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Misunderstanding By Cheryl Lynn Standard disclaimers apply. If you do not enjoy forced feminization and nonconsensual sex do not read. A dark tale without a happy ending. This story may be downloaded for personal use only and all other use is prohibited unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are always welcome at [email protected]. Misunderstanding For crying out loud, it was all a misunderstanding. It was a damn joke. I had no intentions of following through with any of this. Who would have thought that any of this was real anyway? It was a computer thing. It was pretend, that's all I swear. Now I have been served with legal papers threatening to sue the shit out of me if I don't comply. I didn't know that head hunters had to be paid if they found you a job. What the hell do I know; I'm just seventeen well almost eighteen. If you get right down to it, it was my Mother's fault in the first place. She was the one demanding I get a summer job. Hell, it was the summer before my senior year. I wanted time to play and get it on with Sherri Davenport. She promised to make sure I had a great time all summer if I bought her that friendship ring. If I didn't show Mom that I was seriously looking for work, she threatened to hire me on at her place. Like that was going to happen. She owned a beauty parlor and day spa. Like I wanted to work in that girlie place for the entire summer? Once that got out, my friends would give me holy hell. Everybody knows that only gay faggots worked in a beauty salon. Sure, I could easily get work at a burger or chicken joint but I'm not into that menial stuff. With my good looks and long hair I should be a lifeguard or something like that but I'm not qualified. So there I was stuck trying to find something where I could get paid yet not have to do much of anything. Mom knew about my half hearted attempts and was not satisfied. So what does she do two weeks before school let out? She gives me the name of a head hunter and ordered me to sign up. "If she can't find you a job, no one can," Mom said. There I was, sitting in front of my computer screen filling in the blanks for the head hunter per Mom's orders. After filling in my personal information, I decided to make it as difficult as possible for me to get a job. When it asked about my job preferences, I let my imagination go wild. Yeah, I wanted to work at a resort. Not just any resort mind you. It would have to be an out-of-the-way exclusive resort. I wanted my employer to pay for my transportation, clothing and living expenses. To make it even harder, I asked for twice the minimum wage. Just to make it interesting, where the form asked for "sex", I deleted "M" and inserted "Often". As I attached a recent photo, I remember smiling and figuring that bitch of a head hunter was doomed. "With my lack of experience and demands, no one would hire me," I thought as I hit the submit button. How friggin wrong I was when in less than two weeks I had been hired. Ms. Drake, the head hunter, had found me what I had asked for. Three months guaranteed with possible permanent job placement after that. My jaw hit the floor when I got that email. "Dear Mr. Chou: I have found you placement with the Hillary Enterprises Company. You will be working at their Northern California location, Hidden Valley complex. As per your request, they will pay all travel, clothing and living expense while in their employ. Once you have signed the attached employment contract, you will receive airfare and travel vouchers by certified mail. You are advised to read the contract carefully; sign and fax back to me at your earliest convenience. My standard fees will be deducted from your salary in three monthly installments. Sincerely, Ms. Drake." "No friggin way!" I remember thinking at the time. Shit, the employment contract was almost thirty friggin pages long. No way I was going to read all that shit much less sign it. I emailed her back saying I didn't want it. I tossed the contract on my desk and forgot about it. I even disregarded her return email stating that I owed her $840.00 in finder's fees if I did not take the offer. I had more important things to think about, like where I was going to take Sherri's cherry. The last day of school, yippee, now I could look forward to spending my time doing whatever I wanted. Mom still didn't know about that stupid job offer and thought I was still working with Ms. Drake. Hell, I could put her off until it would be too late to find any summer job. Oh, Sherri baby I can't wait until tonight. To my surprise Mom was waiting for me outside of school. It was kind of hard to miss her car. It was a big SUV painted in bright pink with her salon's logo plastered across it in bright gold letters. As I slid into the passenger seat, she handed me a certified letter. "Go ahead and open it. I got this when I picked up the mail today. It has to be important, if it came certified," she said. It was a letter demanding payment of $840.00 plus legal expenses for Ms. Drake's services. As I sat dazed, Mom took the letter from my hands. "What's this about a job? Ms. Drake found you a job and you didn't take it? Just as soon as you get home, you will email her that you will take that job if it's still available and beg her forgiveness. Otherwise young man, you will be in for a very long and tedious summer. You are grounded for the entire summer and will work at my place. Not only that but you will pay Ms. Drake out of your earnings while sweeping, mopping and waxing the salon's floors on your hands and knees," she almost screamed. All the way to the house she kept giving me hell and bitching about my lazy wayward life. It wasn't until she saw the employment contract that a brief smile seemed to twitch on her lips. "The Hillary Enterprises Company? I seem to remember something about that firm but can't place it. I think they run a series of health spas all over the country. Well, you just sign this and fax it back. I'm not leaving until you do," she ordered. When I emailed Ms. Drake, the job was still available and she would drop the legal issue as long as I paid her legal costs of another $200.00. Oh just great! I had a summer job that could be extended to full time at some place or another in Northern California. Northern California is like a bowl of granola, full of flakes and nuts and I wasn't looking forward to going there. I figured that I would have at least a week before anything happened, so I texted Sherri about getting together. Mom was still standing beside me when I did and immediately told me to forget it. I was still grounded until I left for San Francisco and my new job. "Oh man! This just sucks," I thought as I canceled the text. To my surprise, I received a plane ticket and instructions about my new job the next day by express mail. I was to leave on the next morning's flight to SFO and was not to bring any bags as all my clothing and personal needs would be furnished. A driver would meet me at the airport. Ooo I was met at the airport by a mannish looking woman wearing grey slacks, white button down blouse and long sleeved grey jacket. I was led to a white limo with "Hidden Valley" written on the side and told to get in the back. Once she settled into the driver's seat, she turned her head to me and said, "You're to keep your mouth shut. If I want to hear anything from you I'll ask. You may want to take a nap. This is going to take a few hours." "Not a very hospitable welcome," I thought stretching out. City traffic is city traffic no matter where you live but I had to admit that the Golden Gate was impressive as we drove over it. It didn't take long after that watching nothing but hills covered with houses to get boring. So I dozed off. I awoke as I felt the car come to a stop. "Pit stop," was all she said. She had parked the car at a roadside restroom and I gratefully got out stretching my legs and having a wiz. I had absolutely no idea of where the hell we were. Back in the car, we soon turned off the interstate and I had nothing to do but look out the window. The scenery was monotonous hills, grass, trees and occasionally a small rustic looking town. I soon fell back into a fretful doze. Again, the car stopping woke me. We were inside a gated complex with the buildings in your typical Spanish style of beige colored stucco and red tiled roofs. The green lawns and extensive gardens were immaculate and well kept. "Maybe cutting grass won't be such a bad job," I thought as we entered a building with "Administration" in white and blue tile written above the door. "Here he is," the driver said then turned and left. I was left standing before a desk with a plaque that said "receptionist." Sitting behind the desk was a small man dressed in a bright purple short-sleeved silk shirt and black velvet pants. His hair was styled in a large pompadour and I could swear that he was wearing pink lipstick. As he looked at me, I could see a simpering smile that gave me the creeps. "Ah, you must be young Mr. Chou. Welcome to Hidden Valley Alternative Life Style Resort and Spa. We've been expecting you. Come along, I'll take you to see Mistress Martin. She's our director of personnel," he said. He had to be the swishiest man I had ever seen as he minced away from his desk. I followed behind him not quite believing what I was seeing. He walked with a distinct swish to his hips and ass. He held his arms down along his sides with his elbows bent and wrists limp. His black velvet pants were skin tight across his rounded ass and flared at the ankles. I found myself thinking, "Take out the flakes and nuts all you have left is the fruit. OMG! What have I gotten myself into?" Mz. Martin was about five foot ten and authoritative looking woman of middle age. She was wearing a navy pin stripped pants suit with white polyester blouse. She wore a minimum of makeup and her ash blond hair was styled in a short bob. "Mr. Chou, I'm glad you finally made it. We are looking forward to having you work for us. Please have a seat and I'll go over the details of your employment," she said as we shook hands. Her hand shake was surprisingly strong for a woman. I sat across from her as she went over the details of my employment. With each word I was getting more and more upset. I wasn't sure how much of my disquiet was due to fear, horror, or my own stupidity but there was plenty of all that. When she announced that I would be starting off with the waitress staff, I had to object. "Whoa, hold on there for a minute Mz. Martin. What was that you said about waitresses? I'm not all macho but I'm certainly not a female. You meant to say that I would be a waiter didn't you?" I interrupted. "Mr. Chou, I do not like to be interrupted. Since you are new to our staff, I will forgive your impropriety this time. I said that you will start off as one of our waitress staff. At Hidden Valley all our employees adopt the alternative lifestyle. I can see no reason for me to make an exception in your case. You did read the detailed employment contract, didn't you?" She said sternly. "Eeeerrrrrr, no ma'am I didn't read it all that closely but surely you can't be serious about me being a...a waitress," I replied. "Didn't read the contract? Well that doesn't matter now. You are here and we've already spent quite a bit of money on your transportation and personal needs. Unless you are willing to reimburse us for our time, expense and penalties, you will fulfill your contract with us. Now! Are you going to cooperate like a good employee or do I have to call security?" she stated bluntly. "Ho...how...er..how much would I have to pay," I stammered trying to buy a little time to get my thoughts straight. "As of today we have invested approximately six thousand nine hundred and thirty six dollars in you. If you have to spend the night, which you will, as we can't take you back to the city, add another three fifty. Of course you will have to pay your own airfare costs back to your home. Now what's it going to be?" she stated. Oh man I was totally fucked! I didn't have one hundred dollars on me much less anything near enough to pay off that tab. I didn't have any choice. I had to go along with all this so called alternative life whatever that was. How the shit was I going to be a friggin waitress? I was a guy after all. "Okay, I am sorry for any misunderstanding Mz. Martin. I'll do what I have to. There is no way I could reimburse that kind of money, but I know I will look like a damn fool as a waitress. What about putting me on the grounds crew? I can easily do that sort of thing," I said softly. "Grounds crew indeed! Not with your build but I'm glad to see you come to your senses. As you didn't read your contract, I'll go over the high points and you can fill it in later. First, all employees of Hidden Valley are required to assume the role of the opposite sex. Second, all employees are expected to perform their assignments with decorum and respect the life style of our patrons. Third, our patrons are never ever wrong. Our only job here is to please and ensure that our patron's stay is not only enjoyable but an experience that they will want to repeat many times. Should an employee fail to perform to our exacting standards, they will be subject to corporal punishment and/or public humiliation. Should an employee with less than three months service have to be dismissed then all monies and expenses incurred by that employee will be reimbursed to the company plus twenty-five percent as penalty. Now that you are aware of the basic terms of employment, I need you to sign these documents," she stated as she passed me a small stack of paper. The first few documents were the typical federal and state employment tax and unemployment forms. The next surprised me as it was a medical authorization. When I asked about that, she simply stated that it was for emergency situations. The documents were getting stranger as I signed them. As affidavit that I wouldn't have unprotected sexual intercourse with any staff member or patron was weird but I signed it. Another affidavit stating that I agreed to any and all provisions of my employment contract including agreeing to corporal punishment was next. The last document took me completely by surprise. It was an authorization for legal name change from Mike Allen Chou to Lotus Flower Chou. I didn't want to change my name. This was going too far and I pushed the paper aside. "Mr. Chou you will sign that last authorization or face immediate dismissal. Once you sign that form, you will need to go back and sign your new name under your old one on the federal and state forms. You really don't have any choice, so sign!" she ordered. "Fuck! She was right. I didn't really have any choice now. After all the other shit I signed what difference did this make? I only had to put up with this shit until the end of summer," I thought as I signed on the dotted line. I wasn't that crazy about my last name even if I was part Chinese. I was more Italian than anything else but Lotus Flower was not only totally stupid but ridiculous. "Good, now that we have all the paperwork out of the way you can go to processing after a late lunch. I'm sure you are hungry by now. I'll have Toni, my receptionist escort you. Welcome to Hillary Enterprises Miss Lotus Flower Chou," she said dismissing me. "I've been here three years now. Oh, I do love it so. Everybody is just so sweet and understanding here. By the way, did I tell you that I just love your long raven black hair? It really suits you, you know. You're going to absolutely love it here," Toni babbled in a high pitched tone as we went to lunch. I did my best to tune out anything else he said while we ate. Lunch, I don't know how you could call that swill lunch. Watercress sandwiches with cottage cheese. What the heck is watercress anyway but some icky green shit. Like the old ad said, "Where's the beef?" How could you call this lunch? At least the iced tea was drinkable even if it had a perfume taste. From the employee dining hall we went to the processing building. "All the new employees have to go through processing. Here they will see that you conform to the company's requirements and the whole process takes about a week. Of course that includes orientation. This is a surprisingly large place, offering a tremendous amount of activities for our patrons. Ta-ta for now," he said as I was left at the front desk. At first I thought the person behind the desk was a man but that changed as soon as she spoke. Her hair was cut in a sharp flat top like you see in new recruits in a dirty blond color. Her dress was decidedly masculine in that she wore a man's khaki slacks with a white cotton dress shirt with the sleeves turned up. The biceps were somewhat bigger than mine. Her eyebrows were full if not shaggy and there was no trace of makeup. Her chin was somewhat square and the hooked nose made the face very masculine looking. Her voice was a soprano however, and that gave away her sex. Oh yeah, there were small bumps on her chest but I didn't notice them at first. "You must be Lotus Flower. Turn around and let me get a good look at what we have to work with," she ordered. As I turned blushing under her scrutiny, she said, "Not too bad. Get rid of some fat, smooth out that front, pout out the lips and I think we can make something out of you. Come with me and I'll turn you over to my wrecking crew. I saw your look, and yeah, this is gonna be something like a military basic training camp. You're a week behind the other new employees so your training will be rushed. Instead of making a man out of you, we'll do our best to make your feminine side blossom. You will be staying here for the next week until we get you orientated. My name is Master Sam by the way." Ooo Oh fuck! Why didn't I just pay off that damn head hunter and work for my Mom. Scrubbing toilets and floors at her salon with a toothbrush would have been a thousand no a million times better than what I went through during orientation. Yeah, I admit I'm not the most masculine of men simply because of my Asian heritage. I couldn't grow a mustache if I wanted too and I had a slim small frame. My skin had a smooth light olive complexion and my chin was rounded but I was still a man damn it! I'm not so sure about that now. Master Sam left me in the care of three people, Mistress Samantha, Master Henry and Mistress Louise. I was quickly informed that I had to address everyone not going through orientation as either Master or Mistress or face a severe spanking. It only took one lapse from me to never forget the proper form of address. My ass was cherry red by the time the spanking stopped. I have never been as embarrassed in my life as I was put through the gauntlet by my three task masters. First, I was stripped naked then examined from head to foot. I might have been slight of frame but I had a nice patch of black hair on my chest and pubis. Thank you very much to my Italian ancestors. I was weighted and measured. They even measured the size of my dick. My skin was bright red as Master Henry held the tape measurer alongside my dick. The two Mistresses were very feminine and good looking but Master Henry was something else. He/she could have been either but all I saw was another guy. From his buzz cut hair to the pencil thin mustache to the muscled chest, Master Henry appeared to be all guy. Having him measure my dick was most embarrassing. I later found out that he was actually a she on male hormones and worked out with heavy weights daily. This place was so fucking confusing. Blood samples were taken and I was given some injections. Then to my horror, I was encased in a male chastity device. I objected strenuously to being subjected to such humiliation but I had signed an affidavit saying I wouldn't have unprotected sex. So a stainless steel tube was forced onto my dick and pulled between my legs, my testicles pushed up inside my groin and everything locked into place. I was as flat as any girl with a shiny triangular chromed steel plate covering my groin by the time they were finished. If that hadn't been enough humiliation, I was subjected to laser hair removal of my precious chest and pubic hairs...At least all the pubic hairs showing outside that small triangle of metal encasing my groin. The rest of my body was covered in a sulfuric smelling lotion from my neck down to my toes that burned like the dickens. After what seemed like forever, I was placed under a cold shower and wiped down with rough sponges. When I stepped out of the shower my body was completely hairless. I didn't mind having my body wiped down with a lotion that soothed my burning skin but the floral scent was a bit overpowering. From the shower I was taken over to a beautician's chair where my hair was washed and conditioned not once but three times. A snip here and there created a straight cut across the back that reached just below my shoulders and bangs across my brow that just touched my brows. My brows were waxed into neat feminine arches and my ears triple pierced. The top piercing was a bright violet colored stone stud, the middle one a small golden hoop and the bottom a golden chandelier waterfall of delicate woven wires tipped with small bells. As all that was being done, someone else had given me one inch acrylic nail extensions and a pedicure. The nails were painted a brilliant fire engine red and the index finger on my right hand sported a bright violet colored faceted stone. I think I heard Mistress Samantha say that it was an amethyst. Oh great, how was I to do anything with nails that fucking long. I admit I was crying crocodile tears just like any teenaged girl during my ordeal but I broke out in loud sobs when Mistress Louise approached with a slender syringe with a small needle. It hurt like hell when she injected my lips and even worse when she injected my nipples. After a few minutes my lips were numb and my nipples grew to three times the size of what they had been. It looked like I had short stubby pencil erasers sticking out of my flat chest. Oh the humiliation. At last I was allowed to get dressed. No relief from my embarrassment there. I was given a pair of black nylon with floral lace overlay thongs and matching satin pushup bra. I can't begin to tell you just how disconcerting it was to feel that strip of nylon settling into the crack of my ass. How could women wear such shit? It felt positively weird and unnatural. The bra wasn't much better but the constriction around my chest wasn't as uncomfortable as that between my ass cheeks. A black satin waist cinch about twelve inches in length with steel boning spaced every two inches was placed around my waist and the nylon laces were pulled tight. My waist shrunk at least four inches before the laces were tied off. I could barely catch my breath as Mistress Samantha stepped from behind me. "Take small breaths and try to breath from your upper chest Lotus. Don't worry. You'll soon get use to it. In any case, you will be wearing either a cinch or corset from now on anyway," she said with a smile. I was given a pair of black lace topped sheer stockings to put on. Mistress Samantha showed me how to roll them up into donuts and knead them up my legs. I hate to admit it but the feeling of the nylons going up my legs was almost sensual. The welts had silicon backing so they would stay up without garters. It seemed like a very simple task but just try rolling stockings up your legs while wearing a very tight waist cinch. I was huffing and puffing by the time I had them secured around my upper thighs. A sensuous black nylon full slip with delicate lace embroidery across the bodice and hem came next. Once the slip was in place, I was given a white with multicolored floral patterned silk sheath dress and mandarin collar to put on. The dress reached to just above my ankles and had a small kick pleat in the back and hugged me like a second skin. Once dressed, all I had to do was slip on a pair of four inch black stiletto heeled pumps with an open toe. As I slipped my feet into the tight fitting shoes, all I could think about was how the hell could I stand upright much less walk in those horrible heels. Thankfully, my two mistresses grabbed me by the elbows and assisted me in standing before I could topple to the ground. They held me securely as I was guided around the room. My restricted steps could only move one foot in front of the other due to the tightness of the skirt. They made me walk until my legs throbbed in pain. The final few circuits around the room I actually did on my own but my legs were trembling in pain and exhaustion. At last I was allowed to sit back in the beautician's chair. If I thought my legs were in pain before I sat, they were on fire after just a few seconds of sitting. As I sat, they began painting my face with cosmetics. A white base, bright blue blending into violet eye shadow, black liquid eye liner, black eye brow pencil, long false eyelashes, bright red lipstick, a blush of vivid pink on the cheeks, a heavy dose of floral scented perfume and my makeup was complete. I was helped to my feet and led over to a full length mirror. "OMG! I look just like some fantasy china doll," I thought as I viewed my reflected image. From there I was taken to my quarters. The room had a queen sized bed with a plush bright pink satin comforter and matching bed skirting. The only other furniture in the room were two small vanities with lighted mirrors and pink satin covered stools, two six drawer bureaus, two bedside tables draped with white lace doilies, dainty ceramic table lamps, alarm clocks and two upright wooden chairs. Two doors inside the room led to large walk-in closets. The closet on the left was to be mine I was told. It was empty but I was assured that by days end it would be filled. "Lotus you will be sharing this room and bed with Opal. She is currently performing her duties as a maid. You will become close friends as you will have to assist her in her toilet as she will assist you. This is not to be considered a punishment but rather training in achieving the alternative life style. Should you show any resistance or refuse to cooperate, then you will feel the sting of the whip," Master Henry stated. I almost jumped out of my heels as I felt a fierce burning pain flare up from my silk clad ass. Mr. Henry swatted my ass with a riding crop to make his point and damn, it really hurt. "The bathroom facilities are at the end of the hall. You will be sharing them with five other residents. We will tolerate no discord or improper lady like behavior as long as you are employed here. These premises are to be kept neat at all times. Opal will tell you which week you two will be responsible for cleaning the dorm. Since you are about a week behind all the others, you will attend orientation classes back at processing. Class begins at seven this evening. Now, Mistress Louise will take you to dinner and go over a map of the complex," Master Henry finished. Dinner! How can you call a green salad, rice cakes, iced tea dinner? The employee cafeteria was about half full. All the "guys" had big helpings of tantalizing steaks or burgers and fries while all we "girls" had meager servings. I kept my disgust over my starvation diet to myself, besides with that damn waist cinch on, I probably couldn't eat much anyway. Orientation lasted two miserable hours. Mistress Samantha was my instructor. She was still wearing her pink lab coat and black mini- skirt but she held a wicked looking riding crop. Walking, sitting, stooping like a girl filled those two hours. By the time she was finished with me, my ass was aflame and my feet and legs killing me. When she dismissed me, she told me to be back by eight the next morning and properly attired or face a bare bottom whipping. That was more than enough encouragement for me to agree. Ooo When I minced my way back into my dorm room there was a petite black girl sitting on the bed. What struck me the most was the massive size of her breasts. Must have been at least a D cup or maybe bigger. She would have been pretty except her nose was too big. Her hair was styled in a simple bob and her thick full lips colored a bright crimson. She was wearing a black nylon front buttoning maids dress with white cuffs and rounded collar and a white lace trimmed bib apron. It looked like she was wearing white tights instead of hose and a pair of black gum soled blunt pointed shoes. "You must be Lotus Flower. They told me you would probably be here today. My name is Opal Essence. I work the three to nine shift this week. What are you going to be doing?" "Ye...yeah, that's me. Put me on as a friggin waitress then dressed me up in this....this Cactus Flower get up. They had me spending the last two hours practicing to be a friggin girl. Can you believe that shi..." I started but before I could get out "shit", Master Henry was in the room. He grabbed me by the wrist and in no time I was across his lap. "Opal, get over here and pull Lotus Flower's dress and slip up over her ass. Now, Lotus you are going to get a sound whipping and you will count out each stroke. You fail to count out the correct number and thank me for each strike, we'll just have to start all over again," he said. I really don't remember just how many stokes of the crop I received but I couldn't put any pressure on my poor bottom for the rest of the night. I wasn't the only one punished as Opal got ten of Master Henry's best. Discipline lesson number one. If one roommate screws up, they both suffer for it. As I lay on the hardwood floor sniffling, Opal came over and placed a finger over my lips. She pointed to the corner ceiling where a grey plastic dome was fastened. I knew a surveillance camera system when I saw it. "Come on baby, let me help you get out of that dress then we'll go take a nice relaxing bubble bath," she said. There was a large sauna tub in the bathroom. It could easily hold six people if not more and was filled with hot swirling bubbles. I took the pale pink nylon robe off and placed it on a nearby hook. Slipping out of my three inch stiletto heeled mules with a big puffy feather decorating the toes; I carefully slid into the hot water. I couldn't sit on the ledge so I had to squat down in the water. My tender ass burned in the perfumed bath. Opal got in beside me and picked up a large natural sponge. "You just relax while I scrub your back Lotus," she said. I winced away from her touch. Hell I didn't want some weirdo touching me. Opal was a guy just like me. I could tell by the chromed steel plate between his legs. She grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me close then whispered in my ear, "They're watching everything we do. So behave yourself. I don't want another thrashing. When we finish washing each other, I'm gonna turn up the jets on the sauna and then we can talk. Just keep it to a whisper." I almost jumped out of my skin when Opal pressed the sponge across my enhanced nipples. They were extremely sensitive and as the sponge crossed my nipple it actually throbbed. "Oh my!" I squealed. "Yeah, mine were very sensitive when they first did them. The sensation should die down a bit in a month or so," Opal said sympathetically. I had a very difficult time washing Opal's body especially her gigantic tits. It was the first time I had seen any so big or exposed. Sherri's boobs were small, miniscule in comparison and I only got to touch them a couple of times while they were still in her bra. I was afraid to touch them even if he really was a guy, I was just too timid. Opal apparently was just the opposite cause he grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands tightly to his mounds. "Go ahead baby, you just squeeze and mush them all ya wants. Fells mighty good when someone plays with them and ya need to put on a show. Ya can even kiss 'em if'n ya want," he said. Finished bathing, Opal turned up the water jets and the bubbles came roaring up. They really tickled as they burst around my nipples. "Keep it quite and we can talk a bit," Opal said in a whisper that I could just hear. "Opal, please tell me what's really going on. I'm not queer and certainly don't want to dress up in any girlie clothing," I replied. "Ya can forget all bout dat Lotus. You're here now and they can do whatever they done want to you. Ya think I wanted these here humongous tits? Ya think I done wanted ta be a friggin maid? Just like you, I didn't know what I was getting into. I just knew the pay was way more than I would ever get any where else. Shoulda known if it be too good to be true, den it probably aint. That employment contract is iron clad. So I didn't have no choice," he said as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "We gotta look like we enjoying ourselves. So wipe that frown off ya face and kiss me back," Opal whispered harshly. It wasn't easy but I leaned in, closed my eyes preparing to kiss him on the cheek when our lips met. Startled, I opened my eyes only to have Opal grab my face and bury her tongue deep in my mouth. "Now that was very nice of you Lotus. I really like you too," he said loudly. Then in a whisper continued, "What this place does is cater to the rich and powerful gay and lesbian community. A fair number of the patrons here really get a kick out of having reluctant non-gay/lesbian people serving them. It's a big turn on for them if they know that their server is forced to dress, act and behave as the opposite sex. Most of us are even expected to sexually serve the patrons but that don't happen till ya been here awhile." "You can't be serious! They're going to force me to have sex with the patrons? They can't get away with that. It has to be illegal," I stammered back. "They not going to force you. They just going to provide incentives for ya to voluntarily do it. That's one of the reasons we have to make kissy faces with one another and sleep together. Kinda gets ya mind ready for the other stuff. I was just like you when I came here a year ago but I learned to adjust to it. You will too if ya knows what's good for ya. We been in here too long. When we get out of the bath, you will dry me off then I'll do you. Just make damn sure ya do a lot of touchy-feely when ya do me. They be watching and listening, so act gay and we won't face the crop again tonight. I get whipped again cause of ya, I won't like it," Opal finished. Ooo Orientation was a real bitch and my ass was burning most nights. As much as I hated kissing Opal whenever we first met during the day or the touchy-feely stuff, it was better than the crop. Besides, I really owed Opal a lot. If it weren't for him, I'd never gotten through that week. He helped me dress appropriately each day and gave me sage advice during our nightly bath. I met the other five "girls" and they were like me just a different hair style and color, varying degrees of breast development and such. Spice was a strawberry blond styled in a pixie cut with firm C cup breasts and cute freckles across his nose. He worked in the steam room. Pearl had platinum blonde hair that hung to mid-back and several tattoos. In the small of his back was tattooed an open clam with a brilliantly colored pearl suspended above it. Across his ankles were garlands of brightly colored flowers and just above his left milk white breast was a colorful hummingbird. Raven also had milk white skin but her black hair was a mid-shoulder length shag cut. Her lips were very full, set in a permanent sexy pout and blood red. His A cup breasts had one inch long thick nipples which were dyed black just like the surrounding areoles. He was a masseuse and worked in the men's gym. Sunrise had bright yellow hair with orange highlights hanging straight down his back all the way to his heart shaped rounded ass. His full pink lips had been formed into what I could only call a surprised O. His breasts were pert C cups with bright pink nipples. The irises of his eyes were a brilliant sparkling blue and seemed larger than life. I found out later that his eyes were made to look that way with special contacts. He worked the pool area serving cocktails and snacks. Nightshade was the oddest. He had more piercings than I had ever seen. Each ear had eight, his nose two, thin golden chains connected the nasal piercings with the middle studs in each ear, a bone through the septum, the tongue had one large bar bell, two small silver hoops on each side of his lower and upper lips, two small silver hoops in each brow, and a large "N" pendant navel adornment. His head was shaved along both sides and the Mohawk style was dyed a vivid violet. With the exception of Sunrise none of us had known what we were getting into. So much for my new dorm mates. Getting back to orientation, I spent twelve hour days learning how to become an oriental girl. I was taught everything from poise, mannerisms and dress to makeup application in the fashion of the Far East. It's amazing just how much you can learn if you really pay attention. My poor ass was a constant reminder to pay attention. At the end of the week, I was sent back to the clinic where Mistress Samantha, Louise and Master Henry awaited. I was given another physical and given several injections. One of those injections put me out like a light. When I came too, I had full round B cup breasts with small but thick nipples. My shock at seeing those babies was eased somewhat when I was told that once my contract expired, they could be removed. At least they weren't humongous like Opal's. Once orientation was over, I was introduced to my place of work. It was called The Chashitsu. It was a Japanese tea room that also served light meals. The tables, each in their own semiprivate alcoves, were high- gloss black enamel sitting low to the ground with beautifully embroidered soft cushions for the customers to sit on. The floors were covered in traditional Japanese tatami mats. The walls of each small room were decorated with hanging kakejiku scrolls. An area for the preparation of the tea was set up so the patrons could get a good view of the process. Each waitress had an aide who would hand over whatever was called for during each step in the process of brewing and serving tea or meals. I was assigned to work as Kiko's aide once I had learned the basics. It would also be my duty to serve whatever meals were ordered while Kiko served the tea. According to Mistress Lee, who oversaw the restaurant, they used a modified Japanese Tea Ceremony. To my surprise, I was told that to perform a true formal Japanese ceremony correctly could take as long as ten years to learn. Such a ceremony, called an Ocha, was a highly choreographic ritual. Preparing the tea required all ones attention in performing the predefined movements. Everything from the placement of the utensils as well as every bodily movement had to be just so. "Like I was going to be here ten years?" I thought when I heard that. "You are scheduled to work every day from six in the morning until ten o'clock. You will return to work at two until we close at ten. Usually we have to stay open later when a patron wishes a more private service. You will work those parties only when Kiko gets assigned to them. However, until you learn the basics of food service and tea preparation, you will report to me at six in the morning for lessons. I trust that you will learn your assigned role by the end of the week. Now come with me and Mai Tai will begin your instructions," Mistress Lee informed me. As I followed behind, I calculated the number of hours I would have to work. "Twelve hours a day, eighty-four hours a fucking week!" my mind screamed. "Eeeerrrr, Mistress Lee. Don't I get any time off?" I dared to ask. "Time off? Oh, yes. You get every other weekend off but you will be required to spend two hours of those days learning the tea ceremony. In time, when you have mastered your assignment, you will start a normal forty hour week. Now, no more silly questions," she crisply replied. "Damn, I didn't want to spend all my time working. This is one hell of an incentive plan. I'd better try learning this shit as quick as I can," I thought. Mai Tai was an older woman with grey hair fashioned into a traditional geisha style and wearing a kimono of silver silk and elaborate floral design. She was sitting on a mat with her legs tucked. In front of her on the mat was a complete tea set up of utensils, ceramic cups, charcoal blazer and a bunch of flowers. I was instructed to sit beside her. I did my best to tuck my legs under and settle down on the cushion but almost immediately she slapped my thigh with a riding crop. It stung like all get out and I screamed out in both pain and surprise. I was immediately struck again only this time on the other thigh. "You sit with back absolutely straight, hands folded neatly in your lap. I demand humility and obedience at all times. Keep your mouth shut and pay attention," she admonished. She spent the next four hours explaining the nature of the tea ceremony and the names of all the items used. I would have to learn the names of everything used in Japanese. Not only were the names difficult to pronounce, each item had its proper place and would have to memorize that as well. The flowers were something else I would have to learn about. Before each ceremony it would be my responsibility to get fresh flowers and arrange them artfully. It was hard enough just trying to remember the names of all the stuff. Having to learn flower arrangement on top of that seemed a little too much for me. At the end of the four hours, Mai Tai actually made some tea and served sweet cookies along with a very light lunch. As we ate our lunch, she made sure that everything I did was performed slowly and delicately. I was to have poetry in all my motions and gestures she informed me after swatting my thigh. With lunch over, it was back to the basics. I repeated names in as high a voice as I could register for most of the afternoon. After dinner which again was pretty much of nothing, she scrambled the utensils around and I had to place them all in their proper positions. For each mistake I was awarded a stout whack of the crop on my bent over backside. By the time I got back to my room, my ass and thighs had more welts than I could count. Thankfully Opal rubbed some soothing cream on my poor ass to relieve most of the pain. I spent the rest of the evening studying the restaurant's manual and menu. Bedtime and my mind was reeling with exhaustion. I donned my lavender chiffon baby dolls with the matching granny styled panties and climbed into bed. Opal was wearing a very vivid red baby doll and I spooned up against her. I still was not use to doing that but like everything else had no choice in the matter. It was another requirement just like kissing when we met or departed, holding hands if we went somewhere together and bathing and dressing each other. As time when on it bothered me less and less, just like the corsets, waist cinches, bras and dresses, it was just clothing. Of course I noticed the uncomfortable feelings of the clothing but my penis no longer seemed to flinch when soft nylon, chiffon or silk touched my skin. Ooo By the end of June I no longer felt my stomach turn whenever I kissed my roommate or any of the other dorm mates. I still got a twitch whenever one of them felt up my titties or stuck a tongue into my ear but I managed to bare it. Giggling like a silly school girl whenever someone said practically anything still felt unnatural but I did what I had to do. I was constantly encouraged to act and behave like a demur humble and subservient Asian girl. I seldom looked anyone directly in the eyes, always kept my head bowed and my hands held side by side in my lap whether walking or sitting. If I ever deviated from that behavior, punishment was swift and painful. Thanks to my diet and ever smaller wasp waisted corsets, my body took on a very feminine appearance. My morning and evening toilet of covering my body in unguents and lotions designed to soften my skin and rid it of hair left my olive skin soft and smooth. My breasts had grown to C cups with half inch thick nipples. My raven colored hair was glossy and full bodied hanging to just below my shoulders. My hips and ass were round and tight. All-in-all, a very feminine and delicate looking Asian female body was reflected in my mirror. I hated it but I still hoped that when this was all over in two more months, I could return to normal. However, as I looked at my reflection doubts filled my mind. The clothing no longer felt strange or even erotic. The tight corsets, bra and silks just felt like clothing now. Kneading nylons up my hairless legs was just like putting on socks. Everything that I was doing was becoming natural from dressing to putting on layers of makeup. I no longer had to think about any of this, it was thoughtless habit. Just like I was behaving, it was all automatic to me now. Could I ever change back to my real self? There was some good news as I started my second month of servitude. I only had to work a forty-eight hour week. The bad news, I had to assist Kiko whenever she was asked to perform extra duty. This meant some very late night parties. At the first party, I was ordered to bare my breasts and paint my nipples a livid red to match my lipstick. My silk dress was opened almost to my waist and neatly tucked under my exposed assets. My only solace was that Kiko's small pert tits were on display as well. I was told that if a patron wanted to fondle my breasts or suck them, I was to not only allow it but to encourage it. I was to follow Kiko's lead and do whatever she did or else. The or else was not really an option for me. I had that pleasure on two previous occasions and I did not want to repeat them. That pleasure, being taken into a room, bent and secured to a padded saw horse naked while being whipped by all your dorm mates on your bare exposed ass and thighs. Once they had brought your ass to a nice fiery glow, salt water was poured over it then you were left to think about your errors for several hours. After my second experience, I didn't think twice about giving my roommate a rim job with my tongue before going to sleep or let one of my dorm mates slide a finger up my bottom during a deep kiss in the bath. I was surprised at just how big and open my dorm mate's ass holes were but at least they were clean. So there I was sitting between two Asian men with my legs tucked under and my hands resting in my lap as Kiko prepared the tea. I had to sit there calmly as one fondled my breast and the other sucked on my other. I admit that I wanted to be sick as two men pawed and fondled my feminine assets. The shame and humiliation that I felt was almost overpowering. I was a guy even if I had tits and being fondled like that embarrassed the hell out of me. It would have been bad enough had I been a real girl but I had a dick so the humiliation was seemed greater. "You one pretty girly boi. I like you titties. Maybe I talk to Miss Lee. See if I can take you to my room later. That okay girly boi? You like. Love you long time," the one on my right said. I was wearing white foundation but I was positive you could see my blush when he said that. His attention was interrupted when Kiko placed a cup of tea in front of him and the other gentleman. She then sat demurely beside the guy on my right. I was astonished when she placed her hand on his groin and began to unzip the fly. She nodded at me and indicated that I should do the same for my man. "Oh fuck! This can't be happening," I thought but the consequences were too severe for me not to comply. Tentatively I followed her lead and unzipped my patron's fly. As I glanced out of the side of my eyes, I could see her manipulating his cock using her thumb and forefinger. She messaged the head and then slowly stroked its length. Trembling inside, I did my best to do what she was. The head of his dick was a dark brown and the veined shaft had a yellowish hue. My long bright red nails sharply contrasted to the color of his skin as they moved along it. What was really strange about this was that while I was stroking his shaft, he calmly sipped his tea. He showed no emotion other than a sly smile at the corners of his mouth. By the time he had finished his tea; his dick was stiff and standing straight up into the air. My whole hand was wrapped around it now and slowly stroking it while my other hand was carefully cupping his balls. I watched as he took the empty cup and placed it to the tip of his dick. Smiling from ear to ear, he placed his hand over mine forcing his cock downward over the lip of the cup he was holding. I could feel the heat and pulsing as his cock emptied its sperm into the cup. I was frozen in shock and humiliation as he raised the cup to my lips and tilted it up. I could see that Kiko had her lips parted sensually with the tip of her pink tongue sticking out. I had no choice but to follow suit. It took all my will power not to throw up as I felt the warm salty and gooey mixture touch my tongue and flow slowly into my mouth. It had the consistency of raw egg whites. I felt my face pale and turn green at the gills. Fortunately my white foundation kept that covered up. I knew this was happening because it happened when I tried eating four raw eggs during my short lived weight training. Suppose to be a great source of protein. I couldn't stomach it then and it took all my will power now. I couldn't spit it out as much as I wanted as the punishment would be even worse, so I swallowed. I watched as Kiko licked her lips seductively then brought her hands to the pray position and bowed to her gentleman. I did the same. I can't begin to tell you just how humiliated and sick I felt at that very moment. Bowing to my antagonist filled me with humiliation, submission, and a sense of total defeat. Those emotions were like a tidal wave crashing down on me. How could a woman much less a man do such a demeaning act without repercussions to her/his sense of self- worth. It had to be hell for a woman but it destroyed me. Whatever masculinity I had was blown away by that one act. My trips to the clinic were now set for once a month instead of every week. I was given a complete physical and measured from head to toe. The injections were bad but now I had to start using a butt plug. After that tea party, this didn't shock me as much as it would have. The first in the series wasn't all that big. It was about the size of my index finger and two inches in circumference at the widest. When Mistress Samantha inserted it, she insisted that I would soon learn to love it. Believe me, I had my doubts. It felt really weird having that thing inside me. When I moved or bent it actually vibrated a bit. I later learned that there was a steel bearing inside that would rattle around stimulating my anal ring. I was instructed to come back once a week to have it exchanged for a larger size. By the end of June I was wearing a bulbous plug six inches long and three inches thick at it's widest. It stretched my anus ring two full inches. I was informed that once they had finished stretching my anal ring, it would look more like a pussy than ass hole. I was also told that once I started having anal sex, my intestine would pout out just like a pair of pussy lips. So that explained the size of my dorm mate's holes. I had never seen a pussy before but had a good idea of what they looked like now. Yes, I objected but that just earned me another trip to the padded saw horse. I cried over that for many nights but there was nothing I could do to stop them. Ooo Now it's the end of July and only thirty-one days to go. I only work three short shifts a week during the day at the tea house. I have party duties four nights a week assisting Kiko. You would think that after all this time I would have some sort of relationship with Kiko but I don't think we ever spoke more than a dozen words to each other. Most of those words were commands from Kiko. I absolutely hated working these so called parties as they all involved intimate contact. At the beginning of July Mistress Lee informed me that my duties now included sexual intercourse if my patron so desired. When I plucked up my courage, well let's say when I fell to my knees and pleaded with her not to do that, she informed me I had written under "sex" on my application "Often." The company was just fulfilling my demands and that was that. Of course, if I still objected I could visit the saw horse, she told me. Shit! How could I tell her it was all a misunderstanding? Unlike the parties I attended in June where I gave some guy a hand job then drank his spunk from the tea cup, these were much more serious. The first party in July, I had to perform a "tea dance" with Kiko. This dance required very dainty, slow movements in which we used colorful fans. Oh yeah, I spent every weekend in June learning how to use that damn fan. How to flick my wrist just right to flare it fully open, how to move it over my body and face in an enticing manner and then snap it shut with another flick of the wrist. Of course I had to learn how to move my body along with the fan in an aesthetic sensuous manner. If they used a crop in schools like they did here, I guarantee that every student would have an A plus. Once the dance was completed, Kiko would remove my obi and toss it aside as I flicked my fan across my face. Then I removed hers while she fanned her face. Next my floral silk kimono was opened revealing my lingerie. I was wearing a red silk push up bra with a frill of black chiffon lace decorating the cups that matched the red of my chrysanthemum kimono. A matching wasp wasted boned corset with six black lace encrusted garters, red silk with black lace overlay thong, red sheer hose with floral lace welts and a pair of black five inch stiletto heeled strappy sandals. I would then stand with my legs slightly parted and pelvis thrust out as I held my fan up just under my nose and giggled like a naughty school girl. Then I would lower the fan to cover my breasts as I unfastened Kiko's cream colored kimono with its decoration of black swans. Her lingerie was just like mine except in black silk. With our kimonos draped around our shoulders we would perform another short dance finishing up by letting the dresses drop to our feet. In just our underwear we knelt beside our patron and served him as needed. Usually, we first served him a drink then fed him using chop sticks. Our hand movements were slow and sensual as we placed each tidbit on his tongue. As he chewed, we would bring our fans to our faces and giggle softly. Once the meal was finished, the serious foreplay started. My patron handed me a foil packet. Immediately I recognized what it was. For a moment I was relieved that I wouldn't have to drink his spunk from the cup. As I tentatively rolled the red colored condom down his long thick shaft, I realized what he intended. I glanced over to where Kiko was to see if I was mistaken. She was already bent over, her knees tucked under her belly and her heart shaped alabaster posterior presented to her patron. To this day I believe that I have never seen a butt that perfect, it was round, solid and flawless. At the time I didn't know whether I was more afraid, more humiliated or more nervous than I had ever been. This was the time I lost my virginity to a man and certainly not the way I had intended to lose it. I planned on losing my virginity by taking sweet Sherri's but alas that never happened. Laying my cheek to the floor with my hands flat beside my head, I waited shivering. With my head turned, I could easily see Kiko's patron position himself between her legs. Using his hand, he guided his bright green condom covered penis to her parted cheeks and in one swift movement penetrated her completely. I watched as she rocked back on each of his thrusts and occasionally moaned softly. It seemed surreal until it was my turn. I felt a hand on my raised butt cheek then a sharp pain as I was likewise filled to capacity. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I guess a month of stretching with butt plugs really helped but it still hurt. When I returned to the dorm that evening, Opal messaged some anesthetic cream into my sore boi pussy. She held me close that night in bed as I cried myself to sleep. Feeling her large soft breasts pressing against my back made me feel better. After that first time, it became easier to perform according to expectations. However, the mental destruction of my male ego and what masculine pride I had had was significantly diminished. By the beginning of August, I was for all intent and purpose merely a shy, demur oriental girl both mentally and physically. I had become exactly what my job description demanded. As my final month of servitude began, I was assigned to be a full time party girl. Since I slept most of the day, I spent very little time with Opal and only saw her and the other girls during bath time. I went to the clinic once a week for blood work, check up and injections but otherwise I had little contact with the resort's administration. Thankfully this also meant that I seldom had to be disciplined with the crop or saw horse. The party nights became more demanding and kinkier. I knew things were going to be different now that I was a full time party boi. That first night as I took mincing steps behind Kiko into the tea room, I noticed things had definitely changed. Inside the room were two older Japanese patrons standing naked except for loin cloths similar to those worn by sumo wrestlers. On the floor were coils of white silken rope, long thin bamboo canes and red ball gags. All too soon I found myself naked and helplessly trussed up in that white rope. Two strands of rope were tightly applied just above my breasts and two just below forcing my tits to jut out and elongate. My wrists were tied behind my back and pulled painfully down toward my ankles which were also securely tied. The ball gag was forced into my mouth and a noose tugged uncomfortably tight around my neck. The end of the noose was pulled tight and fastened to a cleat in the nearby wall. Another piece of rope was tied to that around my ankles and stretched out to the opposite wall. Rope was tied around my hair at the base of the neck and tied to my wrists. One ounce lead weights hanging from a foot long thin chain were attached to my nipples. This left me in an awkward and painful position. The noose made me try to stretch my neck forward while the rope tied to my hair forced my head back. The rope attached to my ankles forced me to stretch out but the rope around my wrists forced my head up and an arch to my back. Ropes around my chest and hips were tightened and my body rose into the air. It was difficult to breath and I had never been so scared in my life. I was certain that I would be strangled and dead before the night was over. Being trussed up like that and hanging in the air was the most painful experience so far but that soon paled in comparison as the patron began whipping my flesh with that thin bamboo cane. The pain was like thousands of tiny dagger pricking my skin making me thrash about sending the weights attached to my nipples swinging. I was screaming like a banshee but the gag muffled my screams such that only those close by could hear. My only consolation was that Kiko was undergoing the same treatment. After what seemed like an eternity, I was lowered to the floor and the ropes removed. I lay gasping like a goldfish out of water when I felt a dick being slammed into my rear passage with tremendous force jerking my entire body. This only amplified my pain as my body started to recover from being tied. The circulation returned with a burning awareness and accompanied by the hard thrusts, caused every muscle, every joint and even my skin to scream in agony. When my ordeal was over, I was amazed that there was not one single mark on my body. Fortunately that night was an exception but there were others just like it. Another time I was strung up between two poles with my arms and legs stretched almost to the breaking point while my patron fist fucked me. It was my first time experiencing that and it left my boi pussy really stretched out for days afterwards. After that, just like I was told, my boi pussy developed lips. My anal ring had been permanently stretched open and with the flaps of protruding skin looked just like a pussy. Seeing that totally destroyed whatever remained of my masculinity. By the end of August Mike Allen Chou no longer existed. Lotus Flower, a subservient obedient oriental girl stood before Mistress Martin, Director of Personnel. "Lotus Flower I see from all my reports that you have performed exceedingly well. Your last month of employment resulted in some very significant tips from our patrons. According to our contract, half of those tips will go to pay those employees not actively engaging our patrons. I am positive that the cooks, janitorial staff and Mistress Lee appreciate your efforts. Now I have a check here for your pay plus tips for the three months of service. Less deductions for taxes and your head hunter, it comes to $ 9,768.78. Not bad for just three months work I would say. Would you like to extend your contract let's say for a year? We did, of course, offer you a full time employment contract when you applied," she told him. "Tha....that wa....as a misunderstanding. I....I nev...never wanted this job," I managed to stammer. I really wanted to say a bunch of unflattering things while cussing her and Hillary Enterprises all to hell but I couldn't even bring myself to make eye contact with her. I had no guts, no pride nor any thing else that I had originally brought with me when I was Mike. I just stood there with my head bowed and my hands clasped in my lap. "Be that as it may but I am offering you full time employment with us. You should feel complimented and rejoice in our more than kind offer. Of course, if you decline our generous offer, then we will take you to the airport and send you on your way," she added. "I....I can't go anywhere looking like this," I said moving my hands to point at my body. "Oh that! We will give you back the clothing you brought with you and see that you get a hair cut. Of course we cannot give you back the body you arrived in but I think you look so much lovelier now. I just bet you will have to fight the boys away when you get home even with a buzz cut," she laughingly replied. "I.....I can't go home like this! My Mom will positively freak and my friends will kill me. You've ruined me!" I gasped and broke into tears. "Don't be ridiculous Lotus! Now get a grip! We did nothing that you didn't originally agree to. You got free clothing, housing, expenses and all the sex you could ask for plus a very nice pay check. So don't give me any grief. Now you either sign this one year employment contract or hit the road. It's your choice," she stated harshly. Shit what could I do. I really didn't have any choice in the matter. I signed the contract. The End

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Darkness. Out of the black, an indistinct shape slowly drifts into view, flickering like a grey flame, wavering at the boundaries of your perception. It shift, folds, and undulates as it draws nearer: a smudge, a glare, a mist, coalescing into a vaguely human figure. Two glowing eyes snap to life, white embers in the haze of this silhouette. It steps toward you, gliding across the nothing on which you seem to stand. Its form suggests femininity, yet it is featureless. Blurred, edgeless, and...

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Call Me An expanded tale of a No Panty Girl story

Call Meby No Panty Girl©expanded and edited by SheriffBart...for the hell of it. Laureen's husband Earl was a good provider but he was always on out of town business trips for two to three days at a time. As the area rep for Brabant newspapers, he was responsible for selling advertising from one end of the state to the other.Brabant published a series of weekly small-town newspapers in a dozen towns and Earl Simpson's job was to sell display advertisement to the local merchants. With his...

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One Lust Filled Night Part 2

I planned a passionate night just for me. I was so hot and felt I needed a good time just satisfying myself. When I got home, I stood in front of my full length mirror and gyrated while I stripped to some good bump-and-grind music. I had my favorite toys on the side of the bed and I knew my imagination was starting to take over.I pictured what I wanted to do to myself as I removed the last of my clothes. I stood in front of the mirror in my heels. I watched my reflection as I ran my left hand...

Group Sex
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Granny Gangbang With Black Cocks Part 8211 2

Hi guys, this is a continuation of my previous story Granny gangbang with black cocks. Please do read it and you can enjoy this story. I have been in granny’s house and she was gangbanged by 4 Africans the previous night and I peered the entire scene through a small hole. After that day, in the evening to my surprise, my mom came to granny’s house and I got shocked to see her since if she has something to do with this sexual practice. We had dinner and granny slept in the hall room and I and my...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Ivy Lebelle Anal Maniacts

Curvaceous Ivy Lebelle presses her phat titties together in a sexy fishnet top. She buzzes her clit with a vibrator, making her sweet asshole wink and her cunt ejaculate girl squirt! Rough stud Small Hands stuffs his big cock into Ivy’s wet mouth, poking the back of her throat. She masturbates her clit while his boner drills her soaking slit. Mr. Hands eats Ivy’s pussy, making her cum with his tongue. He slides his meat up her asshole from behind, stroking hard as she moans in...

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As The Mouse Clicks

When last we left them, Bolt and Paige were in the throws of passion when Bolt's ex-wife, Rainbow, (who as y'all remember was presumed dead when her hot air balloon sprung a leak over the Swiss Alps) appeared on his doorstep, announcing she had found her twin sister, Brite, who was stolen at birth, by the diabolical henchman, Jack. Brite, who is married and living a quiet and somewhat normal life as a cheese taster, wanted nothing more than to have a child but was unable to conceive on her...

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OLD WEST Plart 4

Tried to use paragraphing, but my iPad won,t cooperate so please bear with me? Hank Mitchell was relieved when charge hand Ted Koomins detailed him to search for stray cattle on the Connelly,s large spread near Hudson, Dakota Territory especially after Anne Connelly the owner,s only daughter had told him she was going fishing in the creek where Hank had saved her from the sexual perversions of former hand Tom Blacker who was now awaiting the circuit judge and the trial for the murder of Anne’s...

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For the Love of LiciaChapter 25 I Knew It She Whispered

Angique looked down on what seemed like a nest of snakes. They were narrow straps, braided into a harness. The sturdy leather had been waxed and polished. There were gleaming steel eyelets, buckles, studs and rings — big round ones that connected the straps; well-worn D-rings that suggested limitless applications. Before laying the harness out on the rug, Angique had taken it to her face, inhaling the leather's arousing age-old scent. Then she rubbed it with her thumbs, kissing it,...

4 years ago
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Touching myself thinking of you and how much i want you, my hand wrapped round my now hardening shaft - cock slippery and aching to drag across parted lips, through soft downy hairs, to nudge and dip, slide hot and hard into your moist clasping cunt, my balls tight, needing release, needing your fingers stroking, your mouth sucking and holding while i thrust and force, your tongue whirling over my head as i plunge, holding your hair to see, you turning, giving access to my tongue, exploring,...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 47 Welcome to the

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 5:56pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 “And here comes the stars of tonight’s concert,” Dr. Betty Stevenson excitedly said as she saw the five of us along with Mr. Labatt, Devin and CBS Records’ Mr. Murphie walked into the small performance hall where we won the NIS band challenge in November. Mr. Murphie was waiting for us outside this meeting hall. As we engaged in a little general ‘chit-chat’ with these adults, we saw Shania’s band, the members of...

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Horny Neighbours

Hey guys, I’m totally inspired by the hot stories I’ve read here. I’m from Germany, so I’m not a native speaker but I will try to deliver a nice story for you guys and girls. My name is Jacob, I’m 28 years old and I just moved to Berlin with my girlfriend Jessica. We decided to rent a flat in the fourth floor of a nice old house in ‘Prenzlauer Berg’ a really nice quarter with a lot of young people who are either students or are already working. Opposite of our house lives another friendly...

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How I made my daughter my submissive Sex Slave rewrte

Note 2: If you don't like incest, Master/Slave, pain, and humiliation then don't continue the story exit now but if you like all that stuff then all means continue reading this store Note 3: I would like to thank Crovus Turrim for editing my story Note 4: I welcome all question inbox me and I will answer all my question I will inbox you back or post all the question and answers How I made my daughter...

2 years ago
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Mirror ImageChapter 6

"Mom, you OK?" The voice was Sierra's, awakening Cathy. She had not fallen asleep until the first rays of sun were filtering through the windows. Jessica also stood nearby looking on with concern. "Uh, oh sure, I'm all right. I woke up last night with a headache and came down for some aspirin," she lied. "I guess I fell asleep waiting for the medicine to kick in." "You look like hell," said Sierra. "Well, thanks a lot," smiled Cathy wearily, "I'll try to return the...

3 years ago
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Its For Your Own Good My Crazy Commuter Th

"After this I'm finished." he said and he folded her laundry.She didn't bother to look up from her laptop. "Fine, do the dishes then and I'll see you tomorrow.""No, after this I'm done with you, I'm leaving."She still didn't look up from her laptop and continued clicking away on the keyboard. "Sure, finish the dishes and we'll talk tomorrow."He threw down the skirt he was about to fold. "You're not hearing me. I'm not going to do any of this anymore. I found someone and I'm moving…we're moving....

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Moms Rape CureChapter 7

"Boo, come get this bastard and take him below," Jody ordered, sticking his head through the hatchway. He let his eyes roam over the naked flesh and the puddles of sperm. "You fucked out yet, Boo?" "Yeah, Jody," Boo grinned broadly. "For a little while. I blew and blew, Jody. She's sure got a soft pussy, Jody, and she took all my cock in it, too. Aw, boy, I feel good, Jody!" He got up, weaving slightly, unaware of his nudity. Suzy could hear them talking when Boo went on deck. It...

1 year ago
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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 6

Xi Pegasi Planetary Survey Site Six April 5, 2057 Hollis Reid clutched his pack to his chest and gritted his teeth as the bottom dropped out of his seat for the hundredth time. The seat bottom slammed against him despite his seatbelt as the shuttle staggered through the sky. His team was crammed into the cargo area next to their vehicles and other equipment. They were each laden with survival gear, their personal pack, and two parachutes scavenged from the planetary survey equipment...

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Last Christmas part 2

Its now mid summer and things are slowly getting back to some degree of normality. Of course still missing Mum and Dad is recovering albeit slowly, and Phillip is home after many weeks in hospital. Phillip is currently bed bound but doctors hope he will soon make a recovery.Fiona has announced she is pregnant and James has stepped up to the plate to assume the role of man of the house, a role he has taken you very well. At least I am still being seen to on a regular basis. Due to Phillips’...

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Dick and Jane a Cautionary Tale

Look! See Dick run! See Jane catch the ball! Dick and Jane are neighbours. They have been friends since Dick's family moved in two years ago. They play together in their back yards most every day - and if the weather is bad, then with their toys in the basement. Look! See Jane's Mom call them in for cookies! She knows that eight-year-old kids use up a lot of energy. See Dick and Jane do their homework together! They are both in Mrs Lawler's class in their freshman year at High...

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Sex With Sexy Sister

Hello, indian sex stories dot net readers this “Avi” with my true story, you can contact me at ” “. I am avi 18years old from Hyderabad.I live with my parents and younger sister in apartments.Both my parents are job holders, they go to the job at 7 am & return almost at 9:30 pm. Chaitanya my sister is 18 years old with beautiful face & body structures of 30,26,32. She is very cute, especially her pussy would anyone can notice a perfect round bludge.She always wears sexy clothes & every boy in...

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My Wife8217s Sexy Friend Sexy Neelam

Hi friends and this is the story of my life from where my appetite for sex was increased. Let me tell you about my body physique first. I am tall 5’11”, white, with muscular body leaving happily with my wife Jagriti. Both of us married since almost 1 year and having good sex life. We almost have sex every alternate day during week Mon to Sat and two times in weekend Sunday. Jagriti is real sex bomb and like to enjoy new things both of us working. Let me come to the real story and it was about 6...

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HS Teacher jacks off to hot girls soiled panties

Class is not really over until all of the teachers leave, so I found out in HS senior class. I had left my history book in my desk, so i went back into the school, classes had ended, and went to my home room. the door was closed but not locked, as it never is, so I figured that no one was in there, wrong! Here is my teacher, a hot guy, whom i always fantasized about sucking his cock and he sucking my shemale cock and cumming all over eachother, sitting at his desk, his pants around his ankles,...

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The Neighborhood MILF Wanda

My marriage to DJ has had it’s ups and downs, but we’ve always seemed to make it work with our open, honest relationship. He’s supported me, when I told him I wanted to explore my lesbian fantasies, and he has the freedom to pursue other women as well. We’ve even killed two birds with one stone by enjoying a few threesomes with some of my friends, who were looking for a little something to spice up their own lives.DJ recently confessed to me that our friend Wanda has been coming on to him and...

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Wonderful experience

This was during my deputation days in Bangalore. When I reached Bangalore for my six months deputation I did not think in my wildest of dreams that I had I so much in store for my self during my six months stay over. As soon as I reached Bangalore I went to friends place that was a forced Bachelor at that point of time as his wife had gone to her hometown for her first delivery. Quarter he stayed was in such a fashion that each block had 4 houses two on the ground floor and two on the first...

1 year ago
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Mooh Boli Behen Bani Girlfriend

Hello ISS readers, I have been reading stories on ISS since I was in 10th grade. I am from bhopal. And I m fair and 21. With 5’8 height.With good physique. So ab story pe atta hun.Ye meri pehli kahani h iss pe.Yea kahani 2011 ki h jab main 12th class mein tha tab meri mummy ki ek bahut achi dost thi jinke ghar humara khoob aana jana aur ghulna milna tha. Unki ek beti bhi thi , jo ki mujhse umar mein 6 sal badi thi uska nam pinky(fake name) hai,is kahani ki heroine h pinky. Toh bat uss time ki...

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William and Ann Ch 2

Chapter 2 “WHAT?!” yelled Will. “Let me in, Will.” “Why, so you can make fun of me? I told you I’m sorry.” “You have to clean up your mess before it dries.” “I will when you leave, Ann.” “Will, let me in. I want to see it again.” “NO! I shouldn’t have ever gone this far.” ”Open the door and we can talk about it. I’m not going to ask you again.” “OK. Fuck!” He got up and opened his bedroom door. He had put on a pair of white briefs, so Ann was somewhat...

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stay the course part four Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club

Stay the course: part four: Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club Please read the previous chapters to this story, it helps for the story line. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my collar wondering what had given it away. I felt my face a deep red when I realised that in my playing with it I had turned it right around so that the ring for my leash and the lock was visible. I just stared at Robert at a loss for words. Robert was still smiling at me then he whispered, “It’s ok Taatiana, I won’t...

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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 8

After Michelle’s last trip to Seattle for a weekend with Mike, he told her that he wanted her to leave me and marry him. He’d told her he couldn’t go on sharing her so she had to make a choice. She had. She told him goodbye and came home, this time for good. After she got home, we went to bed, both of us nervous about what our future might hold, but secure in our love for each other. In the middle of the night, I woke up to Michelle crying. I put my arms around her and pulled her to me, asking...

Wife Lovers
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BangingBeauties Alyx Star She Rubs The Semen On Her Tits

Leggy brunette Alyx Star caresses her natural big tits and asks one question: “You like them?” Hell yes, and her big booty too! Everyone wants to ride that cleavage and get a piece of her big ass, but Alyx wants a big black dick. However, our PervCity stud wants this PAWG begging for his BBC. He licks her clit, making her shaved pussy wetter than Niagara Falls. She gives him a cock-stiffening footjob. Her vag isn’t the only thing that’s wet, though. Her slobbery ball-sucking blowjob turns him...

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Ethans Plane Ride

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Ch 21Ethan was glad to finally be getting on the plane. They had been waiting for more than forty minutes, and in all that time, he had been growing more and more nervous. The nervousness had made his penis grow hard, and sitting with his Mom made it extremely uncomfortable. The jeans he was wearing didn't help. He knew that their attention would be drawn directly to his erection, so he kept his jacket in his lap and tried not to squirm too much.Maybe now...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 19

With the help we had from the townsfolk, it was easy to get things unloaded. Kasumi and Longfellow headed up to Acadia to get the next load. Her parents decided to help with Brooks going through the things of the Lee’s store. Avery was feeling a little better, thanking me for taking over. She told me that she’d never wanted to be in charge, it just sort of happened to her, and she’d always felt like a fish out of water. The net result was that two hours after breakfast, my team was headed...

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Seducing a Straight Male

I was swimming last friday afternoon when Joe (Straight) a man who was working on our garden came in. He told me that he was going to work a little bit and I told him that I didn't mind. I checked him out a little but even though he's not really my type I would have done him. I could see his reflection thanks to the materials he brought. I took my bathing suit while I was still in the pool and asked hime that if he mind. He told me he didn't so I turned around and let him work before I made my...

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His Hands

(my first time out here. Please be patient. Was watching a lot of vampire movies.. LOL) I dream of his hands holding mine, but mostly I dream of his hands on my body, stroking and caressing my throat. That sharp, metal, nail, dragging, ever, so, slowly, across my jugular vein, and down my neck, towards the valley of my collar bone. I can almost feel it now, as it slips diagonally past my tattoo, and traces an invisible line across my chest, mounting the hills of my breasts with slow...

4 years ago
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Mistaken Identity Part Two

Jake spent the next two days pondering his next move and suffering his lust. If his incomprehensible desire for Ryan was strong before, it was a nearly uncontrollable blaze now. His dreams featured her naked, wanting, that luscious body that the drying sheet had only hinted at on display for his eyes, hands and mouth. He woke up in trembling sweats the first night, a raging hard on tenting his covers. He'd lost count of the times he'd had to take himself in hand. Finally, the day had arrived...

Straight Sex
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Friendship Se Sex Tak Pooja 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends! Mera naam nikhil hai aur main pune me rahta hun. Thanks for appreciating my real incident – friendship-se-sex-tak-pooja (jinhone meri 1st part nahi padha ho wo ye link se padh sakte hain – friendship-se-sex-tak-pooja). Jaisa ki maine first part me bataya tha – Pooja mere office ki friend hai aur humdono mall me mile the fir wo mere flat pe aai thi aur humne kaisa chudai ki. Aaplogo ko yaad dila dun ki pooja ka figure 32-28-32 hai aur us incident ke baad humdono regular hi sex krne...

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Brothers Best Friend Ch 05

Here it finally is after the long await. Sorry it took so long. Stupid computer crashed and deleted all my work. Hope you like it ********************************************* Ryder: I decided to give Katie time before I continued my pursuit of her, not wanting to scare her completely. By the end of the third day I was going insane with lust. Fucking numerous girls to an unsatisfying climax that was only brought on by the memories of Katie’s soft lips and throaty moan. I knew whatever I did...

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A lot of people think I just sit around on my ass all day, snorting Viagra, jerking off to premium porno, and just generally having a great time. I am living the dream, but this is hard work. My right hand is curled into a masturbatory claw thanks to the grueling crank regimen I’m on, and I had to visit the ER three times last year for severe chafing. Life is good in my Fortress of Solid Nudes, but month-long spank binges can get lonely. Sometimes I crave the kind of human interaction you can...

Live Sex Cam Sites
3 years ago
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Finally Getting Lucky Part 2

Read part 1 for more info. Please comment.Brian had just had sex for the first time, although the girl he was with, Ashley, didn't get to cum. She wasn't leaving him until she did."You ready to go again" she asked him."You want to do it again?""Well I didn't get to cum so yea we're fucking again. You're gonna use that big cock to make me orgasm.She pushed Brian back on the bed and started sucking him. His cock was starting to get hard again. It felt so good to brian because she had his whole...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 9 Brotherrsquos Naughty Help

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah Pete’s eyes bulged at my words. He trembled, staring at my naked tits swaying before him, his eyes drinking in their pillowy softness and how hard my brown nipples were. He licked his lips, rubbing his hands on his jeans as he struggled not to jizz in his pants. Such a wanton thrill went through me to witness this young man, only sixteen, lusting for me. He had such hunger in his face. He wanted me so badly. I was old enough to be...

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Quiz Are You Gay My answer Whats yours

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are.STAGE 1=======1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) [ yes ]2. When you watch straight...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 6

"And why would a young Apprentice like you be wanting to go to Castle Glenquin? The owner is also the Master Wizard there and not noted for his generosity, nor hospitality," the man at the market in An Caislean Nua inquired when I asked him about Glenquin Castle. "He's the very devil himself," a woman nearby injected in a shrill voice. "Still, I have been directed to see him, if only for a short time," I told them. "If you're determined then, take the road south to the Mahoonagh...

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MouthChapter 2

“What do you want me to do?” Leslie asked, totally defeated. Her brother Jay grinned at his buddy Cal. They had worked all day editing a video they had shot last night after drugging his sister, combining it with the recording work she had been doing for a college project on voice synthesis in order to make it sound like she had ordered her brother to pull out his cock so that she could suck it. They had uploaded the fake incest video to a porn site and it was going to automatically go...

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Christmas Chills

Stephanie Adams had always been the quirky friend of her group. She was a 5'7" white girl with vivid blonde hair, a slim figure and good looks, making her a hit with anyone she met, no matter how random. She was skilled with both paintbrush and pencil, she was brimming with creative ideas and was always down for a good time, no matter the outcome. Despite her outgoing ways and positive attitude, there was always one thing Stephanie hated more than anything; Christmas. It wasn't because of...

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How I Got Gangbanged

How I Got Gangbanged By Twitta This is how I got gangbanged. I had gone to a party at the apartment of a friend of a friend. I was dressed up in a black thong and bra, little black leather miniskirt, skimpy white top, black fishnet stockings, open-toe strappy high heels, red lipstick and nails, big earrings, lots of slutty makeup, my long blonde permed hair flowing over my shoulders. I was the only CD/TV at the party; all the other guests were guys. I was enjoying...

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My Curel Stepmom Nagamani 8211 Part VI

Hello ISS readers,, in my earlier episodes, I explained how I became complete slave to my step mom Nagamani. In this part I am going to narrate how my step-mom Nagamani tortured me on her birthday for pleasure. Nagamani face kaipu ekkistundi. Pichekkinche andamaina mukku, verrekkinche smile, kobbaribondala lanti sallu, 44 size pirrala tho nagamani pita pita laadipothundi. Mad dad nagamani ki complete slave ayyaadu. Nagamani thana lovers Seenu, Anjaneyulu tho 24 hours denginchukuntu swarga...

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Bookstore Meeting

I could not stop staring at this guy at the bookstore. He was a well-built b*****r, in his 50’s about 6’2” and was looking a ladyboy magazines. I asked his name and he answered “Rob”, talked had went to the bar a few steps over and had a few drinks. After getting to know each other some we caught a cab back to his place. As soon as I opened the door he smacked me on the ass when I went past him. We sat for a while then he started stoking his dick through his pants. I told him I wanted to see...

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Thats Ms Inner Freak to you

So the 4th of July finally came. Kels called and asked if I wanted to head over to a Fireworks party at one of her MILF friends house. I guess it was right against the edge of town so you could see a perfect view from their back yard. "Hells yea!" and who knows what the rest of the night would hold in store. "I'll pick you up at 6, so we can get a bite. I also have something to show you"..."I can't wait. Anything in particular I should wear, sir?" Kels was progressing so well in her...

4 years ago
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There was a knock at the door. You walk over and open it to see a young girl who looks as if she has just turned 19. "Hi my name is Stacy, I'm here for the free headshots that are being offered" says the cute brunette wearing clear plastic set of glasses. "Yes right this way" you say as you usher her into the studio. "Would you like a free photoshoot as well?" you offer her. "Are you sure? That is normally quite expensive." she replies "Quite sure" You say as you walk over to get your camera...

1 year ago
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Sex With Suman

By : Deepakd Hi, mera naam Deepak hai, aur main Jammu ka rehne wala hu, mera email id hai – . Mere kad 5’5” hai aur mere laude ka size 6” hai n kafi mota hai… bat un dino ki hai jab main college first year me tha, mere ek dost ‘abhi’ ka ghar college ke pas hi tha hum dono aksar college ke bad ikthe hi jate the aur kai bar bunk karke uske ghar par bluefilm dekhte uske ghar ke thodi dur ek aur ghar tha. Waha husband wife rehte the husband ka naam ‘Sanjay’ tha aur wife ka naam ‘suman’ tha ek hi...

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Blow job fantasy gone wrong

At the end of the year my company shut down for two weeks.It was great to be off from work and still receiving a 40 hour checkEach week. The first two days I tackled several at home projects That I had put off for a long time. Now that I was done with thoseTasks I still had over 12 more days before I returned to work.When I get bored I turn to porn to pass by the dull moments. After watching and jacking off to several cockold videos. IBegan to wonder if white couple really let black guys join...

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The MILF Episode 2

It had been three days since Tina’s surprise sexual encounter with her 19-year old son, Mark. He had walked in on her masturbating to a porn video that he had left running on TV. One thing led to another, and before long, the mother and son were fucking like naturals. The three days since that crazy, exciting time had been quiet between the two. After a truce to not mention it again, each knew that the other was still thinking about it. A few days of the memories of that moment had Tina excited...


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