RunChapter 30: Spilling free porn video

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It started with the lightest of scrapes. Gene shot awake from a shallow sleep to see light leak in from where the door to the room was slowly opening. He was on his feet before Silver’s head leaned in. The man nodded silently and withdrew. Gene grabbed the pistol, tucked it into his waist and pulled his shirt over it. He slid out and crept behind Silver to the end of the passageway.

They took several sharp corners before slipping down a set of steps. Silver led him into a small room with a metal table along one wall and closed the door. Holly paced just inside.

“Well?” Gene said.

“Marisa will be here in a moment. We’re getting off this boat.”


“How long can you hold your breath, Gene?” Holly said with a wry smile.


“Kidding. Same way we got on. We’re taking a submersible. Took some work, but once Marisa comes, we’ve got a clear exit.”

“Won’t they notice us taking off?”

“Yes. Can’t be helped. Hopefully we can get away before they torpedo us.”


“Keeping you on your toes, Gene.”

The door opened and the woman from the submersible which had taken Gene to the Cambridge popped her head in. “It’s time.”

She led them quickly down a passageway and into the dock where several submersibles were silent and sleek. They were soon inside and seated, the cramped space filled with Gene, Holly, Silver, Marisa, and a man Gene had never met.

The man called back, “let’s do this!”

Red lights exploded in the bay as the vehicle kicked on and water filled the lower part of the compartment. The man said, “this always seems to take so long...”

Gene’s stomach was kicking in circles as the excruciating process took far longer than he’d hoped. He saw several people enter the interior dock just as the submersible slid below the water. As soon as it was under, the man released the locking and the sub spun quickly and started towards the small opening in the rear of the compartment.

They passed through in seconds and shot away from the Cambridge, moving quickly to gain distance and rise towards the surface.

Marisa sat next to the unknown man, calling back, “two following.”

Nothing more was said for several moments as the craft ascended and held a steady, straight line away from the submarine.

Marisa said, “releasing screen.”

Holly leaned into Gene, said, “hiding us from them visually, not from radar. That comes next.”

“Releasing chaff,” called Marisa.

The man turned the vehicle sharply, diving down so suddenly that Gene’s ears threatened to burst.

“Releasing chaff,” Marisa said once more, followed by more sharp turns and an ascending move. “Screen.”

Gene knew it was only moments, but the eternity of waiting felt like passing through molasses as his guts churned.

The man called back, “coming up on bottom. Full stop. Everyone shut the fuck up and don’t breath.”

Holly whispered in Gene’s ear, “you can breath, just keep it very quiet.”

The craft settled on the sandy bottom carefully and the buzzing noises went silent. If Gene felt claustrophobic in his room before, it was nothing compared to the eerie black silence that pressed in at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean as he waited for their pursuers to catch up with them.

“Her butt?”

Finch nodded in response to Lauren’s question.

“And she liked it?”

“Uh-huh ... me too...”

“Jesus...” Lauren had never let her boyfriend near her asshole, let alone put his dick in there. She tensed her hole unconsciously as she wondered how anything of that size could feel pleasant moving inside.

She tried to imagine what it would be like to be sandwiched between Georges and Finch, her holes filled with their lovely penises. The sixteen-year old shuddered at the thought, found herself growing aroused, curious. “And she let you shoot it in there? In her butt?”

“Yeah ... it was hard to, she’s really tight so it was hard to shoot. But I did...”

Lauren knew her panties were becoming very wet.

“But ... wasn’t it dirty? You know ... cause that’s where she shits...”

Finch shrugged. “I dunno. We did it in the water...”

Her hand moved to her brother’s thigh where he sat next to her on her bed. She said nothing as she knelt down and unzipped his fly, pulling his five-inch penis through the opening. In seconds she was sucking Finch’s cock to the sounds of his panting.

Lauren pushed him back on the bed and rose over him, pulling her panties off in one motion. She sat down on his lap, rubbed her hard clit along his shaft, then slid her brother’s penis into her pussy.

She moaned as she rode Finch, the boy’s hard cock feeling hot and filling inside her body. Lauren imagined what it might feel like to take that same dick in her other hole, her tighter hole. She shuddered and climaxed. “Ohhh ... Ohhh ... ohhh ... yess ... uhnn ... uhnnn ... cummming ... uhnnnnn...”

Finch thrust up inside her as she came, her brother becoming very good at fucking her through her orgasm. Lauren was on fire, her body shaking, her mind racing at the taboo feeling of cumming with her brother’s penis inside of her.

She slowed and rested a moment, Finch’s hands fondling her breasts through her nightshirt. Lauren gave into curiosity. “I wanna try it.”


“In my butt. I wanna try what you did with Hannah.”

Finch grinned and Lauren felt his cock twitch inside her slick, sixteen-year old vagina.

Lauren stood and looked down at him. “So ... what do we do?”

“I dunno ... she made me touch her first, you know ... finger it.”

“Ok...” She felt both incredibly turned on and somewhat disgusted at the thought of her brother’s finger inside her butt. She hoped it wasn’t going to be gross.

Lauren slid onto her back and pulled her knees to her chest, rolling her hips back and up, opening herself for her brother to see and touch. She wasn’t sure what position to be in for this act, so she went with what felt right and braced for the unusual sensation she was sure would come next.

Finch slid off the bed and knelt down between his sister’s legs. He stared at her swollen pussy a moment, the sight of Lauren’s naked, hairy vulva making his cock pound and throb. He looked lower to where her dark, wrinkled butthole almost hid between her lovely ass cheeks. Finch ran his fingers over Lauren’s slit, teasing her clit and then drew down to her backdoor.

She flinched as he touched her anus, twitched again as he touched it again. She was a mostly dry there. “Maybe lick it, Finch.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Lick your butthole?”

“I dunno, Finch!” She sounded confused. “Your the one who puts it in butts. It needs to be wet, I know that much!”


He leaned forward, unsure that he wanted to lick his sister’s butthole, knowing what he might accidentally taste there. He lapped her pussy a moment, savoring the creamy salty sweetness of Lauren’s hairy cunt. He let his tongue move lower, lower, and without knowing it, he was smearing her creamy discharge around her anus.

It wasn’t bad. Not just not bad, he liked it. He could taste nothing but her pussy as his tongue swirled around her closed hole. Lauren moaned as he licked her butthole. Finch grew bolder, pushing his tongue just inside, the dark ring dilating slightly, her body shuddering as he pushed in saliva.

Finch loved the sensation. Licking his sister’s tight asshole was nothing like lapping at her pussy. It was rougher, hairy around the hole like her pussy, but tighter, less yielding to his tongue. He moved a finger up and slipped the tip inside. Lauren tensed but didn’t resist. Finch worked more saliva inside, used his finger to probe her velvet rectum as it grew more yielding and slicker.

From time to time, Finch noted a bittersweet taste that didn’t fully register for a while. When he realized what was on his tongue, he nearly pulled back. But Lauren was writhing, into the sensation, and despite his reservations, he pushed on, fingering her tight asshole as he licked around the hairy opening.

“Try now,” Lauren said breathlessly, “put it in...”

Finch stood and put the tip of his cock against his sister’s anus.

“Go slow, Finch ... Slow...”

He pushed forward.

Lauren squeaked. “Whoa ... hold on ... hold on...”

Finch held very still, the head of his penis suddenly nestled just inside the tight, dark ring of her asshole.

“Wow ... you feel so big in there ... Oww ... hurts a little ... hold on...”

They both held still, breathing heavily, each throb of Finch’s cock causing Lauren to flinch and groan. His body moved on its own and before she could resist, another inch of his penis slid inside her rectum.

“Owwww! Oh ... Damn ... how did she do it so easily...”

Finch tried to hold still, remembered that Hannah had Georges’ penis in her pussy while he was in her ass. Maybe that was the secret.

He slid a finger along Lauren’s slit then penetrated her vagina just above where his cock sat a couple of inches inside her ass. He started to finger her sixteen-year old pussy and her movements changed, responding to the pleasure, her own fingers soon circling her clit, her hips beginning to move against the dual penetration.

Finch moved slowly to join her rhythm. His cock barely moved in and out as she started to build and tense. In moments, he’d worked another inch inside his sister’s ass, then another, soon fully inside her and starting to stroke in and out of her tightest hole.

Lauren was on fire, burning, her asshole felt sore and raw, but the pleasure of the fullness, the dirtiness of what she was doing with her brother turned her on. She wanted to be dirty with him, wanted him in her most private of places. It hurt but when she rubbed her clit and felt his finger move inside her vagina, she liked the pain, liked the pressure of his penis in her ass.

She started to rise and fall, her body straining at the new sensations. Her legs wrapped around Finch’s waist, pulled him against her, the fifteen-year old’s cock sending pain and pleasure into her body. He started to breath heavily and she knew he was about to cum in her ass.

That sent the sixteen-year old girl over the top. Her body sweating, her breath coming in gasps, she climaxed, writhing hard against the sodomy, the burning, pulsing pleasure in her guts hurting so good. She let out a long cry, then another, felt warm wetness spreading inside her.

Lauren looked up to see Finch’s eyes closed, his mouth open, his penis unloading inside her butt. She took his cum deep in her bowels, the teen’s boiling semen barely felt, but his orgasm all to intensely experienced. He slammed against her twice as his climax peaked, jism firing into her velvety rectum, sperm pooling inside her dirty hole.

Finch rested over her, then collapsed on her chest, his lips meeting hers. They kissed a long moment, Finch’s penis pulsing as it leaked the last of his cum in her sore hole. Lauren could smell it then. It smelled like ass. Her own raw ass. She almost panicked and tried to push him off, but held back, unwilling to spoil the moment. It felt like it smelled. Raw, dirty. And wonderful.

Lauren found herself incredibly horny just then, her need powerful, like the smells coming from their sodomy. She slid a hand between them, found her clit, and in seconds, exploded in a powerful orgasm, her anus clenching and forcing out her brother’s half-hard penis.

Cum sputtered out and ran down her crack as the sixteen-year old came, the girl unable to hold back as her body spasmed. Long moments went by before she relaxed and Finch rose off of her. She smelled her ass more strongly then, but she was too tired to much care.

She saw Finch stare between her legs and she felt then a moment of shame. She knew she was a mess, dirty. She could smell what was probably there for him to see. Lauren wanted to hide and disappear.

Finch surprised her then. Instead of backing away in disgust, he knelt down and started to lick her asshole, cleaning up the messy cum dripping out of her raw, sore anus. He was gentle, caring, eating his own cum and whatever else had slid out of her butt.

As he finished, Lauren found herself laughing.

Finch looked at her, cum on his chin, not as dirty as Lauren expected. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing ... that was just ... so good ... so good ... I want to do that again and again ... all of it...”

“Right now, uh ... I dunno if I...”

“No ... no ... not right now ... I’m pretty sore back there ... but again soon ... deal?”


“Come here.” Lauren slid under the sheets, her ass still dripping small globs of semen on to the bed. She pulled Finch into her arms and wrapped her legs around him. She kissed her brother deeply, tasted his sperm and her ass in his mouth, found the combination wasn’t gross at all. In fact, she rather liked it.

Tamara had slowly stalked mostly north for hours with Hannigan and Erol before they got to the area where Hannigan could survey the surroundings. They had often hidden as they encountered bands of armed men, unwilling to engage anyone who looked threatening. A few others had been out, moving quickly from place to place. Scavengers, messengers, whoever they were, Tamara and the others stayed out of sight until they passed.

The sounds of fighting had rung heavily in the first couple of hours of darkness before dwindling more recently to sporadic bursts. Those bursts had grown closer the further they went, however, and Tamara felt more tense with each step.

The climb up the tallest building had been exhausting, but thankfully, also unnoticed. It had been ransacked, at least the first few floors, but further up they found bottled water and enough packaged snacks to fill their bags with a few days of sustenance.

By the time they reached the top, it was only a few hours before daylight. In the darkness, they looked out from each side to see fires raging in many quarters. It wasn’t clear where troops might be deployed, and despite hearing gunfire and occasional explosions, didn’t see enough to know where they might slip through the lines.

“Can we just sleep here awhile? We’re all exhausted.” Tamara’s thoughts were clearly echoed on Erol’s face.

Hannigan shook his head. “Not here, not up here. A shell hits anywhere near and we might come down with this place. We’ll find somewhere low and get some rest.”

Tamara nodded with resignation. The trip down was much easier and faster, and just before dawn, they entered a small neighborhood with tightly packed single-story houses. Hannigan crept along a few before finding one he thought might be unoccupied. He jimmied the door open and slipped inside, returning moments later to signal the others to join him.

“I’ll take first watch, you two get some sleep.”

It was a small home, one bedroom and a very small living area. Erol collapsed on the couch while Tamara tucked into the small bed and was out immediately.

The wait on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was perhaps the worst experience of Gene’s entire life. There was nowhere to go, nothing to see. The darkness was heavy and thick, and his eyes started playing tricks on him, first from the edge of his vision, then more and more vividly producing hallucinations.

Same as Run
Chapter 30: Spilling Videos

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I had mixed thoughts as I sat at my desk and watched Sonia move around the office. On the one hand she was the one woman in the office that I had really wanted. If I had been given a choice in the beginning — you can have one and only one — I would have gone for Sonia. On the other hand I currently had more pussy than I ever expected to have and the loss of Sonia did take some of the pressure off of me. Now I only had three women to try and satisfy instead of four. I was looking at Sonia's...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 17 A Symbol Is Mightier Than a Sword

After we got dressed and I had my coin back in my pocket, we were taken downstairs and led into another part of the building. An unfamiliar Gamma Alpha Eta brother wearing only black bikini briefs met us, and we were handed over to him just like that. Surprisingly he led us outside and across an open lot, through a gap of a chain link fence, and then approached another building which appeared to be a warehouse. The leader didn't seem to mind the cold December air, but Joey's and my teeth...

2 years ago
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Toxic Pull

The rhythmic, pounding bass and the horns of the Imperial March made her sit up, frantically searching for the phone in the dark. Her hand brushed against something cold, and then she heard the crashing sound of the water glass falling to the floor. “Shit,” she mumbled, as she finally wrapped her shaking hand around the phone. She was panicking that she was going to miss him. Only one person on her phone had that ringtone, Michael, Mickey for short; the love of her life. “Hello?” Her voice...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The Two New Teachers

She had always loved her friend as far back as she can remember. They did everything together as thus had become very close to each other. However, as time progressed for these two young ladies, she’d met a guy she soon fell in love with, and they started going out a lot. In truth she’d gone out on her fourth date with him and to Chloe he was like magic to her in that he was the nicest and sweetest and friendliest guy she had ever met. Smiling from ear to ear, every time she saw her close...

2 years ago
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Barb Takes On Three Guys

We have experienced playing with other couples and even had some MMF threesomes. I love to watch Barb having sex with other men. Barb is a shy person when it comes to sex with multiple partners, and has said more than once that two men is a lot of work for her. She also does not like to such cocks and swallow. I have been kidding her for years about sucking my cock and swallowing my cum. She always says that she will find someone to do that for me, but she will not. I remember once at a...

3 years ago
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St Searles Academy Graduation part 1

It's Graduation Day at St. Searle's, but while the staff and pupils party headmistress Virginia Chapford steels herself for a confrontation that's been four years in the making. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: GRADUATION - part 1 by BobH (c) 2017 - Prologue - The covered wagon pulled into the yard at the rear of the school, its wheels clattering across the rain soaked cobblestones. When it came to a halt, the driver climbed down, tethering the horses to...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Big SurpriseChapter 2 Futarsquos First Fertile Hot Wife

April 17th, 2047 “So, you were initially shocked and shaken by learning that women you had sex with, despite them being on birth control, were becoming pregnant,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said. “You clearly accept and embrace the fact now, but how did you get to that point were you found it... ?” “Hot?” I asked, an amused smile playing on my lips, my clit-dick aching so hard beneath my skirt while my pussy felt so molten and juice. I needed to cum so badly. Talking about...

1 year ago
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My hot mom and her sexy boobs

My name is dragon and my moms name is varsha my dad is a business man and he comes only once or twice in a year this happened when i was 16years old my mom was 36 she was damn sexy one fine day when i was sick my mom went to take bath i was livng in my moms bed i heard a sound ahhhhh ummm i got shocked and got up tat time i got up and looked in to key hole of the bathroom door i saw my mother naked and she was getting masturbate den she came out by rolling a towel in her bodywhen she came out i...

2 years ago
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Wife her tailor

Hi all. Thanks for your all lovely mails. I really like some of your comments. This is Vishal again with priya series. Hope you have not been bored yet reading her stories. Let me introduce myself . I am a man of mid 30 with average height ,well built body & of course with a truly nasty brain & dick. My lust for beautiful ladies is never ending. I am not a lady hunter at this age but neither misses opportunity nor perform below expected level if the dealing is with a sex bomb. I am on & on &...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Indica Flower Stepsister Stash Snatch

When thicc young babe India Flowers nosy stepbrother finds her stash in her underwear drawer, he makes her get down on her knees and service his meaty prick. Indica is a little hesitant at first, but it only takes one lick for her to turn into the cock loving chick she truly is. A couple days later, Indicas stepbrother sees her naked while she is trying to connect to wifi in her bedroom! He makes his way inside and bangs her tight pussy while her natural boobs bounce to the rhythm of his...

1 year ago
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Turning 400

In early May I was invited to a birthday party in the centre of town for one of the young nurses. I would normally have made my excuses and not gone but this time I accepted. As we live in the countryside, about 17 miles from town hubby I volunteered to drop me off and pick me up; although I knew he wouldn't be happy with staying sober enough to collect me at midnight. When I arrived in town and saw what the others were wearing I felt old and dowdy in my glasses, smart trousers, blouse...

2 years ago
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Aprils GiftChapter 11

Ron and April lay nude in bed and facing each other. He stroked her cheek. “I can’t believe it’s November already,” she said to him. “Mattie seems to have settled in at school.” “Yes, she’s happy there. She’s made some friends. You’ve been a really good provider for her, Ron. You bought her winter clothes and a new coat.” She kissed his cheek. “It was a nice seventh birthday for her. You were very generous.” “You’ve helped out, now that you’re working full-time at Ford’s Point.” “I have a...

2 years ago
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Jason Conclusion

Jason's Moonstone Experience - Part 2 (Part one saw myself get the Moonstone and experimenting with it to become Jennifer.) Well after the Moonstone stopped glowing I thought I was male once and for all. Well, that is what I thought! I had put the Moonstone back in the cloth and put it back in my underwear drawer. I guess that after I left for work my brother apparently found the Moonstone. He must have pulled it out of the cloth and while he was messing around it began to glow...

3 years ago
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TSINF 91 Recollections pt 1

Day 14 Steph woke up the next morning of the party. When she opened her eyes she didn’t recognize the bed she was in. But from the surroundings it seemed she spent the night at Matt’s place. She lifted her head and realized her head was pounding something fierce. Oh great a hangover she thought to herself. Just what she needed. Steph sighed to herself and thought she might as well get up and get her ass back over to Amanda’s place. She carefully sat up trying to make sure her head didn’t...

1 year ago
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You Must Remember ThisChapter 3 Gaslight London September 1941

The Gaslight Club was in Great Compton Street. Soho retained, even in war time, its air of corrupt pleasure. A curious mix of illicit sexuality and hedonistic enjoyment seemed to infuse the smoke stained bricks of the buildings. The garish neon signs were gone from the clubs, of course, banished by the blackout legislation but there were plenty of servicemen on leave, keen to find a way to forget about life for a while. Sharp suited men still slouched at the entrance to the clubs, enticing...

4 years ago
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She made my life better

Introduction: My first real story, its loosely based on a future I am dying to have with my girlfriend. This is going to be the best night of my life, today I was going to finally act on my feelings towards my loving girlfriend on 7 years. Tonight is our anniversary (January 1st) and Ive been planning this for almost 5 years, I almost got caught with it a few times but my smooth awkward personality quickly dispersed her inquisitive nature. Tonight I was going to propose to my girlfriend and...

3 years ago
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Eve and James a loving relationship

—————————————————— I am 18 I have been with my girlfriend Eve for 2 years now and I had just moved in with her and my family. She has 3 sisters, Charlie who is 3 years younger than me and Teagan and Rose who are twins and 4 years younger than me. ————————————————————————— I woke up in bed with a kiss from Eve as she left to go to college. “Go back to sleep babe, I love you. I’ll see you later” she whispered before closing the door behind her. This had become a regular occurrence lately,...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 2 Been Caught Stealing

Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...

3 years ago
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Who Was It

Hayley had been pulling weeds from her flower garden when the moving truck pulled in to the house next door. The house had been sold a month earlier and had been vacant for the past two weeks. Their previous neighbors had been nice enough, but no common interests, other than kids of similar ages, had kept the relationship pleasant but superficial. Hayley had hoped that the new neighbors would also have kids, and that the wife would stay at home during the day so that they could do things...

1 year ago
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I Am Not Your Husband

“How’s my sexy man tonight?” The delicate feminine voice wafted into my ear on a warm moist breath, barely audible above the unruly clamor in the pub. The speaker’s soft lips grazed my lobe as they formed the words. Soft tresses of her hair brushed the back of my neck while an unfamiliar fragrance of roses and jasmine intoxicated my senses. I could feel her ample breasts pressing snugly against my back as she wrapped her arms around my midsection in a tender embrace.Rita was feeling much...

Wife Lovers
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Seduced By Caitlin

Another fantasy with my young associate.I asked Caitlin to join me for a large multi-day meeting among defense counsel at a large hotel in Virginia. I explained that it would be a good experience for her. I had arranged for adjoining rooms in our hotel so it would be easier to discuss the days’ events. During the first day of meetings, Caitlin and I sat together so we could talk. Caitlin was wearing a very conservative blue suit and a white cotton blouse. She looked very much like a lawyer I...

2 years ago
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Juicy sat in a giant, square room, playfully licking her lollipop as she enjoyed the view. Dozens of warriors lay upon the ground, their bodies husks, shriveled up and drained. They looked like they have been dead for hundreds of years but in truth, not a few moments before Juicy had drained the lot of them to the bone. Like the rest, the burly group thought they could take down a twenty something year old girl. They should have known better from the moment they saw her pink skin. Juicy smirked...

Mind Control
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 229

Tamara peeked around the half-closed door of Laura's office. "I have to talk to you." Laura looked up from her desk. "Is it private?" she asked, in a very soft voice, delighted to see the girl. Tamara looked back over her shoulder, then looked at Laura again. "A little." "Why don't we have lunch?" Tamara brightened up immediately, suddenly fetching and radiant. She was wearing another summery, flowery dress, not the same one Laura had removed so lovingly a few evenings ago,...

2 years ago
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Queer Women Masturbate More Than Straight Women O

Queer Women Masturbate More Than Straight Women, Our Sex Survey Says BY RIESE Hello marvelous creatures! Since we last spoke, the world has changed and become a better place because of lesbian sex. Our postabout how often queer women have sex served to enlighten the readers of New York Magazine about the mysteries of the femalelibido and to inform the readers of The Daily Dot that lesbian bed death is a myth. Today we continue ghting the good ght with data onhow you get off… by yourself.The...

2 years ago
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Teaching Me Part 2

I dont remember getting up off of Kay, or putting my clothes back on, or going to my room and tucking myself in, so I can only suppose Kay did those things for me. I lay on my back in bed, blinking in the strengthening sunlight, remembering the last 2 days, which had flown past, lightspeed. I remembered my first, then second encounter with Doe, and then my little cuddle session with Kay. I remembered how firm and pert her tits were, how soft her nipple was inbetween my lips, the light...

1 year ago
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My Niece Sucks Cock 8211 Part II

With all four of us having cum our huge loads in my niece’s mouth we decided to have a quick drink before we got started again. James grabbed the bottle of rum they had brought from duty free and poured four generous shots. Reena went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup. She knew on her return she was going to be ravaged by all four of us. After 10 or so minutes Reena came out of the bathroom with nothing but towel bath robe on and poured herself a glass of champagne which was gone in 2...

3 years ago
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Danni TylerChapter 17

Dear Kendra I've decided to study Cultural Anthropology. I've always been interested in history, but reading books all day and writing opinions about them never appealed to me. I've been talking with a neighbor of ours who was trying to figure out what everyday life was like in Ancient Greece. He had found a list of what was available in the marketplace, and I was able to tell him what could be done with it in the kitchen. Figuring out how people live, that's interesting. Of course I'll...

1 year ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 20

I looked back at the couple on the ground and Alana was already sitting astraddle Coach Peters. They were both making loud noises and I heard him scream about the time I made it to Aunt Carol’s vehicle. I knew they would be fine though. My Angels would never let harm come to them. I had to laugh, because it was him screaming and not Alana. Our young cheerleader coach has finally become a Bad-Girl and our football coach is going to be the beneficiary of her new found, bold sexuality. The next...

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