Heather free porn video

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It was after midnight when I finally made it back to my own bed. I don't know if I felt a little guilty about what I'd done, or guilty that I didn't feel worse. I guess this is where I should say that I never intended things to go that far, but I don't expect you to believe it. I wouldn't. I mean a guy just doesn't "accidentally" seduce his little sister.

Then again, as a senior in high school she isn't exactly little anymore, and I'm only four years older. That was a big gap when I was sixteen and couldn't have friends over without my twelve and thirteen year old sisters hanging around. It never got too bad though. They mostly had their own friends or spent their time on "girl talk" and stayed out of my hair. Not the way some of my friends would have their kid sister tagging along like a lost puppy. Heather and I spend a little more time together now that Stacie is off to college but our social circles don't overlap. I'm the big brother who can lend a hand or listen to her vent without trying to run her life.

I'd be willing to bet that any guy with a sister has at some point while growing up, looked at her and thought, "I'd hit that". By the time we were all dating both Stacie and Heather were beginning to look pretty hot. I never tried to get anything started. Just fantasizing about them was something I wouldn't have admitted to my best friend. Besides, if I made a pass and it flopped the best I could hope for was getting thrown out of the house. Worst case ran in directions I didn't want to think about. I probably wouldn't even have kept the fantasies going if Heather hadn't made the cheer squad. Her legs and ass may not be her best features, but hers are better than most, and a cheer uni certainly shows them off.

When my folks left for some sort of company banquet they asked me to pick Heather up later. I'm between girlfriends and there wasn't anything good on the tube, so I decided to get there early enough to watch the game. I was on the team in high school and while some of the players dated some of the cheerleaders it wasn't an automatic thing. In any case, on game day you both had to focus on your own job. Watching each other do your thing wasn't a good idea. It was a real treat to watch Heather and her friends go through their routines. There seemed to be a lot of hip hop moves and a few that would have worked just as well for a stripper. Maybe I'm biased. Maybe Heather wasn't really the hottest girl on the squad. But those other girls weren't going to be sleeping tonight in the room next to mine.

I wasn't the only one looking for her after the game. I got there just in time to see her get dumped by her current boyfriend. I don't drink much and she hardly drinks at all but our folks were going to be out late and after watching her boyfriend take off with his new girl, I figured she needed to chill. The liquor store had a big jug of sweet red wine on sale and the soda to mix wine coolers. When we got home neither one of us felt like fixing a meal so we just nibbled snack food as we chatted and sipped our drinks. Wine coolers are sneaky and it wasn't long before she had a pretty good buzz going and was asking me why guys had to be such jerks.

"Really Kyle, It's like every guy I've dated has some kind of mental timetable that starts with a goodnight kiss on the first date and has him taking my pants off on date ten or twelve. I'm not a prude. I enjoy making out with a guy once I get to know him and start to feel comfortable. I don't want to still be a virgin when I start college next fall, but I'll turn lez before I give it up just because that's what some guy has penciled in on his calendar for tonight. Eventually they all hit a spot where if I'm not going any farther with them they leave me for someone who will. I may not be the smartest girl on earth but if I have to fuck a guy to keep him, I'm smart enough to let him go. He'll just be a bigger problem later. Why do guys do that?"

"I wish I could tell you, but it's not a guy thing, it's a jerk thing, and I'm trying real hard not to build up too much experience in that area. Maybe you're setting your standards too high. You know, looking for some kind of perfect guy to be your first?"

She thought about that while I made us a fresh round of drinks. "I don't think I'm being too picky. I don't have to love him but I do have to respect him and like him at least as much as I like you. He has to be willing to listen when I'm telling him what I like and don't like. Most important is that I can trust him to stop whenever I want." About then the phone rang and I went to answer it. Our folks had run into another couple they hadn't seen in ages and decided to get a room at the hotel that was hosting the event. They just wanted to make sure everything was OK and let us know not to panic if they didn't get home before noon tomorrow.

I passed Heather the word and tried to get the conversation going again. She'd never let her hair down like this before and I wanted to make the most of it. "I can't believe guys won't listen when you tell them what you want. The biggest gripe I share with the guys I know is that girls expect us to be psychic. Somehow we're all supposed to know what you want without ever being told. Give me an example of guys not listening."

"OK, how about tits?"

"Yours are really nice. What else about tits?"

"Uh ... Thanks, but sometimes they're a pain. Guys like to play with them and usually I enjoy it. On game night though they get bounced around a lot even with a good bra and right now they're kind of sore. If he hadn't dumped me tonight my boyfriend would be kneading them like bread dough and wondering why I wasn't getting turned on. While my tits were bouncing I was also working really hard and every muscle I've got is going to be stiff and sore in the morning. After a game I'd sell my soul for a hot shower and a long gentle massage. Know what happens when I tell a guy that? He spends about two minutes rubbing my neck and shoulders before he's got his hands inside my top."

It took me a minute or two to work up the nerve but I knew I'd never get another chance like this. "I remember what it was like waking up the morning after a game and wondering how I was going to get out of bed. I'll lock up and kill the lights while you grab a shower. If you want that massage you don't have sell your soul. I dated a masseuse for a while and she taught me the basics. Just knock when you pass my room."

By the time I heard the rap on my door I'd pretty much mapped out what I wanted to try, and changed into a set of loose sweats to hide the serious wood I'd built up thinking about her. It wouldn't have mattered. When I got to her room she was prone on the bed, wrapped in a towel, with her face turned away from me. Sitting on the bed next to her I began gently kneading her neck and shoulders, gradually feeling the muscles go from tight as cables, to bungee cords, and eventually loose as a bag of rubber bands. She started to tense up as I tugged the towel lower but relaxed again as I worked my way down her back. When all that it covered was her shapely ass, I shifted to her ankles and began working my way up. She was a little startled when I rolled her over, and her hands fluttered like she was thinking of covering up, but as soon as I began working on her neck and shoulders again she closed her eyes and relaxed. Still, she couldn't help blushing a little whenever the sleeves of my sweatshirt lightly brushed against her nipples.

They were firming up nicely by the time I moved to her abs. Abs can be tricky. Too light and you tickle while too heavy makes them tense. I managed to hit it just right and felt her melt under my fingers. There was never going to be a better time and after things had already gone this far the worst she could do was tell me to leave so I bent over and slowly swirled my tongue around her nipple. I heard her gasp, then whimper a little as she thought about asking me to stop. I was going back and forth, splitting my attention between her lovely tits when I slipped a hand under the towel that still covered her hips and dipped a fingertip into her steaming slit. Before long I discovered that while she was still a virgin she must have a man sized toy hidden somewhere. First one, then a second finger slipped easily into her muff.

Using my free hand to tug my sweatpants down I got between her knees and let my cock take the place of my fingers almost without a pause. I guess that's the point in porn novels where the hero would pound away like a lust crazed beast until sunrise, bringing her to multiple orgasms in the process. Yeah ... Right ... I don't think I lasted a couple of minutes before popping my load. Spend a few years fantasizing about a girl as hot as Heather and see how well you do when you finally get something going! In a way what actually happened was even better. She felt me let go just as she was getting close and reached down between us. I've never been ready to go again without even pulling out, but I've also never had a chance to watch my hot little sister bring herself off while my half hard dick was in her to the hilt. The second time took a lot longer but was still over way too soon.

I was so wiped out when I left her I thought I'd fall asleep halfway back to my bed. Instead I laid there thinking about what I'd done. None of my fantasies had included how I'd feel afterwards. I'd been brought up to believe that fucking your own sister was a sick, twisted, pervert thing to do. I had to admit to myself as I drifted off that I did feel like a serious sleaze. What I couldn't decide was if I felt that way because of what I'd done, or because I was already planning to do it again.

Breakfast the next morning was sort of awkward. We were both up a lot earlier than usual, as if we were unconsciously trying to avoid each other. Instead I ended up making unnecessary noise rustling up some bacon and eggs, while she sat at the table in her robe giving a bowl of cereal more attention than it deserved. Finally she spoke up.

"What now?"

"Good question."


"Heather, no matter how much I want to be sorry about last night, I'm not. If you think I'm an evil pervert for doing it maybe you're right. If you decide it was just a one time thing, at least I've had a night I'll remember for the rest of my life. I want it to be more than that but right now what you want is all that matters."

She replied so softly I had to listen real close and it seemed like she was talking to her cereal even if the words were for me. "Every young girl has a crush on some older guy at least for a while. More often than not it's a male relative. Usually nothing happens and it becomes just a silly memory. Still, it's a good thing my big brother isn't a pedo. From the time I was ten I'd have done anything you asked. As you grow up you begin to realize that girls who do it with relatives are kind of a bad joke. If you care about a guy you sure don't want him thinking of you that way. The thing is, growing up doesn't always change the way you feel, even if it puts limits on what you do or who you tell. I'm eighteen now and I'll still do anything you ask, but try to have some sense about it. If our friends start talking it could get rough and I don't want to even think about what would happen if mom and dad found out."

"You really mean that? Like... anything?"

"I guess so. Kyle, I like you... , pretty much... , most of the time. More important I trust you not to hurt me or wreck my reputation. I'll even say I love you. There'd be this big ugly hole in my life if something happened and you weren't here anymore. It's just not the hearts and flowers, marry me and live happily ever after, kind of love. When I find a guy like that I'll fuck him 'til he can't walk and marry him if he'll have me. Until then, if my evil pervert brother wants to see how many different ways he can make me cum, I'm willing to let him. Maybe being a pervert runs in the family."

She finished her cereal and got up to put the bowl in the dishwasher. Figuring this was as good a time as any to find out if she was serious I stepped up behind her and grabbed her hips. "What I'd really like right now is for you to pull down your panties, get a grip on the counter, and let me do you from behind right here in the kitchen."

"Kyle, I can't"!

"What was that about doing anything"?

"That's not the problem. It's just that ... well ... I thought you might try something, and I'm not wearing any pants."

Technically I guess she was still "wearing" her robe a few minutes later. After the belt was untied I pushed it up until it dangled from her wrists while she braced herself against the counter. If anything seeing the loose folds hanging there made her seem more deliciously bare. Maybe I should have found some lube. Even if she was willing, she wasn't really ready. To be honest, this felt so much like one of my dreams I wanted to be in her to the hilt before I woke up. Once there, I lost a lot of the urgency and spent an endless time letting my hands explore her firmly packed curves while her hot wetness settled around my shaft. Eventually she started to squirm, rocking her hips and trying to get some motion going, until I had to grab her waist to keep my belly firmly planted against her lovely ass.



"Don't just stand there! Do it!"

"Do what?"

"Please Kyle, don't make me beg."

"I'll never make you do anything, but I really need to hear you tell me what you want."

"Fuck me."

"What was that? I'm not sure I heard."

"Dammit Kyle! Just fuck me already! OK?!"

Well, I started making long smooth strokes and let me tell you, it was way better than just OK. Heather was blushing pretty heavy but it didn't stop her from asking me to do it harder and faster, until I was really slamming it into her, hard, hot, and nasty. When I started getting close I sucked on a finger to get it warm and wet, then reached around and used it to diddle her clit. She didn't need any screaming porn star vocals to tell me when she came. The way her whole body clenched and quivered was more than enough to push me over the edge as well. It's a good thing we didn't take any longer. We'd hardly caught our breath before dad's car pulled into the driveway.

She headed for the bathroom to shower and dress while I finished clearing the table. I guess the smell of cooking covered anything else. The the only comment from our folks was that we were both up early for a weekend. I told them I had some errands to run and left for a while to think things through. It wasn't going to be easy living under the same roof with my parents and the girl I was doing. Heather and human nature saved my butt. She was on the couch in shorts and a halter, reading a magazine, when I got home. I'm not sure how to explain. She was looking good and completely relaxed, but at the same time putting out a vibe that was totally, "not having any". Then my mom came through with a basket of dirty laundry, yakking about how nice it was to run into their old friends, and I realized she probably wouldn't notice if we were going at it on the living room carpet. The whole situation was so outrageous she just wouldn't see anything.

It was a different story a few days later. Dad was working late and mom was out shopping when some friends dropped Heather off after cheer practice. I made a grab for her as soon as the door was closed and from the way she returned my kisses, she thought it was an excellent idea. I had a double handful of her lovely ass when she came up for air. "Kyle! Don't tell me you're one of those pervs who goes to the games just to ogle the cheerleaders?"

"Are you telling me you want half the fans to go home?"

"Oh, there's never that many."

"You can spot them?"

"Not every guy with a hardon. The ones that look like they'll cum in their pants if we do one more high kick, yeah, sure. Mostly we don't care. A couple of the girls get into it. If you ever get the chance to talk to a crowd of strippers, ask them how many were on the cheer squad in school."

"How about you?"

"It depends. If it's some horny stranger old enough to be my dad, or anyone else I wouldn't want to date, I just ignore it. Sometimes though, if he's cute, I try to imagine what he's thinking. Like, is he undressing me with his eyes, or is it the cheer uni that's getting him hot? How about you? Are you into doing Heather, who just happens to be your sister? Do you get all perved up at the thought of doing your sister the cheerleader, or does the idea of doing your sister the cheerleader give you a woody?"

I didn't answer her, at least not in words. By then I had the crotch of her cheer uni pulled to one side and a couple of fingers slick from her juices. Doing her standing up in the hall might have been a strain if I'd lasted a little longer. Before I could catch my breath from the first round, she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to her room. Heather admitted later she'd never done oral before, but since every guy she'd dated had eventually asked for it, she figured I'd probably like it. I was willing to help her get all the practice she wanted. What she lacked in experience was more than covered by the chance to play out my fantasies.

If it was any other cute redhead in a cheer uni kneeling in front of me, technique might have mattered. The way it was I nearly lost it the instant she looked up to see what I thought of what she was doing. Growing up together I've seen her face thousands of times. A couple of the girls I've dated got an extra kick out of making eye contact while blowing me, so that wasn't new either. It was the combination of my sweet little sister's face and my half hard cum smeared dick that really hit me. How she could look like such a wide eyed innocent, while using her mouth to get me ready to fuck her again, was absolutely mind boggling. By the time our folks got home we'd done it twice more and I couldn't get it up again at gunpoint.

You would think that living in the same house with a hot, willing, teenage girl would pretty much guarantee plenty of sex. You'd be wrong. Between work and school, plus both of us having a social life, we didn't really spend much time hanging around the house. Besides, any time we were home our parents were usually there as well. There's no way she was going to show up at any of the high school "make out" spots with her brother. Even if we could get past the sleaze factor, going to the local "no-tell motel" was the next best thing to renting a billboard. EVERYBODY knew who was hooking up there. A couple of times we stayed up until our folks were asleep and caught a quickie. Both of us were too worried about getting caught for it to be much good. To get some private time with Heather I practically had to kidnap her.

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Mordie pt1

Introduction: The story of a simple man, with a burring desire for a little girl (never meant to be a pure sex story, more like a thriller.) In a small town, in the middle of nowhere, lived an unknown man called Mordie. For years Mordie spent his days in his house thinking of the perfect woman for him. You see Mordie is not a bad guy hes just misunderstood. As a young boy growing up in the big city, he was always being teased about his weight, his misconstrued face and his mental instability....

1 year ago
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Kidnapping From the Heart

Cold calling was no fun, but at least it wasn't telemarketing. His light flashed, indicating that one of the automatic dialers had found a real live person. Ethan Sanders took a deep breath and spoke into his headset, looking at his monitor to see the name. "Hello, could I speak to Mr. Houpt?" "Who's calling?" "This is Northeast Market Research. We are conducting a study, and if you qualify, you could earn $150 for giving us your opinions." "What's the catch?" "I understand...

4 years ago
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Me And My Chachi 8211 How I Got The Woman Of My Dreams After Years

Hi, Harde finally managed to bring myself around to writing the story. I’ve been contemplating it for a while now, but never had the time. But sitting here, reading stories, I’ve decided to share mine with you. This is a true story, and has been a major part of my life and major part of my growing up. My name is Haider, I’m from West London, and I am 29 now. The story is about my chachi and me. She is now 50, and still an absolute scorcher of a woman, a great body, an arse to die for, and tits...

1 year ago
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SandcastlesChapter 30

Time marched on. The weekly visits from Amud and Bala resumed without further incident. Janey wore her collar occasionally, even skipping some weekends she was entitled to wear it. Her social life was picking back up and she was just too busy to be tied up all weekend, pun intended. Sally started getting back to normal, too. Thank God! Although I don't think Janey appreciated it. Getting back to normal meant that she now had time to focus on her daughter's life, not just her own...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 24

After giving Erin her instructions, Joey then closed the little box and put it back into his pocket and then asked, “As a lesbian, have you ever had a hard male cock to fuck you?” “Not a real one. I have had cock shaped dildos inside my pussy,” Erin softly admitted. “I am assuming then that you have never sucked an actual male’s cock?” Joey said. “I have never done that. I was brought up in the lesbian culture and never allowed to date boys. My only sexual experience involves girls and...

1 year ago
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A Disc In The Basket

It was a beautiful mid-summer day—not too hot yet warm enough to be comfortable in as little clothse as legally allowed—and I was out playing some disc golf. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's like golf but with frisbees. I had only recently picked up the sport and fell in love with it. It's a lot more exercise then you might think, only as competitive as you make it, and just an all around good time.A buddy of mine named Tim and I were at a small course in a public park not far from my home...

Gay Male
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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 2 At The Traffic Control Room

Rimi was fucked hard by the uber car driver. She was laid on the bonnet of the car, naked on the road at deep night. She was facing her back to the driver who was slapping her round ass with one hand and grabbed onto one of her boobs with the other. She was feeling the chill all over her exposed body and was all drenched in the rain yet again! Thump, thump, thump, thump. The sounds of fucking could be heard to both of them because of the rain-water and skin to skin touch while fucking. How did...

4 years ago
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The SongbirdChapter 8

Cate I got on well with Ellie, she had much of her dad about her. As we talked it became clear to me how much she loved Jack. It was little comments at first but when she talked about her mum it became clear. "I love my mum." She told me. "But the way she split with dad was evil. I was just a baby of course when it happened so didn't understand what was going on. As I grew older I started to understand." "Has your dad talked about it?" She shook her head. "No. He doesn't. But I...

2 years ago
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kate monday continued

Do you mean go out now I askedYes why not Kate askedI told her I was nervous!OK do you like the way you lookYes I repliedSo stop being silly , let's goWe stepped out onto the street, the first thing I noticed was the cool air going up my skirt, also the way my tights held everything in on place,I found it a huge turn onWe walked onto the high street looking in shop windows, sally pointed at a dress in a charity shop window , do you like that ChristineIt was a king fisher blue satin dress, I...

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The Goldbergs Control Anyone Get A HeadChapter 3

FLASHFORWARD: Later the next day after school in the Goldberg Living Room – as told by Adam Goldberg It was 1980 something, and I was knee-deep in a science experiment based on lust, power, and perversion. I was answering the age-old question: Can you trust the products sold exclusively in ads in the back of a Penthouse Magazine? I was sitting on the couch in my living room with my brother Barry and Dave Kim. The JTP (Jenkintown posse) was also there, consisting of Andy, Naked Rob, Geoff,...

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A family Friend 5 The Party part 2

The continuation of A family Friend 5, wanted to input a huge fantasy of mine into this one, and I think it worked out really well. This is the longer of the halves, but I really think you'll all enjoy it. And I hope you do!“Give us a striptease!” one of them said. So I began to dance around for the ladies taking off piece by piece of clothing. They told me to leave the lingerie and stockings on, it got them hot. “Now bend over and spank that ass.” I did as the ladies requested. I bent over and...

3 years ago
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Incestia 4

i****tia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything. _____Part 4_____For hours after screwing his virgin daughter in front of hundreds of i****tians, Yuri was dazed. With his brother’s help and that of his three c***dren, he was led back to their home in the i****tia temporary housing center. It took time to revive him fully and even longer to assure him that everything that had happened was okay with them.He had never dreamed of such things in all of his years living in...

4 years ago
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High school days 2

"Well, that was what we agreed to Mom. I would share a sexy adventure of me and my friends and you would return the favor."I tried hard to maintain my composure, to keep from acting surprised that Mom would volunteer re-stating our previous "agreement". She could have easily dismissed that weak arrangement since neither of us really made a point about the rules of our sexy story exchange. Mom looked at me intently, as if trying to see if I would break-down and release her from this flimsy...

2 years ago
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Mutual Masturbation Part Six A weekend of c

Mutual Masturbation: Part Six "A weekend of cum"The next time the three of us were able to get together was about two weeks, but it was worth the wait! Jeff was going to have his house to himself for the entire weekend. He had invited John and myself to stay over Friday through Sunday. He said he had a surprise for us, but we would have to wait till we got there to find out what it was.I got to Jeffs around 7:00 on Friday night, put my bag in his room and went back into the family room. John...

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My wife Karen

I met my wife Karen at the bakery we both worked at in the early 70s.We both worked for the late shift for school reasons.The bakery was located in an area called Los Feliz north of Hollywood.Karen is about 5 feet tall,and 110lbs,dark blonde,blue/green.Karen is an exhibitioist and rather show off her beaver first boobs second and third.I like to see her show off her goods to other men,but she does it when she can show and get away quickly,she doesnt want to have men see her pussy and deal...

1 year ago
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Teaching style

Note : This story is completely fictional! I grew up in a very strict Christian home with two loving parents and a younger sister. I always saw my parents as up tight but fair. I never saw what was coming next. I came home from my last day of work before I left for college, it was about 3 pm. As I pulled into the driveway I saw my dads car sitting in the driveway. He was home early, I didn’t think much of it on a Friday. I walked in and slammed the door behind me. “I’m home” I yelled around the...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Mami8217s Anal

Hi every one i m back with my My new story which happened last month.It happened with my mami .she is very hot . Her figure is great 38 36 38 .unke boobs aur gand bhut badi thi .unko jab bi mai dkhta tha.mera land khada ho jata hai. Mai unko soch ke kai baar muth marta hu. Mjhe unki gand marna hai. Unki gand dkhke kisi ka bi chodne ka.mann kre . Wo low cut ke blouse penti thi toh unke boobs dekhai dete the . Koi ladki ,aunty, ya bhabhi mere se massage ya sex krana chati ho toh contact me by...

4 years ago
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On the Border Restaurant

" Megan, isn't it?" She looked up at me, surprised. " I know you probably get this all the time, but I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?" She blushed furiously. " I... we... we're not really supposed to. Sorry." She straightened up, smoothing down her pants with her free hand. I smiled. " No, that's cool. Understandable." She almost returned my smile, I noticed -- her lips quirked a little at any rate. I watched her walk away towards the kitchen and took a sip of my...

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Red Mist

I have often wondered if my eyes flash red when I have my moments of madness. Suddenly the world goes quiet and a red mist descends over my mind and I do things, terrible things that I'd rather not remember. Her neck was white, elegant and slim enough to get my left hand around. "Please, Mister," she could just about choke out. She had a young pretty face with a few freckles over her nose and cheeks. The red mist had settled over everything and I was almost deaf to her pleas. "Please,...

2 years ago
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Nightmare come True

Authors Note: Just a quick story about some of the things that I wish would happen to me. I suspect I'm not alone in this collection of fantasies. I hope you enjoy this. If so, I will definitely expand the story into something more substantial. XOXOX Sissy Michelle As is the case with most of my best sexual experiences, this one all began on a late night when I'd had a little too much to drink. I wasn't drunk, mind you. Simply buzzed enough that my better judgment was passed...

1 year ago
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School for Male Slaves2

"This," Miss Steele enthused, "is the Pleasure Chair. A two-seated auto- spanker for naughty little girls like you too who need their sexy butts spanked. Leather belts attached to a spinning wheel mounted beneath the chairs. When the wheel spins, the belts swing and... Voila!" "Ow! Ah! Eww! Eek! Ohh! M-mistress S-steele h-how long is th-this going to..." It stopped. The chair-bottoms pushed us upward again, to the waiting feather dusters. Miss Steele gloated, "You little cute thing,...

3 years ago
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BlendersChapter 19

The Council sent its best Destroyer out to find and eliminate 1142. It was 3232. It had never had failed the Council before. But where was 1142? All traces of it had disappeared. All the beings were perplexed. They knew that it was still alive but had no idea where to locate it. The Destroyer guessed that it had to be in Chicago in the female form. It made itself into a male form and moved into that city. He took upon himself to be named Art Anderson and lived in the Gold Coast knowing that...

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I remember the day well as it was minus forty below with the wind chill and there was a blizzard outside. Schools and businesses shut down. Therefore, I grabbed a bottle of scotch, poured myself a drink, and sat in the chair with my laptop. I did a search for erotic literature. After going through several sites, I found one that looked promising. The name of the site was ‘Lushstories.’ I read a few from each category, love poems to BDSM and decided that this was the site. I put together my...

4 years ago
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Overseas Assignment

Overseas Assignment(MMFF, slut-wife)Linda and I had been married for several years when my company asked me if I would be interested in an overseas assignment helping the company expand into other parts of Europe and Asia. Without making a firm commitment, I said I would certainly entertain the idea and discuss it with Linda. We agreed that the separation would be difficult, but the payoff in terms of future opportunities within the company might be substantial. A few months later, the regional...

2 years ago
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The Master DecidesChapter 9

While I waited for Tara and Madison to finish being trained, I called Amy and asked her to bring Dana to the studio. I wanted to get through all of this tonight since we all had to work tomorrow. "Stephanie, how did Madison get in here? I thought we agreed it would be only people we controlled?" "Master, it looked like she did belong to you." "Hmm, I guess I can't argue that point. Anyway, it's done now. Let's get everyone else out of here and lock the place up. I'm going to take...

1 year ago
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My Pet Lucy Chapter 2 Taking Charge

It had been a week since Sam had accidentally learned about Lucy's BDSM fantasies. She had been devastated, at first, fearing that it would scare him off, but was delighted to discover that he had similar desires. Anxiety turned to excitement as she daydreamed about what they might get up to next time they were together.However, she would have to wait. They both had a busy week and wouldn't get to spend any real time together until the weekend. And there was a lot to do before they could have...

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SimoneChapter 17

"Where did your mind wander off to, Honey?" Simone's mother asked. "I don't know, Mom," Simone replied impatiently. "Now, what about Kevin? What did you say?" "You were in another world, Honey," her father added. "For crying out loud," Simone snapped. "I'm here now. I'm fine!" "Simone, relax," her mother said. Simone took a moment to collect herself. "I'm O.K., Mom. I'm just a little tired. I'm fine. Now, go on. You were saying ... about Kevin?" "I was talking...

4 years ago
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The Dead Zone chapter 06

“You said I had six hours!” “I lied, Nichols.” It was unmistakeably the voice of Montague, the captain of the pirate vessel that had hailed them earlier. “I don’t know why you’re shocked, or what difference it makes. Maintain course while we approach and dock. And I remind you, this ship is armed.” Rhys cut the transmission and turned to Cait, anger written across his face. The sensor screen had pulled up a profile of the Erebus: it was a sleek vessel, not dissimilar in design to the...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...

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Sexy bhabhi ke armaan shant kiye

Hi ISS readers, i am the regular reader of ISS stories and now i want to share all of you my experience, this is true story about my sex-life experience, this story is between me and my bhabhi, let me introduce myself and that lady first. My name is sonu () and i am 22 handsome male from delhi i have 8 inch long and 2.5 inch nice and healthy dick. Wow i can’t explain it but i am trying to do a real scratch of her. She is 38-26-36 wonderful figure she is just 28 year old. This is story of my...


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