Cruising free porn video

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I was just out cruising around, and decided to follow this truck in
front of me that appeared to be doing the same thing. As soon as I
pulled up next to the truck this blonde haired girl leaned out and said
She was a knockout. Full head of blonde hair, blue eyes, and full
lips. The way she was leaning out the passenger side window made her
breasts strain against her silky white top. This was definitely going
to be interesting!
I rolled down the window and said hello back. We made some idle
chatter while waiting for the light to change, and then she asked me if
I wanted to go dancing. I told her yes, and followed her and her
friend to one of the local bars.
We pulled into the parking lot and found places to park, albeit not
very close together. While heading towards each other across the
parking lot, various cars would be turning around, behind the girls,
with their headlights pointed toward me. I mention this because at the
exact moment the headlights were behind the girls and directed towards
me, I could see some interesting leg outlines through the material of
the first blond girl's dress.
We finally got close enough together for me to see them well. The
first girl, who said her name was Lisa, was a knockout. She was about
5'8", with legs that must've been 7'2", which were well outlined
against her snug-fitting skirt. She was wearing white stockings and a
pair of white heels. Definitely an angel!
Her friend's name was Amanda. Amanda was to die for. Slim, with a
black heels, black stockings, a what appeared to be very dark blue
dress, with a neckline that plunged to mid-navel, allowing me to see
the slight swell of her breasts, and long, very long jet-black very
straight hair. Whereas Lisa was angelic, Amanda was the epitome of
every man's vision of sex.
We went into the bar, and grabbed a table. After a round of drinks, we
were talking pretty freely about life, the universe and everything.
Then Lisa grabbed my hand across the table and said "Let's dance!".
She proceeded to pull me out onto the dance floor. We started moving
to the music, and it became almost painful to watch. Lisa had the most
sensuous movements, and all kinds of lewd thoughts were running through
my mind.
All of the sudden, Amanda slipped between us, brushing her body lightly
agains mine as she cut in. Lisa went and sat down while Amanda and I
danced. Dancing with Amanda in an experience. She never once touched
me, but the whole time we moved, she stared into my eyes, and every
once in a while licked her lips and ran her hands up and down the sides
of her body, stretching the fabric of her dress along her curves in a
tantalizing manner. Hell, we weren't even into serious foreplay yet,
and I'm already considering that I won't be able to handle any more of
We traded partners a few times, and I even got to watch Lisa and Amanda
dance together, which was definitely pleasing to the eye. Without
exception, every male eye in the place was glued to Amanda and Lisa,
and I have to say that it was an ego trip when they came and sat down
across from me again.
We ordered another round of drinks to cool off, and traded more
information about each other. Amanda and Lisa both go to school at the
University, and are roommates. I told them a little bit about myself,
and we just seemed to hit it off tremendously.
During this time of talking, I can feel somebody, I don't know who, run
their foot up and down my calf, and up to about mid-thigh. Things
started to rise, and the temperature under my collar rose
significantly. Up and down, up and down the foot runs, lightly
brushing my inner thigh, almost touching my rapidly rising penis, but
not quite. I still can't tell which one of them is doing this, as
they're both looking straight at me while we're talking. Well, I was
trying to talk, but I was afraid of the sounds I'd make, so I just sat
there and squirmed. They enjoyed it, it was easy to tell.
After a while, the foot disappears to be replaced by another. This
foot is more agressive, and doesn't waste time, but moves right up to
my crotch and starts massaging me through my pants. It's starting to
become very enjoyable, and I hesitate to look down and see who it is,
for fear it will stop. This goes on for a few more minutes, and then
it stops.
They look at each other, Lisa nods, and then they both turn and look me
right in the eyes, and said that they wanted me to stop by their
place. I said I would be happy to, but that it was going to be a few
minutes before I could stand up. They laughed and said that that was
I paid for the drinks, and we left the bar and headed back to our
vehicles. I told them that I'walk them to theirs, but Lisa said "No,
we'll go to yours first and then you can follow us over to ours, and
you can follow us home." We were close to my truck, when Lisa, dropped
her purse. She bent over to pick it up, and Amanda and I kept on
walking. I got to the truck and was just reaching into my pocket to
get my keys out, when I felt a hand reach around from behind me, and
Lisa said, "Let me help you get those out." She definitely didn't mean
my keys. With deft movements, she undid my belt, undid my pants, and
reached inside my pants and "gave me my freedom". Then she said to
Amanda, "Show him what's ahead tonight." Amanda leaned up very close
to me, kissed me deeply, and then slowly trailed her mouth down to my
cock where she grabbed it, gave it 2 long, slooow licks from base to
head, and then ever so slowly slipped it into her mouth.
It was incredible. Her mouth was warm and tight, and Lisa was behind
me, pressing her breasts up against my back. I can feel her hardened
nipples through her dress, but all I really care about is how my cock
feels in Amanda's mouth. Amanda sucked me in sloowly, and all the way
to the base, and then with tongue and lips working in concert, slowly
pulls me out of her mouth and says "See you in a few."
God, the torture! Lisa and Amanda both start walking to their vehicle,
leaving me standing there numb. Well, everything except my cock was
numb. After a few seconds, I realized that if I wanted more, I better
get it in gear and follow them home. While following them to their
home, my mind was racing. This could very well be a mind-bending
experience. We twisted and jogged through the streets, until we got to
their home, which to my surprise was right across from the University.
I was kind of struck by the incongruity that I had been working at and
attending the school for 10 years, and in fact, parked in the parking
lot across from their house, but had never noticed or even seen them.
I got out of my truck and practically ran up to them in my haste to
make sure that they didn't forget me... Lisa reached way up,
stretching the fabric of her dress to the limit, up to the lintel, and
got down a key. "We realize it's not very smart, but it's a lot
easier," she commented as she opened the door.
I stepped into their apartment and took a quick look around me. It was
nicely furnished, and amazingly enough, clean. The few times I've been
in students apartments, it's always amazed me about how much junk and
crud they can accumulate.
"Have a seat on the couch, and we'll be out in a few minutes," Amanda
said. "Don't run away". Lisa and Amanda proceeded into the back of
the house, where I could hear them murmuring to each other. I looked
around the living room, and spotted the stereo, so I went and riffled
through the CD selection, trying to find something appropriate. After
a few minutes, I found what I was looking for, and loaded up the CD
changer with a few disks. During this time, I noticed that the talking
between Lisa and Amanda has stopped.
I went and sat down on the couch, and was listening to the music, but
foremost in my mind was what was going to happen the rest of this
evening. Every 15 seconds or so, though, I'd hear this sigh. It
didn't fit in with the music at all, so it had to be one of the girls.
I started walking quietly towards the back of the house. When I passed
one of the doors to what must've been a bedroom, I heard a moan that
was a little louder. I stopped, and tried the knob. The door wasn't
quite shut, so I pushed it open ever so slowly. My heart stopped.
Lisa was lying back on the bed, wearing a white lacy half-bra, and her
white stockings and shoes from earlier this evening. Some other
lingerie was strewn on the bed. Lisa was massaging her breasts, and
pulling and twisting her nipples. Amanda was kneeling on the floor at
the edge of the bed, wearing just her black stockings, a garter, and
heels. Her head was between Lisa's thighs, and she was running her
tongue up and down Lisa's thighs, and passing ever so lightly over
Lisa's quivering pussy. Every time her tongue bumped Lisa's clit, Lisa
would act like she'd received an electric shock, and her back would
arch, and she'd give out a quiet, breathy moan. Amanda was holding
Lisa's legs by the ankles, in the air to give herself better access.
It was probably one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen, and it
took all of about 3 seconds for me to reach a maximum erection.
It was obvious that Lisa was well on her way to an orgasm, and she
started moaning louder. Amanda let go of one of Lisa's legs, and
started using her thumb to massage all over Lisa's pussy. That was the
final straw for Lisa, and she exploded in a shuddering orgasm.
I quickly tiptoed back to the living room, and sat down on the couch,
just as I heard the door to the bedroom open. Amanda came out and
said, "How would you like a little fashion show?" "I'd love it", I
said, so Amanda proceeded to explain their little twist to the show.
She had me stand up, place my hands behind my back, and then she
quickly tied them together. She then had me sit down on the couch.
She crossed the room, turned off the lights, lit a couple of candles
next to the couch, and then turned back on one light near the far end
of the living room.
She then proceeded to sit next to me, and explained to me the 2 rules.
One was that I couldn't actually say anything, although the occasional
incoherent babbling was OK. The other was that I couldn't attempt to
use my hands, even though they were tied behind me. If I could agree
to these things, then they were ready. I quickly agreed, and leaned
back on the couch in a more comfortable position.
Lisa came out from the hall wearing the same lingerie she had been
wearing earlier with Amanda in the bedroom. She walked down to the end
of the living room, and started moving in a kind of sensous rhythm in
time to the music. I was enthralled. Various twists and turns would
emphasize the luscious curves of her breasts. At the same time, I felt
Amanda start slowly rubbing her hands over my crotch, removing my
pants, and then slowly stroking my hardening cock.
After a minute or so, Lisa left the room. Amanda kept stroking my cock
slowly with one hand. Up, down, up down. Meanwhile her other hand was
playing with my balls, slowly moving them around.
A few more minutes passed. Lisa came out of the hall again, this time
in a full black body suit, with holes for her nipples and crotch. She
started dancing again to the music, and at the same time started
stroking her body, tweaking her nipples, and slowly running her hands
on her crotch. Amanda shifted a bit and then moved to the floor
between my legs. She put her mouth right near the had of my cock, and
started blowing hot air through her mouth onto my cock. It was
electrifying. My cock was already straining at the limits, and this
inspired it to new heights, or shall I say lengths.
It was kind of hazy, but I noticed that Lisa was now lying on her back
with her legs pulled back and spread wide. Both hands were busy
stroking her pussy. One long finger flicked her clitoris, while the
other hand was busy rubbing the lips of her pussy. Amanda started
licking at my cock, with slow, very wet licks, going from base to top
in slow strokes. Pre-come was starting to ooze out the tip, and
tingles were starting to run up and down my body.
Lisa got up and left the room again, and Amanda slowed down her playing
with my cock. Back to the slow motions with her hand. Amanda's other
hand was moving between her thighs, and I could tell that she was
starting to masturbate.
Lisa came back out of the hall, still wearing the bodysuit, and
carrying what looked to be either a vibrator or a dildo. She quickly
laid back down and started running the dildo up and down her pussy
lips. Each stroke brought forth a little gasp from Lisa. In time with
Lisa's motion, Amanda began licking my cock again, matching Lisa's
strokes of the dildo one for one.
Lisa started slowly sliding the dildo into her moist pussy. At the
same time, Amanda slowly took my cock into her mouth, and sank on it to
the base. The sensations were such that it felt like I was slowly
sliding my cock into Lisa, yet I could see that I wasn't.
Faster and faster, Lisa was running the dildo in and out of her
dripping pussy. Amanda was running her mouth up and down my cock, her
tongue darting everywhere, driving me to the peak. Her hand was busy
on her own pussy, and everybody was starting to moan a little louder.
Lisa was starting to thrash wildly, obviously about to orgasm. Amanda
was moving her hips back and forth, her hand running wild, and her
moans and groans escaping around my cock as she sucked me.
Finally it was too much. Lisa let out a loud moan and started shaking
in the throes of a powerful orgasm. This triggered Amanda's orgasm,
and she started gasping and moaning around my cock, while her body
shivered. I couldn't last any longer, and shot a huge load deep into
Amanda's throat.
The orgasms seemed to go for ever. The spasms in my cock lasted at
least 45 seconds. Amanda licked up every drop of my come after she
recovered from her orgasm. We looked over at Lisa, who was just laying
there recovering from her climax as well. After a few more seconds,
she propped herself up on her elbows and said, "That was a nice start
to the night".
After a few more minutes of recuperation, Amanda gave my cock playful
tug, and said "follow me." After I stood up, she removed the ties that
she had tied around my hands. "Maybe we can use these later," she said
with a playful smile.
I followed Amanda into the back bedroom. As we entered the room, Lisa
was just stripping the covers off the bed. "We'll generate our own
heat", she joked.
Amanda pushed me forward onto the bed, and told me to lie on my back.
Lisa and Amanda climbed up onto the bed, one on either side of me. The
each leaned across me towards the other, and started kissing and
fondling each other, practically ignoring me. I didn't think I had it
in me, but I could feel my cock starting to stir, and become more aware
of its surroundings.
A few minutes of this went by, and then the girls moved down to me,
Lisa kissing me with playful nips, and Amanda was rubbing and stroking
my legs. I was playing with Lisa's breasts, and fondling her nipples.
She must've had very sensitive nipples, because she started to moan
rather quickly.
They switched places, and Lisa started licking and playing with my cock
again. Whereas Amanda was rather slow and deliberate in her
cocksucking, Lisa was very demanding, rubbing my cock all over her
face, using her hair to brush against it, then taking the head into her
mouth, while jacking the shaft.
Amanda straddled my face, facing towards Lisa who was doing things to
my cock that had me abuzz. Amanda would slowly lower her cunt towards
my waiting tongue, let me massage her lips and clit with my tongue, and
then would pull away. This went on for quite some time, until I felt
some movement by my hips. Lisa straddled my hips, and started rubbing
my cock all over her pussy lips. She'd then place my cock at the
entrance to her dripping pussy, and slowly lower herself onto it, just
enough for the head to pop inside. She'd then move in a circular
motion, dipping down just enough for me to feel the slickness of her
Amanda started mashing her cunt against my face, rubbing her clit all
over my snaking tongue. Lisa was taking me all the way inside her, and
when she'd hit bottom, she'd rub her clit hard against the base of my
cock. Amanda and Lisa were kissing, and rubbing each other's tits.
It was too much for me, and I exploded inside Lisa, in an orgasm as
powerful as the one earlier. "Done so soon?" said Lisa. "Then scoot
off the bed, and let us get to work".
I moved to the edge of the bed, and turned to watch. Lisa and Amanda
moved into a 69 position, tongues stroking clits. I felt my self
starting to get hard again, and moved in behind Amanda, who was on
top, and started rubbing my semi-hard cock up and down her slit, while
Lisa was busy tonguing her clit.
Finally, I got hard for the third time, and slipped my cock into her
waiting cunt. Fucking Amanda was an experience. She squeezed and
relaxed her cunt muscles around my cock, milking and squeezing it.
After plunging my cock in and out of her cock 30-40 times, I pulled it
out and went around the other side of the bed. I pushed Amanda back a
bit, and slipped my cock into Lisa's pussy. Lisa let out a load groan,
and started to buck her hips, and slide her cunt up and down my cock
furiously. Amanda was busy playing with my nipples, and had one hand
rubbing Lisa's clit with each stroke of my cock.
Lisa let out a load moan, bordering on a scream, and started orgasming,
her cunt milking my cock. Amanda rolled off of Lisa, and turned around
laying the same direction on the bed as Lisa. I pulled my cock out of
Lisa's still spasming cunt, and moved over to Amanda. I pulled
Amanda's legs up over my shoulders and started ramming my cock in and
out of her cunt, with furious speed. Amanda started making these
whimpering noises deep in her throat, and her cunt went back to work on
my cock.
Lisa leaned over and started sucking on Amanda's nipples. This pushed
Amanda over the edge, and she let out a load scream of pleasure.
Amanda collapsed onto her side, and tried to slow down her breathing.
Lisa pulled my cock out of Amanda and started sucking on it again,
using both hands to rub the shaft and testicles. It didn't take much
of this to send me over the edge. While the quantity of come was
limited, the quality was still of the highest caliber.
We collapsed into a pile on the bed, and slept through the rest of the

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Do I Bet on Black or White

Like most other ideas of that nature, my wife, Amanda's fantasy should have stayed just that: a fantasy. It should never have resulted in me waiting here for her to return from the doctor's surgery.Some women marry for love, others for money But Amanda is different, Amanda is very different. I have never been wealthy, never been wonderfully good looking; the reason for Amanda and I being together, frankly, is the size of my endowment!You see, Amanda is a slut. Acually, its more than that, she...

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Fingerpainting Ch 02

Cat couldn’t get Evan out of her head. She had been trying since the moment he walked away from the café table the previous night. ‘Damn’ she muttered as she stood up from the kitchen table in her apartment. She walked to the refrigerator to get chilled water. She leaned against the cabinet and stared at the drawing pad on the table. The beginnings of a cityscape were apparent. The foreground was entirely erased. She often used either herself or Ande for the model of any woman in her art and...

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Precious Angel

Alexis hurried to the kitchen to grab the phone and stop the annoying, continual ringing. “Hello?” Alexis mumbled into the phone. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for almost a hour now!” Sandi, a good friend of Alexis’s said in her usual cheery voice. “So I’ve heard.” “I see you’re still in a bad mood?” Sandi asked. “I am not in a bad mood,” Alexis snapped. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I’m sorry Sandi.” “Don’t worry about it, I’m used to it,” she said in a quiet...

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Early Perversions

I wrote a story earlier about when I first realized that I might be gay. The story is true but I knew that I had some unusual cravings and desires at a much younger age. At a younger age (I deleted the number) I remember becoming fascinated by my mother's tennis shoes. For some reason I smelled them which resulted in a strong little erection. I spent a lot of time in that closet sniffing her shoes. Around the same time I discovered my sister's bobby socks. I used to love rubbing them against my...

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Naughty Classroom Fun With Ria

Hi, I’m Vikrant from Pune and this is my third story on ISS. I decided to write this story after I got 4500 likes and lots of positive reviews from all you horny girls out there. I even had steamy online sexting sessions with four girls. I am 19 years old, 5’10, with a 6-inch cock and an athletic body to go with it. I play football regularly which has helped me to stay in shape for all my lady fans out there. You can contact me at I would love to hear your views and comments. Maybe even give...

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Mouth Organbythrustingpiston©Deepak and Sadhana had been married for well over twenty five years. Their only daughter, Anjali had been married for about two years to Vijay. They were residents of a high rise building in Bmbay, which had two apartments on each floor. Sadhana had come to know that the apartment on their floor was up for sale. She informed her husband about the fact that the apartment was up for sale and urged Deepak to buy the apartment for their daughter. They discussed the...

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Vampyre Bets

Vampyre Bets The road was long; moving from New York to Kansas took forever. White lines painted on the road in intervals seemed to be forming into one long never ending line. "When will the monotony end?" I wondered aloud. No one heard me, I was alone. I had been alone for sometime now. I lost my girlfriend to the worst thing you can. I lost her to myself and my own uncaring ways. She tried to liven things up but I wasn't in the mood, hell I wasn't in the mood for nearly a year....

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The Artistry of Orgasm Control

[ A 'fictional' interview with a woman who talks about her fascination with teasing and denying a guys cock, and why that is.]In this interview I speak with 'Magdalena' (not her real name) about how she got into the rather curious and somewhat 'arcane' practice known variously as 'orgasm control', 'tease and denial', and 'chastity.'Q.Thanks for agreeing to chat with me today, Magdalena. I appreciate it.A.I'm glad to do so.Q.So, I guess I'll start off by asking how you got interested in this...

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12 October 2008Chapter 7

Dan, Cathy and Bobbie joined the rest of the group. “Now that is a lovely sight,” he commented. Karen was sucking on Alex’s cock to make him hard for a fuck. Brad was fucking Tina, Derek was balls deep inside Brenda and Pete was fucking Diane beside her. Ben was fucking Vicky who was eating Wendy’s pussy and Scott was grunting his cum into Tiffany, Susan was being fucked by Jake and finally, Abby was riding Susan’s face. Dan approached Susan and Abby lifting her wet pussy off her face. “How...

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It had begun as a normal Monday at Westwood High School as students began to file into the classrooms that were scattered all over the place, except the school bully named Ryan and the victim who went by Marty. Ryan was your average school bully with sports background and a past that sounded very stereotypical in most cases, his father was an abusive drunk while his mother was completely oblivious to everything that went on. The only thing he had going for him was his blonde hair, good...

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Country Club Lifestyle Part 1

Country club communities are sprinkled all over the area where I live. So it's no surprise that there are a lot of lonely housewives looking for a distraction while their husbands are away on business or out playing golf. The other thing they love to do is throw parties, and as a caterer I get to meet a lot of these housewives. Here is one of their stories;Karen called me about an event she wanted to host in her home. She lived in a gated country club community where all the homes were...

2 years ago
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Original story written by a friend. Enjoy....The elegant brunette leaned back on the steel-and-plastic chair of the garden centre and popped a small cherry tomato into her shapely mouth. She gazed quizically at me and then clamped her even white teeth down on the tomato slowly as she held eye contact. I tried to suppress a groan as juice spurted from the tomato and she closed her painted lips seductively around its shrivelled remains. She chewed and swallowed and dabbed at her mouth...

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He fucked my bf while I slept FinaleSasha

Sasha reached over to the side table,she pulled the drawer open and pulled out a thick 8inch strapon. "This should do the trick. she thought to herself, I am going to make a mess of her puss." Smirking to herself she tightened up the straps and stood there by the side table. Tammy could feel Sasha staring at her from the side. She looked over her shoulder to see Sasha standing there in all her glory. She was wearing nothing but a smile and that bigass strapon. She winked at Tammy and moved...

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My Darling Mommy Rati

Hi all ISS readers, this is Sahil & this is my first & d very true story which m sharing with u all, before starting d story let me clear u few important things & d first important thing is, dont even dare to think that this is a fake story & trust me that every 2nd line will make u wet & all d blood pressure will rush to your balls(for males) & light up d heat in your vagina(for females) & trust me before finishing d story u will get discharge, so now let me cum to d story, first let me...

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Suzy In BondageChapter 2

Sue Ryan, nineteen years old, was engaged to be married. Not with her parents' complete approval, for the match was slightly suspect. Ben Jackson, her fianc, was considerably older than Sue - thirty-three. While some people considered him an interesting and entertaining man, others considered him a drunk and a weakling. Both sides had grounds for their opinions. Ben was a professor of literature at the college Sue attended. To her, he was fabulously romantic. His romanticism included those...

4 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 17

Family Bonding - Part 1 The thing about George is when you put an idea in his head then he just goes off and does it. By the following weekend two new farmhands were in place. One older guy just retired who was keen to keep active and although maybe a bit too old for the heavier work he was keen and took on the role of covering most of the driving, collecting supplies etc. The second guy was a late thirty's someone Pete new who was an experienced farm hand who had just moved...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 28

Nancy walked beside the Doctor as they went down the hall; she was confused about the Final Test, and turned to him. "So what exactly is this 'final test' about?" "Remember what Tonya said about breaking through a wall?" "Yeah..." "During the Endurance Test, she did it in her mind;" he explained, "now, she'll do the same kind of thing, only in body as well." "She's going to go through a wall?" Nancy asked, confused. "Oh, no, no, no," he laughed, "it's still...

1 year ago
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At work

I waited until my last employee left my office, with hopefully, the last piece of anything that needed my signature for the day. I watched as he closed my door, then leaned back in my office chair and kicked off my heels then leaned back so far in my chair I could hear the spring pop, along with the satisfying pop of my upper back. I looked at the clock and made sure I had enough time for a quick phone call. After a day like today, I needed to hear my lover's voice. I dialed the number I knew...

2 years ago
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A Lot of Firsts

My encounter at the Seattle ABS frightened me so much that is was three or four months before I would go into another one and I had transferred to San Diego in the meantime.I had been thinking about that blowjob and decided that since I had enjoyed it so much I was curious to try some more and what better place to try to find more than another ABS. There were a few of them some distance from the base so it seemed safe. This was back before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell so the services were still...

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it started as a dare

the wife (Donna) and i have been together for 23 years and our sex life is like any other couple we do it and its OK..we were sat over dinner 1 night and the wine was going down well and i said can you remember how we met and how did i pick you up??she said you walked up to me and said you would look good on the end of my cock,,and we laughed..i said how would you have done it if you were starting again?? she said i don't know i would freeze i think.i then said to her i dare you the next time...

4 years ago
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Annem ve ben ensest me and not my mother it

şimdi size 7 sene önce kız kardeşim ile başlayan sonra kızkardeşim sıdıkanın sayesinde annem ile ilişkimin nasıl başladığını anlatacağım. Ama öncelikle kısa bir özet geçeyim. Sıdıka 16 yaşındaydı ben 21 ve annem ayten de 38 yaşındaydı. Babam öldükten 6 ay sonra annem köye gitmişti biz de sıdıka ile sevişmeye başlamıştık sonra sıdıkanın sayesinde annemi de aramıza aldık. Şimdi size annem ile olan ilişkimi anlatacağım. Annem de sıdıka gibi tesettürlüdür ama okadar narindir ki o giydiği pardesünün...

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I Cant Believe I Let HimChapter 9

After realizing that I was conjuring up nightmares about my son raping me, I almost went to a shrink, but then I remembered reading something about what you eat before sleeping can affect your dreams. Well, with Raymond, it wasn't so much the picnic as the sex, and likewise with dad. Perhaps my revulsion to shit had something to do with it. I was proud of myself when the nightmares didn't return after I started a careful regimen, and to top it off, my son seemed to be circulating with...

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No stopping the African from Impregnating her

She was just a small white girl only a few days past her 18th Birthday. her 1st trip to the new college she was about to attend, she was introduced to a older senior upperclassmen, he was large and shaped well, what many would call a black bull! He was the one to show her the new gym, and he did it during the slowest time, too early in the year for most to show up, yet late afternoon when most have gone. he took her right there in the shower room, she kneeled down and began to suck on his cock,...

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Rose 5

Rose does dirty decathlon at the deserted blonde beach behind the dunes dooming almost at Amsterdam. I do decribe the second day and all five different disciplines of that cunning competition coming here, heaven.Rose realizes her hot tasty twins help her to win well every erotic encounter with my mighty manhood member.I realize she seems to picture probably her and me: seriously shows in preceding parts she is speedy as athletic, hot as...

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Britney Spears Kaley Cuoco Have Some Fun

Dear diary, November 12, 1999 This is awfully hard to write, but I just gotta’. I’ve never been so confused or excited in my life. I’ve always been the "good girl", but now I’ve been soooo bad! Last month at the video shoot for "crazy" me and Kaley Cuoco got a chance to hang out for a while. On Saturday we hung out at my hotel suite and got a chance to talk about life. We have a lot in common. Were both young, (although she’s a bit older than me). We both have made a lot of money, and I mean a...

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This is a story written as if in a dream… a fantasy… a fantasy of a man who has been away from his wife for months together… the man and his wife are working in separate cities… And the man is about to be united with his wife 6 days later… This story of mine deals with the acute physical longings translated into acts of fantasy that the man sees while he is sitting on his porch on a balmy Sunday afternoon… * * * * * Sweet, when I reach there on the long leave that we both have been looking...

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Mommy and Me

It's another long, boring day at school, and I'm horny again. It's been a while since I last skipped, so I should be safe if I do it again. I successfully drive home without wetting myself, and as usual, check the driveway for cars. Neither of my parents' cars are parked, nor is my older brother's, so I know I'm safe. I want to do something especially dirty today. Not even dogs will soil the area where they sleep. . . but today I want to wet my bed. The need to pee isn't strong yet, so I...

3 years ago
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Office Sluts Became My Slaves Part 3

hope you like this story. For the initial stages please read earlier parts- Sorry for the delay in the story. I was busy with the activities ;) :P As always, feedback, Encouragement, Suggestions are welcome and requested at So, Coming to the Story.. I am excited!!! I cannot wait to see what will the list of objects and names turn up!! I made a list of objects myself too.. Just in case they miss out something. I quickly called my friend and made a reservation at one of the 5 star hotels (name...

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The Double Date That Didnt EndChapter 3 Operation White Christmas

SHANE "Say my name," she cooed, teasingly lowering her fingers to spread apart the slick, wet lips of her cunt. No man could resist an invitation like that. With my painfully erect cock leading the way, I crawled across the bed, mounted her naked body, and slid myself effortlessly inside. Her exquisitely hot gash gripped me like a vice. My hands fell to her full, shuddering breasts, and I held on for dear life as I fucked her—harder and harder—no longer in control of my own actions,...

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Best Served Cold Chapter 2 The Night After

"Now, about that little fantasy of yours. Let me tell you what a bad girl I've been."She stripped off her nightshirt, moved her leg over me, and straddled me seconds after that. It surprised me - how she seemed to know she could get me hard so soon after our talk about our time with her 'lover', Stephan. She wiggled her hips a little, letting my erection grow under her, centering it between the lips of her drenched sex. Then she was still, looking down at me expectantly as if she was waiting...

Wife Lovers
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La Ragazza di Trieste

Veronica was from Trieste, in the north of Italy. She had come to Australia on a working holiday. She was working at my favourite Italian restaurant, il Paradiso.At first, I thought she was from the eastern bloc. Her voice was husky, possibly from too many cigarettes, her accent was strong. The combination was alluring. She was young, at least twenty years younger than me. I don’t usually find young women attractive, they are too vapid and in any case, they are usually not interested in me,...

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Hoist the Colors

Time travel. Through out science fiction there were many ways to do it, the first was obvious: create a time machine and go back in time. Others included magic or alien interference, sometimes, rarely even heavenly interference. For James it was magical: his deus ex machina had been a genie in a lamp just like Aladdin. James William Smith had leapt into a new body and in a new era; this marked his fourth jump and fourth change. His previous body had died and now he was in a new host. This...

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Lesson Number One

[I puzzled over where this story belongs. I’m pretty sure I got it right, even though some readers may disagree. It’s not about having sex. Not even a first kiss, most of us got our first kiss on the day we were born. Mark was forty-six when he got his first introduction to ‘loving.’ Enjoy.] * ‘We want to get married!’ She stood in front of me and it was pretty evident from her body language and her tone that she really wanted to scream it out. She didn’t. The man standing beside her was not...

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My Best Friend Tashu Seduced Me 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Raj ( 23 yrs) . I am from jodhpur. This story is about me and my friend tashu. I will narrate this incident in hindi. Yh baat 2 yrs pehle ki h, me aur tashu 12 se sath padhte the.. Hum starting se ache friends the, skul k baad sham ko hum tution p bhi mila krte the.. Wo us waqt relation me thi to humari baat kam hoti thi, q ki uska boyfriend tution aa jaya krta tha usko mera n tashu ka baat krna pasand nahi tha. Kuch time baad me bhi committed ho gya. Mera relation 3 saal...

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LifelineChapter 17

I picked Lauren up at daycare just like nothing was wrong. She gave me her normal hug and then clung to me as I carried her to the car. She was babbling a mile a minute as I strapped her into her car seat, telling me in great detail about a picture of a cat she had drawn that day. We went to the house and went through our nightly routine. We played on the floor with her dinosaur action figures and read a story aloud. We were just sitting down to her favorite meal – fish sticks and macaroni...

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Modern Draupadi

By : Amus Eb dasttan hai yeh which I am going to tell you which is very real in my life and nobody can reach me so I am telling as follow My name is sushma and 42yrs of age and very fair looking and 5ft 5inch tall and medium body and boobs are 36 and still firm and big with pinkish nipples. My husband is small businessman and running departmental store in town and having two child daughter and son and studying in schools. I am a housewife and living normal with MIL and FIL both are in 70s .i am...

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