smokeSCREEN bookpHOR
- 2 years ago
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you’re looking down again / and then you looked me over / we’re laying down again / on a blanket in the clover / the same boy you’ve always known / well i guess i haven’t grown // same boy you’ve always known //
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* * *
After two weeks, we’re suddenly a family.
Given that it’s year fourteen, it falls to Floor One to make a new claim for leadership. Seeing as Floor One’s leader is Phoebe, she’s back in the saddle again but infinitely more easygoing. We have a steady rotation of scouts in the city around us, plus a full compliment of sentries around the tower walls, but most of the effort is put into repairing our way of life. With Martha wanting more work on cars, I opted to get our greenhouse working again and headed to the basements.
In my Fortress of Underground Solitude I’m keenly unaware of the social goings-on around, but I observe a lot through my floor. The boys are integrating, perfectly.
Josh has developed a keen instinct for keeping Lisa satisfied as she either regains her health or gets worse – we really can’t tell – and Phoebe was kind enough to assign him as Lisa’s personal Nurse until she’s up and about again. He makes sure she’s well-fed, clean, entertained and anything else he can set his mind to. Justin, strangely enough, quietly goes about his menial duties as a scout and guard without complaining. Much like Cypress, he’s strangely serious about it all, but enjoys it nonetheless.
I’m staring at him over one of Cypress’s old National Geographics right now – I like the pictures. Or that’s my explanation – I’m staring at Justin, who is eating a breadstick.
What right does he have to be so cheery?
‘So you’re down in the Growhouse now,’ he says suddenly – I purposefully look up from my magazine.
‘Why?’ is all I can think to ask.
‘Maybe… Phoebe thought it was best?’
‘No, I mean why do you ask?’
‘Nothin’, just… I hear you guys were all into growin’ pot.’ I cock the brow over my eye.
‘Well, it’s been like, a long time, and I could…’ he pauses, like he’s not sure if he should proceed, but adds, ‘I could sure go for a good hoot.’
My cocky eyebrow has settled – what?
‘I thought you guys never smoked pot.’
‘Well, you see magazines, you find it, you try it – whatever.’
‘How many of you?’
‘Three that I know of, self included.’
A broad smile spreads across my face, and I point a finger.
‘You’re totally a chronic, aren’t you?’
‘What’s chronic?’
‘Gram a day.’
‘Well, yeah.’
‘Fuck – let’s go smoke a bowl.’ I thumb over my shoulder towards the stairwell and he nods, munching on the breadstick as we go.
He needed a redeeming quality.
We share that bowl, and many more as the days start to swing by. Phoebe’s impressed with my work, and when Reiko from Floor six applied for my post as an Alpha, Phoebe shot her down and let me pick a new assistant instead. Reiko was assigned to the courtyard garden.
For first few weeks she came down here every few days, borrowing this or that, all the while making snitty comments about my fledgeling crop. Reiko all tall and perfectly-proportioned and cute with her almond eyes and full lips and the only thing that gets that bitch out of my mind wears a worn-out baseball cap.
Today, he comes up behind me as I lean my jaw on my knuckles, staring at a little budlet that’s seen fit to pop up.
My vision goes black, and I bat Justin’s hand away, not looking from my tiny plant.
‘Stop doing that,’ I tell him.
‘This place looks so much better.’
‘Well, they fucked up the lights pretty bad, I had to do some running around to replace ’em.’
‘What’s that?’
He’s looking over my shoulder, I can tell.
‘It’s my plant.’
‘What kind?’
‘Wacky tabacky?’
‘The wackiest.’ I finally turn to him, and smile as he presents me with a plate of food. Good food, too – the kitchen’s been running for ten days, now.
‘This is all you guys grow?’
‘We keep the veggies one floor down,’ I tell him through my food. ‘I’ll get to that in a couple of weeks.’
‘So, I’m doin’ my circuit, right?’
I know this voice – this is ‘Justin’s-got-something-he-thinks-is-important’ voice, and I roll my eye as I eat.
‘And guess what trots right up to me, not growlin’ or nothin?’
‘A big fuckin’ black wolf.’
‘Fuck off.’
‘Phoebe’s got it upstairs – it’s friendly as all Hell, too. We think it’s Cypress’s.’
‘This I gotta’ see,’ I put my plate down.
‘What, right now?’
I pause. Should we…?
‘Alright, one bowl,’ I nod.
‘Atta girl.’
* * *
Stoned out of our minds, my toque and his baseball cap pulled down low over our eyes, we wander, giggling, upstairs.
Justin’s great being stoned with – I do get the vibe, but everyone else probably does too, he’s so Goddamn friendly. Point is, he makes you laugh a lot. It takes us a while to get out to the courtyard, and when we do a circle’s already formed around Phoebe and the wolf.
It’s weird, even though she sold us out to the old ones, everyone’s had a renewned faith in Phoebe. She seems to be making all the right calls, though I personally don’t buy it.
She’s sitting in front of the wolf, stroking it’s head. As soon as I step into view the beast jumps to her feet and trots over to me.
‘Hi Douglas,’ I say politely. The wolf isn’t as scary as Crow made it out to be.
‘How did you know his name?’
‘Her name – Crow told me.’
Phoebe shakes her head and stands.
‘I thought you knew what to do when and if this dog showed up,’ she says.
‘He just told us to wait for the wolf,’ Justin recites, kneeling to the shaggy beast. ‘Now what? Woof.’
Douglas is not amused. She looks up at me, puzzled as she pants.
Now she looks questioningly, asking ‘why did you leave them?’
‘It’s not like she tried to get me to follow her or anything,’ Justin shrugs.
‘But still, he sent her up here,’ Martha says. ‘That means they’re alive.’
‘That means he’s alive. Michelle and Richard could be dead,’ Justin says.
‘And the others.’
‘We’re a decent size already – sixty can hold its own.’
‘That’s not the point-‘
‘Sophie – what does the dog want?’ Phoebe snaps at me.
I look at Douglas, and she pants up at me in the hot sun.
‘The dog wants water.’
* * *
Douglas seems to like me. I say this because she won’t go away, not that she’s offered deeper insight into Cypress’s situation. The Alphas are meeting right now up in Fourteen with Phoebe to discuss a broader plan. Do we stay and wait for Cypress? Do we continue the River plan? Does Justin like me? Like, like me like me?
‘Who are you talking to?’ Anze pops an eyebrow at me.
I just noticed her. She’s carrying two five-pound bags of weed. Her hair, once a brilliant green is a pale, pale off-white. I’d never noticed how white it was before – but her natural color is closer to silver than blond.
For some reason, it makes her eyes greener.
‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ she asks, stepping back.
‘I’m not.’ I pull my toque down.
‘You’re totally stoned.’
‘I’m the official Tower Potgrower, d’think I’m a nun?’
Her jaw drops and she shrieks, ‘You fucked Justin!’
My jaw drops and I shout, ‘What? I’m stoned! Who fucked Justin?’
‘Since when? I hope it was good.’
I find a smoke – it’s real good. Smokes are always better when you’re s
‘Well did you?’
‘I just said, no. He’s not sayin’ that, is he?’
And now she blushes a deep pink as she says,
‘Well, no, you just hear things.’
‘From who?’
‘Wwww…. Where do I put these?’ she asks.
‘Hold your arms out.’
‘Hold the bags out – stretch your arms.’
‘Ah… okay…’
‘Okay – hold it,’ I tell her.
‘The bags go right there. Now who said what?’
She drops her arms, and sticks out her tongue.
‘You can’t torture me, it’s against Tower rules, I’m not tellin’ you shit.’
‘Did he say something?’ I ask as she trots off to the Dry Room.
She spins, walking backwards as she goes, sticks out her tongue again and says, ‘Not shit.’ The whole thing might have been very sharp if she hadn’t smacked right into Him, of all people.
As he helps her up, she whispers, ‘Did you sleep with her?’
‘Anze!’ I bark.
‘Did she say that?’
‘Sorry – I’m stupid,’ she tells him, giggling. He hands her the second bag as she adds, ‘I’m stoned,’ and walks off.
Huh… she didn’t seem stoned to me. But it does explain a lot – she’s been acting weird, despite working out well as an assistant.
Nevermind – Justin’s walking up now. I can’t pull the toque quite low enough, but before I try I can tell he’s smiling.
‘Are you goin’ around tellin’ people we’re all together?’ I ask quickly, dryly.
‘Never said shit. But whatever – people talk, it’s what they do.’
‘I guess so.’
Let me say, firmly, that Justin and I have never held hands. Never kissed. Neverwhatever. It’s been five weeks, and there’ve been no signs, no hints. Just a vibe – sorta.
I turn around and look back to my plants. They’re getting big pretty quick.
And why would there be signs, or hints? I remind myself. ‘Cause who wants a five-foot-cyclops, covered with scars?
‘Jesus, you’re good at this.’
‘It’s a miracle,’ I nod at them, proudly.
‘Pfft – act of God?’ He shakes his head, and says, ‘It’s an act o’Sophie.’
I grin widely, but inside take a long, sad sigh. I’m glad he’s on my left side, ’cause he won’t be able to see my patch when he invariably-
‘Give it back,’ I snap.
‘Why do you always wear this thing?’ He twirls my toque on long fingers.
‘Why do you always wear that stupid cap?’ I point at his old, worn red hat.
‘It’s not stupid! Bubba-Gump Shrimp! Don’t you remember that fuckin’ movie with the on on the bench – the guy from Saving Private Ryan? My dad made us watch it a million times, it was awesome.’
And I’m taken aback. But still I point at my toque and say,
‘That’s a… it’s mine.’
I open my hand for it, and he drops the his BubbaGump cap into it, pulling my toque over his eyes.
‘Christ, it fits,’ he grins. ‘Trade?’
‘Are you serious?’
I try the cap and it fits.
‘Totally.’ I’m grinning too, now.
‘This is why people think you’re sleeping together,’ Anze calls – we peer back at her. She’s holding another two bags.
‘Get back to work, Babe,’ I snap at her, and she continues on.
”Babe’?’ asks Justin.
‘It’s her rank, ’cause she’s so much younger than all of us.’
‘She’s nineteen.’
‘No she’s not, she’s seventeen. In three months she’ll be eighteen,’ I tell him.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Positive – I was her babysitter.’
‘You were not a babysitter…’ she hurries off to the Curing Room for another pair of bags.
‘No, I just had to teach her everything because she couldn’t figure it out.’
‘Yeah? Like what?’ she calls back. I wait ’till she’s out of earshot and whisper,
‘Like her period.’
Justin nods, and says, ‘What’s a period?’
‘Nevermind – make yourself useful, grab the end of this and help me move it.’
‘I’m just fuckin’ with you – I know what it is,’ he leans down and places his hands deep underneath the table and lifts the whole thing, plants and all.
Ooh, tough guy, I’m thinkin’. Way to impress me. That’s right – hold it for a second.
‘…really,’ I grin.
‘Yeah – I can read. The period comes at the end of a sentence.’
‘You can read?’ I nod, giving my best I’m-impressed face.
‘S’why I got busted down to nurse,’ he nods.
Keep holdin’ it up, tough guy.
‘Where would’ja like this?’
‘Too heavy?’
‘No, just wanna’ be productive.’
‘Down that hall, a hundred yards – tenth door on the left.’
‘Fuck off…’ He sets it back down again, and frowns at me. ‘You’re messin’ with me.’ Accusing eyes. Have I told you about his eyes?
‘Anze?’ I call over my shoulder. ‘Where’s the Blueberry Room?’
‘Hundred and twenty yards – eleventh door on the right.’
He glances down at the picture of blue berries, stuck into the middle of the trays of plants. Not the colour of real blueberries – more of a sky blue.
‘You were gonna’ have me go a hundred twenty yards?’
I pout and bat my eye, and do my best ingenue, ‘Well I’m so weak and helpless, you strong manny-man.’
‘This is why people think you’re- ‘
‘Shut up, Anze!’
He looks down, and nudges the concrete with the steel toe of his boot.
‘…I’m not all tryin’ to impress you.’
‘Well if you are, I’m totally not fallin’ for it.’
‘This is why people-‘
Justin spins to her and says quickly, calmly,
‘Anze, I’ll smoke a bowl with you later if you just… shyaddup.’
She mimes locking her lips and throwing away the key, and returns to moving the bags.
Justing leans against the countertop and looks back at her with me.
‘Since when is she out of the kitchen permanent?’
‘She asked for a transfer,’ I say. ‘One of the guy soldiers wanted to go in for kitchen duty, as a chef. The guy soldier was replaced by Donna, the old assistant, who wanted more action. Phoebe offered me a new assistant, so Anze’s here full-time.’
He nods, ‘Phoebe’s real cool about that stuff, huh?’
‘She is now. She’s totally different.’
‘Anze’s comin’ along as a good little stoner,’ he says, lighting a cigarette.
‘I know – I even have her passing a joint the right way.’
I light a smoke for myself, and we’re content to puff for a moment or two.
‘…and I wasn’t all tryin’ to be sweet when we traded caps,’ he reassures me.
‘Well don’t think I was,’ I shrug. ‘I got ten more of those upstairs.’ For some reason his face goes limp, and he nods.
‘Oh,’ mumbling, ‘…that’s cool.’
‘Hey,’ I punch his shoulder. ‘I like it. It’s cool. Now help me move this. Lift at the knees, here we go…’
* * *
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dead leaves and the dirty ground when i know you’re not around / shiny tops and the soda pops when i hear your lips make a sound
thirty notes in the mailbox will tell you that i’m comin’ home / and i think i’m gonna’ stick around for a while so you’re not alone
if you can hear a piano fall you can hear me comin’ down the hall / if i could just hear your pretty voice, i don’t think i need to see at all
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* * *
And so, it finally becomes clear to me, what everyone else had known for weeks,
I love him. Previously, I’d acknowledged to myself I had something of a crush on him, being such a damn nice guy and all…
But now it’s clear to me, so naturally I’m depressed – wallowing in my plants. Because even having established that I’m all about Justin, I’m still left with the fact that Justin treats everyone as nice as he treats me. And so I wallow in my work.
Right now I’m going over a table of budding plants, searching for the males.
I patiently going from plant to plant with a magnifying glass, squinting my one good eye.
Allow me to let you in on a little marijuana horticulture, it’s the female plants that produce THC – the chemical that gets you high. They produce this to attract the male plants – to entice the males to start making pollen. Once the females are pollenated, they shut down THC production. If they’re not pollenated, they’ll continue until it’s dripping off. Obviously, the male plants are kept on a separate floor.
But in every new crop of plants, there’s bound to be males, and it’s always best to find ’em before they even start to really leaf. So I squint into the magnifying glass with my one good eye.
‘You okay?’ Anze sips her morning coffee. She was up late with Justin last night – he shared a lot more than one bowl with her – their chatting in the common area kept me up ’till two or so.
‘Got one of those for me?’
‘Is that my job now?’
‘Yes – you’re the assistant.’
‘Losta cream, lotsa sugar?’ she holds up a big mug.
‘Yeah…’ I reach for it. ‘Thanks.’
She leans against the counter with me and we each take a long sip, and a long breath.
‘Who made this coffee?’
‘Some ex-soldier guy Herskie,’ she shrugs.
‘It’s pretty good.’
‘Yeah, all this time we thought they couldn’t cook…’
‘You’re really growing up,’ I tell her. She shrugs again.
‘We all grew up. Why is that dog always here?’ Anze points her toe at Douglas, who lies sleeping under a table of plants.
‘She’s a wolf, Anze – give her some respect.’
‘So she’s yours now?’
‘She likes me, for some reason.’
‘Do you get anything from her?’
‘Nothin’. She just sleeps,’ I say. In response, Douglass huffs and turns her head in the opposite direction. ‘…but she listens to me.’
Anze frowns and says, ‘That’s creepy. So Justin and I talked for a while last night.’
‘I know, you kept me up.’
‘So you know what he said?’
‘No, I just heard the sound of it – just natter-natter-natter-natter-natter-natter for like, three hours straight.’
‘Whatever, he said he wanted to party a little before he had to go out on that big three-day scouting run…’
She sips her coffee, nodding. Green, green eyes sparkling. I wish my eye was as bright as… one of hers.
‘What did he say?’
‘About what?’
‘About me.’
She sips her coffee and says, ‘So you’re curious, now.’
‘Gimmie a break, Anze,’ I sigh into my mug. She’s a good head taller than me now, finally had her last growth spurt – my baby girl. ‘What’d he say?’
‘He doesn’t understand why you don’t like him.’
‘He thinks I don’t like him?’
‘So you do?’
‘Of course I…’
‘Hm,’ she grins. ‘I’ll have to pass that along.’
‘Anze. Come on.’
She shrugs, sets her mug down and finds a cigarette. Lighting it, she takes a drag before telling me, ‘He actually said… he said he doesn’t understand why you never visit him.’
‘We talk all the time.’
‘No – he comes down here all the time. You never go see him on his shift.’
‘He’s all the way out on scouting runs, how would I find him?’
‘He does guard shifts at night.’
‘I sleep at night.’
She throws up her hands before grabbing the coffee cup – she’s done.
‘That’s just what he told me,’ she says, walking off to the dry room. ‘I’ll be finished the bags today, what am I starting on next?’
‘You wanna’ learn how to grow?’ I ask.
‘Well – yeah,’ she nods.
‘Good, you’ll plant your first crop.’ I flip open a binder of symbols and trace my finger to a particular group of bags. The previous grower kept perfect records, based on a system of symbols of her own design – a series of coloured pictures with a series of numbers. I grab the crayons and quickly copy the crop name and location to a card, and hand it to Anze.
‘This is the number for an O-bag,’ she says, and I nod.
‘Yeah – I’m gonna’ show you how to process seeds straight off the bud. After that, I’ll show you how to find the male plants – it’ll be fun.’
She grins and hurries off to her work as I sip my coffee. Shit – I should have asked her for a cigarette, and I sigh down at my plants.
Why would he want a cut-up midget?
The dark clouds storm over my head again until Anze comes back in with the O. As I remove a stick of bud from the bag and she seals it back up before sitting beside me and saying,
‘He’s totally into you.’
I needed that.
* * *
Stupid scouting runs. Why go all the way south? The dogs could be back. They could be back. There was way too many of them, and Cypress couldn’t kill them all.
Dear Literotica reader, Please forgive spelling mistakes and the like – my spell-checker has decided to take an extended vacation, and I’m afraid you and I must suffer for it. -Riv * * * my hurt inside is fading / this shits gone way too far / all this time i’ve been waiting / oh i cannot breath anymore / for whats insides awaking / i’m not i’m not a whore / you’ve taken everything and / oh i cannot give any more * * * * * * We grab an O-bag of stuff guaranteed to put you to sleep...
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* * * in the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey / butane in my veins I’m out to cut the junkie / with the plastic eyeballs, spraypaint the vegetables / dog food stalls, with the beefcake pantyhose / kill the headlights and put it in neutral / stock car flaming with a loser in the cruise control / baby’s in Reno with a vitamin d / got a couple of couches, asleep on the love seat * * * * * * The power runs on sunlight. Cypress told us that he wasn’t used to using power indiscriminately...
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Novels‘Mrs Dickinson, may I ask you something?’ I asked.‘Please do, Mrs Lonsdale!’‘How else could I get punished at the school?’ Mrs Dickinson smiled at me.‘I take it you are speaking hypothetically? Your interest in punishments at the school intrigues me, Mrs Lonsdale. Has your opinion altered at all from last night?I could feel myself blushing. ‘Yes, it has, Mrs Dickinson. The things I felt as you were – caning me – have made me question everything I thought I knew.‘That’s very gratifying, Mrs...
Spanking[Now, we really wondered what Joshua wanted to tell us.] “The old goat can be totally tactless and as subtle as a ‘Louisville Slugger’.” Ann smirked. “I’m really sorry, I hope you can forgive me.” Joshua groused. “I DO have some things I want to ask you that REALLY are sensitive and I didn’t want you to feel inhibited by having others who don’t understand sitting around.” “Well, you definitely got our attention and maybe it’s a good thing.” I said, “Are we really the ONLY ones with this...
Copyright© 2004 "No response to the hail, Captain." Bill, eager to repeat our success with the planet Eden, had begun hailing CM21020225-1 as soon as the Folder dumped us on the outskirts of the system. We had already come up dry on the first two systems along it's planned trajectory, neither giving any clue as to whether CM21020225-1 had ever been there. Orbital surveys, however, seemed to indicate that those systems had planets that would be pretty inhospitable to humans, so we...
Jasmine liked her job for the most part. She worked with disabled adults and though it could be difficult, she enjoyed it. It did require long hours at times, and could be both physically and mentally draining, but at that point in her life there was nothing else that she wanted to be doing. One of the best parts of her job was her boss, Dan. Dan was a very nice guy and treated all of his employees with courtesy and respect. He realized the difficulties of the job and took that into...
ReluctanceMy name is Maria and I am a nurse living in Sydney Australia. I’m over 50 and I’m 5'6" tall brunette who has put on a bit of weight over the years. I’ve large breasts (38 DD) with large dark areolae and protuberant nipples, wide curvy hips and thick thighs and shapely calves. Nowadays, I don’t consider myself anything special but in my younger days, I was pretty with a voluptuous figure which not infrequently attracted wolf whistles from guys. I’ve been married for 25 years and apart...
Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of June, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! This story is about a poor guy with his honesty can win any people and could help himself reach his goals and further go to the top position. …I could know her astonishment through her face and she was very much happy that I gave equal importance to her problems and gave excellent solutions for each questions which made her think...
Agh," he gasped. "oh, ugh, ugh."He was naked and she fully dressed, her hand a blur as she knelt in front of him and pumped his hard cock. "Oh, God," he reached out to hold on to something. But he just too far away from the dining table to steady himself against the explosion that was building within him. He looked down, but dared not grab her head. So he just lifted his eyes to heaven and let out a long low moan.She kept on pumping his cock, her eyes fixed on the task at hand, regardless of...
BDSMMy name is Alice and I’m 17. I’ve never really been like everybody else. Never really bothered to I guess. I’m me and I don’t like to pretend to be somebody I’m not. But there is one thing that I have to cover up by not being myself, and it’s something that I really don’t know how to handle. It’s sexual and I’ve never really gotten it. My friends always discuss guys. How hot they are or how cute they are or just simply how ugly they are. And I agree guys are hot. There’s just something lately...
Hi friends…m a ocasionally reader of ISS,ocassional in the sense wenevr i get chance in cyber.Its simply gr8..all share their their fantasies n real encounters..i2 wishd 2tell u guys n gals abt my first encounter.Sorry if u dint liked it…This happened wen i ws studyning in diploma…It ws my xam time..i used 2sit near window of my room to study,ther was a compound wall 10yards away frm wndow.,n ther was 3houses next to the c.wall.Aftr the xam i used to do all my collge wrk sittng near wndw.In one...
IncestIt was almost three months before Debbie saw Stephanie and Amber again. Debbie’s nieces opened an entirely new life for the normally conservative Debbie. She now kept her five-foot frame taunt from daily workouts. The workouts strengthened the muscles under Debbie’s breasts causing the 36D globes to look a size larger. To Debbie’s pleasant surprise, Brett noticed and in just the last month or so, he seemed to want to have sex every night. Brett especially liked the way Debbie kept her pussy...
We both dressed and headed off on our bikes, laughing and racing each other. It was pretty difficult, at first, riding with a hard-on but fortunately it soon went down. “Coming back to mine?” Dan asked, “Mom and Dad aren’t home”. “Sure” I replied. We rolled up at Dan’s new house, sure enough no-one home. We took off our shoes and went to Dan’s bedroom. “There’s some games on my P.C. or..” Dan said as she stood directly in front of me. I felt her hands undoing my jeans, first the button...
He ached inside his balls. Joan, had gotten him worked up all through the day, and she knew it, from the way he had been walking. Finally when in it came time for them to get it on, Tom thought he wouldn’t last long. To his surprise he lasted a lot longer than expected. Perhaps it was the slight pain his balls felt everytime they softly hit against Joan as he thrust deep inside her wet pussy. ‘ Oh, fuck me, fuck me hard.’ Joan cried out upon the bed. Listening to her pleas Tom thrust...
COLLEGE BOY IN PRISON by Throne Everything had been going great for Sammy. He was starting college, with courses in art and poetry, and still hadn't decided what his major would be. His jet-setting parents lived on the opposite coast and honestly didn't have much to do with him except to pay his bills. So he had stayed briefly with his Uncle John, a tall dignified man, until the first semester began at the nearby college. While he was on campus he met a guy his own age, Ray, who...
GIVE ANYTHING This story is one of six stories in the compilation, A New You by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 1 The woman who lived opposite our house had nothing that we did but she also had the only thing of value I desired. My husband and I lived in Mossgill, on the very edge of Nockton, right on the border with Barton, its evil twin. Between our house and hers was the...
Laura groggily wakes up, mentally trying to take stock of the situation around her. It takes only a second to wake up completely after she does that when she realizes just how bad it looks. She's just off of a park jogging trail and had been laying down on leaves and twigs, all of her clothes except her jogging shoes and some tatters of her shirt around her shoulders have been ripped away, and her pussy protests with soreness every time she moves. It's pretty hard to not come to the conclusion...
I was away on a business trip, was a long day. I went to the bar at the hotel for a few drinks before heading to my room. The bar wasn’t very busy but I noticed her as soon as I walked in. She was hot as hell, young for this 45 year old guy but her mouth got my attention first. Sexy red lips, her tongue kept licking them in such a sexy way. You could hear her sexy laugh throughout the bar. I moved closer to where she was standing to get a better view. She was gorgeous, long brown hair… curvy...
I am deepak from Belgaum in Karnataka. I stay at our own house alone. My parents have shifted to Bangalore. I couldn’t do so because I had halfway done my engineering and I wanted to continue it here itself. A small boy; probably 10-12 years old use to disturb and trouble me by knocking, ringing the doorbell, etc. irritated by him, I once chased him. He went in a house down the lane and hid behind the door thinking i haven’t seen him. I slowly went and caught hold of him. He told me that was...
As Lucy came to, her mind struggled to make sense of the room she was in. Shecould see an ornate ceiling; complete with bas reliefs, which seemed to beengaging in some pretty unusual acts. There should be gleaming white tilesand recessed lighting she thought, not this. A polite cough drew her attention from the ceiling to the couple standingby her side. He was dressed in a sharp business suit, and she was dressed ina tight t-shirt and figure hugging jeans. Definitely not the doctor and...
I smiled as I drove home from the d**g store as my hand felt the small vile in my pants pocket. How could such a small container bring so much pleasure? My mind played over the night before when I fucked my little bitch wife in every position and every room in the house. It was amazing the change in Amy, after she had the potion she became nymphomaniac. Even when I used her asshole she was racked with orgasms.As I turned down the street to my house I started to wonder if Amy would still be the...
The following characters appear in the first few chapters: Gabriell (Gabe) Duke of Pembrook and Prince of the North, 5’-6” tall, 175 pounds, 60 years old#, barrel chested, gray hair, green eyes. Cecilia (Celia) a. Age 13#, Slave girl, 4’-11” tall, 95 pounds, 32B-20-30, long auburn hair, gray eyes, so cute. b. Age 18, Daughter, 5’-2” tall, 115 pounds, 34D-22-34, long auburn hair, gray eyes, beautiful. c. Age 35, Son’s lover, 5’-2” tall, 125 pounds, 34D-23-35, long auburn hair, gray eyes,...
It was 2:30 p.m., Thursday, September 17th. I will never forget the day, the hour or the minute that the phone rang. I was in my office so I picked it up and my secretary said, "Hugh..." Her voice broke and I knew something very bad had happened. She clicked me through and a man's voice came on. It took me a few moments to realize who it was. "Simon, what is it? What is it?" It's one of those times that make you believe in telepathy, or premonition. Before I could make out one word...
Mike, Martin und Jürgen waren stinkig. Sie hatten auch allen Grund dazu, denn schließlich hatten sie vor wenigen Wochen den Job verloren. Sie hatten alle für ein großes deutsches Stahlunternehmen in Essen gearbeitet, welches erst übernommen und dann vollständig geschlossen wurde. Mike und Martin hatten als Schweißer und Jürgen als Dreher gearbeitet und ihre Chancen einen neuen Job zu bekommen waren gleich null. Sie waren alle über 40 und hatten nichts anderes gelernt. Die Zeiten waren nie...
Man Dating - Chapter 12 "It's been a while since we have seen you Jake, everything going well for you?" Tom Harrison asked as he stood up from his desk and walked around to the front to grab Jakes hand in a meaty and friendly handshake. It was almost a competition as to who would be favored, both men taking hold of the others offered hand. At first strength and agility were displayed as to how the grip formed, points awarded for even and full. The initial result could be...
My Grandma chose the most inopportune time to die. I was engaged in the lengthy process of lining up a new job that actually granted paid funeral leave, but I was still a few weeks away from giving my notice at my old position. As opposed to the numerous times she'd "died" earlier in my life, come the one true time there wasn't anything exciting I wanted to do with the time off. I was hoping that no one in Personnel was clever enough to say Hey, wait a minute, didn't your Grandmother die a...
The expensive black leather pouch lay open on the floor. Its satin ribbon ties were undone and lay as waves on the sea of blue wool carpet. Ginny stared wide-eyed around the untidy room. The drawers from the oak sideboard were empty, their contents had been strewn across the floor. The oak box sat on the television, its lid lay on the floor. The contents, tiny china ornaments, had been scattered on the carpet. The oil painting leaned at an odd angle against the wall. The edge of the canvas was...
My name is Michelle Mathis, my best friend is Katie Werner and she lives next door to me and my roommate with her aunt Sherri Townsend. Katie and I are both 18 years old and in our first year of college. I have a very nice body to say so myself, big tits, small waist and I think I have a very nice ass. I love the college life and I have been having sex with a lot of different guys. Katie is a little smaller then me but she is also very well built. She too is having sex with a few different...
I was toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, not one of those full arm jobs that seem popular with merchant sailors and hairy bikers but something discreet, somewhere discreet, if you know what I mean. I had mentioned it to my girlfriend and she didn’t object to the idea and so it was one Thursday afternoon that I pushed open the door of the tattoo parlour and walked nervously up to the empty counter. I heard a female voice call from the back of the shop “I’ll be with you in a minute.” “No...
Hi guys, I am Vinay back with another story. Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments for my previous stories. I hope you like this one also. Send your comments to Let’s get into the story .This story is about how I got into sex with my sister in law in the absence of my bro as a gift for my help. My bro got married a year ago, he works for an MNC company and goes out most of the days. To tell about my sister in law ( rekha ), she’s around 26, has a sexy body, most of them get attracted...
IncestDiana came back with a washcloth and helped her mother put it between her legs, and also helped her get her panties and shorts back on. Susan was still mostly out of it, her motions and actions slow and somewhat uncoordinated. "You really blew her away," Diana said to her husband as she sat and pulled her mother into her arms. "She really blew me away, too," Jeff said as he touched Susan's cheek. "I was aware enough to support most of my weight on my forearms, but all I wanted to do...
For years I have been trying to get my wife to take charge of our relationship. To date, the best that has happened has been her tying me to the bed, sucking on me, then riding me till I came... Oh boy!?! About a month ago, she asked me for my measurements, she measured everywhere. When I inquired, she just said it was a secret. Yesterday, a Wednesday, she announced that we would be taking a three day weekend together. She had already okayed it with my boss and our plans were made. She...
With the sudden obliteration of a strange comet over the pacific ocean few cared what would happen. Microscopic spores purposefully spread to major landmasses entering everywhere. Only when some humans discovered the spores a few months later did activate consuming all organic life that it came in contact with and spreading its strange carapace like structures over all inorganic structure. Within minutes of Outbreak due to the density of its populations China, Japan and much of the eastern...
The bomb shell that my imaginary friend wasn't imaginary at all was something of a shock. "but ... but ... how can I hear you? And for that matter how can you hear me," I thought. I don't know, said Jessica, Oh, It must be telepathy! You're reading my thoughts!? I sent. I guess so, I don't really know. I can't think of any other explanation. I guess, unable to think of a more plausible explanation, me being crazy seemed high up on the list though. I was a little shocked by the...
I was in a marriage that had been going downhill for years. We tried everything possible to get it back on track, but ever since I had been diagnosed a couple of years earlier with a rare disease, deep inside I knew it was over. It’s amazing how the human mind can isolate the truth, and how a traumatic experience can all of a sudden begin to make you see the truth behind everything, even if it’s over a period of time. I had forgiven my wife many times for breaking the trust I had for her. Most...
My Cousin Gia was staying with me for a mini-vacation, I found her out on the balcony having a pretty intense conversation. Apparently her BF was breaking up with her and she was having a hard time coming to terms with that, I tell her that I’ll talk with her when I get back from work. I took a quick nap after coming home from work and the next thing I know I am getting woken up from Gia giving me head under my blanket, I was totally in shock at first but I gotta admit she sucks dick so...
xmoviesforyou**Author's note** This is my first foray into the world of superheroines/superheroes so please if you have any suggestions or criticisms feel free to leave them a comment. Also please feel free to add to the story if you like. Also, while I absolutely love Gal Gadot, for me, Lynda Carter will always be 'Wonder Woman' in my eyes! The courtroom was packed. TV news crews from all over the world had descended upon the city of New York to cover this historic event. The most famous and powerful...
BDSMI had leftover french toast and cherry sherbet for lunch. The second batch I'd made had been sitting in my freezer since Friday and I was going to serve it tonight to Mitch. There was an awful lot of it though. I could use more dinner guests. I wondered if he had a girlfriend. I grabbed the cell and called him this time. "Canceling dinner on me Cooper?" he said as soon as he picked up. "Nope, just wondering if you have a girlfriend you'd like to bring along. I've got more food than...
After a few minutes, his softening cock slipped out of her full pussy with a ‘slurp’, and he lay beside her, stroking her naked body. ‘Do you wanna have a shower together?’ she asked. ‘Ok!’ he said with a smile. He felt some movement from his penis at the thought of seeing his sister all naked and wet. They got out of bed and she scurried to the shower. He followed, watching Amy’s naked, skinny ass as she skipped ahead of him. She got the shower going and in no time, they were both...
I normally don’t write stories based on others people’s ideas, but when Literotica member dimimis1991 proposed this to me, it struck a chord deep within my twisted mind and I could see this story unfold. His idea was a young man whose sperm was so special that he becomes effectively a captive slave. I put it in the future to give context to the story I built around the idea I will leave it to the reader to judge whether James has ended up in a heavenly or hellish situation. = = = = = =...
Hi guys. Mujhe bohut bura lag raha hai kyunki maine aapko itne dinon se intezar karvaya. Please mujhe maaf kar dijiye. Meri tabiyat bohut kharab thi pichle ek mahine se. Abhi se main vaada karta hun ki main apna story posting ko regular rakhunga. Abhi tak aapne padha hai ki kaise maine Jessi ki chut ragadkar use khush kiya. Ab uske aage ka padhiye aur apna feedback mujhe jaroor dijiye. Jessi ne mera shirt utaara aur mujhe zor zor se choomne lagi. Woh beech me moan kar rahi thi jisse mera...