smokeSCREEN bookpHOR
- 2 years ago
- 37
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* * *
on a gathering storm / comes a tall handsome man / but hidden in his coat / is a red right hand
* * *
* * *
The power runs on sunlight. On a really good day, some of us are allowed into the gym, and we can watch the TV for three hours. Old DVDs. Usually they’ll just store it for the lights at night.
We have a couple gas generators, but most of our combustibles are used for the heat in the winter.
Today is one of the good days – the sun is bright and hot and burns the skin that isn’t protected by leather or cloth.
As I look out over the roof of the High School, it doesn’t look like a wasteland for a moment. The trees are lush and green. They’ve grown over the rubble for most as far as the eye can see – except the skeletal towers that remain downtown, and the few tall apartment buildings in our neighbourhood.
In that overgrown forest of ruined suburban homes, cracked pavement and feral dogs, our hunters are trying to score some deer.
I reach down to the discman at my side and press play, placing a single, discreet earphone into my right ear. If anyone’s approaching, it will be from the left.
I don’t know the name of the band. I think I did, once. I think the name of the song is Red Right Hand, but I don’t know for sure. It’s just repeated a lot.
Jessie caught me with the discman when I was twelve. If we ever find batteries, we’re supposed to bring them in for the walkie-talkies. At first he was angry, but he let me keep it. He said he’d call on me one day.
No one else in Westwood listens to music. Most of them stopped looking for it after the war.
The guys are content to play cards and dice, and watch the dogs fight.
And of course, hunt.
I pull up the telescope and point it towards the scarred and scorched apartment blocks near the river – their snipers like to hide up there.
There’s movement on the fifteenth floor. That’s all the proof Jessie wants. Movement.
‘I got one!’ I shout.
In a moment, Josh appears on the roof, toting his High Power rifle.
‘Where?’ he asks. Josh is a First – one of the youngest. Nineteen years old, but an evil shot. Gaunt and soft-spoken, he doesn’t miss. He just pulls the trigger.
‘David Estates – fifteenth floor.’
He pulls up his High Power and squints into the scope.
‘I got her,’ he says. He’s about to squeeze the trigger, but stops. ‘…it’s a Old One.’
‘How Old?’ I ask. Sometimes Old Ones stray into the city from the north. They don’t usually have the resources we have, and they’re of little use to us.
‘All wrinkles and white hair.’
‘Kill him, then,’ I say.
Josh squeezes the trigger and birds scatter from the forest around Westwood Collegiate. I raise my telescope in time to see a shadow slump and fall out of view on the fifteenth floor.
I turn around, but Josh is already on his way back to the southwest battlement.
‘Send a runner,’ I shout after him.
‘No runner is getting to the fifteenth floor,’ he calls back.
‘We have to send someone.’
‘Then go yourself.’
That’s not such a bad idea.
I’ve been dying for a walk.
* * *
I walk into Jessie’s room – the old band room – he’s sitting on a Lay-Z-Boy, throwing darts at a rabbit’s cage ten feet away.
‘Cypress,’ he says, whipping another dart. The rabbit squeals, but it’s not a fatal dart. It squirms until the dart dislodges itself from its side and tries to push into a corner of the naked cage. ‘Hungry?’
‘I’m fine,’ I say. I’m starving. But you don’t accept when Jessie offers. When he was seventeen and I was sixteen, he killed one of us who ate from his plate. You don’t take food from Jessie. But, if you ever want something from him it’s best to suggest the opposite.
‘Then what do you want, if it’s not more food?’ he asks. An unusually small First named Paul braves the rabbit’s defensive attacks and retrieves the darts. He sets them on the end table by Jessie’s hand, and Jessue whips another dart into the cage. He misses.
‘We sniped an Old One in the David Estates – I need a runner to do the search.’
‘Can’t you run?’ he asks.
‘Not according to you,’ I say. It’s a stupid thing to say, but I’m still angry at him.
‘Well now I’m saying you can. Run, Cypress.’ He whips the last dart and hears a satisfying ‘shik’ as it buries itself in the rabbit’s head. ‘…run like a bunny.’
* * *
I make my way across the parking lot to the Rouge Road gates. Over the past thirteen years, we’ve built walls around the entire high school grounds. They reach up ten feet, and serve as guard posts and battlements.
‘You need a rifle?’ one of the snipers calls down from the gate battlements.
‘I’ve got my stick,’ I yell, holding up the inconspicuous five-foot staff.
‘How far are you going?’
‘The apartment towers.’
‘Take a gun.’
A pistol heavy with homemade rounds hits the broken pavement at my feet, and I stoop to pick it up.
‘Jesse says no,’ I yell. The sniper leans back into the battlements, and I can hear the lost bass of a conversation about me. The gates moan and swing open, hard and heavy as the sniper climbs down the battlement.
‘Sorry, Cypress,’ he says, picking up the gun. It’s Tyler – a Second, like me. ‘Wish you were still Spyin’. You always found the best shit anyway. We’re not allowed to give you a radio either, huh?’
‘Tell you what,’ I say, holding out a cigarette for him. His eyes light up as he snatches it away. ‘When’s your period end?’
‘Two A.M – you better be back long before then.’
‘Dare ya?’ I say.
‘Dare me what?’ His eyes narrow.
‘Dare ya to keep an eye out for me comin’ back tonight – let me slip in the side?’
‘Why should I?’ I hold up another four smokes. He goes for them, to no avail. ‘Ten,’ he says.
‘Deal,’ I hand him the four smokes, walking through the gates onto Rouge. ‘You’ll get the other five tonight.’
‘Why then?’ he yells after me. I throw up my hands.
‘I haven’t found them yet!’ I call back.
* * *
The girls took over one of the office buildings downtown – it’s all glass, so they can see out but we can’t see in. No one from Westwood has ever managed to get inside the Glass Tower.
The Glass Tower is the only building downtown to survive the war without many scars – it shines during the day in contrast to the black rubble around it. We call it a war, but we’re not really sure.
Some areas of the city seem fairly normal. You see empty parking lots, empty buildings. Some of them, there’s still glass in the windows, like the Tower. Once, after the bombs stopped falling, after we dug out and saw the city, I ran off on my own and found an area of the city that looked like this. Still decent.
I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I thought maybe it had all just been a dream.
I squint at the Sun breaking through the broken frame of the David Estates. It was that charred corpse of a building that pinched me that morning. Woke me up.
Your family’s gone.
The world’s gone.
You and a hundred or so kids survive.
We had been on a field trip to a marsh. Oak Hammock Marsh.
The adults suddenly panicked.
They locked us in. Told us we would be safe.
They said they would be back soon.
Thirteen years later, my boot makes a slight correction to avoid a skull as I make my way to the still-decent pavement of Portage Avenue.
I used to be a Spy. I was the only Spy who was also a Second. The Seconds once worshipped me.
Now I’m running out to pick the body of an old man one of our snipers pecked off.
I guess things change.
* * *
ter Jessie demoted me from Spy, he took most of my gear – left me the staff because he didn’t know it’s my father’s. Didn’t know it’s important to me.
Demoting me was a move that a lot of people questioned, ’cause I brought in more smokes, matches and booze than the other three spies combined. But back to the task at hand.
I’m not sure how I’ll get from the ground floor of the David Estates to the third – the first visible floor that has a floor. The rest is blown out, the heavy concrete beams holding solid.
That old man must have gotten up there somehow… but that alone seems fairly strange.
We’d never been able to get past the eighth floor.
I walk around the foundation until I find where the earth has been disturbed. Something’s been dragged across it. I follow the scar in the ground ten feet or so to see a massive beam, sticking out of some rubble. I follow the scar in the opposite direction and find the old elevator shaft.
I cock my head to the side.
Did none of the other runners think of that?
I pull on my leather gloves and make sure the staff is secure on my back.
Fifteen floors is a long way to climb a steel cable.
* * *
As I climb, I wonder how much I’ll find in the higher floors of the tower. Most likely they won’t have been scavenged, yet.
After two floors my arms are burning. At the third I bounce off the elevator shaft and jump into the hallway. It creaks, but holds.
I take the stairwell for the next five flights, but at the eighth floor I’m obliged to scout around for a while. Soon I discover a new addition – a rope ladder. This must be how the old man got past the eighth floor.
The ninth floor is mostly intact – so intact that the last rays of the setting sun can’t get through. I sit down in the dust and the dark for a moment and pull out my Discman. Ditry and smudged fingers pry open the battery case and I pull out the four AA batteries inside.
I don’t want to waste the batteries, but I can’t come back empty-handed.
I pull a small flashlight out of my pack and slide the batteries in. Twisting it shut, I click it on and stand, continuing my search.
As suspected, the upper floors of the tower are a goldmine of things left behind.
We don’t really know what happened after we got locked in that bunker. When the food ran out, twenty of us died from starvation before we managed to break out.
What we do know, we can learn from inference, and from books. Periodicals. Yes, I do know these words.
I’m one of the few of us who kept reading after we broke out – though not many people know that. Jessie prefers that we don’t read. In one of the apartments, I find a stack of National Geographics, untouched by the thirteen years, and turn one of the dry pages. It’s become soaked and dried out so many times, half the pages cling in a death grip to each other.
A picture of red birds with long, curved bills. Long legs, standing in what looks like clean water.
Amazing things. Men and women, laughing together.
Pictures taken before the disease swept across the world – killing them all.
We don’t really know what happened, but we know most people left in a hurry. We find dusty packages, waiting to have their cobwebs brushed away. They left their cigarettes and clothes and canned food behind. We find their pictures. They left their pictures. Sometimes, we come across tiny skeletons.
They left their children.
We know they sure left in a hurry.
* * *
I pull my oversized, long leather pack from my shoulder and throw the least-deteriorated National Geographic into it along with the cans of fruit, and head into the bedrooms. I find a silver chain and a watch that doesn’t work. I throw them in – a Third will demand the chain, and a First would be more than happy for the watch.
I check above the closet and dresser – two packs of cigarettes. I put one pack in my jacket, along with five smokes for Tyler, before moving on to the bathroom.
Shampoo and soap – the thirds like that. The chain from the tub plug.
Red hair dye. I pocket that.
Scavenging. This is how it’s done.
* * *
By the time I’m halfway through the ninth floor, my pack is full, and I’m even overburdened by the choice items I don’t plan to share. I hurry up the stairwell to the fifteenth floor – there is no sixteenth floor, and the fifteenth is the scarred crown of the David Estates. It’s as if the top half of the floor had been ripped away by some terrible force. I look up to the open sky and point my flashlight around the roof.
For a second, I think I hear something to my left, but I press on to the south until I find the body of an old man, slumped over and not dead more than a few hours. His skin is muddles – as if it broke open of its own accord – perhaps he has the disease.
I turn him over with gloved hands – Josh had shot him in the throat. I point the flashlight down at his blood, gathered on the dust-and-tile floor.
Footprints in his blood.
I stand and firmly jerk at the tip of my walking staff – a seam shows, and holding the ten inch handle I draw the four-foot blade from inside the wooden staff – its sharp, long tapered edge reveals itself silently. Though it has no foil or wrist guard, I find I’ve never had a need for one.
Its blade gleams in the semibright moon as I turn off the flashlight and quickly lean down to the blood.
Small footprints.
I pick my way north in the rubble, trying to find the way out. A woman has been here first.
Quickly. Silently.
I hear something ahead.
The woman is still here.
They’re not so much Jessie’s words as they are just the words. You get the disease from women, it’s a fact. I’ve never known someone who came in contact with a woman and didn’t die shortly after. If I can get out of the building without her seeing me, it will be a good day’s haul regardless. It would probably be best not to tell anyone I’d come close to one, either.
‘Hold!’ A voice shouts to my left.
In a single, quick motion I drop my pack and dart behind a wall, just in time to hear a mighty BOOM. It echoes across the forest, and birds rise from their trees.
It sounds like a shotgun.
Cha-chuck – the sound echoes off the empty walls as another round is chambered.
‘I got five more rounds, boy,’ she calls.
Real close combat with the girls is rare. Usually they avoid us as much as we do them.
I whip around a corner and pull my blade up. It flashes through the shotgun, and the gun comes apart in two pieces in her hands. The tip of my blade darts up and in, resting cold and sharp just under her chin.
‘Quick for a boy,’ she says.
‘Well-armed for a girl,’ I tell her. I lunge in for the fatal stroke, but she’s fast. A foot-long dagger at her belt is free and parrying my slash. For a moment, it’s a stacatto crashing of steel against steel, but she’s quick.
A kick throws my feet out from under me, and her foot presses down on my blade. Now the tip of her dagger sits at my Adam’s apple.
I look at her in the pale light. She might be the last thing I ever see. I want to memorize her.
The matted pale hair, the feirce look on her face.
The hate in her eyes.
But I don’t want to die. In a last ditch effort, I free a flare with my left hand.
The light blinds us both for a moment, but the tip of her dagger doesn’t move from my throat.
As it burns, we stare at each other.
She has light brown eyes, and she stares at me as if she can’t remember the last time she saw a live man.
I’ve seen her once – she was on sentry duty in one of the downtown towers two years ago – she would have been ar
ound seventeen then.
She’s older now – tougher – more sure of herself.
For a moment, it seems a shame I lit the flare.
Her shoulder explodes in a spray of blood and she falls. She hits the dusty ground with a resounding thud, and her eyes remain open.
In the distance, we finally hear the BOOM of the Westwood Sniper’s rifle.
I quickly pull on my gloves before tying her up with a roll of duct tape, but don’t dare stand until the flare has burned itself out. A sniper of ours might take me out just as easy in this light.
I take her dagger – a very decent one – and the shotgun rounds before standing to leave, picking up my pack and heading back to the stairwell. I don’t look back. But I do stop.
I can hear her crying. For a long time I stand there, not thinking. Just standing. But eventually I turn around and come back, leaning down. Her shoulder hasn’t stopped bleeding, and won’t any time soon. With her wrists and ankles bound, she’s not going for help.
‘I can’t let you go,’ I tell her. ‘They’d kill me. I could end your suffering,’ I say, drawing my blade. Her eyes bulge, and I re-sheath it. ‘Then you’ll bleed to death, here,’ I say, standing. She lets out a muffled cry beneath the duct tape. I’m almost to the stairwell when I stop again.
I should know better than this. I should just walk away.
But I come back and hoist her up onto my shoulder. She screams at first. Screams like a banchee. But soon she stops and settles down to an occasional sob.
* * *
At the ninth floor we slide down the elevator cable – my ankles and right hand gripping the cable – the other holding her in a death grip. Down, down, down – all the way.
We hit the gound floor and I let her fall into a corner of the elevator shaft, while I collapse against the wall and light a cigarette. She’s watching me with large, pale brown eyes. I finish my cigarette half-way and stand, walking over to her. She pushes into her corner, and shies from my gloved hand as I reach for her face.
‘It’s alright,’ I say, ‘See? Gloves.’ I tear the duct tape from her mouth.
She doesn’t say anything. She just stares back at me.
I don’t know what I’m doing – there’s not really a plan for prisoners – but I produce another cigarette and hold it out for her. She manages to grip it between two fingers with her wrists bound together, and sticks it silently between her lips.
My lighter flares to life in the near-darkness, and she sucks the flame gently into the cigarette. Puffing gently, she leans back and draws the cigarette away from her mouth in a satisfying drag.
‘Thank you,’ she says.
I go back to my corner and sit down. I can’t think of what to say to that.
* * *
She shuffles along the broken pavement with awkward steps – I’ve cut the tape off her ankles, but bound her knees so she can’t run.
We’re nearing Assiniboine Park – the hazy-gray border between the girl’s territory and ours.
I should just kill her. Might get promoted back to Spy for it. Far, far up ahead, I spy a pair of torches burning. We stop.
‘Are they yours?’ I ask. She doesn’t answer. I flip out my telescope. It takes a moment to find them again, but it’s a group of four women – most have blades, but a redhead and a blonde tote a high power rifles and a lot of shells.
I pull her into an alley and we sit as I stick another cigarette between her lips.
‘What are you going to do with me?’ she asks finally. I had hoped the answer would present itself at some point.
‘You know what the word ‘hypothetical’ means?’ I ask. She nods. ‘Well, hypothetically, if I was to walk you up to that group up there and cut you loose, and just to start back on my way to Westwood, hypothetically, what do you think my chances are of not getting shot to shit by your sniper?’
She stares at me, taking another drag.
‘Who was the rifleman?’ she asks.
‘A redhead. Tall..’
* * *
She shuffles ahead of me. One of my gloved hands rests on her shoulder, keeping my blond bullet-shield between her people and myself. The other hand grips the staff. I can get the blade out in a sixth of a second.
I could kill her before you knew something was wrong.
But she shuffles ahead slowly, and soon we can heard their voices.
Soon we can hear their shouts.
‘Hold or be shot!’ one of them shouts fifty or so yards ahead. My blade comes free and slashes up the blond woman’s back, cutting away the tape at her knees and wrists. She tears it away and takes a free step forward, before turning and looking up at me.
‘Thank you,’ she says again. For some reason, I can’t think of what to say to that.
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ReluctanceTHIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL: This day was going to be like most summer Fridays (or so I thought). I would kill my 8 hours at work. Then I would come home and drink a beer and veg out on the couch watching baseball. Then I got a phone call. “Hello,” I said. “John, it’s mom.” “Oh, hi mom, what’s up?” “Your father and I have a favor to ask. We’re going to be out of town this weekend, and you know how your sister doesn’t like to stay home alone. We were hoping you could stay at the house...
BisexualMy stories are all based on real events and people except this one. This one is pure fantasy suggested by my LushBuddy Ladybugg. This one is for her and anyone who likes a threesome with two randy bisexual women. That would be me, of course!The end of the Labor Day weekend is my favorite day out here on the East End. When the cars are all bumper to bumper streaming west on Montauk Highway, I like to watch the kids skateboard along Newtown Lane, now free of any traffic. For all the summer...
Group SexAnthony Verdi was a college graduate. He was in the top of his class. Anthony Verdi was also a lucky son-of-a-bitch because his daddy owned a successful business. Anthony had all the credentials but didn’t even need them, because of who his father was.After graduating, Anthony transitioned into the family business. He was given a car, business account and a swanky corner office with a view. The best perk that his father could give him was the hot red head named Jessica Sonsa. She was...
Office Sex“Hey Gina.” “What, Marcie?” “I recently stumbled upon this website called CHYOA...” “ that something you can eat?” “From a certain point of view. Its a site where authors share stories with each other. There is also a focus on choosing your own path. Basically it's like one of these Choose your own adventure books all of us read as a child.” “Do I look like a nerd to you? So it's a place for loser nerds to connect with other loser nerds, sounds perfect for you.” “Actually, there is...
The Lily's Path The following are excerpts from the diary of Sister Aryanna of the Church of Quiet Redemption. February 12, 19xx Dear Diary, The villagers discovered and rescued four youths collapsed in the woods just outside their borders, three boys, one girl. The villagers asked us sisters to care for them and Sister Minhirva graciously agreed. While I certainly sympathize with the decision to help those in need, I suspect Sister Minhirva and my other sisters' enthusiasm...
Hello everyone, I’m Sahil once again with another story. I’m from Pune working for a reputed leading company in Viman Nagar. I’m 23 years old with a muscular body after gymming. And also a 6-inch dick. So this story is about my chachi who cheated my chacha for me. She is a very pretty lady and her age is around 45-46 years. She has a son and a daughter of 20 and 18 respectively. She has the right amount of flesh at the right places. She has 36b size boobs. They are very loose though they look...
IncestRoy followed the living legend, he knew very little about. He remembered of course what Stahl did for him at Belle Station. He also remembered the tough questions after the pirate attack on the Silver Swan. Now he was actually walking right next to him towards a waiting D-20 shuttle, that had made landfall right in the middle of a sports field with a red track surrounding it. The shuttle was not the usual kind, but a tough-looking Lister-Class with fixed forward-facing guns and a small gun...
Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor,...
Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Four WHEN HE PULLS UP TO the valet station the kids manning it all give an eye roll. I see Ben Sheppard smile at that. I open the door and one of them helps me down. Ben hands another valet his keys and I see him tip a twenty and say in a low voice ‘for the truck being such a hassle’. The valet gives Ben a big smile and says ‘Thank you, sir’. Why do I like the fact that Ben tipped the guy a twenty and why do I like it even more...
Slowly you begin to open your eyes, as the rays of early morning sunshine begin to invade your sleep. A couple of months ago this would have bothered you, but as you feel gentle island breeze move across you and hear the hypnotic sounds of oceans waves outside your room, you smile to yourself. Carefully you roll up on your side to find your latest companion sound asleep on her stomach, naked except for the white sheet pulled up to the middle of her back. As you look at the white-blonde's face,...
Rex waited patiently for what was to come. He was so hot and excited down deep inside he could hardly stand it, but he was straining to maintain his calm and patience. He knew it would be worth the wait. Goddamn, he kept repeating to himself, she's gonna be great. He and May had planned everything expertly. Their innocent little game of video blackmail was working perfectly, and Rex was ready now for the final payoff -- Vikki! The knock at the door made his cock twitch in his pants. He knew...
This is a true story about the first time we invited a black friend back to our home to play with us. It happened a few years ago My husband and I were at the local theater one night playing around in the gloryhole booths like usual. I wasn't feeling horny enough to let others in on the action but just horny enough to be watched and maybe cummed on. We had been there about 45 minutes and already fucked a few times but wasn't quite ready to leave yet. We were both stripped down naked and in a...
It’s not until almost 6 AM that you slip out of Christine’s dorm room. Walking down the silent hallway, you smile to yourself, thinking that any guy would be proud to take the Walk of Shame home from Christine’s room. You trace the familiar path down the stairway and out of Christine’s dorm automatically, not taking any notice of your surroundings. Instead, your let your mind wander, imagining Christine’s perfect features: her beautiful tanned skin, long dark hair, deep brown eyes always...
I swear on God's name that this is true! At the time I was 18, I'm not 20. I live in England and was home from the Army for the weekend, so went out drinking with my friends. We decided to go to the best club in town centre and waited at least half an hour to get in. Whilst we were waiting I was laughing with my friend at the lass in front of me, she was your typical chav. The most prominent thing that stood out was the badge that said "just turned 18", there she was sat on the floor waiting to...
GayThree teams of horses and their attendants were required to pull down the mighty gates of the town of Dricena. Trask reminded the Prince of Dricena that the town needed no gates against the Northmen, and that the army of the North would be happy to provide for the security of the town. Inside the town, Roja and his men left the Prince and his family in place in the keep itself, and merely tore down a trio of back to back buildings that were surrounded by a usable wall. This newly open area...
It all began by mistake. I had spent the morning at home, relaxing in one of my favourite outfits. I was starting to think that work beckoned, and had begun the transition back to drab. I took off my wig and make up, but decided to keep my panties, tights and bra on, as my clothes would hide what I was wearing. My attention was caught by a news item, and I sat watching the television for a few minutes. My viewing was disturbed by a ring on the door bell, and I went to see who was there. I...
CrossdressingTammy lay sprawled out and naked on the bed. She had not yet begun to stir. I crawled out of bed and was shaking the cobwebs from my brain. I looked over at her. How a woman who had been up half the night, dancing, drinking, and fucking five men could still look so incredibly sexy was amazing to me. She just had that natural innocent beauty that I fell in love with. Well, maybe not so innocent after all, as I saw evidence of last night. But that is something I would have to accept,...
It wasn't until Tuesday that Alice saw John again. Sunday was traditionally a rest day for his family and he wasn't allowed to leave the house then. On Monday she didn't have his class and with their busy schedules it was impossible to meet up and talk. Not to mention, that would probably be looked upon by both students and teachers and neither of them wanted to draw any attention to their relationship, even if it was just one of friendship. On Tuesday Alice was getting more and more...
Annalynn Estebahn was staring at me. "You really think the captain was involved with the pirates?" "It fits," I told her. "Maybe not perfectly but reasonably. If the pirates had boarded the freighter, they could have grabbed you and been gone before system security could get here." "What about the Mari, Katherine, and the other passengers and crew?" "The captain has little regard for the crew and was more concerned with the state of the engines. I'm guessing he's trying to...
December 18, 1988, Iron Mountain, Michigan “What the... ?!” I gasped. “She’s sedated,” Alicia said from behind me. “Sedated? What the fuck did you do?” “An intervention,” Jennifer said. “After Elyse worked on you, we talked. I got in touch with Alicia, she talked to Doctor Barton and we hatched a plan.” “Which was?” “To kidnap your wife and bring her here,” Alicia said. “Doctor Barton officially knows nothing about that part of the plan. But he sanctioned it. Come have some coffee and...
Hello dosto, mera name roshan hai meri age 23yrs hai mai mumbai se hu waise to mai bcom ka student hu lekin pichle 1 years mai call boy ki services de raha hu. Aaj mai ap sbhi ko apni ek reader k sath ki sachi sex story btane ja raha hu, ap sabhi mujhe hangout ya mail kar skte hai. ye story mai apni partner ki marji se likh raha hu, privacy k liye name bdal diye gaye hai lekin ghatnaye bilkul sachchi hai. Baat march 2017 ki hai, ek din mere call boy service wale no pe ek unknown number se...
Gothic anal whore Chloe Carter doesn’t get the same delights licking a sweet sucker as she does from getting fucked hard in the ass – and Markus Dupree loves making goth girls gape with his cock. After a sucking tease, Markus gets right to work on her perfect pink butthole eating ass and taking names. Chloe’s perfect peach spreads nicely for his big dick delivering a doggystyle dicking, and making her watch him create her gape, like a work of art in progress. He pauses to make...
xmoviesforyouHi I’m Barry and would like to tell you about the Christmas party we had this year with friends and neighbours, each year 1 person has to be Santa but only 2 people know 1 of cause the Santa and the chief neighbourhood watch chairman, this year it was me and not even my family had to know, I remember last year and it got rather naughty I even got blown by one of Santa’s helpers and had a good idea who it was but, like any year even if you knew it stayed a secret. Well the party started and I...
Just because you’re an intellectual that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to fuck and today in Private Specials, Adorable Teens 4 Nika is here to prove it! After meeting Nik Rock XXX out reading at the park Nika decides its time to take him home as she ditches the books and glasses ready for the real fun to begin. Watch all of the action on where this teen beauty shines, sucking, fucking and enjoying a real hard pounding as she moans with pleasure until finishing up with a hot...
xmoviesforyouDON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR Jacob sees red. The rage exploding in his being is absolute. Their teacher "monitoring" the students' activities have his back turned away from him and his cousin. This short span in time is the catalyst that will change everything for both of these youths. A classic competition between Jacob and Luke has bordered on a family feud and ranged from best buddies to mortal enemies. Just now, the comfortable relationship of close friends has just entered the red...
"Chris?" the Uber driver asked me after driving up and rolling down his window."Yes," I replied and then I got into the passenger seat next to him. I usually ride upfront in Uber rides because I get car sick easily in the back.After fastening my seat belt we were off. The guy was older, maybe mid-50s, white or Hispanic, and had a beard and mustache. I could tell he was gay from his voice and mannerisms, and from all the gay paraphernalia in his car, like the rainbow color and even the rainbow...
I knew that my failure with women would continue through my life and Kathy (my therapist) knew it too, though it was some time before she told me. She kept getting me to go over the same stuff time and again. ‘Alex, I want you to go back to the time when you first started going to prostitutes. Tell me about the first time.’ I sat back in my chair and folded my arms. ‘Unfold your arms Alex’, said Kathy, ‘don’t be defensive with me.’ I unfolded my arms and looked at her plump round breasts, the...
Hi meri lesbo dosto!mera naam nazoo khan hai.main 28 saal ki bahut gori chiti sehathmand sexy badan wali behad khubsorat larki hon.meri figure size 38 28 38 hai.mera aik boyfriend hai jis k 9inch lamby aur 2.5inch motay goray lund ki main dewani hon. Main usse khub chudwati hon,wo muhje full satisfy karta hai.ap logo ne meri story (neelam bhabhi ki chudai dekhne k baad) read ki ho gi.uss mein maine bataya tha k kase maine apni life mein pehli baar neelam bhabhi ki behan k sath mil kar lund se...
The story until nowSue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another child....
Wife LoversPaula was just looking for a drink before heading home after a long day at the office. Her boss was such a jerk and had kept her over to finish an assignment that was not due until late next week. She just wanted a drink or two to calm down, then a quick dinner at home and eight good hours of sleep. She had just finished her first drink when she noticed the man approaching from across the bar. Hi, he said. Your drinks are on Mr. LeVale and he would like you to join him for a drink and a chat...
The two giants suddenly moved like greased lightening to step in front of Craig and held one door open each as he walked into the plush but neutral office. The décor was totally non-de with no personal items anywhere, just a large desk in the corner, with two monitors and a large leather swivel chair with its back to him. The back two corner walls were pure glass and looked out over the evening view of the city and the lights in the distance picked out the various landmarks of London. ...
Watching my sweet Ana in a hidden camWhen living in L.A., just months after been married, I started suspecting that my sweet Anita was cheating on me. I had to fly weekly due to my business and I finally was sure she brought her lover to our own home.I bought a small camera and installed the device in our bedroom ceiling. I was almost sure that Ana was not going anywhere, but fucking her lover right there, in our bed… On Friday afternoon I confirmed her I was to fly late night and then I...
I was at the counter doing dishes when I felt his hands slip around my waist. His lips touched the back of my neck. He pulled me against his chest and I leaned my head against his chest. I felt his dick get hard when I pushed my body against him. I shook the water off my hands and looked up at him and smiled. ‘Hey Scott,’ I said sighing when his fingers pushed a curly blonde hair away from my face. His hands gently caressed my cheeks and he smiled when I smiled again. Scott slipped his hands...
Things at school started out rocky. Because I was not a big guy - I wasn't skinny but I wasn't buff or muscular either. There was no six pack abs and if you pinch, I do have a bit of flab but nothing majorly noticeable so I was able to wear a lot of form fitting clothes, which is the style in San Fran, a lot of guys would call me names like "fag" and "chinky" but I would shrug it off. Though one day, this moron of a jock named Tucker decided to take things to the next level by...
Hey this is Fuckb119 from Mumbai. This is a real incident about me and my smoking hot mom. This is the first time I’m writing something like this so please ignore my mistakes. This incident happened some days back and I decided it to share with you all. I am a 19 year old guy and to honestly I don’t have a big dick but a fat one, I am a bit healthy. Now I’ll come to real and horny stuff. My mom is 32 years and she got married to my dad at very small age and at the difference between my mom and...
IncestThis morning I wake to find I have been cuffed and a chain passed under the bed to my wrist the other side simple but i am spread acrossed the bed arms wide apart and unable to reach any part of me.Mrs C has done this and she has been biting my nipples in turn almost to draw blood for over a hour,one hand occasionally checks my erection pumping it hard then releasing.She leaves I am hard hot and very sore,Madam Bella enters she whispers close to my ear yoday slut I am going to show you how the...