smokeSCREEN bookpHOR
- 2 years ago
- 39
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* * *
on a gathering storm / comes a tall handsome man / but hidden in his coat / is a red right hand
* * *
* * *
The power runs on sunlight. On a really good day, some of us are allowed into the gym, and we can watch the TV for three hours. Old DVDs. Usually they’ll just store it for the lights at night.
We have a couple gas generators, but most of our combustibles are used for the heat in the winter.
Today is one of the good days – the sun is bright and hot and burns the skin that isn’t protected by leather or cloth.
As I look out over the roof of the High School, it doesn’t look like a wasteland for a moment. The trees are lush and green. They’ve grown over the rubble for most as far as the eye can see – except the skeletal towers that remain downtown, and the few tall apartment buildings in our neighbourhood.
In that overgrown forest of ruined suburban homes, cracked pavement and feral dogs, our hunters are trying to score some deer.
I reach down to the discman at my side and press play, placing a single, discreet earphone into my right ear. If anyone’s approaching, it will be from the left.
I don’t know the name of the band. I think I did, once. I think the name of the song is Red Right Hand, but I don’t know for sure. It’s just repeated a lot.
Jessie caught me with the discman when I was twelve. If we ever find batteries, we’re supposed to bring them in for the walkie-talkies. At first he was angry, but he let me keep it. He said he’d call on me one day.
No one else in Westwood listens to music. Most of them stopped looking for it after the war.
The guys are content to play cards and dice, and watch the dogs fight.
And of course, hunt.
I pull up the telescope and point it towards the scarred and scorched apartment blocks near the river – their snipers like to hide up there.
There’s movement on the fifteenth floor. That’s all the proof Jessie wants. Movement.
‘I got one!’ I shout.
In a moment, Josh appears on the roof, toting his High Power rifle.
‘Where?’ he asks. Josh is a First – one of the youngest. Nineteen years old, but an evil shot. Gaunt and soft-spoken, he doesn’t miss. He just pulls the trigger.
‘David Estates – fifteenth floor.’
He pulls up his High Power and squints into the scope.
‘I got her,’ he says. He’s about to squeeze the trigger, but stops. ‘…it’s a Old One.’
‘How Old?’ I ask. Sometimes Old Ones stray into the city from the north. They don’t usually have the resources we have, and they’re of little use to us.
‘All wrinkles and white hair.’
‘Kill him, then,’ I say.
Josh squeezes the trigger and birds scatter from the forest around Westwood Collegiate. I raise my telescope in time to see a shadow slump and fall out of view on the fifteenth floor.
I turn around, but Josh is already on his way back to the southwest battlement.
‘Send a runner,’ I shout after him.
‘No runner is getting to the fifteenth floor,’ he calls back.
‘We have to send someone.’
‘Then go yourself.’
That’s not such a bad idea.
I’ve been dying for a walk.
* * *
I walk into Jessie’s room – the old band room – he’s sitting on a Lay-Z-Boy, throwing darts at a rabbit’s cage ten feet away.
‘Cypress,’ he says, whipping another dart. The rabbit squeals, but it’s not a fatal dart. It squirms until the dart dislodges itself from its side and tries to push into a corner of the naked cage. ‘Hungry?’
‘I’m fine,’ I say. I’m starving. But you don’t accept when Jessie offers. When he was seventeen and I was sixteen, he killed one of us who ate from his plate. You don’t take food from Jessie. But, if you ever want something from him it’s best to suggest the opposite.
‘Then what do you want, if it’s not more food?’ he asks. An unusually small First named Paul braves the rabbit’s defensive attacks and retrieves the darts. He sets them on the end table by Jessie’s hand, and Jessue whips another dart into the cage. He misses.
‘We sniped an Old One in the David Estates – I need a runner to do the search.’
‘Can’t you run?’ he asks.
‘Not according to you,’ I say. It’s a stupid thing to say, but I’m still angry at him.
‘Well now I’m saying you can. Run, Cypress.’ He whips the last dart and hears a satisfying ‘shik’ as it buries itself in the rabbit’s head. ‘…run like a bunny.’
* * *
I make my way across the parking lot to the Rouge Road gates. Over the past thirteen years, we’ve built walls around the entire high school grounds. They reach up ten feet, and serve as guard posts and battlements.
‘You need a rifle?’ one of the snipers calls down from the gate battlements.
‘I’ve got my stick,’ I yell, holding up the inconspicuous five-foot staff.
‘How far are you going?’
‘The apartment towers.’
‘Take a gun.’
A pistol heavy with homemade rounds hits the broken pavement at my feet, and I stoop to pick it up.
‘Jesse says no,’ I yell. The sniper leans back into the battlements, and I can hear the lost bass of a conversation about me. The gates moan and swing open, hard and heavy as the sniper climbs down the battlement.
‘Sorry, Cypress,’ he says, picking up the gun. It’s Tyler – a Second, like me. ‘Wish you were still Spyin’. You always found the best shit anyway. We’re not allowed to give you a radio either, huh?’
‘Tell you what,’ I say, holding out a cigarette for him. His eyes light up as he snatches it away. ‘When’s your period end?’
‘Two A.M – you better be back long before then.’
‘Dare ya?’ I say.
‘Dare me what?’ His eyes narrow.
‘Dare ya to keep an eye out for me comin’ back tonight – let me slip in the side?’
‘Why should I?’ I hold up another four smokes. He goes for them, to no avail. ‘Ten,’ he says.
‘Deal,’ I hand him the four smokes, walking through the gates onto Rouge. ‘You’ll get the other five tonight.’
‘Why then?’ he yells after me. I throw up my hands.
‘I haven’t found them yet!’ I call back.
* * *
The girls took over one of the office buildings downtown – it’s all glass, so they can see out but we can’t see in. No one from Westwood has ever managed to get inside the Glass Tower.
The Glass Tower is the only building downtown to survive the war without many scars – it shines during the day in contrast to the black rubble around it. We call it a war, but we’re not really sure.
Some areas of the city seem fairly normal. You see empty parking lots, empty buildings. Some of them, there’s still glass in the windows, like the Tower. Once, after the bombs stopped falling, after we dug out and saw the city, I ran off on my own and found an area of the city that looked like this. Still decent.
I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I thought maybe it had all just been a dream.
I squint at the Sun breaking through the broken frame of the David Estates. It was that charred corpse of a building that pinched me that morning. Woke me up.
Your family’s gone.
The world’s gone.
You and a hundred or so kids survive.
We had been on a field trip to a marsh. Oak Hammock Marsh.
The adults suddenly panicked.
They locked us in. Told us we would be safe.
They said they would be back soon.
Thirteen years later, my boot makes a slight correction to avoid a skull as I make my way to the still-decent pavement of Portage Avenue.
I used to be a Spy. I was the only Spy who was also a Second. The Seconds once worshipped me.
Now I’m running out to pick the body of an old man one of our snipers pecked off.
I guess things change.
* * *
ter Jessie demoted me from Spy, he took most of my gear – left me the staff because he didn’t know it’s my father’s. Didn’t know it’s important to me.
Demoting me was a move that a lot of people questioned, ’cause I brought in more smokes, matches and booze than the other three spies combined. But back to the task at hand.
I’m not sure how I’ll get from the ground floor of the David Estates to the third – the first visible floor that has a floor. The rest is blown out, the heavy concrete beams holding solid.
That old man must have gotten up there somehow… but that alone seems fairly strange.
We’d never been able to get past the eighth floor.
I walk around the foundation until I find where the earth has been disturbed. Something’s been dragged across it. I follow the scar in the ground ten feet or so to see a massive beam, sticking out of some rubble. I follow the scar in the opposite direction and find the old elevator shaft.
I cock my head to the side.
Did none of the other runners think of that?
I pull on my leather gloves and make sure the staff is secure on my back.
Fifteen floors is a long way to climb a steel cable.
* * *
As I climb, I wonder how much I’ll find in the higher floors of the tower. Most likely they won’t have been scavenged, yet.
After two floors my arms are burning. At the third I bounce off the elevator shaft and jump into the hallway. It creaks, but holds.
I take the stairwell for the next five flights, but at the eighth floor I’m obliged to scout around for a while. Soon I discover a new addition – a rope ladder. This must be how the old man got past the eighth floor.
The ninth floor is mostly intact – so intact that the last rays of the setting sun can’t get through. I sit down in the dust and the dark for a moment and pull out my Discman. Ditry and smudged fingers pry open the battery case and I pull out the four AA batteries inside.
I don’t want to waste the batteries, but I can’t come back empty-handed.
I pull a small flashlight out of my pack and slide the batteries in. Twisting it shut, I click it on and stand, continuing my search.
As suspected, the upper floors of the tower are a goldmine of things left behind.
We don’t really know what happened after we got locked in that bunker. When the food ran out, twenty of us died from starvation before we managed to break out.
What we do know, we can learn from inference, and from books. Periodicals. Yes, I do know these words.
I’m one of the few of us who kept reading after we broke out – though not many people know that. Jessie prefers that we don’t read. In one of the apartments, I find a stack of National Geographics, untouched by the thirteen years, and turn one of the dry pages. It’s become soaked and dried out so many times, half the pages cling in a death grip to each other.
A picture of red birds with long, curved bills. Long legs, standing in what looks like clean water.
Amazing things. Men and women, laughing together.
Pictures taken before the disease swept across the world – killing them all.
We don’t really know what happened, but we know most people left in a hurry. We find dusty packages, waiting to have their cobwebs brushed away. They left their cigarettes and clothes and canned food behind. We find their pictures. They left their pictures. Sometimes, we come across tiny skeletons.
They left their children.
We know they sure left in a hurry.
* * *
I pull my oversized, long leather pack from my shoulder and throw the least-deteriorated National Geographic into it along with the cans of fruit, and head into the bedrooms. I find a silver chain and a watch that doesn’t work. I throw them in – a Third will demand the chain, and a First would be more than happy for the watch.
I check above the closet and dresser – two packs of cigarettes. I put one pack in my jacket, along with five smokes for Tyler, before moving on to the bathroom.
Shampoo and soap – the thirds like that. The chain from the tub plug.
Red hair dye. I pocket that.
Scavenging. This is how it’s done.
* * *
By the time I’m halfway through the ninth floor, my pack is full, and I’m even overburdened by the choice items I don’t plan to share. I hurry up the stairwell to the fifteenth floor – there is no sixteenth floor, and the fifteenth is the scarred crown of the David Estates. It’s as if the top half of the floor had been ripped away by some terrible force. I look up to the open sky and point my flashlight around the roof.
For a second, I think I hear something to my left, but I press on to the south until I find the body of an old man, slumped over and not dead more than a few hours. His skin is muddles – as if it broke open of its own accord – perhaps he has the disease.
I turn him over with gloved hands – Josh had shot him in the throat. I point the flashlight down at his blood, gathered on the dust-and-tile floor.
Footprints in his blood.
I stand and firmly jerk at the tip of my walking staff – a seam shows, and holding the ten inch handle I draw the four-foot blade from inside the wooden staff – its sharp, long tapered edge reveals itself silently. Though it has no foil or wrist guard, I find I’ve never had a need for one.
Its blade gleams in the semibright moon as I turn off the flashlight and quickly lean down to the blood.
Small footprints.
I pick my way north in the rubble, trying to find the way out. A woman has been here first.
Quickly. Silently.
I hear something ahead.
The woman is still here.
They’re not so much Jessie’s words as they are just the words. You get the disease from women, it’s a fact. I’ve never known someone who came in contact with a woman and didn’t die shortly after. If I can get out of the building without her seeing me, it will be a good day’s haul regardless. It would probably be best not to tell anyone I’d come close to one, either.
‘Hold!’ A voice shouts to my left.
In a single, quick motion I drop my pack and dart behind a wall, just in time to hear a mighty BOOM. It echoes across the forest, and birds rise from their trees.
It sounds like a shotgun.
Cha-chuck – the sound echoes off the empty walls as another round is chambered.
‘I got five more rounds, boy,’ she calls.
Real close combat with the girls is rare. Usually they avoid us as much as we do them.
I whip around a corner and pull my blade up. It flashes through the shotgun, and the gun comes apart in two pieces in her hands. The tip of my blade darts up and in, resting cold and sharp just under her chin.
‘Quick for a boy,’ she says.
‘Well-armed for a girl,’ I tell her. I lunge in for the fatal stroke, but she’s fast. A foot-long dagger at her belt is free and parrying my slash. For a moment, it’s a stacatto crashing of steel against steel, but she’s quick.
A kick throws my feet out from under me, and her foot presses down on my blade. Now the tip of her dagger sits at my Adam’s apple.
I look at her in the pale light. She might be the last thing I ever see. I want to memorize her.
The matted pale hair, the feirce look on her face.
The hate in her eyes.
But I don’t want to die. In a last ditch effort, I free a flare with my left hand.
The light blinds us both for a moment, but the tip of her dagger doesn’t move from my throat.
As it burns, we stare at each other.
She has light brown eyes, and she stares at me as if she can’t remember the last time she saw a live man.
I’ve seen her once – she was on sentry duty in one of the downtown towers two years ago – she would have been ar
ound seventeen then.
She’s older now – tougher – more sure of herself.
For a moment, it seems a shame I lit the flare.
Her shoulder explodes in a spray of blood and she falls. She hits the dusty ground with a resounding thud, and her eyes remain open.
In the distance, we finally hear the BOOM of the Westwood Sniper’s rifle.
I quickly pull on my gloves before tying her up with a roll of duct tape, but don’t dare stand until the flare has burned itself out. A sniper of ours might take me out just as easy in this light.
I take her dagger – a very decent one – and the shotgun rounds before standing to leave, picking up my pack and heading back to the stairwell. I don’t look back. But I do stop.
I can hear her crying. For a long time I stand there, not thinking. Just standing. But eventually I turn around and come back, leaning down. Her shoulder hasn’t stopped bleeding, and won’t any time soon. With her wrists and ankles bound, she’s not going for help.
‘I can’t let you go,’ I tell her. ‘They’d kill me. I could end your suffering,’ I say, drawing my blade. Her eyes bulge, and I re-sheath it. ‘Then you’ll bleed to death, here,’ I say, standing. She lets out a muffled cry beneath the duct tape. I’m almost to the stairwell when I stop again.
I should know better than this. I should just walk away.
But I come back and hoist her up onto my shoulder. She screams at first. Screams like a banchee. But soon she stops and settles down to an occasional sob.
* * *
At the ninth floor we slide down the elevator cable – my ankles and right hand gripping the cable – the other holding her in a death grip. Down, down, down – all the way.
We hit the gound floor and I let her fall into a corner of the elevator shaft, while I collapse against the wall and light a cigarette. She’s watching me with large, pale brown eyes. I finish my cigarette half-way and stand, walking over to her. She pushes into her corner, and shies from my gloved hand as I reach for her face.
‘It’s alright,’ I say, ‘See? Gloves.’ I tear the duct tape from her mouth.
She doesn’t say anything. She just stares back at me.
I don’t know what I’m doing – there’s not really a plan for prisoners – but I produce another cigarette and hold it out for her. She manages to grip it between two fingers with her wrists bound together, and sticks it silently between her lips.
My lighter flares to life in the near-darkness, and she sucks the flame gently into the cigarette. Puffing gently, she leans back and draws the cigarette away from her mouth in a satisfying drag.
‘Thank you,’ she says.
I go back to my corner and sit down. I can’t think of what to say to that.
* * *
She shuffles along the broken pavement with awkward steps – I’ve cut the tape off her ankles, but bound her knees so she can’t run.
We’re nearing Assiniboine Park – the hazy-gray border between the girl’s territory and ours.
I should just kill her. Might get promoted back to Spy for it. Far, far up ahead, I spy a pair of torches burning. We stop.
‘Are they yours?’ I ask. She doesn’t answer. I flip out my telescope. It takes a moment to find them again, but it’s a group of four women – most have blades, but a redhead and a blonde tote a high power rifles and a lot of shells.
I pull her into an alley and we sit as I stick another cigarette between her lips.
‘What are you going to do with me?’ she asks finally. I had hoped the answer would present itself at some point.
‘You know what the word ‘hypothetical’ means?’ I ask. She nods. ‘Well, hypothetically, if I was to walk you up to that group up there and cut you loose, and just to start back on my way to Westwood, hypothetically, what do you think my chances are of not getting shot to shit by your sniper?’
She stares at me, taking another drag.
‘Who was the rifleman?’ she asks.
‘A redhead. Tall..’
* * *
She shuffles ahead of me. One of my gloved hands rests on her shoulder, keeping my blond bullet-shield between her people and myself. The other hand grips the staff. I can get the blade out in a sixth of a second.
I could kill her before you knew something was wrong.
But she shuffles ahead slowly, and soon we can heard their voices.
Soon we can hear their shouts.
‘Hold or be shot!’ one of them shouts fifty or so yards ahead. My blade comes free and slashes up the blond woman’s back, cutting away the tape at her knees and wrists. She tears it away and takes a free step forward, before turning and looking up at me.
‘Thank you,’ she says again. For some reason, I can’t think of what to say to that.
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You must be Cinnamon," I said after admiring the view as long as I thought I could get away with. The redhead in the center lifted her head and looked at me. "I must, mustn't I," she said with a tilt of her head. After my talk with Traci I'd gone back to my tent and cuddled with Tami all night. This morning we'd hit on the road early, just a little after eight, driving north into Colorado. We'd gotten to the mountain town a little after one and had lunch at a Chinese buffet, The...
She sat on his face and started to suck on his dick.Well in no time at all he was rock hard and ready for more. He told her he wanted to taste her super sweet pussy cum!!! She moaned and said that if he kept doing what he was doing that would happen very soon!!! Well she wasn't k**ding because in no time at all she was creaming all over his face!!! She then got up and gave me one of her "you're going to love this" looks and I could hardly wait to see what my nasty hot slutty wife was up to...
My heart was still racing; it had been one hell of a day!I’d been having a rough time, but my flatmate Sarah had decided to try and cheer me up, an effort that had involved a fair amount of alcohol and what I assumed to be innocent flirting. However, it hadn’t been so innocent after all, as Sarah had joined me in the shower and we had just made each other cum.She moved towards the door, then stopped and turned to look back at me. She still had that hungry gleam in her eyes. “Don’t keep me...
First TimeBy the time I got home it was after seven, and I was famished. I live in Jasmine Heights, in a one-bedroom apartment. It's a nice building, all brick with a swimming pool in the courtyard, with sixteen units in all. I live in one of the garden apartments, which is a polite way of saying the basement. I really can't afford to live here the way things have been going the past couple years, but I hate to move now that I've got the darkroom set up. I made myself a sloppy ham and cheese...
When the door bell rang, I knew it is Jessica whom I have called an hour ago to come by. Since it was Friday evening, I told her already to spend the weekend with me at my apartment. She very reluctantly agreed. Since we are c***dhood friends, I knew she won't refuse. I hurriedly wrapped around the housecoat rushed towards the door. As I expected, it was Jessica, coming straight from her office. I returned from my work much earlier today.The moment I opened the door, I was surprised to...
Hello Indian Sex Stories members. I have been reading stories since long but never post story about me. So here i take chance to tell my experience with one of my girlfriend. I’ll narrate story in Hindi. Mera nam raj (name changed) hai aur me surat,gujarat se hon. Ye meri life ka real exp hai meri gf ke sath. If any girls, bhabhi , divorced bhabhi or horny bhabhi want to contact for chat with pics and want real life fun secretly contact me on my email id ie. We have secret relation. And i.Ll...
They had not rejoined the road north when night began to fall. Smelling a stream nearby, Gnusyl led the rest of them to a large meadow bisected by a bubbling brook rushing over bright green and blue rocks indigenous to the region. The meadow was an old burn area, the remains of burnt trees littering the ground here and there where the forest had yet to render them down completely into usable minerals. The lush grasses and vibrantly colored flowers made Alyssa and Kyftassa's horses whicker...
Lunch was being served as I returned to the group so I joined them for some of that good tender Texas steak, a well doctored baked potato and sweetened iced tea. It was really food for the Gods. I felt like a god after the multiple marriage proposal acceptances and decided to announce it to the group. All expressed their congratulations as I stated that I had only twelve to go before I reached the limit of fifteen. This brought on a round of loud jeers. I addressed the assistant secretary and...
Len stood looking at his wife braced back against the front door. Her breathing was ragged and her tits were bare and shuddering. The cum the neighbor had shot all over her face was dripping from her chin and he watched her scoop some of it with her fingers and suck them into her mouth. He had spent two hours staring out the window while she had been with the neighbor. He’d spent two hours staring at the gap in the trees where the light shone from the old widower’s front door. What had started...
Swinger“Oh, not long,” said the girl who gave me a hard-on at the coffee shop. Something in recognition hit me like a bolt of lightning. “Excuse me?” I queried her. “Who are you?” “I am the daughter of Ben the son of the dairy owner. He’s one of the big brothers who came to the dairy weekends after my grandfather had his heart attack. You and my mother ran into each other one morning and seeing your penis pointing straight at her, well, she just freaked out. She’s been telling the story ever since...
Torture The Widow Chapter 1 ? Choke On It Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc. Copyright...
They celebrated their first con together with an expensive dinner. Rebecca couldn’t get over the fact that the old man had simply handed her a stack of cash, $10,000 total, to ‘help out an orphanage’. She and Dave had done their research well, finding Jerome Hill and his history. Which included having grown up in a boys’ home from the age of six when both of his parents had died in a car accident, leaving him without any immediate family to go to. Soft spots were the best way to hit a mark...
It all started on a social network website, my wife made some friends on there. She chats with with most of them, and one day she befriend this one guy. She says he is sexy, of course I don't think so, I'm a guy. They chitchat among themselves, they both like to write stories, that's what the website was about.I work first shift so I go to bed early and my wife would stay up late at night. She would get so horny, she would stroke my cock and then rub her pussy until she came. She masturbate...
Grace Black calmed Vera down by telling her that she could call her anytime. The shelter manager wasn't the brightest bulb in the lighting store, but she was tenacious, gnawed on a problem like a dog with a bone until she solved it, and after moving through a problem, if the same problem happened again, or one similar to it, Vera fixed it using what she'd learned. What Vera couldn't do is fix a problem the first time it surfaced, not without help, and Grace had been her security blanket...
Kevin kissed Ryan before leaving the day care center to head to work. He knew that Avery told him he would be fired if he came back before the week was up. He also knew that Avery was bluffing. Avery would never fire him. He'd probably get a lecture about returning to work early and how he needed to take it easy and then he could go back to working himself to death to make partner. Work helped him forget the pain of Melissa and now it would help him forget the pain of Stacia. Stacia had...
It had been months fighting but the Mokrull finally was closing in on the Gyu. Their complete takeover was imminent. Until now the Gyu's superior intelligence and agile execution of their training had been the key to their survival. But the Mokrull's size and superior strength gave them an advantage at hand to hand combat.The Mokrull are a race of hideous Mongrel-like humanoids, each one weighing somewhere between 300lbs to anywhere as large as 500 lbs (very little of it actually being fat...
Hi lovely aunties and girls, I have been getting many requests to post my real experience with aunty. Now I am telling my experiences with my aunty, first let me tell about myself my name is Rahul my age is 22 now I am working for a software company. I stay in Nagpur. From my childhood I was very reserved. It was in my +2 I became close to girls and had few affairs with girls but didn’t get a chance to fuck them. I used to kiss or fondle their boobs nothing more than that. After my +2 I got a...
IncestBrenna Sparks or sparky as we like to call her is a busty teen beauty who is about to make a sex tape! As soon as her man got home she let him know what she wanted, and he was more than happy to oblige. Brenna started by sucking his slender cock. She then got railed on the couch in too many positions to count. Hearing her high pitched moans and screams made this scene especially sexy. Brenna got finished off with a hot shot of man goo to the face then made her way to the shower to wash up! This...
xmoviesforyouShirley Cheznik was a 18 year old red headed girl. She weighed two hundred pounds and she was only five feet tall. She had with nipples an inch long. She lived on a farm with her dad. Her mother had left her father years ago. When she was in high school the kids called her fat stinky Shirley cheesenic, or just plain stinky cheese. It was true that she stunk from body odor. Shirley worked on the farm, driving tractor, milking the cows and slopping hogs. Their farm was old and not modern. The...
First TimeA Woman Scorned My name is Daisy. I am a 29 year old Filipino woman living in a small town nearly 200km out from Sydney, Australia. I am on my own since I left my husband of 11 years when I caught him cheating on me with his bosss daughter. It wasnt the first time but I am inclined to believe it will be his last and I will get the reason why all in due time. First a bit more about us both, I am 52 with long black hair, skin tone like a strong coffee and big dark brown eyes. I have a cute...
Once again, the holidays are here. Time for the usual, mundane christmas gathering at the Weston household. As if on que, my mother arrives with an arm-load of gifts for the family. A joyous time is sure to be had by all.What would an Irish christmas gathering be without booze? Non-existant, is what it would be. The neighbors show up, as promised. A lovely black couple, somewhat younger than me and Amber (my wife). I drew the short straw, so I head off to the state store to reload. When I get...
Well I guess I will start by telling u about my self. My name is Tony I am 6'2 270(just a beer gut) 6"c and I like to dress Up like a Slut. I have lots of Tattoos the reason I use to shave my body, and no one knows I do this in my day to day. It all started when I took my frist Cruise. I was going on a week long one with 3 sea days.On the fist Day it happened I was In the spa just got done with My Message and went into the steam room. I was in there for about 10 mins. when the door opened. That...
Kara. Her dark long tresses called me to her, even when I knew she was not long to be part of my life. Kara. No matter my resolve to stop seeing her, one look from her and I was once again smitten and under her spell. I had been looking forward to spending time with her but she called and cancelled due to a friend that wanted to go out and chat about a breakup. My roommate sensed the opportunity to drag me out and didn’t waste much time. “Let’s go cruise and chat with girls. She won’t say you...
OutdoorI smiled at Bobby as he gawked up from the pool. He had seen me naked, all of me, but not after I had stripped for him on a dare. He was speechless, temporarily I was sure. My hips swayed slightly from side to side. ”Bobby, ” I called with a wave of my hand, ”Looks like the lights are on but no one's home,” I giggledHe just gawked as I squatted, knees apart, to get my bikini. I picked it up and stood again. With my bikini in my hand, I smiled down at him and turned away. ”I'm going to get a...
TabooHi this is BlessyEdna, came with other experience with Shalini, I received a lot of emails from readers encouraging me to post some more, this is not my fantasies and these are all real, word by word. So keep enjoying it. A fine day, when we are at work, shalini invited me to her wedding anniversary, I was little jealousy, though my intention is not to ruin my love married life, but still something I missed, I don’t know when will our relationship ends. But I am happy if she is. I planned...
LesbianYou have been tracking a fugitive on a planet called Kumaj. The fugitive's name is Khorm Kilak, he's a serial rapist and a murderer. He loves to kill his victims with a blunt weapon after he rapes them. Unless his victims made an special impression on Khorm, he rarely lets them live. Khorm is wanted alive for 40 million credits, one of the biggest pay out there is in the galaxy. With that much money, you could retired early, settle down and possibly start a family. That or drugs and...
Pocket sized coed Arielle Faye is feeling naughty as she texts her boyfriend dirty pictures and tells him all the things she’d like to do with him over the phone. Brick Danger overhears her conversation and walks in on Arielle with her miniskirt hiked up and her hand on her bare pussy. He knows he has to take his stepdaughter in line! After letting Arielle know that what she did was wrong, Brick punishes her by having her strip naked and crawl into the dog’s training cage. When he...
xmoviesforyouAik din jab main bhair say ghar aya to pata chala didi or jijju ki fight hoe hai or wo naraaz ho kar aye hai . Didi ki shaadi ko ko koi 1 and half year hoa tha or es beach kafie baar in ki fight hoe thi . Dad out of city job kartay thay to mom school main job karte thi baqi bacha main . Study main kafie nalaaiq tha . Edhar didi muj say koi 6 saal bare thi or bhohat he piyare thi . Unki shaadi kar to di thi magar ghar main khush nahi thi . Roz saas bahu kay jaghray . Didi bohat he piyare thi...
A few days later I got an email from Diana saying that they were sending me an early birthday present. Okay ... The next morning I got a call to meet someone at the Station's transporter hub. When I got there, there was the usual ratfuck from a new group of ladies, and one of the accompanying MPs -they called them 'guides' but they were security guys working for a military project- waved me over. Standing beside him was an overweight but well-developed and not too badly run-down young...
A little fantasy that I've been playing with recently and thought to share with you all... ------------------------------------ The Apartment: New Roommates I needed a new place to live anyways, so why not give it a try? All it took was a simple and honest ad on craigslist: "Looking for 2 discrete crossdressing roommates to share a 3 bedroom apartment near campus." I ignored a lot of jerks and jokers, screened out some that rubbed me the wrong way, and asked for proof from...
classified information, but he has done his research at home. If nothing else, he’s curious, naturally and always, as any scientist should be. There was a news article he found in a local small-town newspaper from 1967 that described a meteor landing on a cornfield in Kansas. Differently from the many of its kind — the mysterious, conspiratorialist fodder — that one didn’t mention aliens at all. It did, however, talk about a viscous, large, grey mass that was collected for study by the...
Theodore F Walker was back in Vienna. Passers-by would have seen a slim man in his early fifties strolling in the early spring evening, apparently with no fixed objective. In that they would have been mistaken. Theo was early for his appointment by design: it gave him time to make a small detour. At the narrow entrance to Auergasse he paused briefly. The door to Number Seventeen was hidden from view beyond a shallow bend. Ten years ago, when his tour of duty ended, it had been painted...
Group SexShawna had invited us to share a quick vacation trip.Her husband Tom was a good friend of mine also; so Ana and I accepted gladly. The would be at a very nice resort in Barbados.The first two days we spent mostly of the time lounging by the pool, swimming, relaxing and sun tanning.During the day the pool was mostly crowded, but in the evening we noticed that the place became a desert paradise for lonely people.On the third night after dinner, Ana told me she would go by the pool for a night...
Me and Dawn was both born 'n raised in Hooterville. We never dated, though. We'd just hang out with our friends at the Tasty-Freeze and stuff. We was always "Just Friends." You know, the kind of friends where the girl just wants to have fun and the guy just wants to fuck. Yeah, I really liked her, maybe even loved her a little. By the time we was thirty, I'd moved to the city and Dawn had gotten married and divorced already. We hadn't seen each other in years. So when I was in town for the...
HumorAs she disembarked from the plane at JFK airport, Sara Manning couldn't help thinking how relaxed this flight had been compared with two years ago. Waiting to pass through security, she had time to focus on the reasons why that should be. First, she knew exactly what to expect, and what her duties would be. As head UK representative for one of the leading book publishing companies in the world, her last visit had given her confidence. The boss on this side of the Atlantic was the charming...
Straight SexThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Sandy Craig is a busy young woman. Her life is all about her work as a reconstructive surgeon and medical partnership. She doesn’t have time for a personal life, much less love. Keven Braddock is a well-to-do artist on the rise...