Understanding free porn video

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Understanding by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) Bob and Linda had been married for two years and although both would agree that theirs was a great marriage each had a problem understanding the other. Linda felt although Bob was a devoted husband and wonderful lover he just didn't quite understand her needs at times. She often wanted to just be held and cuddled but Bob mistook this for a desire to make love. When they did make love she felt that he never spent enough time afterwards just holding her, he normally rolled over and went to sleep. Linda patiently listened to Bob's troubles with his job but Bob tended to brush off her problems saying that as a secretary all she really had to do was to sit around and look pretty. He laughingly told her that she had a 'girl job' and didn't really know hard it was for him. One thing that always annoyed her was the way he took for granted how nice she always looked. He had no idea what she went through to look her best, the discomfort of sleeping in curlers, the way her feet hurt after wearing heels all day, the extra time it took her to put on makeup every morning, hurrying to dress and ruining a brand new pair of pantyhose! If she could only make him understand she was sure she'd have the perfect husband! One afternoon she was having lunch with Julie, a woman she had know and liked for years at work, and began to discuss her problem. Julie listened intently to her and after making certain there was no one else around told Linda that she could help. Julie quietly explained to Linda that like the lead character of the old television show "Bewitched" she was an honest to goodness Witch. Linda started to laugh but stopped suddenly when without either of them getting up their coffee cups refilled themselves! Having Linda's now undivided attention Julie explained that she came from a family where such powers were fairly commonplace although seldom used. Julie told how when she was a little girl a boy had teased her unmercifully telling her how silly he thought she looked in a pretty new dress her mother had bought her. Julie loved the dress and could take the boy's teasing no more. Imagine his parents surprise when he walked through the door his long hair tied back with a pretty red ribbon, wearing a frilly party dress, anklets, and patent leather shoes! When questioned the boy could only say that Julie had lent him some of her clothes after he told her how much he liked them! Julie's parents reprimanded her and explained that she could cause herself and her family a great deal of trouble if she wasn't careful. From then on Julie was careful about using her powers until she was in high school and a boy stood up her best friend for the senior prom. The boy had asked Julie's friend first but later met a pretty girl from another school and decided to take her instead. Julie's friend cried for hours when the boy told her he had decided not to take her after all and it was more than Julie could stand. Her friend found another boy to take her to the prom and laughed along with everyone else when the boy and his date walked in - she wore a tux and he wore a fancy Prom gown with a full skirt and billowing petticoats! Julie offered to change Bob into a woman if Linda wanted but Linda decided against it. How would she explain her husband's disappearance and after all for all his faults he was a terrific lover! No, Linda decided , making a woman out of Bob just wouldn't work. After a few minutes the women did come up with another idea which both agreed would give Bob the understanding he needed to have with no one the wiser! It took the remainder of their lunch hour to work out the details but finally they settled everything and decided to put the plan into place the next morning. That night as they made love Linda was tempted to forgo the idea but once again within minutes of finishing, Bob was sound asleep leaving Linda feeling sad and lonely. She became convinced that she had to go through with the plan no matter what! Linda was as usual the first to wake up the next morning and remembering what was to have occurred she quietly slipped out of the bed and went into the bathroom. A glance in the mirror above the sink revealed not the smooth, pretty face, of a twenty five year old woman but the coarse, rough skin of a twenty five year old man! Linda noticed that instead of the pretty, lace trimmed nightgown she had worn to bed she now wore Bob's briefs and tee shirt. She took a deep breath, pulled the top of her briefs down and away from her waist and looked down. Yes, everything had worked, no longer was there a soft tuft of blond pubic hair and a slit. Now she was the somewhat proud owner of coarse, dark brown pubic hair and a penis! She stood there staring at her new equipment for a few minutes before realizing that she had another reason for being in the bathroom. She pulled her briefs back up to her waist, groped for a second or two in the front opening, lifted the toilet seat and let loose a stream into the bowl. "This is a whole lot better than holding my nightgown up, pulling my panties down and sitting" She thought to herself. When she finished and didn't need to wipe herself she was convinced that being a man had definite advantages! Linda smiled at her reflection in the mirror, admiring her new body from different angles before going back to the bedroom to wake Bob in a way he'd never forget! She slipped back into bed next to a figure wearing a white, knee length, nylon nightgown with lace around the bodice. Ever so gently she curled up next to Bob and began to squeeze his new breasts with one hand while uncovering him with the other. Her efforts were soon rewarded as Bob's breathing began to get slower and heavier. With the blankets now down to his knees Linda raised his nightgown to his waist, and began to run her fingers across the front of the lace panties he was now wearing. The breathing became even heavier as she alternated squeezing his breasts with rolling his nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Bob began to respond on a subconscious level, lifting his buttocks from the mattress to allow Linda to take down his panties. Soon Linda's probing fingers had found his vagina and she began to massage the spot she knew would give him the most pleasure! By now Bob was semi conscious, moaning with pleasure and begging Linda to enter him. Linda whose cock was now in dire need of attention was only to happy to oblige. She quickly pulled his panties the rest of the way down and over his feet then slowly rolled on top. She placed her cock against his vaginal opening and gently inserted and removed it to allow Bob time to adjust while she alternately kissed his breasts and his neck. Bob in the throes of passion locked his legs around Linda's midsection to allow her deeper penetration! Moments later Linda felt begin to tighten up as a feeling welled up inside of her. Suddenly her cock was throbbing explosively inside of Bob's vagina while he clamped down and sighed with pleasure! "Good God!" Linda though. "So that's what it's like for him to climax! What a feeling!" Instead of pulling out and going back to sleep as Bob would have done she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, telling him how much she loved him and how pretty he was. Perhaps it was the idea of being pretty that caused the conflict in his mind but in any event Bob suddenly became completely awake and aware of his surroundings. He stared at Linda's face long and hard before reaching down to her semi erect cock. He gasped then quickly felt his own crotch. "Oh my God!" He shouted. "What's happened to...." His voice suddenly broke off as he realized he was hearing not his but Linda's voice. Linda pulled him closer and kissed him. "It's what's happened to us Linda dear." She said soothingly as she began to run her fingers through his long hair. "Linda!" Bob cried out quite confused. "Why are you calling me Linda? That's you, I'm Bob!" "Not any more, my love." Laughed Linda. "I'm Bob and you are my lovely wife Linda!" Bob jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Seconds later a high pitched scream brought Linda to see him staring into a full length mirror with his nightgown lifted to his chin! "This has to be a bad dream!" He muttered over and over. "I'm not a woman, I'm a man!" "Keep telling yourself that sweetheart," Linda said as she pulled him close and began to massage his clitoris. "But I doubt anyone's going to believe a sexy babe like you could possibly be a man!" Bob began to sob as Linda held him close. Her massage was beginning to get to him however and soon soft moaning was intermingled with the sobs. Soon the sobbing stopped as Linda backed him against a wall and began to enter him again. "You, I mean I've always wanted to try this." She whispered as she nibbled on his ear. "How does it feel?" Bob had no way to resist the pleasure that was sweeping over his new body. He was confused but that wasn't important right now. What was important was that he was one hot, horny, babe who wanted her husband to screw her brains out! "Wonderful" he moaned as Linda thrust deeper and deeper into him. "Oh dear God it feels wonderful!" After several shuddering orgasms he allowed Linda to carry him in her arms back to their bed. She ever so gently laid him down on the bed and removed his nightgown. Lying next to him she took first one of his firm breasts into her mouth to suck on then switched to the other. After a few minutes of this she reached up and planted a hard kiss on his delicate lips pushing them aside with her tongue. "This is what I've always wanted you to do to me lover," she said. "Now isn't this better than rolling over and going to sleep?" "Yes my love, so much better." Bob moaned. "But what about us?" "We'll worry about that later," Linda replied mysteriously. "When I'm done making love to my beautiful wife!" "I..I'm not sure I can take much more." Bob pleaded. "Can't we get dressed and talk?" "In a little bit pretty lady, " Linda replied. "But first..." The next thing Bob knew Linda had flipped around so that her face and specifically her tongue, was now buried between his legs! Bob's body was once again racked with pleasure. He was in ecstasy and suddenly wanted to repay Linda for being such a great lover. An idea popped into his head and he knew what he had to do. Part of him rebelled but it was no contest really, for Linda's thoughts were now his and he was helpless to resist. As Linda licked at his clitoris Bob moved closer to her crotch and began to lick at her cock. Finding the salty taste to his liking he grasped the head with his hands, put it into his mouth, and began to suck and lick like a woman possessed! His efforts were meet with sighs of pleasure from Linda who intensified her licking to match Bob's pressure on her cock. The climax came swiftly as she felt herself shuddering and pulsating in Bob's mouth. She collapsed like a wet rag into Bob's arms. He smiled and whispered his thanks as they both drifted off to sleep. Bob woke several hours later, his heart pounding from the dream he had just had. He got up to go to the bathroom and it was then that he noticed it hadn't been a dream! A man who looked to be his identical twin was sleeping on what had been his side of the bed and he was standing there in a pretty nightgown looking down at the mounds on his chest. Linda stirred and seeing Bob out of bed smiled up at him. "I've always dreamed of making love like that! It was the best ever!" "It was great." Bob admitted. "Now would you please explain what's going on?" "Let's take a shower and get dressed, I'll explain as we go." Bob found it odd that instead of walking over to where his tee shirts and brief were kept he found himself picking out a pair of panties and a bra. He shook his head as if to clear it but it did no good. Shrugging his shoulders in disbelief he followed his new husband into their bathroom. Once there he found that nature was calling him with a rather urgent message which he could not ignore. Lifting his nightgown above his waist he sat down to attend to business. Once finished he reached for the toilet paper and wiped himself as he had done since he was a little girl. Only problem was that deep down inside he was still confused, he had never been a little girl or a girl of any size. Why then was he acting this way? Seeing the perplexed look on her new wife's face Linda began to tell him all about her problem and Julie's solution. She explained all of the details to him as they soaped each other's bodies in the shower. All they had to do was to relax she explained, and everything would be fine. "How am I supposed to relax?" Bob sobbed. "How do I explain to the people at work that I'm now a woman?" Linda put her arm around her husband's thin waist. "What's to explain?" She asked as she held him close to her hairy chest. "You'll be going to work as me for a little while. No one will ever know the difference!" "I can't go to work as you!" Bob cried. "I'm not a secretary, I don't know the first thing about your job!" "Care to bet?" Linda asked coyly. "What drawer do I put my purse in?" "Bottom left, in the back and locked of course." Replied Bob without a thought. "Very good! Now, what color slip did Mary Ann buy when we went shopping last week?" "Black, to go with the black dress she just bought." "Hey, wait a minute," Bob said. "How the heck would I know that?" "Because you went shopping with her last Wednesday, that's how! Remember what you almost bought?" A smile began to break on Bob's face. "Yeah, I remember. A pair of Pinocchio underpants for you!" He said lost in a very happy thought. "I should have too, you'd look so cute in them when you're 'nose' starts to grow!" "There you go!" Linda said happily. "It's just like Julie said, whatever you need to know you'll know! You have every memory that I ever had and I have yours!" "But I can't be a woman! I just can't! I've been a guy for the last twenty five years, I just can't switch and become a woman overnight! Linda just looked at him and smiled. She put her arm around his waist and pulled him towards her. Cupping his breasts with her hands she kissed him and said," I'll be happy to take you back into the bedroom and show you how easy it really is if you like!" Purely as a reflex Bob gently pushed her away. "Don't guy's think about anything but sex?" He giggled. "Apparently you thought of it a lot, and still do!" They finished their shower and began to dress. Linda put on her new briefs without hesitation but Bob stood there staring at his bra for a few moments. "You might as well just put it on." Linda said. "There's no getting around the fact that you need one you know!" Bob sighed and put the bra up to his chest. Without further thought he hooked it with ease in front before turning it around and placing his breasts into the cups. He was really amazed at just how easy it was even though he'd never worn one before. He stepped into his panties, pulled them to his waist, then slipped his nightgown back on. They went back to the room to dress with Bob putting on a lightweight pink jogging suit and socks. Linda pulled on a pair of jeans and sneakers with a tank top that showed off his muscled arms and hairy chest. "I look pretty good considering I used to wear a size 12 dress don't you think Linda?" Bob, sitting at the vanity brushing his long hair turned and threw a brush. "I wear a size eight and you know it!" He screamed playfully. "But yes you do look good!" "Care to go back to bed, my lovely?" Linda teased. Bob walked over to where Linda was standing and playfully squeezed her cock as they kissed. "I'll take a rain check on that if you don't mind." She replied. "If you're good I might find some time later!" Suddenly Bob's expression turned to one of horror. "What am I saying? Have I gone mad?" Linda soothed his feelings with a hug and kiss. "No honey," She said as she held him tight. "Not mad, just female!" Bob took a few moments to enjoy the closeness before wiping the tears from his eyes. One last kiss and they set off to have breakfast. Linda made certain that her new wife understood all of the details involving their switch. She told Bob that she had really been upset with him and that this had been the only way she could think of to help. All they had to do was to spend one year as each other and then they would be switched back. During that time no one would ever know the truth, they would live, work, and play as a man and woman normally would. Linda would remember having been a woman but she would experience only those feelings that a man would have. Bob would be the same, he'd remember everything about his past life as a man but for the next year would experience life from a woman's point of view. Bob kept asking if there was any way to shorten the time but Linda explained that it could not be done. In order for them to truly understand each others feelings there could be no way out for a year! Each would have the memories of the other in addition to their own but each would also have the other's desires and feelings too! Bob would think, act , and feel like a woman while Linda would have the thoughts, actions, and emotions of a man. There was one thing that would be different though, Linda explained. Although they would have the thoughts and feelings of their partner they would have the opportunity to act on them differently if they desired. Linda explained to Bob that his reactions to their love making was a result of experiencing a woman's emotions, specifically Linda's! Over the coming year she planned to treat him as she had wished to be treated. He would experience the delight Linda would have felt and when the year was up he would then want to have her experience that delight. They would remember the way they had felt and reacted to things before the change but would be unable to duplicate those emotions. On the other hand they had the opportunity to teach the other what they wanted them to know. Linda had already shown Bob that spending more time making love could result in increased closeness and pleasure. Bob would be able to show Linda that perhaps some of the things that he had asked of her could have the same result. Along the way they'd learn what life was really life for the opposite sex! Linda sat down and began to read the morning paper as Bob prepared breakfast. He didn't mind preparing it, it was just what he had always done since they were married. When all was ready he went to tell Linda. Linda was sitting in the living room watching TV and reading the paper. Bob smiled, leaned over and kissed her. "Breakfast is ready honey!" He said happily. "Time to spend time with your wife remember?" Linda responded by pulling Bob into her lap and kissing him. "Have I mentioned that you're beautiful?" She asked with a grin. "Every weekend since we've been married!" Bob replied, "But please don't stop, I love to hear it!" Bob and Linda spent the next few moments in a passionate embrace, kissing, hugging, and exploring each others bodies. Bob was amazed at the sensations he felt as Linda held and kissed him, he'd never felt so secure and filled with love before. After breakfast Linda settled down to watch TV and read the paper while Bob did the dishes an cleaned up the kitchen. Soon he found himself humming and singing as Linda had done so many times before. He was still unsure of how he felt about the switch but if he relaxed he noticed that longer and longer periods of time went by without thinking about it. After he finished cleaning the kitchen he remembered that he was due for an aerobics class later that afternoon. Still humming he went back to the bedroom and began selecting the exercise outfit he'd need for class. Linda had one entire drawer filled with leotards and other exercise clothes and Bob soon found that a half hour had gone by as he happily decided on just the right outfit to wear. Bob finally chose a pink leotard with purple accents to wear along with a pair of white tights and pink socks. He carefully packed the outfit into his carry bag along with a fresh pair of white, nylon panties and a clean bra. He knew that after the class he'd feel hot and sweaty and would certainly need a shower so without another thought packed a small bottle of shampoo, creme rinse, and a hair dryer. He was completely packed before he realized what had just happened, hurrying to the living room he found tears running down his face. "Linda!" He sobbed. "What's happening? I just finished getting everything ready for an exercise class I can't take!" Linda reached for a tissue and dried Bob's face. "Why not honey?" She asked perplexed. "You've been going to that class for six months now?" "But it's a class for women! I can't get changed in front of all those women!" Linda had been so relaxed and comfortable she had momentarily forgotten she was now in Bob's body. "Oh, sorry lover, I forgot for a second." She said sympathetically. "Now that you mention it I have a racquetball game this afternoon myself!" "We'll just have to cancel!" Bob said. "There's no other choice." "Sorry honey but you're wrong." Linda said softly as she held Bob. "I'm going to my game so you might as well go to your class. After all you're going to be spending the next year as a woman and when I get that body back I expect it in the same shape you got it in!" Linda sat Bob upright in her lap. "There's nothing to worry about, you're a woman now too! Go to the class and have fun!" Bob was still a bit upset but Linda seemed to have a way of calming him down and making things so much better. He realized that she was right and memories of how much Linda enjoyed the class flooded his mind. He smiled at Linda, kissed her deeply and told her how much he loved her. Then he gathered his exercise bag, purse, and car keys, and started to class. He did his best to relax as he drove and by the time he got to the class he was feeling pretty good. Walking into the building he greeted several other women he seemed to know as they walked to the changing room together. Inside the changing room the women talked about their job, husbands and families and Bob found that he was able to fit right into the conversation. He took off his jogging suit, pulled on his leotards and tights, pulled his hair back into a ponytail and followed the other ladies to the class. Bob had a great time in the class, it seemed effortless for him to keep up even as other women were dropping off to rest. An hour later the class had ended and Bob feeling better than ever went off to shower and change. He stripped off his leotards, tights, panties and bra and stepped into an available shower. As he was lathering his long blonde hair he found it strange that he was standing in a room full of naked and semi -dressed women and felt quite normal! He then realized just how complete the change had been, he truly was a woman! When Bob returned home Linda was still at her racquetball game so he fixed himself a small salad for his dinner. Finishing the salad Bob poured himself a glass of diet cola and began looking through one of the many fashion magazines Linda subscribed to. It wasn't long before he found himself lost in thought over how pretty some of the outfits were and how he'd look in them. He was attracted to a particular hairstyle shown in the magazine and decided to change the way he wore his hair. "After all" he thought, "Julie did say we could act on our feelings, just because Linda never wanted to try anything different doesn't mean I can't!" Bob found himself thinking of the many things he wanted Linda to try and decided that since he was Linda now he'd show her all the fun they had missed! Looking at he clock he new she wouldn't be home for several hours so he decided to try one of his ideas - a romantic dinner. Bob hurried off to the grocery store and picked up a few of the items he'd need to surprise Linda when she got home. Another stop for some wine and it was back home to get things ready. After starting dinner Bob dug out the lace tablecloth they had gotten as a wedding gift. Bob had asked her to use it several times but Linda had always insisted that it was much too fancy for their casual lifestyle "Wait till she sees how nice it looks !" Bob thought as he carefully spread it on the table. "I'm sure she'll love it!" Once the table was set with their best china and two scented candles Bob looked at the clock and found he had just a half hour left until Linda returned. One quick check of the steaks and he dashed off to get ready. After all, he couldn't wear a jogging suit to a romantic dinner with his new husband! First he had to find something nice for Linda to wear and after much thought he set out a suit that he had previously worn for their anniversary dinner. Satisfied that Linda would look just right he went through his drawers choosing a red lace panty, bra, and garter set, with a matching half slip. He couldn't wait for Linda to see what he was wearing hoping it would stir a little passion in her heart! A few minutes of searching his closet found him the perfect dress, it was a deep red with a flared skirt, low cut neckline, and sheer sleeves. Linda had bought it for a special occasion but never got around to wearing it deeming it to be too fancy also. Bob stepped out of his jogging suit, removed the plain white bra and panties he was wearing and began to dress for dinner. He pulled the panties up then fastened the garter belt around his waist before putting on his bra. A glance in the mirror showed an attractive woman in lingerie that would build a fire under any man, just the look Bob wanted! He pulled on a pair of silky black stockings with a small red rose design woven into the fabric at the ankles. They also had been a gift to him from Linda which had never been out of the original package. Tonight would be their christening! After making sure his outfit was perfect Bob put hot rollers into his hair to style it the way it looked in his fashion magazine. He used the time it took to curl his hair putting on makeup to match his outfit; a smoky brown shadow on his lids, rich black mascara to curl his lashes, a light foundation to provide just the right base, a pink blush to highlight his features, then a coat of wine red lipstick as the finishing touch. A few minutes later after removing the curlers and brushing out his hair and Bob was sure Linda wouldn't be able to keep her hands off him! He chose a pair of pretty black earrings, sprayed on some of Linda's perfume that he had always liked, slipped into a pair of red heels, and went out to wait for Linda. Linda was momentarily surprised when she caught sight of Bob but a smile began to creep over her face. "Looks like someone has plans!" She joked!" Bob smiled and twirled around a few times. "I hope you like it, I wore it just for you!" "I should hope so!" Laughed Linda pulling him close. "I'm flattered honey, you look beautiful!" Bob put his arms around Linda and raised his face to hers. Linda leaned down and planted a lingering kiss on his lips. "What have you got planned?" she asked. "Follow me and you'll find out!" Bob said teasingly. He turned on his heel and started off for the bedroom. "You didn't need to get all prettied up just to make love!" Linda laughed. "Believe me, I'd have settled for a jogging suit!" Bob gave her a playful swat. "Not now silly," He giggled. "But you never know!" Linda followed him into the bedroom where Bob had laid out the suit he wanted her to wear. "Is this really necessary?" She asked somewhat put out. "Please do it for me!" Bob asked, rubbing her crotch for good measure. "Okay, " Linda agreed moving Bob's hand from her crotch. "But if you keep that up we'll never get out of here! Bob gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and laughed. "We'll talk about that later, right now dinner's waiting." Linda pulled Bob close and kissed him passionately. "You are one sexy lady, did you know that?" She said as Bob pulled away. "And you are the horniest guy I've ever know!" He laughed. "Now please hurry and get dressed!" Bob left the room before things got too far along, he wanted to fulfill his fantasy of a romantic dinner and he was sure he'd never do it if he stayed in that bedroom! In a few minutes Linda came out of the bedroom dressed in the suit Bob had laid out for her. "Well, is this what you had in mind?" She asked. "You look great Linda!" Bob exclaimed. "Just like I pictured!" "I always wanted you to wear this suit." Said Linda. "I knew it would be prefect for you." "I know honey," Bob said. "And I always wanted to see you in this dress. It's so pretty, and you would have looked beautiful in it. That's why I planned this little dinner." Linda looked at Bob standing there in his pretty dress, his accessories and makeup perfectly coordinated to his outfit. " You're really sweet Bob, and you make a really beautiful woman!" "I'm just trying to show you what's possible with a little work, that's all." Bob replied. "Remember, this is what you could look like if you tried." Linda just shook her hand and smiled. "You really don't understand, do you? It's not that easy to look drop dead gorgeous all of the time. It takes a lot of time and trouble, time and trouble I didn't always feel like spending and having!" "Oh come on," Bob replied. "It didn't take that long and look at the results I got !" "We'll see how you feel about it when Monday morning comes and you have to get all prettied up for work. You'll change your mind soon enough!" "Wait until you have to put a sharp razor to your throat when your half asleep." Bob retorted. "You have no idea how easy you have it as a woman!" Linda stopped for a moment to think, then burst into a fit of laughter. "What's so funny!" Asked Bob petulantly. "We are!" Laughed Linda. "We've had this argument before but now we're going to finally find out who's right! Bob suddenly became very much aware of that Linda no longer had it easy as a woman, he did! He moved closer to Linda and standing on his toes kissed her. "Let's not argue about it now please, I don't want anything to spoil this evening!" Linda returned his kiss then held out his chair. Bob smiled at her, smoothed out his skirt and sat down. Linda leaned over, gave him a kiss on the cheek and told his how pretty he looked and how much she loved him. "Keep that that up and I may never switch back." He said with a smile. "You really know how to make a woman feel special." Bob and Linda finished dinner then went into the room to sip some wine and listen to soft music Bob had selected. The wine seemed to enhance their mood and soon they were acting like a couple of teenagers, petting, and kissing each other. Soon Linda's hands were at the zipper on Bob's dress, frantically trying to lower it with her one free hand, the other being occupied massaging Bob's breasts. Bob was doing what he could to help Linda but the best he could manage was to keep his back away from the couch while his hands worked to undo Bob's pants. Linda finally decided that they'd never accomplish much this way so she lifted Bob into her arms and once again carried him off to their bedroom. In the bedroom Bob happily turned his back so that Linda could unzip his dress. He turned and kissed her allowing the dress to slip from his shoulders to the floor. As the dress fell from him he carefully unbuttoned and removed Linda's shirt and pants. As Linda stepped out of her slacks Bob pulled down the jockey briefs Linda wore then stepped back to let Linda see his choice of lingerie. Linda was stunned to see what Bob had chosen. "What ever made you want to wear that?" She asked curiously. "Another fantasy of mine," Bob shrugged. "I thought you'd like them when I bought them for you." "I thought they'd make me feel like a slut." Linda explained. "That's why I never wore them." Bob coyly extended his right leg lifting his lacy slip to expose his gartered stockings. " I feel really sexy and pretty" He replied. "I don't understand why you'd say that." A smile began to form across Linda's face. "I have an idea!" She said happily. "If this is going to work we should try doing or wearing the things the other didn't like. Then we'd get a better understanding of each other's feelings!" "That's sounds all right to me." Bob replied. "When do we start?" "How about right now?" Linda asked mischievously. "Just what do you have in mind?" Asked Bob suspiciously. "We are going to make love aren't we?" Linda just smiled. "Of course we are my sweet," Linda said soothingly. "But I'd appreciate it if you'd do me a favor?" "Name it." Bob replied, nibbling on Linda's ear. "Whatever you'd like honey." Linda walked over to what had been her underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of tiny bikini panties generously trimmed in lace, and a sheer robe that barely went to her hips. "Would you wear this?" She asked, her voice suggesting that she knew Bob would refuse. Bob hesitated for a moment. He knew that like the lingerie he now wore Linda had refused to wear the outfit she was holding, saying she felt cheap in it. He also knew how much he had enjoyed it the one and only time Linda had consented to wear it. If he really wanted Linda to understand this was a perfect chance. "Would you help me out of my bra please?" He asked seductively as he took the garment from Linda. Linda was more than happy to help him out of his bra, slip, and panties for although she remembered how as a woman she hated the outfit she was asking Bob to wear she couldn't ignore the male feelings that she now had. Truthfully she knew she couldn't wait to get Bob into bed wearing that frilly little outfit! Bob made quite a show of sliding first his slip, then his panties, and finally his garter belt and stockings down his legs before kicking them into a corner. He realized that Linda was most likely going crazy waiting as he slowly pulled the lacy panties up his legs then slowly and carefully slipped on the robe. Bob pulled the sides of the robe together then tied the white satin sash in a bow to hold it shut. He playfully thrust his chest out towards Linda to let her see his now stiff nipples through the sheer fabric of the robe. "Do I look slutty enough for you?" Bob teased. "Let's get going buddy, I've got other clients to service tonight you know!" Linda pulled Bob close and kissed him hard on the lips. "You're mine tonight lady!" She laughed. "You're other customers will just have to find another girl!" She stretched out on the bed and pulled Bob down beside her. She undid the sash and began to rub Bob's nipples with her fingertips. "Just lay there pretty lady," she whispered. "I'm going to show you what a woman likes from a man!" Bob reached down and grasped Linda's stiff cock. "I already know what this woman likes!" He giggled. "If you thought this afternoon was fun you're going to love tonight!" Linda whispered as she pulled Bob on top of her . Bob suddenly found himself sitting on Linda's stomach with a stiff cock pressed against him. Following Linda's directions he slowly lowered himself onto her cock until it was completely in. Gently he raised himself a small amount then sat back down again. "Well?" Linda asked. "What do you think?" Bob smiled , kissed Linda softly on the lips then began to rapidly raise and lower himself on Linda's cock. "Ride 'em cowboy!" He shouted. Linda pulled him close and kissed him passionately. "You acting like a real slut!" She said jokingly. Bob broke off from the kiss and resumed his ride on Linda's cock. "I don't care," He said breathlessly. "I've never felt this good before!" After several minutes Linda grabbed Bob and pulled him tight to her chest. "I'm coming baby!" She cried. "Oh lord it's wonderful!" Just as Linda's cock began to throb Bob felt an orgasm building inside of him. He pressed his lips to hers as wave after wave of pleasure swept over his body. "You are undoubtedly the best lover a woman could ever want." He said softly. "But if this is what you felt as a woman why would you want to be me?" "You can't make love all of the time baby," Linda replied. "Being a woman isn't just having orgasms, it's really not such an easy life as you're going to see." "I hope you know what you're doing." Bob said. "I'm still not completely convinced I can pull off being female." Linda hugged Bob close and ran her fingers through his shoulder length hair. "Trust me honey, you're going to make a great lady. No one will ever know we switched." Somehow Bob felt better hearing Linda's words and with one last kiss drifted off to sleep. Things never were quite the same for Linda and Bob after the switch. Actually, they improved! Linda's memories of life as Bob led her to take a more active role in her career. Before she had just let things happen as they may but since the switch she began to try to guide her career more and more with the result that she received several promotions. Bob was no longer the hard nose manager that he had been thanks to the feminine influence Linda had on him. He became much easier to get along with and more tolerant of people under him. This approach was quickly recognized by those under him who worked harder for him and those over him who promoted him! Their social life was the envy of everyone they knew. Both Bob and Linda were considered to be valued guests at company parties where the men couldn't imagine life with a more beautiful, attentive wife than Bob and the women all wished for a husband as sweet and understanding as Linda! Bob became quite the social butterfly at these parties, invited to dance by men who felt compelled to have such a lovely woman in their arms if only for a dance. His knowledge of the world and business astounded them and changed many a man's mind about a woman's intelligence. The wives of many of these men were thrilled to suddenly have husbands who sought and valued their opinions on matters they had previously been thought to be ignorant of. Bob had a way of dressing that told the world that he was thrilled to be a woman but his actions proclaimed him to be a true lady. Men might seek out his company at parties but without saying a word he made it clear that Linda was the only man in the world for him! Linda's gentle manner and ready smile attracted women to her wherever they went. To the women she danced with the world seemed to consists of only them. When she danced with a woman she complimented her on her outfit and looks as well as talked to her about whatever she cared to talk about. The women were always amazed that a man could be equally comfortable talking about issues of interest to men as well as women. If only he were mine, the women thought, but there was never any doubt that Bob was the only woman he cared about! The months passed quickly and soon the year was close to ending. They often talked of what life had been like for them and the changes that had occurred but neither had any regrets. A few days before the year was to end Bob sprang a surprise on Linda. He was pregnant! "But the doctors said I had practically no chance of becoming pregnant!" Linda exclaimed. "How could this have happened?" Bob pulled Linda close to him on the couch and gave her a deep, promise filled, kiss. "If you'd care to come into the bedroom I'd love to give you a demonstration sweetie!" "How can you think of sex at a time like this!" Linda shouted. "We've got to talk to Julie about this!" "Calm down you big, sexy, hunk of man." Bob whispered as he kissed her neck. "I've already talked to her and everything's set." "When do we make the switch back?" Linda asked with a tinge of regret in her voice. Bob kissed her passionately on the lips while rubbing her through her pants. "We don't lover." He said as he broke off the kiss. Linda was on her feet in an instant. "What do you mean we don't? I never intended for you to become pregnant, I only wanted you to understand how a woman feels." Bob gently pulled her back on to the couch next to him. "I mean that I don't want to be a man again." He said softly. "Not now, not ever. Now that I understand what women think and how they feel I love being a woman!" "But what about the baby," Linda asked, deeply concerned. "Labor can be absolutely hell from what I hear!" Bob smiled at Linda and kissed her "I've decided that I want to be a mother and there's nothing you can say to change my mind!" "Thank you." Linda said in a slow deliberate manner. "To tell you the truth I've gotten used to being a guy and wasn't really looking forward to the hassles of makeup and curlers again." "You're very welcome my love!" Bob said as he took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. "It was my pleasure, and now it's going to be yours!" After a smooth pregnancy which some people thought she actually seem to enjoy Bob gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. He's decided to take a few years off work to take care of this baby and the other child he and Linda have planned. He now spends many happy hours playing with and breast feeding the baby. When their children are ready to settle down and marry he and Linda plan to have a little talk with them about the importance of understanding in a marriage!

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Hook Up With Ass Queen

Hi ISS readers I am an IT professional working in an MNC in Bangalore. Any girl or women looking for fun can drop me a mail @ privacy is my utmost concern. Finally, one day we got a chance to meet each other. It’s around 11 am and the weather was very cold and cloudy due to cyclone effect. She is wearing a short and t-shirt. But, her face is looking so upset and I asked her what happened ?? Why are looking so dull ?? She said, some bad feeling are running in my mind and I don’t know why it...

1 year ago
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The Professor

Ashley looked at herself in the mirror. She liked how she looked. At 5’9” in her four inch heels she was tall. Being on her feet at work had helped her shed the freshman fifteen she gain almost five years ago. She was now a slim 115 pounds. Tonight she had also taken the time to curl her long brown hair and apply make-up. She was excited to be going out tonight, even if it was by herself. It had been two months since she graduated from college and started her new job, a month since she had a...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 80

At work on Monday, Barbara caught Laura alone in the bathroom. "Mmmm, I see you got a new hot little piece working in your group," she smiled knowingly. "You get your tongue into that one yet?" Laura acted offended. "I don't pursue every new girl who comes along," she said, frostily. "Like hell you don't," Barbara said. "When they look like that one, your little white pussy gets all gushy-mushy inside. I know. Rhonda's just itching to get her into bed. Even asked me what I knew...

4 years ago
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Fiance Life at HubbardChapter 3

Carter came all over Julie's breasts. He tightened his grip on his cock as spurt after spurt of come splashed across her. At the same time Phil, whom she was riding for all she was worth, arched up into her, groaning. Julie was right there with him. She stopped breathing for a few seconds as the sensations were too much and wave after wave pulsed through her, squeezing her down on his hardness. She finally slumped forward, breathing hard. She felt great. Every last ounce of desire had been...

4 years ago
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CulDeSac A Story in Around Ch 04

Castor watched as Roger left for work the next morning in his truck, heading off to his oh-so-trendy internet security company. Waiting for Roger to leave was the hardest part, Nancy always left for work early, giving her husband plenty of time in the morning to do as he pleased. What he mostly wished to do was to get into Gina’s pants, but her damn husband always took so long to leave in the morning. As soon as the truck rounded the corner, Castor was headed across the lawn and went into the...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 36 Corrections

May, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Bethany and I said our goodbyes and I walked her out to her car. We kissed before she got into her car, and after she drove off, and I went back inside. My housemates were filtering out, along with my friends, and the house would soon be empty. I let Kara and Jackie know that I was going to pick up Anala. They disappeared together, and I headed out to my car to drive to Bridgeport. Other than a brief greeting, and a question about her final project, Anala and I...

2 years ago
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Perfect Night At the Rainbow Room HTX

I was invited to a lesbian friend( coworker)birthday party at a lesbian night club..being that I was 22 at the time and a stright male, I wasn't sure it I wanted to go to the party, a few days later I heard that Shaw (friend and coworker) was going( now Shaw was 6'1 dark skinned, nice perky breast..with the nices little round bubble butt ...and I had giving her rides home after work before and as far as I had ever gotten with her was getting some great head right before I would drop her off at...

1 year ago
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Die 19 jährige Tatjana schnürte sich gut gelaunt ihren schwarzen Sneaker. "Heute wird richtig gut!", sagte sie zu sich selbst und betrachtete sich schließlich im Spiegel. Sie war zufrieden mit sich und ihrem Outfit. Für die WG Party heute Abend hatte sie sich ein eher lässiges Outfit angezogen, es sollte schließlich ein spaßiger Abend werden, aber keiner an dem sie sich schick machen musste wie für den Club. So entschied sie sich für ein schwarzes Tanktop, blaue Highwaist Hot Pants welche ihren...

4 years ago
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A Strange Turn of Events Ch 03

I would like to again thank Ms. Sharon Johnson who had the courage to edit my poor spelling and grammar. W/O her help this story would be less than half of what it is now. Thanks to her, this story is much more romantic and loving. Her hard work is sincerely appreciated. Thanks Sharon! From the man’s viewpoint: ‘Good night my love’, I said as I let go of her hand and watched as she closed the door. Standing there in the hallway, I wasn’t sure how she really felt about tonight. If only that...

2 years ago
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Odd Jobs Some Odder Than Others Ch 01

It’s paycheck Friday. An envelope in my hand and a smile spread over my face, I step out of my dusty pickup and walk across the lot to the streak free glass doors of the bank building. Approaching the podium to fill out my deposit, I slit the envelope open with an ink pen from my shirt pocket and unfold my reward for the last two weeks of toil and tolerance, both physical and mental. Eyes moving over the script to search for that magic sum that’s going to solve all of the world’s problems for...

2 years ago
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My Mom8217s Highway Fun With A Truck Driver

This is a real-life story, and it happened when we were on our way back to Kolkata from Benaras. Usually, we don’t travel long distances by car. But due to the festive season, we did not get the return ticket. We were forced to hire a car and return to Kolkata by car. I hired a Zoomcar with my mom and headed for Kolkata on a beautiful sunny morning. It was only two of us, but still, we took an SUV. It is said that it is safe to have big cars on highways. I have been thinking about incest since...

1 year ago
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good start to an amazing summer

This is not a true story! Hi I'm Dallas this is a story about me and my step sister having some fun. I always thought my Step sister was attractive even in our teen years but being away from home because of college we didn't see each other much. But seeing her at 20 she was easy hotter then I remembered! Her name is Bethany she is about 5'2, very fit body I'm guessing about a 36C bra size and a very nice butt! Well anyways since mom and my stepdad traveled all the time because of their work me...

2 years ago
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First Time

Hello, I would like to share my experience with the bi/gay life style. I am a small fram male. I was hit on by older men when I was younger, that is talking thirteen on. Let me tell you I was never really scared, but no man was going to touch me. Sometimes when I would hitch hike I would end up some guy sliding his hand towards my leg. I would either say let me out or tell to forget it. I guess I was lucky no one took advantage of me. I never let any one touch me till I join the army. I was...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Next Door Lady

Hi, this is Stephen 27 from Chennai, my previous sex story link is , I am a regular reader of ISS. Thought to share my sexperience here. I am an Aunty lover. Any aunties, widows or desperate housewives looking for fun can ping me in the below I’d, your privacy will be secured between us… Drop your Comments in; That day I took leave and just watching tv. I got bored so started to browse some porn in mobile. At home I always wear lungi and nothing. When started to watch a porn video my dick...

1 year ago
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Only Jhonny can make me squirt

 It was a normal Monday night and instead of doing my study work I was browsing the web on my pc. I was 19 and a virgin but that did not mean i wasn't horny and gagging for it. I had a secret drawer under my bed that was full of things to get me off, such as clit massager, a vibrating tongue, anal beads, and lube. But my most treasured possession was a 10 inch silver vibrator that I bought off the internet two weeks before. I had nicknamed it Jhonny Silver.I had never used it because I wasn't...

1 year ago
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GirlsWhoLie Crystal Rush Russian Roommate

Busty foreign exchange student Crystal Rush is responding to an ad for a room for let. She arrives to take a look, and the person who lets her in tells her that all they have left is the couch. The stranger tells her that there’s another person, a guy, coming to look at the space as well, but Crystal really needs a place to stay and she’ll do anything to secure it. Popping her big titties out of her shirt, she jiggles them in the stranger’s face and lets him know she has a few...


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