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It really wasn’t my fault. My wife had forced the situation on us. Despite
knowing that neither of us knew the streets of Chicago, she insisted that
we get a rental car instead of a taxi. So why do I get the blame and have
to feel ashamed?

My wife wasn’t always so mean or domineering. We were, at one time,
close friends and partners. My ideas and her ability brought us together in
a business partnership. We opened a startup computer software company
together. After the initial struggle, we were able to get venture money and
had some modest success. That’s modest for venture capital standards,
which meant that we did well financially.

The long hours at work brought us together romantically. We didn’t have
any time to meet anyone outside of work and the shared success at work
and mutual respect for each other’s contributions, translated into mutual
joy and affection for each other. When we married, our company was at
its peek.

But the problem with being an idea guy is that good ideas run out
eventually. As my meaningful contributions to the company diminished
so did Janet’s respect and affection for me. Her attitude and behavior
slowly but continuously changed until she no longer looked or treated me
like an equal. At the office, she often bossed me around, sometimes even
making me run errands for her. In our personal life, she was even worse.
She made all the decisions without even consulting me. During our
limited free time, she recently chose to spend her time without me. It was
getting so bad that I rarely slept with her anymore.

So by the time we were in Chicago for the Application Service Provider
Conference, it was understood that she would make all the decisions for
us. I should have spoken up more. No man should be treated like this. I
knew better. Taking a taxi was far safer.

I tried to explain to her about possibility and danger of getting lost in a
city like Chicago. After she dismissed my concerns for safety, we got the
rental car.

A few wrong turns, and we were lost in a bad neighborhood. I wanted to
retrace our track and go back to the safety of the airport. But she insisted
in trying to find our hotel. Soon we got hopelessly lost.

When I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the rental car broke down.
Unfortunately, I knew very little about cars. Janet and I stared at the
engine as if that would solve the problem. It was getting dark and we
were stranded in a bad neighborhood.

Out of desperation, we began to walk, hoping to find a phone and a
relatively safe place. But our hopes for safety were dashed when three
young men that could be best described as gang members walked towards
us in a menacing manner. As they approached, one of them started yelling
threats at us. “You will be sorry for coming into our place.”

In a panic, I ran to the other direction. I assumed that Janet was running
right behind me. In hindsight, I should of checked. But fear consumed
me more than any concerns for Janet. I just ran and ran and Janet didn’t
even cross my mind.

Fortunately for me, I eventually ran into a large well-lit street with several
restaurants and other businesses. . As the fear for my life diminished,
another fear struck me. Janet was nowhere to be seen. I briefly
entertained the idea of trying to go back to where I left Janet but quickly
dismissed the idea. There was nothing I could do even if I could
successfully retrace my steps. And there was no guarantee that I would be
able to retrace my steps or find Janet. It was better for me to call the
police and ask them to help.

I entered the closest restaurant and used their phone to call the police. The
officer on the phone did not even try to hide his contempt for me for
leaving Janet in danger. I tried to explain that it wasn’t my fault. That the
odds of me being able to help Janet, had I stayed, were non-existent. I
kept repeating “there were three of them.” But he would not entertain my
excuses. “You ran and left your wife in danger?” he said, “what kind of
man are you?”

After I told the officer, as best as I could, the location where I left Janet, I
hung up the phone. I didn’t need to hear him talking about my duties as a

A few minutes later, I was able to get a taxi and it took me to our hotel. I
had some hope that Janet ran in another direction and was able to return to
our hotel safely as well. But Janet didn’t come.

I waited and waited, lying awake all night. Then, almost ten hours after I
left Janet in the slum, our hotel room door swung open with a v******e
that made me jump to my feet. Janet stormed into the room and quickly
slapped me across my face before I could even react to her presence.

“You, pussy!!!!” she yelled. “Do you know what they did to me after you
ran away!!!”

Thoughts of **** sprung to my mind. But I remained silent not knowing
what to say. Although, she didn’t have any apparent injuries, she looked
like she came out from hell. Her hair and clothing were all messed up and
her purse was missing.

“They made me give them blowjobs,” She spat. “Because you ran away,
you fucking pussy, I had to!!!” she continued, “how dare you even come
to my hotel room.”

“I…” I answered, “I was hoping to find you here and was just waiting… I
called the police… did they save you?”

She slapped me again. “How could you leave me there all alone?”

“I was scared, but I didn’t mean to leave you,” I said, “I assumed that you
were running right behind me.” I began to cry, partially in shame and
partially because her words hurt me.

“GET OUT, PUSSY!!!” she yelled, “GET OUT OF MY LIFE!”

I quickly gathered my belongings and was about to leave then turned to
ask, “what about our company?”

Her face showed an intense anger that I never saw before. She grabbed
me by my shirt and said, “You dare to ask that?” She paused and closed
her eyes in an attempt to control her anger, and then said, “I expect you to
sign over everything to me as soon as possible, then just disappear.”

All the hard work and long hours wasted. A future without my company
flashed before my eyes. I had no bright ideas left. Everything I had went
into my company. I never graduated from college, no real skills, what
could I do without my company?

If I refused to sign over the company, she would file for a divorce. A jury
would surely award everything to her once they find out that I left her in
danger. Sensing that it was hopeless, I dropped to my knees and did the
only thing left to do, beg. “Please, Janet, forgive me,” I said, “I will do

She looked at me very carefully and said, “anything?”

“Anything,” I said sensing some hope, “anything you want.”

She looked me directly in my eyes and said, “A pussy like you should
dress, act and look more appropriately, panties and bras, and skirts and

“You mean pretend that I a woman?” I asked not believing her words.

“One year,” she said. “One year, that’s all I want.”

On hindsight I should have refused her offer. But it was for one year and I
would still get to keep part ownership of the company. My main concern
was to prevent her from doing anything permanent in that one year. “It’s
just dress up right?” I said, “ I get to keep my balls and dick, right?”

She said her next words very slowly as if talking to a small c***d, “I give
you my promise that you get to keep your precious balls and dick. In
return you must do everything I tell you to do for one year.”

Not knowing what else to do, I agreed to endure the humiliation of
dressing like a woman for one year.

That evening Janet plucked my eyebrows and removed my body hair with
a cream. I practiced wearing makeup and walking in high heels. That
night I even wore a nightgown to bed.

The next morning, we didn’t attend the conference. Instead we went
shopping. It was mortifying going into women’s dressing room to try on
various women’s clothing. Everyone was staring at me. After spending
an entire day at the mall, I was glad to be back in our hotel room. Janet
made me wear a dress for the rest of day. I practiced wearing makeup and
talking in a feminine voice. I don’t know how I survived that weekend.
On several occasions, I almost gave up my ownership of my company and
left. But I know that’s what Janet wanted and decided to stick with it no
matter what.

I thought that weekend was as bad as it got, but soon found out when we
arrived back in our town that the worst was still to come. My wife made
me go to work dressed as a girl. I meekly walked in to my office behind
my wife. As she lead me to the conference room in the center of our
office, all activity stopped and people started to whisper. My wife told
one of our receptionists to inform everyone that there would be meeting
right away. In the meeting, Janet told everyone what happened in Chicago
and explained that as penalty, I was going to be a secretary for the
company for one year. It was embarrassing enough when strangers saw
me dressed as a girl. I almost died in the conference room as the people I
knew stared at me to see my reaction. I stood there silently, meekly
holding my head down. My wife told everyone that my name was Puss.
My face turned red at this revelation but remained silent. I had to endure
this shame in order keep ownership of my company. Some people openly
gasped and others laughed at predicament. But no one offered any help.

I spent most of that day filing and typing. Individuals stopping by to
comment on my predicament, to ask questions, or give me assignments,
were the only interruptions to my secretarial duties. At first, people had a
difficult time calling me Puss but eventually everyone got used to it.

That evening Janet produced a Power of Attorney appointing her with full
authority over the company and personal belongings. I only signed it after
I read the part that stated it was revocable after one year.

Janet also introduced female hormones to me that night. When I showed
resistance, she reminded me of my promise and assured me that the effects
of the hormones were reversible. I took my first of many pills that night.

I went to work the next day without much commotion. Everyone just did
his or her work and ignored me most of the time. At home, I continued
my lessons in acting and looking like a girl. Within a few weeks,
everyone just started to treat me like a normal female secretary. Perhaps
Janet convinced everyone to act normal or perhaps they just began to think
me as a girl.

During the next several months, I grew out my hair and perfected my
feminine look. Hormones helped allot, giving me breasts, soft behind, and
rounded features. Of course, the hours of practice acting feminine in the
evenings also helped. In addition all the beauty treatments I received
made me look like a beautiful girl.

No one saw me as a guy in a dress any more. The only people that stared
at me when Janet and I went out were horny guys. I always looked away
as soon as I noticed a guy staring. Janet often teased me with the prospect
of double dating. I counted my blessings that she never pushed it. I
guessed that men didn’t turn her on anymore ever since the Chicago

Soon I looked like a girl even naked. Except for my shriveled up dick and
balls, there was nothing to indicate I was a guy. Time passed slowly and
at times my embarrassment was almost unbearable. But I resolved to go
through with this degrading experience to get my share of the company.

After nine months of my feminine life, Janet surprised me when she took
me to a courthouse. As soon as I noticed where we were, I was certain
that she was going to divorce me after all. If any of the jury members
didn’t hate me for leaving my wife in danger than they had the cross
dressing as another reason to hate me. I thought that my wife had fooled
me into making sure she got everything.

But I was surprised again when my wife explained that I was there to
officially change my name to Puss. She had prepared one more
humiliation to test my resolve. Janet probably hoped that I would quit. I
wouldn’t give her the satisfaction not after all that I’d been through.

I had to convince the Judge that I wanted the name change. Janet coached
me to say that my nickname was Puss and that’s what I wanted to be
called. Under Janet’s instructions, I explained to the Judge that I was a
transsexual awaiting my surgery. I hated saying these lies but I had to do
it to stay on Janet’s good side. The Judge was a liberal and was willing to
listen to a request of a transsexual. He suggested that I change my name
to a more conventional female name. But I insisted. The Judge asked a
few more questions as to my criminal record and whether I had any
outstanding debts than signed the order changing my name to Puss.

As soon as we got in the car, dread overwhelmed me and I started to cry.
The situation with the Judge was too much. The weight of my name
change also consumed me with grief. Janet gave me what I thought was a
comforting hug, until I felt a needle penetrate my arm. I looked at her
with a puzzled look and then I passed out.

I drifted in and out of consciousness. But the moments I was awake were
brief and I always felt hazy as if in a dream. I remember seeing Doctors
and nurses. Something was being done to me but I couldn’t tell what. I
tried to ask questions but lacked the strength to do it. The next time my
head was clear, I found myself with Janet in a rental car in Chicago.

“What’s going on?” I ask alarmed. “What are we doing in Chi…”

“You’ve been in a private clinic for the last three months,” Janet said.
“Today is our last day.”

“You mean it’s been one year,” I asked “and I can stop pretending to be a

“Yes,” she said, “you can stop pretending to be a girl because you are a

“WHAT?,” I asked, panic and disbelief feeling my mind.

“Check between your legs.” She said.

I carefully and slowly lifted my skirt and pulled down my panties and
nearly passed out at finding a pussy.

“A pussy for a pussy,” Janet said laughing.

“But, but,” I said, “You promised, you promised to let me keep my dick
and balls.”

“I kept my promise,” she said, “the essence of your balls are in your

I took out my mirror from my purse and saw that I was wearing a pair of
small round shaped earrings. I began to cry, “What about my dick?”

“We put what was left of your penis, after the doctor made your pussy,
inside your necklace.” Janet said.

I saw a necklace with the centerpiece shaped as small penis. “You see
you got to keep your precious balls and dick.” “If you ask me, they never
looked better.”

I couldn’t stop the tears as they flowed from my eyes. “What about my

“You have no company,” she said, “you remember the power of attorney.”

“But it was revocable,” I said.

“Yes, you can revoke it tomorrow,” she said, “Unfortunately I’ve
transferred title to your shares of the company and everything else to me a
long time ago. So you don’t own anything. The power of attorney is
useless now.”

She stopped the rental car at a familiar place. But it took me a while to
figure out where I was. It was the very spot where our rental car broke
down last year.

Janet instructed me to follow her out of the car. I began to fear for my life
and begged her to drive away from this place. But she ignored my pleas
and pushed me out of the car. She came out from the other side and then
pushed me to the spot where I ran away from one year ago.

I cried and begged Janet to allow us to leave this place but she wouldn’t
relent. A few minutes later, approximately fifty young men started to
approach us. In a panic I thought about running again. But I knew that
the short skirt and the high heels guaranteed that I would never be able to
out run the men this time.

I moved behind Janet hoping to use her as some type of shield. Janet
pushed me to the ground and then walked to where the men had stopped
just a few feet from us. I remained sitting in the ground almost frozen
with fear.

Janet and one of the men spoke for a minute, in silent tones. She then
returned to me.

“Get up Pussy,” she ordered with a look of disdain.

I complied with her order, still gazing at the men in fear.

She then whispered into my left ear, “I never told you how I was able to
get away from those hoodlums last year. They took all my money and
made me give them blowjobs. They would probably have ****d me, if I
didn’t make the deal.”

“What deal?” I asked softly so the men could not hear.

“I promised to deliver to them a willing pussy within one year,” she said.
“After I convinced them that my word was solid, they agreed. You see,
they wanted more than someone who would just lie there halve dead. The
deal was made pussy for a pussy. In return for delivering to them a
willing pussy, they would spare my pussy.”

I didn’t understand what she was saying. Perhaps my mind just didn’t
want to comprehend. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“You are the willing pussy I am delivering. And the young men are
satisfied with the deli every.”

Suddenly the full extent of my situation hit me like a ton of bricks and I
almost passed out. I looked at Janet’s eye directly for the first time in a
long time and said, “I will never willingly do anything sexual with a man.”

“Suit yourself,” she whispered, “if you don’t act like you enjoy sex with
all those men than I will tell them that you are a man. I have pictures of
your feminization to prove it. They will probably beat you to death.”

I started to panic realizing that she meant what she was saying. The men
would kill me! “They will kill you too.” I said.

“I am ready to accept that fate,” she said, “I am not afraid of these men or
death. In a sense I am more of a man than you are, Pussy.” She laugued.

I knew she wasn’t bluffing and that there was no way to change her mind.
Despite trying to muster up all my courage to defy her I couldn’t do it.
My fear of getting killed by these men was too great. Perhaps Janet was
right, I was a pussy after all.

Sensing my fear and shame, Janet said, “You will act like you enjoy
getting fucked by all those guys won’t you, pussy?”

I meekly answered, “yes.”

Janet signaled the men and soon the men surrounded me. One of them
pushed me to my knees and ordered me to take out his cock. I closed my
eyes as I reached inside his pants and took out his hardening tool. I
smelled another man as he approached me and told me to take his cock out
too. I opened my eyes to see the huge cock in my hand. While still
holding on to the first cock, I moved my left hand and took out the other
cock. The first guy moved his cock closer to my lips and ordered me to
suck. I did as instructed. As I sucked my first cock, I continued to
message the other cock with my left hand.

Janet approached me and whispered in my right ear. “You had better act
like you are enjoying this or I will tell them that you are really a man.”

Out sheer fear, I started to bob my head up and down and moan at the
same time. Another man approached me from behind me and lifted my
plump ass from the ground. While my mouth was still connected to a
cock, I felt the third man enter my pussy from behind. At first I felt great
pain but the pain slowly faded as the man fucked me.

For Janet’s sake, I started to moan again pretending that I was really
enjoying this experience. After a few minutes, the guy in my mouth came
and I swallowed his loads of cum. As soon as the first guy withdrew from
my mouth, the second guy put his cock in my mouth. Two more men
approached and put their cocks in each of my hands.

The guy fucking me slid below me without taking his cock out of me.
Soon another guy entered me through my asshole. I again felt pain but it
faded after a while. A pair of male hands was soon fondling my breasts.
I continued to act like I was enjoying it all by moaning. Sometime during
the fucking, I am not sure when, I stopped pretending and started to moan
for real. The physical pleasure was immense. I hated myself and the
shame of it all was overwhelming. But the physical pleasure was also
overwhelming. The guy in my pussy came and was soon replaced by
another guy. This process kept repeating itself until every man there
fucked me at least twice. I was so busy getting fucked that I didn’t even
notice Janet take luggage out of the trunk of her car and then leave. I just
noticed the luggage after the fucking stopped. That was the last day I saw

Ever since then, I have satisfied the urges of the young men belonging to
our gang. I eventually learned to accept my fate and enjoy the constant
fucking that I get. But once in while I remember my past and feel both
guilty and depressed. Today was such an occasion; I read in the
newspaper that my company was going public this week. Janet’s picture
was in the paper. I cried my heart out. My picture should have been
there as well. It wasn’t my fault that I was a pussy.

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Hello ISS Readers,well I am accidentally had to visit through this sex sites.Initially reading all these stories were very interesting.I feel that most of the mom son fucking stories are imaginary and falsehood.May be some stories with cousin sister or siste in law or with aunties may be true.Reading all those stories make us emotional and horny of course.Most people do not mind about the sin behind sexual contacts. As a suffered man I want to tell my real experience to control the hony mood of...

1 year ago
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Discount Store Part Two

Discount Store Part 2 F/M By [email protected] had been spanked by an older woman in the building, and was now invited to her apartment to have lunch with her and to meet her niece. Her niece visited her for lunch about every other week, and Mrs. Jones thought that I should meet her. The niece was supposedly about my age, and was still single. Since I was always looking for new single women to meet, I agreed to have lunch with Mrs. Jones and her niece.Mrs. Jones' apartment was very clean...

4 years ago
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Thias MemoryChapter 12

Ann's eyes were wide and filled with tears and her mouth was opened agape "My God Thia..." moving quickly she took her friend in her arms and softly hushed her as Thia sobbed hard on her shoulders "I- it's okay now honey, it's okay." Thia cried out loud, completely letting go of all her feelings. She cried because of Matt's betrayal, because of the death of her only family she had her grandma, and mostly she cried because of Shane, how she left him twice without giving him any...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 26 Gods gift

"If you want a job done properly," I muttered to myself, "don't give it to Connie." This was about half-past eleven the next morning, when I found myself in the back streets near Hanover Square, having just emerged from a meeting in a client's office. It was one of the appointments I had asked Connie to rearrange while I was on compassionate leave, and the reason for my irritation was that she had done something I had specifically warned her against, namely arranging two external...

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It had been an interesting week since that revelation: My son, Shane, had blackmailed me into servicing all of his morning woods; giving him daily blowjobs – usually several per day; and multiple fuck sessions whenever he wanted. He also required me to remain nude whenever he was home while his father was traveling for business. This way he could watch my big d-cup tits bounce all over the place whenever I moved around the house. This allowed him easy access to them whenever he was close...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Adventures Day 5

Then yesterday she rebuffed my advances and explained that she wasn't feeling that good, down below. At first she thought it was just sore from being overused, but then the next day she had a request. “Babe, you need to go out shopping today,” she informed me as she made me breakfast. “Really? I’m sure whatever it is we can wait until this quarantine is over,” I sighed. I wasn’t scared of going out, but I didn’t want to risk it if I didn’t have to. “Well, I think I have a year infection...

1 year ago
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Gail has a horny day

Her left hand moved down between her legs and her middle finger stroked her pussy lips. She often played with herself while looking in the mirror, either standing up, or laying on her bed. She imagined it was somebody else's fingers making her wet. As her finger pushed slowly inside she heard her phone ring. "Shit" she said, walking over to her dressing table and picking it up. It was the will-writing company that she'd contacted a few days ago to make an appointment. Gerry, the rep, would...

4 years ago
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Taking the Plunge

This was the last night Paul and I would be out of town on this job. We had been sleeping together and having sex all week. I wondered just how different things would be once we got back home. I had a wife I loved waiting there and I was feeling guilty about cheating on her. On the other hand I knew I wanted to continue to have sex with Paul. It was a situation I never thought I would be in. My mind flashed back to last Friday when my boss told Paul and me that we would be working out of...

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BrattySis Lana Smalls My Stepbrother Still Has Wet Dreams

Lana Smalls sneaks up on her stepbrother Juan Loco to see what he’s doing on his phone. Once he gets over being startled, Juan tells Lana he’s not going to help her fulfill her stepfamily sex fantasies. She crawls into his lap and tries to seduce him. It almost works, but at the last minute Juan pushes Lana away and tells her that they both know how this is going to end. Later, Lana sees Juan doing laundry and asks him why. After a bit of coaxing, Juan confesses that he keeps waking...

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Well Made and Enduring

Chapter 1 — Existential Instantiation Elspeth hated her on sight. The evening was already not going well and the towering woman turned it into a disaster. As soon the woman appeared, she demanded attention. It would be hard to identify the most arresting part of the woman’s appearance. She was almost six feet tall. Her dreadful posture ought to have made her seem shorter, but the aggressive stance negated that small handicap. Her jeans and T-shirt were intentionally tattered. Her massive...

2 years ago
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Hysterical Paralysis

Another hard day at work, Sonja thought to herself as she stood on the platform waiting for the next subway. It would be so relaxing to get home and soak in her bathtub. Maybe she'd call Charles and break her date. There were cold cuts in the refrigerator, maybe a sandwich was all she'd need tonight. Sonja felt the train arrive almost a minute before it actually pulled into the station, way before it could actually be heard in the tunnel. There was the faint rush of wind as the air in the...

1 year ago
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The Wrong Reverend Part 2 Its Better in the Bahamas

The Wrong Reverend Part 2 Its Better in the Bahamas It had been a long dull week of living and working in Nassau in boy mode and I was looking forward to some action. I parked in front of a motel not too far from the seedy side of town. I went up to my room and proceeded to strip off my clothes and soaked in the bath tub, and then I shaved my body to a nice silky smoothness. I attached my breast forms with adhesive and slipped into a lacy little bra that supported well but concealed...

2 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 26 Everything and Nothing

I woke in my office, lying on my couch. There was a man in a Tokyo Police uniform and a man in a Kaiba Security uniform leaning against my desk talking softly. When I moved, they both snapped to attention. "Status?" I tried to ask. Something close to a word croaked from my throat and then I spent two minutes coughing. There was a soft cast around my neck. My security radioed for assistance and while I was still choking on my own words, someone in a white coat and a young man came in. I...

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The Lesson Of Masturbation Part 2

Hello everyone, Welcome to you all in my gay sex story again. Jaisa ki previous part (The Lesson of Masturbation) me aapne dekha ki kaise uncle ne muje muth marna sikhaya. Aur mene unke kehne pe jab ghar me akela tha tab muth marne ki try bhi ki. But pata nahi pani nahi nikal paya. Kyunki jaise hi pani nikalne wala hota to muje lagta ye muje kya horaha he. But abhi tak me wo enjoyment se dur tha jo bande muth marte hue lund mese maal nikalte waqt mehsoos karte he. Ab iss kahani me aap janenge...

4 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 29 Peacemakers

Ambassador Jon'a-ren and Michael sat facing Minister Keaton and another official they'd not previously met, Canadian Defense Minister Angus MacMillan. They were gathered in Prime Minister Keaton's office to hammer out a working agreement for joint Masi'shen and Canadian Forces familiarization and training exercises to test the new Ranger equipment and tactical methods. "Minister MacMillan, we met some weeks ago with Minister Keaton to work out certain understandings and arrangements...

1 year ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 3 The Catalans

Beyond a bare, weather-worn wall, about a hundred paces from the spot where the two friends sat looking and listening as they drank their wine, was the village of the Catalans. Long ago this mysterious colony quitted Spain, and settled on the tongue of land on which it is to this day. Whence it came no one knew, and it spoke an unknown tongue. One of its chiefs, who understood Provencal, begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory, where, like the sailors of...

3 years ago
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Katie and Me

My step daughter Kimberly and her best friend Katie, were nearing the end of their senior year of high school and were looking forward to the festivities and personal freedoms graduation would bring. Katie had always been something of a free spirit. Bubbly, high energy and always smiling. When coming over to visit Kimberly, she would usually press herself against me, wrap her arms around my neck and plant a wet kiss on my lips chirping “Hi Daddy B!”. My wife wasn't thrilled with her greeting...

Straight Sex
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About me

Hi Guys Im Wonder-Mom I am a Hot German MILF Babe for what i am told almost every day. I am into all kinds of hot sex with very well hung men, I love Oral and can’t get enough Hot Thick Creamy Cum splattered all over my face and in my mouth. I love to ride a good hard stiff hard 10" pluss cock and my favorite position is Reverse Cowgirl becouse i love it real deep inside me. I enjoy dressing up in skin tight dresses and love to do the school girl thing in knickers from time to time. Im always...

4 years ago
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Third is a Charm

There are sometimes times in life where life makes a decision for you. The gloves come off, the blindfold is pulled away and you realize that you yourself had little to no choice in regards to the circumstances you find yourself in. I've only really had one such instance, and though it happened two years ago I remember it clear as if it had happened yesterday. It had long been a dream of mine to see the world, see great sights and taste exotic foods - for my 21st birthday I was afforded the...

2 years ago
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House Wife Jab Randi Banti Hai To Hosh Uda Deti Hai

Hi friends main laghbhag 5 saal say is site par stories padta hun aur enjoy bhi karta hun kafi story to fake hoty hai aur ek si hi hoti hai jo ki padhtay hai samjh main ajata hai ki fake aur sab se badi khas baat to ye hai ki har kisi ka lund is website par 9 inch kum ka nahi hota pata nahi saley itna bada lund latey kaha say hai khair mere lunnd main aisi koi khas bat nahi hai 6 inch ka hai normal size par itna bada to hai ki kisi ko bhi dewana kardey. Ab main apni baat par ata hunn baat...

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Wife finally joins the fun

For years I had hidden my bisexual fantasies from everyone - especially my wife. She was always grossed out by the idea of 2 men having sex, or 2 women lezzing out for that matter, so I never thought to enlighten her about my true desires. That has all changed and now my sex life has gotten extremely exciting off of a sudden. It all started a month ago on my birthday. We went out for some drinks with some friends to a patio that over looks a very busy beach. There was lots of sexy guys and...

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NuruMassage Gia Paige Kind Of A Big Deal

Nathan Bronson arrives for a massage. He seems to be a famous person and has his ego bruised when masseuse Gia Paige doesn’t recognize him. At the same time, he wants to remain inconspicuous and gives her an obviously fake name. As Gia leads him into the shower room, Nathan is worried that there are cameras in the room and makes Gia leave her cell phone at the door because he doesn’t want her snapping pics of him. After the shower, they head into the massage room where Gia gives...

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In Search of Logic in Limerence 20

Thomas was half-awake, trying to make out a blurry outline of what looked like a woman sitting on a window-sill. He closed and then opened his eyelids completely, taking in what he saw. Through the doorway, he could see a young woman sitting on a padded window-sill, her head rested against the wall, her eyes shut. She looked like she was asleep. He smiled at the sight, as he recognised her, memories flooding back to his mind. It was Celeste. He looked at her face: so calm and peaceful, so...

2 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 37 Endless

As I continue to pose against the doors, Camulus joins me. He too leans again the Hummer and crosses his arms same as me. "You know, you come on a little strong sometimes," he says quietly. "Sorry," I slant him grin. "I seem to be a pusher. I was trained to get things done. Not make nice." "I'm all good with that," He grins back at me. For a moment he seems so much like his sister, in his smile there is charm and beauty, what luck for these siblings I think to myself. He adds...

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My Ladyboy LittleLi Part 2

After LittleLi had finished swallowing my cum, she fell back and i noticed she still had on her frilly ankle socks and MJ,s. Now that I knew LittleLi was a ladyboy i could tell her about my collection of stockings, panties, shoes and dresses that i liked to get dresssed in. LittleLi loved the the fact and took off the rest of my man clothes. I got up off the bed in front of her naked and went to my cabinet with all my fave clothes in it. I lay out satin frilly panties, stockings of all...

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My Wifes Past part 2

“We only started getting into each others’ beds when one or other of us was in trouble with our parents – we always ‘stuck together’ that way. It started when we were very young and, I suppose, it just carried on when we got older ……”I was still thinking about the ‘few things’ Stacey had mentioned. Of course, having read Craig’ diaries, I knew about several of them, but I was very excited at the prospect of hearing Stacey describe them to me.“So, what were the ‘few things’ you remember?” I...

1 year ago
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The Gentlemens Club Pt 1

Introduction: He dressed me like a whore My hubby had always talked about the Gentlemens Club in our town and I finally told him if you want me to go with you I will. He had teased me about entering an amateur night contest but I wasnt up to that. I did tell him we could go for a little bit so I could see what it was like inside these places having never been to one. The first thing he had me do was my outfit for the evening, a very, very short and tight mini skirt with thigh highs and boy...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 9 The Hot Tub

Tanya Charles was entertaining two of her most helpful contacts. She had long known that success in selling to the public sector came from cultivating a network of those that could influence or inform as much as those that actually made the decisions. Chief Inspector Adrienne Costa and Maggie Forbush from the Ministry of Internal Affairs had been happy to take advantage of Tanya's invitation. After all it wasn't often they got the chance to visit the sort of places that Tanya's expense...

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………………………………………………………Sunday is work time again; I reached the office just in the nick of time. I just saw my co-workers not bringing any mails to deliver, I appeared in front of the table of Kurt, and then he just informed me that there will be no mails to be delivered today, so it was like a day off.Kurt invited me to his house. For somehow, I still have the feeling of liking him every time he talks to me. And this time, he is inviting me to his house. Without any dawdling I said yes from his...

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This is a gay/college fantasy. It involves males, nudity, anal play, oral sex and charged sexual circumstances in a college setting. If you are offended by any of these elements, please don't read this story or complain about its content. All involved are adults.HazingThao was more than nervous. He was frightened and filled with anxiety and yet, this was something that he really wanted to go forward with: pledging to the college fraternity that his Dad and his Grandfather belonged to.His...

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Chronicles of my Hot Wife

We were spending the night with my good friend Jay. My wife, Mellonee,and I decided to sleep in his room with him. Actually my wife just kind of blurted out, ‘Hey why don’t we just all sleep in the same room?’ Jay and I just both looked at each other and said, ‘OK.’ Jay and I didn’t think anything of it and when we got into his bedroom, he started to make a pallet on the floor and he said ‘You guys can have my bed. I’ll take the floor.’ Immediately Mellonee said ‘No way Jay! This is your...

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Best Two Out of Three

There are some things that can be done nude, and some things that should not be.  People disagree about what belongs in what set.  Some people begrudgingly get naked to shower and maybe for sex (as long as the light's out), but are sure to cover up at any other time.  Others swim, suntan, and of course, play volleyball, in the nude.  One thing that they agree on, is that cooking should not be done naked.Thus, I'd dug out an apron, somewhat reluctantly.  Now, I wouldn't say that I was a nudist. ...

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Mom Wants InChapter 2

"That's it, I can't stand this any longer," his mother said and she stood up and began pulling off her jeans. The crotch was soaked with a big circle of wetness and the amazing part was that she was not wearing panties. She stood there next to us, her untrimmed black bush right near our eye level as she reached across and pulled off her top. Troy's cock was still firmly inside me and hard as only a sixteen-year old guy can be as we watched his mother pull her bra off her large breasts...

1 year ago
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Sandras Homework Solution

"Sir? I'm Sandra, Mz. Garwin sent me about my homework problems." "Ah yes, take a seat. I'll be just one movement dear." She picked a straight chair, in front of the dean's desk and watched while he pored over and signed some documents. How was this man going to help her concentrate on homework? After about ten minutes he got up and filed the folders in a cabinet behind him. Turning around again he stared at her with a slightly surprised expression. "Ah, I forgot you were here; you...

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In a World Where All the Women Want Me Help 2

Jonah Plesius was feeling trapped in his dead-end job; again. He felt beyond trapped; at 25, he figured his life would be more exciting than this. Jonah jumped into college almost as soon as he had graduated, a full-ride scholarship to his second pick university doing what he loved, coding programs and playing online games. He graduated from that school as one of the top 5 students; the world was supposed to be his. He got headhunted by a promising new tech startup company; his work accounted...

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Black men love Beckys

Black men love Beckys by Angela Collins Preamble:- This story was inspired by a piece of very hard-core interracial porn I recently saw. The size and quantity, although unbelievable, were real ! ************************************************************************ As a man, I used to love watching porn. I was a white, heterosexual man with a medium sized dick, but I liked mixed race porn where the Black man had a huge dick and knew what to do with it to bring his usually...

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Black List III Rising TideChapter 2

Sergey Stalokavich rolls over and begins kissing Talilith’s back. She moans but continues to just lie there. “You keep that up and we’ll have to go another round,” she says with a giggle. “I’ve got all the time in the world,” Sergey replies. “Aren’t you expected back in Morhotlong today?” “Maltaus can wait on me for a change,” he answers with a groan. Talilith turns around, pushing the man off. “Don’t piss him off or blow this,” she says, anger flaring on her face. It is Sergey’s turn to...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 15

“ ... and according to the findings of the Joint Chiefs of the Military and the Supreme Council, the Stevens Genetics Research Facility was determined to be the site of the detonation – Ground Zero, as it were. “The exact cause of the detonation is still unknown. The type of energy discharge that destroyed most of downtown Albuquerque was not, in fact, a nuclear device. There was no discernible radioactivity either during the detonation or afterward, and there was no radiation in the debris...

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