge galo arup er. Choto bela thekei or habit hochhe sokale uthe prothome kichukhon free hand exercise kore tarpor din er kaj suru kora. Aj ghum theke uthe arup dekhe or bichana te pase suye achhe mrs dutta. Goto 5 bochor eka suye obhyas, bhulei giyechilo mrs. Dutta. Ekhon or biye kora bou. Ei mrs bobby dutta kichu din ageo mr arup guha-r office-e personal secretary chilo. Ekhon chakrite resignation diye gotakal arup ke registry...

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Tale Told to a Soul Saver Trainee

I’m at the Celestial Energy Bar awaiting my trainee. I need a tall Liquid Sunshine before I tell the newbie the introductory tale. We Soul Saver (SS) Training Troopers (TT) own up to some professional failure at the first meeting with a new recruit. At induction, they hear all the good news—the personal satisfaction, the benefits, the camaraderie, the flexibility, the immortality. Before boot camp, the newbie hears a story of a failure. This is how we explain the numbers. Because humans have...

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Teen Girl Cum Fest Pt 1

Introduction: the title says it all My names Jenn, Im 19 now but this is a story when I was fifteen, the year I learned to love girls and accept the consequences I first began to see the light at party/dance at my girlfriends house.. I walked in the door of my friends house and immediately smelled the scent of grinding bodies and heard the deep bass of the music. As I made my way into the family room I was feeling a bit self conscious so I pulled up my bra to cover more of my 32C titties. I...

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Professor Insect

You remember all those stories about fifties and sixties universities: ‘good grades for good favours’. It happened on the gay side too, but rather more secretively, given the times.Some were seduced by the prof. Some just offered themselves to the prof. Some had to do the seducing. I was in the last group, since I was not especially attractive, and also short and chunky. To me, the prof was hot in any case. Craggy face, thick hair, as thin as Ichabod Crane. As Washington Irving said of his...

1 year ago
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Sarala My Maid 8211 An Unexpected Accident

Hello This is rajesh. I know it’s been some time that I have posted my experience but have been busy. Just a small recap and especially for people who don’t know me, I am rajesh from Bangalore. I have posted many of my sex experience with men, women and couple of them with TG. Yes I am bi-sexual. I have huge crave for sex, although I have a sexy wife who tries her best to satisfy me but my thirst for sex is huge and I have been lucky in that way as I have laid with many women, men and 2...

4 years ago
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Enounter with my Moms boyfriend

I was twenty three when I ended up moving back home with my Mom after a horrific split with my fiancé. I’d been with him since High School, and months before our wedding everything began to fall apart. Moving back home wasn’t an ideal solution, reason being my Mom had recently moved in with her new boyfriend, but it was the best thing I could do in that situation. At least my old bedroom had been left untouched since I moved out. My bed, old dresser, pictures on the wall… everything was still...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Little One Ch 05

Daddy sat at the large desk in his study. He read business reports every night before going to bed. His dress shop had done very well, even though he and Little One were their best customer, today. SalesLady had been very kind and helpful to Little One. Daddy made a note on his report to be very generous to her. Daddy closed the folder and put it in the drawer. In the drawer was an empty silver frame. No pictures, thought Daddy. I must have photographs made of Little One. Maybe not photographs,...

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Free For All FarmgirlChapter 11

Debby could hardly sit still through supper that evening, thinking about the trucker and his big thick cock sliding in and out of her throat, in and out of her cunt, in and out of her asshole. She could still taste it, could still feel it sliding between her lips, between her cunt-slabs, between the tight, stretched rings of her asspucker. She played footsie with herself under the supper table and shimmied her bare legs together, working her swollen pussylips together under the tight material...

2 years ago
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Judy Got Married

Judy Got Married By Susan Day This is a story of an interview between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and a prospective submissive, Judy. An advert in a contact magazine leads a transvestite to a meeting with a dominant lesbian mistress and her slave. They lead him into a new life as a woman, but not until he marries the mistress so she can claim an inheritance. He starts to join in their lesbian...

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Trying It Out

Many thanks to my sweet inspiration blackrandl1958 for her guidance and editing. Thanks to Todd172 for Beta reading. What’s the American dream? Go to school, graduate, enter college. That’s the beginning, and that was my life. Jane Marshfield, college student, and on my way to living the American Dream. In the summer between my junior and senior years of college, I met the man who would give me the rest of that dream. His name was John, and we became a couple. Everyone assumed we would be...

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Super Lezzie Queens Michelle and Lori

]Super Lezzie Queens, Michelle And Lori‏"Let's go get some cock, Baby" said Michelle, all painted and dressed as an absolutely flaming drag queen; she flipped up her short miniskirt as she wiggled her naked ass. "Check my pussy, Honey". She bent over, legs spread wide thrusting out her ass, parting her cheeks with long red nails as she pulsed her pussy open and closed, her smooth balls glistening with her dripping pussy juice, her sissy cock dangling. Lori was at the mirror putting on even more...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Abegail The Begining of My FetishChapter 2

Abbey of course was disgusted when I came in her hands and she wiped her hand on my body, covering me with my own semen. "Now fuck off out of here pantyboy," she said, "and never touch my underwear ever again". I heard her mocking laughter as I ran down the hall the bedroom in which I was staying. To say I was terrified was an understatement; I was so scared she would tell everyone about my perversion. Days, then weeks passed and nothing happened. Whenever I met Abbey she would snigger...

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Halloween Haze

Halloween Haze By Bill Hart My friend Dennis Holt and I stood at the edge of the forest that ran along the northern edge of the campus. The sun was low in the sky and would clearly set within the hour. "This is as far as I can go, Todd," said Dennis. "From this point on you either sink or swim all on your own." "Don't sweat it, Dennis," I replied with a wide smile. "This is so simple that I'm surprised the guys in the frat even bother to call it an initiation." "Just be...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 2 The Subjugation Of Father Francis

She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...

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The RescuedChapter 16 SM03Epsilon Day 2

For the first time in his new life, Steve work up with a clear head. The aliens had apparently either scaled back or turned off their emotional damper, and it didn't appear to have had any permanent side effects. He was lying nude, spooning with Rachel. The firm, full breasts pressed against his back must belong to Latisha. His morning hard-on was pressed between Rachel's ass cheeks, and wondered briefly what it would feel like to push it between them into her anus. He smiled at the...

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The Prom Queen

At Mindy's suggestion I will try to add on, to, or embellish this story. (Prom.txt) Janet Stickney [email protected] The Prom Queen My name is Tim Grant, I'm 17. I live with my Grandmother now because my parents wanted to retire to another state, and since I still had my Senior year to go in high school, I wanted to stay here. Without my knowledge it was arranged that I would stay with my Grandmother. She is in her fifties, a slender, beautiful woman with blond hair...

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Escape From Harem House

You were more than a little surprised when Sarah Skeezington invited you to her frat party. She's the hottest and most popular girl on campus, and you've hardly spoken to her all semester. But she singled you out after her PoliSci class to tell you directly about the raging party she's having tonight at her mansion. Maybe you think it'll be a fun time, maybe you're thinking you might be able to meet some people there. You've been so busy studying that you've hardly made any friends. Maybe this...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 43

This is compliments of navarre‎ The husband and wife decided they needed to use “code” to talk about sex without letting their children in on the secret. They decided to employ a typing metaphor. One day the husband told his five-year-old daughter, “Go tell mommy that daddy needs to type a letter.” The child told her mother what her dad said, and her mom responded, “Tell your daddy that he can’t type a letter right now because there is a red ribbon in the typewriter.” The child went back...

3 years ago
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Sissygirls Sweet Adventure

She had spent an eternity with the finishing touches, making herself look as soft and girly as possible, not that she needed to do so. She was as nervous as hell and teetered just a little on the tall black stilettos with silver spikey heels she had waited so long to wear. The walk down the path to the waiting cab seemed three times as long as usual; would the driver think there was anything unusual about the girl who was his latest fare? He smiled warmly and watched the long legs enter his...

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On the second evening of the Yangtze River cruise, I slipped on deck and saw two women from our tour group kissing. They had found a niche formed by some superstructure and a lifeboat, where they thought they would be hidden, where they thought they could see anyone who approached. I slid to a shadowed area and watched them kiss. They were roommates, but more, always together. Any time one was there, the other was close. Of course there had been friendly speculation that they were gay, but...

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Writers Block

Introduction: Tell me what should I write about first Writers Block&hellip,. So heres my dilemma I like to write and write until I finish the idea I just get fumbled when it comes to details in the story I came up with the plot, middle and ending just getting from the beginning to the end with the story gets to me. Im trying to include better grammar, punctuations and character descriptions but I also like to avoid this option if I can. So you may see stories without descriptions but if youve...

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Amy and Vivian Go Missing

So it was that Amy and Vivian began what they thought would be the adventure of their lives. Amy was tall at 5’7, slender yet somehow impressively curved, her blonde hair cut just above her shapely shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled like the open ocean when she saw something she lusted after - which was often. Her soft-spoken manner and shyness only lasted until she got to know you, and then she became the demanding, typically spoiled rich girl. Her friend Vivian was in some ways the polar...

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Possession CYOA

Hello, everyone. So, I found this interactive CYOA about possession and thought it was pretty cool. I wanted to share it here to see what stories would come from this prompt. The only rule for this story is that your first chapter must include your chosen difficulty and short description of your character in the title and lists your choices from the CYOA within the chapter itself. Add tags to the story should the need arise. Here's the CYOA: All credit for...

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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 16

I smiled at Adelaide. She had both of her hands in Jess’s hair, forcing the chicken bob of my bank co-worker’s head, as I got my dick sucked. Adelaide smiled back. She’d been worried a few times over the last few days. She seemed stronger now. She seemed like she was meant for me. I got to be stronger now. I got all of these girls. Jess sputtered and coughed. My balls were slick with her ejected saliva. She had tears in her eyes. She dug her elbows into my thighs. I leaned back and moaned...

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My Secret

This is a strange, short story that I wrote a long time ago, which is what it is – nothing will be added to it.  It’s much more gentle than the usual fare that I come up with, and is dedicated to a lovely woman I used to know named Beth.  Any comments, suggestions, feedback – postive, negative or otherwise – appreciated, to [email protected]~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~I have a secret.? A little hidden treasure that I keep locked away.? Nobody knows about it yet, because if they did, I never know what...

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The Champions Companion 4

She didn't know that after untying her and messing with the bands waterskins he had moved to the other side of the ridge to a spot of seclusion where he could watch a trap get sprung. ###### When the morning light hit Caris, she was the second to be awake. Kassin was at the fire pit collecting the cooked meat in a bag Ailli usually carried for the band. Tea was also boiling in the discarded helmet from earlier. Caris stretched and looked at Kassin closer, she and Ailli could get...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 32

The next week passed quickly. Tommy was very busy at the dojo, and the inn seemed to get busier every night. He left work and, exhausted, dragged himself home every night. Greg was back and he picked Tina up after work every night, so Tommy didn’t get to talk with her as much as he would have liked. She did tell him it would be OK if he took Bobby four-wheeling that Sunday, though. She also told him Greg was going to take her to dinner and a movie in another town. She said Greg looked relieved...

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I smiled at Maddie, who was so beautiful laying naked on the bed. “We need to finish the treatment baby. Then, we’ll see . . .” I said as casually as possible considering I was talking about Maddie going down on a woman for the first time―me.“OK, make me feel better Laura,” Maddie said seductively as she laid back on the bed. It was all I could do, and then some, to stay focused on Maddie’s therapy. But 25 minutes later, we finished. Maddie endured the painful stretches and ice pack without...

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Drinking My BFF Caseys Pee

Kneeling in the large tub in front of Casey's naked body, I looked up into the leafy lips of her vagina, waxed and smooth, noting the gentle lines of her pelvic bone sloping back toward her hips as she thrust her crotch towards me. Casey pulled her lips apart wide, laying the inside flat and open and causing her pee hole to protrude out at me slightly. She was gently bearing down, causing the skin around her labia to puff out a bit. Her lips parted further as she pushed on her bladder, a small...

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Lets Try Again

She hadn’t known how much I cared for her. I had never told how much I needed her. She didn’t find out until last late how much I longed her. She has been my best friend, the one person I ran to after so many horrible heart breaks. I never thought I’d have the courage to tell her because I was worried about the conflict it could bring if it didn’t work. We’re both so scared of ourselves; we’d never know what to do with one another. We did everything together. There was nothing we didn’t know...

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For a number of years now my wife Sarah and I have employed a cleaner, just four hours a week to blitz through the major PIA chores like changing the bedding and so forth. Unfortunately, all bar one, Amy, who was stunning but sadly way before we had began to introduce others into our sex lives, have been very un fanciable, including our current one, Julie. She has just turned 60, stands about 5 ft 2, which makes the fact she is a little overweight look like she is chubby, with mousy brown hair,...

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My Vacation

I have been a journalist for about ten years now and from time to time I do a lot of hard work and traveling. Covering stories and having to write them up, to make sure the public is getting all the correct information as soon as possible, I am busy constantly. So after more hard work than usual these past couple of months, I decided to take a little R & R trip to Brazil. Out of habit I found myself still bringing my camera, notepad and laptop just in case. I booked a flight from Florida to Rio...

2 years ago
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I Wish

Hello everyone out there. I have a new story that I've been working on. It's pretty much done so I hope you all enjoy it. Post it anywhere you'd like except pay sites. I've gotten so much from the net so I'm trying to give something back without people having to pay for it. Thanks... Your standard disclaimer should go here......x But of course you should know what it is by now. If you are too young, too old, too offended, not offended enough, too disturbed by TG or a conservative...

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Friend kept his promise

Hello dear iss readers, iam rahul from hyderabad working in a private computer institue. Iam 23years old good looking, and very sexoholic. I love reading experiances of people in this website and now felt like sharing my true experience which happened 2years ago with my friends wife in front of my friend. In 2001 i had a friend by name bhasker we were class mates and were quite close to each other and most of the time we use to talk about sex, imagining having sex with our class girls, teachers...

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Step Family

My father and I lived together in a small house in the suburbs. My mother had died several years ago. I had just turned 18. We got along fine, but one day my father met a woman whom he fell in love with. They got married and she moved in along with her daughter. Her daughter was named Vicky. She was 23 years old and had been married for a short time, then divorced. She was about 5’11” with fairly big breasts and dark brown hair, which was set off by her extremely pale skin. She had a pleasant...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 73

"Are you okay?" Frederik looked concerned. "Did I hurt you?" "No! I'm fine; it's ... um..." Sandra started to answer but didn't know what to tell him. She couldn't tell him that she just had had a flashback to the afternoon when she was almost raped. "Are you sure?" Frederik pushed on. He was sure that there was something wrong, because Sandra still looked as if she was in distress about something. Sandra got nervous when she noticed how Frederik was looking at her. Her mind...

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Sam Cat SomethingNew

Sam was out on a run for free cheeseburgers from Inside Out, and the k*ds they were going to babysit later on in the day hadn't arrived yet, so Cat was bouncing on her bed playing with one of her yoyos. She had a red lollipop, to match her hair, in one hand and the green yoyo, to not match the lollipop, in the other. With her hair tied up in two ponytails, one on either side of her head, she could have passed for a twelve year old if it wasn’t for the noticeable lumps on her chest. She swung...

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The Calcium Club Chapter 3

The Milking ParlourSome times of the day were busy times for the staff at the Calcium Club. Just now was one of them, between 10:30 and 11:00 am when many of the young mothers from the offices of the nearby business district found they just had time to slip across to the club instead of taking their morning break. Of course by this time of the morning some of the girls were fairly desperate, although some had fed baby early morning and deprived the club of their full cream!Jodie was one of...

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Nymph of the WoodChapter 8

It was about twenty minutes later when I received the call. I was informed that my wife had been in an accident and they were taking her to United Hospital. I hung up the phone and rushed to my car. A million different thoughts ran through my head. Scenario after scenario flashed through my mind. I probably violated several traffic laws, in my rush to get to the hospital. Fortunately for me, it was later in the evening, so the traffic wasn't that bad. I rushed through the emergency door and...

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The Sexy Mistress

I sit in class, bitting my nails. For the whole day, all I've been thinking about is my Mistress. She is so beautiful. She has long golden curls that flicker at the top of her perky ass. She has bright blue eyes and I could never forget her 34D sized breasts. Just the thought of her makes me so wet. I bite my lip, hoping my panties and skirt won't be soaked.Finally, the bell rings. I grab my bag and rush out. As I walk down the street, all I can think about is us. What if I don't please her?...

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Growing Up Ch 2

Driving into the city on a Sunday was not something normal for me. I say the city, and you think of New York City or Los Angeles, but growing up on a farm where the nearest town has a population of 350 people, then go to a place where 150 thousand people live automatically classifies that place as a city.My girlfriend had just gotten her apartment. Janie had moved out of her mother's house to live closer to campus. She would be starting her sophomore year at the local University, so living at...

Gay Male
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Har-Hi sat there motionless with and with expression as hard as stone. Wetmouth’s mask looked the same as ever. But her shaking shoulders told everyone she was crying. Elfi held her close; her thick black Saran style eye make-up she was always wearing had partially dissolved and ran in smears down her cheeks. Mao had his head buried between his fists and he too was crying. Hans held a wadded towel in his fists and his chin kept trembling whenever he looked at the Reagan trophy that stood...

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