The Forest Elf free porn video

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The forest was eerily quiet. The creatures of the night seemed to know that evil was amidst and stayed in their hidden lairs. The moon, full and luminescent, shone through the canopy of tall, wicked trees, casting long dark shadows like broken fingers across the wet, soggy floor. The air was cool and damp, a chill hung in the air. The outcast crept silently, save for the beating of her youthful heart. The forest floor was covered with moss and wet leaves, silencing her footsteps.

The moon slipped behind a dark passing cloud, erasing all but the dimmest light. The outcast’s eyes adjusted quickly, her pupils opened wide. She stopped and listened for any sounds. She could not yet hear them. She sniffed the air. The scent of burning campfires loomed. At the least, she was certain that the Royal Alliance was nowhere near; not this deep in the forbidding forest.

The Royal Alliance Army was formed thousands of years ago by the Kings of Tlateott, to counter the threat caused when the Dark Sorcerers created the Vandark Army, a conglomeration of evil men, Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, Goblins, and many other forms of dark creatures. The Vandark Army, in the beginning years, was nothing more than meandering gangs of evil creatures who would prey upon the unwary and the weak. They would rob, murder, and rape their victims, sometimes even enslave them.

Over time, they organized into formidable combat units usually lead by Orcs. They created wicked weapons, trained in combat and mastered the arts of murder and torture. These units would assault the cities of the Alliance Kingdom, defended only by the City Kings’ warriors. The small city militias were no match for the Vandark and they began to fall and their citizens killed and brutalized. Men were slaughtered after being forced to watch as their wives and daughters were raped by throngs of Orcs and Goblins.

The various Kings of the lands were helpless to stop the Vandark. Their cities were sacked and their subjects massacred. In the face of such brutality, the Kings convened and formed the Royal Alliance Army and a Senate to reign over the united realms. The Senate would be elected by the people of the lands; and they had the power to command the Royal Alliance Army. Kings of a member cities or realms would be protected by the Alliance Army against any threat from the Vandark.

The Kings, however, were obligated to financially support the Alliance and provide soldiers and support staff. The agreement was that a King must draft every able bodied male and female at the age of seventeen and send them serve in the Alliance. The males, if able bodied, were to serve as soldiers and the females and non-combat able males to serve as support personnel.

She continued her trek, carefully choosing her path. The moon had returned along with the thin shadows. The outcast was dressed in a thick, warm, dark green hooded cloak at covered her head and obscured her face, hung over her small backpack and shoulders and draped to the ground. Under her cloak, she wore a light green blouse. The blouse was very soft, woven hemp, cut in a V which exposed a hint of her deep cleavage. Her black leather pants, cracked and weathered, hugged her hips and thighs, hinting to her voluptuous, hourglass figure and tapered down into her black knee high boots. On her thin waist a leather belt hung from her hips. A dagger and a razor sharp sword sheathed in a mud crusted scabbard were the only weapons she carried even though she was not skill in there use.

The outcast, Yersia van Clarva, was a Forest Elf, a sub-species of the true elves. Forest Elves, over the course of countless generations, developed traits unique to their kind. They retained the attractive, sharp features, hairless bodies, pointed ears, small hands and long fingers common to all elves. They do not have pale skin like the other elves, rather their skin is tan/olive toned.

Unlike other elves however, Forest Elves have larger eyes; eyes with reflective retinas that allow them to see in near darkness. All elves have very keen hearing and excellent sight. All female elves are carriers of the ‘Elfish Effect’ and this especially true of the female Forest Elves, whom are very strong carriers. As a whole, Forest Elves are a bright, very loving and attractive race.

Yersia was no exception. She stood 5’6” and weight no more than 120 pounds. She had long, dark hair, bright florescent green eyes, and a beautiful face. She had lightly freckled, high cheek bones with slight dimples which charmed her attractive features. Her nose was pierced with a tiny green jewel on the left side. Her small mouth and full lips added to her beauty and her thin curved body hinted at her youth. She was full and heavy in the bust and narrow at the waist with a smooth chiseled stomach. Her legs were long, sexy, well muscled and accentuated her full ass and wide curving hips. Her voice was soft, sweet and seductive. She was, by the measure of any species in the land, a sexy and beautiful being.

Yersia was born to a loving middle class family in the Clarva Forests, the ancient home of the Forest Elves. In the Clarva Forests grow the Giant Avdark Trees. These trees grow to over 800 feet tall, trunks over 100 feet wide with massive, wide spread branches and smooth bark. It is in the huge hollows of these trees that the Forest Elves make their homes. Some of the hollows in the Avdark trees can be as big as houses and the Forest Elves used them for that purpose. The Forest Elves, over the centuries, have built huge communities in the Avdarks. A network of rope bridges and platforms interconnect the various houses, shops and taverns.

Yersia was raised by her beautiful, caring mother and her strict father, who worked in their small family orchard, growing and selling fruit to the Alliance Army to provide for his family. He taught her, and her three brothers, how to hunt, track prey, fish and live off the land. She spent her childhood helping her father in the fruit orchards and her mother with her profession; making soaps, toothpastes, shampoos and hemp dental floss. Her mother taught Yersia how to grow and harvest the plants and herbs required to make these items and how to produce them perfectly.

She was a happy and cheerful child, full of vigor and joy. She was sheltered from the chaos of the war between the Alliance and Vandark. She never had to experience the death and brutality of the world. She and brothers never went hungry as children and they were raised to respect all around them. The importance of family, discipline, complete personal hygiene and femininity was instilled in her at an early age.

When she turned 14, her body began to change. Her hips, once thin and narrow, like that of the boys in her village with whom she played and climbed trees with, began widen and curve. Her once flat chest began to grow full like that of her mother’s. She was changing into a woman elf and it scared her. She saw that men began to notice her in ways they did not before. They would stare at her and look her up and down, making her feel uncomfortable. Some even tried to talk her into their beds. Yersia never liked this unwanted attention and shied away from it. And, to make things worse, all of her brothers had left home, drafted into the Alliance Army.

On her seventeenth birthday, she too was drafted into the Alliance and sent to serve in the City of Serronia, about 300 miles east of her home village. She was assigned to work as a nanny to several Officers of the Alliance. Most of her days she spend helping their wives care for infants and young children. She greatly enjoyed her duties as a nanny because it gave her extra time to make her favorite soaps, shampoos and toothpastes. She shared them with the families she worked for and they were very kind and thankful to her.

Her time passed quickly but things were changing. Corruption had taken hold in the Alliance. Soldiers were no longer held to the high standards that were established in the past. Instead of fending off the Vandark, the Alliance began to suffer defeats; soldiers started deserting and moral fell. Rumors had it that the Vandark began to build encampments deep in the nearby forests. She often thought of home and she missed her family greatly.

Yersia, being young and beautiful, was always harassed by the men of the Alliance. She endured their staring, comments, propositions and harassment. Her commanders would often order her to clean the barracks where she would be taunted by the young soldiers. They would walk past her and drop their towels, exposing their nudity, just to see her shy away. They walked around naked, teasing her and requesting favors of her. She hated them and their treatment of her. She never gave in and never allowed them to have her. She just did her duties and kept to herself.

On her 18th birthday, Yersia was treated to a night out on the town with her friends. They took her to a nice dinner and then to a classy tavern which was frequented by the City’s well to do. She and her friends danced and sang. Yersia loved to dance. She danced gracefully and seductively; they way she moved her hips to the music was mesmerizing to the men who watched. Dancing was a release for her but she had to be careful; dancing caused the ‘Elfish Effect’ to influence her thoughts and libido. Many times she came close to making regretful decisions, but her caring friends brought her back to reality.

She danced, socialized and forgot about the troubles of the world. She would have had a wonderful night had it not been for a young Lieutenant that continually hounded her and bought her drinks which she politely refused. His advances continued and when he realized that the beautiful elf girl would have nothing to do with him, he called her a conceded bitch and stomped off.

Yersia arrived back at her dorm late; she was tired and missed her family. She opened the door to her room and was suddenly shoved inside. She fell to the ground and her attacker slammed the door behind her and jumped on top of her, ripping at her blouse.

She tried to scream but the assailant covered her mouth with his hand and placed a dagger to her throat. He threatened to kill her if she screamed. Yersia was terrified and completely overpowered by her attacker.

“Scream, and I will kill you, Bitch!” a voiced threatened from behind her.

He tore off her blouse and bra and grabbed at her breasts, hurting her. She could smell a strong odor of whiskey on her attacker and gagged when he licked her across the neck. He man-handled her and forced her to roll over as he grabbed mercilessly at her breasts and crotch. She tried to fight him off but she was too small and not very strong. She felt both of his hands grasping at her soft thighs. She looked for something to fend him off with and noticed that he had laid his dagger on the floor, next to her head. She reached for the dagger, taking it by the handle, holding it tight. Her attacker yanked her panties off her hips, down to her knees and forced himself between her legs. Yersia knew that he was going to rape her and without thinking, she plunged the dagger deep into her attacker’s neck.

He immediately grabbed at his neck, and pulled the dagger out. Blood spurted from the open wound and spattered the floor and walls. He stood up and looked at his victim with wide open eyes, as if to plead for help. That is when she recognized him; it was the persistent Lieutenant from the tavern. He must have followed her home with the intent of having her charms, with or without her consent.

He stumbled to the door and escaped into the hallway, leaving a thick spattering of blood on the walls and floor. He clutched at his gushing neck. He tried to scream for aid but only a deep wet gurgle escaped his lips. He made it about 20 feet before collapsing on the floor in a heap; he died shortly after, all the blood draining from his cooling body.

Yersia was soon taken into custody and interrogated about the incident. The unfortunate circumstance for her was that the investigators happened to be friends with the slain Officer. They covered up the attempted rape and made her appear as if she was a whore and lured the poor Lieutenant to her room with the intent to rob and kill him. In the end, she was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. To her great fortune, the jail was over crowded so the guards placed her in a holding cell, but the guard forgot to lock the cell door and she was able to escape.

She snuck away from the jail in the dark of night and made her way to the edge of the city. She realized that she had nothing save for a jail jumpsuit. Having been a nanny for some of the wealthy city folk, she knew where to get clothes and supplies. She crept to the back of a Colonel’s house, for which she worked for, knowing that he and his family would be out of town. She climbed through a window and grabbed clothing, food and some other supplies. She took some of the soaps and herbs she gave to the Colonel’s wife and stuffed them into a small pack. Once dressed and fed, she made her way out of the city and escaped into the forest.

She was alone now; at the mercy of the wilderness and the creatures that inhabited it. She knew that she would not survive out here alone and she knew that she could never go back home. After hours of walking, she climbed into a tree as morning approached. She wrapped herself in her cloak, listening to the night creatures and their evil, shrieking calls. She was alone, frightened and cold; she wrapped her cloak around herself, lowered her head and cried until she fell asleep.

She spent over a week in the forest, living off the food she had taken. She was fortunate that her father taught her to live off the land and to survive in the forest. She had no trouble finding fresh fruit in the trees and fishing the streams and rivers was simple and productive. She traveled at night, using her exceptional night vision to guide her. While wandering through the forest, she came upon a rouge camp.

She hid in the dark forest, careful not let them see her. The rouges appeared to be human, their faces lit by their campfire. They had a male elf hanging by his arms from a low branch in the middle of their camp. The elf was dead; disemboweled with his intestines hanging from a grotesque wound. She panicked and ran away as fast as she could, terrified. The human rouges, too drunk and stoned, never knew she was there.

The sun was near rising so Yersia climbed high in a tree and sat in a hollow, sobbing. She knew it was only a matter of time before she would be captured by the Alliance, Vandark or worse. While she was hiking, she spotted several goblin tracks on a trail and troll droppings near the entrance of a cave she planned on sleeping in, but thought it would be best to keep moving. Sleeping high in trees was her safest option. Goblins and Trolls she knew are dangerous and she would have to avoid them at all costs.

Goblins are short, squat, nasty creatures at eat the flesh of even their own. They are not large creatures; most males stand no taller than five feet and usually 100 pounds or so. They have scaly, reptilian skin and pointed ears and fanged teeth. They have long pointed noses that are usually covered with warts and they stink terribly. They are not bright as a species and will never accept an elf as a partner. They have been known to rape female humanoids but usually kill them afterwards. They never travel alone, usually in groups of at least 5 or 6. They make up the largest number in Vandark. They are not very strong and bravery is a rarity among them.

Trolls are also nasty ape like creatures; Hairy, filthy and hideous. They are the least intelligent species of the Vandark; they just assume kill an elf and eat them than to bargain with one. They are covered with course hair and sleep in their own waste. They are smaller than Goblins and not much of a threat by themselves. Never has it been documented for a troll to rape a female elf or human. They tend to live in dark places like caves and crevices and will attack creatures that travel alone.

Ogres are another vial creature of the Vandark. They are huge beasts, standing 10 feet tall and over 800 pounds. They will squash an elf before realizing what they had done due to their rudimentary thinking. They live in small bands and are rarely found this deep in the forests. They are temperamental creatures and not easily tamed. Only the Orcs can control them.

Orcs are the smartest and most dangerous creatures of the Vandark. Orcs are powerful and creative. They are large humanoids; larger than humans. An average Orc stands well over 6 ½ feet tall and over 300 pounds. Orcs have round, broad faces with flat noses, small red eyes, fanged teeth, undershot jaws and long forked tongues. They are thick in the neck and skull and have keen senses. They have dark green, almost black leathery skin and thick heavy bones. Broad and thick at the shoulders and narrow in the waist and hips, they are imposing beasts. They have massive trunk like legs, the stamina of a horse and the strength of three men; they are foes to be reckoned with. They can kill a man with a single blow and they are cunning and cleaver. Only the brightest, fiercest and most powerful of the Orcs become leaders and once a leader, they will impose their will on all who submit to them. And those who do not submit will be conquered, tortured and even killed.

Yersia, hugging her cloak tightly around her body to keep warm, cried, wondering if she would ever see her family again. She knew the Alliance would be watching her village, waiting for her to return so that they could arrest her. She could never go back. She knew that sooner or later, someone or something will eventually find her. And, when they did, she was afraid of what will happen. Rouges will rob, rape her and kill her. Trolls and Goblins will eat her. Ogres will simply crush her into the ground. The Orcs....

“What would the Orcs do?” She thought. She learned in the Alliance that Orcs are very organized militarily. Does that mean they have rules when it came to surrendering elves? What if they found her? She was not sure if they would kill her or keep her as a prisoner. What if she surrendered to them? Would they treat her as if she were a spy? Would they kill her on the spot?

She heard stories of high ranking Orc officers keeping human and elf woman as pets, using them as their personal concubines. She did not want to die and she did not want to risk worse in this dark, forsaken forest.

Not knowing that her naive and inexperienced mind was getting the best of her, she gave in and decided to track down the Orcs and attempt to persuade their leader to take her as a pet. She knew if she succeeded, she would become a concubine. She bit her lip thinking about the challenges ahead of her. If she were to be a concubine, she needed the ‘Elfish Effect” to help her.

The ‘Elfish Effect’ is a condition unique to female elves. When a female elf reaches puberty, a very small gland at the base of her brain begins to develop. Upon sexual maturity, around 15 to 17 years of age, this gland begins to function. When the female elf is sexually stimulated, the gland releases hormones into her body.

These hormones cause her skin to release pheromones that have a fresh, pleasant floral aroma that causes sexual excitement in males and other females as well. Also, the hormones released from the gland create a powerful intoxicating effect on the female herself, greatly increasing her own sexual arousal and reducing her sensitivity to pain by converting it to pleasure. The feeling it creates has been compared to being under the influence of marijuana and cocaine. The effect increases the sensations created during intercourse and even fellatio, to the point of creating oral orgasms.

The intoxicating effect caused by this gland has been said to make female elves the best sexual mates of all the humanoid species. Another interesting point is that this condition is most prominent in Forest Elves and Mountain Elves, making them much more susceptible to its effects. The female Forest and Mountain Elves have been sought after as mates and sex slaves for ages.

Also unique to elf-women is a second, clitoris-like numb at the back of their throats. The biological purpose of this feature is unknown, but it is believed to have developed to help elf-women better pleasure their mates, thus increasing their chances of keeping them around. Due to this second clitoris, only the elves can orgasm orally making them truly interesting sexual creatures.

Once the sun began set, she awoke and opened her pack, and took out some of the dried fish and fruit that she had kept. She ate and drank, filling her belly. She then took out a container of the powdered soap she made in City of Serronia, and rubbed it all over her body. This special soap her mother taught her to make works equally well on dry or wet skin. The soap left her feeling clean and fresh. She rubbed some toothpaste on her teeth, gums and tongue. She had gathered clumps of jasmine flowers and used them to rub through her thick hair, leaving her hair smelling like a wonder flower patch. She felt clean and soft.

Upon the arrival of darkness, she climbed out of the tree and continued her stealthy trek through the dark forest. The cooing of a raven and the sounds of buzzing crickets filled her sensitive ears. After several hours, her keen vision detected the glow of a fire in the distance. She began to hear the low grumbling of voices. She could not understand what they were saying for they spoke in their own tongue.

Each race of creatures had a unique language, but all beings on Tlateott spoke Common. Common was created eons ago so that all beings could communicate with each other. She approached very cautiously, making sure she remained downwind. As she slithered through the low hung branches, she came upon an encampment.

She hid amongst the bushes and tall grass stalks. She saw that this was no small camp but rather an Orc embattlement. She could see dozens of tents and several small campfires burning. She knew she had to be smart about how she would approach them. If they found her and thought she was a spy, they may kill her of the spot. Or worse, they would torture her and rape her to death. She had to give herself up and appear non-threatening. She crouched low and approached closer to the camp. The heavy thud of her heartbeat echoed in her ears. Sweat began to bead her brow and atop her bountiful cleavage even though the air was cool and damp.

As Yersia sneaked the perimeter of the camp, voices caught her attention. She turned her eyes, startled, toward the sound of the voices and noticed three orcs walking the perimeter in her direction. She crouched low to the ground as they approached. Suddenly, she noticed that the wind had shifted direction, and not to her favor.

The three orcs continued to approach. They were about fifty feet away when they stopped. She peered through the bushes and tall grass. The orcs began to whisper to each other and they sniffed the air.

“Oh no,” Yersia thought to herself. “They can smell me!”

She quickly thought of her plan. She had to approach the Orcs; she could not let them find her or they will kill her. The Orcs had their backs to her, sniffing the wind. She took a deep breath and tried to stand up, but she was frozen with fear. She closed her eyes and tried to work up the courage but before she could, the Orcs turned her direction and continued walking, alert to something nearby. Something that smelled sweet, like the nectar of a flower.

The three Orcs were dressed like soldiers, with steel and leather armor, long broadswords and knives. Yersia could hear their footsteps getting closer and closer. She could her them breathing; she could hear the clank of their armor.

As they passed, one of the Orcs saw a tiny green twinkle of light out of the corner of his eye. He turned and looked down and saw what appeared to be a hooded figure lying of the ground. He looked closer and saw the face of an elf girl.

She had a tiny green precious stone pierced through her nose and the light from the campfires glinted off of it. He stared at her for several seconds, perhaps not comprehending what he was looking at. Yersia could only hold her breath and pray. Finally, the Orc realized that what he was looking at was not a figment of his imagination; he quickly drew his sword and yelled in a deep, loud, growling voice, “Spy!”

His two companions turned and drew their swords. Yersia froze in terror and threw her hands in the air saying, “I am an elf! I am surrendering!”

She tried to crawl way from them on her back, but the tail of her cloak was under her feet so she could not move; her feet kelp sliding off the tail of the cloak leaving streaks of mud from her boots.

Again she shouted, “I surrender! I surrender! Don’t kill me! Please!”

One of the Orcs pressed the cold blade of his sword to her neck. “Wicked elf,” he yelled, “Who comes with you?!”

“I am alone, Sir,” she pleaded!

“You lie! I will gash your throat where you lie! How many are you!” shouted the Orc as his two companions crouched, long swords at the ready while looking out into the darkness for the other elves.

More Orcs approached.

“Show yourself,” he demanded!

Yersia reached up and removed the hood of her cloak. The Orc looked down and realized that the intruder was a female elf...A beautiful, albeit.

“Please, Lord, I am but one! I mean no harm. Please don’t hurt me,” Yersia pleaded softly.

“I sense no others, Captain. She is perhaps but one,” growled another Orc.

More Orcs began to arrive; some with bows and others with battle axes and spears and others holding flaming torches.

The Captain, obviously the higher ranking of the three, peered at the Forest Elf. He saw the fear in her green eyes; eyes that reflect the moonlight as if she were a cat or another creature of the forest. She did not reach for her weapons nor call for aid from her kin, if she even had any. She was frightened and seemed lost.

“Take her weapons,” the Captain ordered.

With that, one of the Orcs reached down with a clawed hand the ripped her belt from her waist, taking the sword and dagger with it.

“What other weapons do you possess, Spy?” Barked the Captain.

“None, Lord! I beg of you! I am just an elf girl. I am no spy,” she pleaded, breathing heavily and trembling with fright.

“Search her,” commanded the Captain as he removed his blade from Yersia’s throat. The Orc grabbed Yersia’s arm and pulled her to her feet. He held her firmly as her searched her cloak and boots for hidden weapons; He could find none. He then ripped the backpack from her and began to rummage through it, looking for anything that would identify her as a spy.

“She is clean,” the subordinate Orc responded.

The Captain’s eyes fell heavy on the Forest Elf. His eyes were piercing and red as blood.

“Take her to the General,” he commanded.

The other two Orcs grabbed her by her arms and lifted her clear off the ground and carried her off toward the center of the camp. As she was taken off, she saw that dozens of other Orcs had gathered around and were yelling and shouting profanities at her. They threatened to rape her, sodomize her and to throw her to the Javouls, which were large, wolf/bear like creatures of the Vandark. They told her that she would be raped by every Orc in the camp; fucked raw and filled with their seething cum. She is frightened to the core as they threatened her with all forms of barbaric acts of torture and death.

She was lead to an area where a large series of fires that formed a ring around a group of tables. Around these tables sat several Orcs looking at what appeared to be maps or perhaps war plans. The Captain approached one of the tables and announced his presence and saluted. The Orc seated turned to the Captain, stood and returned the salute. The Captain spoke to the Orc in charge, turning briefly while point in Yersia’s direction. The Captain appeared to explain how they came to possess Yersia and how she claimed to have been alone. Yersia, still being held by the two Orc soldiers, assumed that the Orc in charge was the General.

The General turned and faced Yersia and approached her slowly. The General, standing well over 7 feet tall and weighting over 450 pounds, was a huge specimen. His shoulders were huge and as broad as a barn door. His arms were thick and ripped with muscles; his forearms were thicker than her legs. His legs were massively thick, powerful and covered with scars. He had a thick, strong, powerful back and neck. He certainly had seen his share of battles.

His hair was long, matted into thick black locks that draped over his thick neck and huge shoulders. His barrel chest was covered by plate armor that was adorned with the dragon crest of the Vandark Army. His arms had leather bands above his venous biceps and thick leather bands covered his wrists. His stomach was rippled with muscles and carried several deep scars. He wore a bronze colored belt on his waist and attached to it was a black loincloth that fell across his gentiles to near mid thigh. From there, he wore tough leather boots which were caked with mud.

His face, she thought, was not like the other Orcs. His face has smoother features, not the hideous, evil face of the others. He had smaller, fang like upshot canine teeth, but the rest seemed more human or elf like. He was somehow different, but she could think about it now. Still, he looked fearsome and intimidating.

The General stopped in front of Yersia and with his evil red eyes he looked her up and down. His eyes came to rest upon her ample cleavage, glistening with sweat. Even this massive beast felt a powerful urge in his loins upon seeing this young, supple Forest Elf. His eyes lowered to her stomach, exposed now that the other Orcs held her arms above her head. The General took in the sight of her flat, smooth olive toned belly, exposed from under her heavy cloak, and the narrow dimpled slit created by her bellybutton from which hung a long golden jewel, certainly of Elfish design. Her lower stomach, wet with perspiration, shimmered in the firelight. He raised his gaze to the Elf’s eyes. She looked at him briefly, just long enough for him to catch a glimpse of her iridescent green eyes. He could see the youth and fear in them. Her lush full lips quivered. Her entire body trembled in terror. Her breathing was rapid. She quickly let her eyes fall to the ground for she did not want to offend him. She knew that he was soon going to determine her fate.

“Release her!” he commanded with a deep, grumbling voice. His order was follow without hesitation and she fell to the ground. The Captain tossed her pack to the ground beside her. Yersia lifted herself to her knees, sitting on her heels at the General’s feet and looked up at his towering figure.

The General then spoke directly to her, “I am General Shrogg, commander of this sector. Explain yourself, Elf! And if you lie to me, I will have you skinned alive.”

Yersia looked at the ground, sobbing, "I was serving as a nanny in the Alliance when I was accused of murdering an Officer. He was trying to rape me and happened to kill him. I did not mean to. They sentenced me to death, but I escaped. I am alone and I have nowhere else to go.

“I have been hiding in the forest for over a week and I am afraid. I did not know what to do so I came here to beg for protection.”

The Orcs standing nearby laughed at the nerve of this little elf girl.

"Please, Sir, I beg you. I have been banished by the Alliance. I have nowhere else to go. I beg you Great General, please do not harm me,” Yersia plead in a soft sobbing voice.

Other Orcs joined in laughter. Scared, thinking that they might decide to cut her to bits, she rose off her heels and looked up at the General. Tears of fear began to run out of her glowing eyes and rolled down her lightly freckled cheeks. She sniffled and trembled.

General Shrogg could sense her fear and knew how helpless and desperate this elf girl was. "Are you frightened, Elf-girl," he said smugly? “You should be. I could kill you with my bare hands. I could crush the life from you for even looking upon me, spy!” He clinched a fist and grasped the handle of his sword with the other.

"I beg you, Lord Shrogg," Yersia pled. "I'm not a spy. I am a helpless outcast and I have nowhere to go," she said tearfully.

Shrogg, contemplating the situation, turned, walked to a large chair and sat down, facing her. He leaned forward, withdrew a wickedly curved dagger from his belt and placed his elbows on his knees.

Shrogg looked long and hard at the elf girl, rolling the handle of the dagger in his clawed hands. “Come here, little girl. Stand before me.”

Thinking quickly and sensing the General’s reaction when he noticed her breasts, she stood up and began to lightly bite her lower lip, trying to look as pretty as she could. She walked to him and fell to her knees before him in submission. Yersia was frightened to her core; she was now wishing she never come here to begin with.

Even if he did except her, he was so massive. How could her little body do for him? Yersia looked around at the other Orcs. They looked battle hardened and ready to kill. She was terrified of them and she began to shiver harder. She was afraid that she was going to be giving to them and gang raped or torn apart limb by limb. She looked at the dagger in Shrogg’s hand and swallowed hard.

In a soft sexy whisper that only Shrogg could hear, Yersia admitted, “Master, please allow me to be your servant. I will serve you to my death. I pledge you my servitude to you, my Lord. Please don’t let them have me. I am just eighteen and a virgin. Please do not let them rape me!”

Yersia knelt at General Shrogg’s feet and placed her small hands upon his knees. She looked into his eyes and softly licked her lips with her long pointed tongue. She then began to slide her hands up his scarred, muscled thighs. Shrogg was surprised by this. He reached out with a clawed hand and grasped Yersia by the throat and lifted her off the ground and stood up violently. She yelped and grabbed at his wrists.

Shrogg looked into her submissive eyes. He sniffed the air, catching her sweet, clean floral scent. Her face began to turn red as her squeezed her throat, so he released his grip causing her to fall back to her knees.

He then spoke in his native tongue to one of his soldiers, who nodded, turned and walked down a forest path lines with 8 foot tall torches. He then barked more orders and most of the other Orcs also left the area. He sheathed the dagger and grabbed Yersia’s pack off the ground. He continued to issue orders to his men and they all left in different directions.

Yersia remained kneeling, hoping he would forget about her and walk away so she could escape, but she was not so lucky. He reached down and threw his massive arm around Yersia’s thin waist and lifted her effortlessly, tossing her over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatoes. Her hair and her cloak dangled from her as she was carried away from the fires and toward a large tent nearly 300 yards into the center of the large military encampment. The tent was much larger than the other tents, presumably his command quarters. As he walked, she could feel the power of his legs and she could smell the musky sweat on his body.

The tent was long, wide and had a high ceiling. It was a dark green and it was surrounded by lit torches. Numerous large flags flew in the gentle breeze at the corners. The entrance of the tent was protected by a large canvas roof from which hung thick leather doors and the ground was covered with a green carpet, presumable to prevent dirt and mud from entering the tent.

There were four well armed Orcs at the entrance of the tent along with two large evil looking Javouls; they were the General’s personal guards. Far behind the tent in the distance was a gathering of Orcs performing in some sort of ritual dance. Deep drums pounded in a rhythmic beat. The drums sounded evil and wicked, like the beating of dragon’s heart, yet at the same time, they sounded mysterious and erotic. Shrogg growled instructions to the guards and, with Yersia tossed over his shoulder, entered the tent.

Inside, the tent was warm and comfortably dry. Shrogg released Yersia by dropping her on a couch and he tossed her pack to the other side of the room. She adjusted herself and sat up. She ran her fingers through her long hair while she looked around the room. Candles burned on tall silver stands which were spaced throughout the room and they lit the large space quite well. In one corner, a massive bed laid of the floor, covered with fur blankets and silken pillows. In another corner sat a large, jewel covered throne. Above the throne stood a huge golden dragon with wings spread out wide, emerald eyes and toothed mouth agape, the symbol of the Vandark. A soft fur rug covered most of the floor and there was a pleasant scent in the room.

Yersia was taken aback by the luxurious setting. Never had she thought of Orcs as creatures of comfort. There was even a large fireplace in the other corner from which a small, crackling fire burned. The General turned and sat in the grand throne. He leaned back and placed a clawed finger to his chin and look upon the lovely elf.

“You say you wish to serve me, Elf? Hum, maybe I should just throw you to the urges my men and be done with it,” Shrogg stated with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Yersia pleaded, “Please don’t Master. I don’t want to be raped. Master, I beg of you, please take me as your elf-girl. I have never been with a man before. Please do not throw me away. I offer myself to you willingly Master.” She slid off the couch, onto her knees and held her hands together in front of her, as if she were praying. “Please, General. I bet of you!”

General Shrogg, upon hearing her pleas, could not help but be tempted. He had been engaged in campaign for years and had not been with a female the entire time. He had spent the greater part of his life away from anything to call home. The only females he has ever been intimate with were orcs and female orcs are not attractive creatures. They are short, squat and covered with warts. Their breasts are narrow and long, more like the utter of cattle. Plus, they stink. As a result, Shrogg has not had sex in years; five years to be exact. He had to admit, this elf girl could be quite pleasurable.

“So elf girl, you say you are a virgin?”

“Yes, my Lord, I swear it. I still possess my innocence,” she replied, afraid to look into his eyes.

“And you are offering yourself willingly to me and only me?” He asked, rubbing his chin with his clawed fingers.

“I do, my Lord. I offer myself to you. All I ask is that I be yours and yours alone. I beg you to not allow the other to have me. Please do not share me! I will be yours and I will do your every bidding, Master. I will serve your ever pleasure. Please, my Lord, allow me to only serve you. I wish you to be my sole Master and protector. You are all I have, Master,” the Forest Elf said in a soft voice as she knelt before him twirling her hair with her long fingers, hands trembling from the overwhelming fear.

“Do you truly think I need you as my pet? What do you think you can offer me that I cannot take elsewhere? Why should I deny my men your body?”

“Please, my Lord, allow me the honor of serving you. Please protect me from the others!” She began to cry softly and tears ran down her cheeks. “Master, I can pleasure in ways no one else can. The ‘Elfish Effect’ is strong in me. I know I have never been with a man, but please allow me to try. Please, Master,” she sobbed.

As she spoke, she began to slowly crawl across the fur floor toward the giant before her. Her breasts swayed beneath her in soft fabric of her blouse. Her cloak hung beside her arms and across her back and legs but still unable to conceal the sweet curves of her hips and ass as she crawled. Shrogg was beside himself at the sight of her. Never has he had an elf girl or any female other than Orc. His lust was billowing within him.

“I beg you, Master. Please allow me to pleasure you. Take me as your pet. Keep me for yourself.”

Her full black hair flowed across her face, the light freckles on her high cheeks, and her green eyes reflected the flickering candle light like the eyes of a night creature. She bit down of her full lower lip as she crawled closer to the General. She glanced at his crotch and noticed a bulge growing under his loincloth. Her heart pounded in her chest and ears. She tried desperately to hide the trembling of her body.

“So,” he said as he sat in his throne. “You think you have the skills to pleasure me? You think you are worthy of my attentions and deserving of my protection?”

"Please, my Master," she cooed submissively. "I offer you my heart, body and soul. I give myself to you. Please take me and protect me. You are my only hope of survival. Please! Please keep me as your pet, as your little elf girl. I beg you, Master!”

“You are a tempting treat, elf girl. If it is your true wish to serve me, so be it. Prove yourself now. If you are worthy, I will take you as my pet. You will serve my every need and every pleasure. You will do all that I ask without question. You will be loyal to me and only me. If you fail me, Elf, I will give you to my men and you will be their whore! Do you understand me?”

“I understand, my Lord, and I swear to never disappoint you. Thank you, Master,” she said with a quivering voice and tears of relief in her eyes.

She let out a deep sigh and felt the weight of death lift from her shoulders. She would survive and be protected and cared for. She now had a powerful protector; one that will never let harm come to her. But, first, her Master was waiting and now she had to pleasure him.

“Rise, my Pet,” Shrogg ordered with a wicked grin. “What is your name?”

“Yersia van Clarva of the Clarvian Forest, my Lord.”

“Dance for me Yersia. Dance for me and show me what you offer.”

"As you wish, my Lord."

Yersia, hearing and feeling the beat of the distant drums, slowly began to gyrate her hips in a sexy, seductive dance. She enticingly slid her hands across her belly, and up between her heavy breasts. She softly squeezed them, pressing them together causing her cleavage to grow even deeper. She continued to slide her hands up across her chest, up to the lock of her cloak. With a snap, the lock unlatched and the cloak fell to the floor, exposing her feminine silhouette.

The Orc watched with attentive eyes as his new and only pet revealed the curves of her thin figure. He was very pleased at what he saw. He did not realize how beautiful and sexy this Forest Elf truly was for her cloak concealed most of her body.

Yersia continue to dance slowly and seductively in rhythm with the drums. She began to feel light headed, her skin felt warm and sweat began to bead on her flushing chest. It was the ‘Elfish Effect’ she was feeling; her dancing was causing her to fall to its charm. She could feel the fear leaving her body, replaced with burning, sensual desire that left her wanting to please this mighty creature.

She smiled with dimpled cheeks as she placed one of her long fingers into her mouth and sucked it teasingly. She then turned away from him and bent over at the waist, knees locked, to loosen the straps of her boots; the leather material of her pants was stretched tight over her heart shaped ass. Shrogg’s eyes were locked on her. Never has he seen something so perfect. Yersia continued to loosen the straps of her boots. Once she loosened them she bent at the knees to a squatting position, stretching the leather of her pants even tighter over her ass. Shrogg was feeling this creature’s beauty deep in his belly. His heart began to pound in his chest. His breath was getting deeper. He felt the rage building inside him, as if he were preparing to engage in battle.

Yersia placed one hand on the fur floor and rolled herself over so that she was sitting on the floor, facing him. Her hair ran down her face, full and lush, and covered her shoulders and flowed over her breasts, leaving only her exquisite cleavage visible. Facing Shrogg, Yersia sat on the floor, legs spread with her knees bent up to her chest giving Shrogg a direct view of the tight leather material hugging her pussy and inner thighs. She slowly lifted her right foot off the floor, stretching the leg straight out in front of her toward her master, holding it off the ground as she reached forward, revealing more of her young soft breasts, and slid the boot and sock off her small foot. She repeated this with her other foot, all the while keeping her big, green eyes locked on the red eyes of her Master.

With her boots and socks off, Yersia placed her hands on the fur floor in front of her and with both legs locked straight in front of her, rotated them outward and apart until she was doing the splits, legs out at her sides. She rolled forward on her pubis and kicked her legs out behind her and raised herself up on her arms, facing him with her tits hanging into her hemp blouse. He growled deeply in approval.

She then raised herself up onto her wide spread knees and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. One by one, the blouse began to open from the bottom up. The bottom button opened first; the Orc saw her wonderfully flat and tanned stomach. From her perfect navel hung a long golden ornament with a shiny diamond in the middle. Her stomach was smoother than anything he has ever seen before. She was toned with a hint of muscle. Another button and her blouse opened further, the Orc could see the slight outline of his pet’s ribs; another button and he could see that she wore a hemp bra, which snuggly held her full breasts. The last button freed, Yersia allowed the blouse to slip over her shoulders and fall to the floor with the cloak.

The ‘Elfish Effect’ made her feel high, drunk with erotic thoughts. Her loins ached and her sexual desires fueled her. She danced, erotically swaying and rotating hip full hips and she ran her hands over her sensual body. She brought her hands to her breasts and squeezed them hard. She slid her hands to the center of her bra and began to slowly untie it; she pressed her breasts together while working the knot, causing her tits to bulge upward, amplifying her cleavage.

She freed the knot and let the ends go while holding the fabric in place over her breasts with her hands. She continued to dance while rising to her feet, pressing and squeezing her tits together. She turned her back to Shrogg, removed the bra and held it up out to her side with an out stretched arm and let it fall to the floor.

She then slowly raised her arms over her head, running her long fingers through her hair. She threw her head back, whipping her hair behind her back while turning to face him, exposing her heavy, perfectly shaped tits to her master for the first time. With her back arched, her stomach was stretched and pulled tight, making her belly appear even flatter and sexier, the jewel hanging from her naval sparkled in the candle light.

Shrogg looked upon her full, large breasts, perfect in every way; even free from the constraints of her bra, her cleavage was prominent. Her breasts looked soft yet firm. Her aureoles were round, pinkish and her prominent nipples were hard. He was amazed that such a small female frame could carry such large breast. This only fueled is lust.

She turned away from him once again and began to loosen the buckles of her leather pants. She swayed and gyrated her hips to the drum beat as she slowly peeled her pants from her waist, over her ass and down her full thighs. Shrogg was mesmerized by the perfect skin, perfect tone of her ass and legs; flawless in every way, muscled and feminine. Only a tiny, red thong panty hugged her waist and crept between the smooth cheeks of her ass. She stepped out her pants and turned to face her Master all the while, dancing slowly and provocatively.

The ‘Elfish Effect’ was now completely consuming her. The unique hormones pumped through her veins and the floral scented pheromones began to fill the tent. She felt high, and her head buzzed with sexual desire. She wanted nothing more than to be taken by this beast and be ravaged and dominated. What Yersia was feeling was what they called ‘The Curse of the Woman Elf’; once the Elfish Effect takes hold, the elf will become an uncontrollable nymphomaniac with a one track mind for sex and lust. Elf woman must always be careful for they could often be lured into a man’s bed as easily as charming a snake.

She slipped her fingers into the string waistbands of her thong and was about to remove it when Shrogg interrupted.

“Not yet, my Pet; come to me,” he ordered in a commanding voice.

Yersia stepped toward him. When she reached him, he stood up from the throne, towering over her. Standing at nearly seven and a half feet, Shrogg was a behemoth compared to her five and a half.

He growled deeply while looking down upon her nearly nude body. He ordered her to kneel before him. She slowly went to her knees, making sure to keep her eyes lock on the eyes of her new Master. On her knees, Shrogg could smell the floral scent of her body. As he smelled her fragrance, he inhaled the pheromones she was producing and it made him shudder with pleasure. The pheromones he inhaled cause a rush in his body that released huge amounts of testosterone into his blood stream, filling him with an intense sexual energy and rage.

“Prove your loyalty to me, Elf. Show me how much you wish to be my pet,” he said to her deeply.

Yersia looked at the massive bulge under his loincloth. She slid her hands up his trunk like, scarred thighs to the bronze buckle of his leather belt. As she unlatched the buckle, she looked up at him and licked her lips leaving them moist and supple. She freed the buckle and let it and his loin cloth fall to the floor.

She flinched, shocked, when she looked at his groin. Just inches in front of her was the largest, thickest cock she’d ever seen. Thick veins coursed its great length; at the base hung two massive testicles the size of large hen eggs. His scrotum was hairless and deep green. Yersia’s eyes went wide, hypnotized by the sheer size of it. The mammoth cock was flaccid and it still must have been over eight inches long and three inches wide. The blunt head was partially concealed under his foreskin, leaving only half the tip exposed. The penis looked very much humanlike, only much larger.

Shrogg smiled to himself, pleased at the reaction of the Forest Elf. He stepped back, removed his armor vest, and tossed it aside and sat in his throne. He left his legs spread with his menacing cock and balls hanging between. He watched as Yersia crawled between his legs, eyes filled with a hint of fear, her heavy tits swaying beneath her. She crawled up to him and rose onto her knees, mesmerized by the organ in front of her.

She reached out and nervously took his giant cock in her small hands. She squeezed it and stroked it with both hands; it was too thick for her hands to wrap around. His flaccid cock felt soft, spongy and hot in her small hands. She squeezed it and examined it; this was the first cock she had ever seen up close, and certainly the first she ever held and touched. She was fascinated and mesmerized by it. Her mind was drunk with burning desire.

Shrogg growled like a lion with pleasure as she stroked his huge member. She cupped one of his massive balls in her hand and squeezed it. She was in disbelief at it great weight. They were more like the balls of a bull than that of a humanoid. She lifted his heavy cock to the side, opened her little mouth and extended her long, pointed tongue. She held one of his testicles in her hand and began to lightly lick his scrotum with the tip of her tongue. She could taste the salt of his sweat on him. She kissed, licked and sucked on his balls, feeling him twitch slightly with pleasure.

Shrogg shuttered when her hands first touched his penis. He had not felt such a wonderful feeling in his entire life. Her hands were soft and warm and gentle. She looked at it with fascination. Seeing her examine and inspect his impressive genitalia drove him mad. He could feel the blood begin to pump into his cock, swelling it. When her tongue licked his balls, it shot a chill up his spine. He gasped for air, clutched his fists and growled.

She then place her saliva coated tongue on the base of his cock and in a long, slow stroke, lick her way up the bottom of his shaft, following the long curved bulge of his urethra, continuing inch after inch until she reached the massive head. She used the tip of her tongue to lick at the large slit on the tip of his cock. She pursed her moist, full lips and softly kissed the tip of her master’s cock. She passionately kissed it several times while looking up at his huge body while staring deeply into his lust filled eyes.

She parted her lips and let the tip of his cockhead enter her mouth. She licked and sucked on it gently, causing her cheeks to curve inward. She was ecstatic at how wonderful his cock felt in her mouth. She began to feel the heat and moisture between her own legs. She moaned, high from the hormones pumping in her veins. She pulled the foreskin back from the head of his cock, exposing the large blunt gland. She sucked on the head while licking at the opening on the tip. She messaged and squeezed his testicles, rolling them around in his scrotum.

Yersia held his cock with both hands, one at the base and one mid shaft and began to slowly bob her head on his penis while sucking hard. The outline of his cock head could be seen through the flesh of her cheeks as she fellated him. Her saliva began to coat his cockhead and she used her hand to smear it over his thick shaft.

She looked into his eyes as she sucked on his head. She removed one of her hands and placed it on her breast. She squeezed her tit and pinched her own nipple between her fingers. She looked up at the General, noticing the muscles of his stomach; his abs and obliques were defined and ripped. His chest was very heavily muscled and bulging with power.

She placed her hand on Shrogg’s thigh to feel his powerfully muscled legs. His thighs were as hard as rocks and must have been thicker than her entire body. This Orc was an incredible specimen of strength and power. She looked up at his face and returned her focus to her sucking and she stroked his penis with both hands. She was surprised to discover how much she enjoyed sucking on his cock. She closed her eyes and savored his flavor while slowly relaxing her throat to take him deeper.

She could feel the Orc’s penis growing and getting harder and thicker in her mouth and hands. She peered into his eyes again and pulled his cock from her mouth. The member was now semi erect and coated with saliva. She placed his cock between her breasts and began to pleasure him. He was so long that over half his penis stuck out from between her breasts. She sucked on the head as she used her tits to stroke him.

Shrogg could feel the heat of her tits on his cock. Her breasts were as soft as velvet. The pleasure was intense. He looked down to see half of his cock wrapped between the tits of his Elf girl. The other half Yersia was busy licking and sucking.

She then released his cock from between her tits and stroked him feverishly as she looked over his writhing body. She jacked his cock hard and fast. She lowered her face to his balls and began to suck and lick them while she worked his ever hardening penis.

Shrogg groaned and looked down at Yersia. She was a natural in the sex arts and appeared engrossed in her efforts to please him. He drew a deep breath as he enjoyed the feeling of her hot wet mouth sucking on his cock and the warm softness of her exquisite breasts as they engulfed his shaft. He saw her look up at him, his cock head in her mouth, her full wet lips wrapped tightly on his shaft. Her green eyes reflected the candlelight. He could hear her suck and slurp on the head of his penis. The sight of her with her tits wrapped around his engorged cock, sucking on the head, was something he had never experienced. The sensation of her delicate fingers and long nails on his testicles gave him chills.

Outside the tent, several orc soldiers were walking past the tent and heard the slurping and sucking from inside. They stopped and looked at the tent and saw the silhouette of Shrogg and Yersia, backlit by the candles. They could see Yersia’s kneeling silhouette in front of their General tit fucking him and sucking on the head of his large cock. The Orcs could not help but feel jealous of their leader and continued walking past the tent, listening to her slurping and sucking with their shoulders slumped and heads down.

Back in the tent, Yersia felt her Orc’s strong hands grab a fist full of her black hair and guided more of his cock into her mouth. She closed her eyes, relaxed her throat and let his cock slide in deeply. She concentrated, relaxing as she felt the head of his penis enter her throat and slide down toward her belly. The sensation caused her shutter. Something in her throat felt wonderful as his penis pressed against it. Her throat muscles instinctively began to milk his cock. She used one hand to massage his testicles and the other to stroke his shaft near the base.

Her entire body felt hot and tingly. She let more of his cock enter her throat as the feeling grew more intense. She sucked as hard as she could only to find that her throat felt more exquisite. She never knew that having a cock buried deep in her throat could give her so much pleasure. The ‘Elfish Effect’ had a very powerful effect on her and she loved it.

Shrogg looked down at his elf girl and saw over half of his massive organ basting in her hot mouth and throat. She stretched her jaw open as far as she could to accommodate his girth and held his cock deeply in her throat and stroked his shaft with soft and gentle stokes. He twisted his long fingers into her hair as he watched her slowly pull his cock, wet inch and wet inch, out of her throat and mouth. As the head of his soaked cock slipped passed her full lips, her held out her tongue, allowing his cockhead slid across and fall off the tip, leaving a strand of saliva attached to the tip of her tongue and the head of his cock. Shrogg, looking down, felt his seed swelling in his engorged testicles. He then stood up from the throne.

Yersia looked up at her Master, eyes wide and bright and smiled, showing her perfect white teeth and her adorable little dimple and freckled cheeks. The green jewel on her nose sparkled in the candle light. Drool dribbled from her chin and lips.

“Do you like they way I suck your cock, Master?” She asked softly. She pursed her wet lips, and continued to stroke and pump his slick, hard cock.

“Yes, my little elf girl, you suck very well. I think you will make a fine pet. Now stand. I must take you in my bed,” he said deeply.

Yersia stood up, looked up into the eyes of her Master and casted a beautiful smile. She took hold of his cock, turned and lead him to the bed, on which laid several layers of soft mink fur blankets. At the edge of the bed, Yersia released his cock and crawled onto it clad only in her red thong.

She crawled to the center of the huge bed on her hands and knees with her ass exposed, turned her head, looking over her shoulder at her master, and smiled. She swallowed hard when she saw that his penis was now fully erect and well over twelve inches long. The foreskin was stretched back, exposing the entire head of Shrogg’s gigantic member. The girth of his forfeitable weapon was insane and the veins were very prominent as they navigate its great length.

His testicles hung low and heavy, nearly a quarter of the way down his scarred thighs.
Shrogg looked at his concubine, perched on her hands and knees with her superbly smooth and full ass pointing at him. He admired the way the crevice of her arched back lead him to gaze upon her wide, curved hips. She trembled at the sight of his heavily muscled chest, chiseled abs and huge, broad shoulders and thick neck, fangs jutting up from his lower jaw. He pulled his black locks behind his head and tied them into a ponytail, no doubt to prevent them from interfering with him as he prepared to ravish his elf girl.

As he climbed onto the bed, Yersia lowered herself onto the bed by lying on her stomach. She felt the strong, callused hands of Shrogg on her small feet. He slid them up to her muscled calves, up past the back of her knees and onto her baby smooth and firm thighs. He squeezed and rubbed the back of her legs and thighs, savoring the feeling of her warm, soft flesh.

His mouth watered as he began to slip his hands further up to the firm and smooth cheeks of her perfect ass. He cupped her cheeks in his massive hands and squeezed them. The sight of her olive skin and the red thong wedged into her ass was overpowering. Her sweet flora scent grew stronger and it filled his nostrils.

He grabbed her by the waist, lifted her, and quickly spun her onto her back. There, she lay in front of him. Her bare breasts hung heavily to her sides. She stretched her arms over her head, sprawling out on the bed. Her smooth, flat stomach sloped up to the v-shape of her pelvis and to the small triangle of red fabric that covered her unspoiled pussy.

Shrogg sniffed the air. He could smell the nectar like scent of her vagina and knew that she was ready to be mated. He reached down with one hand and grasped the strap of her panty as it hugged her hips. He roared loudly and ripped it clean off her body, tossing it to the floor, leaving her completely naked before him.

She bit her lower lip out of fear of what was about to happen. She had never had a man penetrate her before and she was afraid of the pain it would cause. She took little comfort knowing that the “Elfish Effect” would turn the pain into pleasure. Or at least, she hoped it would.

Shrogg kneeled between Yersia’s legs, taking hold of her ankles, holding them high and wide, spreading her legs. He then positioned himself closer, laying his heavy cock onto her smooth belly, covering the golden jewel she wore from her naval. His enormous balls hung free beneath the root of his member. She could feel the heavy weight and heat of his cock on her belly. He lifted his cock and peered down in ecstasy at her smooth, hairless pussy, now exposed and vulnerable. Only a tight slit was visible from which two small pink delicate rose peddle like lips could be seen protruding. The moisture confessed for her that she was ready to receive him. He released his cock, allowing it to fall heavily onto Yersia’s firm stomach with a loud thud.

He looked at his pet elf girl and said, “My slave, I am going to take your innocence and claim you as mine. You will forever remember this night.”

Yersia drew a deep breath and pulled her knees up and wide, offering herself to her Master and Protector.

Shrogg took hold of his cock and lifted it off her belly. He adjusted his position as he moved the head of his cock, sliding it down her belly and over her pubic bone. He continued to slide his cock further down her smooth slit and across her small, swollen clit.

Yersia twitched at the sensation of his cock head on her clit. She had never felt such a wonderful feeling. Her breath sputtered as her clit was stimulated for the first time. He rubbed his cock on her clit for several minutes, watching her slither beneath him, biting on her lip and watching her chest flush out. She gra

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My Naughty Elf

Early in the year, i happily retired from job, of thirty odd years.I had worked hard, provided a good home for my family, and now i was of pension age, i decided it was time for me to enjoy it too.I soon relaxed into a casual life style of lazy mornings. pottering around the garden, and taking my loving wife out when ever she wanted to.Then around the end of November, Mary, my wife, spotted an advert in the local paper, apparently the local shopping mall was looking for someone to play Santa...

1 year ago
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Bad Santa Naughty Elf

It was just before Christmas and we had gone away, "Up North", shall we say, for a couple of nights getaway.In one of the local pubs, close to where we were staying, we spotted a flyer advertising a "Christmas dress up" themed party in a nightclub the following night. Zoe always likes to dress up, so decided on trying to source an outfit the following morning in the town.It wasn't mandatory to wear fancy dress so it was only her that got an outfit. She opted for the Naughty Elf look: a...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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A Wicked Elf

I am an elf. My name is Willmar Snowflake, but almost everyone calls me Willie. Those who know me well call me Wicked Willie. I am 111 years old, which is just at the beginning of elf adulthood. I am tall for an elf, almost 5 feet in height. I have bright red hair and a ruddy complexion. I'm fit and trim, no cookie belly for me! Those who have come to know me well have come to realize that my most outstanding feature can be found inside my pants; my cock is a thing of beauty – almost 10-inches...

2 years ago
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The Mercenary and the Elf

He strode along the winding path, adjacent to a stream at his right. There was an enigmatic presence to this forest, a particular atmosphere that impressed upon him a feeling of recognition. He was familiar with the aura, this forest indeed harbored magic and mystery, yet it was not a dark variety. It was simple, innocent, charming and mystical. He could feel it on his skin like a powder.With one hand on the pommel of his sword strapped to his belt, he hummed a tune, the contents of his satchel...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Sissy Elf

SISSY ELF by Throne Ernie was hanging around outside the FEM FEM OMEGA sorority house... again. He loved to be there between his classes, to watch the girls enter and leave, and to imagine what went on inside. The members tolerated his presence. To them he was a minor irritant. At the same time, he was always available to run errands, like driving to the store to pick up something, or maybe hauling the trash cans that they left out back over to the curb for collection. In exchange...

4 years ago
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Snow Elf

A young man of 27 sits by his fireplace in a quaint ski-lodge far up in the mountains. The lifts have fallen into disrepair this year, so there are no customers even in this busy season. He does not really want to see anyone right now anyway, because coming up is the first anniversary of his wife’s death. The memories of that event still haunt him. It was ruled an accident, but he could not think of it that way. The couple had been arguing about something that seemed stupid now. She just...

1 year ago
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Christmas Elf

The Christmas Elf By Paul G. Jutras "Robert, you're my manger." John said from across the desk. "Why haven't you gotten me any jobs lately?" "I'm sorry." Robert said. "Even commercial companies don't want to hire unknown actors." "There must be something." John said. "I'm desperate. With Christmas around the corner, I need the money." "There is one job." Robert said with a sigh. "I don't think you'd want it." "If it pays money, I'll take it." John insisted. "The local...

1 year ago
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The Shadowhunter Elf

Introduction: I hope you guys like the story. I will write the next part if you guys like it. An elite group of fictional warriors. Trained since childhood to fight and slay the downworlders, demons and faeries that attempt to create havoc on earth. Shadowhunters are different from humans which they call mundanes, the Shadowhunters are what you could call an enhanced race of humans Shadowhunters are physically marked with Runes over their skin, the older or more elite a Shadowhunter, the more...

4 years ago
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The Shadowhunter Elf

Shadowhunters are physically marked with Runes over their skin, the older or more elite a Shadowhunter, the more Runes they will have. The Runes create different types of effects, some are defensive and some aid strength etc. These Runes are tattooed onto the Shadowhunter using a Stele (a specially crafted Shadowhunter weapon) If you have read the Mortal Interment series you will know what I'm talking about c: What the characters look like: Aeris -...

4 years ago
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Ryan Michelle The Good Elf

As usual this story is my property and may not be republished or redistributed without my express permission. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to people living or dead is a coincidence. — Ryan loved Christmas, it was his favorite time of year. All the hustle and bustle, kids bursting with excitement and parents trying to keep up with them. That’s probably why he’d worked as one of Santa’s Elves since he was sixteen, and had continued doing it for the past ten years. He loved...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Night Elf

Alaria was a young Night Elf, only 257 (Physically the same to a 20 year old Human more or less). She was a quiet, secluded girl who had never travelled farther than Teldrassil-Her only knowledge of the rest of the world came from her friends and the many books she read. The mighty halls of the Dwarven city Ironforge, the savage Orcs of the Horde, the obscure impossible inventions of the Gnomes and the Goblins-all stories to her. While her friends adventured the continents of Azeroth, she...

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Travels of a HalfElf

The continent of Gildan is a strange place, it was once ruled by a race now simply known as 'The Sun People' it was said they had the powers of gods, but they disappeared from Gildan one day. Only the city of Sholl remains as a reminder of them, the city is now under the control of the elves. Their refusal to allow any human into the city ensures that humanity has practically no knowledge of who the Sun People were, and what happened to them. The rest of the world is no less interesting though....

4 years ago
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Renting an Elf

You can't believe your eyes--there she is, your dream girl, Kelsey, posting about her services as a Christmas elf for children's parties. Although the effect of the whole outfit is a little bit dorky, there's no denying that you're feeling...well, a little aroused. That little green sweater that she's got on hugs her hot little frame ever-so-nicely, and her gorgeous tits just *beg* to be squeezed through that soft fabric. Her shapely thighs look eminently lickable, too, in those little...

1 year ago
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Lara Croft and the Elf

Lara Croft was walking around the forest around noon time looking for this specific flower. She came upon these arched trees that looked like a gate. She walked through and saw a woman bending over a table with leaves piled on it. "I know why you are here," said the woman. She stood up and turned around to face Lara Croft. Lara Croft drew a deep, shuddering breath as she beheld the beauty radiating from the woman. She had a light reddish hair color, the bluest eyes so crystal clear, skin so...

2 years ago
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Your Dark Elf

[[Hi! I work 60 hours a week most weeks, and as a result am often too tired to update. If you want more updates, or you want to contribute, or you have a character you want to cameo in the story, drop me a message!]] Mizuki of the clan Yonomori. You met her just a few weeks prior, skulking around a seedy tavern in town, dipping her fingers into people's pockets. You'd watched her intently as she made herself a small fortune in loose copper coins lifted from stranger's purses. That is, until...

4 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 29 Operation Endless Forest

Exsue started patting down his body while paying specific attention to sensitive areas and grabbed his face looking at his eyes then moving his arms around and tapping on joints all while asking questions. “Have you got any aches or pains? Headaches? Nausea? The uncontrollable urge to kill? A desire to eat human flesh? General hatred or disgust at the world or people?” As she fired off questions and poked and prodded him, Skay started to join in. “How long did your trial feel? Did you...

4 years ago
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The Forest Nymph Part 1 A Second Chance At Life1

Felix remembered waking up to the sound of his front door being smashed in as the soldiers broke into the city. His father and brother were killed without mercy and he was stabbed in the side, a near fatal blow. He remembered falling to the floor, unable to stand or move as blood poured from his wound. Like savages, the soldiers took turns violating his sisters and mother in front of him, before killing them all and leaving him for dead. With the fires of the burning buildings illuminating...

4 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 01

I have been reading the stories of Mystic forest and the legend of the lost princess. It is rumored that she appears during the times of full moons and some have been trying to prove that it is just an old folk tale that started back in the 1800’s. I have been retired for about 7 years and decided that I needed a change in my life. I have always loved mountains and the forests and the beautiful rivers, streams, and lakes. I also have a thing for taking pictures of nature in the wild. So after...

3 years ago
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Chapel In The Forest

Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...

3 years ago
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The Cursed Forest

Once there was a village on the outskirts of a vast forest. The people of the village had feared the forest for many many years now, for anyone who entered it had never returned. Once, the forest had been a source of herbs and fungi and other precious plants, but since people had started going missing, nobody dared to go near it. Three teenage boys: Chris, Roger and Paul had heard the tales many a time. Each came up with various imaginative reasons for why people had never returned:...

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A night at Amsterdam forest

A night at Amsterdam forestI have always been fascinated by being humiliated and degraded and left behind in a forest with nothing much to cover my naked body. I have made several ads on bdsm sites, but I never had any luck finding a Mistress who loved this as well. But a few weeks ago I came in contact with a young Mistress who loved my ideas and wanted to humiliate me in a forest. She loved the idea of having a slave she could degrade, humiliate, do with him what she wants. We had chatted...

2 years ago
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The Forest

THE FORESTThis is a work of fiction strictly from my imagination, the people are not real and the events are not real, please take this as a story and nothing more.  Comments, are always welcome.Riding bikes through the forest seemed like the perfect start to their honeymoon. John and Frances had married and traveled to central France for a long peaceful break.  The wedding had been a huge family event and had sapped Frances’ energy; there had been so much planning.  The first two nights of the...

4 years ago
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Forest of Thieves

This story contains themes of a sexual nature. If you are underage or it is illegal for you to view such material, please do not continue. Story belongs to the author and may not be posted anywhere without permission. As of April, 2011 only Fictionmania and are allowed to host this story. Any artwork is copyright by its respective artist. "Sir, why are we going this way?" asked Vareth, walking next to his superior. He kept his voice pitched low...

1 year ago
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Forest Of The Blue Skin

When I hopped onto Zell23’s XXX sidescroller Forest of the Blue Skin, I thought I was going to have to whack those annoying blue bitches from the Avatar film. You know what I’m fucking talking about. Those blue-skinned dumb asses that used a bow and arrow to somehow defeat bigger dumb asses that utilized actual sci-fi technology. Fortunately, Zell23’s retro action platformer didn’t come close to being that fucking stupid.Despite a name that evokes images of terrible science fiction, Forest of...

Free Sex Games
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KeiLin Warrior Elf

The forests of Murklewarren seem eerily quiet this morning and a thick, cool mist hangs in the air. Only able to see the ghostly silhouettes of gnarled trees through the haze, you feel as though you are walking through an abyssal cloud. And you're being stalked. Someone is moving stealthily nearby, but they cannot hide from your keen elven ears. You brush auburn bangs away from your rich hazel eyes and peer into the fog. A grin spreads across your face, for you may yet have some fun...

2 years ago
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Dark Elf

The Nor clan had thought to rebel liked the dozen clans that had sought a rift to a new home. My father had many spies and came upon them as they prepared for war. They were defeated before they even tried to fight and my father killed the clan leader's heir as an example. To humiliate him father said I was to have his only daughter. The reason it humiliated him was because I was a bastard and of low rank and stature. My name is Dusk and I am a full blood sidhe or dark elf as they had began...

3 years ago
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Sex in The Forest

Papers are shuffled; the room is not air conditioned, the clock ticks very slowly, I keep glancing at it; the hands telling me I have 2 hours to get back to Balloch, just north of Glasgow. The hotel I have booked for us both is ok, I have used it before. The Shelly Inn; clean, good food, nice location with plenty of pubs and restaurants. It will be busy, it’s the tourist season and I want to meet you before you go in. My customer is droning on and on, I’m finding it so hard to concentrate I...

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Evergreen Forest Ch 01

There was no water. Close to the heart of the Evergreen Forest, Snatch narrowed his eyes. The forest was picturesque. The trees (deciduous, despite the forest’s name) were thick enough to keep the ground below in a perpetual twilight, the grass was tall and green, and there were flowers everywhere. The place was obviously well-nourished. So where was the water? Snatch was not one for the outdoors, of course, but he’d worked with a druidess once. In his experience, it was very hard to spend a...

3 years ago
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The Forest Nymph Part 2 The Will to Fight1

Serenity wrapped her lips around Felix’s erect phallus, making his whole body jerk in an instantaneous euphoria. No matter how many times she sucked his manhood, he could never get used to the incomprehensible feeling of it entering her soft mouth. He had never experienced oral sex before meeting her, but he knew that no human attempt could create the bliss I was feeling. Her saliva seemed to vibrate and change in temperature on the shaft and head, with a sweet sugary feeling sinking into...

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Thetford forest

Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...

2 years ago
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Thetford forest

Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...

3 years ago
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The Forest Nymph Pt 01

Felix collapsed to the ground, exhausted and racked with pain. For three days and three nights, he had been running without pause. On the horizon behind him, a pillar of smoke wafted up into the heavens, letting the world know that the city of Troy had been razed. On that fateful night, the armies of Greece had broken through their mighty walls and set the city ablaze. The persistent flames were now the closest thing to life behind the blood-splattered ramparts. While his body was as dry as...

1 year ago
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The Other side of the Forest Chapter 3

Chapter 3 After the encounter, I knew my worldview shifted. That goat creature had ruthlessly crushed my old life's paradigm. Being a voracious reader of fantasy, I understood there might be more to this world, "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio' and all of that but at no time did I actually believe it to become my reality? I also tried not to think about it, or give it a name. Names would give it power; however, I knew such thoughts were useless. With my old...

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The Forest Nymphs

According to folklore, every full moon a pair of nymphs with voracious sexual appetites came out to play, looking for an unsuspecting man they can sexually devour. Many men went into the Wakefield Forest on a full moon, but they said they were not accosted by nymphs, so it remained just that; folklore. Wyatt grew up on a farm not too far from the forest. He knew all about the legend and how the townsfolk like to pretend it was true. This was especially true when visitors who visited the town...

4 years ago
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GeniusChapter 7 Return to the Forest World

I stepped through the portal to find that Forester was waiting for me, and he was shaking his head as I appeared. "I see you failed then, did you find them all dead?" He asked. I held up a finger in a 'wait a moment' signal, and then the first of the people started to appear. "Come on in, there are shelters nearby." I said as I looked at a surprised Forester. "I have to admit that I didn't think you'd do it!" Forester said, and then his expression went from surprise to one of...

4 years ago
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Winter Forest

"Master, more slowly go! I pray you, less haste!" Ranulf reined in impatiently under the frost-rimed trees, brushing his red hair back from his forehead. The cold was growing more intense as they plunged ever deeper into the forest. His squire's hissing speech was slurred as the cold slowed all his bodily functions. "We'll make camp as soon as we find a place that gives us any shelter. That I promise." His voice was brusk but not unkind. The lizard man had served him well in his...

1 year ago
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Chapel In The Forest

Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...

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The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time there was a king of a small land who had three beautiful daughters. He wished more than anything that each would marry a prince, and bring more fortune to his family. On the eighteenth birthday of the eldest daughter, the king invited the lords and princes of close by to a great ball. The first to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage was the eldest prince from the neighboring country. “Ah,” said the king to his wife, “He is the richest of all the men at this ball! Surely...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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John Steadman A Forest Ranger

Author’s Note: This is an entry in the Earth Day contest, 2007. All characters involved in any sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. The characters are not real persons, nor are any of the events in this story real. Certainly there are celebrations of Earth Day, but this one is a figment of my imagination. This is fiction. And it is non-erotic unless you find references to sex erotic. Only Auburn University and the geographic descriptions refer to real places. My thanks to...

2 years ago
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Fucking Pregnant in the Forest Preserve

My name is Sue, and at the time of this story I was thirty years old and my husband, Ed, was thirty-three, and we lived in a northwest suburb of Chicago. I am an executive for a large insurance company located in downtown Chicago, and Edias a production manager for a manufacturing company near O’Hare airport. We have a nine-month-old daughter who I was still nursing, and I was also four and a half months pregnant with another child.I knew from discussions with my OB/GYN doctor during my two...

3 years ago
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Attacked in the forest

They booked in Friday night and were alarmed when the receptionist told them not to venture too far into the forest. “Strange things happen in there” she said “several people have come running out, not saying what had happened”. Of course Sharon was disappointed as going into the forest was the sole reason for them being there. Discounting what they were told they decided to ignore the dire warnings. After all, it was just a forest. What could possibly be in there that would cause problems?...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 175 Remembrances 10Forest of Barriers

(A dark forest. The plotters are concealed among the trees, watching.) Sumita: What's that? Mumyoui: Someone's coming. A woman. The woman... (Tomoe is walking up the path, towards them.) Nakajou: She's half a day late. Thank your lucky stars, kid. If she'd been any later I'd have killed you--huh? Hey, where's the brat? Tatsumi: I sent him to Battousai. In all things, there will be no oversight. Well, this woman. What news will she bring for us? (A little later. Tatsumi, Nakajou...

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Fallers Forest

After the divorce, I was unsure of what to do. I had my high-paying job, but without my family, and specifically without my daughter, I found no pleasure in the job. I had made my money already, and still had plenty left even after the divorce (thank goodness for prenuptial agreements), so I did not need to worry about having enough money to survive. Ever since I was a young child, I had loved auto racing. I would watch avidly, and I had spent plenty of time in the arcades of the 1980s and...

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My Fucking Forest

My Fucking Forest I needed some help and my sister-in-law needed a break from Beth. Well Beth is short for Bethany and she just turned fourteen and apparently gained an attitude. So it was, that we were stuck with each other for the entire summer. I was a confirmed bachelor as it was. Oh don’t get me wrong I have dated and once I even found the girl of my dreams, however I was too stupid to realize it. She found my brother. Yes, my sister-in-law is the girl of my dreams and has been...

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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 04

As we sat in the window staring out into the forest, Thalia was telling me that she missed all her woodland friends. A wet, heavy snow blanketed the forest and there is a haunting silence about the land. As the sun shines down on the snow, the ice crystals sparkle with a brilliant beauty. It looks like thousands of diamonds sparkling when the snow glistens in the sun rays. It seems the forest and the land takes time in the winter to rest. There is so much nature has to do with spring just...

4 years ago
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New Forest Fucking

We were camping in the New Forest near Ashurst a lovely site but crowded as the time covered a bank holiday period. As we weren't alone in the tent sex was a no go for us at the ttime, her parents with us, so we spent a lot of time sneaking away and fucking in the forest, it was a real turn on for us and we would sneak of any chance we could, as time passed we were getting more careless and just going into what we thought was a safe place and starting our fun. This particular day only mid...

2 years ago
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Wolf forest

Mona packed her backpack and test her SLR camera. She look bus timetable and hurry up her packing. She has tent and food for two days in her pack. Mona?s favorite genre in photography is wolves. She is 23 years old and have photographed wolves many years. Mona wait bus outside of old bus station. She look how small town wake up and peoples goes to work. Her bus come and Mona get in the bus. She give few dollars to the driver and sit down. Bus start and Mona see how it turn on very long and...

1 year ago
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The Forest NymphChapter 2

Three years had passed since Felix arrived at the forest and fallen in love with Serenity, and they were without a doubt the greatest years of his life. Every day consisted of lounging in the shade of the trees, swimming in deep sections of the creek, taking long strolls through the woods while basking in the sun, and exercising to stay fit. Every night consisted of dancing in the moonlight or sleeping in their small tree chamber, pressed tightly together under the warmth of their blanket....

4 years ago
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The Black Forest Germany

The Black forest in Germany. When I asked my wife what she was fantasizing about, when she orgasmed while masturbating, she took me back 5 years in time, when we were on a midweek vacation in the black forest in Germany.We were hiking true the beautiful forest with its hills, hiking trails and an occasional small waterfall. Nature at its best. And no one around. We had been walking for 2 hours, and only at the beginning of our walk we encountered an elderly couple, though very fit looking.We...

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Ravaging In The Forest reedit

byJag22© Albert Zoo Sandy was walking in the forest for about an hour, it could have been longer or shorter but it felt right to her. It was a warm and a hot summer night, it felt energised and vibrant in the forest, the air was moist and damp, the sound was intense, may it be the bird or insect the orchestra was in full sound, adding to the appeal of being in the outdoors. It was approaching dusk but being a beautiful summer night there was still abundance of light.... Sandy was a...

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