SmokeSCREEN : Book6.1 free porn video

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you’re looking down again / and then you looked me over / we’re laying down again / on a blanket in the clover / the same boy you’ve always known / well i guess i haven’t grown // same boy you’ve always known //

* * *

* * *

After two weeks, we’re suddenly a family.

Given that it’s year fourteen, it falls to Floor One to make a new claim for leadership. Seeing as Floor One’s leader is Phoebe, she’s back in the saddle again but infinitely more easygoing. We have a steady rotation of scouts in the city around us, plus a full compliment of sentries around the tower walls, but most of the effort is put into repairing our way of life. With Martha wanting more work on cars, I opted to get our greenhouse working again and headed to the basements.

In my Fortress of Underground Solitude I’m keenly unaware of the social goings-on around, but I observe a lot through my floor. The boys are integrating, perfectly.

Josh has developed a keen instinct for keeping Lisa satisfied as she either regains her health or gets worse – we really can’t tell – and Phoebe was kind enough to assign him as Lisa’s personal Nurse until she’s up and about again. He makes sure she’s well-fed, clean, entertained and anything else he can set his mind to. Justin, strangely enough, quietly goes about his menial duties as a scout and guard without complaining. Much like Cypress, he’s strangely serious about it all, but enjoys it nonetheless.

I’m staring at him over one of Cypress’s old National Geographics right now – I like the pictures. Or that’s my explanation – I’m staring at Justin, who is eating a breadstick.

What right does he have to be so cheery?

‘So you’re down in the Growhouse now,’ he says suddenly – I purposefully look up from my magazine.

‘Why?’ is all I can think to ask.

‘Maybe… Phoebe thought it was best?’

‘No, I mean why do you ask?’

‘Nothin’, just… I hear you guys were all into growin’ pot.’ I cock the brow over my eye.


‘Well, it’s been like, a long time, and I could…’ he pauses, like he’s not sure if he should proceed, but adds, ‘I could sure go for a good hoot.’

My cocky eyebrow has settled – what?

‘I thought you guys never smoked pot.’

‘Well, you see magazines, you find it, you try it – whatever.’

‘How many of you?’



‘Three that I know of, self included.’

A broad smile spreads across my face, and I point a finger.

‘You’re totally a chronic, aren’t you?’

‘What’s chronic?’

‘Gram a day.’

‘Well, yeah.’

‘Fuck – let’s go smoke a bowl.’ I thumb over my shoulder towards the stairwell and he nods, munching on the breadstick as we go.
He needed a redeeming quality.

We share that bowl, and many more as the days start to swing by. Phoebe’s impressed with my work, and when Reiko from Floor six applied for my post as an Alpha, Phoebe shot her down and let me pick a new assistant instead. Reiko was assigned to the courtyard garden.

For first few weeks she came down here every few days, borrowing this or that, all the while making snitty comments about my fledgeling crop. Reiko all tall and perfectly-proportioned and cute with her almond eyes and full lips and the only thing that gets that bitch out of my mind wears a worn-out baseball cap.

Today, he comes up behind me as I lean my jaw on my knuckles, staring at a little budlet that’s seen fit to pop up.

My vision goes black, and I bat Justin’s hand away, not looking from my tiny plant.

‘Stop doing that,’ I tell him.

‘This place looks so much better.’

‘Well, they fucked up the lights pretty bad, I had to do some running around to replace ’em.’

‘What’s that?’

He’s looking over my shoulder, I can tell.

‘It’s my plant.’

‘What kind?’


‘Wacky tabacky?’

‘The wackiest.’ I finally turn to him, and smile as he presents me with a plate of food. Good food, too – the kitchen’s been running for ten days, now.

‘This is all you guys grow?’

‘We keep the veggies one floor down,’ I tell him through my food. ‘I’ll get to that in a couple of weeks.’

‘So, I’m doin’ my circuit, right?’

I know this voice – this is ‘Justin’s-got-something-he-thinks-is-important’ voice, and I roll my eye as I eat.

‘And guess what trots right up to me, not growlin’ or nothin?’


‘A big fuckin’ black wolf.’

‘Fuck off.’

‘Phoebe’s got it upstairs – it’s friendly as all Hell, too. We think it’s Cypress’s.’

‘This I gotta’ see,’ I put my plate down.

‘What, right now?’

I pause. Should we…?

‘Alright, one bowl,’ I nod.

‘Atta girl.’

* * *

Stoned out of our minds, my toque and his baseball cap pulled down low over our eyes, we wander, giggling, upstairs.

Justin’s great being stoned with – I do get the vibe, but everyone else probably does too, he’s so Goddamn friendly. Point is, he makes you laugh a lot. It takes us a while to get out to the courtyard, and when we do a circle’s already formed around Phoebe and the wolf.

It’s weird, even though she sold us out to the old ones, everyone’s had a renewned faith in Phoebe. She seems to be making all the right calls, though I personally don’t buy it.

She’s sitting in front of the wolf, stroking it’s head. As soon as I step into view the beast jumps to her feet and trots over to me.

‘Hi Douglas,’ I say politely. The wolf isn’t as scary as Crow made it out to be.

‘How did you know his name?’

‘Her name – Crow told me.’

Phoebe shakes her head and stands.

‘I thought you knew what to do when and if this dog showed up,’ she says.

‘He just told us to wait for the wolf,’ Justin recites, kneeling to the shaggy beast. ‘Now what? Woof.’

Douglas is not amused. She looks up at me, puzzled as she pants.

Now she looks questioningly, asking ‘why did you leave them?’

‘It’s not like she tried to get me to follow her or anything,’ Justin shrugs.

‘But still, he sent her up here,’ Martha says. ‘That means they’re alive.’

‘That means he’s alive. Michelle and Richard could be dead,’ Justin says.

‘And the others.’

‘We’re a decent size already – sixty can hold its own.’

‘That’s not the point-‘

‘Sophie – what does the dog want?’ Phoebe snaps at me.


I look at Douglas, and she pants up at me in the hot sun.

‘The dog wants water.’

* * *

Douglas seems to like me. I say this because she won’t go away, not that she’s offered deeper insight into Cypress’s situation. The Alphas are meeting right now up in Fourteen with Phoebe to discuss a broader plan. Do we stay and wait for Cypress? Do we continue the River plan? Does Justin like me? Like, like me like me?

‘Who are you talking to?’ Anze pops an eyebrow at me.


I just noticed her. She’s carrying two five-pound bags of weed. Her hair, once a brilliant green is a pale, pale off-white. I’d never noticed how white it was before – but her natural color is closer to silver than blond.

For some reason, it makes her eyes greener.

‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ she asks, stepping back.

‘I’m not.’ I pull my toque down.

‘You’re totally stoned.’

‘I’m the official Tower Potgrower, d’think I’m a nun?’

Her jaw drops and she shrieks, ‘You fucked Justin!’

My jaw drops and I shout, ‘What? I’m stoned! Who fucked Justin?’


‘Since when? I hope it was good.’

I find a smoke – it’s real good. Smokes are always better when you’re s

‘Well did you?’

‘I just said, no. He’s not sayin’ that, is he?’

And now she blushes a deep pink as she says,

‘Well, no, you just hear things.’

‘From who?’

‘Wwww…. Where do I put these?’ she asks.

‘Hold your arms out.’


‘Hold the bags out – stretch your arms.’

‘Ah… okay…’

‘Okay – hold it,’ I tell her.


‘The bags go right there. Now who said what?’

She drops her arms, and sticks out her tongue.

‘You can’t torture me, it’s against Tower rules, I’m not tellin’ you shit.’

‘Did he say something?’ I ask as she trots off to the Dry Room.

She spins, walking backwards as she goes, sticks out her tongue again and says, ‘Not shit.’ The whole thing might have been very sharp if she hadn’t smacked right into Him, of all people.

As he helps her up, she whispers, ‘Did you sleep with her?’

‘Anze!’ I bark.

‘Did she say that?’

‘Sorry – I’m stupid,’ she tells him, giggling. He hands her the second bag as she adds, ‘I’m stoned,’ and walks off.

Huh… she didn’t seem stoned to me. But it does explain a lot – she’s been acting weird, despite working out well as an assistant.

Nevermind – Justin’s walking up now. I can’t pull the toque quite low enough, but before I try I can tell he’s smiling.

‘Are you goin’ around tellin’ people we’re all together?’ I ask quickly, dryly.

‘Never said shit. But whatever – people talk, it’s what they do.’

‘I guess so.’

Let me say, firmly, that Justin and I have never held hands. Never kissed. Neverwhatever. It’s been five weeks, and there’ve been no signs, no hints. Just a vibe – sorta.

I turn around and look back to my plants. They’re getting big pretty quick.

And why would there be signs, or hints? I remind myself. ‘Cause who wants a five-foot-cyclops, covered with scars?

‘Jesus, you’re good at this.’

‘It’s a miracle,’ I nod at them, proudly.

‘Pfft – act of God?’ He shakes his head, and says, ‘It’s an act o’Sophie.’

I grin widely, but inside take a long, sad sigh. I’m glad he’s on my left side, ’cause he won’t be able to see my patch when he invariably-

‘Give it back,’ I snap.

‘Why do you always wear this thing?’ He twirls my toque on long fingers.

‘Why do you always wear that stupid cap?’ I point at his old, worn red hat.

‘It’s not stupid! Bubba-Gump Shrimp! Don’t you remember that fuckin’ movie with the on on the bench – the guy from Saving Private Ryan? My dad made us watch it a million times, it was awesome.’

And I’m taken aback. But still I point at my toque and say,

‘That’s a… it’s mine.’

I open my hand for it, and he drops the his BubbaGump cap into it, pulling my toque over his eyes.

‘Christ, it fits,’ he grins. ‘Trade?’

‘Are you serious?’


I try the cap and it fits.

‘Totally.’ I’m grinning too, now.

‘This is why people think you’re sleeping together,’ Anze calls – we peer back at her. She’s holding another two bags.

‘Get back to work, Babe,’ I snap at her, and she continues on.

”Babe’?’ asks Justin.

‘It’s her rank, ’cause she’s so much younger than all of us.’

‘She’s nineteen.’

‘No she’s not, she’s seventeen. In three months she’ll be eighteen,’ I tell him.

‘Are you sure?’

‘Positive – I was her babysitter.’

‘You were not a babysitter…’ she hurries off to the Curing Room for another pair of bags.

‘No, I just had to teach her everything because she couldn’t figure it out.’

‘Yeah? Like what?’ she calls back. I wait ’till she’s out of earshot and whisper,

‘Like her period.’

Justin nods, and says, ‘What’s a period?’

‘Nevermind – make yourself useful, grab the end of this and help me move it.’

‘I’m just fuckin’ with you – I know what it is,’ he leans down and places his hands deep underneath the table and lifts the whole thing, plants and all.

Ooh, tough guy, I’m thinkin’. Way to impress me. That’s right – hold it for a second.

‘…really,’ I grin.

‘Yeah – I can read. The period comes at the end of a sentence.’

‘You can read?’ I nod, giving my best I’m-impressed face.

‘S’why I got busted down to nurse,’ he nods.

Keep holdin’ it up, tough guy.


‘Where would’ja like this?’

‘Too heavy?’

‘No, just wanna’ be productive.’

‘Down that hall, a hundred yards – tenth door on the left.’

‘Fuck off…’ He sets it back down again, and frowns at me. ‘You’re messin’ with me.’ Accusing eyes. Have I told you about his eyes?

‘Anze?’ I call over my shoulder. ‘Where’s the Blueberry Room?’

‘Hundred and twenty yards – eleventh door on the right.’

He glances down at the picture of blue berries, stuck into the middle of the trays of plants. Not the colour of real blueberries – more of a sky blue.

‘You were gonna’ have me go a hundred twenty yards?’

I pout and bat my eye, and do my best ingenue, ‘Well I’m so weak and helpless, you strong manny-man.’

‘This is why people think you’re- ‘

‘Shut up, Anze!’

He looks down, and nudges the concrete with the steel toe of his boot.

‘…I’m not all tryin’ to impress you.’

‘Well if you are, I’m totally not fallin’ for it.’

‘This is why people-‘

Justin spins to her and says quickly, calmly,

‘Anze, I’ll smoke a bowl with you later if you just… shyaddup.’

She mimes locking her lips and throwing away the key, and returns to moving the bags.

Justing leans against the countertop and looks back at her with me.

‘Since when is she out of the kitchen permanent?’

‘She asked for a transfer,’ I say. ‘One of the guy soldiers wanted to go in for kitchen duty, as a chef. The guy soldier was replaced by Donna, the old assistant, who wanted more action. Phoebe offered me a new assistant, so Anze’s here full-time.’

He nods, ‘Phoebe’s real cool about that stuff, huh?’

‘She is now. She’s totally different.’

‘Anze’s comin’ along as a good little stoner,’ he says, lighting a cigarette.

‘I know – I even have her passing a joint the right way.’

I light a smoke for myself, and we’re content to puff for a moment or two.
‘…and I wasn’t all tryin’ to be sweet when we traded caps,’ he reassures me.

‘Well don’t think I was,’ I shrug. ‘I got ten more of those upstairs.’ For some reason his face goes limp, and he nods.

‘Oh,’ mumbling, ‘…that’s cool.’

‘Hey,’ I punch his shoulder. ‘I like it. It’s cool. Now help me move this. Lift at the knees, here we go…’

* * *

* * *

dead leaves and the dirty ground when i know you’re not around / shiny tops and the soda pops when i hear your lips make a sound

thirty notes in the mailbox will tell you that i’m comin’ home / and i think i’m gonna’ stick around for a while so you’re not alone

if you can hear a piano fall you can hear me comin’ down the hall / if i could just hear your pretty voice, i don’t think i need to see at all

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* * *

And so, it finally becomes clear to me, what everyone else had known for weeks,

I love him. Previously, I’d acknowledged to myself I had something of a crush on him, being such a damn nice guy and all…

But now it’s clear to me, so naturally I’m depressed – wallowing in my plants. Because even having established that I’m all about Justin, I’m still left with the fact that Justin treats everyone as nice as he treats me. And so I wallow in my work.

Right now I’m going over a table of budding plants, searching for the males.
I patiently going from plant to plant with a magnifying glass, squinting my one good eye.
Allow me to let you in on a little marijuana horticulture, it’s the female plants that produce THC – the chemical that gets you high. They produce this to attract the male plants – to entice the males to start making pollen. Once the females are pollenated, they shut down THC production. If they’re not pollenated, they’ll continue until it’s dripping off. Obviously, the male plants are kept on a separate floor.

But in every new crop of plants, there’s bound to be males, and it’s always best to find ’em before they even start to really leaf. So I squint into the magnifying glass with my one good eye.

‘You okay?’ Anze sips her morning coffee. She was up late with Justin last night – he shared a lot more than one bowl with her – their chatting in the common area kept me up ’till two or so.

‘Got one of those for me?’

‘Is that my job now?’

‘Yes – you’re the assistant.’

‘Losta cream, lotsa sugar?’ she holds up a big mug.

‘Yeah…’ I reach for it. ‘Thanks.’

She leans against the counter with me and we each take a long sip, and a long breath.

‘Who made this coffee?’

‘Some ex-soldier guy Herskie,’ she shrugs.

‘It’s pretty good.’

‘Yeah, all this time we thought they couldn’t cook…’

‘You’re really growing up,’ I tell her. She shrugs again.

‘We all grew up. Why is that dog always here?’ Anze points her toe at Douglas, who lies sleeping under a table of plants.

‘She’s a wolf, Anze – give her some respect.’

‘So she’s yours now?’

‘She likes me, for some reason.’

‘Do you get anything from her?’

‘Nothin’. She just sleeps,’ I say. In response, Douglass huffs and turns her head in the opposite direction. ‘…but she listens to me.’

Anze frowns and says, ‘That’s creepy. So Justin and I talked for a while last night.’

‘I know, you kept me up.’

‘So you know what he said?’

‘No, I just heard the sound of it – just natter-natter-natter-natter-natter-natter for like, three hours straight.’

‘Whatever, he said he wanted to party a little before he had to go out on that big three-day scouting run…’

She sips her coffee, nodding. Green, green eyes sparkling. I wish my eye was as bright as… one of hers.

‘What did he say?’

‘About what?’

‘About me.’

She sips her coffee and says, ‘So you’re curious, now.’

‘Gimmie a break, Anze,’ I sigh into my mug. She’s a good head taller than me now, finally had her last growth spurt – my baby girl. ‘What’d he say?’

‘He doesn’t understand why you don’t like him.’

‘He thinks I don’t like him?’

‘So you do?’

‘Of course I…’

‘Hm,’ she grins. ‘I’ll have to pass that along.’

‘Anze. Come on.’

She shrugs, sets her mug down and finds a cigarette. Lighting it, she takes a drag before telling me, ‘He actually said… he said he doesn’t understand why you never visit him.’

‘We talk all the time.’

‘No – he comes down here all the time. You never go see him on his shift.’

‘He’s all the way out on scouting runs, how would I find him?’

‘He does guard shifts at night.’

‘I sleep at night.’

She throws up her hands before grabbing the coffee cup – she’s done.

‘That’s just what he told me,’ she says, walking off to the dry room. ‘I’ll be finished the bags today, what am I starting on next?’

‘You wanna’ learn how to grow?’ I ask.

‘Well – yeah,’ she nods.

‘Good, you’ll plant your first crop.’ I flip open a binder of symbols and trace my finger to a particular group of bags. The previous grower kept perfect records, based on a system of symbols of her own design – a series of coloured pictures with a series of numbers. I grab the crayons and quickly copy the crop name and location to a card, and hand it to Anze.

‘This is the number for an O-bag,’ she says, and I nod.

‘Yeah – I’m gonna’ show you how to process seeds straight off the bud. After that, I’ll show you how to find the male plants – it’ll be fun.’

She grins and hurries off to her work as I sip my coffee. Shit – I should have asked her for a cigarette, and I sigh down at my plants.

Why would he want a cut-up midget?

The dark clouds storm over my head again until Anze comes back in with the O. As I remove a stick of bud from the bag and she seals it back up before sitting beside me and saying,

‘He’s totally into you.’

I needed that.

* * *

Stupid scouting runs. Why go all the way south? The dogs could be back. They could be back. There was way too many of them, and Cypress couldn’t kill them all.

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Stockholm Part 2

Madame X awoke the next morning, eager to go play with her new slave. She looked into the surveillance monitors from Katie’s room and smiled as the girl stood there helplessly. The dominatrix already had the cameras from filming porn, and she thought it would be a good idea to install them so that she could keep an eye on her hostage while she wasn’t around. “Good morning, Katie,” Madame X said as she walked into the cell. “Did you get any sleep last night?” The captive shook her...

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Sissy Marriage

Sissy marriage by Ellie Bagshaw Did you know that they changed the law concerning weddings a few years ago? It was all due to equal opportunities. Now when a couple get married, the groom has the option of taking the bride's right hand saying to her something like: "I, Michael, take you, Victoria, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and obey,...

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Sissys Long Evening

SISSY'S LONG EVENING by Throne "Let's have a look at you, Kissy," Milly said to her husband through the bedroom door. She had enjoyed a full dinner but allowed him only a light salad. Now Kenny was standing in front of the full length mirror she had recently purchased, gazing unhappily at how sissified he had become. He was slender and of below average height, wearing a shorty camisole top and bikini panties, both in pale peach. His legs were in stay-up, apricot colored...

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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xSince Ted and I began involving others in our sexploits I wasn’t initially keen on girl on girl fun but have now had a few encounters with women,...

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MyPervyFamily Camila Cortez Armani Black An Unexpected Gift

Christmas is always best with family. So when my wife Armani Black & stepdaughter Camila Cortez curled up on the couch with me to watch a holiday movie, I (Filthy Rich) couldn’t have been happier. Until Camila started flashing her pussy & tits at me – her stepmother was right there! It’s not the 1st time we’ve messed around, but this was just too risky! After all… I did’t want to ruin Christmas with my wife finding out. So as hard as it was with her...

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Losing My Virginity 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers again; To my new readers, these are all real episodes of my life which commenced at the age of 19. I am REKHA (born 1980), now 30 years old, fair complexioned and medium built (5’ 5″, 36-28-38, 56 kg, long black hair up to my buttocks), married for last 8 years (2002) with no children, and a housewife staying in Kolkata. My husband is in Dubai (job) and visits me every year for a few weeks’ vacation. I am a M.A., B.T. in English and I give private tuitions in English up to...

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Lucky Number Eleven

The Nymph paused, looking back at the metal conveyance that retained only three of her kin, unsure if she could continue. Her sister Fain had brought her to this abode for her to mate with the young mortal male inside but she felt so much inside; Pain, sickness, poisons and love. Ignoring the questioning look of her sisters, she turned back to the abode. Yes, love. There was an abundance of love coming from the abode and most of it was from her proposed Bondmate. She chirped as a smile invaded...

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How I lost it

In between my Junior and Senior year I underwent a transformation. I lost some fat, and due to working out a lot put on a lot of muscle mass. Along with that I grew about 4 inches in that one year. My football coach took me from the 3rd string and I became a starter. Best of all my skin cleared and I wasn't constantly battling acne. The girls in school seemed to notice as well, and I gained enough confidence to handle it. Sue was one of the hottest girls in school. She was blonde with darker...

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The Photographer Always Looks Twice

It was early afternoon in May in an English seaside town. They, the three of them were lying on an exquisitely ornate upholstered bed. The shuttered room was bathed in warm sunshine. They’d been lucky with their choice of rendezvous. Nothing unusual to the casual observer, perhaps. But, if the casual observer had looked around the room a tad more he would have seen that all three were butt naked. Excepting maybe Speedy who had a pair of black hold up stockings on. God, she knew exactly how to...

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Melissa Wont Let Go Chapter 5 Melissa

Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -5- MELISSA. Hello knees. I said that a lot, on the train to York - but only inside my head and only every time I looked down and saw my knees bared by that dress. Bared knees didn't really sit within my lexicon of smart, or even smart-casual; which man would wear shorts to something where a smart dress code applied? Though my knees weren't actually bared - in case you disapprove of bare-legged women - they were demurely concealed by the fine...

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My Trip To Udaipur With Rajesh 8211 Part 3

Hello everyone i am anita and here i am writing 3rd part of my story,so i was tired like hell again, i just fall in bed and sleep. I slept for 12 hour or even more. I wake up at 6:00 pm but still feeling tired. I got fresh and then i check my phone there were 7 missed call, one from home and 6 from rejesh. I called home and tell them tonight we will leave for jaipur. And after that i called rajesh we was a bit angry but i told him i was sleeping as he will not let me sleep tonight. He said he...

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Codename Lumiegravere Chapter 01

CODENAME LUMIÈRE –THE BEGINNINGChapter 01 – Dreams Come (and Cum) True“Why don’t you take a seat, Lumière?”, asked the voice before a white armchair, whiter as the room he was, appeared from nowhere. The man still questioned if that was a dream or a sort of trick, but it wasn’t much useful to argue against somebody you want to know who he is.“First of all, I want to know who you are and why I am here”“Every answer you want will be done when time is due”“I do believe that time is now, mister”,...

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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin In Vermont Pt 2

Jenna and I awoke to sunlight spilling over our naked bodies. My eyes lazily took in the curve of her hips, the dip in her back and the ridged outline of her collarbone. Jenna’s skin reminded me of natural suntans, strawberry scented lotion and set her apart from all the other chicks running around Manhattan. She didn’t spray tan. She didn’t botox. She didn’t crash diet. Jenna existed freely in her skin and right now, Jenna, my best friend, lay naked in my usually very straight arms. I didn’t...

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A crafty handjob

I was going out one Friday night and my younger sister and her friend had bought a bottle of vodka and some films to watch for a night in which they did every now and then. When I came home that night after midnight the front room tv was still on, the large vodka bottle was empty and my sister was blind drunk and falling about laughing and her friend was comatosed flat-out on the sofa in her nightdress. My sister said she was getting cold and was going to bed and would I help get her friend off...

3 years ago
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The Bridge to NowhereChapter 2

*Recommend reading chapter one before this chapter because of the extended family characters. After the visits to the government offices, I had a nice bankroll in my purse. There was more than enough to see the family through the next month and I thought there was enough to buy some clothes for the twins who were God-awful hard on their clothing. I resented the fact that Jessica had already taken her share and spent it on French undies for showing off her tits and ass to Daddy Ethan. "Why...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 42 A Very Bad Day

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 When I got back to Anaconda Three, I was relieved to find that nobody had given Third Squad away. It was still mine. When Platoon Sergeant Willister asked me how my leave had gone, I simply held my hands apart about a foot and said, “Remember how I told you why Kelly loved me so much?” I brought my hands together about half the distance. “Things got a little worn down.” “Reaper, now I know you’re full of shit. My four-year-old has a bigger dick than you do!” “Then...

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Aunty Teaches Virgin Nephew 8211 Part 4

This story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. Please read and enjoy Part 1, 2, 3 before reading this Part 4. Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I am not an expert in writing good conversational English. My name is Raj and am 18 years of age, slender build, tan colour skin, and an average student attending college and staying with my mum’s sister Anita (I call her aunty) in Pune since my parents...

1 year ago
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Party Women Need Love Too Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 10. Dancing in the Pork This gave Laura an opportunity to react. Laura realized that Earnie, Sal, Stosh and Nellie were about to get into it, and, believing that things would get even wilder if they all got drunker and turned on through dancing, gasped at her husband, "Ssshhhim, honey. Lesh ush all dance. Turn on the player, wousha honey." Even when exquisitely drunk Laura continued her hostess duties. When dancing, the happenstance partners...

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Ms Destiny

Ms. Destiny By Heather Alexander © 2004 Isobel Hunt was sitting at her desk outside her boss's office she was typing away at the keyboard of her computer finishing off the dictation that he had given her earlier that day. When she felt and a pair of hands grab her around the shoulders; which was made her jump out of her skin she looked up and saw the smiling face of her boss looking down at her; his beady his had a glint in them which made her feel queasy. "How's my little...

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Monster Girl Sponsor

You sit, looking at the application form on the screen, wondering how you came to this point. Large text spells out your options in stark terms. “Welcome to Alternate World Integration! Please select your desired status.” Recently, for a reason that scientists have yet to figure out, a portal opened linking the world you know to a world straight out of fantasy novels. Interestingly enough, once someone went through the portal, they were unable to return. Most interesting of all, most of the...

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Bua ki jee bhar ke chudai ki

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap logon ke land aur choot meri kahaaniyaan pad kar aap sabki chooton aur land se paani to zaroor nilta hoga aur bahut se doston ko meri kahaani itni pasand aayi ki mujhe mail bhi kare jinka main tahedil se sukrgujaar hoon aur mail me ladkiyaan bhi saamil thi so thanx again ab main apni bua ke saath ki teesri kahaani sunaata hoon jabki pichli baar maine unko khaali apna land chusa kar apna maal unki choot me jhaad diya tha magar wahin par kahaani khatam ho gayi thi...

3 years ago
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In a Tight Spot

Leena's point of viewI had more than a few butterflies in my stomach as I walked through the precinct towards the bank with my portfolio under my arm. I was going through everything in my head. Had I forgotten anything? Had I anticipated all the questions, which they might ask? I arrived at the foyer of the bank just before ten. It was one of those counter-free banks, with a row of ATMs down one side and paying in machines down the other. One of the staff members, a pretty young black girl...

Office Sex
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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 4 More surprises

Later that day my phone rang. It was Tammy's Mom asking if she could come over for a talk. I told her, "Sure, I'll put the coffee on." About a half hour later there was a knock at my door and I let Virginia (Tammy's Mom) in, and we adjourned to the kitchen. I fixed us both a cup of coffee and we sat down at the table. She sat there, silent for a while, sipping her coffee with a pensive look on her face. She set the cup down and after folding her hands, she started to speak. "Greg,...

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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p1

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City. Lade and Ninth Street. Night Except for the dark blue tunic that flapped open, she was naked and her skin pale in the moonlight. Her nipples were perky in the cold night air and her recently shaved crotch still buzzed with the feeling of nakedness that her pussy lips now enjoyed. The white woman held herself up as she made her way along the wall. The cold didn’t bother her. The concrete under her naked feet didn’t bother her. Only...

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Sneaking in to Connors Room

Introduction: Hey guys and gals, Im Dev and this is my 1st story. feel free to comment shh Lindsey youll wake your brother! Kathryn Pierce scolded her 9 year old daughter as they crept into 13 year old Connors room. Sorry Mom! Lindsey whispered as she opened the door slowly and quietly tip toed inside. 10 min earlier Mom, whats a boner? Lindsey asked where did you hear that wondered Kathryn some boys at school were talking about them, what are they? Kathryn thought for a moment and decided...

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The Video

Once again need to put that disclaimer so everyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size knows this is a work of total fiction. As far as any action goes if it resembles anything real that is a complete accident. This post is the result of an idle mind.The VideoMy name if Ron, I’m actually a senior citizen dealing with ED so sex is mainly something I wish I could do. Can still masturbate but it takes a while, which is pretty frustrating.My background is in TV and productions as a tech. Retired...

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Melissa was sitting under the large oak tree that grew on top of one of the rolling hills of the college campus. She found she enjoyed that spot as it was one of the few fairly secluded places on campus, but still she could see across a good section of the buildings. So it startled the girl to hear a voice. "Hi. I think we have math together." Melissa squinted as she looked up. There stood a boy. Young man, she guessed would be the right word. It took her a minute for her eyes to adjust...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 28

Our two-month journey back to the Vishant Capital city was uneventful. There were no attacks or distractions, but the looming threat of our enemy still hung in the air. We worked hard to prepare ourselves for what would occur in the coming days. Endless fighting drills and sparring matches. Some one on one, but now almost all were an eight-person free for all. Lillian would watch and keep track of the hits and wins. Her practice came on our hunts and she reveled in our time together then. I...

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Pune Lo Parichayam Aina Telugu Ammai

Ee incident 2014 lo jarigindi. Pune lo job vachindi naku. 15 days varaku hotel book chesaru office vallu. Pune ki vellaka mundu nunde flat kosam search cheyadam modalttanu online lo. Facebook groups lo kooda post cheyadam modalettanu. Na post ni oka ammai like chesindi. Ramya…Pune Infosys lo working ani facebook profile lo undi. From hyderabada. Mana telugu ammaye ani Friend request pettanu accept chesindi. Saradaga chat cehyadam modalettanu. Ammai chudadaniki sannaga undi ,23 years of age 5’4”...

4 years ago
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Initiated to a Sissy

After that me and my wife decided a small break after a lot of years togather i took the time to reflect of manythings.I always liked crossdressers, but never had “courage” to make an experience person to person. I have been in contact on hamster with a really gorgeous sissy which told she was very kinky. We got to know eachother, shared some videos and tribute and that’s it. She had a beautifull bold body. We never saw our faces we always used masks or better nylon encasement which I love.One...

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My Wife Confesses0

To describe Ashley, I would of course say she is the most beautiful woman I know. She has long brunette hair, big hazel doe eyes, and an exquisite smile. She is about 5’2”, with great breasts a nice ass and long shapely legs. She likes to stay in shape, and is image conscious. Like any woman she loves a good mani and pedi, and keeps all of her nails nice. Truth be told, I have a bit of a foot fetish. I love her silk soles and the way they wrinkle when she curls her toes. I love the way they...

4 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 6 The Pirates

Zack was still cradling Nani in his arms in their cabin when he heard the Captain holler from up on deck. "Hey, were you coming back up here sometime today?" Zack could hear the amusement in the Captain's voice. Zack intended to just give Nani one last big hug, but she quickly reached out, grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. Taking his face in both of her hands she pulled his face to hers and placed her lips on his. The kiss that ensued curled Zack's toes and with great reluctance he...

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Adventures In Planeswalking

Please note that this is based off the card game Magic: The Gathering and I Do not own it. If I did I would be really rich. You are the planeswalker John Doe, and you hail from the 'Master plane' of Earth, and are on a mission to build an empire on any plane.

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Kimberlys Life as an AbsoluteChapter 8

As I was looking through the bathroom and bedroom thinking about what I should bring with me, I laid out on the bed what I decided on. Then as I came out of the bathroom carrying my shampoo and conditioner, Jerry walked in carrying the suitcase I took on my last two or three day trip. It is big enough to hold the state of Texas and the small pile of mostly cosmetics and toiletries will only fill up a small carryon if that. Now looking into my very empty closet and back to that suitcase, I can...

1 year ago
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Hot tub debut

“There, that should be sorted now. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I’m sure you’ll get lots of fun and pleasure from it from now on.” “Thank you so much. We’ve been really looking forward to using it. How long until I can get in?” Sue had been so disappointed when her newly delivered hot tub wouldn’t heat up the water, but now the engineer had fixed it she couldn’t wait to give it a try. “The water should be up to temperature in 20 mins” “Fab. Would you mind waiting to make sure it heats up...

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Lucky dog Ch7 Special Accommodations

Lucky's ears perked up. He heard Angela's car coming home next door. He jumped through the window and made his way home. He was more interested in speed than stealth, but Angela didn't hear him come home. “My lucky panties!” was called after him, but he had no ears for such concerns. Lucky arrived home and got inside before Angela could notice him missing. He ran to greet her at the door. “I love you too Lucky.” Angela began stripping her clothes off. Lucky was usually interested...

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Divine Justice II The Family

I left Hanna the next morning and got in a cab that took me to the airport. Hanna and I had sex twice more before I left, Ill never forget that night. After two planes and another cab, I stood in front of my new home. It was a three-story house with a nice front yard, tall windows and a wide, shadowed porch. It looked like something my parents would buy. I smiled as I looked at it. Hartford would be a new start. At the airport I had honed my abilities. They were nowhere near perfect, but I...

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Perchance To Dream Pt 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife.Dressed in my skivvies, I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her clothes from last night and...

Love Stories
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Boarding School EncounterChapter 5 Henrietta Buggered by the Headmistress

“What were you and Peony doing in the bath?” Tabitha asked as she dropped her nightgown from last night into the laundry basket in our shared room. Mine followed. We stood naked in our small room, my feet dancing on the cold floorboards and my teeth chattering. It was so warm in the bath and so cold in here. It turned out that the girls of our dorm had our own Roman style bath, a large pool of piped up spring water. While our school lacked electricity, it had plumbing. The water was so...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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