Vanished Ch. 17 free porn video

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“You’re an uppity bitch, aren’t you? You think you can just do as you please. Even when you’re told not to. You still do what you want. Haven’t you learned anything yet, you slut?’ My Master growled clipping his words as his eyes narrowed to slits, his nostrils flared, his lips curled cruelly. He looked like evil personified. I hated him with every fiber of my being. His breathing was fast and shallow as he grabbed me by the hair pulling me off his bed. He held me suspended by my hair as I attempted to extricate myself from his tangled afghan with cuffed wrists and ankles.

SLAP! SLAP! My head felt like it was being detached from my body as he slapped me while still holding me by the hair. My ears rang. The tears, once again, flowed. I’d cried more in the last ten days than I ever had in my life. I was scared. I was hurt. I was so humiliated. The worst, though, was the realization that the pain and the humiliation made me so hot, so wet. It made me feel like a traitor to my husband. I wanted to feel this monster’s hands bring me to life, as a sculptor does a block of clay. At that moment my body arched towards his crotch, in a pantomime of ‘Fuck Me.’ It was as if I was two people, my body had become pure slut aching for his cruel possession while my mind fought him at every step.

You see, all I had done was curl up and take a comfy nap in his big bed wrapped up in his worn afghan. It was my first comfortable deep sleep since my kidnapping ten days ago. It was the first time he had left me in the cabin alone and I was so fatigued and his bed was so much more comfortable than my pallet. I thought I could just take short nap without him knowing. I’d rushed through my kitchen duty to carve out the time. I thoroughly expected to hear Master as he approached the door. I didn’t, now I was paying. ‘But my pretty, I can and I will fix you, just you wait and see. Slut.’ Surprisingly the last word could have been a word of endearment, he said it with such tenderness. Master is an enigma.

His attempt at soothing me was wasted, I was like a she-devil awoken. My adrenaline spiked, ‘Ouch, you fucking bastard, let me go!!! ‘My cuffed hands clawed at his hand as he twisted my long hair around and around. I was sure he was pulling it out by the root. At that moment, I wished I hadn’t pulled my curly auburn hair up into that high ponytail. My nails, the worse for all my woes, dug into his flesh as sharp as razors. I extracted my pound of flesh sliver by sliver. It gave me a perverted sense of pleasure to catch sight of his collection of Band-Aids.

He had the audacity to tie me spread eagle in his frame as my punishment for taking my little nap. That wasn’t enough to tickle his perverted mind he’d taken it further by carefully, meticulously winding heavy white cord around each breast until they stuck out like gross foreign appendages topped off with my gold nipple rings. At first it hadn’t seemed that bad, at least I wasn’t being raped, yet again. Master Geoff had stood close enough to me as he wound the cord that I could feel the warmth of his body against my nude skin. I felt his warm moist breathe against my cheek. He smelled like mint. I wondered if my breath smelled as minty to him.

While he wrapped me, he repeatedly told me that I was his slut, his fuck toy, and his painslut. The tone of his monologue was soft, caressing but left no room for arguing, ‘Suzie, you’re such a little slut, aren’t you? I bet you begged that husband of yours to abuse you, didn’t you?’ I emphatically shook my head, but my gag prevented any comeback. I attempted to mentally distance myself by remembering my family, dreaming about my babies. When I failed to appropriately nod he’d flick my nipple rings instantly snapping me back to reality. My juices were leaking pretty good by the time he finished. Pain and pleasure still did not equate in my mind, but not so to my tortured body.

Once he was done wrapping he proceeded to take a series of digital pictures from every angle possible. This was the first time I was aware of being photographed. I turned my head to keep him from capturing my soul in those pictures or so I thought. ‘Why so shy now, pet?’

I vacantly gazed at him as his words slowly seeped into my brain. He nodded. I shook my head furiously. ‘No,’ It came out half plea and half whimper and totally unintelligible.

‘Every moment since you arrived. Everywhere. Yup, even there,’ he explained with a toss of his head towards the bathroom door. I was frantic. I twisted this way and that attempting to discover the hidden camera lens. In my frenzy my poor breasts were forgotten for the moment. He chuckled at my antics.

Gradually I calmed down enough to feel again. The pain wasn’t bad, but constant. My breasts felt as if they were on fire and freezing cold at the same time, so strange. I looked down at my grotesque breasts, all distended and an angry reddish-purple, nipples standing proudly at attention. The pain generated a deep ache that almost made me nauseous yet I felt my body spasm in response.

My eyes pleaded with him. My Master lazily leaned against the post. His head at the level of my pinioned hand so that my fingers plowed through his thick wavy hair as he rolled his head back and forth. We danced this pleasant little waltz for sometime.

Then it happened. With a little smirk, he pulled the ends of the stings he’d been toying with the other ends were wound tightly around my breasts. We watched as the string grew taunt, and started to unwind with deliberate slowness. I innocently let out a sigh of relief sure that my torture was nearing an end. Little did I realize what was coming. The strings fell to the floor, I watched them flutter down puddled on my toes. The white trenches left by the vacating cord filled with bright red blood. At first there was no additional pain then it came in waves as the pooled blood rushed out replaced with pumps of fresh blood. I closed my eyes and prayed that my heart would not pump so fast. I felt faint from the excruciating pain.

Master Geoff’s laugh started as a low chuckle crescendoed in a bona fide belly laugh, ‘Slut, you should see yourself. You’re a sight. Stop your blubbering!’ I sobbed in pain. He rocked to and fro on the pillar laughing. He rolled a little too far around the post just once. In that split second as his face came under my hand I reacted. A cobra’s reaction speed had nothing on me. My long nails now all broken and chipped after my accident, the horribly, rough treatment in this house of horrors combined with my continued bondage were more like weapons than my usual red manicured nails. I instinctively aimed for his eye and locked my knuckles as he turned my claws raked down his cheek. Master gasped in shock as the blood ran down his face. I could feel ribbons of his skin under my nails.

I cowered as far back as I could, deathly afraid that I had gone too far. He made a move towards me and I frantically screamed into my gag. I pleaded to him with my eyes. He pulled his hand back and I froze expecting my head to explode from his attack. Only his aim was lower. He struck my throbbing breasts, time and again. The blood dripped off his chin. ‘You fucking bitch, look what the hell you did. Why did you do it?’ He growled at me standing almost nose to nose.

That question just about floored me. He was questioning me about why I would retaliate after my last ten days, after what he had done to me, after my piercings, after my rapes and continuing humiliation. How dare he? I knew, though I couldn’t smile, my eyes were sparkling with the fire of anger and pride at the fact that I could still retaliate. Despite the fact that I was all trussed up, I felt free for the first time since I arrived.

Master has worn my mark ever since that fateful afternoon. I paid big time for my attack. I was left tied and gagged, just as I was for the next twenty-hour hours. There were no bathroom breaks nor food, though he did allow me water. I will never forget my dismay when h
e told me my punishment for this severe transgression, as he called it, ‘You fuckin’ little bitch, I should sell you for doing this,’ he said holding his white handkerchief against my claw marks. ‘But that would be too painless. No, you are mine for life.’

‘Shit! How am I ever going to explain to the guys that I gave you the opportunity to claw me. I will be the laughing stock of the camp. You silly little bitch, say good-bye to your pretty nails.’ He whispered, ‘They’re going.’

I was left alone to contemplate what I had done while he attended his injuries. I could here him banging around in the bathroom and muttering to himself. I sure hoped he would take all his frustrations out on the vanity doors. I was afraid what he would do if he was still angry when he returned. I knew the moment I saw his glowering face that he was still seething. I attempted to plead with my eyes and the unintelligible grunts and groans that I emitted behind my gag. All I accomplished was to drool.

He ignored me. I never let him out of my sight. I twisted as far as I could to watch his movements. I trembled. The not knowing, I think, was the worst. He reached into the garbage and brought out a bunch of coffee stained newspapers. He approached me. I could still see the coffee grounds on the thick pile of the Sunday LA Times. I watched perplexed. Two things, he the neat freak was leaving a trail of used coffee grounds across the floor and what the hell was he going to do with them. I knew he had read it thoroughly yesterday.

‘You, my little fucktoy, will be staying here for the next twenty-four hours. Yup, just like this. So I guess I better put down some papers, I don’t want to have to clean up the floor too much. Are you paper trained my little pet? Do you think I should put down a plastic sheet first? I’d hate the carpet to smell like my slut’s piss forever. I’ll be right back.’

Alone I tried to get control of myself, I was hyperventilating just thinking about being left like this for the next day. How would I sleep or eat? Sleep I might be able to do, I surmised. Eating and drinking was out. That would mean… mean I’d have to go, you know and I wasn’t ever going to do that. No way. It was bad enough to be left here like this but he wouldn’t win. I looked at the clock, it was five minutes to five. I watched the second hand move. It moved pretty fast. One minute. Two minutes. I decided that wasn’t too bad. I could do the time. I guess I must have given a shrug just as he came back up the stairs.

He looked to see what I had been looking at, ‘Ah, the clock. You think it will be a cake walk. Think again.’ He knelt and placed what looked like an old shower curtain under my feet. He had to lift each one, I was not helping him in any way. I did lean over though to watch, my drool dripped in long stings landing on his dark curly hair. I had to smile to myself if only he knew.

Master unfolded the papers with deliberate slowness, saying, ‘You are no better than old Skip and I will treat you as such for the next day. You need to pee or shit then let go because you don’t come down for any reason. Understand? Nod if you do.’ I just stared. I hadn’t been a business owner for nothing I could play with the big boys and I wasn’t letting him know my thoughts. He proceeded putting a thick layer of newspapers down covering, I’m guessing about a four foot square. My left foot landed on the coffee grounds and wet spot. UGH!

He repeated himself, ‘Do you understand?’ I met his eyes in a defiant stare. He chuckled as he stood. With rapidity he struck, taking my abused nipples in his hands he twisted and twisted. He never said a word. I gasped, the pain was unbelievable. His handling of my semi-healed and swollen nipples was downright cruel. Until today he had been so solicitous about them. All that was gone. Panting, I relented furiously nodding my head. I felt so faint, my world went gray then black.

I wasn’t out long, but I awoke to the most incredible, throbbing pain. He was there murmuring, ‘Suzie, you have to learn, you have no will. You are mine and you will do as I tell you, when I tell you. Understand?’ This time I nodded immediately and kept my eyes lowered. He rubbed the salve into my now reopened wounds. I hated to admit that I liked his hands touching me, especially in this gentle manner. He really could be nice and I found his voice nearly hypnotic. I calmed down.

He kissed my cheek and was gone. I was left alone. My only company was the clock. Darkness fell cloaking the room in deepening shadows. I could no longer see the clock, thank heavens because it was moving slower with every minute.

He jauntily stepped in carrying his dinner and sat at the table facing me. He never said a word. His silence filled the room. He rinsed his dishes and changed. I assumed he was going out. Good! He came over, took my gag off and offered me water. By now I had been gagged and suspended for four hours. I drank. I kept telling myself that I shouldn’t but my body was saying drink. I drank more greedily. ‘Come on drink some more, you need it.’ I did. The gag was put back on extra tight.

He went around turning on all the lamps. I blinked in the sudden brightness. ‘I invited everyone up here for a special Bitch party tonight in your honor. Wasn’t that nice of me?’ I shook my head so furiously. He laughed.

Soon the room was full of his friends and clients and their subs, I was surprised to see that there were even a couple of male subs with an obvious dominatrix. Can you imagine my horror at being so displayed? Me standing there tied, naked on a pile of stained newspapers. I refused to keep my eyes down though I was so ashamed, but I wasn’t playing his game. I made eye contact with most of the subs and they looked at me with sad eyes. It was as if they were saying that they understood how I felt. It was their way of communicating.

But, you know, there was one haughty bitch that I would have gladly scratched her eyes out. She kept laughing at me and pointing me out to her master. I hated her like I have seldom ever hated anyone. She hurt me more than the stares and the pokes and pinches the masters inflicted. But from them I expected no better. When her Master turned around, I must have visually blanched. It was none other than Ronnie.

Ronnie came up to me, ‘Bitch you just wait, our day is coming.’ He threateningly told me what he would soon do to me when I became his. I frantically looked for Master I found him. He smiled indulgently. How was I to read Master’s smile? I knew he’d heard Ronnie’s monologue.

Master never moved far from me, except to acquire yet more water. I shook my head no. He shook his yes. The battle of the wills was on though I knew deep down he would win, I still fought. ‘Drink, my pretty.’ I drank. My full bladder was starting to become distended, to ache. I forced myself to put the discomfort out of my mind.

Another hour went by. A young sub in a pretty fuchsia bustier arrived to cut my nails armed with a proper acrylic nail clipper. Master supervised her cutting my nails right back to the quick. She proceeded to give me a manicure applying a bright red lacquer. I had to laugh to myself for once there was no chance of smudging the polish. I gave her a garbled thanks. She smiled understanding.

Master offered more water I refused. He laughed. The room laughed. I shook. He said, ‘You will drink.’ With those simple words he sealed my fate. He held my nose and when I opened my mouth he said, ‘Drink or drown your choice.’ I drank.

My bladder was on fire I knew that I could not hold out much longer. He came back with another large glass of water, ‘Drink.’ I drank. I begged him to not make me humiliate myself further. He did. He rubbed my swollen bladder and pushed a little too hard. ‘Soon Suzie, soon.’

I had quite a crowd around me, watching for my ultimate humiliation to take place. I closed my eyes and concentrated on just one thing, holding my urine in. The noise of the party sounded like it wa
s far away as I concentrated. The only way I held it was one minute at a time by sheer mind over body.

Master stepped to me and just rubbed my nipples, ever so gentle. I lost my concentration. With a sob I felt the first warm trickle of urine seep out, then as if a dam broke a torrent of hot golden urine streamed down my legs. I sobbed behind my gag giving myself the hick-ups. Nearly all laughed at my predicament all except the little one who had done my nails she gave me a sad smile that made me cry even harder. The other one who refrained from sharing in the mirth at my expense was my Master. Leaning against the post, he worried his lower lip and gave me the saddest of looks. Within minutes of my degradation they started to take their leave.

Ronnie sauntered over on his way out, ‘That is nothing.’ He was gone, I stared at his back. Master came up and stood beside me and rubbed the back of his hand across my tear trenched cheek.

I guess all my crying had tired me out. I soon felt myself dozing off. I was rudely awakened. Master was taking his heavy leather belt to my back and ass. I now wear two scars down my back where he got a little carried away. By the time he was finished, I had no tears left I only whimpered broken with the fear and the pain.

Good to his word he released me the next afternoon carrying me like a baby to the bathroom. Very gently he placed me in a tubful of lavender scented bubbles my back stung but it made the rest of me feel great. ‘I’ve a bit of a mess to clean up out there, Suzie. You just soak for a while and I’ll be back to wash your hair, ok?’ He kissed the top of my head and was gone.

My transgression was never spoken of again, except in his half joking manner when I trace his scar. To this day, he has a noticeable scar running right from the outside corner of his right eye down to his mid cheek. To my Master’s dismay, my claws permanently scarred him. It shows up as a white jagged path against his perennial tanned complexion.

Today I feel guilty. Often when I’m lying next to Master Geoff, I trace it, ending with my warm kiss. He rewards me with a squeeze and a quip about, ‘Remember, lil Suzie, just remember.’ His voice is low and deep, so sensuous, but the look in his eyes has a hardness that I know better than to broach. He rolls me on to my back and looms over me as he twists my nipple rings.

I have never overtly attacked my Master again. I learned a valuable lesson on that one fateful day.

To Be Continued…

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My name is Vanessa. I am a thirty-year-old woman who recently lost her beloved husband to a war overseas. I recently moved to Washington state to this old house in the country, which was previously owned by an elderly woman who, can I say is a shut-in. She was getting down on her health as I understood it and went to live with her daughter.For this reason, she sold the house really cheap, about one-hundred-and-fifty grand, which is not bad considering the ten acres of land and...

4 years ago
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Caring Doctor

That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for, on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was not strange, but it had never looked like this. ...

4 years ago
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A Week At Papaws chap 4

Wednesday – Punishment and Submission – A Day AwayWaking up the next morning, I again can hear Leah in the kitchen. I open the drawer on my night stand and take out another wrist strap. Then it is off to the kitchen to begin another day with my new pet. As I enter the kitchen, again Leah lowers herself to her knees and waits for me to speak.I walk in and sit at the table with the wrist strap in my robe pocket, take her face in my hand and say, “Yesterday was very good, lil one, but there were a...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 157 Rebuttal

Cassie and I had known the basic content of each other's opening argument. We'd been working on them in my bedroom for the past four weeks. We shared information back and forth. I gave her the material that I was sure she would use in her rebuttal. We didn't know the exact content and that bit about the Supreme Court ruling was brilliant. I wasn't sure how I'd rebut that. I figured if I didn't have contradictory evidence, I could divert it into a different channel. We were both...

1 year ago
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Combat in Blue

I lay there gasping, feeling the tiredness in my muscles, thinking to myself I was too old for this shit. Chasing through a hot jungle ten thousand miles from home, after a fugitive about whom I knew nothing except that some deskbound agent had decided she had to be caught, dead or alive he said, but who was only trying to survive, as far as I could tell. I'd been trailing her for ten days now, trying to get a feel for her habits. I was fairly certain she didn't know I was on her tail. My...

3 years ago
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Aunt Liz

My Aunt LizFrom the time that I could remember my Aunt Liz always had a playful demeanor with an edge of sarcasm within her playfulness. When I was just a c***d and she came over to visit her younger sister (my Mom), she would always take the time out to show me some attention. Generally back then; even though it encompassed some physical touching, the playfulness was wrestling or tickling, or a combination of both. Aunt Lizzie lived in our state’s capitol a couple of hours away from us so it...

3 years ago
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A Perfect Life

I entered the room, the flickering candles illuminating her body. Sensual shadows and erotic curves entranced my mind. The perfume of cinnamon and nutmeg filled my senses. She moved slightly, her hands bound to the bed head, her face masked and gagged pressed to the down filled pillow. Her body curved as she knelt with her ass in the air, legs parted, cheeks firm and round. I could take my pick, and neared the edge of the bed, the height so well judged that my erect member so easily sought its...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Haley Spades How About A Blow Job

Jason walks in on his stepsister, Haley Spades, because he hears her moaning. When he sees her vibing in the bathtub, he whips out his phone to start snapping photos. His hot stepsis is definite wet dream material. When Haley notices Jason, she tries to call him out, but Jason points out that she’s in her mom’s bathroom using her mom’s vibrator. Their argument culminates when Haley spots Jason’s big erection and gets down on her knees to pop it out and shut Jason up....

2 years ago
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Finding you in my bed

I am wandering through the house and I'm feeling a inner need... deep down inside me I'm feeling a desire.I stop walking for a moment, look around - I'm currently in the living room - and I start to think about it.I notice how my dick starts hardening and my body is telling me I want to be deep inside a soaking wet pussy.I'm getting hornier and hornier every second and my HARD dick is pointing to the ceiling!I love this feeling... I can't wait to make a big cum shot! I have to get to my room as...

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Marys story Part 40

Mary lay on the bed with her legs apart, and Hazel looked at her closely. Very gently, Hazel followed Mary’s instructions to clean her wounds and apply the dressings. “I did not really look at your pussy properly before, I was too upset about being tattooed last night. They really have removed all of your inner lips, and your clitoris hood. Your clitoris looks huge. What does it feel like?” “I can feel the stitches prickling a bit, and it is sore when I get aroused with my pussy juice getting...

3 years ago
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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein 8211 Part 4

Main reena ko ab din raat chodne lga tha.Wo ab bahut khush rahne lgi.Wo ab khoob nikhre lgi.Ab wo meri har baat samajhne lgi.Ab main din mein kaam Krta.Raat ko khoob chudai krta.Uske laptop pr khoob blue film dekhte.Wo bhi har baat ko aasani se samjhne lgi. Wo din mein roj nai nai saree pahanti.Ab wo kafi gori ho gai thi.Uska sharir kafi sunder aur fit tha.Wo tabbu ki tarah lambi thi.Uske gool boob kafi hot the.Uske boob k beech ki drar khoob gahri thi.Din mein jab wo jhuk kr koi cheej deti to...

3 years ago
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Time MachineChapter 24

Two weeks had passed since we bought the new house, and we were finally settled in. The only one opting for her own room was Chris, who hadn't given up the thought that she should be able to get back to school someday, and she had insisted that Charlotte too should be given her own room. Where Chris had posters and stuff on the walls in her room, Charlotte's was Spartan in its decoration. No pictures on the walls, no books in the bookcase and hardly any clothes in her wardrobe. "Dad,"...

2 years ago
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Crossdresser and I at Costco

I went to Costco over the weekend with my friends girlfriend. She went off shopping, and I went off to get a few things. I walked down some random isle, and saw a girl leaning down. I snuck a peek at her butt and saw a little bit of a thong showing over the top of her shorts. She was wearing a blue hoody. I looked up and saw that she had really short brown hair. I tried to see her face, when she stood up. A box fell from her hands and onto the floor. Being the nice guy that I am, I picked it up...

1 year ago
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My Mom gives the best blowjobs

I have a really cute 16 year old girlfriend named Veronica. I call her Vi. We have been going together for about three months. We spend a lot of time together and after only a couple weeks of dating, things started getting pretty hot sexually between us. I had had sex with a couple of girls before but she was a virgin. That does not mean that she was not interested in sex. We started making out and soon were all over each other. It started when we were kissing and I slipped my hand...

2 years ago
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Irsquom Lying Here Beside Her With On My Min

When I was young, my mom, God rest her, loved Country Music. It was the old stuff. I used to love mocking the music but still remember most of it vividly. Her favorite was Conway Twitty. And her favorite song was “Linda on my Mind.” The last line of the chorus says, “I’m lying here beside her with Linda on my mind.” Well, tonight I can’t sleep. That song, strangely is bouncing through my thoughts. I am lying here next to her, my wife; the other woman, and I can’t stop thinking about...

4 years ago
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Growing Up in Gwinnett Volume 5

On the trip up, I noticed a lot of rest areas in Georgia and South Carolina along I-85, but I drove straight thru with no stops. On my return trip to Atlanta, I stopped at the first rest stop in South Carolina. It was a older rest stop - not the new welcome center that exists now. I went into theMen's room and took a seat in the middle stall and noticed some graffiti on the walls. I started to jack a little and before long, a man went into the stall next to me. I leaned over and watched...

4 years ago
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Burglary becomes Bondage

While she was admiring the view, a young woman passed by pushing a fertilizer spreader. “That’s odd” she thought, “they usually put fertilizer in the water truck the wet the lawn with.” The other thing that seemed odd was the young woman, 20 or 21 years of age, was not wearing a company uniform. Betty took a tea towel from the counter, dried her hands and went to investigate. “Miss, Miss excuse me,” she called out exiting through the balcony door. “Excuse me.” She continued until she was...

2 years ago
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Modeling for Life Drawing Part 2

In the days that followed my modeling session Lucy and I maintained our friendly relationship. I wondered if my modeling for her would change anything but she seemed as nice as ever and I had a sense that we had bonded in a way. We usually had lunch together along with other faculty members and used our free time together in school for class lesson planning and such. After a few days she asked if I would be available to model for her painting of me anytime that week. We settled on Tuesday...

4 years ago
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MoonchildChapter 6

"Joe I don't understand any of this. You tell me that Jessica is in mortal danger and you have to take her to a fortress in the Peruvian jungle, but you won't tell me the nature of this threat." John's fury was evident by his voice. The silence was nearly unbearable as Joe considered his next move. "Ok John, I accept your argument. The best way to settle this is to take you with us. Your love for my daughter is stronger than I anticipated, but be advised if you accompany me on this...

3 years ago
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Sbbe Stories From the Academy

SbbeStory1 I?m a member of the Academy do tasks for Taskmasters and have a lot of what I call Sbbe Stories. A Task Master thinks up the idea for the task and then I as a performer, am privileged to perform it. I want to share the little stories that come from the tasks. Enjoy. ****Performed for Hawk_Fann The photographer was going to be here at 11 so I hurried through my workout on the treadmill. The shower helped me finish waking. I was feeling a bit...

1 year ago
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The Fab 4

THE FAB 4 Two college roommates and their sons were the closest of friends. What would it take for them to reunite ... and live happily ever after? Story by Annabelle Raven -------------------- Derrick Neely and Brian Hanson were neighbors in the suburban East who sons respective sons Jeremy and Adam (each about 8 at the time) were schoolmates and Little League teammates. The dads helped coach, and they in turn became fasts friends. Each was a single dad - Derrick by...

3 years ago
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A Cruise with my Daughter Part 3

I woke to the sound of my cabin door closing. I looked over and saw that the bed was empty and lay there slightly embarrassed that the last thing Keiko saw was a passed out old man with his flaccid dick (impressive as it might still be). A bit of panic spread in my stomach at the thought that this hot, young, Asian goddess would regret her night of rough sex with an old man and rush to tell her father. Fuck. Or tell her new best friend - my daughter. Fuck. My daughter. Who isn't back yet....

4 years ago
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Testing Viagra ndash a hairy armpit story

A couple of years ago I had a small accident, having to undergo surgery to my left leg. One thing led to another, to me testing Viagra and having a wonderful sexual experience.Close to the playground, I stepped over a low fence and I did not look carefully when putting my foot down. I placed it on top of a tennis ball who was lying there, I lost my balance, fell awkwardly and could not stand on my left foot. To make a long story short. Hospital. Surgery. Weeks in plaster.I hobbled to the local...

1 year ago
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Blacked Lilly Ford Rich Girl Desires

Lilly has done a fair bit of experimenting since she’s been at college. Her parents have made her get a tutor due to the fact her grades aren’t what they should be. She couldn’t be happier – he is so hot and she finds it hard to concentrate when he’s around. The problem is, her mom is always hanging around, giving her no opportunity to tell him how she feels – until now. With her parents gone for the entire weekend, this is the chance she’s been waiting for. When he arrives for...

3 years ago
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Kolkata Love Diaries 8211 Part 2

Hey raj here… This is the continuation of the love diaries 1. While madhu was busy with the guests I kept myself busy with my laptop watching porn and exploring iss. I heard guests leaving but still continued with my work and soon madhu was on the door with transparent maxi and clearly visible nipples. She was looking hot. She came near me and was watching the porn with me. I asked her why are you having sex with me, she said your uncle is not satisfying these days and she knew that I have an...

2 years ago
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One Hell of a Storm

Karl lay in his bed covered by only a thin cotton sheet.   It was too warm in the Mediterranean summer to wear anything for sleeping beneath the sheet.   Indeed, it was too warm for him to sleep at all so he lay there, thinking about the 3 days so far of his holiday.   Or rather, he thought about Chrissie, with whom he had been staying for those 3 days. In truth, he knew very little about her.   She was at least 12 years older than him because she had told him she wouldn’t see her fortieth...

Straight Sex
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AmoreBy: Sue(White Woman/Black-Puerto Rican Man)------------------- Taiwan walked up the stairs of the six floor story apartment building, he,his wife and c***dren;Ty and Eriana lived in for the past three years. Looking to the elevator Taiwan seen his neighbor Danielle holding the door for him."Thank You ma"He said slipping into the metallic doors."No problem"Danielle replied with a big smiled.Taiwan glanced at her and smiled. She was a beautiful young lady around 5'7 in height,mocha colored...

4 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book by Its Cover

The Jones family. Introduction The Jones family is a collection of stories that could involve any of the three family members. First of all we have the mother, Elizabeth Jones, a widow who took the death of her husband very badly. She threw herself in to her work but when this was not enough, she quickly discovered sex, she loves it and is willing to experiment. Elizabeth's work means she has to travel a lot and as a result her two children live in the house alone. Her daughter, Sarah, is...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 20

Monday morning one of the third period Canoeing Merit Badge kids showed up just as the second period finished. He found a seat at the picnic table, pulled a magazine out of his backpack and started reading while he waited for the start of class. I looked the kid over. He probably was about thirteen. He was dressed in a Penn State #6 Hayes football jersey. I noticed he was reading the College Football News magazine article about Zack Hayes and the rest of our team. I decided to have a little...

2 years ago
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My Ghost With Benefits Ch2

I felt good the next morning, really good. Determined to make this a good day, I felt as though nothing could stop me.Naturally, it didn't last.Thirty minutes into my first lecture, I was already out of it. The professor quickly went over what we covered last class, and I was surprised to find I actually understood the content. But as soon as he started going into a new topic, I lost my grip. I had just wrapped my head around what everyone else had already known, and we jump right into...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Late Shopping

Liz, my girlfriend had come back to my flat after work but was only staying a short while as it was her Mums birthday on Sunday, today being Friday , and she and her Dad were going to make a cake they were going top do this without Pam knowing left me at a loss and not that bothered either. I haven't got time for a shower so just lay back and think of somewhere nice while I suck your shiny knob. I really am not the type to just do as i'm told but she had obviously been in the make up...

2 years ago
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A New World Part 3

The drive back to Riley’s took longer than expected as I was quite distracted and had to drive well below the posted limit. As I pulled onto the winding road, Riley slid across the seat to snuggle against me. She took my hand and lifted it to her lips, kissing each of my fingers as I felt her other hand squeeze my thigh. My cock was already hard and her hand was nearly upon it. My heart beat faster and I took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on the road. I glanced down at her next to me....

First Time
1 year ago
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I Was Just Being Honest Ch 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! While on a business/pleasure trip near my sister Jacquee’s she invited me to stay with her instead of being cooped up in a motel and eating bland resturant food and enjoy the comforts of home and home cooked food. She didn’t have to plead too much so I accepted her invitation. My third day there I was returning from a meeting. As I entered the house I heard a sobbing sound coming from the living room and I dutifully stuck my head around the door there...


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