Follow Me... free porn video

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The drive to work was a mundane one, the same 32 miles, the majority on a dual carriageway and insufferably dull. I made the journey 5 days a week and had done so since April when I had started my new job as a manager of a team in Birmingham. It was a good job, perhaps not the most exciting but a good job nevertheless.

I tended to try to beat the morning traffic, I knew that if I left before 7am I could be in around 8am. If I left it much later, everything seemed to back up and I could struggle on occasions to get there for 9am. So after a few months I dropped into a routine, get up, shower and shave, cup of tea and some cereal and then in the car in time to catch the 7 o'clock news. I drive a black Ford Focus, mid range, but comfy enough and very economical. I had been single since my separation the previous year, we had grown apart after 20 years of being together. My wife was in a new relationship but we remained good mates -- we'd had plenty of good times together but simply worn each other out.

Even with the early start there was always a slight back up, one stretch of the journey had recently had installed a 60mph speed limit, it is for about 5 miles and it is controlled by average speed cameras. The result being that everyone drops their speed to 63/64 mph and we all cruise along together, variously passing each other very slowly. At the end there is a large island and as the two lanes approach it, there is invariably a 3 -- 400 yard queue. It moves fairly quickly but it is a bit frustrating, at that time in the morning you just want to get across the island, back onto the quicker part of the dual carriageway and into work.

I first noticed her about a month ago, I think she passed me first, on the 60 mph section, she cruised past me a couple of mph quicker than me. She was in a 4x4 so was a bit higher up but I could see that she was blonde -- platinum blonde, pretty and her nails were immaculate as she gripped the steering wheel. It was a couple of days later that I saw her again, once more she cruised past me, this time she had more than got my interest, so once she had pulled in front of me and slowed slightly I gradually pulled out and passed her. She didn't seem to notice me checking her out, her hair was just beyond shoulder length and there appeared to be a healthy swell of her chest. She was well tanned and perfectly made up with pale pink lip-gloss and French manicured nails. As we approached the roundabout she stayed behind me so I continued to check her out in the mirror. She didn't notice at all, but I enjoyed the view and it made my journey brighter. Eventually though the traffic moved and we crossed the roundabout. Once on the faster section she soon pulled out and zoomed past me, she would be at work before me for sure.

About a week later I saw her again, this time there was an accident ahead and we were backed up. I was fed up but had the radio on high and was singing along to Meatloaf. As we crawled along, I glanced sideways and there she was, my vision of beauty, also singing along as Meat belted it out. This time we both glanced at each other at the same time, realised we both been caught singing along without a care in the world. The banality of it tickled us both and we both stopped and laughed almost apologetically. She had a beautiful smile and laugh it was just a random moment, we sort of waved at each other and looked away -- concentrate on the road I thought. I had though been able to hold the glance long enough to confirm my fleeting view of before that she did indeed have a full chest, her seatbelt was stretched across and between her breasts and they filled her blouse impressively. Once past the roundabout though, she was off again, I began to wonder where she worked.

I looked out for her as I drove home but never saw her. The following morning I followed the usual routine got into the car just in time for the news, and set off to work. I kept checking the mirror looking out for the red 4x4 and my anonymous blonde but there was no sign, I wondered where she was and where she worked.

It was 2 weeks last Friday when I saw her again, I was almost into the city when she whizzed past me, I had a bit of time so I thought I would try to see where she was going. As we got into the centre it was easy to see where she was going the bright red Kuga stood out a mile. I had reached my normal parking area and was just about to pull in and park up when saw her indicating left. What the hell, I could always do a loop around, so I carried on a little further and turned up the same street. Just in time, I saw her pull into a private underground garage. She sure had my interest.

The day didn't go as planned, I was looking to get away at 3pm but was told early on that I was needed in a meeting with the boss at 4pm. That was likely to go on until at least 5, still that meant I had the opportunity for a leisurely lunch. It was a lovely late spring day so I decided to walk into the square and grab a sandwich and a juice. I was sitting there minding my own business when she walked straight into the coffee shop. A couple of minutes later she came out clutching a sandwich and a coffee. It was busy but there were a few spare tables, but she came straight over to me.

"Hi" she said, "I think we have sort of met but then again we haven't, I'm Penny."

"John" I mumbled, "please, feel free", I gestured to the empty seat.

She was even more beautiful than I had realised, petite -- about 5'2" but with a gorgeous figure. Her full breasts filled her silk blouse and pushed out the lapels of her navy suit jacket nicely, she had tight matching trousers on that were immaculately tailored. As she bent to put her bag on the floor, I had an excellent view of her behind, round and homely. A perfect shape for me, I started to wonder what it would be like to fuck her in the shower.

I was brought back to earth when I caught her say something about Radio 2.

"Sorry" I said,

"So you listen to Radio 2 on the way in as well do you?" she asked

"Yes, sorry, I was miles away, I'm afraid I do, can't say my singing is up to much though, probably as well we were in separate cars, it could have been a painful experience for you."

"Really?" she said with a mischievous grin, "I might have enjoyed that."

We chit chatted whilst we ate our sandwiches and drank our coffee, I learned she was a lawyer, loved her job, hated her journey and was single and had a teenager lad who had just gone off to college. I was doing the calculations, he had to be 18 minimum, she really didn't look old enough...

"39 " she said, as if reading my mind, "It's my fortieth in 3 weeks."

I managed to mumble something about her not looking a day over 25 and that all his friends must love coming around to see him. She laughed and there was a definite twinkle in her eyes. We continued chatting, it seemed very natural and easy to talk to her and the conversation became increasingly flirtatious, she certainly had my interest! Before we knew it though it was time to get back to work. I thanked her for sharing lunch with me and I promised to carry on singing -- with the windows very firmly closed.

I went back to work a spent most of the afternoon wondering whether we really had made a connection, whether there was an opportunity and whether we would meet again.

The 4pm meeting was a bind, too many people have too much too say and not making much sense, my thoughts kept drifting, especially when the Assistant Director popped a button and revealed a little too much cleavage -- nice but not as good as my goddess from the coffee shop.

Finally I got away at 5.20pm, right at the peak of the rush hour. I crawled out of the city and finally made it to the dual carriageway but it was still slow. I had the radio for company though and was looking forward to a cool beer once I got home. Then the traffic news came on, accident on the road I was on, one lane blocked and long delays -- it was right ahead of me, no chance of escaping it, the traffic was already drawing to a halt. Ah well, nothing I can do about it but to sing-a-long. I moved about a mile in 30 minutes, the outside lane seemed to be moving a little faster though, I kept checking out the drivers as the meandered past. And then there she was -- her 4x4 gradually came up alongside -- I was singing to Tom Jones - so was she, we exchanged glances, and laughed -- shrugged shoulders at each other and smiled again. Then, without warning she looked straight at me and mouthed very clearly "Follow me!".

I just nodded, and we both smiled, her lane moved and I managed to pull in behind her. My mind raced ahead -- I wondered what she had in mind and I felt a definite stirring.

The traffic took an age but finally we cleared the accident and began to build up speed, it was difficult to keep up with her, but I just about managed it. Eventually she indicated left and slowed slightly to take the exit. I followed at a reasonable distance wondering what she had planned I didn't think for a minute about the risks of following a complete stranger into a part of the town I was not familiar with. She continued for a couple of miles and then indicated right and turned into a modest modern housing estate. Her car slowed again and she turned into a drive in front of a detached house. There was space on the drive for two cars, so I pulled right alongside. I looked over and smiled, she smiled back grabbed her bag and stepped out of the car and walked to the front door. I jumped out of the car, trying to gather my thoughts.

"Quick" she whispered, "don't let all the neighbours see."

I stepped into the house and she closed the door behind me, dropping her bag onto the low table next to the door. She walked past me and started to climb the stairs, I stood rooted to the spot. A few steps up, she stooped, looked over her shoulder straight at me and whispered "Follow Me!"

I started after her. I was now fully aroused. At the top of the stairs, I caught her shoulder, she turned and I bent my head to kiss her. She inclined her neck to me and our lips met. It was a gentle caress, a brush of our lips. My hands reached behind her and I held her to me, and I slipped my hand beneath her hair and to the back of her head. We kissed again, more urgently this time, our mouths parted and our tongues touched. Her body was pressed against mine, my erect cock was straining in my trousers, she must have felt it as we held each other tightly, it was pressed firmly into her tummy. She broke our kiss and pulled me through the door and into the master bedroom. We grabbed each other again and kissed, deeply, moving towards the bed. The backs of my knees hit the bed and I fell back onto it. She stood up from me, I reached for her.

"Wait" she said and stepped away from me. "I'll be back in 2 mins. There is another bathroom on the landing if you need it." I almost ran to the bathroom. I figured I ought to pee and clean up. But it was mighty difficult with a rock hard cock.

Eventually though I managed it, had a quick rinse of water, kicked of my shoes and jacket and went back to the bedroom. I sat back on the bed. Within a minute or so she appeared from the en suite. A stunning vision of beauty. Her suit jacket and trousers were gone, her hair cascading over her ivory silk blouse that had several buttons undone, her bra had disappeared as well but the fabric of her blouse was still stretched taut by the swell of her breasts, the outline of her nipples clearly visible through the silky blouse. Her knickers were plain and white but high legged and she had kept her heels. She had re-done her make and her lips looked so kissable. She walked towards me as I sat at the end of the bed. I started to rise to meet her but she pushed me back and sat astride me as we kissed again. My hands ran up and down her back under her blouse, allowing my fingernails to lightly scratch and tickle her back, from the nape of her neck down to the tops of her knickers. We continued our deep kiss, tongues battled each other. Her chest was pushing into mine and she was grinding herself onto me.

Then she stopped, pulled herself off of me and stood in front of me. He blouse still fastened by a few buttons.

"Stand up" she said. I rose and reached for her.

"No," she said, "stand still, you have too many clothes on."

She reached up to the knot on my tie and pulled it open, she dragged the tie and pulled it out from around my neck.

"That may come in useful later," she said as she dropped it to the floor.

She began to unbutton my shirt, from the top down pulling it out from my trousers as she went as she was doing this I unfastened the cufflinks and dropped them on the bed. Once undone she pulled it off from my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Her fingers now went to my belt, expertly she pulled the leather strap out of the buckle and unfastened it. She popped the button on the trousers and slowly, so slowly worked the zipper down. My trousers fell to the floor and I was stood there in front of her in my socks and tight boxers, massive hard on jutting out of the front and a large spot of precum at the tip of my cock.

Now it was my turn, I tipped her chin up to my face and kissed her. At the same time I began to unbutton the few buttons left on her blouse. As that slipped off her shoulders and onto the floor, her breasts were magnificent, well rounded firm and topped off with large brown nipples that stood out to a point about half an inch proud. I ran the backs of my nails around the edges of her breasts, I so wanted to grab and squeeze them but wanted to savour this. Gradually I worked my fingernails inwards in a circular motion until I was circling her nipples. The skin of her nipples reacted and firmed up, if anything her buds grew larger. Finally I gently sc****d my nails across the tops of her nipples, he legs buckled and she groaned. She fell onto the bed and I alongside her, ridding myself from my socks as quick as I could. We lay facing each other and we kissed, whist we did so my free arm was caressing her, down the middle of her back, across her shoulders, tickling the nape of her neck, running down her legs as far as I could reach, along her bum, lightly tickling and scratching either side of the material of her knickers.

I moved over her propping myself up on one arm, allowing my access to the front of her body. I alternated the tickling and light scratching along her tummy and beneath her breasts, again circling her nipples, though again avoiding touching them. I ran my fingertips across the top of her knickers, so close to her pubis and then away again, sweeping my fingers down her legs and back up her inner thighs, teasing and avoiding her most sensitive areas. Her breathing had deepened now and she lay on the bed, hair splayed, chest heaving. I gently leant over and kissed her and then moved my mouth lower, placing little kisses onto her chin and beneath it onto her throat. I gently licked and kissed her earlobes and then onto each shoulder. My tongue moved down towards her breasts kissing and lapping gently around each nipple. Finally I could resist no longer taking each nipple in to my mouth in turn, swirling it over the firm bud, gently grazing my teeth over each as she arched her back and moaned in appreciation.

I started to move lower and her breathing increased in anticipation. At her bellybutton I swirled my tongue around the outside of it before dipping it in and lapping causing her to whimper as it tickled her. I carried on lower, now my eyes were focussed firmly on the tight white knickers that covered her pussy. I hooked my finger into either side and gradually began to lower them. Her hips rose simultaneously to allow me to remove them and finally I knelt between her legs, the glory of he pussy in my view. Her bush was well trimmed, light coloured and wispy but around her lips she was smooth and hairless. Her outer lips were puffy and engorged, a trickle of juice ran down over her perineum and onto her little hole. It was absolutely stunning. I lowered my head and gently flicked her lips with my tongue, barely touching them. She immediately flinched and took a sharp intake of breath. I flicked out again, this time a little more purposefully, flicking my tongue from side to side over the length of her slit.

Gradually her lips began to part slightly and as they did I had a wonderful musky aroma fill my nose as the juices of her arousal were exposed. I needed to taste her sweetness so dipped my tongue right into to the warmest and wettest part, running her juices up and down her slit but all the time avoiding her clit. I tongued her in and out and tasted her sweet juice, coating her pussy lips and my face with it. Her breathing had increased, she was close, and I began, ever so gently to flick her clit with my tongue. Side to side and up and down I flicked my tongue over it at top speed. I felt her hand on my head, guiding me and urging me on. I slowly increased the pressure, flicking and licking harder. She was close now, her breathing had increased and she was thrusting her hips towards my face. I continued to lick and lap as quickly and as hard as possible, barely pausing to take a breath. Then it hit her, she bucked and screamed and came on my face. A shuddering orgasm that seemed to take her breath away.

I stayed where I was as her legs gripped my head until she relaxed as the orgasm subsided. I pulled my head away a little and gazed in awe at her beautiful gaping pussy, lips spread with a bright pink slit soaked with juices and my saliva. It was pulsing gently. I blew on it gently and watched it contract and throb as I did so. I dipped my head and started to kiss it ever so gently, she moaned and sighed with pleasure. I kissed and nibbled all around before dropping my tongue to her ass hole, a few little flicks on that and she was trembling again. I continued to lap away, steadily increasing the pressure and then gradually I raised my tongue back up her slit up to her engorged clit, as my tongue flicked over it there was an instant response and her back arched again, her hips driving her pussy onto my face, I licked and lapped and flicked again until with a scream and a moan another huge orgasm crashed through her body, she shuddering as she shrieked as she clamped her legs around my face. I could barely breathe until at last she subsided and went limp.

Of course I was anything but limp but she was spent. She beckoned me up to her and kissed me deeply tasting her own juices in mouth and on my face. We hugged tightly and said nothing, she was complete in my arms and I knew I had to be patient.

After a while, probably about twenty minutes she pushed herself off me and went to the bathroom calling for me to follow. I heard the shower running so I went to join her. It was a great big power shower with plenty of room for two. She kissed me deeply and began to wash her hair. I took over, massaging her head as I rubbed the soapy shampoo through her hair. I took the gel and soaped her back down beneath the crack of her bum and her legs. I reached around her soaping her breasts, finally squeezing each of them and rolling her nipples between my thumb and fingers. My hands worked lower between her legs and I soaped her twat, running my fingers through her pubic hair and along her slit. My cock was once again back to full attention and was pressed between her arse cheeks into the small of her back. As I continued to caress her pussy she turned and kissed me before moving her mouth to my chest, licking and biting my nipples. Her hands were now on my cock and balls, pulling the foreskin back and scratching my balls.

"Condom?" I asked.

"In the bedroom," she whispered, "but I have something else in mind first' she continued and with that she slid down my body and knelt in front of me.

As the hot water from the shower cascaded over us both she tentatively began to lick the tip of my cock, before circling her lips around the head of my cock and slowly easing it into her mouth. Now I don't have a big long cock, but it is very thick and she was struggling to get it into her mouth. As I looked down at her I could see that her mouth was open as wide as it could be to accommodate me. Slowly she started to bob up and down whilst all the time I could feel her tongue swirling over the head of my prick. It was a delicious sensation, enhanced by the warm water crashing over us both and her fingernails lightly scratching and tickling my thighs and bum. She increased her pace.

"Please" I said, "I can't hold out much longer, if you don't stop I'm going to come."

That only seemed to spur her on and she began to move even faster, her hand tickling my balls as she bobbed up and down on my cock. "Oh god," I exclaimed, "I'm coming" and with that my knees buckled as I felt the semen erupt from me spurt after spurt shot out. She managed to take most of it in her mouth but the rest fired over her neck, throat and breasts. I was totally done. She stood up and I took her into my arms and gave her the deepest of kisses.

"Wow" was all I could muster.

We rinsed off in silence then grabbed a large towel to wrap ourselves in before staggering back into the bedroom. We fell onto the bed and wrapped ourselves in each other's arms. I gentle caressed her wet hair as she rest her head on my chest and I felt myself dozing off as her breathing matched mine and we drifted off to sleep.

I awoke after what seemed to be half an hour or so, she was still sleeping, I gently disentangled myself, moved her head to a pillow and went of to the bathroom to relieve myself. On my return she was stirring. I kissed her gently on her forehead and ran my fingers down her front, over her breasts, lightly tickling her tummy. "Mmmm" she said as she wriggled and slowly opened her legs as my hand moved lower. I let the backs of my finger trace an imaginary circle on her tummy and gradually moved it lower until my fingers were running through her pubic hair gently tickling her mound. She pushed her hips towards my fingers and I ran my index finger down her slit, parting her lips. Her wetness and arousal were readily apparent and I dipped a finger into her pussy before lifting it up to lick of the juices. She was so sweet, I had to taste her again, so I scooted around to the foot of the bed and lay between her legs. My tongue parted her lips further and I lapped away at her juices, running my tongue from top to bottom, flicking at her perineum and then up to her clit.

She moaned quietly and as my hands traced upwards to her breasts they were met by hers as she was twisting her nipples. I concentrated on giving her an enormous orgasm, gradually increasing my pace and then slowing again, teasing her clit and exploring the soft warm folds of her pussy. Steadily her arousal built and I increased pace and pressure on her clit. I was barely breathing myself as I focussed on tonguing her clit. Within a matter of minutes her back arched and she let out a out groan as her orgasm crashed through her, her legs gripping my head as she spasmed through a huge cum. As she relaxed, I raised my head and met her gaze.

"Wow" she said with a broad grin on her face. "Condoms, top drawer, bedside cabinet, please fuck me, fuck me hard!"

I hopped of the bed, erection bobbing in font of me. I pulled open the drawer, located the condoms and quickly rolled one down over my cock.

Back on the bed, I grabbed a pillow and raised her hips before kneeling between her legs that were stretched wide. Slowly I ran the tip of my cock up and down her slit, lubricating the tip of it with her juices, then I started to ease my prick into her. She was incredibly tight and hot, I withdrew slowly and then eased in some more, trying to be gentle.

"Please," she said, "Just fuck me hard and fast".

With that I slammed into her eliciting a massive shriek from her. But she wanted it hard and fast so I began banging her as hard as I could. Her arms pulled me on top of her and I felt her nails clawing at my back as I slammed into her as fast as I could, going as deep as my balls would allow. I knew I would not last and as she continued to scratch at my back I thrust a few more times before letting out a groan of my own as I came and came and came.

I was almost delirious with pleasure as I continued to spurt into the condom inside of her. As I relaxed and started to come to me senses, I felt her kissing my neck and shoulder. I opened my eyes looked into her eyes and kissed her deeply. I felt my cock slip from her, so unwillingly I jumped from the bed and went to dispose of the condom in the bathroom. When I came back she was snuggled beneath the duvet, I slipped in behind her, spooning her and nuzzling her neck. We were silent, I think we were both totally sated. We both drifted in and out of sleep and I awoke to find her slipping into a robe. Outside it was getting dark.

"I'm afraid, I haven't got a robe big enough for you." She said.

"No problems" I mumbled, "I suppose I ought to be going, thank you and wow!"

"I'll get us some water whilst you dress." she said as I began to hunt for my clothes.

I dressed and met her downstairs, I certainly needed the water. She still looked so beautiful, small slim, no make up, just naturally beautiful. I was unsure whether I was about to be dismissed and that would be that. She broke the silence by simply saying "Mobile number? I'll text you."

We swapped numbers and I kissed her again briefly as I left. "Don't hang around on the front" she said, "neighbours..." I set off and made my way back to the main road and set off for home. As I drove, my 'phone bleeped. I glanced down at it.

# You left your tie, I told you I could think of a good use for it!! Bring another!! Sunday? X Penny #

I drove home with a huge grin on my face!!

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Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net All of you must have heard about the multiverse theory on the TV or read about it in books. Basically, the theory says that there are infinite universes with infinite earth and infinite different things like a universe where the moon was made of blue cheese or a universe where Justin Bieber was a man and many other things. Even the possibilities are infinite. I used to wonder what kind of universes must be out there while I lay...

4 years ago
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Helping the Old Folks

My husband and I went to the old folks home to visit my great grand mother. This is one of those fancy homes where they have some assisted living and then some is the more traditional with the constant monitoring. My husband is a good looking guy nearing 50. He is a great fuck with a nice size dick and some balls that always deliver a good amount of cream that always make me feel satisfied. As we walked thru across the grounds this woman called us into her small house. She was probably around...

1 year ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 32

I hadn’t seen Karen for four days. We had talked by phone but it wasn’t the same. I missed looking into her eyes, feeling her body next to mine at night, and seeing her smile. I was ready for the wedding. We all were together to rehearse since it was a double wedding. Pastor Jim said, “Who comes down first?” Melissa said, “Karen will make the call. She and Brad started this joy. As long as I get there and Paul is there, I will be happy.” Everyone laughed. Karen smiled and said, “I...

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Flirt or squirt

The Real Estate Council had called a special meeting. Apparently there had been a complaint against one of their members. Her name was Dee Bennett. A disgruntled client had claimed she had tried to "take advantage of him" in order to secure a sale. Serious charges. The executive had been called to attend the meeting. Seven men and two women, plus Dee. The executive met thirty minutes prior to her appointment to discuss the allegations. On the thirty-fifth floor, the boardroom overlooked the...

2 years ago
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My Student Father Fucked Me Like A Machine

Hi friends; my name is Nadia. I’m studying my B.Sc 1st year. I am 24 years old. I have been reading iss stories for several years and thought about sharing one of my stories. This is my latest incident as this took place in last month and this is the best ever. I’m here to share the story with u. First about me; I’m from an upper class family. I’m 5`4“ tall. My figure measures 34d 26 36. Although I m from a upper class family my dad never gave me enough money to spend (waste) but I love to roam...

2 years ago
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What is Wrong in Having Sex A Twins Love Story

“It was late at night, and my parents weren’t home. Opportunities like these didn’t come very often. So we always tried to make the most out of them. Even now, if I close my eyes, I can feel every movement of our twins love. We were rough. We were energetic. We were hot and sweaty as our naked bodies rubbed against one another, satisfying the deep-seated lust in our loins. We didn’t utter a single word, and yet the room was filled with sounds… sounds of pleasure. “The only way to survive the...

3 years ago
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Incestia 6

i****tia: Where everything that is agreeable, is also legal.Everything._____________________________________Part 6Yuri was a mess after being forced to watch his sweet daughter Verity getting fucked by a man who was as hairy and b**stly as he was wealthy. There had been nothing he could do but watch the heavy man mount his daughter, take her virginity, and pump his thick seed into her. Yet, his torment didn’t end there. The i****tian lech had looked right at him the entire time and talked about...

3 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 12

The Ark's captain would be Angus MacPherson, a dyed-in-the-wool Scot who was reputed among the most flamboyantly daring of the starship commanders. To balance his bravado SES had selected stolid Warren Cromartie as second in command, "as sound as they come," Mallet told Meiersdottir. Only a skeleton supercargo would travel on the outbound run. Heisinger and Igwanda would be joined only by biologists Watesi and Yuan, chemist Johann Paulssen and astronomer Yisheda Amuri for the voyage....

2 years ago
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TommyChapter 11

Tommy’s turn: I knew I was right. Mimi and me. I wanted her. I liked what I had with her when we hung out together, and by ‘hang out together’ sometimes that meant that we were in the crowd that shows up at the 3Sigma pavilion on Fridays and Saturdays. Sometimes the two of us were in different places there, in different conversations, doing different things, but make no mistake, we were together. Everybody knew it. We’d kissed, hugged, cuddled. And now we’ve mated. I thought about that...

2 years ago
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Model Perfect

In college I had studied hard but my dream was to be a photographer. My mom and dad had not been very supportive and encouraged me to become a teacher. So I studied business and became a teacher. So with a degree in business education and the desire to be a photographer, I got a job and started my family. After my girls got out of diapers I told Sherry, my wife, that I wanted to try and be a photographer. Sherry encouraged me and soon I was taking pictures semi-professionally. I still worked at...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Making A Blue Film

It was a pleasant evening when a chance acquaintance invited me to a private studio where a blue film was to be shot. It was a rare offer as these are always shot in complete secrecy. It was also the day when I entered in to the field of film making.I was led through a secret door in the basement of a building. I had expected a dark dirty place but it was clean and well lit 2000 square feet layout. There was a king size bed in the centre of the layout. Huge studio lights lit the bed which was...

3 years ago
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Mother and son 5

It was quite a while since Michael and I had spent time together in my bedroom, maybe a couple of months.I thought maybe he was happy with what he knew already.When he returned home from college today he asked if I would teach him more stuff. Of course sweetie, tonight okay?Get yourself an early shower and I'll get a take-away ordered so we can start early.Dinner over and a quick freshen up and we were ready Up in the bedroom we were both naked, Michael's cock aroused and erectOkay Michael how...

2 years ago
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Child MagusChapter 24

It was odd that we'd have such a short conversation alone only to go back downstairs to talk to someone else. I thought Lady Brighid was going to teach me some kind of spell to do what needed doing, but apparently not. I followed her out of the bedroom-slash-dungeon and downstairs. The VIP section was about twice the size of the room we left upstairs. One long curved bench followed the circular walls from one side of the entrance all the way around to the other. Seven small tables were...

3 years ago
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Equal Opportunity

Equal Opportunity an original story by CutePatti Billy had been looking forward to playing baseball all winter and could hardly wait for summer to arrive. He had just turned 13 and was eligible to play in a brand new league called the intermediate league. It was going to be so cool to get out of little league and he had heard that a lot of the rules were going to be different in the new league. He just knew that the new rules were going to be so much better than all the ...

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A Broken Heart Gets Mended

The sun had already begun to warm. There was not another soul in sight, except for one fishing boat, way off the shore. This is Mauritius, one of the most beautiful places in the world. I should be feeling ecstatic to be in a place like this. ........... The tears rolled down my cheeks, as I sniffled. It wasn’t fair, why had she dumped me? What had I done wrong? The thoughts tumbled through my mind. I came to a fallen coconut tree, collapsed down onto it, and wept. My body shook, my grief...

1 year ago
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Met my new black daddy yesterday

So yesterday I met my very first black daddy :) this story is very, very real. It happened Sunday, September 23 2018. In Las Vegas, NV.It was about 3 pm when I got there. He lived in retirement housing apartments in downtown Las Vegas so he came out and found me in the parking lot. I didn’t know what he was going to think of me, but he shook my hand and said nice to meet you. He told me to follow him. He let me into his apartment and I started to take off my shorts when he asks me if I wore...

2 years ago
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My BirthdayI was wearing a pair of cut off shorts with a shirt. Then Jill said “let me take your clothes off”. She pretended to have trouble preceding. So she got a 3” switch blade and with it's assistance my clothes fell off. After her work was done she said “Ahhh that's better. You can breath again”. As she looks at my equipment as if for the first time. Then she took my hand and slowly her sheer robe fell on the floor. Then we went into the living room. Where we sat nude relaxing in front of...

4 years ago
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A Hidden Room at Motel SextyNiner

Rose kneels down to kiss her sleeping lover on the forehead and to her surprise she saw it was someone else! Oh dear … she thinks … looks around the room finds a pair of pants tossed in the chair in the corner. Her curiosity got the best of her she rummages the pockets looking for an ID. There she found only a membership card for XnXX with a name imprinted on it, Andy. Huh, she thinks, I know this place I must teach Andy a lesson for sneaking into my secret room then she returns back to the...

3 years ago
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A quick tun up part 5

So I'm skipping part 4 of my story. I may come back to it sometime or i might not. I just had to write about this one tonight. Please forgive any spelling or gramer errors i wrote it very quickly. Please leave comments or give me a thumbs up if you like it. -----After nearly getting caught with Ernie the last time, i took some time off from him, mike had come and gone on several trips, i just took care of my own needs or waited for mike to return. I was managing well without Ernie until...

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Jolene Ch 02

I was in a trance through the rest of the night and into the next day. Every scintilla of my attention was focused on one thing, Jolene. I had an older friend buy the bottle of Southern Comfort and a twelve pack of beer for us. He took another twelve pack for his trouble. Around noon, my parents said goodbye. I filled the refrigerator with beer and made sure we had plenty of ice cubes. Then I raced over to Bobby’s house to spread the news. As I ran threw Buster’s back yard, he didn’t even...

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Sold into Submission

"Clang Clang Clang!" went the closing bell as the NYSE stopped trading for the day. Visibly shaking, Marco slowly gathered up his papers and started putting them in his desk drawer when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Marco - my office - now." He turned to see his boss walking away in the direction of the small corner office from where he monitored all the action taking place. Slowly rising, he followed. "How could I have been so fucking stupid?" he kept on asking himself as he entered the...

2 years ago
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Last StrawChapter 4

Anticipating her brother's sleeping challenge, Ellie was more than willing to join him in bed again. She had kept on her same outfit, just pulling on a long T-shirt for additional modesty until bedtime. Betty had given her daughter some instructions before she joined her brother, and those instructions had left Ellie fairly crackling with anticipation. Glen's bedside lamp was still on when Ellie came into his room, and he watched her with obvious appreciation, noticing a definite nervous...

4 years ago
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The Girls ClubChapter 13 A daddy Again

It was shortly after lunch, and a quick shower at the apartment that Tony arrived at Joan's house. Joan met him on the doorstep, and flung her arms round his neck. It was the same every time they had met, since her eviction of John. Tony had not pressed charges, after John's attempt to kill him, but only on condition that he stayed away from her. The warning had not been necessary, as he was now remanded in custody, waiting for trial on a long list of offences. Over the past few weeks,...

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A Destroyed Childhood Chp 1

I still remember the way the new house looked, and how happy my mother was when she saw it. We'd never lived in a nicer, quieter home than this. It was very secluded, and deep in the forest, but that was her dream home, and I was happy for her. My mother's name was Ariel. She was a beautiful Japanese woman with long black hair, a small frame, a lot everything going for her. She recently divorced my Columbian father, and they moved far away from each other. I was their only son. He was in...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Ke Chakkar Me Maa Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, mera naam sameer he aur mai bhopal MP ka rehne wala hu. Mai college student hu aur meri age 19 years he.Hight 5″11 aur weight 65 kg he. Ab mere ghar me mai mere mummy papa aur bhiya bhabhi rehte he. Papa indian rail me job karte he mummy housewife he bhiaya bank me job karte bhabhi housewife he. Ye meri life ki pehli sex experience he jo mai aapke sath share kar raha hu. Jab mai 11th stnd me tha tab maine pehli porn movie dekhi thi aur tab se he mera ye silsila start hua tha aur...

3 years ago
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The Office Mess Part 10

I woke up first the next morning. I looked to either side of me and saw two beautiful ladies. I laid there for a few minutes, replaying everything that had happened over the past few days. It had all just fallen into place with no planning, just an accident in the office that had now led to an absolutely incredible threesome. And for most of last night, Brittany had been content not being in control.I also was amazed that Amy had gone along with last night. I knew she loved to try all types of...

4 years ago
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Symphony Part 7

Symphony - Part 7 By Rachel Saunders [email protected] The sound of the wind whistling through the valley made the hair on my arms stand on end. Early morning dust devils drifted lazily as the early morning sun heated the crisp air. Memories of the night before brought a serene smile to my face. "Come back under the covers, you'll freeze out there." It was an invitation I couldn't refuse. My body clock still woke me at 06:00 every day, and for the first time in three weeks I...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 46 Whatrsquos Up

June 6th, 2019 Hello Everyone, I’m sorry for the long delay in the update. Things have been a bit busy on my side. They goofed around with my schedule at work again which of course goofs around with me. I’ve had graduations to attend, ect. I’ve also been working really hard to forget that I have an illness and just get on with my life within the constraints that I have, Of course, I’m reminded daily that I have issues. I just want to live. I’m back under house arrest due to the heat...

4 years ago
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Plain old Bob

Plain old Bob Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name, like the rest of my life doesn't make me stand out. Bob. Plain old Bob. I'm only 5'7" tall, average to thin build, weighing maybe 135. I have light brown hair and blue eyes. Just your average fellow. Not big enough to play on a sports team, not smart enough to hide behind a geeky face, or even try acting. My tenor voice doesn't carry well I was told. I don't even have a girlfriend. All in all, I go through the endless...

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The Swimmer by loyalsock

Laura hit the pool everyday before school. She knew she was good butwanted to be better, maybe even join a swim team. Swimming kept herthin and lightly muscled as her 18 year old body developed towardswomanhood. Laura took pride in her shapely legs, tight ass, abs andthe 32Cs she had grown up top.Lately another swimmer had caught Laura's eye. Over in the fast lane agirl just a bit older than Laura powered up and down the pool, lengthafter length, turning tightly at each end. Laura admired...

2 years ago
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My Wife Would Live To Regret Her Unfaithfulness

The Body of this Story is about Forced Sex, & Bi Sexual Women, this section will have four chapters ,and I aim to write part two ASAP.. I always had the fantasy of having three women in the same bed, I have given this great thought,and even discussed with my wife July, she said she did,nt want to play any part in it, but I had other ideas, so I put my idea to the other parties which were all in the scheme of things, and they both said they had always fancied raping my wife...July and I...

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Horny Chachi Fucked Hardcore

Hi I am an avid reader of ISS and wanted to share this real life experience. I am a 25yr old working in a MNC Company in Mumbai. My chachi lives in Mathura a small town near Delhi. I am fair with well built and height of 6ft. My chachi got married 6 years back was thin but she had a body of a lingerie model. She is brown with round eyes and ever smiling face. But after six years of marriage she became curvy with a body like 38 30 38 that’s coz of all the fucking she did with chacha and his...

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I would always remember Bhagya

I am a married man of 38 years and live in Chennai. I moved back to Chennai after being out for nearly 10 years for professional reasons. When we moved in, I had to hire an apartment which was closer to my place of work and as normal we were trying to organize our basic day today necessities such as cable TV, phone and of course a maid to take care of daily cleaning and cooking. We had spread the word in the neighborhood for a good maid and one day Bhagya landed at our house. When I first saw...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay India Summer Eva Notty Moving Day Part Two

Ever since that fateful game of frisbee back in college, girlfriends Jenna (India Summer) and Nina (Eva Notty) have been together through thick and thin. They are just about ready to move into their third house when Jenna pops the question! She surprises Nina with a huge diamond ring and Nina ecstatically accepts the marriage proposal. The ladies begin to celebrate their engagement with some foreplay that turns into full blown lesbian sex. Jenna sits on the floor in front of the sofa and Nina...

4 years ago
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Her Pants Were Down Around Her Ankles

NOTE: This title was just too good to write only one story about it so I came up with five tales that I hope you enjoy. Her Pants Were Down Around Her Ankles = Story #1 Incest, Male/Teen Female, Consensual Sex When I turned the corner I saw a boy humping my daughter. I stepped on a twig and spooked him. He turned to see me and then ran off into the woods. My daughter turned and saw me and then she started crying. There she was with her T-shirt and bra pulled up above her tits and...

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My Maid Showed Me Heaven

Hi everybody, this is a true incident that happened to one of my friends I made on this site and I just helped him with the finishing touches and to post this here. So continue reading and please post your comments. I am here to tell you about a life changing episode that happened a few years back between me and my house maid Lakshmi. I have put down everything in English though all of the conversation happened in Hindi and Kannada, rather than repeating it in the local language and then...

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Big U Ch 05 Pledge Week

Thank you and sorry to all my fans for waiting so long for this chapter! I had so many thoughts, and so many fans emailed me with their wonderful suggestions. It's probably the most important chapter and I wanted it to be special so it took me forever to write. You'll notice it's much longer than the rest - I just couldn't keep anything out. It had to have the proper escalation, the right pacing. If you haven't read the other chapters, please do! This won't make sense without...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Jasmine Riley Step Sibling Prank War

Horny teen Jasmine Riley and her stepbrother Logan Long have quite the prank war going on, but it turns out that their mischief is fueled by a mutual attraction. Jasmine starts it by hitting Logan with a squirt gun, but Logan escalates by putting itching powder in his stepsister’s sheer panties. Jasmine runs to the shower to wash the powder from her bare pussy, and Logan takes the opportunity to turn on the hot water to freeze her out. Whipping out his dick to waggle it at Jasmine, Logan...

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A trip to a club

So Saturday night my wife and I went out to a local club , I sent a message to a guy we have played with before . He met us at the club , had a few drinks and decided to head to a local motel . Once there we all stripped down and climbed into bed , he's was sucking on her nipples while Iicked n sucked her sweet pussy. We then took turns fucking her, she came several from the combination of two different cocks , soon he was cumming deep iside her hot pussy , when he pulled out you could see a...

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Long Road Trip

Our mutual vacation times rolled around again and we decided to take a long road trip cross country to Karins childhood home state, New Mexico. We have been married seven years and have flown out to Taos on a number of ocassions, but this time we decided that putting up with the TSA and all the other bullshit was just a little too much. Anyway, this is what happened…after planning for a week on the how and the when it was just a matter of packing, taking care of things around the house to close...

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Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant

CHAPTER 1 Mid afternoon Ed Bacon closed the stationery shop that was also a licensed Post Office, Lotto Agency and newspaper agency. The Town Clock chimed out three peels and the sound of children being released from school rang out in the distance. The inhabitants of North Crossing, population 2700, and farmers and fruit and vegetable growers from surrounding areas preferred to shop early, so the shop opened at 6:00, five mornings a week and from 8:00 to noon on Saturdays. Those hours...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Kyler Quinn Boffing The Babysitter

Kyler Quinn is a babysitter. She is talking on the phone, telling a friend about what her job is like. She especially likes that her current client, Mike Mancini, is really hot… and he’s single. He hasn’t flirted with her yet, though. However, it looks like Kyler is in luck today, because shortly after the phone call, Mike comes in and asks her if she’d like to stay overnight. Kyler says that she likes to cuddle, and asks if that would be okay. He moves closer to her,...

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New Years with Kelly

It’s New Year’s 1981. College roommates Kelly and Tricia had made plans long ago to have sex with each other’s boyfriend. I had fulfilled my fantasy and my part of their deal last Spring Break, which was detailed in a previous story.It had been more challenging for Kelly to be with Alan as he and Tricia had broken up in May. As things worked out, they were back together by October. I had been lucky enough to have enjoyed a couple of additional 3-way weekends with Kelly and Tricia earlier in the...

Group Sex

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