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I never quite figured out why Hugh made a point of befriending me. I mean we seemed so different in almost every way possible; working at ChemCo was about the only thing we shared. He was tall, probably 6'3" at least, compared to my shorter 5'7" height. He was proportionally big too, with wide shoulders, beefy chest, big hands and feet, and a large cock he seemed to show off whenever he could. I preferred to describe my body as trim but he called me delicate more than once. About the only thing about me that was big was my butt; Hugh said it looked like the sweet bubble of a girl's ass. Overall, I lacked the bulging muscles he had, as well as the hairy body, and I had to admit that my cock was small, especially when soft. That led me to try to avoid showering with Hugh after we completed our work shift, but the company required that we take one for our safety and to prevent off-site transport of the chemicals we handled during our manufacturing process. It was the last step in a routine where we changed from our own clothes into company jumpsuits to wear on our shift and that we jettisoned after work. Inevitably, Hugh would find me in the shower or drying off in the change room. Not that he mentioned it, but he seemed to make a point of walking around with his cock and balls swinging freely as he moved. Mine were so small that they tucked right next to my body and I made every effort to hide them from view. Hugh's off work activities were also so different from mine. He spent his free time engaged in strenuous or active hobbies, like rock climbing, skiing, off-road biking, trail running, and he was a captain on the club rugby team that ChemCo sponsored. I preferred to head home to my wife, where we would spend time in more leisurely activities like shopping for vintage stained glass, antiquing small decorative furniture, visiting art galleries, attending symphony concerts, and rummaging at quaint bookstores. The most physical activities we did were our shared yoga and Pilates classes, which I found as soothing mentally as I did rewarding physically. I did almost everything with my wife of three years, Sara. I'd rather spend time with her doing anything than be by myself. Hugh was the opposite; he did little with his wife other than have sex or sleep. He also made a point of telling me that she couldn't quite satisfy his sexual needs, and that he had frequent affairs with other women. Even though I tried to avoid these conversations, he reveled in telling me of his latest conquest and how they were overwhelmed by his sexual skills. He also made it clear that he loved doing other guy's wives. The fact that they were already in a relationship meant he could just use them for sex, without the complications normally required for commitments; he loved the idea of enjoying what he called 'safe snatch'. Fucking a married woman meant he was giving her something her husband couldn't which meant the guy was likely a weak, poor excuse for a man, a 'pussy' too. Hugh had a thing for getting people to do stuff for him, or give him an advantage, or allow him privileges not provided others. He saw it as his right and loved telling me about whatever freebies these 'pussies' gave him. Not that I wanted to listen, but Hugh pushed me to go out with him after work, to be a man not ruled by his wife. So more often than I desired, we would go to a local bar and drink a few rounds while he expounded on his latest conquests or what freebies he had gotten from one of his regular pussies. After knocking back a few he would head out to bag another man's wife or settle for going home for dinner. He would just abruptly go, leaving me with the bar tab, and telling me we would square it up later. Of course he never did, but just to be free of him was worth it. To be honest, he intimidated me and I felt he pushed me to do things I wasn't comfortable with. I was sure he knew that I found being with him uncomfortable, but he insisted we spend time together just to prove to me that he was the better man; the alpha male he always bragged about being. It was during one of these after work drinking sessions, that Hugh grilled me on my sexual exploits. He started off as usual by bragging about the last married woman he fucked and how she came multiple times before he blasted his cum into her. But then he switched to asking me about sex between my wife and me. Of course he had to do it in a condescending manner. "Buddy, tell me about you and Sara. I'm guessing given your equipment that you like oral sex. Do you satisfy her with your mouth? You've got to do something to get her off. Personally I love oral sex; can't get enough of it. Tell me about you and her." "We're pretty normal I guess. She does like me to give her oral and tells me I'm pretty good at it. But we also have intercourse. She's never said she didn't like that too, so don't assume I'm not getting that taken care of." "That's okay, I mean most wives never tell that husbands that they are failing when they fuck. But if you prefer to put your face in her snatch, then she's got to love you for that. I found that once women meet someone who really knows how to lick pussy, then they realize how great it is. I guess it's as much the personal focus on her, showing them that you're willing to put their orgasm first. Women like that kind of sacrifice from a man. I guess that is why I love oral too. Something about the whole act just gets me excited." "So you go down on your women too? I never hear you talk about that." "Oh no, I'm not a pussy licker, I've got way too much cock to have to resort to that. I mean I love to get blowjobs. Something about putting your cock into a wet, sweet mouth, feeling that tongue slurp you up, and seeing them stare up at you while they worship your cock is mind blowing. You know at that point that pleasing you is important enough that they will do anything for you. Once I get a woman to give me head and swallow my load, then I own her. It's like the last barrier to their resistance. The confirming step is then to fuck them anally; nothing shows who owns who than to fuck them in every orifice they have. So once you've face fucked somebody, you both know they will do whatever you want. Unfortunately, I don't get that as much from married women as I'd like too. After a woman marries a man, they generally stop sucking his cock. So they bring that to an affair too. Most of them just want to feel my size in their cunt, but not enough to suck me off. But I take what I can get, I'll never complain about forbidden fruit. So what else do you and Sara do? Play any sex games, or role playing? Ever try any public sex or costumes, or master - slave games? I find that married women often want to explore their kinky side, once they've made the decision to cheat on their husband. When I first got married, I tried to get my wife to try dominance but she didn't go for it. I mean submission is such a turn on and a change from my everyday life. You guys try that?" "I can't say that we have. I mean we've dressed up once or twice, sort of role playing but not much else. I guess I could understand the submissive part, but we've never tried that. With your success in fucking, it surprises me you'd like the submissive role play." "Sorry pal, you got it wrong again. I love pushing people into submissive roles; it is part of my dominant personality. I understand your inexperience with kinky stuff; you've not been married that long. Just don't be reluctant to do things she asks. That is one thing I hear often from the married women I fuck, is that their husbands just don't care anymore and aren't willing to spice things up. Once a woman asks you to go the extra mile or try something new and different, you need to do it if you want to keep her happy. Speaking of going the extra mile, I need to split. I've set up a date with a new wife. Got to be on time, at least till they get hooked on my magic cock. You mind getting the tab? I'll get the next one." With that he was gone. I felt used again, but relieved he left. I was real uncomfortable talking about sex between Sara and me. We made love several times a week, and Hugh was right, she really enjoyed me going down on her. But we always ended by having intercourse, so it was rewarding for us both. The dressing thing was mostly made up; I mean she wore a cute little garter belt and stockings for me once, but that was a one-time thing. The way Hugh described sex, seemed dirty and degrading. I never felt that with Sara. We made love rather than fuck. It just seemed better. After this conversation however, I was going to be more attentive to be sure if she wanted something else I would be ready to please her. My melancholy disappeared almost immediately that night, as Sara was eager for sex. After giving her a few orgasms with my face buried in her pussy, we moved into the missionary position and I finished in her. As we lay intertwined in bed afterwards, I knew I would do anything to make her happy, as she completed my life. The next few weeks were uneventful, until one morning when Hugh revealed that he was getting divorced. He seemed happy about it, telling me that his wife had found out he was sleeping with other women and wanted out of their marriage. She was so intent on leaving that he got her to agree to no alimony, a fairly equal split of assets, and she let him keep the swanky downtown loft condo they lived in. Although I said I was sorry for him, Hugh just said not to worry, that now he was free to chase and nail more married split-tails without trying to come up with a lame excuse for his absences. True to his word, he wound up with even more women and of course had to tell me all about them. The one bad side effect was he pushed me to do more with him right after work, including meals. That was one thing he didn't enjoy doing by himself. I begged out as much as I could, because I preferred meals with Sara far more than him. Also he had begun to stick me with dinner checks as well. Just as I thought I had broken him of the habitat of asking me to go eat with him, he cornered me one Friday as we dressed after our work shower. He had literally cornered me, as I sat on a bench, and he stood closely in front of me. He was nude and kept maneuvering so that his cock and sack were practically right in my face. Despite my refusals, he kept insisting and finally when I said I had promised to have dinner with Sara, he told me to call her so she could join us. I couldn't find a way out, and reluctantly arranged for her to meet us at a nearby restaurant. I was none too happy about the situation, but when she arrived, Hugh was an entirely different person. He was friendly, without being pushy or arrogant. He prompted her to tell us about her day at her nurse's job, and listened intently, leading her on with questions as if this was very exciting to him. He was also very complimentary, both of her appearance and surprisingly of my importance at work. Hugh was presenting an image of himself I had never witnessed, and it dawned on me that this was how he convinced so many women to have sex with him. This persona was friendly, kind, and engaging. There was none of the crude language or oafish behavior that he always displayed when we were together. The final straw was after we finished our meal, he eagerly picked up the check, insisting it was his pleasure for our company. I was dumbfounded and as we left to go home, Sara talked on and on about him. She said she now understood why I spent time with Hugh and could see he was a good friend. I couldn't try to tell her otherwise and so let her keep this impression of him. I also secretly hoped that perhaps Hugh would act that way when it was just us two as well. The next Monday when I saw Hugh in the dressing room he resumed acting in the same crude and condescending manner he always showed. He peppered me with questions about Sara and made leering types of comments about how hot she looked and that I must love eating her up. I found this offensive, but didn't want to aggravate him, so I kept silent. When I looked at her, I saw her as an angel. Her skin was silky smooth, her light brown hair curled naturally around her radiant face, her eyes practically sparkled, and her soft lips appeared as if they were rose petals. Her trim body was well proportioned with nice B-cup breasts that were firm, perky and featured large nipples that she loved for me to kiss and suck. Her waist and hips completed the hourglass figure and with her long shapely legs made her a standout. Hugh's crude comments were pushing me to the limit, but just as I was getting mad, he switched tacks and told me how lucky I was to have such a nice wife. Winking, he told me to be sure to keep her happy and sexually satisfied as she appeared to be a real prize. The rest of the week went as usual, with Hugh bragging about how many wives he was fucking but he didn't mention Sara any more. I did have to work late a couple of evenings, but that happened occasionally and without him there, work was much nicer. He did tell me that he was planning on having a Halloween party at his place; that women just loved such parties, as it gave them an excuse to dress in sexy costumes and flirt with guys. He always lined up more married women at such events, so he figured he'd host one for a change. As the date approached, he let me know Wednesday he was going to be off work the Thursday and Friday prior to the party that Saturday evening. He had hooked up with a new wife that wanted him to go on a quick out of town trip to an Oktoberfest event for drinking and sex; he couldn't pass it up. When I asked what he was going to do about getting ready for the party, he laughed. He boasted that he didn't need to do such menial tasks, that he always lined up gullible pussies to do that kind of thing. He had already set it up, so it was all taken care of. I just shook my head; how did he manage to manipulate people so easily. The good part was that I was free of him for a while. Reaching home, I was met at the door by Sara. She was beaming as if she had a big surprise for me. "Honey I've got great news. We've been invited to a Halloween party. The best part is that it is being given by your friend Hugh. He called one evening looking for you when you had to work over. We got to talking, he's just so friendly, and he let it slip that he was lonely since his divorce. But after we talked some he sounded better. I told him he needed to take the initiative and do some social activities. He said he was thinking of having a Halloween party, but had to go out of town for work and couldn't get everything together for it. I told him that was a great idea and then it struck me. He's such a good friend to you that we should step up and help him out. So I volunteered to decorate his place and prepare some food so he could still have the party. He was reluctant at first, but with some prodding he finally agreed to let us help. The next time you worked late, I went by and got the key from him. He showed me his place, told me what he had in mind and I gave him suggestions. It's going to be lots of fun. We're even going to help him realize one of his all-time fantasies. Seems growing up, he idolized Hugh Hefner. I guess like many boys, Hef's lifestyle seemed like a dream, kind of like being James Bond, Superman, or some other larger than life personality. Because they shared the same first name, he had always wanted to dress up on Halloween as Hef and had planned to do so at this party. But now, he didn't think he could do that, mainly because he felt like to do it right, he needed a couple of Playboy bunnies to be there too. That's when I struck gold and had the best idea yet. I told him I didn't have a costume yet, and would be glad to come dressed in a bunny costume. He thanked me, but said one bunny wouldn't be enough. Like a lightning bolt, the final piece of the puzzle hit me. I said what if I got a bunny outfit for you too. That way he would have two Playboy bunnies to compliment his costume. He loved the idea immediately, but wasn't sure you would agree to wear a girl's costume or wouldn't appear realistic enough. I told him not to worry and let me take care of that. I know this is a spur of the moment thing, but thought maybe we could try something new. I mean we always do the same stuff and never take risks or act wild. What do you think? Are you willing to try something different? I promise you we will have a great time." I tried to react normally but I was exploding inside with a wide range of emotions. First, I was mad at Hugh for tricking my sweet wife into doing this by lying to her. Second I was embarrassed that she would suggest that I not only wear a girl's costume, but a sexy one too, and was confident she could make me look good in it. Finally, I was scared because I knew Hugh so well. He loved taking advantage of people and with his penchant for married women I did not trust him to leave Sara alone. Although I knew she loved me, he was evil and seemed to be able to charm anyone. Plus her last statements had me nervous because I knew we didn't really push the limits or take risks. Hugh had warned me to be alert for signs from my wife that our life was becoming boring or routine. These conflicting emotions fought in my mind while she stood there waiting for an answer. I finally decided I couldn't take a chance on disappointing her by not agreeing to this scheme, no matter how humiliating it might be later. "It sounds like a wild time. I know we generally don't do such spontaneous stuff, plus it is so nice for you to help out my friend. I know he wanted to have the party, but wasn't sure how to pull it off. I guess my only worry is whether I could actually look like a playboy bunny. I mean their costumes are pretty revealing, but I guess if you think you can work some magic, I'll agree to follow your lead." I then reached out to give her a kiss and pulled her close for a hug. Sara was mildly surprised that Jeff had reacted in this way, but had held out hope that maybe she was wrong. When she met with Hugh, he was so friendly and a made a point of complimenting her often, but he also brought up how happy her husband was. Sara almost blushed as he went on and on about their blissful married life and actually did so when Hugh mentioned some sexual details that Jeff had revealed. But her mood changed radically when Hugh let it slip that there were issues that Jeff felt reluctant to discuss with her. Sara had to know what those were, so she pressed Hugh to tell her what he knew. As Jeff had obviously been willing to share intimate details about their sex life, Sara felt that he must have been honest with Hugh about any problems as well. Hugh finally relented, after she promised to never tell Jeff that he had given away his secrets. Once she agreed, he laid out the issues beginning with how routine their sex actually was. Sara knew that was true, but sex with Jeff had been all she needed and had thought it satisfied him too. As Hugh described Jeff however she saw what seemed to be truth in his description. Jeff was a bit mild mannered, and she could see how he might want to be a submissive in sex play. He did have a lot of feminine traits to his body and appearance, so it sort of made sense that he might be drawn to wearing girl's clothes as a submissive too. Also he had a penchant, maybe an obsession to please her orally. Hugh's description of Jeff's skill at licking pussy and fervor for it, took her back a bit, both because he now knew this intimate part of her sexual activity and because she had to admit it was accurate. Hugh asked if she thought he might be interested in fellatio as well. He wondered because Jeff seem drawn to him whenever they were in the shower or change room at work. Hugh said Jeff seemed mesmerized by his body and especially his equipment, staring at it whenever he had the chance. Hugh suggested perhaps he wanted to try it. His description of how fellatio would be the ultimate for an orally-oriented person and to deny them this opportunity would be a selfish act made her pause for thought. She had never thought of it that way, but admitted that the feel and taste of a cock was unique and if Jeff was really so fixated on oral sensations he might enjoy such an experience, particularly given his submissive nature. Then Hugh described how Jeff felt he was denying her possible pleasures and experiences because of his physical shortcomings. Sara had never seen his penis as small, but truthfully she had only been with two other men before marrying Jeff and they were both bigger. To hear that he wanted her to get to try sex with a man with more to offer cock-wise made her blush so much that she had to look down at her hands. She had noticed that Hugh had a bigger package than Jeff and she knew that Hugh knew it as well. Fortunately, he didn't linger on this detail, but paused. She took the opportunity to quiz him about these issues, and wondered out loud about how she might satisfy Jeff's urges. That gave Hugh the opportunity to describe his idea for integrating some of these sexual challenges into the party. She had been quite skeptical at first of Hugh's ideas, but as they talked about it she became convinced to go along. Sara could definitely see him looking cute in a bunny outfit and felt like she was capable of controlling him to satisfy his desires to be submissive. Maybe she could even force him to give Hugh a blowjob for the ultimate oral experience. At the same time the thought of getting to experience the size of someone like Hugh was beginning to sound more and more appealing, especially if Jeff was there to see her appreciate it. By the time she left she had decided to see if Hugh was right and present the idea of the party to Jeff. If he went along she would at least force him to be submissive and feminine and see what happened at the party. So, when Jeff agreed to her plan, she decided that for their marriage sake, she would go all out. She had thought about it and knew the steps she wanted to take. She had scoped out a costume store and knew it carried bunny outfits; she just needed to get Jeff's sizes. Sara had also thought about controlling him, and came up with what she thought were devious means to make him realize she was in charge. "Honey I'm so glad you are up for this! We will finally do something different for a change. Most of the changes I'll make tomorrow and Saturday, but we can at least start preparing you for your bunny debut. Why don't you go run a nice hot bath, soak a bit, and then you can start shaving. I have some new razors and a ladies shaving foam you can use. Start with your legs, as they will be easiest, but you will need to do your torso and arms as well. Luckily, you don't have a lot of body hair. I'm going to pop a casserole into the oven and I'll come back to help you out. Once you are all smooth and soft, then I can measure you to get your saucy little costume. I can't wait to see you flashing that white bunny tail around. This will be so much fun. Aren't you excited?" "Of course, I mean it's something we've never thought of, let alone actually done. I want to make you happy, so I will give it my all. Just don't expect too much. I doubt I will make much of a feminine creature." Jeff had said that more to calm his own fears than because he felt it was true. He knew that he wasn't overly masculine and was really worried how he might appear in a woman's costume. The last thing he wanted was for Sara to see him as more feminine than masculine. He would just have to be vigilant in maintaining his masculine behavior at all times leading up to the party. Sara didn't see that aspect in his reply. She just interpreted his response as eagerness as well as worry that he wouldn't be as feminine as he dreamed. She decided that she would do everything she could to make him cute AND sexy. Jeff retreated to the bath and followed Sara's instructions. It seemed like he was digging his own grave, like prisoners do in a bad movie, but he finished it off. Just as he stood up to dry off, Sara returned. "Jeff that looks much better, but before you get out of the tub let me check to see if you missed any hair. Plus, I'm going to have to shave some of your pubic hair, at least tidy it up. The bunny costume will be real high-cut on the sides and narrow in front, so you need to be sure it's trimmed." She had him turn around slowly, quickly looked him over, found a few spots to clean up, and then had him face her again. Taking some of the women's shave cr?me, she lathered up his pubic area, and carefully began to shave him. She took her time, trying to be thorough, careful not to nick him in a sensitive area, and to reinforce the transition he was making. When she was done, his balls, cock, butt, and everything surrounding them were smooth and hairless. She did leave a narrow little strip of his curly hair, centered right above his cock extending about 3 inches up toward his navel. Jeff was mortified about his new appearance. All he could think about was how he would look in the showers at the change room. Being completely nude would be better than this little decorative touch of hair above his cock. But Sara seemed to really like how it looked, so he deferred to her. Finally satisfied, she had him step out of the tub and dry off, before joining her in the bedroom. Taking a cloth measuring tape, she quickly got the body measurements she thought she needed to choose his costume. As she was measuring his hips and changing over to measure his rise, she also artfully got a rough measurement of his flaccid cock size. She was surprised at his 2 ? inch measurement, as she thought he'd be bigger. She knew enough about men to know that an average penis was 6 inches when erect, and assumed that it couldn't more than double in size. So maybe Hugh was right about Jeff being worried about her missing out on a bigger man. In any case, she had what she needed for the costume and his small size would make the plans she had easier. Now it was time to implement one of the control strategies she had chosen to ensure a submissive behavior from him. "Okay I have all I need to rent your outfit, but I need to do one more thing to help you assume your role as a cute little bunny. You not only needed to be smooth and tidy around your cock so that that hair wouldn't show through your costume, but I needed the hair out of the way so I can remove the problem your male stuff would create. If the costume is so narrow down there, that some hair would get in the way, then your cock and balls would certainly cause a problem. I don't know of any playboy bunnies that sport a big bulge there, and it took me awhile to think of a solution, but I've got one. I need you to lie down on your back on the bed for me. That's good, how bring your legs back towards your chest spread apart so I have some room to work. It might help if you grab your knees to hold them." Jeff was totally confused now about what she wanted. So he just followed her instructions and watched her as she took some medical equipment out of a bag by the nightstand. He began to get more worried as she put on some thin surgical gloves, ones she normally used at work. He watched her unwrap a slender plastic tip-type device, attach a thin hose to one end, and lubricate the other end. With the device prepared, she moved to him and with no hesitation grabbed his penis right at the glans in her left hand and inserted the lubricated tip into it. Now he was really worried. "Sara! What are you doing? This is just a costume. I don't need anything like this. What are putting in me?" "Settle down honey, this is just a catheter. I put them in men all the time at work. Once I get everything in place then you'll understand. Just trust me." Although he wasn't reassured, he couldn't protest more without hurting her feelings. Plus she had him in hand already, so he allowed her to proceed. He had already decided if he didn't like it, she would just have to remove it. He could feel the end of the catheter travel up the interior of his penis, a strange sensation, but not painful. Once she had it far enough inside, she made some adjustments. Pumping a small bulb attached to the hose, she fiddled with the catheter until she seemed satisfied and then removed the bulb. A quick clip with some scissors shortened the tube until it stuck out only a few inches, held in place with a small clamp. With it shortened she took out a roll of nude-colored medical tape from her bag. She cut off a few strips about 4 inches in length, putting them on the edge of the nightstand so they would be available for her. She then took her left hand and manipulated his left testicle, pushing it inside his body. With her right hand she took a piece of tape and applied it so that the testicle would remain taped inside him. She repeated the action with his right one, leaving him smooth down there except for his penis. With the testicles out of the way, she took a piece of tape and cut a small slit in the middle of it, removed the clamp, and slid the tube through the slit. As it got to the head of his penis she began to push his whole cock back towards his body, compressing the head while the shaft collapsed inside of him. Once she had his penis positioned so that only the glans remained outside of his body, she pressed the tape down. Sara then followed with two more pieces of tape, one on each side of where his penis was trapped inside of him. Stepping back she examined her work. His groin was now smooth with a small bulge similar to the mons pubis of a girl, the tape holding all but the small head of his cock inside his body. The tube protruded only about 4 inches and she used a small piece of tape to hold it back between his legs. Clamping off the end of the tube, she was finished. The whole action was completed quickly and felt more like a medical exam, so that he had no sexual response that would cause his penis to enlarge. Beaming, she knew this would work as well as she had hoped. There was no way that Jeff could look at himself now and not feel de- masculinized. There was no longer any visible presence of his cock or balls, just a cute little nub and flatness more like the crotch of a woman than a man. This could only make him more submissive and under her control. She wanted him to begin to feel that immediately, so she began the second phase of her plan. It would involve both some verbal humiliation and dominance, and use of women's clothes to suppress his natural masculine behaviors. She had researched this online, and felt these were part of a successful strategy for domination. "Oh my word that turned out better than I ever imagined. I thought maybe I'd have problems with getting you taped down, but you were smaller there than I expected. It's amazing how just a few pieces of tape hid your manhood. You look more like a girl than a boy now. This will look perfect in your costume. In fact, let me see how it looks in some underwear. Put on this pair of panties for me. If you can look like a girl in this tiny thong, then you'll be able to pass muster in your costume." With that, Sara took a pale green thong, trimmed in lace and slid it over his feet and up his legs to his thighs. She had him lift up his butt and she fitted it around his waist. At that point, she had him get off the bed and stand in front of the wall mirror. Jeff was stunned. She was right. There was no bulge, no lump, and no projection; just a smooth flat curve going from his navel back to his butt. The tiny panty lay flat revealing only a little bump and a crease from his cock head and backward curve of the tube. It certainly looked more like a woman than a man. It was even worse from the back, because the string snugged up his crack, leaving his rounded cheeks exposed, again just like a woman would look in a thong. He felt his face flush and immediately wanted her to remove the catheter. "Sara, I don't know about this. It is way too much just for a costume party, I mean, it will be hard to go to the bathroom, and its' kind of uncomfortable with my stuff pushed inside me. Why don't you just take it out?" "No way mister, this is just what I had in mind. I want you smooth as a little girl down there. The catheter will let you pee when you need to, just sit down like I do and release the clamp. For the party, I'll just plug up the end, so you won't even have that small bulge in your suit. That's one reason I put it in today, because I want you to get used to being a girl, sitting to pee, being flat down there. You need to adjust your mindset to being female if you are going to portray a sexy Playboy bunny. So if you no longer have a cock and balls, it will make sense you are more girl than boy. In fact, you are in panties from now until the party. You certainly don't need anything bigger than that thong to cover you now." "I can't wear panties till then. I have to go to work and change there. It's going to be bad enough just being shaved everywhere, but if I'm taped down like this and wearing panties, every guy on the shift will laugh at me. How about I just wear them tonight, but you take out the catheter before I go to work and then after I get home tomorrow you can put everything back together; won't that work?" "Not on your life. I promised Hugh that I would have you looking like a sexy, bouncy bunny by the party and I think the more time you're in panties the easier that will be. Now tomorrow I will let you wear a plain pair, without lace or a pretty print, but you're going to wear them no matter what. Besides, I want us to stop being so routine, to push the envelope for a change, and having you as a pretty little girl is what I want. Is that clear?" I knew I was beat, and reluctantly agreed. Glancing down again at where my cock used to be made me scared and doubly mad at Hugh. That asshole, even when he isn't here he causes me problems. I just resolved to make it through this and get it over with. After that, I swear I will never even to talk to that jerk. While I was stewing about Hugh, Sara scrounged around her dresser to get the matching baby doll nightie to go with the mint green thong. She also found a pair of bedroom slides, with a small kitten heel for me to wear. The shoes were a bit small, and the nightgown was a bit tight, but she loved it. She sat me down at her vanity to play with my hair and do my makeup. Using her curling iron, she created some tight curls to frame my face and give my hair more of a feminine style. It was still short, but because she had removed my sideburns, pulling down a few tendrils of hair and curling them, it did look like something a woman might wear if her hair was short. She kept the makeup simple, just using a little blush, lipstick, eye shadow and mascara. I could tell she loved this, as she was bubbly and talked the whole time she was working on me; it seemed like it was as if she was at a sleepover when she was a teenager. As much as I hated how I looked, her enthusiasm told me I was correct to go along with this idea. We chatted all through dinner and the rest of the evening, with her telling me her plans to decorate Hugh's condo, what we would make for appetizers, and details about our costumes. As we ate and talked, she constantly pointed out mannerisms or movements and how to do them as a girl would. How to hold my hands, keep my arms bent and tucked to my side, how to walk in the heels, or stand, she had lots of tips for me to try. I could tell it was important to her that I look convincing as a Playboy bunny. With every change, I cursed Hugh under my breath for starting all this trouble. Finally, she led me to bed, making comments that she wanted to see how sex was for lesbians. She had me lie down so she could straddle my face, letting me lick her to several orgasms, while she played with my nipples through the girl's clothes. Finally satisfied, she rolled off me so we could cuddle before we fell asleep. She assumed the male positon, pulling me into her as she wrapped her arm around me, so she could continue to play with my nipple as we fell asleep. I had already decided the best way to avoid any embarrassing trauma at work was to get there early, before the other workers on my shift. I also took the precaution of stashing a pair of my own underwear in my coat pocket, figuring I could slide them on when I put on my work coveralls, changing back to the panty at the end of the day for Sara. With these plans, I fell asleep. The alarm went off a full hour earlier than normal. Stumbling to the john half asleep, I stood in front of the toilet for my morning pee. Reaching for my cock, all I felt was a smooth front. Shocked, I looked down and it hit me. The reality brought me fully awake and I reluctantly sat down and reached back to release the clamp. It was an odd feeling, as the pee just sort of flowed out, without effort on my part. It took longer than normal and it was hard to tell when I had finished, but I just clamped off the end. I was already tired of this situation and sitting there I once again began to stew about what Hugh had engineered. At least I wouldn't have to see him today. As I got ready, Sara woke up and picked out what panty she wanted me in. I was dismayed when she held it up, as it was a light pink, although plain. When I protested the color, she offered me a panty in sedate beige, but it was a sheer lace style. Given that option, I pulled on the little pink thong. I was still off balance from having my cock and balls taped down. Seeing how the tiny triangle of fabric now completely covered me, made me shake my head even more. I finished dressing and rushed to work. Inside the change room, I was relieved that no one else was there yet and the night shift had yet to come off line I quickly removed my clothes and reached in my coat pocket for my stashed underwear. Not finding them, I tried the other pocket. The only thing in it was a small note from Sara. It read nice try, but you are my little girl until I set you free. Cursing under my breath I quickly slipped on my coveralls and headed to the floor. Work went by quickly with the only reminder of my situation being my mid-day break where I had to sit again to pee, which required me to virtually remove my one-piece coveralls. I was quickly deciding that being a woman sucked, everything seemed twice as much work. At the end of my shift, I stayed an extra half hour to allow everyone to clear out. Even then, I skipped my shower, risking the reprimand that might come if my supervisor caught me. Heading home, I was glad to have this over but began to really dread the weekend. No doubt, Hugh would have invited others from work. The thought of appearing in front of people I knew dressed as a Playboy Bunny was not something I looked forward to. As I entered the house, Sara met me all excited. "Let's get you ready, we have a lot to do at Hugh's place for his party. I imagine it's is still as messy as it was when I visited. He's the worst case, a recent bachelor who hasn't learned yet how to keep a place tidy since his now ex-wife did it all. But we should be able to whip it in shape. Luckily I've trained you well enough, that you know how to clean properly. I also want to put up most of the decorations. I've decided we'll go all out, trying to make his place look like the Playboy mansion. So, I'm going to leave most of the cleaning to you, once we get there. But first you need to change." "Sounds like you have a lot of dirty work planned for me, so I'll go change into my old dungarees and a t-shirt." "I don't think so. You need as much practice as you can get in your new girl clothes. I've laid out what you will wear on the bed. Go put them on. I'll be there shortly to fix your hair and face. I want you to look convincing. Since we are driving over there with you in girls' clothes, it would be better if you look like one." I grimaced at this news but didn't argue. I had decided at work today that I was just going to bear down and get through this. Arguing, complaining, and resisting what Sara had planned would not make it better. I would just get my payback with Hugh after this episode was over. I headed up to the bedroom and groaned when I saw what she had laid out for me. The basic outfit was a short denim mini-skirt and a black tank-top with lace burnouts making it semi-sheer. To go with it, she had added a black lace bra, a matching thong, sheer to the waist black pantyhose, and a pair of stacked heel sandals. Looking at the shoes, I couldn't imagine working in them, as they had to be at least a 4 inch heel, plus a platform. The skirt looked miniscule and I knew hose were sheer and susceptible to nicks from the smallest obstacle. I never could figure out women's clothes. This looked like the last thing you would want to wear to do any work. But as I had already committed to this affair, I peeled off my clothes and began to get dressed. Pulling on the new thong reminded me again how odd I looked without my normal bulge. The bra fit okay, even with all the built in padding. I decide to wait on the hose, both because I wasn't sure how to get them on and I wanted to see if Sara might reconsider. I had just put on the top and skirt, when she came upstairs to the bedroom. "Aren't you ready yet? You need to put on your pantyhose before you put on a skirt. Do you not know that?" "Well I wasn't sure exactly how to get them on, plus I thought they would probably be ruined when I worked. So, I was thinking maybe I could just skip them." "Not a chance, little girl. Your legs are too pale to go without hose and I want you to start to learn how to move so you don't cause runs in them. Your costume for the party is going to be so dependent on showing off your long legs encased in silky tights that it is important that you adapt to them. Let me show you how to put them on. It's really easy, just roll up each leg into a little ball with the center open, point your toes, work the material over them, and then up your leg, stretching it as you pull upward. Most pantyhose are made from stretchy material, so you want to pull it tight as you go up the leg. The trickiest part is getting both legs started at first, because you can't pull the panty portion too far upward unless both feet are already in the hose. Go ahead and try, I want you to get comfortable in them. Who knows, maybe I'll just keep you in panties, hose and skirts at home from now on." I didn't like the sound of that, although I was pretty sure she was kidding. I did as she had described and managed to get the pantyhose up my legs with the panty around my hips without creating a run. The tight compression and silky feel were an interesting sensation, much better than I had expected. The way the dark color of the hose changed the look of my legs was also surprising and I had to admit my legs look much better than I had expected. I strapped on the heels and wobbled over to where Sara wanted to do my hair and makeup. She was right; it would take a while to get used to my new shoes. I could tell that Sara was used to doing her makeup, because she had my face done very quickly. She chatted the whole time, telling me what she was doing and how it would change my look. It was embarrassing because she seemed to delight in telling me how feminine my features were and how better they looked with cosmetics. I knew I had full lips and high cheekbones, but the way she talked and then how I looked in the mirror made me almost blush. I kept sane by inwardly cursing Hugh. She worked my hair up quickly as well, clipping on a hair piece at the back of my head and then curling it all with her curling iron. The finished look featured a large bow where the hair was attached. That would be replaced by the bunny ears for my costume. When she was done, she had me stand up and look at myself in the mirror. This time I did blush, especially when she told me to describe what I saw. I was to point out each feature and explain how it looked like a girl's. By the time I was done, much of my male machismo was destroyed. Admitting that my legs were shapely and sexy, or that my facial features highlighted by cosmetics seemed demure and submissive, or that my rounded ass with the short skirt clinging to it was the kind of booty men loved reinforced many of the feminine attributes I had purposely tried to avoid thinking about when I saw myself. I was just glad that my smooth crotch, with a just a tiny bump instead of a full bulge was hidden under my skirt. Once Sara had fully immersed me in my feminine identity, she rushed us out the door to get to Hugh's condo. The ride to his place should have been terrifying, dressed as I was but after the critique Sara and I had done on my appearance, I was fairly certain that I would look feminine enough that the only glances I would get would be because I was so convincing. Again trying to walk up the stairs and down the hall to his door, made me realize I needed the practice to be sure I could maneuver at the Halloween party. After she unlocked the door and we entered, I moaned out loud. The place looked hideous, far messier than I could ever have imagined. I was sure Hugh had purposely made it even dirtier and disorganized than usual, knowing I was going to clean it. Shaking my head, I followed Sara's instructions and began to work. We spent a good three hours picking up trash, dirty clothes and dishes, and items strewn haphazardly everywhere and then wiping or cleaning every surface. Once I had a room clean, Sara followed me with her decorations, turning his fairly modest condo into a reasonable representation of what the Playboy Mansion might look like. She had a dance room, a grotto-like area, and lots of the Playboy icons everywhere. I was impressed by how creative she was but once again I was inwardly cussing Hugh with his ego and manipulative behavior. By now my feet were hurting from the heels, and I was getting tired after my long day at work. Finally Sara seemed satisfied and after telling me I had much more domestic skill than she expected we headed back to our place. Undressed and clean after a warm shower, it didn't take much prompting from Sara to get me to bury my face in her pussy, although my usual excitement was muted by how my cock was bound inside me. She cooed as I brought her to several orgasms, interjecting subtle comments about how I was a perfect lesbian lover but almost too cute to keep to herself. Maybe I deserved a chance to keep men as happy as I kept her. I was dismayed by these comments, but was consoled by my certainty that this was just part of her recent role play as there was no way she could imagine that I would want anyone but her. Finally we drifted off to sleep. We slept late the next morning as we were both pretty tired from our extra work at Hugh's place. In fact the only thing that got me up was a raging need to pee. Once again my new restricted arrangement startled me, as I was not yet used to being without external genitalia. Having to unclamp a tube and spread my legs to pee as I sat on the toilet brought me right back to fuming against what Hugh was doing. How could I avoid this embarrassment and get back at him? My mind was racing searching for ideas. Maybe I could tell Sara that the catheter was beginning to hurt and be uncomfortable? Maybe I could convince her that I could just be another character rather than a Playboy Bunny? Maybe I could make myself sick, so we would both have to miss the party altogether? I considered all these, and even the idea of telling her the truth and try to convince Sara that I didn't like Hugh and felt like he was manipulating us to his advantage. But when she woke and saw me sitting on the toilet, a big smile crossed her face and her beaming description of how I was making her so proud by adjusting to this situation made me realize that it was out of my control now. That I just had to make it through this episode. I did resolve to find some way to embarrass him for this and to bring him down a notch. The next couple of hours we spent together in the kitchen preparing the appetizers for Hugh's party. Sara is an excellent cook and she had planned a wide array of tempting treats. While we worked, she insisted I wear a matching white thong and padded bra, Capri-length black leggings, a lace-trimmed white tank top, and black stiletto thong sandals. Although I appreciated wearing pants instead of a skirt, the tightness was a bit embarrassing because it highlighted my rounded ass and smooth crotch showing only a small mound like a woman's mons rather than a man's bulge. It was doubly embarrassing because she was wearing the same outfit and we presented almost identical silhouettes. Once the food was ready, she told me it was time to get ready for the party. She had decided that we needed our nails done so had called to make an appointment at her regular salon for us to get gel extensions with matching French-tip manicures and pedicures. But once she called, it had occurred to her that we should just have them do a full makeover. She had decided that we would go for matching looks, only with hers being brunette and mine blonde. I immediately protested that I couldn't go out like this. My clothes were too revealing plus, I didn't have the makeup or hair styling to reinforce my female impersonation. She just laughed and said it was okay. That she had told the girls at the salon that we were going to a Halloween party in a female costume. She had decided that the salon would do a better job at making our hair and makeup match. Sara cooed that she was really beginning to like the idea of us looking like twins. The ride to the salon was nerve racking, as this was becoming far worse than I had imagined. But as bad as the ride was, getting out of the car and going in to the hair salon was far worse. I felt like the skin- tight capris were advertising how girly I was down there and which step I could feel my ass wiggle. I just had to hide my face and look down as Sara talked with the receptionist and then we went to get our nails done. It was still nerve racking at first, but we were sitting side-by- side and the technicians who were working on our nails were super nice. When they found out we were going to a party as matching playboy bunnies they were super excited. They both complimented me for being so accommodating to my wife's desires and agreeing to wear matching outfits. Once our nails were done, I realized what a big adjustment this would be, as the length made almost every movement of my hands seem like the first time I had ever done it. But I could see how they made everything I did so much more feminine though. A simple act like moving my hair off of my face had a completely different look to it. Comparing our hands, Sara was beaming as we looked even more similar. Moving on to get our hair done, we again were able to sit next to each other. Sara told the stylists what she had in mind; she wanted us to look as much alike as possible. Looking at her hair, they suggested a fancy up-hairdo with lots of curls and to feather her bangs to frame her face. They could then use a curly hair piece for me and comb my own hair to create feathery bangs, so we would be matching. The bunny ears would sit right in front of a mass of curls on top of our heads. Sara loved it, so they began to work on us and were done in far less time than I would have imagined. The result was again just what Sara was looking for. I was a bit nervous, because they had cut my hair to create bangs, which I wasn't sure how I would turn back into a male style after the party. Sara told me not to worry, that it would all be worth it. With our hair and nails complete, we went to an esthetician to do our makeup. She had already heard our story and showed Sara what she had in mind. With help from an assistant, we both got complete make-overs. The style put the emphasis on our eyes and lips. They used dark smoky eye shadows, thick false lashes with an extended eye liner, defined brows which require some plucking of mine, and bright red lips outlined to create a full look. Our foundation and blush were a little different because our skin tones were not the same, but after all was done, you could definitely see the similarity. Sara was overjoyed at how we turned out and looking at my new face and the extra hair, I reluctantly admitted I looked very feminine, much more than I had ever expected. On the ride back to our place she talked constantly about how cute I looked and how happy and surprised Hugh would be with our appearance. That only made me madder at him, as I was now worried about whom else might come to the party that I knew. Having others see me in such a feminized state was scary. Seeing Jeff in the salon and how he went along with every step of the process gave Sara a whole new perspective on him. She had seen how compliant he was becoming with her in private, but now that willingness to do anything she asked was occurring among others. Although she still harbored a little disappointment that he was not more resistant, she was beginning to adjust to his obvious submissive nature. Plus he did look cute and quite pretty by the time they were done at the salon. She made a mental note that she would have to insist he start wearing his hair longer. She already had a few hair styles in mind that would be cute. She was pretty confident that he could learn how to keep his hair pretty; the idea of teaching him that and how to apply makeup seemed like fun. Plus, having the both of them wear matching outfits was very appealing to her. Sara had always liked being linked to Jeff, either by their actions or beliefs, and now the possibility of looking the same could be added to that. She wasn't quite sure about how far to push Jeff, but she was now feeling more comfortable with some of the ideas Hugh had asked her to consider for the party. At home, we loaded up the appetizers in our car and then went to change into our costumes. We stripped out of our clothes and started to get dressed, with Sara laying out matching outfits. The first thing we put on was a tiny G-string panty in black. It had just enough fabric in front to cover her lips and my catheter tube. Next was the sheer-to- the-waist, silky black pantyhose. They were made with Lycra to fit tightly, clinging to my ass, and showed a shiny finish. At this point, Sara glued a gel-bra type contraption over my breasts. Once the two breast forms were hooked together it gave me both some mass for my breasts and some cleavage as it pulled my own flesh toward the center of my chest. With this in place, we stepped into the bunny costume and worked it up our legs and in place around our bodies, beginning with Sara. Hers zipped up easily, as her waist was small to begin with. The costume had rigid-plastic, vertical stays designed to help hold in the waist and curved ones under each bra cup to support and lift the breasts. The cups of the bra top also were generously padded, so that even Sara's modest B-cup breasts were almost overflowing the top of the bunny suit creating a very sexy look. The cut of the bottom revealed a lot of leg and made them look super long. Again she was very pleased and I think quite proud of how she looked in this costume. It took a bit more work to zip me into my bunny outfit, although she finally got everything closed. The reinforced fabric and stays felt like how I imagined a corset would feel and glancing down at my new bust, caused a flush of embarrassment. I couldn't believe how much cleavage the padded top plus the gel bra had created. I looked so much like Sara it was amazing. The feeling of the tight narrow wedge of fabric that extended up my crotch and butt was also unusual. Much to my chagrin, my crotch looked flat and smooth, my butt cheeks covered by the sheer pantyhose were fully on display, and the high-cut sides made my legs look as long and sexy as Sara's. With our main costume piece in place, we quickly put on the cuffs, collar, ears, and attached tail. Sara had even ordered the ribbon medallion that was clipped to the lower edge of the suit with our bunny name in it. Hers was Muffy and mine was Fluffy, a spin-off on the kid's rabbit story. Putting on the 4-inch high-heel black pumps, it was hard to keep my enhanced breasts from falling out of the bunny suit. With shoes on, we were just about the same height and looked like sisters. Sara couldn't have been happier, squealing and hugging me as we stood side-by-side in front of the mirror. All she could think about was how good our costumes looked and how pleased Hugh would be with his bunnies. All I could think about was how embarrassed I would be in front of him and whomever else from work might be there too. I was already resigned to having to take a lot of grief at work for being 'so pretty' as Sara said. Now that we had our costumes on, Sara gathered up our makeup in case we needed a touch-up and some clothes in a bag for us; she said it would be best if we slipped out of this tight suits before coming home, as even she admitted they were a tight fit and we would likely be suffering by the end of the night. Slipping on knee-length light coats, we got in the car. She drove over to Hugh's place, as I wasn't used to wearing heels. The ride to his place went quickly and soon we were knocking on his door. Rather than open it himself, he yelled to us to come on in. since we were about an hour early, I guess he knew it was us. After we opened the door, he called out from the bedroom telling us he was changing into his costume. That left me to bring in the food and accessories, as Sara had to pick up dirty dishes and trash scattered around his place from when he returned from out of town. As usual, once we had finished the work he strolled out. Sara had insisted we take off our coats, as she wanted the full impact of our costumes for when he first saw us. I hadn't realized the warmth that the coat provided and without it, the degree to which my body was exposed hit me. The coolness of the room went right through the sheer pantyhose sending a chill up my spine. Similarly my bare shoulders, arms and exposed upper chest was soon covered with goose bumps, both from the cold and an impending feeling of doom as I imagined how Hugh would react. As he entered the room, where Sara had us standing next to each other, one arm around the other's waist, I saw a seemingly evil grin cross his face. In contrast to how elaborate and uncomfortable our bunny costumes were Hugh stood there in what looked like a simple robe and pajama combination. They were satin and velour at least giving the impression of a high-end design, and he was holding a pipe in the signature manner that Hefner did in the sixties and seventies, but even so, he looked like he was going to be relaxing around his house. As he scanned up and down our figures, his eyes widen and his slight grin turned into a full smile. He was the epitome of evil to me at that moment. At the same time as he was staring at us, Sara let go a nervous little titter, almost as if she was too excited to keep quiet. Sensing that as much as I did, Hugh smoothly walked to us, took her by her free hand to pull her to his body and she let go of me as she moved to his side. He calmly leaned in and kissed her cheek, like a benevolent uncle would do, but I read much more into it. At the same time, he put his arm around her waist to draw her as close as possible. Once he had her fully entrenched next to him, he looked back at me. "Sweet heavens, Sara you told me you could provide two lovely bunnies to complement my Hefner outfit, but this is unreal. I fully imagined you would have no trouble looking the part and you definitely do. From your long legs to your beautiful face, I doubt there has ever been a Playboy Bunny that looked so stunning. I guessed you had the body for it and see that is true too. But what makes me so amazed is how you've turned my best friend, Jeff, into a smoking hot bunny. He looks like he's ready to pose for the magazine. If I didn't know better I'd say you two were twin sisters. I mean look at his long sexy legs, his round bubble butt, narrow girl's waist, and unbelievable full bust. He is even as smooth and flat as a woman in front, sporting a tantalizing little thigh gap to boot. But what really sells it is how totally feminine his face looks. If I didn't know any better, I'd be dying to let those puffy lips take me in and cover me soulful kisses while I looked deeply into her gorgeous eyes as they begged to please me. It's almost as if he was destined to be a sexy little plaything like a Playboy Bunny all along, only waiting for you to open the cocoon to reveal the pretty little butterfly inside. I can't thank you enough for all you've done to help me with this trying time in my life. I can see how the party tonight might be a breakthrough for me and in some way I hope this might be a way for you to change your life for the better too. Just looking at your husband, I know it will be difficult for me to think of him as Jeff again, now that I've seen his alter ego, Fluffy." While he outlined my feminine transformation, I saw him reach below his robe in a subtle move to readjust his equipment, as if he were already getting aroused. Sara looked as if she was going to explode in pride and happiness at his description. She was so excited she did actually squeal when he described having my puffy lips kiss him, which I immediately took to mean give him a blowjob. She also didn't seem to mind that Hugh had his arm around her and she seemed more than willing when he had kissed her cheek. My fears about what Hugh might try to do with my wife were now raging full bore, but what could I do about it? I mean I was standing in front of him wearing perhaps the most conceptually feminized outfit imaginable. A Playboy Bunny was virtually designed to stimulate men, to indicate a submissive status, and to put the wearer on display emphasizing her breasts and ass as much as you could while still being clothed. By wearing this outfit I was effectively neutered and in no way a man; Hugh would think even less of me if he knew how I had allowed Sara to take control of and hide away my genitals. To make matters even worse, my own wife was also portraying herself as a Bunny play toy. In almost any situation I wouldn't be concerned and would have full faith in her, but her being around Hugh was a different story. I knew he lived to prey on other men's wives and I knew how attractive he found Sara. So I was petrified at how this had turned out. As I rolled these thoughts through my mind, Sara spoke up and stoked the flames of my insecurities. "Hugh, you couldn't be any more accurate. Jeff, or as I prefer to call her Fluffy, seems almost perfect for this outfit. I mean, just look at her boobs. I was amazed at how much she had once I got her in the suit. Not to mention that ass; most girls would die for one like that. But what really surprised me was how eager she was to wear the bunny suit. I know you told me that it had been a lifelong dream to portray Hugh Hefner, to be the 'Hef'. But based on how Fluffy reacted, I think it might have been her dream to prance around as one of Hef's pretty little Playboy Bunnies. So this night will be the fulfillment of a couple of dreams. Maybe even more if I get to satisfy my own secret desires." With that, she rose up on her toes to give Hugh a light kiss on the cheek. Hugh sensing an opportunity slyly moved his hand from her waist down to cup the lower curve of her butt, lightly squeezing it. She did not react negatively as I would have expected only smiling more and turning toward me, winked. Panic began to set in now, as it was apparent that his false story and famed charm was confusing my lovely wife and I had no clue as to how to slow it down. I could only hope to get her alone during the party and perhaps warn her of his intentions. Wallowing in this sea of despair and worry, I felt like I need to defend myself from the portrait that Sara had painted. "That's pretty fanciful Sara

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Mom A Sleeping Beauty 8211 Part II

Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Bangalore. The following new story is completely a fiction and it’s not related to real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to : This fiction story is the continuation of my previous Fiction story with the title ” Mom, A Sleeping Beauty – Part I”, where I have written a fantasy story in which I fuck my sleeping mom .Now enjoy the Continuation … It was the morning after i fucked my mom Nitu, in her deep sleep. I opened my eyes and...

2 years ago
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Coin Toss

Saturday, February 9, 2019, 10:16 pm “Fuck!” Brandon complained bitterly. “I feel so fucking queer! This is so fucking queer, Andrew!” Andrew shook his head and pinched his fingertips to zoom in on Brandon’s face. Brandon glared at him and raised a middle finger in protest. Andrew zoomed out again to include the obscene gesture. “This doesn’t make us queer,” Andrew argued patiently. “All we’re doing is experimenting to see if this works. We haven’t touched each other, and we won’t undress at...

3 years ago
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Preludes Ch 00 Prologue

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

4 years ago
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Lost Tribe

As I sat at my desk I was literally counting down the hours. It was only two more hours till the end of the day and the start of my vacation. A well-deserved vacation I might add. I had been working long hours for months now without a day off in my new job. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the work. It was very gratifying and the boss appreciated my efforts. I just needed a vacation and bad. Since getting a divorce several months back, I have had newfound freedom to do things I had always wanted...

4 years ago
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More than a spanking in the woods

It was early in the summer and there was still a lot of snow on the mountain peaks as I arrived in the parking lot at my favourite place to hike. I noticed that only one other vehicle was there and who ever owned it had good and expensive taste in automobiles. It had been a frustrating month at work and ever since I had broken it off with my boyfriend I was becoming very irritable, I only missed one thing from him and that was his ability to make my pussy happy. I had intended to just hike up...

2 years ago
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Lake Cabin Part 1

Last year my wife and I had just returned from our annual trip. About a week later she woke up with a great pain in her abdomen and severe nausea. She occasionally had some small pains and occasional nausea for several months, but it was never severe enough to concern her. Today it was different. I took her to the emergency room. I called into work to take the day off as she waited to see someone. After several tests and a few days they discovered she had advanced cancer in her liver and it...

4 years ago
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Fair Exchange

"You found your mother?" "Yep. She's at the top of the dead oak down by the lake. She's fucking the gray hawk that nests there. She saw me. 'Tell your Dad, ' she goes, 'That though my cock has no cock, still he's a better fuck than your Dad and his prize cock." "She's still mad." "She did catch us." "What did she expect? I was a stag and you were the sweetest smelling doe in the herd. It was fall. It's never bothered her before." "I think she wanted to fuck me herself....

1 year ago
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The Priest Teaches His Flock Ch 8

Father John waited for Sally, his cock already hard at the thought of her tight body. It would soon be time to fuck her. He planned on taking her virginity today, not with his cock but a large dildo. It would be God’s will that she relinquish her virginity. Sally dreaded going to see Father John again today, but there was no way she could get out of it. Her parents thought Father John was God, or at least Jesus, if not the next best thing for her. It was getting more difficult talking them out...

4 years ago
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A Close Call Book 2 a Try for UtopiaChapter 5

One would think, after 2,000 years of rule by Doug, people would get the idea, but some people never learn. Some guy, living in what would have been Poland in Doug's old 21st Century, decided that he could do a better job of running things than could the local bureaucracy. Jagged Quartz managed to find some minions who didn't know when they were well off, and they helped him steal some guns from the local police station. There were 19 men in Jagged Quartz's gang, and they decided to set...

3 years ago
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Jack was a shy geek. He never dated in high school and afterwards got a job in a high paying corporation. One night three of the men he worked with took him to a strip club. This club had no rules and was very hands on. As the girls came out on the stage and stripped naked and danced Jack showed a lot of interest in a big titted blonde. The men then bought him a private lap dance with her. She came out dressed in a skimpy outfit and grabbed his hands then kissed him on the cheek and pulled him...

3 years ago
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Another Convert

Another Convert by Coral Marsh As the car which had been tailgating him for the past few minutes sped by, Mark wondered seriously about how some drivers ever got their licenses - especially Mini drivers - driving that fast in such atrocious weather conditions in the dark was suicidal. As it was, his own caution made it unlikely he would make it to the coach on time, he thought, as he drove through the pouring rain. If this atrocious weather continued, a further 20 minutes at...

2 years ago
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Come to the Show

My fantasy woman works in the cubicle next to mine. Every day I can hardly wait until she gets to the office. When she's sick or on vacation, I'm so sad that she's not there for me to see, smell, and talk to. Becka is married like I am, but she has children, ages 6 and 8. From all accounts her husband is a typical male thinking only of beer and football. Don't get me wrong, I drink beer, too, and enjoy watching the occasional football game, but how could he not see how beautiful his wife...

2 years ago
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A Knocked Up Midget

At 22, I found myself jobless and decided to do anything that comes my way. One day I saw an Ad in the newspaper. “Wanted: Helper for trucker’s family. Good pay.” I called the phone number in the ad, and a man on the other side told me that he wanted to hire someone for his pregnant wife. Since he has to go on long journeys he needed someone to help out his wife in case of an emergency. The pay had been good, plus lodging and meal. The only negative was that the place was...

2 years ago
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The Contest

Contest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Almost nobody could believe it when it was announced, yet I was almost beside myself with joy; I hid it well, but it was there. The club that my parents belong to announced that they were going to award three full scholarships, along with two $10,000 prizes. The catch? It was required that all contestants dress and live as a member of the opposite sex for one year, starting the day school let out then all the way through the following...

4 years ago
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Being a Good Hostess

I have been married fifteen years and I’m only 29 years old. My husband is older and we were betrothed as children. We married when my periods started. I have two children. They may not be my husband’s but that is alright and quite common in our culture. I have received so many different male seeds inside that it is impossible to tell which ones quickened me. One of the important responsibilities of a wife on our island is being a hostess to visiting men. This simply means treating them as...

3 years ago
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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 17

Ryan’s brain worked in flashes. Ms. O’Negai’s eyes closed. Her hips moved up. Her once virgin sex who had only known Ryan’s teenage shaft squeezed around him. Wet and needy. His thickness pressed deep. The tip of his swollen hardness against her cervix while her hips twisted. Bucked with knowledge born not from experience, but from millions of years of evolution that guided her movements. Dragged her slick sex back and forth. Twisted it around Ryan’s throbbing need. Ryan’s mouth opened into...

1 year ago
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Viagra Works Ch 1

Last night, I swallowed my first-ever little blue pill - wow, it gave me a boost, and my first introduction to a fantasised experience: inserting my cock into a man.... But the story needs some background before getting to last night....this might take a few words!... My body, at 52, is getting older and my years of heavy beer-drinking have taken their toll on my stamina, and on my penis' get-up-and-stay-up ability. I was a virgin until 21, faithful to my first wife, the mother of our 2 now...

2 years ago
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Alice Does ItalyChapter 4

Four copies of "Venus' Joy" were under construction and would be ready for the summer trading season. I planned to send two to the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea to trade for olives, one to Egypt to trade for grain, and one to Cyprus to trade for copper. We could get all of the copper we needed from the "special" mine in France right now, but I could see a time in the none too distant future when we would need more than one source. The following year, I hoped to go to the British...

1 year ago
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A work encounter leads to a brilliant fuck

One thing that a sales job opened up was opportunities. Freedom, a nice car and the chance to meet lots of women. One customer that stood out to me was Jane. She and her husband ran a small firm on the outskirts of Frome. I had an appointment and knew nothing more than a 2 person business, run from a portakabin on a farm yard.I turned up and it looked like nobody was there. But out stepped a woman of about 5ft 9" and a good build. A quick glance with my shades still on took everything in. Nice...

4 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice 3 part 3 Wayne Irim and Ali

Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...

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Das bse Haus

Dein Herz rast, dein Atem geht schnell. Die Schmerzen in deiner Seite, dort wo die abgebrochene Klinge des Messers steckt mit dem sich die Frau gewehrt hat sind dumpf zu spüren. Nur wenn Du dich bewegst jagen Feurige Lanzen durch deinen Körper. Die Frau die Du gerade vergewaltigen wolltest hat sich erfolgreich verteidigt. Schlimmer noch, Sie hat den Spiess umgedreht und macht nun Jagd auf dich. Sie war jung, kleiner als Du und hatte einen festen trainierten Körper. Du hättest ahnen müssen, das...

4 years ago
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A Position Available by loyalsock

"A very intersting resume', Mr. Dancer, "very interesting indeed, but I'm afraid that the job you're applying for has very specific requirements, and unforturnately there's nothing here that will tell me if you're qualified for this position!!!" "Exactly what is the position I'm applying for," Mike Dancer asked the personel director, "the add was little bit murky as far as the job description went!?!" "And with good reason," Joanne Ford replied quickly, "the job in question is of an extremely...

1 year ago
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Night Brings the HunterChapter 5

“Well, I can saw a woman in two, But you won’t want to look in the box when I’m through. I can make love disappear. For my next trick, I’ll need a volunteer.” -Warren Zevon, “For My Next Trick, I’ll Need A Volunteer” David Igazi was sitting in front of three televisions. One was tuned to CNN, one was tuned to the local news in Uongo, and the third was tuned to BBC World News. The two bigger news services, as was often the case, knew four or five facts and were rewording those facts in every...

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Feminist SororityChapter 9

Lisa and Brandon sat in an unused classroom at the college, waiting. They had invited Green, Yellow, and Blue for a talk they wanted to stay away from the eyes and ears of the sorority. The girls were late, but that did not bother him. It gave him more time to chat with Lisa. Lisa wasn’t a pretty girl. Certainly not the classical image of a sorority girl. She did not have blond hair, gleaming white teeth, and huge breasts. Instead, she sported blotchy skin, mismatched breasts, and a narrow...

3 years ago
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The Patient Cures the Nurse

It was that time of year again, my annual physical. I hated going to the Doctor’s office, but Dr. Weeler and her staff made it as painless as possible. I had been going to Dr. Weeler since moving to town about ten years ago. She and the staff were great. I arrived at Dr. Weeler’s office, signed in, and sat down to check some e-mails. After a short wait Kelly opened the door and called me back to an exam room. Kelly has been one of Dr. Weeler’s nurses for about five years and the one I always...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Maya Bijou Cuck em All

Damien comes home from work and finds another man’s car in his driveway. Hmm, wonder who is here? He was not expecting company. Walking into the house he soon hears noises from his master bedroom. Who could be home with his wife? He discovers to his shock and chagrin her wife getting filled full of cock from another derelict she has brought home. This woman has no shame. She immediately starts emasculating him by telling him he is weak and worthless. He curls into a ball. Why does she do...

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Turned into his ExGirlfriend

I didn't know how to describe it properly at all. Our night was a mess, that's for sure. I woke up around 3 in the morning and there were sounds of thunder and lightning booming outside. I moved over to hug John at his side of the bed, only to find no one under the sheets. Confused, I got up and looked around our bedroom to see that the bathroom light was on, I went back to bed anyway, he could've been taking a piss. I wanted to wait for him to come back to bed so I could cuddle into his arms...

2 years ago
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Jess Moore lay on his back atop the silk sheets of his hotel room bed and stared at the ceiling. He was naked and covered in sweat, which caused his athletic body to glow in the flickering light from the television. The room smelled of sex. He heard the toilet flush and breathed a heavy sigh as he waited for his partner to return. Ricki Strickland stepped out into the bedroom and smiled at him. The blonde bombshell's dark blonde hair was sweaty and matted against her shoulders. She was...

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Car In Ditch

One very cold and rainy night there was a loud banging on my front door. I wasn’t expecting any company and couldn’t imagine who was coming by at that hour. As I opened up the door I saw a mother and her daughter completely soaked to the skin. I quickly ushered them inside. As I led them to my fireplace the older one kept apologizing for dripping on my floor. I offered them chairs and a blanket but they just knelt on the bear skin rug before the roaring fire to warm themselves. I added...

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Choti Bahan Ki Chudai

Hi friends choot walioon aur lund waloon kaisay hain aap mujhay aap sub ki e-mails ati rehti hain aur khas toor par Karachi ki Larki Shazia jis nay mujhay e-mails ki aur phir hotel main mulaqat karkay mujhsay chudwaya uska khusoosi toor par sukria to dostoon apka time zaya kiay bina main apko apni new story ki taraf lata hoon yeh story mairi aur mairi Kazan Sister Sadia ki hay jiski umer sirf 12 sal hay aur uska figure hay 30 27 32 woh bohat gori hay bilkul doodh ki tarah kay usay hath lagaoo...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Susie

As usual my Aunt Rita, Uncle Pete and their daughters Susie and Annie came over to our place on Christmas afternoon to spend the day with us, exchange presents, eat, drink, eat some more – I’m sure you know the drill. I really had never noticed Susie in that way before, she was three years younger than me, a pretty little girl but just that – a little girl, so nobody was more surprised than me to see that puberty had taken hold since I’d last seen her and I was now confronted by a very...

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Its Only Dinner Part 2

My mind was working at a million miles an hour. I lusted after my father. I wanted him completely and last night it finally happened. I remembered the feeling of his hot cum filling my pussy. That cum was now crusting my panties as we were driving home in the limo. I didn't think I would ever wash those panties again.This should be the happiest day of my life but my fathers reaction made me wonder if last nights events would end our closeness rather then bring us closer together. He couldn't...

1 year ago
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She Likes It Rough

Reddit She Likes It Rough, aka /r/SheLikesItRough! So, you’re here to find out what the subreddit /r/SheLikesItRough is all about? Well, can’t you guess from the fucking name? It’s about rough fucking! It doesn’t matter where either. These bitches get roughed up and fucked in every way possible. It’s not just the penetration part that ends up being rough with them. They also get slapped, hit, spanked, choked, and so on. Reddit is a place where all communities get to have a say with what kind of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Having My WayPart 17

My love had me tied onto the bed with my hands fastened to the corners of the bed. I was blindfolded so I could not see what he was going to pleasure me with. My ankles were fastened to a three foot spreader bar that was clipped by a chain to the ring in my collar. The best part was the chain that he used to connect my nipple clamps ran over the chain to my ankles. Every time I moved, the chain pulled my nipples tight. After putting my vibrator into my pussy, he left it there running as he...

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Beach House at Bali by SMXena

It's night and I am sleeping on the bed... with a couple of windows open... the windows / doors...they are ceiling to floor length glass, but with sliding openings. They have these sheer curtains, white ones...billowing in the sea breeze... I have a simple short knee length night robe on... but I have covered myself with the blanket. You were out for a night walk on the beach and you are now returning to your beach house which is next door to mine. You notice the bedroom doorway to the...

2 years ago
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An Inspector Calls

IntroductionIn Britain, the New Order government has been in power for almost twenty years, pursuing gyno-centric policies that have progressively deprived men of status and political relevance. With women as the economic power house and men treated as little more than property, society has reshaped itself. The New Order Government, beset by the usual problems of internal political manoeuvring, outside events and the gap between the ideological and the achievable, has built up all the...

4 years ago
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I banged virginity of my cousin

My name is Rohit Antal. I m 22 years old. I have a very smart and attractive personality. I’m living in Agra in a separate apartment for the purpose of my study. I want to share with u a very interesting story of my (and her) first sex. Her name is Anamika. She is 20 years old. My cousin sister Anamika came in Agra for the purpose of her engineering entrance test. Same day she appeared in test and in the evening we enjoyed shopping in market. It was a night of winter and I have only one...

1 year ago
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Hot For Teacher Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19 PLEASE DON'T SEE ME!! I could hear my inner voice yelling! We were getting closer to Michael and I was starting to shake. Besides the fact that the last time Michael saw me I was wearing a yellow dress and red heels, I didn't what him to see me in my current state. The tight jeans and the black chiffon shirt weren't really that big of a deal, at least not after seeing the yellow dress he saw me in. Even the 5' heels didn't matter. But now I had pink nails, flawless...

3 years ago
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Lounging for FunChapter 8 Mounting My First Stallion

This made me grin as I settled down between the stallion’s fore legs. He nosed down and licked my pussy. I had little difficulty curling up and tucking my feet through the stirrups. I pulled on the sling as I felt the monstrous ganz slipping into me. I just kept pulling up as my knees spread apart. I was so far on that I could not breath. The sling slipped past my head and I was able to pull myself forward and tuck my breasts into the openings where I was supported by my chest and the huge...

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Old Friend VisitsChapter 4

It was almost 5 PM. Suyi soon would be meeting with Kristy for some 'quality time'. Since that time he got caught fucking his redheaded co-worker by her husband, he had only slept with her once. He promised there would be another time, but they were being especially careful now. So being that today was his day-off, he convinced Kristy to knock off early and meet with him at a friend's house. Rohan knew of what was going on between Suyi and Kristy. And on occasion he even loaned a room out...

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Fun at lunch in tights

We arrange a rendez-vous for a Friday lunch time for a few drinks and lunch.You are dressed in pleated skirt, boots, black opaque tights and blouse with jacket. You look delicious. Drink flows and discussion turns to naughty experiences we've had in the past.Boldly I suggest an idea to you and I am over the moon when you agree to carry the idea out....................must be the drink, but who cares!!!!We leave the bar and pop to Anne Summers on the high street - we purchase a vibrating love...

4 years ago
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Gangbang bus

She stood to walk to the bathroom at the back of the luxury tour bus but the vehicle lurched as it took a corner, and Maria wobbled on her sparkling silver high heels. She would have toppled if not for the strong hands of Mark who jumped to his feet and grabbed her, one arm encircling her right across her 34E breasts. They stood like that for a moment until the bus straightened and the danger of falling passed. Maria smiled her thanks up at him. "You don't need to go back there to get your...

2 years ago
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Eaten by a Plant

Flowers have always been a passion of mine, to me there is nothing more beautiful in this world. This love drove me to commit my whole life to them and through a lot of hard work I finally became a researcher at the largest flower R+D firm in the world, Flower Technics. I was a juinor researcher so most of my jobs was admin stuff for the proffessors, but this meant that I got to see some of the most amazing plants. None more so than the giant sunflowers in the top secret labs. These were the...

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Bad Girl AmberChapter 15 Dean Is Rewarded

"So, did you enjoy doing that, Sweetie? Did it give you a nice big hard-on?" I ask Dean. Looking down I can see that it did. He's got quite a bulge. I let him know I've noticed, pouting and licking my lips appreciatively. I love flirting with Dean. He's really quite a dish. "Yeah, Gorgeous, damn right it did," he grins. "Got me quite wet too. Hey, so do you fancy rubbing that cream on my sexy legs now?" "Oh yeah baby." "Really IS your lucky day, Hunky, isn't it?" I giggle...

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The Ordeal of Emilia Clarke

She doesn’t care if it is Star Wars, Marvel, or even a Disney Channel original. Emilia Clarke wants to be in a successful franchise outside of Game of Thrones. A franchise where she doesn’t have to be nude all the time. Right now, she is alone in the waiting room. Oakhill’s secretary went to use the bathroom right after she singed Emilia in. This wasn’t her first option of getting a role. She considered going to his son, Cyrus Oakhill for the role but he was apparently working now. ...

4 years ago
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My Junior Colleague Priya

Hello guys and this is gunjan again with a new story! I am expecting a lot of replies from girls/aunties especially the one from Delhi and I have said earlier that I am gunjan, 25 years old just like million other engineers in delhi I also work in a MNC here.I have a dick of 6.5" long and any aunty/gals can give me their reviews at [email protected] and xhamster id http://xhamster.com/user/bigtoolboyI am really looking forward to make new female friends of any age and that's the reason I am...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 35 The Longest Night of My Life

I closed the door behind me and sat on my bed. Now that I was alone it seemed like my mind finally woke up again and I thought about what I had to do. As I sat there another wave of pain washed through me, but somehow it didn't seem to matter. All that mattered was Shannon, finding her, and freeing her from the thing that held her prisoner in this life. But that thing was me. Or part of me -- how could I stop myself? I didn't have an answer for that one. I'd heard the expression before,...

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Wife In Training Part 1

Eddie and Jasmine met at the COMDEX Conference in Las Vegas. Their courtship was quick and Eddie fell head over heels in love with the mocha-colored, African-American, busty beauty from California. There was something special about her that reminded him of his now deceased wife. Perhaps it was her intelligence, grace or charm? It certainly didn’t hurt that she was self-assured, poised, and a rising star in the technology industry. He watched her as she stood at the Oracle Booth speaking about...

Wife Lovers
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AgainChapter 6

"Shit!" "I didn't ask you to do that!" I said. The odd thing ... I was wearing leather ... kind of like a uniform. It came with a helm and a sword. "Uhm ... this is true," she said. "Where are we?" "What you mean to say is, Where did everybody go?" "That too." "That guy on the hill ... No! Don't look!" She did. "Damn it, I said don't look," I said. "The one with the horse is coming our way," Wendy said, "Is that a spear?" "I think it's called a lance," I...

3 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 17

Anne was so preoccupied as she left the plane that she walked straight past the policeman. "Doctor Chamberlain?" he said. She turned and noticed him and his patrol car for the first time. "I'm sorry. Can you tell me what's going on?" "Lieutenant Harrison will brief you on the way to the hospital." Hospital? Anne climbed into the back of the car. A man in a crumpled grey suit was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around as the car pulled out of the airport. "I'm sorry for...

3 years ago
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My niece and her friend stay over

It was Saturday lunch time and i awoke with my usual throbbing hard on i needed to relieve myself badly but i also needed to piss and quickly i sleep in my boxers and they where tight my cock end was pushing past my waist band so i knew i would be in the bathroom some time little did i know just how long i would be .I walked in to the bathroom and thought to myself how am i going to do this my hard on just wouldn't subside so i thought what the hell lets just jerk one off right there and then...

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