Forest Of Thieves free porn video

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This story contains themes of a sexual nature. If you are underage or it is illegal for you to view such material, please do not continue. Story belongs to the author and may not be posted anywhere without permission. As of April, 2011 only Fictionmania and are allowed to host this story. Any artwork is copyright by its respective artist. "Sir, why are we going this way?" asked Vareth, walking next to his superior. He kept his voice pitched low so no one else can hear. "Because that fat Pig merchant decided this was the fastest way to Arbaleth, and Lady help anyone who tries to gainsay him." Came the reply, equally low. The Pig in question sat upon the cart being drawn along by two sturdy horses. His flat snout snuffled in displeasure. There was nothing in particular he was displeased about, snuffling in displeasure was merely his favored pastime. "But sir! This is the territory of..." "I know that. We all know that. But extra travel time means loss of profits, and good luck trying to get a Pig to spend a copper he doesn't have to." "But sir..." "And besides, Vareth, in case you have forgotten, we are guard Dogs! Our reputation is well known. We are not to be trifled with, especially not be a pair..." the Dog never finished his sentence. A whish through the air was all the warning they got, then a hearty smack nearly twisted him around sideways. Vareth stared, imbedded in the crossbow slung across his superior's back was an arrow. It had gone through the trigger hole at an angle, embedding itself in the wood of the body, rendering the weapon unusable. It was an amazing, impossible shot. The Dogs scrambled for weapons while the Pig began squealing in fear and outrage. "I wouldn't bother, if I were you" called a voice from somewhere in the trees. "We have you well covered, and you don't even know where we are. So you can either leave what we want, or we can take it from your bodies." "It was a good haul today," said Mathias. He was dressed in his usual green leathers, dyed to match the plants of the forest perfectly in shade. Mathias was a cunning Fox, though his creamy pelt and white hair suggested that he was not pureblooded. He was busy going through the various goods they had 'liberated' from a foolish merchant. "And no one died," added Ceir. He added a keg of Porcupine Wine to the pile. A keg that should have been too heavy for someone his size. But, like all Wolves, Ceir was lithe and tough, far stronger than his more slender frame would seem. Unlike all wolves though, Ceir was not gray or black or any of the other usual colorings. Rather, his pelt was as white as pure snow and his head was crowned with a thatch of golden hair. He knew with his coloring that trying to camouflage himself was useless, so he went with an opposite approach, favoring bright red or other attention getting colors. It was a statement, his clothes told everyone that he didn't need to hide from anyone or anything. Together, the two made an odd pair. Yet, they were an effective team and good friends. Since joining together, they had made a lucrative business fleecing merchants passing through the Green Cloak forest. They were so good, that they were even gaining something of a folk hero status. They'd heard a bard singing of the deeds of the White Wolf and Green Fox last time they visited town. That was the closest they had ever come to being caught, they were laughing so hard they almost gave themselves away. "Thanks to you," Mathias was continuing, "that was a brilliant shot." "Luck," Ceir said in a flat voice. "I was aiming between the two of them as a warning shot. The breeze caught my arrow." Mathias just snorted, it was a typical Ceir response. The two went back to sorting their goods, stocking up their surprisingly luxurious hidden base. The pair crept through the forest, shadowing the lone Cat who walked along the road. Ordinarily, a single traveler was not worth the time, and they would let him pass unmolested. But this time, the Cat was foolish enough to wear a fortune in rings and amulets and other bits of jewelry and precious metals. It was too good to pass up. Mathias stepped out first, bow drawn. He knew the effect he would have, it would seem as if he suddenly appeared out of thin air. He aimed it at the Cat. "Hold there," he said, "but I'm afraid you'll have to pay our toll if you wish to continue on our way." The Cat started to reach for something when Ceir spoke from behind him. "Don't do anything foolish. You'll be dead before you try it. Just give us what we want." The Cat simply looked at them, turning to the side so he could see them both. He did not appear terribly concerned. In fact, he seemed somewhat bored. He started to reach for something again. Ceir loosed his arrow, firing a warning shot past the Cat's face. But, before the arrow crossed half the distance, the Cat waved a hand. A large and delicate flower drifted to the ground where the arrow had been. "Shit," muttered Mathias. There was only one explanation. The Cat was a wizard. Rare to see one so young, and rarer still to see one so far from the Ivory Towers, where the mages worked and studied. "So it was true," said the Cat. "The famous White Wolf and Green Fox do indeed haunt these woods." The pair started to edge away, preparing to put into action their emergency escape plan. "Stop." Commanded the Cat. And they did. The two simply froze where they stood. The Cat looked them over and said, "I should, by rights, bring you two to justice. You'd probably hang for your crimes. But, my master believed in second chances. He taught me that I should always leave places I go and lives I touch better than they were when I arrived. And so I shall leave everyone's lives here better, and add a touch of, shall we say, beauty?" The Cat snapped his fingers and the thieves collapsed to the ground. They writhed as their bodies twisted and shifted. Mathias curled up in a ball, feeling his stomach squirming like it was trying to escape and his hips bucked with a mind of their own. Ceir was doing the opposite, his back was arched nearly to the breaking point, pushing his chest out. He had the strangest feeling that his chest was much further out than it should be. It went on for hours, or seconds, depending on which side of the sensation you were on. The two thieves were changed, different beyond almost all recognition. Mathias had kept the cream colored fur and white hair, while Ceir was still pure white with blond hair. But beyond that, there was nothing to identify the two as their former selves. Bodies that were once hard and angular from tough living and a lifetime of archery training were now soft, pliable and curvaceous. Very curvaceous. Once short hair had grown out. Mathias's spilled down past his shoulders, while Ceir's flowed all the way down past his butt. And quite a butt it was too. They both now sported wide, feminine hips and perfect, well padded, heart-shaped derrieres. Eyes capable of terrifying stares were now large and luminous, framed by long, so very long, lashes and delicately arched eyebrows. The arms and pecs that were once so muscular from drawing their powerful bows were gone. Instead their arms were thin and petite while their pecs had ballooned out into massive, perfectly shaped globes of flesh topped with a tiny pink bud of stiffened flesh. Callused hands were now delicate and tiny. Straight legs had given way to rounded thighs and calves. They were, in short, magnificent examples of femininity. The Cat looked at the two beautiful creatures laying on the ground. He smiled a playfully cruel smile. It was a smile like, well like a cat that had caught a mouse. He said, "Oh yes, that is much better now. Already this place is much more, ahem, pleasing to the eye. I think everyone will enjoy life here much better now. And as for lives, well, you will embrace yours. I'd show you what I mean myself, but I think it will make a better surprise. Have fun, ladies." With that, the Cat disappeared down the trail. It was sometime later that Ceir and Mathias were able to rouse themselves. Their now ill fitting clothes hindering them with every step. The tops of their shirts were so tight it felt like they were being squeezed through an hourglass. Their pants were molded to their hips, butts and thighs like a second skin, and every motion threatened to split the seams apart. Yet at the waist everything was so loose, that even with tightening their belts to the smallest notch they still slid down towards their hips. And everything was far too long. As they walked, their boots slipped and flopped about like clown shoes. It was nothing short of a miracle that they made it back to their hideout without ending up naked or covered in blisters. Once there, the two finally indulged themselves in some well-deserved panic. For a time, that was all they could do. But eventually panic must give way, and they began calming down enough to talk. "What will we do now?" asked Mathias. His voice was small and timid, like an innocent schoolgirl. "First, we need to do something about our clothes," replied Ceir. His voice held a more confident note, making him sound sultry and alluring, like honey whiskey. Having something to do made them feel better. They began going through their clothes, trimming fabric in some places, adding fabric in others. Though they were quite a bit shorter, their chests had nearly doubled in width. For days they worked, focusing only on the task, not letting themselves think about why they had to do it. But, eventually, the work ran out. It was time to beginning planning. Ceir felt that they should continue with their previous lives. Go back to robbing unwary merchants. Mathias wasn't so sure. "But everything looks so much bigger now!" he complained, "except when I look down. Everything seems small, compared to these." He lifted up his heavy breasts and let them drop for emphasis. They bobbled up and down for a moment before settling into place once more. "We were successful once. We can be so again. All we have to do is practice and these won't matter," replied Ceir, also jiggling his breasts. He didn't really need to emphasize his point, but since the change every time one of them found a reason to touch his body, the other one would find an excuse to do so as well. "Besides," added Ceir, "what else can we do?" So, with that argument, Ceir took up his gear and headed out for their practice range. Much to his chagrin, though, he could not draw his bow even half way back. His delicate arms simply were not strong enough. Determined, he went back into their stock of weapons taken in raids and rummaged through it. At last he found what he was looking for. It was a much smaller, lighter bow, good for use on horseback but with much less force. However, it took far less strength to draw it. So armed, he headed back out to the range. This time he nocked his arrow and took aim. He steadied himself, slowed his breathing and released, only to yelp in pain as a line of fire appeared upon the side of his breast. The damn thing had gotten snapped by the string! He quickly pulled his shirt of and inspected it. There didn't seem to be any damage, just a red line that was already fading. Just to be sure, he ran his hands over it a couple of times, looking for damage. Then he ran his hands over it about more, just to be sure. Then he checked the nipple, tugging it a bit to make sure it still functioned properly. Yes, it stiffened just like it was supposed to, standing forth from his body proudly...he shook his head, and put his shirt back on, then went to retrieve his arrow. "We aren't ready yet!" cried Mathias. "It's too soon!" "I know that!" replied Ceir. "But our supplies are getting low. We need to do this. Look, we'll be armed. We'll pick a nice easy target, scare them with our bows, and take just enough to get by on, but not so much they'll fight for it." The pair had been hiding away for well over two weeks now, trying to cope with their sudden fate. But now their supplies were running out and they had to do something in order to continue living. And besides, the pair had been feeling increasingly restless lately. There was some urge just below the surface, like an itch that can't be scratched, that was beating at them. They couldn't sit still, often squirming and shifting their hips whenever they sat down. They had to do something to take their mind off it, and they both knew it. So, though they argued about it for a time, ultimately they both knew that they would do it. They gathered up their gear and headed for the door. "Wait," said Mathias, in his delicate new soprano, "we can't go out like this. Something...something's missing.! We need to put on makeup first." Makeup?! The thought seemed so alien, so strange, wrong. And yet, despite that, Ceir could not find any argument against it. Try as he might, he could not think of any logical reason not to. So the pair dug through loot from past raids that they hadn't, or couldn't, sell. Sure enough, there was indeed a few makeup kits in there. They added a hint of eye shadow, and some brilliant, sexy scarlet to the lips. Then they had to go back into their stash till they found some bottles of perfume, since, after all, they went through the trouble to look nice so they should also smell nice. Then it was to the mirror to make sure that their eyebrows were properly shaped, thin and arched. And then they had to make sure their hair was right, that it fell just so. And then of course they had to brush out their tails, make sure the fur was not knotted or tangled but sleek and sexy. Finally they were ready, and they headed out into the forest. They had found a pair of travelers, a pair of young Bucks, walking down the road through the forest. Their clothes were clean and well made. They weren't rich, but they should have enough to get by on for at least a little while. And, even better, they only carried long knives for defense. Mathias crept ahead of them while Ceir moved behind. They waited for just the right moment, and then sprang their trap. Or rather, tried to spring their trap. Mathias's long hair had gotten tangled in a bush. He pulled free, only to stumble gracelessly onto the road. It was not an auspicious start. He bravely tried to continue with the plan. But this time, when Ceir came out, his boot slipped free and he found himself unbalanced, nearly falling over. The travelers just laughed at them. "I've got something I'd like to give you," one of them said, "it's long and hard and in my pants. Why don't you pretties get undressed and I'll show it to you." The two thieves flushed at his crude suggestion. But underneath it was the feeling that they should do exactly as he said. After all, who were they to disobey such, strong handsome men? Who were they to make demands of those they should rightfully serve? Mathias was the first one to move, his boots sliding off, followed soon by his pants while the two men gaped at him. It wasn't long before the two thieves stood before the travelers, their new bodies completely bare to their scrutiny. The Bucks could not believe their luck. Who knew that this sexy vixen and she wolf would do as they said. And if they did that, what else might they do? "On your knees!" came the command. The pair slowly slid downward, slowly, hesitantly, till at last they were settled on their knees. They were humiliated, but unwilling to disobey. The two travelers gave each other a look of disbelief, then suddenly clothes were being flung about without care as they raced to join the transformed friends in their nudity. The Bucks each stood before one of the kneeling thieves, a spear of flesh jutting from between their legs. The stared at the proud members standing mere inches from their faces, a pair of one-eyed monsters staring back at them. "Go on, get to it," said the Buck standing in front of Mathias. He leaned his hips forward till the tip pushed against Mathias's lips. Hesitantly, almost shyly, Mathias touched it with the tip of his tongue. Slowly he tasted the fleshy rod before him, his innocent probing making the Buck groan. The other buck, watching this, began to grow impatient. He opted for the direct approach, simply placing his hand on the back of Ceir's head and pulling forward till his testicles rested on Ceir's chin. Slowly the pair built momentum, getting more and more into the act. Soon they were going like pros, knowing all the right spots to tease and stimulate. It wasn't long before warm seed was poured into waiting mouths. But spring mad Bucks are not so easy to satisfy. Ceir found himself leaning against a tree, his hips thrust back and feet arched high. The Buck stood behind him, pounding into him over and over again. Each thrust pushed Ceir forward and made him gasp, the combined effect squishing his massive breasts against the smooth bark of the tree. They were like dough being rolled, only infinitely more erotic. Mathias ended up with his legs spread wide as he straddled the Buck. Though it might seem like Mathias was the dominant of the pair, the truth was anything but. The Buck had an iron grip about Mathias's tiny waist. He used his powerful arms to lift the vixen up and down at exactly the pace he wanted. Mathias suspected that he could take his feet completely off the ground and the Buck wouldn't falter in the slightest. It was like he was nothing more than a toy to be used for someone's pleasure. They traded positions then. This time Mathias ended up on his hands and knees, the Buck positioning himself behind him. With one quick thrust, Mathias's womanhood was suddenly full and his mouth dropped open from the feeling. The Buck reached around and began fondling Mathias's firm breasts while continuing to thrust into him as far as he could go. And now it was Ceir's turn to spread his legs and straddle the Buck lying on the ground. He sat there on top of the Buck, their hips pressed together. But rather than gripping his waist, the Buck reached up and pinched his stiffened nipples. He tugged them up, till the weight of Ceir's breasts dragged at his nipples. The Buck did it again, harder. Then once more, this time growling, "Up!" in a rough voice. Ceir grasped what he wanted. He slowly started to raise himself, drawing the stiff shaft from his body. Just before he was completely empty, the Buck tugged Ceir's nipples down, pulling him back down. The Buck kept on like this, tugging up and down, forcing Ceir to actively participate in his own fucking. His rounded butt and thighs flexing enticingly with each motion. The two thieves' voices echoed through the woods, a sultry symphony of sex. At last the pair of Bucks were sated. "Here," one of them said as he tossed a small pouch of coins on the ground, "that was the best time I've ever been robbed." The two laughed and walked off. Ceir and Mathias lay on the ground, covered in sweat and other things, simply trying to catch their breath. Ceir tried to speak, but just as he opened his mouth a breeze kicked up. As it teased his still erect nipples, the sensation was enough to push his sensitized body over the brink of yet another orgasm. Eventually the pair made their way back to their base. The journey was long and difficult. Neither one of them wanted to speak, but that only made them focus more on the feel of their bodies as they walked. More than once they had to stop to catch their breath, as the sensation of fabric sliding over sensitive anatomy pushed them over the brink once again. "Look, they just...just...caught us off guard last time," said Ceir. "It'll be different this time." Mathias looked down at the ground, unwilling to meet his partner's gaze. "I still think maybe we should give up. I mean, you know what they did to us." "That was just a mistake, a one time thing. And besides, it wasn't a total loss." "No, it wasn't" said Mathias, absently fondling his melon sized breast. "I meant we did get the money we needed." "Right, so did I." "Look, we still need to bring in more money. Trust me, everything will work out just fine..." Ceir was bent over, his body forming an almost perfect right angle. The Bull standing behind him had his hands on Ceir's soft buttocks. The Bull standing in front of Ceir had his hands on Ceir's shoulders. Ceir's own hands were behind his back, bound with his own belt. The two Bulls were taking turns pushing Ceir back and forth. Whenever Ceir was pushed forward, the Bull in front's cock slid between his lips and deep into his warm mouth. When Ceir was pushed back, the cock in his mouth slid out until it almost, but not quite, slipped free. But the cock behind him stuffed itself into his quivering sheath of flesh. Back and forth they passed him, one shaft sliding out as the other slid back in. Mathias lay on his back, straddled by another Bull. He kneaded and squeezed Mathias's heavy orbs, massaging his cock with the supple flesh. Mathias squirmed and writhed and moaned as the Bull teased the sensitive feminine protrusions, which only served to encourage the Bull. He tickled the sensitive pink buds, then roughly mashed the two spheres together. He rubbed them up and down, swirled them about, the supple flesh molding to his fingers like clay. "This time we'll get it right. We'll just get money not a, um...sperm donation..." "I don't know Ceir." "We just need to come up with a new plan..." Mathias and Ceir were staying close to each other this time. They would not get separated. Unfortunately, this wasn't part of their plan. The two Lions had them naked, facing each other. Their legs were spread wide and hips thrust back. They were leaned forward till their upper bodies touched, heavy breasts mashed against each other's, stiffened nipples rubbing against each other's. Behind each stood a Lion, casually thrusting into their moistened love tunnels. Each time a Lion thrust, it would push one into the other. As sensitive nipples slid over sweat-slicked skin, both would gasp and clamp down on the rod impaling them. Which, in turn, only encouraged the Lions to thrust more. "This time...this time we'll do it for sure." "You said that last time." "Yes, but..." "And the time before that..." "I know, but..." "And the two dozen other times before that." "We can make this work." "Look, Ceir, it's been six months. I've been thinking..." "I'm not giving up!" "Ceir, listen to me. We've been going on living, pretending like nothing was different. But come on, look at us. We're not the same people anymore. We need to accept that." "What are you suggesting?" "We should stop thinking of ourselves as men. We aren't anymore, and it doesn't look like we ever will be. We're girls now, we should start thinking of ourselves that way. So I think...I think we should start with new names ...You should call me Maemi from now on." "Maemi, huh?" Maemi cringed and nodded. "Well Maemi, I'm... Cecilia. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." They had done better this time. Since they stopped trying to move and act like men, the pair was more graceful and coordinated. They had caught the pair of Stallions off guard this time, and had managed to divest most of their belongings. In fact, they almost got away clean, until, in trying to remove a jeweled belt buckle, one of the Stallion's trousers dropped around his ankles, revealing that he was hung...well, like a Stallion. Things went downhill from there. Cecilia found herself with the Stallion's hands tightly gripping her firm buttocks as he held her completely in the air. Her legs were wrapped about his hips, her soft and jiggly chest pressed firmly to his hard and muscular one. He thrust into her as she begged him for more and more. Maemi and her Stallion were seated on the ground, her back to his chest. He nuzzled her neck tenderly while he played with her delectable bosom. She rewarded him by grinding up and down, back and forth, drawing groans of pleasure. Once again, the two thieves found themselves panting on the forest floor, though this time they were considerably richer. "I've been thinking about what you said Maemi, about accepting our new selves." "I know it didn't go so well today, but I still think it's a good idea." "No, you're right. It is a good idea. But I don't think we went far enough. I think...I think I know what we should be doing." Cecilia crawled over and whispered in Maemi's ear. "But, I can't do that..." she said. "Sure we can. Trust me, this will work great." The Mouse was the first to notice. He was annoyed, he'd paid these guard Dogs well, and they didn't even react the first time another person appeared? And its not like whoever it was was hard to spot, they were wearing a bright red cape. It took the Mouse a moment to realize that the person was a woman, a white she Wolf to be exact. It took the Mouse an even longer moment to realize that ALL she was wearing was a red cape. Her body was completely exposed, and what a body it was! The stranger began to move towards them. Gone was the confident stride of Ceir. But gone too was the clumsy stumble of the newly transformed. Instead, she possessed a strut that can only be described as sexual. Her generous hips swayed hypnotically while her ample bust jiggled enticingly with each step. The Mouse signaled the caravan to a stop, stepping down from the wagon, all while never taking his eyes of the woman. He couldn't have told you the color of her eyes, but he was well on the way to memorizing her every curve. She strode right up to him, completely unchallenged. The Mouse swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry, as she laid a delicate hand on his face. Then, suddenly, from a hidden sheath she drew a knife and had it under his chin before anyone could react. "You're valuables go in the bag," she said, indicating a Vixen who had just stepped from the woods. The Vixen was dressed more modestly, but that hardly said much considering. The new arrival was dressed in thigh high boots, full-length cloves, a hat, and a tiny pair of thong panties, all of green leather. Like the woman in red, her breasts were both impressive and completely uncovered. She carried a large sack and had her eyes fixed on the ground as if embarrassed. The Wolf woman in the red cape continued speaking, barely pausing as the group assessed the Vixen. "The valuables go in the bag. But your Jewels," she paused, letting her free hand rest lightly between the Mouse's legs, "Your Jewels go in US." With that, she lowered her knife, letting the blade trail down the Mouse's shirt till it reached his breeches. Then, with one motion, she deftly slit the laces. She lowered herself to the ground at the same time she lowered his pants. When Cecilia was eye-to-cock with the Mouse, she smiled and then licked him to full hardness. She opened her mouth, just barely wide enough to fit the pole in, and slid it past her lips. Inside her mouth was warm and wet and oh so nice! The Mouse's eyes rolled back. When he looked down, Cecilia looked up, her luminous green eyes meeting his. Then, with a flick of those gorgeous eyes, she gestured to the waiting Maemi. When the Mouse didn't react, she tightened her teeth on his flesh. Not enough to be painful, but firm enough to get the point across. She had him by the balls. Cecilia gestured again. "Give her anything she wants!" shouted the Mouse quickly. When the Dogs didn't move, he added "Now!" This last command coming out as a squeak, because Cecilia had chosen at that moment to, without loosening her grip, run her tongue along the sensitive underside of his shaft. "Fill that bag!" cried the Mouse. "Whatever she wants is hers. Hell, give her another bag to fill if she wants. Just hurry!" It wasn't until Maemi had returned from hiding their loot that Cecilia finally moved. For the Mouse, it had felt like a torturous eternity. She pushed the Mouse till he was sitting on the wagon, then stood till she had her hips in the air, all without his cock ever leaving her mouth. She waggled her hips enticingly, still not moving her head at all. A few moments later, she looked up at the Mouse again, gestured towards the rest of the group standing around, and waggled her hips again. That was all it took for the Mouse's will to completely and utterly crumble. He looked at the men standing around. "For crying out loud!" he shouted, "will one of you idiots get over here and put a cock in her already?" There was a mad scramble, the men rushing to obey an order faster than they ever had in their entire lives. Her needs taken care of, Cecilia finally set about satisfying the Mouse's. The rest of the men converged upon the Vixen. They surrounded her, overwhelming her with their masculine presence. They toyed with her breasts, and squeezed her butt. They were thrilled to discover that, shy as she was, she could not say no to them. She soon found herself dancing, an erotic striptease that had the men. And when she was done, they had plenty more ideas for what she could do for them. She found herself straddling one Dog, a second standing in front of her with his cock in her mouth, a third behind her fondling her breasts, and a fourth and fifth next to her, her hands wrapped around their shafts. When they at last parted ways, both parties were not only completely satisfied but were convinced that they had got the better end of the deal. Cecilia said to Maemi, "Sexy men to fuck us, and shiny loot to support us. I told you this would work. Admit it, it was fun." Maemi flushed, not wanting to admit that she had enjoyed being ordered about by so many strong, virile men. The Bard finished preparing his lute and launched into his song. It was a relatively new one, but since it featured the nearby Green Cloak forest, he thought it would be popular. It was one of the songs about the exploits of the White Wolf and Green Fox, a pair of famous thieves. "Bah," shouted one old Badger from the bar. "Them's old news! Sing us one about the Forest Angels!" "Yeah!" chimed in several of the other patrons, particularly the young males. "Forest Angels?" replied the Bard, perplexed. "You don't know about the Forest Angels?" asked the Badger. "The two most beautiful of women, who live in the Green Cloak? They say that they charmed the White Wolf and Green Fox with their loveliness, and the two gave up their life of crime to live as their devoted servants." "They're just some story," shouted a surly Bear. From his clothes he wasn't a local. "No way!" said a young and handsome Squirrel. "I got to meet them myself. They helped me 'hide my nuts' if you know what I mean. That was the best day of my life!" "Excuse me," said a rough looking Tiger. He laid a hand on the Squirrel's shoulder. "Did you say you met the Forest Angels?" "Yeah, why?" "I'm with the kingdom's Special Investigation Unit," he paused to flash a badge, "We've been getting reports of the pair known as the Forest Angels for months. Would you be willing to sign a statement for me?" "Why would I do that?" "Because, despite how active they are, not a single person we've talked to is willing to file formal charges against them. And we can't arrest them until someone does." "Listen here," said the bartender, a tough old Horse. "Nobody around here is going to say a word against those lovely girls. Do you know how many rich traders come to this town, just hoping they'll appear? Why, we went from a rundown backwater to a center of commerce almost overnight. Those two are celebrities. And if people want to give a gift to a pair of beautiful celebrities? And if those girls choose to show their appreciation for said, freely given, gift? Why, there is nothing wrong with that at all." "Nonetheless, it is our job to keep order in this kingdom, and I have been assigned to see these "Forest Angels" into custody. If no one will help me then I will have to confront them myself," declared the Tiger. The next day, the Tiger returned into town just as the sun was beginning to set. His eyes were dazed and he walked with a stagger, but no one tried to help him. One look told them he'd be ok. Because he was quite obviously covered with lip shaped marks of the distinct shade of scarlet lipstick that only the Forest Angels wore. They were on his cheeks, on his forehead, on his lips...on the fly of his breeches. Everyone knew just what happened. The Tiger, not noticing the smirks from the townsfolk, stumbled to his room and closed the door. An hour later, a messenger was riding with full haste, carrying a request for a transfer in order to carry out a long-term investigation...

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(WEDNESDAY, MORNING.) I woke the next morning, showered, and took my time enjoying the hot water, a real luxury to me. By the time I got out of the shower the troops had returned, and today’s suit was black, black shirt, black silk tie. I was again off from school when we arrived at the hotel, we went to a suite where we talked to our PI group whose team went into Travis’s office in Detroit his office was clean. However, he had two flunkies that had a habit of writing things down so as not...

1 year ago
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Thick as Thieves

It wasn’t long before giggling and laughing the two of them had shed their bikini tops, shamelessly displaying their firm teenage breasts, to anyone who might be peeking over the fence, or, watching high above, from their office. Thick as thieves. That’s the only way you could really describe the two of them. Cindy and Zoe were best friends. The two of them had been running around since the seventh grade and now they were entering their junior year of high school. They were 16 years old...

1 year ago
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Forest Of The Blue Skin

When I hopped onto Zell23’s XXX sidescroller Forest of the Blue Skin, I thought I was going to have to whack those annoying blue bitches from the Avatar film. You know what I’m fucking talking about. Those blue-skinned dumb asses that used a bow and arrow to somehow defeat bigger dumb asses that utilized actual sci-fi technology. Fortunately, Zell23’s retro action platformer didn’t come close to being that fucking stupid.Despite a name that evokes images of terrible science fiction, Forest of...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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Forest Fuck

I wake up in a daze in the forest, tied down with ropes, pain shooting through my body. As far as I can tell, theres nobody else with me, but its pitch black and I cant move my head. How did I get here? I cant remember. ———————————- Britney, I dont want to go, I whine, laying on my best friends bed, staring at her ceiling. I dont care if you dont want to go, she replied, putting on her Victorias Secret lip gloss and making lustful faces to herself in the mirror. I need to go, Brandons...

3 years ago
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Forest Eyes

Part One : She Who Walks With Cats She was an oddity amongst her people, the dark haired, dark eyed, short and stout formed, there was nothing like her honey gold hair and green eyes. Her people, proud of their ancestry, raised her up as the village treasure. She came from the sky, so the rumor was. She was a sky dweller, not of the earth at all. Her mother died during birth, and her father was never known. Leading even more to the rumors of her inheriting Magic. The village shaman raised...

4 years ago
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Forest Trip

Once I was go with my cousin to a forest trip, after a day we lost the way to move ahead, we tried to call but our mobiles were zero signals.We kept moving on a way and we reached deep in forest, sudden we saw smoke and moved ahead, this was tribal colony, all persons were naked there, they saw us and covered us with armed hands.Ohh! Fuck, we caught by them.They snatched our baggage and removed our clothes, we both were tied face to face, my cousin saw my perky boobs and tight shaven pussy and...

1 year ago
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Forest Adventures A short story

We were walking in the woods one day, as we often did back then. It was spring, edging its way in to summer and the leaves had just started to grow back on the trees. We walked and talked as we always did, spanning so many topics, tackling the big issues in life. I walked a little behind her; she was free-willed and tended to venture off the path so she led the way. She wore a lot of skirts and dresses back then. Her bare legs impressively pale, despite being an outdoorsy girl she was cursed...

2 years ago
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forest walk

we allways enjoy walking both of us since u came home u loved going around the town when I was at work looking at the shops and talking to people, I was off one weekend and I asked u about going for a spin in the car to the forest a few miles away we were never there before so It was a new little adventure so any way we took off in th ecar and pulled up a few miles away in the and got out and I asked u did u pack ur jeans as I might dirty there u said no but u said u would be ok so we walked...

2 years ago
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Forest Army Camp Adventure 8211 Part 3

Sunita says: The Colonel and my husband’s way of love making was different. The Colonel seemed far more sensitive to my pleasure and needs. He knew how to turn me on. He knew where to touch, what to speak, where and how to caress and where and how to use pressure or brute force to make me crave for more. You may well ask, “Why did I let a person other than my husband fuck me?” Well for one, for the past few months my husband constantly expressed his fantasy that he wanted to see me being...

4 years ago
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Forest Nymph

One Her meaty body strained to go faster as the pale moonlight softly lit the trail ahead of her. It was just as good as the first time, the surging thrill in her mind caused, she knew, by the morphins flowing so freely after two miles. When she felt this way, it always seemed she could go forever. She could feel her nipples taut, the wet friction of her bare, puffy cunt, the comfortable pressure on her callused feet. She felt the strain in her legs and stomach. Ummmm. She could think clearly...

3 years ago
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Superheroine Thieves

I was on routine patrol when it happened. Let me back up. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mitch Williamson. You know me better as Mister Lucky, the superhero. You know, the guy who belongs to the otherwise all-female superteam out of Detroit. The luckiest guy in the world, some say. I did hit the Mega Millions jackpot for over 200 million right after I got my powers from those aliens. That was pretty weird in itself, but that is a story for another time. This story is about my first...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Lost Toys 2 Borrowers and Thieves

Cast List Matthew Reid – The Wizard. Ryan “Craps” MacDonald – Matthew’s oldest friend. Joseph Dyne – Matthew’s best friend. Janine Porre – Matthew’s first love Phoebe Waterson – An inherited sex slave. Gwendolyn Ashcroft – A waitress sex slave Matthew took from work. Tiffany Luck – A teenaged sex slave taken from Ottawa. Raena Flores – A teenaged sex slave taken from Ottawa. Meghan Reid – Matthew’s little sister. Misty Reid – Matthew’s baby sister. Ryan MacDonald – Saturday, July 11th,...

3 years ago
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Two Different WorldsChapter 7 Tramps and Thieves

"Three days in this hole, and we still aren't ready to leave!" Jewel stood with her fists on her hips, glaring at the clutter of trade goods and supplies whose stacks took up most of one end of their room. They had agreed to speak Khamusai as often as possible, working to perfect their vocabularies and accents. "Less than two days, back home." Neal scratched at a welt on the side of his neck. The bugs had gotten in a few licks before their sprays and powders had taken effect. His hair...

4 years ago
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Forest For The Trees

Forest For The TreesBy yutubeslut, May, 2018We lived in a semi rural suburban area withfields, trees, wildlife.A lot of the roads weren't even paved andmany that were had just a layer of gravel.I used to range far and wide in the Spring ad Summer gathering mint, black berries, clover,scallions, even pears and apples from old abandoned homestead-like shacks and small poorlybuild houses filled with raccoons, weeds and amultitude of other critters.Nature reclaiming Man's structures, like apost...

2 years ago
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It was fairly late and I was driving back from Southampton through on the main road through the New Forest. Everyone was away at home so there was no hurry and the work had taken a long time. As I approached Picket Post the endless cups of tea had finally caught up with me and I was dying to go for a pee. I turned off onto the Burley road and drove a short way passing the first car park as it is exposed and turning into the more secluded one slightly down the road. I expected the car park...

2 years ago
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Forest For the Trees

She trudged on through the endless, winding trail of ankle-scathing brush, eye endangering branches and hot, sweaty summer air, not wanting to think about the man who walked behind her with a buggy whip in his hand.A pack full of ropes and other "toys" weighed down on her shoulders, the pack straps like trails of fire, cutting deep into her flesh, as she continued to labor, seemingly forever, through this hellish trail of pain. It didn't help that he had forced her to strip her shirt off at the...

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I walked across the field, the sun starting to set, following a thin, foot-worn path toward the sunset. There was a tight grove of trees where I had been told to meet m friend Brian. Brian had been my friend since I a k**. We had grown up together. The two of us had an intimate relationship, but nothing steady. Basically, if I felt horny, and wasn't going out with anyone, and Brian was between relationships, we would meet up, and have fun. This was such a time. However, this time, Brian told me...

2 years ago
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"Is that you, Bob?" "It's a burglar. I've come to steal a kiss." "Guess what ... Mmmmmph." "Mph, yourself. That kiss was worth stealing. And I love your outfit." "Must be the shorts. You painted in the shirt when it was yours." "Your style in bra. Besides you do things for the shirt." "'Off' isn't a style. I saw that gynecologist today, and guess what?" "She said that you've been overusing your genitalia and to give them a month's rest?" "No-ope!" "She...

3 years ago
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Forest Meeting

The sun is burning the earth. Such a summer so as to bake the earth into hard mud with cracks like that of a broken mirror. Desperate to escape the heat I go to the woods. As I walk along the lane I can feel the breeze ripple through the lofty branches of the trees above. I take off my shoes as I walk between the trees, feeling the hard earth beneath the soft green moss. No sound disturbs me but the soft padding of my feet upon the soil. I find myself in a small glade of trees where the...

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Forest preserve rendezvous

updated editIts Friday, I'm nervous but I am headed out anyway. It has been a while since I have had contact with a woman I wanted so badly. Even if we said we were just going to talk and hold hands...I still want, no need this.I glance at the clock, 1045 am, plenty of time to get to our rendezvous. I debate jerking off to your photos just to take the edge off, but decide against it. I pull out of my driveway and head towards the statue.The statue commemorates Lewis and Clarke and blah, blah......

1 year ago
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Forest preserve hook up

Its Wednesday, I'm nervous but I am headed out anyway. It has been a while since I have had contact with a woman I wanted so badly. Even if we said we were just going to talk and hold hands...I still want, no need this.I glance at the clock, 145 pm, plenty of time to get to our rendez-vous. I debate jerking off to your photos just to take the edge off, but decide against it. I pull out of my driveway and head towards the statue.The statue commemorates Lewis and Clarke and blab, blab... its...

2 years ago
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Mistress Willow led me to the passenger side of the car and said “you may open the door for me slut.”I stepped forward without hesitation and opened the door for her feeling very exposed in public in my current predicament (cock hanging from my trousers with one end of a handcuff attached to the base of the cock and balls). She gracefully slid into the passenger seat and I went to go to the other side when she coughed. I stopped and she pulled me close by the end of the cuff. “You will close...

2 years ago
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Forest Bondage

She was sitting by the water, a group of ducks at her feet clamoring and fighting over the breadcrumbs she tossed to them. Through the glare of the setting sun, she saw him with his own entourage of ducks, slowly walking toward her, tossing food to the ducks which followed him. As the sun cast it's last golden hue on the ripples at her feet, he came to sit next to her. She had never seen him before, yet she did not move from her position. He said nothing, but watched her toss the last crumbs,...

2 years ago
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Forest Nympho

The day had been so very hot and I along with it craved the coolness of the night I had walked for what seemed like days in this beautifully magical wonderland. With each step I took I could feel someone watching me but yet I could not see them. When I came upon a secluded pond it's only light was the full moon shining down on the water it looked like heaven. I couldn't get my clothes off fast enough. I walked slowly into the cool water it caressed my skin as it enveloped me. I closed my eyes...

2 years ago
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Forest Bondage

She was sitting by the water, a group of ducks at her feet clamoring and fighting over the breadcrumbs she tossed to them. Through the glare of the setting sun, she saw him with his own entourage of ducks, slowly walking toward her, tossing food to the ducks which followed him. As the sun cast it's last golden hue on the ripples at her feet, he came to sit next to her. She had never seen him before, yet she did not move from her position. He said nothing, but watched her toss the last crumbs,...

3 years ago
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Jeanette and I had originally planned our whole honeymoon as a hiking trip. Jeanette's brother Greg had been aghast. He had insisted on paying for two nights in a resort-style hotel near the trail. Now I think he was right. The first night was painful for her. The day was a glorious day with Jeanette and luxury; I'm afraid that our newlywed status was obvious to everyone. The second night as we were getting ready for bed I put the wrapped condom on the night table. "Do you mind, Bob?"...

4 years ago
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Jenny punished for thieving

It had taken a couple of weeks to work out, but I had finally narrowed down when my losses were occurring, and tied it down to just one member of staff, a young checkout assistant named Jenny.Jenny was s*******n, and had been with my small Builders Merchants for about two months, but since she had started, small items of stock were going missing, as were small amounts of cash from the till.I had deliberately avoided calling in the Police, or my own in house Security Officer, and had opted for...

3 years ago
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A search for a vibrator leads to sexual a adventure in bookshops and the adult cinema

I suppose it all began over a Rampant Rabbit. I’ve never really been much of a fan of sex aids though I know lots of men like to see women using them and I’ve occasionally been happy to use a variety of them even the larger ones at the request of the man of the particular moment if that’s what gets him going. However as a general rule I prefer the real article and it was only because a couple of my female friends raved about how good the RR was that I even heard about...

2 years ago
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My sister Sandy follows in Moms footsteps

Sandy was a tall slim blonde throughout high school and grew into quite a hottie. At 5'8" and 125 pounds she was a looker in anyone’s book . Her long legs, curly blonde locks, grapefruit sized tits, and nice tight body constantly drew looks from guys no matter what their age. She was 2 years my junior and was still living with Mom when I moved out at 20. She spent her High School years in a private all girls school, so she didn’t have the exposure to sex crazed teenage boys. A few...

1 year ago
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Wealthy Progeny

I. WEIRD MEMORIES 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 Half past eight...shit. Okay, I'm my own boss, but I don't want to show up late again. I don't want to be a simple boss: I want to be a leader! I want my employees to esteem me, and who respects a boss that shows himself half an hour later than everyone else? I'd better speed up my walk. I'm such in a hurry that, some steps later, I drop my expensive smartphone. I don't even notice that, until the sound of it hitting the sidewalk wakes me up...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Teenage Porn Starlet

Chapter 1 Melody was a very sexy, and very beautiful young woman. She had finally reached 18 years old so now she knew she could legally pursue any career she wanted to -- and what she wanted more than anything was to become a porn film starlet. Melody loved sex and she loved being with guys and she'd finally figured out when she was 16 that what she wanted to do in life was fuck and suck in front of the camera and become well known as a porn industry actress. She'd enjoyed watching some of...

3 years ago
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My story Part 2 Introducing me to Mdm Suz

My introduction to Mdm. Suzy the pimp After Adel (our building porter) deflowered me (as I wrote in chapter 01) with his nice big black veiny cock. I became his whore, he used to fuck me weekly once or two times. at first he just fucked me as a normal whore, but I missed being tied to the bed and gagged and being treated dirty, so I began to ask him to do it to me again and more frequent. So our meetings took a little longer than usual for him to tie me and spank me, flog me, and do all the...

1 year ago
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Southboud Greyhound

Liberty. Two weeks of freedom after Naval Boot Camp. I had gone home to visit my parents and see friends. Now I was headed south to San Diego on a Greyhound bus. We were somewhere in northern California when some folks departed and a few more boarded. I was pleased that the bus was sparsely occupied leaving me plenty of room to stretch out and relax. Unless you've ridden on a bus for more than just across town you don't know how cramped you can get. This was the beginning of the second day...

4 years ago
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Sniffing Her Panties Caught

I live in a small town where not much happens. Fifteen years ago, a family rented the upstairs apartment in our large house. We had much more room than we needed, and the entire upstairs was turned into a private apartment. A lovely family moved in and we became like family rather quickly. The mother was remarried and her one c***d was from her previous marriage. Her new husband was younger than her, and the Mahoney's were a perfect family to live in our house. Their daughter, Erin was a very...

1 year ago
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Maa ka balidan 4

Hi this is lady fucker again with the next part of the maa ka balidan. Main aap sab se mafi chahta hun ki is part ko bhejne me samay laga.Aapne meri pichali kahani padhi aur use saraha is liye dhanywad. Aapne padha ki ek maa apni beti ke liye apne samdhi se chudwati hai aur fir sahukar se chudwaya. Fir sahukar ki bhukhi biwi ko uske pati ne choda.Ye kahani mere dost ki maa jisko maine chodte hue suni. Aage ki kahani usiki jabani.Ab har roj mera bap sahukar ki biwi ko chodne laga. Wo bhi roj do...

1 year ago
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You have to hand it to a platform like Reddit. They did not intend to have a fuck ton of porn that users can browse through when it was created (that I know of anyway!). They wanted the platform to be a place for communities could thrive. Over the years, that is exactly what has happened -and more!Today, even the smallest and most niche community and interest will attract new people and thrive. That includes unique genres of porn that you have probably never even heard of before! And that goes...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Teaching The Au Pair to SubmitAn OuttakeChapter 2

Jessica watched as they raced over to her, their hands already reaching out and grabbing her breasts tightly, compressing her tit flesh. She felt their fingers rubbing the areolas, listening to the Captains advice, encircling her nipple. She felt it swell, wanting to feel the touch of a finger on it, arching her back, trying to push her nipple into the waiting fingers. "Now private, you get one of the best parts. I want you to play with her pussy. Start by running your finger up and down...

3 years ago
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sissy and her Daddy Chapter 2

jamie and Rich meet againHuh? Don’t recognize that number – fuckit… let it go to voicemail. Probably someone begging for money. Monday mornings suck enough already, I sure as hell don’t want to be putting up with beggars. I gotta get to work on this proposal or my ass is grass!Some time passes and the number rings again so I decide to answer it. “yeah? who’s this?’“Now jamie, is that anyway to greet your owner? I’m surprised you don’t have better manners. Nobody likes a girl with an attitude”Oh...

3 years ago
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Teasing Tyler

My boyfriend, Tyler, and I sat lounging on my couch one Friday morning. All my roommates were off at work, in a class, or with their own significant others. We were watching a documentary for a class that I couldn't care less for and I was feeling a bit mischievous. Tyler was very into the documentary and I knew he needed to pay attention to it, but I still took upon myself to entertain myself the best way I could. I took Tyler's middle finger into my mouth and began to suck and lick it very...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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RebirthChapter 8

I slept in until eight thirty. I woke to find Maggie licking my erect prong. They were whispering encouragement and possible technique. Susan said, "Lick just the end. Clara says her sister does that to her boyfriend and it drives him wild. Ya, like that but just use the tip of your tongue." I was enjoying the sensations then I heard, "Guys like girls to run the tip of your tongue all the way from the bottom to the top. Other guys have lots of hair so you can start on his bag." Maggies...

3 years ago
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Snow Falls Silent on Evergreen Trees

A weakness of mine is my tendency to develop myopia when engaging in certain aspects. Reading is probably the biggest. Couple that with a naturally panicky disposition and a heart attack before I was able to legally drink means I turn my phone off when I start reading.As such, when the shrill chime of my phone went off, it nearly gave me another heart attack from shock. I swore at the nothingness and answered it, without bothering to look at the caller ID.“What?” I spat into the receiver. I...

Love Stories
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She surprised me

It was Saturday and I had to work 8:-noon. I returned home and Carol was still wearing her night clothes. A short neglige which barely covered her panties. She welcomed me with a wet kiss and said she had to take a shower   I got a beer out of the fridge. Half way thru the beer, I heard her say ‘Honey, come look at this’ I entered the bathroom and she stood before me completey naked. There was my angel completely nude and dripping wet. My eyes first looked at her beautiful blonde hair and...

3 years ago
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mentoring Brandon Chapter 16

By Bob Chapter 16: A Thanksgiving to Remember Part 2 As I turned and walked toward the two hot guys in the beds at the other end of the room, I couldn't help think about what was happening. A new turning point in my life was about to begin, I was positive. Unlike the last one when Brandon and I fell in love, this one was more unexpected. I knew I wanted Brandon, but this was something I never in my life thought would transpire. I had to admit, there was much apprehension going...

3 years ago
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Khala 2

Hi readers Arshad in again here among you with the the remaining story “Khala ki chudai part 2”. Dosto aap nae mari kahani parhi or us ka mujhe acha response mila us ke leye thanks. Ab mae aap ka ziada time nahi loon ga or apni kahani ki taraf aata hoon. Tu dosto jesa ke aap ko maloom hae ke bijli gai hoi thee or mara hath khala ki tangoon ke dermian pohanch geya tha. Ab is se age kea hua…….. jese hi khala nae mera hath apni phudi per mehsoos kea shaid us ko current lega ke wo aik dam mujh se...

2 years ago
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Fucking Sarah and Dave

A few years ago, a cute Irish girl started working in our office. She was slim with short, dark hair and pale-skinned and pretty in an understated way. I was instantly attracted to her.We got along well immediately and soon began to take lunch together in the canteen. Because of the way lunchtimes were arranged, we were the only people in there at that particular time. I enjoyed having the place to ourselves, and loved the way I could make Sarah laugh with stories about some of our colleagues,...

1 year ago
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The Landladys New Pet Part One

I regained my conciousness as nimble fingers with spikey red nails tightened a leather collar about my neck, nearly choking me. As I gasped, the buxom middle aged redhead who had d**gged me, laughed and sneered down at me as she jerked the leash attached to my new collar. The motion made me attempt to lift myself, only to realise that my hands were bound behind me. Still dazed, I looked at the smiling shapely form before me, in disbelief; an obviously dominant woman in black corset, sheer...

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The Soldier Cums Home

It's been four long years since you've been here, and you realize as you look out the bus window not a lot has changed. The stores and restaurants are all in their familiar places, a few buildings have been repainted, and the cars even look like they haven't been replaced at all. You smile to yourself as the vehicle pulls in to the bus stop and you grab your bags. Your family doesn't know you're coming home today; the last you told them was 'soon.' You happen to notice a calendar next to the...

3 years ago
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My 4sum with my Mom Grandmom and Aunt

So if you read the last story about me and my mom and my grandmom then this is part 2 of this amazing weekend.So while we we’re in the country we didn’t do much…but what we did do was fuck and we did a lot of that…So the one night came along and I wish sitting in the living room on the couch watching TV. While my mom and my grandmom were in the kitchen cooking…Now from my seat on the middle of the couch you could turn your head to the left and see the kitchen and vice versa. So while I’m...

4 months ago
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Globes of Power

Mother is jealous of her daughters large breasts. The Globes of Power All characters in this story are over 18 years old. Chapter One Sandra Thompson, the middle-aged woman with petite frame and short, light brown hair, stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner. She glanced down at her small breasts, feeling insecure as she always did when her youngest daughter was nearby. Emily, her older daughter, had a slim figure and long dark hair. Sophia, her youngest daughter, slim with long dark hair like...

4 years ago
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Spousal Surprise

They’d been married for three sex-filled years after a short dating time and engagement. Shorty wasn’t very tall but nature had made up for it between his legs. When, on the second date, Valerie cupped his crotch, her panties came off in a hurry. Thrilled that she could take it all the first time, Shorty began intensively dating her. It couldn’t be the every night that he wanted because she seemed to have other activities she was scheduled for which she never discussed in any detail. Their...

1 year ago
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Turnabout Part 11

The dinner Friday night had been amazing. When Greg announced Jess' promotion, everyone came over and congratulated her. Jane came over and said, "That explains the bar." "Sorry," I said, "I wasn't sure what was for public consumption..." She laughed. "Please. I totally get it." She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "Did you see Bonnie's face when they announced Julie Mannheim was getting Bruce's job?" I giggled and said, "I am above such things," and then I paused,...

2 years ago
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Sneaking Out Of Work

Katrina and I had been dating for a couple of months and things were going pretty well. She was funny and smart, not to mention extremely hot. Her mother was Asian, and her father white and she was a perfect mix of both her parents; thick, dark, almost black hair, olive skin and big brown eyes. She was around 5'2", toned with curves in all the right places and big tits, 32D, which appeared bigger on her small frame. And she was always horny. I was working in a residential home for disabled...

Quickie Sex
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Forbidden Fruit

Hello, my name is Ali and I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. As for the introduction, I am an average nerdy guy with a really hot sister named Rubia. I’m 20 years old and she is just an year younger than i am. We belong to a middle class Muslim family with high moral values. Both me and my sister has been virgin before this incident, infect we never had even kissed anyone. Rubia...


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