ProeliatorChapter 9 free porn video

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BamshAd and KavAd were part of our escort back to Berytus. They were much more like friends now that we had been accepted by Sapor. We had sixty additional men riding with us because of the Roman presence in the area. We had no high tech weapons and I even gave our stove and cooking implements to AsA because we were riding horses. The wagon was staying with Sapor.

I felt reluctant to leave the Persians because I had made friends with them and I guess they with me. Sapor even gave me a hug and I guess he could justify this with my apparent age and the fact that I had the body of a Frisian prince. Being a business partner had more to do with it.

We were making considerably better time on the return trip. We were going downhill and only had to put up with pack horses carrying our armour and weapons.

That night and after our meal I treated all the horses to a deworming treatment. I had done enough of this to the humans because they were just as bad. I had not yet found a way to treat fleas and lice but I was working on it. The horses were all much healthier anyway because I had done this before and now I was getting rid of the second generation worms. Hopefully before they could lay more eggs.

The next day was overcast but it was still nice. We were travelling more or less westward toward the coast. We were taking a shortcut that had many ravines that would not allow a wagon to pass easily.

BamshAd and KavAd talked about the caves in the area when I asked about bats. Some caves were large enough to contain a patrol and had done so many times. One was just off our path and while the group paused for lunch a half dozen of us took a side trail to one of the caves. I was happy to see a lot of guano high and dry. If it didn't get converted to black powder then it could be used for fertiliser.

"BamshAd, I want to see this area from higher up. Is there a place nearby?"

"There is one about ten minutes away. Are you sure you want to see this?"

This was beautiful country and twenty minutes would not hurt us. "Sure, information is always good." We found a narrow path and gained the top of the ravine then had to go further to gain the top of a nearby hill.

There was a flat area that was good for the horses half way up and we proceeded the rest of the way on foot. We stood among the large trees and I looked across the breathtaking valley and plain before me.

BamshAd pointed out our proposed route and said, "There's a good river we will follow for a short period. We will then be into farmland and you can see where it starts about twelve miles away.

I looked at a sparkle I saw in the distance and expected it to be water and focussed my eyes better on that position but the sparkle was gone. I looked around the area thinking again of water when I saw what could be a man on a horse. He was too far away to see well.

BamshAd said, "Have you seen enough my lord?"

"Just a moment more, BamshAd."

I stayed there nearly five minutes and asked BamshAd, "Is this the best route back to Berytus in this area?"

"Yes it is. The other is nearly twenty three or so miles further north then you have to go south to gain the city."

I pointed my finger then had to bring my eyesight back to what a regular person would see and used the contours of the land to ask questions.

BamshAd said, "Why are you mentioning this?"

"The Romans have set up an ambush four miles away and there seems to be four times the number of men than we have."


"They are waiting to ambush some Persians or perhaps us."

BamshAd was incredulous. We left the hill top and went north another mile and looked down at the land in that area. I could see many more Romans but we had not entered the trap yet. I gave my report while continuing to survey the land. There were now even two Romans within a few hundred metres of our camp.

I said to BamshAd, "I am not going to be able to do the same thing we did last time. I do not want a battle either. I think the best idea is to go back to the camp and pretend that we do not know of the Romans but return the way we came at a leisurely pace. If the Romans want us they will have to chase us."

"Are we really outnumbered as much as you said?"

"More, I am afraid. There are a lot of foot soldiers and they cannot run as fast or as far as a man on a horse. After an hour we will still be outnumbered by the calvary."

"You want us to run?"

"It is the only logical solution."

"We would lead them back to our king."

"Your king is breaking camp and leaving. He was only there to meet me. I do not like to see death but your king will have to fight the Romans for us."

BamshAd said, "You wanted to get to Berytus. A few can lead them back while the rest of us continue to the city."

"We are about six hours from the city now. I have a bad feeling that they have already been to my property. The Romans are not stupid either. We can be seen from a distance in a few positions and they can count horses and men."

"What do you want to do then?"

I put my hand on Mithridates' shoulder and said, "The two of us leave with you because the spies can see me. We passed some other ravines which we can hide in until the Romans pass."

"We will not be able to protect you then and what about the rest of your men?"

"They are on detached service and under Julian's command. They cannot be captured. I think the best that can be done is for them to stay with your king." Two of the men were with us now and they reacted but said nothing. They were good men and do what they must.

We hurried back to the camp and we discussed the best places the leave so that we had the best chance to keep a few hundred Romans from following me.

We came back to camp as if nothing was wrong. The men that were with us had been cautioned to be quiet but not everybody would be a good actor.

Mithridates and I shifted cargo on some of the pack horses. These would be the ones going with us. I scanned the area while we had our meal. I was sure that I was recognised easily, especially with my hair.

When we were about to continue our journey, BamshAd spoke to KavAd then started yelling at the man's incompetence. KavAd did a fair job and was even punched by BamshAd a few times to make it look realistic. I got into the conversation and it was soon decided that we had to go back to the camp to retrieve a necessary article.

KavAd was nursing his face when we got back on the horses and there were a lot of harsh words being slung around. We went back to the mountains and after a mile I healed KavAd.

"You did a very good job."

"It was in a worthy cause."

"I think so too."

"Some of us can still come with you."

"I need all of you to lead the Romans away KavAd."

Most of the men still did not understand what was happening. The Romans could see if the men were very worried and looked back constantly. They would act more natural in ignorance.

Then minutes before our departure I called the twelve men to me one at a time and told them what was happening and what they had to do. Not one of them liked their orders but they did them anyway.

The ravine we were in narrowed but there were a lot of trees here. Saplings were cut and then dragged behind the packhorses Mithridates and I had. There was only a few moments to spare and I thanked the Persians for all their help. I think they would die to protect me even without their king's orders.

Mithridates and I went over the hard rocky area and a lot of dust was stirred up but it followed us instead of drifting back towards the Romans that were sure to follow.

We tried to make as much distance as possible in the time we had. As we climbed out of our own ravine, I could hear the sound of a great many horses galloping after the Persians.

Mithridates said, "What do we do now?"

We can ride for an hour and come back down through another ravine. We may have to wait nearby to make sure all the Romans have taken the bait and left."

"You should never trust Romans anyway."

"The more sophisticated a race is the more you are right."

By midafternoon I saw no sign of any Roman activity and we hurried down to the original trail and then toward Berytus. It was late by the time we got there but we were not headed to the city but my land and people.

There was no sign of life at all but I was wary. Mithridates stayed with the horses as I slipped through the orchards. I could smell smoke but it was not fresh. There was nothing but the night sounds of the wind, animals and insects.

It took a full hour to circle the property to find that there was no guards of mine or of the Romans. Getting closer I could smell blood and flies were still feasting on this when it was not allowed to sink into the soil.

I came to a large mound of fresh earth with my heart in my throat. I didn't have to dig into it to find what it contained. I could smell the corruption with my altered sense of smell. The visage of KhAvar and the rest of the people were vivid in my mind and I had to hope that not all of them were killed.

The soil over the cache of gold had not been touched nor had the land around my ammo dump. Those that helped me build these secret areas had not apparently entered or allowed others to find my horde.

It was after midnight when I got back to Mithridates. He was worried and had his sword out and ready to fight. I was much the same because I wanted to kill whoever had done this.

I said, "They are all gone. Some of our people were killed and buried. Some of their homes were put to the torch."

"It had to be the Romans, but why? I do not think they would do this because you bested them when we were going to see my king."

"They could but I think the one to ask is the commander of the garrison. They would know or at least have an idea."

We headed back to our horses but I stopped a few hundred metres away and put my hand on Mithridates to stop him too. Mithridates stayed in position while I moved to the left and listened again. There was only one person there and I figured it was a spy. There was a lot of ambient light so I deduced the person's probable location and came at him from directly away from the horses. I was sure he would be watching them.

There was grass and weeds between the trees. I went slow until I was very close. At the base of an apple tree was a small person that I had to assume was a boy or young man. When I was just a few metres away I said loudly, "What are you doing here?"

The boy jumped, rolled, twisted and basically didn't know what to do. He ended up with his back against the bole of the tree and tried to see who his antagonist was. I did not go close because the boy had a small knife in his left hand.

"I asked a question. What are you doing here?"

Mithridates was racing in and I guess the noise of his arrival frightened the boy even more. Mithridates said loudly with a sword in his hand, "What did you find?"

"A spy."

From the boy I heard in an accented Pahlavi, "I came to watch this property."

I said, "Who told you to watch this place?"

"Nobody. I was fed and given a bed by the nice lady. When the Romans came, I managed to get away before they took me too."

"What were you watching for?"

"For you to come back."


"Nobody looks like you. I learned a great deal talking to all of your people. I saw you many times in the city but I was never able to get close."

"Tell me what happened here."

"Six days ago, Romans came into the area from the sea and from the land. There were hundreds of them. They did not ask anything, they just attacked. Many of your people were killed. The Romans you left here were the bravest but I do not think any of them survived.

"The soldiers searched the land for a long time and tortured people to find gold. They thought you had a lot of it. They loaded up the people in your ships and they left two days ago."

I asked, "Do you know where they went?"

"When the Romans were asking questions there were a lot of people from the city that came here. There was fighting. They did not like what the Romans had done. I heard one Roman say they had to go to Ampelos before they do something else. I do not know Latin very well."

"Did you see KhAvar?"

"She is the lady that helped me. She was hurt but she was still able to walk."

"Which way did they go when they left?"

The boy was now on his feet and his knife put away. He pointed to the north. I turned to Mithridates and asked, "Do you know of any place called Ampelos that is to the north?"

"Ampelos is on the southern shore and the east end of Crete."

"Is there a Roman military base nearby or a rich man's personal army?"

"Some of each I am afraid. We should talk to the commander of the base here to find out what he knows. We don't know how sympathetic he is now. If his superiors tell him to jump up and down he will do so until he is told to stop."

Mithridates and I questioned the young man a bit more. There were none of the Romans left in the area but he was not sure. I knew if I found one of them, they would soon tell me everything I wanted to know.

The young man's name was Lazeez. He was small for his age and not really a boy. He did very well in bringing me this information. After finding out as much as I could about the Romans and the attack I continued with the young man's past.

Lazeez was an orphan of about sixteen. He was not too sure of his age. He had been on his own since ten. His parents were traders that had been overcome with the plague. His features were subtly different and I would term him an Arab rather than a Persian. The boy had made it to this area a few months after his parents' deaths. He had been living hand to mouth ever since.

He had dark hair and his features were just a little different from the local Persians. He was not a follower of Mohammad because the man and the religion of Islam would not be born for a few hundred years. Lazeez had been a follower of Mithra, the same as the majority of the Roman soldiers and merchants. I did seem to trust him for some reason.

I gave the young man a coin and said, "We need somebody to watch our horses and property. Are you interested in helping us?"

"Yes, my lord. I will do this even without pay."

"It looks like you need some pay to get fed. You're very thin." The young man just smiled and nodded his head in acceptance.

Mithridates and I took just our horses into town. Mithridates said, "Why did you trust that boy with our horses? He is probably a thief."

"You do what you have to, to survive."

The gates to the fort were closed which was not the usual but the attacking Romans and the threats of the Persians may make this happen more often now. I was prepared for this and by bringing rope and a hook wrapped in more rope to keep the sound of iron on stone to a minimum. I was also prepared by bringing a dark camouflage suit.

The fort shared a wall with the city and it was this area that I attacked first. It took three casts until the hook caught the stonework. Mithridates and I waited five minutes for a sentry to arrive but none came.

I climbed the rope quickly and listened near the top but heard no breathing from anybody waiting for me. Once I gained the battlements, Mithridates left to wait between some nearby buildings.

There were three sentries. They were asleep in moments and I went to the guardhouse. Only one man was on duty and this was the man in charge of the detail at night. I had not been into this room before. I did rush in with my blade drawn. The man jumped up from a table. An oil lamp went flying and so did a jug of wine.

He could not see me and nervously demanded, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"I am Jón. I want to know what happened to my people."

The man relaxed a bit and this was encouraging. "Ah... Lucius Quinctius Flaminius sent his men to recover some property of his that was stolen by pirates and then you took possession of it. He said some of the people were his slaves.

"He was after you too. I heard that our Augustus wants to talk to you. We had nothing to do with the attack on your lands. In fact, we were ordered to stay within the city. Ah... some of your people were not taken. The citizens hid them in their homes. We even hid some here in the fort until the soldiers left."

I asked in a less forceful voice, "Where did they go?"

"They took most of our horses and headed east. The rest sailed away in their ships and yours. I don't know where they went. We talked among ourselves and figure it is someplace in Crete. Did you kill all the soldiers that went after you?"

I thought for a few minutes then said, "I was contacted by Sapor. We had a talk and I think he is ready to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the war. The soldiers you spoke of, set a trap for us. They are now chasing our escort and some of my men. Sapor will be the one to greet them though."

"Did you kill any Persians?"


"We heard you and Woden put a patrol to sleep."

"They were going to keep me from talking to Sapor. Now before you ask any more questions, what more can you do to help me?"

The man thought for a moment and said, "I guess there is little I can help, wait... Lucius Quinctius is well known for setting traps. This sounds like bait to me."

"You may be right. They may not like it if they get hold of me."

I woke up the sentries. I was then allowed to exit through the door of the fort like a gentleman which I decidedly didn't figure I was now. I was out for blood. Quinctius was the highest ranking man behind the pirates that I had found so far. I was not sure if he was top dog or not though.

We had a busy morning. With no immediate threat, I called those of my people that escaped and gave them the job of repairing my property. The Romans people had a lot of good and bad ideas. One was for a patron to look over his people and they would support him. Whether I was acting like a Roman or not, I had to look out for those that depended on me.

If some soldiers made it back here they would harm or enslave those they found that were affiliated with me. I had to pay the people so they could eat in my absence. The work they were going to do was a way of living without resorting to welfare. Welfare did not exist in the Roman state and I did not like the idea either. In some rare instances I knew that it was unavoidable.

Lazeez was being fed very well and he now bulged. He seemed very pleased to have met us.

Mithridates was at the harbour looking for any of his men that may have escaped. His ship, like mine, was missing. His ship was his life and he needed it back. We had a trip to make and perhaps a war to fight.

It seemed that I now had a city behind me. The attack had galvanised most to do something about it. This resulted in many deaths of innocent people. This too had to be paid one way or another.

The commander of the fort appeared to be an honourable fellow and I gave him gold to continue the work on my land. This would employ the people of the city in general and not my own people. The invaders would then be termed pirates themselves if any were able to return. It would be very unlikely though.

I could not necessarily call on the military because I had no patron to promote my cause. I could not call on the police because there were none. A city or town would hire men to watch for crime but they were actually a private police force. These or small armies were the closest substitute. They did not show allegiance to a country or empire but to their patron again. Roman law was famous but it only came into play when someone corrupting the law could be caught in the act.

Romans gathered strength in the cities. They sought the acclaim from fellow Romans. Rumours here could tear apart a family as easily as weapons. Men trying to climb higher in social status and try for a seat in the senate had to pull down the enemies of their patron. This was in fact always happening.

A governor or legate had enormous power as did a general. When away from Rome they could do much of what they wanted but to be caught at it and ridiculed in Rome was what they sought to avoid at all costs.

All I had to do to get revenge was to show that a wealthy and respected man or group of men were doing piratical acts. If I could prove this then they and their families would fall to a much lower standing.

The Roman system was much different to when and where I came from but it was not bad. The Romans, seeking justification for their acts of bravery or unselfishness, had to put forth a code of ethics. If they had to pretend long enough then their actions would be a benefit to the empire.

I was now being moulded by Roman society. Those that I tried to help found themselves in the usual role of client and accepted this easily. It brought a certain amount of loyalty to me but also a commitment to help in turn. Helping the city prosper now was the least I could do for the people.

Mithridates came to me later with some information, "I found a ship that is suitable enough. They did not come cheap though. They will have nothing to trade."

Same as Proeliator
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Hi I am Rohit mai mimbai mai rhta hu mai ekmiddle family s belong karta hu mujhe bhabhi or aunty psand h chaye 40 bhi chalegi jo mja autnty ke sath h or kisi mai nhi maine abhimtak 3 aunty choda hu start maine gujrt se kiya jaha mujhe malum pada ki sex ka maja kya hota hota h mre sabfrd bole h ki ladki dekn lekin mai aunty mai lean hota hu aunty se khubsurt koi nhi h mai dekhne mai bhi good looking hu mera flirt karna sabko psand h Gujrat mai mai apne chacha ke pass gaya tha ghumne ke liye mere...

4 years ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 10

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

4 years ago
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A PonyGirl for life

We grew up on seperate farms less than a mile apart.  We were meant for each other she used to say.  She had this midwestern farmers daughter appeal about her that matured as she grew older and started to become a young woman.   For me it was mostly about her body.   By 18, Jenny was a hot piece of ass.  Between working on the farm and running track in high school, despite her tomboy attitude, she was pure, prime sex meat.     Jenny had this thing about horses, her uncle who owned the farm had...

2 years ago
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Harrys Quest part two

Casting the dismal memory of Marina aside, he looked at his watch. Nine oclock. Much too early for bed. Or at least, for his own bed. He turned to the back pages of his contacts book and made a few calls. After three invitations to leave a message after the tone and one sorry, Im washing my hair, he gave up. He knew of one or two watering holes where his acquaintances would be but a night out with the guys didnt appeal. He was hungry. No point in looking in the fridge: it was due for...

Straight Sex
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my sisters my slave 2

She came over and said, "I think that move will help me this year. I can't see many girls being able to defend that." She tilted up the water bottle, and before I could say anything the top came loose, and soaked the front of her tee-shirt. The water made the tee-shirt transparent, and the tits that I had noticed bouncing while we played, I could now see quite plainly. I had guessed that she did not have a bra on while we were playing, and the sight confirmed that fact. I remember...

2 years ago
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Reprogramming Rob

Rob liked precision. Rob liked predictability. Rob liked the programmable. It was about being in control. He pulled the bank balance from his smartphone onto the budget program he had created on his laptop. Not good news, but it was precise. It all tallied up. It did mean, however, he had just enough money to see him through the next two weeks till the end of term, when his parents would release the next tranche of funds. His father was strict on sticking to their arrangement, but Rob couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Butts of the Princesses of Layland

There were three things that set Bryan apart from other well-liked and decent young men who populated the two-year old Principality of Layland.  The most noticeable was his great wealth. He had become a billionaire a few times over and it happened nearly overnight. His good fortune emerged from a bad decision.  You see, a shyster real estate man knew Bryan had a little money and he lied about mineral and oil reserves under Layland Acres and he told Bryan if he purchased the property immediately...

2 years ago
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Erotic SnippetsChapter 5

Rubbing my eyes, I crawled back into bed beside my husband. The night was still very hot, and even with the windows open all the way and little clothing we were still almost feverishly hot under the covers. I touched my breast through my top lightly; although I’d cleaned up afterwards, my milk was still coming a little bit. My husband rolled towards me. He too was drifting in and out of sleep due to the heat and our infant son, but he didn’t seem to mind overmuch. Clumsy with sleep, and...

2 years ago
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt22

Chapter 24 "Okay Marcy, now get back up and Minthe back to the vanity table. Jutht like it'th important to know how to apply makeup, it'th important to know how to remove it ath well. After all we don't want you developing a bad thkin cauthe of all the makeup you're uthing," Stephanie ordered not even giving Marcy a few minutes to deal with what had just happened. She wanted Marcy Looking at least somewhat more presentable already by the time her stepmother would be coming...

3 years ago
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Surely Hell

Surely Hell. This is surely hell. The bed is soft, but that is the only comfort, and for his benefit rather than mine. I roll a little to ease the pain on my arms, which are folded tightly behind me, secured together across the small of my back with cable ties. My legs are bound separately with more of the unyielding plastic, but with ankles tied to thighs, thus legs folded, I cannot move even enough to fall off this bed or out of the cloying sheets that cover me. The darkness is...

2 years ago
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Sasurji Ne Sex Kiya

Hi everyone. Mera naam asha hai. Mein 22 years ki hoon, Nagpur mein rehti hoon. Meri arrange marriage hui thi. Ye kahani ek saal pehle ki hai jab meri nayi nayi shaadi hui thi. Mere ghar main mere pati(30years), Sasurji (56 years) or mein rehte hai. Meri saas das saal pehle hi guzar gayi. Mere sasurji tabse sex keliye bekaraar the. Mere pati mujhse bohot pyar karte hai. Unki naukri marketing hai, unko sheher se bahar jana padta hai. Ek baar unko Mumbai jana pada kaam se 6 din ke liye. Mera man...

3 years ago
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Hes right Im a perverted WB Gay

"You're a pervert! Mommy says you like boys, not girls!"I was talking to my daughter on line via an instant message service and I was shocked at what I was seeing. She had been at my house the night before and demanded that I take her home after seeing something on the computer she said she should never have seen. She wouldn't tell me what it was, but I knew there were some adult websites buried deep in my internet browser that she might have discovered. "Dad, mom said you cheated on her with a...

2 years ago
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Rachels Revenge

This is a long, slowly-developing story about psychosexual disorders and their impact on interplaying characters. It’s in four parts, so doesn’t have to be consumed in one read. If you’re looking for a comedy, this isn’t it. Votes and constructive feedback are appreciated. Part 1 The phone interrupted me as I was in the kitchen preparing pasta. ‘Val!…Oh, Val! Please come quickly! Something awful’s happened! Denise has drowned in the pool!’ It was Rachel calling, panicked, just returned from...

2 years ago
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story of sarah

There’s nothing truly great about it. Alcohol that is. It helps me forget but tonight just seems wrong. With so many people around, making so much noise. Why do they have to be noisy? Looking around I see a bunch of frat boys in the corner smiling and laughing and being over all drunk jerks to any good looking girl in this joint. I see the usual crowd in here as well. Most of the time they seem all too high and mighty, barely talking to anyone. Then there’s all the new...

2 years ago
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My late night dinner with Keilana Love

I maneuvered my car through the heavy traffic. I was on my way to see Keilana Love, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman in the world. Work had kept Keilana and I away from each other for the last two weeks. Longing to see my darling lent urgency to my trip. Keilana and I had planned to have a late dinner and well we would see where the night would lead us. I screeched to a halt in front of Keilana’s apartment block. I jumped out of my car and bounded up the stairs. Keilana’s...

2 years ago
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Lund With Honey 8211 Part II

Hello dosto kese ho aap sab… jayesh ko aap sab ka sex bhara namaskar…. Aap sab k kafi mail mile muje sab ko lund with honey-1 bahut achha laga …. Aur usi story ka dusra hissa ab aapko batane jar aha hu…..jisne part 1 na padha ho vo pahele padhe uske baad hi part 2 padhe… sabhi anunty ko mery ye request he….. ab suru karte he lund with honey .. Dusre din subah me der se utha… raat ko kafi jagne ki vajah se…..fir dopahar ka lunch kiya… aur me aram kar raha that v dekh raha tha…. Aunty ki dono...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Ashlyn Peaks Sneaky Neighbor

Ashlyn Peaks is jogging her tits, jiggling everywhere. Jay Bangher can’t help but watch. She Stops to stretch. She needs to take a dip in the pool. Jay Followers her. Get gets completely naked. Her big boobs are ready for the water. Jay is hiding in the plants watches every move as she gets in. She slashes around, getting her tits real wet. Jay moves closer and starts jerking it. She notices and gets up to scold him, but she is too horny to mad. She drags him into her house to fuck. Jay...

3 years ago
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Sons Turns His Sexy Mom Into Slutty Girlfriend

This is Varun here and this story is about how seduced my mom and ended up loving her from head to toe. I am in the first year college doing my engineering. Natasha is my mom’s name and she is a 44 years old hot and sexy woman. Not that I always fantasized about mom but my first semester in the college changed everything. My friends introduced me to this incest concept and I heard a lot of stories about how they fucked their cousins and aunts. Hearing those used to give me a hard-on. What I...

3 years ago
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Cottaging Recollection

This happened a few years back but the memory of it makes me bone up every time.From being a permanently boned-up schoolboy any chance to have a crafty wank & I'd take it.Whether it was at the back of the class rubbing away at my knob in my tight black school trousers feeling my piss-slit ooze pre-slime through the material,or at the back of the schoolbus or in a secluded spot if I walked home,public lavs,even in the sacristry at church when I was an alter boy...anywhere.Back then one of my...

4 years ago
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Sushmita Bhahi Part 4

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… Part 4 Hamara pahle round kee chudai khatam hote hee baahar se darwaja knock huwa. Us ladki ne kaun hai puchhte huwe darwaja khol diya. Room men ek saath 10 ladke prawist huwe. Hamen pahle se hee nanga dekh kar we jaldi jaldi apne kapre kholne lage aur kuchh hi der men we sab bhi nange ho gaye. Un men se har ek ka lund tana huwa tha. Un men se kisi ka bhi lund 10 inch se kam ka naheen tha. We do group men bant kar ham dono kee taraf badhne...

4 years ago
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Sex with Daddy

Introduction: Daughter releives dads pent up sexual tension My mom and dad were great parents and deeply in love with each other for over 40 years. My mom was deeply religious and had always told my three sisters and I that sex was made for making babies and not for enjoyment or pleasure. After she had become unable to bear children she stopped having any sexual relations with my dad. Despite the private nature of their relationship she told my sisters and I how she would no longer become...

4 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 30

William Redman Carter looked at the check and then across the patio table at Oscar. He was impressed by the size of the check. Raising an eyebrow, William asked, “How did you manage to win so much in Las Vegas?” “I was seeing the future,” Oscar said gesturing to the sky with an open hand hoping that William wouldn’t think he was insane. “You were seeing the future?” William asked leaning forward in his seat. His curiosity had gone into overdrive on hearing that Oscar was seeing the...

3 years ago
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The Curious Tale of Kitty Meowenstein

No world existed beyond the spill of cold light from the car headlamps. A midnight shroud had settled, smothering the land in a gloom where only dim glimmers and deep dark shadows existed. Storm clouds loomed menacingly in the nighttime sky, threatening a downpour that no living soul would wish to be caught in. The streetlights of civilisation seemed to provide people with a false sense of security once the sun set below the horizon, but out in the sparsely populated backwoods there were none....

1 year ago
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Open for public

Mom was very worried about my marriage, because I had become very notorious and no one would ever marry me! I was too young to be married any way. But Mom somehow found a widower in his forties, saying that she was too poor to support me and so was giving me in marriage. Later I came to know that the widower had come to know my history. His first wife was very cold and he never got satisfaction. So this time he wanted a hot girl! He did not know that I was burning hot for him! On the day of my...

4 years ago
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Family 8211 The Key

Mera nam rohan hai or main delhi se hun koi bhi aunty ya chachi mjhe cntct kr skti hai . Mera 7.5 inch lamba or 3 inch mota hai ..Or sab se khas bat ek bar hone ke bad ek mint me hi vapis erect ho jata hai. Ek rat me 5 -6 bar to aaram se kr skta hun ab apko bore na krte hue story pe ata hun . Chachi ki umar 26 ki par lagti choti bachi hi thi. 34 ke boobs 36 ki ass. Kafi hasin h chachi.Chachi ka nam sunita hai.Koi bhi ek bar chachi ko dekh le to esa ho nhn sakta ki us ka samp khada na ho. Bat...

2 years ago
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Schwarz Weiss

Aus schwarz mach weiss Gelangweilt sah er die Bewerbungen durch. Zu jung, zu alt, sieht scheisse aus… Oh Mann dachte er, sollte ich nicht die Bewerbungen nach Qualifikation durchsehen? Leise lachte eine kleine Stimme in seinem Kopf: mach ich ja, fickbar oder nicht? Dann fasste er einen Entschluss, vier Stellen waren in der Produktion ausgeschrieben. Alle im Niedriglohnsektor. Aber in dieser Stadt waren diese Stellen dennoch heiß begehrt. Genau deshalb hatte er hier die besten Chancen. Wenn...

3 years ago
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Nasty Boy

It had been an incredibly hot summer. So hot, that the air conditioning at school had broken down. Upon finding out it would take several hours to make repairs, the Principle of the school decided to send everyone home. Not that I minded, being a Friday for me meant an unexpected long weekend. At just fifteen years old, most of the guys I ran around with had decided to head over to the local public pool for an afternoon swim. Wanting to go with them, I first needed to head home, get permission...

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My wifethe cum whore Part 2

Introduction: This is the second part to the story. Check out and leave some comments. The best part is part 3 and will be coming soon! Part 2: So after I caught my wife cheating on me with my then best friend, I started looking into more of what she has done or was doing. I hired a private investigator to follow her around for a month. I wasnt sure what would come up, but I wanted proof of whatever it was. I hadnt decided if I wanted to leave her or not. She had been begging me for...

1 year ago
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DNA II by Stephanie 1. Chapter Cold and discomfort welcomed Paul as he struggled awake. Outside, dawn was breaking. Stiffly, he sat upright and watched the sun clear the hills on the horizon. As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all been some insane dream. That he still had his own tall, muscular body. Not a half female, half male one. He could still remember vividly...

2 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 30 That Really Hurts

At Punishment the next day in front of all the other girls, Jacqui remembered that there are punishments that not even the most devout masochist can enjoy, or convert to sexual pleasure. Martha briefly outlined Jacqui's "crimes", which amounted to risking Martha's income by letting a client nearly kill her, and upsetting said client because his experiment failed. "The punishment will be three strokes of the thin cane for each offence," Martha intoned and Jacqui was truly amazed. The...

1 year ago
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My Fantassy Chapter 3

“A little.” Teena observed sarcastically. Sissy started putting a lunch of cold fried chicken and tater salad on the table asking, “So, who’s hungry?” As we sat eating, Jerry began asking the obvious questions. “Did I hear Teena saying something about wanting more? What was she talking about?” As he sniffed the air suspiciously. “Kinda smells like someone was enjoying themselves. Would I be wrong in saying almost like an orgy?” “No, you wouldn’t be wrong. As a matter of fact, both Teena...

3 years ago
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KineticChapter 5

One month later... Time: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:40 PM Eastern Standard Time I felt my heart leap when I came home from school a few days before my 18'th birthday. Melanie had sent me another letter! I raced upstairs to my bedroom and sat down at my desk to look at it. It had the same strange business with the return address as before. After staring at it for a moment, I opened it and saw that Melanie had sent me a handmade birthday card. The first drawing had a simple stick...

1 year ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 38 Summers End

Victor entered a bar called ‘The Point.’ It was just on the border of the town where he was the Chief of Police. He took a seat at one end of the bar intending to spend a couple of hours watching what kind of clientele the bar attracted. Even though this was a quiet suburban neighborhood, bars tended to be the source of a major problem -- drunk drivers. The grizzled bartender walked down the bar and asked, “What can I do for you, Chief?” “Chief?” “You’re the new police chief. I recognized...

1 year ago
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Mothers Day

"Hey Captain!" I said into my phone."Hey Sailor!" my dad said."How are they hanging?" I queried."One in front of the other, for speed!" He's a fighter pilot, that's the standard reply. "And yourself?""I'm high speed, low-drag sir!" We both chuckled. I'm not in the Navy, just going to college, but I know the lingo pretty good."You're going home for Mother's Day, right?" he asked."Oh yeah, dad. I'm going home, uh, Friday afternoon. After class gets out. Please tell me you sent something?"We both...

3 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 43

Nick and I start the drive home. I decide that I would not allow him the pleasure of touching my foot on the way home. I want to tease him. I slip off my shoes. I watch his eyes. I see them travel down my legs to my toes. I wiggle them and laugh to myself. I look over and I can see he is hard and ready. I can tell he wants my foot in his lap badly. He goes back to watching the road. As we drive down the road the leaves from the tress are falling are cover the road. It is just starting to...

4 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 36

I was busy most of the first part of the week, getting everything ready for our trip up to Salem. I spent half of Monday and Tuesday with Ken, in search of an attorney who would agree to defend the partnership's participants claims in front of the Internal Revenue Service, should it ever come to that. The workaround that Ken had come up with was tricky, but, if it was disallowed, the tax advantages would also be nullified. Ken felt that we needed an attorney who understood the logic behind...

4 years ago
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Disco NightsChapter 3

Pregnant? I just stared at her in disbelief! Could this get any worse? Wouldn't this ever end? Slowly I said, "What makes you think that?" "I'm almost three weeks late for my period. And I have been sick and throwing up almost every morning for the last week." I just kept looking at her. She waited, her eyes darting all around but not looking me in the face. Finally she blurted out, "Aren't you going to say anything?" I just shook my head, "Congratulations I guess, so who's the...

2 years ago
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She smiled at him as she came off the airplane his arms soon wrapping her in a strong embrace their lips met. She looked into his handsome face the kindness in his eyes. They walked together out to where he was parked. He started the car, his eyes lingered on her body. He leaned over and whispered to her a single word “Undress” she looked at him a bit shocked and as they left the parking garage the unfastened her skirt and pulled it down over her long smooth thighs. She couldn’t believe that...

4 years ago
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The Lone Wolf

All of the usual disclaimers apply. This story is entirely fictional. This story contains depictions of young boys engaging in sexual acts, if you are offended or do not enjoy this subject do not read. This story contains characters and places from A Game of Thrones from the series A Song of Ice and Fire written by George RR Martin. All places and characters contained therein are his work and belong to him. Please do not publish this story anywhere without asking me first by emailing me at...

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