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Chapter 1

It was the middle of summer and the sun was beating down. The heat in the classroom was verging on the uncomfortable. Stan idly looked out the window, trying to take his mind off Veronica. The girls were all dressed in blue skirts and white shirts as per school policy. The length of the skirts seemed to be open to interpretation, however. Not that Stan saw much leg from his seat. What he did see was Veronicas back, the way the sun shone on it almost made the thin fabric transparent. The straps of her bra were clearly visible, though only he seemed to notice.

Stan only lived a few houses away from Veronica. He had known her as long as he could remember. Lately, his feelings towards her had changed. He dreamed of her at night and should she laugh or look at him, his stomach seemed to part from his body. Not just had his feelings changed, but also he had started to notice Veronica more.

Stan was not sure, when it started; he just seemed to start noticing more about her. The way she walked, the way her mouth creased when she smiled. The way her fingers looked so long and delicate. Even her brown hair had, seemingly overnight, developed a sheen that he so longed to run his hands through.

If that was not bad enough, her wardrobe had changed as well. Gone were the baggy scuffed jeans and T-shirts. In their stead, were cropped tops that just seemed to get smaller the more she wore them and low slung tight jeans that followed her every curve.

Just this week she had started to wear a bra to school. The mere existence of it had drawn him to stare at her burgeoning breasts. Stan could not understand how he had never noticed them before. Once noticed, they were added to the list of images that plagued him both night and day. A list that just seemed to get longer as each day passed.

The maths work in front of him lay untouched; he looked away from the window and surreptitiously at the other girls in the class. No other girl was wearing a bra, or had the need to. Stan sighed. Then realised, to late, that it was a bit loud. The teacher looked up from her desk at the front of the classroom and glared at him. Movement caught his eye, as Veronica turned round. She smiled at him, then with a giggle, turned back to face the front, still giggling. Somehow, the act of turning had pulled her shirt tight across her chest, accentuating her small firm breasts.

Instantly, Stan developed a large and uncomfortable erection, just as the teacher spoke. "Stan, if you are having a problem, come and show me it." Stan started to panic slightly. He had a problem all right and if he stood up, his problem would be clear for all to see.

"No, it's all right." Stan mumbled into his jotter. Thinking fast he looked up, "Just a decimal point in the wrong place." The teacher looked at him for a moment then went back to her corrections. Veronica turned round to look at him, laughter in her eyes. Stan blushed and looked back down at his blank page. The ground could not swallow him up fast enough.

The maths period seemed to drag on and on. The only redeeming feature was that it was the last lesson before the final bell. When the final bell rung, Stan stuffed his maths books into his bag. The knowledge that the less work done during class was more homework did not fill him with joy. So wrapped up in his glum musings that when someone spoke to him in the corridor, he visibly jumped.

"'Decimal point in the wrong place'? Yeah really!" Veronica looked at him quizzically.

Stan just looked her and shrugged. The twinkle in her eyes was starting to set his blood a boil. They walked in silence to the school door. Veronica glancing frequently at Stan. Stan looking anywhere but at Veronica. At the door, Stan was ready to break into a run. The privacy of his house and room the only goal. As his muscles tensed, Veronica spoke. "Stan?"

Stan paused and with trepidation replied, "Huh, yes?"

Now it was Veronicas turn to pause. Shyly, she spoke "Will you walk home with me?"

Chapter 2

Stan's mind and emotions were in turmoil. There was nothing more he wanted to do, but not do. It tore at him. As though sensing his turmoil, Veronica stayed quiet. To get home he had to walk past her house anyway so with excited reluctance he agreed.

As Stan walked down the street, he was all too aware of his companion. He found having her near strangely pleasing, and that surprising realisation started to make him hard again. To distract his mind, he looked around. This had the opposite effect than the one intended, as his eyes drifted unbidden to Veronica.

Having spent most of the day looking at her back, he was faced with the fresh new view of her front, from a very close, elevated view. This close, he could see how pronounced her breasts had become and was surprised at how much they had grown. He had not realised he was blatantly staring until a rather purposeful, if somewhat embarrassed cough brought him back. The pavement to her house was studied with the complete non-attention only a teenager can achieve.

It was with an equal mixture of both relief and sadness that he greeted the sight of her front door. Stan was about to speak but Veronica got in first. "If you need help with your homework," she said, looking at his bag, "I'll give you a hand". Indecisive, Stan just stood, saying nothing.

Seeing no reply forthcoming, Veronica turned towards the door, pulling out her key as she did so. Stan just stood there and watched as she opened the door. As she entered the threshold, she looked back "Well?"

Stan felt as though someone had removed his brain, as his feet, on their own accord shuffled forward and words even he did not understand passed his lips. He followed behind her as the door, forgotten, clicked softly shut behind him. She led him into the living room then pointed towards the dinning table. "We'll do your homework there, I just need to change. I'll be back in a minute." Stan watched her depart, wondering what she was going to change into. He followed her through the house with his ears. Listening as she climbed the stairs, her footsteps fading as she got further away. A door shut and he could hear them no longer.

Stan realised as he stood there, that for all the years he had known her, he had never been in her house. For what seemed like an age, he just stood there, dumbly looking around, before he moved to the table and withdrew his homework.

"You're keen." Stan whipped his head round at the sound of Veronicas voice.

"Uh! Sorry, I didn't hear you come down" Stan replied.

Stan was not sure what to expect, but was surprised to see her still in her school uniform. The reason for her quiet entrance, he noticed was that she was barefoot. This fact just seemed to accentuate her bare legs even more. He shifted uncomfortably as he felt his cock start to stiffen once more. As she drew closer, he noticed that shoes and socks were not the only things she had removed. Standing pert and proud, her breasts, unfettered by bra, pushed against the thin fabric of her shirt. Stan could not remove his eyes from the sight. Veronica noticed.

Blushing she spoke "The straps dig in, and it's restricting"

"You don't need it, you're beautiful as you are" Stan groaned inwardly as uncontrolled, the words spilled from his mouth.

Veronica giggled "But not as beautiful as I might be without the shirt?"

"Well now you mention it..."

With a snort, Veronica twisted slightly, grabbed a cushion of the couch, and laid into Stan.

"Hey! Go easy on the body work." Stan said as he tried to dodge the blows. Veronica replied with renewed vigour. Seeing defeat in sight, Stan countered attacked. A brief struggle ensued, but Stan's superior strength en-sued the outcome. Veronica stepped back to retreat, but tripped over Stan's Foot. Laughing they both tumbled onto the couch.

Suddenly Stan was aware that he was lying on top, his body pressed against hers. His left hand on top her right breast. He could feel her nipple through the material. Guiltily, reluctantly, he slowly slid his hand to her side. Unable to face her he looked away, and noticed that her skirt had risen so far up, that it barely covered her knickers. Not only that, but her left leg was between his legs and firmly against his cock.

Stan was captivated by the sight of so much bare leg so close that he started to harden. His growing erection pressed against Veronica's leg, which only heightened his feelings and sped the process up. Aware there was no way he could hide his erection he turned to face Veronica.

The look of revulsion he expected was not there, just one of expectancy. He looked at her face, framed in that beautiful brown hair. Finally giving into temptation, he slid his left hand up to her hair and slowly, reverently ran his hand though it. Waves of pleasure rippled in him as he did so. His hand, travelled back up, and slowly caressed the smooth skin of her cheek. It followed the contours of her face, gliding to, and along, her chin.

As Stan's fingers passed along her chin, Veronica gasped slightly. Her mouth opening, her lips pulling back to reveal the red velvet depths within. Stan, filled with lust, leant forward, and placed his lips against hers. Her mouth opened wider, their tongues clashing as though in some bizarre sword fight. Her hands circled him, pulling him tighter against her. Embarrassed at his actions Stan broke off. "Wow!" He said.

Veronica smiled and licked her lips. Stan followed the movement, and then gave into temptation. Their second kiss was just as frantic and passionate as the first. As they kissed Stan's roving left hand travelled down her body. Riding over waist and skirt to rest briefly on her thigh before travelling downward again. When he got to her knee, he slowly, tenderly, lovingly circled it before starting back up. As he kissed, Stan marvelled at the softness of the flesh beneath his hand. Emboldened, he slid it up under her skirt, feeling the fabric of her panties. When no swift rebuttal followed, he slowly slid his hand over. His thumb leading the way across her midriff.

Still with no resistance, he eased his waist off hers, sliding it to the side. With the way ahead clear, he continued moving his hand across. He marvelled at the strange contours his hand was describing, as it traversed the front of her underwear. So new was the experience, that he broke of the kiss, to follow his hand with his eyes.

With her short skirt up around her waist, he had a clear view of her plain white cotton panties, and the contours they hid. Contours that his fingers now explored. His fingers traced the outline of a valley, and he ran his forefinger down the cleft. Veronica shuddered as he did so, so he repeated it. She shuddered again so he pressed harder and ran two fingers down, pressing the cotton in as he went. This time she groaned. As his fingers gently massaged her pubis, his eyes roamed her body. Her chest rose and fell in way that was most becoming, her nipples engorged and jutting proudly through the material. The sight was truly captivating.

Stan sat up, his left hand still slowly rubbing away. His own erection completely forgotten, Stan brought his right hand over to caress her left breast. To Stan, this was heaven. The feel of the breast beneath was a feeling he could not describe, but a pleasure he could enjoy.

Veronica started to breathe small rapid breaths. Her body seemed incapable of staying still. Her panties had gone from dry to damp to wet. Her movements more frenzied. She seemed to have no control of her hands as they waved about.

Curious, Stan pressed the fingers of his left hand, further into the widening hole. The moisture of the soaked panties making it easier. As if in tandem, Veronica opened her legs wider. Stan responded by slowly rubbing harder, marvelling as he did so, at the new found ridges of flesh. As Stan's fingers explored her cleft, they passed over a small bump. As they did so, Veronica gasped and moaned. Maliciously, Stan repeated the movement. With the same response.

His fingers had only stroked the area a few times when Veronica let out a faint mewling noise that, along with her body movements, slowly faded away. Aware that something of note had happened, Stan slowly removed his fingers.

Veronica slowly opened her eyes and looked at Stan. Stan, uncomfortable with the gaze joked, "I think, we might need a bigger couch."

"Like my bed?" She teased. She stretched, luxuriating in the after glow.

Stan looked at her, stretched out beneath him. "I don't think I could last the distance"

Veronica raised a hand an ran her fingers along his cheek "You've lasted this long"

He bent down to kiss her "Fuck knows how" He gently kissed her again.

They embraced in another passionate kiss. Veronica gently forced him on to his side, his back against the back of the couch. She took his bottom lip between her teeth and gently nibbled, Stan pulled away.

"Stop that. It tickles."

Veronica slipped from his grasp and sat up on the edge of the couch. Suddenly self-conscious she rearranged her clothing.

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Kittens New Life

My thoughts are spiraling out of control creating a tangled web of thoughts. I try pushing through it to think clearly but I'm stuck and I stand there taking a deep breath as I sort them away. Neat drawers labeled with names such as fear, excitement, joy, and weaknesses and as I shuffle them away I look out into the mismatched people waiting for their friends and family to arrive. I twirl a strand of hair nervously as I always do and take a step. I see you and my body screams at me...

3 years ago
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Extra-Curricular Extra-Curricular Waking up and not wanting to get out of bed. That was the first sign; when you know that if you crawl out of bed and into the hellish college surroundings then you won?t be able to escape the fact that you are unlovable. I felt like that for a long time. If you get told it enough it is easy to start to believe it. Every relationship I had was mad, exaggerated. I became infatuated with anyone who spent five minutes getting to know me. Then they would grow...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Baby Nicols Her Hips Dont Lie

Baby Nicols is a tight bodied latina with an ass that wont quit. She likes to dance and put on a show, so she pours oil all over her body and rubs it on her perky little tits. Her pigtails whip back and forth as she gyrates to the music and shakes her tight fit for the camera. When the dude joins her, she pulls out his hard cock, with a look on her face like its Christmas morning. After she gets his cock nice and ready by sucking on it, he fucks her hard from behind, making her moan with...

3 years ago
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In the Heat of the Knight

"I spent my 18th birthday in a goblin prison. I have no intention of arriving home looking like some peasant's housewife!" Princess Lycena shouted, when I offered to buy her new dress from the village tailor. She wore the fur loincloth and brassiere the goblins made her wear. "Okay, whatever you wish, your HIGH-ness" I said. Her-barely covered cantaloupe-sized breasts and shapely hips were making enough of the villagers stare. I didn't want them to come after us with pitchforks. We made camp...

4 years ago
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Surat Guy Enjoyed Sex With Maid

Hello friends, I am Sunil(named changed), I am basically from Gujarat (Surat) age 26 This story is all about few years back when I was working in Chennai and got the opportunity to have sex with maid. Please write me feedback about the story and also any aunty, Bhabhi,unsatisfied lady, or any one want one night stand write me on Friends don’t want to waste your time, coming to the story I have completed my studies and after that I was offered a job in reputed company in Chennai, during the...

2 years ago
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Summer HeatChapter 14

We went inside and got in line. After the blessing, we filled plates and found seats. Neither Alicia nor Delores looked happy that I had Rachel with me. I was. We sat with my parents with Matt and Irene to our left. Rachel smiled. “Gerald, who are those girls giving me the dirty looks?” “Alicia and Delores. I dated Alicia until she broke up with me. She said I wasn’t good enough for her and am dull. She has a guy but I think she wants me to suffer from losing her. Delores and I were friends...

3 years ago
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The Cock Suckers by loyalsock

"Come on in, Peter," Laura Rogers said with a big smile, "how was school today, dear!!" "Pretty good, Mrs. Rogers," the eighteen year old replied quickly, "but I was so excited about our session, my mind wasn't really on my studies!!!" "How sweet of you to say that," Laura answered while kissing the young lad on the cheek, "now be a good boy and show me your penis!!!" Hurriedly Peter unbuckled his belt and shoved his jeans and boxer shorts down around is ankles, letting his semi hard penis...

2 years ago
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Service To My Masters As Slavepart 1

Hi Friends This is Shruthi again with latest encounters. for previous stories please visit After the 3 guys who used me as slave left me, I was not sure on what to do next. I went to the same hotel to stay for a week and then decide on what to do next. When I was reception, Manger saw me and gave a naughty smile. he gave one slip which has mobile number and asked me to call if I need fun. at first I ignored him and left to my room. after some time I thought of calling him. me :...

3 years ago
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Scintillating Time With Neighbor8217s Sisterinlaw

This happened in 1996 when I enjoyed a woman living next to my flat. I am married and me and my wife are residing in a flat in an apartments complex. Here totally 21 flats are there in two buildings. I have taken a double room flat and in my floor there are two other flats. One flat was owned by a couple both of whom were Doctors and their children were away. (Now they have sold the flat and gone away). The Doctor couple would be seldom found in their house and only one old lady (his aunty)...

3 years ago
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I guess I was always a pervert, but I did realize that I really had a problem until she caught me jerking off to pictures of her on the internet. Now just let me ask you, if you came across pictures of the same girl that you have been fantasizing about on a regular basis on the internet bent over with little pink panties around her knees and that perfect tan round butt sticking up in the air, you can't tell me that you couldn't help but whip it out and beat it like Micheal. So there I was about...

1 year ago
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The rain lashed it's cool touch across my face as I stared at the number on the front door. Anxiety and arousal lined my stomach with lead as I hesitated on her doorstep. I remembered when I posted my advertisement to Usenet last week, eager to meet a woman with whom I could explore my most erotic virgin fantasies. I'd always enjoyed honest sex but I'd never dared allow my repressed desires to surface. But now I had done it! I had advertised and now I was here, to meet a likeminded woman for...

2 years ago
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The Beauty of Friendship

Rebecca, a tall, slender brunette, was lying in her bed the morning she was to move into her college dorm. She pondered what she had in her life. She was eighteen years old. She had just graduated high school and she was ready to move onto the next phase in her life: college at the University of South Carolina. She rose from her bed and gathered her things for her morning shower. She raised the temperature of the water to a perfect warmth that greatly pleased her body. She rubbed soap on...

2 years ago
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Waking Up

I wake up and roll my head over, just next to me on the bed I can see my phone, I pick it up and see the time. It is 7:22am, my alarm clock will go off in 8 minutes but yesterday was a slow night and I slept early, so I woke up before that. I am in my small room in my Masters house, I have my own house but more on that later. The room as I mentioned is not large, a big single bed in the middle, a rather large TV on the wall opposite the bed. To the left of the TV is the door to go out and to...

1 year ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 105

Not knowing where Veronique was taking her, peaked her curiosity. At first, Sandra had tried to figure out where she was taken, but rather quickly, she had given up on it. Veronique was driving away from the city, into a neighborhood Sandra had almost never been. So, she was sure they were going to a place she didn't know, which made it extra exciting for her. Abandoning her attempts to figure out where they were going, she just looked out of the window and watched the people going about...

2 years ago
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A Life Home Again Part 2

It was three days before I was put in general population and I was still not talking. My first day wasn't good. Someone from a gang I had I run afoul before knew me and told me he was going to get some pay back for his bothers. The next day we got to go outside in the yard I knew that something was going to happen. I tried to keep to myself but that just isolated me and the next thing I know I'm standing in front of eight of them. The one that threatened me before didn't even let speak...

3 years ago
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In-Lawsby PatrickI was just into my 22nd year of life, and my final year of College when I met Henry. It was at a dinner party with some friends, and you could say he swept me off my feet or swept into my life like a tornado or knocked me for a loop, or any of those corny things, because it was absolutely true. I was totally and completely overwhelmed. I'd grown up in a small town and my parents were very strict and conservative, and although there had been one or two males in my life since I...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 284 Pirate Party Motivating Soccer Players

Monday, September 26 to the end of 2005 (Continued) The usual jock-related crap didn't occupy much of our time, as there were too many other fun things to do. Carol and I had both enjoyed "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (I'm pretty sure for different reasons, although we both agreed that we liked Johnny Depp), so I booked out one of the local movie theaters on Nov 7, the day "Dead Man's Chest" came out. Me, Carol, and a hundred of our closest friends saw the...

2 years ago
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Thundering Knights Part One

After boarding the ship, Tamalain met with the Captain of the good ship The Golden Mane, Captain Marian. Marian was not what Tamalain expected after her previous trip on a human run sea going vessel. Marian was tall, over six feet and heavily muscled from hard labor of working as a sailor. She also had a voice that carried loudly over the wind and noises of a ship under way. "What can I do for you lady Elf?" asked Captain Marian. "Will it be alright for me to sleep in the upper crows nest,...

2 years ago
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First Business Trip To Denver PT1

I had been working for this tech company for 2 year before I got my first opportunity for a business work trip to our Denver office that was being slammed with work projects. The good thing was based upon coworkers feedback was this was an all expense trip and the individual that in charge off all the bill didn't care what people spend as long it was reasonable, aka no $200 meals keeping expenses under $100 a day. Trip from Vegas to Denver was about 2 and a half hour long and the car trip to...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected View Continues

As I was closing in on the last hundred miles of my ten-day five thousand mile cycle, I was becoming excited about looking at the videos from my two “spy cameras” when I finally got home.  What started out as a probe to find out who was messing with my computer and television turned out to be one hell of an unexpected view that has left me wanting to see more.  Yet, all the while, I still wondered if Karen knew she was performing or was using the big-screen television and computer to fuel her...

3 years ago
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Super Bowl Party

This story takes place a few weeks after the events in "Birthday Party."Chaz and I were still fucking. And sucking. Every opportunity we got. Weekends were spent at his place or mine, making the bedsheets filthy. We hardly spent any time at our favorite watering hole any more. We were too busy getting each other off.We did get an invite to a Super Bowl party. And while we didn't really want to go, we figured we hadn't seen some of our friends in a while. And it might be nice to do something...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 26

We climbed up the bleachers and Robbie sat. Then Tami and I sat on either side of her. Robbie looked from Tami to me and back again. "How come you're not sitting over there?" she asked Tami, pointing at the empty space next to me. "'Cause I wanted to sit by my best friend." Robbie looked from me to Tami. "Un huh. Afraid I'm going to cause trouble?" "Of course not," I said quickly. Then softly added, "If we win." "I heard that." I grinned. Robbie glared for a minute, then...

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