Jackie's First Anal free porn video

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By: DamonX ([email protected])

I don't quite remember when I started to become attracted to Jackie.
When she first moved in, she was just another roommate, and I figured
she'd be gone in a few months. But as the months wore on, we began
hanging out quite a bit. That is, whenever her extremely jealous
boyfriend wasn't around. She wasn't the best looking girl in the
world. Then again, she wasn't exactly ugly either. But it was those
legs that first got me. She was getting ready to go out jogging one
day and I caught a glimpse of those fine muscular stems. They were
tanned and well defined and right away, I wanted them wrapped around
me. And I knew she was attracted to me too. I saw the way she looked
at me when she saw me come out of the shower wearing just a towel. Our
harmless conversation soon turned to flirting, and before I knew it, we
hanging out every night.

We remained only friends, however, and I was even demoted from that
position whenever Johnathan, her significant other, came for a visit.
I didn't like him and I knew he didn't like me. He was a snobby
arrogant prick, and I really couldn't see what Jackie saw in him. He
was the kind of guy that would want to stay home on weekends and watch
reruns of "Law and Order" on TV. She was the kind of girl that you
could take to a bar to drink beer and watch the game. She was very
athletic, and I think that made me even more attracted to her. I
couldn't help but stare whenever she came back from the gym in her
little sports bra, glistening with sweat. I knew she noticed me
checking her out, but she never said anything.

One night the two of us were sitting around watching TV, when Jackie
suggested we open a bottle of wine that she had been saving since
Christmas. I wasn't much of a wine drinker, but I accepted out of
courtesy. After a few glasses, the topic of conversation turned to
sex, as it often does when alcohol is involved. We shared a few past
experiences, although Jackie was doing most of the asking.

"So, Jackie." I said, taking another sip of wine. "What is your wildest

She let out a laugh.

"Wildest fantasy??" she asked. "What kind of question is that?"

"Come on." I replied. "You have to have something buried deep down
inside that you want to let out. Let's hear it."

"Well... there is one thing..."

I sat patiently waiting.

"No!" she said finally. "I can't say. It's embarrassing!"

"Oh, come on! How bad can it be? Believe me. If it's that dirty, I've
probably done it."

Jackie let out a laugh and refilled her wine glass. I was staring at
her. The alcohol was starring to get to me and she was looking better
and better. She was only wearing a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt,
but somehow, she still looked sexy.

"Okay!" she said finally. "You'll probably just badger me until I tell
you anyway, so I might as well just say it."

"Well," I said. "I'm waiting."

"I...I want to try it... you know. From behind."

"You mean doggie style?? That's your big fantasy?"

"No!" She cut me off. "In the other place. You know... The back door."

My dick went hard almost instantly. I was speechless.

"Really?" I stammered.

Usually I had to beg girls into letting me do them in the ass, and here
was one that actually wanted it!


Jackie was blushing a deep shade of red.

"So.. Why don't you do it? I asked.

She took another large swig of wine.

"Johnathan thinks it's gross."

"That figures," I muttered under my breath.

"Every time it gets mentioned he rants about how perverted it is."

"Well that's the point!" I said with a grin.

"Have you done it?" she asked.

"Oh yeah. I love it. I'd fuck every girl in the ass if I could."



"So you must be pretty good at it then huh?"

I was surprised at how curious she was.

"I guess so."

"Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes. If you go too fast, or if you don't use enough lube."

"Well, aren't you just the anal sex expert!" Jackie said sarcastically.

"I do what I can." I replied with a smile, before draining the last of
my wine. "So if you ever need a lesson..."

"You perv!" she said, punching me in the shoulder.

"Hey," I replied. "You're the one that wants a dick in your ass. Not

We both had a bit of laugh, before she put her glass down.

"I think it's time for bed." Jackie said, as she stood up.

"Sweet dreams," I replied as she walked to her room.

* *

The next day I kept thinking about our conversation from the day before.
I would have never thought Jackie was the kind of girl that would want
it in the ass, although the thought of her doing it turned me on to no

I didn't see her the entire day, until she came back from work and
started to get ready. it was Friday and that meant she was going to go
to Jonathan's place for the night. I wanted to tell her that I felt
sorry for her, but I decided to keep my comments to myself. She
didn't say much either. I think she was still a little embarrassed
about what she had told me the night before. Either way, I was in for
a lonely night alone watching porn and jerking off while Jackie would
be watching her loser boyfriend play scrabble on the internet.

She said a quick "Bye" and hurried out the door. I sat back and tuned
on the TV. A few minutes later I was asleep.

I woke a few hours later, and looked at the clock. It was 1:00am! I
wondered how I could have slept for so long. Shaking my head, I got up
to go brush my teeth. I then staggered to my room and crashed into my
bed trying to get back to sleep. I watched the clock and the time
drifted by. There was no way I was getting to sleep now. I tossed and
turned but it was no use.

Suddenly I heard the front door open and close. "Jackie?" I thought to
myself. Why was she home so early? She usually stayed the night at
Jonathan's place.

I listened as she walked round the apartment for a while. I wondered
what she was doing.

Then there was a soft tap at my bedroom door.

"Damon," she whispered. "Are you awake?"

She pushed the door open a crack.

"Yeah, it's okay." I replied. "You can come in."

She walked in and closed the door behind her. I could see the
silhouette of her body moving across my bedroom as my eyes adjusted to
the darkness once again.

She sat at the end of my bed, and I sat up.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, starting to get little concerned.

"Yeah, everything's fine."

I could tell she had been drinking a little bit.

"So what's up?" I asked.

She just sat there quietly. She was wearing the same sweat pants that
she wore the night before along with a tiny little t-shirt with a happy
face on it.

She turned and looked at me.

"Remember our conversation last night?" she asked.

"Of course. How could I forget?"

"Well, I've been thinking..."


"I want to do it."

"You mean..."

"Yes. I want you to fuck me in the ass."

My mouth dropped open.

"But what about..."



"Right now I don't really care."

I was surprised at her bluntness, but I certainly wasn't complaining.

"Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"Kind of. I told him that I wanted to try it in the butt, and we got in
this big argument. I felt so embarrassed, I had to leave."

I just sat there trying to take in this sudden turn of events.

"It's not like I'll be cheating!" she said suddenly. "I mean... We
don't have to kiss or anything. I just really need to try this."

"Not cheating?" I thought to myself. I wasn't about to argue, but if my
girlfriend let some guy stick it in her ass, I'd think otherwise.

"So what do you say?" she asked with a cute little smile. "Will you be
my teacher?"

It didn't take me long to answer.

"Of course I will."

"Good. So how do we start?"

I was still a little shocked.

"Ummm, I guess first we have to get these off." I said reaching over and
inching down the waistband of her sweatpants.

Jackie pulled her feet up on to the bed and helped me slide her pants
down those smooth tanned legs. damn she looked cute. Sitting there
wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of panties. I couldn't resist. I
leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her thigh. I felt a shiver go
through her body, and looked up to see her smiling down at me. I
brought my face up to hers, but she stopped me.

"Uh uh," she said quietly. "No kissing."

I nodded and went back to her legs. First I kissed the inside of her
thigh, and then the outside, moving around to her hip. I pulled a
corner of her panties down and kissed her there, before coaxing her
onto her stomach. Jackie sighed as she rolled over. I ran my tongue
in small circles around her lower back, before moving down to her ass.
I planted gentle, wet kisses along the areas of skin that were
uncovered, before running my tongue along the fabric of her panties.

Jackie moaned quietly as my tongue traced its way along the crack of her
firm, muscular ass. I then took her panties and began pulling them
off. She raised her hips off the bed and I slid them down her legs. I
was now staring at her perfect ass, lying on my bed. I lowered my head
again and kissed her at the beginning of her crack. She let out a soft
giggle and I continued. Back and forth I moved from one cheek to the
other, kissing and licking her soft skin, getting closer and closer to
my final destination.

"Move up," I said, pulling her hips up off the bed.

Jackie raised herself up to her hands and knees, making her ass look
even more irresistible. Gently, I pried apart her taut cheeks. I
could see her cute little pink asshole staring back at me. Like the
rest of her body, it was perfect.

I ran my tongue along one cheek and down into her crack moving

"Damon..." she started to say.

Her words were cut short, however, as my tongue flicked across her

"Oh my god." she moaned.

I knew she liked it and I was willing to give her more.

I teased her a little, by licking around her tight little hole, but
never actually touching it. I knew it would drive her crazy.

"Don't tease me." she said in a cute little voice.

Jackie almost collapsed with pleasure as my tongue touched her tiny pink
bull's-eye again. I stabbed at it with my tongue, trying to wiggle my
way inside but her ass was too tight.

"Relax," I said.

I then resorted to swiping her butt hole with my tongue, wetting it with
saliva with each pass.

"That feels so good," she moaned.

When her ass was nice and wet, I pushed my face right into her. I
planted a deep kiss on her butt hole and forced my tongue inside her.
My lips were massaging her outer rim as my tongue wriggled inside her
like a snake. I then straightened my tongue and started sliding it in
and out. I was actually tongue fucking my roommate's asshole!

When Jackie was nice and loosened up, I began to massage her hole with
my finger.

"Oh my God Damon!" she exclaimed. "I had no idea that would feel so

I smiled to myself and slid a finger in slowly. I watched as her tight
little ass swallowed up my finger and gripped it tightly in place. I
could tell she was eager, as her ass was clenching and unclenching
around my finger. All the while I was driven on by the sounds of
Jackie's sexy moans.

"How does that feel?" I asked.

"So fucking good!"

"Do you think you can handle another finger?"

"Oh yes!"

I pushed in another finger and started sawing back and forth. Jackie
buried her face in my blankets as I continued finger fucking her virgin
asshole. I lowered my face and started to lick around her rim as my
fingers penetrated her depths. I pushed my fingers in up to the
knuckle and I knew she was ready.

"Put your dick in me now, Damon. I want to feel it."

I gently slid my fingers out of her ass and pulled off my boxer shorts.
My cock was already as hard as it could be, so I didn't need any
preparation. I leaned over the bed and slid open a drawer. I rummaged
around for a while before I found what I was looking for. I took the
bottle of lubricant and flicked it open. I squirted a little into
Jackie's crack, and she shuddered.

"It's cold." she said.

"Sorry," I replied, leaning in to breath hot air over her exposed

My finger were soon back at work, rubbing the lube into her hole. I
dipped one, the two fingers into her, getting her nice and primed. I
then squirted some into my hand and coated my dick with the gooey

After tossing the bottle to the floor, I pulled Jackie's ass apart and
began to slide my slippery cock up and down her crack, before coming to
a stop at her tight little hole. She was holding her breath as I began
to push. Her ass was tight and didn't give much, but I managed to
squeeze my head in with a pop.

"Uhhhggg," she groaned as her tight muscular ring clamped down around my
cock, imprisoning it within the confines of her virgin asshole.

I stopped and just let her get used to the feeling. After a while she
began to relax a little more and I began to move my hips around,
swiveling the head of my cock around in her ass. I then pushed forward
a little more. It was very tight and hard to make any ground. I
spread her cheeks and stared at my cock, half buried in her ass. I
also noticed she was starting to play with her pussy.

"Keep going." she urged. "I want to feel all of your dick inside me."

I reached around and grabbed the front of her thighs, pulling her back a
little. She moaned louder as her ass slid down my lubricated dick.
After a few more minutes I was completely buried in her tight hole.
The feeling was amazing and I started grinding my hips into her ass.
My balls were pressed firmly against her pussy lips, and I could feel
the vibrations from Jackie playing with her clit.

"It feels so full." she said. "I love it!"

As I withdrew, I could feel that tight ass grabbing at my cock, trying
to hold me in place. I pulled back almost all the way out. My dick
head was gently tugging at her muscular ring, threatening to pop out.
I then pushed my way back up Jackie's asshole, this time a little

"Oh my fucking god!" she exclaimed as I bottomed out again.

She was squeezing her ass tightly around my dick. and I was having a
hard time even moving it. The site was so perfect I wished I had a
camera. The way her perfect ass was raised in the air, accepting my
cock. Her narrow little waist, bending low before rising back up to
her shoulders. I don't think there's anything sexier on Earth than a
woman in that position.

"Faster, please," she moaned.

I started fucking her at a medium pace, trying to control myself.
Jackie was actually pushing her hips back at me. I stopped moving and
she increased her pace, thrusting her firm ass backwards. She dropped
her head into the blankets and screamed into the sheets as she roared
through her first anal induced climax. I could feel her ass clenching
and unclenching around my cock as she tried to milk it with her
asshole. The feeling was incredible! I wasn't even doing anything.
Jackie was fucking me with her ass!

"Yes, it's so good! Keep butt fucking me Damon!"

She was turning me on! I grabbed a hold of her hips and thrusted
forward, feeding my cock into her greedy little asshole.

"Uhhhhh!" she groaned loudly.

I pulled out again before drilling her tiny hole with another hard

"Yes! I love it! I love your cock in my ass!"

Every time I heard that cute little voice of hers say something dirty I
thought I would blow my load. I restrained myself, however, since the
experience was way to good to be rushed. I was fucking her ass now. I
was pounding that small hole, driving her hips down into my bed. I
almost got carried away , but stopped before I went over the edge.

Jackie turned to look at me.

"Can we try it in a different position?" she asked.

"Sure," I said, pulling my cock free from her slippery butt hole. "Get
on your back and pull your legs up to your head."

I had never tried it that way so I was eager to experiment. Jackie did
as she was told. As she rolled over I stared down at her cleanly
shaven pussy and wondered if I would ever get the chance to try that

Pulling her legs up to her head, her hips raised off the bed. I moved
forward and slipped my cock back into her waiting asshole. This
position was even better. I stared down at my cock moving in and out
of her body, then up to her face. Her eyes were closed in pleasure,
and a quiet moan was resonating from her lips. I knew I wasn't going
to last much longer.

"Jackie, I'm going to cum soon."

She looked up at me. "Okay."

I was guessing that she didn't care if I pulled out of not, so I just
kept fucking her. I started going faster and faster as I felt the cum
rising inside me. With a groan, my cock spasmed and unloaded a massive
torrent of hot jism deep inside Jackie's well fucked asshole.

"Ohhh," she squealed. "That feels good!"

I kept my cock firmly embedded in her ass for a few moments, before I
pulled out. As my dick slipped from her ass, it was followed by a thin
trickle of my cum. I collapsed back on my bed, fatigued and sleepy.

Without a word, Jackie slipped her panties back on.

"Thanks Professor", she said kissing me on the cheek. "That was

With that, she snatched up her sweatpants and walked out of my room. As
she left, I stared at the ass I had just fucked. There was a small wet
spot forming in her panties and I knew it was from my cum dripping out
of her freshly fucked hole. She turned, gave me a smile and closed the
door. One thing was for sure. It's going to be a lot more interesting
living here from now on.

The End

Please send comments to [email protected]


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Our First Anal

We were mostly curious people when it came to sex and we were pretty open about our desires and fantasies and today as we cuddled together on the sofa in front of the TV the subject of anal sex came up. I'm not sure why but it came into the conversation.It was something that neither of had tried, maybe it was fear or caution. "What do you think of anal sex?" I asked.You look up at me, quizzically, "Why do you ask?""I was just wondering if you've ever tried it?" I ask, trying to sound...

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HQporner Anal

I’ve got four words for you: free anal sex videos. You’re sold already, aren’t you? Well, lube up the ol’ silicone rectum or buy your wife a box of that wine she loves. It’s time to take a trip down the Hershey Highway on our way to the Anal porn stash over at HQporner.HQporner isn’t the biggest or most popular free porn tube on the ‘net, but it’s up there. They’ve been serving up no-cost sex movies since 2013, and currently, pull nearly 40 million horny viewers a month for a show and a wank....

Anal Porn Sites
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FapHouse Anal

The dark star. The stink star. The corn pocket. The chocolate pocket. The rusty starfish. The top bunk. The poop chute. We all know what I'm talking about: the asshole.Anal SageI'm here to be sort of a diplomat for anal sex. I know that not every guy likes to plug the mahogany slide, but I'm here to preach in its favor. Anal sex should be enjoyed by men and women of every race and creed.Why? Well, there are a few reasons. First and foremost is the anal orgasm. Not everyone is able to have them,...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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Lets Try Anal

“Let’s try anal.” It sounds like a simple enough request, but most of you dudes know how hard it can be to get a sober chick to go for it. Only 36 percent of straight women admit to getting butt-fucked at least once. It’s higher than some of you virginal neckbeards would have guessed, but still way too low. Thankfully, the girls at LetsTryAnal.com are always DTBF.First Time Ass Fucking!The subtitle of Lets Try Anal is FIRST TIME ASS FUCKING! The all-caps yelling and exclamation point are all...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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DaftSex Anal

It’s time to head down to brown town with this next site. No, I’m not talking about scat. Thank fucking god. Time to go down and get freaky with some anal porn. One of the most popular fetishes out there. It’s up there with all of you freaky feet lovers out there. But there’s something super-hot about going to pound town on some bodacious babes’ plumb booty. And people love that shit for a reason. It’s tighter and feels fucking awesome. You know you’ve got a keeper when she likes taking it in...

Anal Porn Sites
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An anal retentive couple tries anal

A humorous story about the world’s most anal retentive couple, trying anal sex. Yes, that’s it. Fuck my asshole with your big dick. Give me that dick, deep in my ass!” Rebecca said, “Darling, I had the most unusual of thoughts last night, while I was redoing my sock drawer. Just as I had re-rolled all the gray socks and arranged them according to their respective light wavelengths, I found myself daydreaming. Daydreaming in a sexual way, as a matter of fact.” said...

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XVideos Anal

I am like 95% sure that everyone has already heard about xvideos.com before, and in case you have not, where the fuck were you looking? It is safe to say that this site is one of the most popular free porn websites, for many reasons, that I shall briefly mention here… what I shall mostly pay attention to is their hot anal section, so if you love to see tight asses getting spread with hard rods, you have come to the right place.Simple design, lots of free content.Is there a need for me to...

Anal Porn Sites
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HotMovies Anal

Everyone has a favorite hole to stick their dick in. For me, it's the classic vagina. I appreciate that it was purpose-built for the penis to have a good time in. For you guys, it's probably not even a hole in a female body. You gave up on feeling one of those a long time ago. Now, instead, you have a favorite fleshlight because you like the way the sleeve twists both ways.The Holey TrinityI'm sorry you guys have been so deprived of sex that a warm moist hole connected to a living body is out...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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Teens Love Anal

TeensLoveAnal! What’s tighter than a teenage slut’s cunt? A teenage virgin’s butthole. Scientists agree it’s the tightest human flesh-hole suitable for receiving boners, and it’s the star of the show over at Teens Love Anal.The blurb at the top says TeensLoveAnal is the official home of TeamSkeet’s newest anal site. That’s interesting, since they’ve been up and running since 2013. I guess they’re hot enough TeamSkeet hasn’t felt the need to build a new one. Either way, the name TeamSkeet is...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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Elegant Anal

ElegantAnal! Dudes are always looking for the biggest, best thing. We want to drive monster trucks through mansions, feeling up on sluts with the hugest boobs. When it comes to sticking our dicks in holes, though, bigger and better actually means smaller and tighter. Yeah, gentleman, I’m talking about the butthole here, the topic of conversation over at ElegantAnal.Well, maybe “conversation” ain’t the right word. There’s always a little talking going on, but Elegant Anal is not the place for...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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Bait and Switch First Anal

We met in the afternoon when Deb had asked me to help her spread some sunscreen on her back which of course I accepted. The feel of her soft young skin was amazing and we had started chatting. She was very easy to talk with and our conversation rambled all over the place. I don’t how it got there but somehow we got on the topic of sex. For me it was literally a “stimulating” discussion and my efforts at hiding the bulge in my speedo were failing especially when anal sex came up. “Would you...

4 years ago
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Erica Ranch Wife pt 4 her first anal

"So you're just gonna jam a waterhose up my ass and hope for the best ? she asked. "Well.." I started. "I could spew water out of my ass and fly across the yard, that'd be cool" she said. I knew she was joking. I needed to educate her. But I had no enema bag. I made a point to buy one from CVS the very next trip into town. I purchased a water bottle/ fountain syringe/ enema-douche bag kit from CVS. It had several attachments for all the possible needs you might have. I...

2 years ago
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An anal retentive couple tries anal

"Darling, I had the most unusual of thoughts last night, while I was redoing my sock drawer. Just as I had re-rolled all the gray socks and arranged them according to their respective light wavelengths, I found myself daydreaming. Daydreaming in a sexual way, as a matter of fact." said Charles. Charles was 33, enjoying a successful career as a CPA, drove a BMW that he washed on Fridays, Sundays, Tuesdays, and only if it needed it, Thursdays too. Everything in Charles' life was immaculate...

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YesPornPlease Anal

YesPornPlease.com is a porn site whose name is an easy answer to a simple question. Yes, you’re goddamn right I’d like some porn. Hook it up, please. I’ve written about the site and their pornographic offerings before, and I recommend you check out the review if you like free tubes. Today, though, I’m going to take a long, deep, and intimate look at their Anal section.A Series of Anal Sex TubesYes Porn Please is a free porn tube, and shares the same basic layout as every other site giving away...

Anal Porn Sites
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It’s time to lube up and get yourself ready for one of the biggest fetishes out there. Anal porn. It’s been steadily growing in popularity lately. Especially eating ass. I mean, what’s not to like about a big bodacious booty in your face? Plus, if you get the right slut then she will love getting down and dirty with some anal play. If you haven’t had the pleasure of going to pound town on some babe’s tight ass, then, fuck, you are missing out. But, don’t worry. I’ve got a site today that will...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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My First Visit at a Swingclub FinalAnal

Part 10 - Final - First time AnalC dried me with another fresh towel, I put on my shoes and then we went for another drink to the bar. I got used now to walk naked and proud in the club but C said he thinks it is sexier and more attractive with that new “exposing bra” so he said he would get it for me. So he let me walk alone to the bar already noticing the horny looks of other men when I passed them naked. I did with pleasure and no lie but on the way to the bar I received a lot of compliments...

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Sukky Foxxe Sukkys first anal

Working GirlThe bookings kept on coming. She stopped working at the beauty ther****ts. The fill in job had become the job. She was booked by Brian for a second time, this time the shoot took place in a derelict factory. The place was falling apart. It was cold, she had goose bumps. The rain dripped through the roof. Brian apologised, and so he should. The toilet hadn’t been used in years. Sukky wasn’t about to change that, and squatted in the yard. Fuck this. Brian though, was really pleased...

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Crazy Sexperience In Manali

I am Niki and I am back with my second sex story. This was my first one – https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/kritis-crazy-sex-story/ This happened a few years back when my four friends and I were on our way to Manali from Delhi. We were thrilled to take a few days off to enjoy the lovely spring in Manali. It was three girls including me and two guys. One of the guys had taken his brother’s Innova car for the trip to drive down. Basically, amongst the 5 of us, we had a couple, two single...

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Reddit Anal

Reddit Anal, aka r/Anal! Honestly, I feel quite silly when I try to introduce Reddit, because who has not heard about this wonderful place before? Well, for all of you lads who have never visited Reddit before, you are missing out, and here I shall talk mostly about their anal session, for obvious fucking reasons. There is a lot for you to explore on reddit.com/r/anal, and since the site is free, what the fuck are you waiting for?What is this wonderful place you stumbled upon?While I know that...

Reddit NSFW List
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Chaturbate Anal

Why even bother watching some camgirl who won’t do anything really hot? It’s the same old story time and time again. You click on some cute-looking camslut only to find that she stares at the camera for hours on end, barely even teasing a nipple, let alone anything worth jerking your dick to. It happens all of the fucking time. I want to find the best babes that actually get fucked, suck cock, and ride dildos. Oh, and I want sluts who aren’t afraid of a little anal. Let me see those butt plugs,...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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Humans love to argue. We'll battle about almost anything. That's why we create forms of entertainment we can debate about instead of resorting to real issues. It helps us get our inner monkeys out so we can function as members of civilized society while at work.Master DebatersSports fill this role quite well. Right now, at any sports bar in the world, you can find a couple of guys in a heated debate about rules, bad calls, who the GOAT is, and who is going to have a better next season. Entire...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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How i Learnt The Pleasure of Anal

How I learned the pleasures of analThis narrative is the journey that lead up to my first experience with anal sex. The details I have here are as accurate as I can recall and any dialog is essentially the best of what I can remember now. It of course gets more sexually explicit and graphic towards the end...I was born and grew up in what many would probably call an average small suburb. In my early years, while starting puberty I began to explore sex the way I assume many boys across the world...

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First Anal

I want to tell you about getting my new toy and the fun I’ve had with it! My favourite way to masturbate has always been to rub my clit with a finger or old lipstick tube in my arse. This always gets me off! I’ve fantasised about having a cock up my arse, but always been too scared to try it and my husband hadn’t really made any moves in that direction. Last week I read about Tristam Taormino’s Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. I was instantly hooked. I felt too embarrassed to do anything...

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First Anal

I want to tell you about getting my new toy and the fun I’ve had with it!My favourite way to masturbate has always been to rub my clit with a finger or old lipstick tube in my arse. This always gets me off! I’ve fantasised about having a cock up my arse, but always been too scared to try it and my husband hadn’t really made any moves in that direction.Last week I read about Tristam Taormino’s Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. I was instantly hooked. I felt too embarrassed to do anything...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 53 Prajesh and Anala

July, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Tuesday morning, CNN reported that Gorbachev had removed Andrei Gromyko as Foreign Minister and replaced him with Eduard Shevardnadze. It seemed that some kind of shakeup had begun in Moscow, but I didn’t know what this might mean. I called Tanya in Boston to ask her, and she said that she didn’t think it was a bad thing since Shevardnadze had been a party member from before World War II, and thus was, at least to some extent, part of the older faction in the...

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Fucking Friends My First Anal

And also my only anal. We were (and still are friends) and there had always been some sexual tension. MSNs started to get dirty, he told me that he liked to be in charge in bed and I told him that I was absolutely the opposite and for the first time since we'd known one another, we were both single. We lived in different parts of the country. One thing led to another and I had found myself on a train and we spent the weekend fucking. Bliss. Fucking and friendship. We knew nothing more should...

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MotherStep Daughter Anal

For a forty year old couple Carol and I are pretty sexually active. Carol even said it was OK with her if I fucked her twenty year old step daughter Angie. No late night TV for us. Instead we still liked to hit the local bars where we trolled for fun loving couples like us. We met Kate and Al at a local singles bar and they introduced us to a local swingers group they belonged to. We had been to several “parties” and Carol loved to fuck around especially with the younger guys. Carol had no...

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Do Women Really Like Anal

We see anal videos popping up all over. The common belief is that women hate anal and it find it nasty and disgusting besides painful and torturous. That's what makes these videos so popular. The truth my friends is something different.Few years ago I had my first anal with a young, 20 something girl. She hated it. She cried out loud and in our 6 month relationship we only did it twice.I broke up and got involved with another girl, a young school teacher who was addicted to sex but she didn't...

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Fucked my crush in Manali

Hi, readers. Your Milf Lover is back with a new story. This is also a real story. This happened after I lost my virginity to my aunt. I got more confidence to have sex with other girls. So let’s get to the story. This is the story of me getting lucky with my female best friend’s older sister. She had always been my crush since my school days. She was 4 years older than me. So the story starts when I receive a call from my friend one day. Me: Hi, what’s up! Friend: Hello, nothing much. I want...

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Sg Fuck buddy getting analed

I met Ling on the chatrooms last time when it was still popular. Wasn't the #sex rooms, but the non-sexual kinds. Used to chat about normal mundane stuff, never really cared if she was a 'real girl' or some guy pretending to be one, until one day she said something like 'I hate my breasts, they are too big'I was abit cautious and asked 'why? how big are they?'"I've big C cups, maybe Ds. I can't do all kinds of sports with them"This piqued my interest, so I started veering my conversations...

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But You Can Do Me Anally

But You Can Do Me Anally “But you can do me anally” was what I heard her say. I also heard the part about, “I’m a virgin and I’m going to stay that way. I’m saving myself for my future husband…but you can do me anally…I don’t mind.” Then she hung the phone up. That came from my thirteen-year-old sister Carrie as I entered the living room. I startled her. Carrie turned around so fast that I thought that she would loose her head. She turned bright red and said, “Oh thank God. I...

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My First Time and a Little More Part 3 Anal

Previously in “My first time and a little more” and “My first time and more, part 2,” I related how my best friend, Sean, was enticed to suck his cousin’s dick, but the cousin didn’t suck him in return. Sean asked me the next day to suck his dick, and we ended up sucking each other regularly for three years until I moved away. In the meantime, another boy, Michael who was three years older, moved into the neighborhood, and we all three got together to suck each other. Read the stories above to...

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Hailey Tries Anal

I sat at my desk doing homework and staring out my bedroom window hoping my boyfriend Mr. Chapman would get home soon. He’d been working a lot lately and as a result, we had seen little of each other. As a police officer, I knew his schedule was weird and I didn’t want to smother him or anything, but as his girlfriend, I worried about the late nights and wanted him to be safe and snuggling with me every night. Living with my parents threw a wrench in that particular fantasy, but I wanted it all...

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Talking Dirty Pt 2 Anal

Two days after the Night (or, as Max calls it, “the night I sexually blossomed.” Ugh.), Max left town for the week to visit an old friend of his from college all the way over in Chicago. I won’t lie; it sucked. That Night (yes, we gave it a capital N) with him was amazing. It was a whirlwind of pleasure.And now he was leaving me.Okay, that sounded really overly dramatic, but you get the point.So after dropping him off at the airport, I drove back to my apartment. Ever since we started dating,...

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Training Her For Double Anal

We were training her ass for double anal sex, or at least that was the plan. We had already had success taking her virginity; opening up her pussy to a dildo, then to my dick, then to double vaginal, and even some anal. We had talked about fisting, along with other things that were pure fantasy. Like, what monster would you fuck? (her answer: a werewolf)... But after our success with letting two men in her pussy, she became intrigued at the idea of doing the same with her ass. She agreed to let...

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BimBim Anal

Everyone loves anal sex these days, right? Well, if you have not experimented on it yet, I suggest you do your research and try it. However, if you are still hesitant or do not know where to go first, I have a recommendation. Well, on BimBim.com, there are dozens of ladies who love shoving everything from fingers to all manner of sex toys into their individual tuchus’ for your viewing pleasure. Also, as we will see, there are even more reasons besides that to consider looking up this site and...

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