Trouble In The Forest - Book IIChapter 5 free porn video

Travis tried his best but he could not convince Kim to go on a date, even after her fourteenth birthday. Truthfully, I think she was a bit scared of his reputation, because by then, it was pretty common knowledge that he had high expectations of the girls he dated. After the sap run had concluded, he just didn't have that many opportunities to be with her casually, and she obviously was not seeking him out. That doesn't mean that he went without companionship. Far from it, really. He still had girls call him for dates - just not Kim.
During Spring Break, we vacationed at a beautiful resort in the Caribbean. It was unreal. What a gorgeous place. If you wanted quiet, you could go to the beach and hear nothing but the waves as they came in. If you wanted activities, they had pools and games and water sports. At night there was a band every night at one location and a dj at another. It was a super vacation. Right in the middle of it, Mom and Hank decided to get married which really didn't surprise me. I just hope that when I get ready for marriage, I can find someone who cares as much about me as Hank does about Mom. He is so different than Dad ever was.
There were several good looking guys that were staying at the resort as well, not together, but with their own families. I had already decided that if I met some guy that I liked, that I would consider doing something sexual with him, since I could experience someone new and that I did not have to worry about him blabbing to all of our classmates. I wasn't sure yet just how far I would go with this person, but I had made up my mind to do something anyway. As it turned out, on our second night, I was dancing at the club with the dj with a very good looking guy from New Hampshire named Steve. He was tall, had dark hair, and a wonderful smile and could he ever dance. I think we danced non stop for about an hour and then walked outside to cool off. He said that he was sixteen and attended some prep school for boys. They had social meets with a girl's school once a month, but he had not met any girls yet that captured his attention. I told him that I wasn't even allowed to date yet, which surprised him, because he didn't realize that I was only fourteen. We talked for quite a while and then walked along the beach. Somewhere, he found some beach towels and we spread them out in a little cove area that was sheltered from the resort view. Steve was hesitant at first, almost timid in touching my breasts, but when I didn't move his hand or stop him, he continued, finally unbuttoning my blouse and then sliding his hand under my bra. When I allowed that to continue, he wasted no time in reaching behind me to remove it. It was exciting to feel his lips on my nipples; I could not help but wonder how many girls he had been with. I wondered if each new activity was a first for him because he stayed so long in one spot before he dared to go on. I was wet before he ever moved his hands to the clasp of my shorts, but he didn't know that. When I lifted my bottom up to allow him to slide them off my hips, I heard him moan softly. He ran his hand down from my breast to curl around my bush, touching it very lightly, and then caressing the inside of my thighs before he ventured upward to actually touch me there. Very gently he pressed the palm of his hand and his fingers against my labia, and I moved up against him to show him that it was okay. I took his hand in mine and steered his finger to my clit. From that point on, he got the idea and I got excited. I reached for his, and slid my hand inside his shorts. He was hard and ready and I started to unzip his shorts but he just stopped and pushed them down to his ankles. He rolled onto me and I guided his penis into me.
I felt so bold! It was very exciting, having sex with someone new, feeling so grown up all of a sudden. He pushed into me and I could immediately tell that he was not as large as Travis, large enough, for sure, but just different. But the feeling was just as nice, believe me. That feeling of him inside me, moving slowly at first and then faster and harder is a wonderful feeling. He was excited and I felt the warmth of his semen shooting in me more quickly than I would have liked, but it felt good none the less. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him tightly to me and held him in place until I was ale to squeeze a few smaller contractions. He was fumbling for words. He didn't know what to say. It seemed to me that he was surprised that we had done it--maybe he was. I felt him softening and then he pulled out and rolled off of me, lying quietly by my side. I opened my eyes and looked at his.
"Am I the first girl you have done that with?"
"Was it what you expected it would be?"
""Sarah, it was so much better than I ever dreamed it could be. You are wonderful, so beautiful and soft and exciting."
I kissed him and reached down to his crotch to play with him a little. It didn't take long before he was hard again, and he rolled into my thighs again. This time he was much more confident and his thrusts into me more certain. He was pushing hard, his penis impacting my clit and I was quickly to the point of my first climax with him. I felt my muscles contract and clamp around him in mid thrust, trapping him and holding him motionless until they relaxed again and I exhaled loudly. That inspired him and he continued driving hard. I rolled my hips slightly, and the change in angle allowed him to rub against me in both directions. More contractions. After a few minutes of this, he could no longer refrain and his second blast of cum flooded into me.
The next day, Steve sought me out, trying to be by my side the entire day. I finally had to tell him that he was crowding me and if he ever thought about seeing me again some evening, he should give me space during the day. That worked for about an hour but he returned to sit next to me watching a volleyball game on the beach, then went with me to lay by the pool. Finally I became upset and told him that if he insisted on accompanying me everywhere, I would complain to the resort. I also told him that whatever dreams he had for the rest of the week should not include me. Once those threats didn't work, I did what every girl with an older brother does--I called on Travis for help. Perhaps it was the tone of my voice that signaled trouble, I don't know, but Travis was beside me in a flash. I don't know where he had been, but before I could turn around, he was beside me asking if the guy was bothering me.
"Don't hurt him, Travis. Just make him go away, please. He won't leave me alone."
Travis looked at Steve. They were about the same height, but standing next to each other, there could be no doubt as to who was in the better physical condition.
"Did you want to enjoy the rest of your vacation here, buddy or do you want to keep pestering my sister?"
"Fuck you! I can talk to whomever I want."
Travis hit him with a full swing, in the nose and mouth. Steve fell backward, grabbed his face and realized that he hand blood pouring from his nose. Quickly he backed away as Travis remained ready to continue.
"I told ya, pal, but you knew better. Enjoy your Spring Break, and leave my sister alone."
Steve moved away quickly, holding his hand to his nose and walking quickly in the direction of his room.
"I won't even ask where you found that guy," Travis tossed out as a little poke at me. "Maybe I'll just sit here with you for a while and take in some sun."
About twenty minutes passed and we were visited by one of the security guards at the resort. "Some guy is claiming that you punched him in the face. Claims he has a bunch of broken teeth and a broken nose. What's your side of this?"
"Are you talking about a tall skinny guy with dark hair?"
"Yes, that's the one."
"He was pestering my little sister here, and I told him to move along, but he got a smart mouth, so I started to get up to chase him and he turned and ran right into that palm tree there. Is he claiming that I hit him?"
"He says that you punched him for no reason."
"Do I look like the kind of guy that just goes around punching people for no reason? And besides, if I had punched him, do you think he would still be walking around?"
The guard thought about that for a while. Apparently he decided that he would never get to the bottom of the issue, but didn't hear or see any indication of a continuing problem, so he just thanked us and walked away. In the restaurant that evening, Steve was sitting with his parents at a table in the corner of the dining room. He had tape across his nose and what appeared to be the beginnings of two blackened and swollen eyes. I let Travis have my bottom that night, just as a little thank you for coming to my rescue.
The rest of the school yet flew by after Spring Break. All of a sudden it was June again and this year, we had the summer free. Mom and Hank decided that as a family, we needed to make up for the vacations that we didn't have when we lived in Cleveland. They heard no complaints from either Travis or me, especially when we learned what they had planned. We would fly to Spain, tour several cities there and then board a cruise ship and sail around the Mediterranean Sea for two weeks. stopping at various ports. It all sounded very exciting, and we were all for it. The last stop was in London and we stayed there for several more days, touring all over. Hank suggested that we had probably done enough for this trip but promised to continue the travel adventure later. The entire trip, Travis and I shared a cabin or room, and I don't think a day or night went by that we did not have sex in some form or another. I always thought about our relationship as one of a loving brother and sister but having sex with him as often as I did just made me feel even closer to him. I don't know what "being in love" feels like, but what I feel for Travis is a lot different than it was last summer. One day, we were sitting in our room and Travis was looking at a photograph of me that he had come up with somewhere. It was from our "going away" party that our friends had for us before we left Cleveland.
"I can't believe how much you have changed in the past year, Sarah." He held out the picture for me.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, look. You're boobs are much bigger, you have nicely rounded hips and your butt is dynamite."
I had to admit that my body had changed, pretty dramatically in some ways. I had grown out of my 32A bra by the fall and was now filling a 34B pretty nicely. My hips had rounded; Travis was that observant, but I didn't and still don't know what a "dynamite butt" is. What he didn't mention, but I knew he enjoyed was that my bush had continued to fill in as my hips expanded, so that I still had a solid triangle of medium brown pubic hair for him to play in. And I had learned to relax the muscles in my bottom so that it didn't hurt so much when we did it that way. So when he finished admiring how my body had developed to his pleasure, I pushed my shorts down and walked over to him, pushed my bush into his face and teased him about not mentioning that change, too. I knew what would happen then, and it did, to our mutual enjoyment.

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