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Slaveboys...Washington 08/3/2003

Gary Lomax carried the heavy file to his appointment with the section
head. He placed the file down and spoke to the man on the othis side of the

'Sir I have noticed that the reports of young men going missing are rising'
he said. 'And we have been getting nowhise with the investigations'.

'Yes' replied his boss. 'But we don't actually think thise is anything
sinister about it. We don't have a system of identity cards in this country
and thise is no requirement to register with local authorities so how do we
know? These are all young men in social class C2, D and E, unattached and

'But surely Sir..... ' Gary protested. 'Just over a hundred men from all
over the US disappearing in the last two years'.

The section head looked at the file. He took a deep breath and thought for
a moment. In fact the decision had already been made.

'I don't think we can really be too concerned about this'. He
replied. 'Nothing harmful can possibly have happened to a hundred men. It's
not as if these are isolated murders of gay men like we had a while
back. Then thise was a real cause for concern. And any way, whise are the
bodies? No we think that these young men have just decided to throw off the
constraints of society and experiment for a while living
differently. They'll surface in time I am sure'.

FBI agent Gary Lomax returned to his office and looked at the heading on
the first page.


He looked at the list of new entries.

Robert Allinson 21 years from Houston
Eugene Watson 19 years from New York
Steven Smythe 19 years from Dallas
David Thompson 20 years from New York
Shaun Roberts 21 years from Washington
Edward Reilly 18 years from Los Angeles
James Alford 19 years from LA

...He flicked over the pages. The list went on and on, over ten entries per
page. All of these boys had disappeared without trace in the last few
years. Local police had conducted extensive investigations but to no avail.

Files had been sent to the FBI in Washington but despite all the efforts of
investigators and many hours of work no trace could be found of any of
these boys.

Disappearances seem to occur in batches at certain time of the year, each
time centred around different areas of the country. But in every case no
clues were left as to the whiseabouts of the subjects.

Reluctantly he closed the file, stamped the front cover 'NO FURTHIS ACTION'
and replaced it in the back of the cupboard.

...Eighteen months Previously

Earth 01/23/2002

The holding tank, Red Desert Wyoming

...Together with fifteen other boys David Andrews has been k**napped. For
the present he hangs in a stupor from the effect of the d**gs administered
at the moment of his capture. His physical examination has been exact in
every detail to determine his suitability for his captor's purpose; the
black band around the base of his cock and the code scribbled on his chest
signifying pleasure slave. Next day, when the cargo is complete he is
striped and placed in chains in one of sixteen cages in the hold of the
transporter for the journey to Gehon

...Four days later.

Planet Gehon Earth date 01/27/2002

City of Madrango, Capital of the state of Muravia

...David Andrews found himself strung up, naked, exhibited in the pens of a
common slave auction. He was still drowsy from the effect of the d**gs but
sufficiently conscious of his surroundings and his predicament. As his
vision cleared he felt the sudden sting of leather as the whips lashed him
across his chest.

'Listen carefully slave' said the man standing in front of him.

'You will do exactly as I say, do you understand slave'? The man was tall,
thick set with a cruel smile and a scar on the left side of his face, his
skin as black as ebony and in his hand he carried a vicious looking whip.

Still barely conscious David tried hard to understand as the whip struck
him again on the chest.

'I asked you a question slave, you will answer me'.

'Yes I understand' David replied, hesitantly.

Again the whip struck him.

'Yes Master will be your response' said the man raising the whip again.

'Yes Master' David blurted out quickly, not wanting to feel the whip again.

'Mmm better, you had better learn quickly' said the man.

'Now listen. You are now a slave of Muravia. Tomorrow you will be exhibited
in the market and sold. Before then I will teach you what is required when
you mount the sales platform. You will obey instantly every instruction of
the auctioneer. Understand slave?'

'Yes Mmm...aster' David replied.

'Good' the man continued. 'In a moment I will release you. You will drop
immediately to your knees, spread them wide and bow your head, then we will

The man lowered the chain which securing his manacled hands to the ceiling
and David quickly knelt as instructed.

'Cross you arms tightly behind you back and push you chest out'. David

The man then roughly kicked his knees wider.

'On the sales block slave, the buyers will want to see clearly what they
are buying so your knees will always be widely spread, understand'? 'Yes
Master' David.

...The man then instructed David in the routine to be adopted for his
sale. He told him how to stand, legs widely spread, hands locked together
on the top of his head, hips thrust forward, He instructed him to bow, how
to turn around, how to bend forward, place his hands on his buttocks and
spread them wide. When David hesitated the man lashes him again with the

'Remember slave, I want instant obedience, Understand'? 'Yes Master' David
quickly replied if only to avoid the whip.

The man continued, teaching David how to crawl with his nose to the floor,
how to kneel in this position with his knees widely spread. He put the whip
down, picked up a short cane and tapped David's cock and balls now hanging
exposed between his widespread thighs.

'Nice equipment slave, remember you will be required to display everything
for the buyers, any hesitation and you will be whipped'.

Yes Master' said David without being asked.

The man clapped his hands. A door opened and a boy entered on his hands and
knees. David watched as the boy crawled to the man with his nose to the
floor. The boy stopped short, knelt up and bowed his forehead to the floor
then he crawled forward and kissed the man's boots before kneeling at his
feet with his nose to the floor. The man instructed the boy to kneel up and
face David.

'This is my personal pleasure slave' he said. 'It will demonstrate the
positions you will be required to adopt at the auction'.

...David could hardly believe his eyes. The boy whose age he guessed was
about the same as his was white skinned as he was. Through his nose and
nipples were inserted large rings and between his nipple rings a chain hung

Around the base of his cock and balls was a heavy metal ring and attached
to this a wire cage which completely enclosed his penis. At the end of this
cage was another ring which David could see had been inserted right through
the head of the boy's penis from one side to the other.

David's shock at the spectacle was evident.I see you are surprised slave'
said the man. 'No matter. This slave is also form your planet, captured
just a few months ago and you may be sure that your new owner will soon
have you looking much like him'.

...The man then called out a series of numbers and with each number the boy
adopted a new position. David quickly lost count of the positions and was
surprised at the speed at which the boy complied. It soon became perfectly
clear that the positions the boy adopted were designed to show off his body
to advantage and in particular his sexual organs, his ass, his tongue and
his mouth.

'See how the slave presents itself for my pleasure. You will be instructed
in these positions on the sale platform but you will not be required to
learn the numbers by then. However you soon will learn them, Understand'?
'Yes Master' replied David.

'Now we will practice them one at a time'

As David adopted each position the man corrected him, tapping various parts
of his body with his cane. Soon his muscles were aching as he forced them
to comply with the man's wishes. The muscles of his groin complained the
most as he struggled to spread his thighs at the 90 degree angle the man
required. As he repeated the positions David felt the cane more and more
and very soon his buttocks, and thighs were flaming red from its
attention. And the lessons continued until the man was satisfied with his
efforts. Finally he ordered David to kneel with his nose to the floor and
then to crawl forward to kiss his boots.

'Remember slave' he said. 'When the auctioneer commands you obey instantly
or you will feel the cane on the block.

'Yes Master' replied David choking back a tear.

...Planet Gehon Earth date 08/21/2002

The Manurian Sea

...Aron was just nineteen years old. A native of Mareah he was deckhand on
board a coastal trading ship plying between his country and a friendly
neighbour. His ship was one in a convoy of four and It was his first
voyage and a life at sea was what he had always dreamt of. The voyage was
going well until, one night a few days after leaving his home port, his
ship had become separated from the others in a storm. The next morning none
of the convoy could be seen and the ships master sent him aloft to scan the
horizon. There was nothing to be seen and after several hours Aron was
about to climb down when he spotted a sail dead ahead. As the sail came
closer the master soon realized that the vessel was not one of his
fleet. Rather he quickly realised that it was a vessel he had never seen
before. The Manurian sea he knew was very large and concluded that it was a
vessel from some other country.

So he was quite glad to see the sail, hoping perhaps to discover exactly
where he was. However his hope soon changed to fear. As the other vessel
drew alongside he could see in the rigging men with crossbows aimed at his
vessel and he knew at once that this was a Muravian raiding ship. Without
warning grappling irons landed on the deck and within seconds twenty or so
heavily armed black skinned men were aboard. His ship was captured and his
crew of six hurdled into a group around the main mast. Then the captain of
the raider came aboard.

'You have two choices' he shouted, 'death or slavery'.

Two of the crew and the ship's master dashed to the side and jumped
overboard. Aron watched in horror as the swimmers were quickly dispatched
by arrows in their backs.

'So be it, you will now strip naked, kneel and place your heads to the
deck' said the captain.

Aron looked at the others then removed his clothes and knelt as
ordered. Within seconds the remaining crew joined him on the deck. Then
felt a heavy collar fastened around his neck and his hands being manacled
behind his back.

'Kneel up' ordered the captain.

'You are now slaves of Muravia. you will be taken to Madrango where you
will be sold and your new lives will begin'.

...The men ushered their captives aboard their own vessel and chained them
on their knees around the mast. Then they set fire to Aron's ship and cast
it off. The last he saw of it was when it sank, engulfed in flames some
miles behind them as the raider set a course for home.

As the crew of the Muravian ship went about their business two of them
fastened manacles about the new slaves'

ankles. these were linked by a short chain, the centre of which was linked
to their neck collars by a longer chain to which were secured their wrists
behind their backs. Finally the neck collars were all linked together and
the slaves led below.

...Aron and the other three crew were quickly ushered into a caged section
of the hold below the deck and the iron grill closed behind them. As he got
used to the gloom he could see that there were six other slaves in the
hold, all chained as he was and all white skinned. However he soon
discovered that they were not from Mareah but that their ship had been
captured in the same was as his own. The slaves described their capture. To
Aron and the others it was a familiar story. The slaves then went on to
describe their treatment at the hands of their captors and what he heard
filled Aron with foreboding.

...They had been captured ten days ago and since then had been given a
daily insight into what their future lives held for them. Each morning they
were brought up on deck, unchained and given a bowl of food to eat. Then,
one by one they were made to stand, legs spread wide and then bend to touch
our toes. The captain then gave us ten strokes with his cane hard on our
buttocks and thighs after which we had to crawl and kiss his boots. This
was our introduction to slavery. He told us that, as Muravian slaves every
day would begin and end this way. Following this we were instructed that we
must suck the cocks of the Muravian crew and submit to anal **** at any
time they demand. The boy who had done most of the talking related how, on
the first day they had been shaved from head to toes and then instruction
had started as to how they were to conduct ourselves at their sale.

Their conversation was suddenly cut short when a crew member unlocked the
cage and ordered them on deck.

Then with the captain watching each was ordered to adopt the position for
his caning. Aron could hardly believe how meekly the six slaves submitted
to this treatment but submit they did and then crawled on the deck to the
captain's boots. Then it was Aron's turn. He stepped forward, spread his
lags wide and touched his toes. Aron prepared himself for what he knew must
come but he was not prepared for the agonising searing flash of pain that
zipped across his buttocks. He cried out and collapsed to the deck.


...Aron quickly assumed the position. As his caning continued it felt as if
the blows were getting harder each time as the cane worked its way over his
buttocks and down the backs of his thighs. the man laid the last blow
exactly where the first had landed drawing another anguished cry from him.

'Two more strokes' ordered the captain.

This time Aron remained silent despite pain he had never knew existed.

Tears were flooding from his eyes as he dropped to the deck and crawled to
the captain's boots.

'You will soon learn slave how to obey your masters' he said with a sneer.

The caning of the rest of Aron's crewmates proceeded without incident after
which they were strung up and shaved of all their hair, head, chest,
armpit, crotch and ass. Then each crew member singled out a slave to serve
his cock. It was the captain who had Aron kneel between his thighs. Opening
his trousers he took out his already rampant cock.

Aron knew what was required, He opened wide, took the enormous black organ
into his mouth and began to lick and suck. The captain was not one for
waiting. Soon he was moaning as the warm mouth embraced his organ.

Grabbing Aron by his head he thrust his whole length into him and quickly
shot his load down the boy's throat.

Aron gagged.

The captain held the boy tight whilst his spasms subsided and then

'Lick it clean slave' he said.

...Aron's introduction to slavery had been swift and brutal and he,
together with his companions, spent the next few hours practicing the
positions that would be required for their display on the sales block. They
all felt their captors whips when they were too slow to respond of failed
to get the positions right. And from time to time one or two were selected
and taken off to provide sexual service to the crew.

The journey to Madrango lasted several days and each day their training
continued. Each slave was taken in turn before the captain to demonstrate
what he had learnt and frequent extra canings followed until their
performance was flawless. On the last day the slaves were chained together
in a line and taught how to march in step. Now their hands were manacled to
the backs of their collars and they were made to march up and down the
deck, high stepping with legs held perfectly straight. To the new slaves it
was a most awkward way of walking but they soon mastered it encouraged by
the whips of their captors.

At last the ship docked and the new slaves, chained together by the neck,
were taken ashore. With a crew member on each side they marched through the
streets, exactly in step, legs held perfectly straight,. No-one took any
notice of ten white slave boys in chains marching, high stepping, through
the crowded market place. Why should they; it was an everyday occurrence.
The big gates of the slave market opened as they arrived and then clanged
shut as they passed. Inside was a tall black man with a scar on the left
side of his face and in his hand he held a vicious looking whip.

After David's initial lessons in slave display Rani informed him that he
would now be prepared for his sale. A second man entered the room and spoke
briefly to the slave master. He attached a leash to David's collar and led
him through the door from which the other slave boy had appeared. The man
led David through a series of corridors, down two flights of steps to a
large room. There was no natural light; just that provided by numerous
flaming torches mounted on wall brackets around the room. To David the room
seemed enormous, like some kind of chapel. In the centre stood four tables,
each with posts set a few feet away from the corners. On one wall were a
series of rings above head height and on the opposite wall a number of
narrow benches on which were a selection of implements, chains, manacles,
collars whips, canes and numerous other objects, the purpose of which he
had no idea. The man led David to one of the rings set in the wall and
secured his wrists above his head to one of them. He then left the room.

David really now began to worry about the future. Until now he had been
somewhat drowsy from the effect of the d**gs but now he was fully awake and
his senses acute. His buttocks and thighs were burning from the application
of the slave master's cane. He remembered clearly the inspection of this
man who called himself the 'slave master' and he remembered the behaviour
exhibited by the naked boy adorned with rings and chains whom he had called
his personal slave. The slave master had summoned the boy with a mere clap
of his hands and he had watched as the boy had crawled to him with his nose
to the floor and bowed. He remembered the frequent application of the cane
as he failed miserable to copy the display positions demonstrated by this
slave. However he could remember little of the last few days. He
remembered a knock on the door of his apartment one evening and then the
overpowering effect of the c*********. Then nothing 'till he awoke in this
place, naked and in chains. The man had told him he was a now slave in a
place called Muravia. How could this have possibly happened he thought to
himself. Perhaps it was all a dream, he thought. But then he realised that
the collar round his neck was real enough, as were the chains securing his
wrists and the dreadful burning of his buttocks and thighs.

As if to reinforce the reality of his current situation the man who had led
him into this room now reappeared leading another naked boy. Within seconds
the boy was secured to the ring next to him. After the man had left David
looked to his right and asked him where he was from.

'I'm Alan Studler from Berkeley San Francisco' said the boy, 'You'?

'David Andrews from Raileigh, North Carolina' replied David.

'What is this place?' said Alan.

'The man said it was Muravia but I've never heard of it'. Replied David. 'I
was at home, there was a knock at the door, a man burst in and c*********ed
me. That's all I remember.

'I was swimming late one evening. Two men overpowered me, then the same
thing. The next I knew I woke up here naked, chained to the ceiling. There
was a man with a whip and he said I was now a slave'.

'I don't see how it's possible' replied David. 'Slavery is i*****l, I'm
sure we will be missed and traced'.

'I am not so sure' said Alan, When I protested he used his whip. Then he
had me adopt certain postures and caned me when I got it wrong'.

'Me too' said David.'I said we would soon be rescued but the man just
laughed, saying that there was no chance, we were not even on Planet
Earth. What do you think we can we do?'

'Well considering our present situation, if we are in fact not on Earth
there is not much we can do. We might have to accept that we are slaves'
said Alan, 'And there is nothing we can do about it'.

'I won't accept that, never' said David.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the same man again
with another boy in tow. As soon as he left Alan asked his name.

'Roger Davis from Dallas' he said,' what is this place'?

The conversation was repeated the only difference being the location and
nature of his capture. Gradually the rings along the wall became occupied
as every fifteen minutes or so a new boy was brought in and secured. David
counted sixteen and, when all sixteen were chained up, the slave master
returned and stood in the centre of the room facing the boys.

'My name is Rani, You will call me master. As I have said before you are
now slaves in the state of Muravia. You are on Planet Gehon which is a
very long way from your planet. You have all been chosen to serve our
society as pleasure slaves and will be trained to provide the most
exquisite and infinite sexual and sadistic pleasures for your future
masters. After your sale your new owner will expect total servitude and
demand maximum effort to please him. Any failure to fulfil your owner's
expectations will result in severe and painful punishments or you may even
be sold to work in the mines or the galleys. Do not think you can
escape. You will be marked as slaves and with your white skins, will be
immediately obvious as escaped slaves. I should add that no slaves have
ever escaped from Muravia. Do you understand me'?

'Yes master' all sixteen of the terrified boys answered in unison.

'Excellent' said Rani'. 'You will now be prepared so that you can be
properly presented before my customers'.

Meanwhile, unnoticed by David several men had appeared whilst the slave
master was talking and positioned themselves in groups around each
table. Then without warning one man from each group approached the wall,
released one of the boys and dragged him to a table. The men lifted their
target onto the table and quickly roped his ankles and wrists to the poles
nearby. Thus David and three other boys found themselves spread-eagled on
their backs with their limbs tightly stretched. The ropes were pulled
tight stretching their arms out and their legs wide apart up into the
air. The four groups then immediately got to work. First they set about
removing every trace of hair. The groups work like a well oiled machine,
one man shaving the head, another the armpits and a third the crotch, balls
and cock. In a few minutes the four boys were as naked as the day they were
born. The humiliation David felt bit deep into his consciousness and then
he remembered the slave master's personal slave. He had not a hair on him,
his body was adorned with rings, he was branded with a symbol and what
looked like a number and his cock was imprisoned in a steel cage. Was this
about to happen to him, he thought. He did not have to wait long.

Immediately he felt something being spread over the recently shaved areas,
all over his head, under his arms and all around his cock, his balls and
deep into his ass crack. At first it felt cold but the feeling soon changed
to a stinging burning sensation. He could do nothing to relieve the
irritating discomfort but this was quickly masked by the agonising pain of
a hot needle being thrust through his right nipple which had been clamped
seconds before in a vice like grip. The needle was quickly withdrawn and
then it was his left nipple which received the same treatment. Rings were
inserted; he could not see them but could feel their weight on his
chest. Then he felt the tip of his cock grabbed by the clamp and the
unbelievable pain as the needle was quickly forced through from one side to
the other. David's scream echoed around the chamber to be joined almost
immediately by three other equally terrified cries for the other boys on
their tables. The needle remained in place until it cooled at which point
it was withdrawn and the ring inserted. David felt it click as it was
squeezed shut with pliers. He thought the worst was over but now one side
of his scrotum was clamped, the needle thrust through and another ring
inserted. In seconds the other side of his scrotum was similarly
adorned. David had never known such pain. He cried out pleading with his
tormentors but this only attracted the attention of the slave master who
slapped his face viciously from side to side.

'SILENCE SLAVE' he growled.

The skin half way between his balls and ass hole was now clamped. The
needle went through and another ring inserted. Finally the men turned their
attention to his nose. One held his nostrils apart as the needle penetrated
the septum. When the last ring was snapped shut He could feel its weight
pressing on his upper lip and he knew then that he was irrevocably a
slave. But more was to come, much more.

David's ankles were released from the poles and immediately tied to the
legs of the table. A thick leather strap was placed over his stomach and
pulled tight and similar straps fastened around his thighs holding them and
his torso firmly in place on the table. Fastened like this he could not
move an inch. He wondered what was about to happen next and as he wondered
a shrill cry echoed around the room. It could have been the cry of a
wounded and dying a****l; he had never heard such a cry of terror. Then he
detected the smell of burning flesh and feelings of panic took hold. In
vain he struggled to free himself from the straps but they held firm and
quickly sapped his energy. Then he heard another cry, deeper this time and
more of an agonising moan. David now realised that it was just a matter of
time before he would be branded. His struggling now became frantic. He
could not see anything of what was happening. If he raised his head there
was just a wall ahead of him and if he let it fall back it was below the
level of the tables, his sight obscured by the men dealing with the other
boys. But he could see the slave master approaching. Rani always liked to
brand each new slave boy himself. He grabbed hold of David's head and
looked into his eyes.

'Quiet boy' he said, 'there is no point in struggling, I want you perfectly
still for the iron, if you struggle we will whip you until you comply,
understand boy'?

'Yes master' replied David

'Better slave' said Rani, 'you will soon learn I think. And for you a
special command. You will be branded with the slave mark on your
thigh. After this you will be branded with your slave number just above
your cock. In order to teach these new slaves what I mean by obedience you
will not be allowed to make the slightest sound during your branding. If
you make any sound at all I will personally cane you 100 times as soon as
you are released from the table. Understand slave boy'?

'Yes master'.

David's reply was instantaneous. He knew it had to be and now he faced the
frightening ordeal of being branded with a hot iron with enforced silence
or a hundred strokes of the cane. How could he have ended up in this
terrible place, could these men really be so cruel, he thought to himself.
However he had little time to ponder those thoughts. Rani took hold of the
first of the irons and held it up for David to see. It was glowing bright
red and smoking. It looked to him to be some kind of symbol inside a circle
some two inches in diameter. His breathing quickened and he felt a cold
sweat break out over his skin. The slave master walked to the other end of
the table where his new slave's legs were immovably restrained and held the
iron an inch or so from his left thigh. David could feel its heat. How
could he survive this he thought knowing he must not cry out. Then he felt
it touch his skin. For a moment there was just the heat and then his nerves
exploded sending the most excruciating bolt of pain to his brain. In those
few moments between his first view of the iron and its touching his skin he
had tried to prepare himself. But nothing could have prepared him for the
searing agony of tortured nerves as Rani pressed the iron into his
thigh. He could hear his flesh burning and he could smell it. David opened
his mouth, gasping for air, fighting back his desperate need to
scream. Then, after a few seconds the iron was lifted away. But the pain
did not lessen; it grew and grew until David thought his thigh was on
fire. He thrashed his head violently from side to side hoping it would
distract his mind from the pain which racked his body, hoping for relief
from the misery that engulfed his whole being.

And then he felt the heat of the second iron, this time on his belly just
above his cock. He gulped a lung full of air as he prepared himself for the
inevitable, knowing now exactly what was to come. Rani positioned the
iron, now replaced by one carrying the slave's number just an inch from the
newly shorn flesh above David's cock. Deliberately he held it there for a
few seconds to heighten the boy's terror as he felt its heat. Then he
gently pressed it into the skin. David's reaction was instant. His whole
body recoiled. His head thrashed. He tugged at the ropes securing his arms
and his chest heaved so violently that his shoulders were lifted from the
table. But the straps across his waist and thighs held him firm as the iron
burnt his slave number into the tender flesh of his belly. Rani lifted the
iron and looked down at the struggling boy. This was the moment he enjoyed
the most; the moment of no return when the boy truly must realise for the
first time that he is irrevocably a slave.

The men released the bonds and dragged him from the table. Exhausted, David
collapsed to the floor. Rani looked down at the newly branded slave knowing
what must be going through the boy's mind. He understood the turmoil
induced by its recent experience, a mixture of disbelief, excruciating pain
and fear of what its future held. He knew and understood only too well and
he smiled in satisfaction. Here was just another slave, a slave that would
bring him a handsome price in the marketplace.

'Kneel slave boy' he said.

David struggled to his knees, spreading them wide, locked his arms behind
his back and bowed his head.

'Look at me' continued Rani.

David looked up at the slave master standing above him and watched through
tear filled eyes as he unfastened the front of his trousers, took out his
cock and held it in front of his face.

'Your master requires you to please him slave. I am sure you know what I
require' he said.

Daved shuffled forward, lifted Rani's cock with his tongue and took it into
his mouth. Then he licked and sucked as if his life depended on it. Rani
was in no mood to prolong his pleasure and within a minute David felt the
hot spunk hit the back of his throat and he swallowed. He tasted the slave
master's cum, a salty alien taste he had never experienced in his life but
knew he must continue until the man was satisfied. Suddenly Rani pulled
his cock, still rock hard and dripping cum from David's mouth and held it
in front of his lips. David did not knw what to do.

'CLEAN IT' he said so the whole room could hear.

David extended his tongue and licked up the cum still oozing from the tip
of the slave master's cock, then took it back into his mouth to lick the
whole length clean.

'Enough slave' said Rani, withdrawing his cock and refastening his
trousers. 'Stand, turn around and bend to touch your toes'.

The slave master went to one of the benches at the side of the room,
selected a long whippy cane and slashed it through the air. Rreturning, he
gave David twenty strokes hard on his buttocks. The sound as the cane
contacted the tightly stretched skin of David's buttocks resounded around
the room like a gunshot as each stroke landed.

'That was for having to be told to clean your master's cock' he said.'Bow
to me and kiss my boots, the kneel with your nose to the floor'.

He turned to face the boys still chained at the wall.

'See how a slave must obey. Understand there is no limit to the servitude
your masters will require and there will be no limit to your obedience to
their demands. That you will submit and obey is not in question; what is in
question is how much pain you will have to endure before you do.

Two of the men then picked David up, dragged him back to the wall and
refastened his wrists to the ring above his head. Then they unfastened the
wrist of the next boy in the line and led him to the table.

The next day

Aron's feet were sore from the bare foot march through the streets and the
courtyard of the slave compound was just rough ground. His feet were really
hurting; he had never walked far without shoes and now he supposed he would
never wear shoes again but there was little time to concern himself with
that discomfort. The man with the whip ordered the line to turn and face

'KNEEL' he ordered.

With the last few days on the Muravian ship fresh in his mind, Aron knew
exactly how he must kneel before this man. Dropping to his knees, he spread
them just as wide as he could and bowed his head to his chest. The chains
linking him to his crewmates were removed but his hands remained fastened
at the back of the collar that had been fitted at the moment of his

'I am Rani Lamula, chief slave master of the pens. You need only understand
that you are slaves. You will obey instantly every command I give you, you
will remain silent unless I require an answer from you, UNDERSTAND SLAVES'?

'Yes Master ' replied all ten.

'When you feel the whip on your back you will stand one at a time, spread
your legs wide apart, push your chest forward and look straight ahead. You
will not move or react in any way no matter what happens. You are to be
inspected and assessed so that I can decide your future'.

Aron was second in the line. To his left knelt the former ship's cook, a
man of about thirty years who had become his firm friend when he had joined
the ship. When he heard the whip strike his friend' s back he jumped not in
pain but fear of what was happening. Out of the corned of his eye he
watched his friend scramble to his feet and assume the position. the whip
landed again with a resounding thack.

'Not quick enough slave' said Rani. 'You will learn to respond instantly to
the commands of your masters'.

From his kneeling position Aron could see nothing of what was happening to
his friend. But it was clear that the slave master's inspection was very
thorough. He was assisted by another man carrying a pad on which he
scribbled from time to time as the two exchanged comments. After what
seemed an interminable time he saw his friend kneel again beside
him. Immediately he felt the whip on his back.

Aron jumped to his feet. he did not want to feel the whip again. As best he
could he adopted the stance required and, looking straight ahead he could
see the slave master's eyes staring him in the face. He could see nothing
but cruelty and disdain in those eyes and perhaps a hint of a mocking
smirk. Rani ordered Aron to open his mouth wide and then stick out his
tongue. He examined his teeth and gums, then grabbing his jaw he twisted it
violently from side to side. Meanwhile Aron felt the other man's hands on
his shoulders and arms. It seemed that every muscle was being
examined. Rani turned his attention to Aron's chest, feeling his pecs and
pinching his nipples to make them protrude. He smiled and commented to the
man behind him at the reaction. The other man's hands wandered down over
his back, covering every inch and coming to rest eventually on his
buttocks. Aron's buttocks were firm, not large but rounded. The man
squeezed and slapped the cheeks from side to side, noting their firmness
and the way they recovered quickly in response. He knew very well the
pleasure this would give to a future master with the application of a heavy
cane and reported his findings to the slave master who nodded his head.

Rani's hands were now on his belly. He had paused previously to feel his
abs, noting with satisfaction their well defined nature but now he wanted
to examine in detail the slave's genitals which were now completely exposed
having been shaved smooth on the ship. Aron's cock was cut, a feature much
liked by Muravian masters on their slave boys and Rani took hold of it and
began to stroke. Aron's embarrassment was complete as his cock rapidly
hardened but he knew he dare not move; his few days on the ship had taught
him that and he tried hard to ignore the slave masters probing
fingers. Rani on the other hand was delighted. This slave would bring a
high price, he thought to himself. He could already imagine that cock,
heavily ringed and confined in the spiked cock cage of a pleasure slave. It
would be forever out of reach of the boy for his pleasure and, unless he
learned self control, bring him only pain in its confinement. The boy would
soon learn that his only reason to exist would be for the pleasure of his
future master. He might have felt sorry for the boy knowing his future but,
of course he was not. It was just a slave and must learn to serve. Rani
smeared the pre cum oozing from the rock hard cock and placed to Aron's

'Lick it slave' he sneered.

Aron's hesitation at this command was short lived. The whip slashed him
hard across his buttocks and he quickly took the dripping finger into his
mouth. He knew the slave master was angry when he withdrew his finger and
ordered him to kneel. Rani undid his trousers, took out his cock and placed
it in front of Aron's mouth. Now Aron did not hesitate. He opened his lips
and took the man's cock deep into his mouth and started to suck. He licked
and sucked the slave master's rapidly swelling cock and within a minute
felt the hot cum squirted to the back of his throat. Rani withdrew and held
the glistening end of his cock in front of Aron's lips and he, having
learnt his lesson, quickly licked the still oozing cum from the end. The
slave master looked down at Aron. 'It is best you learn quickly slave or
life for you will be painful indeed, understand'?

'Yes master ' replied Aron.

'On your feet slave, feet wide apart' Rani ordered again.

The slave master took hold of Aron's cock once more and lifted it to
examine his balls. He was pleased to see the two perfect spheres of equal
size hanging at the same height in a tight scrotum. They would look very
attractive pierced and ringed and hanging lower below a stretching ring he
mused. He separated them between his fingers and squeezed, ignoring the
sharp intake of breath from the slave. He would enjoy very much piercing
and ringing this slave; he would attend to it personally, he thought to

Rani ordered Aron to turn around and bend to touch his toes and as he
complied he felt the other man's thighs at his back, pulling him
forward. He felt the man's hands on his ass cheeks stretching them wide
apart, exposing his anal passage to the slave master. Then something cold
and a finger inserted deep into his ass. The finger thrust and probed, then
another finger joined the first. Aron's embarrassment was immense. In his
life he could never have imagined such humiliation and he wondered what his
future life in the place held for him. The fingers withdrew and Rani
ordered him to stand again and turn around. The slave master scribbled
something on Aron's chest and then ordered him to kneel. For Aron the
inspection was over but the humiliation lasted, biting deep into his
senses. Almost as soon as his knees hit the ground Aron heard the whip as
it lashed the back of his neighbour and the scuffing on the ground as he
stumbled to his feet.

The inspections continued, the two men examining every detail of the
slaves' bodies. It was important to take time to do this and they did not
hurry. Rani was experienced in this task, hundreds of new slaves having
passed through his hands. Many of these slaves would be destined for the
mines, the fields or powering the galleys under the constant whips of the
overseers. A good muscular structure was required in these cases, the age
and appearance of the slave being of no importance. But some of these new
slaves would be destined to serve in more personal roles as pleasure slaves
to the rich and privileged in society. These must be young and attractive
with bodies that masters would lust after; bodies that would promise a
multitude of sexual pleasures as they submitted to their passions and
depraved lusts. Only the very richest could afford these slaves as demand
was restricted despite the efforts of Muravian raiders to procure boys who
would meet the requirements. Such a slave could command a price more than
twenty times that of a common work slave so the profits for the slave
master could be enormous. Hence the importance of taking one's
time. Already he had singled out the slave Aron for this purpose though in
his notes the boy was just number two in the line. He had no interest in
the slave's previous name; he did not even know what it was. In future it
would be simply a number branded into its skin.

When he had finished with the last boy Rani looked at his notes. The two
men discussed each of the boys in the line. It was a good haul; four
pleasures slaves and six work slaves. The captain of the raiding ship had
done well and he would be paid handsomely. The man who had assisted the
slave master ordered Aron and three others to stand. He secured the four in
a line with the chains hanging from their collars. Then, with a crack of
his whip he marched them across the courtyard to a building at one end. He
was pleased to see how the new slaves marched perfectly in step, their legs
lifted high in front of them with knees held perfectly straight. The
remaining slaves knelt in the centre of the compound contemplating their
fate as the slave master walked away and disappeared through a door.

Aron and the three other boys were halted outside a heavy steel door
padlocked from the outside. The guard selected a key from a large bunch,
swung the door open and pushed the boys through. Inside was a large bare
room with a line of cells down each side. The cell walls were formed from
iron bars set close together and extending from floor to ceiling. The guard
closed the door behind him and unlocked the chains securing boys
together. He also unlocked their wrists from the backs of their collars and
ordered them one at a time into a cell locking the iron grids behind
them. The cells were empty except for a two bowls on the floor, one
containing water, the other a sort of mush which looked like brown
porridge. In the corner of each cell was a hole in the stone floor beneath
which Aron could hear the sound or running water. There was no bedding and
no bed. Once the four boys were locked in their cells the guard left,
slamming the door loudly behind him.

Aron and the others had not eaten for over a day, their last intake of food
having been taken on the ship before it arrived in port. They were
naturally hungry and thirsty so quickly ate the contents of the bowl and
drank the water. The porridge tasted of nothing except a hint of something
sweet and they had to eat it with their hands. Not that any of them cared;
they were far more concerned with what thr future held for them.

As his eyes became accustomed to the gloom Aron could see that there were
twenty cells in all, ten along each wall and also that each cell was
equipped with a number or rings set into the floor and the walls. He was
thankful at least that he had not been chained to one of these. High up at
one end of the room was the only opening which let in the just enough light
to make out these features. After eating the food Aron settled down on the
floor. It was surprisingly warm despite being bare stone though it was
anything but comfortable. The other boys copied him; they were tired,
somewhat traumatised and in no mood to talk to each other. Aron pondered
his future. Growing up he had been made aware of the country, well to the
north, where slavery existed but he never for one moment thought there was
any risk of being taken as a slave. Muravia was hundreds of miles from his
own land and he had never heard of trading vessels being attacked; there
were never any tales of such events and now he knew why. As he watched his
ship sink in flames he knew that no trace would ever be found and the
ship's master and two crew who had jumped overboard would have soon been
eaten by the sharks. He wondered if it would have been better if he had
followed them; at least death would have been swift. Now what faced him was
a life he could not even imagine.

The dim light gradually faded to darkness and eventually Aron drifted off
to sleep though it was not a deep sleep as he tossed and turned trying to
find a more comfortable position of the hard floor and the ever present
fear of what the next day would bring. Eventually tiredness overtook his
thoughts and he fell asleep only to be woken abruptly as the first rays of
light penetrated the darkness by the clang of the door as the same guard
entered. Now he was accompanied by two others. They were obviously slave
boys as they were naked, totally hairless, collared and their bodies were
adorned with numerous rings and chains. The two slaves carried more bowls
and these they pushed under the cell doors after which they knelt facing
the guard with their noses pressed to the floor.

'Eat up quickly slaves, in a few moments you will be taken to the
preparation room to meet the slave master' the guard said.

He turned to leave, clicked his fingers and the two slaves followed him,
crawling on their hands and knees. Aron and the others quickly emptied
their bowls containing the same tasteless mush and then relieved themselves
over the hole in their cells. At first they were embarrassed by the lack of
privacy but the urgency of the situation soon overcame any shyness on their
part. Hardly had they finished than the door opened again, this time the
guard being accompanied by another. The first guard spoke.

'In future slaves, when a master enters you will instantly kneel with your
thighs spread wide and your noses to the floor. DO IT NOW' he shouted.

Quickly Aron and his fellows scrambled to obey.


Aron spread his knees another six inches and arched his back till his
nipples contacted the stone. It was a most uncomfortable position that his
muscles strained to adopt.

'Better slaves, remember this in future or you will feel the whip'

The man unlocked the cell doors and ordered the four outside. There he
secured them in a line and locked their wrists to the backs of their
collars as before.

'MARCH' he ordered.

The guards walked, one on either side of the group as they set off across
the compound. It was more than two hundred yards to the preparation
building outside which Rani, the Slave Master, stood watching the new boys
who had so recently been captured at sea. He smiled inwardly noting the
exaggerated nature of their action; straight legs lifted high in front of
them at every step and perfectly in time. Clearly they had learnt quickly
how slaves must march; the Captain had done well in the few days they had
been imprisoned on his ship. Of course they had much more to learn but this
start was impressive. He would look forward very much to their display on
the sales platform and the enthusiasm of his customers as they parted with
their money. The group halted directly in front of the slave master. He
stepped forward looking closely at the four slaves, his eyes focussing on
Aron whose buttocks still showed the single deep red mark of the whip from
the day before and he reached out to pass his hands over the perfectly
formed globes. In his mind's eye he imagined them reddened and striped
after a harsh caning and wondered whether to present the slave in this way
or leave his buttocks white and unmarked. It was a decision he would have
to make quickly as the sale would be in a few days time. He recognised
that this boy's ass was one of his best features and thought about having
him bend over and taking him right then. But then he realized that Aron was
a virgin and as such would command an ever higher price. He knew he would
almost certainly get away with it but prided himself on his reputation and
that meant that details of the slaves must be totally accurate.

He dismissed the thought from his mind and turned his attention to the
matter in hand; there was a job to be done. He ordered the chains to be
released and led the four boys inside. There each was secured with his
wrists above his head to a ring set in the wall. Aron had little idea of
the purpose of this room but in the centre he could see four large tables
with posts at each corner and a brazier glowing bright red in one corner.

Following his branding David watched as the next four boys were strapped
onto the tables and prepared. Now he knew exactly what the procedure
was. When he had been strapped down he had no idea about what was going to
happen but these four knew exactly. Two of them had to be dragged kicking
and shouting to the tables but this show or resistance was futile; the men
were far too strong and not going to accept any form or rebellion from a
slave. Once strapped down their behaviour only earned them five strokes on
their chests from Rani's whip. The pain in David's buttocks from his caning
was by this time subsiding. He had learned a painful lesson, as had his
companions, as to what was required of a slave in this place after a master
had made use of his mouth for his own pleasure. But the pain of the caning
was nothing to the excruciating agony of his scorched flesh where the hot
iron had been applied. Rather than diminish the burning sensation increased
until the whole of his thigh and belly seemed on fire. He tried to look
down to see what they had done to him but, with his arms stretched above
his head it was impossible. Soon there sounded another blood curdling like
cry from one of the tables followed by another and then yet more as
nipples, cocks, and noses were pierced and the branding irons did their
work. David shuddered at the brutality of it all and the thought of the
humiliating ordeal of being exhibiting naked on a sales platform in front
of men bidding to own him now filled his mind. The slave master had said
they were to be pleasure slaves to satisfy the lusts and sexual desires of
their masters. Only now could he begin to understand what the future held
for him and the other boys in the room though the reality of it would be,
for now, far beyond anything he could imagine.

After the last of the sixteen slaves had been shaved ringed and branded
they were all released from the rings. Once outside they were ordered to
stand in line, one behind the other. One of slave overseers fastened their
wrists to the backs of their collars whilst another secured chains from the
collar of one boy to the one in front. Rani shouted across the courtyard
and a slave boy appeared. He crawled quickly to Rani's feet, knelt up,
bowed and then placed his nose to the floor.

'Stand' he ordered.

The boy stood up, locked his arms behind his back, spread his legs wide and
bowed his head. It was one of the positions David had seen earlier and it
was the same slave who had demonstrated it.

'You will show this lot how we require slaves to march' said Rani

The slave dropped instantly to his knees and bowed his forehead to the

'See how a slave acknowledges its master's orders; it does not speak.

Rani clicked his fingers. The slave stood once more, placed his hands
behind his head and set off across the yard. As he marched he lifted his
legs high in front of him, keeping his knees perfectly straight. When he
reached the end of the yard he turned and marched back, halting a few feet
in front of the slave master. He spread his legs wide, bowed low and knelt
with his nose to the floor.

'Your turn slaves' said Rani, 'Start with left leg, MARCH'

The line of boys set off. At first they couldn't even keep in step but
after a few traverses of the compound managed to master this skill. The
overseers walked, one on either side of the line, as they marched to and
fro down the length of the compound. Once the slaves could march in step
the overseers concentrated on the style encouraging the boys with frequent
applications of their whips.

'Legs higher, keep those knees straight' could. be heard repeatedly as the
line marched up and down as could the sound on leather on flesh. David felt
the whip on the backs of his thighs several times as he tried to conform to
the overseer's demands. One boy shrieked as the tip of an overseer's whip
caught his cock and balls as they joggled up and down between his uplifted
thighs. This only brought another lash of his whip and the command.


The marching continued as did the whipping until Rani was satisfied that
the slaves could march correctly. They were now to be taken to a slave
market and would be seen in the streets. The slave master was jealous of
his reputation for providing the very best quality of slaves in Madrango
and he wished to protect it. It was not the common market where these
slaves were destined to be sold but rather an exclusive market where the
richest and most privileged members of society would go to obtain a slave
of quality to provide more intimate acts of servitude. Rani instructed his
personal slave to stand at the front of the line where he was then chained
like the others. He had the gates to the compound opened and with three
overseers on each side of the column, the line of sixteen newly captured
Earth boys moved forward.

They immediately found themselves in crowded streets quite unlike anything
at home. There were hundreds of men and women milling around, men pushing
carts and other larger horse drawn carts. The buildings were like nothing
they had ever seen with a totally alien architecture. David knew a great
deal about different countries; he had travelled widely and could now well
believe that they were no longer on his home planet. And one other
thing. There were no cars or motor vehicles of any kind. What wagons there
were, if not pulled by horses were hauled by teams of slaves urged on by
the whips of the drivers and for more personal transport there were single
and double person buggies pulled by one or two slave boys in leather
harnesses, chained in front between the shafts.

As they marched through the streets the overseers kept a close check on
their charges encouraging any non compliant slave with a carefully aimed
flick of his whip. On more than one occasion David felt the lash of
leather between his thighs when he forgot to lift them high enough. This
brought jeers and laughter from the crowd who stopped what they were doing
to watch the party of new slaves as they marched past. Rani knew that most
of the onlookers could not afford any of these slave boys but he also knew
that amongst the crowd were probably a few who could which is why he
marched them so publically through the city. They passed close to the
public slave market where common work slaves were constantly on
display. David could hardly believe the rows of cages and the rough
platforms upon which slaves were chained for display. But these were
unkempt and most were dirty unlike the boys in his line. They looked like
the slaves chained to the wagons transporting goods around the city. Then
he felt the whip again slashing between his thighs.

'Keep your eyes to the front slave' came the command.

Amongst the crowds in Madrango that afternoon were Lord Gorlan Melanu and
his son Rico. Rico was just coming up to eighteen years of age and the two
were in the city to purchase his son's first pleasure slave of his own.
The Melanu family were rich land owners with a vast estate some miles from
the city. They were also members of the nobility and distantly related to
the ruling family of Prince Dumar. As such they enjoyed a privileged
position in Muravian society. A large number of slaves were employed on
their estate which was one of the chief suppliers of grain to the
city. Rico was used to seeing slaves working in the fields and also slaves
serving in the house. He was also familiar with fact that his father had
his own personal pleasure slave who attended him constantly. Lord Gorlan
now recognised that his son was now of an age when he should have a slave
of his own. He had watched his son grow from a boy to a man and noticed
the obvious delight on Rico's face when he watched a slave being
punished. In fact he had always encouraged those sadistic tendencies in his
son telling him that a good whipping made a slave work harder to please his
master. Unknown to His farther Rico had frequently and secretly seen his
father making use of his pleasure slave as it served his many personal and
sexual desires in his private rooms and now he wanted a slave of his
own. He had persuaded his father that now was the time for him to have a
pleasure slave. Thus it was with particular interest that the two watched
the line of marching slave boys as they headed for the most exclusive
market in Madrango. They knew that these were fresh slaves, newly captured
and from the look of them, there would be a good selection to choose from
at the next sale. Gorlan and Rico climbed into their buggy and, taking hold
of the carriage whip, Rico lashed the buttocks of the slave tethered in

'Follow that line' he ordered.

The slave set off, straining in the harness that secured him between the
shafts of the cart. He was Lord Gorlan's personal pleasure slave and pony
boy. Gorlan referred to him as Uko, a contemptuous term meaning cum
pig. He, like Aron, was from Mareah. Captured at sea a year ago when he was
nineteen he had set his sights on becoming a navigator. But that had all
changed when the Muravian raiders came aboard and the collar had been
placed about his neck. Now he was a slave, forced to serve his master in
humiliation and pain and to indulge in sexual practices he could never have
imagined. Although responding instantly to the word 'Uko' he could still
remember his name though it was with continual sadness that Petron knew he
would never be addressed by it again.

The two man buggy was heavy and Petron struggled to keep up with the
marching slaves but another slash of the whip made him redouble his
efforts. Lord Gorlan turned to his son and smiled. He was obviously ready
for his first slave boy, he thought. Rico savoured the sight of Uko's
pulsating buttocks, already well striped with old and more recent marks of
his father's cane. He was well aware of the practice of giving pleasures
slaves ten strokes every night and morning and relished the thought of
reddening the ass of his own slave. In fact he was so mesmerised by the
pumping globes of flesh that Gorlan had to remind him to control the buggy;
they had arrived at the market. Rico jerked back on the reins which were
clipped to the rings piercing each side of the Uko's, scrotum. For the
slave it was a painful attachment but one preferred by Lord Gorlan in
preference to the more usual mouth bit and used exclusively in the pony boy
dressage events at which he was an expert. He had already decided that his
son's new slave would have to be a good match for Uko so that they could be
harnessed side by side in the pairs events.

The slave master banged on the gates to the market and the slave coffle
were led inside. The gates slammed shut behind them. Chains were removed
from the first four boys and an overseer assigned to each who was then led
to a low shelter, open at one side to the yard. Within the shelter were a
number of stations, separated from each other by a low partition. In the
centre of each stall was a large ring set in the ground and to these each
slave was secured with a long chain from his collar. The slaves were
instantly ordered to stand, legs wide apart and to bend forward to touch
their toes. Hoses leading from a tank were then inserted into their asses
and the valves turned on. David felt the warm water quickly filling his
guts and when he thought he could take no more the valve was shut.

'Hold the water slave until I remove the hose. Then expel it down the hole
by the wall. Do not make a mess on the floor

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"Chase, you just had sex with your daughter, you may look at me and my hot daughter too," I heard Lil point out before I felt her hands on mine. "We don't mind if you look at us, Chase. I'm pretty sure your daughter and wife here will love it, and their slits may get wetter." I took a deep breath and slowly turned her way. "Wow, you do have a great body, Lil. I just never thought I'd see it," I commended her, checking her out. "And don't forget about me, Chase," Maria...

1 year ago
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My Previous Neighbor Acted As My Wife In My Lonely Time

Hello ISS friends, I am Aryan from Delhi East. I have been coming to ISS for last 3 years and love the stories written by the members. I read the stories and reckon that the world is full of jolly and loving people. I would like to post a story which happened with me in July in my old rented house. I am a happily married man and my bed life is also full of excitement. But you know that men will be men and need spice in life always. This story is about my previous neighbor bhabhi Ruchi (name...

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My Wifes Lost Weekend

One of my favorites!-----------------------------------------------My Wife's Lost WeekendbystoriemaxHere are the events that took place last weekend and how I learned all the juicy details. It all started just after I left the house to play golf for the weekend with a friend. My 45 year old, prim and proper school teacher wife was left at home to fend for herself. Now that was nothing unusual but what happened in the next 24 hours was very unusual for both of us. My wife Pam, as I stated...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 38

Well, I'm back naked and tied between those two trees. It was a little colder today, and you could see it on my nipples, they had popped out and were waiting for some attention. Maybe it could help me a little, those nipples are easier fondled with when they are this profound. This time, I had to wait much longer than yesterday, and at 8:21pm, I could see a guy walking up to me, he must have been around 25 years old, I think. "If he doesn't try anything with me," I thought. "Then...

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How to Have Sex with a Dog Part 1 The Teachers Pet

Rumors have been circulating that the intrepid reporter has agreed to investigate the very latest, and most controversial, trend of all. Bestiality School. Here is a quick description in case you are unaware of the peculiar nature of this trend: Bestiality School is the name of an innovative new company. Taking advantage of the recent countrywide repeal of the laws against bestiality, the upstart company has designed incredibly detailed and immersive sets where clients can, for a fee,...

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Meeting Minako Part 3

David Sugihara looks critically at his junior intern translator who has just entered his large modern glass and steel office. The girl appears every inch the demure young “office girl” professional attired as she is in her tight grey pencil skirt and crisp tailored white cotton blouse. The pretty young office trainee has her hair tied up in a neat bun. This girl seems so young and inexperienced the older executive thinks to him self? The business leader wonders why Langham-san wants her for...

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A Cautious ManChapter 10

For the second time in his life, Bill Orton was on his own. First Darla had reconciled with Gordy and now Zena was gone, unable to choose him over her female lover. It was demoralizing. He could understand Darla because she had made it clear right from the beginning that she would take Gordy back. But Zena! Zena had deceived him. She wanted both of them and only his accidental discovery exposed the truth. And with all that, he still loved her. He truly believed she didn't want to hurt him...

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Stag Party

Stag. Hen. Stag and Doe. Stag and Hen. Hag. All names for the Bachelor and/or Bachelorette Party. The famous last night of Freedom before the wedding. Filled with sins. Drinking, smoking, strippers and other erotic entertainments or perhaps more, and other sinful delights which one tries to get out of their systems before they wed their beloved. If things go as plan, a night of fun with no harm. However, they don't always go according to plans. The plot to so many stories and movies, is the...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of Chris Part 5

Her eyes snapped open. I looked down. She looked down. I looked at her womanly legs, her sexy as hell womanly hips, her flat feminine belly and the swelling of her breasts. I looked at her pretty face, which seemed to be pretty even with the shocked expression on it. I took two steps back and looked at the beautiful woman in front of me. The kind of woman that you would crawl over broken glass to speak to. I watched her as her eyes welled up with tears. I watched her as she...

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Girlfriend k ghar ja kar choda usko

Hello dosto hw r u? Main sexy stories daily padta hu aaj main bhi aap ko apni ek storie suna rha hu jo real hai aur mujhe umeed hai ki aap sab ko pasand ayegi…..mera naam vicky hai 25yrs ka hu main bnessmen hu chandigarh main rehta hu aur meri girl frd hai jiska naam hai neha singla mast fig hai yaar us ki bus jo bhi us ko dekh le bus us ko chodne k liye ready ho jaye ab main aap ko btata hu ki mainee us ko choda kaise ek din toh main us ko kiss ki aur mere haath us k boobs k uppar chale ge us...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 8 The Fall Out

"I admit to being worried about you, Josie." Doctor Bloom's voice came from behind her head whilst she was reclining on the couch. "He would never hurt me, ever, nor my children," she replied with conviction. "How do you know this? This man may be like a tamed leopard, peaceful and docile, until some obscure signal triggers a deadly attack. But more important is the effect he will have on your life. Can you live a life of secrecy? Always guarding yourself about what you say? Can you...

2 years ago
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Wild Desires

So first of all,My name is Rohan.I’m 6’2 and I have a athletic body and a nice big tool.I’m 21.I’m from Punjab and this story is a true story so don’t expect any out of the box things.This story is totally true and nothing of it is fiction.It took me 20 days to fulfil my mission.Lol.Hope you like it.   Coming to the story,I have a friend,he’s 3 years younger and he stays in another state because of his college.Her mother,Maaya (changed obviously) is a doctor and has a home clinic.She is 48 but...

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An Amazing Vacation

As Alan Bryant looked across the lagoon, he was mesmerized. He watched, mouth slightly agape, as the young woman climbed the rock face for the third time. He admired the way she scaled the rocky footholds barefoot seemingly without hesitation or fear. He also admired her stunning beauty. She had blond, shoulder-length hair. She was slender with a classic swimmer’s body. She was well tanned and toned and had a truly lovely ass. But the feature that Alan noticed most was her gorgeous, playful...

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Bla the Vampire Girl Part 3 long

Book 1: Target Girl Part 3 Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Béla and Jake were in his apartment, back in town. The backpacks they had taken with them were unpacked into laundry baskets that now needed to get downstairs. “That can be done later,” Béla said, brushing up against Jake. She put her arms around him from behind and squeezed. Her hand slid down and wormed its way between his belt and his firm belly as he sucked himself in to accommodate her. Jake stood, holding...

4 years ago
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For The Love of the Wolf King

My name is Annabelle Watts, and I had moved from a house in West Hampshire to North Yorkshire, England, and decided to go to a boot fair where people were selling all of their old stuff that they didn’t want anymore. I was a single woman in her early thirties, five years since my divorce from my ex-husband. I pulled my white Volkswagen up to the curb and switched off the engine and stepped out of the car and looked at all of the antiques people were selling. Nothing in particular caught my eye...

4 years ago
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Older Men Delicious

Like I mentioned before, I was ten years old when I figured out that touching, rubbing, or lightly spanking my cunt would give me a peculiar feeling. Kind of like a million ants walking up and down my legs. It was a weird feeling, but very satisfying none the less.   I was not your regular ten year old, I come from a big family, but being the only female gave me privacy.   This was something that my brothers could only dream of, and instead of playing with my friends,...

First Time
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Abigails cheating story 2

Abi was lay on the couch, long tanned legs propped up on the back, "I know baby I miss you too, college gets so boring on my own..." Abi smirked to herself, the last couple days had been anything but boring. She talked on the phone to her boyfriend in another state, the boyfriend she'd cheated on 3 nights ago...and every day since. She'd felt bad at first, guilty, but it hadn't stopped her. Hadn't even slowed her down, she'd been sharing her roommate Jessica's boyfriend, Markus, for three days....

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Judith and MeChapter 2 Judith

I showed up in the office of Dr. Roth on time, but I still had to wait. I now suspect the entertainment was planned. The foxy receptionist was sitting in a way that allowed me to see up her short smock every time she smiled at me crossed and re-crossed her pretty legs. It was near the end of the day and I was waiting alone with a raging hardon, when a very well-dressed man with a rather spacey look on his face finally came out. Miss Foxy grinned and said the doctor was ready to see me. The...

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Bottoms UpChapter 17

By the time that Carver and Sophie returned from their little quickie, Rick had moved on to Mark, while Jan worked on Sally, of course. While the latter flirted, the former kept it more or less professional, as before, but both were very good at their jobs. It turned out that Rick was a married family man, so that wasn’t likely to turn into anything raunchy, but he still seemed to be open-minded about the rest of us, thankfully. This was even more surprising when I learned that he was a...

1 year ago
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Surprise for You part II

I was nervous, anticipating what will happen. What he will do to me? I knew I already made him a deal that after I dominated him; he would have his chance to. And now it was his chance. I was sitting on the bed of the master bedroom in my turquoise bra and matching panties, both adorned with black lace. I was waiting. Waiting for him. He had said for me to strip to my underwear and wait for him in the bedroom while he went to get ready. So I sat there on the bed, waiting nervously. Soon,...

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Teen Titans vs the Justice LeagueThe Judas Contract

{Titans tower, San Fran, United States of America, Earth-1, Universe-Positive} You were a recent addition to the Teen Titans, they were your Parole after your failed stint in the GL's and your Uncle refusing to take responsibility for you, they were your only option, as they were the only ones willing to take you in. So with not much Choice in da matter you moved into T Tower, and Got to know a few of your teammates. You especially liked Raven, besides which after Deathstroke's Coup'd'etat,...

1 year ago
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Family Embrace Chapter 1

My hands clench and unclench as I stared at my phone. The number dialed, I just have to hit the button. I have nobody else to turn to, I have to make this call. My mother would help me in a second, but she’s done so much for me already. I can’t make her drop everything again, just to bail me out. My mother has always been very strict, but underneath it all I know she loves me unconditionally. Ever since my father cheated on her and left the family she has been closed off and distant. I know she...

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rainy days and mondays

Rainy days and Mondays !! Monday morning, who needs them! in the street people jostles for position in queues, pavements begin to fill with men and women going to work. In your house there was a different atmosphere, for today a special person was visiting, A local beauty agency was sending a new apprentice to your house for some training in massages and waxing. You took a shower and awaited the arrival of the apprentice. To get you in the mood you put on a silk dressing gown and some...

1 year ago
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It’s time for you sleazy cucks to crawl out from under the floorboards. I have a site that you definitely don’t want to get caught watching, especially if you live at home. I know you betas are getting desperate. You turn to any girl who gives you an ounce of attention and try to make her spread her legs for you. You’ve tried babes at school, the bar, and the club to no avail. Hell, even your favorite e-thot streamer has shunned you and banned you from her chat. Where are you to turn? Maybe...

Incest Porn Sites
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New Neighbor Makes Me a Glory Hole

 A few months ago, the elderly widow living behind us, sold the house and moved in with a daughter.  Some time later, on one of my evening walks, I was pleasantly surprised to see an attractive Hispanic lady in her 40's, I guessed.  Her jet black hair was past her shoulders and silky shiney.  Her body was accentuated by the cotton tank top that showed off her perky tits and hard nipples.  The cutoff jean shorts barely covered her nicely rounded ass.  Her man on the other hand, was an older,...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 69 Disaster

September, 1985, Chicago, Illinois The plans for making the video quickly vanished as I followed Kara to the room then she and Bethany shared. I stopped suddenly, pained to see Bethany lying on her bed clutching a pillow with her knees pulled up. Her body was wracked by sobs as she cried into her pillow. “Bethany,” I said softly. I got no response so I sat on the edge of the bed and gently put my hand on her shoulder. “Bethany,” I said again. “It’s Steve and Kara. What’s wrong?” Once...

1 year ago
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BethChapter 36

August 3, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke shortly after 6:00, wide awake after a good night’s sleep. Seeing that Rhee was still out of it, I crept out of bed to my PC and wrote most of yesterday’s diary account. I will finish it after practice, as reliving yesterday’s fellatio instruction has gotten me excited and Rhee is rousing. [Added August 4] As Rhee was waking, I threw the sheet off her and planted my face between her legs. “Hey,” she said, “I have to pee. Save that for a few...

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MILF Hunter Blacken

I am a MILF Hunter. Now although I do occasionally fuck some young college girls my age, I focus on women of experience. Now I should note, not to brag or anything, I am very blessed. I am 6 foot 2, 220 pounds of pure black muscle, brown eyes and a very respectable 9 and a half inch cock. I was an all star receiver in my high school career and was very popular. Now in my fourth year of college, I am a starter for my college football team and have dated many very hot women in my past. But white...

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Many Toon! When you’re looking for some good porn comics to beat off to on your lunch break, there’s always the question of just how many sex cartoons you’d like to have at your disposal. One piece of manga might do it, but two is even better. If you’ve got a whole stack of nasty hentai, that will keep you going a long time. At ManyToon, they aim to provide you with many pornographic toons. The number here may be vague, but it’s certainly high, and that’s what we’re looking is...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Two women for my man

“Why not?, I owe Roger after that lot,” I smiled back. A week later we have arranged for Mary to join us. “I want to pleasure both of you, we should have done this before now, I have been so horny ever since I watched you with two hung men, very horny. And the way they both kissed your arse was really something, I loved that.” she confided over coffee during the week. “Have you been using your vibrator?” “Yes, I have been Sarah. Would you like to watch me?” Mary asks sheepishly. “You took the...

4 years ago
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Dating Service Dilemma

Hello, my name is Jessica and would consider myself to be a successful woman. I am vice-president of an accounting firm, have my very own house, and just bought a new jaguar. All in all, I'd say I was doing all right for myself. However, the one thing that I am lacking is a man. I am a very independent woman and a slight feminist, but most women have that need to be held by a loving husband. However, my lack of a man is not because I'm not good looking. At 28 I'm no model, but I still...

1 year ago
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The Hook Up

I was sitting opposite the bar, looking out of a darkened window watching people moving on the sidewalk. I had been nursing the same drink for at least an hour. I was waiting for him. We were supposed to have met up an hour ago. I had been excited to sit on his giant cock again. But as the time passed, I was more and more starting to think that I had been stood up. I took another sip of my drink and pulled out my phone, his last text was nearly an hour ago, he had not replied to mine. I...

3 years ago
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New Town pt1Wrong Club

Mistakes can sometimes lead to the biggest changes. I know that my life would be far different if I had gone to the right club, that first weekend in town. I had just moved to the Boston area, and the only people I'd met so far were my coworkers. It was one of those coworkers who told me about a concert that sounded like a good time. We made plans to meet at the club, so there was something fun to look forward to.It was a funk show, so I thought I'd wear my tight jeans and a button-up...

2 years ago
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Girl Gift Me Your Chut

Hi friend mera name rockey h me hisar ka rhene wala hu mere age 21 ke aas pass ke h me mca kar rha hu me 1saal phali ye hisar aye hu mere lund ka size.10″ h ye mere iss par phile story h jo me aap subh logo se share karme ja rha hu ager aap ko mere story pasand aaye to mujhe reply jaror karna mere id par mere id h note this and some ladies reply me ok bake ke details me aap logo ko mail par send kar dunga jasa ke mera title h ise aap sab logo ko pata to chal he gaya hoga ke ye story kise...

3 years ago
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Wills new home Part 9

Introduction: so this one is long and non-sexual, but there is a scene with Pierce solo, so if your in to that its good. I promice the next one is going to be the best one yet, and just bare with me, cause this one is just an intro to the next story. OH! And PM me if you want to write a stand alone spin-off involving one of my characters, thanks for reading!! IM SO SORRY GUYS, THIS ONE IS NOT VERY EROTIC, WAIT FOR THE NEXT STORY THOUGH, ITS GONNA BE GOOD!!! Will, I really, really dont want...

3 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 15 Wednesday

Oh hi, there you are. I was beginning to wonder if you'd show up. I hope you don't mind that we've already started. Well, just. You see, we have a little surprise for you today. You remember how I was whipping Anna last Thursday with the wooden spoon? Well, I guess that left a few marks, and some chick from her class saw them on Friday. She didn't say anything then, but yesterday she approached Anna and asked about it. And Anna, apparently, told her quite the tale of bondage and torture...

1 year ago
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Sucking Poem

Erotic HAIKU POEMS - I ------------ SUCKING 1. First a drop, others follow- I tremble Eager to swallow 2. I licked and swallowed all, He moaned out loud, Thrusting his finger up my hole. 3. He wanted to talk, But all I wanted Was a taste of his stalk 4. He said: "How about fudge?" I licked my lips and said:, "Better a taste of your bulge!" 5. Up and down the shaft My tongue goes slowly, An expert in its craft. 6. I smeared the head with saliva, My mouth tight around the brim, Erupting his hot...

4 years ago
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The Unnamed Lovers

Her hands ran down his back, her fingernails scratching just hard enough for him to feel it through his thin shirt. She just barely heard a growl as his control slipped and he pulled her close. One hand roughly cupped her ass and another wrapped itself in her black hair. His lips found her collarbone and roughly traced it. She moaned softly as the excitement built and she dug her fingers into his hair. His grip tightened around her and her body molded to his. With a louder growl he...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Office

It was just a boring day at work as usual. I was sitting at my desk going through some papers when my boss called me into her office for a meeting. I put the stack of papers down and walked into her office. She starting going over the same old things that I already know about. I even zoned out for a minute, but she quickly brought me back to the here and now. She said since she seemed to be boring me that I could show the new girl around. I really didn’t want to. I never liked showing new...

2 years ago
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KARMA OR KISMET How I Became A slave Owner Again

KARMA OR KISMET?How I Became A slave Owner AgainBy: Charles E. Campbell   It was really just a pretty typical day, really, thinking back on it now from the comfortable perspective of eighteen months. What happened that day happened every day, on many a street, in many a town and city everywhere, actually. Mundane. Nothing innately unique or even noteworthy. At least, not right away.    I was in my driveway replacing the radiator on a mid-sixties Plymouth Valiant. A buddy of mine had owned one...

4 years ago
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Pol Science Ch 01 The Proposal

This is the very first chapter in the supposed to be series. No sex in here, just character and plot development. If you think this has potential…please let me know!! ***** Because days and nights merge together when the mind wanders aimless, even a small change is welcome. It is not the change itself though that brings the much needed flicker of excitement, It is the anticipation of the possibility that it might be something life-changing or devastating… take your pick. My change came in...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Emma Hix Secret Agent Step Dad

Emma Hix hasn’t seen her stepdad, Tommy Gunn, in a little over a year. He’s a hot shot in the military who has been on some secret mission, and Emma has a huge crush on him. In fact, she finds herself compelled to masturbate. She’s right in the middle of finger banging herself when Tommy arrives home. Emma is so caught in the throes of her passion that she barely registers that Tommy is there to take her camping. She has doubled down on her determination to get him to see her...

2 years ago
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Massom maid ko choda

Hello reader. This is my first experience name is zafar and age 22.m from gujranwala. I have a good physical body, white complexion with 7″ animal. Let’s come to the point. Hamary ghar ek servant or us ki beti safai krnay aty thy. Servant beti hmaray ghar safai k liyay chor k kisi or ghar chali jaty thy. Us ka nam iqra tha. Us ki age 20 thy. White complexion or smart thy.. Kia bataon.. Aksar mom bahir jaty to ma or wo akailay hotay thay ghar ma or ma hamaisah atay jatay us ki body ko...

2 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 14

"A lessen in Discipline and Love."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: The men drank some coffee and were enjoying the memories of that horny threesome that we just had. I went upstairs. Rinsed me clean and went to my bedroom to get dressed in Leather. I put on the Leather Chaps with the black zippers over my black jock strap. And put on the...

3 years ago
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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 6 Extra Class For The Horny Student

“Ma’am, is this the paper you are looking for?” Kiran exclaimed holding up a letterhead. Dhanya was barely listening. She had Tony’s hands on her breasts, He held her right nipple between his thumb and index finger. The bliss she was experiencing was exhilarating as she slowly started losing a sense of her surroundings. “Ma’am, is this the paper?” Kiran repeated the question. Dhanya turned around disinterestedly and in a feeble voice, she replied, “Yes, Kiran, that is the document I was...

4 years ago
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Star Wars

You have finally turned 18 standard years old! You now can enlist, as you have been wanting to do for some time now even though your parents are against it. Especially these days, considering that there was a war going on between the Empire and Rebel Alliance. But, now, you must make your decision on which one to join. You think of what you know. The Empire is powerful and stretches far and wide and has better weapons and army. Also, it would be less dangerous considering if you were a rebel...

1 year ago
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Fem is much better and cuter

So there i was out at a party for some label bullshit. It was just another crappy drance club (why my record label would book the party at a dance club is a mystery to me). I was sitting in some little weird bed thing when this really cute guy come up to me and asked to join me. He was aout 5'6" and a total fem cutie. He started talking about how lame the party was and how their was no gay guys there. To which i said well their is one he says who? and laughed and said me silly. He gave me a...

3 years ago
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Mr S wrote this

It’s so hard to meet a good sissy these days. Oh sure everyone wants to chat online about fantasies but to find one willing to do my online training and then even show up… Wow, that’s a real gem.You arrive at my house as instructed and ring the bell. Almost immediately the door opens and you are greeted by a lady in a robe who beckons you in.“You must be Sissy Lilly. You may call me Sissy Daisy.”As your eyes adjust you get a better look at Daisy. Sure enough, this pretty girl is really a boy....

2 years ago
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I raised a slut

She came in like she always did. School always held new meaning while she was on campus. Her school skirt was if the perfect length, her mother measured. Her white blouse had each button done and was thick enough that her bra didn't show through. I knew under her skirt she had a set of modest white panties. Well I figured I knew. I'd seen her before she left the house earlier, but that had been an hour or so ago and with my daughter anything could happen. She got to her locker, it was...


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