- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
My husband handed me a little slip of paper almost as soon as we took our coats off and sat down. The paper just said "bra", which was easy enough, but we hadn't even ordered yet. There wasn't really anyone seated near us. I could slip my bra off pretty easily, but I didn't want the waitress to show up at the wrong time.
So I stood up, and took my bag with me. The bathrooms were on the other side of the restaurant. He had waved a twenty at the waitress while we were being seated, and asked for some quiet. She had taken us to a table in the corner of the building, far from most of the other diners, but far from the restroom as well.
Of course, it’s not like it was a mile hike. It was just across the restaurant. A fairly large restaurant, but weaving through the tables to the far corner only took a minute or two. At least there was no line. Perks of having dinner at four o'clock on a Tuesday. I went into the restroom. It was nice. Clean. Same weird Egyptian art-deco as the rest of the place. I went into a stall, just for a moment, and slipped my bra out from under my shirt. Easy.
I walked back through the restaurant with my bra in my bag. It was dim. Nobody knew or cared, except maybe me. It was just a bra. The waitress showed up almost as I sat down. I couldn’t help but stare a moment, realizing that she wasn’t wearing any bra herself. Probably got her better tips.
I ordered a seafood platter. It cost more than we usually spent on a whole night out, but he did say I could order anything. I thought about ordering off the wine list for a change, but I just asked for orange tea. He ordered pasta and coffee, and a couple of appetizers like he always did.
With the waitress gone, I relaxed a little. We talked about my new video game and the online card game he was programming. Our drinks came, so I brewed my tea and he fixed his coffee.
While I was waiting for my tea to be ready, he slid another slip of paper across the table to me. I knew it would say "panties" before I looked at it. What else would it say? Our drinks were already here, and our food would be a while, so I fished up the side of my ankle-length skirt until I could see my underwear, hooked them with a thumb and slid them down. Dropped them to the floor.
Almost to the floor. Getting them over my boots was going to be less graceful than I intended. Especially with the waitress standing right by me with our appetizers. I must have startled, because she apologized for surprising me. She leaned down awkwardly, setting our plates on the table while holding a full tray of drinks with the other hand. I glanced up at her, or more exactly at the bump of her nipple and the name tag “Katrina!” that was right in my face.
She asked if we needed anything else, but I couldn't really think about anything except the underwear stretched around my ankles. My husband waited. Watching me. Two seconds. Five seconds. Then he said we were fine, and that the food looked wonderful. Hero or villain, I couldn't decide. As soon as she left, I stomped the panties off of one boot and lifted them to my hand with the other. Untangled them from the heel, and then tucked them in my bag.
I tasted the squid. It was excellent. I tried a stuffed mushroom. Cheesy. Spicy. Kind of soggy. Hubby and me got to talking again, but it was different. I walked around without a bra often enough at home. I did not normally walk around or sit around in a skirt with no underwear. I could feel the air between my legs and I really couldn't forget about it. So we talked, but I was distracted.
Feeling the lack of underwear also made me really notice the lack of bra under my shirt. I looked down to see the outline of hard nipples against the cloth. That would be really obvious to anyone that looked, but there wasn't anybody else here. Except that the waitress would be by eventually. Women went in public without bras all the time. It was fine.
I'd put too much sugar in my tea.
Funny though, I noticed that he too was distracted by my nipples. He would set down his coffee and pick it up again without drinking anything. He kept looking at my chest, a smile twitching on his lips. I finished the calamari while I watched him watch me.
The food came. There were no chesty points on display for “Katrina!”, which I counted as a personal triumph. The seafood platter she set in front of me was daunting. She held it in both hands and I got a view straight down her shirt when she set it in front of me. I wondered briefly if my husband had tipped her for more than just a quiet seat, but the food was far more interesting at the moment. I'd be taking home more than half of it, certainly. A few bites confirmed it was delicious. Worth every penny.
A few bites were all I got before he handed me another slip. This one, I couldn't imagine what it would say. I hadn't even been sure if he would give me another one. I knew he wanted to, and the idea that inspired the whole ridiculous game was to strip in public, but obviously I couldn't actually do that. Somebody would call the police.
I turned over the paper. It read "Skirt. You can lay your jacket over your knees." I savored a shrimp while I contemplated the text. Sweet of him to explain that he didn't expect me to just sit in the clear with no pants on.
I got my coat out from under my bag and spread it out on my lap, over my knees. It was a big coat, and really it would cover more than the skirt did. On one side. Not entirely effective. I glared at the husband, but it didn't even phase him. He just watched me with a look of curiosity while he slurped up a noodle. He thought maybe I wouldn't really do it.
I moved my bag to the aisle side so I could sit by the wall. Better. The skirt came off much easier than the panties had.
My backside and vagina touched down on the cold seat. A flaw in my brilliant idea to change where I was sitting. I just sat for a moment holding the skirt in my lap, on top of the jacket. Then I shuddered at the thought of the waitress popping up again and seeing that. I stuffed the skirt hastily into my bag and zipped it closed. My plate sat by itself at the other end of the table while I zoned out again for maybe a full minute, trying in vain to adjust. I shivered, not even from the cold of the seat – that warmed fairly quickly – but just from the thought that I was wearing nothing from the waist down, in a restaurant.
Not reasonable at all. It was good that nobody was seated anywhere near us. Or maybe it was a trap, since I wouldn't have done it at all otherwise. If they seated somebody near us now, I'd lose my mind. I forced myself to look around. Hubby chewed his noodles slowly, his eyebrows seemed to be stuck as high as they would go. He really hadn't thought I'd go through with it.
I slid my plate over in front of me. Ate a scallop. It really was good. Ate a shrimp. It was fantastic. Felt my ass against the seat and a slight movement of air across my thigh, exposed to the wall. Ate another scallop. I looked around again, suddenly paranoid. There was nobody. I had to blink like I was trying to wake up. The salmon was lovely.
At some point, while I shot back and forth between frozen and hedonistic, my husband had slid his own self and plate away from the aisle too. We would have looked awfully suspicious, sitting at opposite corners like prizefighters, wouldn’t we? I did my best to direct my attention at the food, instead of the seat I could feel with so much skin. Or direct it at him, instead of the air that sometimes drafted all the way up to stir my pubic hairs.
Then something else touched the back of my boot. The urge to jump out of my seat hit my desire to stay planted right where I was and turned into a full body shudder. I looked up from my food at my husband. He was still chattering about the “Myrtle” character from his card game and slurping noodles as though the toe of his silky dress-sock wasn’t caressing the back of my knee.
His foot slid slowly around to my inner thigh, making its way further under my jacket. I tried to just breathe and enjoy my seafood. Fried shrimp. Lovely lime salsa with those. But even as slowly as he moved, I didn’t eat more than a few bites before he’d gone as far as he could. Brushing his toes through my bush.
By the time the waitress came back to refill his coffee and bring me new water for my tea, I was a complete mess. Not only did I have pokies making themselves known right through my shirt, but I was also in the process of making the seat rather slippery beneath me.
The woman could have just asked for my cup, but instead she leaned all the way across the table to pour our drinks. Her breasts were a thread short of spilling out onto my shrimp and I couldn’t take my eyes off them. My husband, he never took his eyes off me. Or his toes. His smile made me think of sharks.
Standing back up, the waitress hovered for a moment, asking again if we needed anything. I certainly wasn't going to try to answer her, so I just stared at my food and waited for her to leave. My husband made a show of looking around the table for a few extra torturous seconds. Finally, he nodded at her, said that we were fine, and that we'd need some boxes for the food.
He tickled my pubes with his toes the whole time.
She came back almost immediately with some containers and boxed up our food herself for what felt like an eternity. Since she was gathering the food, I fiddled stiffly with my tea, trying to look very normal. Trying to distract myself from the very active foot wandering between my legs. Trying not to stare at Katrina!’s tits or down her cleavage as she reached across the table, surely angling for a giant tip.
Tea was not an effective distraction, though, from the discovery that my husband could, in fact, extend his toes a little further. I froze completely while he got his sock wet, wiggling those toes in my slit. Feet had never been my thing, but I couldn’t help thinking they were really nice, soft socks.
I opened my eyes to see if the waitress was done boxing the food, and instead found her almost nose to nose with me, looking right in my eyes. I couldn’t shake the feeling that she knew exactly what was happening under the table.
She repeated herself. Did I want the sauce? I looked over at the cup of tartar sauce in her hand. I said no. She stood back up, the table cleared of food.
Either the opening twenty dollar tip bought some silence as well as privacy, or the lights really just were that dim. She took the bill and a credit card with her when she went. She'd be back in a moment, but then we could go.
My husband found my clit with his toe, forcing a small noise out of me. I just shivered uncontrollably for a moment, but then he took his foot away. He slipped me another little piece of paper.
I really thought about just not turning it over.
It said "Shirt. You can wear just your coat." That would actually be better, at least for the short walk out the door to the car, except the coat was very much in use right now, and needed to stay exactly where it was! Trying to turn it around and put it on at this point would be a disaster. He probably figured I'd just stand up for a moment with no pants. Or uncover myself in the chair while I put the coat on and tried to arrange it. But there was no way I was going to do either one of those things.
The waitress came back while I was still stalling. She left the card and the receipt. My husband tucked them away. I really was going to have to stand up at some point. I was about five seconds away from calling the whole thing finished so he'd stop sipping his coffee, just watching me squirm, and start helping. Instead, I thought of my skirt.
It's not like it had disappeared completely. I pulled it out of my bag. It slipped on as easily as it had come off. I scooted to the end of the seat, taking a moment to wipe up the surprisingly small damp spot where I had been sitting. I stood up, put my coat on, sat back down, took a big drink of cold, sweet tea, and slipped the skirt back off. If he thought that was against the rules, he could stick it.
He didn't think that at all. When I glared up at him as I stuffed the skirt back in the bag, he was standing next to the table with our bag of food, grinning and doing a little golf clap. Then he picked the paper up off the table and handed it to me again. Shirt. I wondered for a moment if the waitress had seen the paper. It didn't matter. I'd never see her again.
I headed for the bathroom. My coat was long enough to reach my knees, so it covered everything well enough, but trying to walk quickly made it incredibly drafty. Doubly so because of how wet things were down there. The wind alone was making my stomach flip-flop. So much air and so many people around made my legs stop wanting to work exactly right.
I stumbled. Just a little. I did not fall, but I could have, and that whole scene played out in slow motion in my head. I froze for a moment. A few people looked over at me as I regained my balance. They saw nothing interesting and went back to their conversations, but I had an image playing on a loop in my head: myself face down and butt up on the floor, like a bad anime. The humidity went up inside my coat. I walked the rest of the way to the restrooms very carefully.
I took off my shirt in a stall. I had to take off my coat first, and hang it on the wall, which left me standing entirely naked for a moment. It was a bathroom, and I was alone, in a stall, with the door locked, but wearing nothing but boots in a public restroom isn't really normal. I put the coat back on. I'd left my bag at the table, so I stuffed the shirt in the coat pocket and headed out into the restaurant one more time.
It was surprising just how much difference the lack of a shirt could make. So much more air moved through the jacket. And there was so much more space. And inside that space, I was so much more naked. My nipples were hard again. Not that they could show through the thick material, but they did rub. Touch, touch as I walked. And there was one drop of wet making its way down my inner thigh now. I made my legs walk anyway.
Slowly. A slip now would be the end of me. Slowly past tables full of people who had no idea what was passing by.
At least I didn't have far to go. My husband was already waiting near the front doors with my bag and the food. People were coming in for dinner now, and the doors moved a lot of air when they opened. It was a very crowded place to be with no clothes and legs that didn't want to walk straight.
He held my bag open for a moment. I pulled the shirt out of my pocket and tossed it in. He grinned and held the door open for me.
The sun inched its way towards the horizon as we made our way through the parking lot to the car. At least it was a warm day. He stayed right by me, a hand on my arm, steering me towards our car and away from traffic. I was looking mostly at my feet, and I had to hold the coat down and lock my knees every time a passing car sent a breeze swirling my way, up the coat, across my whole body.
We got to the car. He set our bags in the back seat. I sat down, got my seat-belt on. I had made it through. Now it was just the drive home and an absolute riot in the bedroom. The wet spot on the back of my coat, where I was sitting, was going to be huge.
As he drove slowly through the parking lot, my husband silently handed me another slip of paper. It said "boots & socks".
As I took off my boots and tossed them in the back seat, I thought about how obvious my situation might be to any neighbors who saw me escaping toward the house wearing a long coat but no shoes. Would they think anything of it? Would it matter if they did?
It turned out that was the least of my worries. We were getting on the freeway when I was done, going a direction that definitely was not toward home. All my clothes were in a bag behind his seat, I realized, and wherever we were going, he wasn't going to let me have them back yet.
I wondered if he had another little slip of paper. It seemed like a certainty. Wherever we were going, it was somewhere he thought he could get me naked.
I wiggled my bare toes, trying to think of what sort of place that might be. I could think of some things we might do after dark, but there were still a few hours left in the day. And, lack of clothing aside, there aren’t so many places you can go barefoot. We were headed towards the coast, so a nude beach came to mind, but that just didn’t seem his style.
After what I’d done in the restaurant, just going to a nude beach seemed anti-climactic. Anything I could think of seemed anti-climactic.
Which meant that all those things were probably wrong.
I looked myself over to make sure I wasn’t flashing any of the cars passing by. Between the seat-belt and the stretching I’d done to get my boots off, my coat was bunched up behind me and twisted around a bit. I wasn’t putting on a show for anyone out the window, but I didn’t really want to distract the driver either. As much fun as that would be.
I tried to pull the coat back together, but that didn’t work nearly as well sitting down as it did standing up. I shimmied the edge of the coat back underneath myself, but in this position, the edge only went to mid-thigh. And that was only in the back. If I actually wanted to cover myself, I had to hold the bottom edge closed with both hands. I did do that for a few miles, but after a while I just let it go.
I could resign myself to a little bit of pussy and bush peeking out of the jacket. My husband wasn’t that stupid. He’d keep his eyes on the road.
And he did, mostly. I turned on the radio and turned up the air conditioner. I leaned back my chair a little and tried to relax. The air played across my skin. I ran my hands over my thighs and combed my fingers through my bush. Touched myself, just a little, to feel the wetness there. My husband chuckled at that, delighted to see I was actually enjoying myself. The restaurant had been more like a dare. As nervous and sweaty as I’d been in the restaurant, this was much nicer.
A massive horn sounding just beside us informed me that the rig driver there was also appreciative. They had an entirely different point of view than anyone else on the road, so apparently I had been putting a show on for somebody after all.
I froze, but only for a moment. Somebody had seen. I couldn’t bear to look up and see them looking back at me, but I couldn’t bear to close my legs and cover up either. After a moment, my husband reached over to slip one finger inside me. He let out a low whistle, and I opened one eye to see him wiping his hand on his pants before putting it back on the wheel.
I closed my eyes again and slid one hand down between my legs, curled two fingers into my cunt. The AC might have kept things nice on the outside, but inside I was a swimming pool. A lake. Those two fingers came out soaked and dripping.
They went back in, and after another double blast of the truck’s horn, I really was putting on a show. I don’t really know how long I fingered myself, but my husband paced the truck for what must have been ten miles at least. Another horn blast encouraged me to spread my legs out wide and rub my clit while my hips bucked at nothing, but then we were angling away and turning down an off-ramp.
I sat up and pulled my coat as closed as it could go. I felt a little like I was waking up from a dream. As if I’d popped back into the real world where you don’t masturbate to entertain strangers on the freeway. The car smelled so strongly of sex, though, I didn’t think for a moment that I’d imagined it.
I looked around. We really were near the beach, but my husband was turning away from it, not towards it. He took a half dozen little turns, past businesses and through a small residential area, other cars becoming more and more scarce. I’d only gotten a glimpse, but despite several minutes of driving, we still had to be very near the ocean.
One more turn and I could see it, but far below us, and almost immediately he stopped the car. We were parked at a little turnout at the top of a hill. Only a few feet of pavement and a guardrail, two horizontal bars attached to a line of concrete posts, separated our car from a steep drop.
At first, I thought maybe he was lost, but he got out of the car and came around to my side. He opened my door and ushered me out onto the cracked pavement. Walked me right up to the guardrail.
It was a lovely view. The sun sat on the horizon like a ball on a table. There was an open-air restaurant or bar almost directly below us, maybe a hundred feet, and past that was the boardwalk, the beach, and the ocean. Where we were standing, the few cars that passed wouldn’t be able to see us. They’d have to park and walk around our car before they’d even know we were here.
But below us? Below us, there were an awful lot of people. I could feel my husband right behind me, looking out over my shoulder. I felt him slip a little piece of paper into my hand.
There was really only one thing it could say. I looked, just in case there was some surprise, but I was already unbuttoning my coat.
There was nobody looking up at us. Not when they could look out at the ocean as it turned to gold. I slipped out of my coat and handed it over with the paper. My skin, all my skin, seemed to tingle in the open air, like the sunset itself was touching me with fiery fingers. I just stood, naked and shoeless, looking out at the waves like everyone else, shielding my eyes from the light.
Hubby stepped away. I heard the car doors open, close, and then he was behind me again, running his fingers up and down my sides. He had tossed my coat in the back seat. I wasn’t going to get it back.
I stood there, arms wide, picturing the ride home wearing nothing at all. It would be dark, so we could get away with it, but there was no doubt I’d be seen. He traced his fingers across my face, down my neck, and across my breasts. I could smell the ocean, and feel the breeze across my skin and between my legs.
I heard a click by my ear. My husband’s key fob. And I heard the car doors lock. It seemed completely unnecessary, but the tiny sound made me shiver anyway. Then, as he put one hand in my hair and the other between my legs, I understood what the gesture meant. Being seen was the whole point. I wasn’t getting back in the car until I’d been seen by the people below. If I wanted him to stop, if I wanted my clothes back, I’d have to call off the whole thing.
The rail wouldn’t hide anything. The bars were only a couple of inches wide and the lower one was just above my knees. At least I could lean on it to keep from falling over.
He tangled his fingers in my hair, holding tight to the back of my head. The fingers of his other hand teased my slit as he pushed me down and forward, stomach tight against the rough metal rail. He bent me over until my tits dangled over the empty air. It was too high for me to just tumble over, so I wasn’t really afraid of falling, but I couldn’t take my eyes off all the people below.
He set his feet between mine and forced them apart until I was totally dependent on the rail and his grip on my hair. I tried to believe that nobody below was going to notice us up here. This was completely different from the truck driver. There were a hundred different people down there, and I was looking right down at them. I was looking down at each of these people, searching for upturned faces, while my husband plunged his fingers into my dripping cunt.
I did see one. Two. A couple looking right up at us. They just watched, sipped their drinks. Actually waved at me. I found another face, and I could make out a grin there. She raised her hand in a huge “thumbs-up” gesture. There were a few others that looked up and then away again.
My husband pressed hard against my clit, sending a wave through me that would have brought me down if I wasn’t pressed so tight against the railing. Everything he was doing, I knew he wanted me to scream. If I actually made the sound my body wanted to, then everyone down there would hear it. Everyone.
I tried to hold it in. I knew he wasn’t going to let me.
His hand disappeared from between my legs for just a moment before I felt it smack across my perfectly positioned ass. I let out one involuntary yell, but that was all it took. His fingers slammed back into my cunt as half the faces below and a few out on the boardwalk turned our direction. Most of them didn’t turn back. The sun would be gone soon, but for the moment it lit me up like a floodlight.
After that sound, there was no reason to hold back. I howled my pleasure at the ocean and before long almost every face had turned up at us. I tensed as my husband’s hand disappeared again for a moment, but it was soon replaced by his cock. He had waited until he was sure I had everyone’s attention.
I held that attention for a few minutes more while they watched me get railed.
We had only been out of the car for maybe ten minutes. There were a couple of camera phones pointed up at us when he finally pulled out, hiked up his pants, and unlocked the car.
More than dazed, I stumbled away from the edge and the people. He opened the door for me and I climbed into my seat.
A minute later we were driving away, and I couldn’t stop giggling. I leaned my seat back as far as it could go. It was near dark, but not quite.
For a while, I wasn’t paying attention to anything at all, really. I was just picturing what we’d done, and all those tiny faces, and giggling until I couldn’t breathe. I was sure fucking like that was probably illegal in more ways than one, but I also knew my husband wouldn’t stand for even the slightest possibility of getting caught. Finding that spot. Planning that whole thing. It must have taken him months.
And I thought we were just going to get risky at a restaurant.
The sky was dark and I had finally stopped laughing at our insanity, so I took the chance and brought my seat up a bit. I could be mistaken, in the dark, but once again this was not the way home. My skin tingled like Spiderman sensing danger.
I looked around. My husband had a shit-eating grin on his face. That could be for the same reason I’d been laughing myself to death, but he tended to grin about things before they happened, not after.
I sat up fully, caring not at all if some passing headlights illuminated my own. The dark of the ocean on my left meant we were headed up the coast. This wasn’t simply “not the way home”, this was heading entirely the opposite direction.
It did hit me for a moment that I was just blithely sitting in the passenger seat of the car wearing absolutely nothing. Anybody that passed us could probably see that. After the events of the day, it just didn’t matter that much. Not nearly as much as driving the wrong way into the night.
A car in the oncoming lane lit up the cab for several seconds, probably getting a real good look at me, so I waved absently at them. The passing light shone brightly on a piece of paper poking out of the glove box right in front of me. I gave my husband a sideways glare. That grin was still there. He had to be joking. What was I going to take off? My skin?
The car honked twice just after it passed us. I snatched the paper and turned it over. It just said “inside”. Inside what? Inside the glove box.
I pressed the release and the panel popped open, revealing a small poof of lavender cloth among the papers and emergency pistachios. Pulling out the cloth, I shook it out into a knee-length translucent slip. It was gorgeous.
It was light as air. Soft like silk, but it floated more than it fell. That and the lace edging said it had to be expensive.
A nice present – very nice – but it didn’t tell me anything about where we were going. Still, I put my arms through the straps and dropped the whole of it over my head. It settled slowly. I lifted myself up a bit to pull it all the way down. A fine piece of elastic under a bit of lace popped down past my nipples and pulled close under my breasts, framing them neatly. It really didn’t cover a thing.
In fact, all it really did was give my nudity a lavender glow and my nipples an occasional caress. He’d chosen well if he was trying to make me feel more naked than naked.
At this point, it would take hours to get home. Wherever we were going, we were staying the night. I was starting to look forward to bed. Any bed. Some playtime before wouldn’t go amiss, but sleep would be welcome.
I continued getting honks and hollers for the next hour, even wearing the slip. Most of those were oncoming cars, but one car with one guy in it drove next to us for a while before it passed us. I still didn’t want to look right at him, but my husband narrated while I looked anywhere else and played with my tits.
The moon and stars were bright in the sky when my husband finally took an off-ramp toward what seemed like the middle of nowhere. Another fifteen minutes of badly lit back roads brought us to a sprawling house. Just short of what I’d call a mansion, though it only had two stories. So many of those windows had lights on, the place seemed awfully busy for the middle of nowhere and the middle of the night. The sign hanging out front by the road said “Myrtle and Rose’s Bed and Breakfast”.
We parked behind the sign next to a couple of other cars. My husband got out and went around the car, rummaged in the back seat for a moment, opened the trunk. Had he secretly packed bags for a weekend getaway? The idea of him sneaking around, stealing my things was perfect. I wouldn’t put it past him. In fact, knowing him, I might have a whole new wardrobe to go with this slip. I certainly hadn’t looked in the trunk.
But he closed the trunk and headed toward the house. Without saying a word. He just took a few steps walking backward so I could see that his stupid grin was back. He was carrying what looked like a very small overnight bag.
I unbuckled and twisted around to grab my own bag out of the back seat. It was too light. I rummaged through it. There was a small baggie of extra toiletries and a whole box of condoms that I hadn’t put in there, but all the clothes I’d taken off today were gone. My coat wasn’t actually in the back seat either. He’d put them all in the trunk.
I got out of the car. It was cold outside and my nipples made themselves known against the sheer fabric. Immediately – he must have been waiting – the doors locked behind me. Villain. Definitely a villain. There was nothing at all to do except follow him into the building wearing this less-than-nothing lavender slip.
Walking up the drive was slow, in the dark. There was the sound of my bare feet on concrete and gravel. There were vague people noises from inside the house. The air went right through the sheer fabric like it wasn’t there and touched between my legs like an ice cube.
In the door and out of the cold I went, heart beating double time, trying to keep me warm. I tried to cover myself with my bag. Maybe I could slip in and hide behind my husband.
No. Out of the cold and into the common room of the house where two women sat by a small reception desk near the door. Husband nowhere. They looked me over. Slowly. Appreciatively. Smiling not unlike my husband. The warmth inside the house hit me everywhere at once. I resisted the urge to touch myself under the bag.
One adjoining room was a dining area with a bar, where several people sat chatting and drinking. In another direction was a small library with a big television and two more people on the couch. The little floor plan on the wall indicated a dozen private rooms, a pool, a spa and several other little points of interest.
It was a nice place. A jumble of floral and renaissance art covered a lot of the wall space. I just wasn’t sure what I was doing there wearing nothing but a see-through slip. My nipples weren’t cold anymore, but they were still almost painfully hard.
One of the women – her badge said “Rose” – stood up, took my bag, and walked away assuring me that she’d see it to my room. The other told me we had already been checked in and went back to her book. I could hear my husband’s voice near the bar, so I headed through that door, still not sure what sort of place I was in.
The receptionist ladies – owners? – hadn’t complained about what I was or wasn’t wearing so I assumed it must be alright. Still, I couldn’t help but cover myself with my hands as I went in. The hand between my legs absently gathered up the hem of the slip so I could touch fingers to slit. Wet.
I knew my husband was at the bar, talking with someone. Thanking them. Telling them the spot near the beach was perfect. But before turning to find him, my eyes caught on someone else.
The waitress. The woman from the restaurant today. Wearing what might loosely be called a maid’s uniform, but most of it was sheer enough or short enough to show off as much of her as my lavender nothing did of me. A name tag hanging from one nipple ring said: “Katrina”.
Dizzily, I looked around again. The people on the couch weren’t watching television. They were fucking. The receptionist was fingering herself while she read her book. Half the art framed on the walls was floral and homey, but the other half was at least mildly pornographic. One of the conversationalists right by me was showing the others a video on his phone, and pointing at me.
I could hear quiet howls of ecstasy from the phone, but everyone had stopped talking. My fingers, intended to cover me, were inside me without any conscious thought.
Was that the couple that waved at me? The car that just passed us half an hour ago could have been heading here. I might have walked right past it outside. How many other people here would I recognize if I looked?
The waitress was heading my direction.
She winked and handed me a little piece of paper.
Absently, I took it with dripping fingers.
She touched my hand, and a huge, hungry smile spread across her face. Her fingers went up to her mouth.
I looked down at the juice-soaked paper.
It said “slip”, and now everyone really was looking at me.
Hi reader. My name is Jasmine. I won't tell you my age, but I bet if you pay attention you can probably make a pretty good guess, lol. I'm pretty young though. But I really am very mature for my age. As I write this, I'm imagining all the people it might reach, letting so many strangers know my secrets, knowing the things I've done. I'll go through life from now on wondering if that cashier knows... that guy on the train knows... someone in my life knows... and just like right now,...
Chapter 1:Hi reader. My name is Jasmine. I won't tell you my age, but I bet if you pay attention you can probably make a pretty good guess, lol. I'm pretty young though. But I really am very mature for my age.As I write this, I'm imagining all the people it might reach, letting so many strangers know my secrets, knowing the things I've done. I'll go through life from now on wondering if that cashier knows... that guy on the train knows... someone in my life knows... and just like right now,...
Teams night out. It was nearly midnight Saturday and the eight United players arrived at one of their favourite haunts, 'Enricos Club' They'd won four nil and were particularly boisterous. The management liked the big spending footballers and the girls loved them. Within minutes they were surrounded by a gaggle of lovelies. Now one thing you have to know, these guys are supremely athletic and good looking twenty somethings with money to burn. They have a reputation and the girls know...
The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Author’s Note Investigations Such a Sweet Sauce Training Fun Mail Author’s Note This story is a follow on from the story The Girls’ School by Connard Wellingham. When the idea first came to Cazna he contacted the author and got permission to write a follow on story in two parts, this part was vetted by Connard before it was first published. The second part never got beyond being a few plot notes which were...
I don't think I am that unusual. That is, not that unusual before my accidental encounter with a high school acquaintance turned my life upside down. I am married, fit guy, in my mid-thirties. At just a tad under five foot eight and 155 pounds, I have a slight build. I am a naturally hairless and smooth guy. I always considered myself straight but have also always been attracted to men. I have a normal sex life with my wife. I don't see other women outside of my marriage. In fact, I only rarely...
I responded rather groggily to the knock at the door, which had turned into some real banging, forcing me to slip some of my rather crumpled clothes on that Sunday afternoon, at which point I opened the door to my motel room to find Pastor Lawrence Myers and two deacons looking rather intently at me. Myers was the new minister at our community church, and from what I had seen, I was yet to be impressed with him. The previous pastor had been chased off, which was bad enough, because I really...
Her eyes snapped open in instant fear, of what she did not know. Once her vision became clear she recognized the lifeguard standing before her. A quick glance around the pool area told her they were alone. “I was just checking to see that you were all right,” the man said. Helen told him she was fine. “I must have fallen asleep. It’s pretty hot out here.” “I hear that,” the man said. “I was going to take a break myself, but I couldn’t leave you alone if you wanted to go swimming.” Helen...
Ed and Aly had been working together for a few months. They had already had some fun. It all started with suggestive looks and cute innuendo and had progressed to touching and finally a couple of weeks ago Aly gave him a blow job in the stairway. That had been crazy but so much fun. Now that she had tasted him she wanted more.He couldn’t believe that it had really happened. Of course, he enjoyed the banter between them, but he didn’t really think anything would happen past the bit of...
Office SexBy Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, Used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (F/m/M mother, father & son) [Billy’s parents give him a very thorough sex education lesson!] “The time is right, he’s almost fourteen.” said Billy’s father. “I guess your right. Does he know about sex yet?” Billy’s mom asked. Frank and Gail Turner were discussing their son’s need for sex education. A pair of former hippies they had met at Woodstock and...
Introduction: Alex and Jayden get a most unexpected punishment What the fuck is going on here!?!? said Tim, the senior captain. We can explain- I began. -Alex!? Are you two naked!? said Tim. He reached forward and knocked our clothes out of our hands, revealing our dangling junk. Holy shit! Tim reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he flipped it up and steadied it infront of us. His phone made a Click noise and he flipped it back down and put it in his pocket. You two are meeting me...
Hello friends, mera name shiv hai .Mai mumbai me rahta hu. Ye story meri maa ki hai ,maine kabhi socha v nahi tha ki meri zindgi me aisa v ho sakta hai . Is ghatna me meri zindgi ko puri tarah se badal diya ….To maine socha ki apni real story ko kisi ke sath share karu…. To friends ab story batata hu….. Ye avi 1 month ki bat bat hai……… Meri family me hum 3 log hai …Mai ,meri maa ,aur meri choti bahan ……..Mere papa ki death aaj we 8 sal pahle ek road accident me ho gayi thi …. Mai us time 10...
People expected things from Jason. His parents expected him to get good grades, not just good, but over the top, anything less was unacceptable. His teachers had come to expect quality work from him, his coaches expected him to perform to his fullest. He had been pushed from every direction to excell and perform at a level that kept the pressure on Jason all the time. He was intelligent enough to understand, they were looking out for his future. He felt that if he fell below those...
The moment the windshield blinked I freed myself of my seatbelt, grabbed the door handle, and was out of her like she was equipped with James Bond's famous Aston Martin ejection seat — this one a side-eject model. I was mouthing apologies before my feet hit the ground. And this move made my leap into her as the sand cruiser was bearing down on us weeks ago look like it had been performed by a quadriplegic in comparison. Why was I so frenzied? Well, I'd basically put my entire self quite...
[1/21/2012 10:52:23 PM] J: I'm really bummed I didn't take full advantage when I had the chance...[1/21/2012 10:54:23 PM] S: me too but I think it will be even better now as we've built up the fever, I cant wait to get inside you, lick you all over, have you go down on me, suck your nipples and drink your juices, and see you clean me up :O)[1/21/2012 10:56:02 PM] S: midweek is fine with me I just don't know what time I'll get back from work, but we have all night, I'm not going to sleep if...
How does a blind girl from Boston wind up in a dirty back alley running for her life? It all started when Ella (Shyla Jennings) and her big sister Lucy (Abigail Mac) moved to Santa Clarita after their father’s death. They settle into the ranch house bequeathed to them in his will. Ella unpacks her bags, and Lucy finds a girl online for a quick hook up. Lucy goes out to meet Willow (Melissa Moore) at her family home and the attraction is instantaneous. But the second Lucy mentions her...
xmoviesforyouYou're a pussy, women hate you, and no one wants to fuck you. If Jesus himself had a pussy he still wouldn't throw any your way. If Gandhi was handing out free blow jobs for world peace, he would turn you down.Are you still reading this article after that last paragraph? If so, then you are a cuck master. Other cucks look at you and feel like a damn king. You don't watch a strong alpha male fuck your wife. You watch a weak pussy watching his wife be fucked by a strong alpha male. That's a whole...
Premium Cuckold Porn SitesHomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...
Chapter Nine: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves....?A voice gently woke me not long after I had fallen asleep, as it called out to me "Are you awake?" as I opened my eyes to discover Amanda, Julia's best friend who had come over to see her after a break-up with her boyfriend stood next to the bed looking down upon me. The door was open ajar behind her, as she gently sat down upon the edge of the bed.I turned to look at her, and laid there. The covers now back up over my naked body. My cock...
First TimeThe Festival was only a week away, and as we moved to the final phase of our preparations we knew it was still important to focus on the fundamentals. One of these was keeping Jennifer in peak physical condition, and we prioritized her exercise and nutrition. Three days a week she trained with a personal trainer at a gym downtown, and her discipline and commitment had paid off in a big way. Today was her last session, and so I loaded her and Selena and Serena, her younger twin sisters, into...
It was bitter cold outside and all Mary felt like doing was curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and enjoy a good movie. The snow was falling outside as she poured herself a glass of merlot in the kitchen then made her way into the living room. She felt alone in the large empty house as her husband of less than a year was once again away on business. Mary had just turned 20 and she thought of her mother's warnings of marrying an older man, although very successful, he was frequently...
Author's note: A short story for Halloween, I do hope that you enjoy it, and all feedback and all votes would be very much appreciated. The vampire towered over the old witch and looked down on her haggard old face with distaste. "I wouldn't want to drink your blood old woman so don't fuss," he declared coldly. "I never said that you would want to, I just said keep your long fangs away from me." She scowled up at him irritably as she tugged her grey shawl tighter against her. Her...
It was around 11pm and I had just arrived in my car at the cruising area. I parked my car up in my usual spot where I can see an old bus shelter where guys meet each other to have a bit of fun. It was quieter than normal and it was about half an hour until someone else turned up and parked their car a little behind mine. After about 5mins I noticed the guy get out of his car and he proceeded to walk past mine, slowly so he could take a look in and also give the indication he was looking...
Cyrus's secret was out, and it was a relief. The girls knew he had dreamed of pawing and poking and almost starting to rape them, over and over again. That was shameful and embarrassing. But they'd accepted it as natural for a boy, albeit without enthusiasm. He smiled. They'd also accepted his dream cock, straight and hard and deep. It was easier to be around them now. With Melanie, it looked like it hadn't just been some accident or trick when she'd asked him over. She really seemed...
Ken Brock was in the middle of cutting his grass when a moving van pulled into the driveway next to his own. "New neighbors," he thought as he stopped to watch the large van back close to the house. From where he stood he could see some really nice things being carried into the house. "Wonder what they are like?" He mused as he returned to his mowing of his lawn. "Hello neighbor," A male voice called out over the roar of the lawn mower. Ken stopped and noticed a man about his own age; mabey a...
Ben’s turn: It took us two minutes in Bink’s bedroom for Mandy to spot the little camera. I don’t know how she did it. She’s just Mandy, though, and operates in a different way than other people. That’s why I love ‘er so much. No, that’s only ONE reason. Whispers to me and Bink. I guess that’s JUST a camera, because if Barb and Sara have microphones in there and could hear what we’re saying... “They wanna WATCH?” Bink said. “Go, Mom!” “Is it gonna bother you, baby?” Mandy asked...
And every single day, or so it seemed to Anthony, the teenaged blonde became ever more daring. He recalled that, when his interest was first aroused, back at the beginning of summer, Ashlee would barely ruffle the white kimono, let alone remove it, rarely venturing to unveil the turquoise bikini beneath, a micro one, and only then when the heat reached its zenith. But, as the first week of the holiday blurred into the second, the delightful teen somehow found the courage to up the tempo,...
Hello doston, Ye kahani mere dost ki girlfriend kalyani ki hai, wo 21 saal ki jawan ladki hai. Uski jawani ki charcha poore college mai hai. Boobs size 24B, kamar ki size 30, rang gora hai, 5’4″ height hai uski. Kalyani har hafte weekend mere dost se milne aati thi ghar aur saturday sunday sath mai rutkti thi. Hamare ghar mai ek bathroom ki window tuti hui hai aur chat se dekhne mai sab kuch dikhta hai andar. Kismat se wo khidki mere dost ke kamre ki hai. Ek din kalyani aur humlog sab bahar...
Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...
Hello friends,main vickey jacob pesh karne jaa raha hoon apni new desi hot sex story joh hai meri wife aditi jacob(earlier aditi tondon) ke saath,aditi ki figure 32-30-34 hai aur weight uska medium size hai,last month 27 november 2017 ko meri aur aditi ki wedding dubai mein roman catholic tradition ke according church mein hui,uss din aditi traditional white wedding gown mein thi aur bahut khoobsurat lag rahi thi aur maine bhi white shirt,pant & coat pehna tha. Phir church ke father ne bible ke...
I worked at a drive in theater for several summers. One summer I had three girl friends at the same time and was having sex with them up to six times a day. This story is not about the three girls or the amount of sex I had with them and what happened when they found out about each other, that is another story. This story is about what happened one night at the drive in theater.In the entrance booth I was working with another guy about my age and we were just talking as it was slow, when this...
The sound was barely audible. A second knock followed. Waite got out of bed and crossed the distance to the door and opened it a crack. His eyes were assaulted with a vision of loveliness. Standing on the other side of the door was Millie. She had on a sheer robe that hid none of the treasures under it. For a woman of sixty-one years, she was remarkably well put together. Her breasts were of medium size but still mounted high on her chest. He thought of the illusion that her dress produced....
In about 1990 it wasn’t,t unusual for me to not see my wife Sarah or teenaged c***dren much as I had to work long hours at security to pay the bills and keep a roof over our heads. Sarah,s parent had helped us along, but with her father now gone to his reward it was on,y her mother left who lived in the granny annexe in our north London home(it WAS Sarah,s parent,s home originally). Occasionally mother in law looked after our boy and girl when my wife and I were able to spend time together or...
Her eyes are just as beautiful as her mother's. She is no doubt her mother’s daughter, albeit a younger version of twenty-five years, but she is her daughter.Tears begin to roll down Sara’s cheeks as she goes about cleaning the kitchen. She stops in front of the sink, grasps the countertop with both hands and gazes out the window.I’m her father, and I wish I could say something to bring her comfort. However, I cannot find the words. It was two years ago today that my wife and her mother...
TabooI did a crap load of make-up work for school over the next few days, trying to make up for the three weeks I was out. The teachers were really cool, though, mostly giving me worksheets and easy assignments. I also had Morgan's help, which made everything easy. Dad and Claire were impossible. Dad politely badgered Marcus until he allowed me to return to Claire's, fussing over me even as I fussed over him, which made for some really awkward moments and arguments. But he couldn't stay more...
Sonia Harcourt is a sexy redhead with a big round ass and a sparkling personality. With a mature sense of self and a sexual drive that is unmatched, she is ready to get her pussy pounded. Get to know her in a whole new light before watching her moan and cum from getting her clit licked and hole fucked. She gets her large pale ass sprayed with a huge cumshot and is a happy girl. Enjoy seeing this beautiful redhead talking about her sexual preferences and her projects on a short interview before...
xmoviesforyouThat night, as both women lay entwined in each other's limbs, they both dreamed that they were on a plane and that somehow they were forced at gunpoint to make love to each other, and also to service all of the passengers. The erotic scenes of danger mixed with sex continued to loop endlessly in their minds, as both women found themselves trapped in a dizzying circle of non stop danger and eroticism in a place far from home. By the time Darla's alarm clock signaled 10 a.m. Monique was...
Martin Polikoff pushed into the tavern just before two-thirty that afternoon, rushing through a late summer downpour. He spotted John and the woman sitting in the far corner of the room, away from everyone else. "Thanks for coming, Martin," John said, rising from his seat. "This is Nina Milano. She's from Westport, Connecticut. She's pretty sure she's my wife," he grinned. Martin held out his hand and smiled at the woman. She was nervous. The first thing to do was confirm her...
What have I gotten myself into now? I expected a fight when I slid the love tunnel scrubber, the nurse’s name for it, not mine, onto my finger, and then got it positioned to help clean the shit out of the wrong hole. Are girls on this ward so bad about getting shit, or other nasty things, in their pussies so often that someone made this tool? I couldn’t even imagine anything like this existing. Instead of a fight, the girl contorted her body around until she had her arms behind her knees....
I can't believe you've left me here, tied up on the shower floor with freezing water pouring down on me! I could have got pneumonia or drowned! I was able to get to my knees - slipping on the wet floor occasionally -and turn around and shuffle with my knees back to the taps and turn the water off. I was then able to get to my feet - falling once or twice but finally leaning my shoulder against the wall and inching my way up and get out of the shower and the bathroom and pad down the hall,...
BDSMTom's SEXetary, Samantha, was within less than two weeks of delivering the baby she'd been carrying in her big pregnant belly when she informed Tom one afternoon that her milk had come in. She knew Tom well enough to know that would probably give him an instant hardon. When she'd entered her horny boss's office and informed him that she was now in the "milky tit" category, Tom instantly got a huge horny erection and took Sam by the hand, leading her over to the big couch there in his...
IndieNudes! This was probably one of the simplest websites I have visited so far, and I am here to tell you all the good and bad crap about While the site's functions work fine, I have a couple of questions concerning their design, as well as some complaints, as the site could really use some fucking work.First of off, what the fuck is up with their overall 'look'? I mean, that tacky background takes me back to the 60s, when leopard print actually became 'modern' and all that...
Free Porn Tube SitesI was knocked out goodin the ring falling hard on the floor crawling to get back an fight afraid of my coach who was looking hard in his boxer in the corner my coach calling me a weak boy looking at the other guy win easy ''get out of there ''it was my dad idea to get me into boxingmost of the other guy taller and stronger than me , i was always sent down to the floor crawling and my coach took a great pleasure in making me suck on his fat black cock every time i lost ''please please i did my...
I've been curious to try being with a guy, I wouldn't classify myself bisexual: I would never kiss a guy or cuddle romantically way, but i have always had this urge to feel what its like to be sexually serviced by a guy. I had been watching bi-porn for a while on the web and have chatted with a couple of guys fantasizing about all the things i've watched.I finally gave in to my urges and bit the bullet last saturday evening- I logged on to the personals section on craigslist. clicked on the...
weapons. The captain was also trying to find a planet that they could land on as their water and food was at critical levels and need filling. Jack walk in to has cabin and look at the cast on his bed, he started to think what he was doing when the blade that he had sheathed to his hip began to speak. “Jack the two daggers in that box are my brother and sister…” the blade stopped to try and think of the right words. “Jack?” “Yes, is something wrong?” Jack asked with a look of...
That Weekend by Vickie Tern i. My negotiations in Baltimore went faster than I'd expected, no need to stay the weekend and finish up on Monday or Tuesday, so early Friday morning I booked a flight back and a few hours later when I arrived home I picked up a small bottle of my wife's favorite perfume before heading out to my car. A peace offering, we'd quarreled about something trivial...
"One thing at a time. What is it you want first?" I asked over the rock solid satellite connection. "I want to go home," she said. "There are lots of great looking men coming and going from here, but I miss home." She was almost in tears. "Let me talk to the admiral," I said. She obviously handed the phone back to him. "Congratulations again Max," he said. I could tell there was more. "Too bad so many people had to die, but at least they were the right people." It was pretty...
Thunder in Hell – A Dirty WesternRebelmanCopyright 2012ISBN www.RebelmanWrites.comIllustrations by Marcos ZenfoldChapter 1 - Lou Robs the StageLou looked both ways down the narrow road that the stage would be traveling. He checked the tree again, for the twentieth time, and made sure the rope was ready. There had been only a few passers by during the two days he had been here and he wasn’t too worried about being noticed. The large tree he had cut three quarters of the way through was not...
It has been several weeks since I spied Linda and my neighbor Todd in heated sex on my living room floor. Linda knew I was watching all along and to be honest, our sex life hasn’t been the same since. The intensity and frequency of the sex has increased ten fold. Todd and his wife Kim frequently come over to our house to use the pool and spa. They have been over twice since Linda cheated on me with Todd and when I see the two of them together in their bathing suits, my mind wanders to...
NOTE: I’ve been away for a while now, but this is what happens after part 3 (duhh), there is NO hot scenes in this part, since this part is more about what is really going on with Emma. Enjoy, part 5 will be up soon ************* The next few days I didn’t see Ethan, nor heard about him. I found myself always looking around to see if he was anywhere to be seen. Truth be told, I was sort of missing him, which was crazy since I barely knew the guy. There was no way I was going to admit that to...
Sam's birthday was on Friday, and on Saturday there was a party at the college. Anna had the bright idea that he would do it with each of us girls, but would pop only with Anna. Fair enough, it was worth a try, especially if we got him off first; he always came quickly the first time. Anna licked him clean after each girl, getting him to relax a little before the next of us tried to take him right to the brink. That was kind of wild, but he managed to maintain his composure ... barely. I...
“Thank you, Ranga. Work on becoming a good wife, and you will remain happy.” She paused, then continued, “John, I have news for you.” John brought his attention to bear, while cuddling Ranga protectively. Maranga told him, “Actually, it is two pieces of news. One is that I am pregnant with your child; the tribal healer has confirmed this. The second is that I want you to fuck an ill woman, to test out a hypothesis of mine.” “A complete stranger? Fuck her?” John was startled. “Yes. She...
I knew my dad's friend had his eye on me for a long time. When he would visit dad I would hang out in my tight t-shirt with no bra showing off my size C full tits. He always stared at my nipples poking against my shirt. He was a handsome good looking man and I had a lot of hot dreams about him. I knew he would never touch me till I was of age and one day the opportunity came up. I had graduated from high school and was having a burger at the diner and he came in and sat with me staring again at...
It had been eight days since that incredible night in MaryAnn's room. Don knew because he had counted them that morning in the office. Wearily returning home, feeling tired and irritable, he wondered if his foxy little stepdaughter would refuse herself to him again that night. For the last two nights, he had gone to her room and they had begun to make passionate love... the kind of loving he had come to crave from her tender childlike body, but she had stopped him always at a most crucial...
I spent a long time during the night, lying with my eyes closed, plotting out my next moves. I knew whatever was happening was bigger than anyone had discussed yet, mostly because I could feel something happening. The biggest tip-offs were my planning and concerns. I had always been aware of my own intellect, but ideas, thoughts and understandings were coming much faster than I had ever experienced before. I could literally feel the difference in my mental abilities, and it was scaring me a...
Don't you just love it when fate takes a crap on someone, then turns around and cleans it up nicely? You be the judge! Jo Ann was your typical wannabe in high school: Not quite head cheerleader type but willing to do whatever it took to fit in with the crowd. She put up with the incessant insults about her Italian "mustache", and despite that being somewhat true, she owned a perfectly rounded face, a sweet smile, slightly meaty but creamy rich thighs, dark thick hair, a wonderful olive...
Fraulein Elsa FrischFleur ? A Flower TornDisclaimer:This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author?s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All acts described in this work of fiction are performed by consenting adults over the age of 18.Synopsis: Mistress Fraulein Elsa Frisch entertains a longtime client during the third...
Well I have not had much experience in this so called sex field. I’ve only been with a couple of guys, and two girls. Anyways we had only been going out for about 2 or 3 weeks when all this happened. It was Dec. 31, 2009 and my parents were at the casinos. So I told him the house would be all alone, and if he would want to go just to hang out. He agreed. So after the movies were over we headed back towards my place. I opened the door, closed it and then we headed downstairs to my room. I put...