SmokeSCREEN: Book5IVE free porn video

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bat your eyes girl, be / otherworldly / count your blessings / se / duce a stranger / what’s so wrong with / being happy / kudos to those who / see through sickness, yeah // over and / over and / over and / over and / over

* * *

* * *

I can’t help singing softly to myself.

‘over and over and over and over and ohhhhhh hoh hoh hoh…’

Sophie’s nodding her head as I sing. The others don’t seem to mind, thank God – it calms me down.

‘she woke in the morning… she knew that her life had passed her by…’

But Sophie eyes are welling up.

We’re all terrified.

‘…she called out a warning…’

They brough a tank.

‘…don’t ever let life pass you by.’

And then for a while, we just watch forty or so old ones nervously finger their overseized weapons. Soon the platinum-blonde from before appears out of a car and shouts at some of the old ones, including… the huge brute with the leather mask who had grabbed Lisa that first night we bumped into them.

He takes about ten soliders or so and walks up to the Market.

They’re let in, and all we can do is wait.

The Tower should have been here a half an hour ago, at least, assuming Michelle got that far.

‘…she woke in the morning… she knew that her life had passed her by… she called out a warning… don’t ever let life pass you by.’

And now I notice Sophie staring at me. Or my hand. Looking down, I see that the shotgun is vibrating.

Sophie gently holds my wrist, and she smiles at me.

She’s saying it’ll be okay.

And I nod.

Sure it will, Soph. Sure it will.


We both peek around the corner towards the Market.

‘…what did that sound like to you?’

‘A grenade… sort of,’ I say.

And now five old ones exit the terminal – one is limping. The rest of them prepare to fire, but the man in the leather mask talks to the platinum-blond, and then looks over to us.

‘…oh, what the fuck?’ Sophie whispers.

‘It’s okay, it’s okay – this is good. This is fine,’ I say. He’s already halfway to the doors.

‘At ease!’ I bark at the others. They set their weapons at their sides, but keep them easily accessible as the huge man – I’d guess six-foot-seven, now – steps up to the doors and into the Terminal.

‘Who’s in charge here?’ he says.


Under the black leather, his dark eyes scan slowly from my boots to my hips to my breasts to my eyes with a grim mix of curiosity and disappointment.

‘I remember you,’ he says. ‘The firey one who slit my man’s throat.’

‘And tossed a few molatov cocktails, as I recall,’ I smile. ‘What’s the problem?’

‘He won’t come willingly.’

‘Um… Sophie, Saku, Kristen – c’mon. Diane’s in charge ’till I get back.’

‘We just need to know how to make him docile,’ he says.

‘The boys said they have gas for it.’

‘They don’t.’

I shrug, and nod to Sophie, Saku and Kristen.

‘These are his friends – they can talk him down. Let’s go.’

* * *

We go across, into the Market. Despite the floodlights and spotlights outside, the inside is near pitch-dark. One of the Westwood Cetas explains that they never had to deal with an intruder before – they always got them before they were inside.

He leads us down a long hallway until we finally come to a place that looks like it’s been the victim of a horrible fire.

There’s a doorway at the end of the hall – the door has been blown off its hinges, and the hallway is littered with gore and about eight bodies – five old ones and three Westwood men.

‘…Jesus Christ,’ Sophie whispers.

‘What happened? Someone drop a grenade?’ I ask, stepping into the room.

‘There were three men from Westwood here with us – plus my ten men,’ the one in the mask says from the hallway. ‘When we opened the door, it exploded. Glass shrapnel – killed four men instantly. The ones who didn’t run after that door was open, well…’ He nudges a corpse with a boot. ‘…I just don’t know why she wants this one,’ he sighs. ‘He’s a soldier – a Patriot – I’ll give him that.’

I hear him saying all this, but I’m not really listening. I’m staring at the walls – tracing my fingers over the cool dark concrete that flakes here and there.

It’s wet in a few spots.

‘Can anyone out there read?’ I think it’s… ash and spit.

I hear a huge boot crunch through the glass at the door, and the man in the mask hands me a black flashlight.

‘Can you?’ I ask – he nods. As I click the little device on, I can’t help but shriek.

The flaking was dried blood under my fingers. The sticky spots… I wipe my hand on the wall, but it’s sticky too.

‘Is it English?’ I whisper.

‘Yes.’ And now he crunches away through the glass, out of the room.

‘Well what the fuck does it say?’ I push past the others and follow him back to the main area of the Market. Sophie catches up to me and grabs me by a sleeve.

‘Crow – we need to find him now,’ she whispers.

‘The staff,’ I say, stopping. Everyone bumps into each other behind me, and the masked man turns along with the westwood man.

‘What staff?’ the old one says.

‘He would have had a staff on him when you grabbed him, right?’ The guy shrugs.

‘I don’t know.’

‘He did – we need to find it, ’cause he’ll be looking for it.’

* * *

The men stick to the shadows – afraid to reveal themselves to whatever is hunting them. Sophie, Saku, Kristen and I step boldly forward towards the large iron doors that bar Jessie’s section of the Market.

They’ve been whispering behind us the entire way. What they’ve heard about him. One of them actually saw the way he moves, and they’re so terrified I can’t help but grin to myself. But this comes with an epiphany.

All fear is only ignorance.

Cypress told me that before, but I never connected the dots like I do at this moment. We didn’t know the whole story about sex – and were terrified of the boys. The old ones have only ever seen Cypress as the swordsman who kills and never dies. I guess I can understand them being terrified.

I double-check my shotgun.

‘You’re sure Cypress’s staff is in here?’ I call behind me.

‘Yes,’ a voice comes from the shadows. I yank the doors open and pause. I listen. Yes. Yes – I hear something. Someone trying to breathe.

Waving Sophie towards me, I creep ahead, peeking around the corner towards what looks to be Jessie’s bed, and-

We freeze.

He knows we’re there.

But he’s not moving. Cypress, I mean.

He’s got Jessie stapled to the wall – skewered on his blade.

Cypress stands calmly, holding the sword in place as Jessie laibours for breath.

I’m still frozen. Maybe I freeze too long.

I try to memorize him – this might be the last time I see him.

I wish he looked better right now. His hair is matted with grit and blood – his pale sweater soaked to a rusty-black from carnage. It drips on the floor.

I try to memorize him, but too fast, he whips the sword out of the wall – the blade scrapes against Jessie’s bones as he draws it through. I jump forward and call out, but he throws himself through a window before even glancing my way.

I yell for him – I scream.

I run to the window to make sure he’s not dead.

I look down, in time to see the glass tinkling on the pavement two stories below.

The swordsman is gone.

And Jessie is crying.

* * *

* * *

she woke in the morning / she knew that her life had passed her by / she called out a warning / don’t ever let life pass you by

floating in this cosmic jacuzzi
/ we are like frogs oblivious / to the water starting to boil /

no one flinches / we all float face down

* * *

* * *

We make a fine outfit.

Eleven old ones, including the masked fellow.

The doubly-skewered Jessie, and the Westwood Ceta.

And us girls.

The masked one is grilling us for what Cypress would do next. He wants answers. The deal is off if we don’t produce the swordsman.

‘Listen – I showed you where he was, you just had to go in and get him!’ Jessie snaps.

I’m pacing – smoking.

‘Okay! Just shut up!’ I bark. The small puddle of men turn like one flowing mass to me. ‘He’s got guns – right?’

‘I didn’t see any,’ Jessie says.

‘But he did take the staff?’

‘Yeah. Did you know there’s a fuckin’ sword inside that thing? Has been this whole time!’

The girls and I just stare at him.

I want to shout at him for daring to be related to Cypress, but in the name of diplomacy, I turn to the masked old one.

‘So obviously, it falls to the two of us,’ I say. He nods, grimly.

‘You know how to do it – I can make it happen,’ he tells me.

‘How much does Cypress know? Did you guys tell him anything about the trade?’

Jessie nods.

‘How much?’


BOOMba-bangbang. We all spin – it was far away – on the other side of the building. BOOM. The walls rattle a bit.

‘…sounds like around where we keep the weapons,’ the Westwood Ceta says.

‘What the fuck is this guy on?’ one of the old ones gapes.

‘You’re sure he’s going for more weapons?’ I snap my eyes up to the Westwood Ceta.

‘Ninety per cent,’ he shrugs. I turn to the masked old one, and say very slowly,

‘Speak clearly – word for word, What was written on that wall?’

The old one rolls his eyes,

‘Just some bullshit about fairy tale endings.’

‘Word for word – this is important.’

‘Uhh…’ He counts on his fingers, but he flips the middle one up first. ‘Do. You. Still. Believe. In. Happy. Endings. Questionmark.’

I chain another cigarette. Jessie says it,

‘What’s he gonna’ do?’

* * *

We check out where they keep the weapons, but he’s already been there and gone. Everything is in such disarray, there’s no way to know what he took.

We just head out the front doors.

A mass of humans has gathered in the center on the pavement – the rest of the girls from the Terminal are out – it doesn’t look like the Tower has come. Half of the Westwood men have opted to stay inside the Market.

My mind is running. He went for weapons. What could he possibly be planning?

The masked man directs me to the platinum-blond, who shakes my hand, smiles warmly, and says,



‘This is Mickey, but don’t mind him. So where’s our little mystery, Crow?’

‘I didn’t make this deal with you,’ I say. ‘If you guys had been watching the outside of the Market, maybe we’d know where he is…’

‘Let’s just look at where we are. Deliver the swordsman in half an hour. Yes. Yes, that suits me.’ Brie just grins.

‘Why do you want him?’

‘For my own purposes,’ she snaps.

Screams and shouts rise from the Market, and now another of men come dashing for the group. Cypress has us all on the run.

‘He’s quite a specimen, isn’t he?’ Brie muses, grinning even more widely now. I shake my head.

‘That’s not him,’ I say, looking up at the observation Tower. Cypress is a pretty mean shot with a sniper rifle. But perhaps that’s too cliché for him – to go mad and end up in a tower with a rifle.

What is his purpose?

He has us all on the run.

That’s his dream. That’s his fear. That’s why he doesn’t want to lead.

This is his evil. He’s going to kill us all.

I drop to the pavement and put an ear to the ground.

‘Do you have anyone in the Tunnels?’ I look to Brie, then to Jessie – they both shake their heads as I start towards the Market.

‘Where are you going? Where is she going?’

‘Get eveyone out of the Forks!’ I call back.

The crowd parts as best they can as I begin to walk, then run.

He was afraid of what he’d do. And now he believes he has to do it.

That’s got to be it.

As I run out of the floodlights into the desolate shadows and neverending dark of the Market, I trip over a Westwood solider who’s trying to escape. He’s bleeding heavily from the leg.

‘Get out!!’ he shrieks at me. And as I launch myself down the stairs, he screams for me to come back. To run for my life.

But down the stairs.

Down, down, down to the old maintenance tunnels. There’s a new wounded Westwood soldier halfway down, but he’s alive and will stay that way. Another few flights and I feel consumed with the darkness. It presses down on me from all sides, and it takes a moment to finally see where that sound is coming from.

At first, I thought it was machinery working somewhere. But the closer I got, I realized that not the beat, but the sound itself was too random.

And as I get closer, the paff, paff sound accompanies a spasm of shadow. And I see that there is light – some light – filtering from far away down the hallway. And now

Paff I can see his boots.

Paff his ripped cargos. And I find it funny that I don’t have the shotgun ready.

Paff I can see his shredded, bloody sweater.

Paff andhis matted, grungy hair, whipping back and forth as he smacks his head into the brick wall.



‘Cypress?’ I whisper.

In a blink, he shoots from the corner and past me, to a flashing panel on the wall beyond.

‘CYPRESS!’ I roar – and he stops. He freezes. His hand is paused over the blinking panel, and now I notice the bags of plastic explosive that he’s gathered. I wonder how many he’s already got set up.

His eyes staring wide at me me – not blinking.

‘…what are you doing…?’ I say finally.

‘Something is really really wrong,’ he whispers. ‘Really really wrong.’

‘I know – it’s okay,’ I tell him – but he shakes his head.

‘It’s not,’ he says.

‘Tell me what to do.’ It’s now I notice he’s got one hand on the staff, and I reach for my shotgun.

I’m never prepared for how fast he moves. Never. Even though I’ve seen it.

He moves way too fast for me to block him. Or dodge. The blade flashes faster than you can see.

…how could you prepare for that? For that blade that moves faster than you see, ready to arc across your throat?

As he leaps forward, the only thing I can think to do is say,


And the moment is paused again. He stands a full five feet away, but the sword tip is poised, ready to slit my throat. I want to see his eyes.

All I can hear is my breath. Fast. Harsh.

I want to see his eyes, but it’s too goddamn dark here.

It’s too dark to see his eyes, and now, the lights blink out. And all I can hear is my breath. And now I’m blinded by the flaring light of his Zippo, as he lights a cigarette.

Something goes ‘ping’ on the concrete floor, and I don’t look to see what it is. As he closes the Zippo, his hand grips mine, and I barely have time to scoop up whatever he dropped off the ground as he whispers,

‘Run,’ and drags me, Hell-bent down the hall.

Into the blackness.

* * *

* * *

I never knew about this tunnel. I don’t even know where we are.

But he keeps on dragging me. He hasn’t spoken. Hasn’t pulled out a flashlight or a lighter in the pitch-dark. He just drags me, limping heavy down long halls and around short corners. Down stars. Down, down, down.


He doesn’s turn around as whatever bomb he planted erupts. There isn’t so much much as a rattle of the light fixtures.

Eventually, it feels like we’re walking on gravel. And now, wood and gravel. Train tracks, somewhere underground. Which quickly becomes above ground. And now, he sits me on an ancient little rail trolley, with a little low box attached to one end.

He throws a couple of blankets in and hops up to the bar you shove up and down.

He tells me to go to sleep. Just try to sleep.

He’ll wake me when we get there.

I tell him to fuck off – he’ll sleep and I’ll push the bar up and down. And when do I stop?

‘Wake me up in four hours, and I’ll take over, alright?

I nod, and the rig whines and squeaks as the bar pumps up and down. That squeaking really takes you over. You feel like it’ll drive you insane until you get the sense that you have some control over it. Just as it has a certain measure of power over you. The Sun still isn’t near rising when he wakes up to take over. And frankly, I’m happy to let him.

It squeaks as we glide along, but soon I do fall asleep.

The squeaks ring into forever, and I dream of the Ocean. I’ve never seen the Ocean with my own eyes, but I watched movies that had it. I dream, and my Ocean starts out black as night, with fog all across the hazy-grey lines of surf. Freezing wet sand and a chilly wind that stinks of the rotting sea.

But as the Sun rises, so does my Ocean from the cold and hard to the warm and inviting.

The Sun glows down, warm but not hot on my face, and the birds are calling to each other. The neon-blue waters collide gently with the soft sand. And somewhere Sophie is laughing.

‘Crow,’ his voice cuts, like a rusty coffin nail. As I open my eyes to the now-full Sun, I see him in all his torn and tattered glory. I’d like to be able to compare him to the chick in the original Carrie near the end, when the school was on fire. I always thought she looked oddly pretty, for someone who’s creating their own Hell. Or at least that’s how I saw it.

I’d like to say he looks sorta’ like her, but have you ever seen the movie Cujo? Remember how the dog was so dirty, bloody, scraped and ragged by the end it looked like he was being held together by tendrils of sinew and unconquerable will alone?

That’s what Cypress looks like. Someone who had come through Hell, and survived because they simply. Weren’t. Done here.

‘Where are we?’ I ask as he helps me off the trolley. He leads me, limping, up a path and across a paved road – the rail line and the road are the frame on a wood, shielding it from the open, overgrown prairie.

‘A long way away from the city. A long long way. No one will ever look for us here,’ he says.


He turns to me. He’s shaking – his eyes are burning, heavy with straining blood vessels as he twitches.

‘I don’t know if this is the right thing,’ he says.

‘Are they all dead?’ I ask. He shakes his head.

‘No. They drove away. Not just the old ones – Westwood vehicles too. A lot of people ran on foot. But if they weren’t out, they’re gone. He’s gone. I buried him.’


But his sticky, gritty hand cups my cheek, and he manages a weak smile.

‘I’ll explain,’ he says. ‘But let’s clean ourselves up. You for one, could use a comb through that hair. And I think I should take a look at my hair. I think I might have cut it off.’

‘Cypress, I’m sorry for saying this, but you don’t really sound like yourself.’

‘I know,’ he tells me. And he lights a smoke. ‘And I haven’t really been myself lately. But I’ll explain. I can’t ask you to understand this right now, but I have had… a very, very long couple of days.

There’s a cabin, six hours through the woods here – right on the beach. Stocked up with clean gravity-fed water, smokes and food. …can we get there first?’

‘…are you going to kill me?’


I do have to think about it.


* * *

It takes us a very long time to reach that cabin – I suspect it is, in fact, more than the six hours he had promised me. I don’t ask, and Cypress doesn’t suggest otherwise. He doesn’t say anything. We just wander on through the sand and fighting trees under the burning-hot sun. I pull off my cotton shirt and sweater, leaving the white tank top on.

That’s better.

Cypress is smiling at me. Under all the crap, he almost looks like his old self.


‘That’s new,’ he says, regarding the tank top. First thing he’s said in five hours.

‘A lot’s changed,’ I nod.

He doesn’t say anything – he just smiles and nods, and turns back to the trail that ceased to be definite four hours ago. I don’t ask – it seems like he knows where he’s going. He ambles along, his classic… wolf-trot carrying him easily across the powder sand. I hadn’t notice the limp go away, but he is trotting indeed.

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It was after midnight when I finally made it back to my own bed. I don't know if I felt a little guilty about what I'd done, or guilty that I didn't feel worse. I guess this is where I should say that I never intended things to go that far, but I don't expect you to believe it. I wouldn't. I mean a guy just doesn't "accidentally" seduce his little sister. Then again, as a senior in high school she isn't exactly little anymore, and I'm only four years older. That was a big gap when I...

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Meeting the Neighbour

Meeting the Neighbour! It was mid-morning and I was just arriving back home from the shops, as I got out of my car and started to walk towards my house I heard a soft female voice... Meeting the Neighbour! It was mid-morning and I was just arriving back home from the shops, as I got out of my car and started to walk towards my house I heard a soft female voice call out “Excuse me, excuse me” I looked up and there was the lady from number 9 walking towards me. We hadn’t really...

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Duke Pt 03

Thelma arrived from Dubbo just before noon. Duke, wearing only shorts, wondered should he offer her tea but she kissed him, rather like an elderly aunt, and said her tongue was hanging out, did he have beer? ‘Yeah come and look through the house and then take a couple of cans down to the spa pool in the garden shed. Naturally the heater is switched off.’ ‘Why are you being uncivil and not joining me?’ ‘I prefer being nude in a spa.’ ‘Well so do I so what’s the problem? You’ll have to get...

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Take Me to the Nude Beach

“Big brother of mine,” Marie said in her most plaintive help-me voice, “Please take me to the nude beach I just learned about. You owe me a bunch and this will be payback.” Her eighteen-month older brother Billy asked, “Why do you want to go there?” At least having his attention, she snuggled up to him on the couch and said “Ever since I turned sixteen I’ve been trying to get some of the good sex I read about. The guys in my class don’t seem to be worth a shit. I want to try some older guys...

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Fucking My Best Friend Keirsten

Me and my best friend Keirsten were coming home from a Friday night party, and were sleeping over at my house. My parents were out of town so we had my house to ourselves. Keirsten, who is 18 with straight blonde hair and C cup breasts and a nice big bubble butt to match mine, was wearing a super tight short black strapless dress and red 5 inch heels. I am also 18, with my wavy dark brown hair, also C cup breasts and nice ass, was wearing a tight, short blue dress with a REALLY low v-neck, and...

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Summer Picnic

We were all in our mid thirties and it was a hot summer day. We live in the country and an old friend looked us up and stopped by. I had known Larry since I was a kid. He introduced me to the world of gay sex when we were young. The doorbell rang and I answered the door. I was shocked to see m old buddy Larry had come to visit. I invited him in and introduced him to my wife. Jan. We talked a little and Larry suggested we go on a picnic to relax. We said ok and gathered up a picnic lunch. I...

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The OutsiderChapter 9 Two Conversations

The following morning, to the surprise of everyone in the English literature course, "Mr. Know-it-all" sat next to the girl who had pinned him with that nick-name. Of course, the rest of the class and the professor had no way of knowing what had happened between Mike and Ruthie over the weekend and had incorrectly assumed that the two students bitterly disliked each other. Strange ... it turned out that was not the case at all. From their initial argument the couple realized that had a lot...

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Celebrating Virgin Friend8217s Birthday 8211 Part 1

Hi fans, many of you must have read my 6 part real-life experiences with the Muslim tailor and my neighbor, culminating in a threesome. For those of you who have missed it, here is the link for the first part – You can also click on my pen name Abnne which appears under the title next to the story posting date, or you can Do read starting from Part 1, so that you can enjoy the sequence of events. I have not yet decided whether I should accept their demands (blackmail) of joining their...

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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 12

The plains of Montcairn gave way to the Eastern Mountains without much pause, and the rugged terrain was soon proving aggravating, even for the boys. I'd refused the loan of a horse from King Tynis, convinced now that to take a horse was to signal its certain death. So with no horse, and miles and miles to go, I walked and ran, but mostly ran. Kei and Labo would taunt me, Labo in particular was fond of pointing out that if I were a true Vulkai instead of one by adoption, I would have no...

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Interracial incest orgy

“No, I’m not doing it, now please shut up,” said an exasperated Sally Collins to her husband who for the hundredth time that day had asked her to fuck a black man so he could watch. “You’re fucking sick, do you know that, now leave me alone and let me get on with dinner.” Sally was a very attractive thirty four year old housewife, she was married to Bruce, a successful businessman, they had two children, Aaron fifteen and Annmarie, fourteen. Sally and Bruce...

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Rajesh and Vinod plan wife swap

’m Rajesh. Today left home at 3PM to prepare to go to Vinod’s home to drop Swathi there and pick up Harini and come back to my home. Swathi appears to be in excited mood and she got ready with her favorite Kate winslet costume.As usual 20% of the boobs are popping out of on top of her dress, she carefully and softly applied rose powder with soft brushes to make it appear glamorous and did proper hair dressing and every inch of her face is appearing happy and excitement.I’ve also dressed well...

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Please Understand MeChapter 2

I took a long hot shower, put on shorts and a T-shirt and sat down in front of my computer to make a list. This was a preliminary short list. I could always add to it after geting some answers from my loving wife. 1. Run the asshole’s plates and see who he is. 2. Take the three bedroom doors off their hinges and stow them in the garage temporarily. I don’t want her to run in a bedroom and lock the door when she gets home Saturday. I could always kick the door in, but my way is much more...

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Ladys Next DanceChapter 21

Mary opened the door to the girl's cell and carried a tray with four collars for the girls. When the door to the cell was locked from the outside, Mary evaluated the girls. Muffin had recovered and was trying to calm the two younger girls as the huddled on Muffin's bunk. Sissy was starring at the group with contempt. Mary felt that by working with Sissy, she would have one allied soul in the cell. "Hello girls. My name is Mary. I have been assigned as your leader and teacher. We will be...

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Full Fledged Suck Puppet

By my mid teens I had already sucked alot of cock, mostly in toilets within 30 miles, sometimes they would take me for a ride somewhere, or take me to where they lived and played with me there. Sometimes there was more than one cock, this mostly happened in the toilets. I like being stuck in a toilet cubicle on my knees, in my white pantys, two or more men and their cocks pressed up against me, their cocks slapping my face and forcing their way into my mouth, no room to move in such a cramped...

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I Helped Him Cheat then Cheated With Him part 2

I finally pulled Ben's truck into his driveway. He was eye fucking me the whole way, and I was eye fucking him back. His big cock was the only thing on my mind. I was running red lights and yield signs the whole way, thinking about what his big black cock would feel like inside me.I could feel his dark eyes on my little body and couldn't wait for his big hands to feel my body and experience my pussy. I was going to fuck his brains out. I was going to fuck him so good, he would beg me to fuck...

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School For Sissies

SCHOOL FOR SISSIES by Throne Clark sat uneasily on the hard wooden chair. He was a small man and the chair had longer-than-usual legs, so that he had to point his toes downward to make them touch the floor. The effect was to make him feel like a naughty student who had been sent to the principal's office. Once again he glanced at the slim female receptionist with her neat cream colored blouse, eyeglasses with large round frames, and auburn hair pulled back into a severe bun. She...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 7 Mixed Doubles

“Sure, I’m just finishing my makeup. Come right on over. I’m almost ready,” said Terri Tallman. On the other end of the line, Brenda Houseman replied, “Give me five minutes and I’ll be right there. What’s the theme for today’s session?” “Very casual. Shorts and a tank top,” was the answer. “See you in five.” Terri hung up the telephone. Terri brushed her hair out again and touched up her lip gloss. She was an average sized woman, not quite five-and-a-half feet tall, with a trim figure,...

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Quick and Messy

straight sex office An office quicky gets gets a little messyI was staring at my coworker, Catherine, again. She had another one ofher low-cut tops on that showed off her magnificent tits, being in thesame office I got an eye full every time I passed her desk. She and Ihad been enjoying the occasional office quickie and even moreoccasional, after hours sex, for some months now and she was used to myhorny nature by now.Catherine knew what was going on since I kept finding an excuse to walkto her...

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Dr Goo the Dalicks

Dr. Goo had just picked up his companion Rosy Palm, a hot red head nympho from the planet Earth, and was operating the controls in his HARDIS, looking up from time to time to check her out. Rosy spoke up after taking in the awesome surrounding of the space ship they were flying in, “so, what exactly is this HARDIS?” Dr. Goo said “it stands for Horny And Arousing Device for Interstellar Swinging.” “So Cool, it’s bigger on the inside,” she giggled “almost like me, that night on earth after you...

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A beautiful morning together

Hello Guys, I am describing a morning spent with a girl i loved a lot, we are not together any more due to circumstances, I am very lonely now without her. I am 28 year old and based in Delhi. I would appreciate comments/feedback woke up but she was still asleep. I enjoyed watching her, like an angel most beautiful form of purity… Like i call her the princess. I wish i see her like this the end of time, to wake up with her till the end of times. It was still 4 in morning and some more time...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 9

The next three weeks were work, work and more work for my little community. While on the trek back to the cave, I had learned that it was early summer in the region. That meant we still had time to establish ourselves as a community. However, every day was important. We needed to gather food for the coming winter, we needed to gather firewood to keep us warm, and we needed to protect ourselves from both the elements and any predators that might turn an eye in our direction. Clara, Gabby, and...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 13

After the first of the year in 1989, Jada Seldon had surgery to restore her ability to conceive. Lily Richards assisted at the request of her friend and they did the best they could but, once they cut her open, they knew they weren’t going to be able to offer Jada much hope. The Saudi doctors had removed more tissue than was necessary… Lily and the other surgeons were forced to splice a section from one of her tubes so they could reattach the other one… she would have only one functioning...

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How I fucked My Roommate8217s Girlfriend

First of all, I like to thank you all of my readers, It’s kind of overwhelming for me to get a such a huge response on this Page. And for Lady fans, feel free to write the sex story. * Name used in the Sex Story is Imaginary, to hide the Identity of Reader, Rest all details are true Now moving on to Story. It all started during the summer vacation of our university(2014). At the end of the 3rd year, we have to do Summer training. So, I and my roommate Deepak stayed with his girlfriend, she was...

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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 24

Armando awoke to a terrifying reality - his reality! There were manacles on his wrists and shackles securing his ankles. The short chains allowed for some movement; but not very much. The chains were solidly anchored in the rock wall. There would be no escape from here Armando was certain. He could only make a guess at how long he had been kept in this windowless dungeon cell. His only visitor had been an enormous silver gray wolf with an impressive set of teeth. Ever since he had left the...

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Small Beginnings Part 7

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2013 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 6 Creeped Out

We must be making exceptional time, walking along the road side, as we make it to the Brutes home by late-afternoon on the next day. We are even luckier that the threatening rain holds off as well. We make our way into the prison. It is completely deserted. Not a body, not a growl of noise. It looks like it had been empty for months. Most likely since the Kindred came through, guns a blazing. Catherine has us move in cautiously. Slow and cautious. "There are no bodies." Catherine says as...

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This is the girl

This is the tramp who first got my attention by stuffing her pink panties in my pocket. When I got home, I found they had her phone number written across the bum. She later confirmed that she didn't write it herself. She said volunteers were everywhere. This is the horny girl, playing innocent, who couldn't make it to the carpark from the bar, and begged me to take her against a tree, dropping her jeans to assist. This is the slut who said my friends were boring, and delivered beer, half...

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Stanly Bromly The Sydney Ducks 2Chapter 2

Stan was ruminating as he walked to his bootmaker's shop, "There is no way that a individual can defeat a gang as large and as entrenched as the Sydney Ducks. The most I can hope to do is slow down their attack on the good things of San Francisco. If the police were seriously interested in stopping that gang, then I would have a chance. Maybe there is some hope in the vigilance committee that is being talked about. If they would hurry and get organized, I would have some hope of success....

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Her talent was agonising

Julie is my fantastic partner, we’ve been together for over six years.  She has a lovely chassis and takes pride the way she looks, and I have the pleasure of that.Although we had a full sex life after six years the inevitable started to happen. Not really boredom because we always enjoyed each other, but a sameness started to creep in. Julie worked shift work and sometimes had a nap early in the evening before going to work.  One evening while she was napping I started amusing myself idly...

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Lucy Book One

Me? Well, I'm 6'4", and my mighty schlong reaches to my knees - isn't that what guys who write stories like this are supposed to say? In truth, I'm a half-inch under six feet in height, of medium build (I'm the kind of bulky guy who has to work out three times a week or face the very real threat of turning into Homer Simpson). My penis, since I suppose it's relevant to the proceedings, is a modest, but thick and meaty, eight inches. Despite our fifteen years of marriage, Becky and I...

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Out Of Uniform

And so, sports day for this year is all said and done. Time to eat, or at least that was the plan. Scored me a massive plate of ribs with that new sauce. Gonna enjoy.......Wham! Now the great feast is all over me, like I just murdered someone. It's messed up that I can't enjoy some food, now I can't even get in my own car. Oh, but wait......I got my winter jacket and pants. It's not cold, in fact it's quite in the hundreds, but to get out of this current mess is better than messing up my seat....

Straight Sex
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Rhondas punishment

That fucking cunt Rhonda is such a bitch  ??? That fucking cunt Rhonda is such a bitch.? I tried to get to like her but the more Becca told me about her and from just being around her,? I decided she needed a serious spanking.? I didnt really want to fuck her, although she was definitly fuckable. ?I was so pissed and annoyed with her that all I wanted to do was just punish her, even torture the living shit out of her,? I wanted to make her scream.? I had a friend who would fuck her for...

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I hate my toes

I Hate My Toes: A Trans Girl's Lament I hate my toes, I hate my nose And I really hate it when my belly shows I hate my hair I had to share That I really dont think it's fair Because If I was perfect, in every way I'd be happy Or so I say I hate my ears They're out to here or at least that's what I fear I hate my lips I hate my hips and I really hate it when my clothing slips But if I was perfect in every way I'd be happy Or so I say I find faults in every...

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Lust for My Mother

How do you even reconcile that? A young woman, just barely nineteen years of age, in lust and love ... with her own mother! You can't. At least I couldn't. And because I couldn't, I couldn't say, do, or tell anyone. It had remained a deep dark secret for years. And the funny part? I knew I wasn't a lesbian, not in the sense that I had desires for other women, I honestly didn't. Not really anyway. Sure, I had wondered what it might be like with a few girls ... but I had wondered the same...

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Daughter and Mother and Bill Make Three

Well, this is a true story and she was legal. Let's just call her Rachael, but that's not her real name. Rachael was in her early 20's and about 3-months pregnant for the first time. My same white boyfriend, Bill, from my other (all true) stories had taken us out for dinners a few times, and one night when we were alone whispered to me. "Monica, is there any chance of going to bed with you and Rachael?""Yes, she would do that if I asked her."He couldn't believe it, but I guess his dick did...

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Tuitionil Iravu Nera Kaamam

Indru kama kathaiyil ungalukaagave oru unmaiyaga nadantha sambavathai pagirugirom, engal inaiya thalathil niraiya vaasagargal avargalin vathivugalai engaluku pathivu seigiraargal. Avargal pathivu seiyum kathaigalile sirantha kathaigalai thaan ungaluku naangal alikirom. Agaiyaal neengal engalin vaasagargalin tamil kamakathaigal pathivugalai padithu magizhungal. Hai friends, en peyar iyewarya anaivarum ice endru ennai azhaipaargal, enaku ippozhuthu vayathu 35 aagugirathu. En siru vayathil...

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Sex With An Ex Girlfriend For Money

Hello, everyone! It’s mayank this side with my 5th story!! This sex story is about an incident which happened back when I was in college, I was in 4th year studying in ghaziabad. I had a steady girlfriend to whom I was very loyal, before her I had one more girlfriend which was a very small time pass kind of relationship, anamika- that is the name of that girl she was a year older to me and came from a very rich family. She wasn’t the most beautiful girl, but had a very sexy figure...

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Introduction: True story where wife shows hubby how hot she REALLLY is! DEEP By: vapidvector It was a summer afternoon in Georgia and it was hotter than hell. We were spending the day with some friends of ours, helping them pack for their move to Illinois. They didnt want to leave Georgias red clay but the job offers had been too good to pass up. We all had been friends for quite awhile and although we didnt swing with them we spent many hours sitting around, getting a buzz on, and exchanging...

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A Different Plane of Existence Part 4

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page (revised January 2005) Edited by Angel O'Hare Part Four *BEEP* *BEEP* "What the..." mumbled Rachel as she grabbed her pager. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the illuminated screen. It had one solitary word, "SIMON". She peered through bleary eyes to see the message time which was displayed in a small font on the top right, "23:30". Rachel straightened her clothes and walked smartly to the lift. Two minutes later a rather...

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Kavita Bhabhi Ko Satisfy Kiya

Hi dosto mera naam SAMIR PATEL hai aur main ahmedabad ka rahne vala hu. Main our kisi ke bare main nahi janta lekin main aaj ko apni sachhi kahani batane ja raha hu.Aap padh ke mujhe reply kar sakte hai mere mail id hai aur main aap ko batadu ki main PUSSY AUR ASS LEAKING bahut hi achha karta hu jaisa ki bhabhi ne mujhe bataya tha.agar koi aunty aur bhabhi jo ki moti ho aur satisfaction chato ho ya pussy leaking chahti ho to mujhe mail kar sakti hai main ahmedabad ka rehne vala hoo. To main...

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