Revenge Inc Danny Jenkins
- 4 years ago
- 74
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I might have a bone or two to pick with Norman ... but he wasn't remotely responsible for the biggest single fuckup of my entire life. No one was, except for me.
I hadn't realized on that September morning many years ago when I kissed Red goodbye that I'd never see him alive again, that he wouldn't return to our tent in the hills in our gawdawful corner of Iraq. And that as a result my once happy life would turn to complete shit.
As a lower ranking member of our security unit, he was often assigned to ride shotgun with various supply missions. In this particular instance he was riding security inside the cab of a five-ton 6x6 M809 that was going to make a routine four hour trip to our main supply base closer to Bagdad. Anything critical (but light) was choppered in usually, but bulk stuff like fuel, toilet paper and MREs needed to get brought in the hard way.
It was a milk-run usually, with at most an odd badly aimed sniper bullet or two to give a little adventure to the mundane routine, but not this particular day. About forty-five minutes after they'd left we had one all-too brief radio message that they were taking heavy weapons fire near the village of Hasakam and then they were cut off in mid-message. Did I mention that the female truck driver, PFC Caroline Beckett, was also the lover of my direct boss, Lt. Strauss?
Yeah ... this really complicated the issue. In one fell swoop, our entire chain of command was mentally lobotomized. It only got worse a few nights later when we found Caroline's and Red's naked and horribly tortured and abused bodies dumped like garbage near the front gate of our remote camp. Shock and disbelief turned at once to implacable rage and a burning desire for horrific vengeance ... assuming that we could find the appropriate guilty parties involved.
Repeated armed (and rather ungentle) searches of the village of Hasakam turned up nothing, despite these locals being the closest inhabitants to the ambush site where the burned out shell of the supply truck still remained. Most of the Iraqi's living in this particular valley had prospered under Saddam's régime and there were a lot of hardliners still in this area that didn't like Uncle Sam and his underpaid boys and girls very much. Under rather unfortunate and perhaps excessive duress, one hard-eyed young man of military age grudgingly admitted that they had perhaps seen and recognized a few of the attackers. He claimed these were supporters of a Colonel Rahman, who had an estate and a double-handful of armed personal guards, and a burning hatred for the American usurpers and occupiers. In short, a pretty viable suspect for the perpetrator of this outrage.
It took a few more days to get some better intel about the Colonel from further upstream our chain of command, but slowly a few minor facts did seem to indicate his probable participation. Enough so to warrant a closer heavily armed inspection with most of our available security forces, and a few of our spec-ops friends.
None of us had planned or prepared for a massacre ... but that's what we ended up with.
The Colonel had himself a nice little estate house, almost something like a small castle on a hill in the rats-ass part of nowhere. He was also more or less the feudal warlord of this area and when we showed up armed and ready to play hardball, he was more than willing to take us all on. Even the local villagers from a collection of brick huts down at the bottom of the hill were eager to show their loyalty to their local warlord (or even the old régime) and it seemed that every window and doorway contained at least one gunman with an AK pointed right at us.
There were enough of us to deal with most of the half-trained local militia riff-raff, and our spec-ops friends proved to be more than worth their weight in firepower. Unfortunately taking that small heavily fortified keep up on the hill was going to cost us a lot more casualties than any one of us wanted to deal with. In the end, we retreated back a bit out of range and let the bloodied ragheads cheer and shout that they won ... right up until the moment that the bombs hit. It took two sorties to finally suppress the defenders, but after that last one, a therombaric fuel-air bomb that utterly obliterated the walls and guard towers ... and pretty much pulverized everything and everyone still inside. There might have been two or three bricks still mortared together and standing after the dust and flames cleared ... but not by much.
Clearing up the rest of the village and rounding up the survivors who were mostly women and children didn't take us too terribly long and our casualties from then on were all minor. They were a surly lot, glaring daggers at us the entire time. We wouldn't have needed gunshot residue tests to know that many of the women and even some of the kids, had been the very ones shooting at us. Many had been captured or wounded while still armed.
By the normal laws of war, they really shouldn't have been considered enemy combatants, but by the new rules of our War on Terror (hell, where there any?), the situation was now different and we really didn't quite know what to do with them. We'd taken about half a dozen casualties ourselves, fortunately mostly relatively minor wounds but enough that we weren't really going to be able to cover-up our private little war to any poking noses from higher up the chain of command. That was the least of our concerns at the moment anyway.
As I said, neither Lt. Strauss or myself had been thinking very clearly lately and our blood was still boiling. It didn't help cool things down the slightest bit when our search teams combing the huts started to find evidence that Caroline and Red had indeed been here ... and had died here.
The big discovery was made in the downstairs basement of what was more or less the local village café or diner. This was local meeting or hang-out place of the colonel's loyalists here in town and unfortunately for them they hadn't cleaned up much, if at all, from their prior fun and games with our loved ones and friends. It wasn't a pretty sight with bits of torn uniform and remaining bits of excised flesh littering the blood, not to mention that awful pool of blood. The blood was dried up now but there was an appalling amount of it, and it still stank horrifically. No one could stand to remain downstairs for very long, except for the lieutenant and myself. This cellar was where our friends and lovers had been slaughtered, slowly and maliciously, worse than any butcher would have killed or dressed a goat for cooking.
Something within us both died at that moment and parts of our souls that had once been kind, loving, generous and entirely human, instead withered into darkness and something more sinister and alien. As for me, I never even noticed when it happened. I was beyond caring about anything and I just wanted revenge.
When one of our spec-ops friends, a marine sergeant I shall forever leave unnamed, came down the stairs awhile later to ask the lieutenant about what should be done with the prisoners, he didn't seem too terribly surprised by our response.
"Kill them all!" Lt. Strauss cried in his flowing tears, kneeling on that bloodstained floor where his lover had been butchered without the slightest remorse or mercy.
Then, to my eternal shame, I agreed. "Do it quick and bury them deep in the sand. I want this village to just disappear ... as if it never existed." Hell, on most maps it already didn't! An hour or so later, you couldn't even have found these ruins even with a map, let alone from any satellite camera. The village just ceased to exist ... along with all of the sixty-two men, women and children who had once lived here.
Lost in my thoughts and grief, I didn't go back upstairs to watch the shooting, but Lt. Strauss did. He went to supervise and stayed from start to finish and apparently did quite a bit of the shooting himself personally. I could hear the ragged sounds of irregular gunfire quite clearly enough and I had no illusions whatsoever concerning what was happening upstairs. Our folks had seen what had been done to Caroline and Red and most of them didn't particularly object seeing some rough sort of justice done. A few of our folk didn't participate in the shootings, which was quickly done with AK weapons fire, using their own insurgent guns against them, but everyone helped with the cleanup, myself included.
We dug a deep burial trench as far out into the sand as we had patience for and then we tossed in the bodies. Every man, woman and child of the former village of Najad was dumped into it. All sixty-two of them. Then we poured in gasoline and burned the bodies for a couple of hours while we systematically completed the demolition of every single hut and structure within eyesight. When we were done, few if any bricks remained standing at all and the first good sandstorm would probably cover the remains of the town for good. Hopefully forever to then be lost to the sands of time. Lost and with any luck at all, soon very forgotten.
When the bodies were mostly ash we quickly filled in the trench with sand and by the time we'd driven away the wind was already scouring away any traces that we'd ever been there. No one looked back and as far as I know no one ever returned here.
As far as I know no one ever spoke of what we had done here and if anyone had any regrets they were kept silent.
The worst part of the entire thing by far was when I was packing up all of Red's personal effects to be shipped back home to his parents and I saw the name of that small Texas town. Lovett, Texas, that small rural town that my parents and I lived just outside of!
Apparently it was of considerable amusement to both Red and his parents, according to the stack of old letters that I now had the chance to read, that while Red had instantly remembered me from middle school, I had not. Here halfway across the world was my old classmate, a boy that had had a crush on me since third grade! What made this farce an even worse joke by the fates was small jewelers' box with a relatively inexpensive engagement ring inside that he'd bought from our poor excuse of an exchange store in Bagdad. Apparently according to his last unfinished letter home he was planning to pop the question to me in a few weeks!
The fact that I would have said not only 'Yes' but 'Oh hell Yes!' just made things now seem twice as bad as they already were! If anything, I now just felt worse than I'd felt even before we'd had our revenge ... and the slight sweetness of that feeling was now forever lost. The Fates had played the cruelest of possible tricks upon me and I was now furious with the entire world! I'd been robbed and cheated in the worst and most spiteful sort of way and I wanted everyone around me to pay and suffer the way that I now suffered. And as for my own guilt, it just grew and ate away at me like the worst possible ulcer.
I don't know for sure how exactly the word of our private little mission of revenge made it outside our remote backwater and slowly all the way up the chain of command, but it eventually did. The Army had a brand-new 'My Lai massacre', but at least this time the cover-up was conducted a bit more privately and no official word of what we'd done was ever put down on paper, or at least without being heavily classified.
If I'd had to guess, I'd put the blame for this on Lt. Strauss, although I didn't fault the poor broken man very much. Even after our return to camp he never quite snapped out of the depression he'd found himself now trapped with. Our not so petty revenge wasn't enough to make up for the loss of his lover Caroline. Not to mention that he'd pulled a trigger a few times by that trench in the sand ... possibly more than just a few times. There was a whispered rumor that he'd confessed everything a few weeks later to a visiting Army chaplain who briefly passed through our camp about six weeks later, and the timeline fits because shortly thereafter he was very unceremoniously relieved of command and found himself at HQ in Bagdad being questioned by folks with lots of shiny stars on their shoulders.
The story I heard nearly a year later was that he'd then suffered a severe nervous breakdown and was shipped off to Walter Reed for an involuntary stay. Immediately after his release he took his own life, probably erasing any chance that a real court-martial would ever reveal the tragic events in Najad. Nope, that wouldn't have ever happened ... there would never be any public disclosure of our little revenge massacre, but the big brass all the way up to the top honchos now knew that it had occurred.
As for the rest of us, a flood of new replacement personnel arrived shortly afterwards, a new broom so to speak that came in and swept the base clean, reassigning everyone. My own orders placed me into administrative limbo that was not quite arrest, but close to it, and culminated in a brief and 'informal' bit of interrogation by members of Army CID who obviously already knew most of the important details of our private revenge mission. They scared us hard but no charges were ever filed on any of us for anything that I ever heard about. I played dumb and stupid, sticking to the cover story... 'It never happened' or 'I don't recall Sir', and after a couple of rather unpleasant hours in a locked room they let me go.
Thinking about it later, my guess was that CID was fairly content with our quite effective cover-up of the massacre and now they were just looking for possible weak links, other members of the mission who might someday feel an urge to confess to their priest, or worse ... to a member of the press. There was more than a gentle hint given of the severe and very private punishment that would occur if anyone even thought about discussing this matter ever again. Not me!
In our now way above top secret personnel files, we were all now marked for good on some pretty serious 'shit list'. All of our careers were now more or less toast and the entire lot of us, including the truly innocent, were probably now on every alphabet soup agency watch-list. The only remaining question the brass now had was what to do with us? Gitmo? Or some 'accidental' helicopter crash to make 110% sure that we'd never talk?
My career was one of the first to get stamped over and done with. It didn't help that for the final six months of my 'temporary duty assignment' playing traffic control in the middle of a Bagdad intersection out in the hot sun for twelve hours a day, seven days a week, that I was starting to drink pretty heavy the remaining twelve hours of the night and not bothering with getting much if any sleep. Passing out drunk was already sometimes the only way I could sleep at night without having bad dreams that just seemed to get worse as time passed.
Then I was given the golden opportunity to take early separation from the Army and immediately sign on with one of the top-notch private security firms in Bagdad. A good one, not a crap outfit like Norman's. I'd been pegged (accurately) as one of the main ringleaders of the massacre operation and in a back-handed sort of compliment a few of the local senior generals thought my skills might come in handy (and be much more deniable) working as a private contractor. I'd shown a talent apparently for doing dirty-work, and lord knows that there was plenty of those sorts of missions in Iraq that needed to be done ... and by someone that could obviously keep their mouth shut. Also the money, about ten times what I had been making, was more than good enough to ensure that I'd likely keep my mouth very shut.
But then I had to go and fuck this new job up all on my own. The drinking. Working in a security team out in the back ass of nowhere far away from a bottle worked nicely to keep me doing my job out in the field, but when I was back at base or safe inside the Green Zone I was quickly becoming a liability. Again, this was a good outfit of top-notch professionals, and they didn't need or want anyone they couldn't trust to do their job 110%.
A little transfer was arranged, politely worded almost as if it were a promotion of sorts, sending me off to Blackwell Security Services where I'd been promised a good field intel job. It actually was a decent job for the year or two we remained in the Big Sandbox, where we mostly did bodyguard work for important VIPs. If there was any local wet-work, assassinating political troublemakers (which there was) I didn't much care, since they didn't care too much that I picked up a bottle the minute I was off-duty. Already I could tell that Norman tended to collect the fuckups and local rejects, but the pay was still very good and I just didn't give a shit in those days.
We then spent about six months in Afghanistan doing much of the same sort of shit until our merry band of screwups rather badly botched a political hit in some quasi-Taliban friendly village, and our operators needed to take out about a dozen more or less innocent bystanders to remove the witnesses. They'd missed one and a week later Reuters had a nice little news story and a mini-scandal brewed.
The local brass really needed us and our expensive no-bid contract there locally, but reports of this particular massacre did eventually reach all corners of the media until our name was too hot to politically handle. There was no particular proof that our unit had deliberately shot civilians, but by then our company name (like the more famous Blackwater Security) had an awful lot of black marks against it. Needed or not, we were too much of a political liability now and our contract was cancelled and we were all sent back home.
With the tropical storm, which had wimpy winds but some decent rain downpour along its fast moving wake, I didn't think that anyone would be expecting our boys back in Miami anytime soon. No one would probably think twice if they remained down here out of contact for several extra hours or maybe even a day. The roads down here were bad enough when dry and now were even worse when flooded. This wouldn't have been the first time that weather had kept the party going for an extra day....
I admit it, in my day-to-day job I deal with some rather oddball characters on both sides of the law, some with a foot in each world. A few mired up to their necks! Such a character was one Denver D. Culpepper, aka DeeDee, a retired locksmith who had closed up shop and moved down to Palmetto Bay, putting up a new shingle advertising his availability as an 'experienced treasure hunter'. Probably because the sign 'Expert Burglar' would have attracted entirely the wrong sorts of customers,...
While we'd been more or less alone earlier that day, I'd told the Foole a bit of my history ... rather more than was at all sensible or wise. Still, he'd heard my toasts yesterday evening and knew, or thought he knew, where a few of the dots connected. Yeah, like him I'd had a very checkered past too, and done a thing or maybe two that I didn't think I could ever be forgiven for, but a wound you keep tearing open can never heal. I'd taken revenge on Tori's killer. That was good, but...
the ravings of a known lunatic. Copyrighted May 2006 by The H20wader. Edited by Techsan, who still suffers with my spelling, my spacing, my Capital letters, and my dialogue sequences. I hope I am learning. He tries so hard. Alas, I cannot stop adding material, therefore all errors you can find are mine alone. Of course, all errors you cannot find are his. LOL. Spacer also had a hand in trying to straightening out the twists in the story. We disagreed on the ending. As author, I selected my...
On the face of it, things seemed really hopelessly screwed up. The very first light of dawn was beginning to glow on my upstairs curtains and unless I managed to get my head out of my ass and come up with a plan fast it was very likely to be my last living day on earth. But I had a surprise new partner, a so-called Foole ... and for some reason I now felt a lot better about the chances. The odds were better now (if still not exactly good) ... but the goods were rather odd indeed as he seemed...
As everyone says, conventional wisdom is that only a fool brings a knife to a gun-fight. Well technically in this case, a Foole did bring me and my knife to the gun-fight, but that's a separate issue. On the other hand, I was black-belt level in several martial arts, where being utterly naked wasn't entirely a critical disadvantage. You'd be rather surprised at: a) how much damage a knife can do, and b) how quickly a crazed and very determined knife-wielding assailant can close the...
DeeDee had been monitoring the local police and fire department channels and he suspected that they were both concerned enough about the loud explosions and the fireball exploding into the sky to get send some units our way, notification of scheduled demolitions or not. That had been one seriously huge bonfire that consumed the ambush house and now with all of our business here more or less completed, it was really time to get our asses far away from here. The idea of torching the Marauder...
As far as getaways go, mine couldn't have been much smoother. Before he'd left Miami, the Foole had arranged for another disposable rental car, with lease papers under my new temporary traveling identity. Not the one I hoped to use for the long term future, but a temporary facilitator identification. Enough to get me safely anywhere but here! When I was ready to establish roots again, then I could use my better and safer false ID for a more permanent life. I had one good outfit of clothes...
"Ree," Kedra whispered with a note of horror in her voice as she still lay huddled on the floor of the elevator with the Foole, "you giggled while blowing away those four men outside the elevator doors and actually laughed when you cleared the hallways on each side! Then you laughed some more while shooting the wounded, blowing their entire faces off with that shotgun! It's just not natural ... not human!" The look Kedra gave me strongly suggested that she was staring into the face of...
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*This is my first story, I've always thought about writing some in the past, and had started several, but due to a hard drive crash I lost everything and never really picked it back up again. This is kind of a "meat and potatoes" teaser short version of a story that I have been working on in my mind. If you like this story, please review and let me know if I should flesh it out -the author* -- ReThink Inc. -- These days, with the way the world had been going after the...
As is stated this is the sixth story in the ReGenesis, Inc. universe. It is another prequel, this one taking place prior to the first prequel "The Recruitment". This story essentially collects a lot of loose ends from the earlier stories in an attempt to say where some of the inhabitants within ReGenesis originally came. It doesn't include everyone. Those who archive stories freely may do so with this one. All five previous stories have been posted to this list. And should be...
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Erotic FictionREPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
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Disclaimer: This story contains adult language and situations. Persons under 17 not admitted without parent. This story also contains language which may be offensive to some. If you are easily offended, go away. This story may be archived only on sites that do not charge for access. Peabody, Inc. by Sarah Miller I. Betrayal It's you, you're the girl, who put a hole in my head. It's you, you're the one, said I'd be better off dead. It's you, from the land of no second...
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HardcoreThis is a prequel to 'ReGenesis, Inc'. There are NO transformations in the story. Archival is permitted at any *free* site, i.e., no fees charged. ReGenesis, Inc.: The Recruitment (a prequel) By Bill Hart Vincent Martensen, known to both his friends and his acquaintances as Vinnie, sat alone at the counter in "Bart's Downwind Bar" waiting for the person he'd been told to expect and recruit. As each person entered the bar, Vinnie immediately checked them against the picture...
Wishes Granted Inc.: The Anime Case By (Miss) Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Mei never could understand what her boyfriend, Mohammed, liked about Anime. "Mohammed! You are always watching Japanese cartoons. I really don't understand why." "Gee whiz, Mei! What is your problem? Don't I buy you stuff and take you places?" "Yes," said Mei. "Last week, we went to a Ranma 1/2 film festival and you bought me a Lum Urusei Yatsura T-shirt!" "Oh, come on Mei, I just wish that you would...
Leather & Lace Chapter 1 - Temporary Initiation By the White Knight I responded to a call from my temp agency to be at Madison and 63rd, at 9:00 am on Monday morning, for an undetermined length assignment. Short on money I really wanted to make a good impression, hoping that they would keep me on for a while, so I showed up a half-hour early. Walking into the lobby of the brown stone building, I was immediately met by a doorman. He asked if he could help me and I told him I was looking for the...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...
Sylvia had only dreamed of such luxury as she gawked at the hotel she’d just walked into, it was like a castle from a storybook tale. Adrienne smiled as she watched the young girls face, and for some reason was saddened to think of what was in store for the young girl, she hoped she could influence the buyers and find a kind and gentle man for Sylvia. Adrienne slipped into deep thought as she looked back upon how she got into this business, lucky for her, she was quick witted and quick...
Damsels In Distress Inc. : A Good Day for a Hike Alex took a deep breath and pushed the car door shut, locking everything but her keys inside as per her instructions. Not that she needed all that much. She was used to travelling light when hiking; car keys and a water bottle. And a cell phone for emergencies. She was nervous about not having it with her but that was the point. She glanced at her watch. It was a few minutes before the start of her ‘adventure’. Just enough time to stretch. Once...
HardcoreWishes Granted Inc.-Story One By Micah Distel Story can be posted. Just give me credit for it. "But mooom!" "I don't want to hear anymore about it. You're going to have to wear your sister's underwear and that's final." "But why? I don't want to wear panties. Why didn't you do laundry?" "Michael, you know I don't have a lot of time since I took on that second job. I'm sorry but you'll have to." "But what if someone sees me in them? I have gym class. Everyone will...
Wishes Granted Inc-Case Two By Micah Distel "Kevin! How many times have I told you to quit sneaking in my room?" "I don't know. How many?" "That is not the point! Everyday, I come from cheerleader practice and find you in my room looking for my diary. What am I to do with you? I know, I'll just tell mom when she comes home from work. With a little twist to it." "You don't scare me. She won't do anything. I'm the good kid. Remember?" "Oh we'll...
Wishes Granted Inc: Case Three By Micah Distel "Honey, are you alright?" "I'm fine. Blaaaaaaa!" "You know, maybe you should take a pregnancy test. That's probably why you've been sick lately." "I just had my period. I am NOT pregnant! Besides there are no other symptoms. Could you go and order us a marshmallow and anchovy pizza? I'm starving." "Honey, that sounds a bit odd." "Don't question me! I'm just hungry that's all. And if you can't order your wife a pizza because...
Wishes Granted Inc.: Christmas Story By Micah Distel Two weeks before Christmas, Billy's mother walked up to him and asked, "Billy, what do you want for Christmas?" Billy replied, in the typical fashion of a thirteen-year-old, with an extremely long list of gifts, totaling well over $300. Later that evening, Billy's mother sat down in front of the computer to work out this year's Christmas budget. "Boy, it was so much simpler when he was younger. A toy truck and he was happy....
Wishes Granted Inc, Case Six: Always a Bridesmaid By Micah Distel Kevin, unlike many men, was ready for a commitment. He was ready to get married and have a family. And at 33, he didn't think he had much of a chance left for that. The problem was, finding a wife. He had looked everywhere for the right girl. As the song goes, it seems he was looking for love in all the wrong places. But where was the right place? Then one day, he decideed to make another attempt at the e-personal...
A Second Chance (inc.) by Pyrite Friday Morning I had expected that today was going to be just another day for me when I had first set out to go to my office. Just the same as every other day had been in my routine and boring life I thought, as I sat in the old-fashioned coffee-shop for my now, customary early morning break. As had become my habit, I had gone into the office first and then printed out my emails, ready to review the morning's correspondence, and then come here...
Some time ago, I wrote a story called Lycra Fantasies. Steve Zink was nice enough to reply with some very kind comments and encouragement to develop a little fantasy universe I had been kicking around. Well, the vagaries of life got in the way, but it did give me a bit of time to flesh things out. Below is the product. A new universe I would like to call Fantasies Unlimited Inc. FUI has a couple of simple guidelines: 1. The CEO runs things via a computer network. Thus, each...
FETISH VIDEO INC. The dark colored limo slows toward the curb, rolls to a stop in front of a row of mostly rundown storefronts. ?We’re here.? The driver mutters, glancing unabashed into the rear view mirror, catching more then a glimpse of Jodi’s exposed, tanned cleavage as she’s leaning forward on the back seat, peering into her compact, freshening her lip-gloss. His expression becomes more of a smirk as his right hand reaches for the column gearshift, shoves it into park. ...
JFW, Inc. -- "Justice by Witches" Chapter 1 -- Nice doing business with you. "Is he awake? Can he hear us?" Anne wasn't really interested in the answers to her questions, but she needed to know if she could ask some questions about the procedure her husband Ken had just undergone without fear that he might hear about it all before they were ready for him to. Jennifer let out a small chuckle as she smoothed out a wrinkle in her suit pants. "For the most part, yes, but remember...
Copyright© 2004 "You've read the contract?" his voice was brusque, businesslike, not quite what she'd expected after reading the fine print in that contract. She half expected a few snickers, or at least a leer. "Yes," Melody paused searching for words, "your methods are, to say the least, unconventional! Do you really expect me to sign a contract like this? Something like that belongs in an adult book store, not in corporate offices!" "Am I to understand that you no longer...
My name is Honey and the now I will describe what happened in my childhood and why I was ferocious to take revenge. I was the youngest daughter in my family . I have two elder brother ,two elder sisters and one younger brother.When I have my first mens I went to my mom and told her and she laughed and told only you are now ready and I could not understand the meaning of this. After three days I was told by my mom to sleep with them in their king size bed.Now just after my sleep and I have not...
IncestThere were already half through one of the worst years since they had been married. It was like one set back after another for George and Gloria, first after trying to get pregnant since their honeymoon, this year she had two miscarriages. The Doctor claimed her husband had not only a low sperm count, what few he had been too weak to keep her with child. This was not only devastating news it was very humiliating to her husband as her female gynecologist not only prodded his privates she...
Damsels In Distress Inc. : A Good Day for a Hike Alex took a deep breath and pushed the car door shut, locking everything but her keys inside as per her instructions. Not that she needed all that much. She was used to travelling light when hiking, car keys and a water bottle. And a cell phone for emergencies. She was nervous about not having it with her but that was the point. She glanced at her watch. It was a few minutes before the start of her ‘adventure’. Just enough time to stretch. Once...
Damsels In Distress Inc. : Team Spirit Angel stopped and turned at the sound of the horn, nervously pressing her pleated skirt against her thighs. She felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as a pickup truck slowed down alongside her, the passenger checking her out. She felt suddenly silly trying to pass herself off as a cheerleader. Not that she didn’t look the part, dressed in a revealing green and gold outfit. Despite having graduated last summer, she knew she could easily pass as a...
Please enter your name under the "First Name" blank, & the chosen name of your FantasyWoman in the "Last Name" blank. If you've filled-out the form correctly, you should see your name here: John - & the name of your Fantasy Woman here: Doe - Welcome to FantasyWomen, Incorporated! Please sit back, & make yourself comfortable. In a few minutes, we wil begin the process that will allow you to select your ideal FantasyWoman from over 1,000 options! Once your Fantasy Woman is complete, you may...
Hello, hello! Welcome to Robo-Sluts INC or as we like to refer to ourselves as RSI for short. We here at RSI craft and manufacture only the greatest and best Robotic companions for your personal entertainment! Now, now despite the name our robots are more than simply just lifeless dolls for you to play with. No, my dear consumer the robots that we produce here at RSI are perhaps the most lifelike and realistic robotic companions that you will ever meet, and yes we said meet, as these Robo-sluts...
The year is 2055 and nanotechnology and gene editing technology have made incomprehensible strides. The government has begun to allow small scale human testing after most of the population began petitioning for general use. A 66 year old man stumbles out of bed and wanders to the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee from the previous day and adds his creamer. He limps over to the recliner in his living room and turns on his floor to ceiling telescreen. "People took to twitter today in a...
TranssexualThe propietor of the mysterious Magic Mart, Inc smiled to himself as he thought of all the fun he would have in this new location. Helping new customers achieve their dreams and desires. Or to help them settle old scores. No matter the motivation, the Shopkeeper was always happy to help. It always provided him with some interesting entertainment. He had quite the collection of merchandise to fit any need. There was the magical jewelry that changed bodies, granted wishes, teleported to other...