Transen indian porn

2 years ago
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Mein weg zur Transenhure

Der Weg zur Transenhure Ich war tatsächlich ein Spätzünder in Sachen Sex. Vielleicht kurz zu meinem Äußerem Ich bin 171cm groß bin mit 62 Kilo eher schmal, aber mache zumindest regelmäßig Sport Ich habe kaum körperbehaarung und Bartwuchs braune Augen und eher zartere Gesichtszüge. Mein kleiner Freund misst im schlafen Zustand etwa 5 cm steif fast 10cm. Erst mit 18 hatte ich mein erstes mal. Ich hatte schon immer komplexe weil mein Penis immer deutlich kleiner war als der meine Schul- und...

3 years ago
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Der Einkauf

Der Einkauf Eine Geschichte von Claudia Monroe Es war drei Uhr nachmittags an diesem sonnigen, warmen Fr?hlingstag. Peter stand vor seiner Haust?r und f?hlte sich ?berhaupt nicht wohl in seiner Haut. Genauer gesagt f?hlte er sich sterbenselend. Am liebsten w?rde er sofort im Boden versinken. Wie jeder vern?nftige Mensch wei?, tut uns der Boden in den meisten F?llen nicht diesen Gefallen. Er klingelte, klopfte. "Nun hau' endlich ab, du m?sstest dich doch ganz ...

2 years ago
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Die 500 Mark

Die 500 Mark Eine Geschichte von Claudia Monroe Er hatte die Kleinanzeige der Zeitung zugesandt. Es hatte ihn lange ?berwindung gekostet. Fast ein Jahr hatte er daran geknobelt, bevor er sie abschickte. Er hatte sie der Zeitung zugeschickt, damit ihn niemand sah. Die Best?tigung kam aber umgehend und das Geld wurde p?nktlich von seinem Konto abgezogen. Alles schon fast automatisch. Nicht eine Anzeige in einem dieser Sex-Bl?ttchen oder Monats- Veranstaltungs-Magazine. Das kam ihm zu bill...

3 years ago
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Shemale im Urlaub

Als Hans sich entscheidet alleine in den den Urlaub zufahren, fällt seine Wahl auf Amsterdam. Er hat sich im voraus erkundigt und sich besonders über das Nachtleben und den Rotlichtbezirk informiert. Hans hat schon länger Fantasien mit Transen und ist gespannt was der Urlaub mit sich bringt. In Amsterdam angekommen verbringt er den Tag als klassischer Tourist. Zwischendurch besucht er immer Mal wieder einen der vielen kleinen Sexshops und stöbert durch die Dildos, Dessous und Magazine wobei er...

4 years ago
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Schwanzgeile Flittchen

Bitte an die Boardregeln halten. In "Schwanzgeile Flittchen" sollen Gays, Shemales und Transen die Hauptpersonen sein. Die Startstory sollte in der Egoperspektive ( Thomas Sicht ) und in Vergangeheitsform weitergeführt werden. Es kann jederzeit eine neue ( passende ) Sequenz mit frischen Protagonisten und anderen Erzählformen von euch geöffnet werden. Schwanzgeile Flittchen ( Gay / Shemale Storys ) Thomas Träume werden wahr Ich muss gestehen, schon lange bevor ich zum ersten Mal mit Daddy im...

2 years ago
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Tranny Arschfick in der Jugendherberge

Fabianes ersten ErfahrungenFabiane, die ursprünglich einmal Fabian hieß, war eine Tranny und hatte gerade ihren 20. Geburtstag gefeiert. Sie war Berufsschülerin. Als solche übernachtete sie regelmäßig die Woche über in dem Hotel, in dem ich an der Rezeption arbeitete. Dieses Hotel war zwar an sich eine Jugendherberge, aber ganz im Stiele eines Hotels. Somit hatte ich mit vielen jungen, coolen Menschen zu tun. Mit einigen entwickelten sich manchmal Freundschaften, so auch mit Fabiane. Sie kannte...

3 years ago
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Vom braven Neffen zur Familienhure Teil 1

Hallo,dies hier ist die allererste Geschichte, die ich veröffentliche.Über sachliche Kritik zu Inhalt, Rechtschreibung, Grammatik und Interpunktion sowie Fortsetzungswünsche würde ich mich freuenAlso dann, viel Spaß.-----------------------------------------Es war mal wieder eine dieser langweiligen Familienfeiern.Oma feiert ihren 73. Geburtstag und meine Eltern ließen es sich natürlich nicht nehmen, mich auch in diesem Jahr ins ferne Mecklenburg Vorpommern mitzuschleppen. Der einzige...

4 years ago
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Somalia One Way Only german

WARNING: This story is strictly for adults! If you are a minor or offended by BDSM, torture, talking about or inflicting serious pain and the like, don't read any further. Please keep in mind that this story is a pure work of FICTION. Nothing more.This is part one / version 4, written by kimber22 in March 2010. Drop me a line at: [email protected], One Way Onlyby kimber22Es war kurz nach meinem Abschluss an der Universit?t, dass ich auf Weltreise gehen wollte. Ein Mal so richtig P...

2 years ago
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Auf der Preisgala

Ich war wieder mal auf einer dieser langatmigen Preisgalas unterwegs. Nach zwanzig Jahren als Musikmanager hatte ich diese ewig gleichen Rituale der Selbstbeweihräucherung ziemlich über und musste mich ziemlich überwinden, um dort aufzutauchen. Aber sehen und gesehen werden gehört schließlich zum Geschäft und wenigstens gibt es auf solchen Veranstaltungen immer genügend zu essen und zu trinken. Nachdem ich mit ein paar Kollegen den neuesten Szeneklatsch ausgetauscht und einige Freibierchen...

2 years ago
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May Ling the Litle Chinese American part 2

Chapter 7 That night they both told Lilly how she came to him and started at his dojo. All the training that May has gone through, which was far more that what Lilly had guessed. She told May she was proud of all she had learned and that she needed to slow down a bit before she hurt herself and May agreed. It was late and they both decided to stay at Bryans since he offered them the bed. In the room May wasn't thinking and went to a droor and pulled out to nightgowns and threw one...

2 years ago
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An old man Dreams

An old man dreams of pussy. The ones he penetrated and the ones he craved to penetrate but for whatever reason he didn't get to.Since he became sexually active, he had a preference for 35 - 45 year old women (which didn't change as he got older). He put it down to life experience. Pussy that has been regularly mounted - carries a weight of experience within its folds,and swells delicously, in anticipation of a cock at the mat of its slippery entrance.. Goddesses in that age group have...

4 years ago
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Beatrice die kleine Schwanznutte Teil 1

Was für ein Abend! Nach einem anstrengenden Tag war Bea zu Hause angekommen. Erschöpft, das Wochenende stand bevor, war ihr nur nach einem: Raus aus der Alltagskleidung und in die Badewanne. Sie hatte heute nichts mehr vor. Genüßlich lag sie in der Badewanne, massierte ihre kleinen Titten, die sich aufgrund von Hormonen gebildet hatten und es dauerte auch nicht lange, bis sich ihr Mädchenschwanz meldete. Behutsam und zugleich hart fing sie an, ihn zu massieren. Aber sie wollte nicht abspritzen,...

4 years ago
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I gasped as he suddenly straddled my waist, pinning my arms painfully to the bed with his knees, increasing the discomfort as he shifted above me. I was trapped. His cock, thick and hard, bobbed above my lips, just out of tongue-reach as I tried to lick the tip. “No,” he said sternly, raising his hand as if to slap my face. I winced, bracing myself for the blow, but when I dared to open my eyes again he stroked my cheek and smiled wickedly. That smile. That face. He was so handsome it made me...

3 years ago
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The Transendence of Rose

Rose felt a tingling and tightness in her breasts. The sensation was awkward and foreign, enough to get her attention while she flipped through the channels of her TV. She moved to adjust her bra believing it must have shifted or bunched up only to remember she hadn't yet put one on for the day. Still feeling the strange sensations she stood up from her bed and walked towards the mirror on her closet door, removing her top as she did. At first, everything seemed normal and as it...

3 years ago
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My mom is a plain jane. If you were to pass her in the super market you'd probably not give her more than a quick glance and move on. She is a petite woman who stands about five feet four with a lean athletic body she maintains with a daily jog. Her eyes are a pale blue and seemed to have a perpetual sadness in them eeven when she was happy. Her breasts are still quite firm and jiggle enticingly under her t-shirt whenever she neglected to wear a bra. To see the two of us walking down the...

2 years ago
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DRABBLES A Baker s Dozen

////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DRABBLES: A BAKER'S DOZEN Laika Pupkino ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #1 ////////// GHOST DICK Three months after her SRS, Michelle awoke before dawn to see a glowing apparition above the foot of her bed.. It was a dick.... A GHOST dick! It spoke in that warbling voice all ghosts use: "Mi-i-ichael! I'm the ghost of your maaanhooood! Yoooooou muuuuuuuuurdered meeeeeeeee!" A well-aimed book...

3 years ago
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Die WG Teil 1

The following story is a collaboration between Miss-Germany and me, the story is in german, given time i'll translate everything. Die folgende Geschichte ist eine Zusammenarbeit von Miss-Germany und mir, bei mir ist es der erste Versuch was L?ngeres zu schreiben, daher freue ich mich auf Kritik. -Jean Laura: Es war leicht. so leicht. Und doch unendlich feige. Ich hatte mit dem Gedanken gespielt, einfach ?ber das Gel?nder der Br?cke zu hopsen, auf der ich gerade ging. Besann mich aber e...

2 years ago
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Der Geist von Halloween

Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...

1 year ago
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Hey there, fruitcake. Not sure what kind of sex movies you want to watch tonight while you polish the ol’ pole? I won’t judge you if you’d like to see some beautiful women, but also have a hankering for some penis. In fact, I might point you towards is a tranny paysite, so turn around and head back to the free tubes if you can’t afford to pay to cum. If a premium ladyboy masturbatory experience is what you’re after, you may have just arrived home. Let’s take a look at what...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part two

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

4 years ago
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When I First Realized I Like Exhibitionism

I had just turned sixteen years old (grade 12) and my parents along with my younger brother went on vacation to Cancun, Mexico for March break. I am one of those girls that dressed quite skimpy and enjoy showing off my assets because I was fully matured by the time I hit sixteen.As I was packing for the trip I made sure to bring my skimpiest bikinis, shortest shorts and skirts, and my hottest sun dresses even though I was going with my family. That didn't really matter to me because this was...

2 years ago
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In Her Shoes

This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! In Her Shoes By Pretzelgirl 1. Closet One of my earliest memories involves me learning to walk. Crawling on the hardwood floors of the cramped duplex my parent's once lived in, I still remember the smell of lemon floor wax. I'm sure I knew how to walk at the time, but for one reason or another had chosen not to. I was always slow when it came to social conventions. I used to crawl...

3 years ago
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BanditChapter 5

Not only is she beautiful, sexy and smart, Jo is a fabulous cook. I ate like a glutton and when we were through, there wasn’t even a spoonful of the sauce left on the creamy almond chicken. She had used boneless, skinless breasts and I knew I would have this dish again. When we were through, she wanted to put the dishes in the dishwasher so we’d have more time to relax. I wasn’t worried about relaxing, but I wanted more time with her. We actually went into her living room and watched TV for...

2 years ago
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CherryPimps Ember Snow Ready To Fuck Now

You just can not keep a girl like Ember Snow waiting. Sometimes she has to take things into her own hands and in this case it is Donnie Rock’s cock! She strokes his shaft slowly up and down feeling it get harder and harder. She wants it so badly in her tight little pussy but Donnie wants to get his tongue circling around that hard little clit before giving her every inch of that cock! She begs for more and gets on topping riding it down until she feels him ready to explode and takes it...

3 years ago
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The AA Meeting

One Summer night, it was still light as I pulled into the parking lot to attend an AA meeting, and as I was getting out of my car, a gal I was fucking regularly showed up in her van at this AA meeting. Happy to see her, I walked over to her van and she smiled rolled down the window, gave me a kiss and said, "hop in".When I got in, she was in her work uniform, she was a housekeeper at a major chain motel. We chatted a bit and watched as stragglers entered the building on their way to the...

3 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 11

She followed Paron out of the elevator car and down a richly paneled hallway to where it ended in a set of massive doors. Paron opened one side and strode through, nodding, but not speaking, to a young woman behind a desk just inside. The room was simple, but elegant, furnished in uncomfortable looking furniture and modern art, obviously the outer waiting room for this firm where lesser people would be forced to cool their heels. Through a second set of slightly smaller, but no less elegant,...

1 year ago
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Facial Fun

Reddit Facial Fun, aka r/FacialFun! If there is a subreddit that speaks for itself as loud as it fucking can, I think r/FacialFun/ fits the bill. What the fuck else could you possibly expect from this place other than chicks getting facials and having fun. This is actually pretty neat since now you know whether you want to actually check out what this site has to offer or not since let’s not forget that is a free website with thousands of other subreddits you are welcome to...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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I Was Juast A Sex Slave closure

Daniel released my tongue and I shocked my self hearing my voice beg '...fuck me baby, get that pussy, get it, fuck me...' The pain of being folded in two and invaded by an enormous tube of man meat was now turning into pure lust. Daniel was now pilling most of his immense tool out and pushing the entire length back into me again. I whimpered and whined for Daniel to fuck me like he wanted to just as long as he didn't stop I didn't care... Daniel plunged deep into my rectum and held me close...

3 years ago
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Garden of Dreams

Garden of Dreams By Keterra Sands Copyright c July 2000 by Keterra Sands all right reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T This is a science fiction story. Three soldiers in the heat of battle escape near death...

2 years ago
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ChanceChapter 2 Enjoying a Burger

I hadn't gone 5 miles before spotting a small blue car pulled off about a mile ahead, the hood raised. Drawing closer, it began looking a lot like Helen's BMW. Sure enough, as I drew closer I saw it was hers. Helen and Gerald were standing in front of the car, looking helplessly into the opened engine compartment. Pulling up in front of them I stopped close to where they were studying the dead engine. Shutting down my rig I climbed carefully out. There wasn't a lot of traffic on I-90...

4 years ago
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It was like driving through a postcard. The road was dark and both sides were lined with big trees, heavy with fallen slow. Nova was finally allowing herself to be excited about getting away from the city for a weekend. The Christmas holiday had drained her and she was tired of crowded malls and parties or get-togethers every night. When Hannah had suggested she come with them to their cabin, she had jumped at the idea. They’d promised quiet time, good food and company, but no crazy parties or...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The journey to extacy

Hi everybody this is my first story. I am from Chennai; this is an incident that happened to me a few months ago. Am married 25 years of age, my hubby is an Egg. It happened one evening, my hubby was not in town, and our families are in our natives. I went to shopping and was returning back home. It was getting dark and I could see that most of the buses to my area were full; taking chance I boarded a crowded bus. There was not even a place to pin point in the bus, is tood there in the middle...

3 years ago
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Cynthia MartinChapter 11

The next morning after their lovemaking, Cindy dragged Dan out of bed. Along with the Stewarts, they went to church early and then returned home to another breakfast Cindy prepared. With her heart in her mouth, she made croissants which turned out to be as light and flaky as Jan's best. She served them with omelettes which were also masterpieces. Jan just shook her head sadly and said, "Pete, it's all over. I used to think I was a passable cook, but there's no way I could do...

4 years ago
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Black Man s White Pussyboy

Black Man’s White Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog. I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom, furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped to rent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time to some maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...

4 years ago
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The Island

You wake up to the feeling of warm sand and the furious beeping from your somewhat intact communicator. You sit up, observing the damage done to your navy blue suit and lift your wrist to see a fuzzy image of Max, the technician, bloody and bruised. "Max!" you shout out in glee. "Captain Doe I have located the rest of the crew but your location remains unknown." "Where's the ship?" you ask hastily. "It should be at the center of the island, but captain I should warn you that-" The screen went...

2 years ago
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DirtyWivesClub Romi Rain 22357

When you’re Romi Rain’s husband, what can you do to please her when you’re working all the time? Just stay at work! That’s according to dirty wife Romi, who has another cock to do your job when you aren’t around — which is ALL the time. Her big tits and big ass won’t fuck themselves, so Romi calls over her fuckbuddy Ryan to do the dirty work. And how dirty it is! Watch how this busty brunette gets good and messy when she gets the dick she’s craving! A horny wife will get fulfilled one way or...

3 years ago
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An Island Ch 03

And we really did talk and talked and laughed. And we never fought. I found out lots about him that I didn’t even have a clue. I confessed to him all the reasons I was still single and all the horrible dating experiences I had had. Soon enough, it was morning. ‘I think the reason you’ve fought with me all these years is because you like me so much.’ ‘And why have you fought with me so much?’ ‘Because I’ve completely adored you from the moment I first saw you, and I knew you would never date...

2 years ago
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Utilized A Golden Chance

I am Rumi, six ft tall, average complexion and physical structure. I am changing the name and essence of the story for obvious reason. I was 20 yrs old that time. I used to live with my brother in a big city and study in a famous university. My brother was a top level executive of an MNC. He had a big bungalow from his company. There was a middle aged watchman(Darwan)for the house, who used to live at their house, with his wife. Komola was his 2nd wife, as his first wife died. She was pretty...

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PervMom Anissa Kate Stepmom Fertilizer

Anissa Kate is worried about her stepson. She can tell he does not have an easy time getting with girls. So she comes into his room and tries to expose him to some female anatomy. She whips out her tits and then slobbers on his cock for a loving blowjob. Later, Anissa wants to make a sexy video for her anniversary with our stud’s dad. If he agrees to shoot the video, he will have a special reward. He films her soaping up her sexy body and soon gets a raging hard on. The special reward follows...

2 years ago
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brother and sister fuck Mum Part 2

brother and sister fuck Mum, Part 2.Sharon couldn’t wait to see her mum suck her brother’s cock and swallow his cum. She wondered if she would really do it. As she got up to suck Tom’s cock which had started to grow hard from hearing what his mother wanted to do to him, Sharon was getting a few ideas of what she wanted to do to her.“Get me nice and hard s*s cause I want to fuck mum so bad before she changes her mind,” said Tom. Sharon smiled with that lustful grin and told him that she was...

4 years ago
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Herodias Long

England in the year 1636 was a tumultuous place. The Thirty Years War on the European Continent had spread to the high seas and around the world involving England in war against France and Spain. However, the most troublesome conflicts to the people of England were on their own soil. There were at least a dozen different groups that supported armies to enforce their ideas. Conflict was everywhere. The most vulnerable were those who had no one to defend them. A woman who had lost her father...

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Daddy s cock bulging hard

Nothing like coming home at the end of the day after a long shift. Sitting back in the chair, jeans and work boots still on, and HER coming and crawling into my lap, while we sit and talk and and watch tv for a little while before she goes to bed. Her little nighty on, and her little bum in my lap. My arms holding her close to me as I cuddle her. She moves around a bit so she can get comfortable. The feel of her little legs and bum rubbing against my crotch area, makes me hard instantly. My...

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KidnappedChapter 5 The Snipe

Agent Webber sat on the bed propped against the headboard watching a pornmovie pulling on his pecker. He was depressed over his new assignment. He didn't think the outcome of the last case he had worked had been all his fault. There was just to much information coming in for anyone to check out all of it. A well organised terrorist attack involving mutiple hijackings and suicide bombers that was to strike a major U.S. city was beyond belief. Nobody would attempt such a thing. He felt he was...

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Letting a girl know you secretly worship Her

First of all, She has to know you’re a wanker. Easy – you just go up to Her and say “I’m a wanker and I worship you Miss”. Not. It takes time. Usually it will be a girl at work, or somewhere you regularly see Her, like if She works in a pub or shop – specially a dirty bookshop. For worshippers who have a normal social life it could be friends or even family – not anything I can tell you about, but I would have thought a lot more risky, if you don’t want your dirty dark-life secret to be out. I...

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For the Ladies

Note: this is from a man’s POV to a woman (you, the reader). Ladies, feel free to imagine any guy you want. * Imagine walking into a bedroom, dim lighting, the only furniture is a king sized bed with a canopy with white sheets and a sheer white curtain on the canopy, a small table near the bed with an iPod playing soft slow music and a bottle of massage oil, and shelves along the walls at different heights with white candles on them and some candles along the floor. Also, there are rose...

1 year ago
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Back Pain Part 2

After swimming for the allotted five minutes, Lori climbed out of the pool and gratefully wrapped herself in the large towel the attendant handed her. She looked around whilst drying off. “I wonder if anyone could see through those rhododendrons” she wondered to herself. “I bet the male staff could have a great time without anyone knowing!” With that, she walked over to the attendant. “Dinner at 7:00?” she inquired, wondering really if there were anymore planned activities first. “It’s 6:05...

3 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 2 First Day of School

The first day back at school was exactly like it had been for the last six years. The new Year Seven kids looked scared, nervous and, this year in particular, really, really small. Although I guess I was just bigger than I used to be. During the first two periods, we were given a bunch of forms to fill in and we had to work out our timetables. As it turned out, my first classes of the week should have been periods one and two, but, obviously, they weren’t because we were too busy filling in...

2 years ago
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The Reset ManifestoChapter 10

Everyone turned to look at the gentleman who had entered the waiting area. He looked around nervously, and licked his lips. Donald and Rebecca knew the man, but the others were totally clueless. Rebecca asked, “What’s up, Fergus?” “First of all, let me express our condolences on behalf of everyone at Galileo Industries. My father wished he could be here, but his health won’t let him get out of bed. He is in his nineties.” “Thank you. Let your father know that we appreciate his...

4 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 2 As the Waning Moon SetsChapter 20

“Ruben! What in the seven hells are you doing? Why did you kill Trent and what do you mean - ‘unless he finds you’?” Ruben wiped the blood off his sword, using the leg of Trent’s pants, as if it were nothing more than an inconvenience. This arrogant display only further angered me, at his disrespectful attitude more so then the heinous act he had just performed. “I am truly sorry, Davik, but he had to die, as do you. I did not want to have to do this, but I do not have any choice in the...

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Toll Free

Adrian woke with a stiffy, as he always seemed to. Grinding his hips against his mattress, he caught himself in a dreary haze, realizing that the hot, wet mouth he was thrusting into did not, in fact, exist. Good thing too: he was perhaps mere seconds away from making a rather messy mistake all over his newly clean sheets. Not that it really made a difference. After the government passed the Collective Understanding Non-Transgression Act, his sheets ended up in the washer more often than he'd...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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MommysGirl Chanel Preston Autumn Falls Shouldn 8217 t Dad Do That

Chanel Preston comes into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. ‘Ooof, what a long day… I need to unwind…!’ she says aloud to herself, biting her lip as she takes off her clothes. She lies down on the bed and begins to sensually masturbate. Soon, Chanel’s step-daughter Autumn Falls opens the bedroom door without knocking, opening her mouth to say something to her mom. Chanel has her eyes closed, so she doesn’t notice Autumn yet. Autumn stops in her tracks...

4 years ago
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62 year old

This is a true detailed account leading to the video that I have uploaded please view!!...... I have known Mark and his mum since we were both 15. His mum (Debbie) has always been a stunning looking lady. Debbie is now 62 but as you can see from the video she has aged beautifully. She lost her husband two years ago and since then she has turned to me for help with any practical work, especially as Mark is not practically minded. One day Mark phoned to say his mum had brought a video camera and...

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Walking In The Rain

When I was first married my wife and I would go for a walk in a nice warm summer rain. She was eighteen, tall, thin, and had the cutest 32-A titties you ever wanted to see. And I always wanted to see them. Like they say more than a mouthful is a waste! Back in those early days of marriage she would wear one of my white T-shirts without a bra and go for a walk with me. It wasn’t a downpour by any means, it was just one of those light rains on an eighty degree evenings. We would hold hands...

2 years ago
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TheRealWorkout Vanessa Cage Work Out With A Twerk Out

Vanessa loves working out. Her favorite thing to do while working out is to dance and shake her big booty. Lucky us, we are welcome to watch. She twerks in multicolored tights as the slow motion cam kicks in, and it starts to feel like her ass is hypnotizing us! She does some bicep curls before going inside to get some leg stretches in with her trainer. Of course, her legs are not the only things that get stretched. Her trainer whips out his barbell and enters her gym with a swiftness earned...

1 year ago
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Nerds Make The Best Lovers

Reid is gorgeous. If gorgeous to you is chocolate brown eyes that screamed mischievous with a side of innocence. His short brown hair which he wore sometimes gelled, complemented his slightly tan skin. Reid is 5'9" and always ready with some useless fact about anything under the sun. He recently got glasses which only adds to his nerdish appeal. Reid and i met in college where he was studying engineering and i focused on Criminology. He wasn't a frat boy or mean to pompous ass, which set my...

2 years ago
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Professor Prick 16

Nikki's Big Day The week began with frantic appointments to try and make arrangements for Saturday, Eddie and Robert were abandoned to their own devices as me and Mum flew around like headless chickens trying to make arrangements. The first appointment was with a dressmaker the choice was simple, well relatively, to begin with did I want a Western style or did I want to go Oriental. My mind had been pretty clear that I wanted Western in fact I had no idea what a Thai wedding dress...

3 years ago
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Isn't it funny how life springs surprises on you. An innocuous evening spent with my wife in recent months was, unbeknown to us at the time, to change our sex lives forever! You see Lynda is generally quite reserved when it comes to sex. Sure, she's willing to try most things, given a few glasses of bubbly and some encouragement, but she's not the most forthcoming when it comes to taking the lead, or being demanding. Passive I suppose. That is until a few weeks later.We had arranged to go out...

2 years ago
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Xdresser Housewife Roxys daily chores while wife i

Well the best fuck I've ever had and continue to have all started when we intalled a pool in our back yard .Once the pool was in the pool shop sent over a young guy to set up the pump and show us how to use it ,as it was a Saturday my wife was home and she was in a bikini looking very hot. Well in walks this 6"5 very toned very sexy black guy ,when I say sexy he is the sexiest guy I've laid my eyes on and the body his arms were huge ,not one ounce of fat ,man the thoughts going through my head...

3 years ago
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My First Time Using Mind Control

 The summer I turned fifteen, I went around the neighborhood asking everyone if they wanted their lawns mowed. I ended up with seven clients, some also wanted weeds pulled and gardens tended to. When asked what I charged, my response was always, “Whatever you think is fair.” That turned out to be the best decision I made, as I was paid in cash, more than what I would have charged.When Fall arrived, they all wanted me to rake the leaves and paid me extra on top of what I got for mowing the lawn....

Mind Control
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 36 School Days

I went into the station the next morning at 0730. I figured I would go in early and see the shift changes and roll calls for a bit to get a feel for things from the bottom up. After roll call, I headed back to my office, only to get stopped by Mindy Hollis. She dragged me back outside to the department parking lot and over to the corner it shared with the impound yard. “This is where we should build a storage annex,” she said. “Why here? In this corner?” “It’s the best choice. It’s inside...

4 years ago
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Catching my sister in law part2

After not only seeing but getting a video of my sister in-law Tina fucking her own brother behind my brother's back I wondered all night how I was going to handle it. Do I show my brother the video and rip his marriage apart or do I some how get Tina away from her brother but she wouldn't be doing that with her brother I believe if their marriage didn't have problems. Then on the other hand I could use the video to get in Tina's pants which from what I seen are a million times hotter then my...

3 years ago
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CommuneChapter 17

Jack, wearing a mask, gloves, goggles, and coverall, tore another bit of the wall down and stuffed the piece into a plastic bag. The interior of the damaged wall had been completely covered with the black mold. They were going through trash bags at an incredible rate. After he filled one, he handed it out the window to Dave who was wearing a similar outfit. Dave would throw the bag into the back of the pickup truck. Although the worst area had been the central wall, Jack had ripped every...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 667

At the Castle Six weeks earlier continued. ...”It seems to be just what we are thinking of, but not for the first trip. We need to get back into everything before we go that far,” Dessie replied. “Well, if we can help, just let us know,” Karl said as both he and Glenda came to their feet. When they had gone, Phillip looked over at his wife, both seeming to realize that they had just made friends, probably good friends, and sex wasn’t even part of it. “I like them,” Dessie said...

1 year ago
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The Surprise

My wife had told me to meet her at the local hotel for our anniversary, she had a surprise for me.I got to the hotel and at the desk the clerk handed me an envelope with a grin and said enjoy your stay sir. The room number was written on the envelope and i opened it as i went into the elevator.Inside was a note which read put on this blindfold and knock on the door.Intrigued i went to the room and knocked then placed the blindfold on. I heard the door open and my wife giggling took my hand and...

3 years ago
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Our Night Out

Last night was a blast. We went to our favorite adult/swingers club Club Encounters. For a lackluster start when we arrived at 10 pm the club was pretty dead besids from a few single guys of all ages and a couple of ladies. Oh yeah let us not forget the 2 really old men who walked around nude in the club until they left around 2 am. Brrrrrrrrrrrr..... Back to the exicitent. The club started to pick up at around midnight with other couples, signle ladies, and signle men. While we were sitting...

3 years ago
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Getting Rough Rather Roughest

Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well. It's been pretty long and I haven't been able to post any story here. I appologize for that well, here I am! For those who are reading my first story, I am Parth and my boyfriend is Nakul and we are 21 and 25 and as always, if you guys like my story, you can email me at This story is of Febuary this year. Nakul and I were living in separate city after our Christmas adventure as he was posted to Jaipur and I was still in Delhi so I decided to go and...

Gay Male
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Peter s Advanced TrainingChapter 4

Meagan was thrilled to be getting a break from homework. While it was ordinary for a teen age girl to be excited about the weekend, it was rather unusual for one to be excited about spending Friday evening in the basement with their mother. However, most teenage girls weren't anticipating posing nude with a college student like Peter. Meagan had come through the door, and almost immediately peeled off her t-shirt. Standing in the living room in jeans and her bra. "OMG, I can't believe I...

4 years ago
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My slutty wife Lori

I met Lori in college. We met through a mutual freind and we hit it off right away. We both loved to fuck and we couldnt get enough of each other. We married after a couple years and continued to have great sex. Knowing how Lori loved to fuck, I figuered she had alot of guys before me. She is good looking and loves to flirt. I would ask Lori about her previous guys during sex and she told me about some wild times she had. She said a freind told her once that she would never be married because...

2 years ago
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Worlds end

TThe year is 2075. No one saw it coming, then again if they did who could stop it. A terrorist got his hands on a nuclear bomb and detonated it in Moscow. It was only a matter of minutes till they launched thier nukes setting off the chain of events that lead to today. My family got lucky, we built a massive survivor shelter and a reunion was under way when the news hit. Unfortunately not all of us made it in.

2 years ago
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Sales Meeting 3

By the time morning came around, I was exhausted. I had been so turned on by watching Tom jack off that I could hardly sl**p. I would doze off but if he moved or changed positions in the least in his bed, my eyes would pop open and I would strain in the dark to see if I could see him beating the beautiful piece of meat. At one point in the middle of the night, since I had a raging hard on and didn’t want to waste it, so I threw back the sheet and started to rub my cock without trying to be...

2 years ago
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His Own Calendar

Chapter 1 It has been an interesting ride being a single mom raising a boy. I'm sure bringing up a daughter isn't so easy either but a son, well, you probably get the idea. So, as Ellis was getting into his middle teens, sixteen, to be exact, one of the presents I decided to give him was a Playmate calendar. Now, I knew he was masturbating, he kept a bottle of hand lotion for his 'dry skin' on his bedside table and I knew where all the crumpled tissues came from. After all, I grew up...

2 years ago
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GangbangCreampie Aubrey Black Mercedes Carrera G188

We’re ready to get down to business, the guys, the gals, everyone is here and having a great time so without much hesitation Rey gets right down to eating Aubreys pussy. No one else was hungry so they get to the fucking as Edidie Jaye starts off the action. From here it’s pretty much an all out fuck-athon. We’ve got Aubrey taking care of guys with hands, mouth, and pussy, and Mercedes is in the back taking care of the stragglers. When the guys start dropping loads Mercedes...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 04

"Ames!" Val shouted, running over and throwing her arms around Amy in a crushing hug. The novel feeling of her large tits mashed up against Val's even larger ones gave Amy a small thrill as she explored the contours of Val's soft, sensual body with her arms. Amy could see why guys liked touching her; she was surprisingly difficult to let go of. She briefly wished that her own curves were that irresistible, before reminding herself that if she wasn't more careful with the potion in the future,...

Mind Control
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Mistress is Pregnant

Mistress is Pregnant by Tigger (c) 1996 Part 1 It was painful to watch as she struggled to lift herself out of bed. Sighing inwardly, I moved to help her and was rewarded by the expected angry glare, which I ignored. She didn't even try to stop me as I supported her back and took the off center weight of her body in my arms. Once she had gotten her torso upright, she slid her feet to the floor. She rested a moment, gathering herself for her next effort, while I sat beside...

5 years ago
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A Wake up FallChapter 15

It was quiet. Timmo asked me to work with Janna and a few others to monitor the newscasts from earth. London was now a very large crater though it wasn’t radioactive nor was there any debris. Jana told me when I asked that it was an implosion with the results being transitioned to space outside the systems. She said, “I am troubled by the deaths of so many people but I agree with Timmo that there wasn’t much choice.” My monitoring of various newscasts on the planet indicated that an...

3 years ago
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Shelly was at least half my age, but it did not matter to me when I saw her sweet apple ass wiggle, I felt a familiar stirring, and she carried a majestic rack up front that made me want to unbutton the men’s shirt she wore. Every time she walked by me I sucked quick my breath, I wanted to grab her butt or embrace her. Her mouth had the perfect, huge pout that I wanted to lick so bad and it made me think that she might have had thick sweet pussy lips as well. Her body was nothing but feminine,...

3 years ago
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He d wanted her forever I let her have him

My wife of 23 years is an uncannily sexy woman. She’s 5 feet tall and weighs around 110 lbs, and has a 32C-21-36 body with a “JLo” ass. Her creamy skin, auburn hair and big almond shaped green eyes make me feel like a fortunate man after all these years.Eleven years ago we visited her older sister and brother-in-law for the Thanksgiving holiday which is our normal custom. The sisters have a close relationship and we visit four or five times a year between our home and theirs. They have a son,...

2 years ago
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Hotel Bang Part 3 final part

Introduction: This finishes our story Hotel Bang Part 3 This is the last part of our story, hope you like it!! What a sight I had now. Karen, fist up her pussy and cock in her mouth!! All four men were taking it in turns to use and abuse my sexy wife. If they werent fucking her pussy or her mouth they were sucking on those big tits of hers. Spunk dripped out of her cunt and her mouth till all the men were drained. My cock was so hard I was wanking till I shot over the wall in front of me....

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Genie and the Lamp Gay

The best part of living near the beach was being able to go down any time and look at the eye candy of the beautiful men hanging out in just swim trunks. Today I was just walking along. As always, there were some great looking men, and I could get to them and let my fantasies go wild. Unfortunately, it stopped at fantasies. I wasn't bad looking, but I was a bit shy, so I didn't approach any to have a "beach encounter" that I could remember for the rest of my life.Enjoying the walk, I kept on...

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Double TimeChapter 56

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” —Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running 18 AUGUST 2019 What a weird day. All my girlfriends had their own quirky little needs. There was Joan eating Rachel to an orgasm while the two lay on my lap. Then Brittany using my finger to trace her nipple and down between her legs, then suggesting that the two of us should do her aunt this winter. And my surprising little Beca who just crawled into my lap and went to sleep...

2 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysAtlantis Recycling

The next day, Annabelle received hundreds of emails through the website, thanking her for taking on the task of cleaning up the oceans. There was only a couple of negative ones, but they were so poorly written that they were just chalked up to uneducated people trying to cause problems. If you can’t even spell or make cohesive sentences, no one is ever going to take you seriously! After going through her fan mail, Annabelle was in a good mood and eager to do more. Mark suggested checking in...

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Vadodara Me Rasalpur Me Choda

Hi my name is aditya khare. I am doing engineering in vadodara. Sari aunties and ladies apni ungli chut me daal do mera naamleke . So the story is about me and a girl who was very open up and wanted to get fucked like hell which I got to know later. Mere class ki friend thi high school ki. Kuch 5-6 mahinese humari roz baat hoti thi but we were not in relationship amd just friends the . Ek din uska subha phone aya k chal rasalpur chalte hai. I said ok . Me use pick karne gaya and saw that usne...

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Missed oppportunity

I was on a bench on the promenade at Playa Las Americas with my coffee and the latest English language newspaper. Looking out over the beach and the clear blue Atlantic. Enjoying the warm morning sun. A vacation in Tenerife was just what I needed. A week away from a stressful few months at work. We'd intended for my wife to be there, but at the last minute she'd had to cancel because of her job. But she told me I should go on my own, anyway. Knowing how much I needed a break. As I sat there I...

4 years ago
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From an Outie to an InnieChapter 7

We went back to the QT to pick up my bike, which I rode home, following my parents in their car. I have to admit that I experienced a bit of anxiety as I approached it: my Yamaha, that is. It was right there where he grabbed me. That feeling of anxiety mixed with dread made me mad, too. That fucker took away my feelings of security. I wish I could gut him. Or, better yet, saw his fucking head off ... or maybe not. I don’t know how that would affect me. Probably very poorly. Upon reaching...

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SheWillCheat Yhivi Lonely teen slutwife fucks her ex boyfriend

Yhivi’s attraction to older guys found her married far too young to a man with an ex-wife and kid. Her only purpose is to exist as arm candy for her husband’s corporate events or wait at home while he’s off playing Dad with his kid and ex-wife. The monotony being a trophy wife makes her nostalgic, thinking back on the times when she was young and hungry. Thoughts about her ex-boyfriend entice her to invite him over to “catch up”, the only thing she can think about...

4 years ago
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Journey Into A Beautiful World 8211 Part I

I am Raju, a software engineer from Anakapalli and this is my journey into a pleasant and happy world. The source of happiness was none other than my family which was usual for everybody but in my case it was a bit different. My family consists of my mom (Jaya, 40 years), dad (Vijay Kumar, 55 years) and my elder sister (Priyanka, 23 years, she is fondly called Chitti). I completed my engineering in Hyderabad and in campus selection got a job in a MNC. So at age 21 I was earning handsomely....

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Beach sunset

Remember the day we went to the beach to watch the sunset. It was a lovely, warm, summer evening, and there were lots of people sitting on the sand, drinking sundowners and watching the sun sink out over the cool South Atlantic Ocean. We walked, hand in hand, along the edge of the breaking waves, now and again dabbling our feet in the cool water as it washed over the sand. We slowly ambled down the whole length of the beach, until we came to the rocky area. There were only a few people sitting...

1 year ago
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Conquering Ian

The first time I saw Ian, I knew that I has to have him. He was about 6 foot, brown hair, muscular and toned. It was the first day of my new job and he sat two desks away from mine. I’d just started in a fairly large London Solicitor’s practice, and hadn’t told anyone that I was gay. He was straight of course, and a bit of a player at that, managing to get around to fucking all of the single women in our office, as well as a few of the attached ones as well! He was hot but no one knew that more...

5 years ago
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Neighbors wife

Well to start they aren't married, but live and have 2 k**s together. They moved in about a year after I got my house. Nice couple. His name was Dan, and we will call her Kate for this story, but everything else is true. Dan was a short, round happy go luck pothead kind of dude, and work drawing blood for d**g tests (what a joke). Anyway a job like that doesn't pay well, but he was cool. We got along well. We partied in the yard, they had hooked me up with a GF of theres, etc. Dan liked to do...

3 years ago
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Comforting Step sis

Having fucked my girlfriends mum in both her pussy and arse, I then had the joy of showering with her. We washed each others bodies, and she asked me to give her pussy and arse a really good wash, inside and out. I got my fingers all nice and soapy then fingered each in turn, bringing her off with my thumb as I worked on her pussy. She then wanked me off with a particularly soapy hand, concentrating all her efforts on my sensitive knob until I shot my third load of the morning up the wall of...

3 years ago
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She Wanted to Come Back Home

The guys and I were out to a club one night, the place was really crowded, and actually a bit too crowded for my liking I was getting ready to leave. Then I saw her she was reaching over the bar to get a napkin, her dress was so short I could clearly see her whole butt, and G-string. When her feet hit the floor I got to see all of her, she was the most beatiful woman I had ever seen. Long blond hair, the face of an angle, long thin neck, 36DD boobs spilling out of her deep V dress, down to her...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Sunny Tales Part 1

Yeh kahani ek seedhi saadhi ladki ki hai jo khoob exploit ki gayi alag alag logo se, alag alag stithiyo mein, apno se.   Ladki hai Sunaina, 23yrs, thodi si sawli si par bohot hi kaamuk chehra aur badan tha uska. Uske chuchi badi hi sudol aur bade the, 36, kamar thodi kam patli 28, aur gaand toh ekdum uchka huwa bahar nikla huwa, ekdum dekhte hi spanking karne ka mann kare 38 size ki thi. Height average thi, 5’4″, baal kamar tak, aankhein badi badi, hoth ekdum raseelein.   Uski ek bf cum...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Ali Cash Horny Girl Ali Cash Is Masturbating LIVE

Ali Cash is looking wicked sexy in her tight pink lingerie but she wants to get naked and nasty with you! Do you like how her big natural tits bounce admiring her beautiful pierced nipples as she plays with them teasing you so! Ali sucks on her dildo and gets all sloppy making you wish your cock was in her wet mouth. This girl loves being sloppy and wants to cum as many times as she can for you during this show. How many times do you think you can get her moaning and shaking when her orgasms...

4 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 37

We awoke to the phone ringing. It was my son calling. I asked him what time it was and he said it was seven AM, his time. "I'm glad you called, but why so early?" I asked. "I have a class at eight and you asked me to call you," he said. "Your sister's birthday is the Friday after next and I wanted to invite you out here." "I don't know if I'll be able to be there. I have tests that week and I don't know the exact schedule." "If you can, just use your credit card to book the...

2 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 5

Shaun lit the burner and put the pan on for tea before waking the rest up at 5am. The sun had not risen yet but the skyline to the east was lighting up. After a quick breakfast they struck camp and set off, knowing they would be passing into enemy territory now. At two they stopped for a brew and to let Sue cool down. They’d covered fifty miles by Prof’s reckoning and had been skirting the sand dunes to the south. The dunes stretched out to the horizon; rolling mounds of sand whose glare...

4 years ago
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Pet Mommy DP Slut

Introduction: Mom is dpd by son and his best friend. PET MOMMY: DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! Summary: Pet Mommy: Creating a Mommy-Slut Summary: A mother learns her son fantasizes about fucking her and, realizing just how much he resembles her deceased dominant husband, decides to make his fantasy a reality…in the end seducing her son and becoming his submissive pet Mommy. Note: A special thanks goes to Mab7991 DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping...

3 years ago
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Mouth Assault

It was starting to get dark and I could see a small group of buildings not too far in the distance so I decided to wait it out there. As I approached the town, if you can call it that, I noticed a bar at the far end of the row of run down buildings. Since everything else was dark I went to check it out hoping that they were still open. I got to the door and there was no name on the place just an old neon side with “Bar & Grill” outlined in neon lights that obviously hadn't glowed in years....

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