SmokeSCREEN: Book5IVE free porn video

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bat your eyes girl, be / otherworldly / count your blessings / se / duce a stranger / what’s so wrong with / being happy / kudos to those who / see through sickness, yeah // over and / over and / over and / over and / over

* * *

* * *

I can’t help singing softly to myself.

‘over and over and over and over and ohhhhhh hoh hoh hoh…’

Sophie’s nodding her head as I sing. The others don’t seem to mind, thank God – it calms me down.

‘she woke in the morning… she knew that her life had passed her by…’

But Sophie eyes are welling up.

We’re all terrified.

‘…she called out a warning…’

They brough a tank.

‘…don’t ever let life pass you by.’

And then for a while, we just watch forty or so old ones nervously finger their overseized weapons. Soon the platinum-blonde from before appears out of a car and shouts at some of the old ones, including… the huge brute with the leather mask who had grabbed Lisa that first night we bumped into them.

He takes about ten soliders or so and walks up to the Market.

They’re let in, and all we can do is wait.

The Tower should have been here a half an hour ago, at least, assuming Michelle got that far.

‘…she woke in the morning… she knew that her life had passed her by… she called out a warning… don’t ever let life pass you by.’

And now I notice Sophie staring at me. Or my hand. Looking down, I see that the shotgun is vibrating.

Sophie gently holds my wrist, and she smiles at me.

She’s saying it’ll be okay.

And I nod.

Sure it will, Soph. Sure it will.


We both peek around the corner towards the Market.

‘…what did that sound like to you?’

‘A grenade… sort of,’ I say.

And now five old ones exit the terminal – one is limping. The rest of them prepare to fire, but the man in the leather mask talks to the platinum-blond, and then looks over to us.

‘…oh, what the fuck?’ Sophie whispers.

‘It’s okay, it’s okay – this is good. This is fine,’ I say. He’s already halfway to the doors.

‘At ease!’ I bark at the others. They set their weapons at their sides, but keep them easily accessible as the huge man – I’d guess six-foot-seven, now – steps up to the doors and into the Terminal.

‘Who’s in charge here?’ he says.


Under the black leather, his dark eyes scan slowly from my boots to my hips to my breasts to my eyes with a grim mix of curiosity and disappointment.

‘I remember you,’ he says. ‘The firey one who slit my man’s throat.’

‘And tossed a few molatov cocktails, as I recall,’ I smile. ‘What’s the problem?’

‘He won’t come willingly.’

‘Um… Sophie, Saku, Kristen – c’mon. Diane’s in charge ’till I get back.’

‘We just need to know how to make him docile,’ he says.

‘The boys said they have gas for it.’

‘They don’t.’

I shrug, and nod to Sophie, Saku and Kristen.

‘These are his friends – they can talk him down. Let’s go.’

* * *

We go across, into the Market. Despite the floodlights and spotlights outside, the inside is near pitch-dark. One of the Westwood Cetas explains that they never had to deal with an intruder before – they always got them before they were inside.

He leads us down a long hallway until we finally come to a place that looks like it’s been the victim of a horrible fire.

There’s a doorway at the end of the hall – the door has been blown off its hinges, and the hallway is littered with gore and about eight bodies – five old ones and three Westwood men.

‘…Jesus Christ,’ Sophie whispers.

‘What happened? Someone drop a grenade?’ I ask, stepping into the room.

‘There were three men from Westwood here with us – plus my ten men,’ the one in the mask says from the hallway. ‘When we opened the door, it exploded. Glass shrapnel – killed four men instantly. The ones who didn’t run after that door was open, well…’ He nudges a corpse with a boot. ‘…I just don’t know why she wants this one,’ he sighs. ‘He’s a soldier – a Patriot – I’ll give him that.’

I hear him saying all this, but I’m not really listening. I’m staring at the walls – tracing my fingers over the cool dark concrete that flakes here and there.

It’s wet in a few spots.

‘Can anyone out there read?’ I think it’s… ash and spit.

I hear a huge boot crunch through the glass at the door, and the man in the mask hands me a black flashlight.

‘Can you?’ I ask – he nods. As I click the little device on, I can’t help but shriek.

The flaking was dried blood under my fingers. The sticky spots… I wipe my hand on the wall, but it’s sticky too.

‘Is it English?’ I whisper.

‘Yes.’ And now he crunches away through the glass, out of the room.

‘Well what the fuck does it say?’ I push past the others and follow him back to the main area of the Market. Sophie catches up to me and grabs me by a sleeve.

‘Crow – we need to find him now,’ she whispers.

‘The staff,’ I say, stopping. Everyone bumps into each other behind me, and the masked man turns along with the westwood man.

‘What staff?’ the old one says.

‘He would have had a staff on him when you grabbed him, right?’ The guy shrugs.

‘I don’t know.’

‘He did – we need to find it, ’cause he’ll be looking for it.’

* * *

The men stick to the shadows – afraid to reveal themselves to whatever is hunting them. Sophie, Saku, Kristen and I step boldly forward towards the large iron doors that bar Jessie’s section of the Market.

They’ve been whispering behind us the entire way. What they’ve heard about him. One of them actually saw the way he moves, and they’re so terrified I can’t help but grin to myself. But this comes with an epiphany.

All fear is only ignorance.

Cypress told me that before, but I never connected the dots like I do at this moment. We didn’t know the whole story about sex – and were terrified of the boys. The old ones have only ever seen Cypress as the swordsman who kills and never dies. I guess I can understand them being terrified.

I double-check my shotgun.

‘You’re sure Cypress’s staff is in here?’ I call behind me.

‘Yes,’ a voice comes from the shadows. I yank the doors open and pause. I listen. Yes. Yes – I hear something. Someone trying to breathe.

Waving Sophie towards me, I creep ahead, peeking around the corner towards what looks to be Jessie’s bed, and-

We freeze.

He knows we’re there.

But he’s not moving. Cypress, I mean.

He’s got Jessie stapled to the wall – skewered on his blade.

Cypress stands calmly, holding the sword in place as Jessie laibours for breath.

I’m still frozen. Maybe I freeze too long.

I try to memorize him – this might be the last time I see him.

I wish he looked better right now. His hair is matted with grit and blood – his pale sweater soaked to a rusty-black from carnage. It drips on the floor.

I try to memorize him, but too fast, he whips the sword out of the wall – the blade scrapes against Jessie’s bones as he draws it through. I jump forward and call out, but he throws himself through a window before even glancing my way.

I yell for him – I scream.

I run to the window to make sure he’s not dead.

I look down, in time to see the glass tinkling on the pavement two stories below.

The swordsman is gone.

And Jessie is crying.

* * *

* * *

she woke in the morning / she knew that her life had passed her by / she called out a warning / don’t ever let life pass you by

floating in this cosmic jacuzzi
/ we are like frogs oblivious / to the water starting to boil /

no one flinches / we all float face down

* * *

* * *

We make a fine outfit.

Eleven old ones, including the masked fellow.

The doubly-skewered Jessie, and the Westwood Ceta.

And us girls.

The masked one is grilling us for what Cypress would do next. He wants answers. The deal is off if we don’t produce the swordsman.

‘Listen – I showed you where he was, you just had to go in and get him!’ Jessie snaps.

I’m pacing – smoking.

‘Okay! Just shut up!’ I bark. The small puddle of men turn like one flowing mass to me. ‘He’s got guns – right?’

‘I didn’t see any,’ Jessie says.

‘But he did take the staff?’

‘Yeah. Did you know there’s a fuckin’ sword inside that thing? Has been this whole time!’

The girls and I just stare at him.

I want to shout at him for daring to be related to Cypress, but in the name of diplomacy, I turn to the masked old one.

‘So obviously, it falls to the two of us,’ I say. He nods, grimly.

‘You know how to do it – I can make it happen,’ he tells me.

‘How much does Cypress know? Did you guys tell him anything about the trade?’

Jessie nods.

‘How much?’


BOOMba-bangbang. We all spin – it was far away – on the other side of the building. BOOM. The walls rattle a bit.

‘…sounds like around where we keep the weapons,’ the Westwood Ceta says.

‘What the fuck is this guy on?’ one of the old ones gapes.

‘You’re sure he’s going for more weapons?’ I snap my eyes up to the Westwood Ceta.

‘Ninety per cent,’ he shrugs. I turn to the masked old one, and say very slowly,

‘Speak clearly – word for word, What was written on that wall?’

The old one rolls his eyes,

‘Just some bullshit about fairy tale endings.’

‘Word for word – this is important.’

‘Uhh…’ He counts on his fingers, but he flips the middle one up first. ‘Do. You. Still. Believe. In. Happy. Endings. Questionmark.’

I chain another cigarette. Jessie says it,

‘What’s he gonna’ do?’

* * *

We check out where they keep the weapons, but he’s already been there and gone. Everything is in such disarray, there’s no way to know what he took.

We just head out the front doors.

A mass of humans has gathered in the center on the pavement – the rest of the girls from the Terminal are out – it doesn’t look like the Tower has come. Half of the Westwood men have opted to stay inside the Market.

My mind is running. He went for weapons. What could he possibly be planning?

The masked man directs me to the platinum-blond, who shakes my hand, smiles warmly, and says,



‘This is Mickey, but don’t mind him. So where’s our little mystery, Crow?’

‘I didn’t make this deal with you,’ I say. ‘If you guys had been watching the outside of the Market, maybe we’d know where he is…’

‘Let’s just look at where we are. Deliver the swordsman in half an hour. Yes. Yes, that suits me.’ Brie just grins.

‘Why do you want him?’

‘For my own purposes,’ she snaps.

Screams and shouts rise from the Market, and now another of men come dashing for the group. Cypress has us all on the run.

‘He’s quite a specimen, isn’t he?’ Brie muses, grinning even more widely now. I shake my head.

‘That’s not him,’ I say, looking up at the observation Tower. Cypress is a pretty mean shot with a sniper rifle. But perhaps that’s too cliché for him – to go mad and end up in a tower with a rifle.

What is his purpose?

He has us all on the run.

That’s his dream. That’s his fear. That’s why he doesn’t want to lead.

This is his evil. He’s going to kill us all.

I drop to the pavement and put an ear to the ground.

‘Do you have anyone in the Tunnels?’ I look to Brie, then to Jessie – they both shake their heads as I start towards the Market.

‘Where are you going? Where is she going?’

‘Get eveyone out of the Forks!’ I call back.

The crowd parts as best they can as I begin to walk, then run.

He was afraid of what he’d do. And now he believes he has to do it.

That’s got to be it.

As I run out of the floodlights into the desolate shadows and neverending dark of the Market, I trip over a Westwood solider who’s trying to escape. He’s bleeding heavily from the leg.

‘Get out!!’ he shrieks at me. And as I launch myself down the stairs, he screams for me to come back. To run for my life.

But down the stairs.

Down, down, down to the old maintenance tunnels. There’s a new wounded Westwood soldier halfway down, but he’s alive and will stay that way. Another few flights and I feel consumed with the darkness. It presses down on me from all sides, and it takes a moment to finally see where that sound is coming from.

At first, I thought it was machinery working somewhere. But the closer I got, I realized that not the beat, but the sound itself was too random.

And as I get closer, the paff, paff sound accompanies a spasm of shadow. And I see that there is light – some light – filtering from far away down the hallway. And now

Paff I can see his boots.

Paff his ripped cargos. And I find it funny that I don’t have the shotgun ready.

Paff I can see his shredded, bloody sweater.

Paff andhis matted, grungy hair, whipping back and forth as he smacks his head into the brick wall.



‘Cypress?’ I whisper.

In a blink, he shoots from the corner and past me, to a flashing panel on the wall beyond.

‘CYPRESS!’ I roar – and he stops. He freezes. His hand is paused over the blinking panel, and now I notice the bags of plastic explosive that he’s gathered. I wonder how many he’s already got set up.

His eyes staring wide at me me – not blinking.

‘…what are you doing…?’ I say finally.

‘Something is really really wrong,’ he whispers. ‘Really really wrong.’

‘I know – it’s okay,’ I tell him – but he shakes his head.

‘It’s not,’ he says.

‘Tell me what to do.’ It’s now I notice he’s got one hand on the staff, and I reach for my shotgun.

I’m never prepared for how fast he moves. Never. Even though I’ve seen it.

He moves way too fast for me to block him. Or dodge. The blade flashes faster than you can see.

…how could you prepare for that? For that blade that moves faster than you see, ready to arc across your throat?

As he leaps forward, the only thing I can think to do is say,


And the moment is paused again. He stands a full five feet away, but the sword tip is poised, ready to slit my throat. I want to see his eyes.

All I can hear is my breath. Fast. Harsh.

I want to see his eyes, but it’s too goddamn dark here.

It’s too dark to see his eyes, and now, the lights blink out. And all I can hear is my breath. And now I’m blinded by the flaring light of his Zippo, as he lights a cigarette.

Something goes ‘ping’ on the concrete floor, and I don’t look to see what it is. As he closes the Zippo, his hand grips mine, and I barely have time to scoop up whatever he dropped off the ground as he whispers,

‘Run,’ and drags me, Hell-bent down the hall.

Into the blackness.

* * *

* * *

I never knew about this tunnel. I don’t even know where we are.

But he keeps on dragging me. He hasn’t spoken. Hasn’t pulled out a flashlight or a lighter in the pitch-dark. He just drags me, limping heavy down long halls and around short corners. Down stars. Down, down, down.


He doesn’s turn around as whatever bomb he planted erupts. There isn’t so much much as a rattle of the light fixtures.

Eventually, it feels like we’re walking on gravel. And now, wood and gravel. Train tracks, somewhere underground. Which quickly becomes above ground. And now, he sits me on an ancient little rail trolley, with a little low box attached to one end.

He throws a couple of blankets in and hops up to the bar you shove up and down.

He tells me to go to sleep. Just try to sleep.

He’ll wake me when we get there.

I tell him to fuck off – he’ll sleep and I’ll push the bar up and down. And when do I stop?

‘Wake me up in four hours, and I’ll take over, alright?

I nod, and the rig whines and squeaks as the bar pumps up and down. That squeaking really takes you over. You feel like it’ll drive you insane until you get the sense that you have some control over it. Just as it has a certain measure of power over you. The Sun still isn’t near rising when he wakes up to take over. And frankly, I’m happy to let him.

It squeaks as we glide along, but soon I do fall asleep.

The squeaks ring into forever, and I dream of the Ocean. I’ve never seen the Ocean with my own eyes, but I watched movies that had it. I dream, and my Ocean starts out black as night, with fog all across the hazy-grey lines of surf. Freezing wet sand and a chilly wind that stinks of the rotting sea.

But as the Sun rises, so does my Ocean from the cold and hard to the warm and inviting.

The Sun glows down, warm but not hot on my face, and the birds are calling to each other. The neon-blue waters collide gently with the soft sand. And somewhere Sophie is laughing.

‘Crow,’ his voice cuts, like a rusty coffin nail. As I open my eyes to the now-full Sun, I see him in all his torn and tattered glory. I’d like to be able to compare him to the chick in the original Carrie near the end, when the school was on fire. I always thought she looked oddly pretty, for someone who’s creating their own Hell. Or at least that’s how I saw it.

I’d like to say he looks sorta’ like her, but have you ever seen the movie Cujo? Remember how the dog was so dirty, bloody, scraped and ragged by the end it looked like he was being held together by tendrils of sinew and unconquerable will alone?

That’s what Cypress looks like. Someone who had come through Hell, and survived because they simply. Weren’t. Done here.

‘Where are we?’ I ask as he helps me off the trolley. He leads me, limping, up a path and across a paved road – the rail line and the road are the frame on a wood, shielding it from the open, overgrown prairie.

‘A long way away from the city. A long long way. No one will ever look for us here,’ he says.


He turns to me. He’s shaking – his eyes are burning, heavy with straining blood vessels as he twitches.

‘I don’t know if this is the right thing,’ he says.

‘Are they all dead?’ I ask. He shakes his head.

‘No. They drove away. Not just the old ones – Westwood vehicles too. A lot of people ran on foot. But if they weren’t out, they’re gone. He’s gone. I buried him.’


But his sticky, gritty hand cups my cheek, and he manages a weak smile.

‘I’ll explain,’ he says. ‘But let’s clean ourselves up. You for one, could use a comb through that hair. And I think I should take a look at my hair. I think I might have cut it off.’

‘Cypress, I’m sorry for saying this, but you don’t really sound like yourself.’

‘I know,’ he tells me. And he lights a smoke. ‘And I haven’t really been myself lately. But I’ll explain. I can’t ask you to understand this right now, but I have had… a very, very long couple of days.

There’s a cabin, six hours through the woods here – right on the beach. Stocked up with clean gravity-fed water, smokes and food. …can we get there first?’

‘…are you going to kill me?’


I do have to think about it.


* * *

It takes us a very long time to reach that cabin – I suspect it is, in fact, more than the six hours he had promised me. I don’t ask, and Cypress doesn’t suggest otherwise. He doesn’t say anything. We just wander on through the sand and fighting trees under the burning-hot sun. I pull off my cotton shirt and sweater, leaving the white tank top on.

That’s better.

Cypress is smiling at me. Under all the crap, he almost looks like his old self.


‘That’s new,’ he says, regarding the tank top. First thing he’s said in five hours.

‘A lot’s changed,’ I nod.

He doesn’t say anything – he just smiles and nods, and turns back to the trail that ceased to be definite four hours ago. I don’t ask – it seems like he knows where he’s going. He ambles along, his classic… wolf-trot carrying him easily across the powder sand. I hadn’t notice the limp go away, but he is trotting indeed.

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Seducing My StepSister Part 4

 My name is Eunice, I am twenty years old, with 38DD-cup breasts and a tanned, toned body. I keep my mound clean shaven. Natalie is my eighteen year old stepsister. She has never had a lover, I am her first. Her mound is clean shaven and her 36C-cup breasts just arouse me every time I see them. * After another night of unbridled love making, Natalie and I take a quick shower as I have a whole day planned for her. This is a special day for Natalie, she is going to experience her first real...

1 year ago
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A date with Thomas

Thomas slowly walks into the room and gently takes your arms in his callused hands. He lifts them off the keyboard as he slowly stands you up and turns you around. his rough hands gently slide down your arms to your hands sending goosebumbs down your spine. he looks at you softly, you see a sparkle of something kept secret lurking behind his pale green eyes. Cautiously he moves his head forward, and gently brushes your lips against his as your flesh meets his, your body flushes with that sinful...

3 years ago
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The L WordChapter 3 Moving in

Wednesday, they had dinner, and then they sat in a movie with Bret’s arm around her shoulders. It wasn’t a bad movie. Then, he drove her back to the dorm and kissed her. The kiss went on and on, as though he was trying to make her sorry that they hadn’t gone back to his apartment. Well, she’d put her pills into her handbag just in case he asked her, but he hadn’t. The dance Friday was as much fun as dancing with Bret always was. The kiss afterwards was as hot and as long. They drove...

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It was an Accident

Ruby Rose is going to make sure that she will spend quality with all the women in her life. With all of them being very attractive, amazing fighters and having cool weapons, how can Ruby not want to spend time with them? Unfortunately, in her quest to, spend time with them Ruby is going to strip the woman (or women) she's with complete bare by complete accident! Wether it's by testing a new upgrade on Crescent Rose, testing new Dust Rounds, mastering her Semblance or a simple slip up on her...

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Horny Slut Wife

Kay said " After I shower we can fuck or you can fuck my dirty pussy now" " I want you now just the way you are" I jumped out of bed and undressed her and ran my hand's all over her body, fantasizing about what the other guy or guys did to her. I picked her up and dropped her on our king size bed, as I got on the bed I could see cum leaking from her pussy. I said "who or how many guys did you have this evening" Kay said "I started with Bill and Brad from work and then when I stopped to...

2 years ago
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"ELSIE" a transvestite fantasy by "cc" "It's sort of A Party," Paul explains, "A Week-end thing, on a lavish estate, with rooms for the Guests. Only you have to sign some sort of Release, and put down a Deposit to get a Room Key. And it's rather a Kinky scene; you know: Well-dressed Dominants, Slaves nude except for high heels and collars. It could get exciting!" You're not into that sort of thing, but you want to be there...

1 year ago
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Blowjobs On Demand

Blowjobs On Demand Blowjobs On Demand Husband adds personal pleasure to his wife’s need to shop and spend money with a sexy, hypnotic suggestion. ‘Jennifer, are you going shopping?’ Holding out his credit card, Charles looked at his wife, Jennifer, with a warm smile, knowing that she was about to go shopping for more clothes and shoes that she didn’t need. Fortunately for him, he had stopped her just in time, before she left the house. What was a budget busting, sore point before,...

3 years ago
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Camp 2

Things between Traci and I continued to heat up as the summer was ending. The last camp was in session when Traci confessed her mixed feelings for me and her fiancée. She had decided to tell me in bed while I was slowly going deep inside her. My mind was racing .... I didn't want to stop having sex but I didn't want to lie to Traci as she stared longingly at me. I did have feelings for her too but just not as strong. I reluctantly stopped moving but left my cock inside her. Traci's chest was...

2 years ago
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Fun With Friends 8211 Part I

Hi. This incident happened to me during my 2nd year of college – about 5 years ago. I was a day scholar. So I had gone to the hostel after a major submission at college or maybe for an upcoming submission – I really don’t remember. Nor that I care right now! So yeah few of us were at a friend’s room playing some games and discussing the submission. It must be dinner time, another friend Vinay walks in to the room and we all start talking. Hostels are always sultry with lack of ventilation and...

Gay Male
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A Hot Summer Night

A short romantic story and yes the young people are assumed to be over 18! * The last night of summer on the beach, it was hot and luscious, fires dotted the beachfront with small gatherings of people having a good time, some making out here and there, mostly young people. A lone figure walked, following the surf, delighted by the activity. She wore a mere wisp of a skirt and a light see- through cotton wrap with nothing underneath. It hung with style just covering her breasts. Her bare...

1 year ago
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With Office Colleague

HI, my name is Sameer working in an IT firm in pune. My colleague Sarika , she got promoted and was working on the same project with me. Sarika, she was a good looking female , not very hot ,just simple beautiful girl. We have been working on the project for about a year , we use to only have office discussions and nothing more. For giving project details we were called to our Mumbai head office. It was a weeks discussion with our seniors. We started to Mumbai in my car. while on our way i got...

2 years ago
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Hippolyte and JaneChapter 21

Author’s note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. Four more bases like the one at Kion were hit by Damon’s cavalry brigade, all with the same results. King Arses was much put out by these events, but there was nothing that he could do about them besides rant and rave. He might have gotten some temporary relief from those outbursts, but that was the limit of the good things that happened. Several of his trusted advisers suddenly found good reasons to be in other cities, so he began to...

1 year ago
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More Dirty Sex with Tania Part One Hotel Sex

More Sex with TaniaPart One. Hotel SexIt took quite some planning, after our last meet in the lay-by, but at long last we had both been able to get away at the same time. We, well actually Tania, had arranged our meet to be at the Premier Inn at Witcombe, just south of Cheltenham and just of the A46. Tania was arriving just after lunch and myself at about 3ish. We agreed it that way so it gave Tania time to dress and get ready, however it did mean that I would have to arrive dressed as Joanna....

3 years ago
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On the bus

I've always rode the bus to collage. Always crowed some people touch my boob lightly so I wouldn't noice but I did most of them where young boy or girl mostly boys. But one day it was very crowed and some boy put his hand on my boob. Before I realize my shirt was down and they were sucking my nipples.When all this was happening to me, some one from the crowd pulled my hand and guided it to his cock which was already out of his pants.He was holding my hand on his cock and making me give strokes...

3 years ago
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Making a Short Film Pregnant

Annie was already six months pregnant and she needed work bad but what was she going to do. She'd lost her quick mart store that she'd had and now she needed money for rent and food and for buying clothes and things for her baby that would come in about another three months. Annie was a pretty young white woman of 18, and she knew she'd been viewed as sexy and cute before she got herself knocked up. Now, being desperate, she struggled to figure out some way she could work and make some...

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Family of strong women

You met your wife while you were in the Hospital. She had helped you get your weight back up after you got sick. You’re still pretty scrawny. You’re about 120 pounds and 5.8 Your wife on the other hand is a tall Amazon. Her name is Cadence. She has is 6.4 with big biceps and even bigger boobs. She has long leggy legs and strong abs. She is a couple of years older then you and has long black hair. She is black like you with deep hazel eyes. She is fun loving, although a bit bossy and dominates....

1 year ago
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Lost Virginity to my maid

Hello all sexy readers. I am Sumit, 19 years old and am having an average body with height 6ft. but full of sex from head to toe. Two months back the most happening thing happened to me, which i very much wanted to share with someone but is not posible for me to share with any one openly. That's why i am here narrating it to you all. I live in one of the posh colony of Delhi and have a permanent maid at my house, whose name is Rajni. Rajni is a 35-40 years old lady with simple looks, friendly...

Erotic Fiction
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MomIsHorny Quinn Waters Soap That Dick

Quinn Waters noticed her step son Diego Perez was very smelly. He was playing video games for days without sleeping or showering. She dragged him to the shower. Since he was reluctant to soap himself she undressed and jumped into the shower with him. She noticed that he was already hard since she undressed him. Was it because of her? Of course it was. She was flattered and started to suck his dick. Then she took Diego to the bedroom. They fucked. They fucked hard. They fucked a lot. It took...

1 year ago
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My Sweet Young Niece

My wife’s older sister, Cheryl, is a stunningly sexy woman. Cheryl and I had a sexual encounter the summer before this happened, but we had not spoken of it since. Cheryl has a beautiful young daughter, Christine, who was 16 years old at the time this happened. Christine’s real father was a loser who had been out of the picture since she was a baby, so she grew up without a father. I have known Christine since she was a very young girl of about 7 (I was 22 when I married her aunt), and I...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 265 Semicolon

Monday night, I was toasted with the first legal drink, and then I was kissed a lot. We all had homework and things to prepare for classes as we raced toward Thursday and the beginning of Fall Break. It was just a long weekend, but we were all excited for it. An unending procession of beauties snuggled naked in my lap for fifteen to twenty minutes each while we tried to study. Joanne, Amy, Maggie, and Jess had taken off early in the morning for filming in Detroit. They would be in four cities...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 618

Jeff and Dave released the tie-downs from the big tractor that was equipped with a backhoe. As Dave started to extend the ramp so he could back the tractor off the trailer, Jeff touched his shoulder. “Ship just asked us to stand clear. She can retrieve the equipment from the trailer just as easily as she could if it were sitting on the ground. Let’s see,” he said as he pulled out a list, “she loaded the eight by eight prefab spring house that will sit over the spring. She also loaded all the...

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 33 Interlude A Dragon Is Born

Swybar was the first out of the D 60 Long Distance shuttle; the two men that accompanied him followed down the ramp and looked around. One of them was a disguised Kermac, that much he knew but he had no idea who the other was, but he expected him to be an agent of the worm. All three of them were disguised as humanoids wearing heavy insulated and heated suits and cold masks. Patches on their suits identified them as civilian contractors. All his life Swybar thought it was impossible to forge...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 59

The next night, Emma and Brent knocked on our door at 6 pm. Bruiser stayed next door at Emma’s, sleeping on her couch. Jess had decided that we pull no punches. We were both completely naked as we answered the door. Jess was wearing the nipples clamps (that she had originally bought for me.) They dangled from the erect nubs sticking out from her chest; I had played with her tits for several minutes before installing the clamps to ensure that they were rock hard. I, myself, wore nothing...

3 years ago
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Playing Away Part II The Kick Off

Playing Away - Part II - The Kick Off James turned over on the sun lounger and was still sweating buckets despite only wearing a tiny bikini. Wearing a female suit in the sun in Greece in May had its trade-offs. The main negatives revolved around the heat and the fact that he was wearing a complete skin-suit that, whilst it had some sweat facilities was still an extra layer he could do without. The other negative was that he was now a piece of meat that all the men would eye up as...

2 years ago
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Getting my own back on my husband with a twist

Not so very long ago, I was talking to a friend of mine, who told me she had seen my husband at a night club, I found this a bit unusual, as he hardly went out, but when I enquired about the time, and what night it was, I remembered my husband coming home late that particular night/morning, so the Agatha Christie started to come out in me, this had to be investigated further, I asked my friend to help, I waited patiently until the next night came around, which was. Tuesday night, as the week...

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RuneswardChapter 10

“When did he leave?” Radu asked, his voice tight. “Nine days,” Joric responded, his eyes looking from his Emperor to the Emperor’s Right Hand in confusion. “He requested leave; he’s never taken leave before, so he was due. I thought nothing of it. Is something wrong?” “You didn’t ask where he was going?” Vondi asked, ignoring Joric’s confusion. “It didn’t cross my mind,” Joric admitted, his confusion growing. “We own his life as a soldier, but his personal time is his own. I never even...

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Loves Awakening

This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love’s Awakening A warm wetness was working it’s way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...

2 years ago
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Banging The Facebook Girl

This is the sequel to my previous story which you can read by following the link in the brackets. ( ). My email is or . I would love to hear your thoughts regarding this story. I have written this story in such a way that you can read this story on its own but having knowledge from the previous part may help you but it is not necessary. In the previous part I told you how we met, what we used to talk about and that we were going to meet the next. Next day we met over coffee, spent together...

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wet lesbian dreams

This story is, unfortunately, fictional. It’s been inspired fully by my dreams. My name is Valentina, I’m 16, virgin (not sure if lucky for it), and. I’m not sure about my sexual orientation. I’m Argentinian, so I don’t speak English perfectly. I hope you can understand what I want to tell. It all started last year, October 24th, 2005. I saw her at a party, not for the first time though. She always went to my school, since I moved there in 2001, even to my grade, just another division. I had...

3 years ago
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A Journey From Classroom To Bedroom Part 8211 2

Hi readers mera naam dev hai or mein delhi mein rheta hun . Mein iss pe apni stories regular update karta rheta hun. Meine bhot si different type ki stories upload ki hai. Unmein se ek hai ‘pleasurable sex with my sexy mom part-1’ jiske mujhe bhot sare positive feedback mile hai hai or mein aap ko bhi yeah suggest karta hun ki aap ko bhi yeah story ek baar jarrur read karni chahiye. Yeah story actually mein meri story ‘a journey from classroom to bedroom’ ka part 2 hai I hope ki aap neh part 1...

2 years ago
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BPO babe get fucked

After completing my graduation in Mumbai, I decided to take a year off before pursuing my masters. In the meanwhile I decided to work in the BPO industry as a call center executive. It had a dual benefit for me – I could get some work exposure as well as earn some quick bucks to pay for my future education. After trying at a few places, I finally landed up a job at an MNC call center albeit on one condition – The call center didn’t have its own cab service so I had to move to Gurgaon. I didn’t...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 43

The view outside was filled with activity as servants, stable hands, and wagon drivers flowed among the buildings surrounding the temple. Maids carried produce from farm wagons to the manor kitchen. Stable hands kept the estate mules in hand as workmen unloaded boards of wood for a workshop. I tried my best to ignore the tourists. In my mind many of the women traveling to the public side of the temple were tourists or voyeurs. The constant stares and obvious manner as some of the women tried...

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Twins Janet L Stickney [email protected] My sister had put my hair in pigtails wrapped with a red ribbon tied in a bow at the end, which accented the red trim on my dress. I was beyond thrilled that I looked so good. Once she was done I added the red lipstick, then the earrings and a small necklace with a bear as a pendant. The white flats looked great with my white socks. With a smile I stood up and the two of us walked out of the room. our parents were sitting at the...

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Granny Game

This story I wrote from the idea of another story called Granny Gameshow, posted by lexasgreen.The phone rings, Beverly a 65 y.o. granny answer it. It's Johnny calling her to participate a game where they can win money. After convincing her granny, Johnny came to her house so he told her the details. "It is a gameshow were young men answer questions about his granny. Every right answer is $500 but if I answer wrong you have to take off an article of clothing". Vera didn't like the idea at first...

3 years ago
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Mom and Aunt Meg

Mom and Aunt MegMom and I were at her sister’s house; we were visiting to attend her daughters wedding. My cousin Lora was a whiny girl but had an exceptional body so I was not too surprised she had caught a good guy with a rich family.I had successfully avoided all the get togethers until the wedding reception but that one had good food and a good DJ so I was fine there. I did have to dance with every female in the family but I did not mind that too much.I was twenty-two years old and had just...

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Ballbusting scenarios

This will be a place for all my stories where you can pick and choose which ones you like. All the stories will have ballbusting in them. All the characters are 18+. So pick a story and enjoy. Will be trying to add new chapters everyday. Im having lots of trouble putting pictures and everything online has been unhelpful so i will be putting links. Also if you are going to add chapters to the story don’t stop after one but continue to put more and finish.

1 year ago
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Era of Sex Goblet of Dionysis

Kerry Anderson walked into the bar in her sleek black pants and black t-shirt. Her dark brown hair was loosely tied and she had dark brown eyes. She had nothing to do over the weekends and decided to spend it at these bars. She went up to the bartender and sat down. "What will it be miss?" He asked. "Dunno... whatever is good" She answered. The bartender smirked as he went into the back room and came out with a bottle of beer. "This is a very good bottle. But it will cost you fourty dollars."...

1 year ago
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Massage Marcus Style Ch 2

I reached over to the bedside table, and turned the CD player on. My favorite, sensual romantic music began playing. We kissed long and hard, and before Marcus could reply, I spoke. “I know, I’ll give you a massage!”His eyes lit up and he asked, “Are you sure, you were hurting quite a bit earlier?” I batted my seductive green eyes, and purred, “That was earlier. I told you I’m ready for round two.” I grabbed the massage oil, and instructed Marcus to turn onto his stomach. I chuckled to myself....

Straight Sex
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Tempest of LiesChapter 29

Across the ocean from the former D'ronstaq Manor, the day was already underway in the Urisi Nation. Amanda had been shown Bessa's copy of the map once more before she was sent on her journey to the Oceanus fleet. These events surely would have distracted Jollis from his own preparations as dawn broke across the indigo waters which isolated him from the truth. Jollis was preparing for death. Much time had passed since he had last felt the need. Even the mission to discover the horrible...

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The Sinful Night Part 8211 2

My balls felt loosening up after getting relieved of that bucket load of jizz and I breathed a long shot with my head on the floor, lying flat like a plank with my cock in my women mouth. I turned around and pulled her up to kiss her forehead and hugged her tight. “Mmm that was thick” she licked her lips and kissed me. I had never kissed a cum laced pair of lips but those full luscious ones were just something else. “I am going to take a shower now love,” she said standing up while I was still...

4 years ago
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They Fucked A Cop part 1

It was the summer of 1976. Most people remember it as one of the hottest summers in living memory here in the UK. I remember it for other reasons.I was a recently qualified probationer police constable in London, miles away from home and all my friends, especially my girlfriend. As a probationer, I got all the really naff jobs. I was suck on point duty when the traffic lights broke down due to the heat. Standing in the middle of the busy junction with the sweat dripping down my young, well...

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