Oh Boy free porn video

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It has finally happened.
I lost my virginity.

Well, sort of.
Let me start from the beginning.

My name is Lara but my friends call me Elly, due to my afictiation to elephants since I was a little girl. But that has nothing to do with this story.
I have just turned 31, have an athletic body as I regularly go swimming, at least twice a week. I'm about 5 foot 4# with bright, green eyes and straight Brown hair down to my shoulders.
Most say I'm cute and I'd say I'm quite comfortable with myself.

Ok, that's enough on me, now back to the event.
When I said that I was a virgin, it was more a figure of speech. Of course I've had intercourse. Just not with a guy. The only dick that's been inside me has been made of silicone or that nice prick from Max. Although that doesn't count as he is not,... well, let's just leave it with, he's Max.
Yes, I'm a lesbian.
I've been more into girls since I was in school. Boys were fun and good to have around but only girls got me really exited.
So it was thanks giving and I decided to stay at my parents house for a week.
My thought was that it would be a good idea to get my head clear. With my job getting on my nerves, then the break up with Jenny, my last girlfriend still causing me sorrow.
Now beeing the night before thanks giving mum and dad were of to their annual charity bowling competition leaving my little brother Steven and myself alone in front of the TV.
Getting bored of the program on the screen I said I was going to take Max for a walk and asked Steven if he would like to join me. He just muttered something about "nothing better to do" and went of to fetch his coat an Max's line.
We had been walking, pretty much silently for about 20 min when I asked him how come he wasn't in town with a girlfriend. "Haven't got one" was all he replied and kept walking. I decided not to go into it any further, for the time beeing and we headed back home.
Once back home Max let himself fall in front of the fireplace and I went of in search of a needle and thread to mend a little tear in my favourite t-shirt. Haven't got a clue how I managed that.
After looking through the entire house and getting somewhat frustrated Steven mentioned that mum might have something like that in their bedroom and went off to take a look for me. Me, not wanting to sit here waiting went after him.
As I was looking through the wardrobe, Steven was busy rummaging around inside mums bed side table. "Oh great" he said sadly. "Well at least someone's been having fun". I went over to see what he had found as he pulled out a nearly empty bottle of lube, a jar of peanut butter, smooth and a huge double ended dildo. "Wow" was all I could say and Steven threw the gigantic silicone phallus back into the draw saying. "Fucked if I know whats with the P.B. but seems like everyone here is getting laid but me, even Max looks satisfied" I simply ignored that last part and tried jokingly "perhaps they need a snack after their sex". Steven just looked at me dumbfounded. "Ok" I said. "What about you? Youre bound to have the girls running down your door." Steven just looked at me with an uncomfortable look on his face and said. "Yea, like I'm always the best friend. Just not the one they want to fuck"
Hearing him speak like that was a little surprising to me. I'd never heard him talk like that. Steven was 15 years younger than me. With his short blond hair, which always seemed to be in a mess. His grey blue eyes, and for his age, good solid build. I had allways thought him to be a little heart breaker. "But you have lots of girlfriends" I replied. "I've seen them, they're all pretty" I added as to make a point. "Sure" he said, "and they all come to little Stevie and whine about how their boyfriends don't treat them right". I was shocked. " I always thought you had it going" I said, taking his hand. "Well you're wrong" he snapped back at me but didn't pull away his hand. "I've tried everything. I've been cool, understanding sometimes even a little macho. Christ, I even keep my balls shaved in case something might one day happen." At that he's cheeks flushed a bit. "Oh really?" Was all that I said, taken aback from his outing at not beeing as popular as I thought. "Oh really what?" Steven wanted to know. "Oh really I'm a dweeb or Oh really I shaved my balls?" Now it was my turn to go slightly red. "Both" I simply replied, and then added quietly "would you show me?" Steven stared at me. "You want me to show you my balls? Here in mum and dad's bedroom?" I think I surprised him so much that he then just said. "Fine. At least one girl gets to see them." Having said that he unbuckled his jeans, let them drop to the ground and pulled him shorts down around his ankles. "There, happy?" He asked. For about thirty seconds no one said a word. He stared at me and I stared at his dick.
It wasn't that big although it had a nice even form with a decent sized knob at the head, promising pleasurable feelings to whom ever it was impaled within. "Well now" I said trying to sound contained and also trying not to think how large that nice penis might get. "That is quite an nice one and I commend you on the clean shave." Clearing my throat I added. "I like the way you left some hair above your dick. It looks good" Steven seemed to have recovered a little from his, even to himself surprising act of revelling and said jokingly. "And now you're an expert on dicks. I thought you were into pussy." Going once again slightly red, my little brother was actually getting me a bit exited, I replied. "Well I know when something looks good and I like what I see." I looked up into his eyes and asked. "Can I touch it?" He started to back away, then stoped, took a deep breath pushing out his chest and said confidently . " Sure, have a feel." Gently I cupped by hand under his balls to feel the soft smooth skin. He gasped slightly and I felt him balls retracting away from my touch. "Everything ok?" I asked. "Yes, I'm fine" he said, nearly whispering. I wrapped my hand around his shaft which immediately began thickening. Steven groaned a little a I started gliding my hand up along his dick and with my fingertips softly caressing his scrotum, which had now gone hard and wrinkly. "Oh, fuck sis!" Was all he could say and that encouraged me to speed up my pace. His dick was now hard. It was big. It was in my hand and I was full on jerking off my brother. Steven groaned again, louder this time and I saw him press his eyes shut as he held his breath. Was he going to cum? Was I about to bring my brother to an orgasm, here I'm my parents bedroom, with my hand?
Steven's eyes flew open. He smacked my hand away from him. "STOP!" He yelled at me. "Stop it." He was shaking all over. "I don't need to be wanked by my big sister." His voice was shaking. "That," he said. "I can do on my own".
There he stood. A slight sweat on his forehead. His swollen prick, only inches away from my eyes. Quivering, with a small drop of pre-cum glistening at it's tip. "Oh yea?" I said. "And can you do this." At that I opened my jaws grabbed both his butt cheeks with my hands and rammed his dick onto my mouth. All the way until I felt his sparse pubic hairs tickling me under my nose. "Ohhhhh Christ" Steven yelled out. A strong urge to choke swelled up in me and as out of reflex, I started to swallow. I swallowed my spit and swallowed down the urge to vomit. I guess the feeling of him beeing all the way in my mouth and me constantly swallowing to stop from reching was to much for him. I felt Stevens body tense. His butt cheeks tightened in my hands as as he came, he almost howled. He shot the entire load from his aching balls, straight down my throat. All I could do was to continue what I was doing all along. I closed my eyes and swallowed and swallowed, and swallowed.
After him having poured, what seemed like a gallon of his sperm into my stomach I opened my eyes and met his gaze upon me. "I thought you were all about girls" he said. "Where did you learn that?" I sucked the last drops of cum from his dick, causing him to convulse once more, licked the cum dribble from my lips and said. "I don't know, never done that before." I shrugged my shoulders. "Just seemed the right thing to do". Steven sat down on the bed next to me and said. " Sis, you're fucking amazing."
I smiled at him, somewhat proud of myself, kissed him gently on his left cheek and whispered in his ear. "You know What Stevie, I'm shaved down there as well" Steven groaned and slightly hoarse, he muttered. "Show me!"
Not needing to be asked again I got up, kicking of my shoes and unfastened my belt. I turned my back on him as I slid down my pants together with my sopping wet underwear, bending down all the way giving him a clear view of my arse crack and my glistening, wet pussy lips. "Jesus fuck me" Steven called out. "Not yet" I replied with a slight giggle. I then turned back toward him and started to raise my t-shirt. "Wait!" He called out. "Please let me do that." So raised my hands into the air and let him pull my shirt over my head. My boobs fell free as I was not wearing a bra and Steven gasped when he saw them right in front of his face. My firm 75 C cup breasts. Nipples as hard as rocks jutting out at him, daring him to take them in his mouth.
He was so taken aback at this right that he fumbled with my t-shirt, getting it caught on one of my ear rings, pulling it out. I let a small cry escape my mouth but the excitement within me let me feel almost no pain. (I would not find that ear ring again until over a year later)
In the mean time Steven had successfully removed my shirt leaving me naked for him to see. My trousers still around my ankles, his jeans were also still wrapped around one of his feet and as he noticed this he kicked them off completely and went down on his knees in front of me to help me remove my pants as well.
Having done this he looked up at me and with a shaking voice asked "May I?" Looking down on him I demanded. "You have to!" Grinning like a k** he raise his hand to softly stroke the freshly waxed mound just above my pussy. I was totally cleared of all hair. "Fuck, you're so soft" he exclaimed as his fingers found their way a little into the folds of my sex, leading down to my clit. I twitched nervously as he asked me then. "Can I taste you?" With a kind smile I simply replied "Please."
Carefully Steven let his tongue slowly glide over my folds. His breath hot against my skin sending shivers down into my stomach and further down as a dull throb, deep inside my cunt.
With both hands now Steven held my meaty pussy flesh, squeezed together like two hamburger buns. Then, as the squeezing nearly started to hurt he forced his tounge between those meat curtains as if he wanted to lap out the sauce between this hairless, dripping wet burger.
I moaned ad I held the back of his head forcing him and his devilish tounge deeper in me. This made it impossible to keep a hold of my lips so he let them go only to start inserting a finger inside me whilst continuing to lap me up. "Is that ok?" He asked, somewhat muffled as his face was being pressed into my cunt. His voice vibrated deep in me pushing me further toward an intense orgasm. "Fuck yea" I sighed. "More!" Being encouraged by my consent and my wanting more, Steven placed a second finger deep inside me and started to get them glide in and out of me. I started to buck my hips toward him causing him hot tounge to go on a rampage inside if me. I don't know if it was willfull or an accident but he found my clit with his tounge. This forced me to take a deep sharp intake of air as I was about seconds away from my climax. Steven seemed to realize that he was doing everything right and pulled his fingers, still deep inside of me, toward his mouth. This made two things happen. One he forced my clit to be pressed stronger against his mouth and that lashing tounge. Secondly, this young man, with no experience what so ever found my G-Spot and massaged it like a pro.
That was to much.
I clenched, I screamed, I came.
I released a bucket full of vaginal juice into the waiting mouth of my little brother. There was no way of stopping my convulsions as my orgasm lingered on. Steven started liking his control over my cunt and as a reaction did something totally in expected.
Without warning he rammed another two fingers inside me and started sucking and slurping at my clit as if it was trying to get way. There I was having an on going orgasm, my brother pulling me toward him with four fingers lodged deep in my cunt and if that wasn't enough he stopped licking and sucked my clit into his mouth throu his teeth.
Pain and pleasure forced me to scream so loud I thought the neighbours would now call the police. My orgasm, which had the whole time not subdued exploded into one final intensive climax which left me seeing stars, just short of passing out.
I dropped to the floor, shaking, twitching. Fuck I was crying !
Steven looked at me lying there. "Did I do something wrong ?"
Somehow I managed to scramble to my knees. I held his face in my hands and kissed him deeply. Letting my tounge slide into his mouth I probed his tounge playing with him. Tasting my own juices in my brothers mouth got me exited again. Releasing his mouth I looked him in the eye and said. "I thought you aren't experienced, where did you learn to eat out like that?" He just shrugged his shoulders replying. "Don't know" and with a grin "Just seemed the right thing to do."
We both laughed for a while when I noticed that my little brother, once again hat a raging hard on. "Now what are we going to do about that?" I asked.
"Don't know" he replied awkwardly. "What can we do?" I smiled at him an said. "I've got an idea." Getting up and slowly getting on the bed. My legs were still shaking from the intense orgasm, I patted on the bed next to me. "Come here" I beckoned him. "Just lay on your side behind me". Steven did as he was told. "Now I want you to close your eyes, press your body against me and you can examine mine with your hands, your mouth, what ever you want". Having said that Steven started to shake nervously. "Calm down Stevie" I said. "Your doing fine. Now you can feel what it's like to hold a woman in your hands. "Gently I took his hand, wrapped it around my body and placed it on my breast. "You like them?" Stumbling for an answer he replied "Oh boy yea!" Whilst massaging my firm breast he continued. " They're soft but firm, and so warm" finding my nipple he gave it little squeeze. "Does that hurt?" He asked. "A bit" I said, "But it's also nice. Keep going". Having received my permission he went on to place his other arm underneath me so he could reach the other breast. Here I now laid. Both of us laying on our side, my little brother holding me in his surprisingly strong arms fondling my full breasts and occasionally tweaking my nipples causing an electric shock to travel through my body each time he pinched them.
I felt his cock growing even harder as it was pressing against the crack of my arse as if begging for reliese.
"Stevie" I said. "Listen. I want to try something that I have never done before." Steven stopped kneading my breasts and asked "what's that?"
"Stevie, I want you to fuck me"
At first he said nothing. Then, "all right. How?"
"Just relax" I said. Reaching down I spread my legs a little allowing his throbbing member room to escape. As it was now pulsating directly before the opening to my vagina I merely adjusted my hips a little and allowed the head, just a small way into my opening.
Steven held his breath. "Now I want you to slowly enter me. Let me get used to your size and let my pussy juices lube you up a bit."
Having said this Steven and I moved in unison, him shoving and me pushing. Inch by inch he entered me. "Slowly" I said, my voice bekommeng shaky. "Yes sis" he replied going even slower. The urge to ram this hard cock all the way in was excruciating. But I wanted the feeling to last and Most of an I was a little afraid. My brothers dick was huge. Even bigger than Max. I felt him spreading and stretching my pussy from the inside. When I thought he was all the way in I said. "Ok, now slowly out." I felt him nodd behind me. "Not all the way but nearly" once again, nodding. Slowly he slipped out. There was a feeling of emptiness. I wanted him back, so I started pressing again. Steven took the cue and started to enter me again. This time a little faster. "Ok" I said. That should have me stretched and you lubed up enough. "Ok, yea" came a horse whisper from behind me. Hot breath at my neck giving me goose bumps and setting my nipples once again as hard as rocks under the warm and strong hands of my little brother.
"You ready for more?" I asked. "Steven didn't reply. He didn't have to.
With one, unexpected, fluid thrust he pushed himself all the way in to me. Deeper than before. Thicker than before. I cried out as he filled me completely. "Take it easy Stevie" I said. "You're gonna split me in half" He kept driving in and out of me as he said, with a grunt. "Stop calling me Stevie. I'm not a baby any more." Still sighing with every new thrust of this raging cock in me I said. "No you're not. Now you're a man." And pressing myself against his every new thrust continued. "And Steven," clearly pronouncing his full name for the first time. "Tonight, you're my man and I want to be your Whore. Do with me what you want. Just do it hard"
I wasn't prepared for him to squeeze my tits like he did. His nails drove into my flesh and I screamed, in ecstasy.
"Sis" he said. "I've been wanting to fuck you since I had my first boner." Hardly recovering from my shock I said. "Then do it Steven. Fuck me. Fuck your big sister like you always wanted to."
Steven stopped driving into me. He flipped me around on my knees pressed my head down forcing me to rest on my elbows. With my bum it the air he took one long soppy lick of my cunt, lapping up my flowing juice. Then holding on to my butt cheeks said, "well then lets start fucking".
I don't know what kind of porn he's been watching but he learned well.
With one hard thrust he pounded into me. Pulling me on him with his strong hands taking the wind out of my lungs.
"And-now-big-sister" he said. With each word he rammed his cock hard into me. Slamming his balls against my pussy lips. "I'm-going-to-fuck-you-senseless"
All I could do was to grunt with every word, every thrust. I wasn't able to think. A new wave of heat was building up inside of me.
"Steven, slow down" I tried to say. The only thing that escaped my mouth was "Stev'n 'd now" "Ok, you want more?" I could sense him grinning behind me as he was fucking the shit out of me. "Then more, you shall have"
He pulled out, spat a wad of saliva on my arse and rubbed his dick in the sloppy mass. Only to then pound his prick back, balls deep into my throbbing pussy. I swear, his cock had turned to steel. Whilst relentlessly continuing to impale me Steven started rubbing his, in spit coated thumb over my bum hole. The sensation was getting overwhelming. I was lent forward, on my knees. With every thrust of my brothers unnaturally huge cock, slamming into me my tits swayed to and fro causing my rock hard nipples to brush over the bed sheets. The constant rubbing was getting them slightly sore which only added to the intensity building up inside me. I was almost there, all ready on the edge of another climax. Nothing more than panting escaped my lungs. An occasional squeal when Steven drove in too deep. I could feel myself tensing and started shaking. "Fuck sis, how come you're getting tighter?" Steven asked me. "Gonna, cum, again" was all I could bring out in words. "Hell yea!" Steven whoped and speed up the pace even more. " Stev'n" I gasped, unable to take any more. "Stev'n" grunting like a bitch on heat. "Cumming" I growled as a wave overtook me. It was a rupture from deep inside, I don't know where. Spreading fire to my hands, my legs, my brain, my cunt was burning and I screamed.
I thought my head was about to explode as Steven called out "cum for me my Whore" with that last word he drove in so deep I thought he had ruptured something in me. His thumb, soppy with his saliva was forced with one stab, down to the knuckles into my arsehole.
I tensed, I saw stars and I came, and came and came.
I still believe that I even passed out for a bit. When I came to I was lying in my stomach. My own juices were running down my leg and I was breathing as if I had just run a marathon.
"Did you come?" I asked Steven. "Nope" he said proudly. "Held it back" he was grinning like a hero who had just saved a fucking cat out of a tree.
"Just give me a sec" I begged. "Need to catch my breath" I panted. "You did kind of cum hard sis" he said with a worried look on his face. "You ok?"
I loved him so much at that moment. Only minutes ago he fucked my brains out and now he was the caring kind guy who would do anything for you.
"Steven, you are going to make some girl very, very happy"
His smile was as big as his heart. Honest and warm.
"Come here" I said. "Now it's your turn."
I pushed him backward so that he was now lying on his back. The look of him. Sweaty, flushed and a raging hard cock, defying gravity, standing straight up. That was awesome. As I said, I've never been into boys but seeing my little brother like this got me going again.
I slid down kissing him. Starting with his chest, continuing along his belly down to his hard prick. Looking him directly in those steel blue eyes I lowered my mouth once again over his shaft.
Closing his eyes he sighed. Twitching in my mouth as I took the whole length. It went even deeper than the first time. I could clearly feel him in my throat. I bobbed up and down a few times then came up for air. Every time he wanted to say something I went down on him again. Constantly swallowing, as I did previously. Finally he held my head and gasped. "Sis I'm gonna cum in your mouth again if you keep this up."
Well we couldn't have that now could we. I smiled and simply said "Then hold on to your rocks my little brother, cause I'm gonna ride you like a bull."
His uncertain look changed to a wide eyes gaze as I straddled him and lowered myself on his prick so hard that his balls lodged themselves in my arse crack.
"Ready for the ride of your life STEVEN?" not waiting for an answer I started rotating my hips. Then moving them back and forward and side to side.
He didn't know which direction I was taking next and I felt his excitement as his dick was scr****g the inner walls of my cunt. Rubbing my clit on the small patch of pubic hair over this thick shaft got me working up to another orgasm. Unbelievable. How many times have I cum now?
Steven braced himself by holding on to my tits. "That's right, squeeze those udders" I demanded. Make those nipples hard.
With me grinding my pussy down on Stevens cock. Feeling his balls press against my arsehole. And him kneading my boobs, occasionally squeezing and pulling my nipples I was getting dangerously close to cumming again.
I was feeling my pussy tighten again. Steven, who also noticed what was going on only breathed up at me. "Sis you better stop or I'm gonna loose my load." That's when I knew what I wanted. I smiled and said "Then go for it" Steven tore open his eyes as though I had just smacked him in the face. "I can't cum inside of you. Your my..."
"I WANT you to" I interrupted him. "But sis, I"
"If you don't cum, I'm going to tear your balls of" I said With an evil grin and started fucking him up and down. On my feet, my knees around my ears I pounded him like a piston. We could hear my juices smacking sloppy slurping noises as I was milking his cock with my cunt.
"Oh fuck sis, PLEASE" Begging me to stop, trying to push me off of him.
With a thudd I slammed myself down on him. Grabbed his hands, holding them behind his head and rocked my pussy back and forth.
I wanted and needed to cum so bad that I was shaking. But I wanted Steven to cum as well.
There was sweat on his face. I could see the tension as he was struggling to hold back.
No way, this fight he was going to loose.
"I swear, I'll rip off your balls" as if to make a point I reached back with one hand grabbing his nuts. They were rock hard. Steven begged even more for me to let him go. He hadent even realized that I wasn't holding his arms down any longer.
He just lay there, concentrating on not cumming inside his sister.
"STEVEN" I yelled at him. Tightening my grip around his balls with one hand. My other hand holding his face forcing him to look into my eyes.
"I want you" squeezing his balls tight "to FILL-MY-CUNT" with those last three words I rockt back and forth, pulling on his testicles, clenching my cunt muscles.
That was to much for him. He pressed his eyes shut, his whole body quivered as he lost control of himself. Steven screamed as he let go and pumped my pussy full of his brotherly sperm.
With every pulse he called out. His cum pumped into me. His prick, seemed to burst in every direction. He had filled me earlier but now he was so fucking large I thought I was passing a football.
I felt his hot spunk shoot inside me. His cock was tearing me apart. There was no holding back.
I tensed, I screamed, I came and came and came.

What seemed like hours later. We both awoke. Stevens dick still inside of me. What seemed like gallons of sexual fluids from both of us dripping from our legs and soaking our parents bedsheets. The room smellt of our sex.
We looked at each other, both smiling. "Thank you sis" Steven said "Thank you, Steven" I said and we both lay in each other's arms, in the mess we made.
Happily worn out and sore.

I'm not sure why but mum believed me when I told her that I had spilled juice all over her sheets whilst looking for a needle and thread. It wasn't a lie after all.
The sheets were already in the washing machine and room spray, more or less covered up the odour of a brothel.
Only my father looked sceptical as I persistently called my brother Steven.
"Well dad, he's not a baby any more" I tried to explain. "He's a man now."
"I see, and when did this happen?" He asked. " Your mum and I weren't gone that long" he noted.
At that, Steven started coughing. "Well now, looks like our man of the night choked on his own words" he said with a very unsettling, knowing grin.

The end ??

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A long time ago there was a king and a queen. They loved each other very much but they longed for a child. No matter how hard they tried they could not conceive. And then one day a witch approached them; she told them that she would cast a spell so that they could conceive. In return, if the baby were a girl, she would be given to witch's son to wed on her eighteenth birthday. The king and queen agreed, though they asked why. And the witch replied because her son deserved a princess. Very...

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My girlfriend is strange. I don't mean nerdy strange. I mean sexually strange — uh, kinky. Case in point: She likes to pretend I'm her pony. Let me back up a little, and I'll set up the story. My girlfriend's name is Lisa Chang. She's a sexy, petite Chinese girl ("Chinese-American!" she corrects me every time). She has the best ass and these sweet little tits with nipples that, like, are pokey all the time. We're both sophomores at UCLA. Her parent's are bigtime wealthy, so she is...

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SammyBoy Forum aka SBFSG! Well, you must agree with me that there aren’t many forums focusing on Asian babes. However, Sammy Boy forum (SBF) is among the few forums that capture the real vibe in the Asian porn culture. There are actually loads of active forums featuring a diversity of hot erotic topics including sharing of erotic images of nude Asian babes showcasing their lean, sultry bodies in all states of undress. Visit the site to enjoy this and more!StatisticsSammy Boy Forum (SBFSG.net)...

Escort Sites
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Ladyboy Gold! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Tonight’s sexual entertainment is full of beautiful ladies, and uh, hot boys? Sorry, no. I’m still a little fuzzy from all the Everclear and Cialis last night. LadyboyGold is a premium site that doesn’t specialize in ladies or boys, at least not in the traditional sense. I’m sure I don’t have to explain that to somebody browsing my list of shemale sites, though.LadyboyGold claims to be the number-one reviewed TS site in the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Boys Food! As a site that looks quite bad, I was surprised to see that boysfood.com actually has good content... I still prefer to subscribe to a premium site and have everything in HD, from the content to the site's design, but I also know that not many of us are able to just throw our money at premium pornography, which is why I am reviewing this free porn site.If you visit this site and mistake it for an ad, you should not feel bad, because honestly, that is how shitty Boys Food looks like....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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What Boys Want! What else would boys want more than; to grab those tiny soft nipples they see everyday popping out of see-through tops and perhaps savour them inside their mouths, to probably see their crushes making out/ naked/ masturbating, or rather to slide under those tiny skirts mature pretty ladies wear to work among other fuckin' naughty fantasies that hardly ever see the light of day unless, of course, you check out whatboyswant.com. This sex bombshell is packed up with lots of...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Reddit Femboys, aka r/Femboys! Welcome back to all my subreddit lovers. We are here to talk about yet another subreddit that I find incredibly addictive, and it is called r/FemBoys/. Now, if you are not really into that theme of feminine boys, then you might want to browse through other subreddits instead. Here you will only have the lovely boys who enjoy dressing feminine and doing all kinds of other shit.I think that one cannot get confused with a subreddit like this one. You will either love...

Reddit NSFW List
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Note : This story is completely fictional! i was sat at home one day i onli live with my mum and brother n they were out for the day. So i got really bored and i went upstairs into my mums room i was looking around her room and open her wardrobe and found a tape so i decided to see what it was put it on and there was a women layed on a bed with her legs wide open play with her hairy pussy. i watched in for couple of minuits and then the camera zoomed out i looked and it was my mum i for sum...

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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
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When Mrs Estelle B. came into the lobby a month ago I wanted to pitch her myself. Stacked, classy, blonde with the pouty full lips I love. Course I didn't have a chance. No luggage except a purse, I caught the look from the manager, she paid with a credit card to a phoney gardening shop the Royale owned, so this wasn't her first time. Meant she had a buck lined up already, which she did. An hour after I showed her the room, a huge black buck picked up the key in the lobby. Couple hours after I...

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When Mrs Estelle B. came into the lobby a month ago I wanted to pitch her myself. Stacked, classy, blonde with the pouty full lips I love. Course I didn't have a chance. No luggage except a purse, I caught the look from the manager, she paid with a credit card to a phoney gardening shop the Royale owned, so this wasn't her first time. Meant she had a buck lined up already, which she did. An hour after I showed her the room, a huge black buck picked up the key in the lobby. Couple hours after I...

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"You're the new girl, huh?" The boy was bigger than me, and probably a year or two older. "What's your name?" "Ashley," I replied, sitting on my motorcycle and drinking a Mountain Dew. We were in the old suburbs. There wasn't much else around except the school, a couple churches maybe, and a Seven-Eleven, so that's where I'd gone. It sucks moving to a new city when you're sixteen, but it could be kind of fun too, depending on what you're looking for. "You look like a guy,"...

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Since moving in with Lorraine some months ago I’d seen her daughter Emma develop into the forbidden fruit I now lusted after. I felt no shame in that; it was normal; as was the fact that, she was also a rather exotic fruit with her caramel coloured skin and frizzy afro-hair. Her mother Lorraine was coffee coloured and Jamaican yet the kind of executive woman you see in movies; tall, sexy and in command. She’d entered politics after graduating and had become part of the United Nations...

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Jack ran a small but very successful company. His team of 30 graphic designers, salespeople, artists, public relations specialists, and marketing talent comprised one of the top advertising and PR firms in the city of Houston. He ran a tight ship, and was respected by all of his employees. Together they stood up against even the larger national firms that outstripped them substantially in resources. As Jack pointed out regularly to his team, their agility and keen understanding of the market...

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Lacey and I continue to have fun with our sex life and finding new ways to experiment and push each others buttons. She is amazing in supporting and encouraging my new found bisexuality, especially since I have to remain closeted with my line of work. We love daring each other and making sexual bets. For example, we 69 each other and whoever cums first has to do what the other asks or face punishment. Or we make bets playing board games or playing spades. I love making her walk publicly with no...

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I was visiting my sick aunt in Rapid City, SD. I was there a week, when one night at the supper table she suggested I drive down to Keystone, after all she wasn’t ill enough for me to be twenty-four-seven. She handed me a brochure and said, “It’s a trip back in time, on an authentic 1880 train, check it out, I know you’ll enjoy it. The train took one back in time to the old west, through the Black Hills of South Dakota from Keystone to Hill City and back. One could relax in coach, and watch the...

Love Stories
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I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....

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I'm a little old to be banished to summer camp," I said toSpike. Spike was my best friend, had been since I was eight. "I mean,I'm fifteen." I was sitting on a branch in an old apple tree, the lastone in the orchard. I had my back propped against the tree trunk. Shewas lying on the branch below me. Spike said, "Wish my folks would send me to camp, Kip." Herreal name was Danica, but I never called her that, just like she nevercalled me Clifford. "Yeah," I said. "Right." "No, really. First of...

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Tomboy By: Light Clark Synopsis: Sam likes to roll with the punches, both in fights and in life. Well, life gave him just such a punch when he manifested, but this one is a lot harder to just roll with than most. That's not going to stop him from trying to, though. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It uses no characters or places from that universe; just borrows a few terms and general thematics. It is certainly not canon. Chapter...

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The year - 1835. The place - the Wild Wild West. John McNaughtin was the typical Wild Western family man - he lived on the outskirts of a sleepy town whose only trouble came from the wild hogs that sometimes ran their way. No gun slinger had ever set foot in this town, and the sheriff was a quite cheerful seventy-year old man who hoped that he he still had the star when his age became three figures. The houses were wide-spaced, and had sizeable grounds of their own. The neighborhood was...

3 years ago
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My husband likes me to dress up and play games when we have sex. Sometimes I'm a Cheerleader and other times a nurse. Probally his biggest fantasies are when we have sex away from the house. Usually at a secluded parking spot deep in the woods are at a cheap Motel on the intrastate. Last Friday night we went to a large Country Western dance being held at the Last Corral, a popular country Western bar in town that has a large dance floor. I was wearing a Jean skirt with cowboy boots and a red...

4 years ago
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Boys Janet Stickney [email protected] Boys will be boys. That's what the rhyme says, but it's not true. Boys can be very pretty girls, if you give them half a chance. I'm one of those boys that became a girl, and I do not regret it in any way. My name is Janet Grant, I'm 21 now, but maybe some history is in order for you to see how it all happened. Back when this started I was Jeff, a typical teenager, a bit skinny, with acne and stringy hair. Mom had suggested...

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I’d just finished the seventh grade when a new family moved in next door. They had a daughter my age, and we became fast friends. Julie was different than any girl I’d ever met. She liked doing boy things. She could climb trees, wrestle, dig for worms and fish as well as any boy. She helped me clean the fish we caught without batting an eye. I loved hanging out with her. She was always happy and bubbly, and we loved pulling elaborate pranks on each other. When school started, we were in...

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I had known her all my life, for we were the same age and went to the same school. She lived just down the road and we would constantly play together throughout the long hot summer months. During this time, I only ever saw her dressed in jeans and usually a denim top. In fact, the only skirt I ever saw her dressed in was her school uniform. We would climb the trees, throw stones in the river and play solders in and around the area and fields nearby and do all the usual things young kids do....

1 year ago
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I was visiting my sick aunt in Rapid City, SD. I was there a week, when one night at the supper table she suggested I drive down to Keystone, after all she wasn’t ill enough for me to be twenty-four-seven. She handed me a brochure and said, “It’s a trip back in time, on an authentic 1880 train, check it out, I know you’ll enjoy it. The train took one back in time to the old west, through the Black Hills of South Dakota from Keystone to Hill City and back. One could relax in coach, and watch...

2 years ago
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D and I had been together only a short time, about two months. We had met on an online dating site and surprisingly got along great. The let down came when I realized that he had an array of emotional conflicts, and try as I might he wasn’t going to be the fire blooded Dom I needed. My family loved him, my heart cared for him but I sensed I needed more. August came around and that is when things changed. I was trying to introduce him to my dark desires. Wearing more revealing clothing, buying...

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The air shimmered under a relentlessly harsh and beating sun as, from high above, they watched. Theirs was a view unrestricted by hills or clouds as they silently watched and waited, patiently, every so patiently. Beady eyes watched as small dust clouds, raised by the hooves of the tired horse plodding along the desolate landscape of the Arizona desert, hung suspended in the still hot air. They watched and waited for the horse to stumble and fall, spilling it's rider, slumped and swaying, from...

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‘Boyfriend?’ ‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’ The alarm clock went off at exactly six o’clock on Monday morning. Heather lay under the thick blue comforter and closed her eyes tightly. She contemplated hitting the snooze button, then realized that just made her a chicken. ‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’ ‘Oh God I wish I was dead,’ Heather thought as she pulled the comforter over her head. She knew this was not going to be the most pleasant day at work. What if she lost her job over this? Charles was...

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My boyfriend came over after school. He does that sometimes cause he knows I'm alone mostly. My mom works from afternoon until late. Midnight sometimes or later than that usually if they want her to. She's a dancer. I'm thirteen anyway, so I can take care of myself. My boyfriend's older and his name is Todd. He's like twenty, I think. He changes it every time somebody asks, but I don't care. He's big anyway, cute too and nice mostly. A girl needs a boyfriend, that's what my mom always...

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Copyright© 1990-2003 "There was a young lady of Troy, Who invented a new kind of joy: She sugared her thing Both outside and in, And then had it sucked by a boy." -The Pearl No. 1 My name is Louise Smithyrs, and I'm the wife of a wonderful but busy man. I am also the mother of Samantha, Sam for short, a fifteen-year-old rebellious teenager. For three months Sam has been seeing this boy, an eighteen-year-old grade eleven student, who I believe is a bad influence on my...

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The WWFs New Recruit

You step into the large arena, hands shaking and palms sweating. The day before, you'd had a meeting with Vince McMahon, billionaire entrepreneur, and signed a contract with the World Wrestling Federation to become their new diva. "Calm down, Jane," you tell yourself, in a futile attempt to calm your nerves. "Talking to yourself?" you hear a joking voice from behind you and turn around to see Lita. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I'm new around here, and..." you trail off, knowing that you...

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The Healing of Lust No Going BackChapter 1

I was just eighteen when I had my first sexual experience with a girl. It started off as a prank gift from my older siblings Jonny and sister, Lousy. And it was the best fucking present I ever had. Wait, stop! I haven’t even introduced myself. My birth name is Nicholas, but friends call me Nicky. Some even call me Teddy. You will learn why later. I’m not the tallest chap in the world or even the best looking. But I do have big hands if you know what I mean. More importantly, I learnt very...

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Thatll Teach You

That'll teach you! - Halloween 1999 Story Competition. Written by Kathy Core. * Disclaimer: Permission is granted to Fictionmania to archive this story, but anyone else should know better than to publish muck like this around the internet. This story (c)1999 Kathy Core - Do not reproduce without consent. * (i.) Storm clouds brewed overhead, a typical October night. The yellow ochre and burnt umber of the season scattered far and wide, tinting the landscape in every...

1 year ago
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DominoesChapter 13 Summer 19891 The Groundskeepers

Waking up on Friday morning as a high school graduate changed nothing, except that I was going to have some free time to reflect on the way Cindy had left. Strangely, I felt no loss, just cheated that we hadn't talked about what had happened in the cottage. The free time that I thought I was looking forward to having, evaporated at breakfast. First, Mr. Oldham invited me, well; he informed me that I was going to accompany him to the office that day. And then Suzanne told me that Mr. Oldham...

2 years ago
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Girls Gone WildChapter 14

Late the next afternoon, Tony met with Barely to set things up for that evening's session at Crazy's place. "You know," Barely said, "I came across something last night when I was editing the tapes." "What was that?" Tony asked. "It's best I show you, then you tell me if you want it back in. It was me, I'd keep it out. I just don't feel comfortable with it." "Let's have a look then," Tony said and sat down in front of the TV. Barely ran the tape with Kristy and Heather....

1 year ago
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Wife Fucks Her Younger Brother

Introduction: I told you about wife fucking her older brother. This is when she did her younger brother. In My Wife Fucks Her Brother I told you about the time Sue fucked her older brother. This is the true story of when she fucked her younger brother. My stories may not be as racy as some of the fantasy stories written on this site, but truth usually is milder than made up stories on what one would like to happen. By the way in all my stories the names have been changed to protect the...

2 years ago
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Marriage Made in Heaven or HellChapter 2

The first thing we did when we got home was move our stuff from our old apartments to the bigger new one Kathy had found. As we were moving in this guy came up to Kathy and said, "I thought you were not moving in until next week." "I told you it was this week. Frank I want you to meet my new husband Billie. Billie I want you to meet an ex boyfriend of mine Frank." Frank shook my hand squeezing it and with a smile on his face said, "Nice to meet you, I'm sure we will become good...

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The Ring of Ultimate Evil

Ethan J. Morrison was a 40 year old loser with an ugly mug, stocky build and an obnoxious self entitled attitude. Everywhere he went and everything he did was an insult to normal society, leaving him with no friends, plenty of enemies and a lot of angry faces wherever he decides to go. He lies, steals, cheats and molests his way to shameless self gratification, behavior that had recently sent him to jail for a great deal of time. Lucky enough to survive the ordeal of being behind bars, he was...

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Make me your plaything

I was in my early thirties when I had my first prostate exam. A visit to a new doctor and she (yes, she) told me that it was something men should do regularly once they reached my age. My friends and I had joked about prostate exams, as you do, and I was expecting the worst. But here's the thing. I didn't hate it.The doctor pulled on a rubber glove, covered it in lubricant and had me bend over the examination table. There was pressure and she told me to relax. I managed to do so and felt her...

Strap-On Sex
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Secrets of Fathers and EmpiresChapter 15

Sean was in a state of shock, he would have about 2 weeks before he and his wife would go to G’Acrax as Earth’s Ambassadors to the Central Worlds and as a Representative to the League of Free Systems. The past 2 ½ months had been a blur, he had to call yet another emergency Board meeting, one to put Kirkwood back on as CEO in Sean’s absence, and to award Tom Hardy Sr. and his son a position on the Board of Directors. Sean launched the colony ship and it would reach Mars about the same time...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Boyfriend Ch 04

All characters are over 18 ***** -PREVIOUSLY: Oliver thinks that there’s something wrong with Jessica because she refused to have sex with him. He asked Anneka about it, who in turn asked Jessica in PE class. Anneka and Jessica start talking about sex, Jessica started to feel attracted to Anneka, and was extremely turned on by her. As a friendly favor, Anneka performed oral sex on her best friend in the PE locker room. Later, Jessica remembers that Mason didn’t pull out when they had sex in...

1 year ago
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The CureChapter 37

The Misty Cloud had come to a halt in XD space as Janta and Mutra examined the readings they were getting of a huge mass that was scanning the various wavelengths that could lead to detection in both normal and XD space. “Anything ... other than being bigger than a big thing proving its bigness?” Janta finally asked in a hushed voice. “Well, other than being bigger than all the orbital Vreekoos defence stations combined, no. Passive scans are not showing anything other than the active scans...

2 years ago
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The StartChapter 4

When I awoke I was still lying face down beside Julie and she was now turned on her side facing me. She was still asleep and had curled up, her knees pulled up and her arms wrapped round them, her suit was still down to her waist with her little breasts squeezed together by her arms and peeping saucily from between them. The way her knees were had pulled her swim-suit up, baring part of her bum cheeks, and stretched it tightly over her pussy, moulding it clearly. All in all she was a very...

1 year ago
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His room his rules

‘I’ve never done anything like this before,’ I thought as the car drove further and further away from the club and the streets I knew. The man driving the car, I didn’t even know his name, I met at the club and now we’re going to his house. It was his idea to have a one night stand and for some reason I just couldn’t say no to him so I got into his car and here we are. “Not long now,” he said as his hand slipped up my leg, his fingers brushing the skin hidden under my skirt.

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Morgana Part 6

MORGANA PART 6 BY MAGGIE FINSON CHAPTER 9: RAID The holographic display showed a bleak, airless rock barely the size of a decent moon drifting through interstellar space without natural partners. Not that McGary point was lifeless, there were dozens of domes covering the pressurized entrances to tunnels leading down to immense chambers used to store freight and supplies. Ugly, deadly blocks of defensive emplacements were also visible scattered in a seemingly random...

2 years ago
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The CureChapter 49

Of course things did not go smoothly with the medical centre, at least initially. Cass, although estranged from her family, was still subject to the influences of the Imperial Health Bureaucracy and her vindictive cousin Ujuna. Hence, as soon as we took title to the medical centre from Municipal Services, we lost all our Healers ... for about one hundred rotations, which is all it took them to hand in their notice and sign back up with the centre. It was the same with their...

4 years ago
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The Day After II

The Day After II By Bill Hart Just as it had before, time passed slowly inside my lamp. The last time I was sure only a few minutes had passed, but, according to the Master, it had actually been over a week. I wasn't exactly sure how I knew that inside my lamp was another dimension where time ran more slowly than it did in the world I'd been born. I just knew that was the way it was. I wasn't even surprised I knew it. Since becoming a genie, whenever I needed to know something I knew...

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Pregnant Beckywith mine

I have detailed for you an on going affair with a college pal in “Pregnant Becky” and “Pregnant Becky…again” and things have recently turned more and more depraved. The last time we met Becky and I fucked, yes FUCKED not made love, on the floor in her and her husband’s living room. Said living room has a floor to ceiling series of windows with dead on correlation to her in-laws home across a small valley (something that would have been nice to know first). Well, mom-in-law had definitely...

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