DominiqueChapter 5 free porn video

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Friday morning. I loved public holidays. It's funny, but I wasn't even thinking about the weekend. Lying in bed watching the sun come up, my thoughts were on the previous twenty-four hours. Closing my eyes and replaying it in my mind, I was getting horny all over again. Two cocks. Two! God. I'd seen the porn. I'd wondered what it would be like. I could see it so vividly in my mind. It was almost like it happened to someone else, and I just watched!

Except, I was sore. Not stingy sore. More achy sore. Pretty much the same as when Andrew gave me 'the works'. Usually about once a month he would work me over completely. It was usually either a Friday night, or a Saturday or Sunday, and he would work on me for three or four hours. The effects would linger for days. 'Come on pet, it's time for 'the works', ' he would say. That's how I felt, only I hadn't been flogged or anything.

'When Andrew's away, Dominique can play.' That's the rule. But when he's at home, I need permission to readjust my bra, or to get my panties out of my ass! Well maybe not that bad, but I'm not allowed to masturbate without his permission, and he was sound asleep right beside me. Biting my lip and squirming, I wondered whether rubbing my nipples against the silk sheet covering us constituted masturbation. It felt so nice. I squeezed my thighs together. God, I was so wet I just had to check. I felt so used. Just gently, I touched myself and all I felt was hot, wet slickness. I quickly put my fingers in my mouth and cleaned them in case Andrew thought I'd been playing. He'd know what was on my mind. It was embarrassing enough thinking about how I reacted last night. Being caught masturbating the very next morning was just too slutty.

Ignoring my blush, I checked the alarm clock and noticed it was due to go off in fifteen minutes. I looked across at Andrew and watched him breathe. He had such a nice broad back. Quietly I snuggled up behind him and slid my hand very lightly, slowly down his side and over his hip. He didn't even stir. Barely kissing his back, my hand went lower, down over his muscular thigh. With my fingernails, I very gently came back up to his hip.

"Master," I whispered, licking his back with the tip of my tongue. I curled my hand around his hip, grazing my nails across his stomach. He stirred, turning to lie on his back, and I gasped quietly. My hand was trapped between his belly and his cock, and it was hard and hot against the back of it. "Mmmmm, Master," I breathed.

Feeling him hard added fuel to my fire, and while on my side, my thighs squashed my throbbing pussy. I could barely touch his cock with the back of my fingers as my palm softly rubbed his lower tummy. He was so hard. Unable to stop myself, I took it into my grasp and held my breath, enjoying the heat and the feel of it. When he still didn't stir, I slowly tightened my grip and gave it a squeeze. Fuck, that's hard. Looking up at him, he had a blissful look on his face and he groaned. He was waking up!

"Mmmmm, Dominique. That's lovely," he said quietly, yawning and blinking his eyes open.

I beamed at him and squeezed his cock again. "Good morning, Master. I hope you slept well."

"Mmmmmm. Very well. Yourself?"

"Like a baby, Master," I replied, fluttering my eyelashes.

He rolled towards me and took me into his arms, but I didn't let go of his cock. "Good. Sore?" he asked, smiling at me and kissing my nose.

"Only a little bit. More horny than anything."

"Slut," he whispered, grinning at me.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied a little too eagerly, my blush intensifying.

"We'll see." At that moment the alarm went off and Andrew rolled over, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. He sat up, reaching for his watch from the bedside table and putting it on. "C'mon Dominique, playtime is later."

"Oh, but Sirrr..." I whined, drawing back the sheet and spreading my legs. I don't know what came over me! When he turned his head around, the angry look on his face evaporated in a second.

"Whoa. Look at that. Okay, pet. That's very pretty but I'm afraid later means later. Now get your slutty ass out of bed and go make us some coffee. We have a big day ahead." With that he rose and went into our walk-in wardrobe, his long cock bobbing in front of him, pointing the way. I reached down to touch myself with the image of his hard cock in my mind.

"And don't get any ideas, Dominique."

Oohhhh... I thought to myself, crossing my arms and pouting. It's no fun being hot and wet and not allowed to touch yourself. Then I remembered Andrew's words from the night before. He was bathing me and said, 'Never be ashamed of your desires, or of mine.' I grinned to myself and felt a bit wicked after that. I was horny all right!

When he came down to the kitchen and sat down, he leaned back in his chair and sipped the coffee I'd made him, looking at me. I smiled and ran the fingers of both hands through my hair, fluffing it out a bit. I thought maybe...

"Take your coffee with you and go get changed, pet. Time's a-wasting," he said, finishing his cup.

"Yes, Master. Anything you'd like me to wear?"

"T-shirt, not too tight, shorts and sandals. No underwear please, pet. I'll get the bags in a minute."

"Okay." And off I trotted. No nooky before we left. When I came back downstairs, Andrew had packed the truck and we were ready to go. I grabbed my handbag, some lip-gloss and a few odds and ends and we were off.

Seeing Dominique lying there with her legs open, biting her lip and blushing was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen. I don't know how I stopped myself from pouncing on her as she gazed at me through her lashes. "Whoa. Look at that. Okay, pet. That's very pretty but I'm afraid later means later," I told her.

It was exactly the kind of thing I liked her to do, and I had to stop myself from praising her more obviously. But it was going to be that kind of a day for Dominique. Which of course meant denying myself her charms.

Which wasn't easy.

Not with that look on her face and her wet red cunt on display. Good Lord. We'd really worked her over. But apart from her swollen pussy, she appeared none the worse for wear. Which was good because we had a fair drive ahead of us. Her nipples were hard though, with a slightly reddish tinge. I bet they still ached from all the bites and the pinches I gave them. They would look nice bobbing around inside her t-shirt.

But I didn't tell Dominique that. I promised myself I could do it. I could go a day without reassuring her. The plan was to add a dash of humility, maturity and experience to her make up. I hoped she would be able to look back and say she was proud of herself. But it was risky. She would be doing a lot of thinking this weekend. The way she saw herself would be sorely tested.

The drive up was strange. Master parried any questions I had about the weekend. He said it was a surprise and that I should be ready for anything, at any time. That's all he said, but it got my juices stirred up. A lot of the time we drove in silence. I wondered if I was in trouble somehow. Maybe I shouldn't have been so slutty in bed that morning. But he hadn't said anything, so I figured I'd been good. I hadn't tried to masturbate, even though the thought of it was driving me half nuts. I think I dozed off a couple of times too.

We arrived at Dean's cabin about noon. The place was very secluded, with a lake that came up almost to the back of the cabin. There was also a boat dock, but no boat. Very, very pretty place. Beyond the lake it was thickly wooded, and the waterfall on the other side of the lake half a mile away, could be heard as clear as day. It looked like it would be a nice relaxing weekend. Some sun, swimming, drinking and hanging out...

Dean and Gigi rushed out to meet us and introduced themselves. I'd talked to Gigi on the phone a couple of times and she seemed nice. Dean was a bit of a mystery, but he reminded me of a hippy a little bit, with his long dark brown hair, his cropped beard and the bandana around his neck.

It was a beautiful day. I had no idea what to expect, but I felt good. A little nervous, but otherwise pretty good. Dean and Andrew carried our bags inside and Gigi helped me put everything away. She told me about the canoes under the cabin and the hiking trails around the place. She was very nice and I was feeling great. I knew Dean and Gigi could get pretty wild, Master had told me. But after last night, I figured I was up for anything!

Gigi asked me if I wanted to go for a swim. Did I ever! The water looked lovely and Andrew said it was okay. I was changed and diving off the end of the dock in a minute flat! While we were splashing around, Gigi asked me if Andrew had told me anything about the weekend and I told her no. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek, silently taking my hand and leading me out of the water towards the guys. They were sitting on the back deck drinking beer and talking. I was wondering what was happening and reminding myself to be good when Andrew put up his hand. I froze in my tracks, dropping my hand from Gigi's and watching my Master's eyes.

"Be a good girl and take off your bathing suit," he ordered. Andrew had a very stern look in his eyes, and we were out in the middle of nowhere. I was kind of embarrassed, but there was no way I was protesting, not when we'd only just got there! I just did it! With ease I peeled the dark blue Lycra down my body after working it over my shoulders. Stepping out of the suit and kicking it aside, I posed with my hands on my hips and feet apart a little, just how Andrew likes it.

He told me to come kneel quietly on the floor next to him so I ran up the steps dripping wet and did as he asked. Gigi walked up the steps behind me and stood in front of the three of us. Dean told Gigi to take off her bikini, which she did very slowly. While twisting my hair dry, I glanced up to my right and saw the men's eyes glued to Gigi. I smiled and turned back to watch her. I was pleased to meet her finally, even though things were moving really fast! She had a beautiful body, very muscular, very lean. Her shaggy, dirty blonde hair swayed as she teased them. I could hardly take my eyes off her either.

She finished her slow strip looking right at me! She was grinning and I was feeling very nervous, my stomach fluttering madly. She approached Dean, and then dropped down to her knees and began undressing him using just her mouth and teeth.

I don't know how she did it so easily. Lots of practice no doubt! But in no time his shirt was open and his pants were on the ground, his cock standing at attention. I noticed Andrew was very excited by all this too. I wasn't sure what to do. Did he want me to follow suit? I remembered he said just to kneel beside him so that's what I did.

Maybe it was a test, or a game. I watched Gigi's mouth engulf Dean's hard cock and I could tell by his expression he was enjoying her noisy blowjob immensely. I so very much wanted to do the same for Andrew, even just to show off a bit, but he made no move to have me do it. He just kept staring at Gigi and Dean, and rubbing his cock through his pants. That was when I realised how hot I was becoming watching all this. If only Andrew would look at me. Straight away he'd know how much I wanted his cock in my mouth.

Dean said, "Stop."

Gigi bowed her head to Dean's feet and asked quietly if she had displeased him. He said no, but told her she was neglecting his guest and that she was to correct this oversight immediately. Gigi turned on hands and knees and shuffled over to Andrew. He climbed to his feet and she began to undress him just like with Dean until Andrew was also undressed. His beautiful cock was so hard, I wanted it so bad. My pussy was wet and aching for it.

Gigi took it in her mouth and started sucking hard, bobbing her head up and down and making all kinds of crazy noises. I was suddenly so jealous. I just sat there, unable to move, watching her pleasing my Master. Each moan from him made it that much harder.

Dean came up behind her and for an instant I thought he was coming for me, but he began telling Gigi what a good girl she was and lifted her by the hips to her hands and knees. He slid his nice big stiff cock into her pussy and started fucking her hard, right in front of me. He glanced at me now and again and I just blushed. He was fucking her so hard he was pulling her off the ground by the hips while her mouth clung to Andrew's cock. Andrew had his hands wrapped in her hair, telling her what a beautiful mouth she had as his cock slipped into her throat. I could see it bulging as it slid in and out. I was so frustrated I started to cry, but I didn't make a sound. Just tears, tumbling down my cheeks as I gritted my teeth. They were so close to me, I could have touched them. I could smell the sex coming off them. It made me so wet! I was clenching my fists and thinking, Touch me too!

Andrew moaned that he was about to cum. Dean started slapping Gigi on the ass so hard it left prints of his hands and it looked kind of cool with her tan lines. He told her to cum as he fucked her even harder. I think they all came about the same time in the end. When Gigi finally stopped moaning and was breathing hard through her nose, Dean slapped her ass one more time, knocking her off balance and both of their half-hard cocks slipped from her. She looked up at me with cum running down her chin and swallowed. Dean picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She waved to me with her fingers as the three of them went inside without a word, leaving me kneeling on the porch. The men didn't even look at me! Not once! Like I wasn't even there! I was angry and my knees were sore and I was hot and this wasn't how it was supposed to go! And I needed to touch myself so bad...

Kneeling there with tears streaming down my face, I wondered why I was crying. No one had done anything to me. But I was so jealous. I could hear them inside. Gigi was moaning and the men were calling her a slut. I guessed she was getting two cocks like I had, and I wished it was me.

I knelt there until almost sunset, at least three hours! And I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes as I listened to them moaning and groaning. Gigi got spanked hard, and I also heard the sound of a leather strap on flesh. It makes a very distinctive sound.

Finally the door opened and Andrew came out dressed. He didn't say a word just grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet, leading me to our room. He told me to get dressed and ready for dinner, which they had started preparing. I was completely distraught. He left me there without saying anything else. No kisses. No touches. I was so numb I didn't think I could shed any more tears.

I figured I had done something wrong. I had failed whatever test I hadn't realised I was taking. I came into the kitchen where Gigi was cooking and asked if I could help. She said, "Of course!" I got the job of chopping vegetables, and thought it was very brave of her to give me a knife! There was so much stew, I thought maybe there would be other guests for dinner but Gigi said she was making enough for two meals.

We had dinner, and the three of them chatted up a storm. I smiled and nodded my head at all the appropriate places in the conversation, but I didn't really feel like talking. I guess I was sulking a bit. When dinner was finished, Gigi immediately got up and took Andrew's hand, leading him to her bedroom. I felt my jaw clench and I knew my emotions were all over the place. Dean got up and asked me to help him with the dishes.

I managed to squeeze out, "Yes, Sir. Sure."

Before long the dishes were done and Dean took my hand and led me to my room. I thought he was going to use me. But he kissed me on the forehead at my door and said goodnight, then went down the hall to his room and went in, shutting the door loudly behind him. Even after I quietly closed my own door, I could hear what was going on in there and I was so upset being shutout like that. I went to bed crying, trying to figure out what I'd done wrong or if this nightmare was ever going to end.

By the time I had no more tears, I thought I'd worked it out. Surely I was being tested. It wasn't normal for Andrew not to tell me what was happening. But I remembered him telling me that if ever he didn't tell me 'the why', then there had to be a good reason. My self-control felt like the thing being most threatened. So I figured it must have been that. And I was overreacting to the fact that I was being left out. I tried to understand why I was being left out. Then I got into a circular kind of thought-pattern, going around and around. I was confused and upset. Even a little humiliated. Like I couldn't do the job... And I was horny! God, so horny. I so badly needed someone to touch me. The 'no masturbating' rule came close to being broken that night, but I was good.

It wasn't until quite late, when I was laying there with a pillow over my head for privacy, that I lucidly realised jealousy was the problem. Somehow it dawned on me that I wasn't supposed to be jealous if Andrew found pleasure with another woman. Complicating matters, I was also jealous of all the attention Gigi was getting. As I fell asleep, I promised to make a fresh start in the morning.

When I awoke, Andrew was still absent from my bed. I knew he loved fucking in the morning. I got up and over the blaring music heard the three of them at it again. Choking down a small sob, I remembered my promise to myself. To keep myself busy I got started on making a hearty breakfast for them. I knew they'd be hungry and I thought it would be good of me to do it. So I made pancakes, bacon, sausages, eggs, coffee, juice and more sliced fresh fruit than you could poke a stick at. And I make a damn fine pancake too. Nice and fluffy and full. Ringing the bell for breakfast, my arteries choked with cholesterol just looking at the table. Oh well, I wasn't very hungry anyway.

They came out in various states of undress, sat down and ate ravenously. I served each of them before I served myself. I asked how they slept and told them I hoped they had sweet dreams. I was so cheerful it hurt, and I hoped I didn't sound sarcastic. They praised breakfast, and to be honest, just that little bit of praise left me glowing inside. Apart from that, they got their suits on and went out to go for a swim, continuing to ignore me. They didn't even ask me if I wanted to come. I washed the dishes myself and put everything away, trying not to overreact.

Watching them from the kitchen window, for a little while the guys were all over Gigi, or Gigi was all over them. Then they floated for a couple of hours, apparently sunbaking. By noon I'd given the cabin a once over and had a nice lunch prepared, with cold drinks ready for them.

It was hard being 'up', but I endeavoured to try. Again I served each of them before sitting down myself. They were all saying how delicious the sandwiches were, and how the lemonade I had whipped up was tasty and good. I hoped something had changed and I was winning favour. Andrew didn't speak directly to me, but he did smile at me once or twice. So I made small talk, asking them about their swim and the temperature of the water at this time of year. I also asked Andrew if I could go for a swim, and he said of course.

After putting away the dishes I headed toward the bedroom to change into my suit. Andrew, Gigi and Dean had adjourned to the living area and were sitting on the sofa with Gigi sandwiched between the two of them. They had a breast in each of their mouths and a hand between her legs. Somewhere along the way I forgot my promise to myself and started getting angry and frustrated again. I barely looked at them as I walked into the bedroom to change.

I was completely undressed and about to put my suit on, when the door opened. It was Dean and he didn't knock or anything! My heart was in my mouth as I stood there, naked. He walked in and closed the door behind him, leaning against it. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to move, so I stared at the floor and waited. I wished a hole would open and swallow me up. Taking a couple of strides, he was suddenly in front of me, lifting my chin with a finger and making me look up at him. He asked condescendingly, "Is something wrong? You seem upset." He kissed me on the mouth and pulled me to him. I wasn't in the mood to be played with, and tried to turn away. He held on tight grabbing my wrists and twisting them up behind me.

Same as Dominique
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Maidens pageant

Maiden's Pageant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I went out that night I knew I was taking a chance, but I simply couldn't help myself. That yearning to go out, dressed as a girl, the one that had nagged at me for so long, finally won the argument between my fear, and my desire to do it. The minute I stepped out into the night, a wave of relief washed over me. The twinkling stars, the warm night air and the moonlight was nothing to the feel of fresh air on my newly...

3 years ago
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Second Chance Book 02

As always, my thanks to ErikThread for his editing skills. Any errors are mine. * Chapter 9: ‘Come in, Brent. It’s so nice to see you again,’ June Francis said with a genuine smile. ‘Walter’s in the living room, as usual.’ ‘Thanks, June. How’s he feeling?’ ‘Not too bad today. Yesterday wasn’t so good, but you know, that’s how it is — some good days and some bad ones. I’ll get you two your usual tea and bring it in.’ ‘Thanks, June.’ Brent walked into the living room to greet his friend...

3 years ago
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Bus K Safar Me Chudai Mai 8211 Part 1

Hi friends aap logon k amazing response k baad mai apni agli story lakr haazir hua hun.. Mai aap logon ko apne baare me bata dun mera naam rikky hai aur mai 22 saal ka fair and slim ladka hun..Mujhe lund lene me bhot maza aata hai..Aisa isliye hai kyunki bachpan se hi mere tau ji k beton ne mujhe mere muh me aur gaand me lund daalna shuru kr diya tha..Jaisa ki maine aap logon ko apni pichli story me bataya..Ab mai apni is story pr aata hun Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai ek shadi me meerut gya tha...

Gay Male
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It is All in the Family

This is to narrate the incidence which took place when I was around 24 years old. We were family of five people – dad, mom, brother (Rajesh), his wife (Neeta) and I. Once after my brother got married, I happened to peep in his room in the night. I saw both of them were enjoying sex. Neeta was standing in front of my Rajesh. Rajesh was holding her melons in his hands and pressing them. He licked her nipples, held them in his fingers and pressed them hard. After some time, he pulled down her...

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First Experience

Joe and Donna had been together well over three years with Joe being the elder of the two at the age of 21. Donna was his junior by three years having just turned 18. Joe had long kept it secret how long he had waited for Donna to be “legal”. Donna was a beautiful 5’4 130 lb blonde. She was on the voluptuous side with both her chest and butt being on the bigger side, but this was something Joe had grown to love, especially when she wore tight shorts or a tight skirt with a tight shirt, which...

First Time
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello everyone, I am Sahil and I am back with my new story. I know is waqt aap sabhi hilane mein ya ungli dalne me busy ho. To direct mudde ki baat pe aate hai. Sabse pehle hilana band kardo or ladkiya apne chut se hath hata do. Ab story pe aate hai. Ye story meri or meri ek cousin bhabi ki hai. Uska name Safiya hai. Hum Mumbai mein rehte hai meri email id hai Wo aksar hamare ghar pe mere mummy se milne aati hai mahine mein 2 se 4 baar hamari bus hi hello wali interaction hoti hai ek din mein...

1 year ago
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The Bulldemon killer

          Bull the demon killer   by stHell66   (hero,comixs,d/s,w/s,humilation,rough)    Bull-half demon,half beast, hero of El Diablo, looks like a 8ft red demon with two horns and huge bat wings. A greek warrior hermit covers his face and his redish long beard braided down his muscular chest. His body shows the scars of past battles, covered by his huge black leather cloak. He is the cities greatest hero battling ghouls, demons,vampires, werewolves,etc and usally for a price. His powers are...

3 years ago
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Penalty for speeding

Synopsis: After several decades of reducing the number of motorist speeding the Danish government comes up with a humiliating Synopsis: After several decades of reducing the number of motorist speeding the Danish government comes up with a humiliating idea of how to punish people in a way so they stop speeding forever. Hopefully it remains fiction. In the parliament  It was the year 2015. The politicians met once again. Everybody has thought about his or her failure. For year the...

4 years ago
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Its Just a Business Transaction Ch 10

Alex looked at the pictures on his huge desk. Nothing really special about it. Just two good friends catching up with one another. However there were a few pictures that caught his attention though. There was one showing Aida throwing up all over the walkway near an entrance of a small building and another one showing her throwing up while at the park. And another two, which he doesn’t like the look of it, Greg caressing Aida’s cheek and holding her hands. In the picture Greg seemed rather...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 18

The next day was Sunday, and I decided to have a lie in. I was absolutely exhausted by the three-way sex session yesterday. I thought I was horny, but that Patti was unstoppable. Besides, I wasn't expecting the lovely Keith Sims to turn up in his school uniform until about two o'clock, so I slept in. I didn't get up until midday; I really needed to get my strength back if I was going to have a heavy session with young Mr. Sims. However, being the incorrigible little slut that I am, I still...

3 years ago
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Milf fun

When I was in high school, I had a friend named John who I spent a lot of my time hanging out with. But more importantly to the story, John had a hot mom. Whoever came up with the term “MILF” had her in mind. She was an inch or so shorter than me and had a fairly tight stomach (especially for being in her 40s), but the best part about her were her tits and ass. Her boobs had to have been at least double D’s, with nipples that poked out no matter what she wore. Her ass put all...

1 year ago
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Cumming up Trumps Part 2

Manning arrived and stepped out of the limousine. She had got changed. She was wearing white adidas trainers, cream coloured shorts, a white Hollister polo shirt which showed her white bra and a white adidas cap. For some reason she was wearing another pair of Oakley shades, white this time. Trump had never seen anyone look like this, it was a bold look that was for sure, but it was one that Manning pulled off with effortless ease. Manning was walked to the door by the secret service detail,...

2 years ago
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My tales as a submissive to a master part 2

Derek tells me to get out of the car and walk to the door. I wait for him to give me my dress back, but he just sits there waiting for me to get out. Clearly, he wants me to walk to the door naked. I take a deep breath and sprint for the door. In my haste, I forgot that I didn’t have a key to the house. I quickly cover myself as best as I can with my hands, hoping that none of the neighbors look over. To my horror, not only has Derek not gotten out of the car, but he also drove off leaving me...

4 years ago
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The Problems With LoveChapter 8

The weeks went by and it was July almost before they knew it. Lottë was now working very hard. She was finding her own events, going to some quite small ones but coming up with a number of new and possible future major artists and sculptors. She extolled them in her articles and was not averse to approaching masters on their behalf. The Arts Editor was thrilled with her performance. So was the editor. She invited Robin to accompany her to the Tate Modern for an evening showing. He was not...

4 years ago
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Mami ko meri girlfriend

Hai mera name Raj Hai. Meriar karib 25 saal hai, mai Bilaspr ai ob Karta hoo, meri first postig bilaspr ai thi, ai vaise bhilai kaa rahea valla hoo, maine job join kiya tab mai Room laker Kirya may Rahena Laga,mghe khana kai liye bahut paresani hoti thi, isliye mere ghar wale nay mughe mere door kay Mama key yaha rookene kai liye bola,maine mana kar diya,par mama nay jid karne lage to may unke ghar aa gaya,mere mama kya alwa mami aur unke 2 bache Rahte thaey. Mami ki umar karib 34 saal hogi,...

2 years ago
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Granny sends a Selfie 2 Anal Fuck

1 week left before my girlfriend Lisa gets back. It's been great being at home alone with Vera. I didn't know a 73 year old pussy could be so good to a 23 year old such as myself. Some nights after we've fucked, I'd lay there with my dick still inside her and fall asleep in the pussy. Vera has taught me a lot about fucking. I've learned to slow down and really enjoy the pussy.I'm finding myself enjoying fucking granny Vera more than my own girlfriend Lisa. I've decided to make these last few...

1 year ago
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It would be fair to say Fenoxo Play has something of a cult following. The simple-looking Fenoxo blog gets 4 million views a month, even though it’s utterly baffling for a first-timer. Who the fuck is Fenoxo? Why should I care? What’s with the big-titted, big-dicked centaur busting a sloppy nut toward the bottom of the page?The subtitle of the site is Home of NSFW Ramblings. Hey, we’re in the same business! Well, not exactly. I’m more of an all-around porn guy, but Fenoxo has something uniquely...

Free Sex Games
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A New Life

Growing up in a small country town, I just knew I had to get out of there as soon as I could. Today was my 18th birthday and I was moving out of home to the big city. I could not stay another year in that town. I felt suffocated and out of place.I was 6'2" tall, 95kgs of ripped muscle and loved football and swimming. I had made some friends through sports and with a few of the guys, had organised to rent a house near the beach and the 5 of us would be roommates.It was looking to be a good year...

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Getting Closer to Mom

As I said, Janet struggled for many years but finally got her mind right and got a good job working for a plastic surgeon and treated herself to some modifications that definitely made her body look right. To be honest she was a knockout. She had huge perky breasts, thin waist line, dark skinned and neatly shave pussy and a very nice ass. Our sex life was crazy as well. I found out very quickly that Janet was what you would call a squirter. The first time this happened kind of freaked me out...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 16

[Epilogue - Jack] As you can see, this story has grown in the telling. I'm sure more adventures will occur over the coming years. I will write of those in the future and add to this history with help from others, particularly Janice. Tom and Vic have trained pilots and Pintlala provides maintenance people to keep them running. Bennie and our Janice are happy in their marriage and move between the two communities regularly as do their partners. The only one who isn't a pilot is Melissa....

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The HomestandersChapter 4

Even though Vicky had volunteered to be the designated driver for the evening of the party, to no one's great surprise the number of people going from around the Bradford area quickly outgrew a single car. The same night Kevin showed up at Jason's house with a pile of motorcycle parts Vicky asked Jason if he knew anyone with a big van they could use instead. Jason did, a guy from the plant whose hobby seemed to be a dozen kids, and who needed an extended-body full-size van to haul them...

1 year ago
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Massage heaven

I'd never have any kind of sexual, physical contact with another man bit I had often thought about it. My was to be seduced by a sexy, well hung man who would show me the pleasures of gay sex. The note I thought about it, the more I wanted it. One day I was reading throughout the paper when I saw an advert for man to man massage. I got nervous as I typed a message to send to 'Shaved 9'. I pressed send and awaited the reply. His reply was instantaneous: he would be around in 10 minutes! I waited...

3 years ago
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They stolen everything

It made a huge bang , i woke up 3 masked guys in my living room stealing my tv and stuffI was no match for even the first guy ,closing my bedroom door reaching for my phone , i was too slow he slam my door open punch me once falling face down my phone flew accross the room''get everything in the van''he said closing my doorduck tape use on my mouth my body thrown on my bedstruggling the masked guy black guy getting more duck tape''dont fight white boy , you are mine tonight''''im gonna steall...

2 years ago
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Unexpected date

“Just a minute,” I yelled. Rolling out of bed I picked up some random clothes that where laying around, not bothering to check exactly what I was putting on and not caring at this time in the morning. Whoever was knocking had better have a good reason for waking me up early on the weekend. There's no way I'd be able to fall back asleep either. My German Shepherd was barking, it's tail wagging, no doubt happy I was starting the day early. I walked to my front door, running my hand through my...

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Mommy Big Boobs

The summer after my sixteenth birthday was one I would always remember. It was Tuesday night, my best friend was over, and after our usual hangout of watching tv and wrestling, his mom had finally come to pick him up. We were both on the school wrestling team and liked to wrestle as much as possible for fun.A bit after he left I heard my mom call from downstairs that dinner would be ready soon. I shouted back, "Ok mom."I continued to stare at the tv, enjoying the wrestling match that was...

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How to corrupt a scientist

Dr Roberta Simmonds, Bobbi to her friends was getting used to the idea that life was now going to be very different. Thanks to a very good deal negotiated by an intermediary she now had her own firm to commercially develop her invention. An unexpected complication was that she was very much attracted to the intermediary and he her. The problem was that he was married but as it turned out this wasn’t an impediment. Whilst negotiation were on going Anthony wanted to stop the other side being able...

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Holiday Fuck Fest With My Auntie

I'm Kyle , I Am 19 ,6 ft 2 , muscular athletic build , darkly tanned , 9 inch uncut, dark hair ...About 2 months Ago I was Having A really hard time , i had just lost my job and weeks later caught my girlfriend cheating in a nightclub.I was Falling Apart , I was constantly depressed and no matter what anyone said or did i didn't feel any better.Then One day When i was sat at home during the day the house phone rang , i picked it up and it was my Auntie Liz Who Lives in Cyprus ,she asked me if...

3 years ago
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Harleys Ordeal Chapter One

Sarah looked around the room, her thoughts in every place imaginable besides what the teacher was trying to beat into her and her peers' head. Her chin rested on her hand, her eyes blank as she anxiously waited. She couldn't believe how slow those last few minutes were going. After another ten minutes or so of the teacher droning on about some ancient civilization or another, the bell rang. Finally, it rang. She jumped up excitedly, swinging her bag onto her shoulder before briskly...

2 years ago
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Oh BoyChapter 5

Oh boy, I was on the road to New York, and now playing the infield instead of pitching. The Mets were pathetic. The three games we played were filled with Mets' errors. Their terrible play almost rubbed off on our team but the Manager was on our back at practice every day, preaching about not letting the other teams affect our play. I remained at short, went 4 for 5 the first game, only 2 for 5 with two walks and a strike out in the second, but redeemed myself with a 5 for 6 in the last...

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Elaines Dog ShowChapter 4

"Ohhhhhh!" Elaine cried out in fear as she felt the animal's hot, heavy breath blow through her wiry cunt hairs. He hadn't touched her yet, but she could feel his breath against her trembling thighs. Suddenly the blonde felt something cold and wet press against her right snatch-lip. She knew it was the animal's pointed snout, and screamed out in horror. "That's it, babe! Cry it out like you really mean it," Peter said loudly. Elaine choked down the sobs, refusing to give the fat man...

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The Monk of Eden

I was speechless. I couldn't remember how long I and the artists beside me sat there at our collection of cubicles. For six years I've worked at this company and now their just kicking us out. When the boss called for our attention this morning we expected normal news, something cheerful. Instead he declared that all 97 artists who've been working with me as long as I have, if not longer, are sacked. Fired. We won't be getting paid this week, and we have less than two hours to pack our...

3 years ago
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Boudir Rash Pan

Ami aaj pratham bar golpo likhte boslam, apnader kichu bhalo dewar janno kichu bhul truti hale maf koredeben ami soja stories a aschi amar jibone prachur ghatona tar moddhe ete ekte and this is a true story. ae story ta amar ebong amar salar bou k nia, her name is Aparajita khub sexy figure 32 26 34 school techar puro rase bhara, aprajita k dekhle j kono pursher bara daria jabe r ami ok kalpana kore prachur mooth mere mal felechi. Amar bou k chodar somay aparajita k fantasy kore bohu bar...

1 year ago
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Housewife1on1 Sofi Ryan 23255

Your sexy wife Sofi Ryan is feeling frisky and playful in the pool today, and the popsicle she keeps shoving down her throat and rubbing all over her body is only adding to it! Watch her suck on her treat and then slide it all over her big natural tits and hard nipples, getting them all sticky and sweet for you to suck on. She moves south to sugar up pie, turning from warm to cold, just to have you heat it up again with your hard cock. She’s ready to finish her frozen treat and devour your...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Katie

The circle of friends in our neighborhood that is into swinging and lesbian flings is getting bigger and bigger. I’ve only come around a couple years ago to the new lifestyle, and have enjoyed every bit of it. One pleasant surprise to our group is Katie, a local hairdresser that must have got sick of gossiping about us, and joined in the fun. The cute sandy-haired blonde with chipmunk cheeks and a nice round ass was about ten years younger than me, but seemed to follow my pattern of behavior by...

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This is a story about how my young Hispanic Wife and I got absolutely drawn into the web of Witchy Womans Demonic and Satanic cult rituals:: WARNING:: These events are far reaching into absolute Satanic Demons summoned up to fuck my young tiny wife:: Potions of all kinds are involved and may be to much for some of you readers to grasp the horrible outcomes of reading and even trying to use such:: There is no other way to describe the vast stories of my...

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A fun little fantasy

You wake up from an erotic dream. A dream that you didn't want to end. You feel your cock, hard and wet with precum. A usual morning wood you think. So comes the time to rub it out. The plan is to remember that dream you just had. You take a deep breath, take a seat in your sofa, close your eyes, and slowly start stroking. Several minutes go by, but you just can't get that dream back into your mind. Not one scene comes back. Frustrated, you stop masturbating. You sit there in quiet for a time,...

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Godly possession

Character description:You are Dan a 19 year old boy with brown hair,blue eyes, and the most average body in the world and you also have the most boring life in the world. You go to sleep in your medium-sized red bed. In your dream you see the most beautiful woman in the world " Hello mortal I am Aphrodite and I am hear to change your life by giving you the power to swap bodies with anyone but once you swap bodies with someone you will no longer be able to go back to your body because your body...

2 years ago
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Lace CurtainsChapter 3

So what's a girl to do? I picked up the phone. "Hi, Tessa, want some company tonight? My parents are apparently planning to fuck each other blind all night long and they want me out of the house." "Well, come on over, Megan dear. I haven't seen you in a while; maybe you can 'help me with my homework.'" I loved the lewd tone in her voice, yet I went there with trepidation. Ever since that beautiful night with Kieran, the night my cherry disappeared forever, the night I welcomed his...

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