- 4 years ago
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Katy's life sucked. That was for sure. Her nerdy father was lost in work and TV and seemed to barely notice her existence.
Her idiotic embarrassing mother was on her case all the time. The nagging began if she took a little time to relax before doing homework. She didn't like her music and wanted it so soft Katy couldn't hear it herself. And heaven forbid she left a shirt on the floor rather than in the hamper! Then her mother didn't like how she dressed. When they went shopping, Katy wanted to get some clothes to let her fit in a little better at school, but every T-shirt or pair of jeans was a struggle.
There was a little tickling of dread deep down too, because she didn't really know what she should be wearing to fit in better.
And puberty. Christ, what a drag. For the few days before her period she felt even uglier and more awkward than usual. Then when it started she had cramps that went on and on and made her want to scream, and sometimes she had diarrhea. At those times she felt like a total 100% piece of dirty meat. And for all that painful period stuff, her boobs were small, while all the other eighth grade girls had big ones by now. So her body made her totally miserable in a womanly way but she looked like a little kid, so what boy would even look at her?
She had trouble concentrating in school, and her mother hounded her constantly about homework. It made her angry just thinking about it and couldn't learn anything even sitting there with the book open.
School was over for the week. On Friday afternoon she gave up the anxiety of school for the tedious familiarity of life at home. She got a break from not knowing where she stood or who she was with the other kids and traded it for the all-too-familiar harangues of her mother.
There was one little bright spot. Mr. Williams was coming over to supper. He was a friend of the family and he had always been pretty nice to her. Her mother wouldn't hound her about stuff with him there. And he really saw her, really saw who she was and he liked her. Lately she could tell he saw her as a budding young woman, too, and that meant a lot to her. Not that he was being inappropriate, just a subtle sort of appreciation that hadn't been there a year before.
Still, Katy was the last one in to supper, getting herself up off her bed only after her mother called her the third time. Going earlier would have been like handing her a victory.
Mr. Williams was already seated at the table, and she was surprised to see a mouse sitting on his shoulder.
"Hello, Katy, nice to see you," Mr. Williams said with a smile.
"Hi," she said. "Ummm, what's with the mouse?"
"He's a really cool, special mouse, and I thought you folks might like to see him."
"Ummm, hi mouse," Katy said, jokingly holding out her hand to shake. Her mother and father and Mr. Williams all smiled.
The mouse sat up on his haunches and bobbed his head up and down a couple times.
"Ah, he likes you!" Mr. Williams said, catching the mouse's movement out of the corner of his eye.
"Yeah, right," said Katy.
As the dinner progressed, she took a closer look. This mouse had light tan fur and no tail. He sat on Mr. Williams' shoulder for a little but then scampered around behind his neck to show up on the other shoulder. He clambered up the man's head and lay flat on his belly, legs spread wide. Back down behind the man's neck, then nose peeking out one side or the other. It seemed he was playing peek-a-boo with her. Whenever she looked up the mouse was looking at her, never her parents.
"I thought mice left droppings behind themselves everywhere," her mother said after some time. "I had been worried about that here at the dinner table, but I don't see any."
"No, he is totally box trained. He's a new variety of mouse, genetically engineered a bit."
"Oh, interesting!" said her father.
"Is it safe, messing around with nature like that?" her mother asked.
"Oh, completely!" said Mr. Williams.
"He seems very intelligent," her father continued.
"Indeed he is."
Her mother spoke. "Katy, Mr. Williams asked about getting one of these fancy new mice for you, and your father and I thought it would be a good idea if you'd like. You know how we could never have a cat or dog because of my allergies, but he says this mouse isn't a problem that way."
"I don't know, mom. A mouse?" Her friends had had hamsters and guinea pigs and so forth back a few years ago, but not many had them any more. It wasn't an eighth grade kind of thing to do. The fact that her mother was in favor made it suspicious, too.
Mr. Williams said, "You can take him for a while and see what you think. If you don't like him I can take him back to the lab."
"The lab? Not a pet store?"
"They're experimental still. You'd be one of the first ordinary people to have one as a pet."
"Does that mean he might be dangerous?" her mother asked.
"The folks I work with at the lab have had some as pets for a while and there's been no problem."
"I don't know..." said her mother.
"OK, I'll give him a try," said Katy.
Mr. Williams reached his hand across the table, palm up. The mouse scuttled down his arm and sat in his palm, facing Katy. "Let him say hello," Mr. Williams. Katy cautiously reached her hand out, also palm up. The mouse stepped across, sat on his haunches for a moment, then went down on all fours -- and licked her hand.
"Ooooo!" Katy said, finding it a little disconcerting. "He licked me!"
"He must really like you!" said Mr. Williams.
Then the mouse slowly walked up a little above Katy's wrist, sat back on his haunches and looked at her, almost as if he was checking with her to see if it was OK for him to proceed. Katy decided it was OK and smiled, and he clambered up to her shoulder. She couldn't help giggling like a little girl as he scuttled around behind her back to the other shoulder, then went up to the top of her head and back down. He settled on her shoulder looking at her face. As she turned to look at him, he stood on his hind paws, put his front paws gently on her cheek and then gave her a lick!
"He kissed you!" said Katy's mother.
Mr. Williams said, "He's never licked me these couple days I've had him!"
Katy was intrigued. After dinner Mr. Williams showed her the cage with the exercise wheel and the water bottle, and then the two bags, one of mouse food and one of wood shavings for his litter.
"Can I let him run free?" she asked. "Will he run away?"
"They say he won't," said Mr. Williams. "You can let him out any time if you're watching him. But when you're not they suggest keeping him in his cage for three days before you let him out on his own, just to be sure."
"I think I'd rather keep him in the cage," said Katy's mother.
"What's his name?" Katy asked.
"I thought you should name him yourself," said Mr. Williams.
So now I own a mouse, Katy thought. She cautiously lay on her bed and put the little critter on her stomach. He scampered all around, down one leg to her toes, then back up and around the corner to her other. He explored all over her body.
She thought a bit and sighed. My life still sucks. Yeah, the mouse was fun, but he didn't bear on any of her real problems. As she started feeling sorry for herself, the mouse curled up at the spot right in front where her neck joined her collarbone and gave a few licks. Katy smiled. She decided she would assume it was sympathy, like when a dog licks you.
She thought of names. Pipsqueak? Fluffy? Nah, pick something big and strong. Like -- Shaquille O'Neal. The name popped into her mind and she smiled. "Shaq" would be good. She'd call him "Shaq."
Friday night she shut him in his cage and forgot about him most of the day Saturday. That night she got her pajamas on, all ready for sleep. She lay back, putting Shaq on her chest.
"Nobody else understands me," she mused. "Do you, little Shaq? Are you my friend?"
Shaq sat on his haunches and looked at her for a long moment, then set out exploring all over her front, arms and legs. Then he crawled inside her pajama tops! She giggled as she felt the little paws and fur on her chest and her stomach. After exploring a bit, she felt him creeping slowly to her left breast -- what there was of it.
Then she felt the most amazing thing. She felt his little tongue licking her nipple!
She laughed out loud and wriggled and he stopped. "Why you little pervert!" But after a pause she could feel him under her pajama top creeping over again. He gave one little lick, and while she laughed she didn't push him away.
One lick became many. Katy lay still and let herself experience the sensations. She could feel the nipple stiffen under the little rodent's tongue. It felt nice in a very particular way. It made her feel sexy. She squirmed as she felt herself grow just a bit warm between her legs. Then little Shaq scuttled across under her pajama tops and started licking the other one! It felt really good.
After a minute Shaq next scuttled downward and out the bottom of her pajama tops to her thigh. He raced the length of her leg, then at her ankle he crawled inside the cuff of her left pajama leg! He crawled up her calf and thigh.
"Why you nasty, perverted little critter!" she said, giggling.
She felt him straining to get higher, but he couldn't; the way she was lying the cloth of the pajamas was tight against her thigh.
"Are you going for my privates?" she asked, amused.
Shaq raced back down that leg, across the bed and up the inside of the other pajama leg. There he could get up all the way and was soon sitting on her stomach inside her pajamas, and she felt his snout nosing under the waistband of her panties.
"OK, enough, you dirty-minded little rodent!" she said. She was getting ready to reach in and retrieve the cheeky little animal when he crawled back down her pants leg, up the outside, and sat on her chest between her breasts, looking at her.
"All right, I'm going to sleep," she said. "Should I put you in your cage?" she asked him. Shaq dropped to the bed, then she could hear his pitter patter as he ran down the bedspread to the floor and back to his cage. She heard him scuffling around in the shavings. She supposed she should get out of bed and close the door to shut him in, but she knew he wasn't going to run away. She never worried about confining him again.
Somehow she felt less alone. Did Shaq appreciate her sexually? Nah, what a dumb idea! He was just a stupid rodent.
Sunday night little Shaq went back to licking her nipples, this time starting with her right one before moving to her left. She felt her hormones stir. When he scuttled downward she decided to spread her legs wide and see what he'd do. He didn't try going up inside her pajama legs, and she realized that the way she was arranged there was no space between pajama leg and thigh to get near her panties. Within seconds the little guy was outside her pajamas on the sheet right between her legs. He stood on his hind paws and pressed in and out against her pussy area with his front paws and his head.
"You want to play with my nether regions?" she asked, amazed. "My private parts? My pussy?" she laughed.
What a gross idea! At that moment, something felt really weird in her head, like someone else was in there with her. Then she couldn't understand why she had thought it was gross. Letting him play with her would be the most natural thing in the world.
She nudged him gently out of the way, then pulled down pajama bottoms and panties to her ankles and spread her legs wide again.
"There I am, Shaq. Take me! Take me!" she joked.
She was further amazed to feel him back down between her legs, licking on her crack! He flicked his tongue in one spot, then moved his head higher and lower to cover the length of her slit. It was a pleasant sensation and definitely sexy. Her pussy had started feeling warm as he was licking her nipples, and now it felt even warmer as he was licking right at its opening. Then he stopped licking and pushed his snout against her lips so they pressed in a little. He wanted to get inside!
Katy reached down and spread her lips apart. "There, I'm all open for you, you dirty-minded little mouse. Have your way with me!" She laughed. "God knows no other male is going to!
She had rubbed around down between her legs sometimes and it had felt good, but she hadn't really gone exploring in earnest. She knew where to put the tampons in, and she knew that pressing rhythmically above that part felt kind of good, but not much more.
Now she felt the most amazing sensations as he licked inside her spread lips. He had found something and it made sexual pleasure course through her body. She gave in to the pleasure, letting both hands slide up to her breasts to massage and press, then she squeezed her nipples as Shaq licked away between her legs.
She felt a hunger between her legs. Shaq switched to bursts of very fast licking punctuated by little rests, and her pleasure sharpened and began to almost itch. And then she felt the waves surge through her brain, felt them crash, felt pleasure and release that she had never felt before. As the sensations faded, she realized that must have been an orgasm! It felt totally amazing. When her orgasm was gone and she shifted just a little, Shaq backed away. It dawned on her that she had just let a mouse lick her between her legs. She knew that most people would think it was gross, but she knew it was just right. Shaq scampered up onto her stomach as she pulled her pajamas and panties back up.
"You nasty little critter!" she said, still breathing a little heavily. "That felt great!" She had never heard of a mouse doing anything of the kind, and figured his genetic engineering must have been pretty amazing. He scampered onto her bedside table and curled up in a little ball between her lamp and a box of tissues. She liked the idea of him sleeping closer by rather than in his cage on the floor.
Eric Williams sat in his living room armchair, a huge smile on his face. He had just eaten out little Katy and given her an orgasm. True, it was the mouse's body that had done it, but he controlled the mouse and the mouse sent its sensations back to him.
He had had the hots for Katy for some time and had dreamed he could be with her somehow -- knowing it could never be more than a fantasy. But just to be a fly on the wall in her room, to see her naked body as she undressed -- that would be heaven.
His work in biochemical research required him to perform experiments with mice all the time. He didn't know quite how it had occurred to him to try to link his mind with that of a mouse. If he couldn't be a fly on the wall, could he be a mouse in a cage in her bedroom? For some reason he had had a hunch that turned out to work. He concocted a potion including some of his own DNA and gave some to a male and female mouse. The next-generation mice looked a little different -- hardly any tail, for instance. Then he mixed his DNA in an appropriate concoction with that of the new mouse. After it drank some, the mouse became an extension of him! If he concentrated, he could sense what the mouse was sensing and control its actions!
He had been very excited to try out his new eyes and ears with Katy, and was delighted that she had accepted his gift. Seeing her change clothes had been exciting, just as he had imagined.
But he also wanted to touch her, to feel her body. He had figured he would see how far his mouse could get with her sexually. He expected to be rebuffed, but to his surprise she had accepted his advances!
Like most men, he adored sex, and the thought of sex with Katy was very exciting. But his interest in girls went much farther. He wanted to experience all aspects of their lives. Katy had let little Shaq get sexual with her, and with that hurdle overcome, he was hopeful that his adventures with her were just beginning.
There was that special configuration the mouse could assume, and those special sensations that came from touching the mouse's neck...
The next day was Monday, and as Katy woke she felt a pang of anxiety, dreading dealing with the kids again. Coming back from the shower, she took off her robe and tossed her towel down. Then she heard squeaks. There was Shaq, standing up on the bedside table, bobbing up and down and looking at her.
She laughed. "You horny little mouse, you want to see me naked too?" So she posed naked for him, hands on her hips and thrusting them to one side. Shaq bobbed up and down. She then stood with her legs wide apart and thrust her chest out so her little breastlets were as pronounced as they could be. She then came over and put one foot up on the bed, bending her knee and leaning forward so her pussy lips were stretched a little bit crooked.
Then she saw Shaq nearly jumping up and down. She laughed. He stopped and looked at her expectantly, so she got on hands and knees on the bed facing away from him and stuck her butt up, then spread her lips apart.
"Would you like to mate with me, little mouse?" she asked, amused at that impossibility.
She went through a number of other positions before picking up the little guy and rubbing noses with him. "I've got to get ready for school now," she said, then put him down on the bureau. He watched her from the elevated perch as she dressed. She couldn't believe that she actually felt excited to have her body appreciated by -- a mouse!
Throughout the day she remembered her magic bedtime sessions and felt a tingle imagining what might happen that night. At last the school day was over, dinner over and homework done.
She lay on her bed, totally naked this time, and realized she kind of liked what she saw as she looked down. Her breasts were small, but some of the sexiest models had even smaller ones! Her skin was smooth and her hips flared. Shaq licked her nipples for a few minutes until she said, "I need you down licking my pussy." Instantly little Shaq scurried down between her legs. It felt like he was spreading her lips with his paws, and soon his tongue was licking everything down there, focusing on that magic spot -- which she now knew was a clitoris, having refreshed her memory with a peek online. She luxuriated in the pleasure even more, knowing now what an orgasm was and feeling it coming. When it burst upon her she was not disappointed.
As she lay moaning in the aftermath, she felt little Shaq licking her inner lips, right at her vagina. It felt nice too. She could feel how wet she was there, and then felt his little snout pressing hard against her opening.
"Do you want to go all the way?" she asked incredulously.
It was past amazing that a little mouse could know just how to bring her to orgasm, and he had never given her anything but pleasure. Still, the idea of a mouse poking his nose into her virgin pussy was too much.
She knew she wanted a man, her Prince Charming, to slide his penis into her. She wanted to get fucked, and thrilled a little as she thought of that crude word. She wanted a cock up her cunt, she thought, and thrilled more. But that was a pleasure reserved for the distant future, if a man ever did decide she was sexy enough.
So she picked up her heavenly Shaq and held him in both hands. He was holding himself stiffly instead of relaxing like a warm cuddly mouse. As she looked at him, she felt an excitement deep within for a few moments before it burst into her consciousness. He was a stiff cylinder, flesh colored, with a slight purple tinge to his head area and a flaring out at his neck. She could see no trace of his front paws or shut eyes. Somehow his fur was plastered against him so tightly that he felt entirely like warm flesh, with no hint of fur whichever direction she stroked. She recognized this from the sex ed books and an occasional glimpse of porn -- or thought she did.
"You're a penis!" she whispered. "Do you want to slide into me?" She knew he did. A cock. Up her cunt. She shuddered with excitement, then placed the mouse on the bed between her legs and held her pussy lips wide open.
She felt his snout pushing back and forth rhythmically, pressing into her part way. That felt totally right. She then felt him stop momentarily, and she knew somehow that he was about to take her virginity, to dispose of her hymen. And indeed she felt his little teeth cutting away.
She winced at one point, but it wasn't too bad. The little guy paused a moment but kept snipping. Then he burrowed into her. She didn't stop to wonder how he was getting leverage; she just felt her pussy walls gradually pushing aside to admit her pet penis. She was amazed that such a thing was possible and fascinated at the sensations.
She felt pleasantly full, and then he started sliding back and forth. She knew guys went in and out, but more profoundly she recognized that motion from the depths of her unconscious. She was getting fucked. He was Shaq the mouse but at the moment he was a penis, and she loved it.
She gave in to the sensations as her body responded to his rhythm. He was doing something with his hind paws that made her pussy lips glow. She let go of her lips where she was holding them open with her fingers and then she felt her pussy lips vibrating. The pleasure was amazing. The cock was sliding in and out in a frenzy, it felt wonderful, and her urgency and desire built. She started rocking her hips back and forth. The excruciatingly pleasurable sensations went on and on, but she craved release. Finally she convulsed with orgasm. It felt even better than the other ones, and there was something beyond pleasure that felt right about it. It was right having her pussy filled up and having that cock glide back and forth in her cunt.
As her orgasm faded she felt a flurry of prods and pokes in her pussy, and then all was still. When she looked down again, she couldn't quite believe her eyes. Her pussy was still feeling full, but when she bent all the way over she could just barely see Shaq's whiskers and snout sticking out of her -- just a little. He had turned around!
"Do you think you're going to hang out in my pussy?" she asked incredulously as she leaned back again. "Yeah, right!" It did feel good, however.
For answer, she felt a little scrambling between her legs and then felt those amazing tongue strokes. Evidently he had crawled out of her just enough to lick her clit.
She had already had two orgasms, though.
"Nice try, little guy, but out! You've given me lots of pleasure but I want my body back to myself, thank you!"
The mouse instantly popped out and disappeared. She looked up to see him standing between her legs, furry and mouse-like once more. He looked a little damp, but then he had just been in a very wet spot!
She wondered briefly if she should help him clean up somehow. He scuttled out of the way as she put on her pajamas and turned onto her side. She was starting to drift off to sleep when she saw him sitting up in front of her face, fur all dry and fluffy.
He stood up and leaned forward, and then she felt the most amazing thing as his tongue gently licked her lips. He was truly kissing her -- like lovers kissed! She kissed him back for a few seconds.
"Good night, Shaq," she said.
The next night after her mouse-as-penis had fucked her to a satisfying climax, he again turned around in her pussy and lay still.
"Out you go!" she said once more, but once he had crawled out she felt kind of empty. Lonely inside.
"Shaq, do you really want to sleep in my pussy?"
He bobbed up and down. Could this critter answer questions? What an odd thought.
"Could you nod your head if what I say is true. Does two plus two equal four?"
Shaq just looked at her.
"Does three plus four equal five?"
Shaq just stared, betraying nothing.
Well, at least she didn't have a prince trapped in a mouse's body or anything. She smiled at the thought.
"Well, let's try," she said. "If you want to go up into my pussy, go ahead."
The little fellow, her mousy lover, scrambled back up her pussy and turned around, nose peeking out, and lay still. She felt peaceful. She had thought of a lover as a large man enfolding her in his arms. Instead he was a very small man who she enfolded much more completely in her pussy.
"Good night, Shaq."
She felt the bulge in her pussy pulse outward a couple times. Maybe that was him saying goodnight.
Her incredible nighttime exploits with her mouse were certainly an exciting distraction, but they did nothing to improve the rest of her life. Nonetheless, her life improved.
She found that if she just sat down after school and did her homework, her mother stopped nagging. Maybe she wasn't an ogre who would be sure to find something else to complain about. What she wanted Katy to do wasn't so unreasonable. Picking up her clothes, setting and clearing the table at dinner, and most of all doing her homework -- they weren't so bad. Now her mother made her favorite vegetarian lasagne once every week. She even suggested taking Katy shopping to buy some new clothes!
"So, do you like your mouse -- what did you call, him, Shack?"
"Yeah, Shaq. He's nice to have around," she said, as casually as she could. She wouldn't give him up for the world, and she would never dream of giving a hint as to why.
Her clothes were no more stylish than they had been before, but she worried about it less. Her boobs were no bigger, but she felt OK about them.
For a week Katy had Shaq crawl out of her pussy every morning after she woke up, but she felt a little empty after he left.
She asked, "Could you stay up there during the day too?"
She walked down the hallway to the bathroom in her pajamas with a mouse up inside her pussy! She knew in her head that no one could tell just looking at her, but she still felt naughty and exposed somehow.
She had an evil little thought. "You want to stay up there while I pee?" The worst that would happen is that his snout would get a little wet. Just then she felt him pull his snout inside. She sat and let her stream go, amazed that he was right there, so close. "Do you want to stay during my shower?" she asked.
Getting no reply, she stripped and climbed in. The little guy wasn't making to crawl out, so she bathed as usual. She found that she would even forget for a second or two that he was there.
He stayed up her pussy and just pulled in a little further when she had bowel movement as well.
When it was time to go to school, Katy went to the privacy of her bedroom and pulled her pants and panties down. "See you tonight!" she said as the mouse dutifully clambered out of her and began washing himself.
One Saturday Katy experimented with leaving Shaq in after breakfast. She left him in all morning and forgot about him, but just before lunch she felt some vigorous pulsing and commotion down in her pussy. Retreating behind a closed door in her bedroom she dropped her panties to let the critter out. He immediately went to his cage and starting eating and drinking eagerly. Of course! He had animal needs that could not be met while he was occupying her intimate spot.
Shortly after she started leaving him inside, she saw and felt him turn around and do his own business right into the toilet! So she didn't need to change the litter in his cage any more.
They worked out a weekend routine where she let him out to eat and drink while she showered. Then she struck sexy poses and felt the admiration of her pet cock/mouse. She liked seeing him appreciate her, which was evident from his vigorous bobbing up and down.
He then eagerly crawled back up her pussy and spent the whole middle of the day inside her. It was very comforting to have her pal with her. Talk about an intimate acquaintance! Once in the evening he crawled out again for an hour or so, eating and racing around the room; he didn't get much exercise lying in her pussy.
Once she woke in the night to the feel of Shaq slowly sliding back and forth inside her. To her it felt mildly pleasant, though it didn't stimulate her sex nerves very much. It went on for a long time, then he sped up just a little more and she felt very faint twitching. Then she felt him relax a little. From what she'd read it seemed like that might be the same sort of thing that happened when a man had an orgasm.
Her sensations had been very mild and soothing, so it would be no surprise if he had been doing that at night for some time.
"Shaq," she whispered. She felt a little startle reaction in her pussy. "Did you just fuck me? Was it just for you? Because you like it?"
She realized that she didn't know much about what Shaq wanted in life. She knew boys liked doing it inside girls' pussies, and maybe he did too.
"Shaq," she whispered. She decided to tease him a little; she could pretend he understood, at least. "I think you've been fucking me while I'm asleep! Without my permission! That's not very nice of you!" She wondered if it was rape. Given that she had invited him to occupy her pussy at night, it seemed unlikely. "You're not going to make me pregnant, are you?" But even as she formulated the question she just knew that he wouldn't. Then she said, "You can fuck me any time you like, OK?"
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I've always been the type of man into really feminine boys. I like skinny little twinks who want to be fucked and roughed up by a real man. Nothing makes me harder than a pussyboy begging to ride my hard cock and moaning "Daddy" as I slide in and out of his tight hole.I'm 6'-2", solid muscle and proud of it. Little fag bitches go weak when they see how big my arms are and picture how hard I could fuck them. When I finally get them on their knees and my hard 9" thick cock is in front of their...
Pussycat Pussycat I?Arnold Puttwyn and Asia Note ? This is a work of fiction ? any similarities between any persons?..etc. This collaboration between Asia &Pttwyn? as follows : Illustrations and Inspiration provided by our??? very own Asia.? The writing was by Pttwyn.? The technical skills by MSWord. Do not try this at home ? We are what you may call experts {Really} especially Asia. Pussycat, Pussycat, I love you.Ooh Yess, I do!!?????????????????????????????? Tom Jones. Asia:...
Pussyboy, Part 1By Greg Stone Part 1Greg peered over the menu to check out the young waiter working the lunch tables. He'd wanted to avoid the noise of the business lunch crowd on a Friday, so he was at this trendy little place filled mostly with students. The menu didn't interest him, but the fair-haired young man breezing between the tables did.He looked about twenty, with a small build and rather effeminate mannerisms. The highly styled hair and close-fitting clothes suggested a...
This was an Rp between me and a friend, and since I have nothing to do all summer but write I figured I’d toy around with it so that it was more of a story. Tell me what you think? *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Sandra paced through the forest, favoring her bruised ribs, the previous day’s events whirling around in her mind relentlessly. ‘Sandra! Please help me!’ Rena’s hand reached for her, terror streaked across her face. The man that restrained her laughed as Sandra ran to protect her...
I have always been attracted to what could be described as ‘mousy’ looking girls. You know, those women who hardly ever get a second glance from most guys. I guess you could call them nerds. There are several reasons I lust after these ‘Plain Janes’ rather than perfect tens. First, I am no George Clooney or Brad Pitt myself, so I do not think any really good-looking woman would be interested in me. Secondly, my college girlfriend, who was the love of my life, looked like a nerd on the outside...
Mature"The little present you sent arrived. So you enjoyed seducing my wife. But you told me she was a bitch. Is that what made it so much fun, you fucker? Are you going to cut her loose now that you've had your fun? I want to talk to her. Now, you asshole!" A message to Richard, sent to voice mail again. Words sent out to nowhere. God, he was good. So goddamned good. Jesus fucking Christ. So good. How could a man born of woman turn her in those few minutes on the phone, turn a woman who...
It wasn’t much of a telegram — just three words: “Return to Helena.” Four words, if you counted the signature: “Autry.” Well, we had made it as far as Butte, about 70 miles or so south of Helena. Not all that much progress since we were on our way to San Francisco via the transcontinental railway system. In fact, it felt like we were moving backwards in time as well as distance. But no one argued about the change of plans. The Montana Territorial Marshal wouldn’t ask us to interrupt our trip...
Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more info. Copyright 1999 Elaine Blankenship. All rights not specifically granted above reserved. Email the author at [email protected]. I do not own the SRU universe, I...
TATSU BUILDS A BETTER MOUSETRAP (Tatsu Story II) By C Chapter I Hideo Tatsu, master of Tokairo , had recently addeda new twist to the shrinking game. As before, he'd reduce a lovely, unsuspectingvictim to insect size. But now, as the tiny beauty lay there, naked and unconscious,he would recite a spell he'd learned on the internet. Within moments, brightlycolored butterfly or moth wings would spring from his victim's back. When shereturned to groggy wakefulness, he'd call out: "Hey pretty...
I'd like to describe something that happened many years ago at the start of my college career. Something I did. People will probably end up hating me when they hear about it, but I want to tell the story anyway. It's rather erotic in my opinion. I still think that, even now I'm older and more mature and wouldn't carry on the way I did back in those days. Here we go: I was just turned 19 when I went to university and excited about it. It's something I've been looking forward to for...
"Eric, Buzz ... how confident are you that we've got the food stocks and the incoming food supply chain secured? Everything is in locked containers, guarded, and it's all safe from contamination? It's all monitored, and the people responsible can be trusted? I worry about infiltrators, fanatics, guards who've been bribed, all of that," Michael asked. "No guarantees, Mike," the General answered, "but Eric and I have been with our best people, and they've been right on top of this...
I am in my first year at college and have a small apartment just off campus. In my chemistry class was a very beautiful girl named Audrey. She was a sophomore about 5'10", 115 lbs, dark hair, and a kinda Italian look to her. She had very nice tits which she proudly displayed by wearing low cut blouses. She always had guys trying to sit next to her in class. Many times the guys almost got into fights about who would sit next to her. Audrey knew she was good looking and did...
“The Pussyholic” by Smutwriter Copyright October 2010 Pussyholic, that would describe him quite well he thought. His meeting with Suzanne was therefore fortuitous for both of them. She had a pussy that craved attention. A neglected pussy, neglected for twenty-eight years and several months or at least lacking the attention it deserved. That was the way she saw it. Simon’s love and fascination for the female pubic area was, as he saw it, perfectly normal. A cunny gave him and his cock,...
This is my first attempt at fiction. I realize it may be rough. If you like it let me know Pussywillow- Part1 by Henry Green Bob Rider had "picked up" Sandi earlier in the night at the party. Actually, it was she who picked him up but of course he didn't know that. Bob's secretary Ann had had enough of his arrogant macho ways and through several discret contacts had met Sandi and Ruth. For a reasonable contingency fee they would help turn the tables on Bob. With their...
“The Pussyholic”by SmutwriterCopyright October 2010Pussyholic, that would describe him quite well he thought.His meeting with Suzanne was therefore fortuitous for both of them. She had a pussy that craved attention. A neglected pussy, neglected for twenty-eight years and several months or at least lacking the attention it deserved. That was the way she saw it. Simon’s love and fascination for the female pubic area was, as he saw it, perfectly normal. A cunny gave him and his cock, exquisite...
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Free Sex GamesThe name of the page says it all, really. Pussy Space is a page that does an amazing job at stuffing lots and lots of pussies in your screen, Just take a look at the home page! As soon as you make your way inside PussySpace, you will get at least 15 great pics of pussies, and this is obviously not where the fun stops. I mean, for starters, these aren't just plain pictures, these are thumbnails of various videos that you may watch on pussy space. Did I mention that these videos are completely...
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GayPussy Foot By Naughty Venus Chapter 1 "My Owner" Ssssssp. Ssssssp. Ssssssp. Mmmmm!!! My new owner Ron really knows how to treat a kitty! He’s an older man in his late 50s-early 60s. A handsome, quiet bachelor. My very favorite owner so far! I really miss him when he’s away at work, but he always comes straight home every day to give me a nice warm serving of soft cat food, and a cool, fresh bowl of milk! I will never forget the day when he first became my owner! He put a beautiful silver...
Love StoriesPussy Boy NathanbyJerseyGirlBcom©After kissing his mother and shaking his father's hand, Nathan lugged the last box through the hall and entered into his dorm room. As he entered he nearly bumped into the 6'3" black man in his room. He was dressed in an oversized black T-shirt with Tupac on it. His jeans were sagging and baggy, exposing his blue paid boxers. He had completed the look with a pair of tan timberlands. "I am sorry." Nathan mumbled trying not to drop the box. The man took the box...
1. Expensive PussyMost pussy falls into this definition. Expensive Pussy can be recognized by the following – fur coats, $500 dresses, spandex, bright colored shorts, and shirts with greek letters on them. 98% of good pussy falls into this category.Advantages: If you can afford it, it will be great.Disadvantages: Many, mostly in the form of checking account depletion. Often not worth it.2. Cheap PussyVery rare. Usually comes in the form of a girlfriend of yours who will not go away no matter...
Have you ever in your past done something that you wished you hadn’t done but at the same time you’re so happy about it you’re glad you did it? About 6 months ago something happened to me that shook me down to my 5 inch high heel shoes. As a matter of fact it happened to my whole family but I guess it started with my actions. My name is Salma and I’m 42 years old. I don’t see myself as beautiful although my husband and son tell me I am. I stay in good shape and yes, I’ve had a boob job. Two...
Incest"I don't understand why you asked me here Mr. Watkins. My husband handles the business. He spoke to you about the loan he needs. I don't see how I can help." Jae Smith smiled at the bank loan officer as she sat down in his office. She and her husband had come to this small town four years before. Her husband, Don, started a small business that had been very successful. They were well liked in the community and had many friends. Victor Watkins, the loan officer was not one of them. He and his...
"Listen up ladies," the female cadet announced in a loud, stern voice. "You will all eat pussy and you will all like it. Make no mistake: You are here to fall in love with pussy. Eat pussy. Serve pussy."The cadet, dressed in an authoritative navy and grey uniform, strolled back and forth holding her hands together behind her back. Her dark blonde hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail and was in contrasted to the other women in the room with loosely flowing locks and other various flamboyant...
Reddit Pussy, aka /r/Pussy! What the fuck is it about Reddit that makes a guy like ThePornDude gladly throw hours of his life away just browsing the bullshit people post? Where else can you find some half-baked theory on liberalism that’s so hilarious it makes you spew soda out every hole only to find yourself watching a video of a fat ass woman stomping on a little kid’s balloons at a birthday because, ‘I hungry t’ day?’ Reddit. That’s it.There’s no other place on the Web that will satisfy...
Reddit NSFW List"Conarc, The King of Alderbren IV" was a popular show that always drew a large audience every Saturday night for the Mutual TV Syndicate. Therefore, the show was always watched by critics, just in case a particular episode had something in it worthy of mention. Lately, the program had become so hackneyed that the critics rarely commented on it. This time was different. Six different critics, four of whom were not paid under the table by Mutual TV Syndicate, all marveled at the beauty and...
Mostly I fuck middle-aged to older guys. My Daddy BF is about 25 yrs old than me. I am in my early 20s. I'm not exactly a pro whore, although I might as well be. Daddy and I are into group sex. You might say that sex with men is my hobby. We don't much do the commercial swinger parties, because I like being the only female in a gangbang. My Daddy is well-off and has his own business, but is mostly retired. So we have plenty of time to pursue our hobby. I met Daddy at a swing party, and we have...
Pussy Kissing By Blueheatt &hellip,.. When Jerry became my step dad, I was already hot for him, even though I was young but of legal age in this state. &hellip,.This state has the lowest legal age of all&hellip,and I knew it&hellip,and so did he. I wanted to have sex with him right away. How could I do this with my mom married to him. I really didnt care. &hellip,..He was all the things my disappearing dad wasnt. I loved to stare at him and feel my pussy get wet. I slowly developed plans...
I am a forty-year-old horny man. Fortunately my wife is a thirty-six-year-old horny woman. We also have three daughters that are fifteen, fourteen, and thirteen years old too. They are Natalie, Chloe, and Lauren. We decided to stop trying to have a son after that and I got a vasectomy. That changed my life. Well something needed to be done, my wife was very fertile and apparently so was I. She was pregnant four weeks after we were married and had stopped her birth control pills. Then she was...
Ever since my daughter Katrina was little we have been playing a game that I call “Pussy Bank.” I bought her a Piggy Bank that looks like a big adorable kitten so it has become our Pussy Bank. I taught her that I needed to put my coins in her little girl pussy first then I can put them in her ceramic Pussy Bank. I made sure that Katrina understood that it was our little secret and that mommy was not supposed to know anything about it. Then once a month Katrina and I go out and she gets to...
Pussy for Pussy By Angela J. It really wasn?t my fault. My wife had forced the situation on us. Despite knowing that neither of us knew the streets of Chicago, she insisted that we get a rental car instead of a taxi. So why do I get the blame and have to feel ashamed? My wife wasn?t always so mean or domineering. We were, at one time, close friends and partners. My ideas and her ability brought us together in a business partnership. We opened a startup computer...
On this particular night, I had bought a small flashlight from the store because I had watched Batman and they had shown how to make a Bat flashlight. I had been watching TV for about an hour and my sister had her foot on my crotch again, when my dick got hard she reached down on put her hand on it and do her usual hand rubbing. I didn’t say a word other than to enjoy it as usual. Before I was about to explode for the first time, she stopped. I didn’t know why but I was really disappointed,...
Introduction: A young womans desire to be a sex slave and her burning desire to experience pussy whipping and the ogasm she thinks it will bring Pussy Whipping Deanna When it comes to sexual fantasys one of my favorites was to be spanked or to have my pussy whipped! Especially on this most sinful part of my anatomy! Having my breasts bare bottom or pussy whipped was my favorite, and I could take an incredible amount of abuse between my legs, and it did not take long for my boyfriend to figure...
PussyIt really wasn’t my fault. My wife had forced the situation on us. Despite knowing that neither of us knew the streets of Chicago, she insisted that we get a rental car instead of a taxi. So why do I get the blame and have to feel ashamed? My wife wasn’t always so mean or domineering. We were, at one time, close friends and partners. My ideas and her ability brought us together in a business partnership. We opened a startup computer software company together. After the initial...
Hello friends I am Mimoh. Well I have too my true sex experience which I am sharing with you. Hope you like it. I am from the Hyderabad city Let me describe you about my sex partner that is my Aunty (my neighbor). She lives next to our brother house. It happened sometimes back. I lived with my older brother in a flat. The building had only south Indian people. My neighbor was Mrs. Swathi; she must have been around 34. 140 cm and about 75 kgs little fat with a small stomach. (38-36-40) you know...
Amy shops for some sexy new underwear, and finds a delightful salesgirl that provides full customer satisfaction==================Lingerie shop changing roomIt was an unseasonably warm spring day as Amy drove towards the shopping Mall. She smiled to herself feeling the sunshine through the sunroof of her BMW coupe. She was so pleased the warm weather was almost back, mainly because she loved to wear pretty clothes, and that was a no-no in the depths of winter. Its also meant she could indulge...
It was a cold and rainy night in April and she was tucked as far back into the deep doorway of the older, brick office building as she could get, trying to get out of the wind and rain. It was Friday night and the building was closed for the weekend. Despite people's desire to enjoy themselves on Friday night and forget the toils of the week, it was a bad night to look for customers. In reality, business hadn't been "good" in some time. Between the wet, miserable thirty five degree weather, and...
Group SexBy: Pussyking Hi friends, this story is about me. It talks about how I grew up and what happened throughout my life from childhood to my teenage. Hope you guys will enjoy it. My name is Nanda, everyone calls me Nandu. I belong to a middle class family and I was a normal Indian boy like you guys. Our house was located next to a slum and it had a lot of influence on me. As I told you, our house was next to a big slum. It is the second biggest slum in Bangalore. The people there were mostly...
As I rested myself into the soothing hot tub, I heard a voice call me. I had just entered the hot tub with my drink only moments ago. Since I didn't want to exit the nice hot water immediately, I answered, "I'm here in the hot tub." This tub is in the backyard. The voice was coming from the front of the house and sounded like that of my neighbor. In a few seconds I saw my 19 year-old neighbor, Mary, come around the side of the house and walk up to the tub. I had just placed my towel on the side...
The first time i saw him was at the arboretum. I usually went there to relax and fantasize. There was always at least 50 to 60 people there any given day.I would choose an imaginary partner from one of the groups of people then, go into the women's lounge and masturbate. Once I got up the nerve to actually talk to this real sexy, voluptuous older women. I noticed she was watching me while I was checking out potential (imaginary) partners. I thought,..she doesn't know me I could just walk right...
George lay there on the bed, tugging helplessly against his restraints, looking up at Hypnotic and Summer, wondering how long they would embrace and kiss. Not that he minded watching them, but their cigarettes dangled loosely from their clasped hands above his chest. They hadn't dropped their cigarettes yet, but there was always a first time. Sometimes Hypnotic and Summer embraced for so long that they let ashes fall. While it wasn't painful, he didn't care for ashes all over his chest and...
I never had time for a rest and I didn't want one. I was getting more and more new experiences and I was loving it all. I felt like the runaway train with no brakes, going faster and faster and getting more exciting. I just hoped there wouldn't be a big crash at the end.Young Ray was now coming round two or three times a week. The main reason was that he knew he could fuck my bum when he wanted, but also he loved watching the DVD of me being fucked. Gary and Ray watched parts of it over and...
CuckoldPussy FeverJoyce sat at the table in the bar waiting for her friends. She was upset and looked forward to having some drinks with her work friends to try and get her mind off of her worries. Last week things had been so different. Exactly a week ago, Frank, one of the hottest salesmen for the company had finally successfully talked his way into Joyce’s bed. He was amazing! His body was that of a greek God and he knew exactly how to please a woman. When they finally went back to her place he...
Hi yall, I hope y'all enjoyed reading my previous stories, now I'll share with you about Pussy Eating, Dick Sucking & Sixty-Nine..Starting with eating pussy. I never thought that something like this would be so amazing. I have a really observant characteristic to notice many thing's, some really handy, some random. Another thing is i am an absolute a****l freak. I've always had pet cats since i was very little. You mightbe thinking why i mentioned these two things and and how they might...
Hi all am Harish (name changed) Am great fan of ISS. I am from Bangalore working here in a company my real story is sharing here. six months ago I met a lady in fb her name is Manjula( name changed for privacy) first we talked like friends she shared all her details to me then after two weeks our conversation entirely changed to sex talks she asked what my likes in sex I told her all things and especially I told that I like eating pussy very much after that she also told that she also like very...
Chapter 5: An hour later, Anita was still standing in the sweltering heat next to the car. No other cars had passed by and no cops came to help the possibly dead gas station employee. Just when she had given up all hope and was about to start walking back, a glimmer of hope appeared. In the distance a truck appeared. As it came closer, Anita was able to make out the shape of the truck. It looked like a tow truck. Anita prayed that good luck had finally gone her way. She was able to make out...
It was late and I was exhausted and could wait to get home to sleep. So I waited for the train to come, which seemed forever. There was no one in sight, which is strange for Chicago. I was almost sleep when the train finally came. It was a full eight cars and I sat anywhere. The train was pleasant and comfortable. I had far to go, so I relaxed. On the next stop, there entering the train was a woman. A sweet and beautiful very, very dark skin Black girl. She was wearing blue shorts that went up...
Hi here I am with my another session with the readers. I am sameer, a part time massuer and call boy in delhi ncr. As I keep posting my ad on various forums and website because I am very good at therapeutic and erotic massage along with equally good sex skills. Well, to cut it short a married female contacted me, she was in her 30’s, working husband with no time for her and she was starved. After a formal introduction over emails she agreed to exchange numbers and after that she wanted a casual...