Revenge Inc - At Golden GrottoChapter 18 free porn video

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"Ree," Kedra whispered with a note of horror in her voice as she still lay huddled on the floor of the elevator with the Foole, "you giggled while blowing away those four men outside the elevator doors and actually laughed when you cleared the hallways on each side! Then you laughed some more while shooting the wounded, blowing their entire faces off with that shotgun! It's just not natural ... not human!"

The look Kedra gave me strongly suggested that she was staring into the face of some inhuman monster or wild animal caught in the midst of a murderous rampage, and I could respect that opinion. I couldn't see the Foole's face but certainly he quite understood our need to clear a path for ourselves, by whatever brutally violent means necessary, so that we could all reach safety. Kedra knew that rage and virtually uncontrolled anger had ruled my life, but she'd only rarely seen hints as to just how deeply my fury burned. Now my wrath was fully unleashed, my flames of furious ire had now breached every containment or restraint that I had, and I not only wanted to blast my way out of this evil estate home but I needed to!

I wasn't quite screaming out 'Blood and souls for Lord Arioch', but my mental capacity for so-called reason was gone ... as least as long as I had enemies before me, a gun in my hand and additional ammo still in my pockets. Leaving this place with even a single un-fired round would be one too many. My rage burned ... and required still yet more blood to assuage and quench its fury!

True, if Kedra thought I'd quite lost my sanity as I rapidly cleared our path of the waiting Watters guards up here on the second floor of his mansion, then the way I started mowing down the horde of reinforcements that tried surging up the long circular grand staircase from the main landing below would have solidified her opinion that I'd gone utterly and murderously insane. And she'd be probably be quite right ... the unholy cackling laugh that I made while emptying the riot-gun, filling the staircase and ground floor below with a hailstorm of .33 inch buckshot pellets had been maniacal, and more than a bit disturbing, even to me.

Ducking under the banister railing repeatedly to reload shells, I kept unleashing typoons of flying lead at anything and everything that moved downstairs, and from my upper perch near the top of the staircase I could command a killing zone that stopped dead cold three separate determined charges by Watters guards to reach the top of the grand staircase. None even made it a third of the way up.

They were shooting back at me of course but I had a better angle of fire on them and some partial concealment and while plenty of incoming hot lead struck the banister and railing in front and peppered the wall behind me, I was too lost in the moment to note any particularly near misses or even the two slight grazing wounds on the sides of my left arm. I was in the zone, focused gleefully upon cutting down my enemies as if they were wading through mud, moving as slow as turtles while my rain of scattered murderous buckshot crashed into them like storm waters against tiny boats, breaking them apart in similarly scattered small (and not-so) pieces.

The white and orange-brown swirled marble floor of the landing and hallway below was now a flood of wet crimson gore and it was soon scarcely possible to cross the floor at all without the necessity of physically stepping upon the throngs of the dead and dying, who quite covered the rich stone flooring as if they were bright red Persian rugs, rather than heaps of torn and mangled flesh. The fancy crystal chandelier above us (possibly an antique Imperial-era Baccarat) now shown its bright antique light upon an abattoir, a charnel house of carnage and butchery and delighted at the slaughter I'd created I just couldn't stop laughing.

It was an awful cackling and undulating laugh, truly maniacal and perhaps even psychopathic. The voice of a demoness loose from hell, crying for yet more bloodshed to sate her fell and unspeakable desires.

I'd never felt so free and happy in my entire life!

With the staircase secure, it was now time to clear the remainder of the top floor of the mansion but both the Foole and Kedra would still be more of a hindrance to my efforts than help, at least for the moment. Here on the second floor hallway, the elevator controls were concealed, the lift doors blending to match the luxurious wood side paneling. With the doors closed, the lift entrance would be well camouflaged to any casual inspectors, keeping the sole access to the sub-basement vault private and well-hidden. I would have almost certainly been unable to find this, had I forced my way here through the Watters grounds above ground!

For now, still inside the secret private elevator, the Foole and Kedra were both safe, but I needed to clear a direct path out of here!

"Stay here inside where they can't get to you!" I sharply whispered, handing Kedra the shotgun. "Use this to clear the upper staircase if you see anyone trying that route again, and keep any eye down that left side hallway too, but there's only six shells left so if you're pressured, take the elevator back down to the vault level again where you'll be safer. I've got to clear this top floor and find a safer way downstairs ... there has to be a public elevator somewhere for Edward's wheelchair. No way they rolled him up and down this grand staircase!"

I left Edward with them in the elevator as well. Up here he might provide me with some screening cover but the delay of wheeling the semi-vegetable around with me would take too much time and effort. Not to mention keeping my hands on the chair, pushing, rather than holding weapons and being completely ready to use them. cx

With that I checked my MP-5 to make sure that I had a full magazine loaded and rechecked the five full extras that I'd just hand-loaded with the last of the loose ammunition. Looking both ways down this open hallway, decided to clear out the right hand wing first. From my quick glances while mowing down the attackers on the stairway, I had a pretty good idea that part of the second floor was the family residence with their private bedrooms and this was a pretty good place to start. Probably not a whole lot of guards that way and since I was collecting members of the Watters family for permanent garbage disposal, I figured this would be a pretty good place to find Lawrence, Chesty's father and the only son of Edward.

Working my way down the hall, I kicked in a few doors and wasn't finding anything worth shooting (I did almost shoot a housemaid by mistake) and all of these rooms did seem to be family bedrooms, much as I'd assumed - but no one was home so far. Nice big rooms larger than my entire living area in my old house at Key Largo even! The crime family was definitely living large and wasn't scrimping on luxuries but I resisted the urge to just start smashing things. I wasn't opposed to the idea of picking up the odd bit of loot while I was here, but frankly everything remotely portable was so obviously gaudy that I felt dirty just looking at it and didn't covet anything whatsoever.

Picking out Chesty's former bedroom, the second door on the right from the end, wasn't particularly hard. It looked much like your typical college aged kid's dorm room and after making sure that I had no one hot on my trail I risked a full two minutes that I really couldn't spare to quickly toss the place. In a locked drawer I found his laptop, a top-end Apple (hate those!) and under his bed was a box about half full of previously worn panties. I thought I saw some old brown bloodstains on a few of them, so maybe these were from his play sessions with Wally-boy and Steve ... or just innocent acquisitions from old girlfriends. I didn't care ... and didn't have time to make the time to care either! I ran back down the hall and passed over the laptop into the hands of the Foole. Maybe it had lots of incriminating material or more names, dates and places (and perhaps account numbers) concerning the family criminal enterprises. Fun for later, assuming any of us had a later.

Reaching the final room at the end of the hall, I assumed that this was the main master suite, the bedroom of Edward and his equally malevolent wife. I was just thinking to myself that this was perhaps where the 'good stuff' was stashed, when Lawrence and I nearly crashed into each other each. With a big suitcase in each hand, Chesty's father was trying to make a dash for it with all of the portable family loot that he could carry. Probably the good stuff, nice light and ultra valuable, quickly snatched and convenient for porting off on sudden overseas trips to friendly countries that didn't possess an extradition treaty with the US. Since it had been quiet with no shooting for several minutes upstairs he had judged that it was safe now to skedaddle, opening the suite door just at about the moment I was about to kick the door in.

We were both caught flatfooted and by surprise and he dropped both heavy bags right in the doorway and reached for his own gun while ducking back around the side of the open door. Since I didn't like my odds of staying relatively healthy by leaping inside after him, where he'd have the first shot at me, I settled for loudly bitching at myself in anger and ducking back for cover up against the side of the outside hallway wall. Down at the end by the stairs, I could hear Kedra firing off the shotgun twice and a couple of screams that hinted that her rounds of buckshot had done some good, since no one appeared at the top of the landing or looked down the hallway in my direction.

Lawrence might not have been the brilliantly psychopathic crime lord-in-training that his son was, the former heir-apparent of the Watters criminal empire, but he wasn't entirely useless with a gun. His preferred choice of weapon, a Kel-Tec P-11 was a surprising one, a fairly cheap, small sized and relatively low performing handgun that was only nominally suited for its created role of concealed carry. Well, it had been concealed alright. He proved this quite adequately by wildly firing all ten rounds of his magazine right through the wood panel and sheetrock wall in-between us, mostly just blowing harmless ventilation holes through the wall ... except for the two lucky rounds that passed right through my left side and then also my right upper arm right as I was dropping myself to the ground, a bit too late.

FUCK! The side wound seemed to be the worst, a through-and-through that luckily probably missed everything of any particularly importance on its way in-and-out of me. The upper arm wound hurt worse, enough so that I moved the MP-5 into my left hand. That bullet had struck center mass in the middle of my arm and from the feel of things had probably cracked my humerus bone. Fuck ... I was going to be a mess after this mission was over! That made for six bullet wounds now, albeit all mostly minor ones, except for these last two.

Worse, this meant that I was leaving even more blood trace now everywhere in my path. My DNA markers would be in the Army, and now regular government databases and any law enforcement gather up the massive evidence in my wake could pull my name out of the computer in less than no time. Sure, I hadn't actually expected to survive this insanely suicidal mission to rescue Kedra and kill the Watters, but now that I actually stood a faint chance of getting out of here with most of my body parts still attached, I had some sudden new concerns for my survival in the future. But, if I didn't take care of Lawrence soon, I wouldn't have to worry at all about having any future!

I could hear him fumbling on the other side of the wall, trying to find another magazine for his pistol and I decided that I didn't need to give him the chance to shoot up the wall in-between us again. From a bullet hole in the wall, I could see where Lawrence was crouching and I just decided to repay the experience by spraying a full clip of the MP-5 in something of a spiral circle right where I was pretty sure he was ... and even shooting from my off-hand I was sure that I'd nailed him! At least six of the fifteen rounds struck home, four of them being either head or chest shots. The last of the direct Watters family members had cashed in his chips for good!

Checking over Lawrence, I was thankful that no insurance rounds were necessary, but I did relieve him of his two big heavy bags, both gratifyingly filled with portable loot. A quick look revealed bundles of my favorite dead non-president, Ben Franklin, stacks of bearer bonds, plastic tubes filled with gold and silver coins, and probably even some smaller bullion at the bottlm. Nice, but this wasn't the time or the place to count inventory.

Trailing a slow but steady stream of dark blood down the hallway from my side wound, I tossed the bags towards my friends for them to handle and spared a moment to spray another full magazine over the railing towards hiding and lurking guards contemplating yet another mass-charge up the stairs. The few I saw remaining down there didn't appear to be particularly motivated or overly courageous and I was now feeling slightly more charitable about the notion of allowing some possible survivors. Fun was fun ... but I was bleeding steadily and my right arm and both legs were hurting like crazy. It was time to find a way out of here!

The bedroom wing search completed, this left the left wing as the only other possible escape option. This area seemed to be a mixture of unused guest rooms and a few private study and office areas. I shuffled along with my submachine gun in my remaining good hand and used it to clear out three gunsels in a good sized and rather luxurious office that was right across the hallway from a normal public elevator! This room was probably where the crime family managed their business accounts but I didn't have time to linger, let alone conduct a search for criminal evidence. Besides, I'd already conducted my own private trial, finding the Watters family all guilty ... and conducted the sentence of death myself as well!

Beckoning down the hallway towards Kedra, who was watching my progress from the opening of the secret, hidden elevator, I gestured for her to bring everyone along – it was time to blow this joint! Maybe literally!

"Ree, you look like shit ... and that's a bad bleeder on your side." The Foole commented, wheeling the stroke-paralyzed crime boss in his wheelchair into this new elevator to join me. Hello Mr. Obvious! With all of the other pain and my remaining blood filled with endorphins and adrenaline, I hadn't noticed that one of Lawrence's stray rounds had also just grazed the side of my forehead creating a gush of blood flow over the entire right side of my face. I must have really looked like a ghoul from hell, as Kedra wouldn't look at me at all now!

"Yeah, but I'm ok for a few more minutes ... enough anyway to clear the rest of the way out of here and do one last thing that needs to be done before we go. Foole, I've got two small plastic bombs in that bag next to you. What do you have in your pack that can use toast this place up behind us? I've left way more DNA behind here than I'd planned."

"Here and now? Not much. I did have a few smaller explosives too, but I inadvertently left them downstairs attached to a natural gas line leading to the pool heater, attached to a timer that will go off in about another twenty minutes. How absent minded and foolish of me! The real fun stuff is outside in the car with Pete. Get us to the main driveway and I can call him in. The guards out in front will be expecting him actually. Then I can maybe prepare a farewell gift or two to make a more complete ruin of things in our wake!"

The Foole wasn't a gunman ... but his explosive skills, already proven twice over now, were quite exceptional! Whoever had taught him his craft had probably been a military explosives expert, and a damned good one at that!

Clearing the downstairs, which I frankly expected to be another bloody slaughter, rich and ripe with additional bullet holes imbedded into the good guys and gals, turned out to be rather anti-climactic. I sprayed another pair of full clips at small groups of gunsels lurking down the main hallway towards both the grand foyer to our left and the grand entrance ... our escape destination, to the right, and we claimed the entire downstairs for ourselves. The guards that didn't drop, instead dropped their weapons for the most part and legged it.

They'd seen that we had their boss and nearly to a man they decided that the odds of getting another payday weren't promising, so they beat feet out of there. The more stupid ones tried a last ditch charge at us at the main entrance, screaming, shooting and charging. I gunned them all down and it was eerie the way my laughter echoed throughout the marble walls and floors. For the moment, the coast was now clear and everything was silent except for the moans and cries of the dying.

I eased my weapon down as I loaded my last magazine of ammo, then I looked upon the carnage and found it pleasant to my eyes and I smiled.

"Close enough, the Foole commented while pulling out his cell phone to call for Pete to drive up to the estate and come get us. He spared an extra long glance at the ghastly pool of blood in and around the foyer by the main entrance, and also behind us at the grand staircase but his face didn't betray any emotions that he might have been feeling.

As for myself, I had one last bit of business left to perform and I had a vague idea of where to go to perform it. Wheeling Edward Watters right though the center of the slaughterhouse floor was a bit tricky but I hoped that it provided his scarcely blinking eyes with something for his still active mind to contemplate for his last few moments in this world. I did soon find my intended destination, a large pair of swinging French doors opened onto the pool room, which was partially enclosed with walls and a roof over about half of its length, providing shelter from the brutal South Florida summer sun.

No guards were present here and I didn't waste a moment to either cackle with glee or taunt my doomed enemy. Without word, fuss or the slightest hesitation, I wheeled Edward Watters right up to the edge of the pool and unceremoniously just pitched him forward out of his chair right into the water. It was only about five feet deep here, but with his limbs paralyzed by the stroke his hands and legs were helpless to save him. His body went straight down to the bottom and while I thought I could see his eyes bulge out with fear and panicked terror, he was indeed helpless and for the most part motionless.

"You should have joined your grandson, to become a crab buffet at the Golden Grotto as well, but in a pinch this will do. Join the rest of your family in hell, you old bastard!"

Slowly counting, I had reached about three hundred and something, well over five minutes of watching Watters helplessly drowning underwater when I collapsed and fell to the tile on the edge of the pool deck, barely able to move myself. The blood loss, which hadn't particularly slowed down much, if at all, had finally disabled me.

Barely a moment later, I felt the Foole's hands grasping me and placing me into Edward Watters now empty wheelchair. He must have been behind me in the doorway, quiet and just observing my vigil of watching Edward's demise and been right there by my side when I'd at last collapsed. As he turned me around to take me away, I was able to look down one last final time into my nemesis's now unblinking and lifeless eyes as he wheeled me away. The last of the Watters crime family had been dealt with and the entire criminal organization had been extensively beheaded of its entire leadership.

"Enough..." I whispered, still cradling my submachine gun as if it were a baby as the Foole placed a large blanket over me that covered everything from my neck downwards. With my face completely matted with blood, both fresh and dried, my features were quite indistinguishable.

The world had gone entirely queer and strange on me somehow and I thought to myself that I must now be quite faint with blood loss, perhaps even dangerously so. I even began to think that I was quite hallucinating, seeing the Foole now wearing a medical coat with a stethoscope fussing over me as a pair of Watters guards helped to load me into an ambulance complete with flashing lights. Already inside this meat wagon were Kedra and Pete, dressed in uniform as a matching pair of EMS workers who quickly hauled my blanket covered bleeding and helpless form inside.

"We'll get Mrs. Watters to Coral Gables Hospital immediately and take her straight into surgery but her prognosis is good." I heard the Foole's voice say as he climbed inside to join us and closed the back door of the ambulance shut. With a wail of sirens we then sped away and if there wasn't even the slightest delay passing security at the main gates I didn't notice any as I slowly fell into utter unconsciousness.

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REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...

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ReGenesis Inc

ReGenesis, Inc. (revised) Author's Notes by Bill Hart After some discussions about story universes on TSA-TALK a couple of weeks or so ago, I decided to revisit this story, which was originally posted to TSA_TALK in September 1997. As a result, I expanded it, rewrote parts of it, and added new parts to it. The original was around 36K in length and this revision is around 75K in length. I'm also about a third of the way through a prequel to this story and I've started...

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ReGenesis Inc Indistinguishable from Magic

ReGenesis, Inc.: Indistinguishable from Magic Author's Notes by Bill Hart Here's another installment of ReGenesis, Inc. Although there is nothing in this story that says so, it takes place spproximately two months after the original story. However, it is totally independent of the events in that story. Archiving of this story in public archives is permissable provided you notify me where it is archived, make NO changes in the text of the story, and allow *FREE* access to...

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ReGenesis Inc As Children into the Abyss

ReGenesis, Inc.: As Children into the Abyss by Bill Hart Becky Phelder was stunned, as the rest of her classmates began to snicker. She'd been sitting in the front row desk of her next to last class of the day listening intently to one of her favorite teachers, when she heard the unexpected announcement crackle over the intercom. "Becky Phelder ... Please report to Mr. Wilton's office immediately." In addition to being surprised, Becky was also more than a little embarrassed at...

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WISH Inc TinkleSpindles Karma

I looked out of my window and sighed, the stars were out again that night, hundreds of them. To most people, starts are pretty things in the sky, to some they are big balls of gas billions of miles away... but to a girl like me they were something else. they were a hope. Sure everybody hears the stories that you can wish upon a star, and by my reckoning I had wished on pretty much every one going. yet for all that wishing, my wish never came true, I was still stuck as a guy... sure...

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Whose Fantasy Am I Now A ReThink Inc Continuation

*This is one possible continuation of my first story, ReThink Inc. If you haven't read it already, I urge you to read it first as it will make this story make a lot more sense* -- Whose Fantasy Am I Now? - A ReThink Inc. Continuation -- I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling in a catatonic like state. I'm not sure how long I was alone in that house... My old house. I wasn't sure how long I had been stuck in the body of Cassandra, my crazy ex girlfriend. Flowing red hair,...

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Success Inc Case 001 Beginning

Copyright© 2004 "I dunno, George," Trenton grunted as he finished slicing his drive into the rough between fairways, "Crap! Anyway, I've had the best consultants in. I've talked to everybody on the Executive team, and they all tell me the same thing: 'Sell the company'!" George Caulder was Trenton Garvey's best friend. Had been since high school. Trent didn't mind sharing secrets with him because George was a Teacher at the local high school, and would never pass on any of...

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Romance Inc

Ladies are you in a relationship just for the company? Are you putting up with a Neanderthal only because you don’t want to be alone? We at Romance Inc. feel that you are too good to settle for some guy who is not worth your time. It is up to you just ask yourself what are you looking for, is it a relationship, or is it really just romance you’re seeking. Forget dating sites, you know everything the applicants say is a lie, what you need is Romance Inc. to solve your dating problems. It’s so...

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Peabody Inc

Disclaimer: This story contains adult language and situations. Persons under 17 not admitted without parent. This story also contains language which may be offensive to some. If you are easily offended, go away. This story may be archived only on sites that do not charge for access. Peabody, Inc. by Sarah Miller I. Betrayal It's you, you're the girl, who put a hole in my head. It's you, you're the one, said I'd be better off dead. It's you, from the land of no second...

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Damsels In Distress Inc Team Spirit

Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a high...

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ReGenesis Inc The Recruitment

This is a prequel to 'ReGenesis, Inc'. There are NO transformations in the story. Archival is permitted at any *free* site, i.e., no fees charged. ReGenesis, Inc.: The Recruitment (a prequel) By Bill Hart Vincent Martensen, known to both his friends and his acquaintances as Vinnie, sat alone at the counter in "Bart's Downwind Bar" waiting for the person he'd been told to expect and recruit. As each person entered the bar, Vinnie immediately checked them against the picture...

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Wishes Granted Inc The Anime Case

Wishes Granted Inc.: The Anime Case By (Miss) Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Mei never could understand what her boyfriend, Mohammed, liked about Anime. "Mohammed! You are always watching Japanese cartoons. I really don't understand why." "Gee whiz, Mei! What is your problem? Don't I buy you stuff and take you places?" "Yes," said Mei. "Last week, we went to a Ranma 1/2 film festival and you bought me a Lum Urusei Yatsura T-shirt!" "Oh, come on Mei, I just wish that you would...

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Leather Lace Inc

Leather & Lace Chapter 1 - Temporary Initiation By the White Knight I responded to a call from my temp agency to be at Madison and 63rd, at 9:00 am on Monday morning, for an undetermined length assignment. Short on money I really wanted to make a good impression, hoping that they would keep me on for a while, so I showed up a half-hour early. Walking into the lobby of the brown stone building, I was immediately met by a doorman. He asked if he could help me and I told him I was looking for the...

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Blonde Concepts Inc

Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...

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WGMGS Inc Ch 2

Sylvia had only dreamed of such luxury as she gawked at the hotel she’d just walked into, it was like a castle from a storybook tale. Adrienne smiled as she watched the young girls face, and for some reason was saddened to think of what was in store for the young girl, she hoped she could influence the buyers and find a kind and gentle man for Sylvia. Adrienne slipped into deep thought as she looked back upon how she got into this business, lucky for her, she was quick witted and quick...

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Damsels In Distress Inc A Good Day for a Hike

Damsels In Distress Inc. : A Good Day for a Hike Alex took a deep breath and pushed the car door shut, locking everything but her keys inside as per her instructions. Not that she needed all that much. She was used to travelling light when hiking; car keys and a water bottle. And a cell phone for emergencies. She was nervous about not having it with her but that was the point. She glanced at her watch. It was a few minutes before the start of her ‘adventure’. Just enough time to stretch. Once...

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Wishes Granted Inc Case One

Wishes Granted Inc.-Story One By Micah Distel Story can be posted. Just give me credit for it. "But mooom!" "I don't want to hear anymore about it. You're going to have to wear your sister's underwear and that's final." "But why? I don't want to wear panties. Why didn't you do laundry?" "Michael, you know I don't have a lot of time since I took on that second job. I'm sorry but you'll have to." "But what if someone sees me in them? I have gym class. Everyone will...

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Wishes Granted Inc Case Two

Wishes Granted Inc-Case Two By Micah Distel "Kevin! How many times have I told you to quit sneaking in my room?" "I don't know. How many?" "That is not the point! Everyday, I come from cheerleader practice and find you in my room looking for my diary. What am I to do with you? I know, I'll just tell mom when she comes home from work. With a little twist to it." "You don't scare me. She won't do anything. I'm the good kid. Remember?" "Oh we'll...

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Wishes Granted Inc Case Three

Wishes Granted Inc: Case Three By Micah Distel "Honey, are you alright?" "I'm fine. Blaaaaaaa!" "You know, maybe you should take a pregnancy test. That's probably why you've been sick lately." "I just had my period. I am NOT pregnant! Besides there are no other symptoms. Could you go and order us a marshmallow and anchovy pizza? I'm starving." "Honey, that sounds a bit odd." "Don't question me! I'm just hungry that's all. And if you can't order your wife a pizza because...

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Wishes Granted Inc Christmas Story

Wishes Granted Inc.: Christmas Story By Micah Distel Two weeks before Christmas, Billy's mother walked up to him and asked, "Billy, what do you want for Christmas?" Billy replied, in the typical fashion of a thirteen-year-old, with an extremely long list of gifts, totaling well over $300. Later that evening, Billy's mother sat down in front of the computer to work out this year's Christmas budget. "Boy, it was so much simpler when he was younger. A toy truck and he was happy....

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Wishes Granted Inc Case Six Always a Bridesmaid

Wishes Granted Inc, Case Six: Always a Bridesmaid By Micah Distel Kevin, unlike many men, was ready for a commitment. He was ready to get married and have a family. And at 33, he didn't think he had much of a chance left for that. The problem was, finding a wife. He had looked everywhere for the right girl. As the song goes, it seems he was looking for love in all the wrong places. But where was the right place? Then one day, he decideed to make another attempt at the e-personal...

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A Second Chance inc

A Second Chance (inc.) by Pyrite Friday Morning I had expected that today was going to be just another day for me when I had first set out to go to my office. Just the same as every other day had been in my routine and boring life I thought, as I sat in the old-fashioned coffee-shop for my now, customary early morning break. As had become my habit, I had gone into the office first and then printed out my emails, ready to review the morning's correspondence, and then come here...

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Fantasies Unlimited Inc

Some time ago, I wrote a story called Lycra Fantasies. Steve Zink was nice enough to reply with some very kind comments and encouragement to develop a little fantasy universe I had been kicking around. Well, the vagaries of life got in the way, but it did give me a bit of time to flesh things out. Below is the product. A new universe I would like to call Fantasies Unlimited Inc. FUI has a couple of simple guidelines: 1. The CEO runs things via a computer network. Thus, each...

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FETISH VIDEO INC.        The dark colored limo slows toward the curb, rolls to a stop in front of a row of mostly rundown storefronts.        ?We’re here.?  The driver mutters, glancing unabashed into the rear view mirror,  catching more then a glimpse of Jodi’s exposed, tanned cleavage as she’s leaning forward on the back seat, peering into her compact, freshening her lip-gloss.  His expression becomes more of a smirk as his right hand reaches for the column gearshift, shoves it into park.    ...

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JBW Inc Justice by Witches

JFW, Inc. -- "Justice by Witches" Chapter 1 -- Nice doing business with you. "Is he awake? Can he hear us?" Anne wasn't really interested in the answers to her questions, but she needed to know if she could ask some questions about the procedure her husband Ken had just undergone without fear that he might hear about it all before they were ready for him to. Jennifer let out a small chuckle as she smoothed out a wrinkle in her suit pants. "For the most part, yes, but remember...

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Success Inc Case 201 ABC Inc

Copyright© 2004 "You've read the contract?" his voice was brusque, businesslike, not quite what she'd expected after reading the fine print in that contract. She half expected a few snickers, or at least a leer. "Yes," Melody paused searching for words, "your methods are, to say the least, unconventional! Do you really expect me to sign a contract like this? Something like that belongs in an adult book store, not in corporate offices!" "Am I to understand that you no longer...

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Revenge Of Incest Taboo In The Family

My name is Honey and the now I will describe what happened in my childhood and why I was ferocious to take revenge. I was the youngest daughter in my family . I have two elder brother ,two elder sisters and one younger brother.When I have my first mens I went to my mom and told her and she laughed and told only you are now ready and I could not understand the meaning of this. After three days I was told by my mom to sleep with them in their king size bed.Now just after my sleep and I have not...

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Gloria Goes to Work for BBC Inc Ch 0106

There were already half through one of the worst years since they had been married. It was like one set back after another for George and Gloria, first after trying to get pregnant since their honeymoon, this year she had two miscarriages. The Doctor claimed her husband had not only a low sperm count, what few he had been too weak to keep her with child. This was not only devastating news it was very humiliating to her husband as her female gynecologist not only prodded his privates she...

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Damsels In Distress Inc A Good Day for a Hike

Damsels In Distress Inc. : A Good Day for a Hike Alex took a deep breath and pushed the car door shut, locking everything but her keys inside as per her instructions. Not that she needed all that much. She was used to travelling light when hiking, car keys and a water bottle. And a cell phone for emergencies. She was nervous about not having it with her but that was the point. She glanced at her watch. It was a few minutes before the start of her ‘adventure’. Just enough time to stretch. Once...

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Damsels In Distress Inc Team Spirit

Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a...

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FantasyWomen Inc

Please enter your name under the "First Name" blank, & the chosen name of your FantasyWoman in the "Last Name" blank. If you've filled-out the form correctly, you should see your name here: John - & the name of your Fantasy Woman here: Doe - Welcome to FantasyWomen, Incorporated! Please sit back, & make yourself comfortable. In a few minutes, we wil begin the process that will allow you to select your ideal FantasyWoman from over 1,000 options! Once your Fantasy Woman is complete, you may...

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RoboSlut INC

Hello, hello! Welcome to Robo-Sluts INC or as we like to refer to ourselves as RSI for short. We here at RSI craft and manufacture only the greatest and best Robotic companions for your personal entertainment! Now, now despite the name our robots are more than simply just lifeless dolls for you to play with. No, my dear consumer the robots that we produce here at RSI are perhaps the most lifelike and realistic robotic companions that you will ever meet, and yes we said meet, as these Robo-sluts...

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Transgenomics Inc

The year is 2055 and nanotechnology and gene editing technology have made incomprehensible strides. The government has begun to allow small scale human testing after most of the population began petitioning for general use. A 66 year old man stumbles out of bed and wanders to the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee from the previous day and adds his creamer. He limps over to the recliner in his living room and turns on his floor to ceiling telescreen. "People took to twitter today in a...

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MagicMart Inc

The propietor of the mysterious Magic Mart, Inc smiled to himself as he thought of all the fun he would have in this new location. Helping new customers achieve their dreams and desires. Or to help them settle old scores. No matter the motivation, the Shopkeeper was always happy to help. It always provided him with some interesting entertainment. He had quite the collection of merchandise to fit any need. There was the magical jewelry that changed bodies, granted wishes, teleported to other...

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