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Chapter 1:

Hi reader. My name is Jasmine. I won't tell you my age, but I bet if you pay attention you can probably make a pretty good guess, lol. I'm pretty young though. But I really am very mature for my age.

As I write this, I'm imagining all the people it might reach, letting so many strangers know my secrets, knowing the things I've done. I'll go through life from now on wondering if that cashier knows... that guy on the train knows... someone in my life knows... and just like right now, I'll get soooo hot.

I'm already horny pretty much alllll the time. My pussy is like never not slippery. It was kinda becoming a problem, lol. I masturbated alotttt at home but I'd also get really horny walking to school or in class or wherever and it would drive me nuts. I'd get so wet my panties got all soaked and alot of the time it would leave a mark on my chair.

It all started when I went swimming one time in a friend's pool, only I couldn't really swim yet, and her dad was holding me up to float. But he had one hand under my chest with one finger touching my nip through my undershirt, and his other hand under my hips, with one finger kinda wriggling between my legs a bit through the fabric of my panties. It made me feel warm and fuzzy in my tummy and I ended up kinda making motions pretending I was just trying to swim, but kinda spreading my legs so I'd bump up on his finger better.

That night I slept over and didn't have dry undies so I just slept in a large tshirt, and I woke up a little bit because the door opened, but I kept pretending to be asleep because it was after 10 and I thought I'd be in trouble for being awake. And her dad came in and sat down next to me and stayed there for a while, I guess to make sure I was asleep. And then he started slowly lifting my tshirt. I heard him kinda gasp/choke when my pussy became visible, and groaning "Oh my God..." when he pulled the shirt up to above my nips.

I heard a zip and then breathing that slowly got harder, and then a sort of wet slappy noise for a minute, and then it stopped and I felt something warm and wet slowly trail along my chest and touch my nips, and then felt it touch my mouth, pushing between my lips a little bit and touching my tongue. It tasted salty and kinda nice, so I murmured and licked at it a bit and heard her dad moan and felt him putting his hand on my knee and pulling my leg to the side, and then the taste was gone but the slappy noise came back and I felt the warm wet thing softly rubbing up between my legs and bouncing at the same speed as the slappy noise.

I was starting to feel really funny, and then I heard a hiss of breath and just felt warmth flooding the outside of my pussy, some warm gooey wet stuff covering me and tickling me as it dripped down to the bed. A minute later I felt him wiping me with something, and he quickly left.

When I was sure he was gone and that my friend was still asleep next to me, I licked my lips and tasted more of the salty stuff, pulled up my nightshirt again, and started petting the spot where the warm wet thing had been sliding. The feeling was weird and the longer I did it the funnier I felt in my tummy. I fell asleep an hour later with my hand still between my legs, rubbing myself in my sleep.

I didn't cum that night, I didn't even know what cumming was yet. But ever since that day I'd touch and pet myself whenever I could. A few months later I was awake at night again, and at the time I'd started trying all kinds of different things to rub myself with. I had a pair of smooth plastic sunglasses and was rubbing them up and down on my panties, the little gap between the lenses flicking at my button, and outside my room I heard the same slappy noise again, and soft moaning. I got up and snuck out to see what it was, and dropped down to the floor and crawled over to my dad's room and peeked through the crack in his door.

He was on his back on top of his blankets, with his hand around a big thing that was sticking out from between his legs, kinda pulling on it up and down. I finally knew what it must have looked like that night when my friend's dad touched me. I watched in amazement, wondering why I'd never noticed that thing before sticking out at the front of dad's pants, licking my lips at the memory of the salty taste of my friend's dad, wondering if my dad's thing tasted like that too.

His movements got faster and I started rubbing myself again, crouched in front of his door and watching him stroke himself, watching his face. His eyes were closed and he was kinda frowning with his mouth slightly open, and it almost looked like he was in pain, but somehow it made the place between my legs even hotter and I petted myself faster, until he moaned and arched his back and something shot out of the tip. Now I knew what had been dripping down my pussy that night. He stopped moving and I snuck back to my room.

Wow. I didn't know why, but I felt funnier than ever in my tummy, and it felt like the place between my legs was hot and throbby. I took off my panties and looked. It looked a bit puffy, and when I touched it it tingled. I kept touching it, little strokes near the top where it felt the best, on the little bump there. And I thought about the night with my friend's dad, only this time I pictured my dad instead, and the hard thing between his legs touching me, and... It felt like heat and tingling was collecting from my entire body, in that one little spot where I was touching myself, and my whole body tensed up...

And I whispered "Ohhhh daddy..." and I felt a release, and a squeeze, and a release, and heat, and wetness, and tingles, and twitching, and WOW! It felt like all the tension that had built up in my body was pouring right out of me from between my legs!

After that, there was no stopping me. I touched myself even more than before, only now I knew how to take it all the way to the finish. Eventually, using my computer, I found out that it was called masturbation, that I was cumming, that I had a clitty, that what I'd seen and felt were penises, that they produced cum too. I was obsessed with finding out everything there was to know about sex, and even more obsessed with making myself cum over and over again. If I had an hour at home alone, I'd cum 12 times.

That was like 2 years ago and it was getting so bad by last year that I didn't know what to do anymore. I was cumming more easily and frequently than ever, watching porn, reading sex stories, fantasizing, masturbating - and even cumming when I wasn't playing with myself at all. On bumpy bus rides, on the back of a friend's bike, even once on a rollercoaster while sitting next to a stranger, lol. Then I met someone that really changed everything.

Chapter 2:

I have a laptop and sometimes I'll sneak on it in the middle of the night when dad's asleep, and a while ago I was on it at 2am. Usually I just look at porn and stuff but sometimes I try to chat to people. Not very often though, because if I tell the truth about my a/s/l they just get weird and leave, or lecture me that I shouldn't be there, and if I lie about my age they just wonder why I won't turn my webcam on.

Anyway, I was reeeeeeally really horny that night, so I was kinda more daring than usual and went to the chatroom with the name "slippery_lil_clitty" and got the usual avalanche of pm messages and invitations to view cams. I always click accept on the cams and look at the cocks that fill my screen, but they usually disconnect after a while.

So this time a guy invited me to view his cam, and O. M. G. he had such a gorgeous cock!!!! It was big, not like freakishly huge but really impressive and sooooo rock hard, you could see all the veins standing out on it. I soooo wanted to lick and suck it, and he teased the crap out of me, lol. He just sat there and used just his fingertips to stroke it sooo slowly, pulling the foreskin all the way up and then down again, sloooowly making the head peek out and make the skin go tighter until the head slipped through it. It looked shiny and wet and delicious and I wanted it sooooo bad.

Then he messaged me.

James: Like what you see?

This was it, he'd ask about me and find out my age and disconnect, or I'd lie and he'd ask me to cam and I couldn't. And that gorgeous cock would be gone, I actually got sad at the thought. So I thought, fuck it, I'm screwed either way.

slippery_lil_clitty: wow, yessssss. It's incredible!

James: Show me that clitty of yours.

slippery_lil_clitty: I can't.

James: Why not?

slippery_lil_clitty: because you'll leave when you find out my age.

James: I'll also leave if you don't. How old?

So I told him my age. He stopped typing, sat back in his chair on cam, and for what seemed like ages, nothing happened. Then he started to sit up and reach for his desk again, and I knew this would be it. He'd grab the mouse and disconnect and that would be the end of it. God I hated being this age.

He started typing.

James: Turn your cam on.

My heart was pounding in my chest. He didn't disconnect! At least not yet. He wanted me to go on cam. Omg. I'd never done this before, but I really didn't want him to leave. Seriously, his cock was THAT gorgeous. But I was naked! I quickly pulled my blankets up to my chin, took a deep breath, and sent the cam invite.His eyes went wide for a moment and then he looked at me for a while.

James: You weren't lying.

slippery_lil_clitty: no.

James: You're very, very pretty.

slippery_lil_clitty: thank you.

James: Why are you all covered up?

slippery_lil_clitty: because I'm not wearing anything lol

James: Lower the blanket.

I hesitated. He covered his cam with his hand, and the pang of regret on my face must have been visible. Noooo! Come back, beautiful cock!

James: Lower. The. Blanket.

I bit my lip, closed my eyes, and let it drop to my waist. Again I was sure he'd disconnect, let's just say I don't exactly have an impressive rack yet. At the time I was pretty much flat, just two rock hard nips on a slight swelling of flesh.I slowly opened my eyes again, and he was staring intently at the screen, licking his lips.

James: Wow.

slippery_lil_clitty: yeah. I know, disappointing.

James: No. You're beautiful.

I laughed, but his face... could he mean it? He sure looked like he liked what he saw. I felt a little less shy and began to relax, then toy with him by smiling coyly and using one finger to flick my hard nips.

James: Get rid of the rest of the blanket.

slippery_lil_clitty: um

James: Do it or I'm gone.

I'd learned my lesson the last time, and simply obeyed. I pushed the blanket down and away, completely naked now. Nervous again, but also hornier than I'd ever felt before. I felt exposed, like I could almost *feel* his eyes on me, touching every part of me, and I wanted to open my legs, feel his gaze touch me where I needed to be touched most...

James: Wow. That smooth little triangle... Spread your legs for me baby.

James: Oh. My. God...

I spread my legs slowly, exposing my little pussy to full view, and the wetness between my legs was actually visibly glinting in the soft light. He was squeezing his cock with a hard fist now, appearing to breathe heavy, typing with one hand only so as not to release the death grip he had on his cock.

James: Lick your finger and rub your nips, honey.

I did as he asked and discovered something I'd never known before - wet nips were sensitive to air, and they quickly seemed to get even harder and sent a weird tingling feeling all the way down to my pussy. I wriggled a little at the effect.

James: Lower your right hand and extend only your middle finger. Barely touching, start at the top of your pussy and run your finger lightly along the left lip all the way to the bottom, then up again on the right.

As horny as I'd constantly been for the past year and as much as I'd masturbated, I'd always just gone straight for my clitty and never experimented with the sensations a light touch could bring to the rest of my pussy. It was starting to throb as I languidly circled my pussy with one lazy finger, my knees pulled up showing my core to this stranger.

James: Place your fingertip softly at the bottom, in the center of your pussy, and slowly caress upwards along the slit... On it, not between it...

I shivered as my finger passed tantalizingly close to my clitty, only separated from it by my pussy lips.

James: Do it again, but press just a little harder this time, let your fingertip slip between those juicy lips slightly... stop before you reach your clitty baby, don't touch it yet.

James: Lower your other hand and spread your lips with two fingers.

James: Ohhhhh my God you're so fucking perfect...

James: Keep yourself spread open for me honey... Run the finger of your other hand gently along your inner lips, up one side and down the other, across the top just above your clitty...

James: Good girl... Keep gently circling... God you're so soft and pink...

I'd never wanted to rub my clitty so badly before in my life and felt like I was going to cum at the slightest touch. I was panting hard at this point, moaning softly, staring at his cock greedily and picturing it next to my mouth, imagining kissing it, licking my lips...

James: Put your fingertip on the entrance to your hot little hole, sweetie. Put just a little pressure on it, let your fingertip slip between your inner lips and into you just a little, then back out... Keep dipping into your sweet little honeypot like that baby... feel how wet you are...

James: You're a virgin, aren't you.

I bit my lip and nodded, still convinced anything might make him decide I wasn't worth his time.

James: Go just a little deeper, up to the first knuckle, but no further. You might feel your cherry, don't push against it. When your fingertip is inside you, curl your finger inside you, up towards your clitty...

I groaned. The area I was pressing on felt swollen and sensitive, and was almost like touching my clitty from the inside somehow. I could feel my pussy squeezing around my finger, my hips started to buck involuntarily, trying to fuck myself deeper onto my finger. All I could picture now as I stared at his cock was it taking the place of my finger, pushing itself into me, my pussy squeezing it and trying to pull it in deeper... He was beginning to stroke himself in earnest now, long slow firm strokes, milking his cock for me....

James: Are you close?

I nodded.

James: Me too. Let's cum together, sweetie. Rub yourself inside with little circular motions honey... and with your other hand, take your clitty between two fingers and squeeze it softly, pull on it a little, roll it around between your fingers... Cum for me baby... Imagine yourself placing your pussy on the tip of my hard cock and slowly pushing down, impaling yourself on it, taking me inside you deeply as I get closer to cumming, feeling me stretch and fill you... You want me to fill you, don't you honey? You want to feel my hot creamy cum pumped deep into your tummy... Cum for me sweetheart... Cum baby... Cum...

I barely had time to read his message before his cock started to pump out gushes and gushes of creamy white cum that ran all over his hand, and oh God I was cumming so hard nothing else mattered, all I could think about was my gushing pussy and his creaming cock, not caring if I woke up my dad, moaning loudly "Yes! Yes! Ohhhhhh yessssss I'm cummingggggggggg....!!!"

Chapter 3:

After that night, I kept in touch with James and talked to him for hours every day. Sometimes he'd watch me make myself cum for him, other times he'd just answer my questions and teach me tips and tricks about my own body and about men, and I could talk to him about anything I thought or wondered about. I didn't get to see his cock much, he was married and it was kinda risky for him, but a few times I got some really amazing close up views and he showed me where and how men like to be touched and sucked. I owe pretty much everything I know to him.

Anyway, I was talking to him one day, telling him how hard it was to be horny all the time and dripping through my panties when I'm at public places like school. We exchanged mobile numbers and he told me to text him if I ran into trouble.

I was in history class, and I'd told James I had a total crush on my history teacher. He was 48 and really grumpy, most k**s hated him but the grumpiness just turned me on. I texted James, and he started to tease me.

SMS message: Jazzy... Look at him. Imagine if he knew you were wet right now thinking about him. Do you think he'd get hard? I bet he would. Can you picture his cock swelling up in there? Imagine him in his bed, stroking his big swollen cock to the thought of you...

I quickly raised my hand and asked to be excused, and basically RAN for the bathrooms. I made sure all the stalls were empty and texted back "Stop it! You're gonna make me embarrass myself! I'm gonna have to masturbate in the bathroom or I won't make it through class! I ran out so fast I didn't even put my eraser down, lol"

SMS message: No, don't. Trust me sweetheart. No one will know. Put the eraser in your panties... pressed up against your clitty... and go back in.

I walked back in selfconscious as all hell, feeling the eraser squish against my button with every step. I sat down and it pressed up against me, I almost moaned but managed to stick to a soft sigh. It was the second half of class, and we usually got to work by ourselves, getting a head start on the homework. Everyone, including my teacher, were bent over their desks.

SMS message: I assume you're back in your seat by now with the rubber poking between your soft little lips, bumping that excited little button of yours... Write him a letter, honey. Pretend you're doing homework but write down all the things you want to do to him.

Was James insane??? I couldn't let mr. Ashford know!! And then, as if he'd read my mind;

SMS message: Don't hand it in, sweetie. Just pretend he'll read it...

As horny as I was, that actually sounded like a good idea at the time. So I wrote.

Dear mr. Ashford,

Right now, I'm sitting in your classroom watching you grade papers, and I'm looking at the outline of the bulge in your jeans. I've liked you for ages and I'm so incredibly wet for you. I have an eraser tucked in my panties right now, pressed up against my clitty, and I'm wriggling my hips a little bit, trying to hump it, feeling it caress my pussy and bringing me closer to cumming right in front of you... You won't even know it, but soon my pussy will contract and release and gush juices all over my panties, and I'll be cumming to the thought of you... Your hard cock between my soft wet lips, on my hot tongue, inside my tight slippery pussy... I'm gonna cum, sir... I'm cumming for you...

And I was cumming alright. My entire body tensed up and twitched as I clutched my desk, my pussy spasming crazily, me trying to keep a straight face, convinced everyone in the room would see, would know, and only cumming harder despite the setting. Or maybe because of it...

And, right in the middle of the orgasm I was trying to pretend I wasn't having, the principal came in and spoke my name. I jumped up so suddenly I felt the eraser slip out of my wet panties and clunk onto my chair. Oh my god.

Chapter 4:

I walked back into the classroom a little dazed. My dad, in the hospital? Apparently he'd had a minor heart attack. I was stunned. The principal had been really concerned and sweet and I kept telling him I was fine. My dad would be ok, he'd just have to stay for observation for a while, he'd asked the principal to tell me what had happened and to go stay with our neighbours tonight, and that they'd take me to see him tomorrow... I was pretty weirded out. It all just came outta nowhere. The bell rang, I packed my stuff, my classmates all hovered around asking useless questions like "are you ok" and I couldn't wait to get outta there.

I was halfway home before I remembered what I'd been doing before the principal called me out to the hallway.

Had I packed away the letter?? The eraser??? I stopped behind a tree and looked through my whole backpack... nothing. Oh my God. Had they still been there when I came back in? Had I just left them? Maybe they just got knocked to the floor and the letter got crumpled up and would end up in the trash when the janitor came. But what if one of my classmates got it? What if mr. Ashford did? No, that would be too big of a coincidence. I was sure it'd just gotten lost somehow.

I got to John and Gina's and they were warm and welcoming as ever. I'd known them since I was born and they were basically family, slightly too young to be the grandparents I'd never had, but they acted like it anyway. Gina had cooked my favourite meal (spaghetti!) and insisted I have some of the home made chocolate pudding she always makes me, but I wasn't really hungry and it only made them more cuddly and worried. I couldn't exactly tell them I wasn't just upset about my dad though!

They let me stay up late and snuggle on the couch while we watched a movie, and I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew I woke myself up with soft moaning sounds. I'd only opened my eyes a crack before I realized where I was and what was happening.

John had been behind me on the couch, sharing a blanket with me, and Gina was on her own one seater recliner, asleep - I must have been dreaming about James or mr. Ashford, because in my sleep I'd started grinding my butt into John's crotch. Oops...

Except... I felt a bulge. Was John... turned on??

I couldn't believe I was even considering this, but seriously, I was ALWAYS horny and the one thing I wanted more than anything was cock... so I pretended to be asleep and kept rubbing up on John. I was pressed against him so closely at this point that his lips were touching my ear, and his breathing got steadily more laboured. I don't know what it was about the sound of his soft grunting, but in that moment I became determined to make him cum no matter what. I shifted a little and groaned as though I was dreaming, angling my butt up so the bulge in his boxers would fall just under it and become nestled between my legs, tilting my torso sideways and arching my back so my rock hard little nips would poke through the fabric of my sleep shirt. Wriggling around his bulge I moved my arm to his side and found his forearm, stroking it and moving towards his hand. John froze, but I gave no indication of being awake, and his heavy breathing soon started up again.

I gently took his hand and moved it to my hip, murmuring something nonsensical, and started moving it down towards the front of my panties. And when he first made contact with the very obviously damp crotch, his breath caught in his throat and he groaned.

Finally he got the hint and placed a finger along the fold in the center of my panties, and started softly stroking. Ohhh God it felt incredible to have someone else touch me, my hips started moving back and forth towards his hand and back to his bulge and my juices started flowing more than ever.

I moved my hand back behind me and reached for his bulge, and once again he froze - his hand shot away from my pussy and to my wrist, trying to stop me. But my continued grinding made him falter, and as his grip relaxed, I moved his hand back to my pussy and very openly and obviously reached for his bulge again, caressing it before pulling his boxers slightly down.

He whispered. "Jas... are you awake?" I no longer cared and opened my eyes, looked at him biting my lower lip, and reached into his boxers, grasping his incredibly hard cock and guiding it out.

"Jas, what are you doing??"

"Shh. You'll wake Gina."

That shut him up alright. She was still asleep, but her recliner was almost facing us, and all she'd have to do was open her eyes to see something was going on. Or maybe she wouldn't know. We were moving very slowly, and the blanket covered us. He could stop and maybe get away with it. So I started pulling my shirt up, exposing my rock hard nips and guiding his other arm, the one I was laying on, towards them. He gulped and started to paw at me, softly squeezing and flicking. I pushed the blanket down, exposing his hand's work on my panties, hearing him groan at the sight, and I reached back again.

His cock felt so hard under the skin, but so soft on the outside... I aimed it back down between my legs and reached back to his hand on my pussy, moving my panties to the side.

Finally feeling his skin on mine, his fingers softly and easily burrowing between my slippery lips, shooting incredible shocks through me with every touch of my button. I began thrusting my hips again, now feeling my slippery pussy slide along the outside of his hard shaft, coating him in my juices, jerking him off between my legs, moving more frantically the closer I got to cumming, wanting to feel it inside me... My shirt up and blanket down, panties to the side, all Gina had to do was open her eyes and she'd see us completely exposed, her husband d****d around my basically naked body, his hand pawing at my nips and his fingers slipping and sliding on my pussy, the wet shiny head of his cock poking through to the front of my crotch and grazing my clitty.

Me intentionally tilting my pussy up to him on one of the strokes, before moving back again and feeling the head of his hot cock pressed up against the entrance of my tight little hole.

Again, his hand on my hip, stopping me from going further. Me pushing back ever so slowly anyway. The head of his cock stretching my opening and finally, with a slight pop, entering me. I froze at the incredible sensation - even just the tip of a penis inside me felt hotter than anything I'd ever experienced before. I felt my pussy squeezing around the throbbing head, like it wanted to pull it in deeper, and as John groaned hotly in my ear, I soon got the idea and started purposely using my pussy muscles to squeeze him more.

We were completely holding still, but inside me my pussy was jerking him off and trying to suck him deep into me, and he gripped my hip tightly. "Jas... stop.... please...." Oh God his groans were incredibly hot, I was so close to cumming... and I kept squeezing him... massaging his cock with my silky little hole... hearing his breathing turn erratic... feeling his cock swell up inside me... and as he began to cum into me, I came too, feeling happier than ever before, feeling almost satisied. Almost.

Chapter 5:

John had slunk off to bed right after it happened, and hadn't spoken to me all morning other than minimal formalities. I was sorry he was so bothered by what had happened, but mainly just annoyed that he hadn't been willing to really fuck me deeply, let me taste him, satisfy all the urges I'd had for so long. It all just felt like one big tease to me, and very unfair. I still had my cherry, for chrissake! Of course I knew I'd come on to him, and that he felt like a m*****er, and that he was married... But I was sex crazed, and none of those things really mattered anymore in my mind. I just wanted the itch finally scratched.

So I found some lame excuse to get mad and storm off to school. In retrospect, poor John probably thought I was mad he "took advantage" of me. He still tries to avoid me. God I was frustrated that day. I stopped twice on my way to school and furiously rubbed my pussy to orgasm, once on the path in the woods and once behind a bus stop where cars could have seen me. I couldn't stop thinking about the feeling of that head stretching my little hole, of the hot cum pumping into me. I was obsessed and distracted as hell all day.

Even in history class, believe it or not. Despite my favourite teacher sitting just a few feet away from me, all I could do was stare out the window and wish the throbbing heat between my legs would go away. Apparently he was paying attention, though, because after the bell rang and I packed my things, he stopped me and waited for my classmates to leave.

"Jasmine, are you alright?"

"Yes, sir, I'm fine."

"You seem awfully distracted today."

"I'm sorry sir."

"Your father is doing well?"

"He's just under observation."

"I see. Jasmine, I'm concerned about you."

"I really am fine, sir."

"I'm sure, but do me a favour and come see me later this afternoon anyway."

"Sir? School's out."

"At my house, Jasmine."

This confused me so much all I could do was mumble my agreement. On my way back home I started to wonder. The conversation had been about my dad, and I'd obviously seemed bothered in class. That's what it would be about, right? It couldn't be about the letter, could it? He hadn't seemed to be acting strange, had he?

I went home intending to log on for a while and chat to James - no such luck, he was offline. I sat in my window seat and tried to read for a while, but wasn't having much luck focusing - and when I saw John mowing his lawn, I was washed over with frustration again and gave up entirely. For the next hour, all I did was sit there working myself up into a worried frenzy. Every possible horrible outcome of the meeting, and even some impossible ones, played through my mind. By the time I was due to leave for mr. Ashford's place, I was an emotional wreck.

I headed to mr. Ashford's and stopped at a bench one block away from his house. I was nervous. Really, REALLY nervous. I knew I was going to be late, but for ten minutes I couldn't bring myself to get moving again. My life would be over if he knew! My phone vibrated.

SMS message: Take your panties off before you go in, sweetheart. No matter what happens, you won't stress as much knowing you're not wearing undies. You'd be surprised how much a little secret like that can take the pressure off a situation ;) good luck baby.

James! Thank God! He'd read the offline messages I'd left for him and come to my rescue.

And a rescue it was, because even just thinking about it made me grin and completely shifted my mood from terrified to mischievous. I took a quick look around to make sure the coast was clear, reached under my skirt and slipped out of my panties, quickly tucking them in my blazer pocket.

As I walked (almost skipped, the breeze on my pussy felt really naughty and nice) up to mr. Ashford's porch, I felt another pang of dread but quickly rang the doorbell anyway.

"Jasmine. You're late."

He looked serious. Seriously concerned or seriously annoyed, I couldn't tell.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Follow me."

He made a pitstop at the kitchen and offered me an orange juice, then led me to his study and sat down behind his desk, indicating for me to take a seat on the sofa. Was he trying to look professional or just putting distance between us? I made a point of bending over to put my drink down, making the hem of my skirt ride dangerously high, before sitting down.

"Jasmine, there's something I'd like to discuss with you, and I wanted this conversation to take place away from school because I want you to understand that I have no intention of letting this interfere with your academic career, if it can be avoided. I'm on your side here, do you understand?"

What? Remember, no panties. I tried to focus on my pussy, knowing that if his viewing angle was slightly lower he'd be able to see up my skirt and between my legs. Mmmm.

"No, sir, I don't."

"Jasmine, let's not play games."

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. He was toying with a worn pink eraser as he spoke, tapping it on the desk as he twiddled it.

MY eraser. Oh crap...

"I... I'm not playing any game, sir."

My eraser. Coated in my juices. Being touched by his fingers. Mmmm...

"Jasmine, we both know why you're here. I found your note, and I'm very concerned. Do you understand that if this became official school business there would be serious consequences? What you wrote was... Incredibly inappropriate. Now I understand that you're going through a difficult time with your father in hospital, but I believe you wrote this before that particular incident."

"Yes, sir."

I hung my head and tried to look contrite, but the reality of the situation really wasn't sinking in at all. The only thing I could think of was... Here I am... Alone with mr. Ashford in his house... my pussy secretly exposed...

"Now Jasmine, I also understand that a girl your age goes through certain developments and feelings. And while they all may be very normal and even healthy, it's important to also learn to control them. Poor decisions at this stage can severely impact your life, and forever, Jasmine. It's only natural for a girl to explore these things, but you are simply not mature enough to act on them in any way or communicate them to any other person in this manner. There are people that are all too willing to take advantage of you and you simply must learn to avoid these situations until you are more grown up."

I looked up, unbelieving, beginning to feel angry.

"Sir, with all due respect, how grown up am I? Do you even know me?"

"Jasmine, I've been a teacher for 28 years and I've seen countless young women like you-"

I stood up and cut him off.

"Like me? You think I'm just like everyone else? You DON'T know me. You don't know the FIRST THING about me. I can make my own decisions, because I'm more mature than you think, mr. Ashford."

"That's what every little girl thinks, but-"

"Little girl?!?"

I walked over to the side of his desk.

"I am NOT a little girl."

"Jasmine... I know you think you know it all, but you are confusing fantasy with reality, letting your daydreams carry you too far. I'm sure some things are fun to dream about, but do you honestly think you'd be ready to carry them out in the real world? It's not what you imagine it to be, and you don't have the strength of character for situations like those yet."

I eyed him silently for a few seconds.

"Wanna bet?"

I placed my hand on my thigh, slowly trailing my fingers upwards, pulling the hem of my skirt up as I went, watching his eyes blink rapidly as he tried to decide what to say to "snap me out of it". The side of my skirt held up to my hip, the fabric still covering my bare pussy, I slowly raised my exposed leg and moved it over his lap, placing my foot on the far armrest of his chair and leaning my butt on the edge of the desk in front of him, sliding on it until I was positioned directly in front of him. I began to raise my other leg to his other armrest, trapping him.


I ignored him and leaned back on his desk, pulling my skirt up to my waist slowly, closing my eyes and knowing he could see everything, trailing a finger up my inner thigh right in front of his shocked face, teasing myself. Circling my pussy, softly petting the slit, sighing at every touch. He was frozen.

"Right here, mr. Ashford. This is where I imagine you touching me, this is where I dream of your cock sliding, probing around, looking for its way into my body..."

He'd moved closer, I knew that even with my eyes closed. I could feel his hot breath on my pussy.

"Mmmmmm. Look at me, mr. Ashford. I'm right in front of your face, completely open, waiting. Look at how wet I am, listen to the slick sounds of my finger dipping into my hot little hole and spreading my slickness around my throbbing little button. Touch it for me, mr. Ashford. Please, sir. Touch my little pussy."

I felt his breath on my leg, and then him kissing my inner thigh, his hand running softly up my other thigh and then finally touching me, his fingers sliding onto my pussy lips, spreading me open and gazing at my pussy, one rough finger gently landing on my desperate clitty, beginning to slowly circle my button... And stopping.

"No... We can't... What am I doing…"

He began to pull away and I quickly reached down, grabbing his hand and pressing it onto me and gyrating my hips, masturbating myself with his lifeless palm, moaning "Please sir... I need this so bad... Please let me cum..."

He groaned. "Ohhhhh God." He grabbed my wrist, pushed it roughly away and took my hips in his hands, pulling me closer. He seemed to suddenly GROWL and all I felt was the softest hottest wettest feeling I could ever have imagined. He had his lips around the top half of my pussy and was sucking on it, pulling my clitty into his mouth and lapping at it with his tongue, grunting the entire time. It hadn't been more than a few seconds before I grabbed him by the hair, grinding my pussy into his face, moaning "Ohhhhhh yessssss mr. Ashford I'm cummingggggg in your mouthhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", thrashing and spasming against his lips and tongue as I felt him moan his "Mmmmmmmmhh"s loudly into me and slurp madly while my pussy flooded his lips and tongue with my cum.

He kept licking and sucking at me even as my orgasm subsided, and I wondered for a few seconds why it felt like he was bouncing, until I leaned on my elbows and saw him jerking off furiously, with his mouth still latched onto my dripping pussy. It was so incredibly hot to see his face buried between my legs, his eyes dreamily half closed, slurping and grunting like a starving man while he stroked his cock. I softly stroked his hair and watched as he made contented "mmmmmh" noises into my pussy, suckling at me like a baby, drinking in my juices and working my clitty to make more.

I almost let him continue, but I slid away from his head, his expression of horror almost comical until he realized I was just sliding down off the desk and between his legs, taking him by the wrist as he had done to me and pushing his hand roughly away from his cock so I could take over.

My first close up of a real cock, and my God it looked delicious. It twitched slightly with his pulse and looked strained to capacity with the blood filling it, precum oozing freely from the tip. I took it in my hand and was again amazed at the silky feel of the skin, then tilted my head sideways and sank down to the base of the shaft, placing soft kisses and licks on the underside as I worked my way upwards to the head. His knuckles were white from gripping his armrests and he sounded like an a****l now, huffing and grunting as he stared down at me working on his cock.

I fluttered a soft kiss on the tip and snaked my tongue out, giving the head a little lick and pulling back, his precum visibly stringing from his cock to my tongue. I brought my tongue into my mouth and closed my eyes, savouring my second taste of precum. Opening my eyes again I looked up and stared ferociously into his eyes, before growling myself and engulfing the head between my soft warm lips and suckling on it gently while lapping at it with my tongue, making him groan and place a gentle hand on top of my head.

I was in heaven with my mouth full of cock, and so hot I felt like I was going to cum again without so much as touching myself. I reached down and began running my fingers in an upside down V-shape between my pussy lips, placing my clitty between them and pinching them together, massaging it while worshiping this delicious cock, moaning on his hot meat as I fingered myself to the blowjob I was giving.

I circled the head with my tongue inside my mouth and licked at the underside, using my tongue to pull him deeper into my mouth, engulfing more and more of his hard shaft as he dug his fingers into my hair, wanting to taste more, to feel more, sucking and licking and sinking down. Until he was at the back of my throat and I felt like gagging, but God I didn't want to let go, not now, not when I finally had a cock inside at least one of my hungry holes.

And he didn't want me to pull back either, he pushed my head further down and raised his hips up to meet me, and all I could think to do was swallow, working my throat muscles around his throbbing meat and taking it all the way into my mouth, feeling him penetrating my throat, my lips reaching the very base of his shaft and still sucking, licking, swallowing, moaning, fingering...

Feeling him pull back slightly and push forward again hard, in longer and longer strokes until he was thrusting almost all the way out of my mouth and into my throat again. Fucking my mouth and throat hard and growling as he whispered to me.

"Yessss.... you little whore... take it... Take my cock... Ohhhh God let me fuck those soft little cherry lips... taste my cock... Drink my cum you little slut... Ohhhh fuck I'm cumming deep in your hungry little whore mouth, I'm cumming, take my hot cream..."

And me cumming hard all over my hand at these words, hearing him roar as he came, flooding my lips and tongue and throat with his delicious creamy cum, and me swallowing, sucking, licking, swallowing, cumming, cumming, swallowing, swallowing...

Chapter 6:

As I guess I should have expected, as soon as mr. Ashford had blown his load in my hungry mouth, everything changed back. He wouldn't let me near him, wouldn't look at me, kept apologizing like I hadn't enjoyed it. He even had tears in his eyes when he asked me to please forgive him and please leave. Nothing I could do could convince him to give me what I needed most. Very frustrating.

I went home. I couldn't face another night at John and Gina's and just dropped a note through their mail slot informing them I'd be at home and I was old enough to look after myself. All I wanted to do was take a long quiet soak in the hot tub.I got in the tub before filling it and laid down on my back, letting the water level slowly rise around me, filling my ears and making the world silent.

My hands absently caressed my body and pinched my nips. The water level rose enough to start tickling my pussy, and I thought back to how it had felt to have my clitty in mr. Ashford's mouth. My hand traveled lower and played with the water streaming from the faucet, angling a small drizzle from the stream towards my clitty. The way he'd taken me into his mouth, sucked me in, licked me like he'd wanted to devour me...

I scooched my butt down and raised my legs to the edges of the tub, letting the stream of water fall directly on my burning button. With my eyes closed, I thought back to his rock hard cock throbbing on my tongue... And to John's cock, teasing just the entrance to my little hole... Why hadn't they let me keep going? Why wouldn't anyone just fuck me deeply? All I wanted was to be filled... completely...

My hips writhed under the stream, making the water land sometimes on my clitty and other times my hot little opening, teasing me but not penetrating. Frustrated, I turned on the jets - ohhh. A strong beam of water shot itself into my little hole, opening me about as far as John had, the tap still streaming on my clitty, reminding me of being sucked by mr. Ashford and almost-fucked by John at the same time... Why didn't they want me? What was wrong with me? And as I came, I cried.

An hour later, James was trying unsuccessfully to cheer me up.

James: Come on, sweet pea. Drop that silly towel and make your sweet pussy giggle for Jamesy ;)

slippery_lil_clitty: yeah right. So you can get weird on me too?

James: You know I'd never do that, honey. You have to understand that not all men are like them, and that they do want you. They're just afraid.

slippery_lil_clitty: HA. THEY're afraid?? Good one. I thought they were supposed to be the allknowing adults and I was the stupid idiot.

James: Sweetheart, listen. You're not stupid. You know that if they got caught it would ruin their lives. It's not about not wanting you, it's about not being sure you won't tell on them, that it's not a trap. Society doesn't think someone like you should be having sex, and rightly so. Most girls your age are absolutely not ready for this, and anyone that takes advantage of that is a monster. How do you expect them to know you're different? They're just scared you'll change your mind and tell on them.

slippery_lil_clitty: you think I'd do that?

James: Of course not. But they don't know you like I do, sweetie.

slippery_lil_clitty: great. Then why don't you fuck me?

James: I'm trying :p

slippery_lil_clitty: no. I mean for real. Why don't you?

James: Oh honey. You know my situation. I can't just pick up and leave for a day with no explanation to my wife. Don't you think I wish I could?

slippery_lil_clitty: but if you could, or if I was there, you really would?

James: God, a thousand times YES. You have no idea how beautiful you are, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you, or my cock out of you. So how about it, can I see that lovely smile now?

I smirked a little despite myself, but quickly wiped the grin off my face.

slippery_lil_clitty: I'm too mad to smile.

James: So... Don't get mad, get even ;)

slippery_lil_clitty: what, tease them half to death until they're as miserable as I am?

James: I don't know about your teacher, but I know at least one guy whose bedroom window faces yours...

slippery_lil_clitty: so?

James: Put the laptop on your desk, facing the window, and sit in your window seat.

I frowned. What did he have in mind? I decided to just go with it and do as he said. This was James after all, and he'd never steered me wrong before. Listening to James always meant surprisingly happy outcomes. So I got comfortable on my wide cusioned windowsill, between the window and the laptop.

James: Perfect. Now just do as I say, no need to type. Ok?

I started to reach over to type back, but caught myself in time and just nodded.

James: Hehe, exactly. Now unwrap your towel and d**** it lightly over yourself, just covering your nips and between your legs.

I looked out the window - no lights on on the visible side of John and Gina's house. I unwrapped myself and d****d the towel over my nips, guiding the tail end between my slightly spread legs.

James: reach under the towel with your left hand and pinch your nips softly, your other hand under the towel on your pussy. Tease yourself, baby. Slowly. Match my rhythm.

His cam view moved down to where his hand was agonizingly slowly stroking his gorgeous cock, close up so it filled my entire screen, larger than life. As I watched and petted my soft pussy lips, I couldn't help but get into whatever this was. I still didn't know what the point of the window seat was, but whatever it was it was working, I was as hot and bothered as ever in no time flat.

We languidly enjoyed each other's bodies like this for at least half an hour, teasing but not cumming, before James typed again.

James: Don't look now, but your neighbour's curtain just fluttered. Wait a few minutes and turn your head slowly with your eyes half closed, tell me if you can see him peeking out from behind it. Don't let him know you saw him yet.

My heart raced. It wouldn't be Gina, she was infamous for passing out on her recliner and only waking up at 3am to go upstairs to bed. If someone was there, it would be John. I tried my hardest to calm down and continue what I was doing, slowly turning my head with my eyes half closed.

At first there appeared to be nothing, and I actually felt disappointed. But then, a glint - John's glasses, without a doubt. He was there, and he was watching. Oh my God. I equally slowly turned my head back to the laptop and gave the cam a meaningful look and slight nod.

James: Good. Match my pace, honey. Just a little faster - the towel should start to slide down, don't stop it when it does.

James' strokes increased in speed, and my petting followed suit. He was right, the towel soon started to slip down from my chest, exposing first one rock hard nipple to the harsh glow of the nearby streetlight, then the other.

James: Pretend you're still playing with yourself, but use your lower hand to pull the towel down bit by bit until it's just covering your mound.

I somehow successfully managed it, and now almost all of me was visible through the window. Still a glint. John hadn't left.

James: Hold your hand slightly above your pussy and raise your hips towards it. Ride your hand honey, and keep moving it higher and higher.

I'd barely started following this instruction before the towel slipped off entirely. I was completely exposed, masturbating in full view of both James and John. I moaned and bit my lips at the thought, ready to explode.

James: I know that look. Don't cum yet, baby. Time to really get this show started. Get on your knees facing the window. Pretend you're just looking at your own reflection. Kiss it, french kiss it, press yourself up against it. Try to fuck your reflection. You can see the laptop reflected in the window - when you see my next message pop up, turn around again.

Delirious, I obeyed. I got on my knees facing the cold glass, looked it up and down and nuzzled it, kissed it. Pressing up against it it grazed my sensitive hard nips and I moaned at the sensation, fogging up the glass with my breath and feeling my hips buck, my little mound bumping the glass. Spreading my thighs to slide down, feeling my mound dragging on the glass, pulling my clitty up, rubbing it on my own reflected clitty. Repeating the movement more and more intensely, masturbating fully on the window now... And there was the message. I turned my head.

James: Put the laptop on the window seat, next to your head. Lie down. Show him how you lick and suck a cock.

His hands dropped away from the screen, just his cock remained. And I went to work, licking my own laptop screen but imagining his cock. Trailing my tongue all over it, kissing and sucking as best I could.

James: God baby that reflection looks so fucking hot I can almost feel your mouth on me. Get on your knees and put the laptop between your legs with the screen just behind your butt.

What? Oh fuck it, just do it. As I placed the laptop on the window seat facing the window and began to straddle it, I saw my own reflection and the reflection of the laptop - oh wow.

James' cock was huge on the screen, and I appeared to be straddling it.

I quivered as I watched him start to thrust upwards on the screen, the reflection looking like he was pushing into me. I began to mirror his movements, sinking down on each of his upward thrusts, fingering my clitty and pinching my nips as I watched myself being "fucked", the image so vivid I could almost feel it.

A twitch in John's curtain, a rapid movement near the bottom - he emerged from behind the fabric and faced the window. He was stroking his cock and watching me! I was so ready to cum, and James' balls were drawing tight as they always did just before he came, and...

Both my men, cumming at once, one aimed into my starving pussy and the other coating his window with his cream in front of my face, me licking my window in the places the cum was landing on his, imagining the taste, cumming hard with both of them, and feeling dizzy and blacking out for a few seconds - actually almost fainting from the pleasure of this strangely distant threesome.

I knew it hadn't been real, and that the whole thing had even been a little silly, but I was happier. John did want me. And James, bless him. Even from afar he'd been there for me and helped me to make John jealous. He really was an amazing friend.

I decided then. James had been the one to accept me when no one else would. He'd advised and taught me things about myself and others that I'd never known. He was there for me no matter what crappy situation I found myself in. He should be the one to pop my cherry.

Chapter 7:

For the next day or two I tried to convince him to visit me, but he kept insisting he couldn't. He didn't have an excuse to give his wife. His stupid wife that wouldn't even fuck him anymore. He was giving up having sex with me, having anything he wanted from me, just to keep that stupid selfish bitch happy. He just couldn't get away. I eventually stormed offline and stopped replying to his texts, I was that pissed.

But just because he couldn't come to me didn't mean I couldn't go to him, right?

I was home alone and unsupervised! I could easily sneak out for days and my dad wouldn't know, he was in the hospital. John wouldn't come check on me, he was being weird. And all I had to do to get out of school was call mr. Ashford and tell him to make sure I got the day off, and he'd be too scared I'd rat him out to say no.

So I looked up James' address and hopped a train. It was 1am when I finally got to my stop, and wandering the streets at night in a strange place was kinda spooky. After walking around for an hour and starting to think I was lost, I finally found James' street, and then his house. But what was I gonna do, ring the doorbell?

I was almost convinced this had been a really stupid idea until I remembered a chat we'd had weeks earlier about how he'd forgotten his keys and spent an hour waiting for his wife to get home, only to be reminded that they kept a spare in a fake rock next to the porch. The rock was easy to find even in the dark, but now what?

I decided I'd come all this way and might as well sneak in and try to get James' attention without alerting his wife. I stuck the key in the door and cringed when the hinge squeaked a little, but nothing happened and the house stayed dark and quiet. So I snuck up the stairs and started looking for James' bedroom.

There it was. The door was open, and they were both in the bed, asleep. She had her back turned to him. Of course. What a total complete bitch. She'd even called him stupid that time he forgot they had a spare key. And what girl lets a guy (and a cock) like James just go to waste and never fucks him?? Man I hated her.

I don't know why I did what I did next, but I tiptoed into the room and to the foot of their bed, and stripped. I lifted the covers at the bottom of the bed and crawled under them on James' side, sliding up his body until my face reached his boxers.

I put my hand on the crotch and pawed at him softly, feeling the outline of his soft cock under the thin fabric, kissing the swell in the material, reaching into the flap to grip him and guide his cock out, stroking it and feeling it begin to twitch and swell in my hand.

He groaned. But didn't move. I stroked him to a full erection and gasped at how much bigger it looked up close. I couldn't resist anymore and engulfed the head between my hot wet lips, suckling and sliding them up and down his shaft the way he'd taught me to. He groaned again and stirred, and I watched as his hand reached over to his wife and under her nightgown, fingering her but apparently still asleep. I was sure she'd wake up, but she just moaned and opened her legs to grant his hand better access. He must have thought she was doing this...

I held his hard cock still in my mouth, feeling the pulse on my tongue, suckling on it softly like a baby bottle, and watched as his hand moved more intensely on his wife's pussy, fingering her deeply... And she began moving her hips, fucking his fingers, still asleep. It didn't look like it would wake her up after all.

I couldn't wait any longer and slid my body further up his, finally placing my knees on both sides of him and sitting upright, his cock sticking up proudly in front of my pussy, reaching up almost to my chest. I raised myself up a little and began stroking his shaft with my pussy lips, coating him with my wetness, stroking my clitty along his hot cock.

He opened his eyes, blinked a few times, and jerked half upright.


I quickly put my hand over his mouth and gestured at him to shush, but his wife was already getting restless - he'd stopped fingering her. I quickly took his hand and guided it to her pussy, but he looked at me like I was insane and pulled away. So I started to stroke her clit, and as she fell back into a peaceful murmuring hip thrust, he finally got the idea and added his hand to mine, sinking his fingers back into her while I continued to tease her clit.

As we masturbated his wife together, I looked down at the place his cock met my pussy and looked back up at him questioningly, and he followed my gaze and stared, softly groaning and looking up at me with a nod.

And so I rose up until I was positioned above him, his swollen head pressed up against the entrance to my hot little hole, and sank down, feeling the pressure of his smooth slippery head on my smooth slippery entrance, both lubricated but still having to push and stretch painfully, and finally my pussy enveloped him to just below the head. I groaned and held still for a moment, getting used to this new feeling (he was bigger than John had been), feeling my pussy spasm around him as it slowly relaxed to accomodate the invader.

When it felt perfectly nestled inside me, I pushed down further. There it was. My cherry.

And the pressure I was putting on it with James' cock stung. It hurt more the harder I pushed, but I NEEDED him inside me. I moved back up, closed my eyes, and sat down hard - and a searing pain ripped through me as I impaled myself, his cock sliding into me deeper than anything had gone before.

He whispered to me to stop, to take it slow, but I no longer cared about the pain. I was only halfway and I needed him to FILL me, my pussy was squeezing and pulling at his cock like it was a matter of life or death, and I kept pushing through the pain, impaling my tiny tight hole on his huge gorgeous cock until there was nothing left of it that wasn't buried inside my tiny body.

My pussy was spasming crazily around his cock now and I started sliding up and down his shaft, my pussy muscles squeezing and jerking him off, pulling at him and milking him, feeling like I was still empty even when he was buried to the hilt, even when I looked down as I fucked him and saw his enormous cock disappear into me entirely, saw it making my tummy swell each time it went in. I needed more. My greedy little pussy was hungry for his cum, and when he told me to stop or he'd explode, it just milked him harder, trying to suck every drop out of him and drink it deep into my unprotected little body.

I couldn't stop. I was going to cum on his incredible cock and there was nothing in the world that could make me stop now. Finally I was being fucked. Finally I'd get filled.

All the while he was still fingering his wife, but watching me - and I kept stroking her clit, but watching him. And she was about to cum. She was going to cum, oblivious to the fact that the hands that were bringing her to orgasm were her husband's and his lover's, that as she was blissfully ignorantly asleep and cumming on our combined fingers, he was buried inside a young girl, in her own marital bed...

"Cum inside me... please... please.... I... I need... please... cum... cummmmmm...."

I don't know who started it, but all three of us exploded then. His wife moaning loudly and coating our intertwined hands in her juices, unknowingly blessing our union as her husband pumped my tiny hole full of the creamy cum that rightfully belonged to her, should have been hers, my pussy spasming and contracting and milking his cock for more, drinking every drop in deeply as it fluttered on his cock with its own cumming kisses.

Chapter 8:

Which brings us to now. I just got back and I still have his load buried inside me. I stuffed my panties into my little ravaged hole to keep the cum in. And I felt satisfied. For a while. But already it's not enough. I need more.

I told you earlier that I'll always wonder if the people I meet have read this. Maybe you'll do the same. Now that you know about me, maybe you'll wonder if that's me walking down the street tomorrow, or sitting across from you on the train. Maybe it will be me. And maybe you can help me quench my thirst, just for a while.

But until you come along, I have to find a way to scratch this itch again, and soon.

Daddy gets discharged from the hospital today...


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2 years ago
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Stealth Walker Discovery and Revenge

This is my first transgender fiction story, a lot of what I wrote in here is part of my ultimate fantasy. I'd love to fulfill this with another sexy TG lady. I'd also like to hear what any of you have to say about this story. I'd have ideas for a few more tales based on Uncle Carl's machine, of course they will be much shorter since you already know where the machine came from and how I learned to use it. I'd also love to have pics to use with this story, if anyone is interested in...

1 year ago
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One time one night

I sat  in the darkness, the comfortable leather recliner laid back, and closed my eyes. The light of the muted television flickered around the room, bathing me in a bluish glow. The ice in my drink clinked as I drained the glass of it's last drops of whiskey & coke.They were all sleeping, my wife and those energetic kids. Instead of going to bed I had decided to watch the game, which went into overtime, and have a few drinks to unwind. After it ended, I was not quite ready for sleep. I didn't...

3 years ago
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A Matter of Time Ch 09

Amber, a neighbor who lived next to Victoria Church and Marty Rochester, was pretty sure B-97 had played ‘When I See You Smile’ 19 times in the last two hours, but it was a popular song. She tried to smile through the cock in her mouth, looking up to a lover named Jason. Or was it Jimmy? She really wasn’t sure. She’d met him at the IU Bookstore a few hours later and he seemed cute enough. And he’d made her laugh. Amber, who Vicki and Martin Rochester knew would die in a three-car wreck on...

2 years ago
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Dangit, Melissa thought to herself, I walked out without my fucking phone. It was one of those Monday mornings for Melissa. She was going to have to drive all the way back home to get her phone. It was a little after ten-thirty so at least the rush hour traffic would have died down. Melissa was a forty-four year old, recently divorced mother, whose daughter was home from college for the summer. Melissa imagined that Katie would probably sleep until noon, so she’d just slip in, grab her phone...

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Rays Ring Ch 04

An adventure story with mind control, telepathy, rape, retribution, step sibling sex, sister-in-law sex, mother/son and aunt/nephew incest, step mom sex, a miraculous cure, ETs, murder and an intergalactic war. All the principal characters (at least the ones who have sex) are over 21. Part three of a continuing story. Helpful if you read 1, 2, & 3 first. No real sex yet, but plenty on the way. Enjoy, let me know what you think of my tale. Jb7. Part Four (Harry’s humiliation continues) ‘So,...

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Youre Fired

List Of Characters: James Clove- Male Employee A mild-mannered office worker, James has been working at COMPANY INDISCLOSED for 4 years and besides a few faked sick days he has been the model of a perfect employee. He has worked late, finished ahead of deadlines and even run errands for his boss on a regular basis. However, because of his inherent shyness, his boss Ms Swanson has always singled him out as a vulnerable target for her verbal abuse, which only caused him to retreat further into...

3 years ago
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Luna 1 Drafted prt 4

Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 4 Shopping A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of the campus map I am using, see: de/Map_v052.jpg Authors note: I mention a...

3 years ago
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Helens Revenge on racist hubby

My husband, Luke and I were brought up in a very strict religious cult in Nebraska and our parents organised that we be married at sixteen. It seems very young, but that was usual for our community and it did seem to work since it is now 20 years on and I am just approaching my 37th birthday.

To say we were naïve was an understatement. Nobody smoked, drinking was only on special occasions and wives did as they were told by their husbands and bible class was compulsory every Sunday afternoon....

2 years ago
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That Thing That Happened That Time Thats Rea

That Thing That Happened That Time That's Really No Big Deal - Chapter 2: SatsuPart One:“SATSU!”Buffy raced down the hall after the younger and slightly faster but less experienced slayer she slept with not more than a week ago.“Satsu, please... please stop...”The two slayers eventually come to a stop when Buffy managed to catch up and get in front of Satsu.“Okay, thanks, I... wow, you're really getting faster at...

2 years ago
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Mexican Adventure

As I stood outside my hotel in San Luis Potosi, a car drew up, the window went down and a husky voice from inside tentatively queried “Senor David?”. “Oh, yes, …, soy Senor Davies”. And so I was driven across town to my host’s house by this very attractive lady, about mid 30’s I would estimate, and from what I could see without staring unduly, a curvaceous figure. She said little during our journey, but I managed to determine that she was my hosts’ maid and chauffeur, and had been...

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Transgenomics Inc

The year is 2055 and nanotechnology and gene editing technology have made incomprehensible strides. The government has begun to allow small scale human testing after most of the population began petitioning for general use. A 66 year old man stumbles out of bed and wanders to the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee from the previous day and adds his creamer. He limps over to the recliner in his living room and turns on his floor to ceiling telescreen. "People took to twitter today in a...

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A New Life for Julie Ch 06

June 1978 In the morning light, Julie crawled up in between Bruce’s legs. Looking up to make sure he was still asleep, she knelt down on her elbows, and nuzzled his soft sleeping dick. Pausing a moment, she inhaled the odor around his balls, and pulled one hairy nut into her mouth, and sucked it gently for a few minutes. She let it fall out of her mouth, and then took the other into her mouth, repeating the same action. Looking up carefully, to make sure he was still asleep, she let the...

4 years ago
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Me and Maria Part 2

Maria watched me and I saw her eyes drop to my underwear before she quickly looked back up to my eyes. "Are you serious?" she asked a little harshly, and I was afraid I had made a huge mistake. I had all the confidence in the world at that point, though. She and I had been friends for a long time. There had always been a weird attraction that was unspoken. We were closer than sisters and would do everything together. At parties, we tended to dance with each other. Grinding ourselves together...

2 years ago
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Brendas PhotographsChapter 4

Brenda felt a surge of naughty excitement when she saw in her in-box yet another email from her secret admirer. Before opening it, she took off all her clothes except her panties, then she slid a hand inside her panties, fingers going into her pussy and over her clitoris, and sat, eyes closed, for a few minutes to get herself really wet. Then she took a deep breath, opened her eyes, opened the email, and read it. This one really did make her pant! Mostly nowadays her admirer's demands were...

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Lady Kavanagh Part 3

Ecstasy, pure ecstasy! What was more, Lady Eleanor Kavanagh was a blow job extraordinaire. This wasn’t going through the motions; rather a blow job of the type of expertise he hadn’t witnessed before. Truth be told, he hadn’t had many women’s lips around his helmet much less ladies. This particular lady was good. Very good. Even using the words very good understates significantly her excellence in the cock sucking department.What Adams didn’t know, as is common when women marry into money, they...

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My colligue vinay8217s wife

This is my story which happened in Bangalore, I was working in Bangalore for an MNC as Area sales manager and I had big team who reports me and one among them one was Vinay kumar, Lets come to the point, it was one evening of July in Bangalore and there was quite black clouds so Vinay asked me to drop by my car as he was travelling by bike by telling if rain start he will struck I said ok as I had to go by crossing his area, while talking to me he explained about his family, parents and wife ,...

2 years ago
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A Really Bad Day

A Really Bad Day. By Nabiky Frank had had a bad day, a very bad day. **** "And while you're at it, remember the sugar this time, you moron" Mrs. Mortensen shouted angrily after her husband. Annie Mortensen had quite a morning temper, especially if there were no sugar to available for her morning tea. Still, Frank Mortensen thought Annie had been a bit angrier the last few months, like she wished him dead or something similar. Frank shrugged the thought off. She loved...

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Moms Laptop Part 9

Toby stood at my laptop again, naked except for a t-shirt, masturbating. His shorts and underwear were on the floor. This wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last in these stuck-at-home COVID days. He’d pushed my chair out of the way and positioned himself to the left of my computer. He’d moved everything out of the direct path his cock was pointing to. Toby watched a video and I moved next to him to see what it was.His cock had appeared to soften slightly when I walked into my...

1 year ago
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Brian and Janet Naked in SchoolChapter 3

[Friday] [Brian] Friday was, well, Friday. Dad told me over breakfast that he probably wouldn't be available for a while. It's not something that you ask about, either before or after; you just keep on with your life and hope he rejoins you. Lisa caught my eye in the hall between English and History and gave me a brilliant smile. Damn, this might be a complication. I had to piss and the boy's restroom really emphasized the differences with my old school. The mirror over the sinks was...

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 14

Artlam, through his contacts, tried to find out everything he could about Lord Cundra. Apparently he was one of the generals commanding a few hundred of the Church's private army. Life was hard and vicious on Bejek and the Army of the Righteous stood out even in this context. No enemy stood for long even if it took three or four attempts. When the mop-up came, everybody was put to the question then killed. This was not just those on the battlefield but their families and even friends. Few...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 11 Fashion Show

Debbie turned off the tape recorder, and removed the microphone from the center of the table. "Well, I'm proud of you, Michael. That was well done," Catherine said. I could see that Catherine was excited. "Sarah, did you have something you wished to say?" Liz asked her daughter. "Well, we ... all the girls, that is, wanted to thank Michael for the shopping spree today by having a little fashion show to help some of the girls make their final selection for the party tomorrow night,"...

2 years ago
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Mami Ko Choda Tel Laga Kar

Hey guys? How are you all? This is my first story on dis site hope aap sbko bht bht psnd aaegi! Phle me bta du mera naam arjun soni hai awr me bikaner rajasthan ka rhne wla hu 19 saal ka hu awr mujhe mature ladies bhabhi awr aunties bht bht achi lgti h! Me mere baare me bta du me 6 foot ka hu gora hu awr mera lund 7 inch lamba awr 3 inch mota hai! So ab me apni story par aata hu! Ye baat tab ki hai jb me 18 saal ka tha awr mama ke ghr yhui aaya jya krta tha! Jydatar me mre mama ke ghr hi rhta...

2 years ago
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Heating engineers reup

Usually immedietly after having random sex with somebody .. i would feel deep regret .. shame and guilt for cheating on my husband .. id tell myself it was last time and that id never do it again .. and id do my best to stay true to the promise id made myself .. but after about a week .. my unsaterble sex drive would return and the urges would get stronger and stronger and id eventually be overcome with lust and give in .. and the whole routine would start over again .. at this point in time i...

4 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity

Hi, this is Sunny. I am 24 years age old. I am working in mnc as HR. I am Telugu, but we settled in Mumbai. I am 5ft 7 inches height. I am decent looking girl. But my friends call me I am hot. We are 4 in my family. I have one younger brother. My dad is business man. He stays away from home most of the time and mom is house wife. But she will go to mamaji home most of the time in day. I want to tell how I lost my virginity. This happened 5 months back. I am very conservative girl. In my home...

3 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 16

Petra Proposes Sweet Sappho and Great GabrielaPetra sighs: I love you so much. I wish I could legally marry you both Brasilian beauties.Eva in A'dam you are and I love to dance salsa. You two teach me the real Brasilian style?Too good to be true, a triple marriage! Is that really already possible in your country?Really, almost anything can be arranged in a contract between free people here. Who cares?As always politics and state law are slow. Who cares? We will make our own laws, my...

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I had always had a thing for my sexy mother in law and often fantasised about her seducing me. I had even looked at her sexy undies on the washing line and flirted with her alittle but to no avail. She is 56, 5'2, and dyed blonde hair and a nice size 12 figure. I only know her dress size and bra size due to the fact of looking thro her undies. Her boobs aren't big, size 36A but nice and pert.Any way one day I had been mowing the lawn, like I usually do and I noticed she had some washing on the...

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CousinChapter 7

Dan slowly opened his eyes. His head felt thick, almost as though he were hung over, and awareness was slow in returning. He was in his own bed, naked, and Lisa, equally naked, was still sound asleep beside him. Sometime one of them must have pulled up a sheet, covering them. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It read one twenty-five and Dan had to look a second time to realize it was one twenty-five PM. Then as he remembered that it had been past six in the morning when they...

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Purple HeartChapter 6 Healing

The great lamps that illuminated the torus were dimming as the two made their way back to the hospital, casting much of the station into shadow as the few personnel who were still scurrying about began to head home. Kaisha towered over Moralez, walking beside him with slow, loping strides so as not to outpace him on her long legs. The day had left him feeling pretty confident. There was a gun on his hip, his fingers were steady, and his gait was natural. His prosthetics were synced perfectly...

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Bellezza Vs Intelligenza In Amor VinceChi Insegue

BELLEZZA VS INTELLIGENZA (IN AMOR VINCE?CHI INSEGUE)PrefazioneQuesto racconto narra delle vicende di un gruppo di persone che vivono in modi quasi diametralmente opposti la propria adolescenza, per poi incontrarsi dopo pochi anni in una serie di intrecci un po’ machiavellici ma, a mio modesto parere, efficaci.? una storia d’amore, corrisposto e non?beh non vi preoccupate, le scene di tortura arriveranno, ma vorrei creare un degno contorno, evitando le solite situazioni gi? viste e riviste e, so...

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My wife black ecperience

Helen and I have been together for 14 years now. She has just turned 45 and is 11 years younger than me. I have been trying to persuade her to take lovers and particularly black a few years after we started going out. She got fucked by an ex about 10 years ago and eventually had a 2 week fling with a black man 4 years ago. I will tell what happened from my point of view and then from what she told me in another post.She very readily took to the fantasy of her having sex with other men when we...

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Acting Responsibly

ACTING RESPONSIBLY by GENEVA In 1900's England a young Italian man is changed and inserted into rival business family to spy on their trade secrets. Things do not go according to plan but a great actress is born. The character of Grandmother Angela Santini is a minor character in my earlier story "REQUITAL". START Throughout the meeting my attention had been wandering with the whole tedious business. I began to daydream, mainly on how I would become a famous actor. I...

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Finding Hope

Shanda and I had purchased a home in a well-to-do neighborhood. My company was transferring me to a new position and location. I was excited about my new job, as it had plenty of potential for growth in the company. The only comment my old man made was, "Wha for, youse want to move in with all those white folks? You community ain't good enough?" That is where I wanted to be with that group of people to help me climb in the company.Shanda was a teacher and had yet to seek teaching positions. It...

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First Hot Time With Best Friend

Kimberly and Jennifer had been the best of friends ever since high school. They did everything together, shopping, skating, clubbing, and even told each other how much they loved each other.They were both very attractive young women. Kimberly was tall and blonde with a big rack of knockers and blue eyes; Jennifer was petite, dark haired, dimple in her left cheek with olive skin. One night they went to one of the busiest clubs in town and had plenty of shots at the bar. They got chatted up by a...

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California CrewChapter 5

The next day, I wake up on my own with no alarm or anything. At first, I forget where I am, and then I see the unusual surroundings and remember. I am in Beverly Hills, California. I look over. Adrienne is still asleep. I tiptoe into the bathroom, and take a shower. I brush my teeth, and French braid my hair. I go out into the bedroom, looping an elastic around the end of the braid. My hair is actually down to my elbows, but when it is in a French braid, it seems a couple inches shorter. My...

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Bonded LivesChapter 8B

Des Cyndar and Ralyss stayed for two days, giving us pointers about this and that but once they saw us getting into a regular routine, they guessed that everything was going to be alright. Nor was I surprised that three days later Gynowillowbrook and Frostmoonstone came to see Gem. Both were heartsick to see Gem so small and under fed but could see that the luster was returning to her scales from the good food she was now getting. Frost did examine Gem and said the same as Ralyss about her...

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Vince Has A Threesome With Two Girls

Vince and Abby’s Second Threesome  They’d placed their suitcases in the closet and hung up or put away their few clothes.“Why didn’t you tell me who you decided on for my first threesome with two ladies.”“You said that either Lesha or Amy would be fine, and that I could choose.”Vince cocked his head as he saw Abby fidgeting with the clothes. He walked over to her, gently took her face in his hands. He stared at her eyes then lightly kissed her lips.“Nervous,” he said.“A little.”“What are the...

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Hildas Housekeeping

I’m a work at home single parent of an 18-year-old boy. Neither one of us is very good at housekeeping and our apartment shows it. When a date refused to stay overnight for that reason alone I knew I had to make some changes. Looking through some online advertising services I called several possibilities but wasn’t impressed. Then one very simple ad caught my eye. “Hilda the housekeeper specializes in bachelor dwellings. Respond with your phone number and best time to call.” OK, that was...

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Slaves Ch4

Chapter 4: Meet the QueenDimillah smiled at the terrified way the boy walked in between her and the other ladies. Naked and, though tall, standing shorter than they did in their high heels. Pulled by the leash around his neck, as slaves did in Mučenia. A lovely sight, with whip marks crisscrossing his smooth, shaved skin. Delicious, youthful complexion.He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him."You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the...

1 year ago
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Wedding Night Fun

This is my true story. Ashir and Narmeen fell in love when they were in college. They were best friends and were seen together in college although Narmeen was three years junior to him. Ashir fell in love, at first sight, when she reported in the first year. She was beautiful, very fair, thin but with curvy body. Her hair were of shoulder length and she had beautiful black eyes. He approached her and despite initial ignoring by Narmeen, he kept trying, and very soon met success. One day, he...

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Passion for soiled underwear

It all started when I overheard my dad having a wank in the bathroom one day.I was a young,permanently boned-up lad who was curious about we do.Yeah,I'd tossed off with my mates & was fascinated when I saw spunk dribbling out of my best mate's piss-hole for the 1st time.I was even more surprised when he didn't even bother to clean his bell-end or wipe up his spunk...he just winked at me & popped his still semi-hard knob back in his undies! "Ooh,ya dirty fucker,that's gonna...

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Dripping Nipples Lead To Fucking

Hello friends i am an active reader of issue for last year, let me tell you m a 5′ 8″ tall wheatish completion and an athletic body from Chandigarh .It’s my 1st story it sounds like the girl involved is very white and is 36-28-36 a very sexy figure within no fat but all curves so fine like drawn by an artist. It’s a 3 yrs old story when i was in 12th class, a couple shifted to our neighbor house along with a baby 7 months old, the man used to go for work and the girl used to come to our house...

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Card PartyChapter 20 Saturday

Vern was jolted awake by an hysterical “Whoop!” and scream from outside. Maria jumped as though she had been pinched. They rushed to the window to see six naked teens frolicking in the pool, bombing each other and splashing everyone and everything. “Oh, boy,” Vern said, sneaking his arm around Maria to grasp her breast, “look what we signed on for.” “I can see you have no objection. Take me back to bed. We’ll figure something out.” Much later in the day, the guests were gone, Andy and...

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الجزء السادسبعد ما سوسو نضفت زبي و بناتها لسه بينضفوها سبتهم وقمت اخد شاور واجدد نشاطي علشان ناوى افشخم بالمعني الحرفي علشان دول عيلة كلاب وشراميط راضعين من مومس دخلت تحت الدش و وانا بليف نفسي لقيت ايد ناعمة بتحسس علي ضهرى ببص بهدؤ لقتها واحدة معرفهاش بس ايه اوزعه مليانة جسم ابيض لبن و مشدود شعر اسود لحد طيزها ناعم وطويل عيون غزال شفايف صغيرة وفم صغير ملامح طفلة طياز مليانة بزاز صغيرة انتى مين قالتلى اخت سارة هي مقالتلكش انى عايشة معاها بعد ما اتطلقت قلتلها لا اسمك ايه يا موزة يا قمر انتى...

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Harvest Of Blood

Denethia walked hand in hand with the handsome man who had stolen her heart the first night of the autumn festival. He was dressed in mouse-colored robes, with a comical pointed cap sitting rakishly off-center on his head. A false beard hung from his square chin down to his leanly muscled chest. He carried a fanciful, feather-adorned staff in his other hand, the costume unmistakable as that of a wizard. The garb seemed to suit him well. Denethia's costume also suited her perfectly — her...

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My Sunail Bhabhi 8211 1

Let me introduce myself first. I m Suraj frm Nagpur, 25 yrs, 5.11″ height & well build body. In my family we are 5 members, my mummy, daddy, my brother who is 4 yrs elder to me got married a year back. And another member is my lovingly and carring bhabhi on whom this story is all about. Her name is Sunail. I never had any bad intension towards my bhabhi as we both loved each other just like a very gud friends as we were of same age. My brother was working on an important project due to which...

1 year ago
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Goofy and my Wife

Hello friends. The story which I am going to write is little longer in length. But let me assure you, you will love it and your cock or pussy will be hard or wet. So enjoy. My wife of 12 years looked great as she slid her costume over her full breasts and nice round ass. She knows how to accentuate the positive. I knew no one would have any problem identifying her at the party. The small mask she wore simply made her look like a mysterious, but her smile and figure gave her away. I placed my...

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