Revenge Inc Danny Jenkins
- 4 years ago
- 75
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the ravings of a known lunatic. Copyrighted May 2006 by The H20wader.
Edited by Techsan, who still suffers with my spelling, my spacing, my Capital letters, and my dialogue sequences. I hope I am learning. He tries so hard. Alas, I cannot stop adding material, therefore all errors you can find are mine alone. Of course, all errors you cannot find are his. LOL.
Spacer also had a hand in trying to straightening out the twists in the story. We disagreed on the ending. As author, I selected my ending. I did do a rewrite to make it hopefully plainer and clearer.
The third in a hopefully never-ending series.
It was Monday.
Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels, which he had picked up at the Johnson’s Deli on his way to the office, on the napkins on the tray he always used. He liked the calm and the quiet of the early morning. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Judith, for sure, she would want coffee too. He pushed the button that would allow the door to open. He poured her cup to the three quarter level, added the sugar and cream, and placed the cup next to the plain bagel on the napkin. He turned to the door and waited for her smiling face.
Judith was lovely in the morning when she came to work. Actually, Harold thought she was lovely anytime and all the time. He was sure that he was falling in love with a fellow worker. He was not sure of himself in this situation. He was not sure that she was very receptive to the idea. Yes, she had given him assurances. She had let him fondle and kiss her wonderful breasts, but was she just playing with him? There was also the Boss, would he approve of this relationship or fire the pair of them.
Judith entered the break room. His heart skipped several beats. She was so beautiful. How could a woman this beautiful fall in love with him? He was not tall, he wore bifocals, his hair was thinning, he had a potbelly, and he had trouble talking in her presence.
‘Good morning, Harold. I have two cases I am working on today. I need to get started. Thank you for the bagel and coffee. Can you check the emails, please?’
‘Huh, oh yes, sure.’ Damn, why could the not be comfortable with her? Why did he talk like an idiot when he was with her? Why did his stupid penis get hard every time she was near him? She left the break room and the hardness ached as her ass swayed gently as she walked away. It looked so beautiful, so touchable, so inviting, so… Harold shook his head to clear his mind.
He finished the black coffee and the cinnamon raisin bagel. The E-mails were waiting for him.
The first one was opened.
To: Revenge Inc.
From: Noel Lodge
Subject: Revenge
Recently a story was published on several sites on the internet. After reading the story, I am convinced that I am the subject of that story. The story is exactly what happened to me in my junior year of high school. A rival did just what the story says. Here is the URL I suggest you read it before you continue with this E-mail.
Yes, I was a bitch in my high school. Yes, I did everything Beth mentioned in the story but I need to explain what life was like in school and how I reacted to the problems that plagued me. You may call me at 555-555-1212.
Noel Lodge
There were several other E-mails but nothing important. He did not want to have his penis enlarged. His mind briefly wondered if Judith would be happy with what he had. How could he ask her? Again, he shook his head and sent the enlargement thing to spam.
He returned to the first E-mail.
He called up the story and read it. A Queen Bee is rich, good looking and stuck up. All the boys in the school gone goggle eyed for her. She could have any boy she wanted so there were boys who dumped girls to date her. Being too popular with boys to have a steady, she went through a lot of boys, each one leaving behind at least one angry girlfriend. There is a get-even scene where the Queen is gang raped by a retarded boy and a rather large group of boys who were just there and wanted the Queen Bee. In addition, there were four girls who were orally satisfied.
A fantasy, the male writer, said, but the E-mail said it was true. Harold wondered where The H20wader got his facts. If it was true, high school had gotten a lot rougher since he was there. He never got any blowjobs but he had heard that others did. He read it again. He kinda liked the way it turned out. This writer had a way with words and could tell a story very well. A queen bee got her comeuppance. Well, maybe it was rough on the Bee, but it was a fantasy, wasn’t it? The E-mail said it was a true story.
He called the number. The phone rang three times.
‘Hello. Lodge residence. To whom do you wish to speak?’
‘Noel, please.’
‘Who shall I say is calling?’
‘Harold Stasson.’
‘May I tell her why you are calling?’
‘In reference to an E-mail sent to my office.’
‘Hold, please.’ Thank god there none of that dumb music. The wait was only a minute.
‘Noel, here, if this is what I think it is, give me an appointment please. As soon as possible.’
‘Today, 11 AM?’
Harold replaced the phone and sat back in his chair. The Boss always told him never to anticipate. Sure, right. Harold’s mind was running a million miles a second. He decided to E-mail the Boss again about the credit cars for Judith and himself. They would be so much easier that keeping track of the job related expenses and the paperwork of E-mailing the damn thing to the boss. There were times when he did not have the money in his account to pay some of the bills and he was then forced to use his own credit card. That made expense reporting very difficult.
The E-mail was written and sent. It was now just 10 AM. He had an hour to kill. He decided to check on Judith. He eased down the hall and peeked in her office. A client, a young woman dressed in sweats was crying. Harold eased back to his office. He checked his files for active cases. There were three. All were on hold waiting for the client’s nemesis to return from trips. As soon as they were local, the case would move forward. If the nemesis did not return, the case would be forwarded to the office in that sector. Everything was ready.
Harold went to the restroom and combed his thinning hair. Maybe implants? It was not expensive and it might make him look better. But would Judith approve? How could he ask her?
He heard the buzzer from the front door. He hurried back to this desk, almost falling, and thumbed the button. He headed for the small lobby. They really needed a receptionist.
‘You are Noel, I believe?’
He looked at the girl, woman, before him. She was a true blonde or she had been to her hairdressers recently. There were no dark roots. She was short maybe five three, in the heels it was hard to say. Blue eyes of course. Diamond studs in the lobes of her ears. A small chain around her neck holding a larger diamond with the same cut and color. Her dress was fashionable but not revealing. She looked like a rich college student trying to impress him.
‘Follow me to my office, please.’
He sat behind the desk, she sat in the large leather chair. She looked tiny in the huge chair. Her legs were perfect, long, lean and well tanned, not encumbered by hose. The shoes were heeled but sensible pumps, that appeared to Harold to be 2 maybe 2 and a half inches. Harold did not know women’s clothing well, but Noel was dressed in an extremely well made pants suit. It was not sexy but demonstrated that there was a very nice young body under the cloth.
Harold pushed the record button under the desk.
‘Do you mind if the session is taped? It is a help when the final plans are made. Your full name, please.’
br> ‘Noel Cabot Lodge. No, I do not mind. You already know why I am here.’
‘I have read the story as you requested. According to the author, The H20wader, it was a fantasy of a high school girl.’
‘Sir, I assure you the story was true. I was drugged and gangbanged by I don’t know how many boys. That was almost four years ago.’
‘Then I will assume the story as written was true. I am in the revenge business. What do you want me to do?’
‘First, let me tell you my side of the story,’ Noel said. She licked her lips, took a deep breath and started.
‘My mother died when I was 12. My father remarried when just before I was 14. He married a 26-year-old trophy wife. She was a gold digger but she was a very beautiful woman. She made me feel as if I were an ugly duckling. I was young and insecure, she ridiculed me often. Without my mother, I had to rely on myself and things did not go well for me. Katherine made me call her by her first name so, as she said, we could be sisters, not a mother and daughter.
‘She also signed a pre-nup. Just after I graduated from high school, my father was killed in an automobile crash with a drunk driver. My stepmother got 50 million and departed for places unknown. My father’s sister took me in and I still live with her in a small mansion in Grosse Points Shores. I am attending the University of Windsor, across the bridge. My aunt is elderly and I love her. She is a very real Grand Dame.
‘I am part of the Boston Lodges. There are trust funds for all of us. An early ancestor from the Revolutionary War made a large profit in the slave trade and the money has been pouring in ever since. The actual money is handled by a very nice old-line investment company, whose whole purpose is to maintain the growth so that every one in the family will be filthy rich.
‘Boston is my home town, actually area. Father wanted to spend his life in a middle class town, as far away from the hoity-torties, as he called them. My mother was not in favor of the idea. She wanted me to be raised among the wealthy and have the life that our money entitled. The best private schools were mine.
‘After my mother died, we moved to Livonia. I started the eighth grade in a public school. I still thought as myself as better that the common people. I was quite attractive and attracted boys. I was according to mt female class mates stuck-up. I was that and more. My stepmother did not care for me and often ridiculed me. Oh, privately, of course, but she was very effective in destroying any confidence I might have had. I hated her and she hated me.
‘As said, I was very pretty, but I did not believe in myself. I was vain and cruel to people in the school. I used the boy’s attention to me to hurt many young girls. All I had to do was hint that I might be interested and a boy would drop everything, especially his girlfriend. The one that I hurt the most was Beth. I heard about a sex party she attended. Sex party is a harsh term, it was a party where several young insecure young girls each gave oral sex to one boy in a contest. I had just taken Beth’s boy friend away from her and she would not know until the following Monday. I was exceptionally cruel to her.
‘That was in the start of my junior year. Then things exploded. I was gang raped. I was drugged and used. The plot was the result of the years I had been a snob, a bitch, and a high and mighty Queen Bee. Beth took pictures of the rape. I want the pictures back.
‘Mr. Stasson, I am not a Paris Hilton, I do not wish to be a celebrity. I have more money that I will ever be able to spend, I give a lot to charities. I am dating a young man, but it is not serious. I do hope in time to marry and have children. I want to be a mother. I cannot do that with those pictures hanging over my head.’
Harold looked thoughtful, ‘Have you tried to approach this Beth?’
‘I am terrified of her, I would prefer to stay away for her. I could meet her under the right circumstances, if I were in a position of power. She might post the pictures on the net at any time. I need to make sure all of them are destroyed. I do know how many sets she has or where they are.
‘I have been in heavy therapy for the last four years. I now have a grip on my life and I wish to move on with that life. Beth is the last thing I have to deal with so that my life will better and more worry free. I have not seen any of my high school acquaintances since we graduated. I did not go on the senior trip to Barbados as my father had just been killed. I was already in therapy at that time. I have not talked on any of my classmates personally since I graduated. I did hire am excellent private detective and I have some information to share with you.’
Noel removed a small notebook from her purse and placed it on the desk.
There was another fifteen minutes as Noel told Harold all that he needed to know.
‘I will need some time to think on this. May I call you, say, in a day or two? You do understand that I have a feeling that this will be very expensive?’
‘Sir, on my twenty-first birthday I inherited over $100,000,000. There is a lot more to come as I become twenty-five, thirty and thirty-five. I seriously doubt that you will put even a very small dent, or should I say nick or even a scratch in that much money. Sir, I am buying my life back.’
‘Then look for my call. The same number as before?’
‘No, use my cell. 555-555-1111. I can find my way out.’
Harold watched her leave. She was exquisitely beautiful. If he was younger, had hair, no potbelly, and more money and did not love Judith he would… He laughed at himself.
He made a copy of the CD used for the recording. Backs up are always nice.
Harold got another cinnamon raisin bagel and more black coffee, he started to think.
Several things she had said stood out, the one that had caught his attention was the comment about not knowing how many sets of the pictures existed.
The first order of business was to see what material Noel had gathered.
The next ten minutes he read the notebook. Noel had done a lot of homework. There were names, addresses, telephone numbers, cell numbers, safe deposit box numbers, and the role each person played in that night. Harold was impressed, Noel had an excellent private detective. There was, of course, the fact that Noel was the source of the memories of that night and that she had one hell of a lot of money.
‘Ah, well, the longest journey begins with the first step.’
The first call was to a friend at the FBI, John Bezzel.
‘John, Harold here, how’s Carol?’
‘Carol is fine, pregnant again. What do you want?’
‘I have a list of names. Can you please check them for me?’
‘Harold, damn it, I do have to work here, you know. Every time you mention Carol, you want information.’
‘John, I will never tell her.’
‘Yeah, yeah. Gimme the damn names.’
‘John, I promised I would never tell her, I keep my promises. I will E-mail them to you.’
‘Tomorrow afternoon, Harold.’
‘Thanks John. I will never tell her.’
‘I know, but I am still guilty.’
Twenty-five names with addresses, driver’s license, and social security numbers were E-mailed. Harold looked at the clock on the wall. Maybe Judith would like some lunch. He walked to her office. She was alone, good!
She jumped in surprise, ‘Harold, you scared me.’ She was smiling just like she was when she came to work that morning.
‘We need a receptionist. Would you like me to order Chinese?’
‘Sounds good, Harold. Mongolian Beef, medium, for me. I have a call coming in, can you yell for me and make tea when it arrives.’ Judith giggled, ‘Harold, why do we need a Chinese receptionist?’
They laughed together. Weird Harold began to grow in Harold’s pants.
‘Judith, I have been, well, thinking. Maybe we should, like, maybe, get a weekend off. Yo
u know, like, maybe, go somewhere together?’
How did she do this to him? He was a damn idiot, he could not talk to her with falling all over himself. He wondered if she could see the lump in his pants.
Judith looked at the man she was falling in love with. He was asking her to spend two nights alone in a hotel or a motel room somewhere.
‘Harold, I am not sure. Can you give me an idea of when and where?’ Her mind flashed: What was she saying to him? You silly cow tell him yes, yes, yes!
Harold had never intended on asking her for a weekend away. It had just blurted out. Now he had no idea where to go. He had to say something.
‘How about Port Sanilac?’ he took a breath. ‘There are beaches and a small golf course and a summer play house. When are you free?’
‘I love theater, what is playing?’
‘I have no idea.’ Harold wanted to sink into the floor and vanish. Why had he not checked? Why was he asking this wonderful woman if she wanted to go somewhere and sleep with him? Why didn’t he just die?
Judith was struggling not to laugh. Harold was completely hopeless when he talked to her. She wanted to kiss him, but they were in the workplace.
The ringing phone on her desk saved her and Harold. Harold waved at her and left the room. (For once, not running in the doorjamb.)
He ordered lunch. Sweet and soup pork for him Mongolian beef for Judith, white rice, egg rolls and egg drop soup. Delivery in 30 minutes.
The neat thing about Harold is when he is not talking to, looking at, or thinking about Judith, he could accomplish a lot. The base plan was starting to form in his mind. Like most plans, it would weave and twist but the idea was there. Out of twenty-five names, one had to have done something wrong.
He picked up his phone and called his contact with state police. He gave the names to Francine, his ex-wife. She was a systems analyst with the communications section of the state police. She could do research as a problem searching exercise. She was a lot faster than the FBI and would have results in three hours.
Lunch was delivered. Harold took out the checkerboard tablecloth and the real plates, the real stainless steel tableware, the real cups and made the tea. He called Judith to using the hall way as a conduit of the message.
‘Lunch, my sweet lady, is served.’ Why the hell could he not talk to her like that when he was facing her?
The lunch was excellent. Victor Lim’s was the finest Chinese place for 30 miles.
He was careful not to talk excessively and put his foot in his mouth. He wondered if she was on the pill. Would she expect him to provide protection? Maybe he should buy some Trojans. How many? Would a dozen be enough? Would she want lubed or plain? Colored or plain? Ribbed or plain? He decided that the subject would be better dicussed at a later time.
She was careful not to ask about the weekend. Two nights? Was she ready for this? It had been four years since her divorce and except for that trip to Cancun, there had been no man in her bed. Should she tell him that with no man in sight she had given up the pill? She needed to get to the doctor’s office and get that problem rectified. Damn, it would not be fast enough for the weekend away. Would Harold buy condoms? Should she? How many? Would a dozen be enough? Would he want lubed or plain? Colored or plain? Ribbed or plain? She decided that the subject would be better if discussed at a later time.
They each returned to their respective offices and got on with the day-to-day work of righting wrong deeds, of making the bad guys pay and serving revenge where it so richly deserved.
Harold made several calls. The wheels on the bus began to go round and round as his plan began to come together.
Harold’s ex called back early.
‘I have that look up you wanted. The material is in your E-mail now. Harold, I am sorry about what I did to you.’
‘I know you are but that is behind us. I have forgiven you, it is just that I cannot forget. Thank you for the help.’
Harold looked at the print out. The one with the largest file was David Swenson, Dave in the story. Nothing major but two DUI’s, three assaults (barroom fights), and charges pending for soliciting a minor. The girl was 17 not 18 and she had called the police. According to the police report it was he said-she said. Prosecution unlikely. Nice, just what Harold had been hoping for.
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REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
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ReGenesis, Inc.: As Children into the Abyss by Bill Hart Becky Phelder was stunned, as the rest of her classmates began to snicker. She'd been sitting in the front row desk of her next to last class of the day listening intently to one of her favorite teachers, when she heard the unexpected announcement crackle over the intercom. "Becky Phelder ... Please report to Mr. Wilton's office immediately." In addition to being surprised, Becky was also more than a little embarrassed at...
I looked out of my window and sighed, the stars were out again that night, hundreds of them. To most people, starts are pretty things in the sky, to some they are big balls of gas billions of miles away... but to a girl like me they were something else. they were a hope. Sure everybody hears the stories that you can wish upon a star, and by my reckoning I had wished on pretty much every one going. yet for all that wishing, my wish never came true, I was still stuck as a guy... sure...
Humor*This is one possible continuation of my first story, ReThink Inc. If you haven't read it already, I urge you to read it first as it will make this story make a lot more sense* -- Whose Fantasy Am I Now? - A ReThink Inc. Continuation -- I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling in a catatonic like state. I'm not sure how long I was alone in that house... My old house. I wasn't sure how long I had been stuck in the body of Cassandra, my crazy ex girlfriend. Flowing red hair,...
Copyright© 2004 "I dunno, George," Trenton grunted as he finished slicing his drive into the rough between fairways, "Crap! Anyway, I've had the best consultants in. I've talked to everybody on the Executive team, and they all tell me the same thing: 'Sell the company'!" George Caulder was Trenton Garvey's best friend. Had been since high school. Trent didn't mind sharing secrets with him because George was a Teacher at the local high school, and would never pass on any of...
Just the other night my good friend Noel calls me and tells me she has been kicked out her house and needs a place to stay. "Of-course come on over" I tell her, well later that night as we slept in my bed cuddled up. I slipped my hands down her pant front the front and some times behind, I was feeling her pussy lips and clit, her ass cheeks and her lips. She never woke up through all the touching. the next morning she did not mention a word about it so I am pretty sure i got away with feeling...
Ladies are you in a relationship just for the company? Are you putting up with a Neanderthal only because you don’t want to be alone? We at Romance Inc. feel that you are too good to settle for some guy who is not worth your time. It is up to you just ask yourself what are you looking for, is it a relationship, or is it really just romance you’re seeking. Forget dating sites, you know everything the applicants say is a lie, what you need is Romance Inc. to solve your dating problems. It’s so...
Disclaimer: This story contains adult language and situations. Persons under 17 not admitted without parent. This story also contains language which may be offensive to some. If you are easily offended, go away. This story may be archived only on sites that do not charge for access. Peabody, Inc. by Sarah Miller I. Betrayal It's you, you're the girl, who put a hole in my head. It's you, you're the one, said I'd be better off dead. It's you, from the land of no second...
Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a high...
HardcoreThis is a prequel to 'ReGenesis, Inc'. There are NO transformations in the story. Archival is permitted at any *free* site, i.e., no fees charged. ReGenesis, Inc.: The Recruitment (a prequel) By Bill Hart Vincent Martensen, known to both his friends and his acquaintances as Vinnie, sat alone at the counter in "Bart's Downwind Bar" waiting for the person he'd been told to expect and recruit. As each person entered the bar, Vinnie immediately checked them against the picture...
Wishes Granted Inc.: The Anime Case By (Miss) Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Mei never could understand what her boyfriend, Mohammed, liked about Anime. "Mohammed! You are always watching Japanese cartoons. I really don't understand why." "Gee whiz, Mei! What is your problem? Don't I buy you stuff and take you places?" "Yes," said Mei. "Last week, we went to a Ranma 1/2 film festival and you bought me a Lum Urusei Yatsura T-shirt!" "Oh, come on Mei, I just wish that you would...
Leather & Lace Chapter 1 - Temporary Initiation By the White Knight I responded to a call from my temp agency to be at Madison and 63rd, at 9:00 am on Monday morning, for an undetermined length assignment. Short on money I really wanted to make a good impression, hoping that they would keep me on for a while, so I showed up a half-hour early. Walking into the lobby of the brown stone building, I was immediately met by a doorman. He asked if he could help me and I told him I was looking for the...
My brain was dead certain that this trip was going to be a complete waste of time. I was being too impatient, I kept thinking, and I should have stayed on post watching Wallace's car, for days if necessary. Probably he and his buddies were just having a private drinking session and wouldn't grab their car for a bit of the old fashioned ultra-violence until late, maybe even not until the wee hours of the morning. Right now during the peak of summer the parties often didn't quit until dawn...
Monday morning I woke up and did my usual morning run, but already I was getting nervous trying not to overtly watch for my watchers. Now that I was a 'person of interest', I had the pretty distinct idea that most of my usual sources for official information were not going to be too happy to be hearing from me, at least anytime soon. Heck, these were probably the exact same group of assclowns that had set me up, pushing me slowly into the position of being their willing private executioner....
The Foole may have loved to sneak about but even he agreed that sometimes bold audaciousness works a little bit better! No, not quite charging in guns blazing, but something both direct but yet subtle. With the Miami-Dade Police Captain at our lead, we marched bold as sin into a restricted side entrance to the police crime-lab building and took the stairs up five levels into an even more restricted area where my seized clothing and guns were being stored for 'analysis'. Yeah, just like...
Even with the early morning eye-opening exercise start to our day, it was just after ten o'clock the next morning before Pete and I bothered to drag ourselves out of bed, get dressed and find out what fresh horrors the new day had in store for us. Neither of us were optimists, by any wild stretch of the imagination. The early omens did seem to be promising, especially since I hadn't enjoyed many nocturnal guests or serious play partners in bed since Tori's death three years ago. Pete too...
For reasons that I could entirely appreciate and fully understand, Pete had not been crazy about the idea of using his lovely and rather private family beach house as our planned staged location to fend off a not-so surprise attack by one or two dozen paid mercenary killers. I didn't blame him, I wouldn't normally want bullet holes, not to mention various high explosives going off in my house either! He was frankly quite delighted that his uncle was now gone and he was enjoying the prospect...
"Hello Norman, please tell me that you have some good news for me and that we'll all be going home without the need to break out any gun-cleaning kits?" "I think I do." He slyly replied. "My employer very much wants those files and is willing to overlook some unfortunate past history to obtain them. I will be collecting Miss Lee from her comfortable temporary housing shortly." "Good. No changes then to our eight-thirty meeting tonight?" "None. That will be acceptable." "Any...
"Damn it, Foole! Why the fuck did you have to Taser me?" I bellowed while punching my fist in livid rage into his upper arm. "Well you did have a gun in your hand and were about to shoot me, not knowing it was me of course!" He replied in an all-too calm and excessively reasonable voice. I didn't want to hear reason right now! I'd been taken nearly completely by surprise by a semi-retired master thief who 'didn't use guns'. Any Watters two-bit gunsel behind that door could have done...
"Ree," Kedra whispered with a note of horror in her voice as she still lay huddled on the floor of the elevator with the Foole, "you giggled while blowing away those four men outside the elevator doors and actually laughed when you cleared the hallways on each side! Then you laughed some more while shooting the wounded, blowing their entire faces off with that shotgun! It's just not natural ... not human!" The look Kedra gave me strongly suggested that she was staring into the face of...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...
Sylvia had only dreamed of such luxury as she gawked at the hotel she’d just walked into, it was like a castle from a storybook tale. Adrienne smiled as she watched the young girls face, and for some reason was saddened to think of what was in store for the young girl, she hoped she could influence the buyers and find a kind and gentle man for Sylvia. Adrienne slipped into deep thought as she looked back upon how she got into this business, lucky for her, she was quick witted and quick...
Damsels In Distress Inc. : A Good Day for a Hike Alex took a deep breath and pushed the car door shut, locking everything but her keys inside as per her instructions. Not that she needed all that much. She was used to travelling light when hiking; car keys and a water bottle. And a cell phone for emergencies. She was nervous about not having it with her but that was the point. She glanced at her watch. It was a few minutes before the start of her ‘adventure’. Just enough time to stretch. Once...
HardcoreWishes Granted Inc.-Story One By Micah Distel Story can be posted. Just give me credit for it. "But mooom!" "I don't want to hear anymore about it. You're going to have to wear your sister's underwear and that's final." "But why? I don't want to wear panties. Why didn't you do laundry?" "Michael, you know I don't have a lot of time since I took on that second job. I'm sorry but you'll have to." "But what if someone sees me in them? I have gym class. Everyone will...
Wishes Granted Inc-Case Two By Micah Distel "Kevin! How many times have I told you to quit sneaking in my room?" "I don't know. How many?" "That is not the point! Everyday, I come from cheerleader practice and find you in my room looking for my diary. What am I to do with you? I know, I'll just tell mom when she comes home from work. With a little twist to it." "You don't scare me. She won't do anything. I'm the good kid. Remember?" "Oh we'll...
Wishes Granted Inc: Case Three By Micah Distel "Honey, are you alright?" "I'm fine. Blaaaaaaa!" "You know, maybe you should take a pregnancy test. That's probably why you've been sick lately." "I just had my period. I am NOT pregnant! Besides there are no other symptoms. Could you go and order us a marshmallow and anchovy pizza? I'm starving." "Honey, that sounds a bit odd." "Don't question me! I'm just hungry that's all. And if you can't order your wife a pizza because...
Wishes Granted Inc.: Christmas Story By Micah Distel Two weeks before Christmas, Billy's mother walked up to him and asked, "Billy, what do you want for Christmas?" Billy replied, in the typical fashion of a thirteen-year-old, with an extremely long list of gifts, totaling well over $300. Later that evening, Billy's mother sat down in front of the computer to work out this year's Christmas budget. "Boy, it was so much simpler when he was younger. A toy truck and he was happy....
Wishes Granted Inc, Case Six: Always a Bridesmaid By Micah Distel Kevin, unlike many men, was ready for a commitment. He was ready to get married and have a family. And at 33, he didn't think he had much of a chance left for that. The problem was, finding a wife. He had looked everywhere for the right girl. As the song goes, it seems he was looking for love in all the wrong places. But where was the right place? Then one day, he decideed to make another attempt at the e-personal...
A Second Chance (inc.) by Pyrite Friday Morning I had expected that today was going to be just another day for me when I had first set out to go to my office. Just the same as every other day had been in my routine and boring life I thought, as I sat in the old-fashioned coffee-shop for my now, customary early morning break. As had become my habit, I had gone into the office first and then printed out my emails, ready to review the morning's correspondence, and then come here...
Some time ago, I wrote a story called Lycra Fantasies. Steve Zink was nice enough to reply with some very kind comments and encouragement to develop a little fantasy universe I had been kicking around. Well, the vagaries of life got in the way, but it did give me a bit of time to flesh things out. Below is the product. A new universe I would like to call Fantasies Unlimited Inc. FUI has a couple of simple guidelines: 1. The CEO runs things via a computer network. Thus, each...
FETISH VIDEO INC. The dark colored limo slows toward the curb, rolls to a stop in front of a row of mostly rundown storefronts. ?We’re here.? The driver mutters, glancing unabashed into the rear view mirror, catching more then a glimpse of Jodi’s exposed, tanned cleavage as she’s leaning forward on the back seat, peering into her compact, freshening her lip-gloss. His expression becomes more of a smirk as his right hand reaches for the column gearshift, shoves it into park. ...
JFW, Inc. -- "Justice by Witches" Chapter 1 -- Nice doing business with you. "Is he awake? Can he hear us?" Anne wasn't really interested in the answers to her questions, but she needed to know if she could ask some questions about the procedure her husband Ken had just undergone without fear that he might hear about it all before they were ready for him to. Jennifer let out a small chuckle as she smoothed out a wrinkle in her suit pants. "For the most part, yes, but remember...
Copyright© 2004 "You've read the contract?" his voice was brusque, businesslike, not quite what she'd expected after reading the fine print in that contract. She half expected a few snickers, or at least a leer. "Yes," Melody paused searching for words, "your methods are, to say the least, unconventional! Do you really expect me to sign a contract like this? Something like that belongs in an adult book store, not in corporate offices!" "Am I to understand that you no longer...