Dominique Ch. 10 (final) free porn video

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Still half asleep, I started turning over. Whoa! Not a good idea! By the time I'd returned to my original position, I was wide-awake. Complaining quietly in the almost pitch-blackness, my eyes where drawn to the thin arc of yellow moon illuminating the room. It was almost at the end of its nightly trek, low in the sky and on an angle. Rolling a little onto my right shoulder, I took deep breaths and concentrated on its shimmering halo. It was quite beautiful, framed by wafting tulle drapes around the window above the bed. Rising to my elbows didn't feel too bad. Andrew was sleeping peacefully beside me with his mouth open. The glowing green digits on the bedside clock said it was 4.53 A.M. Despite the dull ache, I smiled as I laid my head back down.

I was okay.

And I was proud of myself. I think that's mostly why I smiled. If I could say there was one thing I gained from last night, it was that for the first time in my submissive life, I felt worthy. And I felt different. Thoughts swirled, crystallising as I lay awake, staring at the sliver of moon.

I never wanted to be lashed like that ever again, that's for sure. Wrinkling my nose and squirming, trying to get comfortable, I decided I would have to think very carefully before putting myself in that position again.

A strange feeling came over me. I felt older, or more mature or something. Experienced. Even my poor behaviour felt far away. Like it was last week. Like it had been someone else, some other person I vaguely knew. With some trepidation, I realised there were holes in my life. Lines yet to be written, different ways of doing things and seeing things. Things that I had yet to learn. But I knew some things.

I knew I needed to be more considered in the things I said. Internal conflict was a reason for discussion at a suitable time, not just a reason to open my mouth. 'Asking if it's okay to ask about something', was a good way to gauge things. It also gave me a chance to hear what something sounded like when I said it aloud, which on occasions was different to how it sounded in my head. For me at least, I would try to continue doing it.

Also, I would gladly bend to Andrew's will. Why I ever wanted to deny myself the pleasure I received when I was good, I didn't know. As my Master's submissive, certain things were expected of me, and I would remind myself that I did them for his pleasure, not necessarily mine, whether I liked them or not.

And I would try to curb my imagination. Like with Paul. I don't know what possessed me to think that he was, in some way mine. My God. One dominant was enough for any red-blooded woman. Two was just downright unrealistic. Or greedy, I thought, shaking my head slightly and smiling. The pleasure I received through Paul, came not from Paul, but from Andrew. And in any case, the pleasure I received was secondary to the lessons Andrew had taught me.

Lifting and turning my head, I tucked my hands under my chin and watched Andrew sleep.

I loved the rules and the clear-cut boundaries. I loved that when I pleased him, I knew it. He never failed to praise my efforts. That he cared enough to correct me when I displeased him suited me down to the ground. Nothing festered. Nothing went on and on. No snide commenting. No grudges kept.

Mmmmm, Andrew. My beloved Master. God, I loved him. I loved who he was, and how he was. I loved what he had done for me, and what he would do in the future. I loved that I could trust him, and I felt so blessed that I was the one he chose. Brushing a tear from my cheek, I wished I could do more for him. To be more for him. I knew there was something on his mind, and while I didn't know what it was, I took comfort in the knowledge that he would tell me when he was ready.

Yawning quietly, I closed my eyes.

"Dominique," I whispered, her face just inches from mine. She was fretting in her sleep.

"I don't give a fuck," she muttered, her eyes still closed.

"Dominique," I said a little louder, gently shaking her shoulder. "Dominique, wake up."

"Huh? Oh... Oohhh, Sir. I hurt."

"Shhh, it's all right. Relax. I'll take a look." I climbed out of bed and walked around it, sitting down beside her. Gently drawing down the sheet, I folded it at the top of her ass. The olive skin of her back was striped with thin red lines that would soon turn dark, but she'd be fine. "Well, it'll take a few days for the marks to go," I said softly, planning to bathe her again later.

"I just feel a bit stiff, Master. A bit tight."

For some reason I remembered what a coach of mine once said, 'It's only pain.' I didn't think he'd ever been lashed though. Smiling wryly at the thought, I decided against sharing it. Touching my fingertips to the places where her perfect skin was left untouched by my hand, I sighed.

What had I done?

Dominique stirred like a cat and stretched. "Mmmm... Your fingers feel nice, Master."

Drawing her perfect hair behind her perfect ear, I leaned down and kissed her temple, whispering, "Dominique?"

"Mmmmm," she purred. "Yes, Master?"

"You were dreaming..."

"I... I don't remember."

"You said something," I began, before changing my mind. "And we will talk about it later."

"Um, okay."

"How about I make us some breakfast?"

With a glint in her eye, she announced, "I would take on an army of heathens for some bacon and eggs."

I couldn't help smiling. She would definitely be all right. "Then bacon and eggs it is. Do you want me to cover you?"

"Actually, the cool air feels pretty good."

"Okay, pet. Stay there. I'll bring it up when it's ready."

"Thank you, Master," she said softly. I knew she was putting on a brave face. By the doorway, I stopped and looked back at her. She was lying quietly, arms tucked under her, black hair aglow under the shaft of morning sun. In some ways, she was so much like Rebecca. And in others, so very different.

Sighing softly again, I made my way down to the kitchen.

I had a tattoo of a scorpion on my ankle. Considering I was a Scorpio, it wasn't very imaginative. It was a present I gave myself when I turned eighteen, and was something I always wanted. I thought about that tattoo because it reminded me of how my back felt. Like I'd been tattooed. Forever marked. Forever changed. I was sore, and yet I was pleased with what I'd accomplished. In the strangest way, I was happy. I deserved my punishment, I received it, and I survived. Now I could move forward with a clean slate. It was a new beginning.

And I loved my life.

Mmmmm. I could smell the aroma of bacon and onions, and my tummy rumbled. To eat I would have to sit up, so I tentatively climbed onto hands and knees, slowly sitting back on my heels until I was kneeling. It was a beautiful day and the sun streamed through the window, warming my face and chest. I had to stretch. I just had to. Lacing my fingers together behind my neck, I slowly arched my back right to its extremity. Mmmmmm, I thought. It felt really good. I mean the pain was there, but I had accepted that, and it wasn't that bad. It was like I was exercising it. Controlling it. It was strangely invigorating. Images from last night flashed before my eyes and I realised something had changed.

Usually I would be thinking about how incredible it all was, the things I had done, or the things that had been done to me. But not today. Today was different. Today, I was closer to my skin. I was in the moment, and I was happy.

Closing my eyes and remembering the moon, I bent my neck back until the ends of my hair brushed the top of my ass. Combing my fingers through it and tossing it back, I shook my head. As I knelt up straight again, my hair was drawn gently up my back and it tickled.

With my eyes still closed, I reached up and grasped my nipples between fingers and thumbs. Pinching them firmly, I pulled them out from my body before releasing them. "Mmmmm," I groaned. My eyes sprang open. Am I insane? I wondered, giggling.

"Dominique?" came from behind me.

"Ahh!" I cried, surprised and embarrassed. "You scared me!" He stood in the doorway, a silver tray loaded with food balanced in his hands. "Um," I said, blushing and trying not to giggle. "Yes, Master?"

"Are you all right?"

"Master," I gushed, sitting back on my heels and stretching again. "I am better than ever!"

When I retired to the kitchen, I thought Dominique would fall back to sleep. But that was okay. I had some thinking to do anyway.

I enjoyed cooking. It was methodical and satisfying. If I planned, provided myself with everything necessary and executed, I could make something great. It was simple and clear cut. If only 'life' had a recipe. While filling the house with the aroma of fried bacon, eggs, tomato and onions, I reminisced.

Rebecca loved to cook. If I closed my eyes I could almost see and hear her. She would prance about the kitchen, singing to herself. Something about her has never left me. The ifs. What if the tumour had been discovered, or treated earlier. What if I had noticed something... anything... sooner. Something that might have given her a chance... I shook my head as I loaded up the toaster.

Rebecca would have loved Dominique. They had a similar temperament and even a similar look about them. Flipping the bacon again, I made a decision to introduce Dominique to the Rebecca I knew and loved. I wanted her to understand. Maybe it would help explain a few things.

I wiped my hands on a kitchen towel and walked into the den, retrieving a photo album from the shelf and returning to the kitchen. It had been a long time since I'd visited with Rebecca. At my own insistence I stopped poring over the pictures. Looking through the albums nightly was bordering on the morose. Even a few times a week seemed obsessive. So I stopped myself. In fact, I hadn't looked at them since I'd met Dominique. By the time she moved in, I was debating whether to put them into storage. Memories and memorabilia were neatly boxed in the attic. I'd conceded the framed photographs. Her last two were packed away the morning Dominique had asked me out for a drink. But not the albums. They stayed in the hallway bookshelf. Watching me.

Opening the one I'd selected, I finished the cooking and tidied up. The picture staring back at me was of Rebecca on her knees waggling her finger at the camera. Looking stunning in a summer dress, she was trying to express her independence by thwarting some plan I had.

She wore the same dress the day I told her she would be mine forever. The same day she said she would never leave. Sighing softly, I closed the album. It's time, I thought, loading up a plate and grabbing a serving tray.

The experiences Dominique and I shared brought us so close together. She amused and excited me, and she pleased me greatly. She tested me in many ways and she made me want to smile. She was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. She was a challenge. A wonderful challenge. And she strived. Her desire to please me was unquestionable.

And what did I do in return? I tried to turn her into Rebecca.

She was probably feeling very sore and sorry for herself. After breakfast I would tend to her back again. I owed her that. Grabbing a fork and a couple of napkins, I made my way to the bedroom, with one small detour.

When I'd grabbed the album, I spied Dominique's collar hanging from the playroom doorknob. Thoughtfully, Paul must have left it there. With the abrupt end to the previous evenings festivities, no opportunity to replace it around her neck appeared, so I was glad I had seen it. Placing it on the tray next to our breakfast, I tiptoed up the stairs and walked silently across the landing. At the door to the bedroom I stood open-mouthed, staring at the amazing sight of a giggling Dominique less than eight hours after she had been thrashed to her limit.

"Are you alright?" I asked, smiling.

"Master, I am better than ever!" she exclaimed, sitting back on her heels and grinning at me over her shoulder.

"Well, that is certainly a surprise. And a nice one at that. Perhaps after some food, you will um, get your energy back." Seeing her bouncing on her knees on the bed made me immediately question the necessity for energy.

"Mmmmm," she murmured. "Yes, Master. I'm starving!"

"Okay, but there's one formality we need to take care of, before we eat."

"There is?"

"Close your eyes."

"Yes, Master."

Entering the room, I placed the tray on the bedside table and picked up Dominique's collar. Sitting on the bed beside her, I placed it around her neck, watching the blush creep up her cheeks. Closing the clasp with a quiet click, I said, "Open."

With a tear in her eye, she ran her fingertips over her collar, whispering, "Thank you, Master."

"Wear it with pride, Dominique."

"I will. I promise."

I leaned into her and kissed her nose. "Good girl. C'mon. Let's eat." Before long, we had cleaned the plate and tossed screwed up napkins onto it. No time like the present, I thought as I rolled contentedly onto my back. "There's something I want to share with you, Dominique," I said, staring at the ceiling and swallowing. Why was I so nervous?

"Yes, Master?"

"Grab the photo album from under the tray."

"Yes, Master." While she did, I propped up some pillows at the head of the bed and got comfortable. Dominique handed me the album and arranged herself beside me, lying on her side to protect her back. She rested on her elbow, eyes wide and wondering.

"What is this about, Master?"

"Hush, Dominique," I said, winking. "All will be revealed."

"Yes, Master," she said, biting her lip.

I couldn't say how long it took to get through the album. After the second and the third one, time didn't matter as I recounted the various times and places shown in the photographs. I described the emotions they evoked. The plans. The holidays. What had happened. The doctors. The hospitals. The funeral. Dominique drew herself closer, resting her head on my chest and listening quietly as I described the life Rebecca and I shared. I explained how we met, how close we became and our journey into the lifestyle. How I loved her then, and loved her still. "Which is why I find it difficult to share sometimes, Dominique. It's a part of me I didn't know whether I wanted to share."

"Yes, Sir," she said quietly.

"It's a conversation I never planned to have with you, kitten. She is long gone. I should be over her by now. Maybe I was meant to suffer... It's just... I never saw myself with someone else until you came along. I just don't understand why I feel like I'm on shifting ground."

Dominique whispered, "M... May this girl speak freely please, Sir?"

"Of course you can, kitten. I'm not making any sense anyway."

"Well, I... I just wanted you to know I feel very privileged that you have shared Rebecca with me. I would never expect you to forget her." She flipped back a few pages. "She was so beautiful... My only hope is that you can love me half as much as you loved her. I would be a very happy woman if you could." She looked up at me, smiling softly.

"I love you so much, Dominique."

She swallowed. "Master?"

"I love you more than I have dared to admit to myself."

"Oh, Master," she said quietly, a new tear trickling down her cheek. "And the other night Sir? When you said 'I don't give a fuck'?"

I shook my head, looking down at my hands. "I am just coming to terms with how I feel, kitten. I was talking to myself, convincing myself it was okay. My love for her hindered my love for you. Part of me said I didn't deserve to be happy. That I hadn't done enough... I hadn't put you through enough... That I didn't deserve you... I was shouting at myself as I came, kitten. I was telling myself not to listen. I wasn't cheating on her! They were words said completely out of context, said in the joy of sex with you. I hoped you hadn't noticed," I said, sighing. "I don't know how else to explain it."

"I think I understand, Master."

"You do?"

"You sometimes feel like she should be here, not me."

My jaw dropped. Was it? "But that's not fair."

"The truth doesn't need to be fair, Master. It just needs to be the truth." Her eyes sparkled as she recited one of my lessons perfectly.

The corners of my mouth turned up a little. "You are right about that."

"My dear Master... As long as you have room in your heart for me, I will continue to love you for the rest of my days."

Now I was getting tears in my eyes. "Dominique," I said, caressing her cheek. "I apologise for my words the other night. I should have explained and I'm sorry I worried you."

"It just bothered me, that's all. And I understand now." She wrapped her arm around my middle and snuggled into me, laying her head on my chest once more. "And Master?"

"Yes, Dominique?"

"I love you too."

I held onto Andrew tightly once I said those words. His hand came down so gently upon my naked back to caress it. His fingertips traced the edge of a welt and I shivered. "Is it bad, Master?"

"Depends what you call bad, Dominique," he replied softly. "You are darkly bruised, and there are a couple of small nicks where I broke your skin."

"It doesn't sound too bad. Should I look?"

"Only if you want to see."

"Um, I think I want to see."

"Then look," Andrew said, chuckling. Getting out of bed and walking furtively toward the full-length mirror, I felt almost as nervous about seeing the results as I had about receiving the punishment. Without looking over my shoulder, I stood with my back to the mirror, facing Andrew. He nodded, saying "Go on."

I smiled at him, shaking out my hair and putting my hands on my hips. "You know what?"

"Um. What?" he asked.

I grinned, one hip cocked. "I don't give a fuck!"

Andrew picked up a pillow and threw it at me! It bounced off my head and onto the floor and another one hit me as I bent over to pick it the first one! I quickly threw the first pillow back at him, then gripping the second one by the corner, I attacked!

In a fit of giggles, I jumped on him and immediately started pummelling him with the pillow. He was fighting back and trying to tickle me at the same time. I was bopping him in the head and everywhere I could. Naked and straddling him around the torso with my thighs, I imagined I was winning!

I tossed the pillow aside and tickled Andrew's sides. He started writhing and laughing and fending me off all at once. But I knew he wasn't really trying, because he's about twice my size and could have dislodged me in an instant. Besides, I could feel his beautiful cock lengthening and thickening tight against my crotch right through his light blue silk boxers.

God! As soon as I felt that, I started grinding my pussy back and forth, trying to get it to hit the spot. Laying my hands on his chest, I could feel his rippling muscles right through his hot skin. His cock grew harder as I scraped my nails over his hard nipples, arching my back severely and starting a circular motion with my hips. Andrew's hands held me around my waist as I crushed and ground my clit against his steel hard cock. "Ohhh..."

His rigid cock was wedged between the lips of my very wet pussy, and without thinking I dug my nails into his chest as firmly as I gritted my teeth. Andrew groaned and I shuddered, a series of small orgasms wracking my body. Panting, my head dropped and I opened my eyes. Between my legs I could see the wet patch on his boxers and I almost laughed. Why on earth is this called dry humping? I wondered.

Continuing to thrust and grind my hips back and forth, the patch appeared and disappeared and appeared again. My breasts rhythmically obscured my view. Suddenly Andrew's hands were on them, gripping my nipples tightly and pulling me down to kiss him. Hungrily I slid my tongue into his mouth as my rock-hard nipples pulsed, two hard thickened points of pleasure directly connected to my clit. Bringing my hands up to hold his face, I sucked his tongue into my mouth, pressing my lips hard against his.

When he released my nipples, I rushed headlong into another series of small orgasms. Grunting and jerking, I had never felt hornier. Pressing my tingling breasts against him, I moved my body from side to side, stimulating my nipples on hairs of his chest. His hands reached down, gripping my ass tightly, grinding me harder. He was moaning softly and looking me right in the eyes. God, it was so hot.

"Fuck me, Dominique," he breathed.

"Mmmmmm... Yesss," I hissed. My hands shook as I slid down his thighs and sat up, reaching into his boxers and pulling his throbbing cock out through the opening in the wet silk. It was as hard as steel and hot in my hand, precious precum already dripping from the tip and down one side. Wrapping my fingers around it, I slid my fist down to the base before tightening my grip and sliding slowly back up. I watched amazed as a thick stream of precum pulsed from the tip, and oozed around my fingers. Loosening my grip, I stroked up and down, twisting my hand a little to coat his cock.

"Fuck it, fuck my cock," Andrew gasped.

"Yes, I want it." Raising myself up on my knees and shuffling forward, I changed my grip on his cock and brought the head in contact with the scalding heat and silky slickness of my eager cunt. I held it tight and swayed my hips, sweeping the head through my lips then holding it against my clit. My body seized involuntarily, sending shivers up my spine as I realised how badly I wanted him.

My tummy was fluttering and it occurred to me that I might cum as he entered me. My head was spinning, and my pussy was absolutely flooded. I could hardly think straight. My body was a mass of jangling nerve endings, already on the edge. "Please!"

"Do it!"

Slamming my hips down and back, I impaled myself in one move. My breath caught in my chest and I couldn't expel it. My fingernails dug into Andrew's chest again as my jaw dropped and I silently screamed. Our pelvic bones crashed together, but I didn't really notice. I was already gone. Gone with the blinding white light that enveloped my senses and exploded outward, scattering my atoms into space. My body heaved and shuddered, but I could feel my Master continuing to fuck into me. My toes curled and I screamed as my entire body was consumed. "Ooohhhhh fuckkkkk..."

His hands gripped my ass tight and I felt like a rag doll as he bounced me on his cock, fucking me and fucking me. My arms collapsed and I fell onto his chest, holding on tight, urging him to fuck me harder, to fill me with hot cum. His heavenly cock plunged into me over and over as he lifted my ass high and slammed me back down again.

I felt like I was losing control. I was going to cum hard, like I never had before! He caressed where we were joined, gathering and spreading the copious thick juices flowing from me. First one, then two fingers slid deliciously and deeply into my ass and I grunted.

"I'm gonna cum, baby! I'm gonna cum!" he yelled. He slammed me down one last time, then ground and mashed me into his pelvic bone as his cock swelled and flexed. "Yesssssssssss!!!"

Holding him tight, I went over the edge again. "Ooooooo Godddddd!!!" Then everything went black. I dreamed I was a bird, flying, leaving the nest for the first time. Convincing herself. Go! Go! She had lost the comfort of the very ground beneath her feet. She lost control, but gained her freedom, and she flew!

I held Dominique tightly to me as I emptied myself into her. Her body spasmed relentlessly in my arms and obscenities poured from her luscious lips. She went suddenly quiet as though she collapsed, mumbling incomprehensibly under her breath. "Bird... So free... So... Mmmmm..." I smiled. I had no idea what she was talking about. All I knew was, I was happy. Happier than I'd felt in a long, long time. Folding my arms around her and holding her trembling body, I caught my breath, staring at the ceiling. I was at peace with myself. The tight ball of guilt I felt over Rebecca was gone. Dominique knew I was imperfect, and it was okay. To find a love like this once was amazing, but to find it twice defied belief.

I would never share Dominique again. I was too greedy for that. My friends would beg too, I knew. Softly kissing her forehead and the lids of her closed eyes as she lay on top of me, her smile caught light. She brought her hands up onto my chest again, this time laying one on top of the other and resting her chin on them. Her beautiful deep brown eyes sparkled with innocence and playfulness. "Hello Master," she whispered.

"You look so sexy, Dominique."


"Very sexy."

She grinned. "I imagine I look very well fucked, actually."

I smiled into her eyes. "Well, you certainly look happy, kitten."

She slid slowly off my body and curled herself around me from under my arm. "Happy doesn't even come close to describing how I feel, Master," she murmured, caressing my chest. "I am feeling something more than that. Much more. Words seem so inadequate..."


Her forehead wrinkled in thought for a moment, then her dancing eyes met mine. "Yes. Free. Free to be who I am. Free to love you. And to be loved. Free to explore with you. To please you. Free from other's expectations. Free to be happy with myself. Free from self-consciousness. Free to soar!"

"Wow." I was smiling at her passion.

"You are such a good teacher, Master. I know so much more about myself because of you."

"Well, maybe..."

She touched her fingertip to my lips and nodded, slowly and insistently. I hugged her gently to me and she rested her head on my shoulder. In hushed tones we talked like lovers. Time stood still and little beyond us existed. Pledging our commitment to each other, we spent long moments in comfortable silence, staring into each other's eyes, completely content.

I don't know how long we were there. I remember at one point asking her how she'd like to spend the day off we'd arranged. Pressing herself against me, she giggled softly, her fingernails lightly scratching down my chest heading south. "Can we just stay like this?" she asked softly.

"Sure we can, kitten," I replied, kissing her tenderly. "We can stay like this forever."

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DominiqueChapter 3

I decided a few moments alone with her thoughts would be helpful to Dominique. Stopping in the doorway and buckling my belt, I gazed back at her while she swung back and forth in her own world. Now, THAT is a beautiful sight. There was more for Dominique to learn, and much more she would discover, but for now she could relax. A smile played across my lips as I took one last look at her, then went to take a shower. It's strange how sometimes I have to remember to take a breath. As if not...

4 years ago
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Dominique By Ayanna Jamiliah It was just another day in the miserable life of Dominick. His boss had chewed him out in front of the whole department because the monthly reports were three days late. It had been raining heavily with a steady wind blowing the entire day. When Dominick headed for the subway after work the wind tore his little umbrella to shreds. By the time he reached the subway he was completely soaked. To make matter worse, some stoned looking kid bumped into...

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Dominique Ch 05

Friday morning. I loved public holidays. It's funny, but I wasn't even thinking about the weekend. Lying in bed watching the sun come up, my thoughts were on the previous twenty-four hours. Closing my eyes and replaying it in my mind, I was getting horny all over again. Two cocks. Two! God. I'd seen the porn. I'd wondered what it would be like. I could see it so vividly in my mind. It was almost like it happened to someone else, and I just watched! Except, I was sore. Not stingy sore. More achy...

3 years ago
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DominiqueChapter 7

As I slept, Andrew crept into the bedroom and quietly climbed over me, virtually in a sixty-nine position. When I woke with a start, his black leather-clad butt was right in my face! Giggling, I said, "That's quite a view there, Master." I struggled to smack his smooth muscular ass, but I soon realised I could hardly move! My upper arms were pinned under his calves and all I could do was slap his thighs. Which I did! "Oohhh let me up! We have to have breakfast!" I was laughing and...

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Dominique Ch 01

In five years I've had four 'dates', and none lasted more than a few hours. They didn't feel right. Nothing 'clicked'. But I haven't been completely out of the picture. On occasions I was called upon for demos, and happily agreed, pleased my skills were appreciated. And I've been involved in a number of scenes with my friends. I wouldn't say I 'dropped out' of the lifestyle, but I certainly wasn't an active participant. Perhaps I was marking time, unready to return. Or perhaps it was fate. Or...

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DominiqueChapter 9

Memories of sultry summers scudded though my mind like hot afternoon clouds. Dim recollections of wafting mosquito netting fought with the smell of sun showers for my attention. Without opening my eyes, I knew the side of my face was stuck to the training table. The dull ache of my ass felt a million miles away. In fact, it felt good. "Mmmmm," I murmured, as it throbbed in time with my heart. The egg inside me was quiet now, in harmony with the rest of the room. Rousing myself, I blinked...

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Dominique Ch 06

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the right...

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DominiqueChapter 5

Friday morning. I loved public holidays. It's funny, but I wasn't even thinking about the weekend. Lying in bed watching the sun come up, my thoughts were on the previous twenty-four hours. Closing my eyes and replaying it in my mind, I was getting horny all over again. Two cocks. Two! God. I'd seen the porn. I'd wondered what it would be like. I could see it so vividly in my mind. It was almost like it happened to someone else, and I just watched! Except, I was sore. Not stingy sore....

2 years ago
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DominiqueChapter 6

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the...

3 years ago
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Dominique Leads the Way

Being seated on the open terrace of a café facing a broad square in warm sun watching the world go by and sipping at my second glass of the palest pink local rosé in April was ranking as one of the real pleasures of life. I had nowhere else to be, no one else to please; I was holidaying on my own in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. My sunlight was suddenly partially blocked as drowsily I tried to read my book. I looked up to see a couple about my age and a younger woman, I presumed...

Quickie Sex
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Dominique Her place

I stood outside her door. I was afraid.Afraid of what she might say or not say. I questioned why I was at her place. I tried to imagine what her place looked like and couldn’t. Dominique was alternative. She had a new color of hair for every week and clothes that drove me insane. What would her place look like? Dominique had piercings all around both ears and a pierced bottom lip, not to mention the always sexy as hell navel piercing. I wasn’t sure about other places. She had tattoos! No one I...

2 years ago
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Dominique Getting it Up

Dominique had burst into my life in a storm of black leggings, shorts punk-rock skirts, and cute little jewelry. I knew my heart was lost in her, but had no idea if my heart was safe with her. The other night my heart had been crushed while standing in the dark street below her apartment. A stuffy business suited man had trodden through her apartment as much as he had trodden on my soul. Now I sat in my scratched and chipped high school desk and traced the lines of a long forgotten student’s...

4 years ago
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Dominique Wet Dream

The new girl in school, Dominique,straddled me. I could smell her skin. I could feel her body heat just above my skin. The hairs on my body stood erect. I stood erect. The little top she was wearing was cut just below her breasts. Her tight little stomach quivered as she ran her fingers down my body. She thrust her hips forward and I could see the outline of her pussy clearing in her panties. Her hand trailed lower still and was just above my shorts. I was dying. I needed to cum but she had...

3 years ago
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Dominique Nicole

At this moment I was having one ofthose weird outer body experiences. My mind was trying to process what I was seeing in front of me but wires weren’t connected. Maybe I should explain. I had left school and was headed for the art club house. The art club is a geek club where a few friends of mine gather in this old house and we talk about movies, books, comics, and the existence or non-existence of ghosts, aliens, and the female g-spot. I was in a hurry to get to the art club because of our...

2 years ago
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Dominique was like some little GothicLolita that burst into my life and electrified every molecule of air around me. She was perfect in every way possible. But just as suddenly as I noticed her, so did every other guy in my class. Everyone notices a new girl at school. I knew, in that moment, that I had no chance. I put my head back on my desk and half listened as she was introduced. I half heard the other guys talking about her. It didn’t make any difference. I had no more chance with a new...

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Dominique Ch 07

As I slept, Andrew crept into the bedroom and quietly climbed over me, virtually in a sixty-nine position. When I woke with a start, his black leather-clad butt was right in my face! Giggling, I said, ‘That’s quite a view there, Master.’ I struggled to smack his smooth muscular ass, but I soon realised I could hardly move! My upper arms were pinned under his calves and all I could do was slap his thighs. Which I did! ‘Oohhh let me up! We have to have breakfast!’ I was laughing and wriggling but...

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The boy in my car finallity

I switched off the engine and the car glided to a stop. The rain had started again and the trees were rustling in the wind, giving both a cozy and frightening atmosphere in the car, mixed with the highly charged feeling of impending sex.He was transfixed with my body, marvelling at the softness as he roamed around feeling my breasts and nipples, the firmness of my stomoch, giving way into the sensual curvaciousness of my pubes, which I have thankfully shaved and now resembling a prepubertal...

3 years ago
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Robbie MacraeChapter 14 Of firsts and finales

Robbie wanted to take his time over this; to make sure Zoe's first time was perfect. She however, had other ideas. Sleeping with Robbie had never been far from her mind over the past few weeks and she couldn't get him upstairs fast enough. She took his hand and tugged him along behind her, only pausing once she had led them both to her room. Turning, she began to tug at his shirt, eager to get it off. "Zoe, slow down, this is not how your first time should be. It's too rushed, we should...

3 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 19 Morning Before The First Finalist

Although Alima ate it naked, dinner was a very relaxed and western occasion since she was actually required to sit and eat with the Emir, instead of being under the table playing with his prick, as she had been on a number of occasions. The conversation was almost normal, by western standards, because they discussed the two sons and a daughter they had produced in the five years she had been his wife. He explained that the competition was more wearing than he had thought it would be, with...

4 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 21 Afternoon Of The Day Of The Second Finalist

The Emir lunched the next day with his other English wife. They chatted like any English couple who have been married for five years, but all that changed when she commented that her daughter, Alima wanted another child and had complained to her that he didn't fuck her properly any more. "If I choose to use her arse, that's my business," he said, rising from the table. Taking her arm he threw her on the bed face up, and released the neck of her silken dressing gown. Laying it back out...

2 years ago
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Dominiques School of Etiquette

Madame Dominique's School of Etiquette occupied a three story brown brick building that was built somewhere in the middle of the last century. Most of the other buildings on the well-kept street were more modern in appearance and date of origin. The basement apartment was the domain of a funny little man with a crooked back called simply Pierre. Pierre was more the face of the school because he was the one who daily hauled out the metal cans for the bin men and attempted to keep the small...

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First Semester Finals

A bloodcurdling scream rang out through the hallowed halls of Bastion Library. Instead of being paralyzed in fear or running to the aid of whoever cried out, most of the college students present simply laughed. One or two even added their voices to the cry. It was mid-December and finals week. The stress was getting to some more than others. ‘I bet they have Professor Saxxon for chemistry too,’ I grumbled more to myself than anyone specific. That didn’t stop the people at my table from...

4 years ago
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Finalityirishmik60 It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

Straight Sex
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My So Called Sex Life The Finale

'My So Called Sex Life - The Finale' An authorized biographical trip through one woman's experiences and fantasiesBy DizzyD Forward by Lexi:Hi Guys, it's Lexi. Well this is it, and while I'm glad you're about to read the final chapter of my story, I'm sad that my collaboration with the sweetest guy in the world is coming to an end. I think DizzyD and I have shared a thousand emails, PM's, phone conversations and video chats since this started, and even though we've never physically met, I...

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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

Introduction: the last, unless you want a prequel Sissy the Redhead: The College Plan Pt VII: The Finale The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldnt have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would...

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Power Chapter Fifteen Finals

CHAPTER 15: Finals And in answer to your next question, no, I’ve never fucked a chicken I had to study a lot for my History final. The other courses were a breeze, even Music Theory. Ultimately it was like math, just another way to express concepts. Mrs. Toyoda’s heavy accent had made history classwork difficult. I had A’s in all courses but that. I had a C in History, and the final would make a big difference. The Psych Department called and said I had a paying job for a final exam....

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Power Chapter Fifteen Finals

CHAPTER 15: Finals And in answer to your next question, no, I've never fucked a chicken I had to study a lot for my History final. The other courses were a breeze, even Music Theory. Ultimately it was like math, just another way to express concepts. Mrs. Toyoda’s heavy accent had made history classwork difficult. I had A’s in all courses but that. I had a C in History, and the final would make a big difference. The Psych Department called and said I had a paying job for a final exam....

2 years ago
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New Blood Part 2 Finale

Heather fell asleep in Kelly's lap and had to be transferred to her grandmother's lap so Kelly to get up. Heather hugged April tightly, with Kelly struggling to not cry as Heather showed that she cared a lot about her grandmother without realizing it. April hugged her back, feeling the same warmth of the love that Heather was showing and enjoying her granddaughter giving her sleepy affection. Kelly moved Heather to her room and tucked her in bed, with Heather hugging her favorite...

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It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful c***dren and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to allow them back in....

2 years ago
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The Cruise Singer Finale

After waking, we cleansed ourselves in the spacious hotel shower, washing, caressing and debating where to go on our sightseeing trek. Monique wanted to go home and get a few changes of clothes if she were going to remain with us at the hotel. The only problem was getting her in and out without the staff seeing her. After we finished bathing, we got dressed and continued contemplating our day. I went online and discovered the charge for a third person wasn't as much as we had thought. So, to...

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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldn’t have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would have to share them all with my sixteen year old brother, Luke, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. ...

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Morning After the Night Before Part Four Finale

Morning After The Night Before Part Four Finale We come to the final part of the tale of Olive and Samantha to discover what has happened following the events of Halloween. Once again I wish to give a BIG thanks to my friend Chris for taken his time to review, edit and comment with the whole story and not just this finale Chapter, even with his computer files getting corrupted just before his normal backup, these things never happen after the back up do they, Chris was still able to...

4 years ago
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How Traditions Start part 20 and final

After over two years and countless weeks of working on this series I am both glad and sad to see it conclude. I would like to thank everyone who joined myself and the Fletcher family on this journey. Thanks to all those who read the series, rated it and especially to those who commented and urged me to keep writing. It wasn't always easy, other projects and life in general often got me sidetracked but I was intent on seeing it through and glad that I did. If I offended anyone who read this...

2 years ago
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Finality irishmik60 It’s a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn’t changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

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Shadowsblade Testing finals

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

2 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 19 Finals

Then the sky fell in for both of the girls. Suddenly it was Finals Week – the dreaded examinations which would label each student for life. All their hard work seemed to have left a complete vacuum in their memories. Then the examinations were over, and the May Ball loomed large. Much jollification was in evidence, mostly forced merriment as the strain of waiting for the examination results took its toll. Sharifa spent several days hopping in and out of various beds and drinking a lot....

4 years ago
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On Her Own Part 5 Finale

The gravity of having two people that she had wished were her own parents want to do exactly as she had wished hit her hard. Anita had a mother and a father to love her, a brother to talk to and be there for when things were tough, and a husband who was infatuated with her. She had everything that she ever wanted and was feeling like she had won the lottery in life. Anita needed a while to recover so the Marshalls moved on to Pierre and his gift. He just laughed at the gift they were...

2 years ago
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Allisons Story Final

Four weeks into the relationship, I had already advanced two additional payments toward Allison’s debt, and I did so happily. That evening the subject of her loan came up over dinner. Allison was a great cook, and had prepared one of her signature meals. Over dinner she asked if I was truly happy with the arrangements. I told her I was, and I asked her for her opinion on how things were working out. She sat her fork down in her plate and met my gaze full on. “Jack, I want to be honest, part of...

3 years ago
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It was finals mouth, and i was pretty stressed out, especially since i haven't fucked anyone for almost five weeks. I've been so busy with school that sexual frustration just built with the academic frustrations. The toughest, was my last final. And i desperately needed to have a study group but the best i could was a friend that sat near me. Mary but dear lord, was she smoking hot, she was 5'6 blonde hair. A smile that gave a " girl next door" vibe from her friendly personality.And her body......

3 years ago
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Cramming for finals

Finished two finals early this morning and now cramming for the last one of the semester. This was the big one of my class's and have 3 hours, We Are Good. Drive down to the river and park facing the water. Nice sunny day with cool breez off the river felt relaxing. While studying see a few a.m. runners a few dog walkers and a couple sexy mommies other than that really quiet. It has been about two hours studying and had the need to release some tension and be fully relaxed for this final....

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To The Matt Part 7 Finale

Taylor's bombshell hit the family hard. Betty saw Taylor was in tears and explained her reasoning to the family, "She knows her abilities better than anyone and she knows just how you'd all react. You know that she was going to retire anyway, this is why she wanted to retire. She could still perform, but she would be taking a spot from a deserving woman and wouldn't be at the same level she was before. Don't try to talk her out of it, it's for the best and we both agree that she is ready...

3 years ago
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Housemaid in my Fifties Part 8 final

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 8 - FINAL CHAPTER 22 "Harita, try to speak with the special singing Indian accent. You are good at that I heard you before." Arka was behind me pushing the shopping trolley as I was picking various items from the supermarket shelves, shopping list in hand. "Of course Arka, I know how to talk like an Indian lady," I answered back with a pronounced singing accent. I started enjoying my outing in...

3 years ago
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                       Final.                        By DemonMonsterDave                The first thing that went wrong was that he met me alone, which immediately started my mental alarm bells ringing. The flight had been long and uncomfortable; I had never learned to get any decent sleep on such long journeys and there was jet lag of course. I had been building a quite incredible well-spring of nervous excitement during the journey, both consciously and in the horrible half-sleep moments...

2 years ago
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Reversal Rings V Finale

I know that some of you have been waiting for the return of Kevin and Susan from the first story. Well, here it is. This will probably be the last Reverse Rings story, so I hope you enjoy. This story has adult content in it. If you are under 18 or dislike such material, please go no further. If anyone who wishes to archive, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings V: Finale By Morpheus Kevin stared into the mirror at the reflection of a beautiful woman looking back. The...

4 years ago
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Sisselixer Free Refill Finale

(Hey there, TerinasTiger the author here. If you've read to this point, I appreciate your attention immensely! This project was a whole lot of fun to work on, and I'm glad someone commissioned me to write a part-2 after Sisselixer was finished! If you like this, I will let you know there's a potential teaser for a "Part 3" (one of many directions I'm considering) on the furrier corners of the internet, waiting for you to find. Really, you're missing half the fun things I've put online if...

2 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 8 The Grand Finale

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the final part of the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ I know we don’t like ending but as it is rightly said – “All good things come to an end.” So gear yourself up for a roller coaster ride and enjoy the finale of the series! Avi called his eldest sister to their home after a very long time. She reached after a while and Avi welcomed her with a spank on the ass, “Welcome home! my hottie big sister!” Radhika was wearing a maroon kurti and leggings and heels, so she...

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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 7 The Unforseen Finale

Hello, lovely readers to the finale of the celebration. This party ends with a bombshell of events. Don’t forget to pleasure yourself to the fullest. The clock hit 9:00 pm. There was a light drizzle outside. Both the delivery guys have left. The guys got extremely excited, and we’re masturbating and holding their cum. The boys came out from the other room with hard dicks and cummed all over Rimi and Ani. Both of them got covered in cum and sweat. Then they all went to have a bath and got...

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