Homelands Pt 2 Ch 11 free porn video

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Dripping with sweat from a longworkout, I headed towards my quarters. As I rounded the corner from the bedroom to the bathroom, I stopped dead in my tracks.

Deirdre sat on the lip of my private hot tub. Her many visages all wore very formal garments, though of a great many different types. One wore a business suit. One a silk toga. Several wore traditional dresses.

"Uh, hey," I said.

"Hello, Frank," she said, uncrossing her legs and standing up.

"You here on business?"

"No, I'm sneaking around behind my brother's back."

"Right. So shall we get down to it then?"

"It is nice to see you again, though," she said.

I cleared my throat. "Same here."

She hesitated then went up on her tiptoes, or maybe leaned down, depending on which version of her you looked at, and kissed my cheek. Then she stepped back, tucked her hands behind her, and stared at her feet.

Fuck. Of course, I was hard. That was helpful.

"Sorry," she said. "Shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay," I said. "Give me a minute to get dressed, then we can talk in my office." I gestured to the door leading from my bedroom down the hall.

"Okay," she said. She hesitated, perhaps contemplating kissing me again, then left.

In classic passive-aggressive form, I took my time. I lingered in the shower, letting the hot water loosen my muscles.

When I finally decided I'd kept Deirdre waiting long enough, I found her sitting across from my desk. She had her hands folded in her lap, waiting as patiently as you please.

"Sorry about that," I said.

"Not at all," she replied. I could sense a bit of longing, but truth be told, it was faint. What I felt more powerfully was guilt and pity.

That last bit helped get rid of my erection but quick.

There was some genuine desire there, yes. But I'd be a fool to read much into it. And her brother had surely sent her in his place precisely because he'd hoped that seeing her again would arouse the sorts of emotions in me that would enfeeble me.

So I did my best to ignore it, and not to resent her for something that wasn't her fault.

"My brother says your terms are quite intriguing," she said after I took my seat.


She sighed, but quickly recovered her cool. "He sends me with a counter-offer. Lily is free to join you in the Third Autumnal Court if she so desires. And Silas is prepared to grant his approval for the Elevation of the mortal Holly. Our two courts will also formally declare peace, and offer free passage for any nobles from one court to the other.

"In return, you will deliver Tara of House Orwin to us personally, as originally proposed." So far, so good. "You will also surrender to him the first born son or daughter of one out of every three nobles of your court."

I didn't hesitate a moment before saying, "One in five, like I said, or no deal."

"You can take a day or two to consult with-"

"No. Don't need to consult with anyone. Tell him that I mean no offense, but one in three is simply not going to happen. I'm flirting with rebellion as it is."

She sighed. "Okay. He didn't think you'd go for it, but he made me swear that I'd ask. If you hesitated enough, I was instructed to at least push for one in four. But I'll have to tell him that you wouldn't budge." With a grin, she added, "And that I tried really, really hard to get you to cave before I backed off."

I laughed. "So we have a deal then?"

"We do." She rose and shook my hand. Then leaned in for a hug. For a moment I thought it might go farther, or that she perhaps had more that she wanted to say. But Deirdre simply nodded, waved goodbye, and vanished.


The prison world to which Tara and her family had been exiled was pleasant enough. It was like someone had plucked a random piece of modern American surburbia up and placed it in a self-contained world. It was even populated by a few thousand mortals. I wish my own exile had been more like theirs.

Of course, I'd found myself sitting atop the throne not long after mine had ended, whereas my aunt's ended with her being Devoured by Silas.

My cousins, though, were spared that fate. After they'd sworn fealty to me, I'd set them free to come and go as they pleased. I didn't even ask them to become vassals, as Iva had insisted that I should. So, no, the Homelands had not been entirely kind to them. But they certainly could have suffered worse.

Like the fate to which Brianna had been condemned.

The entire world she inhabited was a great big void. She simply floated there in that dark abyss with utter emptiness stretching out infinitely in every direction. It was a world without color, without sounds or smells, without light or warmth.

I willed a minimal setting into being. We now stood along the curb on a strip of roadside, with a lamppost overhead and a park bench beside us. The road went nowhere, and was no more than a dozen yards from end to end. But it eased the sense of infinite nothingness.

My cousin, the former queen, jerked her head up, looking from me to the surroundings I'd created. Her brow furrowed, her lips tightened. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you'd be glad to see a familiar face."

She scoffed, taking a seat at the park bench and tucking her hands under her slender thighs. "I guess. Is this real? I'm not hallucinating?"

"No, you're not," I said, settling down beside her.

"Of course not. During my bouts of madness, when I start thinking I'm not the only one here after all, it's not you who's here with me."

By the wounded tone, you'd think it was I who'd exiled her, rather than the other way around. Not that Deirdre's quarters compared to this place, but still.

"Lovely to see you too," I said.

She tossed a lock of hair behind her shoulder. "So let me guess. Jack negotiated your release, and as soon as you returned, you immediately set to work plotting his overthrow. And now you sit where you'd always wanted. Poor fucking kid."

I jerked my head back. Jack, who had sentenced her to this fate, who'd allowed everyone to believe that he'd Devoured her and thus might well have ensured that even once the throne passed back into Orwin hands, she might be left here, alone and forgotten, that Jack, he was worthy of her sympathy, whilst I deserved nothing but scorn?

"I am king now, yes, but it wasn't me who did for Jack," I said, voice flat.

"How long have I been here?" she asked, looking away.

I sighed, told myself to look at it from her point of view.

It was no wonder she was a bit testy. I wouldn't last long in this place.

"Two years or so, in the Homelands," I said. "How long has it been in here?"

"Can't tell," she said. "In case you haven't noticed, there aren't a lot of clocks around. Or a sun. Or anything. But it wouldn't shock me to know that it had been more like ten."

"Sorry. I didn't know." I started to say more, then swallowed the words.

She peered at me from the corner of her eyes. "So, what, you came here to gloat? To insist that you're actually the most benign dictator the court has ever seen? Because, let me tell you, Frank, I just don't fucking care."

"No," I said. "I've come to-"

Brianna shook her head. "No, really, I don't care. At all. I'm sure I was wrong about you, in all kinds of ways. Great. Swell. I was wrong about a lot of things. Probably even deserve this fate. But whatever you have to say, I'd rather you just leave me alone."

I reached across the bench and took her hand in mine. Despite her words, she didn't resist. In fact, I felt her Libido soar at that simple little gesture, and not because I'd put any effort into trying to elicit such a response. I wondered what must it be like for one of our kind to go a decade without knowing the touch of another person.

"I don't think anyone deserves this fate," I said. "Jack might have thought he was doing you a favor by exiling you instead of Devouring you, but even so, this is extreme."

"Right," she said, "like being Deirdre's personal sex slave. That must have been so hard on you. It's a wonder you made it out alive."

"That's all right," I said, giving her hand a squeeze. "You're entitled to a few of those. I'd be a bit cagey too, if I were you."

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay, obviously I'm projecting a little. Thank you, Captain Sensitive. What do you want me to say? This has been a total fucking nightmare. Part of me would love to tell you that I could do another ten years without any trouble, because I can't stand the thought of you seeing me like this, but, yeah, this is positively unbearable, and it's kinda got me in just a little bit of a pissy mood. If you don't like that, you can go shove a spiked mace up your ass."

"How would you like to leave?"

Brianna opened her eyes. "Please, don't fuck with me, Frank. I know I'd deserve it if you did. But don't. I don't think I could take it."

I lifted her hand up and kissed it. "I'm serious, Brie. I want you to return to court."

"What? Are you crazy? No way." She tucked a curl of red-brown hair behind an elfin ear. "I mean, yeah, I'd love to leave this wretched place. But I thought you were talking about transferring me to one of the softer prison worlds. Now, that, I'd really appreciate. But you'd be a fool to let me return to court, and I don't want to besides. Couldn't bear facing everyone again. Not after what I did."

I slid closer to her, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and kissed her head. She moaned softly and laid her head on my shoulder. "Brie, you didn't do anything that bad."

"I Devoured my parents. Because I could."

"Okay, you've got a point there," I said. And she really did. Maybe this was a bad idea. Nonetheless, I said, "But that doesn't mean you can't come back. You've obviously had time to reflect on what you did, and suffered for it."

My cousin leaned up and kissed me on the cheek. "That's, well, that's really sweet of you, Frank. And I don't want to sound unappreciative. Knowing that you can forgive me, after the way I delighted in torturing, terrifying, and manipulating you, meas a lot to me. But I don't even know if I trust myself. What if I'm duly repentant now, sitting here in my abyss, but go right back to my old ways once I return? How do you know I won't try to depose you? What credibility could anything I say now possibly have?"

"Did you enjoy sitting on the throne?" I asked.

"How do you know I didn't?" she asked. "With all due respect, you don't know anything about me. Never did. You saw what you wanted to see."

"Okay, so I shouldn't have presumed. Now I'm asking, did you enjoy it?"

She sighed. "I guess I didn't really understand you either, because I have to admit that it genuinely surprises me that you apparently consider it to be an unbearable burden. But I've got to say, as much as I regret some of what I did, I'd be lying if I told you that I hated having all that power. Doesn't that prove what a terrible person I am?"


She pulled her feet up onto the bench and tucked them behind her. "How do you figure?"

"I don't think you'd be scared of returning if you were."

"Bullshit," she said. "You don't think some of the most wretched people in history have been aware that they were monsters? Haven't you ever heard that most serial killers confessed that they'd wanted to be caught? Please tell me you're not still this naive."

"I don't think that's you though."

"I guess I'm one or two shy of serial."

I frowned at her. She just kept staring at me with those emerald green eyes, unrelenting. But when I kissed the top of her head again, she leaned into it.

"Fine. If you don't want to come back, you don't have to. I'll let you stay in self-imposed exile as long as you like. And I'll move you to one of the more bearable prison worlds. But I'm going to keep visiting you, and one of these days, I'm going to talk you into returning."

"Why?" she asked. "What did I ever do to make you think that's a good idea?"

It was a good question.

"Maybe it's what I did," I said. "I've had time to think about things too. Time to step back and try and put myself in your shoes. Time to think about what I was willing to do to get to where I am, and what I'm willing to do to stay there. I think you were wrong about me in some ways, yes, but not by nearly as much as I wanted to think. I'm not sure I like what I've become. I guess that showing you mercy helps ease my conscience."

She sat back upright, pulled away from me. "In that case, you can go fuck yourself."


Brianna crossed her arms under her breasts. "I don't want your pity, Frank, and I sure don't want to be responsible for your redemption. It's hard enough carrying the weight of the chains I forged for myself, let alone someone else's."

"I'm not asking you to be responsible for anything. I'm going to do this because I think I should, and that's all there is to it. If you say 'no' a thousand times, I'll keep coming to see you, and keep asking you to come home. And you can just keep right on refusing, if that's what you feel is best. What's important to me is that you have the choice."

The stiffness went out of my cousin's back. I thought I felt a faint stirring in her Libido. Not lust. But maybe...affection?

"I just might say 'no' a thousand times, you know," she said, though the edge had left her voice. It was almost hard to remember she'd once had the cutest voice.

I put my arm around her once more, and with a sigh, she leaned back against me.

"So, how does Aunt Ellen like being your Shadow?"

"She's not. Iva is," I said.


"Yeah. She's-"

Brie shook her head. "Oh, I know, it makes perfect sense. I just didn't think you'd be willing to explain to your mother why you chose another woman."

I laughed. "Well, she certainly didn't love it. I'm not sure I'm done paying for it either."

Brie smiled softly. "I missed you, you know."

For a moment, I was too stunned to respond. Then I said, "Probably missed everyone."

"I don't just mean while I've been stuck here. Even while I was still queen, and you were Silas' captive. Or his sister's. Whatever. You drove me crazy, and when you were taken captive, I didn't feel as bad for you as maybe I should have. But despite that, I still missed you. Missed your touch. Your voice. Your lame sense of humor. The way you can be the most arrogant, self-impressed bastard alive and yet still somehow be capable of the kind of selfless behavior for which our kind is somewhat less than renowned."

Finally, we kissed. Tenderly, at first. But with growing intensity. And hunger. Before long, she was straddling my hips and dry humping me. My hands ran over her body, hiked up her little skirt, sought out her small but round ass.

Brianna was out of practice. And I'd grown a lot stronger since we'd last seen each other. But she hadn't forgotten how to make me cum from a mere kiss.

When I hooked a few fingers in her panties and pulled them aside, though, she sat back sharply, forcing me to withdraw my hands.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"It's just that...I was thinking about Devouring you. Just now. I mean, I seriously considered it. Really, really wanted to do it."

"Your emotions must be going crazy," I said.

"No, Frank. Fuck. Stop trying to make everything okay, will you?" she asked, throwing her hands up. "You know what stopped me? It sure as shit wasn't my conscience. I sensed how powerful you've become, and it frightened me. That's it."

"I see," I said. Though I didn't believe it was as simple as that.

Brianna slipped out of my lap. "I think you should take me to my new prison and then go. And don't come back too soon."


Though Wendy hadn't said a word in protest when I told her I had to cancel my afternoon meeting with her, I knew she wasn't likely to forgive me for it any time soon. And that was only partly because she would miss my tongue. We had a great many matters to discuss. The First Wintry Court had waited to make sure that this king was going to last more than a week before sending an ambassador, and Iva assured me that if there was one ruler worth taking more seriously than Silas, it was Daphne.

But I'd put off having this conversation with Mom for entirely too long.

As it happened, one of the minor nobles whose face I recognized but couldn't put a name to was just leaving Mom's chambers when I arrived.

"Hard at work, your majesty," Mom giggled, fanning her sweaty pussy with a bare hand.

"So I see."

"Hmm. That's a tone." She slipped out of bed, flipped her hair back, and cleaned herself up. A beige silk robe appeared from nowhere, wrapping itself around her without any help from her hands. "I've Devoured one little lordling for you, now. Still one more to go, but, technically, that's infinitely many more than when last we spoke," she said, with a smile.

"That's not what I came here to talk about," I said. Then, forcing a little warmth back into my voice, I added, "But that's good. I didn't doubt you'd eventually do as I'd asked, but it is best if that's done sooner rather than later."

"I know, I know," my mother said. She sat in front of a vanity mirror and ran a brush through her hair, though it was hardly needed. Her black mane could not have been more beautiful. "Why so serious? You're making me nervous."

I guess I hadn't adjusted my tone as much as I'd thought. "It's nothing."

"Honey, if this is just the way you're going to be all the time now that you're king-"

"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about," I said. "It doesn't have anything to do with me being king," I added. "This is personal."

"Oh," Mom said, putting her brush down. She turned around, holding the right armrest of her chair with her left hand. "Okay, so let's talk. Should I fix us a drink?"

I nodded.

"This isn't a 'yay, good news, happy time' kind of talk," she said. It wasn't a question. "Right. No frozen margaritas then." She flashed a grin at me, which I forced myself to return. But it must have been obvious that it was feigned, because Mom's sincere grin turned into a frown, and quick. "Here," she said curtly, handing me a rocks glass filled with three fingers' worth of caramel colored liquor.

I took a sip. Fine, single malt Scotch. Extra peaty. Very smoky. I took a deep, satisfied breath and exhaled slowly.

"Please tell me this isn't about rough sex. I've said all I intend to say about that."

"It's not," I said.

Mom tried the Scotch. She coughed, stuck out her tongue, and made various and egregious sounds of disgust.

Which was nothing compared to her reaction when I told her about Iva.

Everything there was to tell.

I'm not sure exactly what I said. It was almost like I wasn't really in my body at that point. Like when I divided my consciousness. If I'd forgotten to create any other bodies, that is. And had also forgotten to leave any behind in the first one. I guess it wasn't alike at all, but it was the only comparison that came to mind. Somehow or other, though, it all came out. How I'd known what she had planned for Patrick. Had given her the green light in exchange for her agreeing to stay on as Shadow. The way I wasn't sure what I felt for her, that it didn't compare to what Mom and I had, but I couldn't deny that it was something much more powerful than what I felt for anyone other than Mom.

For a long while after I finished, we sat in silence. I finished my Scotch, and Mom refreshed my glass without a word. Her own sat untouched but for that first taste.

"Well, aren't you going to say something?"

"You should have told me. A lot sooner," she replied.

"Yes, I should have," I said.

"And don't tell me it was because you've been too busy with work," she said.

"No, I know," I said. "I wasn't. I was just too cowardly to-"

"Damn right it was cowardly," she said. "And don't think that by agreeing with me you can calm me down, mister."

I tipped my glass back silently.

She picked up her glass, tossed the Scotch onto the carpet, and poured a shot of tequila into the glass in its stead. When she slammed the newly summoned bottle down, I thought for sure it would crack. The shot disappeared momentarily. Then was followed nearly as quickly by another. After she took a patient sip of her third shot, she said, "I'm not going to tell you that I wouldn't have been mad if you'd told me earlier. I would be. Because, honestly, this fucking sucks, Frank. And I shouldn't have to pretend that the only reason I'm upset is because you didn't tell me in order to also be upset about that."

"You're right," I said.

"Would you fucking say something in your defense!" Mom tossed her glass at me. I ducked my head in time to avoid it. "You're trying to make it hard for me to be angry at you, and that's no fair either."

"It's not like we're in a rela-"

"Oh, are we back to that old line, then?" she asked. "Would you perhaps like to remind me again how I once told you that it was just sex? It's been so long since I heard that."

I stared at my feet.

"Do you want to know why I Devoured your Grandpa Dick, Frank?" she asked.

Before I could get the "Yes," out of my mouth, she started to answer.

"He wanted to overthrow Kaitlin. It had been more than sixteen years since I'd talked him down from the brink the first time, when an issue I'd thought resolved flared back up. He'd grown incensed about...nevermind what he was upset about. I'd made my family swallow their objections when I married House Farrier's only remaining son. Which I did so no more lives would be lost. And I still wondered if it was worth the price."

I gestured for her to continue. Then immediately regretted it.

But, thankfully, she was too wrapped up in her story to realize that I'd given her another good reason to throw something at me.

"I'd managed it once, though," she said. "Held the whole damn court together. With my cunt. How do you like that? Mommy spread her legs, and lives were saved."

The vein in her forehead was throbbing. I forced myself not to cringe.

"So how else was I to do it again? Why, with my magical cunt, of course. So I took my father inside me, and he's never left." Mom summoned a new glass and took another shot of tequila. "I did it for you, you ungrateful little shit," she said. "My father assured me that Gus wouldn't dare lift a finger against his own children. But your father has never loved anyone the way he loves those Farrier women. Cindy most of all, maybe, but his mother only slightly less. There was no way in hell I was going to let my father gamble with your lives. So I saved Kaitlin's life, though not out of any love her. And I told her to exile Tara again. Did you know she'd come back? It was our mother that exiled her in the first place, but Kaitlin had allowed her to return. The reason you never met your aunt until recently, the aunt you've traded away like a pile of poker chips, is because I didn't want her to carry out our father's last wish."

I took a few steps towards my mother, arms outstretched to hug her. She batted them away and turned her back to me. "Aren't you glad we're opening up to each other?"

Though I thought there was a better than even chance that she'd elbow me in the ribs or kick me in the balls, I decided to try hugging my mother again anyway. To my great relief, she let me. She offered a little token resistance, but after a few moments, pulled my arms tighter around her and leaned her head back against my chest.

"I love you," I said. "I don't mean that like I did when I said it as a child."

"Frank," she said. "You could not have possibly chosen a worse time to tell me."

"I mean it. I-"

"Stop," she said. "I don't know if it would upset me more if you did mean it or if you were just saying it because I'm mad at you. But either way, keep that to yourself. You know that's not...that's just not something you should say."

I kissed the top of her head.

"I Devoured the most important man in my life in order to protect you. And now her daughter is taking you away from me. I wish I hadn't stopped him."

"She's not," I said. "No one's taking me away from you."

"What about your blushing bride to be?"

I didn't respond.

"Between those two, and let's not forget Wendy, I'm never going to see you."

"I'll stop-"

Mom sighed. "It's not that. I don't care you if you never stick another finger or tongue inside Wendy. She's still going to get more of your time and attention than I will."

She snapped her fingers and handed me the envelope that appeared.

With my mouth and one hand, I pulled the letter out. It hardly said anything. Some Bobby character wanted her to travel to the First Wintry Court to speak with him. Wouldn't say why, but he swore it was something she'd want to hear.

"Pretty cryptic," I said. "You can't-"

"I'm going," she said.

I started to argue, but thought better of it. "When?"

"Tomorrow," she said. "As of now."

Those three words cut deep. She hadn't decided how to respond.

But I knew I couldn't talk her out of it. "When will you return?"

"I don't know," she said.

Without a word, I led her over to the bed and stripped her robe off.

For a while, I simply studied her magnificent form. I'd never quite gotten my mind to accept that she was built the way she was, and half the time I looked at her, I felt as if I was seeing her for the first time. Except, for all I knew, this was going to be the last time.

The only visible hair on her body was a well-trimmed triangle over her little kitten. The black curls were cut close against her body, and didn't obstruct my view of her swollen, pink lips in the least. Her clitoris had not yet decided that it was ready to join the party. Her labia were thick and puffy, begging to be sucked.

As fascinated as I was by what was between her legs, and I was fascinated, I couldn't deny my eyes the pleasure of thoroughly drinking in the rest of her divine beauty one last time before letting her go. She did not have the kind of body women's magazines glorified. Rather, she personified an older conception of beauty, the kind that one found in fertility statues. Her hips were broad and rounded and her waist impossibly narrow in relation to them. A glass tube filled with sand that had her proportions would be better suited to marking the passage of an afternoon than an hour.

Her thighs were full and soft, thick near the top, thin near the knees. The heads of her quadriceps were faintly visible. Her calves were sharply curved, her ankles far more delicate and her feet more slender than one would expect after looking at her thighs. Thick as they were, those thighs should have invited comparison to cottage cheese rather than marble, but her skin was impossibly smooth and fair, entirely free of dimpling, cellulite, shaving nicks, birth marks, or any imperfection.

Then there were her breasts. They hung past the bottom of her ribcage, but they were still reasonably firm. They were round, the sides of them pressing against the insides of her elbows and the lower part of her biceps, rather than droopy, as breasts that large often were. Her nipples pointed out at me, not down at the floor. They were thick and puffy, even when fully engorged. As they were now. They had turned from their usual medium pink to a darker pink that was nearly brown. Her areola were as nearly wide across as my palms. On a smaller pair of breasts, that would have looked freakish. But as large as my mother's breasts were, the dark circles were still small islands in a pale sea.

Even if I hadn't noticed the swelling of her labia, the way her clitoris was just starting to peak out from under its hood, or the darkening of her nipples, I'd have known she was every bit as aroused as I was. Her Libido pulsed steadily, like a beating heart. It wasn't exactly heat that emanated from her. I was sure that I would in fact soon discover that her skin was largely cool to the touch, save in a few choice places. But there was no better way to explain how it felt than to liken it to standing before a fire.

At last, I raised my eyes up to meet her own, noticing along the way that her lower lip trembled with anticipation. My mother's eyes were big and round, rather than almond shaped. The deep brown of her irises contrasted nearly as sharply with her pale skin as with the whites of her eyes. The same went for the forest of long lashes, the generous amount of dark eyeliner and eye-shadow that she wore, and her dark eyebrows. Though her brows were nearly as wide across as the tip of a finger at their widest point, they were not bushy.

I'd often thought her face a bit too soft, her nose a bit too broad, the set of her mouth almost sad. And I had to admit I still did think so, to some extent. I couldn't in all honesty say she was as pretty as even Natalie or Iva, let alone Brianna. But it was only in comparison to those supernatural beauties that she came up short. If I'd never had the misfortune of laying eyes on those other women, women who could never hold the same power over me that my mother did, I'd have thought her the prettiest women I'd ever seen.

"Frank," she moaned. One hand twitched, looking as though it wanted to guide me to her. But it fell back to her side.

It made no difference. Simply hearing the longing in her voice, seeing in her eyes and feeling in her Libido the truth of that desire, was enough to beckon me forward.

My movements were slow, precise, and confident. I knew how it excited her to see the animal in me come out. But I wanted to savor this. There'd be time enough to submit to my primal urges later. Until then, control was the name of the game.

Mom hardly spoke. I wasn't sure what there was left to say anyway. But her body told me nearly everything I needed to know, with her powerful Libido filling in the gaps.

I'd not yet had the pleasure of taking either her breasts or her womanhood in my mouth when her first orgasm overtook her.

My lips formed a seal around a gently protruding hip bone. Perhaps I used a little energy to heighten her sensitivity, allowed the lightest sparks of the blue bolts of ecstasy to accompany the strokes of my tongue. But I thought it likely that she would have climaxed anyway, even though it might have taken a little longer to get her there.

At any rate, that first orgasm was a modest affair. The very fact that she'd cum before I'd gotten past her hips aroused us both further, but that's about all it did.

When I went to work on her breasts, however, that changed. With one of her nipples rolling back and forth between my fingers and the other helpless before my lips and tongue, Mom experienced a second, moreTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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EvilAngel Jane Wilde A2M And Immense Anal Gaping

Beloved, beautiful porn firecracker Jane Wilde models a blue bikini, teasing as she shows off her tight little bod. Pussy hair peeks from her tiny bottoms as she strips off her top, flaunting perky tits and chunky rear cheeks. The petite powerhouse stretches her sphincter and shows the huge butt plug in her anus. Director Pat Myne eggs her on as she pulls out the toy and anally masturbates, talking dirty and moaning throughout. Jane welcomes hung alpha stud Zac Wild by stuffing her wet cunt in...

1 year ago
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My Photo Session

I walked into the photo shoot completely nude. I am a model, double D's, 5'8, all of that. I walked in as the photographer gawked at my boobs as they bounced up and down. "Hi!" I said cheerily. "Hey, sexy." he responded. He was about ten years older than my age of twenty. I began to pose erotically for my shot. I put my hand to my cunt and pointed my bubble butt to the camera. "Spank it." ordered the photographer. I spanked my ass. "Let me show you how it's done." he said and pulled out a...

First Time
2 years ago
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A Confident Man

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… I had left my notebook behind someplace. Damn! I back tracked my trail: the library, the bookstore, the walk through the mall, and then finally into the park. That’s when I saw him, the old guy,...

2 years ago
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Part 8

PicturesSeveral days followed with little interaction between us. Mom, I suspect, needed a little space and I was wary of approaching her after such an intense episode, given what had happened the last time. I decided to wait for a sign that she was approachable, no matter how hard that was for me to do.We had gone through the weekend but I and the other serfs were laid off for a few days while the heavy equipment was moved to a new location. Mom sent me out to clean up Dad's carpentry shop in...

4 years ago
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My Education Part 4

We began to stir after sometime and her hand lazily trailed its way down to my cock. She began to stroke it, every once in a while taking my balls and gently playing with them. I felt myself begin to harden and she whispered, ‘There’s my big boy’, making me blush with pride as I rose to the occasion. ‘The next thing I teach you is a very important thing to remember. You must always be aware of your partners limits as to how far and what they will do. Everyone is different and not everyone...

2 years ago
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Near Miss Part One

This is the second instalment of my story that started with “Please Miss!” and continues the story of a young man’s awakening lust for his English teacher.Another day, another English lesson. In the two weeks since my amazing encounter with the delicious Miss Smales, I’d had little opportunity to try and get myself another detention with her as she’d been on a training course for one week and the following week, it didn’t seem to matter how much I slacked off or how often I tried to sneak a...

5 years ago
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Lilyxxx on the telly

Lily received an email instruction to visit her master immediately. She dropped everything and jumped in her car for the hour journey to his house wondering what he wanted at such short notice. One thing she did know was that she will be fucked, the thought of which made her wet.She arrived to see a young girl half naked open the door. Lily looked at her pert young breasts and licked her lips. The pretty girl beckoned her inside and kissed Lily on the mouth, making lily very aroused. As she...

3 years ago
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Daddys Birthday Present Part Two

It has been two days since I gave daddy his birthday present, and I’ve been trying not to show him how much I want him. I mean it was nice and all and I think he really enjoyed it but it was just meant to be a one-time thing. I couldn’t have that kind of relationship with my father even though I really want it. Since that day, daddy seems to be paying more attention to me. I’ve caught him more than once staring at my chest or my ass. Trying to hide the way it turns me on I never let him see me...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 20 Model Work

Dana stuck her head into Toni's office. She smiled broadly when Toni looked out of the workroom. "Hi, it's me!" "Great, Dana." Toni came out and hugged her briefly. Dana was wearing shorts and a t-shirt that, as usual, clung to her breasts. "Thanks for coming. I hope you didn't have difficulty getting time off." "Hey, I've got so much comp time built up... Anyway, I thought it would be wonderful to take the afternoon off for this. I can hardly wait. And I love that...

2 years ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 10c

"You know something, Nerdly," Matt said. "All kidding aside, I have to tell you, that bitch of yours is all right. She's a good sport." "Uh... thanks," Nerdly said. "I like her a lot. She's got a good ear for music." "How's her titties?" Matt asked. "It's hard to tell with those baggy clothes she always wears. She got a premo rack, or what?" "The specification of Sharon's breasts are not your concern," Nerdly said. "Oh come on, Nerdly," Coop said. "Give it up. Was...

4 years ago
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The Body Oil

The Body Oil I'm not the most romantic guy in the world, though I have my moments. My wife of nearly five years had been dropping enough hints, saying that we were stuck in a rut, that our sex wasn't as exciting as it used to be, that special occasions deserved special attention, so I finally decided to surprise her with a grand romantic gesture. With our anniversary was coming up, I began making preparations, buying supplies, carefully storing them in the trunk of my car. On the...

4 years ago
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adult theater II

I had been going to sex shop since i was 18. I have had bjs in booths and i have gave them. I was young trying out my sexuality. I didnt know if i was gay or not. Well come to find out i wasn't. I didnt go many times over the years .I was married and we have had a wonderful sexual and friendly relationship for over 20 years. We were riding one night past a strip of clubs and bars in our town( a bad part Yes) and she saw the adult bookstore. She asked about it and what happens so i told her. I...

2 years ago
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Wish Craft

Disclaimer: Due to some strong sexual content, you must be eighteen years old in order to read this story. Also, any resemblance to any real people out there is purely coincidental. This story is totally a figment of my imagination - although, inspiration from real people did help the direction I took! Note: This story involves three different themes happening at the same time. This story is nothing like I have ever attempted before, and although I had loads of fun writing...

3 years ago
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Extreme Teasing Sensation Lahore Couple

Hey all, finally after being regular visitor of ISS from last 2 years I finally decided to narrate my own story. Initially my introduction, Name Ali, 23 Yrs, 5’ 10”, Slim yet athletic, Lahore, Pakistan. Cock size 6.5” and real massive one :P that’s what 3 professional girls said, you’re wife would be in deep trouble, I’m a bit different in sex, I like foreplay, games, exposing, public sex and somehow mild forms of BDSM. I love to do it new every time doing always crazy shit and that really...

4 years ago
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The Curious Adventures of Miguel and Antonio1

I was a geeky, shy and chubby kid growing up, and always found it hard to make friends. I rode the bus home, but unlike a lot of kids, I pretty much kept to myself and either read, or enjoyed the stale, but pleasant scenery jogging past my window. In point of fact, I was often teased, and usually went out of my way, straight to the back of the vehicle, to avoid other kids, ignoring calls and taunts. One day, this method failed me outright. “Hey,” said an unfamiliar voice coming from the...

3 years ago
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Anamae Gorgeous Nightmare

There’s a woman walking towards Anamae. She has dark hair, dark eyes, and a trim strong build. Her breasts really aren’t that bad either- she guesses at about high C’s. This woman stops about a foot in front of her and strips to her panties and nonexistent bra. With her breasts bare and her entrance covered with a Seduction Red lacy thong, she starts to rub against Anamae and moaning. Anamae pushes her onto the bed and slips off her blouse (so she has her blue bra) and jeans, rubbing against...

3 years ago
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Jans Daughter Brooke episode 9

Eighteen year old Brooke was just out of high school and on her way to college after summer vacation. Her mother Jan, Belgian by birth, and step-dad Bob were currently living in Germany. He was an Air Force NCO stationed at Ramstein AB. Brooke was enjoying her summer break in Europe. Sleeping late, the company of her mother, sightseeing and shopping filled her days.  This particular morning she slept late, as usual. Female voices in the dining room disturbed her slumber. She recognized the...

2 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 23

After the ass fucking, they both fell asleep. When Latoya woke, she didn’t know where she was at first. Then she thought back to the events of the day. She had been sold, sold to Dazhawn. He was her Master now, her owner. He was also the sexiest man she had ever met. And his cock was wonderful. She thought back to how wonderful his cum had tasted and how wonderful her pussy had felt when he fucked it. And he had fucked her in the ass! It had hurt at first but then it had felt wonderful. It...

2 years ago
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One Mans Trash is Another Mans Treasure

It tickled as the glob of conditioner slipped from my long wet hair, ran down the indentation of my spine and landed with a resounding splat on the shower floor.  I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined it was a lover’s tongue softly gliding slowly down my back. I shivered as I reached for the bottle of expensive hair product to try again while contemplating the last time anyone touched me anywhere with a finger, a tongue, a throbbing penis.Twenty-two years of marriage and the last five...

4 years ago
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Do Anything for Friends0

How long had Tim known Lindsey? They had been best friends for many years now; he spent so much time at her home, he was practically considered part of the family. It was their senior year in high school and Tim was sitting in his math class when he felt his phone's vibration go off in his pocket. The teacher was pretty lenient about texting in class so he pulled his phone out, not-so-subtly hiding it behind his book. He was able to read the incoming text message. "He broke up with...

2 years ago
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Dad Ke Dost Ka Meri Maa Ke Sath Suhagraat

Yeh meri third story hai. Ap iske pehle ki do story upar mere naam (Swarnsingh) pe click karke, meri ID me jaakr padh sakte hai. Yeh ek story ki link hai: Vikram ab bhi so raha hai. Mom uthti hai, aur bathrobe aur towel lekar bathroom ke andar jakar door band hi karne wali thi, ki Vikram uth jata hai. Woh mom ke sath bathroom me jaane ke liye bolta hai but mom mana kardeti hai, aur kaise bhi door band karleti hai. Vikram bahut manane ki koshish karta hai, but mom darwaza nahi...

4 years ago
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Some of us Suck Cock Better

"My husband always wants a blowjob but I'm not really into it..." she confided in me."Are you telling me this because you just want to get it off your chest, or are you interested in hearing a man's thoughts on the matter?" I responded thoughtfully.She paused for a moment and continued."Honestly, can you guys even imagine what a girl feels like when she has to do that to please her man? Really?..."I could have told her that I in fact do know, but I thought it best to allow her to continue her...

3 years ago
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golden shower newbie

I have had a fascination with the sight and sound of women peeing for as I can remember. Aside from some innocent but intriguing incidents with neighborhood girls along the way, my first genuinely erotic experience along these lines happened (albeit voyeuristically) when I had just turned eighteen. That summer, my parents and I travelled to a larger family gathering held at a lake about three hours from home. We were an 'in-law' group to the main family, so to speak, and I actually knew very...

2 years ago
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## This is a story of an innocent, unwise, stupid woman who cheated, deceived and neglected her most caring and loving husband and ruined not only her life, but also the life of other family members too.On an auspicious day Kumar (30yrs) landed in bagpur railway station with his wife Sailaja (26) and mother-in-law Sulochana (42). To receive them Kumar’s Orchard supervisor, Khadir (35) came with car. Khader’s father was looking after the orchard for 40 years, after his father retiring due to ill...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Hot Big Tits Bhabhi

Hello iss readers..!! This is love again back with another erotic real story of how i fucked my bhabhi while bhai was out..!! I hope this story will definitely make guys and gals masturbate more and more..! And girls and aunties needing sex in Gujarat can mail me up freely..!! You won’t be disappointed, that’s a promise..!! Well to start with, me a 22 year old guy..!! Recently completed my studies and into business now. I have a 6″ long thick dick that can drive any girl crazy..!! I am...

2 years ago
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Bad girl on a train

My first effort. I wrote this For a friend, she knows who she is... :) You still don't know if you've done the right thing, getting on this train. Although people seem to understand your English, most everyone speaks either French or something sounding like Dutch. The carriages, that were full with students when you started the journey south, are now populated by business men and women, blue collar workers, and some odd characters. An older guy in a business suit passes by your compartment, and...

4 years ago
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WWT Hidden Beneath the Waters

The one called Tricia lowered herself naked into the water, letting the two blonde-haired girls tie her to stakes spread out in the water. She sank to her knees, her breasts floating in the water, everything but her head submerged."We are reluctant to leave," the one called Tricia said.She was different than her friends, shorter dark hair, a smaller more petite frame that contrasted with the taller, lankier blondes."It is the agreed-upon time," the one called Taylor said."Even so..." the one...

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 7 Picking up the Pieces Part I

December 30, Indianapolis, Indiana At 3:00am, I was sitting in the chair in my hotel room watching Jennifer sleep. It had taken nearly two hours to get her to calm down enough so that I could get her into the bed. Unfortunately, I wasn’t calm enough to sleep. In my mind, thoughts of torture and murder had spun around, and I developed intricate plots to avenge what had been done to Jennifer. I was finally able to put those machinations aside, and thought back over everything that I knew about...

4 years ago
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My LifeChapter 6 Mark

I didn't know what was going on between Nat and Sheila, but I planned on finding out tonight at dinner. I knew Nat had been trying to warn me away from Sheila. His body language practically screamed MINE. Luckily, I didn't give a rat's ass what Nat's body was trying to tell me. I didn't believe in poaching, but Sheila didn't act as if there was anything romantic between her and Nat. That made it an open race as far as I was concerned. It had been a very long time since any woman had...

2 years ago
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Its a Terrible Life

A man who wants a wonderful life lives a terrible life. Tyrone couldn’t sleep. The Christmas lights from the store next door lit up his small room with the glow of the holiday. It was Christmas Eve and with children everywhere going to bed with dreams of Santa Claus and presents under the tree, for him, Christmas was a nightmare. Tyrone turned off the television. He wanted to shoot it and if the police hadn’t confiscated his gun, he would have. He couldn’t believe he got suckered into...

3 years ago
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Jerome scores again

Jerome scores againIt was a nice dawn at Oakland. We had been invited to share a nice day with friends and now were returning home.We were in the middle of a conversation in the car when Anita suddenly said very conversationally, "Jerome is coming over tonight".Jerome was her latest black bull she had picked up at the local pub one night she was really anxious to have a huge hard cock inside her body. She had promised him he could come and fuck her whenever he wanted."When, at what time?" I...

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Nude Weekend

About five years ago just before our oldest daughter Audrey was about to go through puberty my wife asked me if I wanted to watch it happen. Of course I wanted to watch it happen, as my three daughters’ bodies developed into women, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to see that? So the first weekend of every month became devoted to just that. At that time Audrey was nine years old, Chloe was eight years old, and Sarah was seven years old. My wife started with ‘Panty Weekend’ where...

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Goa 2010 My First Sex Experience

Hi, hello, to all the Indian sex story readers, this is GS here from Bangalore and I m sharing my first sex experience of my life… December 2010 my sister & brother-in-law and their friends planned the new year trip to Goa and I was asked to join them, so the program was set, we were ready to leave to Goa next day morning by train, so we all gathered at the station and the train started, so we all were chit chatting and then I was introduced to one of my sister friend who was sitting front of...

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New summer trailer

My wife and I are both 55 and our last kid just move away , leaving us with a new life . She being teacher and I am in field service with lots of travel over nights. We found we had alot of time on our hands and always love the shore and the beach , she loves to bake in the Sun and the summer around the corner , we started looking at campground grounds and trailers for sale in the area.My Wife found one of the teachers at her schoolwanted to sell her trailer. So off we went to check it out ,...

4 years ago
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A Bikini for her BirthdayChapter 15 Bikini

“So, social media,” Zann played back what she’d learned (and decided) to the nude teen huddle on the airbeds that afternoon. I’d managed to get in a couple of hours’ sleep snuggled up with her, but now she was back in action mode. “It’s important to build our brand. We have to make it interesting and interact, do lots of fun posts. We need a name that looks good and sounds good and nobody else has. And it has to tie in with our product. Then people have to hear and see it over and over again,...

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Neend main bhabi ki chudai

Hello dosto , meri kahani tab ki hai jab main ba final me tha aur apni bhaya bhabi ke paas delhi main rehtha tha aur bhaiya noida main ek company main kaam karte the,bhabi dekhna main bahut hi sunder hai aur bhaiya se kafi pyaar bhi karthi hai aur main bhi unhe poori izzat deta hoo. Ek baar ki baat hai jab main,bhabi aur bhaiya hum sabi ek hi kamre main rehte the aur raat ko wo dono bed par aur main zameen par sota tha,kafi raat ke baad mujhe kuch halki-2 si chekhne ki aawaaz aaye par main kafi...

3 years ago
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Bran Panties

Bran Panties By RH Music "What a load of garbage." "No, really, it's true!" "Yeah, right. How stupid do you think I am? You're just trying to mess with me." "Well, let me prove it to you. How about your husband?" "Hmmm... interesting." "What should I do?" "I tell you what. If you can make my husband want to wear a bra and panties, then I'll believe you." "No problem." " ...would serve him right, too. That righteous homophobe." --- Saturday...

4 years ago
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The LetterChapter 11

Two days later they moved into a one room 'apartment'. It was really a bedroom on the second floor of what was once a general store. Christmas day had been one long party, with sledding in the morning, hot chocolate and presents from the army to everyone in the afternoon, and old movies in the main room of the newly built barracks that night. It had snowed on and off all Christmas day for a total of sixteen inches when added to the Christmas Eve snowfall. Today only about four more fell,...

3 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 25

This was the weekend that my next to oldest sister was getting married to a sour-faced banker at her place of employment. The man had to be at least forty if he was a day and he had absolutely no sense of humor. She was undoubtedly the plainest of my sisters but I had cultivated her oral skills studiously ever since she was old enough to be legally qualified for the placement of her lips around my greedy cock. When she showed any sign of reticence, my demanding sister Princess would give her...

3 years ago
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Cooking For Daddy

Last week I had snuck into my father's car while he was taking his newest girlfriend out on a date. I did my best at hiding myself in his trunk. I was already small, only a mere 4'11", so it wasn't that hard to fit in his trunk, but it was hard not to scream at that fucking skanky bitch in the passenger's seat. She doesn't even deserve him, not one little bit! I couldn't believe that he hadn't noticed at this point that she only wanted him for what he had, a huge country ranch in Southern...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 104 The Politics Of Dancing

Warren and Sophia did make it to the bookstore, in a mall near campus. They bought all kinds of books on pregnancy and parenthood. Warren bought a couple of romances to read on the plane to London for Worlds. "You're the only guy I know that reads romances," Sophia giggled. "Hey, I like 'em." They went to the food court to get some lunch. "Ah, this is so nice," Sophia said as they sat down with their meals. "Just to take an afternoon to go shopping. Since we got back from the...

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Dream time

I just had an amazing dream...... and Im here to share it with you In my dream Im living at my grandmothers house. It kinda like a boarding house people just live there periodically. I was in bed. It was night time or at least late evening. Apparently Im also sharing the big back room with a room mate. Its a girl and someone I know. We went to high school together. For this we will call her Morgann. So Morgann come home and into the room. She has brought a friend whom seem to be...

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Jackies First Anal

By: DamonX ([email protected]) I don't quite remember when I started to become attracted to Jackie. When she first moved in, she was just another roommate, and I figured she'd be gone in a few months. But as the months wore on, we began hanging out quite a bit. That is, whenever her extremely jealous boyfriend wasn't around. She wasn't the best looking girl in the world. Then again, she wasn't exactly ugly either. But it was those legs that first got me. She was...

2 years ago
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Arizona Secret Society Chapter 8

ARIZONA SECRET SOCIETY CHAPTER 8 After 2 days in my hospital room, I packed up my clothes and went back to my apartment with Lotte. I was still hurt that my parents, they were my parents now, had kicked me out and I hadnt wanted to see them, they had made their choice. I wasnt good enough for them before, why was I good enough now. Taking her up to my apartment, I let her in and felt at home. I walked with a lighter step now that I wasnt carrying a foetus inside my belly. I had...

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Lavender a room in my brothers house is ha

Lavender Copyright Oggbashan October 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I was looking forward to a few weeks with my brother and his wife. I used to visit them at least once a year, whenever I was in the UK....

3 years ago
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Meri Beautiful Chachi Ke Sath Like A Girlfriend

Hey guys…Mera name prem h main jaipur se hu, meri age 20 saal h or ye meri 3 mahiney pahle ki kahani hai, meri or meri pyari chachi… Main ISS ka regular reader hu or itni stories pdhne ke bad mujhe bhi apna incident share krne ka man kiya so maine ye story share ki h please ise jarur padhe or apne response de…pahle main apne bare mein bta du meri height 6 feet h main slim body ka hu or mera lund 6 inch ka h or 2.5 inch mota h, main engineering ka student hu or vaishali nagar me rhta hu…Meri...

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Anxious MaryChapter 2

"Mary, would you stand up, please?" She had watched me walk around the table to her, but there didn't seem to be any concern in her eyes as she silently wiped her mouth with her napkin, then stood to face me. "I have decided that some changes need to be made around here. Today marks the end of an era and the beginning of another. Biker Joe is gone and today is the last time his name will be mentioned in this house." She smiled and nodded her head slightly, waiting to see what would...

5 years ago
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Emmas Big Night

The characters are fantasy although I wish the girl was me :) It was going to be great! I was going to a college party with my older sister Kate and I was so excited. I was only 16 and much too young but she asked me to come along so she could get hammered and I could be her ride home. I agreed reluctantly trying to hide my excitement. I was going to a college party! I had pestered my Kate for months. When she asked me, I jumped at the opportunity and didn't question why she...

3 years ago
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Be careful of what you wish for

So why rape and bondage you may ask, honestly it just gets my cock hard knowing that something is taken rather than given, toys do not get to decide who plays with them after all. I have posted numerous times about how I would love a female to kidnap me and make me her permanent rape toy, and here is the part that I need to explain, my wife has helped me live out this fantasy many times over I just got off talking about it. I had finished with a role play when I noticed there was a notice in...

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The Swedish DJs Who Shaved Me Last Winter

I first got into techno music when I was twenty. I’m kind of uptight so it was a huge surprise to me that when Laird took me to this basement techno show in Allston I was totally into it. Laird was my boyfriend for about six weeks. He was like ten years older than me and his car smelled like mold but that’s not why we broke up. We broke up because he was sexually repressed and I was twenty and just wanted to fuck all the time. He was also a Scientologist but I didn’t really care about that. I...

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African Prince 5

Chapter 5Mikey woke to a beam of direct sunlight from theskylight above the bed cast into his eye. He shiftedhis head slightly to avoid it. Disoriented- he did nothave a skylight in his room- it took him a moment toremember where he was. He turned his head to the sideand saw a truly magnificent sight. His Mom lay stillsleeping, the sunlight had not yet reached her eyes.She lay on her back. Blankets had been cast asideduring the night and for the first time Mikey saw herbare tits exposed. Her...

1 year ago
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The relentless heat and humidity, that was what she felt in the last 3 days in this living hell hole. Deep in no man’s land, somewhere within the foreboding bowels of the vast and untamed Amazon rain forest lay the mangled wreckage of the DC10. The plane was enroute from Manhattan’s Newark airport to Peru, South America with its 20 passengers comprising models, photographers, agents from Sports Illustrated when it was caught in a freak thunderstorm. Smoke still trailed from the smoldering...

Group Sex
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Skin Deep III Chapter 7 In The Spiders Web

Chapter 7 In The Spider's Web Along Came The Spider Brad Loudon watched through the one-way viewing wall of the small room where Michelle had been brought a few hours after regaining consciousness from her encounter with a Dunlap's F-Tazor. Her hands were secured to a brushed-stainless steel table by electrostatic manacles that were held in place by a powerful magnet on the underside of the table. Michelle's legs were secured to the floor with...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 22 Sphere of Influence

Confederacy Navy Major Matt Schlemmer burst from his ready room onto the bridge of his charge, CSS Barnegat, hull number LFR-003. The meeting he'd just had with Commodore Swanson and that Payne fellow had been eye-opening, and a little scary. He'd been told what his ship's weapons could accomplish if handled in a certain way. He wasn't sure he wanted to handle his vessel's weapons in that certain way at all. He had one other concern in addition to those planted there from this meeting...

5 years ago
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From Strangers to Lovers

I had finished my summer job and was now ready to move to FL to start a temporary job at an automobile repair shop. I was mostly working just to survive and did not have any real goals but just wanted to have money and enjoy life. I was renting a small room at the back of my boss garage and as the weeks pass by I was starting to get bored and wanted to get another job. I was rewarded for my hard work with an increase. It seems that Mr. Vick liked my work approach and so he gave me an...

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League Of Lewd Legends

The Institute was running in circles, battles meant to mitigate warring kingdoms and minor disputes were no longer working as effectively, nor definitively. Battles with no true risk caused the great champions that fought for their countries to become lax in their skills, becoming less like the polished gems and shining pillars of their homelands... and more like dented bronze. The Tribunal came up with a solution, lessening a hero's restrictions and allowing more freedom for everyone but Jax....


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