Boyfriend? free porn video

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‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’

The alarm clock went off at exactly six o’clock on Monday morning. Heather lay under the thick blue comforter and closed her eyes tightly. She contemplated hitting the snooze button, then realized that just made her a chicken.

‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’

‘Oh God I wish I was dead,’ Heather thought as she pulled the comforter over her head. She knew this was not going to be the most pleasant day at work. What if she lost her job over this? Charles was definitely not worth that in her opinion ~ but she certainly wouldn’t put it past him to force her out of her comfortable position at KelMax.

‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’

Imagining the snooze button was Charles’ face, Heather jumped out of bed and slammed her hand down on top of the annoying clock. She looked wistfully at the soft bed for a few moments before deciding that she had no choice but to go to work and face Charles and his wrath.

As she stripped off her pajamas and tossed them on the floor, she wondered how she’d gotten herself placed in this type of position. She was twenty-seven years old, single, and broke. Her Bachelors Degree in English was getting her nowhere career-wise. Heather had graduated and expected to have little problem acquiring a well-respected career in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. This was a huge city, after all, so the employment agencies were confident she would have a job offer quickly. Unfortunately, none found Heather to be an asset because she lacked the job experience that other candidates possessed. The damn degree wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on!

So, six weeks after her graduated from West Texas A & M University, Heather found herself grateful to receive a job offer from KelMax. Sure, it was only a secretarial position, but it beat serving burgers to snotty little kids at Wendy’s.

Her first day at KelMax was horrid. Heather dressed to kill in a tight black skirt and her favorite black blazer. Her white blouse was wrinkle-free and freshly laundered. The pink tourmaline brooch was her good luck charm (passed down from her mother) and she found that she kept touching it – as if the luck would simply rub off onto her through the constant contact.

Getting out of her car she spilled coffee on her skirt. Walking up to the building she had been clipped by a bike messenger and had stumbled on the curb – running her pantyhose. She had found her office and sat down in her chair approximately 12 minutes late. Mr. Charles Walker had glided into her office just as she sat down.

Heather had swallowed hard as she drank in her new boss. He stood about 6’4′, very athletic build. He was draped in Armani and looked good enough to lick. Heather sat mesmerized until he looked through her and stated ‘You’re late. Welcome to KelMax,’ and strode out of her office as quickly as he’d entered it.

‘Great, he hates me already,’ she had mumbled, as she went to get his coffee.


In the six months Heather had been the secretary of Mr. Charles Walker, Mr. Walker had spent exactly ten seconds with her on a personal level. That was on her birthday, when her brother sent her a dozen white roses. Mr. Walker had come into her office to place his lunch order and had glanced briefly at her desk.

‘Boyfriend?’ he asked.

She had smiled and said, ‘Brother.’

‘Happy birthday,’ he had mumbled as he walked out the door.

Because the relationship really had not proved to be personal on any level, the dinner invitation had been a shock. She had been punishing herself on her Stairmaster to the latest episode of ‘American Idol’ (which she had recorded the week prior) when the doorbell rang. Sweaty, and humming a tune from the show, she jogged to the door. Outside stood a boy of about 20 years old, holding a flat of pansies.

‘These are for me?’ she’d asked.

‘Heather Layton?’ he questioned.

She’d nodded and taken the flat. As she was about to shut the door the boy said, ‘Oh, there’s a card’ and had handed it to her.

She went into the living room and sat the flat of purple blossoms on the coffee table. Wiping the sweat from her brow with the towel around her neck, she leaned forward and smelled the sweet scent of the pretty buds. Fumbling, she opened the card:

‘Have dinner with me Sunday evening. Pick you up at 7:00 p.m.

Humbly yours,


Leaning back on the couch, Heather had groaned. She had three choices the way she looked at it. Her first gut instinct was to call him and tell him she had other plans.

‘I’m sorry, Charles, but I have to wash my hair tomorrow evening’

Okay that idea was out.

She could always pretend she wasn’t home when he showed up, and peek out from behind the blinds to get a look at him all slicked up.

‘Chicken-shit’ she scolded herself.

She had tapped herself on the forehead with the card. She had then looked down at the beautiful flowers on the coffee table. They really were sweet. Heather had never received flowers from a man before that was not a blood relation. Her brother sent her roses on her birthday each year. How sweet of him to choose pansies instead of roses like other men!

Suddenly had she bristled. Why was he asking her out all of the sudden? Mr. Charles Walker had never shown any interest in Miss Heather Layton in the six months she had known him.


‘Why did I even go on the damn date? STUPID STUPID,’ Heather’s shouts reverberated off the tile in the shower.

Heather hurried and dried off with her terry cloth towel. Jogging naked into the bedroom she stopped at the closet door and flung it open. What does a person wear on the day she lost her job? Frustrated at herself for thinking Charles would actually fire her over a date-gone-bad, she grabbed a blue silk shirt and her black skirt. As she dressed she tried not to think about the date.

The date really had been wonderful.

Then she lost her mind.


Heather had prepared herself for tonight so carefully. She had gone out shopping for a dress. SHOPPING! She went shopping for a dress for a date with her boss? Was that really proper? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she was nervous and excited. Heather wanted to watch Charles drool. She wanted him to regret the past six months of indifference he had shown her in the office.

Showered and slathered with her favorite peach lotion, Heather blow-dried her hair. She was attractive, but she looked too young in her own opinion. Her long brown hair fell in soft waves across her back until she pinned it up on top of her head. She left tendrils hanging softly down the sides of her face. Expertly she applied her makeup, pressing her lips together softly after she applied her lipstick.

‘Why are you glowing, Heather? He’s your boss!’ she scolded herself. She felt butterflies fluttering inside her stomach. As she slid on the tight red dress, she felt like the sexiest woman in the world. Affixing her earrings to her earlobes, she heard the tinkle of the doorbell. She slid on her shoes, grabbed her bag, and took one last glance in the mirror.

When she opened the door, Heather smiled sweetly into Charles’ twinkling eyes. He was dressed as she’d expected – slick and handsome in his Armani suit. His blue eyes were striking under her porch light, the cerulean eyes that were roving up and down her body.

She thought to herself, ‘Thank God for my Stairmaster!’

‘Wow,’ Charles breathed. He cleared his throat several times before choking out ‘Good God, Heather you look stunning.’

Blushing hotly under his stare, Heather managed to stammer a weak ‘Thanks’ before turning around to lock her door. Smiling again, he led her to his car. When he opened the door for her she laughed
out loud.

‘What’s funny?’ he asked her, confused.

She’d been thinking about all the times she’d followed him around the office and he’d shut doors in her face. This was the first time he’d treated her like a human being and not an office slave. Putting on a serious face she replied, ‘Nothing, Charles.’ She climbed into the SUV and he shut the door behind her.

After the initial awkwardness the date proceeded nicely. The drive to the restaurant was cordial. Charles asked Heather about her family and her days at WTAMU. He didn’t mention work a single time. Heather was unable to ask him any questions because he shot them off like missiles.

The same thing occurred at the restaurant. Heather felt that she’d talked about herself through the entire meal. Yes, the jokes about the dry chicken were funny. The conversation was pleasant but focused entirely on her. Over the candlelight, Charles’ eyes were always focused on her, his smile melting her heart.

They left the restaurant and went to a play at the Dallas Little Theatre called ‘The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez’. Afterwards, they walked to a nearby park and discussed the play. Charles led her to a gazebo surrounded by cottonwoods. The park was quiet, save the sound of the crickets chirping their woes to the midnight sky.

Heather was feeling herself torn in two.

The evening had been wonderful – delicious food, fantastic entertainment, and a beautiful sky. By far this had been the most wonderful evening of her life, save the fact that Charles had yet to tell her a single thing about himself. Yes, he’d been attentive and sweet all night – but she had no inclination of what type of person he was because he had told her nothing personal about himself.

‘Charles,’ she began.

He sat next to her in the gazebo and looked at her. She felt his eyes burning into hers and the action left her feeling naked and exposed. ‘Yes, Heather?’

Her gaze fell to her lap.

‘Charles this evening has been wonderful. Thank you so much.’

He smiled and whispered, ‘I’m so glad you came.’

‘The pansies were absolutely beautiful and just perfect. They were lovely.’

His smiled broadened and his eyes softened. ‘So are you.’

He lifted her chin with his fingers and looked deep into her eyes. She blinked up at him as he leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

It was her first kiss.

She didn’t kiss him back.

She didn’t kiss him back because she didn’t know how.

When he felt the lack of response on her part, and felt how she had frozen in his arms – so he pulled away slowly.

‘Heather, are you okay?’ he looked concerned.

It happened so fast, she was humiliated. A single tear ran down her cheek as she looked into those beautiful cerulean eyes of his.

Then another.

Soon she was sobbing uncontrollably. Turning away, embarrassed, she choked out the words, ‘Please take me home.’

Mistaking his confusion for anger, she watched him get up and hold out a handkerchief. She took it and dabbed her eyes. As he walked away, slowly enough for him to keep up with him, she followed. When they reached the car she opened her own car door and got in.

When he stopped in front of her house, Charles looked at her – watching her stare out the window. He looked at her looking away from him. He watched her pulling further and further away.


She looked at him. Her eye make-up was smeared on his handkerchief in her lap, but she looked beautiful. Of course, she didn’t know that.

‘Goodnight Charles,’ she whispered.

She climbed out of the car and ran to her front steps as fast as her tight dress would let her. She opened the door, went inside, and shut it quickly. After she locked her latches, she leaned against the door and began sobbing again.

Charles sat outside in his SUV long after she’d gone inside, wondering what had happened.


At her office, on Monday morning, she sat in her car in the parking lot. Looking around she saw Charles’ SUV in it’s reserved space.

Wincing she got out of the car and walked slowly to the front doors of the KelMax building. She walked through the doors. She used the elevator to take her to her office on the fourth floor. Making her way through the busy central office, she glanced over at Charles’ door and noticed that it was closed. Hoping that he was tied up in meetings all day, she gratefully reached the door to her own office and opened it.

On the desk was a vase.

In the vase was a lovely bouquet of red roses. The roses were beautiful, but the little purple flowers woven in the bouquet were an exquisite contrast. She approached the desk slowly and stared at the flowers. Had she said roses were not original? This was. This was too much.

She reached for the card. On the envelope ‘My darling Heather’ was scrawled in a familiar hand. She knew whom they were from. She didn’t need to open the card to figure that out. Taking a breath she did:

‘Talk to me tonight. Take the day off. I’ll be at your house at 7:00 p.m.’

There was no signature.

No signature was needed.


Straightening the flowers on her coffee table, Heather glanced at the clock. She’d been glancing at the damn clock since she got home from the office. After putting the bouquet of fragrant blossoms on her table she’d soaked in the tub for about an hour.

Lying in the tub amongst the steaming aroma of apricot, she wondered what she could say to Charles to explain to him what had happened. Her virginity, her innocence, had never been an issue before in her life. Yes, she’d dated men occasionally in college. Unlike her friends, she was much more involved in her schoolwork than dating. Her goal was to finish school to make her dad happy. He’d been razzing Heather for years to finish school and start her life. So she did. She’d started life and had forgotten how to live it.

And now the one man she really felt a zing for was the one who would probably be too afraid to kiss her again.

Why hadn’t she just told him that she’d never been kissed before?

‘Because he’d have thought you were a prudish old maid, that’s why,’ she scoffed before she submerged her entire head under the bubbles.


Heather was antsy. She couldn’t sit in the house and hide – waiting for him to show up. At 6 o’clock she went out on the front porch and sat on her swing. She was dressed probably the most informal he would ever see her – Jeans, sweatshirt, and socks.

When he pulled up at 6:30p.m. She didn’t smile as he approached the porch. He walked right up to her, sat on the swing, and took her into his arms without a word. He didn’t kiss her – he just wrapped his arms around her to keep her from escaping.

She didn’t struggle away from him, but instead looked up into his eyes while she contemplated what she could say. How could she explain herself to him?

‘Heather, I know you’re attracted to me or you wouldn’t have gone out with me last night’ he stated.

She nodded.

‘Why didn’t you kiss me back? Why did you freeze when I touched you?’ he asked.

She blinked and stammered, ‘I . . . I . . .’

He looked deeply into her eyes and waiting for her to answer. He didn’t push. He didn’t prod. He simply waited.

She closed her eyes and said hurriedly, ‘I’m a virgin.’

He sighed.

He pressed his forehead to hers.

‘Baby, I didn’t ask for sex I just kissed you,’ he reminded her with a smile.

His smile disarmed her. She wasn’t prepared for him to make this into a big joke.

‘Charles, you were my first kiss.’ She blushed as she admitted it. She looked away and he reached up to turn her to face him again.

He smiled as if he’d done s
omething incredibly wicked. ‘Do you mean to tell me that you cried because I kissed you?’

She felt the mist hit her eyes as she became embarrassed all over again.

She shook her head dismissively, ‘No, I cried because I didn’t do it right.’ She tried to pull away from him but he pulled her back towards him.

‘How do you know you didn’t do it right if you’d never been kissed before?’ He stared down into her blue eyes that were brimming with unshed tears, and pressed his forehead against hers again.

‘If I’d done it right then you wouldn’t have stopped,’ she tried to explain.

‘Honey, I stopped because you froze up on me.’

Looking up at him under her lashes she said, ‘Am I freezing up now?’

He smiled.

He leaned in.

He pressed his lips to hers softly. As she relaxed into him and let him teach her how to kiss for the first time in her life – she lost herself in him. She fell into a bottomless abyss of pleasure for the first time in her life.

Charles pulled Heather back far enough so that he could look into her eyes, and he smiled. When she smiled back, he whispered, ‘ Did you like the flowers?’

Smiling wistfully she replied, ‘They’re lovely. The most beautiful I’ve ever seen. The roses smell divine – the purple blossoms I’ve never seen before. What are they?’

‘Heather for my Heather. Kind of silly huh?’ he grinned, then kissed her quickly again.

‘You’re so original,’ she whispered against his lips, as she pulled him inside the house. When they reached the living room, he looked at the flowers. He then looked at her with a grin.


She answered, ‘Lover.’

He raised an eyebrow and whispered, ‘Not yet he’s not.’

She kissed him softly and pulled him towards the bedroom. ‘We can fix that.’

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Finding The Right Woman Ch 03

I wrote this story in three parts. You may want to read the first two before reading this one. Again, thanks to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my stories a much better read. * Jim speaks again: As I lay in my bed and watched the nurses I couldn’t help but think about Marie. I remembered her saying how she wanted to become a nurse, a physical therapist yet. According to my doctor I was going to need one. Why did I blow it? Was I so afraid of her past that I was unable to see...

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Love and revenge

It had been agreed.That was the only thought that she could hold in her mind to give her the slightest comfort. Everything else about her present situation was certainly far from that.***It was a Thursday, of all days, when she returned home early from work following a particularly quiet shift at the hotel. Her mind had been full of all the usual sick fantasies that her loving husband knew nothing about. It had already been 6 months since she had walked into the hotel kitchen to witness...

4 years ago
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Coming and Going

Maddie stood inside the entrance to Hegarty’s, scanning the cool interior as the door closed behind her. At this late hour there were a few dozen people filling the tables scattered around the room, with several more sitting on stools at the bar. The raucous conversation taking place between four young guys in the corner competed with the rock music flowing from the chrome and glass jukebox. A drunken woman stumbled alone to the beat, her high heels clacking across the wood floor. Maddie...

Straight Sex
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The Fifth Of The Fifth

Saturday I went for coffee at a small mall on the east side. I like the washroom setup there. There are two outer doors so if one gets lucky with a chance encounter, you can hear the outer door open so you don’t get caught. Unless you are deaf, of course.There was a thirty-year-old guy standing at the left urinal, so I stood beside him at the right urinal. After unzipping and pulling out my cock, I glanced over at his cock. He wasn’t pissing. He was slowly stroking his semi-hard erection. As I...

Straight Sex
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Dont Tell Mommy Part Two

I couldn’t help but smile when driving. I was briefly absorbed in daydream… **My pussy was dripping wet as Bailey kept tonguing my lips and asshole. It felt so wrong… ** I was imagining my wet pussy thrusting into Bailey’s wanting teenage face, but I was suddenly pulled back to reality as I came up to a red light. I thought, Holy shit. I was just in the hallway with my wet panties on the ground and my fingers deep inside my pussy as I joined my naughty fifteen-year-old daughter in...

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The Return of HoneybearChapter 5

Thursday It was my last evening in town, having finally reached the last day of training and even having managed to retain all the information long enough to pass their competency test. Drained from the effort, I returned to my room and opened the door... ... and saw flickering lights. Moving into the room, I saw a lit candle on the nightstand ... and Annemarie spread out on the bed, wearing the same dark blue teddy she wore the night we first made love all those years ago. A throaty...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 912

These little Ditties are compliments of Bob W There once was a miss from Dallas she used a dynamite stick for a phallus They found her vagina in North Carolina and bits of her tits in Nogales. There was a diva from Sparta who was a magnificent farta BOOM! went her ass with Bach’s B-Minor Mass and for an encore she played a sonata This one is compliments of Gary: The doctor came out of the exam room chuckling after he had given a physical to an old retired sailor. His nurse asked,...

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Mona The Slut Next Door

I sat in the kitchen, ate the sandwich that I'd made myself for lunch, and appreciated the view in the neighbor's backyard. Mona was lying on a blanket working on her tan. She was wearing a bikini that was mostly imagination instead of cloth and the same thing happened that happened every time I saw her - I got major wood. The little whore was a genuine hard on maker, barely over five feet and with long reddish hair down to the middle of her back and the most fantastic ass I have ever seen....

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Old lady fucks her cross dressing friend

Hazel was fed up using her fingers and dildos and fed up of being one of the invisible elderly generation. She wanted more – a lot more – sex, so she decided to expand her sexual horizons. To ensure that she put an advertisement on the web. "Larger mature lady, single, (70), open minded seeks new experiences, fun and frolics. I am 5’ 4”, dress size 18 with 36D bust and welcome either gender and any age.She was amazed that it attracted a few older cross-dressing men, which surprised her greatly...

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Parose ki larki

Mera name raju hai main model town ludhianaa main rehta hoon main aksar iss per sex stories parh tha hoon aur enjoy karta hoon main nai aaj socha kion na aap logo ko main apni khani sunao mere ghar kai pass aik larki rehti thee us ka naam saima tha wo bhut samrt thee use ka size 36 hoga wo mere bilkul ghar kai barabar main rheti hai use ki aik dost hai wo mujh ko bhut achi lagti thee aik din main nai saima ki dost sai khaa main tum sai dosti karna chata hoon wo boli kia saima tu kehti hai kai...

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The RescuedChapter 25 SM03Tau Day 1 Concluded

When they walked into Marie's room, Steve started stripping immediately, and the women were quick to do likewise. Steve looked on in pleasure as first Gretchen stripped, then Patricia followed suit, and finally Marie removed her clothes. As they got naked, each one walked over to him and reached out to be hugged. He granted their wish, giving them a kiss and a good grope to go with it. When he'd swapped spit with Marie, Steve gestured to the bed. "Marie," he said, "why don't you lay...

1 year ago
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A Night on the TownChapter 2

He dressed, and I walked to the car and put my dress back on with Bob’s cum drying on my tits. We drove for about 20 minutes to a tattoo parlor, parked and went inside. He told the owner that he wanted his slut’s nipples pierced. The owner, Jerry said that the girl that does that wasn’t in. I was relieved until Bob said, “Can’t you do it?” “Of course, I can, but women usually prefer another woman to pierce them.” “Not Jackie. She loves everyone to see her big beautiful tits. Show them...

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Mums The Word

I can’t recall exactly when it first happened. When I had those initial feelings of lust for my mother. My first memories of feeling stirred up were watching her get dressed in front of me. She would put her panties and bra and the rest of her clothes on her naked body, oblivious to me being in the room. Nothing escaped me. Not her perky tits or her luscious shaved pussy, her long flowing red hair and her long slender legs. My Ma was quite the package and I wanted to get the chance to open...

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Work Fun

Her desk was just outside his office door, which he frequently left open, and if he were working at his side table on a project she'd get an unobstructed view of him beneath it. Usually she'd be trying to get her work done, but would invariably end up thinking about crawling up underneath and taking down his pants for a delicious mouthful of his cock. If he'd given even a hint of an invitation she'd be all over him with her warm soft mouth ready to take everything he could slip down her...

2 years ago
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The Foster Moms New Daughter Part Three

The Foster Mom's New Daughter - Part Three By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day) (Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy) Summary of Parts I and II: Angelo was 14 when his mother died, leaving him with an aunt whose family taunted him mercilessly for his delicate, tender body and gentle nature. A year later, Child Protective Services rescued him, placing him in a foster home with a woman who...

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Graduation and Ch 08

Bobby gazed lovingly at his date for the prom. Paula Wilton looked stunning in a black satin dress that clung to her wonderful curves but had a lot of gathers and a deep cut in the back. Her waist length blonde hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail and she was wearing understated makeup. She was so lovely that looking at her made it hard for the young man to breathe. He had the problem the whole time her parents, who’d met Bobby and seemed to like him, were taking pictures of them....

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Beth goes to the dogs Chapter 2

I stood naked except for a 10” dildo strapped around my waist. I walked up to Toni who seemed in a state of shock. “I thought I told you to wash the dishes” I yelled “you haven’t even started. You are very naughty and you know what happens to naughty girls don’t you”. I think she was speechless. I turned her around and lent her over the kitchen bench and smacked her bum. She squealed so I did it again. “Spread your legs” I told her “spread them wide”. I looked down on that lovely arse and her...

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huby organises gangbang

Hey horny people and I am Tanya Punjabi Slut 27 years old from Brisbane, Australia. I have been reading a lot of stories on ISS and thought to publish and share my best experience with you all. First of all, I will describe myself. Both me and my husband are always very horny and I love cocks our sex life is simply fantastic as we try different things all the time.I am sexy and have been giving instant hard on to boys since last 4 years of our me and my husband Rohit, 29 years swinging life. My...

3 years ago
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Now You See Me

I pushed him back against the wall of the night club. It was an attempt to hide us in the darkness, pinning him. Feeling his arousal, his member pressed hard into my stomach. He grabbed one of my legs and raised it, firmly holding onto me by my buttock. As we kissed, I couldn’t help grind my ever increasing wet pussy against his building hardness. His hand deftly pulled the thin material of panties to one side. He groaned when his fingers made contact with my velvety cunt, feeling my wetness...

Straight Sex
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A Christmas Wish Ch 01

Note from the author: I would like to thank michchick98 as well as l8bloom for their patience with me during the writing and editing of this story. You guys are great! Thanks! I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Holidays and don’t forget to vote! ~~~~ Josh and Megan have been married nearly fifteen years. Both are well established in their dream careers and financially content. They have more friends than either could ever ask for. But something was...

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Masquerades 101 Chapter 15 I Dreamt A Dream Tonight

Victor I re-read Tyler's text message from earlier. "Hey Nikki. I made reservations at a fancy restaurant. Meet me at my place at 5." I was annoyed at the fancy part. I didn't need or want fancy food. I didn't want to dress fancy either. I looked at the time. 3:30. Now I was annoyed at the 5 o'clock part too. Typically as a guy I could get ready and out the door in twenty minutes. He wants me to dress fancy. This is going to take time to look pretty. Especially since I had no idea...

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A Lovefest with Brande Roderick

I had anxiously looked forward to this night ever since I won the Playboy lottery [offered only to very long term subscribers] to serve as a waiter at the Valentine’s Day party at the Mansion. I knew it would be an exciting night but what actually occurred was far more thrilling than anything I could possibly have imagined! We ‘winning waiters’ were issued light cream-colored tuxes with gold bow ties and cummerbunds so guests could easily spot us. The chief bartender kept us running, serving...

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Oral at the Eiffel

Arriving at the Gare St. Lazare, you’ll be tempted to hop into one of the omnipresent Parisian taxis to carry you and all your luggage straight to your hotel. But before you do so, why not do what les Parisiennes do? Take a quick walk over to Printemps or Lafayettes, the large department stores just around the corner from the train station, and pick out a selection of naughty French lingerie. It’s one of my favourite activities when traveling to Paris, and this trip would be...

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Aislinns Dream

Dalton took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking until Aislinn could barely take it any more. Her back arched, and he continued to ravish her breasts, until she could feel the pressure building up. He moved from her breasts to her neck, gently biting and licking, while his hands went lower to her sweet spot. Aislinn moaned loudly, and Dalton whispered in her ear, “Come for me baby, come on.” She was so close, his fingers moving in and out, her pussy dripping…Aislinn woke from her...

Love Stories
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DarkeyesChapter 5

Jonathan Three weeks with Miss Alexis Rutherford and I'm not sure what's going on anymore. I thought it might just be a shameless fling. But after that first night, Alexis hasn't let me get further than heavy kissing and a few mild over-the-clothes gropes. And the weird thing is, I don't really mind. I don't want to rush into this. But I'm not sure why that is. I keep telling myself, "You can't fall in love with your rebound." Right? My wife' barely been dead seven months. It's...

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The Hotel

[If you like this story check out my blog for more of the same ]I get off the plane in the Netherlands and head through the airport. It’s been a long few days, just three days ago I was standing in the church waiting to get married to the woman that I thought loved me and she didn’t show up.It was horrible to be standing there in front of my entire family, friends and the minister. I kept checking my watch and she was late I figure she was stuck in traffic.I was...

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Part 15 Sethy Enslaved

AUTHOR’S NOTE – For best effect, read parts 1-14 before this part. The main characters, Sethy and Shinny, are based upon the real women who are active members of the XHamster community, and much of these characters reflect the true women. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author. Sethy – Part 15 – EnslavedSETHYI was really proud of my team. We had made great progress on the project today. I had...

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Sweet Ache

The warm breeze makes my auburn hair fly around my face. I’m not concerned if my hair is messy now, just enjoying the feel of the wind lifting it, feels sensual. Walking on the beach, sandals protect my feet from the thousands of shells clustered of the damp sand. Looking for perfect shells, maybe a intact sand dollar, to give to my daughter back home. I came here, to the coast for two reasons. First, to meet a friend from the net and have fantastic sex. Secondary, to take the time to...

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Kodumaiyaaga Kaamam Seiyum Kanavan

Enaku thirumanam aagi en kanavan iranthu niraiya varudangal aagugirathu, ippozhuthu enaku vayathu 40 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan ippozhuthu avanukum thirumanam aagi vitathu. Aanal en manathil pakathu puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum oru sexiyaana aanai paarthen, en vayathu athigam irunthaalum en manam kuzhanthai polave thaan irunthathu. Avan vayathu ennai vida athigam, 48 alathu 50 irukum peryar thamas avan oru chirsthuvan. Enathu peyar delfin, naangal athigamaaga kari...

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Making It Work Ch 07

It’s been ages since I’ve update. I haven’t had the time and I won’t have the time in the future because of work and life, I’m sorry, therefore, it is with regret that I inform you all, my loyal readers, that upon the completion of MIT and Unleashed I will no longer be writing for Literotica. Thank you so much for all of your support and for enjoying my works. I really appreciated the encouragement I received and even the negative comments. Everything has made me stronger. Cassandra ...

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My Journey to being a man's date! Oh, gosh, how do I begin! I am 23, handsome (cute for a guy, I guess), engaged to a sexy woman, who is both feminine and strong. My girlfriend Karen works the night shift as a nurse in a large metro hospital. She works from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM 5 days a week. During the day she sleeps to noon and then religiously works out in the afternoon at the local gym. She was so serious about her health and body, that she recently took on a women instructor...

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Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemale

Will led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sarah lightly ground her ass into his crotch, rubbing herself against his hardening cock. “Mmm,” she moaned, feeling Will’s lips kiss the nape of her neck, causing her to break out in goosebumps. She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his...

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