Revenge of Heather
- 2 years ago
- 32
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The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section.
Table of Contents
Author’s Note
Such a Sweet Sauce
Fun Mail
This story is a follow on from the story The Girls’ School by Connard Wellingham. When the idea first came to Cazna he contacted the author and got permission to write a follow on story in two parts, this part was vetted by Connard before it was first published. The second part never got beyond being a few plot notes which were handed over to Ernest Bywater to write the story if he ever got the time to. The notes were handed over when Ernest was asked to take over and revise all of Cazna’s works for him. You do not have to read the original story to understand or enjoy this one, but it helps a lot if you have. The Girls’ School is available on both Stories On-line and Connard Wellingham’s own website
The story summary for The Girl’s School is:
Adam Hazel, a young school teacher, accepts a post at Greenwood Academy - a very exclusive girls’ school. Even from his initial interview the situation seems very odd, and it is not long before he finds out that there is more to teaching at Greenwood Academy than meets the eye.
InvestigationsHaving sterilised the school grounds as best they can Adam, Anne, and Felicia leave on holidays. After stopping with some friends for a few days they head to Europe. Going to France by ferry before crossing through several other countries to Greece, then to North Africa by land before flying to South Africa. Five days after they leave the Greenwood Academy the police arrive at the Academy to find no one there, and a sign saying the facility is closed until the new school year because all of the staff are away on annual leave to be followed by the completion of renovations on their return. The sign has a contact number for a local key holder at one of the real estate offices. One officer soon has the key holder on hand, and the police enter the Academy grounds to search it.
Once inside they soon set about checking the entire school, breaking down any locked doors they can’t open, which is most of them. Much is pretty normal; staff housing, dormitories, classrooms, kitchen, laundry, storerooms, dining rooms, etc. They also find the Club Room, and the nearby special classrooms. With all the special equipment removed they can’t tell, for sure, what the rooms were used for. The police can see brackets where things had been mounted to the walls and removed, but the mounts say nothing about what had been there. Many suggestions are made by many people, but they just don’t know.
They try to contact the staff, but they can’t locate any. Travel agency records show the staff having gone to the four winds on their holidays on widely spread dates. An officer suggests the staff received word of the raid and left, but the travel dates put a lie to that, because most of the staff had left before the complaint was lodged and the raid planned. Looking at the travel dates it’s possible the last two staff to leave may have left due to a warning. But the evidence points more to it simply being a later departure date because of finishing paperwork, since they were the headmistress and senior teacher. All the academic files are still there, and they look like the school is ready to start business in the new school year.
With no evidence of any wrong doing, just a number of unanswered questions, the police are very restricted in what they can do. They have lists of students and ex-students from the Department of Education, so they go to interview them all. After all the interviews the only common factors they find are:
1. The students are all females - expected since it’s a girls’ school.
2. Pretty, in sure command of themselves - much more than most girls their ages.
3. Have good academic records - most show marks have gone up since they started attending the school
4. Their families are rich, and
5. Everyone speaks well of the school.
Many of the students and families are outraged by the accusations.
Ten days after the raid the senior police pushing the investigation are desperate, because the Chief Constable and Minister of Police are on their back about arrests, this is too big an issue with too much possible good publicity to let it rest. So they turn again to the complainant, and send an officer around to bring him in for a further interview. At his flat they find a note saying he’s gone away on an extended holiday, because the incident he complained about has made him upset. The police can find no record of where he’s gone. When they ask his family, a very old one with large holdings and great wealth, they get no information on his present location, because they claim to not know, either.
They do find out he had known the family of one of the girls and had shown an interest in her. One officer suggests the complaint might be false because he got rejected by her, so they go back to question her family. After much hedging about the issue in a very long interview the girl and her parents finally acknowledge the complainant’s family is well known to them and the young man has known the girl for many years. They also admit he’d shown a strong interest in her in the past, but she’d not returned it. Also, he’d made a recent visit to the school to ask her to holiday with him after graduation, and she’d rejected him.
Of course the press learn of the investigation and what it’s about, so there’s plenty of headlines about the ‘Sex School Scandal’ - as they call it. The police are troubled by the allegations with no evidence. With no more lines of inquiry they make a public appeal for the teachers to contact them, in the hope they can get something from them. They check records for photos of the staff, and can only find some very old photos from their driver’s licences. These photos are given to the media as part of the media handout to reach the staff. That same day the police launch their appeal the school Board of Governors releases a media statement decrying the whole incident, and the statement goes on about the harm it’s done to their school. They mention the police and media attention has upset many of the students, and their families, to such an extent they’re considering not returning to the school. The governors have suspended all work at the school until such time as the situation is clarified, and all of the staff are to consider themselves on extended leave until publicly recalled to resume their duties. The senior police aren’t happy about this, since it means they can no longer expect the staff to turn up in time for the new school year, and they can’t place a watch on the school to watch what happens during next year’s classes. Despite all of the high level pressure the investigation hits a stone wall due to lack of leads and evidence. Over several months it dies down and stops for lack of any new action, despite the great pressure from above. This failure upsets a number of senior police and politicians, but they realise there’s little they can do about the situation.
Such a Sweet SauceWithin a few days of the special graduation exam Veronica and her parents are having a number of discussions about Richard, the young man who’d abused Veronica so much. She’s still upset and hurt by the incident, but recovering. They’ve known Richard and his family for many years, and they never expected this sort of behaviour or attitude from him. They discuss some sort of revenge a few times, but decide he’s not worth it, so they move onto planning Veronica’s Gap Year - her year-long holiday or work experience between school and university.
Then they learn Richard has gone to the police it’s the final straw; they decide something has to be done about him. Amongst themselves they discuss many options, and accept his total disappearance would cause major problems, but an absence for an extended holiday won’t; so they discuss how to get revenge for him hurting so many people. They finally come up with a fitting form of revenge. Mr Spelling has a word with someone he knows who has contacts in a particular field of employment. A few days later he’s in a special bar to have a long conversation with a tall, well endowed, and muscular looking woman. They reach an agreement, and money is passed over.
The day of the police raid on the Greenwood Academy Richard is walking back to his flat from having just told the police about the interior layout of the Academy. Near his apartment building he sees a tall well-endowed woman wearing a large and loose cape get out of a car. She looks at a piece of paper in her hand then she looks up at the buildings as if trying to match addresses. He smiles, he’s used to seeing this type of behaviour around here. This part of town was very high class when it was built, and all the street numbers are very ornate cast iron ones, very hard to decipher; it’s a bit confusing for people new to the area.
Smiling while he thinks she’ll make a nice conquest for him he walks past two tradesmen working at their van, and says, “You look lost, can I help you?”
The woman turns to look at him, and sees the slight nod from one of the tradesman behind Richard, he’s confirming the target since he’d just checked him against the photo they have of Richard. Smiling, she says, “Oh, yes, you can.” And steps toward him while holding out the piece of paper when her cape flourishes in the breeze, “I’m trying to find this person at this address, but I can’t understand the ornate way they’ve done the house numbers.” He bends his head down to look at the piece of paper. When he’s in the right position the woman raises her other hand to spray his face with a fast acting drug. She’d timed it well, and the majority of the spray goes into his open mouth, because he’d been about to speak again. One of the tradesmen is holding up a large piece of board which blocks the view of Richard and the woman from most of the street while the other is grabbing Richard and pulling him into the van. Due to the board and the cape it’s very doubtful anyone has seen anything suspicious.
The tradesman with the board places it back on top of his van, and ties it down while the woman talks to the other tradesman. A moment later the tradesman pulls his head out of the van, and talks to the woman while pointing at a building. Smiling, she turns, and walks to the building indicated. Most of these buildings are flats now, and the front doors are left unlocked during the day, so it’s no problem for the woman to enter the building. While she heads up the stairs she pulls on latex gloves, then gets out Richard’s keys her helper just handed her after getting them out of Richard’s pocket.
Making sure no one is watching she enters his flat, and shuts the door behind her. She’s quick to pack two bags of clothes for Richard before she sets about preparing the flat to look like he’s gone on holidays. She already knows he doesn’t have milk or papers delivered, so no notes needed there. She removes all of the perishable food, and places it in a third suitcase. No plants to water, just turn off the gas hot water heater, turn the fridge down, and a printed note for the landlady to keep his mail until his return in six or seven weeks. She’s almost finished when there’s a knock on the door.
She goes to the door, and checks the peep hole, it’s one of her people dressed as a cab driver. She opens the door, and points to three bags. The man motions for her to step to the side while he half steps in, and says, “Only the three bags, Sir? Right you are, I’ll take these down to the cab and wait for you. But I wouldn’t take too long, if I were you, Sir. It’ll take a while to get to the station in this traffic, and you don’t want to miss your train, Sir.” The woman had moved as soon as he motioned, and she can now hear footstep on the stairs while someone is coming up them. With the three bags, one in each hand and one under his left arm, her associate turns, and walks out the door, effectively blocking it from anyone trying to look in. The footsteps continue up to the next level, so she quickly shuts the door behind the man. A short wait until she hears a door open and close upstairs, then she’s out the door, and locking it behind her. Down the stairs she slips the note under the landlady’s door before exiting the building and getting in her car while the cab drives off with a man that looks like Richard sitting in the back seat.
TrainingRichard wakes up to the feel of rough wood under his bare skin, and a cool atmosphere. With care he raises his head, because he remembers being drugged and kidnapped. He looks about to see he’s in a BDSM torture chamber. Looking down his body he sees he’s naked. Hearing some footsteps he turns to see the woman he’d spoken to at the kidnap site walk up. She’s a delicious sight, because her attire consists of a very small uplift bra in black leather; it makes her already large breasts look huge. He stares at the huge and firm conical shapes while she walks up to him; he enjoys watching them bounce a little when she walks. She has on a black leather skirt that’s tight at the hips and flares out where it makes its way down to her knees. Below there he can see black fishnet stockings, and he makes a mental bet she has a black garter belt on. He has a high pain threshold, and he fancies himself as a very tough character, so he’s sure he’ll end up getting the better of this bitch, just like he’s getting the better of those bastards at the Academy.
Smiling while she walks up to him in her training centre she says, “I’m sure you must be feeling a bit cool, because I maintain the air-conditioning in here at eighteen degrees centigrade so no one overheats when things start to warm up. And, yes, I do have on a black garter belt, that’s what you were just thinking, wasn’t it?” His eyes go wide at her remark while he wonders how she knew that. “I don’t have to be a mind reader to know how a small minded piece of shit like you thinks. Don’t worry, I’m sure you think of yourself as a very tough fellow who can take anything I dish out to you, but I know I’ll soon have you well trained as a cock sucking sperm junkie of a slave.” He just glares his response to her while she leans over to rub her breasts along his chest, “Have no fear, you will be a slave before you leave here. Oh, your new name is Rectum, or Rec for short, so pay attention and make sure you answer to it when called. Or you’ll be punished, and you won’t like any of my punishments. I often train slaves for myself, and my facility upstairs, but you’re special, because I’m being paid to train you for someone else. I always give my slaves numbers, which I issue in order. I only ever issue a number once, and I’m currently up to number thirty-two, but I only have twenty-five slaves now, since some proved to be disappointments and misbehaved too much, so I had to terminate their contracts. Since my slave contracts are for life, I’m sure you can guess how I terminated their contracts. It’s an interesting feeling to be fucking someone when they buck while choking to death, very interesting.” Richard is starting to worry a bit. “I hear you’re an arrogant little arse hole with lots of old money and power, and I’ll bet you think you can recover from this and get back at me. Well, I have a little demonstration planned to show you that you’re wrong on all counts.”
Going to the wall she activates an intercom, and says, “Biggus to training room one.” Smiling, she turns back to Richard, “I do so love Monty Python, and they gave me inspiration for the house names for most of my paid staff.”
A dark haired man of average height and build walks in and up to the woman while saying, “You sent for me, Madam?” Richard can easily hear the capital ‘M’ in the word Madam.
“Yes, Biggus. We’ve a new toy to train, and I wish to have your help in a demonstration. Show him why we call you Biggus.” With a big grin the man grabs his loose pants, and rips them off. When they come away Richard can see the Velcro strips on the side and groin that allowed this to happen. Very soon he’s bug-eyed while looking at something else. She walks over and strokes the man’s dick while she says, “I named him Biggus after Biggus Dickus in Monty Python’s Life of Brian, as I’ve never seen or heard of a bigger dick than this one. It’s four hundred and fifty millimetres long and seventy-five millimetres wide when fully erect. With Viagra he can keep it up for hours at a time. Before your training is over you’ll be deep-throating this delicious dick.” She drops to her knees, and licks his dick before taking it in her mouth to slowly feed it down her throat until her nose is in his pubic hair. Pulling back off it she stands, saying, “I’m going to so enjoy watching you do that until he comes in your throat.” She walks over to the intercom and pushes a button, saying, “Thirty to training room one.” Turning to him she says, “You’ll love Number Thirty. I’m going to have him help with your training. He thought himself a very tough person with a high pain threshold, but he’s now very well trained. Like you, he comes from a very old and well established family with lots of power and money. He made the mistake of really pissing me off one day, so now he’s my slave.”
Bare feet can be heard fast approaching the table, and a young man passes by Richard. He stops, and drops to his knees with his head bowed. From his position on the table Richard can’t see him at all. From what the woman said he realises he should know the man. She places her hand on the man’s head while she says, “Rectum, my name is Madam, and you will use my name every time you speak to me, every time, or you’ll be punished. You’ll suffer many pains and injuries as part of your training, but they’ll be as nothing when compared to being punished, and don’t speak without permission either.” Looking down she says, “Thirty, give Biggus a good blow job, and keep your mouth full of his sperm.”
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The story I narrate to my readers is about a revenge, which took me some years to fulfill. I was in Calcutta and 2 building away was a small Departmental stores sell Cold drinks, Chocolate, Biscuit, Exercise books and other small items. Since I was the only young boy in the house mum would send me there to get her biscuit or tea leafs or sugar. I was very fair, good looking and had/have an english look. I used to study in class 4 in a missionary school. Initially when I went to the stores the...
First TimeMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
the ravings of a known lunatic. Copyrighted May 2006 by The H20wader. Edited by Techsan, who still suffers with my spelling, my spacing, my Capital letters, and my dialogue sequences. I hope I am learning. He tries so hard. Alas, I cannot stop adding material, therefore all errors you can find are mine alone. Of course, all errors you cannot find are his. LOL. Spacer also had a hand in trying to straightening out the twists in the story. We disagreed on the ending. As author, I selected my...
He reveled in beating me up. Jay was 6’3, I was 5’9” on a good day. Jay was big and strong, I was short, scrawny, and gangly. I had been made fun of my whole career at Huln-Dawson School District in rural Texas. I moved in when I was in fourth grade, so it started as picking on the new kid. Then, I was only average at sports, the only thing that mattered to the townies. When I was in Seventh grade, I got caught fooling around with a friend of mine. He got a blowjob and a move out of that hell...
I love my job! Occasionally I travel to business meetings with several of my male co-workers. They are a great bunch of guys and like to tease me that I am missing out on a chance for great sex when we are away from our spouses. They know I love my husband and would never go farther than doing a little flirting with them. I really love teasing them, and by the looks in their eyes they enjoy my flirting as well. It's something I would never do back at the office, but on these monthly business...
Wife Lovers"Congratulations, you have just bought a new house," Cyndi my real estate agent said as she handed me the keys to the house. "Thank you," I smiled. We were inside the house. She stood close to me as I took another look around. It was a lovely house with four rooms, all of which were on the upper floor. It was an old house that was built in the early 1900's. I had requested some slight modifications to make it more modern also to make it seem less gloomy.The long black drapes that were over...
SupernaturalOn Monday evening, Chelsea sends Annie a text to let her know that Shane had to spend all weekend in jail and hadn’t been released until that morning.'One down, one to go' was the text Chelsea got back from Annie.'OH hell yeah,' thinks Chelsea. If it was going to be half as good as Saturday night, it would be fabulous. Her neighbor Margaret stops as Chelsea gets home and asks what Saturday night had been all about. Chelsea blushes, but Margaret just takes her hand and says, “Hey it’s all good....
ExhibitionismJeffrey was having one of those days, the kind of day where it would have been better to roll over and go back to sleep rather then get up and go to work.Work was not going well for Jeffrey, but neither was most of the rest of his life. He had been working for the company for 15 years, but his position was pretty much stagnant. Jeffrey was good at what he did, one of the best in a very technical field, but management rewarded salesmanship and Jeff wasn't interested in that, and, consequently,...
Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by their...
Hello and welcome back! I hope you are enjoying my stories. This is the part where the revenge on my bullies comes full circle. Sit and back and enjoy reading this sex story. Note: Do follow all my stories in order to comprehend this sex story better. Damn, that was one kinky sex with my mom and sister (my wives). Kitty and Lola made me the horny wolf. That day, we had more threesome sex and I slept with both of my wives in our marriage bed with both cuddled up with me inside the white blanket....
IncestThe revenge was exacted. Only a few years ago, my college bullies Rajesh, Aarif, Tony and Ravi had humiliated and defiled my mother and sister. But I had that flame of revenge in me, that helped me bounce back and whatever happened to them, I guess you all might have read it. Hello dears indian sex stories dot net readers, I am back with the continuation series of “Revenge on Bullies”. Please read and enjoy all those stories first to catch up with this. Life was great now, with my bullies and...
IncestContinued from 5(a)……. After getting an arrest warrant for ravi’s father pramod kumar, I went with a unit to arrest him. Some other such gov. Officials were also apprehended. There were too many people gathered at his residence. Reporters, officials etc. I went in and arrested pramod kumar. I had come up with some other arrest warrants as well. One for ravi. He was once charged for molesting a girl but had got away due to his dad’s influence. So it was my best chance for payback. Then I noticed...
Welcome back dear iss readers! I hope you all are doing fine. I must tell you before hand, the way of retaliation could generate a shudder in a bully’s spine and most bullies would think a million times before harassing innocents and those who cast eyes on someone’s mother and sister would think a trillion times. This story is a bit longer that my previous installments. I will be narrating in two subparts so that its easier and enjoyable for the readers to comprehend better. “Part 5a- the mind...
Hello, friends. This is my new sex story narrated in a dramatic way. Scene 1 Feeling the cool breeze, with a satisfied and accomplished feeling, I was gazing at the sky. As I was enjoying the moment, I suddenly heard faint footsteps getting close to me. A smile crept up my face. I know who it is. As the footsteps got near, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up, bringing the owner of the hand into my lap. I gently kissed on her neck while she shyly blushed. Leaning on my chair, I held...
Hello readers! I hope you are all well. I received many responses for my last story revenge by mrinalini singh part-1 and many of you ask me to write its second part soon. I don’t want to write it too soon as I want you to enjoy all of my previous narrations. But due to your lovely feedbacks and love via mail I am writing this second part. You may share your views on my email id I am not taking too much time in these things. This story is going to be some lengthy one but I hope you all may...
Revenge Stone By: PYT Lloyd wiped the blood and mud from his face with a sleeve. As had been a recurring theme throughout his life, Melvin Turner had beaten the crap out him again. Melvin had been Lloyd's nemesis every since they were little boys, but it wasn't much of a rivalry. Melvin had always been bigger, stronger, more confident and not above giving Lloyd a wedgie, clipping him in the lunch line or tossing him into a dumpster. But that was the past or so Lloyd thought. ...
My buddies and I were just hanging out, skateboarding outside a supermarket when these jocks pulled up in their car and started harassing us. It was a late Friday night, and they must have just finished their football game. There were four of us at the time, three of us seniors in the nearby high school, and I was letting my 14-year old, jock brother hang out as well. "Hey, Joey, what are you doing?" one of the guys shouted to my brother from the car. "You should be hanging with us. I've...
The winner got all her love and at last I, Eddy Hanson, was invited to her apartment where she, during a dinner at her apartment, told me that I was the winner. It had been a rough game between Elliot Robertson and me before our dream-girl, Linda, made her final choice. Elliot and I came from different clubs and had signed up at the same time to the local soccer team after it had climbed up to the first division. Both of us did well and got some fame as the new soccer stars in our Scandinavian...
Chad was an asshole! He had been cheating on me for months and I had turned a blind eye to all the warnings that my friends and even his friends gave me. I believed that he really loved me, as much as I loved him. But the one thing, I learnt was that men are never to be trusted. They will use you and then throw you away. Will not show you the respect you deserve. In my string of failed relationships, each one of them had used me for their own benefit. And in the end, it was a “sorry†that I...
CheatingStepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...
Hi!!!!!!!! I’m Alok(20).I is doing my 2nd year. My dad passed away when I was in 8th STD. Now my family I have my mom pushpa(44), elder sister deepthi(24).This incident is based on how I took revenge against a family friend of ours for fucking my mom & sis. His name is Sagaran. He was my dad’s best friend. His families were really close to our family. Moreover we were like a big family. He was like our family member. His family also treated me alike. All started at my vacation after...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
mom would always humiliate me. I hated it. She was also somewhat abusive, she would call me names and one day I couldn't take it anymore. It was a Saturday morning. Mom was still asleep so I decided that this was the time to get my revenge. I slowly removed the covers and found that she was naked. Good, now I didn't have to take time to remove her clothes. I grabbed the rope that I have put on the nightstand and rolled her over. Her hands were above her head and her naked ass was up in the air....
IncestHarry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...
The assistants at the reform school just across the Rio Grande brought Dan to the punishment room. This was Dan’s second day at the school, where he had been sent as part of a plea agreement. It appears that Dan and some accomplices liked to raise hell in their neighborhood. They thought it was fun to watch their neighbors frantically work to remove the spray-painted slogans and slurs. Those who didn’t know how to immediately remove the paint had to pay a professional ...
We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...
Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...