Homelands Pt 2 Ch 11 free porn video

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Dripping with sweat from a longworkout, I headed towards my quarters. As I rounded the corner from the bedroom to the bathroom, I stopped dead in my tracks.

Deirdre sat on the lip of my private hot tub. Her many visages all wore very formal garments, though of a great many different types. One wore a business suit. One a silk toga. Several wore traditional dresses.

"Uh, hey," I said.

"Hello, Frank," she said, uncrossing her legs and standing up.

"You here on business?"

"No, I'm sneaking around behind my brother's back."

"Right. So shall we get down to it then?"

"It is nice to see you again, though," she said.

I cleared my throat. "Same here."

She hesitated then went up on her tiptoes, or maybe leaned down, depending on which version of her you looked at, and kissed my cheek. Then she stepped back, tucked her hands behind her, and stared at her feet.

Fuck. Of course, I was hard. That was helpful.

"Sorry," she said. "Shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay," I said. "Give me a minute to get dressed, then we can talk in my office." I gestured to the door leading from my bedroom down the hall.

"Okay," she said. She hesitated, perhaps contemplating kissing me again, then left.

In classic passive-aggressive form, I took my time. I lingered in the shower, letting the hot water loosen my muscles.

When I finally decided I'd kept Deirdre waiting long enough, I found her sitting across from my desk. She had her hands folded in her lap, waiting as patiently as you please.

"Sorry about that," I said.

"Not at all," she replied. I could sense a bit of longing, but truth be told, it was faint. What I felt more powerfully was guilt and pity.

That last bit helped get rid of my erection but quick.

There was some genuine desire there, yes. But I'd be a fool to read much into it. And her brother had surely sent her in his place precisely because he'd hoped that seeing her again would arouse the sorts of emotions in me that would enfeeble me.

So I did my best to ignore it, and not to resent her for something that wasn't her fault.

"My brother says your terms are quite intriguing," she said after I took my seat.


She sighed, but quickly recovered her cool. "He sends me with a counter-offer. Lily is free to join you in the Third Autumnal Court if she so desires. And Silas is prepared to grant his approval for the Elevation of the mortal Holly. Our two courts will also formally declare peace, and offer free passage for any nobles from one court to the other.

"In return, you will deliver Tara of House Orwin to us personally, as originally proposed." So far, so good. "You will also surrender to him the first born son or daughter of one out of every three nobles of your court."

I didn't hesitate a moment before saying, "One in five, like I said, or no deal."

"You can take a day or two to consult with-"

"No. Don't need to consult with anyone. Tell him that I mean no offense, but one in three is simply not going to happen. I'm flirting with rebellion as it is."

She sighed. "Okay. He didn't think you'd go for it, but he made me swear that I'd ask. If you hesitated enough, I was instructed to at least push for one in four. But I'll have to tell him that you wouldn't budge." With a grin, she added, "And that I tried really, really hard to get you to cave before I backed off."

I laughed. "So we have a deal then?"

"We do." She rose and shook my hand. Then leaned in for a hug. For a moment I thought it might go farther, or that she perhaps had more that she wanted to say. But Deirdre simply nodded, waved goodbye, and vanished.


The prison world to which Tara and her family had been exiled was pleasant enough. It was like someone had plucked a random piece of modern American surburbia up and placed it in a self-contained world. It was even populated by a few thousand mortals. I wish my own exile had been more like theirs.

Of course, I'd found myself sitting atop the throne not long after mine had ended, whereas my aunt's ended with her being Devoured by Silas.

My cousins, though, were spared that fate. After they'd sworn fealty to me, I'd set them free to come and go as they pleased. I didn't even ask them to become vassals, as Iva had insisted that I should. So, no, the Homelands had not been entirely kind to them. But they certainly could have suffered worse.

Like the fate to which Brianna had been condemned.

The entire world she inhabited was a great big void. She simply floated there in that dark abyss with utter emptiness stretching out infinitely in every direction. It was a world without color, without sounds or smells, without light or warmth.

I willed a minimal setting into being. We now stood along the curb on a strip of roadside, with a lamppost overhead and a park bench beside us. The road went nowhere, and was no more than a dozen yards from end to end. But it eased the sense of infinite nothingness.

My cousin, the former queen, jerked her head up, looking from me to the surroundings I'd created. Her brow furrowed, her lips tightened. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you'd be glad to see a familiar face."

She scoffed, taking a seat at the park bench and tucking her hands under her slender thighs. "I guess. Is this real? I'm not hallucinating?"

"No, you're not," I said, settling down beside her.

"Of course not. During my bouts of madness, when I start thinking I'm not the only one here after all, it's not you who's here with me."

By the wounded tone, you'd think it was I who'd exiled her, rather than the other way around. Not that Deirdre's quarters compared to this place, but still.

"Lovely to see you too," I said.

She tossed a lock of hair behind her shoulder. "So let me guess. Jack negotiated your release, and as soon as you returned, you immediately set to work plotting his overthrow. And now you sit where you'd always wanted. Poor fucking kid."

I jerked my head back. Jack, who had sentenced her to this fate, who'd allowed everyone to believe that he'd Devoured her and thus might well have ensured that even once the throne passed back into Orwin hands, she might be left here, alone and forgotten, that Jack, he was worthy of her sympathy, whilst I deserved nothing but scorn?

"I am king now, yes, but it wasn't me who did for Jack," I said, voice flat.

"How long have I been here?" she asked, looking away.

I sighed, told myself to look at it from her point of view.

It was no wonder she was a bit testy. I wouldn't last long in this place.

"Two years or so, in the Homelands," I said. "How long has it been in here?"

"Can't tell," she said. "In case you haven't noticed, there aren't a lot of clocks around. Or a sun. Or anything. But it wouldn't shock me to know that it had been more like ten."

"Sorry. I didn't know." I started to say more, then swallowed the words.

She peered at me from the corner of her eyes. "So, what, you came here to gloat? To insist that you're actually the most benign dictator the court has ever seen? Because, let me tell you, Frank, I just don't fucking care."

"No," I said. "I've come to-"

Brianna shook her head. "No, really, I don't care. At all. I'm sure I was wrong about you, in all kinds of ways. Great. Swell. I was wrong about a lot of things. Probably even deserve this fate. But whatever you have to say, I'd rather you just leave me alone."

I reached across the bench and took her hand in mine. Despite her words, she didn't resist. In fact, I felt her Libido soar at that simple little gesture, and not because I'd put any effort into trying to elicit such a response. I wondered what must it be like for one of our kind to go a decade without knowing the touch of another person.

"I don't think anyone deserves this fate," I said. "Jack might have thought he was doing you a favor by exiling you instead of Devouring you, but even so, this is extreme."

"Right," she said, "like being Deirdre's personal sex slave. That must have been so hard on you. It's a wonder you made it out alive."

"That's all right," I said, giving her hand a squeeze. "You're entitled to a few of those. I'd be a bit cagey too, if I were you."

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay, obviously I'm projecting a little. Thank you, Captain Sensitive. What do you want me to say? This has been a total fucking nightmare. Part of me would love to tell you that I could do another ten years without any trouble, because I can't stand the thought of you seeing me like this, but, yeah, this is positively unbearable, and it's kinda got me in just a little bit of a pissy mood. If you don't like that, you can go shove a spiked mace up your ass."

"How would you like to leave?"

Brianna opened her eyes. "Please, don't fuck with me, Frank. I know I'd deserve it if you did. But don't. I don't think I could take it."

I lifted her hand up and kissed it. "I'm serious, Brie. I want you to return to court."

"What? Are you crazy? No way." She tucked a curl of red-brown hair behind an elfin ear. "I mean, yeah, I'd love to leave this wretched place. But I thought you were talking about transferring me to one of the softer prison worlds. Now, that, I'd really appreciate. But you'd be a fool to let me return to court, and I don't want to besides. Couldn't bear facing everyone again. Not after what I did."

I slid closer to her, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and kissed her head. She moaned softly and laid her head on my shoulder. "Brie, you didn't do anything that bad."

"I Devoured my parents. Because I could."

"Okay, you've got a point there," I said. And she really did. Maybe this was a bad idea. Nonetheless, I said, "But that doesn't mean you can't come back. You've obviously had time to reflect on what you did, and suffered for it."

My cousin leaned up and kissed me on the cheek. "That's, well, that's really sweet of you, Frank. And I don't want to sound unappreciative. Knowing that you can forgive me, after the way I delighted in torturing, terrifying, and manipulating you, meas a lot to me. But I don't even know if I trust myself. What if I'm duly repentant now, sitting here in my abyss, but go right back to my old ways once I return? How do you know I won't try to depose you? What credibility could anything I say now possibly have?"

"Did you enjoy sitting on the throne?" I asked.

"How do you know I didn't?" she asked. "With all due respect, you don't know anything about me. Never did. You saw what you wanted to see."

"Okay, so I shouldn't have presumed. Now I'm asking, did you enjoy it?"

She sighed. "I guess I didn't really understand you either, because I have to admit that it genuinely surprises me that you apparently consider it to be an unbearable burden. But I've got to say, as much as I regret some of what I did, I'd be lying if I told you that I hated having all that power. Doesn't that prove what a terrible person I am?"


She pulled her feet up onto the bench and tucked them behind her. "How do you figure?"

"I don't think you'd be scared of returning if you were."

"Bullshit," she said. "You don't think some of the most wretched people in history have been aware that they were monsters? Haven't you ever heard that most serial killers confessed that they'd wanted to be caught? Please tell me you're not still this naive."

"I don't think that's you though."

"I guess I'm one or two shy of serial."

I frowned at her. She just kept staring at me with those emerald green eyes, unrelenting. But when I kissed the top of her head again, she leaned into it.

"Fine. If you don't want to come back, you don't have to. I'll let you stay in self-imposed exile as long as you like. And I'll move you to one of the more bearable prison worlds. But I'm going to keep visiting you, and one of these days, I'm going to talk you into returning."

"Why?" she asked. "What did I ever do to make you think that's a good idea?"

It was a good question.

"Maybe it's what I did," I said. "I've had time to think about things too. Time to step back and try and put myself in your shoes. Time to think about what I was willing to do to get to where I am, and what I'm willing to do to stay there. I think you were wrong about me in some ways, yes, but not by nearly as much as I wanted to think. I'm not sure I like what I've become. I guess that showing you mercy helps ease my conscience."

She sat back upright, pulled away from me. "In that case, you can go fuck yourself."


Brianna crossed her arms under her breasts. "I don't want your pity, Frank, and I sure don't want to be responsible for your redemption. It's hard enough carrying the weight of the chains I forged for myself, let alone someone else's."

"I'm not asking you to be responsible for anything. I'm going to do this because I think I should, and that's all there is to it. If you say 'no' a thousand times, I'll keep coming to see you, and keep asking you to come home. And you can just keep right on refusing, if that's what you feel is best. What's important to me is that you have the choice."

The stiffness went out of my cousin's back. I thought I felt a faint stirring in her Libido. Not lust. But maybe...affection?

"I just might say 'no' a thousand times, you know," she said, though the edge had left her voice. It was almost hard to remember she'd once had the cutest voice.

I put my arm around her once more, and with a sigh, she leaned back against me.

"So, how does Aunt Ellen like being your Shadow?"

"She's not. Iva is," I said.


"Yeah. She's-"

Brie shook her head. "Oh, I know, it makes perfect sense. I just didn't think you'd be willing to explain to your mother why you chose another woman."

I laughed. "Well, she certainly didn't love it. I'm not sure I'm done paying for it either."

Brie smiled softly. "I missed you, you know."

For a moment, I was too stunned to respond. Then I said, "Probably missed everyone."

"I don't just mean while I've been stuck here. Even while I was still queen, and you were Silas' captive. Or his sister's. Whatever. You drove me crazy, and when you were taken captive, I didn't feel as bad for you as maybe I should have. But despite that, I still missed you. Missed your touch. Your voice. Your lame sense of humor. The way you can be the most arrogant, self-impressed bastard alive and yet still somehow be capable of the kind of selfless behavior for which our kind is somewhat less than renowned."

Finally, we kissed. Tenderly, at first. But with growing intensity. And hunger. Before long, she was straddling my hips and dry humping me. My hands ran over her body, hiked up her little skirt, sought out her small but round ass.

Brianna was out of practice. And I'd grown a lot stronger since we'd last seen each other. But she hadn't forgotten how to make me cum from a mere kiss.

When I hooked a few fingers in her panties and pulled them aside, though, she sat back sharply, forcing me to withdraw my hands.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"It's just that...I was thinking about Devouring you. Just now. I mean, I seriously considered it. Really, really wanted to do it."

"Your emotions must be going crazy," I said.

"No, Frank. Fuck. Stop trying to make everything okay, will you?" she asked, throwing her hands up. "You know what stopped me? It sure as shit wasn't my conscience. I sensed how powerful you've become, and it frightened me. That's it."

"I see," I said. Though I didn't believe it was as simple as that.

Brianna slipped out of my lap. "I think you should take me to my new prison and then go. And don't come back too soon."


Though Wendy hadn't said a word in protest when I told her I had to cancel my afternoon meeting with her, I knew she wasn't likely to forgive me for it any time soon. And that was only partly because she would miss my tongue. We had a great many matters to discuss. The First Wintry Court had waited to make sure that this king was going to last more than a week before sending an ambassador, and Iva assured me that if there was one ruler worth taking more seriously than Silas, it was Daphne.

But I'd put off having this conversation with Mom for entirely too long.

As it happened, one of the minor nobles whose face I recognized but couldn't put a name to was just leaving Mom's chambers when I arrived.

"Hard at work, your majesty," Mom giggled, fanning her sweaty pussy with a bare hand.

"So I see."

"Hmm. That's a tone." She slipped out of bed, flipped her hair back, and cleaned herself up. A beige silk robe appeared from nowhere, wrapping itself around her without any help from her hands. "I've Devoured one little lordling for you, now. Still one more to go, but, technically, that's infinitely many more than when last we spoke," she said, with a smile.

"That's not what I came here to talk about," I said. Then, forcing a little warmth back into my voice, I added, "But that's good. I didn't doubt you'd eventually do as I'd asked, but it is best if that's done sooner rather than later."

"I know, I know," my mother said. She sat in front of a vanity mirror and ran a brush through her hair, though it was hardly needed. Her black mane could not have been more beautiful. "Why so serious? You're making me nervous."

I guess I hadn't adjusted my tone as much as I'd thought. "It's nothing."

"Honey, if this is just the way you're going to be all the time now that you're king-"

"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about," I said. "It doesn't have anything to do with me being king," I added. "This is personal."

"Oh," Mom said, putting her brush down. She turned around, holding the right armrest of her chair with her left hand. "Okay, so let's talk. Should I fix us a drink?"

I nodded.

"This isn't a 'yay, good news, happy time' kind of talk," she said. It wasn't a question. "Right. No frozen margaritas then." She flashed a grin at me, which I forced myself to return. But it must have been obvious that it was feigned, because Mom's sincere grin turned into a frown, and quick. "Here," she said curtly, handing me a rocks glass filled with three fingers' worth of caramel colored liquor.

I took a sip. Fine, single malt Scotch. Extra peaty. Very smoky. I took a deep, satisfied breath and exhaled slowly.

"Please tell me this isn't about rough sex. I've said all I intend to say about that."

"It's not," I said.

Mom tried the Scotch. She coughed, stuck out her tongue, and made various and egregious sounds of disgust.

Which was nothing compared to her reaction when I told her about Iva.

Everything there was to tell.

I'm not sure exactly what I said. It was almost like I wasn't really in my body at that point. Like when I divided my consciousness. If I'd forgotten to create any other bodies, that is. And had also forgotten to leave any behind in the first one. I guess it wasn't alike at all, but it was the only comparison that came to mind. Somehow or other, though, it all came out. How I'd known what she had planned for Patrick. Had given her the green light in exchange for her agreeing to stay on as Shadow. The way I wasn't sure what I felt for her, that it didn't compare to what Mom and I had, but I couldn't deny that it was something much more powerful than what I felt for anyone other than Mom.

For a long while after I finished, we sat in silence. I finished my Scotch, and Mom refreshed my glass without a word. Her own sat untouched but for that first taste.

"Well, aren't you going to say something?"

"You should have told me. A lot sooner," she replied.

"Yes, I should have," I said.

"And don't tell me it was because you've been too busy with work," she said.

"No, I know," I said. "I wasn't. I was just too cowardly to-"

"Damn right it was cowardly," she said. "And don't think that by agreeing with me you can calm me down, mister."

I tipped my glass back silently.

She picked up her glass, tossed the Scotch onto the carpet, and poured a shot of tequila into the glass in its stead. When she slammed the newly summoned bottle down, I thought for sure it would crack. The shot disappeared momentarily. Then was followed nearly as quickly by another. After she took a patient sip of her third shot, she said, "I'm not going to tell you that I wouldn't have been mad if you'd told me earlier. I would be. Because, honestly, this fucking sucks, Frank. And I shouldn't have to pretend that the only reason I'm upset is because you didn't tell me in order to also be upset about that."

"You're right," I said.

"Would you fucking say something in your defense!" Mom tossed her glass at me. I ducked my head in time to avoid it. "You're trying to make it hard for me to be angry at you, and that's no fair either."

"It's not like we're in a rela-"

"Oh, are we back to that old line, then?" she asked. "Would you perhaps like to remind me again how I once told you that it was just sex? It's been so long since I heard that."

I stared at my feet.

"Do you want to know why I Devoured your Grandpa Dick, Frank?" she asked.

Before I could get the "Yes," out of my mouth, she started to answer.

"He wanted to overthrow Kaitlin. It had been more than sixteen years since I'd talked him down from the brink the first time, when an issue I'd thought resolved flared back up. He'd grown incensed about...nevermind what he was upset about. I'd made my family swallow their objections when I married House Farrier's only remaining son. Which I did so no more lives would be lost. And I still wondered if it was worth the price."

I gestured for her to continue. Then immediately regretted it.

But, thankfully, she was too wrapped up in her story to realize that I'd given her another good reason to throw something at me.

"I'd managed it once, though," she said. "Held the whole damn court together. With my cunt. How do you like that? Mommy spread her legs, and lives were saved."

The vein in her forehead was throbbing. I forced myself not to cringe.

"So how else was I to do it again? Why, with my magical cunt, of course. So I took my father inside me, and he's never left." Mom summoned a new glass and took another shot of tequila. "I did it for you, you ungrateful little shit," she said. "My father assured me that Gus wouldn't dare lift a finger against his own children. But your father has never loved anyone the way he loves those Farrier women. Cindy most of all, maybe, but his mother only slightly less. There was no way in hell I was going to let my father gamble with your lives. So I saved Kaitlin's life, though not out of any love her. And I told her to exile Tara again. Did you know she'd come back? It was our mother that exiled her in the first place, but Kaitlin had allowed her to return. The reason you never met your aunt until recently, the aunt you've traded away like a pile of poker chips, is because I didn't want her to carry out our father's last wish."

I took a few steps towards my mother, arms outstretched to hug her. She batted them away and turned her back to me. "Aren't you glad we're opening up to each other?"

Though I thought there was a better than even chance that she'd elbow me in the ribs or kick me in the balls, I decided to try hugging my mother again anyway. To my great relief, she let me. She offered a little token resistance, but after a few moments, pulled my arms tighter around her and leaned her head back against my chest.

"I love you," I said. "I don't mean that like I did when I said it as a child."

"Frank," she said. "You could not have possibly chosen a worse time to tell me."

"I mean it. I-"

"Stop," she said. "I don't know if it would upset me more if you did mean it or if you were just saying it because I'm mad at you. But either way, keep that to yourself. You know that's not...that's just not something you should say."

I kissed the top of her head.

"I Devoured the most important man in my life in order to protect you. And now her daughter is taking you away from me. I wish I hadn't stopped him."

"She's not," I said. "No one's taking me away from you."

"What about your blushing bride to be?"

I didn't respond.

"Between those two, and let's not forget Wendy, I'm never going to see you."

"I'll stop-"

Mom sighed. "It's not that. I don't care you if you never stick another finger or tongue inside Wendy. She's still going to get more of your time and attention than I will."

She snapped her fingers and handed me the envelope that appeared.

With my mouth and one hand, I pulled the letter out. It hardly said anything. Some Bobby character wanted her to travel to the First Wintry Court to speak with him. Wouldn't say why, but he swore it was something she'd want to hear.

"Pretty cryptic," I said. "You can't-"

"I'm going," she said.

I started to argue, but thought better of it. "When?"

"Tomorrow," she said. "As of now."

Those three words cut deep. She hadn't decided how to respond.

But I knew I couldn't talk her out of it. "When will you return?"

"I don't know," she said.

Without a word, I led her over to the bed and stripped her robe off.

For a while, I simply studied her magnificent form. I'd never quite gotten my mind to accept that she was built the way she was, and half the time I looked at her, I felt as if I was seeing her for the first time. Except, for all I knew, this was going to be the last time.

The only visible hair on her body was a well-trimmed triangle over her little kitten. The black curls were cut close against her body, and didn't obstruct my view of her swollen, pink lips in the least. Her clitoris had not yet decided that it was ready to join the party. Her labia were thick and puffy, begging to be sucked.

As fascinated as I was by what was between her legs, and I was fascinated, I couldn't deny my eyes the pleasure of thoroughly drinking in the rest of her divine beauty one last time before letting her go. She did not have the kind of body women's magazines glorified. Rather, she personified an older conception of beauty, the kind that one found in fertility statues. Her hips were broad and rounded and her waist impossibly narrow in relation to them. A glass tube filled with sand that had her proportions would be better suited to marking the passage of an afternoon than an hour.

Her thighs were full and soft, thick near the top, thin near the knees. The heads of her quadriceps were faintly visible. Her calves were sharply curved, her ankles far more delicate and her feet more slender than one would expect after looking at her thighs. Thick as they were, those thighs should have invited comparison to cottage cheese rather than marble, but her skin was impossibly smooth and fair, entirely free of dimpling, cellulite, shaving nicks, birth marks, or any imperfection.

Then there were her breasts. They hung past the bottom of her ribcage, but they were still reasonably firm. They were round, the sides of them pressing against the insides of her elbows and the lower part of her biceps, rather than droopy, as breasts that large often were. Her nipples pointed out at me, not down at the floor. They were thick and puffy, even when fully engorged. As they were now. They had turned from their usual medium pink to a darker pink that was nearly brown. Her areola were as nearly wide across as my palms. On a smaller pair of breasts, that would have looked freakish. But as large as my mother's breasts were, the dark circles were still small islands in a pale sea.

Even if I hadn't noticed the swelling of her labia, the way her clitoris was just starting to peak out from under its hood, or the darkening of her nipples, I'd have known she was every bit as aroused as I was. Her Libido pulsed steadily, like a beating heart. It wasn't exactly heat that emanated from her. I was sure that I would in fact soon discover that her skin was largely cool to the touch, save in a few choice places. But there was no better way to explain how it felt than to liken it to standing before a fire.

At last, I raised my eyes up to meet her own, noticing along the way that her lower lip trembled with anticipation. My mother's eyes were big and round, rather than almond shaped. The deep brown of her irises contrasted nearly as sharply with her pale skin as with the whites of her eyes. The same went for the forest of long lashes, the generous amount of dark eyeliner and eye-shadow that she wore, and her dark eyebrows. Though her brows were nearly as wide across as the tip of a finger at their widest point, they were not bushy.

I'd often thought her face a bit too soft, her nose a bit too broad, the set of her mouth almost sad. And I had to admit I still did think so, to some extent. I couldn't in all honesty say she was as pretty as even Natalie or Iva, let alone Brianna. But it was only in comparison to those supernatural beauties that she came up short. If I'd never had the misfortune of laying eyes on those other women, women who could never hold the same power over me that my mother did, I'd have thought her the prettiest women I'd ever seen.

"Frank," she moaned. One hand twitched, looking as though it wanted to guide me to her. But it fell back to her side.

It made no difference. Simply hearing the longing in her voice, seeing in her eyes and feeling in her Libido the truth of that desire, was enough to beckon me forward.

My movements were slow, precise, and confident. I knew how it excited her to see the animal in me come out. But I wanted to savor this. There'd be time enough to submit to my primal urges later. Until then, control was the name of the game.

Mom hardly spoke. I wasn't sure what there was left to say anyway. But her body told me nearly everything I needed to know, with her powerful Libido filling in the gaps.

I'd not yet had the pleasure of taking either her breasts or her womanhood in my mouth when her first orgasm overtook her.

My lips formed a seal around a gently protruding hip bone. Perhaps I used a little energy to heighten her sensitivity, allowed the lightest sparks of the blue bolts of ecstasy to accompany the strokes of my tongue. But I thought it likely that she would have climaxed anyway, even though it might have taken a little longer to get her there.

At any rate, that first orgasm was a modest affair. The very fact that she'd cum before I'd gotten past her hips aroused us both further, but that's about all it did.

When I went to work on her breasts, however, that changed. With one of her nipples rolling back and forth between my fingers and the other helpless before my lips and tongue, Mom experienced a second, moreTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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brother AND sister

VOYEURISM AND DISCOVERYAllan Meyers had just arrived home from the local community college that afternoon. When he entered his home he heard voices coming from the kitchen. He assumed that his 18 year old sister had brought a friend home with her. His sister Bonnie attended a private high school and sometimes she would have a girlfriend over after school. There was also the smell of popcorn coming from the kitchen. Allan heard the voices again but this time they sounded like male voices. Bonnie...

4 years ago
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I am Not Gay Really

Jake had invited me to his club to play tennis one Saturday and after completely dominating me we sat down in the men's grill to have a couple of drinks. Jake is a nice enough guy, but all he talks about are women and sex. Jake's wife is very attractive and more than ten years his junior, but he still can't stop talking about other women. We finally stopped sweating and headed to the shower room to clean up and head home. I undressed in the locker room, wrapped a towel around my waist and...

2 years ago
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A Love Letter

‘I was swept away, with nothing left to say, some helpless fool, I was lost.’ The music blared across the room, carrying with it an ache of fond remembrance. The room was paneled in azure hues, bed, curtains, pictures and even the walls hinted of blue in all of it’s shades. Even the look in his eyes was reminiscent of blue. His fingers danced across the keyboard with a rhythm that matched his swiftly beating heart, matching his thoughts. Was he saying the right words, spelling them out...

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The Love of Being Jennifer

The joy of being Jennifer By ZeDD I found the panties in a strange curio shop down by the dock. I was looking around and there they were, shocking me into excitement with its lace trim, satin sheen and pale pink color. They weren't the sexiest pair of panties I'd seen, but then wearing the sexiest pair of panties isn't exactly the most comfortable thing in the world. I prefer the kind where the whole ass is covered in satin. If I had a slut, and wanted to spank her, I'd lift up...

3 years ago
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Working late night

It was turning 8pm and the boss had a few employees working late including his secretary. She was a cute 20 something year old with fiery red hair, slender legs, a nice round buttocks and a perfectly sized pair of tits. She started to get fed up and was ready to go home and had planned to run herself a warm bath to relax in and play with herself to relieve some tension. As she walked towards her bosses door she realised his blinds were closed. Looking around to check no one was close she peered...

Straight Sex
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Two Hot DaughtersChapter 8

Just moments after Diane disappeared around the front of the house, Anita and Rick nearly jumped out of their naked skin when they heard someone open the back door. They didn't even have time to react before they heard Chuck cry out. "Hey, Rick? Could borrow your car to- holy shit!" Hearing who it was, Anita relaxed. But Rick still reached up toward the couch, and pulled the afghan down to cover his naked sister. It didn't help, though, as Chuck strode into the room and then stopped...

3 years ago
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It All Strarted With Hello

Another bit of fiction I wrote for my wife. Anyone who has read my other stories should have by now worked out that the two main characters in them Mike and Hazel are actually me and my sexy wife.IT ALL STARTED WITH “HELLO” My life in the small block of retirement flats in Bangor North Wales was pretty good. I had most everything a single, retired guy could want. I was close to the shops, a short walk to the nearest pub and next to the flats was a small park, ideal for sitting out when the...

4 years ago
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Love You Harini

My name is Sameer I’m a big fan of this site. I’d like to share one of my experiences with my colleague. Let me give you a little background of things. I work in one of the top IT companies of India and has a huge campus in Delhi NCR. My dream of getting laid while in college couldn’t be accomplished and I’m always thirsty to finish off that goal. Although I’ve had a steady girl friend in college she would only let me do basic stuff like kissing, hugging etc. I wouldn’t even get to base to. I...

2 years ago
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Quick Slick Wank

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Message begins:"Hiya, lad. It's me. I said I'd call and leave you a message...I feel really embarrassed now, just talking to nothing but your ears (even though your ears aren't there). But remember, I said that next time I left you a message, you'd need a cookie and some lube?Okay, with the cookie, you need to put it next to you, because you're going to need it later. And you're going to need to get...

2 years ago
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My Married Mallu Neighbour Parvathy

My name is Sandeep and I am working as an analyst/consultant. Since I was a native of Kerala, I was deputed to Kerala by my company to analyze the operations of a client and come up with changes to improve their operations. Since it was a 3-6 month long project, they got me a 1 BHK apartment. There were 3 apartments on my floor and mine was at the end. One was occupied by a family of 4 and the other by a couple. I didn’t give much thought to the neighbours as they all were families and I was a...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Helping Neighbor

Yesterday I had gotten most of the large yard mowed and I had filled in a lot of holes I had created when I had previously removed rocks that protruded above the sod line. Today I was taking it at a much slower pace. The temperature yesterday was bad enough, but today it was almost unbearable. The sun was hotter than I could handle so I opted to work in the garage. My desire was to discard all the unused garbage that, at some point in the past, I just knew I would be using so I saved them.I had...

Straight Sex
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Lust Potion 69

"Lust Potion 69" by J.R Parz I When Jason first strolled into this 'Spells R Us' shop, he didn't question this sudden compulsion to enter. Two things should have occurred to him, but didn't. First, he was in this mall last week and he thought it strange he hadn't noticed it before. Surely a store with a name like this would capture his attention. Second, why did he feel this overwhelming need to enter? Jason entered the store and began looking around. Most of the items...

4 years ago
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Bus Saraf Mai Tagda Lund Mila

Hi friends, I am back with new real Indian sex story of my ass fucking.. Sahil bade lund ka deewana.. ..Jin dosto ke lund bahut bade aur mote hai.. Vo sab mere liye anmol hai.. Aap logo ka mujhe acha response mila.. Aapne meri real stories padi aur like kiya aur apne views diye aur aur kuch dosto ne meri stori pad kar meri meri gand marne ki iccha jahir ki.. Aur jinke lund 8” se 11” tak lekar the mai sabse gand marwai… Thanks friends aapne meri gand ko itna like kiya.. Hope aapko meri ye real...

3 years ago
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The Love Table

I wanna love you what do you mean, you already love me and I slept. I didn’t get a message then I wanna make love to you. I had told her, there is a difference, still I starve that one day, she expresses what she want to do. It makes me a complete different person, for every word she utters. It was so cold at my home and I saw her last message early morning. I so much wanted her to know how I made love to her the last time. I just wished, she wrote those lines in her first message. It’s...

3 years ago
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The Bully Stole My Mom

Please leaver your comments and also please write your feedback on this sex story to En peru raja age 19, en appa foreign la vela seiraru, Ipo chennai la nanum enga amma vum matum than irukom, En amma peru Devi pakurathuku actress Swathi Varma mari irupanga, age is 39. // Ena oru payan collge la romba kindal pani asinga paduthite irupan. Oru naal avan ena kindal panapa na avana thitune athuku avan ena palaru palaru adichitan na aluthuten. Ithu na enga amma kita sona pa avanga college la...

3 years ago
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BBW Curious II Coffee with Leah

It’s been a little over three weeks since my steamy encounter with Leah. In that time, I just seem to keep playing the mind fuck tapes of that night in my head. I realize I certainly surprised myself in many ways that night. One, I never thought I would be so turned on by what one would consider a plump/full figured woman- Two, I never had an experience that brought out such raw uncontrollable passion, and three, I cant believe I don’t even feel guilty about cheating on Sarah with her roommate....

2 years ago
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Las Vegas BBC part 2

Up on to the bed I straddled his face and took him back into my mouth. Taking in his sent was driving me wild, I cupped his balls and started to suck him with all I had. I was hungry for him and he knew it. His hips were thrusting up to meet my mouth and his tongue was thrusting in and out of my hole. I could feel it curling and lapping inside me and useing it like he would his cock. My husband had come back now with some well needed drinks and handed me mind. I sliped my body off James for a...

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Black Rod

Part 1. Hi my name is, well, Rod. I am of afro-Caribbean origin. I am six foot seven inches tall, an ex-basketball player, now retired and living in London. My weight is around eighty six kilos. I am fifty four years old. Not married, but have had a few female ‘friends,’ no one regular and no one in particular at the moment. As I mentioned, I live in London, actually, in the suburbs of London, in a sleepy village and my house is located in a small cul-de-sac with just six houses in it. I am...

Straight Sex
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Sexy Short Ethan Lana

Ethan Garson passed the hallway of his small budget hotel room. He was waiting quite impatiently for a first time meeting with a beautiful woman. He was in LA on business, and just happen to get a hotel room next to this girl. He had been talking to her online since the last time he was in LA. He was in a better room back then. His company has acted like the inflation wasn’t happening and still set the room budget for $100. Obviously, this time he had to settle for something less. This meeting...

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Wedding Dresses

My name is Jason. I am 24 years old and work as an apprentice with a pretty good photographer called William. As well as his normal weddings and portraits, William does photo shoots for clothing and product brochures, and other similar projects. William charges a lot of money for the brochure shoots but offers the guarantee that if his work is not to the customers liking he will retake the pictures for free. I have worked with William for nearly 3 years and so far he has never had an...

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My experience with Usha 2

After saying this she grabbed my penis and started massaging it. I was now ready to do anything with Usha and my penis also was erect for the same reason. Usha saw in my eyes and she knew by now that I was ready for sex. She took my penis into her mouth and she started licking and sucking it. I felt like I was in heaven as what I had always imagined was now coming to be true and I was happy that Usha was also ready for it. But there was still a thought that why Usha was doing all this and...

1 year ago
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Marine Corps Tale of all Tails The Pool Party

Early the following morning, Tom was the first to force his eyelids open. The first thing his eyes saw was the heavenly beauty sleeping soundly to his left. Justin was fast asleep on his left side and as Tom slid his body upright, the covers inched themselves from Justin’s perfect tight body to the point that Tom’s eyes fell on Justin’s bare ass. Tom simply couldn’t resist to steal the opportunity for a quick whiff of Justin’s exposed little bung hole, so he inched his body downwards until he...

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One night with mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start by telling you a little about my family. its just my mom, my sister and me, my dad left when i was young. my mom never really seemed to care that there was no man in her life. I am 18 and built like the average guy 5'11, brown hair and eyes, and about 190 pounds. my mom is about 5'6, brownish blonde hair, brown eyes and close to 130 pounds. Anyway, one night around 7 pm my sister left to spend the night with a friend like she normally...

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My First Attempt

My First Attempt at Masturbation     I went to many websites to look at what I was about to do. You know, the usual stuff how to do it and what to expect. After many websites I finally found one that explained everything clearly. It told you various way and means of doing it. With that information in mind, I looked at some images to remember while pleasuring myself. Basically, I looked at porn pictures. With all this in mind, I turned off my computer and headed to bed.   I gathered...

1 year ago
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But Daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! "But, Daddy....!" Young Jessica wailed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Shut the fuck up, you little bitch! I've got something right here to stop up that big mouth of yours." I replied. I quickly hauled her down onto her knees in front of my chair. I yanked my belt open and shoved my trousers and shorts down to my ankles. Grasping my semi-erect prick in one hand, I caught hold of my daughter and pulled her face toward its raunchy, bulbous head. With my...

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Sams HoppingChapter 4

“You know, Tom, I hadn’t thought about going to the Guild for legal help. I thought we would need to get a lawyer on our own, and that’s expensive.” “I know, Sam. This is the first time I needed the Guild’s legal assistance, but I have friends, who consulted them in the past. The Guild’s lawyers are some of the best in the legal profession and very few lawyers want to confront them. Especially, when their client is in the wrong as Herman is in this matter.” “What do you think is going to...

4 years ago
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My story Part 6 Marriage as a male disaste

Marriage as a “Male” disaster At a stage in my life I have doubts that I had a problem of being such a slut and wanting to be a women. So I decided to stop and try be normal, for sometime I could overcome my desires and so on. And thought I was cured, but actually it was all an illusion. So I decided to get married and try to live a normal live. After sometime I got married to lovely decent lady that I really liked. But it was not love or anything of that. We got married after half a year. My...

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Sex With Ezinne Again

After her birthday party on Tuesday, I found out that all my thoughts through out the rest of the week was all about my friend's wife Ezinne. Each time I think about our sexcapades, I always had a big erection. It occurred to me that I've never enjoyed sex so well as I have with my friend Chike's wife Ezinne. On Friday afternoon when I knew that she will be at her place of work, I placed a call through to her. When she picked up, I told her that I really need to fuck her silly, she laughed into...

2 years ago
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guy nails hot busty babe at summer BBQ

Invited to a summer BBQ at my friend Suzy’s house, I probably would have taken a pass if not for an inkling that a voluptuous woman, whom I briefly met a year and a half ago, would be there. Randi and I flirted a bit and made meaningful eye contact, but she lived out of town. However, I created an indelible picture of her in my mind, and she also had a very wonderful and soft scent. I got horny just thinking about Randi, and I whacked off many a time with visions of her huge tits smothering my...

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watchin wife being slut part 2

ill tell u whot happend the rest ov day in brum with my ex wife we came out ov pictures with the 2 guys and they said lets go in the pub on corner we went in pub and they got us a drink and we sat down and said there names were phil and dave seeme realy strange theyed tina had just given them both a blow job and theyed made her cum a few times and we dident even no there names phil said he was 45 i new tina liket him she said hed got realy big cock dave was 60 they were chaten 4 a while tellin...

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No Control

No ControlI'm not sure what's going on right now. He called in to work today and told them he wouldn't be in. He hardly ever does that. But there is something different about him today. Something intense. When I cross his path and he looks at me, it is with a hot look that seers me to the core.Something is about to happen...It scares me a bit. Makes me feel a little anxious.But the excitement is building. By mid-afternoon the tension is so strong I'm ready scream. I turn to take the laundry to...

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MilfTrip Brandi Love Pornstar Interview Gets Hot And Nasty

Turns out, Brandi Love Pornstar needs a personal assistant. Of course, this job requires special qualifications. First, do everything she says. Secondly, make her hot mom pussy cum with your mouth and cock. Actually, that is a position everyone would want. Not to mention, all the positions you would find yourself in on the job. No doubt, this is a dream job for all fans of this busty milf sensation. However, pleasing her is at the top of her list of obligations. So, how did our boy Chuck fare...

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Weekend with cousin Kara

Last summer, both my parents and my cousin Kara's parents decided to go on a camping trip for the weekend. Since my aunt and uncle did not trust Kara to stay on her own, they asked me to watch over her for the weekend. For my troubles they gave me $100 for the weekend. Kara and I got along very well. Since I was older than her by 3 years she has always looked up to me. Ever since we were younger she was always like a lost puppy following me where ever I went. Although she is a little bit older...

3 years ago
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Summer With My Granddaughter Series Ending Part

Our stay in Watson Lake was the last night of Mother Nature’s curse for Kristy and I was sure looking forward to our stop at Lairds Hot Springs. A relaxing soak in the warm pools and the later activities that I had planned were sure to get my juices flowing. We could re-introduce ourselves and get down to some good ol’ wholesome sex and I think she was as anxious as I was. We stopped well before the sun went down as we needed to get some groceries and supplies for the coming week and...

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Hooked Up Neighbor For My Wife 8211 Part 3

Next early morning Ranveer got up and left. He did not kiss my wife. I sighed a relief. My wife got up around 8 am. She laid in bed for half an hour. She looked relax. I was surprised to see that she did not have tears in her eyes. With heavy heart I took Volvo for Pune. When I reached home, my wife welcomed me with a smile and a kiss on my cheek! This happened after a long time! I also kissed her and said I missed her. She said she also missed me. I watched her whole afternoon and could see a...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 14 The Township of Futura

Since they had learnt that the locals called the planet Utopia, they decided to name their township Futura instead. No one was happier than Sean was when the crew moved into the dome. He wasn’t really big on screwing his love in a tent full of smelly crewmembers. Every time they tried to sneak off, someone either found them or called them. It had been a long, very frustrating two weeks for Sean and Lee. The members of the crew that had loved ones back on the ship had all managed several...

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NubileFilms Kate Rich Almost There

Kate Rich loves the way Jason X fills out his wifebeater as he cleans her windows. She watches him from inside the house wearing only a lingerie bra and g-string panties. Jason doesn’t see Kate at first, but she makes sure he knows she’s there as she presses her ass against the glass and beckons him to join her inside. Always obedient to such a sexy whim, Jason follows Kate to the bedroom where he presses his hot palm to her pussy over the top of her peekaboo underwear. His other...

4 years ago
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Another Night with My Beer Buddy

I could feel the drops of sweat landing on my back as Tony plowed his cock deep inside of me. I had sucked him off earlier and knew that this would be a nice, long fuck. Despite the coolness of the basement, Tony was hot from the effort of pumping his cock in and out of me. The drops of sweat reminded me of the burn of candle wax that he loved to drip on me occasionally, especially down my balls and across my perineum. I moaned with each thrust, loving the feeling of him inside of me. He...

Gay Male
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Going Home

Although this story may stand alone, you might want to read The Return Trip parts 1 & 2 to see how April and Jimmy got to this place in their life Going Home Horse and April had just had the best weekend of their life. Jack and Peggy had shown them so much and brought out their own perversions. Ones they had fantasized about concerning each other. But now their thoughts were on better things waiting at home. Still being summer made their plan even better and hopefully easier to pull...

2 years ago
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Perfect WishesChapter 3 The Discovering

I went back upstairs and reached out with my mind. The boys were still watching MTV and they were both trying real hard to ignore the fact that they each had homework they were ignoring. I explored their beliefs about school and education and found that they believed pretty much the same as I had at their age. School was mainly a social function and classes were a waste of time. The stuff they were learning was useless as far as they were concerned. School wasn't so much difficult as it was...

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TMWPOV Nata Ocean Hungry and horny

Petite baby Nata Ocean decides to order a food delivery. She doesn’t have enough money, but she has an idea how to get the food for free. When the deliveryman comes to her finally, Nata tells him that she has no enough money for food, but she is ready to show him what she is wearing as a payment. This payment method suits the deliveryman, so Nata takes off her bra and lets her breasts be touched. Then she sucks his cock and gives him one of the best experiences in food delivery history by...

5 years ago
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convinced to try

I coudnt believe themits true i was smaller and had no hair , but i had my own swimsuit''i dont care, its my pool my rules''''get this on or go home Alex''both big black guys from my school wanting me to wear a white bikini with bright blueu polka dotswe were drunk back from a party, mike and jay acting weird recentlyI knew them since the start of college, nothing would have let me think one day id be turn into a bitch until that nighthis mom away, the house and pool all to ourselvestaking the...

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Lockdown surprise part two

having just fucked julies daughter and now totally drained for want of a better word, i said that i didn't even know your name ? she said you can call me Zoe, Is that your real name i asked ? of course not she said , but it's one i use with bedmates !! , she when onto add like you call my mum " julie " thats not her real name , but for this activity it will do, i was a bit confused in that moment but thought WTF , this is a golden oppertunity so just go with the flow, anyway the " ladies "...

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my older sister sydney

:: you ready to go yet honey? mom said as she knocked on the bathroom door, HOLD ON PLEASE IM ALMOST FINISHED WASHING UP!! well hurry up, your sisters plane is going to land in 30 minutes! JUST GO GET HER WITHOUT ME! GOD DAMMIT CHRIS YOUR COMING TO THE ARPORT OR ILL PUT THE PARENTAL LOCKS BACK ON YOUR COMPUTER! NO!! i screamed as i jumped out of the shower. i rushed down the stairs out the door and lept onto the car being as dramatic as i possibly could, after a look of pure...

4 years ago
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Lone Pirate

My name is Michael Brent Mason and I was born on a large farm. The problem was it was on Barburas, which is a pirate world. So my dad taught me how to fight and shoot, he also taught me about piloting and engineering which was what he had been. He had a secret that he shared with me when I was eighteen and ready to leave. When he was a pirate many years before there had been an old alien space wreck. They had checked it more because they were bored than anything else. Anyway dad had found a...

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Dawns Life

Hello. I plan this as a place I can scribble out various tales about a character I have mostly written about since creative writing classes in high school. I'm fairly attached to her at this point so don't expect anything too painful to happen to her. I make no promises about my writing schedule or the arcs I'll follow here, I'm just free writing. A quick description of Dawn. She is a petite woman around 5 feet even and generally weighs around 110-120 lbs. She sports a perky pair of b-cup...

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XMen The Ice Queen Cometh

This is an X-Men fan fiction, inspired from the comic book and not the movie. The Ice Queen Cometh By Morpheus It was a calm, peaceful morning, with a layer of fog blanketing the green hills and farmer's fields. There were large clusters of trees in the distance, nearly appearing to sprout straight out of the mist itself. And then there were several farm houses and barns nearby as well, though not a human in sight. Suddenly, a strange whining hum broke the silence,...

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Only Time I Was Caught Masturbating Ever

This is an account of the one and only time I was caught masturbating.I was 15 and it was the summer between 10th and 11th grade.My best friend at that time, Jeff, were in school bands together and inseparable running mates for several years. We both had paper-routes, loved riding our bikes - all the typical stuff youngsters do at that age.His family lived near mine so we'd do overnights at each other's house fairly often. His dad flew for the Air force and would be gone quite a bit but his mom...

2 years ago
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Who hasn't heard of Cam 4 yet? Do you often find yourself searching for that perfect amateur video when beating your dick because it reminds you of the time you were happy and horny with your bitch-of-an-ex girlfriend? Do you lust for something real and unfiltered that doesn’t look like two mounds of surgically-enhanced flesh going at it in front of a high-tech HD camera? Are you yearning for something rugged and raw, that doesn’t look like it’s been filmed in front of a live audience? Then...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Vengeance 8

“Your father, sisters and I are heading to Liz’s,” my mom said. Liz was an old family friend who lived in Rochester. She had two daughters about my sister’s ages, and was probably my mom’s best friend. Her husband apparently entertained my dad enough for him to go also. I hated her, her daughters were brats. I had long since refused to attend her annual fourth of July party because there was nothing for me to do in a strange house an hour away there and therefore no reason to go. I...

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My wifes first big black cock part 1

Its been a while since I first discovered my wife, Kay, in the arms of one of our African American neighbors, she wasn't too happy with me since we moved from the big city to a small urban neighborhood. Money was tight and it was just something we had to do. I can still remember the day, we were just unpacking the moving van when I noticed our neighbor standing on the front porch of his house looking our way. He slowly walked over and introduced himself. His name was Bobby, he was 6'3', 210...

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Hi would like to tell you about the first time i had some cock.i was at a party with some friends had way to much to drink and fell asl**p in the chair must have been after 2am when i woke i could see aguy sitting in a chair with what i thought was a woman sitting between his legs.I thought get in a bj,so i didnt let on i was awake and just watched.He must have been close has it didnt take long befor he shot his load,it was only then irealised it was a man doing the sucking.I waited for them to...

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My wife took his virginity

My wife took his virginity. I have written here and elsewhere, about the fact that my wife likes exposing herself to me, and occasionally to others. This took place one night, which started off as a normal Saturday night in a pub, in the town where we lived at the time, which was within easy walking distance of our home. The pub we were in was one of a well known chain of Irish pubs. We always liked the atmosphere there, and used it quite frequently. This evening was the same as usual, until a...

Wife Lovers
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Padosan Bhabhi Ko Jamkar Thoka Part 7

Hi, girls, aunties, bhabhis First of all, i would like to thanks to all your lovely comments… Main unn sab bhabhiyo ko aunties aur ladkiyon ko thanks kehna cahata hun jinhoney merey ko meri e-mail id par apney comments bhejey aur apni sex problems share ki…. Thanks for all the nasty chat girls…. And sorry for my fans jinsey main kaam ki wajha sey itney din dur raha Yeh meri kahani ka seventh part hai so please pasand aye toh mujhey pehley ki tarha mail karna mat bhulna meri id hai ; ; ; Mera...

2 years ago
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BBQ Time

The summer sun was glowing. It was the BBQ season, with plenty of invites from all the BBQs happening in the gardens around where I live. Each one, an opportunity to have some drinks, relax, chat and enjoy the company of others that I may not have spoken to before.A couple I had known for a few years, Sue and Dave were having a gathering at theirs in the afternoon and I decided to invite my friend Julia along as she was always good fun, very flirty, loved a good party, and if I got horny then...

Oral Sex
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Jane Revisited

I've lived in London now for years, but I return to Adelaide regularly for work. In 2018, I was back there for longer than expected. I wondered if Jane still had the same number so I texted her and asked if she wanted to meet for a coffee. She replied within the hour, and we agreed to meet the next day.Now, I admit, there is a certain fetish; wondering how a woman you fucked years ago, now looks. I was really curious. I was 54 at that time, and Jane would be about to turn 64. (We had been 32...

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