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This is my first attempt at fiction. I realize it may be rough. If you like it let me know Pussywillow- Part1 by Henry Green Bob Rider had "picked up" Sandi earlier in the night at the party. Actually, it was she who picked him up but of course he didn't know that. Bob's secretary Ann had had enough of his arrogant macho ways and through several discret contacts had met Sandi and Ruth. For a reasonable contingency fee they would help turn the tables on Bob. With their help hopefully Bob would become Ann's feminized lesbian slave secretary and Ann would be the boss. Sandi suggested that they go back to his place for some "fun".While she was telling him this she was seductively rubbing his crotch and licking her pouty lips. He immediately got the message. He was quite attracted to this woman and wanted her totally. She, of course, had other ideas. If all went well this would be the beginning of his transformation. The fact that he was a macho pig and that it would be against his will would make it all the more satisfying. As they left the party she said that she needed to stop at her house to change into something more appropriate. It wasn't far out of the way and he was so horny that there was no way he was going to say no to her. The house was a modest two story home in a quiet neighborhood. As she lead him into the living room she pointed to the sofa and told him to make himself comfortable. She then left the room adding "I'll just be a bit." As Bob sat waiting another women entered. She looked to be in her late teens and was dressed very provacively. Her cleavage was quite obvious. Also, her dress was very short and also sleeveless. Bob took one look at her and his cock immediately started to swell. She said, "Hi I'm Ruth and Sandi told me to keep you occupied while she changes". Bob nodded and introduced himself. As he was making small talk he gave her a quick look and thought' "What a bimbo! I bet she'd be a great fuck." Ruth noticed the once-over look and knew what was on his mind. She smiled inwardly. "He really is a macho ass-hole isn't he?" she thought. Everything his secretary Ann said about him is probably true. "I can't wait give him what he (or she?) deserves" she thought. Though Ruth looked like a teenage bimbo, she was actually neither. She was 26 years old and had a Masters Degree in Psychology. She was young looking for her age. She found it easier to manipulate men when she dressed this way. She knew that most men had fantasies about having sex with teenage girls and she used this to her advantage. After years of practice she knew how to act like a flirtly teenage bimbo. This act was irrestible to most men. After several minutes of talking from across the room, acting like a complete bimbo, she passed right in front of Bob and headed for the recliner. As she passed, Bob noticed the unmistakable smell of sex. Ruth smelled like a woman's pussy! Bob couldn't believe it and thought he must be mistaken. Ruth went to the recliner, which was next to the sofa, and picked up her workout bag. She turned to Bob and said, "Let me move my workout bag out of the way. I worked out earlier and when I came home I just dropped it on the recliner. You should sit in the recliner. It is much more comfortable". As she grabbed the bag and turned towards Bob she "accidently" got so close that Bob's nose was only inches from her shaven armpit. She held that position slightly longer than she needed to, but she carefully watched his reaction. Bob was staring directly into Ruths armpit and was immediately hit by the strong smell of pussy. He kept looking and smelling. It was unmistakable. "How could she smell like that?" he thought. Bob knew he must be mistaken but he kept staring and sniffing. He was almost in a trance. Ruth noticed his reaction immediately and again smiled inwardly. She broke the spell by pulling away. She put her bag beside the sofa and motioned Bob to the recliner. He was almost in a trance but he moved over to the other chair. He moved slowly. He was trying to hide his swelling cock. Ruth, however, noticed his cock and thought "I think he will respond well to the program". She said to him "Can I get you something to drink? It is kind of hot in here." Of course the air-conditioner was turned off to make it warmer, increasing the likelihood that he would want a drink. "Diet Coke would be nice!" he mumbled. "Coming right up" she almost said. She turned and walked away, wiggling her cute butt on purpose as she headed for the kitchen. Bob couldn't see the huge grin on her face as she walked away. As she walked into the kitchen, her demeanor completely changed. She was no longer the teenage bimbo, but rather the adult psychologist. Sandi had managed to sneak into the kitchen via the back way and had been watching the unfolding scene. As Ruth entered she whispered "He really is an arrogant ass-hole! Isn't he? I'm going to enjoy his 'change of life'!" Sandi just nodded and added, "Remember we have a money riding on this." Ruth nodded. Ruth said "Diet Coke". Sandi pored the drink and added a small vial of color-less tasteless liqiud. (Just a combonation sedative and hypnotic, to make him more pliable and suggestionable!) She stirred it good and handed back to Ruth. Ruth took the drink and headed back into the living room. As she did she immediately resumed her teenage bimbo persona. As she handed Bob the drink she again let her shaven armpit linger just a little too long in front of Bob's face. As Ruth handed him the drink he noticed her shaven armpit and again couldn't help staring. "There it was again! She smells like a pussy but she acts like there is nothing wrong!" he thought. It was almost hypnotic. She was so young and cute and she smelled like sex! He couldn't help looking and sniffing. Again Ruth broke the spell. She sat down next to him and made small talk for several minutes. All this time he was drinking his drink. It took about ten minutes for him to almost finish his drink. Ruth knew the drugs she had slipped him were relatively fast acting and should be starting to work. By this time Bob was feeling no pain. He was becoming very relaxed and suggestable. That is when Ruth abruptly changed the subject. "I noticed you could not help staring at my armpits earlier" she cooed. "I'm wearing a new product. It is a combination perfume and deodorant. You must have got a whiff of it. What do you think of it?" Bob was stunned. The drugs in the drink made were relaxing him and he could not respond quick enough. She jumped off the sofa and into his lap. "Maybe you didn't get a good whiff!" she said. She lifted up he arm and turned her body slightly. Bob just sat there. The drug was working. She lightly grabbed he head and turned it so it was almost touching her armpit. She cooed, "Take a great big sniff! That's right, take another!" She paused as the suggestion took hold. Bob took one deep sniff and then another! She whispered in his ear, "That's right! Just relax take some great big sniffs!! Doesn't it smell great! I bet you could stay here all night and just smell me. In fact you love the smell. Don't you?" Bob just nodded yes. He knew what was happening but in his current state he couldn't respond to here relatively rapid statements and questions. She whispered again, "It's called PUSSYwillow". She said it slowly, with emphasis on the word pussy."Don't you just love it?" Bob just nodded dumbly. "The name sounds soo sexy! I bet your cock is getting harder just thinking about it". She glanced down at his crotch and smiled when she saw the tent pole sticking up. "I'm really not sure about the name", she said matter of factly. "It doesn't smell anything like pusywillow, does it? It smells more like just plain pussy! Don't you agree?" Bob thought to himself, "I knew it! She agrees that it smells like pussy." But again Bob was too slow to actual respond. She slithered quickly off his lap and grabbed her gymbag. She opened it quickly. She needed to move qiuckly before Bob could start coming to his senses. She grabbed a pair of her soiled panties which were conviently placed on top of her other clothes. She showed them to Bob. She waved them in front of Bob, only inches from his face. "I just worked out in these earlier today and I think they still have my scent." (Actually she had masturbated into them for quite a while so they would really have her scent!) She opened the damp crotch and shoved it into his face, placing the crotch right on his nose. Again she whispered seductively, "Take a deep breath. That's right. Again. Smell my scent! Doesn't it smell great! Keep going. That's right. Deep breath. Isn't that what the fragrance smells like? It smells just like pussy, and you love the smell. Don't you?" Before Bob could answer she continued,"You love the smell of my pussy! It smells wonderful!" This continued for several minutes. She kept coooing, "Smell my pussy in my panties. They smell wonderful! You love the smell! In fact you crave the smell!" As she was repeating this she was rubbing the soiled crotch on his nose. Then, after several more minutes she pulled the soiled panties away and dangled them in front of him. Now they were inches in front of his face! "Look at my panties. Aren't they so pretty. They are so soft and sheer. They feel so great. I bet you'd love to put them on. They'd make you feel so sexy." Bob sat there in a daze. The drug's effect was getting stronger and he was absorbing everything. Part of him, the macho part, was disgusted. He'd never wear women's underwear. Only sissies wear panties. Yet Ruth was so sexy. She was irrestible! In his drugged state what she was saying seemed to make sense. Ruth continued, "Listen carefully Bob. You love women's panties. They are so comfortable and sexy. You love the feel of them going up your legs. The thought of wearing men's underwear is disgusting. You also love my soiled panties, the more soiled the better! The smell is so wonderful. You love the smell! You crave the smell. It makes you so excited." She continued this for several more minutes, hopefully each time she repeated the suggestion it would become implanted that much firmer in his sub-conscious. From her studies Ruth knew that his sort of hypnosis wasn't one hundred percent and that repetition was the key. She motioned towards the kitchen and silently Sandi crept into the living. She smiled as she saw Bob in his drugged state listening to Ruth talk about her panties and her pussy with her soiled panties only inches from his face. After several more minutes she nodded to Ruth. Sandi then went to a nearby cabinet a retrieved two leather binders. These were cut to fit snuggly around the arms of the chair. Bob was completely absorbed by Ruth's ministrations and didn't notice as Sandi quickly secured Bob's arms in place with the binders. When Bob was secured Sandi nodded to Ruth. Sandi then reclined the chair completely so the Bob was lying horizontal, about two feet above the floor. Ruth then reached around the back cushion and hit a concealed switch. The sides of the back cushions rotated down and acted as struts supporting Bob's upper body. Bob's upper body was now lying on a thin cushion only six inches wide. While all this was happening Ruth continued her soothing speech with her panties dangling in Bob's face. She then stood up and pivoted around so that she was standing right behind Bob's horizontal body. She lefted her skirt and pulled down her panties. Of course they were sopping wet! She turned and slowly walked backward straddling Bob's body. When she got to his shoulders she stopped. Bob was now lying flat with Ruth's crotch only inches in front of his face. Ruth said, "Bob, look at my pretty pussy. You think it is pretty don't you. It is shaved clean, just like a little girl. Wouldn't you love to taste my little girl pussy. Look closely, it is dripping wet! Take a deep breath and really smell my pussy. Thats right, do it again. Don't you love it." She then reached down with her hand and shoved two of her fingers deep into her sopping wet pussy. She then placed her fingers right against Bob's nose and continued "Smell my little girl pussy on my fingers. That's right. You love the smell! You crave the smell." Then she added, "You wish you had a pussy so that you could smell that smell all the time. Don't you?" Ruth didn't wait for an answer. She opened Bob's mouth with her dry hand and shoved her wet pussy fingers into his mouth. "Suck my fingers and taste my pussy! That's right! You love the taste don't you?" Again she didn't wait for an answer. She took her fingers out of Bob's mouth and sat down on Bob's face. Her sopping wet little girl shaven pussy was now in Bob's mouth. She commanded, "Lick my pussy! That's right keep going. You love it! You love the smell! You love the taste! You wish you had a little girl pussy like mine!" Inside Bob was screaming. He was a man! What Ruth was suggesting was meant for girls or sissies. He couldn't believe this was happening! But the drug was working, sapping his will. Each time that Ruth repeated a suggestion it was becoming more solidified in his subconcsious. Though part of him hated what was happening, the tent pole in his crotch indicated that another part of him was reallyenjoying this. Ruth kept this up for several minutes. She also saw his huge erection and new that he was going to be like putty in her hands. Meanwhile, Sandi took off his shoes, socks, pants and underwear. She went back to the cabinet and got out a small vibrator and lubricant. She went to the back of the recliner and removed a back panel. She hit another hidden lever and the seat cushion partially dropped away. (If you hadn't figured by now, this was not an ordinary recliner!) Sandi now had clear access to Bob's virgin ass-hole. She carefully lubricated the vibrator and slowly insertedit into Bob. She then turned it on. She started it on low and slowly increased the power. She wanted it to be pleasurable. Afterall, pleasure also helped to reinforce the suggestions that Ruth was giving. After the vibrator was secured Ruth placed a sheer pink pair of bikini panties on Bob. She then resecured the seat cushion and the back panel. Sandi went to the kitchen and picked up the phone.She dialed a number. "Ann, it went real smooth. He fell for Ruth's teenage bimbo act hook line and sinker. When she started coming on to him he had no idea what to do. After the drug took hold it was a piece of cake. Ruth is sitting on his face right now. She'll probably give him several more minutes of this face sitting session and then we'll start the cassette tape.It will play for several hours and reinforce the suggestions that Ruth has been giving him. Also it will add several new ones. There are also several phrases that will be implanted which will make him more obidient and put him back into a trance. On of the buzz words will be 'PUSSYWILLOW'. It may take several sessions but within a few days he'll almost surely be hooked on pussy and panties and we'll turn him into a panty slave. Then over sevreal weeks we'll completely feminize him for you. Oh, you what? You want to come over and see him for yourself? I don't see the harm. You know the address. Bob's car is parked in the driveway. Just park in the street. Come around to the back door it will be unlocked. How long will you be? Okay, see you in about an hour." Sandi went back into the living room. Ruth was still sitting on Bob's face and repeating, "Bob you love the smell of my pussy. You love the taste of my pussy. You crave them. When you are at work you'll be thinking about pussy. You love to wear panties. You love the smell of soiled panties. You love the sensation of having them on your face." Sandi just smiled. Bob's cock was so erect he was obviously enjoying this. Sandi then went to the stereo and turned it on. She took the cassette labeled 'Bob Rider' on put it in the player. She took the head phones and haned them to Ruth. Ruth was just getting off of Bob. Before she did she told him, "Now close your eyes and relax. You will listen carefully to everything and you will obey." Bob's eyes closed. Ruth then carefully secured the headphones in place. She then replaced her soiled scented panties on his face as Sandi started the tape. Sandi said to Ruth, "It is going quite well, don't you think?" Ruth nodded and added "He is such an ass-hole. I'm glad he is getting what he deserves. Men are such suckers for my teenage bimbo act. This has made me so hot that I'm dripping." Sandi mentioned, "Ann is coming over to see out little handiwork. We have about an hour." Sandi and Ruth headed to the bedroom. She added,"Roberta isn't going anywhere!" By the time time Ann arrived, both Ruth and Sandi were back in the living room just admirering their handiwork. It had been over two hours since Ruth had walked in on Bob and started his seduction. Now here he was securely tied to the chair with Ruth's soiled panties in his face, a pair of headphones in his ears, and wearing an adorable pair of pink panties. And of course there was also the vibrator. If you listened carefully you could hear its faint hum as it relentlessly massaged his prostate. When Ann peeked into the livingroom Ruth silently motioned her in. Sandi put her finger to her lips. "Keep your voice down", she mouthed. She pointed to Bob and whispered,"Isn't he just darling." Ann just nodded. I can't believe this is the same arrogant boss who pats me on the butt at work all the time, treats me like I'm dirt and brushes off any suggestion that I make like I'm a complete airhead!" Ruth added quietly, "He has been getting continuous suggestions for at least two hours. They keep repeating in different sequences. Afterall, repetition is the key. Unlike what you see in the movies usually you can't just give someone a command once and have it take hold. You have to repeat it over and over. Also the vibrator in his rectum his massaging his prostate. He is obviously enjoying the experience. Again, unlike what you see in the movies it is pleasure, not pain, that helps reinforce the suggestions. People tend to block out pain and everything associated with it. Conversely, they remember, at least subconsciously, pleasure and everything associated with it." Ann nodded. "Can I hear what you are actually telling him?" They immediate responsed yes. Sandi went to the stereo and flipped a switch and suddenly the sound of Ruth's sultry voice filled the room. Sandi adjusted the volume coming through the speakers."The headphones are tied through a different switch so that the volume that Bob is hearing has not changed." The three just listened for several seconds. "Bob, you love the smell of pussy. It is such a sexy smell. You crave the smell. It makes you so excited." Ann said,"This is great stuff! You really think it will work?" Ruth just nodded and pointed, "Of course it will work. If you don't think he is being affected just look at his crotch." His cock was sticking straight up. Ann said,"Lets' listen a little longer." After several minutes the theme changed slightly."Bob, listen carefully. You know how much you love soiled panties and the smell of pussy, but there is an important word which you must remember. The word is 'PUSSYWILLOW'. Pussywillow is that wonderful fragrance which you smelled on me earlier. We both agreed that it smelled just like a little girls pussy. You love that smell, don't you?" Bob's head nodded up and down ever so slightly. The tape continued, "When you hear the word PUSSYWILLOW you will be subconsciously reminded of this evening. You will immediately get extremely happy and you will do whatever you are told. Remember, if you don't do as you are told you will never smell that wonderful fragrance called PUSSYWILLOW. Do you understand?" Again Bob's head nodded up and down slightly. Ann asked, "Will he really do anything he is told?" Ruth answered, "Well he won't do everything he is told. Afterall, if we told him to take a gun and blow his brains out he probably wouldn't do that. Unless of course he was depressed and thinking about doing it anyway. But when we are done with him he will probably do most of the things that we suggest. It is a matter of giving him the right suggestions along the way." As they listened a little more Ruth added, "The suggestion about PUSSYWILLOW has been interspersed throughout the tape. There is another suggestion on the tape which you haven't heard. That one is telling him that when he hears the phrase 'You like to wear women's panties, don't you?' he will immediately return to the trance-like state that he is in right now. I'll try those buzz-words out when I visit him tomorrow at his house. Hopefully within a couple of days he will respond to the programming without the need for drugs." Ann said, "I see. But what is this PUSSYWILLOW that you mentioned?" Ruth: "It is this fragrance that I stumbled upon several months ago. It has quite an effect on the average heterosexual American male. I'm wearing it now." She lifted her arm and turned so her underarm was right near Ann's face. Ruth added, "I applied it like a deodorant. Have a whiff." Ann took a whiff."Wow, it smells like pussy!" Ruth: "Yeah, only better!" Ann: "How did you come across it?" Ruth explained the whole story, "It was several months ago, in the middle of that bad summer heat-wave. I was going to my fitness club to work out and because of a bad traffic accident I was about 40 minutes late. The club is for women only. As luck would have it, the club's air conditioner picked that day to go on the fritz. So it was a lot hotter and humid in there then normal. By the time that I got there most of my girlfriends, who I workout with, were already deep into their routines. Because the AC was out everyone was really sweating. Anyway, went I walked into the workout area I was immediately hit by this strong smell. The mixture of all the women's sweat and other body smells were obviously not being cleared because of the lack of ventilation related to the busted AC. The club literally smelled like a women's pussy! When I mentioned it they said that they didn't notice it. I told them that was probably because the smell had built up as they worked out and that it was so gradual that they didn't appreciate it. When they stopped and really concentrated several others agreed. Everyone started laughing and people started saying, 'Welcome to the Cunt Fitness Club'. Everyone got a kick out of that. Then someone added,'Good thing this is a women's only club. Could you imagine what a man would do if he came to workout and the club smelled like pussy? The poor dear wouldn't know what to do!' That is when my friend Julie added,'Yea, how much of a workout could a man get when he had a continous hard-on?' Someone asked if they really thought that smell would get a man hard. Julie hesitated then continued,'I signed a secrecy agreement, but I guess that was nullified when they scrapped the whole project.' Julie is a research chemist for a major cosmetics firm. She then said,'I was working on a new scent for my company. Initial tests indicated that it literally drove men wild. It was a combination of extracts for women's vaginal secretions, with some enhancers and other chemicals. For lack of a better name I called it SEX. Anyway, I worked on the project for several months. It literally was the smell of a pussy! Only better! When SEX was presented to the higher-ups in the firm the effects were obvious. The men in the group got almost instant erections. Since the meeting was in an open room, without any obstructing tables it was apparent to everyone in the room! However, it was decided that it was not politically correct to market a scent that smelled like a women's cunt and so the whole project was scrapped.' You could tell that Julie was quite bitter about the whole thing. They scrapped her project. Because her project fell through, so did her chance at a promotion. Anyway, I saw where such a scent could be very useful. After the workout I approached Julie about it. They had disbanded the project, but she kept all her notes and test results. More importantly she said that she had literally gallons of the stuff still hidden away. For a contigency fee she gave me gallons of the stuff. I put it in small unobtrusive unmarked bottles and carry it with me all the time. You never know when you might need the smell for pussy to help manipulate a man. I now call it PUSSYWILLOW!" Ann added, "Maybe I need to get me some PUSSYWILLOW!" Ruth said that that could be arranged. Ann then reached into her pocket and pulled out a small autofocus Kodak camera. "Would it be okay to take a picture of Mister Asshole for my scrapbook?" Ruth and Sandi both nodded yes. Ann aimed the camera and mockingly whispered, "Smile for the camera Mister Asshole!" After she snapped the picture she added, "Would it be possible to get a picture straddling his face?" Ruth nodded yes. Ann went over to Bob who was still lying quietly will Ruth's soiled panties on his face and the headphones in place. She carefully stepped over Bob. She handed Sandi the camera. Ann raised her skirt so that her pretty panties were showing. The dampness that was forming in her crotch was also clearly evident. Sandi centered the shot so that pantied Bob and pantied Ann were both clearly visible. After she took the picture she just put the camera down on the nearby cabinet. She thought there would probably other photo opportunities before the night was done. Ann just stood over Bob's face, with her skirt hiked up. The enlarging damp spot in her panties indicated how excited she was. "God this is making me so hot!", Ann exclaimed. "I wish I could just sit on his face right now!" Ruth said, "I think we could arrange that. I was going to wait until Monday before it started on that with him, but this presents a golden opportunity. Sandi when I motion to you just stop the tape. Ann, you just follow my lead and it should go just fine." Ruth then bent down so that she could whisper in Bob's ear. She waited until there was an appropriate pause in the tape and she then she motioned to Sandi. The tape abruptly stopped. Ruth continued,"Bob you are extremely relaxed and happy. You love everything that is happening to you." She gently removed the headphones and motioned for Ann to remove her skirt. Ann unbottoned the skirt and was standing with her sopping wet panties only inches from Bob's face. Ruth removed the soiled panties on Bob's face and started,"Bob now open your eyes and look at another pair of panties. That right just look at them. Aren't they beautiful? Look at the damp spot in the crotch. That's pussy juice. You love pussy juice. You want to smell and lick those panties." Bob was nodding yes. He wanted to smell those panties and taste that pussy. "Do you know whose panties and pussy that is?" From the way Ann was standing Bob could not see her face. Her torso blocked his view. He nodded no. "That's your secretary Ann. Doesn't she smell wonderful? Take a big whiff, that's it. Again. I bet you'd give just about anything a get a hold of her panties and her pussy." Ruth motioned Ann lower so that Ann's crotch was almost touching Bob's face. Ruth could smell her crotch from where she was by Bob's ear, so Bob was really getting a good whiff. Ruth kept going' "That's right take a couple of real deep breaths and really enjoy that smell!" Ruth then motioned for Ann to pull the crotch aside, which she did. Bob was now looking directly into Ann's hairy crotch. The smell was even stronger now. "Look at Ann's wonderful hairy crotch. It is so pretty! Keep smelling that wonderful smell! You want to taste it and lick it. Don't you?" Bob's head nodded yes."You know,there is a price to pay for such pleasure. Ann's pussy is so wonderful and you want it so much. Her pussy is too wonderful for a secretary. She should be the boss. Over the next few days, Ann, with her wonderful pussy will become the boss and you will do whatever she says. If you do whatever she says you'll be able to lick and taste her pussy. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" Bob was still under the control of the drugs. He was so excited he could hardly stand it. He would do anything to get at Ann's sopping wet pussy. When Ruth asked the question he immediately nodded yes. Ruth saw the nod and motioned Ann down on Bob's face. "Now lick the pussy like a good little pussy slave. Remember, for the honor of Ann's pussy she will be the boss and you will do anything she says." As Ruth stood up she whispered in Ann's ear,"ENJOY!" Ann was obviously enjoyed this. From her reactions it was clear she had several powerful orgasms. After about thiry minutes she motioned to Ruth that she had had enough. Ruth motioned to wait just a few seconds. Ruth went back to Bob and said, "Now your boss Ann has have enough. Stop licking her wonderful pussy. Good. Wasn't that great. Now Ann is going to leave you now. When you see her on Monday remember that she is the boss. You are there to please her. When you walk into the office your only thoughts will be on pleasing Ann so that she'll let you at her wonderful panties and pussy." Ruth then motioned Ann up and off his face. She grabbed the headphones and her original soiled panties and put them back in place. She whispered, "Close your eyes and listen and enjoy." She motioned to Sandi who restarted the tape. Ruth then rejoined the other two. "That tape should run about one more hour. Then I'll switch it out with another which will tell to consciously forget everything that happened here tonight. Of course subconsciously hopefully he'll remember everything. He'll remember the party tonight, but he won't remember picking up Sandi. He will get the suggestion that he struck-out and went home alone. We'll drop him off at his house, put him inside and he'll go to sleep. On the way home I'll give him one last session with of my PUSSYWILLOW. Then we'll shuttle his car back to his place and call it a night. I'll pay him a visit tomorrow afternoon and continue the suggestions then. That will give me an idea of how much of tonight's session sunk in" That sounded good to everyone. Ann took one more picture of Bob, said goodbye and left. She had a wonderful feeling about the upcoming days. She knew Bob was in capable hands. Ruth and Sandi still had unfinished business before they called it a night. Part 3 After Ann left, Sandi and Ruth sat and talked for several minutes while the tape finished. They left the speakers on so that they could hear what was being told to Bob. They both agreed that they were lucky to have run into Ann when they did. The past year had not been particularly good to either of them. They reinisced about the last several months: Sandi had been at the top of her class at Business School. She was less than a semister away from graduating with an MBA from a nearby prestigious school when disaster struck. In school Sandi down played her good looks and tryed to get by on ability alone, and she had plenty of ability. When she caught the attention of one of her nationally know professors she had been honored. He said that she had been brought to his attention because of her ability and asked her if she had some spare time to work on a project together. Unfortunately she didn't realize that she was the project and that getting her into bed was his ultimate goal. When she found out she was quite upset. Not only did she impolitely decline his offer but he threatened to go to the Dean. The professor turned the tables by getting several of the junior faculty members to back his story that she was a flirtatious slut who slept with all of them for her good grades. When she approached the Dean she was out of luck because they had beaten her to the punch. The Dean naturally believed the repected faculty over her and she was subsequently expelled from school, without her degree. When she threatened to got to the newspapers with her story the school offered a BBA, a lesser degree, as payment for her silence. She took the degree bitterly and vowed to one day get even with the male establishment. Until then all she manage to find were book-keeping jobs that barely earned her enough to get by. Ruth's story was remarkably similar. She had been on track for a PHD in Psychology when her good looks got her in trouble. She had been near the top of her class as an undergraduate and easily got into graduate school. As an undergraduate she used her good looks and great body to help her along, but in graduate school she decided it was time to make it on her ability alone. She had been doing quite well. Her research was going great and she could see the "light at end of the tunnel", her PHD. Along the way the school gave her a Masters Degree. Little did she know that was all she was going to get. Like Sandi, she caught the eye of a senior faculty member. Not only was Ruth not interested, but to make matters worse he was married! He kept making sexual advances and she kept refusing. To get even for his rejection he started spreading rumors about her that were very degrading and untrue. When Ruth found out she was furious. Instead of going to the Dean like Sandi had done, she decided to got even. One day she spiked his coffee with a strong sedative which she got had gotten from one of the Psychology labs. When he woke up he was tied up in the basement of one of the sororities on campus, Lambda Epsilon Zeta (LEZ), the lesbian sorority! (Maybe that would make a good story?) All his hair had been shaven off! He was in full drag, with a blonde wig and dressed up like Marilyn Monroe! They took pictures of his tranformation. Though he was unconscious, they had managed to contort his face so it looked like he was smiling through out the transformation. The sisters of LEZ kept him tied up for several hours. While he was tied up they used his mouth to service all of their pussies. When they finally let him go he went to the school authorities. He wanted Ruth's hide. He wanted her arrested for kidnapping. He didn't see the humor in it at all.The only thing that saved Ruth was that fact that she had a copies of the incriminating photos and threatened to use them to disgrace the professor. They agreed on a permanent leave of absence for her with no official reason given. She got to keep her Masters Degree. Ruth realized that her mistake had not been in trying to get even but that she didn't go far enough. She should have arranged for the professor to have have an extended stay at the LEZ house, during which time he could have been completely brainwashed and feminized so that he really thought he was Marilyn Monroe! With what Ruth had learned while doing her research she probably could have accomplished the task in several weeks. Ruth vowed if a similar situation ever arose she would not make the same mistake again. Both Ruth and Sandi moved into town at about the same time. They were both having trouble making ends meet on their salaries. Both also realized that as much as they hated to admit it that their devastating good looks were definite assets in this male dominated world. That is why they both joined the fitness club,to keep in shape and look as good as possible. Neihter particularly wanted to deal with the "meat market" atmosphere of the typical coed club and that is why they both joined th only all women club in town. Amazingly, most of the women there had somewhat similar stories. Most were young, attractive, intelligent, highly motivated, professional people. Their was a few lawyers, one or two doctors, several nurses, a research chemist (remember Julie?), and several small business owners. All had in one way or another been shafted or taken advantage of by men. They all gravitated to an all women club where they could talk and work-out comfortably. Ruth and Sandi both immediately recognized how important this all-girl network could be in the future. Both of them were outgoing and personable and quickly made friends with the others in the group. There was a group of about ten of them that all worked out about the same time everyday. Over several weeks they became a close friends. One day Ruth and Sandi were working out together when they started talking about their backgrounds. The similarities were remarkable. Also both mentioned how little money they had. They both came to the same conclusion that if they became roommates and shared expenses that they could save some money. Shortly thereafter they became roommates. It was several months later, after one of their workouts that they met Ann. They were in a local restaurant having a lite snack and talking about how they could make some REAL money. As luck would have it, Ann was in the next booth with one of her friends. She apparently had had a really bad day at work and was going on and on about her ass-hole boss Bob. Ann was saying how she would like turn the tables on him and pay him back for all the shit he had given her over the last two years. Both Ruth and Sandi heard Ann's ranting and they were both intrigued. They listened for several more minutes. Ruth realized what a potential opportunity this could be. Ruth motioned to Sandi and they both introduced themselves to Ann and her friend. Ruth said,"Excuse me, but I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying about your boss. Is he REALLY that bad?" From Ann's reply it was clear that he was a real asshole. Ruth asked some general questions for several minutes. Ann's friend mentioned it was getting late and excused herself saying she had to go. When it just the three of them Ruth's questions became very specific. "How old was he? Was he married or single? Was he gay or straight? Where did he live? Did he live alone? Did he have any children? Did he have any close relatives? How did he make most of his money? Was he a good businessman? What kind of relationships did he have with women? And most importantly just how much money did he have? Ann's answers were, "He was 28,single,and straight. He lived alone in a big modern house on Drew Street. He had no children and no close living relatives. He made his money the old-fashioned way, he inherited it. He was a terrible businessman. The company he inherited was a natural goldmine, but thanks to his bad business sense it was only growing at a paultry 6% rate rather than the 40 or 50 percent rate it should be growing at. Inspite of all that Ann estimated Bob's net worth at over four million dollars. And finally, his relationships with women were universally short and superficial. They were usually attractive airheads who would fuck like rabbits. He always dumped them after three or four dates." Ruth couldn't believe what she was hearing. This guy was perfect! Ruth told Ann that her answers were quite interesting and if she were really interested in doing anything to Bob that they needed to talk somemore. Ann clearly was interested. After several more meetings the plan started coming together. Also, the three started becoming friends. That was important in a situation like this. At one of their private sessions Ruth asked, "How about if we had him declared mentally incompetant and had you declared his guardian? Then you would be in charge of all his money!" Ann added sarcastically, "Why don't you turn him into my lesbian slave while you are at it?" Ruth response was quite serious, "That's not to far off from what I had in mind!" Then the three started laughing hysterically. They figured that if Bob was worth at least four million, then they would try to transfer 2.5 milliion into Ann's name and siphon 1.5 million for Ruth and Sandi. Besides Ann seemed to have a much better business sence than Bob. And Sandi essentially had an MBA from a top business school. Between the two of them they should be able to turn the compnay into the goldmine it should have been and reap the rewards for themselves! Ruth and Sandi were brought back to reality by the ending of Bob's tape. Ruth got up and switched out the tape for a shorter one with different suggestions. She quickly reminded Sandi of what she had to do next. The next hour could be crucial, because the drugs effects would be wearing off and his suggestability would not be as high. Ruth excused herself for a few minutes and went into the bedroom. She took out a bottle of PUSSYWILLOW and resprayed her underarms. She took out two pairs of panties from her underwear draw. One of them she stuffed in her cleavage. The other she masturbated into for several moments until they were sopping wet. She then spraying the crotch with PUSSYWILLOW and then put them on. If she smelled like a walking cunt before, she smell even better now! As she returned to the livingroom she could see that Sandi had carefully removed the back panel and seat cushion from Bob reclining prison and turned off and removed the vibrator. Bob was still in a horizontal position with the soiled panties on his face. He was still secured by the armbinders. After all the panels and cushions were resecured they started redressing Bob. They left the pretty pink panties in place. They put back on his pants, socks and shoes. Then they carefully slide the recliner back into a more vertical position and finally they removed the armbinders. Both of them knew that this was a moment of truth. If he had come out of it at anytime during the last few hours and had been faking it then this would be the perfect time for him to make a break for it. If he did make a break for it they had they advantage in that they had his wallet and keys. It was a several mile walk back to his house on Drew Street. When they removed the armbinders Bob didn't bolt, he just sat there. The girls timing couldn't have been better. The tape was just ending! Ruth carefully removed the headphones while Sandi turned off the stereo. Ruth was whispering in Bob ear how great the evening had been and how much Bob had enjoyed it. He was still sporting his erection through his pants as a reminder of his good time. Ruth was saying that it was time to go home. Carefully she removed the soiled panties from his face and told him to open his eyes. Immediately his eyes opened. They still had that glazed look suggesting that the drugs were still working. She threw the panties to the floor and quickly removed the ones she was wearing. These had a fresher and stronger scent anyway! She took these panties and again started dangling them in front of his face. Even though they were several inches away their wonderful smell was clearly evident to Bob. "Come on Bobbie follow my panties home! That's right take some deep breaths!" Both Ruth and Sandi helped Bob to his feet. They were on either side of him and supporting him with one arm, Ruth's other arm was dangling the panties while Sandi lead the way, opening the doors as they went. Ruth kept cooing,"Come on Bobbie, follow my panties home! Don't they smell wonderful!" Bob was a bit unsteady but he was indeed walking. He was following those panties! Sandi lead them slowly into the garage and into an old minivan. This was Ruth's primary form of transportation. Ruth and Sandi slid the back door open and guided Bob into the back seat. Ruth climbed in after Bob and postioned herself so that she was upright and Bob was semi-reclining. She turned ever so slightly and lifted her arm a little bit and eureka! Bob's face was again inches from Ruth pussy scented armpit. As Sandi got into the driver's seat and started the engine Ruth was already whispering in Bob's ear. "Pussywillow! You will obey! Pussywillow. You will obey! You love the smell! That's it inhale deeply. You crave the smell. That is the smell of pussywillow! That is the smell you pussy!" Ruth kept this up as they drove across town to Bob'b house. Sandi drove carefully, not to slow and not to fast. It was getting late and the cops were out looking for anyone who was suspicious for a drunk driver. They reached Bob's house in about 20 minutes. They repeated the procedure at this end. One of them was on each side,they helped him towards the house. Ruth was again danagling her soiled panties only inches from his face. Sandi took out Bob's keys and opened the door. They slowly guided Bob inside. Sandi left them for a few seconds while she found Bob's bedroom. Bob wasn't going anywhere. He was transfixed by Ruth's soiled panties. Sandi returned and lead the way. They lead Bob to his bed and quickly stripped him naked. This time they took off his pretty pink panties. After all these hours he was still hard. As they were striping him down the Ruth's panties stayed right in his face. Ruth then removed the other pair of pairs from her cleavage. "Just one more bit of pleasure before we are done", Ruth thought. She wrapped the clean shear panties around Bob's cock. She continued, "You are so excited Bobbie! Cum for me!" Bob was so excited that it only took several strokes before he started cuming. He was so excited from the hours of stimulation that he kept coming for over ten seconds. He also let out a definite moan of pleasure. Ruth thought that that should help him associate pleasure with women's panties. The two of them quickly cleaned him up. They left him naked with his clothes in a heap by the side of the bed. They took his pink panties back with them. They didn't want to give away too much about what ahppened. They wanted him to stay confused. Before they left Ruth gave Bob just one more command. "Bob, close your eyes and go to sleep. Dream of pretty smelly pussies and pretty soiled panties." Bob was asleep before they left the room! They locked the door on the way out. They kept his keys. They also had his coat and wallet back at their house. They knew there was a chance that he would missed his things but they figured he would be so disoriented and confused that he would not be able put figure out what had happened. If Ruth's last tape worked right then all he would remember about the evening would be going to the party and meeting some attractive. Ruth's suggestions were that unlike most Saturday nights, on this occasion he 'struck out' he went home alone. The rest of the night would be a blur. However, hopefully, subconsciously Bob would remember all the suggestions that he was given. part 4 After the girls left Bob's house they drove home. Ruth took Bob's keys and got out. She ran into the house and grabbed her purse. She also grabbed Bob's wallet from his coat pocket. She then went back out and got into Bob's car. She would drive his car back to his place while Sandi followed in the minivan. Again they drove carefully so as not to draw the attention of the police. If she were stooped by the police, she would explain that her friend Bob Rider had gotten drunk and passed out at a local bar and was taken to a friend's house. That friend would take him home in the morning. Ann and Ruth were just doing Bob a favor by taking his car home. Afterall, Ruth did have Bob's wallet with the car's registration to back up her story. They made it to Bob's house without a problem. Ruth put the car in the drivway, locked it and got back into the minivan. She wanted to drive, so Sandi slid across into the passanger seat. As they drove off they couldn't help giggling about the fate of Bob. On the way home their luck finally ran out. They were pulled over by a cop as part of a random spot check. Ruthhad just recently had the van inspected so there was problem with a broken tail-light or anything like that. Neither had had any alcohol to drink so there was no problem with that. Ruth decided to have a little fun with the officer. As he walked over to the van Ruth estimated that he was in his early twenties. That was perfect. Ruth immediately assumed her bubbly airhead bimbo persona. Ruth waited for the officer to come up to the window before she lowered it. She didn't want to give the van a chance to "air out" before he stuck he head in. When he leaned into the van to ask for her license it was obvious that he caught her deliberately strong scent, the smell of pussy. The smell of her PUSSYWILLOW was still quite strong. He was taken aback for a second. Ruth asked in her sultry voice, "Is there anything wrong officer?" He answered, "No, just a routine spot check. May I see your license and registration please." Ruth leaned over towards the glove box to get the registration just as he was leaning forward to scan the front seat with his flashlight. Ruth saw this out of the corner of her eye and when he was almost directly over her she "accidently" lifted her left arm as she was turning so her shaved bare PUSSYWILLOW scented underarm was only inches away from his face. She held the pose for a few seconds. The effect on the officer was unmistakable. He stopped what he was doing and just took few few deep breaths. He was still frozen when Ruth handed him the documents. "Is there ANYTHING wrong officer?" she asked demurely. He had obviously lost his trend of thought. It took him several seconds before he regained his composure and stammered,"NO, everything is just fine". The rising bulge in his pants told both Ruth and Sandi where his mind really was. The next several minutes were difficult for him. He clearly recongized Ruth's scent and was obviously torn between just doing his job and getting more of that smell! He examined the documents and ran them through his portable computer link and found them in order. As he returned them to Ruth he leaned forward just a bit more than he had to so that his head was right over Ruth. He lingered there for a few seconds. Both Ruth and Sandi could hear the deep breaths he was taking. When Ruth glanced up she could swear he had his eyes closed. The officer decided not to push his luck by checking if she had too much to drink. After he returned her documents he appoligized to Ruth for the inconvience and said good night. As he walked away his erection was obvious. Ruth turned to Sandi and said, "I know what he'll be thinking about when he wacks off latter tonight!" Sandi nodded in agreement. As she started the van and drove off she adde, "Men! You'd think they'd never smelled a good cunt before!" The next morning Ruth was up bright and early. She had a great deal to do before she paid Bob a visit later on. The first stop was the mall. Unlike years ago when "Blue Laws" prohibited businesses from opening early on Sundays, now everything opened early. The mall wasn't that crowded so she thought she could get evrything done quicker. Her first stop was Victoria Secrets. She asked the sales-girl for the latest catalogue which she was promptly given. Ruth explained that she was hosting a party for a colleague and that the catalogue was the theme. She wanted that she bought the pretty panties to be identical to those in the catalogue. As Ruth turned the pages she would point to in panties in the pictures and indicate the size she wanted. The sales-girl would run and get them off the shelf. After about ten minutes Ruth had picked out about forty panties. Most she got in a size small, but there were sereral that she got in an extra-large. When she found what she thought were the perfect sexy panties she asked for five of them, all extra- large. She them went back and picked out about six matching bras, two small and the rest extra-large. She also picked out to really aexy baby-doll nighties, extra large, of course! The sales-girl asked why most of the items were size small but several were extra-large. Ruth said that that was a secret. The sales-girl then rang up the purchase. The bill was several hundred dollars but Ruth didn't care. She pulled out Bob's wallet and tore off several hundred dollar bills. She resisted the urge to use his credit cards. She didn't want to get in trouble if she were confronted by a zealous sales-person who asked for her ID. As the sales-girl was packaging the items Ruth asked that the extra large ones be put in a separate bag (can you guess who there are for?). The remainder Ruth had divided into two bags,a small bag with about six panties and bras, and a larger bag containing the majority of the panties. As she was leaving she asked if she could keep the catalogue and the sales- girl answered, "Of course. They're complimentary with any purchase." After Victoria Secrets her next stop was the hardware store. She had two sets of Bob's keys made, one for her and one for Sandi. You never know when a set of keys to Bob's house would come in handy. Next it was on to the gourmet food store where she purchased a small tin of imported cookies and several small plastic bottles of Evian water. Her next mall stop was Radio Shack. She needee a small walkman cassette player. She purchased a 'heavy duty' model with two headphone jacks. It cost a few dollars more than the regular model but again Bob was paying. She bought special 'workout' headphones as a second pair. The headphones that came with the player was a standard pair. The 'workout' type had no metal frame to get in the way. It looked like two ear plugs with thin wires attached. The earplugs were small speakers and they just fit into your ears. She also bought several packages of fresh batteries, several thirty minute blank tapes and and AC/DC adapter. Her last stop in the mall was one of the numerous shoe stores. She explained to the sales clerk the she was going to a costume party next week and needed a specific type of shoe, with the matching socks. It only took the clerk several minutes to find the shoes in her size. The socks were a standard "one size fits all". Again she paid with Bob's cash. After she left the mall she went to the health club. She timed it just right. Most of her friends were there just about finished with their usual Sunday morning routines and were all hot and sweaty. Ruth walked in with the large bag of sexy panties from Victoria Secrets, all size small. Ruth gathered all her friends over and in about five minutes gave a brief overview of the events so far. All of her friends were clearly excited and enthusiastic and when Ruth asked for their help they unamiously agreed. Ruth left the panties with her friends (all of whom happened to wear a size small!) and told them she would be back in about thirty minutes. It took her ten minutes to drive to the seedy part of town. "Even the dirty book stores open early now," she thought. She parked the car and looked around. It was still early and relatively deserted. She glanced about and decided it was safe enough and got out. The book store actually sold and rented more videotapes than books and magazines but she saw there was what appearred to be a reasonable selection of magazines. To save some time she when to the counter. The man behind the counter looked like a real leacher but Ruth thought he was probably harmless enough. "Excuse me. By boyfriend really gets turned on by shaved teenage pussy. Do you have any magazines like that?" The man pointed to the row and said,"Half way down on the left. We have several. But remember, if you rip open the plastic to look inside you've bought the magazine." Ruth nodded her understanding and added thanks. She found the section. She couldn't decide between "Shaved Teenage Twats" and "Young Clean-Shaven Cunts", so she bought both. Afterall Bob was paying! Almost as an afterthought she asked, "Do you sell leather restraining devices? My boyfriend is also into bondage!" The man pointed to the corner. Ruth found two items that fit her needs and bought them both. Then it was back to the fitness club. The painties were back in the bag. She picked one out at random and examined it. What had been and a clean pair only twenty minutes earlier and now sopping wet. She lifted them to her nose and got the strong combination of pussy and sweat! Ruth had asked them to masturbate into the panties. There were about ten of her friends there, so each did two or three. Ruth turned to her friend and said, "You ladies have really done good!" She added to herself," Let's see how Bob handles this!" With all her errands done she went home to prepare everything so she would be ready when she visited Bob. She took her packages inside and laid them out so she could see everything that she had bought.She opened up the cookie tin and emptied out the imported cookies. In their place she put some really old, stale, cheap cookies that had been in the cupboard for several months. She tasted one herself. They were awful! "They would do just fine," she thought. Next she opened up two of the Evian bottles and emptied out about an ounce of water from each. She replaced the water with an equal amount of the odorless and tasteless drug combination that she had used on Bob the night before. She sealed the bottles tight, and picked up a pen and put a small red '1' in the corner of each label. Then she took out a third bottle, emptied out two ounces of water, replaced this with two ounces of the same drug combination, and sealed it tight. She marked a red '2' on the corner of this label. She didn't want to accidently confuse the bottles. She put them in the frig. She wanted them cold and refreshing! Next she tore open the plastic coverings on the two dirty magazines and surveyed their contents. Both clearly mentioned on the inside cover that the models portrayed were all over 21 years old. Looking at the pictures they looked alot younger. Ruth mused that that was the idea. After looking at both magazines for several minutes Ruth settled on "Shaved Teeage Twats", the other magazine was tossed into the trash. She took out her gym bag and emptied out its contents. Carefully she started packing . She put the leather restraining devices in first. Then she put in the bag containing the clean extra-large items from Victoria Secrets. Next came the large bag of recently soiled panties. Then she stuffed "Shaved Teenage Twats" and the Victoria Secrets catalogue into a side pocket. She added the cookie tin. She also added a bottle of Pussywillow. "Just in case," she thought. She unpacked the walkman cassette player and put in two fresh batteries. She removed the AC/DC adapter from its packing material. She attached the adapter to the player and plugged it. She plugged in the 'workout' headphones and popped in one of the tapes from last night. She was immediately greeted by her own soothing voices expousing the virtues of soiled panties. She wanted to make sure that everythihg worked properly. The last thing she needed was for the cassette player to be broken. When she was satisfied that it was working properly she set the volume, stopped the tape, removed it and unplugged the adapter. She kept everything else attached, then carefully wrapped the cassette, headphones and adapter together a put it in a side pocket of the gym bag. She took two of the blank tapes and went to the stereo. It took her about an hour and a half to make two more tapes for Bob. Each tape was slightly different, with slightly different suggestions. She wanted several options open to her, depending on how the afternoon session went. Each tape was carefully labeled. She took the two new tapes and along with the ones from last night, put them inside her gym bag. Now it was time to get dressed. She then showered and shaved herself completely. She didn't want a speck of body hair below her neck. After see dried off she liberally applied PUSSYWILLOW everywhere. She paid special attention to her underarms and her crotch. Then she applied her makeup and did her hair. She was going for a particular look and she took her time until it was just right. Then she opened the small Victoria Secrets bag which contained the small unsoiled items. She picked a matching bra and pantie. After she put these on she surveyed herself in the mirror. "I look like a walking wet dream!" she thought. Next she went into her closet a pulled out a white frilly sleeveless blouse. The three top bottons were left open. Her cleavage was obvious. She then found the outfit that she was looking for. It was a jacket and matching skirt. It actually belonged to a friend's daughter, but the girl was big for her age and fit perfectly. Ruth had borrowed it several weeks earlier in anticipation for today. Finally she added the shoes and socks that she had bought earlier in the day. After she was all dressed she looked at herself again and realized that she looked perfect! Sandi and Ann had also had been busy. Sandi got up early and fired up her computer. She had several documents and memos to prepare. They needed to be ready by the time Ruth left for Bob's so that Ruth could take them with her. Sandi needed Ann's help. She called Ann early and explained that she need the necessary blank forms, as well as stationary with Bob's company letterhead. She also wanted several old memos that Bob had previously written. Ann stopped off at the office and found the necessary documents and stationary. She then went to Sandi and Ruth's house. Ruth was still out running her errands when Ann arrived. Sandi let her in and the two spent the next several hours working on the documents. Sandi and Ann copmposed to memos so that they had the same style that Bob usually used. Afterall they wanted Bob to think he wrote them! They paid attention to every detail that they could think of. They even matched the type fonts and ink colors exactly. When they were satisfied that everything was perfect they printed everything out on the computer. They re-examined everything again, looking for any telltale sign that thay were fake. They couldn't find any! Everything, including several pens, was put in a leather portfolio. Sandi and Ann were finishing up the documents just as Ruth was finishing getting dressed. Ruth called them over so they could give their approval about the way Ruth looked. When Sandi and Ann saw her they were impressed. They started howling like construction workers. They both gave Ruth the 'thumbs up' sign. Sandi added, "YOU are a dirty old man's walking wet dream!" Ann had to agree. Sandi then retrived the portfolio and went over the documents. Ruth agreed they looked perfect. Sandi explained how and where they needed to be signed. Ruth then added them to another side pocket in her gym bag. Ruth looked at her watch and said, "Ann, I think it is time for you to make that phone call." Ann picked up the phone and dialed. Ruth and Sandi could only hear Ann's end of the conversation. "Hello Bob, this is Ann. Are you okay? I just talked to one of my girlfriends who was at the same party as you last night. She said you had a great deal to drink and didn't seen very steady on your feet. When she didn't see you later in the evening she was afraid that you drove home in that condition and may have gotten into an accident." After several moments when Bob was talking Ann replyed, "Okay, as long as you are alright." She then hung up. She turned to Sandi and Ruth , smiled, and said, "He seems quite confused!" Bob indeed was confused! He slept until almost noon. When he woke up he couldn't believe the weird dreams that he had h

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In my last year at school, I went to a great party!My parents had agreed to my staying the night with my friend. She had the invite from Brian who lived only half a mile from her place. We got there about eight; for the usual drinks, introductions, music, etcetera.Although from the onset, I reckoned that this party was going to be very different from the ‘kiddies’ ones I’d been to in the past! The girls were my age and upwards, most of the men were aged around fortyish; no silly chat from them...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Issues and Smiles

I’ve only written from my own experience. And because it is all I know, and I’m sometimes barely convinced of my own existence, so how can I possibly portray another? At least this existence has some meaning. But I wish it were easier. And I wish love was simple. And I wish that I had more freedom, and that gays had more rights, that my 56K modem wasn’t quite so slow, and that I didn’t get sick whenever I eat pizza because pizza is my favorite food. And I wish… “If I tell you, you’ll break up...

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Jade Nile Nurse Jade Cures

Mick Blue needs a sexy anal nurse, and hot brunette Jade Nile fits the bill. She’s a bit of a medical perv and loves to roleplay, so when she turns up at BAM Visions, she’s all ready to go in white fishnet stockings and a skimpy uniform. The dirty-talking babe snaps on a pair of blue latex gloves and plays with her asshole, probing herself with a sex toy, before indulging Mick’s POV fetish with a handjob and blowjob combo. Jade works Mick’s big cock hard with ball sucking. He examines her...

1 year ago
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Straight Male Exhibitionist CH 3

The house construction was still going on. At this stage of construction the small bathroom with the wash basin and the ONLY the toilet bowl was complete. In the full bathroom, the tub and shower had been installed. But not the toilet bowl. Almost every morning my sister Ellen would be out of bed before Terry. The first thing she always did was go straight to the little bathroom. One morning, I was in the small bathroom waiting for her. Sitting on the toilet, my shorts were down around my...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Visitor Part 1

A man who's a famous wrestler, works for different promotions as he was living in a well known neighborhood as he also live next to the famous Instagram model as well! She was taking candid photos a to post on her page as she continue to do so, he was doing some gardening when she caught his attention. He soon stop what he was doing and his hard cock inside his shorts popped out, he started to wank off as her sexy body caught his attention, as if anyone can catch him in the act. She came...

3 years ago
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Fortunately although she diid see him from time to time when she visited the works canteen he never mentioned anything to her about that particular night. Indeed several weeks had passed until one lunch time she had to go one of the storerooms on the works site.The works buildings were some 200yds away seperated by a large storage yard. In her smart pinstriped Business suit and white blouse she was certainly noticeable on her journey over to the storeroom. Having completed her task she was...

1 year ago
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Mothers Problem Chapter 3

Chapter 3 A horn blared, and it snapped Patricia out of her trance of staring at her passenger and she gave the car gas. That didn’t prevent her passenger, one of her students about to go to college from masturbating vigorously. Patricia was disappointed the moaning girl was muffled by the pair of panties shoved into her mouth. The moans of pleasure really should have been reverberating through the vehicle, but the girl had been extremely modest to manage such things. It made her wet...

1 year ago
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The Guessing Game Part III

Kayla paced the room as she waited for the next man to enter. She was still aching from being brought so close with no reward, and her ass cheeks glided across each other like butter with every step, from her wetness that had spread everywhere. This was not what she had expected from her friends’ mystery night out. She had never done anything like this before, but she found herself invested in this game with a voracious appetite. Five minutes passed, and then ten, and still no one else entered...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Beginning Of A New Chapter VI

Hello readers, I am Varun, again sharing series of my life incidents with you all. This is my sixth story in the series. So friends, as I have narrated in my last stories how I (Varun) and Deepti went intimate and had sex and how Gaurav and Ankita had foreplay and sex. Now this story is about my younger sister, Meenal and Ankita’s younger sister, Preeti. I got to know about them when we played ‘truth and dare’ but that story I will tell you later. About Meenal and Preeti, Both were of same...

1 year ago
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Shweta ki Chudai 3

Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you guys/dolls. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni aur meri landlady Shweta ki chudai ki ek aur real stofy suna reha hun. Shweta about 30 years ki med build short height (about 5’) ki, colour is fair and she has two kids horney lady hei. Mein aur mere landlady ka room aaju baju mein hei and landlord country se bahar Dubai mein service karta hei. Wah saal mein ek ya do baar thode time ke...

4 years ago
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Massage Parlor

Dave was in his mid 30’s and recently divorced for about 6 months. He had been on a few dates, but no activity over the past month. Needless to say, he was horny all the time. He hadn’t jerked off in a few days and was dying to cum, but he was running late so he knew he’d have to wait another 12 hours until he got home that night. He was a college professor at a state university which supplied a bevy of beautiful young women to lust after.His classes usually ranged around 150 – 200 people. ...

2 years ago
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A Valentines Gift

I  wanted to surprise Warren with something special for Valentine’s Day. He was expecting a quiet evening watching Disney movies with the little one. He is a wonderful man, family oriented as well as an amazing lover and Master. During the week I made some phone calls that would give us some private time. Little Grace loves to go visit her with her step-sister and the children. I arranged for a gift to arrive on Friday with one final call.Friday morning I went about my normal routine of fixing...

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Valentina Nappi Motorcycles And Monster Curves

Valentina Nappi is a fully stacked italian model who also has an affinity for motorsports. She usually models for muscle cars, but today she was modeling for souped up motorcycles. The chrome on the cycles was polished pretty damn well, but we still could not help ourselves from staring at that phat ass and perfect tits. She began to rub her slit on the seat of the cycle, warming her up for a good fucking. That pussy got rocked just right. Valentina really knows how to work it to conjure up a...

3 years ago
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Jungle Virgins How Jane Met Tarzan

Tarzan was about five when he was lost in the Jungles of the Congo. He was found by a female gorilla whose baby had died and she adopted the strange looking creature as her own. Tarzan knew she was a gorilla, and that he was not, but there was nothing he could do about it. And, his new mother was a good mother, all things considered. Her baby was weak and pale, but he had beautiful eyes and he snarled a lot, which Gorillas considered 'manly'. It took her years to learn that that snarl...

3 years ago
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Proving theres no such thing as too loose a

Years ago I met a BBW online named Jaycee and we chatted a few times before I drove to her apartment to meet her. I was so eager to meet her because in addition to being a BBW, she told me she was a natural redhead and never shaved her strawberry blonde bush. Jaycee was turned on by my declared length and girth. We decided in our chats that if we were as turned on by each other in person as we were online, we would 69 and fuck. I know it may not be the most romantic thing to plot out the sex...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Anny Aurora Eliza Ibarra Making The First Move

Eliza Ibarra and Anny Aurora have been friends for a while. Anny has a crush on Eliza, but she doesn’t believe Eliza swings that way so she has always kept it to herself. Today, though, the girls get to chatting over drinks. The conversation brings Eliza to casually drop that she’s had a fling with a girl in the past. Suddenly, Anny sees that there’s an opening for her crush after all, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Eliza is certainly feeling the heat with...

1 year ago
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Paramore Fantasy

I'm not the kind of guy who would have sex with just any girl. Even in the most debauched setting, it would require someone with whom I have at least a casual acquaintance. For the physical relationship to progress, so too would the connection between the two of us. In other words, I wouldn't bang a girl just because she is hot or popular.However, there is always an exception. To put it in her words, "the only exception" is Hayley Williams, lead singer for the rock group Paramore. The petite,...

3 years ago
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Boss I Nailed Your Wife 8211 Part 1

“I will be waiting for you, naked” this was the message I received in WhatsApp from her. My excitement grew as I started my bike. I rode through the traffic of Hyderabad imagining only one thing, her beautiful face with nothing on her chubby body waiting to welcome me! I am Maddy, a lonely engineer working in a startup. My sexual drive is very high and my eyes always fall upon women with a lovely booty. This is the re-enactment of a few days in my life where I shared the bed with an Indian MILF...

2 years ago
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Naked in Military SchoolChapter 17

That evening I was at Miss Krystal's home with Harmony and First Sergeant Wexford. It was just the four of us. Harmony and I were naked. Miss Krystal wore a pants suit. First Sergeant Wexford was still in uniform. Fish and raw vegetables for dinner, with juice and whole grain bread. Conversation: dinner was mostly conversation. "Scott," Miss Krystal observed, "you've said nothing." "Ma'am, I have nothing constructive to add," I replied. It was a lie—I had said things like pass the...

2 years ago
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Still Not Quite Incest the Sequel

As soon as she hears her husband's car pulling out of the drive, Sandra slips out of bed and reaches into the top drawer of her dresser. The black seamed stockings feel so sensual as she pulls them up over her thighs and fastens them to the lacy black suspender belt. She looks at herself in the mirror and parts her legs slightly, the glistening pink wetness in her sex is clearly visible, evidence of her excitement, her nipples are hard, she wonders how she'll react when she feels the...

3 years ago
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Having An Incestuous Slut As A Girl Bestie

Hello friends, It is good to be back with another story. I am a big fan of ISS, I am Pravin, 29, From Tamilnadu, working in Bangalore. Trust me or not, I am a still a virgin guy. I think I am bisexual and submissive. I like cuckolding, humiliation and femdom, etc. Before going to the story, let me tell you it is not a real story. It is fake, all my fantasy. Characters in this story, me, Susan (24) – my girl bestie; Pradeep (26) – Susan’s boyfriend. I and Susan working in the same company. She...

1 year ago
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Linda and MeganChapter 5

I slept like a baby that night. Probably, because I'd cum in a 13-year old twice yesterday. I woke up still holding Linda who was sound asleep. I thought about waking her, but then figured that on the farm, she didn't get to sleep in too much. So I gently rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom to drain my tank and rid myself of my piss hardon. I grabbed my robe and went to the kitchen. I got my coffee going and then got my cereal out. Once the coffee was done, I squeezed the bag out...

1 year ago
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How I helped my daughter learn

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had noticed that over the last few days that my daughter Susan had not been her normal self. She seemed withdrawn and distant. Therefore I wasn’t too surprised when she came into the lounge that Saturday night, and wearing her night shirt, sat on the couch beside me and said “Mom can I ask you something?” I had just been sort of curled up wearing just my bath robe and relaxing but I’ve always got the time for my daughter if she upset or worried....

3 years ago
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Escapades With Childhood Friend

Hi, readers. This is my first story here. I am a great fan of ISS since few years and now want to share my story here. Girls be ready to get your panties wet and guys be ready to shag off. Girls/ladies can contact me on (prefer messenger) for fun. You can also give your feedback there. I will not fake about my physique. I am 5’7 with a proper body not very slim and having sufficient fat, fair and long silky hair. Before I start my story I’ll have to give a background which is relevant to this...

3 years ago
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Learning the Hard WayChapter 6 Lesson Three Oral Exams

What? Oral sex? I had been hoping it would come up. I would have had no problem discussing it with her before we went skinny dipping. But then Gwen became impatient and insisted that we start going over sexual positions before our clothes dried. Then, to add icing on the cake, she'd started getting playful while we were doing so. When that happened, any intention I had of talking to her about oral sex went straight out the window! But sixty-nine? That was one position I didn't want to be...

3 years ago
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Innocent Sins Ch 04

Heather blinked back tears and tried to remain strong as she met her husband’s hard gaze across the conference table. So this was it, then? The end of their marriage? Heather felt more like it was the end of her life, especially when her lawyer slid the papers in front of her and told her to sign beside Jake’s familiar scrawl. As soon as she put her name on that dotted line, the divorce would be final. Seeing her hesitation, her lawyer leaned over and whispered, ‘Trust me, this is the best...

2 years ago
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Watching daddy was too much to bear

I knelt quietly as I watched, fascinated by what I was witnessing, at last I could see it happen from start to finish, the later the most exciting bit I craved, and then as suddenly as it started it stopped, a couple of high powered spurts, and the semen shot out, and as it did I licked my dry lips and closed my eyes, playing back in my memory as if it were a prerecorded tape, the semen in slow motion, arching through the air, only this time it was destined for me, small globules of fertilizing...

3 years ago
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New Philippines The Begining

The branch of a very large family from a small town in New Hampshire are on their way to a family reunion, which this year is happening in Hawaii. While on the last leg of the trip over the Pacific Ocean the private jet they clubbed together to charter for the trip is struck by lightning, and blows out both engines. Just as they were about to hit the water there is a flash of green light and everyone blacks out. They wake up on a deserted island, no idea how they got there and no sign of the...

3 years ago
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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 5 Afterthoughts

After Tracy mouthed, “I love you” to me, I knew right then and there that Tracy not only loved me as a male but also me as Jessie. I could feel my cheeks get warm and flushed from her comment and my thoughts. This was turning out to be the best day of my life. My thoughts were interrupted when Mark’s cock softened to the point that he slid out of my backside. Now my thoughts were replaced by something totally different.It was the thought of sudden emptiness. Something that truly belonged, but...

3 years ago
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Cultivating in the empire

In this nameless world, almost anything is possible from Gods to dragons or even a horde of goblins attacking cities. This world is ruled by cultivators who can be categorized into two classes on the most basic level, warriors and mages, both of those have nine levels of strength from a one-star warrior to a nine-star warrior. A one-star warrior can kill ten regular soldiers with little effort. All these skills and powers come from spirit energy that flows freely everywhere throughout the...

1 year ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 43 My Master Commands

Nina moved over by the reception desk to see if Gretchen was done. “Are there still people in the gym, Mistress?” “No. I tossed out the mother-daughter duo while you and Wendy were in the shower. They were the last two, so it’s just us.” She finished shutting down the computer at the desk and turned to flip the reception area lights off. “Okay, that’s it. What did you want to talk about?” “Why don’t we go to the bar and have a drink? It should be fairly quiet and we can unwind while we...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Frenzy With a Colleague

This is a true story of my experience with a very unusual sort of man.I work in sales in a very male dominated industry where most of the men are chauvinistic and disrespectful….except for one.Steve does the same job as me but in a different part of the country. So, both working from home, we only get to see each other occasionally. These occasions are generally meetings at the office but we also do joint visits to customers. Steve is the sort of man with whom you can have an intelligent and...

Office Sex
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Kama Kathai Padithu Ammavai Oothen

Hi friends, ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai ungalidam therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Chandru, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En ammavirku vayathu 42 aagugirathu, intha vayathilum amma sema gumunu irupaal. Iru mulaiyum perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. En amma meethu enaku kama aasai varamal thaan irunthathu aanal kama kathaiyai paditha naalil irunthu en amma en kanavu thevathaiyaaga marinaal. Muthal muthalil naan kalluriku sendren athu varai naan oru virgin paiyan. Kama padam kama kathai apadi...

2 years ago
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The Demons Within14 The Prognosis

“Please, sit down,” Dr. Punjab said, motioning to the chairs in front of his desk. “This is the oncologist I consulted, Dr. David Altinon. He’ll be advising us concerning your cancer risks.” Phil pulled a chair out for his wife, while Toni moved a seat over from the corner. After they sat, Rajai began. David looked especially dour, and Toni wondered whether he’d ever cracked a smile. His expression was especially disturbing. David was thin, with thin black hair with dark arched eyebrows. He...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Mommy Sister

HI Iss reader I’m Asif new to this site..now i became fan of this site..m 2year college student in Coimbatore many stories in this site is fake but there is some true stories mine stories is also 100 percent true as this my first story please forgive about my writings. This story happened 1year ago. My first sem is over this was my vacation time  my daily time pass is just surfing internet and watching TV..I’m only son to my mom and dad my mom advised me to visit my Chiti (mom sis) house in...

3 years ago
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Roman Seedlings

Maximus stood before the ivory and gold studded door and glanced at the two guards who stood at attention, erect and silent. Maximus contemplated the doorway whose intricately carved reliefs displayed the intimate scenes of copulation with man, woman, child and beast. Instinctively, his hand moved to his loins, which slowly began to stir. Maximus, aged 48, and ruler of the known world of the Roman empire, desired only to relieve himself within the sexual cavities of his own offspring. Behind...

1 year ago
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Harem Building The Southern California ConnectionChapter 10

"Hello Von. We need to talk lets go inside." It was her commanding presence voice. "I was on my way out, if you want to talk we can either go to your place or you can come along with me. Either way you will be doing as I tell you not as you want. There is no topping from the bottom with me." Ray had told me I would need that complete control and from the very start. She came to me on her schedule looking to push me. I was that rock she would not budge. At this point I had four committed...

2 years ago
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“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?” Lissa asked. We were cuddled in the bed, hot and sticky from hours of making love, but unwilling to break the contact among us for even as long as it took to go to the shower. The two-hour time change for Lissa and Melody had worked in their favor as midnight didn’t seem late and one a.m. was still prime time. “We could just stay like this and order room service again,” Melody suggested. She was completely relaxed and still enjoying having me attend to her right...

4 years ago
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King Cock PT4 GayMaker

Eddie came home a couple hours later. He had just witnessed me shooting a load on his girlfriend's face and he was still furious! "How could you cum on Kim's face like that? You know she's my girlfriend!" he growled madly. "You come out last week in your towel and drop it for us to see your giant cock and you show us how big it gets. Who does that? Who hauls out their dick when he just meets someone? I don't care how big it gets. That is just wrong!" Eddie yells. "You're a fucking trip!"Eddie...

3 years ago
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Sex in the outdoor shower

Summer is always the best time of the year for a teacher and this summer was no different. Much of my summer is either spent on the beach or around my back yard pool. No matter where I am usually I am surrounded by k**s. My k**s and a host of their friends. Today we were hanging around our pool so I put out the call to my friends to send over their k**s. Being near the end of summer many families were on vacation so I wasn’t surprised when only one person responded. My friend Dee said she...

1 year ago
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A Very Private Sex Club

Chapter 6 The OpeningThe days pasted quickly with the approach of the company gathering prior to the opening. The staff was hired and trained in their day to day jobs. The girls that were hired as entertainers worked out in the gym and worked on their tans at the pool. Rebecca and Sarah went over the details to make sure that everything went right. Joe left them alone to concentrate on their regular jobs. It was common knowledge on the property that he was spending time with various members of...

2 years ago
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Chelseas New Slut

            I was wondering why Chelsea wanted to go swimming with me that day.   She had never shown interest in hanging out with me before, but I figured why not go for a swim with friends.   I thought she was way out of my league; she was 5’ 9’’ with beautiful straight black hair and huge double d breasts.   I was just 5’3’’ and a science nerd.   I mean she said it was just between the two of us, and my friends had told me she does this with many people.    However I found it particularly...

1 year ago
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Coffee Cards and a Cabin

"It was so nice of you to have me and Tyler join you guys up here for the weekend! We really appreciate it," Brooke said to Amy, holding her cup of coffee close to her lips to protect against the chilly bite of the Sierra Nevada breeze before taking a sip. "Jacob and I have been up here so often, just the two of us, that we decided that this year we wanted some company and who better than you two? I mean, you and Jacob spend so much time together at work that I'm sure you'd like to hang out...

3 years ago
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Leia Heats Up Hoth

The medical facility in Echo Base on Hoth was beginning to warm up from rising tempers as a heated argument erupted in the recovery room. "Why you stuck up... half-witted, scruffy looking... NERF HERDER!" Princess Leia Organa shouted, her voice rising with each word. She glared daggers at Han Solo, the man who got her so worked up with his immature tauntings. Everything about her screamed anger, her posture tense and awkward with a barely controlled temper as her fists clenched and...

1 year ago
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My Wifersquos Adventure

I had to go out of town on some work for a few days. In that time some friends of ours were having a party with a costume theme. I was in Goa and ribbing my wife back home in Mumbai about all the hot women with no underwear at the restaurants and bikini at the beach. So she told me to be careful she might just go to the party with nothing but a thin tight dress. I was slightly turned on by the thought and said ok, let see if u will actually do it or u just k**ding me. So as agreed my hot 25 yr....

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Isabelle Ryan Amina Fara 09122019

Here is 19yr old 1 st timer Isabelle Ryan in her debut scene showing her goods to the world with fan favorite Amina Fara. This girl has a knockout body and SPECTACULAR tits, and I mean SPECTACULAR! This girl is not so innocent but oh so slutty and the JJay puts her through the paces as she sucks her first cock and licks her first slit on camera. This scene is hot and you know we brought her back to exploit all her holes on www.blackambush.com. Who doesn’t love getting their cock sucked by...

2 years ago
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Pussy Pounding to Homo Sex

Pounding pussy has always been on top of a man’s list of sexual pleasures. For most men the tighter the pussy the better the pussy. A tight pussy creates the kind of friction that generates the greatest pleasure for cocks big and small. Why tell this? You might ask. Hell, everyone knows this. Everyone but those that have not buggered a tight ass or been buggered.Most men have not fucked the tight ass of a man or woman. Nor have they had a hard cock deep in their bowels. Or at least, that is...


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