Compound X13.1Chapter 11: Loyalties free porn video

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Kate kept her vigil by Merrill's bedside in silence waiting for the effects to surface, her quick calculations, based on the Pharmokinetic studies suggested the drug would kick in 2 to 4 hours after application of the patch. Allowing for the skin diffusion Kate estimated a further 60 minutes, so applied at lunch, say at 1 O'clock Merrill would be in the clear by six. Give it to eight and she could be certain her friend would be unaffected by the compound. Was that little episode earlier with Nicola an effect of the drug? No, decided Kate smiling to her self - that was just pure Merrill. The time dragged on but eventually the magic hour came, and went. Kate cheered up considerably and slunk away for a quick coffee.

Standing quietly in the canteen she ran the last few days through her mind, she had finally decided. Her CV would go in the post to the agencies tomorrow. The light tap on her shoulder sent Kate in to her customary panic, but swinging around she was pleased to see Merrill standing before her.

"Uh, I feel a bit woozy can you help me to the can K?" Merrill affectionately shortened Kay's name.

"Sure lean on me girl," Kate offered scooting her friend along the darkened corridor.

As Merrill hung on to Kate's shoulder Kate became uncomfortably aware of Merrill's rock hard nipples chaffing her arm.

"Jesus it cold out here" Merrill commented, and it sure was!

Kate breathed a sigh of relief and cuddled her friend a little closer.

Kate got Merrill back to bed and decided to stay on, the girl still looked a little grey to her, but surely that must be the after effects by now, Kate glanced at her watch half past nine. O.K. another four hours and she would have metabolized the drug away, mostly in her urine and as Kate had over-heard in the restroom, plenty of that had already been passed. Two more hours slipped away, intently watching Merrill's covered form closely before Kate finally nodded off her self, listening to Merrill's light snoring. It was several hours later when Kate was roused from slumber by Merrill's soft hand brushing her cheek.

"Kate, hey Kate! Are there any bedpans in this dump?"

"Yep sure, hang on I'll get you one" Kate answered dreamily.

Kate rolled out of the bedside chair, switched on the light and made her way to the cupboard at the back of the room.

"Only paper ones I'm afraid, can you manage with that?"

"Me I can piss in a lager can from ten paces," laughed Merrill.

Kate joined in, relieved to hear her friends sense of humor make a welcome return.

Merrill emptied her bladder for what seemed an age, and when she finally shook the last few drips off her pussy she coughed.

"Damn I needed that"

"Sure sounded that way" Kate replied winking at her friend. Kate went to pick up the potty, god it was full to the brim! "I need to be careful not to spill this" Kate stated.

"No it would be a crime to waste it," replied a smiling Merrill. "Wait what's that, is that normal K?" Merrill asked.

Sudden concern for her friend overcame her natural repugnance and Kate positioned her face a few inches above the surface of the amber liquid, peering in to its depths.


Merrill yelled, and brought her hands firmly down on the back of Kate's neck, Kate put up a tough struggle, but it was an uneven contest. Kate's unbalanced position and Merrill's strength won out. Kate's face plunged into the warm pee; it stung her eyes, and then slipped past her lips and teeth filling her mouth with a sour cocktail.

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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 4 How to Make a Sex Genie and How to Make a Succubus

"Oh, Josh-ee that feels so nice!" cried the most beautiful girl in my graduating class, as she rode me; her huge breast engulfing my head while my lips were tightly affixed to her left nipple. She then pulled my head out of her immense tit flesh to soul kiss me; alternating kisses and phrases of encouragement every fifteen seconds or so. Of course out came my dominant streak. "You're mine, Reenee! I'm taking you! You're mine forever!" "Oh, Josh-ee!" she moaned. "Oohhh ... I feel...

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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik Kissa Sins Ultimate Slut

Two stunners — naturally beautiful, unnaturally slutty Adriana Chechik and Kissa Sins — eagerly share a nasty anal threesome with star stud Markus Dupree. They gag on a long double dong, swap spit, give sloppy lesbian rim jobs, ream each other with dildos and drool into gaping buttholes. Markus’ big boner shoves a white ball through their sphincters. He makes each lady squirt girl cum all over the other’s pretty face. Adriana and Kissa eat thick lube straight from each...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 19

Against all Sam’s inner protestations that there was no chance Aidan would contact her, either because Julie did not tell him, or because he simply did not want to know since he had gone back to Julie, Sam was on tenterhooks for that week and the week following. There was, as expected, no contact made, and as the third week began Sam felt her spirits plummeting as if a great gap were opening deep within her. At the end of that week as she climbed into bed, the tears came and with them a...

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EvilAngel Adria Rae A For Anal

Elegant Adria Rae enchants with her perky tits. She plunges her eager asshole with a thick dildo. Her pink rim gapes as she stuffs the toy down her throat! Older stud Mick Blue’s thick prick porks her bunghole, making Adria scream in ecstasy. She masturbates her pink clit while he reams her ass. Adria gags and chokes on his dong, covering it in hot spit. Mick shoves a dildo in her pussy while he thrusts inside her rectum. See nasty anal gaping and a tasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Adria...

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Covid Curing Quarantine Pt 1

Covid Kills.That was the word out on the street. I wasn’t exactly Out On the Street; I was a sophomore at a reasonably reputable college when this brutally bunk pandemic began.“They’re cancelling NBA basketball? What the fuck, man?”I knew it wouldn’t be long before my mother called me home at that point. All the work I’d put into studies that semester would get shelved and - the world would fall over. Well, I hadn’t quite anticipated the world part but shelving the personal progression I was in...

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My motherinlaw made me cum

My wife, Sarah, has large tits, 32HH in fact. This was one of the things that attracted me to her initially, she is beautiful and sexy but those tits, mmm I have always been a fan.I guess my love of large breasts has always been with me, my first serious girlfriend had a lovely pair, large, firm and amazing to play with. In fact, my mother is also well endowed so maybe this was always going to be one of my things.I wouldn’t say I am a tit man, I love long legs and sexy ankles too, oh and a nice...

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Pados Me Nayi Ayi Aunty Ko Choda

Hi friends mera naam rohan hai main es site par naya hoo aur ye meri pahali sex story hai … Main nashik me rehata hoo, ye story mere saath hui jab me engneering ke second year me tha so lets start the story………… Aik din hamare mohalle main aik nayi aunty rehane ayi thi unka naam rani elag(name changed) tha.Jab wo hamare mohale main ayi tab me hamare building ke entrance me hi khada tha wo aik tampo bharake saman layi thi jab maine unko pahali baar dekho to mere andar aik bijali ki lahar uthi...

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